#mav is smitten
randomtacoscry · 1 year
Icemav moments from the Top Gun book (1986) - 2/4
Some more of these boys that is technically canon
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Pg. 55-56
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nade2308 · 7 months
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Ice, smitten with Mav since day one: Play it cool, like you are not waiting for him, now perch like a peacock. Subtle, right?
P.S. Not subtle at all
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abirddogmoment · 11 months
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oh no I'm love him
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 months
another headcanon of the day:
mav is the one who takes charge in their relationship, domestic life-wise, decision-making wise, etc.
and i don't mean big life-changing decisions (those are usually made together), I mean that mav leads their life as in: what they're doing that day or on their day off, what they're cooking, who they're meeting, what they're wearing, what chores they need doing, how their house looks, etc. This extends to some stuff that can be serious at times (and if they turn serious, they will have discussions about it together), like parenting bradley or career advancement/choices - ice also takes mav's lead.
there are three factors to this:
mav is an extrovert, ice is an introvert. if it was up to ice, they'd spent their whole life just the two of them, locked at their house with little to no outside contact (minus slider and the stray cats ice likes to feed - mav will argue slider is also a stray they occasionally feed because ice likes him...). and sometimes, mav likes that and thinks they need it (ice more often than him) but he also wants them to have some form of social life.
ice is in charge everywhere else. his whole work life is making decisions for others and calculating what's best and keeping discipline in place all around him. he honestly likes to be told what to do at home and have his brain just rest and switch off and know planning everything is taken care of by mav. to some extend, he also knows that if it was him making decisions and taking the lead, it'd also take so much more time because he'd overthink and overanalyze even the smallest things while mav just goes with his instinct/feels. and if he's really honest, mav is so much better at managing their domestic life than him (ice didn't have the best examples as a kid, lived with a lot of house help hired by his father managing everything, etc).
ice is smitten. everyone knows. their friends know (they ask mav if ice is free if they want to do something that involves ice or if they need ice for something - which slider finds fucking hilarious, but also not really surprised since he met shy little tommy in usna at the age of 18 and had once been his keeper). their coworkers know this (ice's secretary doesn't schedule his calendar without mav's input). the whole navy knows it (what wouldn't this man do to keep maverick in the air?).
and it's not like ice minds - if he minds something, he speaks up, okay, he's a grown ass man, he can tell his partner he doesn't like something. usually, even if mav asks him to make a decision on something, like what to make for dinner or which shade of curtains he likes more, ice will just say, 'doesn't matter, you pick,' because that's genuinely what he thinks.
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paxdracona · 1 year
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I feel like i've been dunking on poor Mav's height a disproportionate amount so let's all take a moment to remember that the dude is stocky af and probably surprisingly strong Likewise, I've been making Ice all suave and in control buuuuut i also very much like him like this (smitten and a bit starstruck)
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spacewinter · 1 year
Ik it's probably been done a million times, but (if you're still taking prompts) I'd love to see your thoughts on the flyboys and/or the daggers finding out that IceMav are together. Like, a lot of the times it's portrayed that all the flyboys knew before IceMav told them, but what if they didn't? What if they were actually FANTASTIC at hiding that they're in a full-on, committed relationship? Or on the opposite end, all the Daggers suspecting IceMav are together, and finally getting confirmation, but in some hilarious way, like walking in on the two mid-makeout session?
As much as Bradley likes to make fun of his Uncles, they're smart and competent men who achieved great things. Sure, Mav may be a reckless idiot sometimes, but he didn't get where he is by being actually stupid. Iceman is a whole new level of brilliant, perfectly controlled and only showing what he wants to show.
They managed to keep their relationship secret from the Navy for years and years, and Bradley is yet to get out of them exactly how much time it took the class of '89 to figure out they're together.
Point is, Iceman and Maverick are good at hiding their relationship, passing their affections as close friendship and long years of knowing each other. They're subtle but smitten, and Bradley's heart skips a beat whenever he sees their smiles. It's cute, as much as two decorated Naval aviators can be cute.
He's reveling in the fact that he's the only one to really know, to see them being silly and in love. Ever since he and Mav reconciled, Bradley has been a frequent guest at their house, and he got to see that their love never weakened. Still, they only for better at hiding (probably out of habit).
This is why Hangman’s teasing remark comes as such a surprise.
They're discussing their plans for the weekend after a whole week of being cooped up doing paperwork. Bradley is ready to tear his hair out, and his friends aren't doing much better. The only one who seems unaffected is Hangman, but Rooster is used to it by now - the blonde is almost annoyingly cool and level-headed at all times.
"What are your plans, old man? Risking your life on a bike instead of a plane?" Payback teases, getting an elbow in the side from Fanboy.
Maverick finishes his beer and stands up with a smile. "Nah, I'm staying inside. An old friend is coming to visit, so no strenuous activities for me this weekend."
It's only because Rooster is so (unfortunately) attituned to Hangman that he hears what the man mutters under his breath.
"Oh, so getting railed by your hunky blonde lover ain't strenuous? I see how it is."
Bradley chokes on his drink, and Mav shoots him a concerned look before finally walking away after Rooster shakes his head. As soon as he calms down, he turns fo glare at Hangman.
"What did you say?" he hisses.
Hangman raises a slow eyebrow. "That...getting railed can be a strenuous activity? If you never took a lover that's on you, Roo, but my partners were always left exhausted."
He forcibly removes all thoughts of Hangman taking a lover (taking him maybe, all golden skin and sharp grins, strong hands on Rooster’s hips-). That's not the point now.
"How- No, I mean, how did you- Hunky?" Rooster ends up squealing. Other Daggers, the traitors, just look on in amusement.
"I mean, I'm not into older blondes but I have eyes, and Kazansky's still got it," Hangman drawls with a smirk. "He was a serious hunk in his younger years, I don't blame Mav."
"No kidding," Fanboy chimes in. "Even the frosted tips were hot, it's unfair."
"He was pretty climable," Coyote agrees. "And they gave that whole opposites attract going on."
Rooster listens as his friends talk about how hot Uncle Ice, the actual Admiral Kazansky used to be, and just tries to understand how he ended up here. Years, decades even without anyone realizing, only for the Daggers to click it immediately.
"Roo, you good?" Hangman asks suddenly, a warm hand on his shoulder snapping Bradley out of it. "Don't tell me you haven't realized. You fucking lived with them, for fuck's sake!"
Rooster takes offense. "Of course I realized! But no one ever did, so how did you-"
"Honestly, Bradshaw," the blonde mutters. "I have a pair of eyes and a working gaydar, it's not like it's hard."
"They're not being super subtle," Payback agrees. "But it's sorta cute."
"They've been going for decades, I bet, and they're still this disgusting," Hangman chuckles. "Makes you hope, ey?"
Rooster locks his gaze with Hangman's, and them immediately looks away when he feels himself blush. There's heavy implication in the man's voice, and he's not sure what to do with it yet. For now, he's too busy wondering if his uncles and the Navy are just that blind and stupid, or are the Daggers that observant and smart.
Neither option is attractive to consider.
Curiously enough, the Daggers don't bring it up with Maverick, but now that he's looking, Rooster can see their smirks and eye rolls whenever Mav smiles at his phone or blushes. Slowly, he has to admit defeat - maybe Mav and Ice aren't being as sneaky as they used to be.
It all comes to a head a few weeks later, when Mav invites them over for barbecue. Iceman isn't due to be back until Wednesday, and Rooster knows that Mav is feeling a bit lonely, which is why they're invited. The older pilot even invites them to an actual house, instead of the hangar, and Rooster had to admit it's not very subtle.
"Damn, this is nice," Payback whistles looking at the huge house. "Must be nice, being a kept man."
Phoenix elbows him in the side, but doesn't deny. "Well, the Admiral sure makes good money."
Rooster rolls his eyes, leading them to the door. He knows it's going to be open because Mav always keeps it open when he invites him over, and so he confidently walks in, the Daggers following after him. He's just about to call out for the older pilot, when a loud moan sounds in the house.
They all freeze.
Then, Hangman smirks like a cat that got the cream and firmly turns around. "Trust me, folks, you don't wanna take a glance at the couch," he whispers. He was the one closest to the entrance of the living room, and the only one with a good view. "I dunno about you, but I don't need to see our Captain getting his back blown out."
That breaks the tension and they spill outside, sniffling their laughter and leaning against each other. Rooster has experience with this, having caught his guardians foing at it multiple times, but it's much funnier with friends.
"My gaydar is never wrong," Hangman announces when they calm down. "Good for them, honestly."
"What, you also wanna rail a mouthy brunette into a couch?" Coyote asks with a shit-eating smirk, throwing an arm around Jake's shoulders.
The blonde shrugs and his eyes meet Rooster’s again.
"If he's willing."
When Maverick finally opens the door with a sheepish smile, Rooster ducks inside immediately if only to hide his furious blush. Hangman's laughter follows him through, and he almost walks into Iceman.
"Hi, Admiral, please say you disinfected the couch," Hangman says immediately, respectful but cheeky. "Or do we have to avoid it?"
Iceman is silent for a long while, before he bursts out laughing. He turns to his blushing husband and smirks.
"Mav, you didn't tell me your Daggers were worse than you."
It's a nice evening. They did disinfect the couch.
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dckweed · 10 months
Idea 3: Being in a relationship with Rooster but you didnt have much time together recently. So he decides to prepare something for you. A fancy dinner, candles and the night ends up with him giving you a massage where you both get really turned on, so also some sexy times are about to happen as well and a lot of cuddles afterwards 🥰
okay guys im back from my mini hiatus, i love a good ole rooster fic so much and im kinda enjoying the spoiling of reader w fancy things rn (probably bc today is my birthday, happy 24th to me :) ) anyway how are we doing today? are we hydrated? are we nourished with all the major nutrients? (carbs, proteins and fats?)
p.s. this is your sign to go get a one pound bag of jelly beans because you deserve it :)
p.s. again. it was my birthday when i wrote this last saturday (the 2nd)
THE NOT SO LITTLE THING, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
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You and Bradley had been married for a couple of years now, however, the two of you had had a whirlwind romance in the empty space between his last deployment and his next one, you had dated for a good three months, both completely smitten with each other to the point of co-dependency in some ways, and when Bradley asked the question, a week before he was due to be deployed you didn't even hesitate to say yes.
The wedding was quick, you wore a beautifully simple white sun dress that you were able to pick up cheaply second hand, not having time to pick out a fancier one, you didn't mind (although you were certain your groom to be did), and were glowing with happiness when you met him at the courthouse the day of, your sister behind you with a camera and the ring that he had been saving for you, the one that his mom had left him.
Bradley kept a smaller print out of your official wedding photo in his wallet, he looked at it every day, showed it off to anyone who would listen (especially on that first deployment right after you guys had said 'i do'), you were beautiful, a smile on your face so radiant that he could feel the happiness through it every time he looked at it, on top of his own happiness. It was one of the best days of his life, right after the day that he had met you.
It was your third anniversary, and Bradley sat in the drivers seat of the Bronco looking down at that photo in his wallet, a smile on his face. The pair of you had been so busy lately, he had just gotten home from the Uranium mission, completely worn out, when he wasn't resting he was spending time with Mav, or working on his honey do list that you left him, and when you weren't busy at work (you were a school teacher), you were usually sleeping or cooking.
You guys hadn't had much time for each other lately, and he knew it was bothering you. Bradley, the good husband that he was, was going to fix it for you. He was on his way into the store, a list of ingredients in his hand for what he hoped was a simple enough recipe for shrimp fettucine, and he was going to pick up a bottle of your favorite wine as well.
Bradley was so proud to call you his wife, and couldn't believe it had already been three years together. He wanted to give you all of the things he knew you wanted, even if you never asked for them or complained about wanting them. He had been planning a honeymoon for the two of you since he had left on deployment a few months ago, and had just finished paying for the plane tickets when you had left for work this morning, giving him as long of a goodbye kiss as you possibly could before he sent you on your way with a smack to your ass that made you squeal with the laughter that he loved to hear. He hoped you didn't check the credit card statements any time soon though, you would probably cry.
Your day had been terribly long, you worked at a school for troubled kids, teaching high schoolers who were court mandated to attend schooling, and normally you loved your job, and you loved making an impact on your kids when they finally warmed up to you, but today had felt like a nightmare. One of the new students in your class had started an all out brawl in the middle of one of your fourth period lesson, resulting in them stabbing someone. You spent a majority of the rest of your school day and afternoon in the principals office, apologizing profusely to the victims parents and giving multiple statements to the police. You were shaken sure, but it wasn't your first time experiencing violence like this.
Needles to say, by the time you got home and dragged yourself over the threshold of the front door of the home you and Bradley had recently bought together you were exhausted and stressed, ready to throw yourself face first into bed.
The house was dark when you first walked in, and you hadn't seen his bronco in the driveway either, assuming you were alone you kicked off your shoes and undid the buttons on your blouse, muttering to under your breath the snarky pissed off response that you had wanted to give to your boss when he questioned you why this had happened, (as if it had been your fault) not expecting to find your husband standing behind you with two glasses of wine in his waiting hands.
"Rough day, honey?" He asks, eyeing you in the dim light of the entry way. He could tell from the way that your eyebrows were creased together in the middle of your forehead that something was wrong, that was typically a tell tale sign that you were overly worried or overly stressed about something.
You just look at him, shoulders slumping in relief as you rush to him, burying your face in his muscular chest. You breathe in his cologne and sigh happily as you wrap your arms around his middle, squeezing him as tight as you could. Bradley was a thick man through and through and hugging him properly was usually an issue for you as you were never able to get your arms all the way around him. You didn't mind too much though, it still brought you all the calming comfort you could ever need or want in the world.
"What are you doing home?" You ask after a moment, a small smile on your lips as you realize that your husband is awkwardly trying to hug you back with two wine glasses in his beefy hands. You take one from him, gulping down an appreciative sip before humming contentedly. "What smells so good?" You give the air a sniff, completely blowing off his question, not wanting to get into your nasty work day when he had so obviously done something special for you on your guys' anniversary.
Bradley knows what you're doing, he's not an easily distractible man and he knows that you know that, so he figures you must just not want to talk about it right now. "Well, my love, i figured that the two of us could have a quiet evening in to celebrate our love.." He says, grabbing your free hand and gently leading you through the kitchen and into the dining room.
You gasp when he moves from in front of you, set on the table was a a full meal surrounded by lit candles and your favorite flowers, a few petals scattered around the table. He had even remembered to put on a white table cloth too. It might have been the stress but the sight of it brought a tear to your eyes, and your husband noticed it almost immediately, his gaze never leaving your face. "Oh, Bradley!" You gush, setting your already half empty glass down on the table before your place your hands on his cheeks and bring him in for a kiss, his mustache tickling against your face as he pulls you flush against him with his free hand.
You moan as his tongue slips into your mouth, before whining pathetically when he pulls away from you with a groan.
"Not now baby, there's plenty of time for that later, okay?" He says smiling as you pout at him. It wasn't very often that he turned down a passionate kiss like that from you, so you figured you'd play along with his evening. "Want you nice and nourished tonight, you'll need the energy." He winks at you and you can't help but giggle, a happy smile making its way to his face as he pulls your chair out for you.
"Roo, did you do all of this yourself?" You ask, looking at your plate in awe. It was no secret that your husband was terrible in the kitchen (though he could grill a mean steak when he wanted to), and the fact that he put in the effort to do this for you made it all the more special to you.
His lips quirk at the use of his callsign as he sits across from you, the tips of his ears turning red from slight embarrassment as he tells you the truth; "I tried okay?" He sighs and you start laughing immediately, three years together and you knew just how badly things went in the kitchen for him. The man burnt toast every single time, it was no surprise to you that this wasn't made by his own hands. "I went to the store, i got all of the ingredients..I had a list, Y/N, a list!"
"Oh gosh, you really were prepared!" You chuckle, grinning from ear to ear at him through the candlelight. You can see the amusement on his face as well, a laugh coming from deep within his chest. You felt all of the stress of the day melt away from your mind as you basked in this sweet moment with your husband. "What happened when you got home?"
"The shrimp happened!" He exclaims and you cackle in laughter, the sound bringing him nothing but joy. "I wound up at Red Lobster last minute," He sees your eyes widen at the words, and knows exactly what you're thinking. He grins at you, slowly lifting a basket of rolls for you and handing them to you over the table.
"I would suck your dick so hard under the table right now, but i think im too in love with the cheddar bay biscuits.." You moan as you bite into one, still warm as if it had just freshly come out of the kitchen at your favorite restaurant. In the back of your mind you wondered just how last minute his trip to red lobster actually was.
Bradley rolls his eyes at your comment, but he basked in the glory of knowing that he knew his spouse well enough to know that would be your reaction, especially after it had clearly been such a stressful day for you.
The pair of you eat your food, your moans and giggles were the only sounds heard as he held your hand over the table, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb as he watched you eat. God, he thought, I wonder if this is how mom and dad felt..
After nearly an hour you both finish, and you finish off your third glass of wine, your body feeling warm and fuzzy as you lean towards him over the table. "What's for dessert, pretty boy?" Your voice is suggestive and so is your mouth as you bite your lip in the way that drove him crazy.
"Oh, sweet thing, you are." He says, standing from his seat, voice husky. He knows your thighs clench together from the way you shift in your seat, his words going straight to your pussy. He knew how to get his girl going, always had. "But first," He comes around the table, still holding your hand as he helps you stand up, pulling you flush against him. "But first, i have plans.."
"Oh?" You ask, letting your lips brush against his as he dips his head down towards yours, gasping when the hand that wasn't holding yours squeezes your ass cheek. A low growls rumbles in your husbands chest, a gleam in his brown eyes.
"Go strip and lay face down on the bed." He squeezes your ass again, rougher than before and sends you on your way out of the dining room, listening as you make your way quickly down the hallway with a 'yes sir' that makes his cock stiffen in his jeans.
You strip down quickly, kicking your wide legged slacks to the side, and your camisole drops down next to it. You take your bra off, but leave your panties on, hoping he would partially be able to enjoy the new lace thong and bra set you had bought for tonight as you lay face down in the middle of the bed, as he had requested.
After a few quiet moments you hear his heavy footfalls coming down the hallway and you bite your lip in anticipation, wondering what exactly your husband had in store for you tonight. "Such an obedient wife," You hear him say, the strong scent of lavender reaching your senses as you feel the bed dip. "This for me?" His voice his husky, his lips soft. His mustache tickles the skin of your tailbone as he places a kiss to the bit of your thong that rests against your back. You hum in response as his lips move up to the dip of your spine, trailing slowly up your back as his large thighs find themselves on either side of your body, the rest of him hovering over you. "So beautiful, baby..always so beautiful."
You sigh in bliss as you feel his hands come up to your shoulders, kneading them as he rubs oil into the skin. You hadn't expected this from him, he was usually the type who could hardly ever focus long enough to give you a massage like this, but you could tell that he had put thought into this as well by the oil he was using, and the pressure he was putting on the space between your shoulders, all of the days tension leaving them almost instantly.
"So good baby.." You moan, feeling his weight start to shift down your back, his hands following with it.
"You've been working so hard baby," His voice is still gruff, but it's sincere as his fingers keep working your skin, the strong digits digging in deeper the farther down he goes. "been taking care of me so good since ive been back, of those kids at school.." You feel one of his hands slip down the small of your back, right past the waist band of your panties, and before you know it, one of his large fingers his pushing into your already soaking hole, curling as he does. "..it's time for me to take care of my wife, huh? whatever you need from me tonight baby, it's all yours pretty girl.."
His words go straight to your pussy, your heat clenching down around his finger and he sighs at the feeling, something that only turns you on farther. It had been so long since the two of you had been able to have a night like this, from the deployment he was on, and then straight to the uranium mission..you'd barely seen each other, let alone fucked each other like the mindless savages you two could be together in the bedroom. To say you were depraved by this point would be an understatement, you were down right starving for you husband, and his cock too.
"..roo, please baby.." You honestly don't even know what you're asking for, to keep fucking you with his fingers? to keep massaging you (because it did feel oh so fucking good to have his magical hands do things like that to you)? to fuck you so cockdrunk stupid that you would have to call into work tomorrow morning? fuck, maybe you wanted all of it, maybe you were so fucking needy for the man that had two of his fingers buried up to his knuckle in your cunt that you didn't give two shits what he did to you, as long as he did something.
He seems to know the answers for you because with a grunt he's shifted down your back, his legs on either side of your own now. Before you know it his large hands are spreading your supple ass cheeks apart and his tongue is on your dripping hole in no time, greedily eating you with your lacey panties (if they could honestly even be called panties with how tiny they were) still on.
"Oh god..." You shudder, your head dropping down into the comforter of your perfectly made bed, your hands fisting the crisp linens, wrinkling them all to hell.
"Not god, sweet thing, just me.." His voice is so thick with lust that he could probably talk you into your first orgasm of the night if he wanted to, but judging from the way that you could feel his hard as a rock cock pressing against the back of your legs you knew that he didn't want to waste time on such trivial foreplay, and, you decided that you didn't want to either, not when you could do it later..not when you needed to feel him in you right that very second stuffing you so full you'd feel him for days afterwards.
"..Need you b-ahh shit.." Bradley must have had the exact same thought pattern as you, that or he could read your damn mind, because the thin material of your thong is pushed unceremoniously to the side as his cock slides into your already sopping pussy. Not only is your husband long, but just like the rest of his body, is cock is also incredibly fucking thick and you feel every glorious bit of his beautiful member stretching your gummy walls out as he slides all the way in, a low groan escaping his throat as he does.
One of his hands goes to your shoulder, gripping it for leverage as he moves long and slow in a few thrusts, testing the waters for a moment. "Feels like fucking home, baby.." He whispers, his mustache tickling the skin of your neck as he places a soft, gentle kiss to the back of it, the total opposite to what he does next. You hear the smack before you register the sting, your ass cheek smarting from the force of the blow he had delt it as he starts fucking you harshly, using the abusing hand to go down to your hips and lift them up just the slightest, giving him a whole different depth within you that you swear you didn't know was even possible.
You squeal a high pitched groan, praising your husband as he pumps his cock in and out of you at an almost brutal pace, you feel him hitting that spongey part of you with every beautiful roll of his hips, rearranging your guts in the most delicious of ways.
It's not long before he has you seeing stars, your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your pussy clamps down so tightly that he cums instantly at the feel of it. "Holy fucking shit..pussy s'fuckin' good can't even control m'self..luckiest son of a bitch in the world aren't I?" He babbles, only slightly pussy drunk as he continues to piston into you, pace unwavering as he pushes his cum deep into your soaking cunt as you try to recover from the orgasm he'd just given you within merely a couple of minutes of fucking you.
"m'so good baby," You mewl, legs trembling beneath you. "Please, please, please, please.." You chant, completely unknowing what you're begging him for, but you know you want something. His cock and his hands all over your body have you so warm and tingly that you can't even form coherent thoughts let alone words and you know that he's just fine with doing all the thinking for you right now.
And like the dutiful husband he is, he does just that. His weight shifts, and with a sad whine you realize that his cock is no longer in your, his cum free to fall out of your hole as he shifts your bodies, laying in the middle of your guys' bed as he pulls you on top of him, one hand holding his still stiff cock as the other guides you down onto it, his large hand splayed across your back, just above your ass as you start bouncing on him, hands on his chest to support you.
"Bradley, baby, so fucking deep.." You whine, head thrown back as your tits bounce with every movement. He grunts beneath you, his fingers digging into your back as he starts pistons up into you, meeting your every bounce with one of his own. The sound of skin slapping skin fills the room and the sinfulness of that alone makes your pussy clamp down onto him again, his cock hitting the places that make you feral.
After a while your thighs start to burn from the effort, but it doesn't seem to affect Bradley so much, he continues fucking up into your hot, wet cunt, and uses his hands on your hips (squeezing so hard that you know for certain his fingerprints are going to be left for day on your skin), you look down at him, unable to form any words other than his name, the sound rolling off of your tongue in a chant so high that you worry the neighbors might call the police (lord knows it wouldn't be the first time), you watch his biceps flex with every movement made to lift your body up with such ease its as if you weigh nothing to him, the sinewy muscle supporting you like you were the weight of air.
Your fingers claw into the skin of your chest and your husband groans, words leaving his mouth that you cant quite make out as your ears rings with the force of your second orgasm rolling through you, hitting you like a hurricane hits the land. Your head lolls forward, slack jawed as you cum harder than you think you ever have before. The sight of you must do something to Rooster because within seconds you feel his cum painting your walls once more, and his thrusts slow to a stop.
You collapse onto him, both of your chests heaving as you His hands move from your hips, ghosting along your spine and you damn near purr as they land in your hair, grasping the back of your head to lift you up into a sloppy, heated kiss, tongues and teeth clashing together as he presses you against his still heaving body. His mustache tickles your skin and you pull away from him with a delirious giggle. "I fucking love you, Rooster."
"I fucking love you too, sweet thing.." He chuckles, tucking a strand of hair behind your sweaty ear as he smiles up at you with the same loving look he had given you on your guys' wedding day, the same one that made the feeling of love spread from the top of your head to the bottoms of your toes. "Which is why, as a present for both of us, i booked us that honeymoon trip you always talked about.."
Your body snaps up, brain on full alert now. He looks up at you with a shit eating grin, and you can't keep the shock off of your face. "Virgin Islands?" You ask, he nods once, proud smirk still adorning that handsome fucking face of his. "Bradley oh my god..are you sure we can afford it? We just bought the house.."
His hand cups your cheek, thumb slipping into your mouth to shut you up. "Don't worry your pretty little head baby, we both deserve it, i already got approved for leave from work, and..i might have already told your boss about it as well.." He says, his tone telling you that you shouldn't argue with it, or even worry one bit about it. He wanted you to enjoy yourself. He wanted you to be carefree and happy. "Besides, what better way to celebrate three perfect years together than by taking our hard earned honeymoon?"
You quirk an eyebrow at him as he takes his thumb out of your mouth. "I dont know," You say, grinding down onto his miraculously still hard cock. "I think i could think of something just a little bit better.."
"Oh, you're in for it now babygirl.." He growls, throwing you onto your back as you giggle wildly, knowing damn well you were about to call into work in the morning.
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mafiatsunafish · 1 year
I want Jake to meet Buck and be chaotic together while their tired boyfriends Bradley and Eddie lovingly, with absolute adoration looking at them.
The chaotic pair can just dancing their heart out in the bar and the tired boyfriends just smitten with them.
(Their double date would be soooooooi interesting, it can be a lovely day or with Buck luck, a day pack full of adrenaline)
The joint BBQ of the Nash-Grant and Mitchell-Kazansky where the 2 pairs adopted disaster children and the found family they made all present, would overflowed with gossips and joyful times.
(Athena might either get along with Mav like a house on fire and scares the shit out of their husbands or looks at him like she looked at Buck 1.0 with his questionable choices)
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icemankazansky · 2 years
Hey, I want to ask what are your favorite IceMav stories? On Ao3, tumblr or whatever side you read fics. ☺️
You have no idea what you've just summoned.
Come sit by me.
You have asked for my favorite Icemav stories, which means that this list is going to leave off some truly excellent Icemav, because for the most part my favorites, the ones I read over and over again, are more lighthearted and sexy and have happy endings.
These stories are all Top Gun, and they're all Icemav, so I've only listed the rating by each title.
In no specific order:
by @boasamishipper :
Since she began creating for Top Gun in 2019, Boa has become a fixture of the fandom, an important voice that is capable of both the fluffiest fluff and the most heart-rending angst. She writes mostly Icemav, but she has branched out more than a lot of people from the pre-TGM era, and written more pairings and more characters than any other TG writer I know personally. This list might look a little odd to some people more familiar with her work, because she has written some amazing, novel-length AUs and crossovers and plotty, heavy stuff, but again, these are my favorite stories, and I like her Icemav when they're soft.
Word on the Street (Teen) Sharon looks down at her wedding ring and says a prayer for the handsome Navy pilot that’s heading their way. He’s got no idea what he’s in for. / Or, Iceman and Maverick versus the Real Housewives of Fallon, Nevada.
This is an outsider POV story in which Ice and Maverick scandalize (and titillate) the suburbs of Fallon, completely on accident. It's funny, it's sweet, and the payoff at the end is so satisfying.
let's talk about sex, baby (let's talk about you and me) (Teen) This is a college AU for the prompt: I keep coming in to take condoms from the health services desk because I think you’re cute and I’m pretty sure you must think my sex life is wild.
In which Pete Mitchell, over the course of a semester of college, continually fails to ask Tom Kazansky to go out with him. This one is light and funny and kind of innocent and hopeful in a way, because they're young and they have crushes, and nothing is more important than that ... except maybe that organic chemistry final.
when i see your face (General) In which Maverick Mitchell wakes up from surgery, high on painkillers, and hits on his husband.
This is everything I want for modern Icemav. They're married, they're so sweet together, and they love each other so, so much. Drugged Maverick is hilarious, long-suffering Ice is gentle and totally smitten; this is comfort food in text form.
'cause the cat's the only cat (who knows where it's at) (Teen) “So you mean to tell me,” Ice says, “that my alien cat is having alien kittens?”
I love Boa's Top Gun/MCU crossovers. I think they're incredibly well done, they are respectful to both canons, and they're innovative and clever. I like the Captain Marvel series the best, I think, and while I reread a lot of those stories, this one has to be my favorite. Chewie the Flerken has kittens, and it totally ruins everyone's life until it doesn't. Sweet, sooooooo funny, unexpectedly warm.
it's centrifugal motion, it's perpetual bliss (Mature) Kiss prompts from Tumblr.
There was a fic meme of kiss prompts going around a couple years ago, and this isn't so much one, unified fic as it is 10 vignettes of important kisses. They range from sweet to passionate to bittersweet, and they show the best of Iceman and Maverick together as a couple. I love, love, love these little peeks into the like Ice and Mav built together.
by @susiecarter :
I'm going to be honest with you: In 2020, @susiecarter wrote me a story for Id Pro Quo, which is an annual ficswap in which you request a pairing and up to 20 freeform tags that are meant to satisfy your id. These are guilty pleasure, don't judge me I'm having an amazing time right now stories, and she absolutely blew my damn mind, and then she did it twice more. So, yes, these stories were all written with my exact specifications in mind, but that doesn't mean they aren't all fucking amazing, because they are. As a writer, @susiecarter is so pithy and sharp and very, very well-balanced, and her prose is visceral and tangible and, occasionally, unexpectedly tender and lyrical. All three of these stories are blistering hot with perfect characterization, great sex that does not shy away from honest emotion and real intimacy, and her use of plane metaphors is spot on without ever being cliche or cheesy.
fire in the sky tonight (Explicit) Graduation from TOPGUN was one thing. It was great, no question, but it was just the warm-up. You hadn't made it, really made it, until you got hitched.
This is a canon-compliant (mostly) arranged marriage fic in which Iceman and Maverick consummate their nuptials just a couple hours after the dogfight for the Layton. It is stupid hot. Maverick is nervous and a virgin but still not wanting to give Iceman an inch, and Ice is cool and deadly, smolderingly competent, and he takes care of Maverick while also taking him the fuck apart. Plus, maybe they actually love each other? So good.
A Shared Cup (Mature) It was only a training exercise. It was only supposed to be a training exercise.
Ice and Maverick fuck up and end up telepathically linked. DEEP deep. Then what happens is they end up learning each other from the inside out, and while the brass is trying to figure out how the hell to fix this MASSIVE error, Maverick is just trying to hide from Ice that maybe his feelings on the matter, and his feelings about Ice, have changed. This is a gorgeous study of both characters, and the payoff at the end is totally earned.
and gamble for the sun (Mature) It's like this: Maverick and the Iceman make bets, sometimes.
This story is kind of like sitting in a pot of water. First everything is still, and you're just floating there, and then you notice that the water is beginning to warm up, and before you know it, it's boiling around you, and you might burn up and you might drown and it doesn't really matter which one. For me, more than anything, the small details in this story are incredibly sexy and incredibly intimate, and the ending is surprising but perfect and handled perfectly, and it's just gorgeous, the prose and the heat and the emotions, how they're all there and all balanced so perfectly. It's a killer.
by chemm80:
What You Don't Know (Explicit) Maverick finds Iceman handcuffed to his bed. He has a hard time getting over it.
ME TOO. I first read this fic when it came out 10 years ago, and it's still one I go back to. Maverick and Ice are still really figuring out how to be around each other as just colleagues and friends when Maverick sees something he was never meant to see, and it sends him into a tailspin. Things get complicated, and it's handled beautifully, with Maverick especially pushing through the quagmire of his emotions to get to the truth, and Ice vulnerable in more ways than one. Plus, hot. Did I mention it's really hot?
by DeeEffGee
Drugs (Teen) “Ice, you have to take the pain meds. Every six hours-”
Maverick is stuck doctoring Ice, and Ice hates it for a different reason than Maverick first imagined. Maverick and Ice are both sharp together here, the push-and-push-back kind of banter and dares as in the film, until they both surprise themselves, and then ... they are, like, 25% nicer.
by Pink_and_Velvet
You took a fall, then you landed soft. (Teen) Iceman comes up with a game, to prevent Maverick’s downward spiral and also, get him naked.
Ice doesn't like seeing Maverick torture himself, so he does something about it. A nice study of both characters in the wake of Goose's death, and also games that involve forfeiting clothing are always a good thing.
The Prom King (Teen) A high school AU in which Iceman and Maverick are seniors with prom around the corner, and some unresolved feelings to deal with.
This is a really cute first time fic where Ice is one of the cool kids and Maverick isn't quite sure what to do with him. (But he figures it out.) Like a teen romcom, but Icemav.
by @genderfluidsodapopcurtis :
A Kiss on the Inside of the Wrist (General) There are parts of Ice’s body that Maverick only ever sees from up close.
This one is short, but very sweet. I love lazy, sleepy Icemav.
by @victimofthemusic :
Bri excels at writing extremely sexy fic that also completely expresses how stupid in love the characters are for each other. Her characterization is sharp and distinctive, and she has no problem bouncing from completely lovesick to desperately horny to lightly teasing in the same page. She's also writing a lot for Top Gun: Maverick and its new characters, so if you're interested in that, take a look at her AO3 profile.
you're trying hard not to show it, but baby i know it (Teen) Ice wants to know who Maverick was before he became Maverick. He wants to know Pete Mitchell, too, because they’re two parts of the same whole and Ice wants to love that part, too. Because Pete Mitchell was worth loving just as much Maverick Mitchell was worth loving. And God, does Ice love him.
This is beautiful characterization of both Ice and Maverick, and it's sweet and sexy and heartbreaking and hopeful all at once. Beautiful, fulfilling, so satisfying.
the further on the edge, the hotter the intensity (Explicit) Five times Maverick and Ice have sex in places they totally weren't planning to.
This is so, so sexy, but more than that, it's a beautiful picture of Maverick and Ice's love story. The sex is scorching, but it's definitely not just sex. There's always an exploration of the emotional component of their relationship, even when Ice is getting fucked over Maverick's desk, and the relationship progresses in a way that will twist your heart but ultimately leave you feeling soft and warm.
by weshes:
Fire or Clear (Mature) It takes Ice and Maverick about ten years and a divorce to figure it out, but eventually they do.
This story has so much packed into it. The characterization is so sharp, and the way Ice and Maverick interact and move around each other after knowing each other for so long is comfortable, familiar, but with an undercurrent of simmering heat building to a boil. The sex is hot, and the dialogue is fantastic, all around well done.
by @guiltyfandomtrashwonderland :
She was made in a lab to destroy me. Nat writes some of the most in-depth, well-researched, layered fanfiction I've ever read. She sees the characters differently than I do, but it's in a way that intrigues me, and I love the way she writes them individually and as a couple. Her stories are so funny and so much fun without sacrificing emotion and vulnerability and the difficult realities the characters sometimes face.
A Chance Engagement (Explicit) In which Maverick sells ass, Ice buys some, and both of them end up with far more than they bargained for.
I cannot tell you how deeply, deeply satisfying it is to read BDSM written by people who actually know what they're talking about. This story, which takes place during the TOPGUN contest that is the focus of the first film, is funny and sexy and complex. It is at turns euphoric and hilarious and tense and devastating. It's a beautiful look at how Iceman and Maverick come together in this universe, and it's satisfying on so many levels.
Stormclouds in a Pale Sky (Explicit) Thirty years later, some people still didn’t get it.
This is a sequel to A Chance Engagement set in the TGM timeline. Thirty years later, Ice and Maverick are still together, still stupid in love, and still sharing a thriving, if slightly unconventional, sex life. This is sexy and fun and less painful, emotionally, than the first story, but it's got deep, true, long-term love and some bittersweet moments reflecting on growing older and the things it changes and the things it takes away ... and the things it can never change. Gorgeous.
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Okay! I just had a thought and needed to share it. First! I recently read a fic where Mav knew Carole before Goose and he's the one that introduced the two of them and it's one of my new fav scenarios. Next! I've been listening to an IceMav playlist an Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA is on it. Now that the background is out of the way, here are my thoughts. The class of 86 are all at someone's house (probably the Bradshaw's) for a BBQ and the radio is playing. They're all just chilling, having a good time when Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! comes on and Carole goes sprinting over to Mav and begging him to sing it with her like they used to and he's kinda hesitant but when it gets to that chorus he just starts belting it with Carole. Bradley's running around and dancing with Mav and Carole once they get into it, Goose is just honking out his laughter, and the flyboys are absolutely baffled bc Mav can actually sing well? And, of course, Ice is just too stunned to speak and getting more smitten by the second. (also, Carole def made Mav back her up while singing this when she first realized she wanted to date Goose)
Oh my God, I love it. Can you imagine Carole when Goose and Mav first entered the Naval Air Force though?
Goose(reading a letter from Carole): "Mav, Carole wants to know if you're behaving yourself and taking your multivitamin."
Maverick: "Tell Mom not to worry so much, Pa."
(Mav writes her later that YES he is behaving himself and taking his multivitamins, GOD, CAROLE...)
Every time Carole comes to visit, they incorporate karaoke somehow (hence "Great Balls of Fire" :))
when Carole first gets a glimpse of Iceman, she leans over to Goose and whispers "...Maverick and him have a thing, don't they?" "Define thing, dear." "Maverick keeps staring right past Charlie at him, you can't tell me you need the term thing defined, sweetie pie."(Carole recognized Mav's behaviour from high school. He had a crush on a guy on the baseball team. He'd never looked that intensely at him though...)
She asks Maverick about Ice in all of her letters to him. Even after Goose dies, and their letters are sadder than they used to be (at least for a while) she begs him to take a chance. "Life's too short, Pete," she writes. "And love is so important...and we can do a kick-ass karaoke number at your wedding, just think about it."
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callsignspark · 8 months
soft-tober | 15 | Pete Mitchell
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soft-tober is about experiencing the joys of October with loved ones. each day is a fall-related one-shot for one of the couples from my Dagger, Sword & Shield universe, plus a few extras! today is Pete and Penny with “It’s never too early for Halloween music!" from this prompt list.
If you’d like to be tagged for soft-tober, please send an ask!
word count: 1.5k
soft-tober masterlist | main masterlist | divider credit here
warnings: bashing of Monster Mash, Penny putting Mav on the edge of a Halloween-related meltdown, mentions of pregnancy, Mav plotting to break the Hard Deck jukebox
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callsignspark disclaimer: my blog is an 18+ space; minors do not interact - you will be blocked. I do not consent to my work being copied, run through an AI generator, translated, or posted elsewhere. I do have an AO3, where I eventually will be cross-posting my works.
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15. "It’s never too early for Halloween music!"
“From my laboratory in the castle east.”
Pete’s eye twitches; it's the seventh time this song has played since he walked in the door.
It’s been an hour.
He watches his wife hum along to the world’s only Halloween song as she pours drinks and jokes around with the regulars lining the south side of the bar. He loves his wife; he’s so grateful for her love and the way she understands him. But they’re in the middle of their yearly Halloween standoff, and he has no love to spare for her at the moment.
“To the master bedroom where the vampires feast!”
Penny loves Halloween. It’s always been her favorite holiday; Pete learned that almost forty years ago when he first ran into Admiral Benjamin’s pretty daughter at the Officer’s Club Halloween celebration. She was dressed like a vampire, and he was instantly smitten, plastic pointy teeth and all. Goose made fun of him for weeks over crushing on the girl who looked like she had been in a fight, fake blood splattered all over her clothes and skin.
They had been on and off for decades, before she got married and after the divorce was finalized, but whether or not they were together, he always thought of her on Halloween. There had even been a few drunken, desperate calls on the 31st, just wanting to hear the voice of the woman he loved.
It had been something they talked about before getting back together this time, the final time, the time they got married. It had been an excruciating conversation. Pete isn’t great at expressing his feelings but tries for Penny. Admitting that he had loved her for years, but he wasn’t in a headspace where he could be there for her. It’s why he hadn’t done anything when it was announced that she was engaged to Todd.
But after the uranium mission, he started to heal. Making up with Bradley had been a big part of that. He still misses his best friends; it can be overwhelming how painful their deaths are, but it’s not as debilitating as it used to be. The healing and talking about his feelings let Penny know he was ready to be with her.
And so she was the one to propose. An early morning roll in the sheets suddenly paused as her big, hazel eyes blinked down at him, a soft look on her face that he’d never seen before. She asked, and he said yes, letting her know that if she had waited until that night, he would have asked the same question. I would have given the same answer; she has whispered against his lips as he flipped them over.
Pete had never regretted saying yes.
”The ghouls all came from their humble abodes.”
Except when it came to Halloween. Because as much as Penny loves him, she also loves to torture him. And her favorite way of doing that is by playing Monster Mash over and over again until he gives in. Every year, Pete bets her that he can make it until October 2nd without complaining about the song.
It’s been four straight years of losing.
The longest he’s made it is until three in the afternoon, but that’s only because Penny was visiting her aunt that day.
Mav has done the calculations; if he can make it through the next hour at the Hard Deck, he’ll win the bet. He can do it. This is his year. He can feel it. That new surround sound 4k television is as good as his.
“To get a jolt from my electrodes!”
Pete jumps as the entire bar starts singing along. He has no idea how, but she’s coordinated some thirty-odd strangers into joining her campaign to break him.
Unfortunately for him, it works.
“Okay! Okay! I give! Turn it off!”
“No! It’s never too early for Halloween music!”
“Penny, please-”
“They did the Monster Mash!”
The night keeps getting worse for him as his daughters - well, step-daughter and daughter-in-law - stroll into the bar, kissing him on the cheek before joining his wife next to the jukebox, all three of them dropping quarters in to keep playing the song.
A big hand slaps his shoulder. “You know, if we tried hard enough, I think we could throw that thing into the ocean. Your wife would never have to know.”
“Good thought. Penny already threatened me if I even look at it wrong.” Bradley snorts, making no effort to hide the laughter. “Yeah, go ahead - yuck it up, kid. How’s the campaign going to get your wife to take some time off before the babies come?”
“It’s not…” His nephew frowns, eyebrows furrowing as he watches Mary take a break from dancing to a song that’s thankfully not Halloween-themed, both hands supporting her lower back as she takes deep breaths. “I wish she would just sit down and relax.”
“Is she in pain?”
“No, not pain, but she’s uncomfortable most of the time, and she gets tired so easily. Her bump is making is harder to do things, but she still won’t let me help her.”
Pete hums; he’s never supported a woman through pregnancy, but he can’t imagine it’s easy for either party. “It’s gotta be difficult to lose your freedom like that. To just wake up one day and not be able to put your shoes on by yourself.”
“I know, but I just want what’s best for her and the girls.”
“Girls?” Pete echoes, his chest warming.
Bradley stiffens, eyes wide and panicky as he turns to his uncle. “You didn’t hear me say that.”
“You did not hear me say that.”
“Bradley. I understood the first time. I didn’t hear it.” Both men pause, smiles taking over their faces. Pete leans in, unable to hold back his excitement. “Two girls?! Bradley, that’s amazing!”
“I’m so scared.” The big, brawny man giggles, his cheeks flushed with happiness. “Do you wanna hear their names?”
“I thought you weren’t telling anyone.”
“We aren’t.” Both men jump, Mary somehow sneaking up on them. “But we thought the grandparents would like to know before they’re born.”
“Grandparents?” Pete asks, getting choked up at the title.
“Of course, Mav. Hope the two of you are ready to be grandma and grandpa.” Bradley smiles at Penny, who has joined them.
“Oh! You two!” Penny envelopes the parents-to-be in a hug, happy tears filling her eyes.
Pete is frozen on his stool, overwhelmed and overjoyed. Just a few years ago, he thought he’d never even get to talk to Bradley again, and now he’s going to be grandpa to the next generation of Bradshaws. His chest clenches, thinking about his best friends and how they're missing another big event in their son’s life. He vows to be the best grandparent, to tell the kids all about their biological grandparents. To keep Nick and Carole’s memory alive.
“So… do you wanna know their names?” Mary asks, her cheeks pink just like her husband, smile growing as both newly minted grandparents nod. “Even before we found out what we were having, we decided that we were going to use names of people important to us. Baby A is Alice Theresa Penelope Bradshaw, named after my grandmother and you, Penny.”
“Me?” Pete holds his wife close as she blubbers, wiping her tears away.
“You’ve been like a mother to both of us, Penny. It’s the least we could do.” Mary hugs her pseudo-mother-in-law. “Do you wanna tell them Baby B’s name, honey?”
“Lily Nicola Carole Bradshaw.” Bradley rasps, blinking back tears. “For mom and dad.”
Pete pulls his son off his stool and into a tight squeeze, holding him close and whispering how proud he is of him, both laughing through tears. When he pulls back, he hugs Mary as close as he can around her six-month twin bump.
“Thank you.”
“For what, Pete?”
“Loving him.”
“It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do, Mav.” Her face is serene as she pulls away. “I know things were rough for a long time between you, but I hope you know how much he loves you.”
“I do, thanks, kid.” He smiles as Bradley whisks his wife towards the jukebox, muttering something about playing their wedding song.
“Well, grandma and grandpa. Did you ever think we’d get here?”
“A few years ago, I would have said there was no way anyone would call me grandpa. But, after he met Mary, I knew it would only be a matter of time.” Pete wraps an arm around his wife, pouring love into the kiss he presses to her lips. “Hey, you’re gonna be a pretty foxy grandma.”
“Oh, yeah. Foxy. We’ll have to get you one of those necklaces.”
She blinks at his big grin, digesting the suggestion. “I’m gonna assume this is a weird reaction to the happy news.”
“Probably for the b-”
“I was working in the lab late one night!”
Pete can’t even bring himself to be mad as his entire family laughs, too excited about the future to care about the stupid song they’ve been using to torment him. He hugs his wife close as they watch Bradley and Mary tell Amelia the news, heart melting when the teenager hugs her sister-in-law before jumping into her brother’s arms.
I can’t believe this is my life… maybe Mickey can help me break the jukebox; he’s good with computers, and Penny would never suspect him.
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@gretagerwigsmuse | @hangmanapologist | @hangmanbrainrot | @princessphilly | @hangmanssunnies | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin | @aristotles-butthole | @atarmychick007 | @whatislovevavy | @kmc1989 | @sometimesanalice | @laracrofted | @yuckosworld | @mika-darling | @bradshawsbaddie | @bobblebobsbae | @ohtobeleah | @withahappyrefrain
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Would you be open to headcannons for being a civilian contractor wife/girlfriend to Jake or Javy 🥺💛 I feel like they’d be so cute, especially when you’re pregnant to come find excuses to come see you and so supportive and like! That’s my wife!. (And maybe some sneaky sex on base too I mean what) if you have energy for it of course love!
Hope you’re doing well 💛 thank you for so many lovely headcannons and thots, it really makes my day when I see some of these!
yes yes yes absolutely!! i would daydream about this constantly at my old job!! (i didn’t do that for work, i was just in a big old office and it made the time pass!) 💖
i hope you enjoy the below! 💌
I’m gonna go with Jake because I’m on a Jake fuelled writing spree right now!
Jake would meet you on the base and find any excuse he possibly could to come and see you, which would start to get on Mav’s nerves when he would turn up late, but he just couldn’t help himself.
He slowly but surely won you over with flowers and little notes left on your desk and you agreed to go on a date with him.
You squealed when you came into work the next day to see more flowers on the desk a little note saying, “loved seeing you last night. Same again tomorrow? J X”
All of your co-workers could see how smitten you were with him and Mav eventually caught on that’s where Jake was all the time.
He’d continually meet up with you for little lunch dates and eventually when you started dating, he would always bring you your lunch. Even if you couldn’t eat it with him, he’d give you a quick kiss and whisper in your ear to meet him in usual spot at 3 PM.
Sneaky sex on base became a MUST with Jake. I fully believe he loves doing it in public and what better place than where you both work.
You found a small janitors closet that was unoccupied after 3 PM because the janitor in your building would always leave at that time.
He loved leaving you with hickies patterned over your neck and your lipstick just smeared in the corner of your mouth so all of your colleagues would know your handsome pilot boyfriend just gave you his cock.
If he would stay late for training one evening, you would venture over to the base to wait for him outside the changing rooms.
One evening he dragged you into the locker rooms and had you pinned up against the cool tiles.
“Jake! This is far more public than the janitors closet.”
“Everyone’s gone home, sweets. I waited for that very reason. Couldn’t stop thinking about that sweet cunt of yours all day. Drove me crazy while I was flying.”
That’s where you convinced your first child. When everyone found out, Jake took you to the hanger where the whole of the dagger squad had made a banner and yelled, “Congratulations!” in unison.
It was incredible when you were pregnant. Jake would come and see you everyday in your office, dropping off your lunch as usual or taking you home early if you felt too sick.
He loved that he had you so close by incase anything went wrong and you needed him. He felt like he could protect you this way.
When you had your baby boy, you took him on base a handful of times to watch his daddy fly. Pointing up in the air you told him, “there’s your Daddy! Wave to Daddy angel!”
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midnightdevotion · 2 years
Pairing: Maverick x Reader
Warnings: AGE GAP, SLOW BURN, this one is more an intro to mav's thoughts about youuuuuuu
a/n: For a girl who's username is midnight devotion I sure be falling asleep before it a lot
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It's just a normal Friday night in Miramar, the ocean breeze doing little to cool the crowded bar around maverick. He doesn't mind it though. Life for him hasn't been this good since he had goose by his side. After the Uranium plant the dagger team got permanently stationed out at top gun and while he misses goose everyday, this is the closest he's felt to having a family since losing him.
Things were so turbulent with Bradley too, after he did what Carole asked of him. He doesn't regret it though he'd do anything Carole asked of him, even if the consequences of it were terrible.
He scans over his team of aviators, a full feeling in his heart, or at least as full as he can remember it being in a very long time. He hears a loud shout, and what sounds like music for laughter hit his ears. This captures the entire teams attention as they slowly look over to the ruckus.
That's when he sees you, wild hair, eyes sparkling and laughing loudly. Now Pete has been in a fair share of relationships, but he doesn't remember feeling like this, ever. He doesn't even know your name.
His first thought is that you remind him of a hurricane. Devastatingly beautiful, destructive, and he can't help but feel like being in the center of your world would be the most rewarding experience.
"Holy shit" thats what brings him out of his thoughts, Hangman's statement is soon followed by laughter.
"She really punched that guy" is roosters response, sounding in awe. That's when maverick pieces it all together. You, the short fire cracker you clearly are, just punched that 6'3 drunk asshole. The context as to why you did is still unclear to him, but he's smitten either way.
Maverick is by no means a shy person, so when he sees you clutching your knuckles, a cut on the back of your hand, he makes his way over.
"that was a hell of a punch" and okay maybe he wasn't ready for that smile to be directed to him.
"thanks, I'm afraid I didn't get away unscathed" and your voice is like honey, or sunshine after a long rainy day, or the feeling of being in his jet.
"most of the time that's how it works, I can help you get it cleaned up though if you'd like?" Is he smiling too wide right now? Or maybe looking at you for too long? Why does he feel so nervous?
"That-that would be fantastic actually" and the way your grinning at him has his heart simultaneously stop and start at a millions miles an hour. He swears his heart wasn't even beating this hard when he was going mach 10.
He walks you over to the bar, quickly asking penny if he can use her first aid kit, with a sweep of her hand she points to the back room and you two head there. His hand comes to rest on your lower back, and he considers himself lucky when you don't turn around and punch him.
"so what'd the guy do to deserve the beating?" when he hears the laugh that comes from your lips he wants to bottle it up and listen whenever he has a long day.
"let's just say he got the idea that he could just take whatever he wants, but I think he learned some manners tonight" He laughs as you two find the first aid kit. There's a table in the back that you both move to sit at. Once seated he grabs your hand, delicate with his touch because the last thing he ever wants to do is cause you pain.
"You new to Miramar then?" he questions, wanting to know everything about you, but really trying not to be creepy.
"That obvious huh?" your tone is sheepish, as if you wanted to fit in.
"No no, just a small town and you recognize the regular faces vs the new is all"
"oh right, not use to small town life yet I guess, but yeah I moved here two weeks ago"
"what brought you out here?"
"well I just graduated college and Penny was looking for a bar manager that wants to eventually buy it, and well after coming out and getting a feel for it a month ago I decided it's what I wanted" you give him a small smile, like you are unsure if your dreams are silly or not.
"that's awesome" he gives you a grin, that he hopes soothe your nerves. You could tell him your dreams were to do absolutely nothing ever and he wouldn't find it in him to judge, if anything he'd try to make it happen for you.
"wait- just graduated so how old are you?"
"I'm twenty two" and you're blushing, he should not be thinking about where else that blush leads.
Twenty two. 22. He's not above having dated women in their 30's but 22? No, he couldn't possibly. He has to stop this feeling, and he has to stop them now.
His eyes catch yours and he hates that he sees a flicker of sadness in them, mixed with what he thinks is shame?
"22 and throwing killer right hooks" he shakes his head bemused. It's a cover, and he thinks you know it. He's never felt more like a creepy old man than he does right in this moment.
He is old enough to be your father, he is not allowed to be attracted to you. He shouldn't think about the pretty sounds that would fall from your lips or the way you would laugh at his jokes the next morning. He can't stop thinking about the way his shirt would look on you, as you laid in bed with him on a slow Sunday morning.
He puts all his attention into your hand, quickly getting the gauze tapped to you knuckles. He reluctantly lets go of you, moving to put away the first aid supplies.
"thank you for your help with my hand" your voice is softer than before and the woman he first saw that reminded him of a hurricane is replaced by a much softer version.
The glow of the light around you, and the way you are sheepishly looking down hair framing your face in a way that makes him want to reach out and touch it.
"I'd say anytime, but I hope you don't make it a practice to punch people in a bar on Friday nights" and he's so relieved to see you laugh again, it's like a weight was sitting on him until he got to hear the sound.
"I won't make any promises" and there's a humorous mirth to your eyes. He watches you walk away, and instead of going back to your friend, he watches as you b-line it out of the bar.
Maybe the night was just catching up with you, it was certainly catching up with him. The way you smelt, the way your hand felt in his, it was going to haunt him in the best way possible.
Except maybe not, because he's in his 50's and you're 22. He should not be feeling any sort of feelings towards you. He was in his thirties when you were born for godsake.
He makes his way back over to the loud group of aviators, but his head was definitely still with you.
"Hey Mav, where'd you go?"
"he went to go help the pretty little puncher" is hangman's reply, smirk perfectly in place on his face.
"Seresin she is 22, stop smirking all I did was make sure her hand wasn't broken."
"oooh Mav likes the younger girls huh"
"No way that's just creepy" he hears a throat clear behind him, and he turns to see you standing there. He can't describe the way his heart plummets.
"sorry fellas, forgot my purse. 10 bucks mustache here wins the game" you give a grin but it doesn't reach your eyes and you walk away from the group.
"Hey why'd you bet on rooster and not me honey!" hangman tries to call out to you, but you were out of that bar faster than a man on fire. He feels so stupid. God why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut. He shouldn't care though, why does he care if he thought he saw your eyes glisten, why are his hands twitching with the need to run after you and make sure to wipe away any tears that may fall.
God he is so screwed.
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coco-loco-nut · 2 years
The Captain’s Daughter (2)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader/OC
Warnings: Angst maybe, sibling fluff, sadness, a lot of sadness
Summary: Maverick adopted Goose and Carole’s daughter, she’s one hell of a pilot, and Bob is smitten
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | alternate ending | part 4
..."Get ready, it's a long story," She sighs, sipping her drink.
        "I'm always ready," Bob smiles, lightening the mood a little.
        "My dad, Nick Bradshaw -callsign Goose- was Maverick's RIO which is now WSO. They flew in the same class as Admiral Kazansky. In an exercise, Uncle Tom -Iceman- and Mav, were competing, trying to get the missile lock on a MiG. Uncle Tom was trying to best Mav but when he couldn't get the shot, he pulled away. Mav flew into Tom's jet wash which forced him and Dad to eject. Dad was caught by a piece of the jet and he didn't make it. Mav's blamed himself since and so has Uncle Tom," She takes a deep breath, looking up at the sky. "Mom was pregnant with me at the time, though she didn't find out till a month later. Bradley was four. My mom died in childbirth, so I never knew my actual parents. Mav adopted me but only took guardianship of Bradley. A woman named Charlie helped Mav out for a bit at first, but Penny and Sarah, Uncle Tom's wife, raise us while Mav was on missions. Otherwise, we grew up on base. Uncle Tom taught us how to fly, even Cyclone helped a little, as much as he hates Mav. Jake and I were good friends, we fed off each other's arrogance, even if I was more humble. Now he's done damage that won't be easy to fix."
        Nicole pauses again before continuing. "I wouldn't have gotten upset if I weren't already upset. I've been off since I won the first exercise. I can't seem to get a handle on the mission and I just found out that Uncle Tom's throat cancer is back and worse, Mav and Rooster don't know yet and I shouldn't have shared that. But, I don't want to lose him. He was Mav's wingman and my mentor. I don't want to attend a funeral while I'm here. So yeah, I guess Jake just pressed a nerve that was already hurt," Nicole finishes, letting the information sink into Bob.
      "I'm so sorry Gatsby. That is a lot. I can see what Mav is like now, I can't even imagine what he was like over twenty years ago. Thanks for sharing that with me, unlike Bagman, I won't spill your family secrets. Admiral Kazansky was really your Uncle and Mav's wingman?" Bob slightly changes the topic, trying to lighten the mood.
      "Oh yeah. When we get back, I can show you all the pictures. I can even break into Uncle Tom's office on base and show you some embarrassing childhood pics," Nicole cheers up a little. The two down their drinks and head back. Phoenix misses her WSO but her bet with Payback and Fritz might be paying off.
        After showing the large picture of Iceman and Maverick hanging up, she gives a little picture tour and pulls out a key to the office labeled 'Admiral Tom Kazansky, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.'  Bob wonders how she got it but doesn't ask.
        "This is a picture of Bradley and me with Uncle Ice when we stayed with him and Sarah after Dad got in trouble and deployed," Nicole hands a frame to Bob. As he holds it, he notices half-packed boxes around the office. "Sarah gave me the key to start packing up in here. Uncle Tom works mostly from home anyway so I offered to bring his stuff home," Nicole smiles sadly as she picks up a family photo. It was Tom and Sarah with their kids -both now live on the east coast- alongside Mav with Gatsby and Rooster.
         A week later Nicole is standing beside Sarah and Bradley in her dress uniform. Katie and Ron, Tom's children, were on the other side of Sarah. Nicole catches Bob's gaze in the middle of the service, he can tell she is holding back the tears even if some had already fallen. Penny was on the opposite side of Bradley, supporting her friends and Pete as he stood at the casket. For every shot, a tear rolled down her cheek. Bradley held Nicole's hand tightly, hurting just as much.
          Maverick couldn't cry, Captain's don't cry. When he pounded his wings into the casket, it was his final farewell to his wingman. Tom would forever be the better pilot. He always was. As the funeral ended, the Mitchells and Kazanskys hugged each other and made future dinner plans. Katie and Ron were leaving soon and wanted to catch up with Bradley and Nicole. Bob and Hangman found their way to Nicole soon after. Each of them greeted her with a hug. They were the only two who truly knew how close both she and Rooster were to the Admiral. The rest of the 12 didn't pry, leaving them to mourn in peace.
        "I'm sorry, Gatsby. I know how much he meant to you," Bob wipes her tears from her cheeks.
       "I suppose I knew, but I wasn't ready. He's the first parental figure that I knew before losing," She says. Bob hugs her again before letting her rejoin Rooster in the procession out. She wrote Slider a letter offering her condolences for losing a partner an mailed it as soon as Uncle Tom has died. Gatsby has flown solo for a while, but she has seen the pain of losing a WSO or pilot. While she wasn't close with Slider, he had a recurring presence during her childhood.
A couple of days later, she decides to throw a party at her place for the core 8 as she's nicknamed the group. Rooster was the only one who didn't accept the invite, citing the timeline increase. Fanboy, Payback, Coyote, Hangman, Phoenix and Bob all arrive with different drinks in hand. The theme was an alcoholic potluck. It sounded fun. Half an hour later, everyone is starting to enjoy themselves and Phoenix and Hangman are flirting.
"I can't believe Mav would just hijack the course like that," Coyote says, looking at Gatsby who just shrugs. Rooster told her that Mav was permanently grounded after the funeral.
"My father isn't much of a rule follower," she snorts and throws back a shot. Bob, not being much of a drinker and the assigned DD, adds that to his tab on her. He is worried that she is trying to drown her sadness even if she wanted to bond with everyone. Payback hooks up to a speaker and starts playing music. When Nicole is completely trashed, she sits beside Bob, leaning into him. He awkwardly wraps an arm around her shoulders, not sure what to do. The group decided to share funny stories from different missions. Everyone passes out on the floor, except for Hangman who stumbles to the guest room to claim it. No one finds the second guest room. Bob finds blankets and pillows in a storage closet from Nicole's drunk directions and passes them out before turning everything off and carrying Nicole upstairs.
"Bobby, stay," Nicole slurs, pulling shorts and a ratty shirt out. She also grabs a set of what must be Mavs or Roosters old shorts and shirts, handing them to Bob. Bob awkwardly takes them as Nicole starts to strip. He blushes and quickly turns around. "Don't worry, I'll look the other way," Nicole tells Bob who doesn't turn around but takes her word and undresses. She admires his ass before quickly turning around as to not get caught.
"Alright to bed," Bob walks over to her, pulling up the sheets.
"Only if you sleep here too," Nicole says, to which Bob agrees. He plans on sneaking out of the bed as soon as she falls asleep. "Yay!" Nicole kisses Bob who after a second kisses back. As soon as Nicole tries to go further, he stops her.
"Gatsby, you're drunk. Another time," he promises and she cuddles into him. Bob internally sighs, hoping he didn't ruin their friendship.
When Nicole wakes up, she only vaguely remembers the previous nights events. She realizes that she is cuddling someone, being the big spoon to be more specific. Bob. She remembers kissing him, he must've fell asleep. A quick glance at her clock tells her that it's an hour before everyone needs to be up for today's brief. Nicole untangles herself, heading for the shower. After a quick, cold, shower, she puts on her uniform and heads to the kitchen. She doesn't worry about waking Bob up since her alarm is set.
"Morning," Rooster is leaning against the counter, a coffee in hand.
"What? You weren't even here last night," Nicole steals his coffee, taking a few sips.
"Yeah, when no one returned, I set an early alarm and came over to clean a little and help with breakfast," Rooster motions to the cleaner kitchen and groceries on the counter.
"I can't wait for you and Dad to move in," Mav bought this house after he realized that he wasn't going to be getting another assignment after this mission. He takes over after her rental contract expires. He wants to be close to Penny and the Kazansky's.
"I'll start the pancakes if you do the bacon?" Rooster offers, both of them quickly working to get food ready. Fifteen minutes later, people start waking up to the smell of food.
"Marry me, Gatsby," Hangman moans as he takes a bite.
"Then you will be doing all the cooking," Rooster tells him, not lying. Nicole is definitely not the cook of the family. She can, but it's not on Rooster's level.
"Good morning everyone," Phoenix walks in with Bob, who blushes a little when he sees Gatsby. Within thirty minutes everyone is fed and on their way back to the base.
"Good morning, Sir," Gatsby greets Cyclone in the hall.
"Good morning, Lieutenant Mitchell. We will be going over the valley simulation today. If you could get everyone to the briefing room, that would be appreciated," Cyclone informs her. With a quick nod, she changes directions to get everyone and inform them.
"Your Dad is insane," Bob whispers with a smile.
"He likes to break rules," Gatsby chuckles.
With Maverick being team leader, Gatsby knew there was only a slim chance of being selected as wingman. She hadn't mastered the route like Hangman and Rooster. While she was a great pilot, she is the youngest of the group and still has more to learn.
Hangman is assigned Dagger Spare One while Gatsby is given Dagger Spare Two. She is slightly jealous that she is the only one in the family being left behind, but she knows better than to question her father. She sits in her plane beside Jake listening.
"Come on Rooster, you can do it. Reengage," She whispers from the cockpit. Her heart breaks as she hears about Mav and Rooster both being hit and losing contact. It takes everything in her to stay in the plane and do her job. Hangman tries to get clearance but it doesn't work, her world slows down. Bob stands in her view, non verbally trying to support her. When he and Phoenix landed, it kept her from breaking. She hadn't lost everyone. As soon as Rooster's gps tracker is activated, she lets out a silent sob of happiness. But when the bogie appears on the radar, her heart drops again. Mav has no defenses.
      "Dagger spare two, permission to take off in support," She requests, readying to take off.
     "Dagger spare one, dagger spare two prepare to take off," command says. With a nod to each other, friendship restored, they prepare for a dogfight. She doesn't look at Bob's worried expression.
     "I'm going to lure him away so Maverick can land on the carrier," Gatsby says, intercepting the enemy before it can get lock on Mav and Rooster, who finally activates his radio.
     "Keep him going, I've almost got him!" Hangman says as she is close to being locked on.
     "Hurry up!" She panics as tone starts. Like Rooster and Maverick, she saved them but it will cost her.
      "She copied Rooster," Phoenix says on the boat, a little breathless from shock. They can hear Hangman yelling her actual name, everyone knowing what the next few seconds will bring even if they don't want to admit it.
     "I'm sorry Dad, Bradley, Jake. I tried," Gatsby cries over the radio as her plane is hit.
       "Dagger spare two is down, I repeat, Gatsby is down," Hangman cries out.
      "Gatsby. Nicole," Bob whispers sadly. Maverick and Rooster yell out her name and someone turns it off on the deck, preparing for Maverick and Jake's landing and search and rescues attempt to retrieve her from the ocean, if she was able to eject. Even if she did, it's likely that she hit the water wrong.
    A young man, blonde and wearing a flight suit, stands in front of the confused girl. Ahead of her is a field of wildflowers and she seems to be on a patio with doors that leads somewhere. She realizes that he is saying something she can't hear.
    "-ole. Nicole. Can you hear me?" He says, his voice sounding familiar.
    "Who are you? Why do you know my name? Where am I?" She fires off questions and he laughs at her, only increasing her confusion.
    "Really kiddo? I'm only the best goddamn pilot the Navy had to offer, and the best uncle ever," He smiles and everything clicks.
     "Uncle Ice! Am I dead? Why are you hot?" Nicole hugs him as he laughs.
     "Not yet, you are in sort of an in-between. You have a choice to make. Although, I think it's pretty obvious. As to why I'm hot, I've always been this way. I used to get around before Sarah. Tell Mav to drop his dating rule and give Bob a chance. He's been worried. Before I go and you decide, there are two people who are here to see you. I love you kiddo," Iceman tells her, giving her a tight hug. It's odd seeing him so young, and honestly, her uncle was hot. As he leaves through a door, two people who she's only seen in pictures walk in.
     "Mom? Dad?" Gatsby gasps, running to them and hugging them. She's getting a lot of hugs for a change, not that she minds.
    "My baby. We are so proud," Carole says, taking in her daughter.
     "You are one hell of a pilot. You and Bradley both. Better than Maverick, and better than your brother. Ice would kill me again if I said you were better than him. I'm proud that you three have honored both of us in so many ways. Always singing Great Balls of Fire, carrying our favorite book, having my name, Bradley's call sign," Nick tears up a little, his daughter isn't as much of a copy and paste like Bradley is. To Nick, she is the perfect combination of himself and Carole. The selfish part of him wants to keep her here.
    "Mav flying the F-14, and me ejecting into the ocean then dying?" Nicole offers with a small smile.
    "Yes, even that. We have and always will watch over the three of you. Yelling at Maverick more has become Iceman's greatest past time," Carole laughs, squeezing her daughters arm.
     "Nicky, sweetie, you have a choice to make. You can return or stay here with us," Nick says a bit sadly.
    "Will I still be a pilot?"
    "That's also up to you, baby. We will support you either way," Carole tells her. The once obvious choice has become more difficult. She wants to spend more time with her parents, obviously, but she also has a lot of people waiting on her back home. She has Bob waiting for her.
     "I hope you both know how much I dreamed of this. Well not being dead, but seeing you, living with you. Bradley and Dad did their best to fill me in, but a large part of me was missing my whole life. I always needed you," Nicole says, slightly unsure of her decision, but confident at the same time.
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arianna-bradshaw · 2 years
Baby Rooster
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TW: Possible Miscarriage, Surgery, Blood, Pregnancy
Summary: You and Bradley were so excited to have a baby, but somethings get in the way.
When Bradley found out he was going to be a father, he realized he could never love anything more than this baby and the woman who was bringing him into the world. As soon as she told him, he was of course convinced the baby was a boy and only referred to the baby as such. He'd call him baby Rooster or Nick all the time, and Y/N never realized she could be more smitten with him. They'd opted for the gender to be a surprise at birth, and bought mostly neutral clothing, with the occasional frilly pink bow or striped bow tie. 
Bradley was the best while she was pregnant, refusing to let her work too hard if he could help it, constantly giving back rubs and providing for her cravings. He had managed to only miss two appointments in the six months since she'd become pregnant- constantly refusing missions to make sure he could be there for her. Maverick and Penny were also a huge help, and had promised endless babysitting for free after the baby was born.
Everything was perfect- in just a few short months Y/N would have her beautiful baby, who would have the best dad in the world. Whenever her baby would kick, she'd squeal for Bradley to come feel- and then he'd gently whisper against her stomach as he grinned. Her pregnancy was easy, no morning sickness, no migraines; obviously it was still painful but to her it was all worth it. 
One night, after Bradley had come back from a week long mission she awoke in the middle of the night. Y/N was wrapped in Bradley's arms, but gasped when she felt a sharp cramp near her stomach. She panicked as it continued and she felt liquid pour into the bed. She shook Bradley, sobbing. 
"Some-somethings wrong- Brad please!" He woke up, being a solidier he could be up and fully awake in seconds. He quickly searched her face and knew he needed to rush. She was scooped into his arms and he was shaking. 
"I-It's gonna be okay baby, just breathe." Bradley held her close as he drove towards the E.R. He didn't know what to do- he hadn't prepared for this at all.  Nothing could prepare him for this. He could not tell if time stopped or sped up as his wife was placed on a gurny and rushed inside. He held her hand tightly. 
Y/N was lightheaded, trying to focus on anything- she felt like she was gonna pass out. All she could think about was her baby; her baby who was probably gone. She'd failed, failed Bradley, failed the baby, failed herself. She became unconionus and Bradley ran faster beside her. 
There was a pool of blood between her legs as she arrived in whatever room they'd taken her to- Fuck, he didn't know what to do. Then he was pushed out of the room. He recieved a small explanation about needing to see if they could recover the baby or even save Y/N. After half an hour of no news he called Maverick. 
"Hey bud- it's late. Is everything okay?" Maverick's scratchy voice asked. 
"N-no. Something happened M-mav. Y/N's in- we're at the E.R. please come, please." Bradley sobbed slightly and Maverick sprung into action, waking Penny.
When the two arrived, Bradley was sitting in the waiting room with red eyes, and his knees held near his chest. Maverick immeidelty sat beside him, rubbing his back.
"I'm so sorry kid." Mav whispered softly, swallowing. "Have you gotten any updates?" He asked.
"N-No." Bradley whispered, leaning into Maverick's side. 
After another 10 minutes, a doctor finally came out. He looked exhausted from the work he'd clearly just done. "Y/N is stable, and awake," He started. 
Bradley let out a sob of relief, holding tighter onto Penny and Mav. "We are still trying to save the baby and keep her stable, she is premature- but also hadn't fully formed her ears because she was a bit behind the curve, we've attempeted one surgery so far." Bradley's heart broke and he nodded.
"Can I see them?" He whispered, he had a baby girl- he couldn't believe it.
Bradley was allowed into the room and his stomach dropped at the sight. Y/N was pale, yet her cheeks were red from crying. She was okay- physically she was stable. Just some blood loss which had been stabilized and a c-section stitched up. He couldn't believe he couldn't be there when his babygirl was brought into the world and he rushed to Y/N's side. 
"I'm here now. I'm so sorry love." He grabbed her hand tightly, and sat as close as possible. 
Y/N nodded softly, and turned towards the bassinet that Bradley somehow didn't see. Inside was his baby, she almost looked healthy besides being a little too small along with the tubes attatched to her. His eyes watered and he stood to walk over to her. 
"Jesus she's beautiful Y/N. She looks like you." He whispered, kneeling beside her enclosed bassinet- "Hi baby, it's me. Do you remember my voice?"  Bradley sobbed, touching his hand against the clear plastic. 
"I-i was thinking Nicole." Y/N whispered, staring at them- her heart was so full. Bradley's eyes widened a little and he nodded. 
"H-hi Nicole, baby. I love you so much." After he stared at her for a few minutes, he moved to be as close to Y/N as possible. After an hour the doctor came to check on Nicole- and she was doing so much better. She'd only need to stay a few weeks hopefully and could have visitors in a few days. 
The first time Maverick met Nicole Josie Bradshaw was 3 days after her birth; and he was wrapped around her little finger just like Bradley. He'd held Y/N for a few minutes, mumbling about how he thought he'd lost you. Penny thought she was the cutest, and the both were estatic over the tributes to Goose and your own father. A few more days later and Nicole's feeding tube was removed, she'd passed her hearing tests barely and was surprisingly good atlatching while being fed. There were talks of further ear surgeries, but not for another year or so.
After two weeks Nicole Josie could breath on her own and 24 hours after that they were allowed to go home. 
Nicole was so comfortable, being around her parents, their smell, touch, and sound 24/7. Bradley and Y/N were so ecstatic and some of the aviators had come together to finish the nursery while you were in the hospital. Nicole Josie was beloved by all of them, and soon enough- she was spoiled rotten. You knew that Bradley would be an amazing father- and he was truly the best. Spending every moment he could with her, even if it meant giving up flying fulltime to become an instructor at Top Gun. A permanent position that would keep him safe and secure and stuck in Miramar.
He raised Nicole the same way his daddy raised him. Except he'd stay, he would never leave her. No matter what came his way.
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mavsaviators · 2 years
cliché | pete mitchell - 1
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Summary - You and Maverick are friends. But what if you’re ready to be more?
Content - Pete Mitchell x Reader, reader’s callsign is Dash, set during original Top Gun, eventually friends to lovers (if I continue this), angsty, pining, unrequited love-ish, f! reader
Word Count - 1226
Part 2
It was cliché, you couldn’t deny it.
Falling in love with Pete Mitchell, one of your closest friends and the person with whom you had enjoyed a strictly platonic relationship since flight school…
It sounded like a badly written movie.
Your feelings didn’t appear quickly, resembling more of a slow descent than the steep cliff that many described falling in love as. Slowly you started to notice things about him, like that specific grin he gave after a particularly witty comment to a superior, or how criminally good those glasses look on him…
“Now Dash, if I hadn’t known already, it’s obvious now.”
You scoffed, although the edge of it was barely there.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Carole.”
Your friend took the spot next to you and let out a small sigh.
“C’mon Y/N. You and Mav, It’s clear as day to anyone with half a brain.” She said, nudging you with her elbow. “You've seemed down ever since he started dating Charlie.
But your attention was elsewhere, now focused on the happy couple in front of you. Mav and Charlie were now at the piano, with his arm around her waist, laughing at Goose’s musical skills.
Carole followed your gaze and realized what you were looking at.
“He doesn’t love her, you know?” she whispered, snapping you out of your delirium. “He likes her, but doesn’t love her. It’s always been you for him, you must know that by now.”
You smiled sadly, casting your gaze down to your beer that you’d been working on since you arrived at the diner.
“As much as I’d like to believe that, he looks at her in a way that he’s never looked at me, Carole. And they're good together. What kind of friend would I be if I’m not happy for him?”
Carole gave you a sympathetic look and squeezed your hand, a small wave of comfort flowing through you at the gesture.
“Well If Pete doesn’t see what’s in front of him then he is an absolute fool. And if you ever need a distraction from him, I happen to know someone who has a weak spot for pilots.” She whispered, as a sly smirk spread across her face.
“Make our dear Maverick realize what he’s missing.”
This made you laugh. Carol had been trying to set you up with a friend of hers for a while now. but you had refused because you were too busy pining over Mav.
But as you turned to your aforementioned best friend, who was now leaving with his girlfriend (with whom he looked absolutely smitten with) you turned back to Carol.
“Tell me more.”
It had been ages since you dressed up like this. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, satisfied as you finished the last few touches of your makeup. You had decided to meet up with Mark at a local restaurant that you frequented.
For the occasion, you had elected to wear a pale blue sundress, adorned with a simple white pattern. It had been sitting in your closet, collecting dust and now was a perfect opportunity to finally use it.
Mark Jacobs was a friend of Carole’s from school and a family doctor in a nearby practice. Initially, he wanted to be a pilot, but later decided that he lacked the nerve. According to her, he was an absolute dream back in university and had looks that were on-parre with Maverick’s.
You could do worse right?
You did a small twirl in front of the bathroom mirror. Although you were never quick to compliment yourself, you had to admit you looked good.
Alright. As Carole put it, time to make Pete realize what he’s missing, you half joked.
The hours passed by quickly, with not much to note. Mark was a pleasant, funny person, and you could understand why Carol had thought he might be a good fit.
However, both of you could tell pretty early on that the spark between you wasn’t there. You then confessed why that was, giving him a simplified version of what was occurring with you and Maverick. He took it surprisingly well, which started a budding friendship between the two of you.
For the next month or so you continued meeting up with Mark, enjoying being able to talk to someone who wasn’t in the Navy for once. He proved to be an amazing listener, and you were genuinely excited to spend time with him.
Mark even agreed to be your “date” to an upcoming get-together at the beach you had planned with Goose, Carole, Maverick, and Charlie. After hearing you mention jokingly the fact that you’d be the third wheel for not one, but two couples, he immediately offered to accompany you.
“You know Dash, I could come with you. To take an edge off the awkwardness?” He said one night, looking at you from across the table.
“Mark, I’d love for you to come, but we might be sending the wrong impression to them." You replied.
You paused.
“What if they think we’re together?” You continued, tone slightly lowered.
Mark laughed at this.
“Is that the worst thing that could happen?” He said, shrugging as he slurped his noodles.
You gave him a pointed look.
“Mark.. Is there some other reason why you want to go with me this weekend?”
He then proceeded to give you a look of a deer caught in headlights.
“I’m just saying. From what you told me about your relationship with Maverick, I have a small feeling that he won’t be the happiest about me being there with you. That’s it.” Mark postulated.
After another one of your sharp looks, he raised his hands in defeat. But then after thinking it over for a while, you hesitated. You had been looking for some form of closure when it came to you and Mav. Having Mark tag-along wouldn’t be so bad would it?
Maybe it’d help getting rid of that tiny sliver of hope you got whenever Pete would smile or laugh with you. And when you remembered the amount of sleepless nights that were the byproduct of that hope?
How bad could it be?
Both you and Mark had arrived early, and he acted the perfect gentleman, offering to take you on a walk on the beach before heading to the bar. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't been considering forgetting about Pete altogether and just focusing your attention on him instead.
But alas, what you saw next nipped any potential fantasies about Mark in the bud. You spotted Maverick playing volleyball, with Goose, and a couple other people whom you couldn't quite recognize.
You stopped for a second to admire his form, before scolding yourself. This meeting was supposed to give you closure on the crush you had developed on him, not make it ten-times worse!
Mark, who noticed what was happening, grabbed your hand and directed you away from the scene.
“You’re going to have to stop gawking at him like that.”
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Do you think I meant to?”
Little did you know, at the same time a certain pilot had spotted you, and was now wondering who the man accompanying you was.
And why he no longer was in the mood to play volleyball..
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