#Its a crack ship but its kinda cute tbh
kewpidity · 2 months
answer every question on the proship ask meme POP QUIZ [or is it pro quiz??] i wanna knoooooow
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@teacupballerina @hopscorched @emile-hides
sorry it took so long to get to these! gonna post em all together and give two answers where it makes sense since some of these are repeats!
1.) What is your favorite problematic theme/trope that appears in a lot of your ships?
its literally so basic in the grand scheme of problematic stuff, but i love a teen girl x older man, especially when she's in charge lol. i also like things like 'damning secret' (basically people going through forced proximity because they both know something they'd get in a lot of trouble over if it got out) or just forced proximity in general also a fan of one of the characters going insane with covetous love and lust that drives them to do all kinds of fucked up shit about it and also! a handy chart of one of my All Time Dynamics, kid x creature (im counting pompep)
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2.) Are there any problematic tropes that squick you out?
i dont really like anything involving cheating, DV, or hardcore rape/assault, feels bad man
3.) First problematic ship since you joined the proship community?
tbh ive never really Not been proship, it was the only logical thing to me, so this answer is kinda tricky- i guess i could say when i Actively started interacting with other proshippers? but tbqh i dont really remember sorry jklfsdk
4.) First ever problematic ship? (you didn't have to know it was problematic then)
quiche and ichigo from tmm is literally whats wrong with me it fucked up the chemistry of my brain when i was like 12
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5.) Ship you don't think it all that problematic, but the rest of your fandom hates?
idk if this really counts Exactly but im baffled to this day by the divide the ML fandom has over the different love square dynamics, please explain to me how every combo is good and wholesome, except for marinette x chat noir, which is somehow bad and degenerate, like even the people working on it make jokes about it like what do you mean its the same gd people???
some others come from spop, where people will try to convince me that hordak x entrapta is abusive despite being one of the healthiest dynamics in the show, or how bow x glimmer is Practically incest cause they. grew up together??? spop discourse was Nuts
6.) Cutest, most vanilla ship you are into.
hmm probably my crossover ship for berry and adrien, they're downright saccharine
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7.) Ship the antis in your fandom like, but you think is hella problematic?
Absolutely no hate to the people who like these but oh my god yall there are others but these are always the first two that come to mind
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8.) Ship that is (presented as) cute in canon/fanon, but you think is problematic anyway.
kinda just the same ones i just listed tbh
9.) Problematic crackship?
as someone who deals almost Exclusively in rare pairs and crack ships, most of them lmao but if we're going with like. Probably Worst all across the board, its whatever is going on with cedrιc, elyοn, and phοbοs from w..i..t..c..h the depravity that we never got to fully explore with these three is off the charts
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10.) Are there any problematic ships that are your NOTPs?
i do not care for wιllιam x mιchael aftοn- p sure its popular in fnαf proship spaces but im just never could come around to it other than that i cant really think of any- usually i only notp things because the fans piss me off about it, and i dont generally have that problem with other proshippers
11.) Darkest fandom you are into?
im really into old rpg horror games in general, and Those get Super Dark, so probably that!
12.) Least dark fandom that you are into!
sοfia the first, but rest assured im Making it problematic
13.) Rec a dead dove fic!
im so sorry but put on the spot, every single fic ive ever read and held dear has suddenly totally absconded from my brain and i cant recall literally any of them
14.) Song that reminds you of one of your pairings!
here just have some playlists i put together for some of them so i dont have to choose anything specific: Grim x Mandy Gaz x Zim Mabel x Bill Snufkιn x Jοxter and my general problematic playlist you'll like em
15.) Silliest reason you've been told not to ship a ship.
'its not canon' is the dumbest shit i've Ever heard and yet somehow is super pervasive in fandom
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angel-gidget · 4 months
Facets of YJ: Rebirth's Gemworld
It occurs to me that if I ever want to write more post-YJ Rebirth stuff (as I’ve been meaning to do for the past couple years), I need to work out for myself what Amethyst’s canon with YJ is. It isn’t consistent in-universe, but I’m kind a cool with that. I would rather have multiple interesting yet somewhat contradictory canons than a hard-set bad canon.
But for my own story, I need to be somewhat decisive. And to recall what I’m working with… I need to re-read Young Justice Rebirth.
So here are some thoughts from taking a crack at Volume 1: Gemworld.
I know a lot of people in my feed were complaining about this title as it was running, but tbh, I’m kinda impressed by it. There’s a lot of world-building going on and some good emotional moments too. Could there be more? Sure. But the book is fun and doesn’t detest its own audience which is more than I can say for YJ: Dark Crisis.
I’m aware it’s not a popular opinion, though. Lots of people were very aghast at a lot of creative choices.
Gemworld Tidbit #1. Kon's time in the Gemworld. I think one big thing that ticked ppl of was that Kon had acquired a “wife” and “kid” while on Gemworld, but I thought the story line was by turns hilarious (for his teammates reactions) and sweet. The actual explanation that he was just pretending to be her husband to keep her safe from Opal’s guards was cute.
(And tbh, if it turned out that there was some unexplored UST between him and Lophi, heck. I’d be down to explore it. If DC is moving away from Kon/Cassie as a ship, then why not give this a whirl?)
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(We see you giving Kon that sexy-intense-gaze-through-limply-hanging-bangs, Patrick Gleason. We appreciate.)
It also gives us one more member of YJ who’s now familiar with Gemworld, and from a very different perspective. Kon knows what it's like to live as a commoner in the bad part of town on Gemworld. Yet, he knows Amethyst by her reputation, and respects her for it. I like this tidbit.
Incorporate into personal fic canon? Yeah, probably.
I also love that the fricken… blend of his shirt is the thing that outs him to Carnelian.
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For those of us who remember Carnelian from OG Amethyst, he really is that materialistic and obsessed with the technology of Earth. This whole panel is so freaking in-character, I cackled.
Gemworld Tidbit #2: The Gemworld is divided into “lighter houses” and “darker houses.” The darker houses are officially under Dark Opal, but the Lighter houses are supposed to be free and less oppressive, though Amy’s toung-lashing fights with the council of fellow “lighter houses” implies it ain’t that cut n’ dry.
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I can see how it’s useful for conveying info quickly… but eh. The OG showed that while it boiled down to Opal vs. Everyone else, most houses were bullied into serving him and some were just more resistant than others.
Incorporate into personal fic canon? Probably nah.
I’m not really clear why Dark Opal sent a posse of minions to Metropolis to just… go fight Superman. Even after a re-read, I’m still hazy on that bit. Maybe Superman had a lil’ dimension hopping adventure off-panel and effed up some of Opal’s evil schemes? And Dark Opal just… collected kryponite hoping supes would show up again to receive his vengeance? But then he got impatient so he launched a FULL SCALE INVASION OF METROPOLIS? Okay. Yeah. He would. Mystery solved. Next.
Gemworld Tidbit Major Chonk of Info #3. Amy’s relationship with the Houses. So, in OG Amethyst, most the the houses genuinely WANT Amy to defeat Dark Opal. Her parents were major figureheads—and they died fighting him so bravely—but the rest of them have been beaten down into subservience. So Amy’s arrival heralds a renewed attempt at overthrowing the Big Bad, and they welcome her for it.
But in YJ Rebirth, they are so cowed by Opal’s influence, that the majority actually resent Amy for making waves.
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She is also NOT the default leader. Like at all. Only head of her house, and even then, the council is debating banishing her from “The Gem” aka Gemworld once she’s out of the room. And at the end… they backstab her by actually doing so. Unannounced.
Incorporate into personal fic canon? I think I gotta. I like the OG dynamic better, but this is pretty darn plot relevant. Need to at least consider it.
Gemworld Tidbit #4. Ride-or-Die Turquoise and Backstabbing Emerald.
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So OG Turquoise was v loyal indeed. It was a *bit* more complicated than "besties" in the 80's series, but it works as dynamic for them here.
As for Emerald... We only see ONE ruler of House Emerald here. OG had a Lady Mother and 3 princesses, all with very different narratives. The youngest sister was Amy's *actual* bestie. The next oldest was her friend. The eldest died before Amy could ever meet her, and the mom... went bonkers, died, resurrected, and became part of Amy's rogues gallery, going by the name of Fire Jade.
I'm thinking this is her. Bonus complications if Amy and her youngest daughter are *still* ultra-close friends.
Incorporate into personal fic canon? Yes.
(And tacking on so many details that aren't actually there.)
Gemworld Tidbit #5. Topaz is Dark Opal's minion.
So one of the invaders of Metropolis calls himself "Topaz" right before Tim kicks his ass.
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The original Topaz? A lovable and bodacious prince that was always doing his best. And his best included opposing his sister, the elder heir to Topaz keep and the *actual* supporter of Dark Opal.
Incorporate into personal fic canon? Not as-is. Maybe make him tragically mind-whammied or something. But the real Prince Topas is loyal to House Amethyst, even if he's figured out that actually dating Amy is a terrible idea.
And that brings us to...
Gemworld Tidbit #6. No mention of Age-fluctuation. Anywhere.
OG Amethyst would have Amy shift from young teen to young adult, and even have that be a major plot point a la SHAZAM.
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I get why it's gone. It removes a lot of writing headaches. But it does mean I would need to figure out some of her relationships from scratch.
Did she and Topaz still flirt? Did they break up for similar reasons? (I imply this is the case in Nurturing Camaraderie. That he mistook her for older/thought their age gap wasn't a big deal, and then ducked out when he realized he was wrong, very similar to what originally happened.)
Incorporate into personal fic canon? Yes. But Imma gonna overthink it to death.
Is Turquoise older than her? How much older? Is Emmy younger than her still? How much younger. What about Carnelian?
Gemworld Tidbit #7. sCiEnce NOT magic.
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Incorporate into personal fic canon? No. Fuck this whole panel.
I signed on for some magic in my magical girl fantasy, dagnabbit.
Might have more thoughts later. But for now... yeah.
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purpleandstarlight · 1 year
I am planning and somewhat writing a BBC Merlin rewrite where:
-Merlin and Arthur are both women. Merlin is a lesbian and Arthur (here named Arthelia) is bi. Merthur endgame even though it's slow burn af.
-Artheria is very much raised in a "manly" way bc Uther wanted a son but got a daughter and with his wife dead and no intention to remarry that's what he went with. She grew up having to prove herself to the men in her life (The knights, Uther himself) and WILL skin alive anyone who tries to say men are stronger than her just because she's a woman, but internalized misogyny exists because of how Uther raised her + the companies she keeps being usually men. She goes very "I'm not like other girls" at times, but she has character development for that too dw.
-Morgana is good cause I loved early serie Morgana. She's also a huge lesbian and spends some time being in love with Gwen (i ship them) but seeing as i LOVE SingleButHappy!Morgana and Lancelot and Gwen are cute together, Gwen is straight so they aren't endgame. Morgana doesn't stay unhappy for too long tho, and they stay very close best friends!!
-A lot of the early-serie flirting between the four main characters doesn't exist here. Morgana and Artheria are only siblings coded and there isn't anyone implying otherwise in court either. Merlin sees Gwen like a sister and so does she. Morgana and Merlin befriend eachother instantly when Merlin goes to deliver the sleeping potion, and bond over hating Artheria (and later on in the story also over being lesbians and having magic), but they never see eachother in a romantic way, even if Merlin does notice how attractive Morgana is very early on. Since we're on the topic, Artheria never crushes on Gwen either, because i don't really see much chemistry between them in canon tbh.
-Gwaine is bi. Flirting is a bit of a way to befriend others for him (and if he scores in the mean time, he's not complaining) plus Merlin is really nice and pretty, so he flirts with her once and immediately notices she's uncomfortable with it so he apologises and says he will stop, but the conversation leads to him coming out to her as being both into men and women, so she happily tells him she's gay too, and now that Merlin knows he knows and that he has no intention of having anything other than friendship, Merlin lets him flirt with her as their inside joke. It's funny to them. It's less funny to Arthelia who doesn't know Merlin's into women and therefore becomes jealous of any man trying anything with her lmao. Also even when Arthelia and Gwain become friends, he never flirts with her, even as a joke. That's just the relationship they have, no hate from Gwaine.
- I haven't really rewatched the serie in ages. Only funny moment compilations and crack videos. I am listening to a Merlin rewatch podcast thought, so I will just use the way they recap the episodes as my basis for each episode rewrite, and just write them my own way like i immagine them with my version of the characters.
-Arthelia and Merlin do share one (1) kiss kinda early on but they don't enter a relationship for a long time. Its based on that one time Gwen had to kiss Arthur to break a love spell? Expect it says "A kiss from a soulmate" Instead of "A kiss of your one true love" because a one shot i haven't read yet had this change and i felt like it was a good way to change the plot and give more romantic development even early on without putting them in a relationship in this series rewrite! Because the idea this gave me is:
Arthelia is about to do something stupid bc of the love spell, and Merlin is still trying to make her reason, but in vain. In a rush of panic to save her, her mind goes "Wait i could be a soulmate. We are destined and two sides of the same coin and blahblahblah!! It doesn't have to be romantic!" So she kisses her fully expecting it not to work but it does. Merlin is (pretends to be) unbothered by the kiss bc "It wasn't romantic!! It's just that we have a connected destiny!!!" and Arthelia doesn't remember the kiss clearly bc the memories of the time she was under the spell are hazy, but she does gain them back in her sleep sometimes. Especially the kiss - she keeps dreaming it, but just doesn't know if she should believe it and doesn't ask Merlin abt it.
-In the future, once Merlin and Morgana come out as sorceress to Arthelia, she works to make magic legal and then puts them in the position of Court Sorceress. They share the position so they can cut the work in half and Merlin can keep helping Gaius (+ When Arthelia goes out of the castle, Merlin can follow her to keep her safe without them worrying about leaving the castle without a Court Sorceress).
-Mordred is good. Merlin still is quite distrustful of him when they meet again once he's grown up because of what the dragon said, but she trusted Morgana not to do anything bad despite the dragon's words in the past, and Arthelia herself decides to trust him once Merlin warns her of what the dragon said, so she tries to be more chill and then finally warms up to him a bit more with time, though their interactions are still a bit awkward sometimes and Merlin never 100% leaves the matter completely out of her head.
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elvencantation · 6 months
damsel liveblog
tbh my forward arrow fingers are itchy so im gonna be skipping through a lot of this
okay that opening quote was just tacky. we get it. we've seen the previews. youve made the point with the movie title
dude youve brought like twelve people to kill a dragon?? how badly do you want to die?
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ooooooo i do love some mushroom arthictecture!! gimme more pls
also love how the fire almost looks liquid in some spots. or maybe thats the melting armor
oh look she's cutting wood she's not a regular girl
they did pick the right task tho chopping wood is kinda hot (see that one canadian lady on instagram)
why does her maidservant already annoy me? its cute theyre holding hands tho
i like their furs. giving stark family vibes
queen of aurea?? seriously??? queen of gold with ships of gold? how on the nose??? or is that the point
srsly giving reverend mother vibes with the 'your holiness' and matchmaking. or maybe ive just got permanent dune brainrot that's closer to the surface after seeing pt2 twice in imax
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oooooo cool hair!!
WAIT THATS HER LITTLE SISTER? oh okay the side by side shots make more sense now
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more cool hair i wanna see closer!!! and cute sibling interaction
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screen recording aquired, will link when i gif
i'd be annoyed at the parent's reactions to aurea if i didnt think about just how much it weighed on them to not be able to provide for their people
i need to take a break and go walk mom's dog
back after that and yummy dinner and just hanging out in bed with puppy and re-reading star wars time travel fics
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love how the mountains are immediately ominous behind the beautiful manicured gardens and the stately if a little smudgy castle
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lovely balcony and once again, ominous mountains! so pretty so pretty
also yes i know this is pretty basic symbolism but having her in full sunlight and the other girl in shadow? *chefs kiss* i love it every time
girlie why you drawing a labyrinth? i thought she was journaling or something
excited to see what the labyrinth will be. boy be calling it a maze smh
awww i do love a good horse ride!! and they match! too bad he's about to toss her into a chasm like a sack of sacrificial potatoes
oh no did they brainwash her poor dad?? also my god stepmom is on fire with the braids and outfits
the cracks are starting to show. but seriously, forgetting the name of the girl youre about to sacrifice?? thats just plain rude
ahhh here's the scene i saw like five times on instagram
oh god please dont make the corset weird please dont say anything weird about it P L E A S E for the love of marzi!
did they give her a bodice dagger?? or was that just the sheath? i love it
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ahhhh i do enjoy some nature inspired jewelry!!
also the red cloak!!! lovely
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pretty pretty pretty!!!
ahhh the creepy gold masks theyre so intricate!!!
and robin is now a reverend mother too
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ooooo what a pretty shot and i want her jewelry wow
ahhhh i do enjoy how subtly uncomfortable the prince looks
aha there we go. now the fun can begin!
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oooooo look at all those coins
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also a very pretty shot!
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oooooooo i need to gif this bit too
my god the voice is stunning
MAGMA DRAGONFIRE THIS IS GORGEOUS (pausing for more screen recording)
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looks like the maw of a dragon!!!
wait im sorry why's the other girl burnt and dead if its only 'once a generation'???
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avenging angel vibes pls continue
ok yeah so it was only a sheath. too much to ask for for them to give her an actual weapon
what the heck was in that pretty filigree egg thing?? also i want one. its so pretty. i mean i know it was some kind of scent. convenient that it burns like a lamp XD
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wow this movie is just feeding me lots of pretty visuals tyty
good thing girlie's got lots of upper arm strength from chopping wood!
yeahhhh make a bioluminescent lamp!!! and double win, she got rid of the second sleeve. much better now
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wow im gay
magically healing bioluminescent non-oceanic nudibranches??
thats my new indie band name btw
please tell me shes taking some magic slugs with her. youre gonna be climbing spikes pls bring some healing with you
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such pretty stabby crystals!!
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once again looking like a maw. though this time more like the maw of a sandworm ;)
"three were taken three must be given" ???? excuse me
ah. they were dumb enough to anger a mama dragon. they deserve to die
tell me her dad aint gonna get him and his men killed
also damn she made it all the way up just to have to come back down
oh we finally get to see the dragon!!! goddamn. she looks like a scaly gryfon i like it
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dont you guys dare kill the dad off just as i was starting to like him. dont do it
yeah i guess they realized they had to redeem him so his death would have impact. rude
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girl take chekhov's sword!
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ohhhh this is so pretty i think i gotta screen record it too
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this is some pompeii shit. oh i should watch that movie its got two hot people in it
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even cooler!!!
theyre just killing everyone?? thats boring
the mulan hair thing woulve been cool if i didnt daily put up my hair in a very secure bun without any pins or hairties that only works when your hair is like mid back length at least XD
its a miracle you didnt hurt your leg with you fell elodie
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oh noooooo oh god that was so awkward i cant
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why is this so awkward?? whats happening
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like you ever did what you were told?? whats happening? whats with the pacing, the dialogue the blocking?? w h a t
why did they have to show the queen with her crown melting off for so long??
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oh they match! nice
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ooooooo pretty pretty
overall kind of a fun movie. dont think i'd watch it again. still need to watch i am dragon
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vanaglorie · 11 months
When did you start writing on Tumblr? Who was your first muse? OTP for your muse? NOTP for your muse? Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? What do you look for in a rp partner? Favourite trope? Least favourite trope? Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? What about your muse are you most proud of?
munday meme
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
a very long time ago... like... somewhere in the period of 2012-2014 and it was also khr rp
Who was your first muse?
byakuran LMAO it was wild
OTP for your muse? NOTP for your muse?
i kinda ship him with everyone tbh i dont even care if its crack but the normal ones like 10051 and 10069 are pretty pog. but no specific OTP preference for me, as long as theyre strong enough to handle whatever comes their way
also no NOTP comes to mind i'll ship byakuran with anyone bc he's insane- really depends on the chemistry/plot
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
for khr characters i used to have bel and fon. lowkey would love to bring either of them back HAHAHA but byakuran will always be my one true love
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people might not know?
byakuran can be a very attentive lover? ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
What do you look for in a rp partner?
someone cool and easy to talk to, so that we can be goblins together and plot crazy shit, and a lot of you are really cool :3
Favourite trope? Least favourite trope?
fav: enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort least fav: hanahaki xd i always avoid ones that are just angst with no happy ending or comfort-
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
all the cliche ones like office au, high school au i just think slice of life ones are cute :c also it means byakuran can be little shit living a normal life, sometimes i want good things for him
What about your muse are you most proud of?
i think he just does and says whatever he wants without caring about the consequences and i love that for him which means i just have to close my eyes and hit 'post' and apologise profusely for his rancid behaviour
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evilmskitty · 2 years
What a weird time to “officially” join this lovely hellsite. I’ve actually been around for a while but didn’t have an account or the app until just recently (not that anyone cares lmao). Idk what you expect me to post bc idk either.
Anyways, guess I’ll do one of those interest things that no one reads ha, feel free to talk about anything mentioned here with me
-Marvel; grew up with it and holds a special place in my heart even if the new stuff is kinda trash.
-Stony; hate it or love it idc. Honestly, talk about either of these characters and I will be there.
-Peter Parker x MJ; I only like this ship with Tom’s Spider-Man, Tobey’s Spider-Man and MJ ship sucked (mostly bc of MJ)
-Peter x Gwen Stacy; Andrew and Emma are so cute in that role, really brings the ship to life
-Irondad; eat that shit up, can’t get enough
-Harry Potter; absolutely feral for this shit, I could be any fucking mood and could hear someone from across the country mention something Harry Potter related and I perk up instantly
-Wolfstar; it’s such a beautiful tragedy of a ship, I love it
-Jily; hot take, that ship name sucks. But it’s a nice cute slow burn that no one knows a lot about, I love character growth
-Jegulus/Starchaser; Absolutely love this ship, so much angst and/or fluff potential.
-Harry x Ginny; book ship only, movie Ginny has the personality of a wet sock and that’s generous.
-The Golden Trio; I love this dynamic and I feel like people shit on Ron and Hermione so much and really harshly. Their friendship is really sweet.
-The Marauders; If the new Harry Potter show is about them I will die and come back to life in 3 seconds. Love how little is known about their lives which just lets the creativity flowww
-Owl House; Such a cute show, I love the story and the representation. I’m sad it’s getting cut short but its wrapping up nicely.
-MHA/BNHA; the first anime/manga I really got into. I love it, the story is amazing, although the recent chapters have been on crack.
-Tododeku; absolutely adore this ship
-EraserMic; slightly feral for this ship, hard to find fics that center just on the ship though. The angst, the wholesomeness, the fluff, the contrast, ugh so good.
-Dadzawa; Love this, it’s so true lol
-If We were Villains; Ugh, such a good book. Wonderful plot twist and tied together so well.
-TMNT; Literally any of them, took me a while to get into the 2018 one but it really shined once I gave it a chance. 2012 is the special one to me because it was the first one I started watching
-Jonatello; 2012 hit me hard for this one, such potential tbh, April x Donnie in 2012 kinda sucked after a few seasons and I started to dislike April after awhile. Any other April is superior.
-Capril; The OP ship, idk how to feel about it in the 2012 show
-Avatar: The Last Airbender; I got into this late but it lives up to the hype. Trauma, psychological damage, war, and it’s a kids show :D
-SPN; This show is trash and I love it Lmao
I’ll stop here lol, there’s more but this is a lot.
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fredbear-fam · 5 years
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
leona in love w/ vil’s sibling
anon asked: what about Leona being in love with Vil's sibling!? Your doing good work pls keep it up!
aaaa thank u sm anon! i assumed this is more on the hc side so imma just make it hcs! i love this prompt tho its so cute hhhh (i love vil and leona both so plus points for making the author more motivated and inspired) :33
in the entrance ceremony you filed in line with all the new students and of course scanned around the room to find your older brother, vil, but instead of finding your brother you found someone else staring intently at you 
truth be told, leona was entranced by you since you entered the mirror chamber. call it love at first sight. 
tbh leona was kind of bummed out that you weren’t in savanaclaw (but truth be told, you wouldn’t survive their way in that dorm)
he described you as being fragile, elegant, gracious, and beautiful. a perfect fit in pomefiore. (of course with your brother being the dorm leader there as no way you weren’t going to be in pomefiore)
as time passed by he made many moves to get closer to you. 
one day you caught him sleeping in the temperate zone of the botanical garden and had managed to scare him awake
1. he was shocked that he was woken up and 2. it was by you
you introduced yourself bla bla that formal stuff but he acc already knew you (turns out vil likes to talk about you A LOT)
that was the day you two would hang out with each other a lot more and actually talk a lot more
you’d come back to the pomefiore dorm with a huge smile on your face at times and of course vil would be suspicious and was curious where you always headed off to
you’d go to leona’s room and liked to braid his hair when sleeping
try out different hairstyles on him lol
and basically you were there to scold him when ruggie wasn’t
basically you two bicker like an old married couple at times
vil sent out rook and epel to figure out what was going on between you two and he cracked a mirror when he heard form the both of them that you two were lovey dovey with each other
the next day when he saw you two talking, he straight up went to the both of you, took you in his arms in a tight embrace and dragged you away
“no little sibling of mine is going to be taken away by that furball”
he says that but he actually ships y’all and cries at night thinking how fast his little sibling grows up (lol) 
leona eventually confessed to you when you were both in the botanical gardens 
you two were supposed to be having class, the sun shone through the glass and illuminated you two just chilling around and goofing around 
you two sat down beside each other and that’s when he confessed
“(y/n)....in the entrance ceremony. that day. i’ve been so captivated by you. i’ve been so enchanted by your beauty. and as time flies by, i realized it’s not only your looks which stole my heart but also you as a person. i...love you.” 
he whispered the last part of course (as the tsundere he is)
you basically had to force it out of him
and when you heard it loud and clear you laughed but hugged him and returned those feelings
when vil found out, let’s just say he gave leona a long lecture :))
idk why i kinda want vil as my older brother. would be very interesting indeed :33
- a♕
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wayvphobic · 4 years
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he loves calling her lala (thanks for that, ten)
they both look so intimidating but are super duper soft
he’s always so excited to see her and beetle (her dog)
lala is precious to him and they help each other through the hate, they’ll have little dates when they’re feeling low
he’s like. in awe of her rapping and resilience
and she looks up to him SO much
so many hugs
she loves him and he makes her feel calm
fans love seeing them together because she’s taeyong’s little sister
lily is his baby, and mila is his baby sister
like kun, he prioritizes checking up on her and she checks on him as well
czennies are loving the miyong content because they’ve been wanting those two to interact for FOREVER because they’re quite similar
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not the president, but the queen of the taeil fan club
she loves to be around him and she’s lowkey to him like yuta is to winwin but also not the same?? like
she doesn’t pinch his cheeks and call him cute and act out romantic anime scenes with him
but she’s clingy and always says how much she wants to be with taeil and promotes him and his talent
and you can bet ALL the wayv members are jealous
taeil loves her too!!
she’s his baby and he loves when she’s happy and around
because both of the girls have faced so much hate but it’s somehow different for mila, she didn’t get the same acceptance that lily generally got because she grew up with the members
and as her biggest brother, taeil makes sure that she’s as happy as possible
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johnny flusters her
like not in a “ooo haha cute boy make me nervous” way
he just FLUSTERS her like he makes her nervous for some reason they’re friends and she doesn’t like him that way but he’ll compliment her or wink and her heart stops
poor baby just isn’t made for this LMAOO she don’t know how to react
on the whole tho, they’re really close
freestyle rap battles all the time
johnny just knows how to make her laugh 🥺 and he loves her
he’s good at being a big brother to the girls and it’s comforting to mila because she’s the youngest child with three older brothers
2/3 of american line so when they get with lily it’s FUNNY it’s all english all slang all weird jokes
she wants to be on jcc SO bad and they want to be in a song together, just the two of them
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yuta kinda really simps for her 😳
wayv are all so TERRIFIED of him LMAO
she doesn’t know how to react to johnny’s FAKE flirting imagine her with YUTA
mark 🤝 winwin 🤝 mila
it is unknown if he simps for her in the same way as the others, or if he LIKES her
or both LMAO
there’s a recent clip of her braiding strands of yuta’s hair that czennies love
he will be VOCAL about the hate she gets because it’s absolutely ridiculous
he calls her nct’s main rapper but she gets SUPER embarrassed when he does and covers her face
when yuta’s around her he’ll do whatever he can to make her smile
they’re really good friends before any of that stuff, though
she consulted him when she wanted to get a belly button piercing, and he actually went with her to get it!!
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fans want more interactions between them
understandable, because doyo is such a nagging mother to her and it’s funny
another member who is vocal about people being mean to her and tells them to stop
since doyo is the president of the allies to lgbtq+ club, he was very supportive when she came out and when she might have been dating a certain someone
“it’s very hard to be as good of a singer as doyoung hyung...”
doyoung: “stop being modest, you’re a great singer”
she hates aegyo but for some reason will shamelessly do aegyo to doyoung
he both hates it and finds in endearing
she calls him mom and helps him with his english
and she doesn’t clown him the way the other members do
doyoung loves being a father of two daughters and even though he can nag the hell out of them, he loves them with all his heart
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underrated duo
in make a wish they had a lil scene together and it wasnt even romantic but it was HOT
for some reason a lot of czennies ship them which they don’t understand
they are purely friends
they’re actually super cool w each other amd like
dap each other up when they see each other like bros
he once had his arm around her amd fans went WILD
he teases her about inkigayo sandwiches
and vice versa
calls him a fuckboy because of the selcas he posts
very jokey w each other amd after their dating rumors they call each other couple pet names and calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend
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tbh it’s just like
they’re gay
but she acts very cute to jungwoo idk he draws it out of her
they’re absolutely fucking HILARIOUS
and their selcas are adorable
another member who fights for jungwoo’s love
they’re clingy little buns 🥺
mila posted a video of them lip syncing and dancing around to dancing queen-
no one understands them tbh they’re both strange individuals
jungwoo really babies her despite being the same age
his favorite thing to do is pinch her cheek and she just completely. doesn’t react LMAO
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they always laugh at their ship name
they would drop the most bomb mixtape and czennies are BEGGING for it
when she watched the retro future mv she immediately hit him in the back of the head for getting so close to lily (@nc7dr3am) but like. as a joke
she knows the kid is SUPER talented and he feels the same about her
their interactions are usually weird and awkward just because they’re weird awkward people LMAO
once his voice cracked when they were together and she fucking LOST IT she apologized profusely afterwards but it was just SO FUNNY TO HER
she looks at mark as a younger brother and mila is his cool big sister
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these two GOOFS
mila, to yangyang: you are not my child
mila, to hyuck: LOOK ITS MY BABY CHILD
for some reason she just loves him and babies him. hyuck is her baby
even if he’s annoying everyone she hugs on him and tells everyone to stop being mean
he loves mila too they have so much fun together and she feels like a mom/big sister to him
is his mom the way johnny is his dad
she loves his vocals and always cheers when he sings
cheers when he .. exists, tbh
theyre the “kim, you’re doing great sweetie!” meme
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1980ssunflower · 3 years
Hii! Here with 🐶, 🎤, 🎡, and 🛡, for the basic self ship asks + anyone <3 - @nezereb
🐶: If you and your f/o were to get a pet, what would it be?
We actually already have 2 cats! Chip and Judy!! :-D We adopted Chip and found Judy while on the road
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
GOD im not good at describing voices but Mins is very idk comforting sounding? His voice tends to relax me and make me feel at ease but also any time he gets angry and yells his voice cracks and its SO cute ghdfjsk 💙💙💙 Sometimes when talking he also gets a STRONG 80s accent voice and its so funny and im obsessed with it sooo much lol
Ryans godd idk how to describe it at all tbh but its really really cute!!! His voice naturally gives off a more positive happy go lucky feel to it! also his laugh makes me ouugghhg hfsdj 🥺💖💖 Oh god but if hes pissed off his voice genuinely sounds like,,, unnerving I guess cause you relate it to positive things so when hes upset its just,,, kinda scary in a way idk
🎡: What are your favorite activities to do together?
ROLLER SKATING!!!! we love to go out to the skate rink together!! ^^ Min has never gotten good at it tbh so me and Ryan tend to hold on to him while skating lol
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
This is kinda hard cause they're both protective in their own way but I would probably hand this one over to Min being the more typically protective one.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 14: 2x15 The Trouble with Tribbles
Back to watching TOS on Wednesdays! We’ll see if I can keep this up because I do prefer it to Fridays.
Today’s episode: the Classic (tm) Trouble with Tribbles.
Starting out with a little test for Chekov lol. Just Chekov, his mentor, and his mentor-in-law.
My mom called Chekov “Kirk and Spock’s little project,” which I think is hilarious but also probably true. Only 22 years old and on the bridge crew? Private quiz by the top two people on the ship? Legit interpretation.
“It was just a little joke.” / “Extremely little, Ensign.” Classic Spock burn.
The Organian Peace Treaty--from Errand of Mercy??
I really do feel like Kirk is genuinely amused by Chekov.
You would never guess from this intro about tense diplomatic situations and number-one-top-priority-triple-red-alerts that this was going to be a crack-y episode about space bunnies.
Oh no, a fake red alert! Kirk is really angry now.
Kirk and Spock are very Married today.
Do not try to imply that Spock doesn’t know things; he is contractually obligated to show off.
Canadian wheat.
Honestly, just let Kirk call it wheat.
Spock is using diplomacy to reign Kirk in. Sarek would be proud. And Spock would be insulted that Sarek is proud.
Kirk is very Sassy today.
Omg the waitresses have little wings.
Spock taking the wheat from behind his back and giving it to Kirk like a magician’s assistant.
I feel like Kirk is bitter about the wheat because it’s the one (1) thing he’s not a nerd about. And he’s from Iowa too!! He should know!
Uhura listening to the salesman; well she IS here to shop, after all.
Is it alive? Is it cute? Oh who am I kidding, I can see it’s cute!
Oh no the tribble is eating the grain.
Uhura is truly adorable.
I can’t believe she just made a joke about never getting any shore leave and here she is, back at her station again.
Can you even imagine AOS Kirk being tasked with protecting a bunch of grain? HE would make Iowa jokes.
And Spock is trying so hard not to laugh.
Tbh I have a real soft spot for these frustrated Kirk episodes. Poor, long-suffering Kirk. So much more serious than all of the nonsense going on around him.
I like this space station design.
Klingons on shore leave. They just want to have some fun. No bowling alleys on their ships!
Technical journal time for Scotty!
“I am immune to their effect....” Sure. What’s funny to me is that Kirk actually is immune to their effect. Truly at no point does he seem charmed or amused by or even interested in the tribbles, except in their capacity as Klingon detectors at the end
“I think they’re old enough [to be adopted].” Lol how can you tell?
One look from Spock reigns Kirk in. #spacehusbands
Oh, you noticed there are 11 tribbles instead of 1? How astute.
“What do you get when you feed a tribble too much?” / “A fat tribble.” This is ACTUAL DIALOGUE. Oh, Kirk.
Honestly McCoy is a medical doctor, so it kind of would make more sense for Spock to be doing these tribble experiments but he has his hands full with Kirk
Kirk is awfully insistent upon Scotty taking shore leave when he should very well remember what happened last time
“You’d think he’d be a vodka man.” And he is!
Klingons don’t understand Kirk at all. He IS a little soft <3
Where’s that post that’s like ‘the AOS writers just listened to this one Klingon speech about Kirk and wrote his character based on that?” I mean... not totally inaccurate.
Actually it is a potentially interesting speech. Is this really how his enemies see him based on his reputation? Or is it just, like, a bunch of generic insults you could apply to pretty much any captain of a group you didn’t like?
Poor Kirk, missing out on this fight scene.
Lol the drink joke. Does it make sense? No, but it’s funny all the same.
“Captain’s log: I am forced to cancel shore leave.”
Angry Daddy!Kirk and his unhelpful children. You’re ALL grounded!!
“No this is not off the record!” Not even gonna debate that Scotty.
This whole Kirk and Scotty scene deserves an Emmy.
Spones + Tribbles
The extra hilarious thing about Spock talking about the uselessness of the tribbles and Bones defending their cuteness as being an end in and of itself is that Spock DOES canonically like soft, pleasing animals. Even in this episode!!
The tribble wants to be captain.
Kirk collecting tribbles lmao.
“Don’t look at me, it’s the tribbles that are breeding.”
The tribbles are bisexual. Just like Captain Kirk. (Yes this is two different uses of the term that mean totally different things and I do NOT care I just like hearing the word “bisexual” in DeForest Kelley’s voice.)
I feel like Uhura must be so lonely.. Trying to talk to Spock about the moon. Meeting shape shifting aliens who become native Swahili speakers just for her. Trying to buy love in the form of small, cute animals.
The tribbles have been taken from their predator-filled environment. I am VERY curious about their native environment now. What eats tribbles?
“It’s you I take lightly.” Honestly this level of sass almost makes AOS Kirk seem IC.
“Licensed asteroid locator and prospector.” Brb changing careers.
“But he is after my grain!”
Kirk saying “au revoir” is funny on its face for how he echoes Cyrano what’s-his-face but also because it reminds me of Shatner saying “I’m from Canada, so I speak French.”
No, the tribbles got in his food! That is the last straw.
It’s hard to tell because it’s covered in tribbles, but Spock appears to have a very odd looking salad. (Or that large piece of fruit is a tribble, really hard to tell.)
Spock’s “fascinating” was so quiet.
“They’re into the machinery all right.” First, lol, and second, isn’t Scotty supposed to be in his room thinking about what he’s done?
You can really see that missing finger.
Gonna beam down some tribbles too.
And now to top off this bad day: the indignity of having a bunch of dead tribbles fall on his head. To wacky music.
“Gorged? On my grain?” It’s more likely than you think.
And like........you realize someone off set is just continuing to throw little puff balls at Shatner's head at regular intervals during this whole scene? One just bounced right off it.
And the answer to the tribble problem is literally “stop feeding them” which is so obvious that I assumed it was just harder than one would think not to feed a tribble. Since no one fed them. And they continued to eat.
I also love how Bones comes into his best friend literally buried in tribbles and doesn’t even blink.
Whereas Spock’s here with his mouth this thinnest possible line, trying not to laugh.
They like Vulcans! They have good taste.
Spock is definitely that type that has secret low self esteem so he builds himself up with confident comments at every opportunity.
“He’s a Klingon, Jim.”
Kirk REALLY likes threatening the Klingons with tribbles.
I feel like leaving Cyrano to single-handedly clean up the tribbles over 17 years is not a punishment that makes sense because like... must the station live with the tribbles until then? Also, where is he to put them?
I think they should be returned to their native habitat to be eaten by predators according to the natural cycle of life.
Are we to understand that SPOCK suggested beaming the tribbles on to the Klingon ship? Perhaps I have underestimated his prank war abilities.
I’ll be honest, this ep is very entertaining and for that reason one of my favorites, but I don’t know that it paints the Enterprise, and Kirk in particular, in the best light.
Like... I am really torn on Kirk’s treatment of the undersecretary. I know he often doesn’t much like administrators and diplomats and other people who don’t seem to have much RL experience, and certainly this Federation official got on his bad side immediately and understandably by misusing the red alert.
But... Kirk isn’t at all subtle about not liking him. I mean he literally says “I don’t like you” and that’s just objectively unprofessional, which he is not. The sassiness was way unsubtle, which could be funny, but it just didn’t seem IC.
I can almost justify it because of the red alert mix up--that’s everything Kirk hates: violating regulations, showing disrespect to him and his crew, uncalled for manipulation--and I think he has the right to be upset about it. But he continues holding this grudge for a long time. It feels like it’s just as much about not personally caring about the grain as about anything else. Like he’s dismissive about the grain because he personally has never heard of it. So obviously it’s not important.
That’s too much that conventional-wisdom arrogant, dumb Kirk for me.
I guess I just don’t understand, why so much hatred for the undersecretary? Because his two biggest sins were the red alert and employing a Klingon. But as I already said, I think Kirk’s ire is disproportionate to the first offense and no one knew about the Klingon until the end--because a tribble, not Kirk specifically, found him out.
Otherwise..this guy was right! The grain was important, losing it or having it sabotaged would have very bad consequences for the Federation, it is Kirk’s job to guard it, and he should do it well. He was also right that the Klingon threat was real!! He’d brought in the Klingon threat but he was still right about it existing. The Klingons did in fact sabotage the grain! And although we hear at the end that there was magically more grain out there... I don’t get how or from where.
Furthermore, he used the red alert specifically because he seemed to think Kirk wouldn’t rush over to protect the grain otherwise, and Kirk is so dismissive of this “just wheat” that he kinda proves the guy right!
Anyway, I can see the grains of this Kirk (lol pun not intended) in his general characterization, but it’s too over the top, to the point where it’s OOC. He does take his job, including the diplomatic aspects of it, very seriously, and I think an IC Kirk would protect the grain, and maybe be only occasionally, subtly sassy to the undersecretary.
But this was such a crack-y episode overall... it was like everyone was turned up to 11 and pushed slightly to the side.
It was a fun ep though with a lot of very classic scenes, and it’s another reminder that Spock likes soft, adorable animals.
I will admit that I actually do not think the tribbles are particularly cute. They kind of weird me out. They’re just lumps of fur.
Next is The Gamesters of Triskelion, which I vaguely remember as a decent but not great episode.
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Opinions on some BBB ships
Idk done this on twt but like shoulda put it here as well i guess
Elementals: tbh i'm kinda ok w it?? like um it doesnt bother me as much BUT the unnecessary amount of it and certain,, uh,, contents and tropes does bother me a lot hhhhhh But like as long as most of them are not within reach then ok  Tho i rather not stumble upon it if possible
Boifang: hello i would d!e for them uM LIKE THIS IS BASICALLY THE EMBODIMENT OF MY OTP TROPE AND JUST??? 1000/10 BEAUTIFUL??? THE POTENTIAL THE TROPE THE INTERACTIONS,,, *chefs kiss* do i need to say more 
Boiya: um not very much agree w it bc i see them as like siblings also the ship and trope seems kinda cliche so like meh :// rather not see it tbh
Fayi: not that much against it but i like their interaction its more like bffs who also bash each others heads sometimes skjsjs
Boyi: (yes unfortunately this exists) i kinda mostly avoid it but after that one interaction with a shipper i literally cannot stand this ship  
Goboi: see em as Gud Bros like Hunk and Lance but im fine w the ship also they cute
Gbf: mMmmmM i love the potential i love these boys im fine w both platonic and romantic 100/10 would draw 
Faya: i never actually thought about it so like?? not much potential but im ok w it
Yayi: I see em as like very gud bffs but its cute as a ship also bc QUEENS
Ramenzo: ok this one came outta nowhere *squints* but like i slowly grow attached to it the potential is delicious and now im like hhh hot,,, second otp would definitely die for SGBHCSVCGF
Saifang: SHBGhsvFG Brotp also like platonically or romantically idc i just wanna see em interact pLS
[This one’s a bonus but let me scream]
Uhh guess thats just it
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idlecreature · 3 years
the buried fic comment from hell (it's so long i'm SO SORRY, I GOT EXCITED)
DEL.. I WASN’T SURE IF IT WAS APPROPRIATE TO LEAVE A LONG ASS COMMENT ON UR BURIED FIC IN PUBLIC….. SO I’M DROPPING IT HERE i’m so sorry in advance this is about to be a mess,, i’m so fucking emotional right now
((the review under the cut is in response to my fic which can b read here))
okay first –
The mental image of tiny gangly Barnabas and Jonah crouched with their hands in the dirt….. is so fucking cute?? I could feel Jonah’s jealousy just burning off of him. You had me right away. Fuck. You know how to open a story and I’m deeply envious, I’ve always struggled with it. Also, you threw in that little hook:
Despite what Jonah believes, there are some things that just can’t be explained in words.
Barnabas’ voice is so fucking good… guh… you know. I didn’t much care about Barnabas in any deep way before I joined the Jonah server and you guys have all just completely GUTTED me, I can’t believe how much I care about this highly-strung bastard,, he is so GOOD. HE’S SO GOOD???? HE’S SUCH A SWEETIE. LIKE. BARNABAS FEELING GUILTY AND HORRIFIED THAT PEOPLE ARE GRATEFUL TO HIM AND WANT HIM AROUND???? AAAAAAAAAA. And the melancholy aspect, too, which I imagine is how Mordechai was able to relate to him, get attached to him… Barnabas being bitter about how useless his tears are while he’s crying anxiously at the prospect that he might not be able to help those families after all…….
All of those scraps of Barnabas’ letter to Jonah made such EXCELLENT transitions, holy hell. Again I am inspired by your storytelling prowess. I am taking notes, for whenever my ability to write longform fic returns from war. This one was my favorite, made my heart clench:
A good world starts with a good person and a few choices that are made with the heart—
He’s so earnest I’m going to weep ;_; Barny.. you can’t make Jonah a better person he’s AWFUL,,
(Side note, super digging that I can indent stuff, block quoting makes this SO much easier.)
Also really digging that Jonah doesn’t have as nice a reputation as Barnabas… Jonah is the bad influence friend lmfao. AND JONAH’S CAT… I LOVE HIM…
And then you delivered a swift blow straight to the religion kink, as promised… “There’s something undeniably old testament about Jonah; the fire and fury of creation, the self-annihilating stare of Lot’s wife.“ LOSING IT I’M LOSING IT… WHAT A WAY OF DESCRIBING HIM God, here I thought I couldn’t possibly be more attracted to this bastard man. I am aghast at myself.
LOSING IT EVEN MORE OVER BARNABAS STACKING TEACUPS ON JONAH’S HEAD???? Why must you make them so fucking cute oh NO this is going to hurt isn’t it. ((This was the note I stuck in the Word doc while I was reading it and I thought I’d leave it as was for your enjoyment))
“Taking cues from your dreams?” Barnabas replies. “You know only the desperately mad do that?” 
“Or desperately inspired—savants and prophets and visionaries.”
And then you continued to try to kill me… Jonah thinking of himself as a prophet……. hhhhh canon-typical overambitious zealotry I’m HERE FOR IT………
“Are you trying to make me angry with you by playing the devil’s advocate?” 
“Just testing you,” Jonah says in his alloyed voice, silver-and-honey-gold. 
Del I cannot stress enough… My religion kink………. It’s been SO VERY ACTIVATED.
“Your morality has only ever been a thin cover for your shame.”
Every bit of their dialogue was so familiar and tinged with bittersweetness and I owe you my entire life… Sincerely. Ugh. Like, how you described Barnabas’ internal angst about it later on – when he’s thinking of Mordechai, and he refers to "his many dog-eared fantasies” about Jonah it just really vividly conjured the thought of he and Jonah having a sort of? Queer solidarity, ESPECIALLY having grown up together. And that makes Jonah’s flash of betrayal at Barnabas not wanting to be SEEN with him that much more agonizing, personally. Like. I’ve had that happen to me more than once in real life. And much as Jonah is a piece of shit who is absolutely manipulating him………. still, ouch. Ouch. (Barnabas’ thoughts on the company Jonah keeps also made me wince. You did an AMAZING job with all of the internalized shame and frantic rationalizations, hooooooboy.)
The Lukases being colorblind is such an interesting piece of lore by the way I love it????? Now I have. Some questions, about Peter. Mordechai’s characterization in this is so fascinating to me. I’m enTRANCED by how you reverse-Uno’d it so that Barnabas was the reason Mordechai lost himself to the Lonely… the power dynamics……. so tasty. Ugh. And all of the sensual descriptions, especially of that first visit Barnabas had at Moorland house?? I didn’t clip any because I would have ended up clipping the whole fucking thing. It was aching, haunting, beautiful, holyshit. Their romance is somehow more fucked up than Barnabas and Jonah’s…
Also, I was so eager to read this I skipped the tags/warnings and completely didn’t realize Mordechai was going to be an actual vampire so that was a VERY fun surprise lmfao.
Barnabas feels like he’s close to learning something about violence and desire, how close they are, how the wires can get crossed.
THIS QUOTE IS EVERYTHING TO MEEEEEE ugh I’m having an aneurysm over how Jonah managed to fashion Barnabas into a creature that could understand him by gifting him to Mordechai for a while… letting Mordechai crack him open at the points where he was already brittle and experience an influx of some of the true darkness of the world. Just a tasty taste. That way when he discovers the truth of Jonah’s occult interests he won’t run away, because he’s already got his own fingers in the mess. He’s already given himself to one horror, why not Jonah? Shave some of the shine off of his morality, make him nice and gray so he won’t contrast so much with Jonah… And satisfying his curiosity at the same time. Two birds.
Oh, also, still sobbing about this line:
he realises that he doesn’t want to wear any colours that Mordechai can’t properly see.
EVERY TIME I let my guard down for ten seconds you smacked me with more of Barnabas being the most precious bleeding heart in the universe!!!!!! He aches so much for the people he’s trying to help and he hates people like Mordechai but part of him also wants to save Mordechai, somehow… maybe recognizes the parts of him that are like these people, still. Nearly faded but not quite gone yet. And as you’ve already established, Barnabas simply cannot let things go. Can’t disappoint people… can’t leave them when he could be doing something. Anything. Augh, FEELINGS.
Of course he knew Mordechai and Jonah were friends, he’d just temporarily believed in a sane and fair universe where things like this don’t happen. 
AND YOU HAD SUCH A PERFECT BALANCE OF HUMOR… This could have been such a feelbad fic, and tbh it still would have been spectacular. But you always eased it at just the right moment to keep it from going off the rails into irretrievable deepdark territory. Fed me little soft moments so I’d still be vulnerable enough to have my HEART RIPPED OUT LATER…
I’m not super interested in the Buried canon-wise but I love how you’ve written Barnabas’ natural affiliation with it… so subtle but powerful? (Of COURSE Jonah was jealous, lmao. He had to work so hard and he’s still not on Barnabas’ level. There’s some kinda beautiful commentary on ambition versus goodwill in there somewhere but I’m too busy nursing my battered little heart right now to articulate it.) It wove its way in and out of the rest of the plot so naturally, too. For some reason it compliments Barnabas’ temperament as I read it in canon just… so well. Was there a discussion about this on the server, and if so, PLEASE tell me about it sometime I’m so fascinated.
Jonah wasn’t even present for a lot of the fic but his characterization was so INTENSE and luminous, Christ… I know I already praised it a bit but. Woof. I wasn’t expecting to get a taste of his POV at the end and I was so excited I kicked my feet (my cat was very disgruntled) like, this line!!!
Now, he thinks there’s some truth in those false statements, in the lies we tell and why we want to be believed.
GOD, YOU’RE REALLY GONNA GIVE ME FEELINGS ABOUT JONAH AND FUTURE-JONAHLIAS IN THE SAME FIC?????? EVIL… I’m so so so fucking here for it, oh my God, Jonah with an amplifying anxiety disorder, THE PRICE OF IMMORTALITY… too bad the Eye doesn’t let you see the future, Jonah, lmao… the line “immortality just made his anxiety turn nuclear” is SEARED into my brain now, I am NOT accepting canon to contradict this ever again. I’ve always wondered how Jonah’s neuroses might have worsened in two entire fucking CENTURIES and I love the way you wrote it. I am fucking. Losing my mind.
There’s so many other things I could comment on, like. The brief but glorious Jonah-grinding-himself-off-on-Barnabas’-thigh shenanigans. Was incredibly hot, and Mordechai’s poor fragile heart breaking, and Barnabas telling Isabel that it’s fine to call him Barny…….. I’m hhhhhhhhHHHH fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m just!! I am incomprehensible!!! Everyone told me this fic was amazing but it’s fucking amazing, Del, what the hell. I’m never gonna be the same after this. The end was SHOCKINGLY sweet and I have WHIPLASH.
………… So, now that I’ve made you read a novel. Hah. Sorry. My point is. I loved every bit of this. It deserved heaps more praise but my eyes are starting to cross. Thx for sharing :’) 
Tony xx
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msiopao · 4 years
Nobi with the Members
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one yell from her and jin’s running in with a spatula, ready to beat the kids
thinks a lot of her outfits are revealing but gave up after nobi told him to stop complaining to the stylists
cooking buddies
feeds into jin’s ego at being handsome
‘kim seokjin? no. art? yes.’
babies nobi TOO much
even though she’s literally 24, he still treats her like she’s 12
thinks she can do no wrong and sees her as an angel
but nobi is such a bad influence
‘my hair is bothering my eyes and it makes me want to just cut if off’
*nobi handing him scissors* ‘do it’
constantly telling him that his dancing is perfect bc jin is insecure about the lack of his ability :(
even though he’s a better dancer than most
nobi tries to get him riled up so he talks all weird
the one who is actually genuinely tickled with jin’s jokes
eatjin’s legendary moments always have jin and nobi in it
goes to his hotel room just because he always has food and jin doesn’t have it in him to refuse her
the one who nags nobi the most regarding her eating
just her mom periodt
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gets hyper when nobi messes around
incredibly and ridiculously protective of her
helps her go through rough times as her therapist
yoongi mumbles under his breath and nobi is usually the only one who hears and will laugh as he curses someone quietly
nobi’s sense of humor is the closest with his
nap times are their bonding times
also composing
army always amazed bc nobi is the only who gets yoongi on crack mode
nobi always pinches his cheeks and she shrieks when he does that cute awkward smile
nobi absolutely flipped out when yoongi got really sick
always seeks yoongi’s approval so he’s the first one to see her lyrics
doesnt beat around the bush w it
if its bad, needs improvement
if its good, its the BEST LYRICS HES EVER READ
nobi hides her feelings well and he’s the only one who can get her to open up
during bst era, she hit her lowest
yoongi got very concerned and when she did finally talk, his heart just broke in half
she hates the fact that she can’t be the daughter her parents wanted
she hates the fact that she’s weak and breaks down easily
she hates the fact that she’s seen as a whore because she’s surrounded by boys she calls her brothers 24/7
she hates the fact that everything about her is considered wrong
that talk got them really close and yoongi makes it mission everyday to see her genuine and pretty smile
he lives for her happiness
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nobi hugs him a lot
whenever he dances, nobi has this look in her eyes that looks like hobi is the stars and the universe
both of them are the ones who keep the group’s mood up and tries to prevent fights
even when they’re tired from practice, they still smile and yells ‘hwaiting!’
while hobi is just a moodmaker in general,
nobi does it bc she hates confrontation and gets uncomfortable so she just blurts it out
nobi’s also a dancer so her and hobi dance ALL THE TIME
vlives w them are always filled with laughter and teasing
‘everyone, nobi just fell after hitting that spin’
hobi is known to be a choroegrapher and nobi puts her input here and there and boom!
tbh idk why they even have a professional choreographer in the first place
hobi is a trained singer so nobi asks him to sing for her constantly
hes happy to oblige
armys live for the moments of them in run bts or vlives bc they have this vibe or bond that is just something you wished you had
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they’re the philosophical duo
nobi loves poetry and literature in general bc she tends to think really deeply 
their bonding time is those deep talks
as their leader, nobi goes to him for confirmation or approval for a lot of things
she’s always having english lessons w him and he tries his best to teach her so she could speak to int-army
bts calls them the clumsiest bc of joon’s usual clumsiness but nobi is always looking out for him so she doesnt pay attention to her surroundings and runs into something too
she loves his studio and hangs out the most even though joon’s always telling her to stay away
props up her feet on that fortune dollar table of his
when he speaks english in interviews, she watches him with a smile on her face
her dad
pats her head when she walks over to him
her and jimin crashes his vlives all the time 
there’s nothing in the world that changes the way she sees joonie
to her, she’ll always be the joonie who welcomed her to their group even though she was a brat at first
thats another story for next time
now she respects him so much and he’s probably the one she looks up to the most
overall, she idolizes him and talks about him like he put the stars in the sky while joon just sits there all flustered
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oof look at that beautiful manjfkalj;dlfsjkf
cannot sleep without her chimmy plush
when they first met, he was the first one she got really close to
his cute chubby cheeks were victims of her uwu moments
learns a lot fo ballet videos from youtube and they dance it in vlives all the time
remember when i said she had an eating disorder?
yea, it happened around the time he had his too
nobi was always trying to eat little ever since debut but she stopped eating for days at a time and with jimin doing it too, bts kinda derailed for a hot minute
a long emotional time of sufering until bang pd demanded they stop it immediately
after that, they had an emotional sit down where they just cried and spilled all their insecurities and they had each other’s backs
knowing she was already skinny, jimin disapproved but she also disapproved and again, more tears
nobi always hides snacks in her and kook’s room that kook doesn’t even know about and she always brings the box over to jimin’s room if hobi is out for schedules
when hobi went to america, nobi slept in jimin’s room
kook was real pissed off about it
eyesmiles for days
giggles 24/7
has the picture of one of jimin’s unreleased baby pictures as her home screen
dies a little inside when nobi reaches over to him with sweater paws bc OMG she’s so cute
jimin really coos and giggles at nobi bc of her small height and her uwu energy
sorry i used uwu a lot
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the dumpling accident omg
jimin mentioned it in a vlive earlier and nobi also talked about it a day later in her own vlive
‘tae was very hungry at that time and just wanted to eat it immediately and when he got angry, he curled up to nobi and refused to acknowledge me’
again, nobi hates confrontation so fights between the members always brings her down and so she tries to comfort each member
she bought tae some dumplings after practice and tricked him into meeting jimin so they could meet up
tbh, tae would be a mess without nobi
she helps him clean up his room but gives up w the amount of clothes on the floor
‘honestly, you shouldve just stayed roommates w joonie-hyung. we cant trust you to room by yourself’
she goes to his room sometimes and just lays on his bed bc he has the softest bed in the whole dorm
tae is already known to be very regal and royalty like whenever he steps outside
combine that with graceful queen nobi?
oof armys fanfiction royalty aus pop up everywhere
nobi is still angry that tae isn’t a gucci model w her bc she feels out of place being the only member w a clothing sponsorship
but underneath that stiff and cold facade, they both are seen making faces and goofing off all the time
nobi can only stand being a queen for so long
in one concert, she danced w him in a duet w singularity and lets just say, armys died that night
always stands next to each other and if they cant, always seen giving each other longing stares and smiles
the 2nd most popular ship in the fandom and they know it too so they keep feeding armys for their compilation videos
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the only member who’s younger than her
actually would it be considered if they’re only 10-months apart?
kook refuses to call her noona unless he wants something
initially didnt like her but there was a time she bought him banana milk and it was all good
our boy was crying bc he was hungry and tired and he was trying to control his weight and he just wanted some banana milk
they’re a superior ship
one of the most popular ship in the whole industry
actually the superior couple and kai and jennie can square up
there’s fan edits of them and they both purposely do stuff to help them make au videos in youtube
theyve seen it before so we arent safe bois
the 2nd pair of roommates in the bts dorm
nobi is usually the first one to sleep while kook is watching something in the living room
when he goes to his room, he takes a minute and stands at the doorway and just looks at nobi with love in his eyes
nobi loves warmth so she gets out of her own bed at like 3 in the morning and just goes into kook’s and cuddles to him
sometimes, they just lay in bed and nobi is holding his hand just inspecting his tattoos
‘should we get a matching tattoo?’
their closet is large and tbh, they share the same clothing anyways
more like nobi wears mostly kook’s stuff
like, really, nobi has pants and a few shirts and thats it
they share everything like family but kook refuses to share her w anyone else but him
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sanchoyo · 4 years
Looks like you’re gonna have to gush some more cuz I meant in general uwu🌸
🌺😌🤟 Always happy to! Okay here’s just some General bnha Thoughts ™ Mostly Lov centric. You asked for them, and you said GUSH about them, so here’s. A Lot! :)
This isn’t a lov one but it’s really funny so I thought I’d put it out there:
-when bnha was first gaining traction on tumblr, it was all art of Tsuyu. I have no idea why. People were talking about the funky frog lesbian superhero anime. Maybe it was just the people I was following, maybe it was a general trend, but I LOVED her design!!! my fav color and frogs r super cute!!! And I already loved superhero media, so I was like. I’ll watch it. For Her. SO. FROPPY IS THE REASON I WATCHED/READ BNHA. I went in thinking she was the protag and I was sooo confused when Izuku was... tbh I still think it’d be more interesting if she was lmaooo aus where? ...seriously if anyone has good aus where this is the case send them LOL
-I don’t actually feel that bad abt what Shigaraki’s doing. I still feel bad for him. I’m this post. yes im an apologist. its not my fault hes sexy and has been running around shirtless. hes a lesbian icon like thor is. I want to touch his hair. hes never done anything wrong in his life. he could kill all might, deku, bakugo, whatever, I’d still be sayin this. I don’t feel bad for gt. like. was anyone genuinely attached to him? lmao
-well u know how spinner’s quirk is just sticking to things? We haven’t seen him use it in canon except like, (1) time iirc?? I think this is probably bc he’s embarrassed about it even in front of the league... I loooove the idea that he gets more comfortable with it around them :”) and also how shigaraki. um. does that falling asleep thing while standing up with his eyes open, canonly? (which I still love lmfao) Imagine someone in the league walking in a dark room, turning on the light n just seeing. Spinner upside down, stuck to the ceiling asleep bc heat rises and its Warmer Up There. (cold blooded thing like tsuyu?? come ON give him a big fuzzy coat and scarf...) and Shigaraki in the center of the room, slouched but still standing, eyes open and motionless. Theyre both sleeping. Whomever sees it just...slowly walks out. LMAO
-Toga roller derby au. No deep thoughts I just think she’d be good at it. 
-Toga 100% is a social butterfly and could befriend anyone if they didn’t just judge the fact she was trying to stab them smh :/ (ok but seriously anytime I see cute friendships with her n the other kids im like :) aw. I feel like her and Camie...would be good friends. Camie feels chill enough to be like ‘ok whatever thats totally fine I forgive you!!’ LMAO we love airheads here)
-HOW DID TOGA GET SO GOOD AT FIGHTING? We know she’s been on the run since middle school or so, but good enough to pin Deku down after he’s been formally trained at a ~hero school~ for a while? (she pinned him TWICE I think, once when his arms were messed up, but, the other time as Camie, so? AND THEN WAS ONE OF THE 100 PEOPLE TO GO THRU TO THE 2ND ROUND OF THAT? even tho she didn’t bc she had to leave) good enough to beat Aizawa in a fight and stab him? A professional hero and teacher for YEARS? Is that seriously just street training??? Can people acknowledge how amazing her combat skills and reflexes are??? More Toga appreciation when?? Also her backstory??? SO subversive and incredible, hate when people reduce her to just a ~typical anime yandere~ :/
-Tomura doing stuff with his hands/fingers to train his quirk!!! And to learn to be careful with it!! obv I’m a Big Fan of him playing piano to do this and video games are prob the canon answer, but like, guitar or any stringed instrument that requires Hands would work too. Or knitting/sewing? EMBROIDERING? ??? Please, let me give you the mental image of him knitting aggressively while mentally scheming, watching a twitch streamer or smth too while doing it. (Doing stuff with your hands is a great way to let your mind come up with creative stuff, that’s how I come up with writing/drawing ideas 70% of the time)
-Tomura actually PREFERS cutesty, relaxing games. I mean, he does fighting and bloody stuff irl, games are a way to relax...he’ll play shooters and gta type games with The Lads, but. on his own?? animal crossing. pokemon. kirby games. mario. zelda. BIG ZELDA FAN (not saying this bc I, personally, am biased, but,) slime rancher, stardew valley, funny simulator games... he really enjoys those :”) God forbid he has a kid bc they’re 100% getting named after a viddy game character unless someone can talk him out of it LOL. Toga and Tomura are that animal crossing /doom meme where she’d be asking for doom and him asking for animal crossing :”)
-Bits and pieces of Before are kinda stuck in Kurogiri’s brain, but like. mostly useless stuff the doctor didn’t care about removing. Like, types of clouds. So Tomura kinda picks up on stuff like that. He can just look at clouds and tell you what type they are because Kurogiri used to take him up to high places in the city and point them out to calm Tomura down from a panic attack when he was younger. He can tell you if the sky looks like it’ll rain with a 80% accuracy rate too. 
-Kurogiri left food out for kitties in the alley beside the bar. They weren’t allowed in for Health Reasons (it IS a bar with sanitation standards!!) And Tomura really wouldn’t stop it or encourage it either way so long as Kurogiri did his job, but occasionally would stand outside with Kurogiri and just watch the kitties from a distance. If any approached he’d go back in (lowkey afraid he’d hurt them by touching them :( ) They kinda kept that between them tho, bc they both Know AFO is a big bag of dicks and no fun
-people have pointed out how similar aizawa and tomura look. this was 100% the intention. tomura has a hatecrush on him. THIS IS SO FUNNY AND HORRIBLY AWKWARD FOR KUROGIRI LMAO
-Sako??? Mr. Dramatic?? Opera fan. Drama kid. Like, obviously, but. Really. He is. I feel like he can speak a dozen languages. I also feel like he used to be an overachiever but got too ambitious. He was def some kind of leader at one point of a diff Group or something that fell apart. I LOVE how creative he is with his quirk and the magician theme??? incredible. I don’t show him enough love but I Love Clowns :o)
-I don’t care what their canon heights are. Spinner and Dabi? short kings. My height hcs are (tallest to shortest) Kurogiri, Twice, Sako (who also has heels on his boots and a tall hat, keep in mind), Tomura, Magne (Tomura and Magne are about the same height imo) Toga, Spinner, Dabi. LISTEN. Dabi has short energy. Sorry. it’s true tho
-This is a semi-popular hc I think bc I KNOW I’ve seen it before, but Dabi having Terrible Vision and needing glasses is so so good. (seriously, with burns THAT close to his eyeballs, how could he not?) 
-he tries to be a tough loner coolguy. you’d think he’d smoke, but I hc his ‘weak constitution’ comes with weak lungs (esp from years of a flame quirk?? inhaling smoke over so much time is SO bad for you, most people who die in fires actually die of smoke inhalation...) so he’s got like, an inhaler, can’t smoke, actually gets carsick, needs glasses, overuses quirk to save friends constantly, likes napping, a little awkward and rude. Tomura put him in charge of the vanguard so he’s smart, and good with strategies too, like a nerd. this is the Dabi I wanna see, not the popular fandom version of him tbh also step on hawks one more time sir :”)
-I wish all the lov fics weren’t?? villain!deku like I said earlier, but also, chatfics? I have nothing against them but most of them are just a bombardment of Memes with NO PLOT!!! Listen. text/chatfics CAN have plot and be an interesting way to tell a story. I almost want to write one just to show what I mean...
I know I’ve said I like spinaraki and blackmagic, but I am a multishipper, so a few ships I don’t talk about that I like that involve the lov in some way:
-toga/any of the 1A girls??? or Camie??? super interesting. ALSO in the radio drama, bakugo’s voice actor said Toga was his favorite girl??? so?? bakugo/toga ?? I WANT TO SEE IT. but specifically my fav dynamic with her is when someone ELSE is the one to like her first, it’s what she deserves.
-Kurogiri/aizawa/mic?? any variety of that is also 👌🏻 I also kinda wanna see kurogiri/all might bc. Dads. COME ON. they bond over ‘well, I raised him, and you want to have a part in his life now?? ok. earn it. prove it. I’ll screen you first’ or something LMAO they’re both genuinely concerned for the boy, and SOOO biased. let them bond.
-giran/twice is cute. like he was hyping him up so much and so ready to go save him...
-dabi/magne where is the content. when. why not everywhere??? I’ve also seen magne/compress which was cute!! or twice/magne? they’re the big sibs of the lov...
-dabi/spinner?? come ON dabi could get over his learned biases and spend time with him and they could hold hands. I want them to.
-dabihawks. Obviously bc the Drama. yes even still, don’t @ me. (also, shigahawks, seen some REAL interesting fics with it tbh) or spinahawks?? adding hawks to a ship is like adding extra chili powder. makes it SPICY dramatic)
-nine/tomura don’t @ me once again. both kinda afo’s playthings, nine obviously was the test for tomura’s new upgrades...they both love their friends...That Scene in the Flower field </3 hmmm tragicships are fun.
-tomura/mirko. more enemies to lovers. big fan of her and bunnies. remember when he wore bunny ears in bnha smash. (ok its crack but. CUTE.) 
-I’ve also seen shiganatsu and shigafuyu and I’m like. these are cute, but also Dabi’s reaction always makes me cry laugh. so good.
-MOST EVERYONE IN THE LOV IS LGBTQA+!!! heres my personal headcanons:
Toga: pan or bi (CANON BASICALLY)
Magne: transwoman (CANON BABEY) bi, leans towards men. (her crush on dabi in bnha smash... uwu content where)
Shuichi: gets sooooo flustered canonly, I think he’d go for the first person Who Hit On Him (I can see him being the target of those mean pranks where someone says ‘my friend likes you!!’ and the friend is like ‘eww!!’ :(((( ) he’s super hesitant for romance, lots of repressed stuff. gay but takes sooo long to realize it bc he thinks most women are conventionally pretty Aesthethically, feels obligated to Like Them, but has bad self esteem so never goes after them, then only likes (1) guy so hes like?? is this allowed?? is this allowed???? (HES LIKE. IN LOVE WITH SHIGARAKI)
Dabi: bi but rly hasn’t ever gotten to date anyone, so he’s actually more reserved about it and while he’ll tease, he absolutely is absent and kinda oblivious (again, I KNOWWWW bnha smash isnt canon, but. my god. when magne is hitting on him and he Just Doesnt Understand.) also hes ace
Tomura: doesn’t care. (just prob says ‘its whatever’) trans/nonbinary (i’M NOT PROJECTING, BUT. :’/) probably goes with like, the label queer if any but doesn’t care much for labels
Kurogiri: bi??? kind of??? I say kind of bc well, I hc U Know Whom as bi, I feel like thatd carry over but he’d be really avoidant to date anyone bc hes gotta Watch His Kid u know? this is gonna sound surprising but I think he’d be the type to be like ‘ok we can have a one night stand/fling BUT it cant get personal bc I have a Job to Do for my Son so don’t get up in your feelings’ and act a little coldly at first or very ..not personable... depending on who it was he’d prob turn around eventually, esp if that person valued his feelings/job :”)
Sako: that mans Not Straight. I hc him as gay and also trans :3c
Twice: Bi and HAS dated prob more than anyone else in the league imo, super comfortable with his sexuality and supportive of everyone else’s :)
ok that’s about all I can think of atm, come back in 5 minutes and my brain will refill with lov headcanons :3 thank you for asking!!
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Sonic ships? 👀
Opening up all my can of worms aren’t ya Anon lol
Sonic x Amy -- my OTP and the one I really, really hardcore ship (like seriously if you’ve ever spent like 5 seconds in my sonic tag you’d figure this out lol). Even with its flaws I adore their relationship and I’m digging Sega finally giving the ship some much appreciated love.
Silver x Blaze -- I actually consider these two my 2nd OTP after Sonamy. As awful as 06 was, I really did enjoy their friendship and it gutted me watching Silver become upset as Blaze sacrificed herself. Seeing them interact in Team Sonic Racing made me so happy.
Knuckles x Rouge -- another ship I really adore. I like how their personalities both clash and compliment each other’s and sonic x gives me all the food
Tails x Cream -- a ship that I’m lowkey on some days and highkey on others. No major, deep reasons why I ship them, I just like the idea of them getting together when they’re older and think they’d make a sweet couple together.
Shadow x Rouge -- tbh I’m more casual about this ship. I like their friendship more, but can easily see them becoming more than friends. Sega really out here giving Shadow an emotional support thief as one of his best friends.
Tails x Cosmo (Sonic X universe) -- Like, seriously, who watched season 3 and didn’t think these two kids were cute? Every time I rewatch Sonic X I’m reminded how good of a character Cosmo really was and how sweet her and Tails’s relationship grew to be until...well...you know...
Tails X Zoe (Sonic Boom universe) -- Not as big on it as other Tails ships tbh but they did have some cute moments in the show. I find it funny how in most continuities (because of the mandate) Sonic isn’t allowed to date so everyone turns to Tails for all the good romances lmao
The Red Wolf avatar x Pink Cat avatar (from Sonic Forces) -- affectionately nicknamed Tom and Ava respectively by my friend Erin. They were the promoted avatars before the game’s release so we jumped on shipping them lmao
Vector x Vanilla -- (but only when Vector gets older) While I don’t know how old Vanilla actually is (she strikes me as a young mother though if I’m being honest), but Vector’s crush on her in the Sonic X universe made me like this ship a little bit
Shadow x Tikal -- This is a crack ship I’m not gonna lie. And the only reason I even started shipping it is because of really good fanart and this one fanfic I read.
Chris Thorndike x Princess Elise -- omg this is a crack ship that i discovered when reading a fanfic a long ass time ago and i was just like holy shit THIS IS PERFECT AJDKFSDALSSDKA
Admittedly, there are some other Sonic ships that I’m okay with but don’t actively ship (such as Shadow x Amy; Knuckles x Tikal; Knuckles x Shade; Shadow x Blaze; Jet x Wave; etc). I don’t know if you’d call them meh ships because they’re just barely blips on my radar.
And there are definitely ships that I have 0 opinions about because I just don’t know anything about some of the characters (*points to Archie Sonic comics*). NoTP-wise there's really only a handful of ships I strongly dislike (not saying them because I kinda like living thanks), but for the most part I’m pretty chill with shipping in the StH fandom.
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