#maverick fields
hozaloza · 4 months
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also Logan wearing the nice shirt (or dress shirt whatever they're called) is giving Maverick's son
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spankmespence · 6 months
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boyfriend!bradley, boyfriend!bradley, boyfriend!bradley 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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athleticperfection1 · 5 months
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Colorado Mesa Pole Vault
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koifsssh · 1 year
some drawings i particular love from the whiteboard i hosted!
wallys... many wallys...
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many drawings indeed! i was so delighted to see so many of You there! it simply warms my heart! I'll try to note all of the artists there, so im so sorry if one of you is missed!
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i (again!) particularly like these drawings from @kamiiiii ! Wally's simply adorable, bwah!!! (do give her some love once you have the chance!)
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very silly indeed...
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ohhh Milkyway... my beloved Milkyway... perhaps i will explain them at some other time, but just know they are nestled into my heart!
(hehe art credits to @thatthirstyweirdo ! you'll probably see her around a lot i feel... you could say our arms are linked at the moment! bwahaha!)
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some rainy's as well! as well as maverick's! they are very silly together i think
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some oc interactions as well! i quite like playing dolls, so i have to say thank you to @chimeracarnival & @justmwahstruly !
ehehe as well as @theknifeclown and @cutepotatook !
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(it may be hard to see, if it is- bwah! im sorry!)
a star club... i wonder who's the president... vice president? eheh! what a silly thought!
OH! AND!!!
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i almost wanna eat him...
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iamumbra195 · 15 days
Oh my god, this chapter was insane. The stakes are rising so high now. The kids are being hunted in both the human and the phantom world and the fact that the phantom world has been more relaxing in the last few chapters is insane.
Jasmine is batshit insane and I don't know if I love or hate her. She's shooting those bullets like this is a BB gun or something but OH MY GOD, LOGAN! LOGAN, LOGAN, LOGAN, LOGANNNNN!
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HE SHOT A HUMAN BEING! HE WANTED TO KILL HER! ALL THE KIDS DID AND THESE PANELS ARE SO FUCKING UNSETTLING I LOVE IT!! @pipthetwip it would be so cool if you did some horror art based on these panels!
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The way Jasmine was fully ready to kill him for shooting her, talking about how Maverick can make do with five of them and SPEAKING OF THAT!!! @hozaloza YOU PREDICTED THAT JASMINE AND LOGAN WERE GONNA HAVE BEEF, HOW??? ARE YOU SECRETLY A SEER OR SOMETHING?
Anyways onto my favourite loser, Charlie! I literally love him so much he is my favourite member of the Crane Cult. He's like if a normal dude with somewhat decent morals was randomly shoved into a criminal organization and just vibed there until he couldn't anymore XD
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Little bit of Aidlyn holding hands for the soul :)
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The kids are now heading for New York to get help from the facility headquarters so they can shut the facility down and save their parents, Alex, Ryan, and maybe Charlie? Hopefully Charlie? Please don't kill him off Red
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Anyways, good night, I can't wait for next week!
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blue-aconite · 6 months
fields of dandelions || prologue
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Summary: Jake's life falls apart in less than an hour and he's left trying his best to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Swearing, cheating
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x OC
Authors Note: And we're back with a new series! This has been sitting in my drafts forever and I finally found the motivation to finish off the prologue. I just think the world needs more single dad!Jake, don't y'all agree?
Thank you to my betas @a-reader-and-a-writer & @green-socks and for letting me ramble on about this!
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Jake spent a good twenty minutes staring at his own house through the windscreen. He remembered when he and Sarah first bought it. A lot had happened since. And now it looked like it was all coming to an end. 
Sarah was on the phone as he entered the kitchen, talking quietly as she flipped through a magazine. He shoved his hand into the pockets of his jeans, leaning against the doorframe and waiting for her to notice him. When she didn’t acknowledge his presence, he cleared his throat.
She looked up, eyes widening as she saw him. “Jake. I didn’t realise you were going to be home yet.” She ended the call without saying goodbye and Jake noticed how she chose to put the phone with the screen down. 
He gave her a tight smile before sitting down across from her. “Half day. They’re running drills with the kids so Mav sent us home.”
“That’s nice. Did you pick up the boys?”
Jake shook his head. “Javy picked them up. They’re trying out his new pool.” The boys had been on their case since they found out their uncle Coyote was installing a pool in his backyard. 
She hummed but offered no other answer. An uncomfortable silence filled the space, neither of them speaking. Sarah shifted in her seat, eyes darting back and forth between him and her phone. 
Jake felt his stomach turn but decided to jump the gun. “I think we need to talk.”
He had expected some sort of fight, some sort of protest, so when Sarah only sighed and twisted her face in what resembled a smile, it was like a punch to the gut. 
“How did you find out?” she asked, completely unbothered as she inspected her nails. She didn’t bother denying it, even though Jake hadn’t asked about it directly. But it was enough to confirm what Jake already knew but hoped he was wrong about. 
Jake dragged a hand through his hair, baffled at her lack of reaction. “How did I find out? Is that all you have to say?” 
“What do you want me to say?” Sarah shook her head, manicured nails tapping the table. Jake dragged a hand down his face. 
“I want you to say that you didn’t fuck him. That you didn’t invite him into our house while our boys were home. I mean, what the fuck?!” 
If his words affected her, Sarah didn’t show it. She twisted her wedding band round and round, her silence telling him everything Jake needed to know. 
“If you’ve been unhappy -”
“It’s not about that. It’s complicated, Jake.” Sarah sighed. 
Jake scoffed, clearing his throat. “Uncomplicate it for me then. Tell me why I had to find out from our son that you’ve been inviting another man into my house. How many times, huh?”
“How many times what?” she countered, staring at him. Jake could barely recognise his own wife. She didn’t seem to care that their five-year-old had seen her with another man. 
“You know what I’m asking, don’t play dumb. How many times did you bring him here?” Jake pushed away from the table, unable to sit still anymore. Sarah’s disinterest only served to make him more agitated. 
As if his question finally affected her, Sarah looked up at him but her face showed nothing. “Just one time. And the kids were supposed to be asleep.”
“How long?” It hurt to ask but he needed to know. How long had she been cheating on him? He could piece it together, track back to when she started to become distant but he wanted her to admit it. As if it would feel better. 
Sarah pressed her lips together, hands clasped on top of the table. “Couple of months. I don’t know.”
He laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Of all the possible scenarios he had of the future when he asked Sarah to marry him after high school, this one had never crossed his mind. How had they ended up here?
“Why? Tell me why.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.” 
Shaking his head, Jake gripped the back of the chair he vacated earlier. “Stop saying that. Tell me the truth. If the last 18 years have meant anything to you, you’ll be honest with me,” he paused, drawing a shaky breath. “You owe me that much.”
“I don’t know what to say, Jake! It’s done, okay? I can’t pinpoint the exact fucking moment, alright? One moment everything was alright and then it wasn’t. And he was there for me. Stop questioning me, this isn’t an interrogation.” Sarah spat, anger seeping into her voice.
“No. You don’t get to be angry. You’re the one that fucked up. You do not get to tell me I don’t get to ask questions.” Jake spat back, his own anger surfacing. She had no right to play the victim. 
Sarah rolled her eyes, a humourless laugh leaving her. “Alright, fine. Do you want the truth? I’m so fucking tired of this life. I’m tired of staying home all the fucking time whenever you get deployed, putting my own career on hold for you. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of you. For once, I want to do something for me, have something for myself.” 
“And to achieve that you decided that cheating on me was the best course of action? Why haven’t you talked to me about this?” Jake demands all the anger and hurt clashing together. 
Sarah shakes her head. “Like talking would do any good.”
He thought it would hurt more, to hear that his own wife was tired of him but all he could feel was a numbness spreading through his body. 
The woman sitting in front of him wasn’t his wife, wasn’t the mother of his children. She sounded cold, detached, almost like Jake felt. 
Jake scoffed. “Well, you could have said something, instead of fucking someone else. We could have tried couples therapy -” 
“It wouldn’t have made a difference. And now it doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.” Sarah interrupted. 
He stared at her, trying hard to remember the girl he once had fallen in love with. But she was nowhere to be found. Instead he saw someone he didn’t even recognised anymore. Sarah stared back, neither of them breaking eye contact. He knew it was the end. She knew it too. 
“Are you leaving?” 
Sarah lowered her gaze back to her hands. “Yes.”
“What about the boys?”
Sarah didn’t say anything. She stayed quiet, once again twisting her wedding band round and round. Jake sat down again, exhaustion seeping into his bones. “Sarah. What about the boys?”
“What about them?” She kept her eyes on her hands, refusing to meet his eye. 
Jake threw his hands up in frustration. “What do we tell them?”
Sarah pulls the wedding band off along with the engagement ring he’d given her all those years ago. He could do nothing but watch as she ended twelve years of marriage right in front of his eyes. Eighteen years together, right down the drain. 
She leaves them laying on the long abandoned magazine and Jake couldn’t make himself pick them up. He didn’t want to touch them. “We need to tell them.”
“They won’t understand,” Sarah argues. 
“So we shouldn’t say anything? They’re old enough to understand that something is wrong. We need to sit down together and talk to them,” he reasons but Sarah seems disinterested in continuing their conversation.
“No. You can tell them whatever you want. I’m not doing this,” Sarah snaps, blindsiding him. What the fuck is she saying?
When he asks her as much, Sarah simply shrugs her shoulders, that cold, hard exterior back in place. “I’m leaving. You can tell them whatever you see fit. It’s honestly not my problem.”
Jake explodes. “You’re not even going to say goodbye? How am I supposed to go pick up our children and explain to them why their mother isn’t home? How is that fair? To me? To them?!” He wants to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. 
The chair scrapes on the floor as Sarah stands and Jake follows suit, anger coursing through his veins. “You can’t just leave.”
Sarah simply levels him with a glare, challenging him to make another move. After a tense minute Sarah folds, shoulders slumping. “Fine. Pick up the boys and we’ll talk.”
“I swear to God, if you’re not here when I get back -”
“I’ll be here,” Sarah promises, sitting back down and flipping the magazine open again. The rings clatter onto the table and down onto the floor but neither of them makes an effort to get them.
As he pulls out of the driveway, Jake prays that she’ll still be there when they get back. He doesn’t believe her but at this point, he doesn’t have a choice. He chooses to believe that she wouldn’t abandon their sons. She might be tired of him, their marriage, but Jake knows Sarah loves Josh and Levi. She wouldn’t just leave. She couldn’t.
After exchanging a few words with Javy and making sure the boys are safely strapped in their seats, Jake rushes back home. He drives slower than he’d like to but with the boys in the car, he’s not willing to risk it. 
Dread fills him when he pulls into the driveway. The garage is open and Sarah’s convertible is gone. After bribing the boys with ice cream if they promise to stay in the car just a little while longer, Jake jogs up the porch, heart sinking in his chest. 
The house is eerily quiet when he steps inside and he berates himself for trusting Sarah to stay true to her word. Because all that is left of the woman he’s loved for eighteen years, the mother of his children, is a note on the fridge.
“Tell the boys I love them.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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tylerlecherie · 3 months
(Comment your fav ship if it isn't on the list) GUYS I DID NOT MEAN TO PUT AIDEN X BEN IN THERE.😀 ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ASHLYN X BEN😭
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catacombbee · 3 months
theory time. spoilers for sbg new episode 74
does anyone actually fucking trust Maverick rn? im so fr i don't trust him one BIT.
Alex i trust. Alex seems like he has good intentions (especially with him telling Aiden he wasnt supposed to tell them) but how much could he really help? it doesn't feel like he's very high up the totem pole yk. maybe we'll have like a- Alex sticking his neck out to help/save the kids somehow and dies for it, perhaps on accident
but anyway I DONT FUCKING TRUST MAVERICK AND YOURE DUMB IF YOU DO im kidding. im kidding you're not dumb. im kidding you're amazing and go drink your water rn pls
1. the fact he's trying to get the kids to trust him
2. the fact that he went to BEN first of all people
starting with no. 1, i think he wants something. he so CLEARLY wants something. i don't TRUST THIS MAN he may be HOT but he is UP TO SMTH!!! what i don't know is what he wants from the kids. getting them on his side and trusting him feels like a way of getting more information out of them, and what could he possibly be digging for if not more information on the phantom realm?
Alex was asking Ashlyn about the fact that they all asked for ASL books at the same time and thus must have some way of communicating. i think they must know it has to do with the phantom realm (though they don't know that it's an entire separate dimension i think) and Maverick wants to know more about how they're communicating. with the promise that he will protect them from the rest of the government, which i think might just entail "keeping you for ourselves"
and how does he get the kids to trust them? making himself seem like a good option, and separating himself from "those who put them here." the government. the bad part of the government. and how does he do that?
well that's where we come to no. 2
they have cameras. they can watch the kids and how they're acting. in fact, they've been watching the kids for a while now. if i were to pick anyone to try and talk to to get on my side having observed them from a distance, maybe id pick Taylor or Logan. the others are stubborn or unpredictable in their own ways.
So why Ben?
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Maverick is trying to draw several comparisons in Ben's mind, especially with using language like the above and like this:
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What Maverick is trying to connect in Ben's mind is this:
The authority = The government that locked them up here
The government =/ Maverick and his people
He's trying to get into Ben's mind and say "Hey. We want the same thing you want: to get rid of this place." The way he calls them a bunch of pigs ALMOST makes me hesitate on thinking he's being insincere, but on the other hand would that phrasing not resonate with a jaded teenage boy who's been in trouble before?
Maverick went to Ben because he saw a way in through Ben. Even though Ben is violent and stubborn (right now. and towards the staff), he recognizes that he can use Ben's past as a way of leveraging himself to a higher status in Ben's mind. Besides, if he can get one of the more stubborn kids to crack first, he's got a much easier way in with the others.
Furthermore, this will lead to more observation. He must know the kids are communicating somehow, he just doesn't know how exactly yet. This part isn't Ben specific, but by talking to one of them, he then gives himself the opportunity to watch the rest more closely for any mention of things he's said to Ben. Evidence that they have some way of talking. A way of figuring out how they're doing so.
Maverick is using Ben's past to manipulate him into trusting him.
and im pissed off abt that
anyway though i just wanted to rant about this episode and how it made me feel cus im upset and i want to hug Ben. if you don't like my theory and/or have a different one please please reblog and yap about it (nicely) i LOVELOVELOVE hearing different opinions on headcanons and theories and such. OR BUILD ON MY THEORY! i like yapping pls yap to me okay bye
also ty @arcaneafterhours for giving me screenshots cus i can't screenshot. ilu
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chrrywvea · 2 years
[slider is filming]
*to the camera*
iceman: okay, ready? today i'll show you how to care of a sad person
*he walks over to the couch where mav is curled up, & begins laying out a blanket*
iceman: you get your blanket, and pick up your ball of depression...
*picks up mav*
iceman: lay them on the blanket and...
*mav yelps when ice starts to roll him up*
iceman: you get your own sushi roll!
iceman: now you place them somewhere comfortable and get your supplies...
*dumps mav back onto the couch & returns with snacks and drinks*
iceman: you hug your roll close and watch a movie that the roll enjoys
*starts mean girls, meanwhile slider is one laugh away from passing out*
iceman: now this part is important! you feed and hydrate the roll, because tears leave the roll dehydrated.
*mav blushing heavily, hiding in ice's side while he gets his share of chips*
iceman, smiling at the camera: there we go, a happy roll!
[ slider can't help the sappy grin on his face, their little pilot buddy all tiny & wide eyes peeking over the blanket is just adorable ]
inspired by the happy sushi roll meme i just found again:-D
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foreverfallingstars · 3 months
Me when I get a new interest and need to mix it with SBG
Might write a TOPGUN AU w the Savannah Squad
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hozaloza · 2 months
Me looking at Logan haters after realizing I actually like his character
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i mean, come on
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look at him
I could make him into a squishy and stress squeeze him all day as I stare at my walls contemplating whether or not to actually work on my oc ref sheet (I probably should because I need it either way 🤠💅)
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bolognese for the heart | chef!bob x oc
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Summary: chef!Bob making something with the pumpkin guts/seeds while OC sits nearby carving the freshly cleaned-out pumpkin. (wc: 458)
Requested: YES by @a-reader-and-a-writer
Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, knife mention, an entire backstory that i have yet to write (whoops)
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“Mm, the guts’re all yours, chef,” Georgia said as she slid over the bowl, a grimace on her lips and the last remaining strings of pumpkin insides dangling from her fingers. “Hated that.”
“I appreciate your sacrifice,” Bob chuckled as he kissed her cheek.
She wiped her hands on a towel. “Mm, you better.”
“So will you, once I get these guys toasted and seasoned.”
Bob took the bowl of guts over to the sink and began to pick out the seeds. Extracting them from the stringy insides and washing them off one by one. Once cleaned to his liking, he laid each of them out gently on a paper towel to dry. Georgia smiled as she watched him for a moment. Even after all this time, she could still watch him cook anything and be absolutely enthralled. Especially with the sleeves of his button up rolled up like that and his apron tied around his waist. 
“What’re ya gonna carve?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at her with a grin.
“Um —” Georgia turned back to the hollowed out pumpkin, staring up at her blank faced. “I don’t know. My family always painted pumpkins at Halloween.”
“Really? Why?”
“Less messy, more fun — less dangerous,” she said, picking up the paring knife she would use to carve warily.
Bob chuckled. “Guess that makes sense. You want help?”
He looked ready to stop everything to come back over and help her carve the pumpkin. Eyebrows raised and lips pursed, fingers third knuckle deep in pumpkin guts. Georgia shook her head with a smile.
“No, I got it. I wanna try your…The uh…”
“Sweet curry pepitas,” he filled in for her.
“Yeah, those — as soon as possible,” she said.
“Yes, ma’am.”
So they carved and cleaned pumpkin seeds quietly. A record playing from the other room and glasses of wine poured once Bob had seasoned the pepitas and put them in the oven to toast. He hummed quietly in her ear as he wrapped his arms around Georgia’s waist. Head rested comfortably on her shoulder as he watched her carve. She knew it was a little messy, but she was trying her best while also attempting to not cut herself. Bob just laughed lightly as she poked out the mouth, wide smiling and goofy — matched with a small pair of round eyes.
“He’s a very happy jack-o-lantern,” he chuckled, giving her waist a squeeze.
Their little country cottage filled with the smells of curry spices and brown sugar as they put in the electric tea candle and set the pumpkin up in the window. Even though they would be the only ones who would see it.
Just a small reminder of the perfect October night, and a bit of home.
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i no longer have a taglist, please follow @anniesocsandlibrary and turn on notifications for updates
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callsign-daydream · 1 year
Fanboy: Rooster, do you think your favorite animal says anything about you? Rooster: You mean like behind my back?
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iamumbra195 · 2 months
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Now that he isn't in scrubs and covering half his face with a mask, Alex just looks like a dude with long hair lol. I think we all just assumed he was a girl because was in scrubs and had long hair XD. And also fuck yeah, Alex, you deserve to be a bitch considering all the stress you're under lol.
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And oh my god, no. The parents are coma patients which means they're turning into phantoms...
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On a brighter note, Aiden terrorizing Taylor by acting like a phantom is the most teenage boy shit I've ever seen. Red writes teenagers perfectly lol. And Ben got his whistle, hooray. Though he almost got snatched right after lmaoo.
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Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Maverick and Mr. Thomas were a Jekyll and Hyde type of situation? Mr. Thomas as Jekyll and Maverick as Hyde, of course. Maybe the reason he's doing all this is too heal himself lol. Ignore that I just pulled it out my ass XD (Imagine if I'm right though? I think I'd explode)
Also, random thing but when has Tyler ever even seen Maverick lol? The only ones who've seen him are Ash and Ben. Maybe they saw his picture when they were looking through the files of everyone who worked there.
Can't wait for next week!
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blue-aconite · 6 months
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Summary: After twelve years of marriage, Jake's wife walks out on him. Suddenly, he's a single father of two, trying his best to pick up the pieces of their life and making sure that unlike their mother, he will never leave them. The last thing Jake is looking for is love. But as we all know, love finds us in the most unexpected ways.
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stayliquid · 5 months
closed starter for @lcvewaslcst !! muses. bianca holden & maverick fields. plot. tis the 90s.
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she could feel his eyes on him. bianca couldn't see him, but she could quite literally just feel him. then again, she couldn't see much beyond the flashing lights of the photographers snapping the pictures. her date on the carpet that night, squeezing her hip as he posed along with her. her fake smile perfected for the cameras and anyone who gazed upon her. maverick knew better. for centuries, he knew better. somehow, staying away from him had kept them protected this time. alive — frozen from restarting their life cycles again, but at what cost? bianca still wasn't able to be with him. a slip of her date's hand — her co star, grabbing her butt from out of the cameras eye had her darting away from him. a few more poses alone, before she left the red carpet for a moment alone. or so she thought before a different set of hands moved her into the direction of a locked bathroom. "what—we can't—" and truthfully, she wasn't sure whether her mouth leaned in to meet his or if he kissed her. either way, for the moment the kisses filled the space between, familiar hands explored every inch he could grab until she moaned. "stop, no. i can't. i won't watch you die again." a hand grabbed mav's chin, forcing him to stop the kisses.
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