#may your memory be a gift and treasure for all of us and keep influencing the world long after you passed out of it
goldkirk · 6 months
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
(Cyber!Earth AU: where the Autobots get a Guide. Of sorts. Chickadee, a half-fae, attempts to write a list of advice.)
What are we but of rage and hunger? Even in the most desolate places, life still exists. It is a testament of will and persistence even in the face of the impossible or improbable. 
Many Things that slept have now reawakened, but the wiser ones fear three things. The sea at storm. A night with no moon. The rage of a gentle Man. Do not be fooled by this new metallic terrain, nor the luminous waters. Some adages hold true, no matter the circumstances. 
What is more damning than despair? More uplifting than hope? Rage and grief are born from love. It will drive the most courageous as well as the darkest of acts.
Take time to be kind to someone or something. The world is already pitiless. Allow yourself to be, despite it.
You will have options. Whether or not you will like them is out of your hands. Reframe it accordingly. Perhaps there may be more alternatives underneath.
Collect rain water when it falls. It is the most reliable to use. Fresh and rejuvenated from its cycle. Very helpful in many Aspects. It is a decent bargaining tool, especially for new magicians and experienced artificers and those too far away from this realm.
Beware the forests and their gilded branches. Leave offerings of treasured items before entering. Jewels and food are fine. Personal tokens are better. Do not stray from the paths, or it will take you as a gift as someone treasured you once.
Be cautious when passing fields. Battles have been waged upon them. Some are bitter and will attempt to swallow you whole. Corpses should be buried, not freely walking about.
Keep your faith close. Guard your Self well. Do not enter into bargains with things you can not or should not give away or unwilling to part. 
Memories are precious. Savor them. Nurture them. Grip them tight. Gently kiss them before letting them go. Or kill them quickly. Choose the right one well.
What is life without fear? The terror that claws inside your throat? It is a necessary component of life and growth. Same as pain. Wield it carefully. 
We all hunger for something.
Do not expose your heart so easily. It sings true. Overwrought and overcome with emotions. Easy to play. A natural thing to covet a star-bright soul. Masks are very necessary. Get full coverage for the most protection. Hone your expression to match your metal. Carve it deep. Or ask the trees for a boon.
Be on your guard when approaching the trees. Each one has a particular trait. Like calls to like. Their eyes upon your face may bring a Court's interest.
You are being Watched. There is no escape. 
Take careful consideration of Allegiances and Alliances. The far more bloodthirsty will demand a share of your vanquished Enemies. Summer and Winter have their Revels and will demand participation. Brush up on your dancing skills.
The Night Markets sell everything and anything. Do NOT venture when the moon is away.
There is a method to this madness. Learn the flow. Sink into its depths or wade through the currents.
There is no method to this madness. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
It is excellent that you wear your own Allegiance upon your frames. Hold steadfast to it, for Others will attempt to lure you away.
The many ways to love are not mutually exclusive on the ways to kill a god. 
Your dreams may reveal things forgotten or lost. Take caution.
Your dreams are very susceptible to outside influence. Take caution. 
You are both prey and predator.  Nothing but an animal when stripped of that veneer of civility. Remember that well and you will find your footing.
Treat the birds well. Especially the corvids. They remember kindnesses. They remember cruelties. Heed their warnings.
Thy Good Neighbor, are ye Friend or Foe? Both or neither?
You are being deceived. Trust your instinct. It is far harder to fool.
Listen very well. There are Signs.
There are dragons, and then there are Dragons. Keep the Dragon's company nearby. She is a daughter of the exalted Sun. Her flesh kissed by its merciless flames. Her soul is charred by the scorching desert. Few will be willing to cross her.
Teach your children well. Impart the necessary lessons. It is best to learn now when it can be blunted rather than later to a craftier foe.
Even gods can be tricked. Even gods can die.
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milllkaa · 1 year
Okay, then I'll spam my thoughts
I don't attribute orientation to the characters, but I feel like Charlie would have been gay, like, his whole life. Hector, on the other hand, is rather bi. He never thought about whether he liked someone or not, he just studied hard to get a good job. He's cool about it, and if he liked a boy (Charlie hehe) he'd react the same way if he were a girl.
Don't care who fell in love first, I like both options. If Charlie fell in love first - well, I understand him, ahahaha. Even though Hector looks deathly tired, he's still a very attractive and sweet guy. And while he can be impulsive at times (thanks, Lucinda, btw, how's your cancer? Wanna smoke? I'll give you one bestie), he tries to control himself so he's not like his mother. He's very attentive to Charlie. It may seem like he doesn't care or he's not listening, but it’s not. He remembers every little thing Lonnit says to him, and Charlie is very surprised by it. And I think… he would be very upset about these feelings at first. Because he treasures his and Hector's friendship and he's afraid of ruining it. At first he would try to ignore it and act the way he used to. And he was good at it, at first, but each time it got harder and harder to keep his mouth shut.
If Hector had fallen in love first… You know, when you've been hated by everyone around you all your life and then a sunshine like Charlie comes along that literally radiates love and warmth, whether you want to or not you'd start to feel something for him. Hector is not used to being cared for, he's not used to anyone being interested in his mood, his life. That he could be given a gift. Or to call just to tell him the next trivial news or funny situation that happened in the store. Charlie burst into his life so abruptly and brought him so many colors that at first he was confused. He didn't know how he felt, because I think it was the first time he had ever fallen in love (thanks again Lucinda). And while he's a great psychologist and profiler, it's one thing to analyze his childhood traumas, but it's another thing to understand what kind of pleasant emotion he feels for another person. It would take him some time to realize everything, after which it would get even more complicated. Charlie is his only friend. He will be even more afraid of spoiling their relationship than Charlie himself.
So much text, I always get carried away hahaha. As you have already realized, their situations are very similar. Both have found salvation in each other, and even though Charlie has friends, he still feels lonely. His friends have found a partner and are building a future together, while he is left all alone. And… I don't know, the option that they just fell in love is the most ideal? Sure, some sooner, some later. I like all versions, but I'm leaning towards the Hector way. AND NO, IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE'S MY FAVORITE. It's just… I love emotion and how much of it he's experienced because of Charlie…. He literally saved him, you know.
And I also love how they cherish each other. You can see it all in their actions. Charlie works very hard and has a lot of ideas and ambition, so he can be forgetful. And Hector, with his good memory, will always remind Charlie of his business, or silently do things for him. Put food in his bag, because Charlie is always late and forgets to take it. Shove an umbrella in his hands, because just telling him about the weather isn't enough, because he'll forget about it in a minute. He takes him out of work, because he's as much of a workaholic as Hector is.
Charlie can't cook. I mean he can, but the simplest and most basic dishes that don't take a lot of time. His mother always cooked well and took care of his nutrition, so he didn't have to think about the need for this skill in his life. After moving, he had to learn of course, but mostly he just eats out of the house. But one day Hector, being perhaps drunk or under the influence of the moment, will tell him about his childhood. About how his mother treated him, how she tied him up and didn't feed him for days. He was not allowed to eat sweets or anything else that would normally be considered " yummy" for children. And after that, Charlie began to learn. He bought a lot of books and even went to his mother to help him. He started cooking, baking cookies, cakes, and a little later he moved on to more complicated desserts. He was doing all this for Hector, and he was… Ah, he was so glad he had decided to meet Charlie that he decided to risk letting him into his life. He still didn't like sweets, but Charlie made them with love, and how could he refuse ?
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absoluterpmemetrash · 3 years
quotes taken from various mobile games. 3 / ??. feel free to change pronouns/identifiers as needed.
"I will survive, no matter what."
"Fortune twists in the wind, and today it blows my way."
"Money talks. Without it, people die."
"Money talks. Without it, people die. Still... try not to lose your head over it. There are more important things."
"If I were sunburned, I'd be out of commission for a while, so I'm taking all the necessary precautions."
"I'll always treasure this sweet summer memory."
"Do you think destiny is decided at birth?"
"To be so passive as to allow some invisible force to dictate our lives, would be ignorant and irresponsible."
"I feel that, like my teacher, you have the power to unlock the potential in people."
"I hope you will use that power to help them stand on their own -- to light the way forward without a need for gods."
"My world is one of constant strife. People fought for power, influence, and even just for their daily bread."
"This world needs you just as mine needed me. I can feel it."
"To be honest, I've never worn a swimsuit before. Am I doing it right?"
"I can't thank you enough for taking me on this splendid outing to the oceanside."
"As it happens, the fresh air and sunshine have done my fragile constitution some good."
"I wish everyone could be so lucky as to experience a refreshing day at the beach."
"Maybe someday, if I can help you restore peace to this land, that wish will come true."
"I do feel a little more robust, now, I must say."
"Though sunlight is dangerous in excess, in moderation, it can palliate certain mental and physical ailments."
"Flightless creatures... I never know quite what to say. Do you need a lift somewhere? No? All right, then."
"You're curious... about my world?"
"Tell me how it would benefit me to share those details with you?"
"Ah, what a fearsome creature. I do hope this offering is enough to satisfy you."
"I apologize. I was just thinking about my family -- my children."
I feel as if I failed them, and I cannot forgive myself."
"I know that I possess a rare gift, and I do not mean to waste it."
"As a thanks for saving me, and as a sign of my trust and friendship... I will sing for you."
"You seem to take your work quite seriously."
"What leverage must these people have over you, I wonder."
"Oh, relax. It was only a little joke."
"In my country, mercenary work is the best -- and sometimes only -- way to keep the people fed."
"Selling one's services to the highest bidder may be unsavory, but worrying about your reputation is for the rich."
"My people depend on me. That is why I fight."
"Oh! W-were you listening? That song is one my love used to sing..."
"I fought with all my strength, but... I began to forget myself."
"That song healed me... Let light into my heart."
"Now that the fighting is over, I have a new duty."
"I must learn to create a new life. A life for myself..."
"It's always the same. No matter the era, no matter the world... War. The fighting never ends."
"You fight to make peace."
"Don't get discouraged. Your feelings are what drive you. Your actions have purpose."
"No matter how hard things get, you have to keep fighting."
"I know that you'll press on. I respect that."
"Let me walk your road with you."
"I'll stay by your side until the end, if you'll let me."
"I apologize if I look gloomy to you. I am not used to smiling."
"My memories are so fuzzy, so faint..."
"I remember giving my mother a flower. She smiled, and I was so happy."
"I would still love to make someone happy like I did then."
"Maybe... If I can bring you a little joy, my life would have some value to it."
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theredwallrecorder · 4 years
RH - Of the Oak & Rose
Another entry for the Redwall Hell-verse because @raphcrow deserves it and more besides. @thegoldensoundtwice let me know of raph’s thirst, so now you know who to blame for this literally out of nowhere post ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
The terrain of Hellgates is trapped in a state of constant, tumultuous upheaval, with locations shuffling and changing at random. It is understandable that Hellgates be this way, as it is a geographical reflection of its lord and master, Vulpuz. The beasts committed to roaming its tractless expanse are, in all meanings of the word, eternally lost... except for when, by chance or perhaps by fate, they stumble across a startling landmark: the decrepit husk of a large, dead oak tree, whose dry roots encircle a thriving rosebush bearing striking white blooms. The oak and rose act as the signpost to the lady's tavern; once you find it, you have only to pass it by to enter the lands under her influence.
But, did you know that the oak was once alive and strong, marking the entrance to the afterlife alongside its brother tree? Indeed, Hellgates and Dark Forest were once two parts of the same whole, before that realm was torn asunder and the Lady made her abode upon the very spot where the original Dark Forest gates once stood. Here is the tale of the Lady’s arrival in that realm, containing an account of [the song] her mother and sisters sung to weave the tavern and its pools and gardens into existence.
- - - - - - - - -
The Lady lifted her eyes before the terrible blow fell.
The badger would not look at her, but the sun, Oh! The sun was rising in blinding golden glory from the depths of the sea behind him, and before she could blink the light was swallowing the waters and the pebbled strand and the stiff form of the badger and the barbarous shouting and the weeping and the whistling axe and finally, it swallowed her.
Now the Lady was sitting on naked earth, with nothing and nobeast at her side. All about her swirled an undulating, impenetrable mist. A veil of shadows hung over the Lady's awareness, and even when she prodded, it would not give way. For the first time, she was truly alone.
And the Lady wept. How careful she had been whilst in the company of her fellow creatures, nurturing the depth of her hidden sorrow without even a sigh of resignation. But here, before the threshold of Dark Forest, her tears sought recompense for the seasons. It was only as her grief began to settle into a dull ache within her breast that the Lady became aware she was no longer alone. Her mother had come, emerging silently from the mists, and sat upon the ground a paw's reach away. She had turned her body so as to give the Lady the private intimacy of her grief, but she was there, real and whole, and without a word the Lady threw herself into her mother's waiting arms. Thus the two souls remained, embracing in the company of the mists.
After a while, Leda grasped the Lady's paw, beckoning her to rise and follow. As if by magic, the gloomy murk that had clouded so thickly round them parted, revealing a flat expanse of empty earth that abruptly gave way to nothingness. Off to the right and barely a stone's throw away was the bank of a river, its width so vast the Lady could not see to the other side. A few large, flat stones reared out of the river, punctuating its unnaturally smooth surface. Were it not for the presence of the stones, the water would have appeared to be frozen and unmoving, though the Lady knew intuitively that this hinted at the foreboding depth of the river. No sound rose from those waters, not even from where the river hurled itself in torrential cascades over the very edge of the earth. It was there, close to the edge and atop a little rise in the riverbank, that a magnificent oak tree stood, its lower branches devoid of leaves.
"Firstdaughter, look now upon the emptiness that lies before you," Leda began, gesturing to the sobering scene. "Behold the great abyss into which endless waters flow. I tell you it was not always so... The moment your blood was shed, a fierce cataclysm seized the land, tearing the misted plain asunder. This ageless tree and its twin, heralds of the darkened forest, were permanently separated. One, toppled by the cataclysm, fell into the pit and is no more. The oak standing before us now is all that remains of the original threshold of the halls of the dead; alas, for I fear these roots have borne too much. Already the leaves from the crown of the king do fall." She paused to note the mound of dead oak leaves heaped about the roots of the tree. "Only a husk of memory shall remain here, even as the denizen of will and the harbinger of evil have yet to fulfill their christening of the mountain. This realm has sacrificed its wholeness to account for the unwritten fates of the living." Leda squeezed the Lady's paw gently before letting go. "In the same vein, you have yet to declare yours."
The Lady knelt upon the soil beneath the dying oak. Her mother watched as she swept a paw through the crisp, fallen leaves, scattering them into the wind. She continued to brush the leaves aside until, suddenly, there appeared the stiff green stems of a young rosebush jutting forth from the pale earth betwixt the oak's staunch roots.  
"A little bush carries a loud voice, but I wish to hear its thoughts from your lips," urged Leda. "What will you do, Firstdaughter?"
Taking one last glimpse at the leafless rosebush, the Lady stood and drew alongside Leda. "I cannot walk through fields of reeds whose roots are gorged with the blood of creatures for whom I have wept," the Lady said softly. The lines of her mouth were firm as she cupped her mother's paws in her own, raising them up to press them against her lips. "I am afraid not even the wings of your spirit could bear me hence. Let me linger here until my vigilance slips from the mountain, until the last leaf fades from beneath this oak. I hesitate to give voice to it, but I will endure in the hope the oak yet lives."
Leda again embraced her daughter and caressed her face. "Fate came upon you with fangs bared and claws outstretched, and you have made it your boon," she said. "Your spirit has already made its den here. Far be it from me to keep you from where you belong, but, before we depart for the Dark Forest, we must bestow upon you our gift--a hearth for the flame of your soul."
A cry of joy came then carried upon the wind, and the Lady turned to receive the arrivals of four other foxes. One by one they embraced her, clasping her paws and kissing her cheeks. Their golden fur shone in the muted light as the eldest among them cried out, "How fathomless the wellspring of your heart, sister! Do not weep for us, for we were pleased to uphold the truth of your innocence even unto death. We have left the halls of our inheritance to come and sing with you, to sing of the gathering-place of the denizens of power."
Leda gestured in a wide arc to the empty sky, and she and her daughters gathered in a half-circle upon the bank of the soundless river. In breathless anticipation they waited, bodies swaying, until the Lady's voice, raised in song, pierced the silence. Together, they sung of cruel laughter that echoes across the sea, of firelight dancing along curved blades, of ships’ holds fit to bursting with stolen treasures. They sung of innocence plucked from a creature's final breath, of the scent of fresh blood soaking through torn cloth, of the cold gleam of the knife that flashes in the moonlight. They sung of oaths gleefully shattered, of furtive, fearful glances cast over one shoulder, and of pennant banners bearing the emblems of conquerors fluttering in the wind.
Their song rose to meet the mists, spreading outward as the melody increased in volume. Soft, yellowed grass sprang from the bare earth beneath their footpaws, racing along the bank of the river. A foundation of dark stone emerged from the ground, with walls crafted by unseen paws rising stone by stone upon it. Piece by loving piece was the building wrought, and as the final notes of their song faded into memory, her abode was finished. Many were the hours the Lady and her mother and sisters spent singing and speaking the tavern into existence, and it may be said that even to this day she continues to improve upon it, adding and removing such features according to her wont.
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mizgrownnonsense · 4 years
On Cultural Appropriation
(copied from an email I sent to a student, who asked about this as part of our “office hours”--thought tumblr could find it interesting) Thank you also for your question--please forgive the extra time I've taken to give it proper attention.
The question of cultural appropriation is certainly a complex one. 
Our general contemporary understanding boils down to: "do not take what isn't yours, and definitely do not use it disrespectfully," however, this simplification relies on certain absolutes (what does "yours" mean, what does "taking" mean?) that can feel confusing or impossibly, even unnaturally rigid.  
On "Owning":
The fact is that no artwork or cultural product is going to be a purely "authentic" in an essential way, because no culture is static and unchanging. All cultures have histories, with various ancestors and influences from whom they've adapted and translated their traditions. As the members of that culture live into the present, those traditions will keep adapting in response to the new cultures, artworks, and ideas that they come in contact with. I frequently say in my classes (paraphrasing the art citic, Stuart Hall), "when you have found something purely authentic, what you have really found is the end of your memory." Especially as our world expands, most artists today have come in contact with thousands of different artistic and visual traditions, which we both consciously and sometimes unconsciously translate into our work.
Accepting that human cultures are essentially syncretic, and that almost all of the artwork or cultural products we encounter are fusions or translations of other artworks or traditions, how do we navigate the question of "owning" something or "stealing" something?
I think it is also important to recognize that a relationship between a people and their traditions (artistic and otherwise) can be profound without being "pure." Native Americans in this country have a profound relationship to their ancestral lands that is felt through the thousands of generations who have become part of that ground and through the spirituality that connects their original, and identity-forming, myths to specific features of the landscape--whether they initially migrated from across the Bering Strait or not. Although African American women did not invent quilting, the tradition of quilt-making in the American south and the way that quilts were used to preserve stories, hide messages, and express creativity despite significant barriers to this kind of self-expression makes these quilts an important part of black southern visual tradition (consider the Gee's Bend quilts and some examples of African-American story quilts).
In this sense, we can think of "owning"  as the result of a profound relationship to a (visual, etc.) tradition or practice, based on an ancestral relationship to it; its contribution to one's sense of identity; its centrality to one's spiritual traditions, etc. 
On "Stealing":
Ideas (traditions, artistic styles, materials, images, etc.) can move from one culture to another in various ways. Though gifts (travelers bringing their culture's treasures to their host, or teaching their practice where they go), through imitation (travelers recreating what they've seen elsewhere out of admiration or curiosity), through assimilation (moving to a new place and adapting the traditions that already exist there, sometimes mixing them with their own), through conquest (one culture taking over the other, and absorbing what was there into their own culture and/or forcing the original inhabitants of that culture to assimilate into the new dominant one), through theft/misappropriation (forcibly taking artwork from a place or person and thereby changing its meaning through a change of context), etc.
Being aware of how this contact happens is the most important question to ask when Identifying whether we are looking at syncretism or cultural appropriation/misappropriation.  When you want to analyze a moment of cultural contact is to ask: who are the actors in this exchange? Who is in control of how, and whether, this exchange happened?
For example: In the case of Van Gogh's use of Japanese prints and brushwork technique to develop his own signature style (he translated their visible brushwork into thick oil paints and focused on the humble beauty of countryside and daily life in the same way Hiroshige did, actually copying some of Hiroshige's prints as practice: see here), We can see that Van Gogh did not have control over Japan's artistic production through political, economic, or other means. Japan was considered a relatively equal peer to France, and Van Gogh considered Hokusai and Hiroshige as artists equal to (if not superior to), even if he exotified them in the process. For their part, Hokusai and Hiroshige were freely sharing their artwork with the west, and had chosen to adapt western techniques of perspective in their own work as well. While Van Gogh was certainly "appropriating" Japanese technique, this should not be considered "theft."
By comparison, Picasso's "invention" of cubism was also influenced by another culture. Cubism is essentially the translation of three-dimensional African masks into two-dimensional paintings. However, Picasso encountered these masks in exhibitions of stolen artifacts (not given willingly, but forcibly removed from the palaces, altars, and homes of African people by European colonial forces, both out of curiosity and because the Europeans knew that separating African peoples from their sacred and royal objects would damage their sense of self and will to fight, aiding in their imperial conquest.) Although Picasso clearly admired the formal qualities of these objects, he did not see the people who created them as artists, famously saying in 1907: "African art? Never heard of it!" (”L’art negre? Connais Pas!”) At the time, France was exerting significant military, political, and economic power over African people, from which Picasso benefitted: he could claim African influences as his own without any africans contradicting him, because he had a privilege to be heard and respected that they didn't have. Furthermore, Picasso was exalted for his invention of a new form of art, making money and building his reputation, while the African people from whom he had appropriated these forms continued to be disrespected and in many places forbidden from making these for their original spiritual and political purposes. In this case, understanding this point of cultural contact as "cultural appropriation" and “theft” is clear.
As you navigate contemporary questions of cultural appropriation, ask yourself the following:
Who might have a profound, identity-based or ancestral relationship to this practice? 
Who is in control of the exchange? 
Does one person have political or economic privilege over the other? (I.e: white Americans over Native Americans, Black People, immigrants; academics over uneducated people; autonomous citizens over incarcerated, or institutionalized people?)
Does the culture from which the practice organization/that has a profound attachment to this practice have the power to refuse the exchange--what are the consequences to them of if they do refuse? (i.e: seriously impoverished nations may not be able to survive economically without the influx of tourism to their sacred spaces, ceremonies, and imagery)
Is someone benefiting--making money/building their reputation--from the practice they are borrowing? Is any of that money or acclaim being shared with the "owners" of the practice? 
Are the "owners" of the practice recognized as peers by the person borrowing it? Are they named? Referred to as artists? compensated? credited? Treated with respect? Or are they treated as ignorant, "accidental" producers of something only the borrowing artist and elite culture can understand and appreciate? 
Is the "borrower" of the practice considered the expert of that practice?
I'm happy to talk about this more if you have additional questions (as you can see, I have spent quite a bit of time with the subject). In the meantime, I hope this offers you some clarity, and some things to think about!
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bambiiera · 4 years
My Delve Into Tarot With A Proper Guide: Day 8
I’m using a Radiant Rider-Waite Deck along with the pamphlet that came with it, and The Only Tarot Book You’ll Ever Need by Skye Alexander and Mary Shannon. I am also using internet resources.
This is going to be my last daily post for awhile because my christian mother decided that my tarot cards give her “icky feelings” so now all I can do to practice my spirituality is light a candle or practice in the middle of the night and hope I don’t get caught- if my sedatives would let me stay up that long.
Mon Mar 23, 2020, 10:48am
How has my relationship grown? How can we continue to grow?
Three Card Spread: Past, Present, Future
Past: Six of Cups
Cups: Water- receptive, inner directed, and reflective; connected with emotions, creativity, spirituality, and intuition.
Cups represent the ability to receive and hold
Mostly- comfort, security, and contentment
Usually show relationships of some kind- romantic, familial, friendship
Intuitive, compassionate, sensitive, creative, or nurturing.
Numerology of Six: Service and social responsibility, caring, compassion, and community involvement.
Time to keep it simple, practice self care, rest and balance yourself and your surroundings.
Centered and at ease with yourself
Flowers: purity, innocence. Five petals- pentagram- reminds us that in connection and love we can find the divine.
Reunite that which is treasured in our hearts.
White flowers: peace and forgiveness, purity, cleansing, healing, clarity
Two children: the older child hands the younger child a cup in a sign of friendship and affection- love, friendship, fun
Greenery in cups: growth, potential, and gifts of love- abundance
Pedestal: structure, elevation. There is honor in keeping friendships, love, and loyalty. “X” marks the spot, a guide to being in the moment.
Castle: home, emotional security, positive goals.
Courtyard: a safe place, a holding space
Soldier on path: the adult walks away from the children, implying they are safe enough to be on their own.
Pamphlet: children in an old garden, their cups filled with flowers.
A card of memories and the past, such as reflecting on childhood, happiness, enjoyment
Giving new relations, new knowledge, new environment
Signifies nostalgia and happy memories
Refers to a sentimental remembrance of things past
Pleasant and comforting memories can better know your future, to build on
Knowing you have been happy in the past will enhance your ability to be happy in the future.
Experiencing emotions connected to your path that will shed light on your future.
Calm and collected.
Present: Temperance
Angel, touching earth and heaven: interacting with the material world while maintaining a sense of spirituality and higher purpose
Triangle: interplay between masculine and feminine or spirituality and materiality
Cups: the fountain of energy between your opposite tendencies which is flowing and spontaneous, yet also balanced and coherent
Path: taking your time through life’s twists and turns; being content in the moment or throughout unexpected obstacles
Water: groundedness and refreshment through spiritual thinking
Mountains: the distant journeys awaiting you that will bring you to spiritual fulfillment
The Circle/Sun: the sun also appearing as the angel’s third eye, represents the merging of personal aims with the universe’s plans for you. Also represents life and eternity
Yellow irises: passion
Floating crown: super conscience
Fire wings: muscles and strength necessary to maintain composure and reach a higher being state
Major Arcana: could be considered messages from the divine trying to get your attention, may be considered as signal that you are being helped or influenced by powers beyond your own awareness. Fate or destiny may be involved.
Pamphlet: economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation
Pours liquid-the elixir of life- from one goblet to another in a continuous stream, suggesting interplay of the material and spiritual worlds and the eternal flow of the waters of life.
Traditionally feminine principles of cooperation, balance, harmony, receptivity, and creativity
Moderation in all things
Cautioned to have patience
The circumstances of the situation will teach you to wait calmly when it seems like nothing is happening
The only course is to sit and wait for things to develop in their own time
Make waiting constructive
There are times when nothing can be done and nothing needs to be done
Latin: temperare- to moderate, blend, or mix together harmoniously
Used to be named Time
Future: Queen of Wands
Queen: mature woman who is a ruler in her own right, not just the King’s consort
Embodies and expresses the traditional feminine qualities of leadership, most importantly the qualities of creativity and cooperation
Skills and wisdom only developed through years of experience
A level of maturity and self confidence
Knows when to compromise or to take a firm stand
You are not intimidated by any situation, yet you remain able to grow and evolve and you can be flexible through understanding
Portrays a mature and capable person: an authority figure who is nurturing and understanding, or a mother image
Has authority just like the King but uses it in avenues of nurturing and cooperation instead of controlling and dominating
Suit of wands corresponds with Fire, Fire is active and outer directed
Linked with spirit, will, self expression, and inspiration
Suggests growth, expansion, and personal power
Warriors, heroes, leaders, or magicians; dynamic and creative people who charge forth into life with confidence and enthusiasm.
An indication that some sort of action or growth is possible
Possibly headed off on an adventure, or needing to gather courage to overcome a challenge
Perhaps it would be beneficial to use intuition rather than logic to solve a problem
May need to have fun, take some risks, assert yourself or be creative
Back of throne: orange- prosperity, life giving power of the sun, warmth and goodwill. Decorated by red lions and sunflowers- lions signify divine fire and sexual energy, sunflowers symbolize prosperity and health
Sunflower in hand: knows how to manifest her ideals in the material world
Yellow robe: spiritual and intellectual activity
Grey cloak: thoughts and inspiration are confined by knowledge of the fundamental laws of the universe
Balanced: high ideals- yellow mountains, demands of physical world- grey rocks
Black cat: house pet- ruler of the home, black- occult, not afraid to show claws.
Pamphlet: throughout this suit the wands are always in leaf, as it is a suit of life and animation. Emotionally and otherwise the Queen’s personality corresponds to that of the King’s but is more magnetic
A dark woman or a countrywoman
Love of money
Socially prominent this Queen represents a woman who is in a position of authority and shines in her endeavors
A “lioness” -warm, generous, and loving- she is honorable, creative, intelligent, friendly, and mature
Advice is well worth taking and she will be a loyal confidante or provide valuable assistance
Now is a good time to move forward with a business or creative venture
You have qualities within yourself that you need to succeed.
How has my relationship grown? How can we continue to grow?
Our relationship sprouted from a seed planted in childhood, we were good friends and my heart sparked the day I met him. When we were young we shared creativity and soft affections. There was a period of time that we were separated l. When he came back I was nervous but the seed that we had planted remembered. The structures of friendship and loyalty remained. During our time apart we grew and met a level of our potential. He was my safe place. Presently we commingle harmoniously and we are matured now in comparison from where we began. We are content to wait and see what the future holds for us as a couple, as we work individually on ourselves in the meantime. The Divine are watching over us. As I continue to connect with the divine, I feel their influence on me and how I am growing into my potential, as a wife. We are balanced and traveling through life’s twists and turns together as one and with passion. We are headed together toward spiritual fulfillment, merging our personal aims with those of the universe. I can expect to become my partner’s confidante and to provide him with invaluable assistance. If I continue down the Divine’s Path I can expect to learn how to make my ideals manifest in the material world and aid my relationship. We can expect prosperity and health. And a healthy sex life.
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imnxtsorry · 4 years
important notes: this is my about and my main verse, v. free woman, and because I am canon divergent I have to ask you to take the time to read at least the bolded parts of ‘before and during the trilogy’ and all of ‘after the trilogy’ so you know what to expect. I’m not happy with her canon finale, so I will not be writing her raising Will’s child as a single mother, and characters from following movies would have to interact with Elizabeth after a bit of plotting/changes in timeline, thank you.   There are other verses all of you can check out at the bottom, to explore different aus/canon divergences/what ifs scenarios, knowing that everything can be changed/plotted so that your muse doesn’t feel goodmodded..
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Elizabeth's mother, Rose, was happy with her ordinary life as a lady, mother and wife. She was also curious, a day-dreamer, who encouraged Elizabeth to dream too, and to learn whatever her heart wished, as long as she would keep in mind that she’d have to follow society’s expectations when older, at least enough not to bring them shame. Rose also loved traveling, so whenever it was possible and appropriate she'd visit new places with her family - which was led her to an early death at sea. This is one of the reasons Elizabeth, who took a big interest in pirates, was allowed to read every book on the subject she could find, to the point of knowing pirate songs by the time she moved to Port Royal; that and her father being so loving and soft to her. Her mother is still a big influence in her life, a drive to do what she thinks is right and not only what she's told, and Elizabeth has warm memories of their life as a child and of how much her parents loved each other. Which is also why Elizabeth does not hate everything about her life as a 'lady': she did show genuine happiness at the sight of the new dress her father gifted her (until she tried it on and it was too tight), there is no reason why she shouldn't like social events involving dancing, or for some decorum to not be appreciated. On the other hand, a woman living in those times had limited options, too limited for Elizabeth, who expected Will to address her by name and not titles, who finds intimacy in breaking protocol, who does enjoy the freedom that comes from ignoring rules that mean nothing to her and have no real use (and of course in following her own rules and morals, for example waiting until the wedding night to be with Will despite clearly wanting it that badly). She enjoys adventures, swordfighting, leaving propriety behind in favor of honesty and closeness.
For these reasons Elizabeth never got close to other ladies growing up, feeling they wouldn't understand, and why I believe she never truly saw James Norrington for what he was, the qualities of him she could have appreciated, or not until it was too late. 
After the Curse Of The Black Pearl, Elizabeth and Will find out that they have too many communication problems to work, not sharing their deepest thoughts and pains, not knowing how to end fights - defensiveness, leaving the room in the middle of an argument. So they end up 'breaking up' before they ruin their relationship entirely. This sends Elizabeth down a spiral of self-doubt and self-discovery, because something she believed certain was gone so easily, and because she found herself unable to lean on the man she thought she'd love forever. Who was she meant to be? Could she be good and rebellious, true to herself and happy, but also make her loved ones happy? Once Beckett arrests them, things progress the way they do in the movies except for her and Will being romantically together, and any deviation from canon beside that will depend on our threads. It’s unlikely that Jack and James would know about the breakup before she tells them.
If everything has gone like in canon, and our threads are set after, Elizabeth has taken her belongings from her father's house, which she can't inherit because she's an unmarried woman and will go to her cousin. He'd be willing to let her have it but she can't imagine living in it without her father, so she uses her pirate king title to get a smaller place on an island nearby, from where she can be given a ride to Shipwreck Island when needed there.
Thing is, Elizabeth's idea of freedom feels limited as pirate king too, since she has to stomach horrible acts the other pirates do, and would find no happiness in attacking people who haven’t attacked her first. She has only been able to give a new rule: to leave women and children alone (unless the women are warriors attacking them). Anything more, like asking pirates to leave good people alone, is just not possible without a mutiny. Teague supports the king and most are terrified of him but there is only so much that can be imposed, and Elizabeth has to ignore other bad acts to keep his 'subjects' appeased enough to follow the few directions she gives.
So now Elizabeth is having little adventures there and then, involving secret treasures and legends, nothing to do with pillaging innocent villages, and trying to find compromises that will let her sleep at night, while also refusing to start a new life as a lady somewhere else, because she'd be suffocated by expectations and protocol. She will still do whatever it takes to survive, she’ll scheme and not even involve other people in her plans unless cornered or due to exceptional reasons, but she will still despise the idea of leaving someone behind if there is another choice, of not trying everything to save others, to be honorable even at personal risk. She certainly does appreciate affection and some gentleman acts in her direction, she just doesn’t want to be bothered with the “coldness” that comes from being proper.  And yes, she still intends to wait until married to have a ‘wedding night’, her moral compass matters to her no matter what people expect of her as a pirate or as a woman. And her moral compass says she must keep fighting until she feels she has found the perfect balance between everything she wants and what life will give her.
little headcanons: -her father has a brother in London, who married and had two children, Mary and Anthony. Anthony is the older cousin who approved of Elizabeth’s ‘odd’ behaviors when they were kids and is now married to a woman who would also like her. For this reason he would help her with money and shelter if ever needed. Mary is determined to be proper and quite judgy, and will embarrass her to death if given the chance. -Elizabeth loves dancing, walks, reading, watching plays and playing boardgames.  -she has some pretty mundane wishes when it comes to her future family
v. mrs turner. for will rpers only: they don’t break up after the first movie, and events can follow the next movies or be completely different in threads. Point is they stick together and navigate this new relationship - which after all is a big change after years of keeping proper distance.
v. hold on. she doesn’t break up her engagement with James Norrington even if she does help Jack escape his hanging - whether because not in love with Will or because Will never confessed his feelings. In the second movie she’s likely looking for James in Tortuga on top of wanting to free Will, and ends up joining Jack anyway.
v. follow the compass. threads about random plots like ‘soulmates au’ and the like. The events of the movie can or cannot happen depending on what we’ll decide.
v. fine woman. threads where the movies haven’t happened (or not yet and will happen later than in canon), and Elizabeth is living her life as a lady and growing sadder, longing for more. The stories will start from there. This includes threads with Will or James where their relationship develops in a different way (slightly younger Elizabeth etc.)
v. bring me the horizon. threads where the movies haven’t happened or not yet but one way or another she runs away looking for adventure. May or may not be kidnapped and brought to Tortuga. Her reputation ruined, she has to make a life there.
v. gilded ship. after the events of the movie, regardless of other differences from canon, she can’t return home because she has been ‘outed’ as pirate in most lands, being the king and all, and has to adapt to a pirate’s life and/or look for other options because she doesn’t want to be trapped that way either.
v. captain. one way or another, it’s Elizabeth who succeeds Davy Jones. Threads can be set before, maybe during, and of course after, when she comes ‘home’.
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meistoshia · 4 years
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@pnkfox sent: talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s) !!   /   𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
all of satoshi’s precious possessions can be divided into two main categories  :     those that he keeps back home in masara town & those that he always carries around.     his most prized possessions are no different.
items kept at home.
the hat he wore throughout kanto + the orange archipelago + johto.     it was, after all, a limited edition cap from the pokemon league, one that satoshi invested a lot of effort into getting   ( sending in a thousand postcards is nothing to scoff at ) , & while he stopped wearing it to not wear it out, he still considers it a treasure & keeps it on a shelf in his room with other precious items.
his z - ring, electric z, & steel z.     his z - ring was given to him by kapu - kokeko & later upgraded by all of the alolan guardian deities, & while he does consider all his z - crystals prized possessions because they were won with his pokemon, his electric z was also given to him by kapu - kokeko, making it more special to him.     his steel z has a special place in his heart for being the one that pikachu picked out when hapu gave them freedom of choice in which z - crystal to take & satoshi left that decision up to pikachu.     these sit on a cupboard with all of his trophies.
his trophy from the exhibition match with kukui.     satoshi’s battle with kukui was special to him for a number of reasons, battling all out against someone he admired, & who’d essentially become like the father figure that he never had, his nyaheat evolving into gaogaen, battling in an official battle with agoyon for the first time, battling kapu - kokeko & going head to head with its z move & winning ...     satoshi’s exhibition match trophy is a tangible proof & reminder of all of these & it is the trophy he is most proud of & it holds a highly special place in his heart.     it sits, of course, with the rest of his trophies.
a pippi doll.     pokeani forgot to give an explanation for why that was in his room but that’s why i’m here ^_^.     it’s lilie’s, given as a “to remember me by” parting gift when she left for her own journey.     it, of course, sits with his trophies.     as far as satoshi's concerned, that’s the only place it deserves to be.
the lunchbox takeshi gave him at the end of johto.     though the contents may be long gone, the box itself has been kept for the memories associated.     takeshi was one of the first people satoshi ever traveled with & the years spent on the road with him are important & special to him, so the first time they truly parted ways felt bitter, but the specialness of takeshi’s parting gift being a lunchbox prepared just for satoshi eased it somehow, & later the utensils within that lunchbox helped satoshi deal with rg, so he kept the box.     it’s kept on the shelf with his league cap.
items he always keeps with him.
the handkerchief kasumi gave him at the end of johto.     just like takeshi, kasumi was one of the first people satoshi traveled with, & he treasures the years she put up with him, unlike takeshi having stuck around for his entire journey from kanto to johto, having met him first as well.     by the end of johto, satoshi wanted to part ways as little as she did, if not less.     he holds onto the handkerchief because it’s not only useful to have on hand, but, of course, it reminds him of kasumi every time he uses it.     there’s not a single more well - cared - for piece of fabric in his backpack.
a kasumi lure.     as a gift from kasumi, of course it’s special to him.     always carried in his bag, he uses it pretty much every time he has need of a lure & just any old lure wouldn’t do.     because it’s special to him, he is a little possessive of it & won’t let anyone else use it.
a broken alarm clock.     hanako went to great lengths, going out of town for days, to get a monster ball themed alarm clock for satoshi’s tenth birthday.     & then satoshi broke it the night before he needed it the most.     that alarm clock is the reason satoshi was late to ookido’s lab & received pikachu & all the subsequent events influenced by this fact happened.     it’s broken & he’s never tried to have it fixed, but he still keeps it in his bag.     it’s a reminder of his mom & of all the love & faith she’s placed in him, a reminder of home & a memento of his beginnings as a trainer, so he’d never think to change it, let alone discard it.
half of an old monster ball.     much like the broken alarm clock, this too is one of his most precious possessions from masara town.     it’s part of a monster ball that both satoshi & shigeru fished out of a river, the hooks of their respective fishing rods catching on it, & one they broke in their little tug of war.     while shigeru may no longer be a competitive trainer, satoshi still considers the split monster ball a reminder of their rivalry, as well as their friendship.     it’s still kept in a little bag in his backpack.
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swiftpng · 4 years
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❥ — happy birthday, selena!
Happy birthday to one of the longest friends I’ve ever had! How do I even begin to sum up over 10 years of friendship in a post? I can’t believe you’re 28, but I’m glad to have known you since you were 16. You are an amazing gem of a person and I count myself extremely lucky to have known you for 10+ years. It all started when we met at a Jonas Brothers concert and since then, you have filled my life up with so much joy and light. The love and kindness you share with others is incomparable. Whether we are half passed out on a couch together after drinking a bottle of wine or chatting thousands of miles apart, you bring a sense of calm and trust like nobody else. You have been my closest ally and biggest confidant longer than anyone else, and you still find a way to be my closest friend year after year. Over the years, you have proved time and time again why you’re the best friend a girl could ask for. You’ve been there through the toughest times. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways. I love how you stand up for yourself and the people you love. Thank you for being supportive, encouraging, loving, and loyal. You’re just as beautiful on the inside as you are out. You are one of the most positive influences in my life and always build me up when I’m broken down, and I wouldn’t know what to do without you. No one could ever understand the bond we share, we’re opposite yet similar souls. You are one of the very few people I can truly feel like I can be myself with. You mean so much to me, Selena. And if we’re being honest, you’re one of the most creative people I know. I’m honestly flattered that you value my opinion whenever you show me new music you’re working on. Thank you so much for sharing your genius. I could seriously go on and on here because you’re one of my favorite humans ever. I wish for you to have nothing but success, happiness, and fulfillment. You deserve it all, I love you. I don’t know how I would do life without you. I’m so happy I’ve gotten to grow up with you over the years. Here’s to never growing up, millions of memories, endless laughter, and many more birthdays to celebrate! 🎉🎈🎁
Selena, you’re a trusted friend for life, an amazing companion, and someone I know who will be there for me no matter what. Life is exponentially better when you have someone by your side who is down for whatever adventures life throws at you. I’m grateful that the majority of my memories of the last 10 years include you. To show my love for you on your special day, I got you a few gifts. Firstly, I got you a perfume that reminded me of you. It’s Tom Ford’s Fabulous Eau de Parfum, and just like you, it’s fucking fabulous. The next gift I got you is a card game where you can get to know your friends on an even more deeper level. We're Not Really Strangers is where you can just build a more meaningful connection with those you’re playing with, and I thought it was perfect for you. I really love listening to your stories because you have such a knack for storytelling which, duh, of course you do, you’re an actress so you know how to tell a story, but also you are just fun and exciting to talk to. You’re going to laugh at this next one, but you’re genuinely the only person who loves pickles more than anything else. To help aide in your love for pickles, I got you a monthly subscription box of pickles where you get new pickles each month and you get to try them out. For the next gift, it’s more as a future housewarming gift since it’s a picture of us. I can’t remember when we took it, but I know it was when you hung out at my house and we just chatted for hours while watching the ocean. To me, you are the human incarnation of a hug. Everything about you is so warm and wholesome. I’m so lucky to know you -- you are such a valuable and incredible friend. You have a huge heart and you’re always looking out for other people, which I’m always thankful for. It’s why I got you flowers that mean strength. From going through shitty relationships to almost losing your life, you are one of the strongest women I know. And you take it all in stride. I’ve never met someone who has been through so much yet still has so much love and optimism in their hearts. You’re truly just one of a kind. Along with that, I got you a T-shirt that says “Women in Power”. I know you're someone who loves to uplift voices that need to be heard, especially those who are women. I also know that you’re a woman who is also a badass business woman, one who is creating her own makeup line and has amazing brand deals. You work your ass off, and you’re so deserving of all the success that has come your way. I’m so beyond proud of you, I know both my parents and brother are so, so proud and happy for you, and I’m so proud to be able to watch you grow into the person you are today. You know things about me that no one else does and I know things that no one else knows about you, and we have such a super special friendship. So last but not least, I got you a necklace that is your birthstone. I read online that Ruby was July’s birthstone, and I thought it was perfect. Throughout times, the ruby has represented nobility, purity, and passion. You’re honestly a rare gem, and I will do my best to treasure you the way you deserve and the way you should be. This got way too long, but I hope this birthday is a wonderful one and the upcoming year is filled with amazing things for you. May it be full of joy and cake. When we both have the time, I would love to take you out to dinner and just have a proper catch up. So since we can’t be together right now, I'm sending you a big hug. Thank you for such a beautiful and wonderful friendship. Thank you for sharing some of your life with me. You are truly a light and breath of fresh air in my life, and I’m forever grateful for that. Please keep doing you and please keep enjoying yourself and gifting us with your talent. Thank you so much for all that you do and I wish you the happiest of birthdays. I love you, Selena. ✨💖 // @sxgomez
-- Taylor. 
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daemongal · 5 years
The greatest gift
V x reader, angst, SFW.
T.W. mention of thoughts of suicide.
For some reason I have decided to celebrate V's special day with this. Hope you enjoy my first attempt at writing angst :)
Today was V's birthday, and the anniversary of the day you met the tattooed man, a day you would never forget.
You had found him shambling around looking lost and disjointed, completely stark naked. You can’t really remember what went through your mind at that moment. Normally you’d stay as far away as possible from weird men, especially those who were happy enough to put themselves on display, but you remember feeling an intense desire to protect him, the moment you laid eyes on him; a feeling skin to how a mother feels the first time they hold their child in their arms.
You gave him your coat to cover his modesty and established that his name was V. You remember how taken aback he was at your generosity when you welcomed him into your home and how confused he was at your concern for his wellbeing. You fed him, worried that he hadn’t eaten in days considering how frail his body looked. He would always tell you that he was fine, and that his body was just weak.
When everything started going to hell, he was there at your side, protecting you with every ounce of his being. You would tell him repeatedly how strong he was, how brave he was but a look of guilt seemed to forever linger in his eyes. You took refuge with him at the Devil May Cry which remained vacant in a somewhat safer part of town, after its proprietor had fallen at the hands of the Demon King. V told you to leave, to evacuate from the town and stay away, but you couldn’t leave him. You knew you couldn’t protect him, but you still wanted to be there for him. He said you gave him strength, the strength to keep fighting.
He would leave in the mornings, scouting for any survivors, returning just after sunset each day with supplies and stories of his exploits. You would listen to him talk for hours, savouring every note of his voice. Each night you would retreat to bed and hold each other so tight that not even the splitting of the earth could separate you.
It was love, of that much you were sure. You still remember the look of pure disbelief on his face when you told him the first time. He told you he was undeserving, that your love was too good for him, that he was a weak and futile being that could never give you the happiness you truly deserved.
“If only he knew how wrong he was” you thought. You smiled to yourself, pulling yourself out of your daydream as you pressed the buzzer on the bus, signalling it to stop. You stepped down the ramp that had been lowered for you, flashing a smile at the bus driver as you left. You knew you had a bit of a walk to your destination, buses tended to just stick to the main roads these days, but you didn’t mind. You enjoyed the memories attached to these tracks.
You knew back then he had secrets, but you told him time and time again that his secrets were his and his alone and that you knew him well enough that anything he kept from you would be for your protection.
You sighed as you walked further up the track. You knew nothing would have changed if you had known, if he had told you the truth. His determination and drive were the features that drew you to him, and you knew nothing would have changed his goal or the outcome. Redgrave was slowly recovering from its loss, and you had a family now. It was chaotic and messy, but Kyrie’s cooking was second to none and Nero was like the brother you never had.
You hadn’t been to visit V in a while, a guilty pang hit your chest at the thought, but your life had become busy as of late and you knew he would understand. You smiled as you were nearing the house on the hill; his family home.
You knew there was something wrong that morning. He had woken you up earlier than usual, a darkness and passion in his eyes deeper than you had ever seen before. You had made love with unrivalled intensity as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, and etched his very presence onto your soul. He told you he would be back by nightfall, as he always was. You didn’t believe him, yet there you stood, at the door giving him his kiss goodbye, waving him off as you always did. The tears began to fall soon after. You remember the door opening that night and the elation you felt. When Nero stepped through the door, bloodied and bruised avoiding any and all eye contact, you dropped to the floor, legs no longer able to bear the despair you felt.
You took a deep breath as you stood at your destination. You put the breaks on the stroller and reached for the flowers resting against the hood. You had decided on white lilies, soft and gentle much like his heart. You placed them on the memorial as you dusted the headstone with your hand, removing any debris. You gently lifted your daughter out of their seat and held her.
“Hey V.” You started, taking a deep breath to still your words. “Sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been pretty preoccupied.” You gazed lovingly towards your daughter. “Isn’t she incredible darling. Born of our love. Your legacy.” You pressed a kiss to her soft head to calm your shaking breath. You promised that you would always be strong for him, and that wasn’t going to change.
“She has your eyes. The nurses said they’d never seen a new born like her; lily white hair and eyes that looked like they’d seen the world five times over. Nero's enamoured with her. Calls himself Uncle Nero, he’s even stopped swearing, said he doesn’t want to be a bad influence, I know, you’d have to see it to believe it. Nico's determined that her first words are going to be dead weight.” You laughed quietly to yourself, fighting back the heat rising in your face and the stinging in the corners of your eyes.
“Still no sign of Dante returning, or Nero's old man. I hope they’re both ok. I’d like to meet him sometime, Virgil that is. Tell him how lucky he is to have such a great son. I don’t think it’ll be long before little Eva has herself a cousin. I’ve seen the way Kyrie looks at him when he holds her.” She held your index finger tightly in her hand as you spoke.
“Oh yeah, I hope you don’t mind, I named her after your mother. You were always at your happiest when you spoke about your childhood and I wanted to picture that smile whenever I looked at her.” You paused for a moment to gather your thoughts .
“I’m so sorry that you weren’t here to... to hold her with... me...” your vision blurred as you felt a familiar warmth on your cheeks, as the tears began to pour from your eyes against your control. Your arms shook as you placed Eva back in her seat and collapsed to your knees, hands against your face, throat burning from fighting back the tears and chest heaving with every intake of breath.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t do this! I never wanted you to see me like this. I needed to be strong for you V, I was your strength, I was your reason to keep fighting. I’ve needed you so much these past few months, I’ve fought so hard. I’ve struggled so much. Every time I look at her, I see you. If it wasn’t for her I... I... probably wouldn’t even be here.” You were sobbing uncontrollably, spilling your heart out, everything you wanted to hide and conceal behind a facade. But you were breaking, you couldn’t keep it up any more.
“I was ready to join you V, oh so ready. And then I found out, I had a life inside of me; a life that we created together. Even though you’re not here, every part of you that has been left behind is keeping me going, keeping me alive, protecting me. Someone weak couldn’t do that, someone weak couldn’t create such beauty.” The tears eased as you glanced towards your daughters peaceful face. You wiped your eyes, the tears stilling for long enough for you to regain some of your composure.
“Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a heaven in hells despair.” You read the words engraved into the headstone in front of you, tracing them with your fingers as you did. “I spent many a long night reading your book. The only peace I could find was in its pages. I read this one from the hospital bed the night I found out about our treasure and nothing has ever resonated with me more.”
You shared a few moments of silence, before a familiar gurgling began from behind you. You chuckled as you stood up. “For someone who used to struggle to clear a plate of food, you sure made one hungry baby.” You lifted her and cradled her against your breast. “Thank you , V. You’ve given me the greatest gift I could have imagined. How something so pure could have been born from a hell so grim, only you could have done this.” You looked down the hill to see the familiar van waiting. Nico knew you were coming today and offered to pick you up on her way back home, knowing you’d probably not want to face public transport.
“Looks like my ride is here. Nico's always on time now, and her driving has never been better. She realised her driving was not child safe in the slightest. How I made it to the hospital in one piece when I went into labour I'll never know. I don’t know who was freaking out more, her or Nero!” You smiled at the happy memories. You had so many of them now, and it was all possible because of him.
“Happy birthday, V. I’ll make sure she knows who her father was and how incredible he was.” You placed Eva back in the stroller as she gives you a content gargle.
“I’ll make you proud V. I’ll do it for the both of us... I love you.”
A/N: I decided to go with a scenario where you were never told about what really happened in the Qliphoth. As far as you were aware, he died at the hands of Urizen (just in case anyone cared enough to wonder haha). Also, for the purpose of this fic, Devil May Cry is located in Redgrave, just seemed like a good place to stow away in my mind.
I'm sorry ;_;
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renegadewangs · 5 years
Ace Mindhunter - 3rd Interview
Characters: Simon Blackquill, Athena Cykes, Shi-Long Lang, and a rogues gallery of AA villains. Fandom: Ace Attorney. Pairings: N/A. Warnings/rating: 16+, I would say. Talk of heavy themes such as death and abuse, plus cursing. Spoilers for every AA game up to Spirit of Justice, AAI2 included. Gratuitous amounts of headcanon for antagonists. Summary: Simon Blackquill is roped into a Behavioral Analysis project along with Athena Cykes. They must sit down with convicted murderers for interviews, in hopes of finding out just what drove them to their convoluted crimes.
3rd Interview Furio
Date: June 11th 2028 Time: 4:34 PM Location: Interpol H.Q. - B.A.U. Office. “Frank Sahwit. A burglar who was caught in the act by the owner of the apartment he'd broken into. He killed her in a blind panic, then shifted the blame onto her ex-boyfriend. He gave testimony about it in court and everything.” “No.” “Hmm... Cammy Meele. She was a flight attendant, but also a member of an international smuggling ring. She helped move things across the border. When an Interpol agent showed up to check the cargo hold of a plane, she panicked and shoved him so hard that he fell off the side of a flight of stairs. She tried to hide his body and when it was uncovered by accident, she scrambled to pin the blame onto a colleague. Looks like her cover-up was blown before the police could indict the wrong person.” “... That is even worse.” “Lucky number seven, then! Richard Wellington. A small-time con artist who mistakenly thought a police officer was on to his scams. He killed the cop, framed the cop's girlfriend, then hit the girlfriend's attorney over the head with a fire extinguisher just before the trial. … There's Mr. Wright's name again. I'll have to ask him about this one.” “The subject meddled with the court process, hm? We're getting warmer. The scammer has earned himself a spot on the consideration pile.” “We don't have a consideration pile yet. Only rejections.” “Then, by all means, start one.” Athena cleared some space on the desk they were meant to share, then placed Wellington's folder in the center. The rejection pile was a substantial one, the pile of profiles yet to be assessed had dwindled so badly that they had very few options left to them. Was this the best Lang could provide? “Next we have...” Athena reached for the assessment pile and opened the top folder. “Florent L'Belle. Eww...” “Pass,” Simon said and for once, he had Athena's full agreement on the matter. One more for the rejection pile. Athena ruffled her hair in a frustrated manner and Simon leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. There were a few water stains there, perhaps even mould. Interpol would spare no expense when it came to their investigations, but they must not have thought very highly of their Behavioral Analysis Unit if it were condemned to a shoddy basement office. Athena reached for the next folder and flipped it open. “Looks like we're moving on from petty criminals to the big leagues, now. Paul Atishon. I remember that guy... He was a corrupt politician who made a deal for a national treasure with Khura'in's Minister of Justice, then panicked when an archaeologist with an actual moral compass impeded that deal. He killed the archaeologist and at first made the death look accidental, then attempted to shift the blame onto a revolutionist when he got into hot water about it.” “Was that murder premeditated?” “Sure, but there was a lot of clumsy improvisation involved. I don't think there was a single strong thought going through his head beyond wanting to win some dumb election he was in. He was trying to live up to his grandfather's name, though, so that may be... something.” “... Consideration pile.” “Then, how about Redd White? Former CEO of Bluecorp, but also a blackmailer on the side. He killed a defense attorney who had the evidence necessary to expose him and shifted the blame onto her little sister. Looks like this one was definitely premeditated. He roped his secretary into his lies, even though she knew he was the real killer.” “Hnnn...” “Simon! You have to stop being so picky! If you keep shooting every possible interview down, we might as well give up!” If he was being truly honest with himself, Simon was torn on that concept. He'd been selected for this project without his knowledge and his cooperation had, to some degree, been coerced. Spitballing with criminals who'd already been judged felt out of place for a prosecutor. A more productive way to spend his time would've been to return to his usual cases. That way, he could put more of these killers behind bars. Still, there was always that possibility that their research could bear fruit in the long run. That he could apply the insights he gleaned from it in the courtroom. Perhaps the profiles they compiled would serve to sharpen his sword, allowing him to prevent wrongful convictions, or even the crimes themselves. Aside from that, there was a very tempting reward at the end of this road. He would have to trek his way through the mud to reach the Phantom. “The next one, perhaps,” he said, tearing his gaze away from the ceiling and back to Athena. “D'accord! You'll love this one, I'm sure of it! Dahlia Hawthorne, convicted for the murder of her ex-boyfriend! There's two murders that everyone suspected she was involved in, but they couldn't prove it in court. Then a few more counts of confirmed attempted murder and-” Athena broke off quite suddenly, then groaned and tossed the papers aside. “Says there that she's already been executed. They must've given us her file by mistake.” Simon could almost feel his will to keep breathing leave his body. Almost. Distraction came in the form of Lang, who had entered the room so quietly that Simon hadn't even noticed him until he was standing right next to them. Though not exactly giving off a warm glow, he wasn't in a sour mood either. He was, if anything, pleasantly courteous. “Well well, if it isn't our part-time shrinks.” “Please refrain from using that word,” Simon said to him. “What, part-time?” “Hmph.” “Good to see you, Shifu,” Athena called cheerfully. Simon bit down on his feather, the muscles in his jaw straining. “Shifu?” “That's what everyone around here calls him! Didn't you know?” Athena chuckled, then pressed a fist against Simon's arm. “Don't worry, just because he's my shifu doesn't mean you can't be my sensei.” Simon opened his mouth, then closed it again. “How goes the hunt?” Lang asked, perhaps changing the subject on purpose. Athena propped her elbows up on the desk, one hand playing with her earring. “We're having some trouble selecting our next target. Most of the profiles we were given don't meet our criteria.” “Or they're outright deceased,” Simon snapped, waving a hand at the profile in question, which had been scattered across the floor by Athena's fling. “Let's see... Dahlia Hawthorne, huh? Sorry about that. Some people say her vengeful ghost still roams the courthouse. Maybe that's how her name got in there.” Lang gathered up the papers as he spoke, then clutched the folder under his arm and stood upright again. “What have you got from your first two subjects? Anything useful?” “Dee Vasquez and Roger Retinz are difficult to compare,” Athena mused. “Mr. Retinz's murder was carefully planned out, Ms. Vasquez's was a spur of the moment thing.” Lang shook his head. “We already knew that. I'm asking what you found out.” “The Diva Producer's murder has some stains of sexism on it, but they are just that. Irrelevant stains. She took a life because she was threatened, then covered it up because she believed she had done nothing to deserve the punishment in her future. Her remarks suggest that the target of her frame job was chosen out of convenience, not out of spite.” “Hmm.” “As for the Greasy Producer, he suffers from a very typical form of narcissism coupled with internalized insecurities and self-loathing born from childhood abuse. The most-” “Not so fast!” Lang stood up a bit straighter and for the first time since Simon had met him, he looked confused. “Don't narcissists think they're God's gift to the world? How can a guy be a narcissist and still have self-loathing?” Simon sighed and raised a hand to the bridge of his nose, pinching it. “You are not familiar with the concepts of implicit and explicit cognition?” “Uh.” “Explicit cognition,” Athena began, using a slow pace as she sorted out her words, “is something that a person does consciously. Like, say... Explicit memory is when you study for a test and try to memorize all the important things. You remember things because you make an effort to remember. Implicit cognition is a subconscious thing, like associating a certain smell or taste with a past event. Basically, implicit cognition influences a person's behavior, even when they themselves have no conscious awareness of it.” “To summarize, the Greasy Producer's explicit self-esteem is high in order to compensate for the implicit self-esteem, or lack thereof,” Simon concluded. “Though, he confessed to us as Mr. Reus that he is aware of the implicit issue. He did refer to himself as a 'fuck-up', in the end. He's simply unable to remedy the internal disorder and that leads to further chaos.” Lang leaned himself against the side of the desk and as he attempted to move his hands into his pockets, the Hawthorne folder almost slid out from under his arm. “Right. Okay, I get it. That's great stuff.” “While different in most aspects, Retinz and Vasquez did share one important similarity,” Athena pointed out. “They both believed that their victim deserved to die.” “And was that belief misguided?” Lang asked. “In Mr. Retinz's case? Definitely. But I'm not so sure when it comes to Ms. Vasquez. Did the police ever find out whether that Manuel guy was murdered or not?” “Dunno. I could ask around, but since the supposed killer is dead, opening an investigation now would be a waste of law-enforcement's time. Lang Zi says: There's no use crying over spilled milk.” Simon frowned and Athena clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. That was as far as either of them was willing to go when it came to ancient plagiarism. Spilled milk, indeed. Lang paused and glanced down at the pile of folders left on the desk. “So what's these criteria you have for interviews?” “We certainly cannot use too many of these blind panic murders,” Simon said. “If you wish to diagnose the illness which is plaguing this city, we ought to be focusing on the composed planners. The grand names who stood tall even within the prison walls. Gavin, Gant or Alba, perhaps.” “I'll let you talk to someone like Gant when I'm sure you can walk away from that with your heads held high. This unit hasn't exactly got much of a reputation for itself and the last thing we need is for the inmates to think we're weak little pups.” “Can you at least think of some inmates who went out of their way for the frame job? Like Mr. Retinz did?” Athena asked, once again playing with her earring. “... Yeah. Yeah, I got one. He should be in the archives somewhere. Poisoned a guy's coffee, then hid the body and acted out the murder all over again in disguise to fool witnesses. As soon as the blame was shifted onto some innocent waitress, he disguised himself as a defense attorney and botched up her trial on purpose.” “Warte ein moment... I think I heard about this.” “I'll bet you did.” “Mr. Wright's name sure keeps popping up in a lot of these cases...” Athena drummed her fingers along the desk, narrowed eyes directed towards the far wall. “What was that guy's name again? Umm... Cheeto...” “Furio Tigre,” said Lang. ------- Date: June 12th 2028 Time: 2:00 PM Location: Interview Room. Simon still remembered their next subject quite well. Tigre had been one of the loudest inmates in death row and that reputation was sure to continue until his execution. Any attempt at anger management had failed and so, the guards had instead allowed collateral damage. The amount of times they'd had to carry a broken desk or splintered fragments of a cot out of Tigre's cell, Simon couldn't count. It'd been once a week, perhaps. With that in mind, Simon steeled himself to protect Athena from physical harm. He also knew that he might have to lower himself down to Tigre's level in order to be heard. The door from the prison side opened and Tigre was led inside by two guards, each holding onto one enormous arm. Almost ten years in the clink and a ripe age of 51 had done nothing to break down the tough guy demeanor. He was tall and broad in every sense of the word, but not exactly untainted. His spiky black hair held streaks of white and a scar ran across his left eye. Worst of all, his skin was tinged with a spray tan so unconvincing that it would make Klavier Gavin look as if he’d genuinely spent due time in the sun. When it came to the presence of artificial tan within prison walls, Simon had stopped asking such questions long ago. That this man had ever attempted to pass for Phoenix Wright was laughable, but not as laughable as the knowledge that the entire courtroom had been fooled. “I AIN'T TALKIN' TO NO FEDS, YOUSE HEAR?!” he was shouting with such ferocity, Simon could feel the ground shudder. “GWOOOOAAAARRR! GET YOUSE HANDS OFFA ME, OR ELSE!” The therapy animal which entered behind them was so small and quiet, Simon wouldn't have seen it if he hadn't known to search for it. Once Tigre had been settled down in his chair, the two guards backed away with such apprehension, it was evident they expected he might require more restraining. Perhaps he would've, were it not for the immediate change in his attitude when his eyes landed on Simon. He smirked, fingers curling around the edge of the table and nails digging into the wood. “Well well weeell... If it ain't our old jailbird. How's life on the outside been treatin' youse?” “It has been treating me quite well. Certainly, I can get a night's sleep without being disturbed by raving fruitcakes such as yourself,” Simon responded, which was both a truthful statement and an attempt to put his foot down. “Watch yourself, Tweetie! Just 'cause youse got outta here don't mean I can't still break youse kneecaps! Where do youse get off, actin' all high and mighty?! You think youse better than us, huh?!” “As I did not truly stain my hands with blood of any kind... Yes, I believe I am.” “Feh! Youse stained your hands plenty! Just look at how many of us youse had tossed in here! We shoulda strung youse up so high not even your little bird could reach your carcass!” Simon had no immediate comeback to that. Believing he was on the same level as every single killer in the clink was the sort of weight he'd carried around plenty over the past seven years. Now that he was recovering, he couldn't very well allow Tigre to push him right back into that mindset. Even so, it was true that some of residents in death row had been moved there by his hand. “You need to stop your bellyaching!” Athena snapped at Tigre. “Who do you think you're kidding? You've got nothing else to do with your day, right? Then you might as well answer some questions for us!” Not at all fazed by her words, Tigre squinted his eyes at Athena. Then he glanced towards Simon. “What's dis, then? Youse need your girlfriend to hold your hand? I was expectin' a loser like youse to die a lonely virgin.” Simon was no stranger to the sharper sort of prison tongue. Even so, he felt an overwhelming sense of humiliation and raised a hand to his face. The last thing he needed or wanted was for anyone to believe Metis Cykes's daughter was his girlfriend. He wouldn't want the inmates to think that his partner for this project was his girlfriend, either. Such a thing could be very damaging towards the interview process. As for Athena herself, she kicked at Tigre from under the table, causing the man to yelp and jump up from his chair. The two guards were by his sides immediately. “I said cut the crap!” she yelled at him. “We're here for a serious project and if you won't participate, we'll walk right out of here! You can spend what's left of your miserable life all by yourself and nobody will be around to hear you scream!” A dreadful silence fell. Just as everyone else in the room, Simon found himself staring at Athena and never before had he seen a more formidable foe. The last thing he'd expected was for his investigative partner to lower herself to Tigre's level, certainly not in order to defend him. It hurt his pride more than the notion of 'dying a lonely virgin' ever could. Tigre seemed unnerved, this time. A single drop of sweat ran down his temple. He wrung his hands together and sat back down. “All right, all riiight... Women, right? So what's dis project?” Athena set the recorder down on the table and began the usual speech of the Behavioral Analysis Unit and their intended questions. As she did so, Simon watched Tigre go from tense to bored, then finally to lost. Perhaps the words had been too formal for his mind to comprehend. “Uhhh. So you're gonna do a pop quiz?” he ultimately asked. “Something like that. And we'll be recording it, if that's all right.” “I dunno about dis... Dat sounds like an invasion of... y'know, privacy.” “You don't need to do this if you don't want to,” Athena assured him. “Well, all right. I'll do it as long as I knows I don't gotta.” Athena frowned and sat back in her chair. If her impression of Tigre was already odd, it was nothing compared to what happened next. The man leaned down to pick something up from the ground and set it down in his lap. It was a hairless chihuahua, dressed in a pink jacket so bright that it could veer straight off the known color spectrum and phase itself out of reality. Simon knew better than to stare. Athena did not. “W-What...?” she asked. “GRAAAGH! What're'youse lookin' at?! Youse never seen a dog before?!” Tigre roared at her. The chihuahua in his lap trembled, but not because of the volume. It was simply a standard setting for the animal. “Of course I have! I just wasn't expecting...” “Youse take your eyes offa Mitzy right now, or youse can kiss your interview sayonara!” “Jeez, sorry!” Athena hastily began shuffling through her papers. “Let's just get started with some standard questions.” “And you will answer the lady with due respect, lest I slice your tongue from your filthy mouth,” Simon said, now that he'd finally found his voice again. “Yeah yeah...” Athena cleared her throat. “You're originally from New York, but you moved to Los Angeles when you were 28, is that right?” “Uhhh. I dunno. 28 sounds about right.” “You don't remember how old you were?” “Who cares how old I was?! What's dat change, huh?! If I moved, I moved!” Simon wondered whether the defensive attitude was hiding a far grander secret. If it were, they wouldn't get it out of Tigre too easily. They would need to manipulate him into it, just as they'd manipulated Retinz. Athena must've realized the same thing, for she proceeded towards a different angle. “So what made you decide to move in the first place?” “Damn, talk about nosy questions...” Tigre huffed loudly, then raised a hand to the chihuahua's head to pet it. He must've been quite gentle, as the tiny and fragile creature didn't so much as flinch at being stroked by enormous fingers. “I moved to L.A. because the people here are chumps.” “Chumps?” “Sure. Couldn't start a good loan company in a place like New York. Everyone's all wisened up to it. But here in L.A.? Hah! People are desperate to live dat big Hollywood dream!” Athena stopped to take a few notes. As she did, Simon decided to try and take some lead in the conversation, or else be completely emasculated. No other inmate would take him seriously if that were to happen. “What of the family you left behind?” he asked. Tigre frowned. “What about 'em?” “Were you still in touch with them? Would you return to New York for the holidays, perhaps? I would assume the Tigre family gathers 'round a nice, dead antelope for Thanksgiving.” “Grrrrr... I told youse to watch yourself, Tweetie,” Tigre growled at him. “What do I care about family when I've got a business to run? Holidays were a huge cash-in moment. Lotsa new loans goin' out, too. Everybody wanted to buy their missus a new sports car, see, and then another one for de mistress.” “Not even a season's greetings was sent to New York, then?” Simon asked, only to receive a deadpan in response. “You did have family, did you not? Or were you perhaps raised by a pack of tigers in some Brooklyn back alley?” “ARE YOUSE MOCKIN' ME?! WHY, I ATTA SMACK YOU SO HARD-” “Hold it, hold it!” Athena called, raising both hands to try and put a stop to further argument. “We're getting off track, here. Let's talk about something else instead, all right?” Tigre seemed content to do just that and Simon made sure to shoot a grin his way. “This whole story about how you murdered Mr. Elg and why you did it is really complicated. Do you think you could explain what happened in your own words?” Athena asked. Somehow, the question seemed to irritate Tigre. He tisked loudly and glared towards the wall. Following that, he ran his fingers along Mitzy's head, then under her chin as he spoke. “I needed money, see. On account a' Viola's operation. And it was damned idiotic. I had people all over town owin' me money, but none a' those losers could pay up. Not a dime! So I met with Elg, see. He was gonna gimme some fancy schmancy virus I coulda sold on the black market for millions. It woulda paid off my debt to Viola's family just like dat. Then as we're sittin' there, havin' our coffee, dat wise guy goes and wins the damned lottery! 500,000 big ones! He woulda paid off his measly 100,000 debt and left me in the lurch, see. It was the millions I needed. Way I figured, that was what he owed me for keepin' me waitin', too. Interest, y'know. So I killed 'im and took the virus.” Simon felt that there was quite a bit to unpack, there. Far more than they currently had time for. They'd have to pick this apart piece by piece, just as an attorney would cross-examine in court. “You killed a man because you believed he owed you more money than he truly did?” he heard himself ask, despite knowing deep down that was hardly the best approach. “What about it, huh?! You wanna go?!” Tigre grabbed at his prison uniform with both hands, looking just about ready to rip the fabric. What that would accomplish, Simon had no idea. “Stai calmo,” Athena said. “Let's take it from the beginning. You mentioned something about an operation for someone named Viola?” “Y-Yeah...” Tigre was back to absentmindedly fiddling with Mitzy now, his fingers adjusting her jacket. “Was she your girlfriend?” “No- Well- See... Viola's from a real influential family...” “The Cadaverinis, I believe,” Simon supplied, once again throwing a smirk Tigre's way. “They are the biggest mob family here in this 'chump-filled' city. Should one disrespect a Cadaverini, one will find themselves wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of Los Angeles River. If I recall correctly, this tiger sitting before us crossed Viola Cadaverini's car in the most unfortunate way possible and she did not walk away unscathed.” Tigre's eyes narrowed into a ferocious glare. “So... Wait, Mr. Tigre wanted to pay for Viola's operation because he was the one who caused the accident that hurt her in the first place?” Athena rubbed at her own chin, looking doubtful of the story. “Listen! I had to pay!” Tigre shouted at them. “Ol' man Bruto woulda had my head if I didn't! Those damned Cadaverinis! They think they can just make a guy do anythin'!” Athena raised a hand to her chest and closed her eyes. Widget was glowing a bright yellow through her fingers. “... You didn't feel bad that someone ended up in the hospital because of you?” “I had the right a' way! She was the one who didn't look before zooming into the street! And I was the one drivin' a scooter! If anyone shoulda been hospitalized, it woulda been me! But nooo, I got lucky on account a' my helmet and she has to go crack her skull on the steerin' wheel! How's that my fault, huh?!” For a split second, Simon thought that Furio made a good point. If indeed he'd had the right of way and Cadaverini hadn't been paying attention, it would've been hard to fault him for the accident. Then Simon remembered just who they were sitting across and came to the conclusion that the only victim of this story was Viola Cadaverini, who would be fooled by such a despicable man. "She wouldn't just let it go, either!" Tigre was still raving on and on. "Me bein' sentenced to death still wasn't good enough! Dat fuckin' BITCH tried to poison me while I was in here! What, just 'cause I tried to take care a' her?! Who cares if I loved her or if I didn't?! I was doin' right by her by tryin' to pay off dat hospital bill and givin' her a job and shit! Now she's snatched my damn business! Tender Lender was MINE, you hear?!" Athena drew a deep breath, Widget still emanating a yellow glow. Knowing what that color meant, Simon placed his arm on the table and leaned in towards Tigre. "If you don't cease your caterwauling this instant, I will have you muzzled!" "Up yours!" was Tigre's response, though he simmered down all the same. A nimble shake of the head, then Athena continued. “So you took Mr. Elg's virus by force, as it was the only way for you to pay off the Cadaverinis. Could you not simply have stolen it without killing him?” “What, and have him come for me with a buncha coppers? I woulda been the prime suspect once he'd figured out the virus was missin'!” Athena squinted, then turned her gaze towards Simon. He couldn't quite fight off the smile that was dawning on his face, so he allowed it to flourish there. When at last it became clear that Tigre wasn't seeing the problem with his logic, Simon took delight in sharing just that. “Forgive me, Tony Tiger, I must ask,” he prompted with mock delicacy, acting as if he were speaking to a toddler. “What sort of fool would report to the police to inform them that a powerful computer virus, crafted by his own hand, has been stolen? I would daresay that producing malware is an even worse crime than lifting the CD it is on. Had you taken it from him by force or through an underhanded ploy, such a weak man would not have been able to do a thing to prevent it.” Tigre looked dumbstruck, another pearl of sweat rolling down his face. Simon could swear that the spray tan was mingling into it. Three seconds of silence, then Tigre was roaring yet again. “GRRROOOAARRR, YOUSE MOCKIN' ME! I KNEW IT! DAT'S IT, I'M OUTTA HERE!” Sure enough, Tigre made to stand up, cradling Mitzy firmly with both hands. The two guards looked quite uncertain. Athena rose to her feet as well, darting forward to block Tigre's path. Simon was by her side immediately, ready to shield her, should there be a need. Fortunately, Tigre's hands were so full of chihuahua that he couldn't land a punch even if he wanted to. “Wait, wait, just one more question!” she insisted, spreading out her arms. “... What?” “I can understand why you might re-enact the murder to establish an alibi and shift the blame for the murder onto someone else. But why did you...” she trailed off for a second and Simon could swear she was fighting off amusement. “Why did you impersonate a defense attorney? Wasn't the phony murder already good enough to have Ms. Byrde convicted for your crime?” “Pssshh, please. Just 'cause I was a humble loan shark, you think I hadn't heard about all those miraculous turnabouts that kept happenin' in court whenever Wright was involved? I couldn't risk havin' him figure out the murder I set up was a sham.” “Hold on... Are you saying you did it because you felt threatened by Mr. Wright?” “WHO'S THREATENED?! YOU SAYIN' I'M A COWARD?! NOBODY CALLS ME CHICKEN! JUST 'CAUSE HE'S GOT A NICE, COZY BLUE SUIT AND A HALF-ASSED LAW DEGREE, YOUSE THINK HE'S BETTER THAN ME?! WRIGHT'S GOT NOTHIN' ON ME! I COULDA FLATTENED HIM LIKE A PANCAKE! I COULDA SNAPPED HIM IN HALF LIKE A TWIG! FUCK HIM AND HIS LITTLE GIRL SIDEKICKS!” “I was only-” Tigre wouldn't hear any more, instead snapping at Simon. “And YOU! Tryin' to make me out like some kinda idiot! HAH! You really do think you're better than us, movin' right from prison into some big ivory tower on your high horse! If dis is how your little science project works, good luck with the rest of the killers in here! The guards are gonna be scrapin' your guts offa dese here walls and I will fuckin' laugh and LAUGH!” Much as Simon yearned to spout a comeback, he knew that it would be a pointless battle. The only way for him to come out victorious was to be above Tigre's rage, for being dragged down by it would take him to depths he'd rather not see. He crossed his arms over his chest and met the man's gaze with fierce eyes of his own. “Mr. Tigre, please don't-” Athena attempted, but it was no good. “GOOD DAY, MADAM!” Tigre stormed from the room so fast, the two guards had to rush after him in a panic. The moment the door slammed shut behind them, silence fell. Simon stopped the recording device and began to gather up his papers, a feeling of uncertainty nagging at him. Had they just single-handedly ruined the interview? What would Lang say when he found out about this? “... As always, Tony Tiger allowed his emotions to get the best of him. Had he been able to channel his anger into something productive, he would've led quite a successful life,” he remarked, if only to lighten the mood. Athena stared at him. “Simon... Did you seriously not get it?” “Get what?” “Mr. Tigre... He was never angry. Not once during the entire conversation. He was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of the Cadaverinis, afraid of Mr. Wright, afraid of our questions... I think he was even afraid of what you think of him, now that you're acquitted.” The notion was so backwards that it took a long time to truly sink in. When at last it did, Simon found himself walking away from the prison with a smile and a light, bubbly feeling in his chest. To Be Continued
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 4: Dinner at the Afterglow (Transcript) - 20th April 2015
tw: cults, ghosts
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
The San Juan Islands are a cluster of small, wooded islands off the coast of Washington state, just across the water from Vancouver Island. The western most of those small plots of land is San Juan Island itself, which has a population of less than 7000 residents, and has the welcoming feel of a small, quiet town. Seriously, this place is quiet. The most exciting thing most people can think about of their home there is that one of the residents is Lisa Moretti, a retired female WWF wrestler. But on the northern tip of the island, just beyond Roche Harbour and the resort there, is a road that leads into the woods. What is hidden in those trees, away from the prying eyes of tourists and residents alike, is something so unusual, something so out of the ordinary and bizarre, that it practically begs for a visit. Travelling down the long dirt road that runs into the heart of the forest, like a withered artery, will bring you to an iron archway mounted on stone pillars. The words “Afterglow Vista” are woven into the metalwork. Beyond that, deeper into the woods, is a series of stone stairs that lead up a small hill, and it’s the thing on top of that hill that immediately catches the eye of every visitor, without question. It’s an open-air rotunda, a ring of tall, stone pillars, standing on a flat, circular limestone base. They’re connected at the top by thick, Maltese archways, but nothing covers the rotunda itself – its interior is completely exposed and visible. What’s inside? A large, round, stone table, surrounded by six limestone chairs. Odd, but not creepy, until you realise the purpose this monument serves. It’s a tomb. Resting inside each of the chairs is the cremated remains of a human being. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
In the late 19th century, San Juan Island became known for its lime deposits. Then, as now, lime was an essential ingredient in important products such as steel, fertilizer and cement, and the lime industry of San Juan Island provided much of the community’s jobs and revenue. In 1886, a man named John S. McMillin purchased controlling interest in the major lime deposits there, and eventually developed the industry there to be the largest supplier of lime on the West Coast. In the process, he built the 20-room Hotel de Haro at Roche Harbour, and then, a company town that surrounded it. In addition to the lime factory itself, he also built the barrel-works, warehouse, docks, ships, offices, a church, a general store and even barns. He even built houses for the workers, with the single men living in large bunkhouses, and the families being given small cottages that had been build into neat rows. All the structures belonged to McMillin, but his army of employees, over 800 of them at the peak of the business, gave them life. McMillin had a vision, for everyone living in one, big community. The town was self-sufficient with its own water, power, and telephone systems, and he paid his workers in company scrip, company currency that was only good there, in town, at the local company store. Of course, workers could still draw their salary in US currency whenever they wished, but the scrip was used in the store all the way up to 1956. That wasn’t all McMillin built though; he was far from done.
John S. McMillin was an unusual man. He was born in 1855, and attended Depauw University in Indiana, back when it was still called Asbury College. There he joined the Sigma Chi fraternity, and helped guide that young organisation to form a grand council, an executive committee at the national level. As a result, he was elected the very first Sigma Chi grand consul. In addition to his fraternity connections, McMillin was a Freemason, reaching the rank of 32nd degree out of the possible 33. He was prominent in business and politics, and even counted Teddy Roosevelt as a friend, who frequently visited and stayed at the hotel. McMillin had four children, and nearly the entire family considered themselves devout Methodists. Only one child, they say, left the family faith, and in doing so he might very well have locked himself out of the McMillin story forever. You see, all those worlds of interest, as different from each other as they all were, co-existed inside the mind of John McMillin. So when the time came to plan an eternal resting place for he and his family, each element had influence on those designs. The result – you might have guessed – was the eerie stone edifice located deep in the forest.
The structure really is a thing to behold. Once you’ve listened to me talk about it, you’ll want to visit some websites to see the true beauty of what McMillin built. When it was first constructed, the forest around it was far less thickly wooded than it is today, and visitors could see Afterglow Beach off to the north-west, perhaps giving the structure its name. It was designed to be a Tholos, a circular Mycenaean temple. It was crafted from local limestone and cement, but what’s really fascinating is the large number of secret messages and hidden meanings that were built into the structure, some relating to the Knight’s Templar, and others reflecting McMillin’s values as a Methodist. For example, approaching the mausoleum requires travelling up three separate sets of stairs, each set having its own meaning. There are three steps in the first flight of stairs, and they’re said to represent the three ages of man; the second set contained five steps, representing the five senses; and the third set contains seven steps, which stand for the seven liberal arts and sciences. Around the table are seven pillars that hold up the arches. Oddly though, one of the seven pillars is broken, the western-most one, but it was done intentionally. Only a small portion can be seen on the base, and protruding from the archway above, and this break was said to be a reminder that death never lets us finish our work. There’s room around the table for seven chairs, but the spot that should hold the seventh, the closest to the broken pillar, in fact, is missing. Some say that it was never there to begin with, and that it’s meant to represent the son who walked away from McMillin’s Methodist faith. Depending on who you are, if eternity is a gathering at a table, not finding a seat with your family would be a ruthless punishment indeed. These are all fantastic architectural details, but what’s missing from every photo of the mausoleum is the long list of reported sightings, all of which started some time in the mid 1950s.  
The mausoleum was built with no dome on top, although that had originally been the plan, but it was expensive, amounting to about 40% of the total budget, and so it was scrapped near the end to save cash. Even still, visitors on rainy days have frequently reported that they feel no rain on them while inside the ring of the stone pillars. Some people have spoken of cold spots near the table, while others have heard voices, even when no one else is around. Those daring enough to actually sit on one of the chairs, keeping in mind that they are tiny little tombs containing the remains of the McMillin family, said that they felt very uneasy doing so, and more than one person has reported the sensation of hands pushing them off. A frequent account is the sight of strange lights at night, including blue lights that seem to hover above the chairs. Some visitors have also reported seeing the members of the McMillin family themselves on nights of the full moon, seated around the table while and laughing and talking.
The mausoleum isn’t the only place with unusual activity though. Originally, John McMillin built the family home right beside the Hotel de Haro, and his long-term secretary, Ada Beane, had a cottage on the other side of the hotel. Later, the Roche Hotel was built around the old hotel, and the other buildings were combined into the structure. Beane’s cottage, for example, became the current dining room and hotel gift shop. That dining room/restaurant has been the focus of quite a bit of unusual activity. The resort’s restaurant manager reported that, on more than one occasion, he has closed up shop, turned off the lights, and headed for the door, only to look back over his shoulder, and seen that a candle on one of the tables has reignited. When he walked back in and blew it out, all of the kitchen hood fans turned on at once. Other appliances have been known to turn on as well. Employees over the years have reported stoves, blenders and toasters turning themselves on and off. The storeroom door has been known to open and close by itself. Furniture in the back room has even been found rearranged in the morning with no explanation. The gift shop, located in another part of that old cottage, has also been home to some unusual activity. One former employee once watched as several glass shelves cracked and shattered, one by one, all without anyone touching them. In the hotel itself, there are rumours of ghosts. The second floor is reported to be haunted by what has been described as a middle-aged woman wearing a long dress. Employees have told the owners that they frequently hear the sound of rustling clothing in rooms where no one else should be. Is it the ghost woman’s dress they hear?
It’s funny how the people who live around us have a way of making an impression on us. We feel them when they’re here, like the gravitational pull of another planet, but sometimes we even feel them when they’re gone. They leave memories behind when they go, treasured gifts, belongings, or perhaps a worn spot on a favourite piece of furniture. Ghosts are a concept almost as old as time. The people we love are here for a while, and then they’re gone, and humans have always struggled to understand what happens to them after death. Maybe ghost stories are a way for us to grapple with our own loneliness and loss. Perhaps they’re our way of bolstering ourselves against our own impending death. We must go somewhere, right? Are we ready? Will we be forgotten? John McMillin believed with all his heart that his life needed to be remembered, and that his body, and those of his family, deserved a resting place equal  to their position in life. The Afterglow Vista stands as proof of one man’s faith in something beyond the veil.
And that light over the limestone seats that sometimes people report to have seen since the 50s? Well, it turns out there just might be an explanation, depending on what you’re willing to believe, of course. Remember how the building that houses the hotel’s gift shop and dining room used to be the home of Ada Beane, McMillin’s long-time secretary? Well, along with being a key figure in the day to day business of the company, she also helped as a governess to the McMillin children, and she was practically part of the family. So when Miss Beane died, prior to McMillin, it was obviously an emotional loss. Rumours persist to this day that her death was suicide, but official records list nothing more than natural causes. Regardless, the family lost someone dear when she passed away. After her death, her body was cremated and placed in a mason jar, and that jar somehow made it onto the mantle in the office of Paul McMillin, John’s youngest son. It wasn’t until the mid-1950s that the resort manager learnt from Paul, still alive and working for the company, that she was there, and that’s when they moved her. Where did they take her remains? Why, to join the others, of course. Her ashes were added the copper urn in one of the seats around the stone table in the mausoleum, putting her back where she belonged: among friends as dear to her as family. But Miss Beane might not have been too pleased about that decision. Perhaps, after looking over the family and estate for all those years, being moved to the cold, dark tomb didn’t settle well with her. It was only after the move that people began to see lights and hear voices. At the same time, the pranks and the unusual activities started up inside the hotel. Coincidence, or the actions of an upset woman who would rather spend her eternity away from the tourists and cold rain of the Afterglow Vista? Can you blame her?
Lore is a biweekly podcast and was produced by me, Aaron Mahnke. You can find a transcript of the show, as well as links to the source material at lorepodcast.com. The music in this episode was written by Kai Engel – be sure to check him out on soundcloud. If you enjoy scary stories, I happen to write them. You can find a full list of my supernatural thrillers, available in paperback and ebook format, at aaronmahnke.com/novels. And lastly, help the show grow by visiting ITunes today to leave a rating and review, and tell your friends. The show is on Twitter and Facebook, twitter.com/lorepodcast and facebook.com/lorepodcast. Thanks for listening.
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payel47757-blog · 5 years
Best Wishes For Anniversary
Wishing your people a sprightly remembrance is more than making a message that gets their fondness. It's making a true showing of everything their love has created, animated and continued in transit. Returning them to the day their veneration began and how it has created amid the time can be a remarkable technique to wish them a chipper recognition. Between masterminding a celebration assembling and choosing the recognition requesting, you may feel a little overwhelmed finding the perfect remembrance quote for your people.
We've organized a once-over of 40 recognition articulations for watchmen that are meriting addressing their dependable love. This year, give your people a gift that will contact their hearts and remind them what their love can do.
Despite whether you're filtering for certifiable words to offer your thanks and thankfulness or something logically cheerful, the going with recognition proclamations will empower you to put your thoughts on paper as a perfect development to their celebration blessings.
Playful Recognition Proclamations For Gatekeepers
As the years cruise by, your people may not praise their recognition like they used to. Using a playful remembrance quote in your card or on a custom canvas print may help move them to perceive the occasion with the right vitality the day
"Mother and Father, I can't begin to depict that I am so respected to have astounding gatekeepers for an amazing duration. Seeing real sentiment through you the two satisfies my heart. As your daughter/tyke I see perfection in both of you. I venerate you." - Obscure
"You don't marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you can't survive without." - Secretive
"The primary concern better than having you for gatekeepers is my youths having you for grandparents. Playful celebration Mother and Father." - Obscure
"Both of you are a living instance of how a couple can be centered around their warmth and support a family's improvement an apparently unending measure of time after year. Happy wedding celebration to you!" - Obscure
"Because of you both, the world understands that reality and love exist. Keep these feelings alive and cherish one another. Happy remembrance, Mother and Father!" - Obscure
"You are the watchmen that all youngsters might want to have, you are the couple that all sweethearts need to be and you both are the pillars of assistance that every family wishes it had. Happy recognition to the best gatekeepers ever." - Strange
"One more year to make important memories together. One more year to discover new things to acknowledge around each other. One more year to fortify a marriage that portrays until the finish of time. Bright recognition!" - Strange
"The best love is the minding that mixes the soul; that influences us to pursue extra, that plants the fire in our spirits and passes on concordance to our minds." - Nicholas Flashes
"The best delight of life is the conviction that we are loved; venerated for ourselves, or genuinely, loved ignoring ourselves." - Victor Hugo
"All, everything that I fathom, I see basically in light of the fact that I treasure." - Leo Tolstoy
Wedding Celebration Explanations For Watchmen
Help your people to recall the day they expressed, "I, do" by securing several wedding remembrance refers to from commended researchers and specialists. The specialists have explained love and will empower you to confer your sentiments to Mother and Father. They may even be lured to reveal their wedding photo accumulation in the wake of examining your message.
"Where there is love there is life." – Mahatma Ghandi
"Most by far imagine that its hard to take confidence in "dependably", anyway watching the interminable love between both of you impacts me to have confidence in "until the finish of time". Energetic celebration mother and father!" - Obscure
"Notwithstanding the impressive number of years, the endeavoring times that you have both experienced, yet your marriage remained strong and steady. When I get hitched at some point not long from now, I believe I would have a bond more grounded and tenacious with my assistant as both of you did. I appreciate you mother and father. Happy remembrance!" - Puzzling
"I recall how energetic, dazzling and cheery you were the time when I was a little tyke. Likewise, you know, dear gatekeepers, nothing has transformed starting now and into the foreseeable future. You're just the proportional: loving and being worshiped – that is what critical. Congratulations on your wedding celebration!" - Puzzling
"It seems like I was brought into the world under a lucky star, since I have such phenomenal watchmen. You've vanquished various life challenges together and disregarding it your love and respect for each ended up being simply more grounded. It's a real marvel and I'm happy to watch it. Congratulations on the recognition!" - Obscure
"Today is an uncommonly remarkable day for people I value more than life – it's your wedding celebration, my venerated watchmen! You've formally spent a huge amount of splendid years together and now I have to wish you to spend impressively more years getting a charge out of each other and passing on ecstasy to everyone around! Well done!" - Secretive
"He felt since he was not simply close to her, anyway that he didn't have the foggiest thought where she completed and he began." - Leo Tolstoy
"You be my glass of wine and I'll be your shot of whiskey." - Blake Shelton
"Marriage is the splendid ring in a chain whose begin is a look and whose culmination is Unlimited quality." - Kahlil Gibran
"My love for you is a voyage, starting at everlastingly and completing at never." - Baffling
Intriguing Remembrance Proclamations For Watchmen
If your people love humor and would esteem getting two or three chuckles out of your message by then, you should adulate their veneration with a celebration message to make them smile. The going with summary of intriguing celebration articulations will empower you to add a little shrewdness to your celebration.
"Being hitched looks like having a nearest sidekick who doesn't review that anything you state." - Strange
"Marriage allows you to exasperate one remarkable individual for an astounding leftover portion." - Obscure
"Never laugh at your significant other's choices, you are one of them." - Puzzling
"Love is being dumb together." - Obscure
"Notwithstanding you continue like love winged creatures, chipper recognition!" - Puzzling
"Father, winning Mother's heart was extremely my blessed triumph. Perky recognition!" - Obscure
"You've been as one so long you be permitted an advantaged P.H.D in Each other. Happy celebration." - Puzzling
"I couldn't imagine where I'd be without both of you, really! Happy celebration." - Strange
"The riddle of a cheery marriage remains a secret. However, whatever both of you are doing is working. Stay energetic and chipper remembrance." - Puzzling
"In case the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'm planning to marry the young woman I had constantly needed and being hitched X number of years.
There are certain accomplishment celebrations that merit some extra remarkable thought and a 50th wedding remembrance is one of them. Certification your message is as splendid as the standard gifts gotten by using one of the going with 50th wedding remembrance refers to for watchmen.
"The best and most awesome things in this world can't be seen or even heard, yet ought to be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
"To love is nothing. To be worshiped is something. Regardless, to love and be treasured, that is everything." - T. Tolis
"I saw that you were faultless consequently I revered you. I saw that you were not faultless and I treasured you significantly more." - Angelita Lim
"The heart needs what it needs. There's no reason to these things. You meet someone and you start to look all starry peered toward at and it's as simple as that." Woody Allen
" There's not a reasonable trade for an uncommon love who says, 'Paying little mind to what's new with you, my pleasure at this table." - Tom Hanks
"At the dash of love everyone transforms into a craftsman." - Plato
"Being significantly revered by someone gives you quality, while appreciating someone significantly gives you valor." - Lao-Tzu
"Close sentiment doesn't happen quickly; it's a reliably creating strategy. It makes after you've encountered numerous great and awful occasions, when you've persevered through together, cried together, laughed together." - Ricardo Montalban
"Cozy sentiment doesn't come to you, it must be inside you." - Julia Roberts
"You don't love someone for their looks, their articles of clothing or their lavish vehicle, yet since they sing a tune nobody yet you can hear." 
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josephmxa · 6 years
Worldbuilding: The Seven Deadly Sins & The Seven Heavenly Virtues
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This was an exhausting portion of my world-building. It took me so long to finally finish this. I just wasn’t sure where to take some of the characters. However, there’s A LOT that needs to be cleaned up when it comes to these characters (and the Universe as a whole, like it’s creation and the Magic System) but at least there’s a vague idea of who they are, what their motives are, and what their lives before the Reset were like. Please be warned though, it’s a lengthy post for fourteen characters. But without further ado, enjoy.
Tags: @merigreenleaf
(Feel free to comment to be tagged, and always feel free to like and reblog if this satisfies your tastes.)
Commit a sin and you’re deadly. Be virtuous and you’re heavenly.
Each Vice and Virtue had a role they were meant to play, each had a power Gaia bestowed upon them. Eight of the New Gods wielded abilities from the four classical elements of Earth and its subsidiaries; Fire, Water, Earth, and Air—Gaia’s powerset. The other six came from Chaos and Cosmos; Time, Reality, and Space. Make amends for Humanity’s abuse. The former were the world’s judgement and end while the latter were the world’s clean slate and beginning. But Gaia asked for too much. She dreamed near-sighted. She underestimated her successors.
Her wishes might’ve been fulfilled if most never took after Humanity. Pride was the first to object his role in the Reset. He questioned and argued and yelled. The others came to be an audience looking for answers. Humanity meant much to him. The world fascinated him. Understandable. What the Holy Trinity created was remarkable. How and why they created me… the idea is overwhelming. But change was preordained. The Reset inevitable. He had to understand this. He had to learn to let go. When he continued to refuse his Gaia’s calling, the others answered.
War waged.
New worlds began.
Welcome to the New Gods of the Universe:
Lust and Chastity: Lust is an uncontrollable passion or longing, especially for sexual desires. She’s fierce, she’s attractive, and she knows how to work her curves but dare mistake her as less than and she’ll enjoy making a game out of you. The way she carries her words, how her body sings in the presence of others, she’s a threat to those insecure and timid. She’s one of the New Gods who didn’t share the same sentiment as some of her siblings who renounced their Vice or Virtue. To her, why fix what’s not broken? She enjoyed a challenge, she enjoyed the longing others had for her, and humanity’s ever-growing sexuality excited her. She makes no connections but to the raw, passionate nature of sex. What’s so bad about resetting humanity? She gets to play from the start again. Dare let Pride and Chastity ruin her fun and pleasure.
Chastity is controlling that passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others He views the world through a different set of lenses than his twin sister Lust. Strong-willed, ambitious, and a hopeless romantic celibate, he comforts those insecure and timid. He leads those lost and confused after encounters with his sister on a virtuous path. His self-worth is priceless and he vows to feed others the same sentiment. But he began to wonder what life was like on the other side of the fence. And through a bit of experimentation, he came to realize lust can be set in moderation and committing a sin like so did not make one bad. It did not make one less virtuous and true and did not tarnish one’s self-worth if they indulged in a few intimate endeavors with those not romantically tied to them. He condoned Pride’s actions through and through; there was so much more Humanity and he had to offer. Why ruin his and Humanity’s evolution?
Fluent in Romance, Lust and Chastity wore golden brown skin, ash grey eyes and natural brown curls; the New Gods of Water.
 Gluttony and Temperance: Gluttony is an excessive ongoing consumption of food or drink. Big and pompous, Gluttony never had the same passion for keeping up appearances or being of service to others like his twin sister Temperance. He could care less about lending a piece of bread to a starving child or donating a portion of food to families in need. He ate and consumed without restrictive tastes, indulged in his fair share of wine, beer and liquor. Maybe he had the occasional soda just to switch it up a little. And yet the amount he scarfed down amazed everyone who stopped and watch, sparking a few to do grossly inflate their appetite in order to match or supersede him—he made a competition of his nature. Until one night a man stopped by and participated, catching the eye of Gluttony. This man consumed like him, drank like him, was the fastest out of all the other competitors and quite big like him, too. Gluttony spent his time with this man like he was a disciple and the more memories they created, the more Chef Rodriguez earned a major portion of his heart. The death of Rodriguez forced Gluttony to temper his cravings for he could not experience heart disease the way his lover did. In the following years, he lived and loved many, taking over Rodriguez’s business, and couldn’t see why Gaia wished for such a thing. Humanity made mistakes, but they all couldn’t be generalized under one roof.
Temperance is the desire to be healthy, therefore making on fit to serve others. Well-crafted and well-mannered, Temperance was all about appearances and the service to others. The active lifestyle she lived allowed her a greater opportunity of agility and the understanding of self-restraint so she could pass it down to those lost to the temptation of their appetite. The temptation usually came with wealth and because she was part of that economic group, she used her power to help those falling victim to heart disease and diabetes. And things were going great, the times and social stigma were changing. Until her brother Gluttony created an epidemic. The people she had relapsed and fell back on temptation and the giddy smiles Gluttony had on pissed her off. She grew wrathful of him, and it was easy considering they were that close to begin with. So, she played him in hopes he could see the errors in his lifestyle, so that he could stop influencing others. She used a man by the name of Hernan Rodriguez, a chef of a local city. When the time was right, she ripped him from Gluttony’s heart. He changed, but his epidemic didn’t die. Humanity ruined their bodies and for what? She didn’t understand. She just wanted it stop. So, she was all in for the Reset.
Olive-toned, soft brown eyes and straight black hair; Gluttony and Temperance were the New Gods of Air.
 Greed and Charity: Greed is an excessive pursuit of material possessions. A rightful thief, she wouldn’t have it any other way. When she sets her mind on certain prized materials, nobody can dare stand in her way. If you so choose to, then by all means, may the odds ever be in your favour. Quick-witted like she is fast and agile, she’s a feat to behold, a legend you admire, and a woman whose territory you don’t cross. The riches of the world were vast and limitless and when she learned of the Reset, she refused. Physically disgusted. Why reset the world and its riches? They meant power, they meant wealth, they meant status. A hierarchy of dynasties. Why rid the world of that because their mother’s creation ended up becoming too much for her too handle? Greed silently cursed her posthumously any chance she got, rarely making visits to the World Tree unlike Charity—the little snob. Gaia was crazy to her, and Lust was too stupid to see how much they could gain. Learning of her New God status put a definite smile on her face.
Charity is putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for one’s self. He wasn’t particularly fond of his sister’s obsessions, nor was he all too interested in her methodology of success and achievements. By being charitable, he gained more rewards, he gained the trust and love of others, he gained sovereignty over them without them knowing. Now, now, I know what you’re thinking; why is Charity using his nature for greed or power? Well, you see, his twin sister and he were best friends. They had a system when they first started out; steal from the rich and reap the rewards when returned. And the rewards were huge. He could make something of himself within the Dynasty they grew up in. So, he ditched his sister and became a charitable man for the sake of the various rewards he was gifted—appearances were everything. When he learned of the Reset he was on the side of his sister; a definite smile was on his face with his New God status.
Greed and Charity, two Dynasty warriors with yellow-tanned skin, dark brown eyes and straight black hair; the New Gods of Space.
 Sloth and Diligence: Sloth is an excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents. Royalty often brings responsibility. You’re living under a monarch and if you’re on the thrown, you have a duty to serve the people. You people. Unless you’re but a child of the throne, much less the heir, then the most you have to do is smile and wave in the presence of the public. You barely put in a pinky’s worth of energy and time. This is the lifestyle Sloth lived, as it always was. Sure, he had natural born talents. Yes, he had a very unusual intellect that often opposed the stereotypes, generalizations and beliefs that European nations had of the kind of people he was imagined after. But any ambition or desire and fire in him was but a pilot light waiting to sparked—at least, his sister Diligence believed so. Rightfully so, he viewed his time invaluable and no one person earned any sliver of it. Until his life under African Monarchs; the people had a charming effect. Their charisma infectious. Their spirits in the high heavens. He couldn’t help but self-reflect his motives and ideals. When the Reset was known to him, he was indifferent at first. Then realized he could do something different with a new world—rebuild a broken system the world lived on.
Diligence is placing interest of others above a life of ease and relaxation. Her talents made rounds for scouts, her ambitions carried her through tough times, and her intellect won every conversation. She was masterful. An art herself. She and her brother Sloth were close. They were each others caretaker, and that was mostly because Sloth probably wouldn’t have survived with how unwilling he was to do much of anything. For every person Sloth influenced, however, she sought and treat. A repeating cycle for a few hundred years until she grew tired. She wanted ease herself. She exhausted so much of her energy trying to keep up with her brother; people started to ignore her words of motivation. They were taking her positive mental attitude serious enough and the aspirations she wanted to instill in others were nothing more than feats no one could achieve. Diligence had some pretty high standards for humanity with ever evolution they came out of. Sloth told her of the Reset one day and for the next several she thought about it. She realized it’d be too easy to redo the world—you can change the system from within.
Sloth and Diligence, Sweet and Dark like a berry, kinky manes and chocolate eyes; the New Gods of Time.
 Wrath and Patience: Wrath is an uncontrollable anger and hate towards another person. In Wrath’s case, it was an uncontrollable anger and hate towards his family. Every single one of them. Especially his pushover sister, Patience. He couldn’t stand being around them for too long and was glad their little family meetups Gaia called was rare, and when she died, he couldn’t be anymore glad. He wasn’t obliged to care or give a damn. Why did he hate them so vehemently you wonder? Well, they never gave him the opportunity show his talents or athleticism. He wasn’t allowed to be quick-witted or strong. He couldn’t be fierce and sexy. They belittled him because he was no where near their level at first. They ignored him because he wasn’t worth their time and support. When humanity’s evolution peaked and Wrath grew up around the people he was imagined after, Pride and the people he was imagined after stole his people’s land, erasing their mark and history on the world. He couldn’t care less about the Reset but if he was given a choice to beat their asses, he took it without hesitation.
Patience is first understanding the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking. She served her family without so much as a will to question. She knew Wrath hated her and yet she never cared much. She wasn’t going to act out to be seen. That wasn’t her way of doing things. But she was easily influenced, her patience endangering her most times. It forced Wrath to save her. But that’s the thing with patience… you’re able to step aside and see things from a different point of view. You’re able to step back and listen, taking in any and all information you possibly can. Her patience was her strength, she learned. First understand the needs and desires of others around her; they become your flaws and weaknesses. She loved her brother, loved her people, and she was going to take everything back. Like Wrath, the Reset gave her an opportunity. Make amends for Humanity? Not for what they’ve done. Wage war with your family for the end of the world? Say no more.
With Native roots, Wrath and Patience bore brown skin and eyes with long black hair; the New Gods of Fire.
 Envy and Kindness: Envy is the intense desire to have an item or experience that someone else possesses. The intense desire to be like someone who seemingly has it all. The looks, the talents, the skill. There was something his brothers and sister had he never did. He was always a level below, a step behind, the slow one. And he hated it. He wanted to be better. He wanted to live through the good things they’ve gone through. He even hated how much he looked because other people fetishes him and his sister. They were exotic. They never fit to one single race, not that they could pass off being Brazilian like Lust and Chastity—they weren’t much a linguist. But no matter how much energy he put into trying to supersede them, his efforts failed. He aspired to be better and the Reset never caught his attention. Not in the slightest. He just wanted to be better, to have a place to fit in, to be someone in a world that fetishized and discriminated against him.
Kindness is placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them. The fetishization, the discrimination, they never got to her. Her brothers and sister, they could be whatever and do whatever, she had no need to do better or be better than them. Why? She was content in what she had and what she could do, but she educated the ignorant. That was her talent. She sat down with Envy one too many times and even if it seemed like her efforts proved to be fruitless, she never gave up. Every week, for the rest of her life, she sat down and talked with Envy. Listened to his struggles and problems and always gave sound advice even though he never took it. One day he would. One day, the world would learn to be kind. When the Reset came about, she didn’t care either way. Leave the world as it is and continue to educate or start new, killing ignorance before it was ever birthed. Either choice was fine by her.
High-yellow brown, redheaded and emerald eyes, Envy and Kindness were exotic to those around them; the New Gods of Reality.
Pride and Humility: Pride is an excessive view of one’s self without regard to others. He was often wealthy, often holding his head up high because no one matched his level. No one was capable of doing so. His athleticism, his with and intelligence, a natural born linguist on top of good-looks granted him God-tier status among the poor and weak. You wanted to be him, you wanted to date him, you wanted to raise his off springs even if you were male. But he was only meant to fuel other people’s ego by having them envy his success. But things change. People grow. It was during World War II that he discovered empathy, a child he had met. Scared. Alone. Beaten. The first time he put himself in someone else’s shoes because this kid admired him. He was no better. He was of no importance in the grand scheme of life itself. He was simply a soldier following orders and getting medals for obedience.
Humility is removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service. They found glee and happiness in the growth of people around them. Helping them build success, helping them discover their self-worth and fight back insecurity. She was the hammer to people’s comfort zones, the bridge of their confidence and the pride of their growing development as a well-rounded individual. She chastised her brother for effectively taking her people and remolding them in his image. But dare she let him win and brag. She’d humbly sucker-punch him any chance she got. But when she saw this sudden change in him, her being a war medic in World War II, she thought, was there anything remotely bad about being prideful? Because she was definitely prideful of her accomplishments. Wrathful for those who dare challenge her. Kind to those ignorant who’ve realized their wrongs and may have days, weeks, months or years to amend. She clearly detested the Reset and anybody for it.
The New Gods of Earth, Pride and Humility; fair, porcelain skin, piercing blue eyes and thick black hair.
Truth: I am All for One, and One for All. I am God, and the World, and the Universe. I am your mind, soul, and body. I am the first; the New God of Soul, Mind, Power, and Truth.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Remembering Our Pal, Russ Jones
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/remembering-our-friend-russ-jones/
Remembering Our Pal, Russ Jones
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We love you, Russ.
There are such a lot of methods to recollect you, infinite aspects to who you have been and your influence on website positioning. The place do I even start?
You have been the funniest man within the room. You’d gear up for a joke with that wry smile and sparkle in your eye, and we all the time knew what was coming. Your humorousness was eager and intelligent and ever-present.
I keep in mind being sick and jetlagged on the way in which to placed on a mini-MozCon for a valued, strategic shopper — you made the two.5-hour winter automotive trip cross by in a breeze together with your entertaining and hilarious tales. You may make charming dialog about something and with anybody. Listening and laughing with delight to your tales about rising up as an an identical twin, present occasions, reminiscences from previous MozCons, and concepts about what we may construct at Moz subsequent, you reworked my drained and cranky temper into pleased and inventive power. Your spirit and laughter was infectious.
You have been good. Our longtime pal, hyperlinks API energy consumer, and collaborator on the weblog, it was solely a matter of time earlier than you turned a full-fledged Mozzer. Once we formally welcomed you to Moz in 2015, it was like coming residence. From the beginning, you confirmed up keen and able to innovate. Over time you have been relentless in your quest for higher knowledge, holding tech giants and the website positioning business accountable. You have left an indelible mark on Moz: our hyperlink index and key phrase corpus bear witness to your ardour for dependable, high quality knowledge and significant metrics. Key phrase Explorer would not be right here with out you. Your work on the brand new Area Authority rating was transformative. And your dedication to the website positioning group, to relaying complicated concepts clearly and with conviction, have been second to none. You have been all the time there after we wanted you.
You have been daring and brave. You caught up in your beliefs and staunchly defended them, be they skilled or political. You have been a loyal and steadfast advocate, all the time prepared to wade into the fray in your buddies and colleagues, the most effective sort of pal to have. I realized quite a bit from watching you debate and clarify with aptitude, class, and compassion in all of the website positioning corners of the web. Conversations that I didn’t have the abdomen for, you’ll enter into with a smile, guided by the flame of your convictions.
I beloved your devotion to your loved ones and the way you treasured time with them above all else. You’d suppose deeply about whether or not you have been being the most effective dad, husband, brother you can be. The identical curiosity and drive for greatness that you simply utilized to work, you additionally utilized to your private relationships. You needed to be good at loving your loved ones since you believed they deserved that from you. I felt it once you introduced them to MozCon and also you talked about watching your daughters develop and be taught. You have been all the time asking your self, “How could I be a better dad in this moment?” Your ardour for service and making the world higher was pushed, partially, since you needed a greater world in your ladies.
There’s a lot we nonetheless want let’s imagine to you. There are phrases left unsaid, tasks unfinished, concepts unrealized. However past all else, I simply wish to say thanks, Russ, for the unbelievable influence you have had: on Moz and Mozzers, on the website positioning group, on the whole lot and everybody you touched. On me.
To the website positioning group, I invite you to revisit the huge legacy Russ gifted us together with his weblog posts, Whiteboard Fridays, and MozCon displays, linked under. Bear in mind him for all he gave us. We’re fortunate to have these reminiscences of an excellent soul gone too quickly.
Whiteboard Fridays:
MozCon displays:
Weblog posts:
A memorial website has been arrange in his honor at rememberingrussjones.com. There you may learn extra about Russ and his nice loves in life, share a reminiscence, and make a donation to a fund for his household.
Our grief is deep. Our love is deeper. At present, I will be elevating a glass (Scotch, neat) and I ask you to hitch me on this toast: To Russ, who pushed for excellence, who all the time strove to make life a bit of simpler for others, and who all the time had a sparkle in his eyes and a joke on the prepared. Goodbye, my pal.
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