#mavis the house elf
severitus812fan · 5 months
Harry: *returns to the house at 2am*
Severus, turning his chair: where were you?
Harry: with Mavis
Mavis, also turning his chair: wanna try again?
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usagirln120 · 1 month
Mavis Vermillion: Hogwarts AU
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Mavis Vermillion is a Half-Blood witch that was born on the 23rd of June 1885 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1896, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
Her parents passed away when she was young which led to her getting adopted by a man named Zeeself but he did not adopt her out of kindness but because her father owed him a debt which Mavis was now forced to pay by working alongside his house-elf.
She was heavily bullied by her adopted sister Zera but after she and her father were killed, she decided to remain as a ghost to look after her sister to pay for what she did to her.
After Mavis graduated from Hogwarts, she became a Curse Breaker and was in a team with her friends Yuri Dreyar, Precht Gaebolg and Warrod Sequen with her eventually becoming the godmother to Yuri's son Makarov.
But just a few months after Makarov's birth, she was involved in an accident with a broken Time Turner which was believed to have resulted in her death but over eighty years later, it was revealed that she survived but had gotten sent forward in time.
She went into hiding afterwards to get used to the future which is what eventually led to her meeting the dark wizard Zeref Dragneel who she (not legally) married and had twin boys together with, with the oldest (August) eventually going through the same thing that she did but instead of getting sent forward in time, he was sent backwards.
She believed that her love for her husband was a sin because of his crimes but after she revealed herself to her godson and the Order of the Phoenix, they assured her that it was not a sin to fall in love and that it wasn't her fault that her youngest son (Larcade) followed in his father's footsteps.
After becoming an official member of the Order, she became widely known in the organisation for her skill in strategy with her being involved in all the major battles of the Second Wizarding War.
After reuniting with Zera's ghost, she realized pretty quickly that she needed to help Natsu defeat her husband for the greater good, a resolve which deepened after she found out that her son Larcade had been killed by Zeref (an accident) during the Battle of Hogwarts.
After arriving at Hogwarts for the battle, she immediately seeked out her husband and after berating him she helped Natsu defeat him before she took her own life to join her family in the afterlife.
She had an Acacia wand with a Unicorn Hair Core.
Her Patronus was a Hummingbird.
Her favorite subjects were History of Magic and Ancient Runes.
Her least favorite subjects were Herbology and Potions.
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soughthopearchived · 2 years
So my fae aesthetic goes as follows lmao
Thea: 🌸💗🎀🍥🩰🦩💕🍧🍭 - A/manda A/curi fc Fern: 📓🍙🎧🖤🖱⛸🤍💭 - J/enna O/rtega fc Mavis: 🐤🌻 🍯 ⭐ 🍋 🌙 ✨💛 - X/ochitl G/omez fc
Thea eats like buddy the elf, is confused all the time and uses light magic. She heals things, conjures stuff and has a butterfly familiar
Fern collects bugs, lives in a tree house, uses night magic where she can move in the shadows, teleport that way too and use it to fly. She doesn't like anyone really and her familiar is a crow
Mavis eats everything, she uses earth magic similar to earth bending which makes her a tank and a builder type. Her familiar? A mf brown bear which she calls Minnie and wrestles despite them being huge
imma type up bios eventually but vbdfkvfb
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patriciasage · 3 years
Author: Patricia_Sage
Fandom: The Adventure Zone - Balance
Taako sighs and takes off his hat, wringing the rim of it in his dark, scarred hands. Lup dissipates some of her aggressive energy at the sight of his walls coming down. It’s sibling honesty time.
“I understand why Lucretia did it. I respect it and I respect her.” He stares at the kitchen tiles. “I don’t hate her. I just can’t forgive her.”
posted in full under the break but you can find me on A03!!
Merle’s house isn’t big enough for all of them, especially with the addition of Kravitz, Mavis and Mookie, Killian, Carey, and Angus. But the weather is so nice that they spend most of their time on the beach, anyway. Lup’s on her way to the kitchen to grab another beer for her and Barry when she hears sniffling coming from the living room. Oh no, that won’t do, nobody cries on a Reunion Day.
As she rounds the corner, ready to tackle someone or give a spectacular pep-talk, she sees that she is not needed. Lucretia is sitting on the couch, wiping her tears on a dark handkerchief. It hurts Lup to see her friend look so worn down, so much older. The elf knows from experience that Lucretia doesn’t respond very well to aggressive comfort, so she’s happy to see Merle sitting on the couch too. Merle and Lucretia always had similar energies, and Lup can see that the cleric is grounding Lucretia in her moment of vulnerability. Lup quietly backs out of the room before they notice her.
But Lucretia speaks before Lup is out of earshot. “He told me he can’t forgive me.” Her voice is an awful combination of heartbroken and resigned. Lup’s curiousity and concern holds her in place. Her heartbeat stumbles when she hears her brother’s name from Merle’s lips.
“You know Taako. He’s stubborn, but he’ll come around.”
“I don’t know if he will.” Lucretia sounds so fragile in that moment. Protectiveness blooms in Lup’s ribcage and she storms to the kitchen.
Taako is delicately placing garnishes on a plate of little sandwiches. His “Kiss the Cook” apron protects his flowy, white shirt from any stains. The shell earring that Merle gave him is tangled in his braid. And Lup loves him more than she loves anyone else on any planet, but she is so pissed at him right now.
“Hey, asshole, stop being so mean to Lucretia.”
Taako turns around. With Kravitz’s encouragement, he no longer casts Disguise Self every day, and Lup is only just getting used to his new, average looks. “I’m not being mean to Lucretia.”
“Well, she’s not crying in Merle’s living room right now because that’s a fun beach activity.” Taako’s mouth tightens and he looks genuinely sad. “I know what happened was brutal, but she did what she thought was right, Taako. That’s no reason to hate her.”
Taako sighs and takes off his hat, wringing the rim of it in his dark, scarred hands. Lup dissipates some of her aggressive energy at the sight of his walls coming down. It’s sibling honesty time.
“I understand why she did it. I respect it and I respect her.” He stares at the kitchen tiles. “I don’t hate her. I just can’t forgive her.”
“Ever?” Lup asks. She leans on the table next to her twin. “Don’t you think that’s a little harsh, bro? She’s been through a lot.”
Taako mumbles, “She put me through a lot, too.”
Lup snatches his hat out of his hands and tosses it onto a nearby chair, ignoring his half-assed protest. He finally looks her in the eye. “I lived in a fucking umbrella for over a decade. Davenport forgot everything but his own fucking name! If we can forgive her, why can’t you?”
Taako’s dark eyes are sharp and bright like obsidian. “With all due respect, pumpkin, you don’t know what it’s like to live without you.”
There are a few breaths where they just look at each other. Lup remembers how awful it felt to be trapped in the Umbra Staff, watching and listening to her brother and her friends in trouble, unable to help them, unable to connect with anyone. But she had her memories. She had a purpose. She had hope.
Taako continues to speak, his voice rough and breaking more than usual. “And when I say, ‘live without you’, I don’t mean missing you, babe. I mean living without awareness of you, without any memories of our life.”
This isn’t news to Lup. She knows what Lucretia fed to Fischer. She knows that Taako and Magnus and Merle and Davenport were extracted from their old lives. But she doesn’t like to think about it too hard because empathy reaches for her heart and squeezes. Imagining a life without Taako is sickening and almost incomprehensible.
“I was so alone, and I always felt like something was missing, but I thought I was just fucked up.” Taako laughs humourlessly. “I mean, I am…just a little bit. You know that. We both are.” His smile fades. “But not having you in my life was as if someone used Hole Thrower on my fucking soul.” She reaches out and holds his hand. Their hands are the same size and they’ve always fit perfectly together. “And then I remembered you. And you were still gone. And I could have been looking for you the entire time! You literally spelled it out for me. But I didn’t even know…”
They don’t usually do hugs. Sure, when Lup finally got her corporeal form Taako wouldn’t let her go for a full three minutes. But that was an exception. Usually, their physical affection consists of fist bumps and braiding each other’s hair. But Lup wraps her arms around her brother and squeezes hard. They both need it. Seems like they’re siblings who hug, now.
“I care about Lucretia,” Taako says into her shoulder. “I don’t want to punish her, that’s not what I’m doing here. But she hurt me in the worst way anyone ever could.” He gently steps out of her embrace. “So, I can’t forgive her.”
Lup’s heart is heavy in her chest as Taako grabs his hat and leaves the kitchen, tray of sandwiches in hand. A few moments later she hears Angus McDonald on the front porch. “Welcome back, sir!”
“Hey, Agnes. You hungry?”
When Lup returns to the beach, Barry asks her if she’s okay. “Yeah, I’m fine. Oh, shit, I forgot the beers.”
“It’s okay, babe.” Barry doesn’t ask her any more questions, but he wraps his arm tightly around her waist. She’s grateful for the grounding contact, grateful for her sweet Barry.
Lucretia and Merle walk down from the house and sit on the sand next to Magnus and Carey. Magnus finishes carving a dolphin out of a piece of driftwood and hands it to Lucretia. She smiles. The hours pass lazily on their perfect day.
Almost 60 feet away from the group, Taako stands ankle-deep in the water. He’s a tiny, solitary figure, staring out at the vast horizon. Lup hates seeing him alone and it’s almost as if her co-worker hears her thoughts because suddenly Kravitz is wading in the water, his pinstripe pants rolled up to his knees. Lup watches the Grim Reaper kiss her brother on the back of the neck and hold him, and the phantom grip on her heart loosens.
Taako will never be alone again. She’ll make sure of it.
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saahzeroth · 3 years
What is a fact about your OC that only one or two people know?
I have juicy answers for Nehm and Judah concerning this one.
Judah is, in fact the father of my (semi-retired) character Griffin Whittle. Due to unfortunate magical circumstances, Judah wasn't permitted to raise Griffin on his own, claimed as instead the son of his younger brother, Çiar. Nonetheless, Judah strived to watch over him however he could, taking him in after Çiar and his wife (Mavis, who did not want to be a part of the house at all) killed each other.
By no means did he treat Griffin well. Judah was raised by a cruel man with cruel teachings. But the loss of custody his only child, and an inherent difficulty -- near inability -- to even have a child, left a hurt that he still carries to this day. And last he'd heard, Griffin was killed during the worgen attack.
A part of him isn't convinced Griffin is entirely gone, and subconsciously searches for him wherever he travels.
And Nehmoras... well. Humm. He wasn't originally an elf; unbeknownst to him this life is simply a complex form of hiding. In his past life, Nehm angered an entire people -- the same peoples, funnily enough, that Judah originated from. The two have connections that neither have recollection of. This is the perfection that Nehm aspires to achieve, though. In the back of his head, he is self-programmed to desire returning to his true nature. Restore his true life, now that it has been preserved...
(Ty @jacobdcheshyre 💙)
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vulturevanity · 4 years
Session 1 highlights
Me: "You go into the the tavern. There's the waitress serving a very drunk guy in a corner, there's an older dark-skinned man behind the counter who is talking to a kid no older than 13, but other than that it's just you guys.
Morthos (tiefling bard): "I find someplace I can use as a stage."
Me: "This is a tiny tavern, you can tell it's probably just a repurposed house room. There's no stage, but you can use the empty table if you wanna be an asshole."
Morthos: "Oh. I climb the chair then."
Tavern keeper, after the party made an unsuccessful attempt at gaining favour from the waitress: "Look, I can't give you a discount. But you seem like a skilled bunch, I could maybe do something for you in exchange for a favour."
Mavis (wood elf cleric, played by my sister): "but could you reconsider, though? I mean, I am very beautiful."
The town had been invaded by bandits, led by scrawny-looking but still scary orc on a horse. Combat initiated.
Me: "The orc screams orders around, sees you and sends two bandits at you. The bandits use their entire action to move toward you, and that's it. Aluori, you're next."
Aluori (dragonborn fighter): "I use my breath weapon on them."
Me: "Ok, they need to make a dex save. What's your DC?"
Aluori: "uh, 8."
Me: "Oh yeah. Because you for some reason chose Constitution as your dump stat."
Aluori's player: "I'M NEW, OK?!"
Me: "Right, sorry. You better pray that this works." *rolls* *cackles* "ok so they both fail,"
*entire group dissolves into laughter*
Me, between tears: "roll damage."
Me: "The orc, after being shot at by Mavis and seeing two of his henchmen incinerate, grins with a sick excitement. He slaps his horse with the one free hand and it moves all the way to you, to take on the challenge. He takes his great axe and swipes it at... Aluori, who he perceives as the biggest threat." *rolls* "oh god, does 21 hit?"
Aluori: "yEP."
Me: "ok then, let's just roll low then." *rolls* ... "Aluori, how many hit points do you have?"
Aluori: "... 8."
Me, really not wanting anyone to die on session 1: "You black out."
Mavis heals Aluori with a full cure wounds.
Me: "Aluori, you take an axe to the face, blink and now you're on the ground. It's your turn."
Aluori: "I stand up and I'm really mad, so I strike him with my long sword. Real hard on the neck." *rolls* "does a 22 hit?"
Me, who somehow forgot I'd allowed him to start with 20 str: "OH GOD, yes it does. Jeez."
The orc took a few hits and so did the horse. Mavis's player (my sister) felt pretty bad about that and got the party to focus on the orc. Morthos got the final blow.
Me: "As soon as you strike (the orc) down and he falls, all the other bandits, who'd been busy pillaging the market, stop and look at you. The whole town falls into dead silence. What do you do?"
Morthos: "I pose like Dio from JoJo."
Me: "Of course you do."
Aluori made a successful intimidation check and the bandits dropped their stolen goods and left running.
Mavis: "I heal the poor horse, god damnit."
In the end they got a free meal and a room for the night from the tavern keeper (who had a ton of movement because the townsfolk wanted to celebrate a small victory against the bandits). Also Mavis kept the horse (and they forgot to loot the orc's body.)
They still haven't stumbled into the main plot.
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
Avada Kedavra
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cV5jzpJ
by Severitus812
Albus Dumbledore knows what Harry Potter is. He knows that the boys death, while regrettable, is necessary to stop the current Dark Lord and prevent the rise of another.
Lord Voldemort knows what Harry Potter is. He knows that Potter is his gift from fate; the equal he never knew he desired and will now stop at nothing to have stand by his side.
Severus Snape knows what Harry Potter is. He knows that it’s going to come down to a decision, a decision laid on his shoulders: what matters more, ending the war with the Dark Lord or allowing Harry to live his life?
Harry Potter does not know what he is and is simply trying to fight a war that his enemies are suddenly changing the rules to.
 Welcome back to Year Six.
Words: 414, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Harry Potter & Seven Years of Chaos
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Amelia Bones, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, (aka Timmy), Minerva McGonagall, Trent Bailey (OC), Mavis the House-Elf, Nymphadora Tonks
Relationships: Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Fred Weasley, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Additional Tags: Slytherin Harry Potter, Slytherin Ron Weasley, Ravenclaw Hermione Granger, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Morally Ambiguous Character, (aka everyone), In Character Bashing, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, OP Harry Potter, Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), teenagers doing teenager things, Smut, Fights, Murder, the usual, Guardian Severus Snape, BAMF Susan Bones, Seer Luna Lovegood, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cV5jzpJ
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Letters to No One: 6/6
Summary: Lucretia writes letters that she can never send over the years. 
Final chapter! Wow this ended up being longer than I expected.
For Taako, we're mixing things up a bit, but I hope you guys still enjoy! Thanks for reading, and double thanks to everyone who's taken the time to leave a comment while I've been writing this! <3
Also on Ao3
Taako sees Lup going through some letters one day, when she and Barold are visiting. He wanders over and grabs one randomly off the pile. He recognizes the gentle curves of the handwriting easily, and sees red.
Taako, like all of them, had taken turns filling in for Lucretia on the cycles when she’d died. He’d filled in his parts of the journals, picking up where her handwriting had left off. After a hundred years of that handwriting, he could recognize it anywhere. (He’d seen letters from the Director and hadn’t thought a thing, because she wasn’t anyone important.)
“Why is she writing to you?”  He demands. Lup snatches it back before he can rip the letter into tiny pieces, like he wants to.
“She did it while I was gone.” Lup picks up another one, keeping a careful eye on him, as if making sure that he doesn’t take a fireball to the table. It’s tempting, he has to admit, but he wouldn’t do it, because she’s the one who can spell shape, not him, and he’d never hurt Lup. “It’s… enlightening.”
Taako fumes. He fumes even more when he sees Barry has his own stack of letters, annotated in red ink, stacked neatly on the desk in the house that Taako has been sharing with the Reapers Three whenever they’re not out in the Astral Plane.
“I think they helped her,” Magnus says when Taako goes to visit him to rant about it. His letters are scattered across his kitchen table, weird carvings weighing them down like paperweights. He’s holding one of them in his hand, looking at it strangely. “Talking to us.”
“Whose fault is it that she couldn’t?” Taako snaps. He doesn’t get it, how they’ve all forgiven her. As if it wasn’t her fault. Sure, they don’t hate her, he understands that, because yeah, okay, maybe he doesn’t hate her anymore. But there’s a difference between not hating and forgiveness and he doesn’t understand how it is that they’ve managed to find it.
Magnus shrugs. “Hers. She knows it. But she still missed us.”
“She doesn’t deserve too!” Taako throws his hands into the air. “We didn’t get to miss her. We didn’t even bet to miss each other!”
Magnus shrugs again.
Merle just pours him a cup of tea. Outside, the sea crashes against the beach. The kids, the kids who are only just learning to call him “Uncle Taako,” even though they should have been doing it their whole lives, are playing on the shore. “I dunno, I thought they were interesting.”
Taako calls Davenport on his Stone of Farspeech that night, because if anyone could understand, it would be him.  
“It’s just what she does, Taako. You cook, Magnus carves, she writes. It’s… comforting.” Davenport is in some far away place, exploring the world. Taako has a postcard from him in his pocket, describing the kind of spiced tea that a port town specializes in. He’s seen postcards pinned to Magnus’ walls and Merle’s, and read Lup and Barry’s out loud to Kravitz.
He wonders if Lucretia gets postcards. He wonders if she keeps them in a scrapbook or something—it’s been over a decade, maybe she picked up scrapbooking.
“Well, why didn’t she write to me then?”
The words surprise him, so he hangs up before Davenport can respond.
He turns that thought over and over in his head, trying to understand it. He doesn’t care what she thinks of him. He doesn’t care that she didn’t try to offer him an explanation, not like the way that she’s offered everybody else.
Some small, rational part of himself that sounds weirdly like Merle, points out that he’s been avoiding Lucretia.
To spite that particular part of himself, he makes sure to kick a fucking tree and tell Mavis and Mookie an embarrassing story about their dad which he definitely embellishes a little. It’s kind of hard to horrify a couple of kids who know that their dad has died a shit ton of times and are aware of his proclivities towards plants because Lucretia’s journals got broadcasted right into their brains, but Taako has never let a little thing like that stop him.
He decides to take matters into his own hands, because talking to Lucretia about his feelings is absolutely overrated, no matter what Kravitz says.
He breaks into the new Bureau of Balance headquarters, which is much easier now that it’s not on the moon, and raids her office, pointedly ignoring the portrait of all of them hanging on the wall. It’s fully restored and he hates how happy they look. Because they were young and stupid and didn’t realize how everything was going to go to shit and it’s not fair.
“Taako? What are you doing?”
Lucretia looks better, he has to admit, now that the Hunger is passed. She’s not younger by any stretch of the word, but she looks less tired, less wary. The dark circles under her eyes which he had for over a year dismissed as nothing have faded away. She’s letting her hair grow too. Not as long as it ever got on the Starblaster, but it’s no longer cropped short like it was when he’d met her once again for the first time.
He scowls and turns to face her, faking a grin that he knows she’ll see right through. “Hear you’ve been writing letters. Wanted to see what you’ve got to say for yourself.” There’s an unspoken challenge there, and they both know it.
Her faces goes blank. “Bottom left drawer,” she says. She waves a hand, and some sort of magical protection dispels.
It’s a lot of paper, all covered in thousands of lines of that same, careful handwriting. They’re tied together with a neon pink ribbon.
Lucretia stands there, leaning against an ordinary staff, and she looks older once again. The world seems to be resting on her shoulders, and Taako should care, but he doesn’t, he doesn’t, because she doesn’t deserve his pity.  
Taako storms out, with the letters under his arm and goes to the school.
“Sizzle It Up with Taako” is a bomb-ass banger of a show. I went in disguise and sat in the back, just in case. Your act was inspired. It was great to see you back in the kitchen, and the bits I got to taste were magnificent.
You seemed perfectly at home in the kitchen, which was great to see.
I wonder though…
Do you ever notice that the van is large enough for three? My plan was for you and Lup to be a double-act, with Barry as your driver. That might be a bit cruel to Barry, yes, to be relegated to that role, but he and Lup would be near each other. I have no doubt that the two of them would have fallen in love again. How could they not? A century of love can’t just be erased. It’s part of why I separated the rest of you. But at least the three of you would be together. He’d have sent in an application for the University in Neverwinter, so he’d at least have that option, but… I doubt he’d have left Lup.
But even without them, you seem at home there, using alchemy in the kitchen, all flashy and bright. You shine like a sun, in that place. I’m so glad, Taako.
It’s not the first letter, but it’s the first one that matters. Taako throws it down and tries to think back to his caravan, thinks about Sazed, who he’d hired, not Lucretia, and he tries to think.
Lup and him both in the caravan, elbows brushing against each other in a space not quite large enough but not caring, because it’s each other. Cooking and laughing, using magic and flare and showmanship in their creations, travelling and never stopping in one place for too long.
Barry, with them, awkward and hesitant like he’d been before he’d known them, slowly getting talked into magical conversations, being a bit of a nerd, flirting with Lup, slowly, painfully slowly, falling in love in the most ridiculous way possible.
Taako shoves the thoughts aside, because it had never happened. Instead, Barry plunged off the Starblaster, killed by Taako, and Lup had been stuck in an umbrella for a decade, while Taako had been alone in that caravan.
He’d been alone and he shouldn’t have been, and Lucretia knew that.
I hear you’re a hit in the Underdark. Of course you are. I hope you’re enjoying your newfound celebrity.
There’s still no word on Lup. I’m looking, Taako, I promise, and the moment I find her I will bring her back to you.
Seeing Lup’s name written in Lucretia’s careful handwriting is more painful than Taako had thought it would be.
He should be mad, he thinks, about Lucretia spying on him. Keeping an eye on him, like she cares.
He’s not though. He just grabs the next letter and keeps reading. He’s not sure why he’s even reading them, because it’s not like they’re going to change anything. He knows what she’s done. Her feeling sad about it doesn’t matter.
Her loneliness does not undo his own.
I’ve heard about
I can’t believe
You’d never
Glamor Springs was a
When I first heard about Glamor Springs, I sent someone to investigate what had happened. I… I can’t quite believe that it’s actually happened. I know it was not intentional—you’re many things Taako, but I know you’d never kill with your cooking. But an accident… it just seems so unlike you that I can’t wrap my head around it.
You’re a wanted elf now. I can almost hear the jokes we would have made about it once, but it was always different, when we’d known that they’d never see us again after the end of the year. You might be running for the rest of your life.
I considered writing up a version of events and feeding it to the Voidfish. I could give you a fresh start, let you begin from scratch.
The only reason I could do it so effectively the first time was that I knew the material so well. My journals were the story of our adventures—your anecdotes about the mongoose language were there, Lup’s doodles were in the margins, there are entire sections written in Magnus’s handwriting because he didn’t believe I was doing the story justice. Even your history before our adventure, I knew well enough to be able to edit around, because we’d had a hundred years to get to know each other. I knew every detail. I knew what I was doing, and I could handle it all with immaculate care.
I don’t know what happened to you, those years wandering Faerun as a wandering chef. I have broad strokes, but with work like this, I’m terrified of what would happen if I slipped up. If I’m too ruthless, someone else could end up like Davenport. If I’m too sparring, you could end up being wanted but not know why.
As much as it pains me to admit it Taako… you’re a stranger to me now.
And I can’t afford to spare the resources that it would take to learn your story well enough to do that.
I’m sorry Taako. I really am. I just wanted you to be happy.
Taako stops reading, after the letter about Glamour Springs. He gets up and shoves them in a desk he never uses, because he doesn’t need a desk, he mostly just have one because Magnus carved it for him and it looks pretty fucking sweet, and then he goes into the kitchen and makes all of Lucretia’s favorite dishes out of spite and then he feeds them to the Bone Squad, ignoring Lup and Barry’s looks.
Lup finds the letters that night. “So you went to see her?”
“Yeah,” Taako says.
“Did you two… talk?”
Taako throws himself onto the couch—not the comfy sofa thing that Barry bought and won’t let him get rid of, but the proper couch, the one that’s for fainting and dramatic flinging.
“No,” he says, once he’s in proper position.
Lup drops the letters on his face, because she’s a terrible sister like that.
“Read them,” she says unsympathetically. “I know it’s hard. But I think it will help.”
“Help what?” Taako wants to say.
But Lup asked him too, so he keeps reading.
When I heard you had found Merle and Magnus I laughed until I cried. Avi thought I had lost my mind.
I’m so glad you’ve found them again.
“Yeah, well, whose fault is it that I didn’t have them?” Taako mutters, flipping the page.
On the back, she’s sketched a view of the Moon Base from her office. It’s just a quick doodle—Lucretia’s a really fucking good artist though, so it’s good.
He stares at it, and he’s shocked to realize that he misses that place.
How fucked up is that?
I’ve done a lot of damage, haven’t I?
It’s taken me a while to realize just how much removing Lup from the equation has changed you. But it has, irrevocably, completely, and astonishingly. I’ve never known you to be like this; it’s like you’re harder, angrier, somehow. I don’t know if I even have the write words to describe it. You trust less. You were always lonely, but now, it feels infinitely greater. You walk around like there’s a gaping hole, a void that can’t be filled, or even grieved properly.
It’s only now that I realize that maybe removing Lup wasn’t a mercy. In my year alone, the pain was so much that it was crippling. I wished so much that I could just forget, so I could do what I needed to do, because the pain, the grief, was just too much.
I have never believed the adage “It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.”  If I had realized how long it would be, maybe I would have made a different decision. But I had no idea that it would take me a decade to even get one artifact besides my Staff.
I should have let you keep her, I see that now. It’s too late to change it, but I can see that now. Even though she can’t be here, I should have left her in your story. I guess, somehow, I was always so focused on not seeing you as two parts of a whole that I failed to realize that being separate people didn’t mean that you didn’t need each other.
I’m so sorry Taako.
Taako throws the letters across the room. The ribbon is undone, and as a result the paper goes everywhere, individual sheets floating across the room and Taako just stands in the middle of it all, breathing heavily and trying not to cry.
The Death Trio are gone, checking out a rock band that’s possibly a necromantic cult or just is really into a skull aesthetic, and so Taako’s alone, in the house, and he wants to call up Lucretia and give her a goddamn piece of his mind.
It’s not right, he thinks, falling to the floor. Paper crinkles underneath him, but he doesn’t care.
For a century, it never mattered.
They’d all been sold out before, been betrayed, been stabbed in the back—sometimes literally. They’d died, they’d lost, they’d been screwed over, but it hadn’t mattered.
Because the rest of the world didn’t.
All of those other worlds, none of it had counted. They were dust. Why should Taako care if dust betrayed them? They were at best, impermanent and at worst, dead.
Taako didn’t need them. Sure, he’d liked some of the people over the years, but they hadn’t mattered. And so what if they didn’t like him? So what if they betrayed him? So what?
There had been six people who did, who were there for him. There wasn’t just Lup, anymore. There were six other, ridiculous, dumb, stubborn assholes who were there for him and cared about him.
Lucretia mattered.
She mattered, and she’d done this anyways.
She’d left him alone.
And that…
That counted.
Do you really have to be so mean to Angus? All of you are, honestly, but that boy looks up to you so much.
Taako goes to clean up and he doesn’t intend to read any of it, because clearly, what more could there be to say after that?
He looks down at that one, and swallows.
They’re all out of order now, randomly scattered across the room. He can’t help but look at them as he gathers them up and read Lucretia’s notes. There are doodles and recipes and a watercolor portrait of him and Lup. There’s mission debriefs and descriptions of whatever stupid shit she caught Magnus or Merle doing.
He gives in and puts them back in order to keep reading.
The Grim Reaper?
“Shut up,” Taako mutters, but his mouth twitches.
It’s all my fault, isn’t it?
The Hunger is coming back, and I’m not sure that we can stop it. I don’t know if we can get all the artifacts in time.
And Barry and Lup’s warnings about the side effects of the shield…
I have doubts, Taako.
I can’t stand that. I’ve done too many horrible things to have doubts now. If I have doubts, it means I did all these things for nothing. Everything I’ve sacrificed, everything I’ve done, I did for a reason. It must be for a reason.
But look at what I’ve done to you—my family, my friends.
Would that disaster in Glamor Springs had happened if you’d been aware that you didn’t have a second person that you were used to, checking your work as you went? If you were the full, powerful wizard that I’d known during our century together, rather than someone who is still unravelling the true extent of his arcane powers?
Would Merle’s marriage have collapsed if he’d had a century of wisdom and peacemaking to draw upon? Would Magnus have lost his wife if he had all his skills as a warrior and protector?
These questions haunt me. I tried to give you all happy endings, but did I end up robbing you of the tools you needed to maintain them? You were all heroes. You deserved happy endings, you deserved the world to be kind to you.
You are going to hate me when you remember, I know that. I deserve that. I deserve all of it. I’ve done horrible things in the name of pursuing my goals, but what I’ve done to all of you… that’s the unforgivable.
But does that matter? I can’t bring myself to saying that I wouldn’t do most of it again. I would have changes, yes, but… the wars over the relics needed to be stopped. That I know, in my bones. There were far too many dead, Taako.
But of course, I can’t say if it will be worth it or not until the shield spell works or doesn’t.
If it works…
It will have been worth it.
Taako stares at the letter for a long, long time.
He reads it over and over again, trying to think of what to… well, think.
Yeah, Lucretia has a good point.
She’d made them worse. Irrevocably, worse. They’d lost purpose, they’d lost their kindness, their bonds to other people, they’d lost a century of lessons learned and skills painfully gained. She’d stripped all of that away and gone off on her own, determined to fix the mistakes that all of them had made.
Taako crumples up the letter again, then slowly straightens it out, because he needs to reread it.
He stares.
Lup was in the umbrella before Lucretia had fed Fisher the journals.
He thinks about her, scrying over and over again, until she collapsed from exhaustion. Taako had never even thanked her, because he was too busy trying to find her as well. She’d been looking.
Over and over again, in her letters, she’d promised him that she’d been looking.
How would they have found her? How long would it have been for them to track down Wave Echo Cave? And would they have looked in the umbrella, or made assumptions that she was… elsewhere, like Lucretia had? It had taken Lup months to gain enough strength to try to message him.
Would Magnus have met Julia? Taako’s visited the grave, walked through the town of Raven’s Roost, rebuilt and in its glory, and now he wonders what could have brought Magnus to that town, made him stay. He’d led a revolution, and he’d fallen in love and gotten married and yeah, maybe he could have saved Julia if he’d been like he is now, but…
She had died while Magnus was gone. Taako knows that story. It had taken until after the Hunger, but Taako knows the story.
And he and Merle went out a few months back and found this Kalen and finished things, because Lucretia was right about that, at least.
Magnus had earned that happy ending.
They all had.
Merle had earned a life on the beach, but… Taako doesn’t know that he agrees with Lucretia. Merle was still learning to be a dad, and he had no idea what he was doing.
Taako tries to think about the world, where Lucretia never did what she did. He thinks about wars, and the Relics blowing shit up, about the way that all of them had been… withering, in those months. Lup had been gone and there was no trace of her and…
Taako doesn’t know if that would have been a better world.
I was right I guess.
I can’t believe you’d handed Lup right over to me and I hadn’t realized it. If I had just thought, I might have been able to free her from that.
I don’t know what it would have changed, but I could have answered that question so much faster.
The world is saved. I was right, but I was wrong, and I don’t…
I keep trying to think of how we could have gotten here without this, I really do. I know what I’ve done is unforgivable. I’m not trying to justify it. I deserve every ounce of your hatred. I don’t expect you to ever read this post-script, this final letter, this epilogue.
The Hunger is defeated. We finally can move on with our lives.
I just wish the cost hadn’t been quite so high.
I’m not even sure what to do with these letters. You don’t want to come near me, and I am trying to respect your wishes. But it feels wrong, to never send these letters. To never give you at least the chance to have the answers to some of the questions you may have.
I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it.
But I just want you to know that you are my family, and I love you still, even though I know you want nothing to do with me.
Taako goes to see her.
“This doesn’t make it right,” he tells her. She’s sitting in her office, because there’s no throne room in the new Bureau of Benevolence. Lucretia’s still dramatic, sure, because this office is fucking bombastic as fuck, but now she doesn’t need a giant fucking staircase or a base on the moon. Taako’s not sure where she’s channeling all of her extra, but it’s probably around somewhere. Maybe there’s a secret passage or something. He’ll ask Angus, Angus would have found a secret passage in the first week.
Lucretia looks at him in surprise. “You read them.”
“Of course I did,” Taako says with a lightness he doesn’t feel.
“Taako,” she says. “I know it doesn’t matter. I know what I did was unforgivable. It’s not fair, I know, that your happiness was collateral damage to save the world.” Grief, Taako realizes, is deeply set into her face. She’s old, she’s fucking old, she’s way older than him, and that feels weird. “I know that nothing can ever make amends for that. You deserved so much better, Taako.”
“Yeah,” Taako says quietly. “I did.”
She bows her head and lowers her eyes, and Taako drops the letters onto her desk.
They’re not her letters. They’re written on Kravtiz’s fucking emo stationary. She looks up at him, startled.
“Doesn’t mean you don’t deserve better as well,” he says. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fucking cool with it—but you know. You kept looking.” He swallows, his throat tight. “That… that matters.”
Lucretia carefully undoes the ribbon—he’d found the ugliest, frilliest, laciest ribbon he could, and then transmuted it to make it worse.
Pages upon pages of letters explode outwards, because Taako had rigged a tiny bit of a spell on there, and Lucretia picks one up.
“Lucretia,” she reads. “So I made some weird pumpkin cake thing that nobody likes and I know now it’s because you’re the only person who likes it and I never could figure out why I’d keep making it even though I kept telling myself I’d change the recipe. Dash, Taako, you know, from TV.”
She looks up at him, her eyes large and watering, pressing the letter against her chest like it’s something precious.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
Taako shrugs. “Don’t make a big deal out of it,” he says. “I’m still mad at you.”
But he meets her eyes, and finds himself smiling.  
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perfblogbyperfgirl · 3 years
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severitus812fan · 3 months
*Severus causally bleeding out on the ground*
Mavis: is he going to be okay?
Tonks: yes, just keep on applying pressure
Mavis leaning closer to Severus: if you die, Harry, Theo, Susan, and Luna will have no supervision
Tonks: not like that!
Mavis: it’s true!
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waitineedaname · 6 years
14 + Merle & Angus
Local dingus reads prompt incorrectly and has to rewrite a 1000+ fic. More at 11
14. “I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you.”
Angus had seen a lot for a kid his age. He’d solved more mysteries than most retired detectives, gotten out of more sticky situations than people eight times his age. He’d jumped out of a train as it got shot into a portal going gods’ know where, joined a secret society on the moon, helped three adventurers through a crystalline lab full of ghosts, robots, and intrigue. He’d fought on the Day of Story and Song and lived to tell the tale. He’d been adopted into the ragtag group of heroes that saved the world - and a hundred others - and he’d found a family he always hoped he would have.
But he was still just a kid.
He was spending the night at Merle’s house. Despite Merle’s grumbles, it hadn’t escaped Angus that there was a spare room built into the beach house that seemed to be specially reserved for him. It was summer break, and Mavis and Mookie were with their mom, and he knew Merle got lonely - though he’d never admit it - so Angus was spending the weekend at the beach.
Right now, it was a little bit past one in the morning, and he really should be sleeping, but he had this paper to edit on the history of divination, and he had a feeling in his gut that when he did eventually fall asleep, it wasn’t going to be restful.
He flipped the page and bit back a yawn as he ran his eyes over the next sentence, struggling to keep his eyes open. Maybe if he closed them for just a moment-
And suddenly, he was back on Rockport Limited, on a trip that felt like it was so long ago. Except something wasn’t right. There weren’t three adventurers at his shoulder, throwing quips back and forth, teasing him in a way he grew to understand was their form of affection. There wasn’t anyone. Not even Jess or Graham. He was alone on the train. Panic seized his chest, and he sprinted through the cars. Where were they? They had to be around here somewhere, they had to-
He froze. He was back where they’d once found Hudson’s body, except-
Except the murdered engineer wasn’t lying there. Three beheaded corpses laid on the ground, surrounded by blood. A dwarf, an elf, a human.
It was getting harder to draw breath. Angus whirled around and without making the conscious decision to do so, he went to the windows. Outside, he didn’t see the tunnel shooting by. No, he saw a sky made up of multicolored darkness. His gut dropped horribly when he realized the train-
The train was on a collision course directly into the Hunger.
Angus was going to pass out. He had to get out of the train, right now. He ran to the next car, and the next, and the next, and the next, and he really should have reached the end by now, but the train just kept going and going and going, and when he looked out the window, he saw the decimated remains of Faerun, and gods, he was almost at the Hunger, he was going to die-
Angus jolted awake just as a scream escaped his lips. He wasn’t on the train anymore, but he was too disoriented to really get a bearing of where he was. His chest heaved as he struggled to draw breath, and he realized with a start that hot tears were streaming out of his eyes.
“Angus, kiddo, it’s alright.” The same gruff voice that had woken him shushed him quietly, and he felt the bed dip beside him as someone climbed onto it. A pair of rough hands took his cheeks and forced him to focus in on the dwarf in front of him. Merle. It was Merle. He was in Merle’s house. Merle who still had his head and was very much alive. “I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you.”
Angus relaxed marginally at that realization, but was seized by shame. “I’m sorry I woke you, sir. I-” His voice shook as he tried to stop his heart from pounding. “You can go back to bed, I’ll be fine.”
Merle was still looking at him intently, and he sighed. “Come on, kid. We’re going for a walk.” He hopped off the bed and went to the door, giving Angus an expectant look when he didn’t immediately jump to his feet. Still shaking, Angus slid off the bed and followed him out of his room, and then out of the house.
Merle had built his house right on the beach, and the gentle crashes of the waves could be heard from inside. It had been a warm day, but the nighttime air was refreshingly crisp on Angus’s still tear streaked face.The moon was wide and full and it reflected a rippling white disk on the ocean. The sand was soft under their feet and once they were about halfway down the beach, Merle sat down and patted the spot next to him for Angus.
They sat there in silence, watching the ocean, and Angus could feel some of the tension draining from him.
“You wanna talk about what was scarin’ you?” Merle asked after a while. Angus tilted his head down and looked at the sand, his throat closing up again at the thought.
“Not really, sir…” Merle grunted in affirmation and lapsed into silence again.
“Did you know Taako used to have night terrors?” He said after a few minutes of quiet, and Angus looked at him in surprise. “Oh yeah. Real bad ones. When we were on the Starblaster, and when we were on the Moonbase. I’d hedge my bets he still has ‘em.” He turned a bit to look at Angus, and the boy couldn’t help but marvel for a moment at the difference between the Merle before him and the one that had taunted him on the Limited oh so long ago. “It’s not something to be ashamed of, kid.”
Angus didn’t have a response for that. He just looked back down at the sand and drew designs with his finger. Merle didn’t press him for comments and turned back to the ocean.
“You know, fresh air and the ocean does wonders. It’s not gonna cure any traumas, but I know I always feel better sittin’ on the beach.”
Angus had to admit he was right. He didn’t feel perfect, but with each gentle ocean breeze, he felt a bit more relaxed. The sand between his toes and the water lapping at the shore was grounding, and before too long, he was drifting off.
He woke the next morning with a worn blanket draped over him, and another tucked under his head, better rested than he had been in a while.
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arsuledin-archive · 7 years
Hello and welcome to the first prompt of DARP Feastday!
Since it’s Monday, let’s start off with Munday and get to know each other and be friendos! Remember, please REPOST and don’t REBLOG these questions!
Preferred name: NEMO! Preferred pronouns: she/her. Favorite color: honestly? Brown ( i like anything close to brown too. so bronze and taupe ahhhh, green, orange. I can’t choose.) Any pets?: I HAVE three kitties ( nala, bagheera, and mavis ), and two dogs ( lilo and duke ).  How much RP experience do you have?: I’ve been rping since I was like.... 12 and I’m 24 now, so long enough.  Have/do you RP in other fandoms?: Greek Gods, Disney, Superatural, Harry Potter, OUAT? WARRIOR CATS GOOOOOOO!!! Man, Warrior cats used to be my JAM. Still would be my jam if it were still popular and it wouldn’t be weird for a 24 yr old to love a kiddy book. Lmao. This question has made me realize that I have very few fandoms. What are some of your biggest fandoms besides DA?: Supernatural, Greek Gods, and Harry Potter, but I’m... not actively involved in them, though I’ve written far more in the HP fandom than any other. And Disney, I guess?  What blogs do you have in the DA fandom (or with a DA verse?): Just Solas right now. I have an OC I’m working on ( more like nervously avoiding, but I’ve been smacking myself mentally to get myself into gear ). I’ve always considered taking up Isabela or Shale or Alistair or ... literally anyone, but I can barely keep up with Solas lately.  What piece of media was your first experience with Dragon Age?: DRAGON AGE ORIGINS, which btw, is my favorite. I played that game so many times. I love all the DA games, but Orgins was something special. Kingdom Hearts got me interested in games, but Orgins got me interested in RPGS and it was just a magical experience for a young Nemo such as myself. Which is your favorite DA game?: Orgins. Seriously. I love it. I haven’t played it in a couple of years though because.... I’ve seen better graphics now and going back to Orgins and its wacky textures, I’ll get annoyed. Which is your favorite DA book or comic?: Cough. I haven’t actually read any? TO BE FAIR, I haven’t read many books in the past few years. I’ve only recently just started getting back into reading.  Who is your favorite DA character? I don’t have a specific favorite because I love everyone, but to narrow it down: Hawke, Solas, Fenris, Isabela, Varric, and a tie between Alistair/Zevran? When I first played Orgins, it used to be Alistair all day every day, and then Zevran. Then DA came out? IDK. I love all the characters except maybe one, and for those of you who know me, you may already know who that character is.  What is your favorite DA-verse creature? Halla and dragons. You can never have enough dragons. And Halla are just so pretty. I remember seeing them and thinking they looked silver and I just thought that was very cool and elf-like? if that makes sense. Like they looked like beautiful majestic elf creatures and it made perfect sense that the Dalish cared for them. ALSO MABARI!!! they may be dogs, but the breed Mabari doesn’t exist in real life, and I wish they did. Who is your favorite DA artist? Link us to some of their work?: Nipuni. I love all her work, but I especially love the way she draws Solas. What’s your favorite DA fanfic? Give us a link and a description?: I love all of LoquaciousQuark’s hawke/fenris work. I think she’s a wonderful writer, and she captures the best Fenris I’ve ever read. This is my favorite story from her. Basically, Hawke gets a letter saying she now owns everything Danarius did because she defeated him in fair battle, so everything he owned goes to her. Which means Fenris and all the slaves and houses that Danarius owned. So Hawke and Fen and Co. go to Tevinter to find a way to free all the slaves and allow them to become their own person. Basically Hawke finds a loophole in Tevinter society, I guess. I just really like it because Fenris’ reactions are believable, and he gets to find some closure.
But my recent favorite is Looking Glass by feynites.  What was the best gift you’ve ever gotten?: Is it sad I don’t really remember? I guess when my friend got my a 5lb bag of chocolate covered sunflower seeds and I had only asked for a small bag, lol. Ever played a good prank?: Nope. I once changed my dad’s background to very muscluar men and changed his ring tone to ‘it’s raining men’, and then proceeded to call him while he was at work, but that’s it. Best trip you’ve ever taken?: Never really taken a trip, tbh. I’ve always wanted to see Ireland though. Best advice you’ve ever gotten?: Try to recognizes progressive worrying and nonprogressive worrying. That worrying over something you can’t control isn’t going to help you, but it’s not wrong either to worry about something that’s happening now and something you can control? I guess? Idk, she explained it better. I’ve been given a good advice, but a problem with me is that I’ll listen to it and I’ll... forget or not really listen because hey, i have anxiety IF YOU WEREN’T AWARE since I flippin say it 90% of the time. I’m sorry. Anyway, that’s it.
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lightwoodizm · 7 years
tagged by: @dnteverdoubtme thank luv! tagging: @foshriizzle @willowsmarika @nirnaetharnoediads @shirasade @witchunters @pocket-elf @masterofallevils @ofgoldenblood @sapphicalexandra @darknesshadows
name: Pelin birthday: October 28th zodiac: Scorpio height: 1,68 m sexual orientation:  heteroromantic bisexual favorite color:  red & black favorite book:  A Storm of Swords (who asoiaf actually) by GRRM, Fathers and Sons by Turgenev,  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte,  Human Landscapes from My Country: An Epic Novel in Verse by Nazim Hikmet, White Castle by Orhan Pamuk, Çalıkuşu by Resat Nuri Guntekin, Crimson Rivers by Jean-Christophe Grange,  L'Âme du mal by Maxime Chattam (because I just couldn’t find it it’s English name), Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind, Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna(Mediterranean Waltz) by Buket Uzuner, The Illiad by Homer
favorite artist/bands: I love music and it’s an integral part of my day but I never been a stan of artists or groups. My taste changes with my mood so it’s all over the place... Adele, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, The Killers, U2 (old songs), Ed Sheeran, LP, Depeche Mode, E.S.Posthumus, Immediate, Bear McCreary, John Williams , Thomas Bergensen, Hans Zimmer, Audiomachine(yes I love soundtracks and epic music), ABBA, Amy Winehouse, Joss Stone, Macy Gray,Barnes Courtney, Rag’n’Bone Man, Cesaria Evora, Mando Diao, Labi Siffre, Gipsy Kings, Occasional Gaga, and cachy pop songs...
last movie i watched: Thor: Ragnarok (did not like it) hogwarts house: Slytherin pride baby random fact:  I can’t think of any...they’re either too random or not random enough...this is tough.  when did you create your blog?: February 2017 (late comer to the fandom) do you have any other blogs?:  this is a sideblog to my eternal regret. @darknessp is my main multi-fandom blog, I have two other sideblogs one for new star wars series which is dead and a quote collecting one (which I loved since childhood and had a neat notebook that I wrote them down) what made you decide to get a tumblr?: the pretty giftsets whay back in ...I don’t remember but long ago... do you get asks on a daily basis?:  nope
why did you choose your url?:  i love Alec so much and identify with him in many characteristic ways. Back when I created this sideblog I wanted something related to Alec. I love my url <3
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lillianvalnala · 7 years
TAZ Finale stuff
all of my thoughts from throughout the episode are gonna be here so HEAVY SPOILERS! also its super fucking long cuz this episode was amazing
-because thats the sex number!
-im listening to the ad reads and stuff thats usually in the middle since its at the beginnings just bc im nervous and its gonna make me cry cuz i just. love griffin 
-hunger is a lorge boi
-”alright buddy, dance for me” I LOVE DAVENPORT
-is it john
-really taako 
-i fucking love these dorks so much
-L E T S   R O L L   I N I T A T I V E
-beautiful owl song
-Mathias is Hedwig 
-beautiful bean damage
-cut things very good 
-this fucking badass sword i love it
-hachi machi thats a lot of damage 
-i wonder how many times they’ve said boy in this entire series 
-merle like. put razor blades in candy and gave it to john
-magnus is cool and im in love with him
-my current mood is griffin’s “fuck off” when travis says 92
-bye john
-wait what ok maybe not bye john
-whAT th e fck is happening griffin 
-orbs orbs orbs orbs
-the final john, john the destroyer of worlds
-travis calling them his boys makes me happy
-god someone’s gonna die this episode but HEY it won’t matter because theyre on the ship and thats how the ship works
-taako is scared aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-take that orbs
-hit that blue boy magnus
-take that blue orb
-taako not you too god damn it 
-god damn bosses and their bullshit im so scared
-oh no mom 
-what is happening what 
-pan!!! my boy!!!!!
-oh s h i t 
-bringing in a character from another series jesus christ
-clint are you serious right now god damn it
-call griffin in do it you cowards
-garfield doesnt look like anything they just cant tell 
-garfield pulls out a gun
-oh not a gun a fucking grenade 
-i fucking love roswell i still love them im absolutely in love
-oh my GOD taako i love him hes amazing
-a time paradox get fucked
-i love these goobers
-SUMMON VOIDFISH!!!!!!!!!!!1 YES!!!! F I SH E R S 
-travis got so happy!!! oh my gosh!!! he was so concerned about them last episode and now he knows they’re safe and aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-i love the voidfishes they are amazing 
-im so proud of these space jellies
-take that orbs
-honestly this music is beautiful i love it
-o h  n o the engine 
-o h n o the engine
-”im not goin fuckin anywhere” I LOVE THIS
-holy shit griffin
-jesus christ dont make me feel bad for john this is gonna make me cry its so peaceful and nice like merle is the only friend john had and he wanted to spend his last moments with his only friend
-haha it looks lit 
-my mom i love her
-oh my god are you serious griffin fucking mcelroy 
-im half way through and ive cried once so i think we’re doing good
-istus!!!! oh my god!!!!!!! thank you goddess mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-he wants to help lup!!!!! he cares about his sister so much!!!!!! goals!!!!!!!!
-ANGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 YOU GO KIDDO I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-scuttle buddy :D
-train train train train train 
-o shit the planes
-its griffin, himself, as a character
-its spirited away, like the movie 
-jeffandrew... jeffandrew...
-blupjeans hell yeah
-Im so proud of these kids
-this is sweet i love this 
-this is really beautiful i love it 
-awww ango is the top student im so proud of my son i love him
-davenport!!! my other dad!!! im proud of him too and im so happy for him!!!!!!
-Joyfully yous, Davenport
-lup and barry are working with taako’s bf and i love it thanks raven mom
-“im about to smooch your fucking brains out, babe”
-good luck getting the fuckin bracers off 
-pringles!!!!!!! i love him what a good boy
-i love my actual mom Lucretia 
-the day of story and song
-twins cooking together my #aesthetic lup is roasting taako over his cooking
-these two are goals and i love them i love elf twins so much
-”what part of that sounds like i was joking”
-i love justin and taako so much they’re my faves
-taako is the best boy
-everyone is in house taako and wears taako t-shirts 
-ren my daughter im proud of her
-”i should mention my boyfriend is death...”
-i want taako to cook for me
-awwwwwwwwwwwww krav and taako are so cute
-aww ango is so cute and i love him my sweet son he’s still the world’s greatest detective!
-mavis and mookie!!! i love them kids!!!!!!!!! this is so cute!!!!
-merle taught kiddos and got closer to his kids that makes me so happy
-merle doesnt hear much from taako or magnus thats like, sad
-i love how many characters came back 
-governor merle highchurch
-he wants to be earl merle highchurch
-merlegartia ville
-i love mookie he’s so cute
-pun’kin thats adorable
-this is so sweet im so happy i love this so much
-ango cries at weddings thats so sweet
-i love these characters!!! so much!!!
-subtle magnus. so very subtle 
-right hand man magnus is my favorite i love
-magnus has a school too and DOG TRAINER YAY 
-okay griffin how about go fuck yourself? 
-i love the few seconds of silence after griffin asks “how does magnus die”
-oh my lord im crying harder now this is such fucking bullshit what the hell guys
-god dont bring grown up angus into this shit what the fuck griffin 
-im actually sobbing over this oh my lord
-travis is clearly crying you can hear it in his voice
-god i dont like hearing travis cry 
-im actually like sobbing over this 
-oh my god the music 
-oh my lor d st  o p it hurts its so cute i love magnus so much i love him and julia and the dogs and i love travis so sos os os os o much 
-carey my sweet girl i love her
-”im gonna streak my fuckin eyeliner” “give me a hug lizard girl” “dont fuckin call me that. i’m a proud dragonborn” 
-i love the lesbians i love everyone in this god damn podcast
-fisher :D
-love them voidfish
-aw they all cried that warms my heart 
-honestly that was so beautiful??????
-travis hasnt urinated in three years confirmed 
-so thats it. thats the end. im glad it ended how it did, i really liked that. 
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Den of Geek's Fall Book Guide
Here are six speculative fiction books we're exciting about this fall season...
This book guide originally appeared in Den of Geek's NYCC 2019 magazine.
Looking for a spooky read, a cozy title, or just the best new speculative fiction to hit the shelves? Here are six new or upcoming selections for your reading pleasure...
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The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring, Now Available — Imprint
Debut author Sara Faring bursts onto the literary scene with a gothic YA horror inspired by her Argentinian heritage. When teen protagonist Mavi agrees to teach English at an elite girls school in remote Patagonia to escape the military regime that disappeared her mother, she soon learns that not all dangers are earthly. Vaccaro School is haunted, and Mavi must solve the mystery of the missing tenth girl before it is too late.
Read our interview with Sara Faring here.
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The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz, Now Available — Tor Books
In what is sure to become a feminist time travel classic, io9 founding editor Annalee Newitz ties together the perspectives of time traveler Tess, working to stop a group of misogynists from destroying time travel forever, and Beth, a 17-year-old girl exploring the punk scene in 1992 California.
Listen to our interview with Annalee Newitz about first book Autonomous here.
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The Adventure Zone by Justin, Travis, Griffin, and Clint McElroy, and Carey Pietsch, Now Available — First Second
The Princess Bride meets Dungeons & Dragons in this series of graphic novels that follows hero-adjacents Taako the elf wizard, Merle the dwarf cleric, and Magnus the human warrior as they look for things like magical artifacts, Merle’s errant dwarf cousin, and a railroad murderer. With the third book in the series on the horizon, now is the perfect time to dive into the hilarity, excitement, and imagination of The Adventure Zone.
Find out more about The Adventure Zone here.
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The Mythic Dream, Now Available — Saga Press
Editors Navah Wolfe and Dominik Parisien join forces once again for this anthology of reimagined myths from some of the most talented, engaging, and important speculative fiction authors of today, including Seanan McGuire, Naomi Novik, Rebecca Roanhorse, Carmen Maria Machado, and Amal El-Mohtar.
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Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, Now Available — Tor Books
The start of a planned trilogy, Gideon the Ninth follows indentured-servant-turned-swordswoman of the Emperor’s Ninth House Gideon Nav, who is tasked with keeping sworn enemy Harrowhark Nonagesimus safe. Come for the lesbian necromancers, stay for the skeleton battles!
Find out more about Gideon the Ninth here.
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Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, Oct. 8 — Flatiron Books
When 20-year-old Alex is offered a full-ride to elite Yale University, there’s just one catch: she must keep an eye on the occult goings-on of Yale’s secret societies for her mysterious benefactors. This fantasy horror’s tale of power and privilege is the first adult novel from YA powerhouse Leigh Bardugo and is one of the most-anticipated reads of 2019.
Find out more about Ninth House here.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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The Lists Kayti Burt
Oct 3, 2019
NYCC 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2oLwV1w
0 notes
TAZ alignment chart
This is my head canon for the alignments of just about every character in normal adventure zone (not knights or flop house players). If you don’t agree with my choices that’s fine and please put your opinions in the comments. Tres horny boys’ alignments don’t match what’s on their sheets but neither do their play styles. Anyway, here we go. —————————————- LG
Art Goodfriend
Jeff angel
Marie (the worshipper of a god of honorable combat from the wrestling live show)
Roswell —————————————- NG
Barry J Bluejeans
Cam (the head from the suffering game who previously went in with Lucretia)
Percy/Graham (the juicy wizard)
Tom Bodett (forming the entire toun of rockport along with hundreds of other “Tom Fodetts”
Antonia (the druid from the suffering game)
Hudson (the engineer of the rockport limited)
Jess the beheader
Luca (one of the two worshippers of Istus in refuge)
Mavis Highchurch (Merle’s daughter)
Rowan (the ranger from the suffering game)
Maureen Miller —————————————- CG
Magnus Burnsides
Carey Fangbattle
Julia Burnsides
Steven Waxmen (Magnus’ mentor in carpentry)
Sloan (the raven) —————————————- LN
Doug Math (inventor of math which we find out in the crystal kingdom)
Brogden (bank teller in refuge)
Sherif Isaac
Gerald the catwalk boy (from the wrestling live show) —————————————- N
Merle Hightower Highchurch
Lucas Miller
Petrilda the fried conjurer (only notable for selling Magnus the “unicorn double barrel special” which consists of a unicorn penis and unicorn horn fried in oil)
Ash (the elf in refuge who convinces Magnus to arm wrestle his Goliath friend)
Gundren Rockseeker
The raven queen —————————————- CN
Robbie (also known as pringles)
Cassidy (half orc miner in refuge)
Mookie Highchurch (Merle’s son)
Garyl, phantom steed —————————————- LE
Capt. Captain Bane
Edward (one of the liches who runs the suffering game) Lydia (the other lich who runs the suffering game) Keetz (Lydia and Edward’s dead brother. Also a lich)
Yeemic (goblin who wanted to overthrow Klarg’s control of a goblin gang) —————————————- NE
Magic Brian
The hammerheads (the gang of battlewagon racers tres horny boys have to steal the arcane core from. The gang includes: Marvy, Jerry, Jerreeeeee, and Craigory along with a few unnamed others)
Sazed (Taako’s companion while his cooking show was active who, because of Taako’s refusal to let him become co-star poisoned a dish that ended up killing forty people)
Trent the treant (a treant created by the raven queen to guard her. Had his butt cut off by Magnus)
Queen Sabine (a wrestler in the wrestling live show) —————————————- CE
The hunger
Garfield the deals warlock
Kurtze (an orc boy who, in a act of revenge against Gundren Rockseeker, inadvertently destroyed phandalin. It wasn’t so bad as we later discover phandalin was all orc racist)
Hodgepodge (a robot built by Lucas Miller to educate people, ended up being psychotic)
The mad governor Kalen (responsible for the destruction of Raven’s roost)
Legion (a monster made out of souls escaped from the astral plane which Merle blows up at the end of crystal kingdom)
Merrick (the owner of chaos stadium and worshipper of a god of chaos in the wrestling live show)
Death man (a wrestler in the wrestling live show) —————————————- Not enough information to guess alignment
Brock Thickstone (Jess the beheader’s wrestling partner before he was murdered)
Leeman Kessler (a reclaimer who obtained the oculus before being killed. His death caused the murder on the rockport limited arc. Also notable for having resisted the thrall of an artifact which only the tres horny boys have been able to do)
Nundro Rockseeker (Gundren’s brother and Merle’s cousin)
Tharden Rockseeker (Gundren’s brother and Merle’s cousin) —————————————- Unaligned
Ruby (Gundren’s dog)
Spider Bryan (magic Bryan’s pet and guardian)
Steven the goldfish (named after Steven Waxmen) Renée (killed spider Bryan)
Voidfish (maybe, probably sentient and therefor deserving an alignment but I’m not sure what) —————————————- Well that’s it. I left a little description if I thought people might have forgotten who the character was. If you disagree with me on spelling a name that’s fine, these are just my opinions you’re entitled to your own. Hope you enjoyed, upvote if you did.
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