#matt and gabriela
tvshowscouples · 22 days
If you love Matt&Gabriela (Chicago Fire) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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thena0315 · 4 months
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Season 1: Hallie left/dies
Season 2: Shay left/dies
Season 3: Mills left
Season 6: Gabby left
Season 10: Casey left
Season 12: Boden left
Severide and Herrmann are all that remains of the main OGs
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laf-outloud · 10 months
Larry posted a longer version than what Kat posted on twitter. Hopefully it will be on youtube soon (usually better quality than ig)
tengstagram As I miss this show more and more with each passing day, watching this #WalkerIndependence gag reel always puts a smile on my face. Enjoy!
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Here it is, everyone! The Walker: Independence gag reel, all 7+ minutes of it!!! I so love these dear people and I will forever miss this show!
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miss-siriusly · 6 months
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one chicago watch order : chicago fire → 1x01 pilot
See, this house is special because it has a Rescue Squad, Squad 3 serves a big piece of this city.
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winchesterszvonecek · 11 months
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“I stand by Joe Cruz.”
CHICAGO FIRE | 3x03 - Just Drive the Truck 🔥
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disarmluna · 4 months
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spncrscasey · 2 months
unpopular opinion? i love brettsey. they’re the cutest babies and they love and care about each other tremendously but dawsey were soulmates !!!!! like matt and gabby are never gonna love someone the way they loved each other. they were meant to be, until they weren’t :(
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televisionpromos · 2 years
Walker Independence 1x12 "How We Got Here" Promo - SANCTUARY - Through a series of letters Gus writes to his late wife, the origin stories of Abby, Hoyt, Kate, Kai, Calian, and Tom are revealed along with the role each played in each other's destiny. The episode was written by Seamus Kevin Fahey and Nicki Renna and directed by Sheelin Choksey. Original airdate 2/23/2023.
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stylestream · 4 months
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Matt Bomer | Gabriela Hearst suit | Fellow Travelers FYC Event | 2024
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Could I see a little!kelly and cg!matt where kelly slips during a call and matt right there to help his little squirt? And is it oki if kelly is trans ftm?
Yes! Hello fellow starved-for-agere-content Chicago Fire enjoyer! I haven't been able to find anything for this fandom, so here you go! Little warnings for some strong language and discussion of ovarian cysts and throwing up. Nothing super graphic, just as a concept and how painful they can be. Little!Kelly sickfic basically.
Also praying that the rest of the Chicago Fire fandom doesn't see this and get the wrong idea because there is literally no other agere content. Wish me luck 🥲
Word Count: 1914
Summery: Kelly has an ovarian cyst rupture on him during a call, and overwhelmed by the pain, he slips. Matt and Gabby are there for him.
“Fire department, call out!”
Mother and daughter, mother and daughter, mother and daughter. Where were they? Squad had already cleared the first floor of the townhouse, and they were almost through with the second floor with no victims in sight.
“Severide! I got these rooms here!” Cruz called, ducking into the office.
“I’ll take the bedrooms!”
The fire had almost completely engulfed the house by now, flames licking at his turnout coat, and he knew Boden would be calling for an evacuation any second. Come on, come on… Then, over the radio chatter and roiling flames he heard it. A woman’s voice calling for help, weak and raspy from the room at the end of the hall.
“Hang on! I’m coming!”
The door to the bedroom was closed with fabric jammed under the gap so tightly that he had to shoulder it open. The visibility inside was almost zero, and it took him a painfully long second to locate the mother and her little girl huddled in the corner. 
He leaned into his radio, “I found the mother and daughter! Master bedroom, need an assist in here!” 
The little girl was coughing and crying, but her mother looked worse for wear, head lolling to the side and barely conscious.
He rushed forward and gathered the mother into his arms to throw her into a fireman’s carry as Cruz followed close behind for the girl. “It’s alright, we’re gonna get you guys outta here!”
His abdomen ached as he hoisted the woman over his shoulders and stood up, and he grimaced. Stupid ovarian cysts. Stupid uterus. The tell-tale throbbing had been steadily creeping up on him for days, but it had reached a peak that morning. It hurt to bend over, to squat, hell, even taking a piss got him the familiar stab in the guts that used to accompany every period before he got on testosterone. The cysts had become so rare he usually forgot about them, but not today. Today, his body wouldn’t let him forget.
Come on, Kelly. Victim to save, job to do. He grit his teeth and made his way back down the hall behind Cruz as quickly as he could. As he began to descend the staircase, the pain only got worse. Every stair sent a shock up pain through his kidneys that continued to build as he moved, and combined with the heat it made stomach begin to churn with nausea. He just needed to get outside. Then shift would be over and he could go home and curl up with a hot water bottle. Almost there.
He took one last heavy step down onto the landing, and felt something inside him go pop. 
Pain exploded through his stomach and for a moment his vision went dizzyingly white. It was a small miracle he managed to keep his footing and stop both him and the woman from going headfirst into the wall.
“Ow, fuck!” 
“Lieutenant! You alright?”
Cruz’s voice was murky beneath the sound of blood rushing in his ears and his own laboured breathing. Get out, get out, just get out of the house. Wave after wave of throbbing agony threatened to buckle his knees as he shoved past Cruz and finally made it outside. Muffled grunts of pain crawled out of his throat as he staggered through the yard, dumped the patient on the gurney, and collapsed to the sidewalk.
“Kelly! Hey, are you okay!?” Someone was talking to him. He couldn’t tell if it was Dawson or Brett, but whoever it was, they needed to stop shaking him by the shoulder before he hurled. 
Too late. Sour bile pooled in his mouth and it was all he could do to wrestle off his mask before he was lurching forward and vomiting onto the pavement. He couldn’t help the embarrassing warble of misery that slipped out, because a hot knife was being driven into his abdomen and the retching was twisting the blade. 
His vision was blurry with tears as Brett’s face came into view. Her hands were holding firmly on his shoulders and he tried to force himself to focus on the feeling. “Kelly! Hey, Kelly, look at me! What happened?”
“Fuck, ah, it’s… cyst popped on me… fuck…” He knew this feeling. The first time was practically branded into his mind, how afraid he’d been, how he had laid on the bathroom floor crying in pain for hours before Benny agreed to take him to the hospital, and how the doctor hadn’t done much more than hand him two extra-strength ibuprofen and sent him home.
Voices, sirens, hands on his back, and the clattering of equipment rushed over him like a raging river. God, everything was fuzzy.
“A cyst? Where?” Brett’s hands fretted over him, stripping off his heavy turnout gear and shucking it onto the grass. The second he was free of the extra straps and gear he doubled over, desperate for any kind of relief. 
Throb. “Agh… ovaries.” It hurt, his stomach hurt so bad. Sylvie and Gabby were paramedics, why weren’t they fixing it? Without thinking, he let out a whine. “Hurts, Sylvieee…”
Sylvie hissed through her teeth. “Okay, okay… It’s okay. Take a deep breath, hun. Can you do that for me?”
It was her child-victim voice; gentle and soft and encouraging. He should have felt embarrassed that she was talking to him like he was a little kid, but he was in pain, and his head was so fuzzy, and her voice was soothing and his mind latched onto it. He nodded.
Sylvie turned to someone behind him. “Someone grab Casey for me? Tell him we’ve got a little situation.” She opened up her bag, “Has this happened before, honey?”
She wrapped a blood pressure cuff around his arm, then checked his heart with the stethoscope. “Aw, I’m sorry. I’ve had one myself, and I bet you’re in a lot of pain, huh? What do you usually do when this happens? Do you need to go to med?”
He didn’t wanna answer any more questions. He just wanted to go home, curl up in bed with a stuffy, and never have to move ever again. But one thing he was sure of, he didn’t wanna go to the hospital. They were gonna put him in a bright room for hours and doctors were gonna poke and prod him all over. “No doctor! Don’t wanna Sylvie, please…”
“Are you sure? It looks like you’re hurting pretty bad—“
Matt knelt down beside them and Kelly almost sobbed with relief. “Hey buddy, what’s going on?” 
Sylvie filled him in, rubbing a comforting hand on his knee. “He said an ovarian cyst ruptured. It made him a little sick and I think he might’ve slipped on me. Does that sound right, Kelly?”
Was he small? He didn’t mean to be, his tummy just hurt so bad and he was so tired. Was Boden gonna be mad at him? He wasn’t supposed to be small on shift. “I…M’sorry.”
“Oh honey, don’t be sorry…” Sylvie cooed, “It’s okay. Now, do you wanna take a ride in the ambulance, or go back home with Casey? It’s your choice sweetheart.”
“Casey.” He answered immediately. “‘Wanna go home.”
Matt patted him gently on the shoulder. “Alright squirt, we can go home. We’ll see if we can hitch a ride back in Boden’s car, huh?”
Kelly whimpered in the backseat as Matt’s truck drove over another pothole. He winced. It wasn’t the first time he’d ever seen Kelly rupture a cyst, he’d had at least two back in their academy days that Matt could remember, but it never got any easier to watch. And this time Kelly was regressed and barely understood why he was in so much pain. Hopefully Gabby beat them home and got a hot water bottle going.
“Easy, buddy… We’re almost back home. Remember it’s okay if you feel sick again, that’s why Brett gave you the bag.” He was glad she had thought to give them an emesis bag from the ambulance before they left. Every time he glanced back in the rearview mirror Kelly’s face was looking more and more grey, and he really didn’t feel like scrubbing puke out of the seats tonight.
The poor kid started retching right as they pulled into the apartment parking lot. Matt quickly got out of the car and opened Kelly’s door to help him sit up so he wouldn’t choke. “Just get it out, you’ll be okay…”
Kelly made a miserable sound between gags, and Matt rubbed a hand up and down his back to comfort him as best he could. After a few minutes of nothing coming up, it seemed to be over and Kelly sagged against him.
“Caseyyyy…” He whined.
“I know, I know… We’re just gonna go inside now, alright? And Gabby’ll have a nice warm water bottle for you, and we’ll get you your stuffy, and you can take a nap. Do you think you can walk all by yourself?” 
Kelly shook his head no with the saddest look Matt had ever seen. “‘Don’t wanna walk, Casey… hurts…”
“I’m sorry buddy, we have to go inside. Here, give me your arm, big guy, I’ll help you.”
Reluctantly, Kelly slung his arm around Matt’s shoulders and allowed himself to be pulled out of the car. Matt wished he could just pick Kelly up and carry him, but he was just barely able to lift him when he was strong enough to cooperate, and right now Kelly was basically dead weight.
“You’re being so brave, Sev. Just a little further…” He soothed. There were silent tears running down Kelly’s cheeks and he was shaking hard. 
They somehow managed to make it through the front door without any falls, and Matt wasted no time laying him down on the couch where Gabby had already laid out a pillow and blanket from Kelly’s bedroom. Once he was as comfortable as he could be, Matt knelt down and gently ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. “Hey, look at me, Sev. You made it, bud. You did such a good job today, saving that woman from the fire. We’re so proud of you.” Kelly gave him a watery half-smile.
“There you are!” Gabby came around the corner with her arms full of… everything. Extra blankets, a pillow, a few small toys, and held precariously in her free hand was a sippy cup of water. She knelt down in front of the couch and dumped the pile onto the carpet, and set the cup on the coffee table. “Are those painkillers I gave you working yet?”
Kelly shrugged and curled in on himself under the blanket. “A lil’…”
“Well I have something that should help some more, then. Here’s a nice warm water bottle… And, look who I found!” Gabby made a dramatic show of revealing Kelly’s favourite stuffy, a purple gorilla from the Lincoln Park Zoo he’d named ‘Chimp’, and tucked it under his arm.
“T’ank you, Gabby…” Kelly mumbled, holding Chimp tight.
“No problem, honey.” She stood up, “I’m gonna make us some soup, okay? And you can let us know when you feel ready for supper. Why don’t you and Matt pick a movie to watch?”
Matt gave Gabby a quick peck before she left, then sat cross-legged on the floor by Kelly’s head and grabbed the remote off the table. “What do you want to watch? Your choice tonight.” 
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Matt Casey (Chicago Fire) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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dylanconrique · 28 days
"you were my miracle gabby"
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thena0315 · 1 year
The Original Chicago Fire Main Cast
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Season 1: Hallie left/dies
Season 2: Shay left/dies
Season 3: Mills leaves
Season 6: Gabby left
Season 10: Casey left
Severide, Boden and Herrmann are all that remains of the main OGs
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laf-outloud · 10 months
kat.mcnamara Sleigh what? There’s myrrh… ?Merry #WIndy-mas and Happy HaganDays to all the deer townsfolk of Independence! ❄️ 🎁 🎄 There was a showdown of shenanigans and a whole lot of horsing around behind the scenes🐴 and we’re pleased as punch to share the #WalkerIndependence blooper reel with you! So treat yo’elf and give it a peek or yule(be fit to be)tide! 🤠 🌾 #yousleighme #goodthingscomeintallpackages
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WIndy anon... It's going to take a minute to render Larry's cut, but for those interested, here's a shortened version of the Walker: Independence gag reel!
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stellariders · 4 months
i don’t think we talk enough about the fact that casey’s reaction to dawson wanting to be a firefighter wasn’t him being supportive, it was basically him trying to convince her not to. i’m sorry but he was an asshole in that moment.
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msrhodes · 4 months
One frustrating thing about One chicago shows is that someone leaves official team EVERY DAMN SEASON.
Dr zanneti
Hailey upton
And so many others😭
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