#math musings
movietonight · 3 months
Shawn lived in Argentina for a year and can tell different Spanish accents apart but can't speak Spanish during the soap opera episode. I love when writers just gave zero fucks about continuity.
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forlix · 9 months
MY 20224 LINE 😞🤍
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walkingstackofbooks · 20 days
Today had been sponsored by Maths™️
And DS9, but that's just every day...
I sorted every episode in DS9 into whether it was:
"Julian-heavy" (main ensemble or more; approx. 40-170 lines),
"moderately-Julian" (ensemble; approx. 17-45 lines), or
"Julian-light" (barely there; usually <25 lines)
And also by how much I liked it:
Green band: 1st ("FAV FAV FAV") and 2nd ("SO GOOOOOOD")
Yellow band: 3rd ("real strong, I like it a lot") and 4th ("solid. possibly a bit weird. but good.")
Orange/red band: 5th ("a bit eh") and 6th ("Nah.")
And then stats happened on the interesections of such things! I haven't done all the maths I want to, but today I've learnt:
> My statistically favourite season is S3, with 85% of episodes in the green band (35% of them 1sts), followed by S7 with 80% of its episodes there (40% of them 1sts!). > Season 1 had the highest proportion of Julian-heavy episodes (37%), despite having 0 Julian-as-sole-protaganist eps. Season 3 was next with 31% of Julian-heavy eps. > 61% of my very favouritest episodes are Julian-heavy. If an episode is Julian-heavy, then it also got itself a 1st or 2nd rating. 110 episodes -- 64% of the series -- got a 1st or 2nd. In contrast, only 4 episodes got a 5th or 6th rating! Turns out I really fricking like DS9! 🤣
> In most seasons, 90-100% of episodes that were moderately Julian or more were rated 1st or 2nd. (S5 and S6 are the exceptions). > Season 6's "Change of Heart" is the only moderately Julian episode to be given a 4th -- every other moderately Julian or more episode got at least a 3rd. > Green-band Julian-light episodes tended to be Kira or Sisko episodes, or whole-ensemble, ends-of-season/two-parter type dealios. > Season 5 has the lowest percentage of green-band episodes (42%). It is also the series in which Julian speaks the least, at an average of 22 lines per episode. Seasons 3 and 7 by contrast have averages of 34 and 36 lines per episode!
... So I do have to conclude that, while I don't *need* Julian to be in an episode for me to love it (45% of my green-band episodes are Julian-light, after all), if an episode or season wants to be well-loved by me, it definitely helps to have a Julian around!
And, um, maybe I didn't need to spend a good 8 hours of my day doing maths to work that out? But hey, I had fun crunching numbers!
(Take a look at my fun spreadsheets!)
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mccoyquialisms · 1 year
Oh my god…Elias is 20 years old. No wonder he’s Like That.
Edit: on review I think in an AP they said that Elias was around Conrad’s age when The Incident happened so…10 years old then? That means that in the present Elias is at most 23 years old, so my point still stands.
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mike----wazowski · 2 months
my deeply useless talent is identifying english dub voice actors. listened to one line of an elden ring npc and was like oh thats esmé from peaky blinders and it WAS. nothing like the vindication of googling to check if a background conversation has grant george in it and being right. if an actor was in the bleach english voice cast they will be Identified in every future role
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benevolent-mushroom · 7 months
You know what one of the biggest tragedies of life is?
How hard it is to truly comprehend mathematics
Every proof is a symphony,
Each seemingly boring homework question a few gentle bars, showing new chord progressions,
Every new field adds a new instrument to the orchestra,
Even the simplest of pieces, 1+1=2, a seemingly simple chord, the first almost all learn,
Has been expanded into an immense tapestry rivalling any masterpiece you care to name,
And so few people understand, not because they can't, but because they weren't shown,
People say they don't like maths and that's okay, but sometimes I feel like they're saying they don't like music because they've only ever been taught to read the written compositions, never actually hearing the piece,
And even for the people who do 'get it' we never really get to hear the piece either! we hear the notes in our heads maybe, but we'll still never hear the composition played,
The opening beat of the boundary conditions,
The first few notes of the givens,
The slow buildup as the realm of the unknown is cut away from bit by bit, possibility being cornered into certainty,
The quickening tempo as one by one variables are confined and defined, faster for each one,
Until finally,
The solution comes with a triumphant crescendo,
Ending with a final farewell note of the simplified form(s) fading slowly out leaving you for a moment to marvel at the piece.
But we don't get to hear a single solitary note
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gulliesforever · 4 days
so i found this song on @mr-whitebullet's playlist and it's haunted me ever since because 1) it's the sweetest thing i've ever heard and 2) it makes me cry. (3 is that he has impeccable music taste). also you know. it's them.
but anyways.
i wonder why jake loves LA...
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a-hell-of-a-time · 20 days
✘- "this is a doozy one! what came first, the chicken or the egg ?"
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. : Accepting!
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"...and how am I supposed to know this?"
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alchemistdetective · 5 days
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POV: The Nurse Fairy is off treating the other fairies in the Scarlet Devil Mansion
And you saw her laptop(?!) open on her desk
One is Adobe Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, Vegas Pro on the taskbar of a white kitsune girl
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The other is her homework
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
lmao having an oc is so fun and it's even more fun when that oc is like,, an alien species and have particular traits related to them.
HOWEVER!! sometimes there isn't enough information on something so you just made shit up.
for example: i was putting together a timeline for Tay'kaa's life and had the Chagrain Wookieepedia open - completely forgot that they're canonically like,, tadpoles as babies and I was like "fuck that messes a little with what I had for him" so I was like,, "okay no problem. I can work around it! How long are they tadpoles for?"
No information on how long they're tadpoles for. Just that,, they are tadpoles and they come in like pods of maybe two or three. Somewhat helpful but not enough. I need to know when they stop being tadpoles so I can have a clear age for when I can start to inflict trauma onto the poor guy.
ANYWAYS - couldn't fuckin find anything so I was like,, fuck it let's turn to the real world.
Apparently frogs are tadpoles for about 14 weeks! Awesome. I can use this. HOWEVER - 14 weeks as a tadpole is way too short for Tay'kaa - I need him a little older than that before I can do some real damage to him - but 14 years is TOO LONG and I only now thought about 14 months, but that's too short too.
Keep in mind I'm doing this shit without knowing how long Chagrians canonically live and if they like age normally or whatever,, but I'm assuming that they do because Wookieepedia doesn't say otherwise-
Okay so what do I do??
Easy! Just calculate the percentage of how long of a frog's lifespan is spent as a tadpole and use that number as the number of years a Chagrian is a tadpole for!
So apparently an average frog lives for like,, 10-12 years??? Which was surprising because I thought it would be less,,, but whatever okay? I need to figure out the percentage of 14 weeks to 10-12 years - so first you gotta find out how many weeks are in 10 years (it's like 521). Now what?
Look I am a screenwriting major with a minor in creative writing. I haven't taken a math class since fall semester of freshman year. Idk how the fuck to do percentages.
So I pulled up a percentage calculator and did 14 of 521 and got 2. something (idk) and BOOM!
With that I have decided Chagrians are tadpoles for two years and that works perfectly for my fic alright? alright.
anywho thanks for coming to my ted talk-
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brightgreendandelions · 9 months
I'm so bad at math but i love it u were so real for that post :>
Also I've deemed u seem pretty cool
awww, thanks :3
i've got to do some quantum physics homework, because the deadline is in 4 days, and i've spent all the holydays doing mostly nothing 0_0
PS: you mean this post, right?
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polyesterpeacock · 2 months
// i'm watching a playthrough of larry 6 (the first voiced-acted larry game), and i feel like larry's little giggle after he introduces himself sounds much more like an involuntary vocal tic in that game than it does in 7, which is what I kinda headcanon it as being.
I have no idea how to extract the audio in 6 like I can in 7, though. 😔
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When people told me Newtonian mechanics was wrong in high school, it completely killed my previously substantial desire to study physics. In retrospect, I think though that I was misled by this rather irresponsible sort of statement. I do not think it makes sense to call something like Newtonian mechanics correct or incorrect. Rather, I think it makes sense to call it applicable or inapplicable in different situations on merit of its suitability as an approximation. Understanding science as attempting to build a large armamentum of mathematical models for analyzing different situations strikes me as a far more realist and moral maintaining view. Anyhow, I'm quite enjoying Arnold's Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics these days.
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roetrolls · 5 months
Rosira, what was your favorite subject in school?
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outofangband · 7 months
For the hc meme game! Húrin: childhood hc and/or quirks/hobbies hc?
From this headcanon ask game here!
Childhood HCs
I made sure to mention Aerin several times 🩵🩵
-Him and Aerin both performed feats on horseback during the Hadorian summer festivals, when they were in their early teens. Húrin had a black mare named Daring (in the Hadorian language), Aerin had a copper colored horse named Sunset with white splotches on its brow (though you knew that part!!). He came in second the year he was thirteen.
-Húrin was taller than Huor until he was fourteen and Huor was eleven. He was incredibly sulky about this for a few months especially when people would ask who was older or assume Huor was. Out of his family including extended family (who he had close contact with), the height order is this, from tallest to shortest: Huor, Galdor, Glóredhel, Indor, Haldir, Aerin, Húrin, Hareth (did not include OCs such as Aerin’s mother Limmiel here)
My personal HC is that Lalaith would have taken after Húrin in height had she survived
-I love the canon detail of him and Huor having races. I imagine Húrin even as a child taking honor seriously and refusing to trip his little brother or push him out of the way, ninety nine percent of the time.
-Huor was a picky eater but Húrin was very adventurous and loved to try new things.
-I know this is canon but I love that Húrin plays the harp. It’s only mentioned once in the most heartbreaking context, when he breaks his harp after Lalaith’s death, but I HC that it’s one of his favorite forms of relaxation. He knows how to play in both elven and Hadorian styles. After Lalaith’s death it’s a year or so before he’s able to play again but he does start to.
He has a medium pitched singing voice and learns tunes quickly.
-Other hobbies include rhetoric and language, whittling, sparring, and occasional grappling
-Húrin talks in his sleep. Mostly nonsense, just bits of whatever he’s dreaming about. I like to imagine that in Angband someone was literally tasked with writing anything down that he said in case it had any relevance to Gondolin. After all, the endless interrogation would have made it more likely that he would dream of the city or of Turgon.
Needless to say I doubt they got much in this way.
I’m very attached to giving characters sleeping quirks. Húrin talks, Morwen occasionally sleepwalks, Aerin kicks out in her sleep because she dreams about horses, etc. (and that’s without even getting into the trauma related sleeping quirks!)
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talentbloomed · 4 months
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//i just got back from watching the haikyuu movie and it was so gOOD I WAS SO EMOTIONAL 😭😭😭💞💞💞
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