#matt x jimbo
denimbex1986 · 10 months
No sonic screwdriver. No TARDIS. No city-razing destruction, nor stupefyingly cute alien critters. As Doctor Who episodes go, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ couldn’t be more different from the show’s blockbuster comeback, ‘The Star Beast’, if it tried. Last week’s adventure was Who at the peak of its silly, sugar-rush sci-fi powers: a spectacular kick-off to the show’s 60th anniversary celebrations, precision-tooled to dazzle newbies (Whobies?) and dyed-in-the-wool Whovians alike. This week’s, however — essentially a two-hander — is an insular Gothic chamber piece that goes toe-to-toe with Alien in the spaceship-as-haunted-house stakes. Invoking everything from NuWho favourites ‘Midnight’ and ‘Listen’ to sci-fi horror classics Event Horizon and The Thing, Russell T Davies strips everything back here to remind viewers at home that there ain’t no bottle episode like a Doctor Who bottle episode.
Arriving under a shroud of sworn secrecy (even press didn’t see this one until it aired), speculation had been rife about exactly what ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ would be. Rumours of a multi-Doctor story — Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith, Jodie Whittaker: you name ’em and someone had an in-depth Twitter/X thread red-stringing together a theory — abounded. But while technically this is a multi-Doctor story (and a multi-Donna one at that), it’s not one in the way anybody would have expected. And honestly, amid a landscape of disposable cameos and inconsequential fan-service, that the secrecy is in aid of storytelling rather than stunt casting is a blessed relief.
A comical cold open sees the Doctor (David Tennant) and a newly memory-restored Donna (Catherine Tate) flung back to England, circa 1666. There, the duo catalyse Sir Isaac Newton’s (It’s A Sin’s Nathaniel Curtis) discovery of ‘mavity’ (a communicational mishap) and the Doctor’s discovery of bisexuality (“He was hot, wasn’t he?”). But a classic ‘Doctor-meets-historical-figure-and-hijinks-ensue’ caper this is not. And before long, the Doctor and Donna find themselves stranded aboard a seemingly abandoned spaceship harbouring a threat so terrifying that even the TARDIS has done a runner.
The eerie, empty (save for glacially slow Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy-homaging Chekhov’s robot Jimbo), seemingly endless spacecraft corridors and wheezing hydraulic pistons of ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ represent a stark counterpoint to the crashy, bangy, flashy Meepiness of ‘The Star Beast’. A sublime combination of pneumatic practical effects, soundstages, and nifty CGI made possible by that sweet new Disney dollar, the distinctly Nostromo-esque sense of isolation about the ship aptly evokes the abyss of the episode’s edge-of-the-universe setting. It’s a spatial oddity that serves the plot and augments the tone of the piece perfectly, centralising our focus on the Doctor, Donna, and their unique bond as the uncanny threat they face is slowly revealed. That threat? Why themselves, of course. Sort of.
Revealed in a properly creepy sequence that starts with the slow-dawning realisation that something isn’t quite right and climaxes with an injection of out-and-out Cronenbergian body horror, the ‘Not-Things’ are Weeping Angel-level nightmare fuel. Cosmic shapeshifters bent on universal destruction, the demonic doppelgängers — brought to life with palpable, dead-eyed menace by a multi-roling Tennant and Tate — are able to mimic the Doctor and Donna’s form, manner, and even memories.
This set-up leads to a succession of intricately written “I know I’m me but how do I know you’re you?”-type exchanges — including one particularly fiendish bait-and-switch — that really allow Tate and Tennant to flex their acting chops, underlining their inimitable chemistry in the process. It’s also an opportunity for Davies to really hammer home that this is the Fourteenth Doctor, not the Tenth — and Donna Temple-Noble with a family waiting for her at home, not Donna from Chiswick gadding about with a two-hearted spaceman.
One particular exchange, in which canon-reshaping events of the Chris Chibnall era of the show come to the fore, allows Tennant to really click through the gears as he embodies elements of the Doctors who’ve been and gone since last time around: Smith’s wistful longing, Capaldi’s bone-deep grief, Whittaker’s emotional vulnerability. In about 30 seconds, several years of head-spinning exposition is simply, beautifully reframed. The Doctor doesn't really know who they are anymore, running from reckoning with the weight of all that they’ve seen and done, hoping against hope for somebody else out there to understand — if even just for a little while. No matter whether you’re a hardcore Whovian or don’t so much as carry a provisional TARDIS licence, if you’re looking for a distillation of the show’s essential nature, you’d struggle to find one better than this.
‘Wild Blue Yonder’ is a brutally simple, slickly executed high concept that we’ve seen iterative versions of before in OG Tennant/Tate-era fan favourites ‘Midnight’ and ‘Waters Of Mars’. But, especially when considered in the context of Who’s recent turbulent history, its use here — in a conversation-heavy hour of TV that digs deep into the past 15 years of the show both on and off screen — feels utterly singular. Giving folks the Doctor, with their plucky companion and techno-babble and eccentric wardrobe is easy, Davies seems to be saying: anyone can do it. But without genuine emotion — without heart — all you’ve really got is a pale imitation of something truly great, iconography and nothing more. Lucky for us, then, that by the time the credits roll there can be no doubt. This bold new Whoniverse is the real deal, and nothing is wrong… nothing in the whole wide world. *Sniffle*.
Taut, tense, and frequently terrifying, this spaceship-in-a-bottle episode isn’t just an instant Who classic — it’s one of 2023’s finest hours of TV to boot.'
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samcat0925 · 2 years
TOH Actor Au
So, this is an Au idea that I’ve had for a while now where everyone in Toh are just actors playing a part. 
The ships are Lumity, Rieda, Goldric, Vinera, Skarlow, Gustholomule, Veesha, and Darius x Alador.
I like to think that Amity, Edric and Emira are actually sibling and that Edric and Emira are actual twins(or maybe Emira is actually a year older than Edric, but they look so similar to each other that they pass for twins). I also like to think that Odalia is their actual mom however Odalia is a way better mom to the twins and Amity than her acting counterpart. Also, Odalia and the twins all have brown hair like Amity, but they had their hairs dyed, along with Amity.
Personally, I imagine that Alador isn’t their biological father and is just a really good family friend along with Darius (who is his actual husband), so the kids see them as a second family to them due to how long they’ve known them. Though the girl who plays younger Amity is actually Alador’s daughter who Odalia does babysit from time to time. 
Amity goes to school with Luz, Willow, Skara and Boscha. She is actually friends with all of them along with Hunter, Gus, Matt, Viney and Bria. 
Willow and Amity are also next-door neighbors. Btw Younger Willow is actually Willow’s cousin, but some people have mistaken her from being Willow’s sister because of how alike they look. Also, the scene where younger Willow in the mindscape runs into something on accident was not in script but it was so cute that the directors had to put it in the final cut.
Raine and Eda are actually married, and Eda actually has a prosthetic hand that is the one that got dislocated when she was first interduce and is the same hand that she lost during the Day of Unity episode.
Luz and Vee are siblings, twins in fact which is why when Vee was interduce, she looked so much like Luz and that her new hair is a wing. Hunter is their adopted older brother. I like to think that if there is a scene where Camila(who is Luz’s and Vee’s biological mom while she’s Hunter’s adopted mom) is adopting Hunter as a part of their family onset, they would be all crying because that scene would remind their family of when Hunter actually got adopted into the family off screen. I like to think that Luz and Amity started having crushes on each other while they were acting with each other so the week before the Lumity confession scene, Luz had asked Amity to be her girlfriend and Amity had said yes. The younger Luzs in the video aren’t related to Luz at all but you would mistake them for being her sisters if you saw them standing beside her. 
Vee, Masha, and the other friends that her character makes while at camp are all friends, even though they all go to different schools. Vee has a massive crush on Masha, but the other hasn’t caught on to Vee’s feelings yet but their other two friends have.
Hunter was homeschooled for his middle school years but started goes to high school during his freshmen year with Edric and Emira. Viney goes to a different school, but she hangs out with them all the time. Emira and Viney tease Hunter and Edric for their very obvious crush on each other. 
Viney and Jimbo are childhood friends and go to the same school. They get mistaken for siblings all the time, but they don’t mind as they’ve pretty much accepted each other as siblings since they’ve been friends for so long. Jimbo helped Viney confess her feelings to Emira offset. He also is friends with Skara and is her go-to person when she needs someone to talk to about her crush on Willow.
Matt and Steve are half-siblings and, unlike my headcanon, have a good relationship with their mom and dad(well stepdad in Steve’s case but Steve treats him like he is his biological father). Bria is their stepsister but she’s actually nicer to Matt than she is onset, even if she does have a habit of bossing him around due to being older than him. They’re also next-door neighbors with Gus and his dad who plays as Parry. Also, Matt and Gus go to the same middle school together and both have a crush on each other, but they haven’t said anything to each other yet. Onset Matt seems like a huge gremlin but outside of set, he’s actually really nice, though he is a little snippy at times. 
Also, you know how people have been saying that Matt and Hunter would hate each other if they were to meet? Well, I think it would be really funny if while Matt and Hunter’s acting counterparts seem like they would hate each other if they were to ever meet each other but in reality, they are actually friends who are both very snarky towards each other. Same with Willow and Boscha, where their acting counterparts seem to hate each other or dislike each other but outside of acting, they are actually really good friends who roast each other all the time. There would probably be so many deleted scenes where Willow is roasting Boscha after she says something mean.
It takes the makeup team hours to get Boscha ready due to her needing a colored wig, different colored skin tone, and a third eye prostatic on her forehead.
Hunter and Willow actually don’t have crushes on each other. However, Hunter is able to make himself blush by thinking about his actually crush. (Willow knows who his crush is and helps him by teasing him about it too which also makes Hunter’s cheeks go red really quick.)
Philip aka Belos is actually way nicer than his acting counterpart and the kid who plays the Collector is actually his nephew. Philip and Odalia will actually talk to the kids about not doing or saying any of the dumb or dangerous stuff that any of the characters do or say.
If anyone has any questions about this Au or wants to hear more about it, let me know.
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thatoneconfusedcitrus · 10 months
i never thought i would see matt x jimbo today
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fredbear-fam · 5 years
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imptw33k · 3 years
matt and trey make jimbo x ned canon already jfc
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
everybody's got their demons, even wide awake or dreaming | part one
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Photo credit: Jess Gleeson 
Hello friends! Hope you’re having a lovely day wherever you are in the world. Thank you to everyone who voted in my little Google form thing on what they’d like to see me write next. Here’s Part One of my 5SOS x music journalist story. It’s a little angsty, and as the first chapter this is a lot of introduction to the OC and her story, but I hope you like it! It’s the first time I’ve written an OC into a fic, so I’d love to know your thoughts and if you’re interested in reading more about Lizzie and her adventures interviewing 5SOS.
Shout outs to @wheniminouterspace and @calumrose​ for helping me sense-check this concept, and @spicycal for giving me feedback on it in its draft stages. You’re all gems! 
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Fem!OC, minor swearing
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
Lizzie Lawson was having a bit of a day. Her train had been late, she dropped her coffee moments after receiving it from the cute barista downstairs (and broke her favourite keep cup in the process), and her work computer had decided to run updates the moment she sat down at her desk. Maybe she shouldn’t have bothered to get out of bed this morning.
Her colleagues were tapping away at their keyboards, answering phone calls, and discussing upcoming story ideas with each other - the usual tasks, especially for a Monday morning. Lizzie, computerless and caffeine deprived, had to settle for a cup of instant coffee from the kitchenette, and had taken to tidying up her desk while her computer was restarting over and over again but still somehow not ready for use. She was on the floor, sorting through the snacks in her bottom desk drawer (crackers that were two months’ past their expiry date, some gummy worms, and what seemed like hundreds of cans of tuna) when James, the music editor, stuck his head out of his office and called for her.
“Lawson! Where are you?” James sounded confused. He could’ve sworn he’d seen Lizzie at her desk moments ago, and then suddenly she popped her head up like a meerkat.
“Jimbo! Here. What’s crack-a-lackin?” Lizzie responded, standing up and brushing herself off as she headed towards where James was standing in his office doorway.
“Got a pitch for ya. Step into my office, if you’re finished with your spring clean.” James chuckled as he stepped back inside and sat down on the couch opposite his desk. 
A number of journalism awards were displayed on the shelf above the couch, and the floor to ceiling window overlooked Sydney’s CBD and its tall, grey buildings, with a glimpse of the harbour ocean in the distance. Lizzie had to admit she’d imagined herself in James’ desk chair more than a few times; the music editor of one of Australia’s leading youth and pop culture publishing companies, regularly travelling the world to interview award-winning artists, and assigning and guiding well-crafted investigative pieces on the entertainment industry and those within in. 
But, in reality, Lizzie had only recently worked her way up to being in the music department, after a couple of years on the news desk and a series of casual internships at different publications around the place. But music journalism, and the passion she had for live performances and watching artists grow and develop their sounds and aesthetics over their careers, was where Lizzie had always wanted her career to go. She was grateful to James for having her on the team, but she also knew that he didn’t recruit just anyone - so her writing must’ve been strong enough to get her here. James was a good boss, salt of the earth, always had his team’s back, but he was also a little mysterious, and this morning’s meeting was one of those where his face was giving absolutely nothing away as Lizzie joined him on the couch in the office. 
“So, what’s up?” Lizzie said, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.
“Well, Lawson. You’ve only been on deck for a few months, but turns out my gut instinct about you has paid off. That profile you did on the 1975 last month has gotten some good feedback and traction out and about.” James spoke in a measured tone, pulling his laptop off the coffee table and opening it.
“Oh! Well, that’s… good, right?” Lizzie still couldn’t figure out exactly why she was in James’ office. Or why she was so nervous. 
“Correct, it is good. It’s been great to see you come into your own a little bit, and develop your interview style. I also really appreciated you stepping in to cover the Matt Corby interview for Hannah the other day, when she had that stomach bug.” James continued, seemingly searching for an email or something on his laptop as he spoke. 
“No worries! Hannah’s notes were really thorough, plus I definitely had a Matt Corby phase when he was on Australian Idol back in 2006! Oof, that fringe, you know?” Lizzie cringed internally when she heard herself starting to babble. 
James snorted, before clearing his throat. “I’m sure Matt was glad the 2006 hairstyle didn’t take up too many words in the final profile piece. He was pretty happy with it though, and his management were too, according to the label. So happy, in fact, that they’re requested you to profile another one of their artists.”
James had Lizzie’s full attention now, and she still couldn’t read his expression. “Really? Me? Who’s the artist?” She asked, trying not to get too excited too soon.
“Yes, indeed, you. 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5SOS. They’ve got a new album due out in a month or so, and their publicist is keen to fly you out to LA for a few weeks to follow them around while they wrap things up in the studio, and do a profile piece on their journey to date. Are you familiar with their stuff? They’re offering us an exclusive, something about the album being linked to their homeland or something, so they wanted to go with an Australian media outlet first.” James set his laptop back down on the coffee table and angled it so Lizzie could see an email on the screen that had a few lines of text and a photo of a band onstage.
5SOS. Was Lizzie familiar? Oh yes, she was familiar. Lizzie Lawson hailed from the western suburbs, and 5SOS was the area’s biggest success story. Aussie boys made good, with millions of albums sold, billions of song streams, thousands of concerts played all around the world, that was their career to date. But for Lizzie, 5SOS were always a bit closer to home. She’d attended the same high school as three of the band members, and Michael Clifford was someone she called her best friend, once upon a time. Ashton had also befriended Lizzie’s older brother Lachlan when they’d worked together at KFC. That was years ago now, and they’d all fallen out of touch, because sometimes that’s just the way the universe works. You grow up and you move on and you don’t keep the same friends, because sometimes they move to the other side of the world and get super famous as successful musicians. Or something like that. Even if they know your deepest secrets, or biggest fears, or hopes and dreams, or you trust them more than anything, sometimes they still leave you. 
Lizzie’s previous state of intrigue quickly became panic, because what if she wasn’t actually being chosen based on the merit of her work? What if the 5SOS team knew about her connection to the band, and were going to use it to manipulate her writing in some way? What if it was all a ploy to get her and Michael in the same room so he could finally call her out on what had gone down between them all those years ago? What if - 
“Lawson! You on planet earth still, or wait?” James snapped his fingers in front of Lizzie’s face to get her attention. She shook her head to clear it, and wrung her hands together in her lap.
“Yep, I’m familiar with their work. A little fuzzy on the most recent work, but I have a bit of knowledge on a lot of their early stuff. And Youngblood, of course. Everyone knows Youngblood. ARIA song of the year, a billion streams, etc etc.” Lizzie spoke, meeting James’ gaze as he cocked his head at her curiously. He knew Lizzie had a tendency to get a little nervous when she was put on the spot, but there was something about her right now that was a little more unsettled than usual that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“Good. Well, if you’re down, the label will cover three weeks accommodation in Los Angeles. Labels don’t usually do that kind of thing, but their manager is super keen for you to get enough quality time with the band to build up a solid profile piece. We’ll cover your daily expenses, I’ll send you instructions for the claiming app, and then we just need your passport to get the flights booked. Sound okay?” 
“Y-yep. Yes. Okay. Right. When would I be leaving?” Lizzie pinched her thigh through her jeans to double check that she wasn’t dreaming, and that yes, this was actually happening. 
“Friday midday. We’ll put some feelers out in LA, and see if there’s any other interviews you can do while you’re there, but your focus will be on 5SOS because they’re picking up the bill for your stay. But that being said, don’t let that sway what you write. They’ve requested you because they like your deep, detailed, open style of profiling, so don’t be afraid to ask some curly questions to get the answers that will craft the right piece, you know?” James spoke firmly, looking pointedly at Lizzie who quickly nodded in response.
“Right, well, I’ll cc you into this email chain with their publicist and manager, and we’ll go from there. You can hand over your other pieces to Hannah, you’ll need to spend the next few days prepping for LA and doing whatever research you need to feel ready. You’ve got this, Lizzie. I know you can do a great job.” James was trying to be encouraging, as he stood up and opened the door to his office, but Lizzie’s heart was pounding with nerves and she barely hear his words. 
She walked back to her desk in a daze, and Hannah had to literally poke Lizzie in her side to get her attention and ask what James had said in the meeting. A few excited squeals and a bear hug later, Hannah was off and running talking about lists of things Lizzie needed to organise before her international adventure was due to begin in a few days’ time. Lizzie, on the other hand, still couldn’t believe it. What the fuck was happening?
The next few days flew by in a haze of emails, life admin, last minute shopping trips and a lot of deep breathing on Lizzie’s part, and before she knew it, she was wrangling her suitcase out of an Uber and into the international terminal at Sydney Airport. Lizzie, as a generally anxious person, had arrived the full three hours early for her flight, but her parents had treated her to a flight lounge guest pass (because they wanted her to know they were proud), so she was able to deal with her nerves by eating far too many complimentary croissants and hash browns. 
Soon enough, the time to board the plane arrived, and Lizzie was grateful that she ended up in an empty row of seats, by some miracle. Praise be to the airline gods, or whichever higher power had decided she’d be able to at least try and get some sleep in the next fourteen hours. She’d set her phone and watch forward to Los Angeles time, so she could try and adjust her body clock accordingly, which meant that she’d have to stay up for a few hours at least.
Lizzie tried to be productive, and tapped away at her research notes on her laptop for a little while, before she found herself opening up the band’s instagram page in her browser. The four men staring back at Lizzie through the screen seemed a million miles away from the gangly, excitable teenagers she’d known all those years ago. There was an interesting intensity about them in the photograph, steely gazes and defined bodies under carefully selected clothing, but there was also a peacefulness in their poses beside one another. Like being together, in this moment captured minutes before heading onstage, was the most natural thing in the world. Lizzie found her eyes drawn towards Michael; his dirty blonde hair swept across his forehead (not dissimilar to the style he’d had in their high school days, to be honest), and it was accompanied by some scruffy facial hair and a dangly cross earring in one ear. His grey-green eyes seemed to peer right into her soul, and Lizzie involuntarily shivered at the thought of seeing him again in person in a day or so. 
She was still anxious about whether or not this entire thing was a scam, but nonetheless, she was going to try her darndest to be a consummate professional, and write the best profile story of her life. In her research, Lizzie had reviewed some previous 5SOS interviews, and she’d cringed her way through their Rolling Stone interview from many years prior. She remembered reading it at the time it was published, unable to believe some of the words attributed to the boys she’d once called her friends, and the intense aftermath that followed. Understandably, they’d avoided in-depth profile interviews since, so Lizzie was incredibly curious as to why they’d changed their mind. Why now? Why her? She closed her laptop and drifted into sleep, curled up across three airplane seats and tucked under a thin blanket. 
Lizzie’s shoulders and neck were stiff when she awoke, an hour or so before her flight was due to land. She used the in-flight wifi to check her emails quickly, and noted a new one from 5SOS’s publicist Danielle, which welcomed Lizzie to Los Angeles and explained that she should catch a taxi to her accommodation at the address listed, and that she should give her a call once she was checked in. Right. That seemed straight forward enough.
LAX customs were intimidating as ever (god, Lizzie was so nervous), but Lizzie made it through without incident and was able to quickly make her way into a cab with a driver who seemed familiar with her accommodation address. They drove her to a boutique-looking hotel, and when Lizzie checked in and made her way up to her room, she was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. A queen-sized bed, a good desk for working at, a nice view from her balcony of the Hollywood Hills, a small kitchenette with a fridge and microwave, and a glorious bathroom that had a very enticing bath tub in it (Lizzie’s shoulders and neck were already thankful for the idea of being able to soak in some nice hot water for a while). 
After checking the room for serial killers (better to be safe than sorry, right?) Lizzie had a quick shower and changed out of her travel trackies and oversized hoodie into a pair of jeans, a clean shirt and a blazer, before opening up her phone and scrolling down to Danielle’s contact. A few deep breaths were required before Lizzie built up the courage to press “call”.
“This is Danielle!” A cheery American accent answered on the other end of the line.
“H-hi Danielle, this is Lizzie, from Junkee Australia. You said in my email I should give you a call once I was all checked in, and I am, so…” Lizzie found herself giggling nervously and facepalmed.
“Lizzie, of course! How was your flight? Long and boring?”
“Yep, that about sums it up!” Danielle’s enthusiasm made Lizzie feel like she had to perk herself up a bit in conversation.
“Well, I’m sure you’re gagging for a nap, but we’ve got to get you adjusted to the timezone so we can make the most of your time here. I’m just finishing up something in the office, but I can swing by your hotel in about 45 minutes, and we can go over your story pitch and the band schedule for the next few weeks, and figure out your interview time slots and other things you can go along to observe, if that works for you?” Lizzie could hear Danielle’s keyboard clacking as she spoke.
“Sure, well, you have my number now, so just text me when you get here. I’ll try my best not to nap in the meantime.” Lizzie’s somewhat dry response got a laugh out of Danielle, who agreed and bid her farewell, ending the call.
Placing her phone down on the bedside table, Lizzie looked around the hotel room that was set to be her home away from home for the better part of the next month, and spotted a coffee machine on top of the mini fridge. If she was really going to keep her no-nap promise, caffeine was definitely in order. 
True to her word, Danielle arrived at the hotel within the hour, and soon Lizzie found herself sat beside Danielle on a fancy couch tucked in a corner of the hotel lobby. Danielle had opened up her laptop, and also pulled a plastic folder of documents out of her tote bag.
“Okay, so… I’m sure you’ve done your own research, but here’s a few hard copies of the band bio, album press release, and a few other tidbits from the label, along with a hard copy of the band schedule. It’s all confidential and coded, the electronic version I’ve emailed you will have the proper locations for everything, but I thought a print out might be handy anyway. The boys are recording some stuff at the studio Calum has at his house tomorrow, so I figured we could introduce you there and then after that figure out what else you’d like to get done. There’s an industry showcase for some of the new songs at the end of the week, and then they’re doing various promo and album prep things, finalising mixes, photoshoots, etc, so there’s a bit of variety for you. Any initial thoughts on how you want to do the interviews for your profile?” Danielle rattled off, gazing at Lizzie expectantly when she finished speaking.
Lizzie blinked at her a few times before collecting herself. “In my research, I found it really interesting to hear the band and some of the fans talking about how 5SOS has evolved into the collective effort of four individual artists, not just the band as one artistic music entity, so I was hoping, if possible, to interview them individually, as well as observing them as a group. Would.. Would that be okay, do you think?” 
Danielle pursed her lips, before breaking out into a smile. 
“I think that sounds exactly like something the band would be willing to do. Damn, Matt Emsell was right - you do know your stuff.” She chuckled, handing the folder of documents over to Lizzie and pulling out the schedule that was on top.
“So studio at Calum’s tomorrow from 10am, I’ll swing by and collect you so we can do introductions, I’ll stick around for a bit just to make sure you’re all good but otherwise I’m just going to let you do your thing. The band have been doing this for long enough now, they don’t need their publicist hovering.”
The curiosity was killing Lizzie. She couldn’t not ask. 
“Danielle, I’ve got to ask this, sorry. Do the band… know me? Know that I’m the one coming to interview them?” Lizzie managed to get out, avoiding eye contact.
“What do you mean?” Danielle cocked her head to one side, clearly confused at the question. “I sent them the Matt Corby piece you did, and they liked that, so that was one of the reasons we asked you out here. So they’re familiar with your work, if that’s what you’re asking?”
“No, um… oh god, I’ve made this super awkward now.” Lizzie laughed dryly, wringing her hands together. “I mean, I know them. Personally. Or at least I used to. I’m from Sydney, and I went to school with Luke, and Calum, and… Michael. So I was just wondering,  um, if they realised that it was me and that was part of why I was asked to come to LA for this…Not really sure why that would make them choose me, but I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page before tomorrow.” Lizzie finally dared to look up at Danielle, whose expression was unreadable.
“Hmm, well, that is interesting. As far as I know, that wasn’t a factor at all. We all genuinely liked your writing style, so whether or not the boys made the connection, I have no idea. They’re not super keen on any irrelevant personal life stuff making it into this piece though, so if this is going to be a problem for you, we should deal with it now.” Her tone was slightly less warm than before, and Lizzie could sense the protective publicist side of Danielle kicking in.
“Definitely not a problem. I entirely intend to be fully professional, and like you said, my writing will speak for itself. Just wanted to put it all out there. Not a problem for me.” Lizzie spoke up, willing herself to sound more confident than she felt.
“Good. We have no problems here then. I’ve got to run, but text me with any questions, otherwise I’ll see you at 9.30am tomorrow for the drive to Calum’s!” Danielle’s tone was nice and bright again, as she shut her laptop and gathered her belongings, patting Lizzie’s shoulder in what she assumed was some sort of attempt at calming her nerves.
It didn’t work though. Not a problem for Lizzie? Bullshit. Not a problem for 5SOS, and Michael in particular? Seemed unlikely. 
Lizzie was worried she’d have a restless night’s sleep because of her overwhelming anxiety about the next day’s reunion, but the exhaustion from her travelling overtook her and she almost slept through her alarm. A quick shower and a shot of espresso later and Lizzie was downstairs waiting for Danielle to pick her up to head over to meet the band.
“Morning! How’d you sleep?” Danielle chirped as she rolled into the car park, her car window down. 
“Very deeply, thank you! The room is really comfortable. Thanks again for organising.” Lizzie mentally urged herself to keep up the small talk as a way of hiding her nerves.
The car ride over was mostly quiet, but when they pulled up outside of what Lizzie assumed was Calum’s house, she definitely felt like she was about to vomit.
“Just so you know, I flagged our conversation last night with the band. About your pitch around the individual interviews, and also about your little… connection to them. Ashton didn’t seem to think it was a problem, so it should all be fine.” Danielle mused, as she opened her car door and hopped out. All Lizzie could do was nod, because her throat was dry and she was starting to panic. She blindly followed Danielle through the front gate and around the side of the house to a building in the backyard, Lizzie strained to hear what sounded like raised, male voices floating towards them as they approached. She couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it didn’t entirely sound positive.
Danielle knocked loudly on the door and shot Lizzie a reassuring smile, before the shouting subsided and it swung open. Calum Hood stood in the doorway, and Lizzie sucked in a breath. It’d been eight years, maybe more since she’d last seen Calum, and even then, had they spoken? She couldn’t remember. 
Calum smiled at Danielle, and then his eyes flickered over to Lizzie, not quite carrying the same happiness, but not entirely losing it either.
“Morning, ladies. Welcome to casa di Calum, come on in.” He spoke with that scratchy, deep voice of his that Lizzie had reacquainted herself with when watching hours of interviews during her research. 
Danielle stepped passed Calum into the room, and she indicated for Lizzie to follow, which she did. Lizzie could feel Calum’s gaze on her as she brushed past him, but the minute she stepped inside, any sense of warmth or welcome she’d felt before vanished. 
Luke and Ashton were standing over by the sound recording panel, turning to look at Lizzie and Danielle as they entered. Lizzie thought she saw a hint of a smile on Luke’s face (they had survived Year 8 Maths together, after all… that had to count for something, right?), but Ashton was unreadable.
Entirely obvious, though, was the look of bitter disdain on Michael Clifford’s face when Lizzie finally spotted him hunched over on the couch along the wall. Those grey-green eyes were staring her down with a harsh glare. It had familiarity about it, Lizzie realised, but not in a good way. 
Danielle cleared her throat in the silence, and turned to Lizzie.
“Well, I believe introductions might not be required, but in the interest of professionalism and courtesy - “ Lizzie didn’t miss Danielle’s pointed glance towards Michael, who was still scowling silently towards everyone - “Lizzie Lawson from Junkee, I would like you to meet Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford, also collectively known as 5 Seconds of Summer or 5SOS.” 
Lizzie waved, and then immediately cursed herself for being so goddamn awkward.  She received a nod of recognition from Ashton, and small smiles from Luke and Calum. From Michael, more scowling. This was going to be a long three weeks. 
“So, Lizzie, why don’t you go through the pitch for the profile that we discussed yesterday? The boys already have a bit of an idea, but I’m sure they’d love to hear it from you.” Danielle was being overly encouraging, but it worked, and Lizzie took a deep breath before speaking.
“Thanks, Danielle. And thank you to you guys, honestly. I know this is a little strange for all of us -”
“Fucking oath it is.” Lizzie heard Michael mutter under his breath, but she continued, undeterred. 
“But, I’m really excited to have the opportunity to interview you and pull together this story. Especially on behalf of the Australian music media. I know they haven’t always given you the recognition you deserve, but I think this piece is a chance to overcome that. Anyway, the specific pitch I’d love to go with is reflective of you as individual artists, as well as the collective band group. If it’s suitable, it’d be great to have the chance to speak to each of you one-on-one as well as a group, to give a holistic view of your journeys as people and as musicians and what you’re trying to achieve with this album. So… yeah…” Lizzie trailed off nervously, clenching her hands at her sides.
“I love it. We’re happy you’re here, Lizzie. I really loved the Matt Corby piece Danielle sent us, and like you said, it was really important for us to have the perspective of an Australian journalist for this story and where we’re at right now.” Ashton’s calm voice broke the silence, as he nodded at Lizzie in agreeance. Luke and Calum nodded too, and Lizzie tried not to look towards Michael because no doubt he was still glaring at her.
“Great! Everyone’s on the same page. I have to dash off to a meeting, but Lizzie has my number if she needs it, otherwise all of you please behave and don’t scare her off, nor say anything that means I’ll have to destroy her tape recorder. Sound good? Good!” Danielle rattled off quickly, moving out the door and shutting it behind her. 
The tension in the air was thick, and it was all seething from Michael’s direction towards Lizzie. She closed her eyes for a moment, before reaching into her bag and pulling out her phone, notebook and pen. She spotted a chair behind her, and turned back towards Luke and Ashton.
“Well, where do you want to start? A group sit down, some general thoughts on the journey so far and what the album experience has been like?” Lizzie offered, trying to make herself sound enthusiastic, but also in control and like she knew what she was doing.
Luke, Calum and Ashton all murmured in agreeance, and moved themselves over to sit by Michael on the couch, while Lizzie dragged the chair she’d spotted over to sit facing them.
“Right. All good if I audio record this?” She asked, hitting record on her voicenotes app after three heads nodded at her.
“So, the album. Where did it begin? Did anyone or anything influence or kick off the sonic direction or the start of the exploratory process?”
The conversation was flowing quite well, Lizzie though. Ashton dominated most of the responses to her questions, but Luke and Calum chipped in their perspectives throughout. Michael didn’t say a word, even when Calum poked him in the side, and instead of glaring at Lizzie he was now staring blankly at the wall over her shoulder. An improvement, sort of, but still not ideal from a journalist and interviewee perspective, let alone when the interviewee was someone who used to be Lizzie’s best friend. 
Before she knew it, an hour had past, and Ashton stood, remembering a meeting they had scheduled with the label and their management team, and bringing the interview to a close. 
As Lizzie was packing up her equipment, she cautiously brought up the topic of the one on one interviews. 
“So, does anyone in particular have free time in the next few days, so I can start on the individual profiling part of the story?” Lizzie asked, her tone hopeful.
Michael’s response was to push straight past her and walk out of the studio, muttering to himself and slamming the door as he went. The loud noise made Lizzie flinch, and she realised her heart was racing and her hands were a little shaky. 
“I’ve got time, LL Cool J. I’ll meet you at Joan’s on Third for lunch, say 1pm?”  Lizzie smiled at the pld nickname Calum slipped into his quiet response to her question. 
“Works for me, C Dizzle Swizzle. Thanks again for your time today, I really appreciate it. Not to sound like a broken record, but I’m really excited for this piece and the chance to tell your story.” Lizzie found herself grinning like an idiot as she met Calum’s warm gaze, and noted that Ashton and Luke were also smiling at her.
“We’re excited too, Lizzie. Even if… some of us might not quite be as enthusiastic as they should be. But, don’t worry. He’ll come round.” It was Luke that spoke this time, his striking blue eyes somehow staring straight into Lizzie’s soul as he looked at her. 
“Here’s hoping.” Lizzie tried not to sound too dull in her response, but it was a challenge. 
Because honestly, how the fuck was she going to do a profile on all four members of 5 Seconds of Summer, if one of them could barely stand being in the same room as her?
Time will tell, Lizzie thought to herself as she walked out of the door to Calum’s studio and into the warm California sunlight. Time will tell. 
Taglist: @suchalonelysunflower​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @loveroflrh​ @spicycal​ @notinthesameguey​ @metalandboybands​
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
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arecomicsevengood · 6 years
I wrote this list a year or so ago, a list of favorite comics, in no order except that the things towards the beginning I had in mind when I decided I wanted to write the list and the things at the bottom followed my thinking “what haven’t I included yet” and trying to remember. I’d recommend everything on this list, though maybe not all to the same person, but if you don’t like at least a third of the comics on this list, we would probably have trouble talking about comics. My list is in no way atypical, but I guess not everyone has followed the arc I have: Started reading superhero comics as kid in the early 2000s, graduated to “mature readers” and alternative stuff before the decade was up, was very heavily into Picturebox stuff in college, with the manga I read being adjacent to that stuff. Some stuff I got into late via the nostalgia of people a few years older than me. Some omissions are based on where I was at the moment of composing the list, I wasn’t trying to document what was my shit as a high schooler in 1999. A few of these comics are probably out of print or hard to find.
1. Tekkon Kinkreet by Taiyo Matsuomoto 2. Jimbo by Gary Panter (Adventures In Paradise/Zongo series) 3. Snake And Bacon's Cartoon Cabaret by Michael Kupperman 4. Brian Chippendale's work 5. David Mazzucchelli's Big Man, Asterios Polyp, Batman Year One, Born Again 6. Frank Miller and Geof Darrow's Hard Boiled 7. Grant Morrison and Richard Case's Doom Patrol 8. Peter Milligan and Duncan Fegredo, Enigma 9. Brendan McCarthy's Solo 12 10. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen 11. Barrel Of Monkeys  by Ruppert and Mulot 12. Richard McGuire's Here, full-color book version 13. Batman: Snow illustrated by Seth Fisher, his Vertigo Pop Tokyo comic and Fanastic Four/ Iron Man comic also rules 14. Jaime Hernandez's Locas stories 15. Gilbert Hernandez Roy comic with all the small panels 16. Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix, Apollo's Song, Ode To Kirihito, 17. Bakune Young by the Bakune Young dude 18. Promethea by Alan Moore and JH WIlliams, 19. Top Ten/Smax by Alan Moore, Gene Ha, Zander Cannon 20. "How Things  Work Out" by Alan Moore and Rick Veitch 21. Brandon Graham, King City/Multiple Warheads 22. CF, Powr Mastrs, Kramers Ergot 5 strip, those one-sheets, etc. 23. Mat Brinkman, Multi-Force 24. Daniel Clowes, Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron, The Death-Ray 25. Chris Ware 26. Anya Davidson's ongoing project 27. Matthew Thurber, assorted stuff 28. Jacob Ciocci long scroll comic printed as a massive book 29. Bill Watterson, Calvin And Hobbes 30. Charles Schulz, Peanuts 31. Gary Larson, The Far Side 32. Mark Newgarden 33. Michael Deforge 34. Dave Gibbons and Steve Rude's World's Finest 35. Renee French's Grit Bath/Marbles In My Underpants 36. Kevin Huizenga Or Else 4, Ganges 2-4, "The Curse" 37. Dash Shaw, Bodyworld, Bottomless Belly Button 38. Rob Schrab, Scud The Disposable Assassin 39. Matt Wagner, 1st Batman/Grendel, & the Grendel issues with all the small panels 40. Christophe Blain, Gus And His Gang 41. Batman Adventures comics by Kelley Puckett, Ty Templeton, Rick Burchett 42. Darko Macan and Igor Kordey, Soldier X 43. Tim Hensley, Wally Gropius 44. Shary Boyle Kramers Ergot contributions 45. Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz, Elektra Assassin 46. Abner Dean, What Am I Doing Here 47. Paul Pope's 100% 48. Kyle Baker, You Are Here 49. Chris Onstad, Achewood 50. Barry Windsor-Smith, Weapon X
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martinnecas · 6 years
Everything You Need To Know About Jimmy Vesey
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See what other players I’ve done a EYNTKA on here
Name: Jimmy Vesey
Nickname: Ves, Jimbo,
Born: May 26, 1993 (age 25) Gemini
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Height: 6’3
Position: Left wing (Shoots Left)
       I.          His father, Jim Vesey, was drafted in the 8th round of the 1984 NHL Draft by the St. Louis blues. He now works as a scout for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
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      II.          His younger brother, Nolan, was drafted to the Toronto Maple Leafs in the 2014 NHL Draft. June 2018 he was traded to the Edmonton Oilers and signed an ELC
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    III.          Jimmy grew up with Boston Bruins’ Matt Grzelcyk, playing for the Middlesex Islanders that was coached by Vesey’s father.
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    IV.          In 2011-12 Jimmy played junior hockey for the South Shore and was named MVP and Offensive Player of the Year. Recording 48 goals and 91 points in 45 games.
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     V.          Jimmy joined Team USA in 2013 for the World Junior Ice Hockey Championship, winning a gold medal.
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    VI.          Jimmy played with Harvard University for four years (Majoring in government). Finishing his collegiate career with 144 points in 128 games.
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  VII.          Vesey was named Ivy League player of the year twice.
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VIII.          In his junior year, Vesey was rewarded with a top-ten nomination for the Hobey Baker Award (Given to the top NCAA men's ice hockey player). He was one of the finalists, however, Eichel (Boston University) wound up winning the award.
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    IX.          In 2016, Vesey won the Hobey Baker Award
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      X.          Vesey was drafted 66th overall by the Nashville Predators in the 2012 Entry Draft
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    XI.          Vesey decided to deny his opportunity to sign with the Predators at the end of the 2015-16 season. He did this to become a free agent shortly after his senior year at Harvard.
   XII.          On June 20th, 2016, the Predators traded Vesey to the Buffalo Sabres for a third round pick in the 2016 Entry Draft.
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XIII.          The Sabers took Vesey in hopes of negotiating before he became a free agent, however, no agreement was made making him an UFA
XIV.          During his free agency he met with seven teams. Five more teams requested to meet, yet Vesey denied.
  XV.          August 20th, 2016, Vesey signed with the New York Rangers.
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XVI.          At training camp, he received the Lars-Erik Sjöberg Award, which is given to the best Rangers' rookie in the camp.
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XVII.          On October 17th, 2016, Vesey scored his first NHL goal against the San Jose Sharks
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XVIII.          November 8th, 2017, Vesey scored 2 goals in 29 seconds making it the quickest number of goals scored by a Rangers player since Jaromír Jágr did so in 26 seconds back in 2006.
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XIX.          I won’t show the video due to blood but here is the X-ray, if you would like to watch it here’s the link. Vesey took a skate to the face from Edmonton Oiler’s Zack Kassian sending his two front teeth into his bottom lip. He claimed it ruined his ‘modeling’ career.
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  XX.          On March 12th, 2018, Vesey recorded his first career NHL hat trick in a game against the Carolina Hurricanes (aka the team that likes to give people their firsts :/ )
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XXI.          In July 2018 Vesey and the NYR have agreed to a two-year contract for $2.275m a year
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XXII.          Here’s a goalie shootout he did with Barstool alongside roommates Kevin Hayes and Brady Skjei
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XXIII.          Also check out this apartment tour with his roommates (Starts around 1:45)
That’s all I have I hope you enjoyed!
~ALL gifs made by me~
~All photos and information were easily found throughout google~
~All videos were easily found on YouTube~
~I was going to make a resource page, but it was getting extremely long. If you want any specific links let me know.~
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timmy1112 · 4 years
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Its ah Super Sized Sunday 😳 We are serving a brand new City Tea today starting @4 PM w/James Jimbo Kester be hide the bar 🥤 House/Disco/Funk vibes by Mike “Agent X” Clark this weeks rotating guest bartender in the delightful Melanie Mack ++ complementary Sunday buffet (we will serve you) $2 domestics, $3 wells, $ long islands all nite ✌🏼 Over @ Olympus we are very happy to welcome back Raven Turner Cassadines Fantasy Showcase Revue with her all star cast Plus extra special guest Starr ISlay DeLour +++ specials w/$3 Blue Mofos all evening long 🍹 doors open @7pm Cover is just $3 & parking is free sexy SinJ Cummings serves DJ Matt Hollidaye on beats ... support these young performers💫 Make your Sundays Sideways 🔥 #SundaysSizzle #SunnySunday #SpringForward #DrinkSpecials #FreshTea #SpreadOut #PatioTime #FunWithFriends #MeetNewPeople #TheEverybodyClub  (at Menjos Entertainment Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMZkp2FhdPL/?igshid=1o5xobppo53e6
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topsicleenthusiast · 6 years
fandom tag!
RULES: Pick three fandoms and answer the questions for each, then tag 5 people!
tagged by: the rockin @jimdelos ♥
TAGGING: @turningthroughtheyearss @logandelos @ltbillrusso (three’s good enough)
1. Three Fandoms
2. First Character I Loved
Logan Delos
Harry Potter
3. Character I Never Expected To Love So Much
Bucky Barnes
Sirius Black
4. Character I Relate To Most
Bucky Barnes. We’d both do anything for Steve and are always confused. 
Logan Delos. 
Sirius Black
5. Character I Would Date
Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov, T’Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Kate Bishop, and basically half the universe.
Logan definitely, but also he needs to date William first. Also Clementine Pennyfeather because I love her. 
Sirius Black 
6. Character I Would Repeatedly Slap
THANOS, Karen Page, Tony Stank, anybody who comes near my precious sons, Peter Parker & Ned Leeds. 
WILLIAM, Jimbo Delos
Severus Snape, Piece of Shit Pettigrew, Gildory Lockheart, Bellatrix Lestrange
7. Three Favorite Characters In Order
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, & Frank Castle
Armisice, Akecheta, Clementine Pennyfeather, Angela, Bernard, Logan Delos, Lee Sizemore, & Lutz are some of my faves, but how on earth do you expect me to order them???
Sirius Black, Minerva McGonagal, Rubeus Hagrid
8. Character I Liked At First But Don’t Anymore
Tony Stark. I’m still like whatever with him, but I used to love him. 
Dolores maybe? I still do love her, though, just not as much as I used to. 
I can’t think of anyone.
9. Character I Didn’t Like At First But Do Now
I don’t even know. 
Lee Sizemore
10. Three OTPS
Bucky x Healing, Billy x Frank in the past & Billy x Justice in the present, Okoye x Starbucks
WILLOGAN, William x Gettin His Ass Beat, Maeve x Hector
Sirius Black x Happiness, Harry Potter x Rest, Everybody I Love x Living
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The question, “Art or design?”, is a perplexing mystery and omnipresent controversy. The debate has raged on for years: it’s a complex and rather convoluted argument, as both designers and artists create their own visual interpretations using the skills and knowledge sets they have. Their reasons and motivations for engaging in those artistic acts, however, are where the questions lie. To try and shed more light on the discussion, we’ve rounded up and showcased ten design agencies whose work we love. Their projects often blur the line between art and design, as per the above argument, with both disciplines blended in beauty, purpose and craftsmanship. Each of the studios brings something different to the table. Those featured include a Sydney Opera House light show, an experimental other-worldly short film and free-spirited graphic design by the previous winners of European Design Agency of the year. So, without further ado, here are 10 design studios every Highsnobiety reader should know: Parade, 2016 In the context of the work produced by his studio, Universal Everything, Matt Pyke’s evolution is impressive. The agency started out making album sleeves from the confines of a wooden shed in his garden but now works with cutting-edge technology such as motion capture, generative software and large-format screens and projections. Last year, Universal Everything turned the Sydney Opera House into an artist’s canvas, as seen in the below video. With Living Mural, the studio spectacularly reimagined the iconic Australian attraction, with a diverse series of vibrant, hand-drawn sequences. Exploring and responding to the bold forms of the building, the mesmerizing light show epitomizes everything the studio strives for. The studio’s desire to uncover new forms and aesthetic ideas produces profound experiences; often blurring the line between the art world and the commercial world of brands. Projects have been commissioned by the likes of Chanel, Audi and Apple, and exhibited in galleries such as MoMA, The V&A and The Barbican Centre. Parade further highlights a desire to investigate new ideas. Inspired by bioengineering and the Grotesque art movement, the unique 360 degree, floor-to-ceiling screen projected a series of strange and wonderful characters moving to their own beat. The same can be said of Universal Everything: as digital artists, their output is ahead of the rest. Find Out More • Still from Hermes Metamorphose, 2014 Canadian studio Vallée Duhamel makes work that you want to grab and lick. It’s “eye candy” but with creative vision, direction and purpose. Mind-boggling videos marry lo-fi objects with high-end production techniques, and their elaborate photo shoots and still-life work ooze slickness. It’s a dynamism that can only be attributed to a meticulous sense of art direction, with their level of precision so far securing business with Reebok, Hermès, MTV, Coca-Cola and The New York Times Magazine, among others. A Very Short Film, below, opens a window into a strange and whimsical dimension that has a surreal, Salvador Dalí-feel to it. Bright colors and abstract shapes keep you entranced, and when it ends you can’t help but feel slightly disappointed. Interestingly, the studio doesn’t consider its work to be either art or design. “It’s advertising,” explains Eve Duhamel, one half of the innovative duo. “But could advertising be art in today’s context?”. That’s a question for another day, though, and as long as Vallée Duhamel continues its experimental approach, it can position itself however it chooses. Find Out More Graphic artwork by studio Sawdust for a Coca-Cola As all honest artists will admit, levels of inspiration and motivation often fluctuate over time. When there’s yin, there’s yang, and it’s this relationship that interests Rob Gonzalez of London studio, Sawdust. “The human condition is such that motivation peaks and dips just like a wave, and we need both in order to function,” he says. “No peaks without dips.” As part of the 2016 OFFF book, Archetype – a collection of work from over 100 practicing artists and designers – Sawdust used an extract from a now-famous inspirational letter by artist Sol LeWitt. In 1965, during a period of self-doubt and creative block, fellow artist Eva Hesse received a letter from close friend LeWitt. Emotional and stirring, his words have since exhilarated artists the world over. Another stand-out project from Sawdust was for Coca-Cola. Invited to reinterpret the brands iconic bottle in their signature style, Sawdust’s poster is displayed at the High Museum of Art. The work is also showcased inside a limited-edition book highlighting the rich history of the Coca-Cola bottle, called Kiss the Past Hello. Find Out More OK-RM As we all know, the record label and art publishing worlds have undergone a massive transformation in recent years due to technology and the economy. Books, magazines and records play a massive part in many people’s lives, though, and although content has migrated to other platforms, space has now opened up for different types of media consumption. In response to this transition, OK-RM co-curated the Future Artefacts fair. Responsible for its graphic identity, the visuals on show consisted of a communication eco-system that projected a dynamic and evolving visual mantra. Founded in 2008 by Oliver Knight & Rory McGrath, OK-RM view design as a conversation. Their art direction aims to engage clients and associates in a process that not only communicates who they are, but also clarifies what they are. A collaborative practice, the studio engages in ongoing partnerships with artists, curators, editors, architects, designers and institutions. Recent commissions include visual identities for Manus x Machina (The Met, New York), the British Pavilion in Venice, Under the Same Sun (Guggenheim, New York) and the inaugural show at the new Design Museum in London, Fear and Love. Find Out More Artwork for Tags-Gal, Berlin, 2016 When album artwork comes into conversation, one record label in particular almost always springs to mind: Factory Records. Eternally embedded in pop culture, art designer Peter Saville’s shape-shifting, minimalistic and colorful compositions accompanied some of the most influential records of the ’80s and ’90s. It’s this synthesis of art and music that interests Méthode, a young Parisian studio that likes to navigate between “vintage and contemporary graphic design.” The studio takes constant inspiration from music of the past and present, as well as architecture, fashion, contemporary art and joint travels. Another influence is The Memphis Group, an association of Italian designers and architects who challenged the idea that products have to follow conventional shapes, colors, textures and patterns. Méthode continue to evolve this philosophy. Aside from the proverbial cat, curiosity has never really done anyone any harm, especially when it comes to creative pursuits. Opening doors and connecting new dots with old ones is often a consequence of an enthusiastic and passionate approach. This shines through in Méthode’s work, resulting in an original and progressive style that perfectly blends formality and playfulness. Find Out More Les Graphiquants, Specimen For Maxime and Romain, creators of Les Graphiquants, everything began when they met at the Ecole Nationale Supériure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. They found themselves under the tutorage of Pierre Bernard and François Miehe, two of the founders of Grapus, a design collective born out of the famous May ’68 student revolts. Without setting out for a career in graphic design, they were encouraged to adopt a free-spirited and organic approach to their work. “They involved us in a kind of teaching with no rules and no techniques; only feelings. Studying graphic design then was evidence of the possibility of a free and borderless education,” explains Maxime. This, coupled with the quality and diversity of the technical equipment at their fingertips, allowed experimentation across many different mediums, ultimately providing them with “the greatest playground in the world.” When looking at Les Graphiquants work, the duo’s liberated education shines through. Specimen is a geometrical, brutal and poetical series that offers a new interpretation to everyday, common perceptions. The enigmatic designs have a real grandeur of expression with depth translated through both texture and tone. It’s no surprise the studio has previously won European Design Agency of the year. Find Out More Untitled, 2016 Jimbo Barbu is a one-man band, designing, art directing and illustrating everything himself. Colorful and graphic imagery blends perfectly with his masculine and bold typographic choices. Always impactful, there’s a cool and seductive sophistication to his work. Founded in 2014, his portfolio is jam-packed with a huge set of stunning designs that have graced the pages of international design publication such as Kiblind. His eye-catching poster work is typically dark and moody, often emulating the music advertised. Regardless of whether he’s working on editorial, branding or visual identity, he always leaves his stamp. The above image is taken from a section of his portfolio called “Pot-Pourri.” Roughly translated as “referring to any collection of miscellaneous or diverse items,” Pot Pourri includes personal work, as well as unclassifiable strays and labors of love. Jimbo hopes these images will inspire future collaborators, as he sees them as the “real mood and spirit” of his studio. Find Out More Fabian Römer – Kalenderblätter. Four heads are better than one, particularly when it comes to creative studio Deutsche & Japaner. According to one of those heads, Moritz Firchow, the studio engages in a holistic approach to work that allows them to “roam with open eyes and care for forms and functions of all kinds.” The German studio is known for multifaceted work that stretches across art direction, branding, editorial, exhibition artwork and web design, as well as various other disciplines including interiors and scenography. In 2013, it produced type design and a broad range of merchandise for Jay Z’s Magna Carter World Tour. Equally fascinated by the arts and product design, they “try to develop as much freedom as possible within the frame of a clients needs.” In terms of the artwork for Fabian Römer’s record Kalenderblätter, a monochrome design complements a distinctly DIY feel. Nuanced and restrained, the artwork takes torn images and reworks them into abstract collages representative of every song on the album. Find Out More Neo Neo, La Bâtie Festival, 2016 During the mid 20th century, Switzerland became embedded in graphic design history with the emergence of the International Typographic Style, also known as Swiss Style. Grids and asymmetrical layouts with the combination of typography and photography were stressed as a new means of visual communication. Posters emerged as some of the most effective and influential works. Founded by Thuy-An Hoang and Xavier Erni in 2010, Neo Neo is a design studio based in Geneva. As you’d expect, being Swiss designers, the pair feel the influence of the famed approach developed in their country. However, like any good graphic designer should, they bring to it their own contemporary interpretation. La Bâtie is a Geneva-based festival featuring cultural events, concerts, dance and art shows. Neo Neo was tasked with creating an identity for the festival that included posters, booklets, tote-bags, apparel and signage. “We wanted to create lightness and absurdity. It was a simple idea but we thought let’s cover it with toothpaste, make it fresh. We wanted nonsense to be the concept,” explains Xavier. “We wanted those big toothpaste traces to be a fresh pop culture emblem, covering some cheap pictures disproportionately.” Find Out More Commission for Institute, 2016 As David McFarline, one of the two Creative Directors of Commission, points out, the fundamental difference between art and design is simple: constraints. “I don’t think we, as designers, could work without them. Art, on the other hand, should be free to be anything.” Inspired by “What’s possible within these constraints”, Commission is involved with all sorts of interesting projects. A keen fan of menswear, the studio recently worked on the brand identity of “Institute”, a team headed up by long-time Kanye West and Beyoncé collaborator, Nate Brown. Brown’s secretive organization is involved in everything from set-design to directing live shows, in both music and fashion. The idea behind the identity is based on a key card – it’s an anonymous object that can grant you access to all sorts of hidden places. As well as rebranding DKNY, another stand out project is Music From Memory. Allowing the team to fulfill an ambition most graphic designers have to design a record sleeve, rather than just creating a logo or artwork, they wanted to create a look and feel for the label. Having only formed two years ago, it’s no surprise Commission was considered “ones to watch” by industry tastemakers. Find Out More Now check out everything you need to know about Brutalist architecture in 10 buildings.
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
TFP Challenge: Day 5
Let’s face it, we’d all like to experience the TF universe for realsies. Mostly. Anyways, ever have an OC or self-insert? Share them here!
Oh ho ho. Do I have any OCs for Prime? Any other verse and I’d have one, sometimes two. But not for Prime. Prime has a whole flock of them. 28 to be exact. And if you have been reading my fic on DA, you have already met some of them. They are all Cybertronian.
Sorry. Long post.
First of all we have Liliy, my main OC. Her alt-mode is human. And she is the leader of a merry band of ex-Cons who call themselves the Cybertronian Rebel Crops or CRC. Liliy is a Neutral. In bot mode her colors are red and greys. (Her designs)
Leecher is her second-in-command and usually does more of the leading than Liliy because she often takes off on road trips by herself. Leecher is a matte black 80′s Chevy El Camino. Leecher is also Neutral and helped Liliy escape Cybertron during the beginning of the war.
The first of the ex-Cons and third-in-command is Alfa. He is also in charge of all ground and space bridge operations. He is dark gray, almost black, with hints of forest green. He’s thin and tall, taller than Optimus and second tallest of the group. His alt-mode is the B-2 Spirit. He is usually stoic. Alfa’s assistant is Victor, a cheerful grounder who loves watching cartoons. His colors are metallic sky blue and white. And his alt is a Ford Flex.
Bravo is the head engineer. He is big and bulky. And he can build almost anything given enough time. His colors are olive green and tan. His alt-mode is a HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck). He may seem gruff but he is very caring. Bravo’s assistants are Whiskey and X-ray. X-ray is a blue utility truck who has yet to show me his personality. And Whiskey... he is a little strange. He is brown and gold and his alt-modes tend to be top-secret prototype flying machines. No one is really sure how he manages to scan them because he never tells. His current one is a quinjet with stealth tech.
Charlie is the energon manager. He is in charge of all the energon, from collecting to processing to storage, and is a stickler for rationing. He is light grey and his alt is a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior modified as a tanker. Helping Charlie with the energon refining is Jimbo. His alt is a charcoal ‘93 Ford F-350, crew cab, long bed with a 6 in lift kit. (based off my dad’s old truck) And Quebec whose alt is an ice blue small plane. (idk what kind)
Delta is in charge of the lab. His colors are yellow, blue and white and he is a hook-type tow truck. As lab techs, he and his assistant, Steven, a teal and silver Aermacchi MB-339, are also qualified as medics should the need for more help arise.
Echo is basically the Soundwave of the CRC. Except he will actually talk to you and he shows his face. As the Communications Officer, he does most of the keeping tabs on who is where and all that. His alt is the F-117 Nighthawk. He is black with flecks of pale gold. And he turned out to be surprisingly shorter than I originally imagined after I picked his alt. The communication’s assistant is Lima. A lime green modern VW Beetle, Lima is small and cranky. 
Foxtrot is Knock Out with better bedside manners and he doesn’t fret over his finish. Well, not really Knock Out but the others compare him to the flashy medic often. He’s red and white. His alt is a Jeep Wrangler. He is talkative and loves to have fun. Though, technically the assistant, Oscar often takes better care of the med bay than Foxtrot. He is responsible and has to put up Fox’s antics. He is red and yellow. And his alt is an Eurocopter EC145. He is one of the two helicopters in the group.
The Miners are Mike and Nova. They consider themselves actual brothers and will introduce themselves as such.  “My name is Nova and this is my brother, Mike.” And vice versa. Mike is cherry red and Nova is maroon. Even though they are quite capable of holding their own in a fight, the others are very protective of them and they are often left behind on dangerous missions to run the ground bridge (Mike) and communications (Nova). 
The giant of the group is Kilo. He mainly does the heavy lifting. He’s blue gray with hints of grey. And his alt is a C-17. In bot mode, he’s about twice as tall as Optimus.
Pepper and Tango are the computer techs. Pepper is an neon yellow dump truck type snow plow. He hates the desert. Tango is orange with silver decals and his alt is an Audi R8. Neither of them like to go out much.
The CRC surveillance team has three flyers and three grounders. The twins, Golf and Indy, are Gulfstream G500s. Golf is cream and royal purple. Indy is cream and royal blue. The other flyer is the other helicopter, Yankee. (unknown model) His colors are peach and pistachio. Harry is yellow and his alt is a Hummer H2. The unofficial leader of the team is Romeo. He is a lot like Foxtrot and is also compared to Knock Out by his peers. He is a dark red Pagani Zonda F. And finally there is Zulu. A black Chevy Tahoe, he’s a essentially the Cybertronian equivalent of a black suit government agent.
And last but not least is Ucon. He is the only one to retain his Eradicon form and Decepticon insignia allowing him to be a spy on the Nemesis. He is very good at his job because Soundwave hasn’t found him out yet. His paint is color changing: matte black when he is off-duty and Decepticon purple when he is on-duty.
All the ex-Cons are former Vehicons/Eradicons/Miners. As a reminder of their past, they all still wear the vehicon masks when they go out. Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot were the first six that Liliy and Leech recruited.
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imptw33k · 3 years
omg tumblr doing tumblr wrapped now yasss
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matt and trey make jimbo x ned canon already jfc
70 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 22:20:34 GMT
i love this episode so much bc it was stan and cartman and that's not a dynamic seen much in the show...? like stan acts "no we gotta do the right thing!" around kyle but alone w cartman he's like "haha yeah let's steal this fuckin boat"
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81 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 17:10:59 GMT
how the south park boys would respond if you asked their pronouns
cartman: *calls you a slur*
kyle: he/him
kenny: i'm a dude
stan: *nervous laughter, slowly walks away*
butters: what are the boy ones?
97 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 18:44:11 GMT
their handwriting is like their personalities
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128 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 18:03:13 GMT
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gay people meeting up for brunch look like this
204 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 17:24:14 GMT
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snarkyoracle · 7 years
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NINJA-K #1 Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Art by TOMÁS GIORELLO Cover A by TREVOR HARISINE Cover B by LUCAS TROYA Interlocking Variant by KENNETH ROCAFORT Ninjak Icon Variant by DAVID MACK Brushed Metal Variant by MICO SUAYAN
A NEW CAN’T-MISS ONGOING SERIES! From acclaimed writer Christos Gage (Netflix’s Daredevil) and superstar artist Tomás Giorello (X-O MANOWAR), the United Kingdom’s most dreaded intelligence operative delves into the cold, calculating world of espionage and international intrigue!
For nearly a century, MI-6, the most elite branch of Britain’s clandestine intelligence service, has honed a ruthlessly effective, top-secret division – THE NINJA PROGRAMME – into one of its nation’s most finely wielded weapons. Tasked as the first and last line of defense for queen and country, this small shadow army of agents and assassins has produced a succession of notable assets, including NINJA-A, the Queen’s silent weapon of World War I; NINJA-E, the globe-trotting secret agent that pulled the Cold War back from the brink of Armageddon; and, most recently, NINJA-K, aka Colin King, a brash but fearless instrument of lethality that has saved the world from madmen and terror at every turn. But now… an unknown enemy is hunting and killing members of THE NINJA PROGRAMME one by one – and NINJAK is next on the list.
$3.99 | 40 pgs. | T+ | On Sale NOVEMBER 15th
Available only as a pre-order set! 
The NINJA-K #1-4 PRE-ORDER EDITION BUNDLE – four massively expanded editions of Valiant’s essential ongoing series – can only be ordered as a set and must be ordered with your local comic shop by the initial order date of September 28th, 2017! Released monthly from November 2017 through February 2018, each PRE-ORDER EDITION comes packed with trade paperback-style extras and bonus content, including creator commentary, behind– the-scenes looks at the creation of the comics, process character designs and artwork, and first looks at upcoming issues – plus an exclusive cover by renowned artist Tonci Zonjic (Who Is Jake Ellis?) that can’t be found anywhere else!
The only way to obtain these exclusive items is to pre-order all four issues with your local comic shop by the initial order date of September 28th, 2017! No more copies will be made available beyond that date and subsequent issues will not be offered in later solicitations!
$15.96 [4 issues] | 48 pgs, issue #1; 40 pgs, issues #3-4 | T+ | Issue #1 On Sale NOVEMBER 15th
     BLOODSHOT SALVATION #3 Written by JEFF LEMIRE Art by LEWIS LAROSA and MICO SUAYAN Cover A (Standard) by KENNETH ROCAFORT Cover B (Villains) by MONIKA PALOSZ Cover C (Battle Damaged) by JAY ANACLETO Interlocking Variant by GREG SMALLWOOD Bloodshot Icon Variant by NEAL ADAMS
Daddy dearest!
NOW: When Magic’s estranged family of sadistic cultists come to take her back home, Ray Garrison is forced to succumb to the rage within and protect his family against those who would do them harm. But as Magic’s bizarre relatives reveal their true intentions – including those of the demented leader called “Daddy” – the man once known as Bloodshot will quickly discover that the path to revenge is one filled with dire and deadly consequences…
THEN: Years from today – in a world gone wrong where Bloodshot long ago went M.I.A. – can Magic and Jessie navigate the agents of Omen that now pursue them across the heartland? And just when their darkest hour arrives, a familiar face is about to appear with a helping hand…and a message from beyond the grave!
New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer) and explosive artists Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) and Mico Suayan (BLOODSHOT REBORN) charge forward here for Bloodshot’s most heart-wrenching battle yet!
$3.99 | 32 pgs | T+ | VALIANT PREMIUM | On Sale NOVEMBER 15th 
    ETERNITY #2 (of 4) Written by MATT KINDT Art by TREVOR HAIRSINE Cover A by JELENA KEVIC-DJURDJEVIC Cover B by TOM MULLER Character Design Variant by MATT KINDT Variant Cover by DAVID LAFUENTE
Divine intervention!
Beyond the barriers of our reality… Outside the boundaries of human understanding… A universe of immensely powerful beings and advanced civilizations has evolved parallel to our own… But what links this strange plane of existence to ours, and what do its majestic inhabitants want with the child of Abram Adams – the denizen of Earth now called Divinity? To find out, Abram and his comrade, Myshka, must enter Eternity’s infinite realm…and encounter the Unknown itself!
New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR) and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine (DIVINITY) push the year’s most visionary series light years ahead…and open up a new frontier in Valiant’s acclaimed sci-fi meta-epic!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | PRESTIGE FORMAT | On Sale NOVEMBER 29th
An essential prelude to HARBINGER WARS 2 – the seismic 2018 crossover event at the epicenter of the Valiant Universe! 
Beneath the wreckage of the Harbinger Foundation, there is a secret that even Toyo Harada grew to fear. A secret simply known as…the Stormbringer.
And Alexander Solomon is about to set it free.
Out of the ashes of “MASSACRE,” the march toward the most consequential Valiant event of all time continues with an epic revelation at the heart of the Harbinger mythos – as told by Harvey Award-nominated writer Rafer Roberts (Plastic Farm) and incendiary artist Juan José Ryp (BRITANNIA)!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On Sale NOVEMBER 8th
    X-O MANOWAR (2017) #9 Written by MATT KINDT Art by CLAYTON CRAIN Cover A by LEWIS LAROSA Cover B by ADAM POLLINA Interlocking Variant by JUAN JOSÉ RYP X-O Manowar Icon Variant by DARICK ROBERTSON
Hail to the emperor!
With his throne attained and his enemies defeated, Aric of Dacia is not only the undisputed emperor of the war-shattered world of Gorin… He is one of the most feared warlords in the known galaxy! But as this former hero of Earth grows more confident with each brutal campaign, he’ll soon discover that his greatest enemy is…himself. Can Aric and the ultra-powerful X-O Manowar armor that he wields peacefully sustain such unyielding amounts of power…or will the thirst for war inside him consume everything he’s fought for?
New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (ETERNITY, Dept. H), and superstar artist Clayton Crain (4001 A.D.) crown the final chapter of “EMPEROR” here as Valiant’s chart-topping interstellar opus challenges the cosmos itself!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PREMIUM | On Sale NOVEMBER 22nd
WAR MOTHER #4 (of 4) Written by FRED VAN LENTE Art by STEPHEN SEGOVIA Cover A by DAVID MACK Cover B by ADAM GORHAM Variant Cover by JIMBO SALGADO Variant Cover by BRENT PEEPLES
Atomic assault!
As the monstrosities of 41st century Earth besiege her new homeland, War Mother must lock and load for a no-holds-barred fight to the death against the Cleansed! With the clock ticking toward zero, the fate of Ana’s people – and humanity’s last best shot at restoring order to a world gone awry – now hangs in the balance…
Out of the pages of BOOK OF DEATH and 4001 A.D., New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and explosive artist Stephen Segovia (NINJAK) blast ahead for the thrilling climax of War Mother’s first-ever, much-demanded solo series…and herald the coming of a new legend for the Valiant Universe’s apocalyptic future!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On Sale NOVEMBER 29th
Eric Heisserer – the Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of ARRIVAL and Valiant’s upcoming HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT feature films – joins Harvey Award-nominated visionary Raúl Allén (WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR) for an all-new Valiant adventure… launching Livewire and an extraordinary new team of heroes into the fight of their lives!
The government has dispatched Amanda McKee – the technopath codenamed Livewire – to investigate the ruins of a secret facility formerly run by Toyo Harada, the most powerful telepath on Earth and her former mentor. In his quest for world betterment at any cost, Harada sought out and activated many potential psiots like himself. Those who survived, but whose powers he deemed to have no value to his cause, were hidden away at this installation. But Livewire, having studied Harada’s greatest strengths and learned his deepest weaknesses, senses opportunity where he once saw failure. A young girl who can talk to birds… A boy who can make inanimate objects gently glow… To others, these are expensive disappointments. But, to Livewire, they are secret weapons…in need of a leader. Now, as a mechanized killer called Rex-O seeks to draw them out, Livewire and her new team of cadets will be forced to put their powers into action…in ways they never could have imagined…
Collecting SECRET WEAPONS #1-4
ADVANCE SOLICIT | $9.99 | 112 pgs. | T+ | On Sale DECEMBER 13th TRADE PAPERBACK | ISBN: 978-1-68215-229-4
From his deadly debut in the pages of BLOODSHOT all the way to his final mission, it’s the complete classic adventures of Valiant’s sophisticated superspy – collected together for the very first time! Acclaimed writers Mark Moretti (ETERNAL WARRIOR), Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (Guardians of the Galaxy) are joined by legendary artists Joe Quesada (Daredevil) and Bryan Hitch (The Authority), along with an all-star cast of Valiant’s finest for an oversized, omnibus hardcover of the best-selling super-spy series of the 1990s.
Colin King — sophisticated British playboy by day, elite super-spy by night! Codenamed Ninjak, King is gifted with a brilliant mind and lethal training in the world’s most dangerous fighting techniques. Both will be put to the ultimate test as he is drawn into a globe-spanning mission to bring down a cavalcade of covert agents and criminal cartels, including his greatest nemesis – the Webnet terror network and its villainous mastermind, Dr. Silk! From the British Isles to the land of the Rising Sun, Ninjak is about to leave an indelible imprint on the Valiant Universe — or die trying.
Collecting NINJAK (1994) #1–26, #0, and #00, NINJAK YEARBOOK 1994 #1, BLOODSHOT (1993) #6–7, and SECRET WEAPONS (1993) #5, along with 20+ pages of rarely seen art and extras!
$99.99 | 800 pgs. | T+ | On Sale NOVEMBER 22nd DELUXE HARDCOVER | 978-1-68215-231-7
For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, on Twitter, on Tumblr, and at ValiantEntertainment.com
For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com
November 2017 Solicitations: Valiant NINJA-K #1 Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Art by TOMÁS GIORELLO Cover A by TREVOR HARISINE Cover B by LUCAS TROYA…
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cbilluminati · 7 years
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017
PART 2 (OF 5)
Writer Kim Newman
Artist Paul McCaffrey
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
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PART 3 (OF 4)
Writers Alex Paknadel and Dan Watters
Artist José Holder
FC • 32pp • $3.99
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PART 2 (OF 2)
Writer Nick Abadzis
Artists Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
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PART 5 (OF 6)
Writer Jerry Frissen
Artist Peter Snejbjerg
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
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PART 3 (OF 6)
Writer Joe Haldeman
Artist Marvano
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
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Writers: Si Spurrier, Rob Williams
Artist: Simon Fraser
HC – SC – 128pp – $19.99 – On sale in stores: April 18
ISBN: 9781785857300
New adventures starring the Eleventh Doctor as played by Matt Smith!
The truth behind the Doctor’s possible-crime revealed! Shocking surprises in store for the Doctor’s companions! The thrilling chase resolved; every mystery unveiled! Don’t miss this final chapter where the Doctor and his companions face… The Malignant Truth!
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Writers: Thilde Barboni (Writer), Edward Gauvin (Translator)
Artist: Guillem March
HC – FC – 64pp –  $16.99 – On sale in comic stores: March 22
On sale in book stores: April 18
ISBN: 9781785860119
In the epic conclusion to this sensual, political and psychological thriller, Monika must make her choice! It’s either the Vanilla Dolls or her own sister… At the behest of Theo, Monika takes to the erotic stage alongside the Vanilla Dolls, but this new masked charade troubles her and much as it exhausts her. The Crucis Brigade lie in wait, their seductive dream of a new of a new West edging ever closer… and Monika is the only one who can stop her murderous sister, Erika!
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via Titan Comics
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017 ANNO DRACULA #2 PART 2 (OF 5)
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017 World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017 ANNO DRACULA #2 PART 2 (OF 5)
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outright-geekery · 7 years
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017
PART 2 (OF 5)
Writer Kim Newman
Artist Paul McCaffrey
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
#gallery-0-22 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-22 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
PART 3 (OF 4)
Writers Alex Paknadel and Dan Watters
Artist José Holder
FC • 32pp • $3.99
#gallery-0-23 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 12%; } #gallery-0-23 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
PART 2 (OF 2)
Writer Nick Abadzis
Artists Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
#gallery-0-24 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-24 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
PART 5 (OF 6)
Writer Jerry Frissen
Artist Peter Snejbjerg
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
#gallery-0-25 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-25 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-25 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-25 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
PART 3 (OF 6)
Writer Joe Haldeman
Artist Marvano
FC • 32pp • $3.99
On Sale April 19, 2017
#gallery-0-26 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-26 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writers: Si Spurrier, Rob Williams
Artist: Simon Fraser
HC – SC – 128pp – $19.99 – On sale in stores: April 18
ISBN: 9781785857300
New adventures starring the Eleventh Doctor as played by Matt Smith!
The truth behind the Doctor’s possible-crime revealed! Shocking surprises in store for the Doctor’s companions! The thrilling chase resolved; every mystery unveiled! Don’t miss this final chapter where the Doctor and his companions face… The Malignant Truth!
#gallery-0-27 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-27 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-27 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-27 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writers: Thilde Barboni (Writer), Edward Gauvin (Translator)
Artist: Guillem March
HC – FC – 64pp –  $16.99 – On sale in comic stores: March 22
On sale in book stores: April 18
ISBN: 9781785860119
In the epic conclusion to this sensual, political and psychological thriller, Monika must make her choice! It’s either the Vanilla Dolls or her own sister… At the behest of Theo, Monika takes to the erotic stage alongside the Vanilla Dolls, but this new masked charade troubles her and much as it exhausts her. The Crucis Brigade lie in wait, their seductive dream of a new of a new West edging ever closer… and Monika is the only one who can stop her murderous sister, Erika!
#gallery-0-28 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-28 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via Titan Comics
World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017 World War X and More in the Titan Comics Previews for 4-19-2017 ANNO DRACULA #2 PART 2 (OF 5)
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