strebcr · 6 months
🌈 (whee hee why not)
send 🌈 for a promo banner!
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I hope you like it :^D
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hopeful-hugz · 3 months
☕ | any muse :}
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes || No Longer Accepting
A soothing catnip tea sweetened with tangerine and stevia. Soothing anxiety and softening your emotions, you'll soon find yourself drifting off into a comforting slumber. Only to wake up days later with the worst headache of your life. What the hell happened?
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Leah's waking up from collapsing during his and Amy's game with a killer headache. See, this is why he sticks to black coffee, no matter how deceptively good other drinks are. "Well... at least It's a good idea for another potential game for the minigame show?"
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cardedsoul · 4 months
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dead dove: do not eat.
a private, selective independent multimuse rp and writing blog with horror, thriller, and black comedy mediums. canon adjacent and semi canon-divergent depending on the muse; low-to-medium activity. puppeteered by símone (25, she / they).
this includes all of my rules + the muse page; however, the rules are also available below the read-more.
permanent starter call
this blog contains mature and disturbing themes including but not limited to: whorephobia, heavy gore, vulgar language, suggestive / sexual jokes, cannibalism, murder, psychological abuse, and religious & occult exploration / depictions. any triggering / distressing content will be tagged with "(trigger) cw".
mains & affiliates
↳ @xluciifer, @hopeful-hugz, @rockange
other blogs of mine !
↳ @killercmd (serial designation: v), @mawsilent (serial designation: n), @heavenlyhatred (adam), @d-ecrescendo (lute)
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i. you must be at least 18 years of age to follow, or interact with, me given the nature of the medias my muses come from. this is to avoid any sort of issues that can arise with such topics and minors being involved. if i find out you are underage, i will block you. no negotiations. just stay out of adult spaces.
ii. mun =/= muse. i am not my muses nor are they me. my interpretations of my muses does not directly correlate with any of my personal ideals or morals. fantasy isn't reality, etc etc. do not godmod or powerplay; every action has an opposite and equal reaction, my muses will act accordingly to yours. don't involve me in any fandom / rpc drama either. i'm just here for a good time.
iii. i require a rules page be available to read in some capacity before i will even consider engaging with you. if i follow you, it means i've read your rules and am interested in roleplaying with you! that said, i am oc, duplicate, and multimuse friendly (what kind of multi blog would i be if i turned other multis away, yknow?).
iv. i work full-time and can't always be readily available. as such, i offer my discord to mutuals for easier contact during my work week. i'm a moderately quick writer, but my writing tends to fluctuate based on motivation and time, so bear with me please! you can nudge me after about a week if i haven't replied to one of our threads!
v. the only really "blacklisted" topics i have are the obvious standard ones + untagged irl eye gore and trypophobia-inducing images. otherwise, i'm relatively solid about handling things. i don't follow nor reblog politics; this is an rp blog and not a political one for a reason. as far as nsfw is concerned, jokes and implications of sexual nature will occur here, but no actual smut writing will!
vi. i am in no way affiliated with vivziepop nor the creators of hazbin hotel (this applies to the rest of the medias i portray as well). any art used for my icons or graphics is NOT mine unless stated otherwise. if you see your art used and you'd like me to remove it, let me know!
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killercmd · 6 months
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a private, heavily selective independent rp / writing blog for serial designation: v from murder drones; canon adjacent, low-to-medium activity, heavily headcanon based. i use xkit rewritten for formatting purposes. v is somewhat written as an original character. puppeteered by símone (25, she / they). i am in no way affiliated with liam vickers or glitch productions.
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content warning!!! this blog contains dark and disturbing themes including, but not limited to: loss of sense of identity, depression, trauma related to being reborn into something much worse, personal devaluement, neglect, body mutilation / horror, psychological abuse / torment, robot gore and violence.
mains & affiliates ↳ @hopeful-hugz, @roguecmd, @huntcmd, @deadcmd, @xluciifer
other blogs of mine ! ↳ @mawsilent (serial designation: n), @heavenlyhatred (adam from hh), @cardedsoul (horror/dark comedy multimuse)
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i. you must be at least 18 years of age to follow, or interact with, me given the nature of the medias my muses come from. this is to avoid any sort of issues that can arise with such topics and minors being involved. if i find out you are underage, i will block you. no negotiations. just stay out of adult spaces.
ii. mun =/= muse. i am not my muses nor are they me. my interpretations of my muses does not directly correlate with any of my personal ideals or morals. fantasy isn't reality, etc etc. do not godmod or powerplay; every action has an opposite and equal reaction, my muses will act accordingly to yours. don't involve me in any fandom / rpc drama either. i'm just here for a good time.
iii. i require a rules page be available to read in some capacity before i will even consider engaging with you. if i follow you, it means i've read your rules and am interested in roleplaying with you! that said, i am oc, duplicate, and multimuse friendly.
iv. i work full-time and can't always be readily available. as such, i offer my discord to mutuals for easier contact during my work week. i'm a moderately quick writer, but my writing tends to fluctuate based on motivation and time, so bear with me please! you can nudge me after about a week if i haven't replied to one of our threads!
v. the only really "blacklisted" topics i have are the obvious standard ones + untagged irl eye gore and trypophobia-inducing images. otherwise, i'm relatively solid about handling things. i don't follow nor reblog politics; this is an rp blog and not a political one for a reason. as far as nsfw is concerned, jokes and implications of sexual nature will occur here; any nsfw threads will be put underneath a read more and appropriately tagged. these will only be done with close friends and require some form of character chemistry beforehand.
vi. no graphics used are mine unless stated otherwise. any of my art will be tagged as such. otherwise, the graphics will be credited to their rightful artist and said artist is welcome to contact me if they'd like their art removed from the blog!
vii. i am multiship with chemistry. this means things have to build up or be plotted beforehand! literally just talk to me. also every ship takes place in its own separated verse unless directly stated otherwise.
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tanyushenka · 5 years
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Persian Consulate Al Mawsil (Mosul), Iraq, 1933
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dailytafsirofquran · 6 years
Daily Tafsir of Ibn Kathir
This story is mentioned here, and in Surat As-Saffat and Surah Nun. Yunus bin Matta, upon him be peace, was sent by Allah to the people of Nineveh, which was a town in the area of Mawsil ﴿in northern Iraq﴾. He called them to Allah, but they rejected him and persisted in their disbelief. So he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three ﴿days﴾. When they realized that he was telling the truth and that a Prophet never lies, they went out to the desert with their children and cattle and flocks. They separated the mothers from their children, then they beseeched Allah and pleaded to Him, with the camels and their young groaning, the cows and their calves mooing, and the sheep and their lambs bleating, so Allah spared them from the punishment. Allah says:
(Was there any town that believed (after seeing the punishment), and its faith saved it Except the people of Yunus; when they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of the world, and permitted them to enjoy for a while) ﴿10:98﴾. Yunus, meanwhile, went and traveled with some people on a ship, which was tossed about on the sea. The people were afraid that they would drown, so they cast lots to choose a man whom they would throw overboard. The lot fell to Yunus, but they refused to throw him overboard. This happened a second and a third time. Allah says:
(Then he (agreed to) cast lots, and he was among the losers.) ﴿37:141﴾ meaning, the draw went against him, so Yunus stood up, removed his garment and cast himself into the sea. Then Allah sent from the Green Sea -- according to what Ibn Mas`ud said -- a large fish which cleaved the oceans until it came and swallowed Yunus when he threw himself into the sea. Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones, (as if He said) Yunus is not food for you, rather your belly is a prison for him.
(And (remember) Dhun-Nun,) Here Nun refers to the fish; it is correct for it to be attributed to him here.
(when he went off in anger,) Ad-Dahhak said: "Anger towards his people.''
(and imagined that We shall not punish him!) meaning, constrict him in the belly of the fish. Something similar to this was reported from Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhak and others. This was the view favored by Ibn Jarir, and he quoted as evidence for that the Ayah:
(and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. Allah will grant after hardship, ease) ﴿65:7﴾.
(But he cried through the depths of darkness (saying): "There is no God but You, Glorified be You! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers.'') Ibn Mas`ud said regarding the `depths of darkness': "The darkness of the belly of the fish, the darkness of the sea and the darkness of the night.'' This was also narrated from Ibn `Abbas, `Amr bin Maymun, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Muhammad bin Ka`b, Ad-Dahhak, Al-Hasan and Qatadah. Salim bin Abu Al-Ja`d said: "The darkness of the fish in the belly of another fish in the darkness of the sea.'' Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas and others said: "This was because the fish took him through the sea, cleaving it until it reached the bottom of the sea. Yunus heard the rocks at the bottom of the sea uttering glorification of Allah, at which point he said:
(There is no God but You, Glorified be You! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers)'' `Awf Al-A`rabi said: "When Yunus found himself in the belly of the fish, he thought that he had died. Then he moved his legs. When he moved his legs, he prostrated where he was, then he called out: `O Lord, I have taken a place of worship to You in a place which no other person has reached.'''
(So `We answered his call, and delivered him from the distress.) means, `We brought him forth from the belly of the fish and from that darkness.'
(And thus We do deliver the believers.) means, when they are in difficulty and they call upon Us and repent to Us, especially if they call upon Us with these words at the time of distress. The leader of the Prophets encouraged us to call upon Allah with these words. Imam Ahmad recorded that Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "I passed by `Uthman bin `Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, in the Masjid, and greeted him. He stared at me but did not return my Salam. I went to `Umar bin Al-Khattab and said: `O Commander of the faithful, has something happened in Islam' I said that twice. He said, `No, why do you ask' I said, `I passed by `Uthman a short while ago in the Masjid and greeted him, and he stared at me but he did not return my Salam.' `Umar sent for `Uthman and asked him, `Why did you not return your brother's Salam' He said, `That is not true.' Sa`d said, `Yes it is.' It reached the point where they both swore oaths. Then `Uthman remembered and said, `Yes, you are right, I seek the forgiveness of Allah and I repent to Him. You passed by me a short while ago but I was preoccupied with thoughts of something I had heard from the Messenger of Allah , which I never think of but a veil comes down over my eyes and my heart.' Sa`d said: `And I will tell you what it was. The Messenger of Allah told us the first part of the supplication then a bedouin came and kept him busy, then the Messenger of Allah got up and I followed him. When I felt worried that he would enter his house, I stamped my feet. I turned to the Messenger of Allah , who said,
(Who is this Abu Ishaq) I said, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah.'' He said,
(What is the matter) I said, "Nothing, by Allah, except that you told us the first part of the supplication, then this bedouin came and kept you busy.'' He said,
(Yes, the supplicaiton of Dhun-Nun when he was in the belly of the fish:
(There is no God but You, Glorified be You! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers.)
No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words for anything, but He will answer his prayer.)'' It was also recorded by At-Tirmidhi, and by An-Nasa'i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Sa`d said that the Messenger of Allah said:
(Whoever offers supplication in the words of the supplication of Yunus, will be answered.) Abu Sa`id said: "He was referring to:
(And thus We do deliver the believers.)''
(89. And (remember) Zakariyya, when he cried to his Lord: "O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors.'') (90. So We answered his call, and We bestowed upon him Yahya, and cured his wife for him. Verily, they used to hasten on to do good deeds, and they used to call on Us with hope and fear, and they were Khashi`in before Us.)
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fatchiness · 7 years
The flood took them by surprise.
Lacking foresight, they used to mock him as he worked on his unfinished ship. But because he knew what was coming, he'd simply look up & reply: {"If you mock me, I likewise mock you."} (11:38)
In the end, {"only a few believed with him."} (11:40) Even his wife turned on him, destined to drown with everyone else. Humanity survives today descended entirely from him.
Prophet Nuh was a one-man ummah.
But there were others, as {"indeed, Ibrahim was an ummah..."} (16:120) Ibrahim symbolized the dawn of a new era in the history of Tawhid. He propagated it with an aggression unmatched by any before him: {"And that was My hujjah which I gave Ibrahim. I elevate the ranks of whom I wish..."} (6:83) A hujjah is "that by which one rebuts an adversary in a litigation, dispute, or altercation; an argument; a proof; an evidence." Each time he confronted someone with a hujjah, they hated him for it. In fact, besides his wife & nephew, Ibrahim for years remained the sole Muslim on the planet. He further shocked & offended Babylonian society by physically smashing their idols to bits - knowing full well that they'd try to kill him for it.
What Ibrahim did was bigger than himself. Tawhid survives today descended entirely from him.
Thousands of years later, with again nearly no Muslims left on the planet, a man leaned against the Ka'bah Ibrahim had built and evoked the memory of Ibrahim's stand while making his own: "O Quraysh! I swear by Allah that none of you follows the din of Ibrahim except me." Zayd bin 'Amr bin Nufayl continued: "O Allah, if I knew how You want to be worshipped, I'd worship You that way. But I don't," and he then prostrated on his hands. They expelled him from Makkah. He decided to travel to Mawsil, where he'd dreamed of meeting others who rejected the tawaghit of the times and chose to follow Ibrahim. Instead, he was advised to return to Makkah to await the appearance of the final Prophet (sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Zayd complied, only to be subsequently attacked & killed upon his return. Just as Ibrahim was an ummah, the Prophet likewise said that Zayd "will be resurrected as an ummah unto himself."
Ibn Rajab wrote that "if one worships & obeys Allah and pursues His pleasure in life through an act whose effects are naturally detested, he should know that such effects aren't detested by Allah. Rather, He loves them because they result from His obedience & the pursuit of His pleasure. He informed us of this to soothe our hearts so that we don't detest what we experience in this life."
He also informed us of exactly what it is He wants: {"Allah wants to affirm the truth through His words..."} (8:7)
And He informed us that He does this perpetually: {"He affirms the truth through His words..."} (10:82) As al-Qurtubi explained, this means that "He makes it clear."
And He informed us that this clarity sometimes emerges through brief confrontations in which nearly every Muslim protagonist is wiped out by the antagonist. {"The truth became manifest"} (7:118) in the split second it took Musa to overcome the magicians, leading them to convert before Fir'awn captured them all, amputated their hands & legs, and crucified them on tree trunks (20:71). On another tree trunk, in another time & place, the truth become manifest in the split second it took an arrow to pierce a young boy's skull, leading every onlooker to convert before their king had them shoved into flaming pits to be burned alive. That we're even aware of these true stories & others proves that not even death can contain the power of a hujjah, as Yusuf al-'Uyayri wrote that "victory can take the form of a hujjah & clear proof... A victorious concept doesn't stop with the person upholding it. Rather, it transcends to others, even if he himself dies. What matters is that the hujjah is conveyed & convinces others, even if its original upholder is physically helpless."
The Prophet himself learned while helpless in Makkah that whether he lived to personally witness victory was irrelevant because his job was to convey the hujjah: {"Whether I show you some of what I promised them or cause you to die, your duty is only to convey..."} (13:40) He lived long enough to establish a state, but he died when it was still confined to limited territory. He set the mawaqit for pilgrims, but they were future pilgrims who weren't yet Muslims. Why? Ibn 'Abd al-Barr wrote that "it was Allah's Messenger who set the miqat for the people of 'Iraq as Dhat 'Irq & 'Aqiq, just as he set Juhfah for the people of Sham. At the time, both Sham & 'Iraq were lands of kufr. But he set the mawaqit for their peoples because he knew that Allah would eventually open Sham, 'Iraq, and other territories to his ummah. Neither Sham nor 'Iraq were conquered in their entirety until the rule of 'Umar."
In another book, Ibn 'Abd al-Barr related that Allah's Messenger once asked Suraqah bin Malik: "How would you feel wearing the bracelets of Kisra?" Years later, after both the Prophet & Abu Bakr had died and 'Iraq was conquered, Kisra's bracelets & treasures were brought to 'Umar. He called Suraqah over and placed the treasures on his head. Suraqah had long hair at the time. He then told him: "Raise your hands," and placed bracelets on each one. 'Umar then said: "Allahu Akbar. Praise be to Allah Who snatched these from Kisra bin Hurmuz, who used to tell people "I am your lord," and instead granted them to a bedouin named Suraqah bin Malik..."
So not even Abu Bakr lived to see this dream fulfilled. But he was the one who made the dream possible, as 'Abdullah 'Azzam said that "the Ummah can sometimes consist of a single person who makes a stand by which Allah saves this din - just as Abu Bakr made a stand in the days of Riddah, and Ahmad bin Hambal made a stand the day the Earth shook from the innovated belief that the Qur'an is created, thereby saving the entire Ummah."
He then said that "history informs us that twenty Muslims from Spain - the Muslims of Andalusia - departed Barcelona for a small piece of territory on the peak of a mountain called Frakshia, close to the French coast. Twenty individuals! They established a fortress atop this mountain, grew in number to a hundred, and gained control over the major ports between France & northern Italy, especially the well-known port of Bernar. They penetrated deep into the lands of the Bayamun, and all the Franks who crossed these ports paid them jizyah. They penetrated into Switzerland until they arrived at the province of Konstanz (which today lies near the Swiss-German border), and ruled over this territory for ninety years - ninety years!"
Finally, "all of this began with just twenty Muslims, ruling central Europe and controlling its major trading ports for nearly a century. Eventually, all of Europe coalesced against this emirate until it fell after ninety years, as I said. On the day they suffered their final defeat, they numbered no more than 1,500 men!"
It was this same number of men estimated to have made a stand in Mawsil - men who found what Zayd had sought when he set foot in the city over fourteen centuries earlier. Yusuf al-'Uyayri wrote that "though victory can materialize in the form of physical authority & a state, the least that can be said about the Ta'ifah al-Mansurah is that its victory is one of hujjah & clear proof. So it's always victorious in one way or another despite the Ummah abandoning it and its enemies coalescing against it."
Indeed, Allah described the ta'ifah of Bani Isra'il which believed in 'Isa bin Maryam as being {"victorious"} (61:14) even though, as Qatadah explained, this victory took the form of "hujjah & clear proof." But even this victory can be attained only after you meet a demanding set of conditions, as {"I made some of them leaders guiding by My command when they had patience and were certain in My ayat."} (32:24) This is because, as Ibn al-Qayyim wrote, "yaqin totally illuminates the heart and cleanses it of all doubt, resentment, sadness, and worry."
How do you attain yaqin? You attain it when you form an emotional attachment to the Shar'i texts, as as-Sa'di wrote that "they attained the rank of yaqin because they gained proper knowledge rooted in decisive proof. They persistently studied various matters & their many supporting proofs until they finally reached this rank."
Seven centuries after 'Isa's ascent, an elderly Abu Hurayrah was sitting in a masjid in Kufah when a man approached him and asked: "You're the one who says that he'll pray with 'Isa bin Maryam?"
He replied: "O people of 'Iraq, I knew that you wouldn't believe me. But this won't stop me from conveying what I heard from Allah's Messenger. Allah's Messenger, the truthful & believed one, told me that "the Dajjal will emerge from the East at a time when people are divided. He'll reach everywhere on Earth in forty days. During this time, the believers will suffer immensely. Then 'Isa bin Maryam will descend & lead them in salah. When he raises his head from ruku', Allah will destroy the Dajjal & those with him."
As for my saying that it's the truth, then Allah's Messenger said: "And it's the truth."
As for my saying that I wish to be there, then perhaps I'll be there despite my white hair, delicate skin, and old age. Perhaps Allah will have mercy on me and I'll be there to pray with him. Go tell your family what Abu Hurayrah told you."
Reflect over Abu Hurayrah's incessant yaqin even in old age. And reflect over the fact that the best men had their yaqin exposed through mere tests of compliance, after which nothing materialized for them - just as those who helped prepare for Tabuk were promised Jannah despite having arrived to find no Romans there, and those who partook in Bay'at ar-Ridwan were "the best people on Earth" and "will never enter the Fire" despite the rumors of 'Uthman's death turning out to have been false, and Lut ended up with not a single convert, and Ibrahim's {"great test"} (37:106) ended at the last second without him slaughtering his son, and Nuh spent nearly a millennium confronting the world with his hujjah with the result that {"only a few believed with him."} (11:40)
So life is but a brief window of time testing your yaqin, as Allah only {"created death and life to show which of you acts best..."} (67:2) Even if you don't live long enough to witness its results in this life, and even if those lacking foresight mock you for working on an unfinished ship, they will materialize. One way they'll materialize is you, as the Prophet said that Allah will ask Nuh on the Day of Resurrection: "Did you convey My message?"
He'll reply: "Yes, my Lord."
Allah will then ask Nuh's people: "Did he convey My message?"
They'll lie: "No! No Prophet ever came to us."
Allah will then ask Nuh: "Who will vouch for you?"
Nuh will reply: "Muhammad & his ummah."
The Prophet continued: "So we'll then testify that Nuh conveyed the message..."
Written by: Tariq Mehanna Monday, the 27th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1438 (18th of September 2017)
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nbjgallery · 5 years
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Check out ABBASID Caliph Silver Dirham Mint of Mawsil Date 294h (2.96g,24mm) GOOD VF https://ebay.us/OkAe7K https://www.instagram.com/p/Brwu-uYhgNL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10q3mpxpo23q8
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monotheismus · 6 years
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Der Din von Allah ist der perfekte Din. Und: Etwas über die Propheten ’alayhimussalam, sowie darüber, dass sie die Besten aller Menschen sind
Der Din von Allah wurde auf die beste Art und Weise verkündet. Keines der Bücher von Allah kann Fehler oder Widersprüche enthalten.
Kein Engel oder Prophet würde jemals die Botschaft manipulieren. Die Propheten von Allah sind die Besten aller Menschen, denn die Lehrer des Din müssen ohne Zweifel besser als ihre Schüler sein, also besser als die, die von ihnen den Islam erlernen.
Alles andere würde bedeuten, dass Derjenige, Der sie zu Propheten gemacht hat, einen Mangel an hikmah (Weisheit) hätte, Allah ist hoch erhaben darüber.
Die Propheten waren niemals schlechte Menschen, haben niemals wissentlich oder unwissentlich gelogen. Sie waren auch niemals Mushrikun, sondern haben haben auch Allah alleine angebetet, bevor sie Propheten geworden sind.
Einer der Beweise dafür, dass kein einziger der Propheten ’alayhimussalam jemals ein Mushrik war, ist die Aussage von Allahu ta’ala:
Und sie haben das befolgt, was die Shayatin während der Königsherrschaft von Sulayman vorgetragen haben. Und Sulayman hat keinen Kufr begangen, aber die Shayatin haben Kufr begangen, sie haben den Menschen die Zauberei beigebracht. (al-Baqarah:102)
Es ist wichtig, dass man hier nicht zu voreilig ist. In dieser Ayah wird auf allgemeine Weise verneint, dass Sulayman ’alayhissalam jemals Kufr begangen hätte. Hier steht nicht „Sulayman hat nur zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt keinen Kufr begangen“, vielmehr wird es auf vollkommen allgemeingültige Weise verneint.
Ein wenig weiter oben habe ich schon darauf hingewiesen, dass man hier nicht zu voreilig sein darf. Manche sagen vielleicht: „Das ist doch kein Beweis dafür, dass die anderen Propheten auch niemals Kufr begangen haben“. Wer aber so etwas sagt, der zeigt dadurch, dass er leider einiges übersehen hat.
Die Ayah beweist genauso, dass alle Propheten, die noch besser als Sulayman ’alayhissalam sind, keinen Kufr begangen haben. Weil sie noch besser als er sind, steht es „noch eher“ fest, dass sie niemals einem anderen Din als dem Islam gefolgt sind. Sonst hätten sie ohnehin zu den schlechtesten Menschen gehört (also zu den Mushrikun).
Und was ist mit denjenigen von Propheten ’alayhimussalam, über die man sagt: „Sulayman ’alayhissalam ist noch besser als sie“ 1 ? Die Ayah beweist auch, dass diese Gruppe der Propheten niemals einem anderen Din als dem Islam gefolgt sind. Denn es steht bereits fest, dass alle Propheten sehr viele Gemeinsamkeiten haben, was ihre Vorzüge angeht.
1 Jemand, der in abfälliger Weise über die Propheten ’alayhimussalam spricht, würde es vielleicht so formulieren: „Was ist mit den Propheten, die schlechter als Sulayman ’alayhissalam sind“?
Ja, manche von ihnen sind noch besser als andere. Aber alle von ihnen sind auf einem sehr hohen Niveau, und keiner von ihnen hatte jemals ekelhafte und schändliche Eigenschaften. Aus diesem Grund ist es so: Wenn für einen von ihnen ein gewaltiger und grundlegender Vorzug feststeht, ohne den das Prophetentum unvorstellbar wäre, dann steht dieser Vorzug für alle von ihnen fest.
Und kein einziger von ihnen hat absichtlich auch „nur“ eine kleine Sünde begangen. (Es gibt z.B. eine Ayah darüber, dass Musa ’alayhissalam unabsichtlich eine kleine Sünde begangen haben, aber danach ist es ihm sofort klar geworden, und so hat er schnell Allahu ta’ala um Vergebung gebeten, worauf Er ihm vergeben hat. Wer allerdings sagt, dass sich einer von ihnen absichtlich Allahu ta’ala widersetzt hat, der kennt nicht die Realität des Prophetentums.)
Genauso hat kein einziger von ihnen unabsichtlich eine große Sünde begangen. Und Ibnu Hazm sagte in »al-Fisal fil-Milal wal-Ahwa’ wan-Nihal« (4/2): Wir haben gewiss in dem Buch von seinem Gefährten, Abu Ja’far as Simnaniyy, dem Richter von al-Mawsil gelesen, dass er sagte: Wahrlich, es ist möglich, dass die Gesandten jede Sünde machen, ob sie klein oder groß ist. Die einzige (!!!) Ausnahme ist das Lügen beim Verkünden der Botschaft. Er sagte: Und es ist möglich, dass sie Kufr begehen (!!!). Er sagte: Und wenn der Prophet ’alayhissalam etwas verbietet, und es danach macht, dann ist das kein Beweis dafür, dass dieses Verbot bereits abrogiert wurde [d.h. dass Allahu ta’ala es zuerst verboten hat, und danach erlaubt hat]. Denn es ist möglich, dass er es macht, während er sich Allah ’azza wa jalla widersetzt (!!!). Kurz danach sagte er: Und er erklärt es für möglich, dass es in der Ummah von Muhammad ’alayhissalam jemanden gibt, der besser ist als Muhammad ’alayhissalatu wassalam (!!!), vom Zeitpunkt zu dem er entsandt wurde, bis er gestorben ist. Abu Muhammad [also Ibnu Hazm] sagte: Und all das ist purer Kufr und purer Shirk, und ein Abfallen vom Islam.
Er sagte also mit aller Deutlichkeit, dass all das purer Kufr ist. Darunter fällt auf jeden Fall auch die Behauptung, dass die Gesandten ’alayhimussalam absichtlich eine kleine Sünde machen würde, genauso wie die Behauptung, dass sie absichtlich eine große Sünde machen würden.
Es würde der Weisheit von Allah widersprechen, solche Menschen, die solche schlechten Eigenschaften haben oder hatten, zu Propheten zu machen.
Die Nasara („Christen“) behaupten übrigens: „König Salomo liebte neben der Tochter des Pharao noch viele andere ausländische Frauen: Moabiterinnen, Ammoniterinnen, Edomiterinnen, Sidonierinnen, Hetiterinnen. Es waren Frauen aus den Völkern, von denen der Herr den Israeliten gesagt hatte: Ihr dürft nicht zu ihnen gehen und sie dürfen nicht zu euch kommen; denn sie würden euer Herz ihren Göttern zuwenden. An diesen hing Salomo mit Liebe. Er hatte siebenhundert fürstliche Frauen und dreihundert Nebenfrauen. Sie machten sein Herz abtrünnig. Als Salomo älter wurde, verführten ihn seine Frauen zur Verehrung anderer Götter, sodass er dem Herrn, seinem Gott, nicht mehr ungeteilt ergeben war wie sein Vater David. Er verehrte Astarte, die Göttin der Sidonier, und Milkom, den Götzen der Ammoniter. Er tat, was dem Herrn missfiel, und war ihm nicht so vollkommen ergeben wie sein Vater David. Damals baute Salomo auf dem Berg östlich von Jerusalem eine Kulthöhe für Kemosch, den Götzen der Moabiter, und für Milkom, den Götzen der Ammoniter. Dasselbe tat er für alle seine ausländischen Frauen, die ihren Göttern Rauch- und Schlachtopfer darbrachten. Der Herr aber wurde zornig über Salomo, weil sich sein Herz von ihm, dem Gott Israels, abgewandt hatte, der ihm zweimal erschienen war, und ihm verboten hatte, fremden Göttern zu dienen. Doch Salomo hielt sich nicht an das, was der Herr von ihm verlangt hatte.“Quelle: „Einheitsübersetzung der Bibel, Altes Testament – 1. Buch der Könige 11:1-10“.
Und ich bitte Allah um Zuflucht vor dem, was sie behaupten.
Zu dem zahlreichen Kufr, den sie hier erwähnt haben, gehört, dass sie sagen, dass Salomo (Sulayman ’alayhissalam) andere „Götter“ (= Götzen) verehrt hat. Und dass er sich wegen irgendwelchen Mushrikat von Allah abgewandt hat…
So haben diese Nasara bewiesen, dass sie Sulayman ’alayhissalam nicht mit den guten Eigenschaften beschreiben, die er wirklich hatte, sondern mit sehr schlechten Eigenschaften. Das Gleiche gilt auch für jeden, der meint, dass er ein Muslim ist, aber ihm oder anderen Propheten ähnliche Abscheulichkeiten zuschreibt. Sie bestätigen nicht, dass die Propheten ’alayhimussalam überhaupt die Eigenschaften hatten, ohne die das Prophetentum vollkommen unvorstellbar ist.
Es haben schon viele „Muslime“, in der heutigen Zeit, und in manchen der vergangenen Jahrhunderte, sehr viel schlechtes über sie gesagt. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sie zu denen gehören, von denen sich Allahu ta’ala und Seine Propheten lossagen.
Außerdem: Wenn jemand von den Propheten jemand anderen als Allah angebetet hätte, bevor er zum Propheten geworden ist, hätte sein Volk in sha'a Allah gesagt: „Du hast zuvor bereits jemand anderen als Allah angebetet. Rufst du uns jetzt etwa dazu auf, dass wir Ihn alleine anbeten, und Ihm nichts zur Seite stellen?! Und du sagst, dass die Mushrikun die schlechtesten Menschen sind, dass der Shirk das größte Unrecht ist, und dass die Mushrikun sehr weit von Allah entfernt sind. Wenn also das, was du darüber sagst, wahr ist, dann war all das [d.h. dass man als Mushrik zu den schlechtesten Menschen gehört etc.] bereits deine Eigenschaft, bevor du behauptet hast, ein Prophet zu sein. Und Allah hätte es dann sicher nicht nötig, jemanden wie dich auszuwählen. Also einen von denjenigen, die solche gewaltige Mängel haben. Außerdem sagst du, dass der Shirk die größte Lüge ist. Wenn also das, was du sagst, wahr ist, dann hast du bereits zu den größten Lügnern gehört, als du jemand anderen als Allah angebetet hast. Und wer zu den größten Lügnern gehört hat, dessen Aussage kann man nicht vertrauen, wenn er behauptet, ein Prophet zu sein“.
Anmerkung zur Fett markierte Passage: Das hier ist ein gültiges Argument gegen jeden, der behauptet, dass er ein Prophet ist, während er bereits Shirk begangen hat. Aber es ist kein gültiges Argument gegenüber den Muslimen, die keine Propheten sind, und die die Mushrikun zum Tawhid aufrufen. Der Unterschied ist, dass die erste Gruppe (die, die behaupten, Propheten zu sein) bereits den Beweis dafür geliefert hat, dass ihre Behauptung falsch ist, nämlich – unter anderem – dadurch, dass sie jemand anderen angebetet haben. So steht es – unter anderem – dadurch fest, dass ihnen nichts von Allahu ta’ala offenbart worden ist, und so sind ihre Aussagen mit Sicherheit keine Beweise im Din.
Was aber die Muslime angeht, die zum Tawhid aufrufen, und die mit dem Qur'an und der Sunnah argumentieren, so haben sie feste Beweise in der Hand. Denn sie beziehen sich auf die Aussagen von Allahu ta’ala und die von Seinem Gesandten صلى ال عليه وسلم , der mit Sicherheit ein wahrhaftiger Prophet ist. Weil sie sich eben auf richtige Beweise beziehen, und nicht auf jemanden, der einfach nur behauptet, ein Prophet zu sein, und weil der Islam wahr ist und nicht falsch, können sie für ihren Aufruf nicht kritisiert werden.
Und dass der Shirk eine Lüge ist, auch wenn der Mushrik nicht weiß, dass er falsch ist, wird unter anderem durch eine der ersten Ayat von Surat ul-Kahf bewiesen. Denn in ihr wird eine Aussage des Shirk als Lüge bezeichnet, ohne eine Einschränkung wie „es ist nur dann eine Lüge, wenn sie wissen, dass es falsch ist“. Und dass der Shirk die größte Lüge ist, ist etwas, an dem es ohnehin keinen Zweifel geben kann. Einerseits steht fest, dass er als Lüge bezeichnet wird. Und andererseits steht fest, dass es keine größere Unwahrheit als ihn gibt, so ist es klar, dass er die größte Lüge ist.
Wenn jemand einmal gelogen hat, kann man ihm mit Sicherheit nicht vertrauen, wenn er behauptet, dass er ein Prophet ist. Und wer auch nur daran zweifelt, ob Allahu ta’ala eine solche Person zu einem Propheten machen würde, der ist nicht von Seiner hikmah (Weisheit) überzeugt.
Der Beweis dafür, dass diejenigen keine Muslime sind, die gegenüber Allahu ta’ala so etwas schlechtes vermuten (also dass er Menschen mit solchen gewaltigen Mängeln zu Propheten macht), ist Seine Aussage ta’ala:
Und damit Er die Munafiqin und Munafiqat und Mushrikin und Mushrikat bestraft. Diejenigen, die gegenüber Allah das Schlechte vermuten. (al-Fath:6)
Diese Ayah beweist, dass diejenigen, die gegenüber Ihm das Schlechte vermuten, Munafiqun bzw. Mushrikun sind.
Und wer Ihm gegenüber vermutet, dass er Menschen mit den genannten, enormen Mängeln zu Propheten gemacht hat, der hat bereits Ihm gegenüber sehr viel schlechtes vermutet.
Das ist auch eine der Formen des Kufr von Ahl ul-Kitab, die oft - auch aus Unwissenheit – auf abscheuliche Weise über die Propheten ’alayhimussalam gesprochen haben.
Allahu ta’ala sagte: Und sie sagten: Seid Juden oder Nasara („Christen“), dann seid ihr rechtgeleitet. Sprich: Nein, sondern die Millah von Ibrahim, hanifan, und er gehörte nicht zu den Mushrikin. (al-Baqarah:135)
Diese Ayah beweist, dass Ibrahim ’alayhissalam niemals zu den Mushrikin gehört hat, weder bevor er ein Prophet war, noch danach. Denn es wurde auf vollkommen allgemeine und uneingeschränkte Weise verneint, dass er zu den Mushrikin gehört hat.
Und Sulayman Ibnu ’Abdillah sagte in »Taysir al-’Aziz al-Hamid« (1/75): So hat Er (ta’ala) den Shirk in Bezug auf ihn verneint, auf die aussagekräftigste Weise des Verneinens.
Abu Hayyan sagte in »al-Bahr al-Muhit« (1/647): Er ta’ala hat bekanntgegeben, dass er keinen Götzen angebetet hat, nicht die Sonne, nicht den Mond, keinen Planeten/Stern, und (auch) sonst nichts [und niemanden], außer Allahu ta’ala.
In diesem Kapitel wurde bereits der Beweis dafür genannt, dass Sulayman ’alayhissalam niemals einem anderen Din als dem Islam gefolgt ist. Es wurde auch erklärt, warum die Ayah darüber genauso beweist, dass das Gleiche auch auf jeden anderen Propheten zutrifft. Das gilt auch für diesen Beweis, in dem verneint wird, dass Ibrahim ’alayhissalam jemals einem anderen Din als dem Islam gefolgt wäre.
Und as-Suyutiyy sagte in »al-Itqan« (1/309): Die Propheten sind vor dem Shirk vor und nach dem Prophetentum mit Ijma’ (Konsens, Übereinstimmung) geschützt.
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
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"Well, well, wellwellwell~! Aren't you just the Cutest pair!"
The voice comes from nowhere at first, before the nagete pops into view, hanging upside down in front of the Teal and N. "Perfect for showbiz; the grump and the sunshine child~! It's the perfect dynamic for this challenge!!!"
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"You-" The aether mix breed is on his feet almost instantly, shield out and ready to strike. CT had told him of this one; the nagete hybrid that he was constantly at odds with. "Leave- Gh-"
"Ah-ah-ah! Now now I haven't even issued you kids the challenge yet~" The aetherling is frozen in place, as is the drone preemptively. A mic showing up in the nagete's hand. "Why don't we test how well you can actually work together! Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary friends our challenge this episode~ Two attached friends will see what it's like to walk in each other's shoes until our challenge ends!"
"Don't you dare touch hi-"
The aetherling doesn't even get to finish his sentence before everything goes black.
"Oh my dears~ You never had a choice!"
The two come to, as if they were asleep, except something is very, very different.
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That wasn't Teal's voice.
A glance down. This wasn't his body, the one next to him was. "Ohhhhh stars, no..."
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
❝ I found this cool thing and I wanted to give it to you! :) ❞
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It's a broadsword and new shield for Teal, and what looks to be some type of unlit explosives set from a different universe for Hope. Actually, if Hope looks close enough, the bomb has a cherry-like design. Strange. Merry Christmas!!!
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"Where did- When--?" N had been near constantly at his side this whole time right? When had he found time to get something like this? Was it at the market??? "Thanks, N. I hadn't even expected anything."
This would work until he was able to wear something other than winter sweaters again. "Perhaps when I'm able to... I'll test these out."
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Hope on the other hand stares at the little bombs and immediately grins. N is getting a little kiss on the top of his head and Hope gives a little trill. "I hope you know V and I are gonna cause so many problems with these, hehe~"
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
Chance Upon a Kiss (smirk emoji hi egg)
Send ‘Chance Upon a Kiss’ to Get Caught Under the Mistletoe With My Muse || Accepting
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"It's just a decoration, N."
He didn't often take N or V off-planet, still paranoid that their company had trackers on them. But today was a special case: The girls had gone out on 'important business' and once again leaving the two to their own devices. Were it just Teal alone, that would be fine, he could work. But he'd been talked into not returning to it for the time being, hence the impromptu market trip.
Not only did he have to pay his tent rent, but the markets of the small town he'd set his main shop in often had festive holiday-themed things around this time of year. The sort of thing a feral dog bot who still used crayons for their intended purpose would like. Of course this meant he was explaining every little tradition and purpose for different activities... But his friend seemed to enjoy listening, so there was nothing inherently wrong with it.
Then came having to explain the little berry sprigs hung up everywhere, particularly the one were stopped under. "There's a tradition for couples that if you're caught under it you have to share a kiss, and more often than not people will lure others they think make a good couple or their crushes under it to sneak the act of affection with an excuse."
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"Thankfully it is nothing you and I need to worry about."
Of course he's walking off towards the next booth, lowkey trying to at least get out of arms'- or even tails'- reach. He already knew very well that if given the chance, N would seize both the opportunity and him. He always seemed to remember information like that after all; solely for the purpose of toying with him, from what he could tell.
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
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"Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary friends; this has been quite the little experiment, but unfortunately I have another show to share with you all. Not to mention, it's the Holiday Season~ Might as well give some good graces!" The nagete hybrid giggles and blows a kiss to the unseen camera before he snaps his fingers.
Everything goes white between the screen and the visions of Leah's lovely little contestants.
"Tune in, in a few days for a THRILLING update episode from a little ghost growing up~! Ta~ta for now!!!"
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
[ SIXTEEN ] (so like twirls hair how about those aether boys am i right)
You Can Kill Me But Don't You Dare Touch Them || Accepting
[ SIXTEEN ]  receiver executes a third party in front of sender because that person hurt them.
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A red and salmon tail throws the bounty hunter against the ground outside the marketplace. This rather rude individual had not only burst into his shop to attack him, but had turned and hurt N as well. He didn't care if it was an injury the drone could regenerate, he was about fed up with this man in general.
"Why you little-" The mortal being tries to growl out words, only to be met with a foot stomped on his throat. Teal's boot grinds for a moment before he removes it and leaves the hunter gasping for breath as the two-tipped tail lashes behind him. The locals only crowd around, almost seeming to look forward to the show. And a show they would get.
The sputtering hunter is slammed against a nearby tree; not telekinetically, but by his own hands. Teal's sword driven through the sternum and into the tree to keep him pinned there and arms kept pinned by his powers. What follows is a blink and you'll miss it moment of that bladed shield gliding through the poor guy's torso, him somehow being kept alive as he's effectively sliced in half.
What wrings out is a strangled scream, Teal still not hing uttered a word. Actions cold and methodical. Composed in an almost eerie manner. Something the locals seemed used to at this point. A hand is held out, the lower half of the poor sap's body and any blood drying up and turning to dust. His top half is ripped through the aetherling's sword and off the tree. At this point his victim was choking out pleas for his life. As if he knew what was about to happen.
Those pleas are soon silenced, muffled by the salmon pink bubble the bleeding torso is placed into. Projections of hourglasses running out start showing up on the bubble one by one, the body aging before everyone's eyes and eventually meeting the same fate as his lower half. Naught but ash and dust.
Dust that falls into his hands when the bubble pops and is soon blown away by the winter winds.
Wordlessly, the soldier flicks his wrist, his weapons vanishing into thin air. He walks towards the crowd that easily parts for him, walks through them. Then gently looks over N's damages.
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"He didn't cause irreparable damage, did he?"
Yes, yes he IS still covered in the green blood. Don't worry about it!
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
[ FIVE ] Pup and Teal moment
You Can Kill Me But Don't You Dare Touch Them || Accepting
[ FIVE ]  for sender to witness receiver get hurt which sends them into a violent rage.
Nagete were no joke; they were brutal and merciless to purebred aether, let alone any mix breeds. Not only were they capable of causing pure destruction, hey were capable of corruption; painful and energy sapping. Getting run through by one of their tails would appear fatal to those who didn't know.
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He knew the lance-like tail tips of the five-tailed purebred grabbing him like a claw, the searing pain and his vision blurring. He knew he fell to the ground and heard his name called out; N's voice. He heard the growls and snarls, the scraping of blades... Even through blurred vision he could see it: Puppy was tearing the destruction god apart without mercy.
Tails fall, one by one. Bodies fall. Blurred fragments fade into the air like shattered stained glass.
He tries to find the strength to stand and manages it. Just barely. Poor guy probably thought he'd been killed. "...N...!" For once Teal's voice held emotion, a slurred worry for the drone's well being; fear that it was him that fell and not the nagete. He didn't have his walls, the raw destructive and emotional energy currently in his system having completely destroyed them for the time being.
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The closer he stumbles, the more the yellow glow of... something on his friend is recognizable. The now-black-coated clearing making it more than noticeable. "...N...! It's... it's okay...! I'm right... I'm right here..." With every ounce of worry, the black patches on his skin and tail spread, eventually causing him to struggle in standing, shaky hand reaching for the blurry splotch that was the disassembly drone. "I... I'm... I'm okay... see...? Y... you got it... and I'm okay..... Still.... still breathing..... see....?"
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
[ steady ] ❝ Easy, Teal. I've got ya. ❞
Caring Prompts
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Everything was fuzzy, it hurt. He was so, so tired. He'd never had as much control as Hope had, as if there was a key part of him missing to keep that control. It made using his powers exhausting. Especially when it came to combat as heavy as defending his friends and the colony they'd befriended from the threats mix-breed aethers like him brought with them.
The pile of dust that was what had been left of a bounty hunter blows away in the wind as Teal's eyes practically glaze over. He'd just rendered a once-living being to dust, simply by accelerating his lifespan at a rapid pace. Drastic and taxing, but for people like that... you had to be willing to go to those lengths and suffer the consequences after.
He hears the incoming disassembly drone, unsure if it's V or N, but regardless his knees buckle and he's caught. Held up. "...It's... It's okay. You're safe... Y... you're safe..." Instead of going down, he chooses to lean back against his friend.
Based on the voice, it was N.
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"...Don't let go..."
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