#maxon schreave fanfiction
captainsophiestark · 8 months
Dive Bar
Maxon Schreave x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Selection Series
Summary: As one of the Elite, a finalist in the Selection, Y/N gets to bring Maxon to her hometown to show him around on an official royal visit.
Word Count: 1,841
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I smiled, trying not to squint my eyes against the bright lights flashing in my face. All this time, and I still hadn't gotten used to that.
"Thank you all for coming, but we're going to have to call it a night! Our official tour of the city starts bright and early tomorrow morning, after all," said Maxon Schreave, the man I stood arm and arm  with, a brilliant smile on his face as he addressed the press. They kept cheering and taking pictures as the two of us smiled, nodded, bowed, then headed inside the hotel arm in arm.
As soon as we were through the doors, I sighed and let some of the tension ease out of my shoulders. Maxon kept his posture and demeanor proper until the elevator doors closed on us. Then he sighed, too, and turned to me with a tired smile.
"Well, that was certainly a long day. But I'm happy to be here with you."
I smiled, my face warming. Moments like this, just the two of us with no one else watching over our shoulders, were incredibly rare. I wanted to savor every second of it that I could.
"I'm glad you're here, too. And the tour tomorrow is going to be fun, even if it's also a media circus."
Maxon laughed, offering his arm to me again as the elevator doors opened and we stepped out together. Servants and staff waited to escort us to our  separate suites.
The two of us stopped to face each other in the  middle of the hallway, before going our separate ways. As one of the finalists in the Selection, I got to bring Maxon back to my hometown for a tour and a look at where I'd come from. Aside from being a fun  experience spending time with the man I loved in the place I called  home, it was also the first time we'd spent togehter without the other members of the Selection. Even with all the media and people surrounding our every step, it had been fun.
"I suppose I'll see you in the morning for the circus," said Maxon, taking my hands and staring into my  eyes with a sparkle of mischief in his I grinned back.
"Yeah. I'll see you then."
Maxon hesitated for a minute, then leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. I smiled even wider, although that was hardly possible, then said goodnight to Maxon and headed to my room.
I went through my regular nightly routine, sending my ladies in waiting away to get some rest of their own. I curled up in bed and closed my eyes, then started my mental clock running. I was going to give it a full half hour, to really minimize my chances of getting caught.
When I'd first heard about the hometown dates, I'd mentally planned a full week of various activities from when I'd lived here before someone burst my bubble. We were coming here with the Crown Prince, sole heir to Illea, while the rebels remained a threat. He would not be going anywhere the palace  hadn't planned and approved.
As someone who'd spent most of my time in this city far away from anything the palace would ever select, I'd been furious. What was the point of a home date if Maxon didn't actually get to see my home?
I knew better than to bring that up with anyone, though. So instead, I'd continued to make my own plan. If Maxon was on board, we were going to have the night of our lives.
I slid out from under the covers in the darkness, listening carefully for any sound or movement from my suite. When I heard nothing, I slipped into a more comfortable pair of  clothes (featuring beat-up blue jeans and a ballcap from my original wardrobe when I came to the palace), then headed to the window.
I'd worked in this hotel for a few odd jobs here and there, and I knew I could get to Maxon's room via balcony-hopping if I really wanted to. So that's what I did. I slipped out the window, closing it most of the way behind me so hopefully no one would notice, then moved carefully from one balcony to the other until I got to Maxon's room.
I listened at the window for a minute, and when I didn't hear any conversation, I leaned in to peek through. The room was empty save Maxon, who was just climbing into bed. I grinned and tapped on the window. He looked up, his face changing from surprised to delighted to concerned in a few  seconds. He glanced at the closed bedroom door behind him as he hurried to open the window for me.
"What are you doing here?" Maxon asked, his voice a frantic whisper. I grinned.
"Trying to take you on an adventure, if you're up for a little bit of risk."
Maxon hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the closed bedroom door again. Then, he looked back at me with a smile.
"Just let me get dressed."
I ended up having to help Maxon pick his outfit, since only a few things in his entire wardrobe would give him a chance at blending in with non-royals. I gave him an extra ballcap and told him to keep his head down, and within a few minutes, we were heading through the city to my absolute favorite spot.
"This is it!" I said proudly, turning with a smile to face Maxon. We stood on a dirty street, in front of a glowing red neon sign for my favorite place in the world. They sold the best shitty pizza and seriously toed the line of dive bar, and it had been one of the things I missed most since going to the palace.
"This... is it? Are you sure this is the place, my dear?"
"Oh yeah. Just you wait, you're in for the best night of your life. The palace could never compare."
Maxon smiled and shook his head, but he took my hand when I offered it all the same.
"Alright then. Let's see what this place has to offer."
"Yes!" Maxon shouted, leaping up in the air before landing with a sheepish grin. "I got my first bullseye."
"I saw!" I laughed, beaming at Maxon's excitement. It had taken him the better part of an hour to relax, but now we were playing darts while eating terrible pizza and sipping local beers, like any other normal  couple from my city might. It had been magical.
"If I'm keeping  score correctly, that means I win unless you also get a bullseye, doesn't it?" he asked, fixing me with a brilliant smile. I picked up my dart and nodded.
"That's right. You better cross your fingers, Schreave."
Maxon laughed as I stepped up to the line, leveling my dart at the board. I'd done this so many times before, it was like second nature, even though I  hadn't played a lot of darts at the palace. I drew back, then followed  through and let the dart fly. It smacked into the board just slightly to the left of the center bullseye.
"Oh my- did I just win?" asked Maxon, a slightly delirious joy in his voice. I beamed as I turned around to face him.
"Yeah. I guess you did."
Maxon laughed in disbelief, then moved forward to wrap me tightly in his arms. He picked me up off my feet and spun me around, and I smiled. I hadn't missed a game-winning shot like that in years, but I wanted to see how happy Maxon would be if he won. I'd made the right decision.
"Does this mean I'm the darts champion now?" asked Maxon, a teasing quirk to his mouth as he set me down. "Since I beat you?"
I shook my head, still smiling as I went to retrieve the darts in the board.
"You've  gotta do more than beat me once with beginner's luck to take the title of champion," I said. "Put a dart board in the palace and we can really see what's what."
Maxon grinned. "You have a deal, my dear. Prepare to lose again."
I chuckled. Maxon's words didn't have any heat behind them, and it made my heart soar to see him so happy and carefree. I wished I could give that to him all the time, but I'd settle for tonight and look for opportunities in the future.
Unfortunately, by the end of that game of darts, we had to head back to the hotel or risk being caught  sneaking out. We took our glasses up and dropped them off at the bar, then I settled our tab. Maxon and I walked out of the place together arm in arm, this time no different than all the other regular strangers milling around on the street.
"Thank you for bringing me here tonight," he said as we walked, the cool night air perfect and refreshing. "I don't often get the opportunity to be among the citizens of Illea. That in itself is a treat, but getting to do it with you is the best thing I could imagine."
"I'm always happy to spend time with you, Maxon. Thank you for taking the risk and sneaking out with me."
"I'll sneak away with you every time I can get away with it, and maybe even a few more times than that."
"Well, good. But let's try to make this one of the not-getting-caught times, okay?"
"Of course."
Thankfully,  we made it back onto the balcony outside Maxon's room without issue. His room was dark, the door still closed, meaning none of the palace staff were any the wiser about where we'd gone. Maxon hopped back through the window, and I smiled before turning to go back to my own room, but he caught my hand and pulled me back.
"I just wanted to  say... I really enjoyed myself tonight. I find that I enjoy most times that I spend with you. I... I love you."
I beamed. "I love you too, Maxon. I love every minute we spend together, even when it's many, many minutes of letting the press take pictures of us. You even make royal procedure meetings enjoyable just by being in the room next to me."
Maxon laughed. He glanced down at my lips, then back up at me, a tentative smile on his face.
"Can I kiss you?"
I grinned. "Absolutely."
I leaned forward, and Maxon and I shared a long, sweet kiss through the window. After a moment, we pulled apart, both of us positively glowing. I took a half-step back, never taking my eyes off Maxon.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I said. He grinned, leaning out the window even further.
"Yes you will."
"Okay. Good. Then goodnight."
"Goodnight, my dear."
I floated back to my room, thankfully also without getting caught, and fell asleep with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to experience a thousand more places with Maxon, and play a thousand more darts matches together. Anything the future brought, as long as it was with him.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
The Selection Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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tome-itwas · 3 years
Your Mother Is Wonderful In Bed
Aspen makes an insensitive joke.
No archive warnings apply
301 words
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Lesson Number 300: I can't do this without her
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Table of Contents
Eadlyn bolted from the room before anyone had the chance to stop her. Gavril’s words rattled around Maxon’s head. Married? Ahren had eloped. He was gone.
America stood slowly, her arms shaking as she pushed away from the table. “I need some air.” Her steps out to the garden were strange- like they took a painful amount of effort. Maxon informed the Selected that Eadlyn and the rest of the royal family would be unavailable for the day before hurriedly following his wife.
The garden somehow felt off. The flowers were too bright or there were too many bees buzzing around the petals or the sun was too hot. Whatever it was, it was dizzying. America put her hand over her eyes to block the blinding sunlight. She wanted to tear off her stupid gown. The fabric was too hot, too scratchy.
“He’s gone. Our baby is just…” She gasped, her hand clutching her stomach. Maxon put his hands on her shoulders.
“We knew that he would move to France with her eventually.” He sighed. “At least we know he’s happy.”
“But I thought we’d have more time!” She exclaimed, whirling around to face him. “I thought I’d get to hold on to him a little longer. I thought we’d have time to plan, to have a wedding, to celebrate. But now he’s just disappeared- and in the middle of Eadlyn’s Selection and with everything going on in the country- I wasn’t ready for him to… to…”
Her words faded and her breathing changed. Her hand moved from her stomach to her chest, as if pressing down on an invisible wound. The color of her cheeks turned from pink to an alarming shade of red. She looked at her husband with pained eyes.
“My dear?” Maxon said shakily just before she collapsed. He caught her before she fell into the roses, though he couldn’t remember his brain telling his body to move. “America? Oh god.” He swiftly lifted her into his arms and rushed back towards the palace. Damn those blasted gowns.
Mercifully, Aspen was walking down the hall and was the first to witness the scene.
“W-what happened to her?”
“I don’t… I’m not…” Maxon could barely form any words at all. Guards had already taken off towards the hospital wing, but Maxon’s panic had taken siege over his senses. “Help! Please! Somebody help me!” He was screaming, his desperate cries echoing through the halls. The commotion must have reached the dining room, as hoards of young men crowded into the hallway, unintentionally blocking the way.
“Everybody MOVE!” Aspen boomed over the mild chatter from the boys. They all fell completely silent and pressed themselves against the wall to let the distressed king pass. Aspen squared his shoulders as he looked at the face of each boy. “I need each of you to go to the Men’s Room until someone alerts you otherwise. Understood?” He ordered them with the same voice he would use on his fellow guards.
“Yes General Ledger.” Some of them replied nervously. They nearly tripped over each other trying to follow his instructions. One, however, remained looking at him with worried eyes.
“Is she going to be okay?” Kile asked, his voice reminding Aspen of when the young Woodwork was still a boy. Of course. America was like another mother to him. Aspen put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sure she will be. Can you be in charge of the other boys? I think the king and princess will have enough to worry about without them getting restless.”
Kile nodded, putting on a brave face. “Yes sir.” He then joined the rest of the group and Aspen forced himself back into General-mode, giving commands to the remaining guards.
“Nothing is to disturb the royal family today. I don’t care who they are, if they demand to meet with anyone, they can go through me.”
“Yes, General.”
Ahead of him, Maxon had asked a maid to find Marlee and Carter and to ensure that Osten was kept to his room. He didn’t want to scare him until they knew what was going on. He was met just outside the hospital wing by doctors with a stretcher and a hoard of nurses. As soon as America was lying on the stretcher, Maxon’s arm felt unbearably empty.
“We’ll take it from here, Your Majesty.” A nurse said gently. He tried to follow them, nearly barreling the poor girl over, but another blocked his way.
“I need to be with my wife.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but we need you to stay out here so the doctors can work. I can assure you, we will take care of the queen.” She was sympathetic, but stern, considering who she was speaking to. He hardly noticed they were there.
“America!” He cried out as the doors closed.
Heart attack. The words shot through Maxon’s chest worse than a bullet.
“I’m sorry there isn’t more I can tell you.” The nurse bowed and returned to the room where the doctors continued to work on his wife. Maxon couldn’t breathe as he paced back and forth, the walls of the wing feeling smaller and smaller by the second. Kaden sat across from him, tears streaking down his cheeks as he tried to be brave. Maxon wanted to hold him. He wanted to hold all of his children. But the fact remained that one of his children was gone- happily unaware of what his shocking actions had left in their wake.
No. He mustn’t blame Ahren. He didn’t blame him. His son only did what would make him happy and Maxon, though still reeling from the shock of it, was proud of his decision. Maxon could hold no one accountable- except maybe himself. Had he worked her too hard? He should have kept a closer eye on her, especially with her family's history. Perhaps that’s what he found more comforting in a bullet. At least there was someone to blame.
He tried to stay strong for the sake of his son’s presence, but as soon as Aspen walked in, he fell apart. Aspen- a man he once bitterly despised for coming between him and America- now his closest friend. Aspen held onto him, knowing how much effort it was taking him not to fall to his knees.
His cries of anguish were something that Aspen could only imagine. Even with every miscarriage and failed attempt to have a child, he and Lucy still had each other. If something happened to Lucy… he would be lost. And that’s exactly was Maxon was as he clung to him, speaking with the voice of a desperate man.
“I can’t lose her.” He cried. “I don’t know…. I don’t….”
Aspen pushed away, firmly holding onto his shoulders. “Don’t think about that now. We need to believe she’ll be fine. And you need to think about your children.” Maxon nodded and tried to calm himself down. He was right. He had to be strong. For the children.
“Daddy?” A soft, sad voice said from behind him. He turned to see Eadlyn- his powerful, fearless future leader of Illea- reduced to a frightened child. Rushing to his arms, she seemed like a little girl again and it broke his shattered heart even more. “What happened?” She asked through her cries.
“I don’t know, honey. I think the shock of Ahren leaving was too much.” He held onto her tightly, as if they were both trying to draw from the other’s strength. “Heart problems run in her family, and she’s been so anxious lately.” All of the press about the Selection and worrying about the country and their family and now this… it had pushed her over. Maxon felt the guilt weighing down on his shoulders. “I should have made her rest more. I should have asked her for less. She did everything for me.”
Every tired moment felt magnified now. He could see her exhaustion, even when she stayed up late going over reports with him. He could see her worry about the papers and cruel words they said about Eadlyn and yet she comforted him. The more and more he thought, the more he felt responsible for her condition now. And if he lost her…
“You know how stubborn she is.” Aspen said, grabbing Maxon’s arm. “Do you think for one second she’d have let you make her slow down?” They both smiled sadly, letting Aspen’s words sink in. Maxon took a deep breath, straightened himself out as best he could, and nodded.
“Okay, so now we wait.”
Aspen gave him a supportive smile. “I need to go home and tell Lucy and get fresh clothes. I’ll call her mother if you haven’t already.”
Maxon pinched the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t even think about that.” That poor woman. How much heartache can one mother take?
“I got it. And I’ll be back within an hour. Whatever you need, I’m here.” Maxon knew that he meant it. Through all of the ups and downs of life, Aspen had always been there for him. Now, he needed him more than ever. He pulled him into another embrace.
“Thank you.”
Aspen left and Eadlyn moved to stand by the door. Maxon leaned against the wall, every part of him wanting to storm through those doors and see her. Just hearing her voice would help set his frantic mind at ease.
How was he supposed to live without her? Yes, Aspen had said to only believe that she was going to be okay, but what if she wasn’t? Running the country aside, how was he supposed to be a father to four children- one of which was born to lead all of Illea after him. America was his rock. She was the strong one, not him. Without her… he knew that he would be lost forever.
It was hours before he was allowed to see her. He thought waiting was agony enough, but when he walked into the room, seeing the love of his life laying colorless on a hospital bed, it nearly brought him to his knees. The doctor explained the procedure to him slowly, how they harvested a vein from her leg to replace the overworked on in her chest, but all he heard was ‘We lost her for a moment, but we were able to bring her back.’
How close he had been to losing her forever. Even now, she was hardly stable. He took the chair next to the bed and watched her chest weakly rise and fall with every breath. It was enough to stop his heart, tears falling endlessly as he broke down.
He sobbed shamelessly, knowing that his loud cries could likely be heard from the wing. He couldn’t stop. He thought of everything. Every kiss that could have been sweeter, every word that could have been kinder, every touch that could have been gentler. He thought of every single moment he should have told her he loved her.
“Please don’t leave me.” He choked, holding her hand against his cheeks. “I can’t do this without you, my dear.” He pressed his lips against her palm. “You used to hate it when I called you that, do you remember? ‘I am not your dear,’ you said. How could you have known then that you would become the dearest thing in the world to me?
“You have given me four children that I love with all of my being. You have shouldered not only the responsibility of being a wonderful mother, but also of being a wonderful queen. Our people adore you. Our children need you. I need-” He stopped, another sob catching in his throat. He had to take a moment before he could speak again.
“Please, darling, you’ve always been a fighter. I need that more than ever now, your unyielding stubbornness.” It was meant to be light-hearted, but he still couldn’t bring himself to laugh. “Fight, America. I need you. “
He cried against her shoulder, clinging to her like he was the one on the brink and she was the only thing tethering him to the ground. It felt like hours had passed, but it didn’t matter. There was nowhere he wanted to be that wasn’t by his wife’s side.
A small movement cut through his despair. America’s hand squeezed his weakly, but it was enough. Her fingers closed around his hand while she slept. Even now, she was trying to give him her strength. Maxon kissed her forehead, wishing with all his heart that he could take this from her. That he could be the one in that bed.
But her reassuring hand allowed him to clear his head for a moment. He was not fit to be king, not while his wife’s life was still hanging in the balance. As much as it pained him to do so, he knew that naming Eadyln regent was the best thing for the country. He knew that this might drive her to end the Selection, but if that’s what she really wanted, so be it. But more than anything, Maxon knew that his wife- by the force of his love for her alone- his dear America would live.
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natsudragneelswh0re · 4 years
hear me out
the selection as a nalu fanfic or just like a ft crossover
i would kill for a natsu dragneel-maxon schreave and lucy heartfilia-america singer
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kissmyassloves · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Enola Holmes (2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Enola Holmes/Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Enola Holmes & Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Maxon Schreave/America Singer, Maxerica, holmesbury Characters: Enola Holmes, Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury's Mother, Sherlock Holmes, Eudoria Vernet Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Maxon Schreave, America Schreave, America Singer, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Male Character(s) of Color, original characters of color - Character Additional Tags: Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, First Love, Declarations Of Love, Love at First Sight, Romance, Eventual Romance, Drama & Romance, Slow Romance, Action & Romance, Angst and Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Friendship, Romantic Soulmates, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Romantic Gestures, Alternate Universe - Romantic Comedy, Sexual Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Tension, Belligerent Sexual Tension, Unresolved Tension, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - Canon, AU, Alternate Universe - The Selection Fusion, Inspired by The Selection Series, The Author Regrets Nothing, Inspired By Tumblr, Inspired by..., Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover, Crack Crossover, Canon Crossover, How Do I Tag, I'm Bad At Tagging, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Are Fun, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Maxerica - Freeform, holmesbury - Freeform, avril you owe me big time but i loved this movie and ship so maybe you don't, Fanfiction, Future Fic, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Gift Fic, tewksbury, Enola - Freeform, enola holmes - Freeform, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Sex, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Tried, What Have I Done, I Blame Tumblr, I Don't Even Know, I Will Go Down With This Ship, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I Ship It, slightly ooc enola, Out of Character, out of character enola holmes Summary:
What if Enola Holmes was set in a “The Selection” type era?
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fancytyper · 7 years
Chapter 6 in I Am Rebel is now up on Wattpad!
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maxericaotp · 7 years
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The cover of my new fic. AU where the rebel attack never happened and America is invited to the wedding of Maxon and Kriss. Only one chapter at the moment but that will hopefully change soon. You can read it here :)
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hushedhands · 5 years
"He got overly excited in his zest for protecting me from gunfire. Give that man a medal." — the moment I knew Avery was gonna die protecting America and Maxon before he got that medal 😭
“I still half expect that, when you finally come face to face with one [a rebel], you'll reach out your hand to shake and make peace and exclaim, 'Good to see you, my dear'." — Not how it went down in chapter 50-ish, I remember punches being thrown.
When he spoke, it was not in the voice he'd adopted as King. It wasn't authoritative or firm. It was his young prince voice. He was terribly uncertain and just a little bit frightened. "You're all I have left, America." he said, finally. — I’m baby, this was one of Maxon’s huge character motivations in Loi, but I forgot because he’s grown so much and he feels so much more secure and safe by the time TTwF starts, he doesn’t expect his whole family to die right in front of him again anymore 😭
"Maxon Schreave, we are not conceiving the next heir to the throne of Illéa in a safe room during a rebel attack. It's an entirely inappropriate setting."
"Damn it." Maxon sighed. "You're right. That's not how we want to start things off with him." — Well I just forgot the premise of my own story bc when Maxon said “him” I was shook.
Lol this chapter was all I planned to write when I first posted it, the rest was gonna be up to your imagination 😂
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the-unique-iguana · 7 years
I was tagged by @misadventurcs !! :)
NAME: Sarah ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn LUCKY NUMBER: 8 LAST THING I GOOGLED: kellin quinn FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: uH- maxon schreave probably WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: leggings, a cami, and a flannel WHEN DID YOU START THIS BLOG: like last year i think NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 20 WHAT DO I POST: anything and everything. fandoms. bandoms. aesthetic-y things. fashion. DO I RUN ANY OTHER BLOGS: 2, a grunge blog, and a fanfiction blog DO I GET A LOT OF ASKS: nope but i love when i do WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS URL: bc im weird and iguanas
I tag @oceanlattes @poison-isleys @mightbeamalfoy @basicallyalwaystired
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Maxon Schreave x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Prompt: “Is this safe?”
Fandom: The Selection Series
Summary: Y/N joined the Selection, and against her expectations, fell in love with Maxon Schreave. Now that things are coming to a close and the Rebel activity is picking up, everyone's more stressed than usual, but Maxon has especially being running himself into the ground. He needs to take a break and take care of himself, but he hasn't been organizing that for himself. So, Y/N takes it into her own hands to give him a bit of a mental health recharge.
Word Count: 1,968
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I took a deep breath as I straightened my dress in the mirror, mentally running through a checklist. The food, the blanket, and everything else I'd decided to set up for the night were all ready and placed. I'd asked my maids to give me the evening, and they'd agreed while also promising to keep prying eyes and ears away. There was nothing else I needed to do.
When I'd first entered the Selection, it had been for my family. We'd needed the money, and it wasn't like living in the palace for a while was the worst thing in the world, if I did get Selected. When I'd been chosen, marrying the prince wasn't particularly on my radar.
Then I got to know Maxon.
He was without a doubt the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful man I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. Things felt easy with him, for some reason, and despite all the structure and official procedure that was supposed to come with the Selection, we'd quickly formed a close friendship that had turned into more.
If I'd told myself at the beginning of this thing that I'd be falling in love with Prince Maxon, and him with me, I would've laughed in my own face. And yet, many weeks later, here we were.
Recently, as the Selection worked its way to a close and Rebel activity had picked up significantly, I could tell Maxon was seriously feeling the stress. I'd barely seen him, and whenever he did have time to say hello to me and the other ladies, his mind was clearly elsewhere. He'd started to look more and more sleep deprived at meals, and so I'd decided yesterday to find a way to give him a bit of a break.
I couldn't do much, especially since I wasn't officially marrying him yet. I couldn't get officially involved in the meetings, politics, or anything else, and even though Maxon did consult with me about those issues sometimes, I couldn't actually go to meetings to help him deal with things. So, I'd decided to give him a complete break from the stressors in a way he probably didn't usually get to enjoy.
I'd gotten in touch with him this morning through a friendly castle servant to ask him to meet me tonight, a few hours after dinner. With the help of my maids, I'd spent the rest of the day getting everything together, and now all that was left was for Maxon to show up.
Right on cue, I heard a knock at my door. I smiled to myself and crossed the room to open it, then found Maxon, looking exhausted but still smiling at the sight of me.
"Hello, my dear," he said. I smiled.
"Your highness." I dipped into a curtsey as I said it, and Maxon immediately grinned and shook his head at my antics.
"Please. You know we're well past that level of formality."
"That we are." We shared a smile as I stepped aside to let him into my room, then shut the door behind him. He wandered into the middle of the room, looking like he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself, then turned to me.
"So... what did you want to see me about? Is everything alright?"
"I think that's my line," I said. I crossed the room and walked past him to throw open the doors to the balcony. I turned back to Maxon, only to find him staring at me with an eyebrow raised in question. "You've clearly been stressed out of your mind lately. I thought you could use a little break."
"You're not wrong about that, darling."
"Luckily for you, I know just the thing. Come on."
I motioned for him to join me on the balcony, which he did. He took a deep breath of the cool night air and let it out slowly, releasing some of the tension in his shoulders with it.
"It does feel good to be out here," he said.
"Yes, it does. But this isn't all we're doing." With that, I turned to the railing of the balcony and carefully moved to stand on it, using the wall of the castle to balance myself. I heard Maxon gasp, but I ignored him as I climbed the rest of the way up and onto the roof of the palace, above my room.
"Y/N! What on Earth are you doing?" he asked. I popped my head back over the edge of the roof to look at him.
"Giving you a relaxing evening. Now just trust me and get up here, carefully."
Maxon hesitated for half a second before I saw him make the decision to throw caution to the wind and follow me. He moved to the edge of the balcony to follow the same path that I'd taken, and I reached out a hand to help him. A few seconds later, and he was on the roof with me.
"Y/N... Is this safe?" he asked, hesitating a bit and looking behind him, over the edge and towards the long drop into the palace garden. I gave his hand a tug to get him to focus back on me and everything in front of him.
"Yes, I'm sure," I said. "I've been up here more than a few times myself to get some space from... well, everything about palace life, really. Balconies and gardens are nice, but as you'll soon see, nothing quite beats sitting on the roof, out of sight of everyone and staring up at the stars."
Maxon huffed a breath and smiled, and I could tell the idea appealed to him as much as it did to me. I stood and led him a few steps further onto the roof, away from the edge, where I'd laid out a blanket and set up a picnic with all of our favorite foods.
"Ta-da!" I said, gesturing grandly with my arm and facing Maxon with a beaming smile. He stared at the setup in disbelief for a moment, then turned to me with a dumbstruck look on his face.
"Y/N... did you really do all this for me?"
"Yes I did. You take care of everyone else all day long, me included. It's about damn time that someone else took care of you, pardon my language."
He laughed, a smile slowly spreading across his face as my words sunk in. He crossed the roof and closed the few steps of distance between us, wrapping his arm around me carefully and pulling me into his chest.
"Thank you, my dear. For this, and for everything else you do for me," he muttered into my hair as he leaned in to kiss the top of my head. I lifted my chin and met his eyes, then leaned up to give him a soft kiss on the lips. We'd kissed a few times before, but it still felt special and new, and I could feel tingles running through my entire body despite the fact that our lips only met for a few moments.
"I'm happy I could help," I said softly, meeting Maxon's tender gaze with one of my own. "Now come on, let's enjoy this beautiful night."
Maxon and I shared a smile, then moved to lay down together on the blanket. We made our way through all the snacks I'd gathered, then when we were completely full, we laid fully on our backs and stared up at the stars.
"Do you know anything about identifying them?" I asked after a few moments of peaceful, comfortable silence. "What they're called, or the stories behind them?"
"Not much," he replied, his tone full of regret. "Most of the stories have been lost or destroyed. But do you see that grouping of stars there?"
He pointed up, gesturing to a few clusters that were close to each other, and I hummed in affirmation.
"I read in one of the books my father keeps under lock and key that those stars are called 'Pegasus'. Pegasus is a great winged horse that flies through the night sky, and used to help the heroes and gods of stories told so long ago they've been completely lost to time."
"That's beautiful," I sighed, shifting closer to Maxon as I did. He wrapped his arm around my back and waist, and I rested my head on his shoulder and curled into his side. "Do you think Pegasus is still out there somewhere?"
"I think he must be," Maxon replied. "Roaming the skies or the stars, and waiting for someone to let the world remember him."
Neither of us spoke for a minute, and I could feel all of Maxon's frustration at his father and the way so many things in the kingdom were currently being run radiating off him in waves. I traced patterns over his chest, hoping to sooth him a bit by being there and reminding him that I was with him, no matter what.
"If that's the case, then I'm sure Pegasus will be back soon," I said, keeping my voice low but sure. "When you're King, Maxon, things will be better. You'll finally have the power to make them better. And it'll probably mean worlds more stress than you're dealing with right now, but it will be more of the good kind, the kind that comes with the business of affecting change. And much less of the bad kind, of being forced to sit by while people make decisions and create policy that makes you want to scream."
Maxon took a long, deep breath in and out, then wrapped his arm around me a little tigheter.
"Since when do you know me so well?" he finally asked, his tone light and joking. I smiled.
"Since I realized I might actually be persuaded to like a prince, of all things."
Maxon huffed a laugh, then pinched my arm in a bit of payback. I whacked his chest in revenge, but he just laughed again.
We relaxed back into comfortable silence, staring up at the stars and relaxing in each other's warmth and the temporary feeling that it was just the two of us in the entire world. Maxon's heartbeat echoed in my ears as I closed my eyes, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. I'd just started drifting off as a result of the feeling of complete security and relaxation when Maxon spoke again, his voice a low, quiet rumble.
"You'll be right there by my side, Y/N," he said. He absently rubbed circles on my waist with his thumb as he spoke. "The two of us will make the world right, together. King and Queen, in love, a perfect team."
I smiled and hummed, my heart practically ready to burst at his words.
"Darn right we will," I agreed. He pulled me closer to him, although that was hardly possible, and his hand squeezed securely on my waist, reminding us both we belonged with each other.
We were both young, and there would be plenty of challenges for us to deal with along the way. But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that things would work out for us. Laying together under the stars, the two of us finding a moment of peace in a swirl of chaos, I was completely confident in our happy ending. We'd continue to fall for each other every day, get married, change the world, then find our peaceful storybook sunset. And nothing could possibly stand in our way.
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mml-nerdo · 7 years
Writing/Reading Ask Meme
1: Do you/would you like to write professionally? I would like to write professionally. I’m more into writing scripts professionally, but I would write novels as well if I wanted to.
2: Which author has influenced you the most? I’d have to say a couple have. John Green for one. I just really love his writing style and how he puts together his plots. His stories just kind of strike me as complicated but also simple. And that’s what I strive to do as a storyteller.
Another one would have to be Kiera Cass. I loved her unique idea for the selection series, and the romance between America and Maxon is one I will not soon forget. I’m a sucker for good romance stories. Her stories remind me to slow down some moments in my writing and focus on the relationships being made, not just the action and suspense.
3: Any guilty pleasures (books/fics)?
Fanfiction. All of it. Every fandom I’m in.
There you go.
4: What’s better (or the least bad): character over plot or plot over character?
It truly depends. In a lot of my things I sacrifice the character over plot, though there are some points I sacrifice the plot for a character. It depends on how it’s used and for what reasons.
5: Do you think stories can change lives? Is there a story that has changed yours?
Yes, I believe stories can change lives. There are too many stories to count that have changed mine. I carry a piece of each story I know with me. It doesn’t matter how it was told. I always walk out of finishing a book, movie or tv show knowing how it changed me as a person.
Maybe I’ll make a list someday. If you’d like to see that, let me know.
6: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to writing? Needing a word but you don’t know what word and you’re just stuck trying to figure out what word to use for literal months and you never find it.
And when I go through my writing and find so many grammar errors and then I’m stuck fixing them for hours so I don’t hate myself.
7: Do you listen to music while you write/read? Yes. All the time. I can’t do either without music, it’s a problem.
8: Favorite quotes? “Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.” -Tyrion Lannister, Game Of Thrones
“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.” -Maxon Schreave, The Selection
“Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.” -John Green
“If you had a friend you knew you would never see again, what would you say? If you could do one last thing for the person you love, what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don’t wait. Nothing lasts forever.” - Brooke Davis, One Tree Hill
“I’m not sure anyone knows what they’re looking for until the find it.” -Kiera Cass
9: If you could wish for a new book from any author, who would it be? John Green or Kiera Cass xD
10: What’s your favorite trope? The shopping trope. Like Person A works at some type of store and Person B ends up at the store, buys something, meets Person A and then keeps coming back regularly because they though Person A was cute or interesting.
11: What’s your (least) favorite overused trope? The airplane trope. You know the “Oh my god the love of my life is leaving in 15 minutes and if I don’t catch them at the airport I’ll never see them again!” Yeah that. 
I’m not a huge fan but if it’s used well it could be a good plot point.
12: Which trope would you absolutely abolish? The one where the love interests always end up together. Like can we get something like the love interest ends up just being a really good friend and the other person moves on to someone else and so do they? Like, I’m all for romance, but can the main character not fall completely and end up with the first love interest? Or at least go through others before ending up with the first one? I don’t know, just change the game up a bit.
13: Are there any tropes you’re embarrassed for enjoying? Best friends falling for each other or the childhood friends falling for each other.
Or the enemies falling for each other.
14: Do you have a go-to AU? Modern AU for historical fandoms
Historical AU for modern fandoms
15: What kind of character do you wish you saw portrayed more often? The slightly slutty best friend to a shy person.
16: What’s more frustrating: plotholes or OOC characters? Plotholes.
For fucks sake.
17: What’s more draining: writing smut, fluff or angst? It’s energy draining writing smut or fluff.
It’s emotionally draining writing angst, especially with characters I’ve made myself and love very very much.
18: Are you a ‘neatly designed outline’ writer or a ‘whatever I’ll figure it out as I go’ writer?
I do both.
In the same story- hell the same oneshot.
19: Do you think major character deaths are ever necessary? Yeah, for certain plots it is. Sometimes they aren’t, but either way it still affects the story and other characters whether they’re alive or dead.
20: If you could ‘unkill’ any character from any story, who would it be? Queen Amberly from The Selection.
21: Would you like to write an alternative ending for any of your favorite shows/books/etc? I would for fun. I usually love the endings to stories, or I’m okay with them.
22: Are you more likely to be the person who starts reading a 100k slow burn fic at midnight or the person who starts writing a drabble at 4 a.m.? Reading.
I’m not awake enough to write, but I can make it through a slow burn no matter how much my eyes hurt.
PICK JUST ONE: 23: Fluff or angst? Angst
24: Fantasy or sci-fi? Fantasy
25:Fake dating AU or impromptu babysitting AU? Impromptu babysitting
26: Road trip AU or high school AU? Road Trip
27: Coffee shop AU or florist AU? Coffee Shop
28: Stuck in an elevator AU or camping gone bad AU? Stuck in Elevator
29: 20s AU or 50s AU?
50s AU
30: High school AU from a fantasy/sci-fi story or fantasy/sci fi AU from a realistic story? Fantasy/Sci Fi from a realistic story
31: Mythological creature AU or superhero AU? Superhero 
32: Meet cute or meet ugly?
Meet Ugly
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fangirlthatwrites · 7 years
I want to start writing fanfics or short stories on Tumblr! Help me pick the first ship to write about. Comment.
1. Captain Swan (Captain Hook and Emma Swan from OUAT)
2. Wolflet (Scarlet and Wolf from The Lunar Chronicles)
3. Maxerica (America and Maxon from The Selection)
4. Madness ( Mara Dyer and Noah Swan from Mara Dyer trilogy + The Becoming of Noah Shaw)
5. Violate ( Violet and Tate from American Horror Story)
6. Ship of your choice.
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helena-carthiga · 7 years
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Rebeliantka (FF Rywalki) (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/QI7DJmeB8D "Nic nie jest tym, na co wygląda, Kristin." Spencer Illéa Zwyczajna dziewczyna mieszkająca w Illéi - młodym państwie, w którym sprawuje swoje rządy Król Gregory Illéa. Żyje w pałacu, ale nie jako księżniczka, ale jako służąca jego córki Katherine, dopóki pewnego feralnego dnia nie poznała syna króla, samego Spencera Illéę. Od tamtej pory jej życie na zawsze się zmienia. Jednak z tego powodu musi także sama się zmienić. Historia, która zapoczątkowała wszystko przed wydarzeniami w Rywalkach Kiery Cass. Opowieść, która opisuje początek powstania rebeliantów pod wodzą Spencera, a później jego potomków. Okładkę wykonała @girlinthewindoww ;*
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kissmyassloves · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Enola Holmes (2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Enola Holmes/Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Enola Holmes & Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Maxon Schreave/America Singer, Maxerica, holmesbury Characters: Enola Holmes, Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury, Viscount "Tewky" Tewksbury's Mother, Sherlock Holmes, Eudoria Vernet Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Maxon Schreave, America Schreave, America Singer, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Male Character(s) of Color, original characters of color - Character Additional Tags: Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, First Love, Declarations Of Love, Love at First Sight, Romance, Eventual Romance, Drama & Romance, Slow Romance, Action & Romance, Angst and Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Friendship, Romantic Soulmates, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Romantic Gestures, Alternate Universe - Romantic Comedy, Sexual Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Tension, Belligerent Sexual Tension, Unresolved Tension, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - Canon, AU, Alternate Universe - The Selection Fusion, Inspired by The Selection Series, The Author Regrets Nothing, Inspired By Tumblr, Inspired by..., Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover, Crack Crossover, Canon Crossover, How Do I Tag, I'm Bad At Tagging, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Are Fun, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Maxerica - Freeform, holmesbury - Freeform, avril you owe me big time but i loved this movie and ship so maybe you don't, Fanfiction, Future Fic, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Gift Fic, tewksbury, Enola - Freeform, enola holmes - Freeform, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Sex, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Tried, What Have I Done, I Blame Tumblr, I Don't Even Know, I Will Go Down With This Ship, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I Ship It, slightly ooc enola, Out of Character, out of character enola holmes Summary:
What if Enola Holmes was set in a “The Selection” type era?
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fancytyper · 7 years
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I Am Rebel (A Selection Fanfic) - 1. REBELS ARE NOT BORN THEY ARE MADE (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/h5Y3IGZ1LC It's been 80 years after the event of The Crown and Illea has a new ruler, the Valentinos. Under their reign the Castes have been brought back to distill the fighting between Illea's people. But with the Castes comes Rebels, Southern Rebels, who want to eliminate the Crown family once and for all. And they may just have a chance. Prince Nikolas Valentino's Selection is coming up and the Rebel's have a plan. Infiltrate the Selection using one of their own and plot to take down the Royals from the inside. Holland Evans is that one, chosen to compete in the Selection, Holland must gain the heart of the Prince. And the Throne. Can Holland fake her way through the Selection even as real feelings start to flood her heart? Find out in I Am Rebel.
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znanyjany · 8 years
I was tagged by @darklingsbrekker and @majesticalmareventrashbitch (I’m honoured??) for very similar tags, so I decided to combine them
((hope you don’t mind, lmao))
Name: Martyna Nickname(s): znany, jany, dżany, mati and recently... “the face of our school”, which is more like a title, but... still. wtf now I know how Alina was feeling when people were calling her a saint or Sol Koloreva lmao Gender: female Starsign: capricorn Height: 157 cm :’’) (5′2) Sexual Orientation: straight Other blogs: one for saving fanfictions in the drafts XD Ethnicity: eastern european Favorite fruit(s): watermelon, strawberry Favorite season: winter and summer Favorite book(s): Red Queen, The Selection, The Grisha trilogy, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, The Hunger Games, His Dark Materials, House of Secrets trilogy Favorite scent: wild violets, petrol, forest and petrichor
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa? tea
Favorite Character(s): uhhh... Maven Calore, The Darkling, Maxon Schreave, Peeta Mellark, James Potter, Kile Woodwork, Charles Bingley Hogwarts House: revenclaw Favorite Color(s): blue and white Favorite Animal(s): cats Average Hours of Sleep: 6... Cat or Dog person: catssss Number of Blankets I sleep with: 1 Favorite Singer/Band: Bring Me The Horizon, 30 Seconds To Mars, Arctic Monkeys, IAMX, Florence + The Machine, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, KONGOS, Zella Day, Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco Dream Trip: London Dream Job:  dental technologist and  writer Current number of followers: ay ay 235  When was your blog created: December 29, 2015 What made you decide to join tumblr: ahahahaha, so after watching “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for the first time I asked my friends what they were thinking about Kylo Ren x Rey and they all were like “yy nah, wtf, they are probably cousins or sth” so I was quite mad and I decided to do some research in the Internet... and found out there were other people who were shipping Reylo and I was like HELL YES. But in the same time tumblr in browser on mobile wasn’t showing me all of the existing content, so I decided that the time has come. And here I am  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I tag: @tsibeyah, @mavencalorers, @lostinthelandwithoutrain and @thoughtfulseason
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