#maybe Javi was even his celebrity crush
Glenn definitely had a baseball signed by Javier Garcia goodnight
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toxicanonymity · 5 months
the narrative.
4.7k, darkish!Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
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"Control the narrative. You probably say that when you cum." - Roman Roy, Succession, s1 e1. PREMISE: Javi is in the middle of a publicity disaster due to his illegal activities and big mouth. Enter you (and he will). Penthouse vibe and attire inspired by Justified City Primeval. WARNINGS: I8+ ONE SHOT, dark(ish?) Javi, canon-typical lack of realism, drug references, gratuitous bulge, alcohol, praise, mention of someone sucking Javi's dick in the past, unprofessional behavior, power dynamics, pressure, DUBCON unsafe p in v (etc.), mild gun play, romance. A/N: Dedicated to @noxturnalpascal 🖤 Never thought I'd start the year with this guy, but thots happened. I only have one other Javi G. fic.
When you show up to Javi's home in the Hollywood hills, you're mildly surprised the car is stopping. It looks like any other skyrise. It's not his main residence, but he has the whole top floor to himself. You’ve refreshed yourself on the task during the ride – Javi Gutierrez is a PR nightmare lately, and he needs to be reminded how to handle press, especially questions about his recent run-ins with the law and ties to his family business. You'll run through a few practice questions with him, refresh him on the way to his event, and say goodbye. It should be simple. 
On your way into Javi’s building, the concierge greets you, then makes polite conversation as he escorts you to the penthouse. 
"Mr. Gutierrez already has company," he mentions as he uses a key card then holds the door open for you. 
You step into Javi’s apartment and the door closes behind you. It feels intrusive, just showing up in his personal space without someone to introduce you.  It's quiet for a moment, and you take in the opulence -- the sky high ceilings, the glittery floor sparkling under your modest wedge heels. You adjust your little black dress and fix your hair, then stand and wait with your bag.
You take a deep, calming breath. At least this isn’t a celebrity you have a crush on. He isn’t necessarily your type. He seems like such a teddy bear. He’ll be cool. He’s down to earth, you tell yourself, but can’t think of any evidence to support that claim. What kind of company does he have, you wonder. Is it a woman?
"One more, one more," Javi begs out of view, and your breath hitches at his voice. It's not the pitch or measured cadence you hear in the movies or even interviews. It's deep, gruff, and unpolished. "One more, Nick." 
Your heart jumps at the name. 
Nick sighs. "Alright, what are we drinking to?"
"Balas y drogas," Javi booms. (Bullets and drugs). "Brindemos" (cheers). 
"As always," Nick monotones, and you hear their glasses clink. A few seconds later, boots begin to click and echo, and they're coming in your direction. 
Entranced by the sparkle of the floor, you see a pair of snakeskin boots cross in front of you first. The boots pause, and your gaze pans up over his unexpectedly bare legs, which are muscular and only slightly hairy. Your eyes continue up over the swell of his thighs, and then–by the time you see it, it’s too late not to look right at it--a generous bulge under a blue striped swimsuit. You yank your eyes upward so fast, you almost don't see the gold pistol he’s holding at his side. Javi raises an empty highball glass, gestures it toward you, and you're studying the rings his hand when he complains, "You are early." He taps a ring on the glass and looks around behind you. “They sent you alone?”
“Yes, Mr. Gutierrez.” You introduce yourself. When you speak, he holds surprisingly warm eye contact, given his opening line. It feels like he’s really seeing you, maybe even connecting with you. 
“Please, call me Javi.” He walks around the counter and makes no effort to close his silk robe, trailing behind him.  "Make yourself a drink," he nods toward a wet bar behind him as he puts his glass in the sink. His curls are a mess, but he doesn't look bad. His strong chest glistens under his gold chain.  "Make Nick something, too. NICK--" 
"I'm right here, Javi. I really have to go." Nick greets you with an unenthused nod, "Hi,” then his phone rings and he quickly bids farewell to Javi: "I'll see ya later bud." Nick slowly staggers toward the door as he answers the phone. 
As the door closes behind Nick, Javi watches your face. "He has a key, you know. He'll be back," then he again urges you toward the wet bar, slightly more politely this time.  "Please, help yourself.  Why did they send you so early?"
"I'm an hour late," you tell him. His security team stalled you because he wasn’t ready.
He looks at his gold watch. "Mierda" (Shit). He meets your gaze again with apologetic eyes. "An hour late. . . maybe I do like you. . ."  The third time he refers you to the bar, you go around the counter and at least browse his liquor selection. 
A few minutes later, you're mindlessly reading the liquor bottles when you see a reflection in a bottle of mezcal. Something moves behind you.
"Tequila," Javi murmurs a few inches from your ear. “If you cannot decide.” You stiffen but manage not to jump, or so you think. "Relax, mamacita.” A large, warm hand comes to your bare shoulder, making your chest get hot. Javi’s lips brush the shell of your ear. “Relax,” he repeats. “It is only Javi.” He smells faintly of pipe or hookah smoke.
He lingers for a moment, smells your hair, then his hand trails down your bicep, and butterflies rush through your body so fast you have to step away.  He looks only slightly bemused. He checks you out even more obviously this time, then silently walks backwards through the kitchen, and you forget not to stare. You follow the way the light highlights his little belly. His happy trail leads you right to the slight swing and jiggle of the massive lump precariously contained by that swimsuit. How much of it is balls, you wonder. And at that moment, he reaches down to adjust himself before turning around and heading to his bedroom. 
Your face is on fire, and you’re tingling down South. You pour yourself a drink. You need one. The floor-to-ceiling windows offer quite a view of the city. It feels like Javi is taking a long time. In the distance, he begins to sing. You didn’t expect to be attracted to him, but now you have this feeling in your chest, like you’re waiting for a date with someone you like. Someone you’re still getting to know. You try to brush it off and not read too much into the look in his eyes. He’s an actor. He probably knows how to make people feel special, you remind yourself, but you can’t help but feel a little giddy as you wait. 
You take a seat on his velvet sectional. You sip your drink and begin to feel more confident. When you go to put your drink down on the nearest coffee table, there isn't much space amid the array of empty bottles and glasses, and a hookah. You set your drink on a silver tray, and only then do you realize you've disrupted the geometric residue of tiny white lines. “Shit,” you whisper. 
While Javi gets ready, you read some of his past quotes to the press. It messes with your head. Sure, he was rude to you at first, but then so warm. There’s one particular quote you’re stuck on. It isn’t too hard to imagine him saying something like this. You catch yourself feeling sad about it, not because it was so rude of him, but because of the insinuation of him with another woman.  In your mind, you know this feeling is irrational after having only interacted with Javi for only a moment. You have to compose yourself into professional mode again. 
Javi returns freshly showered, wearing slacks and a patterned, long-sleeve, button-up shirt that hugs his biceps. He checks you out as he fastens his last cuff link. Then he sucks in his stomach and tucks in his shirt by shoving his hands all the way into his pants. He keeps eye contact with you as he tucks in the front, and finishes it off with a subtle cup of his balls. Then he stands normally again, and the curve of his little belly presses against the shirt above his pants. He doesn't put on a belt. He gestures for you to walk in front of him. 
Javi stays close on the way downstairs. On the elevator, you can feel his breath on your cheek. When the doors open, his hand on your back ushers you out. The soft padding of his stomach grazes your arm.
Back outside Javi’s apartment, the car you arrived in – the one that picked you up at the Dobis PR office – is gone. You’ll ride in Javi’s car. His security team wants to accompany the two of you in the vehicle, and it’s clear they normally ride with Javi. But Javi convinces them to follow in another car this time. Just this once. You get into a black Mercedes sprinter outfitted with a raised roof, big leather bench seat, and a bar. 
As you settle into the van, Javi is making sure you’re comfortable, making small talk, and you just want to chat with him, but you do have a job to do. He’s sitting in the corner of the bench in the very back of the van, and you’re next to him, with your body mostly facing him. You begin to broach the topic at hand, distracted by his closeness and the aftershave molecules wafting into your nostrils. “Okay Javi, so, I’m familiar with your, uh, difficulties with law enforcement recently, and my role here is to kinda help you help yourself with that in the press.”  
He nods. 
“So let’s start where we are. Do you remember what you said when Page Six asked for a comment?”
He briefly leans in the opposite direction from you to open the minifridge. He pulls out a bottle of champagne. “Page Six, remind me which one is that.”
Is he going to make you say it? Fine. “You don't remember telling the writer her lips were made to suck your dick?” 
“That was out of context,” he mutters. You search his face for whether it‘s a joke, but he’s not laughing, and he’s not meeting your eyes.  
You ask, “Is there a context where that’s a good comment to make?” And you hope it lands softer than it sounds to your own ears. 
“Yes,” Javi nods and brushes a curl out of his forehead. He shifts in the seat and wrings his hand around the neck of the champagne bottle in his lap. “With a cock in her mouth.” Hearing the word cock in his voice gives you a zing of arousal. 
You’re at a loss for words. “Are you saying you weren't answering a question when you said that?”
“The conversation was over,” Javi nods. 
“--And she had your–”
“My cock, yes,” he confirms. “In her mouth.” He reads your face, then shrugs. “She wanted a taste of Javi, and I am afraid I could not resist.” Your mind is going places - How did that happen, you wonder. Did she just drop to her knees? Does it happen all the time? Could you have a taste of Javi? Do you want one? No, you don’t want to be just another girl.
You and Javi look at each other for a moment, neither of you completely focused, then you say the only thing you can think to say, “Fair enough,” as you close your folio. Then you can’t help but add, “Optimally, it's not the best idea to sleep with. . . certain people . . .who can make you look bad.” The thought falls apart as you watch his face, and you wonder if you're overstepping. 
“It was only a mouth,” Javi clarifies, then lowers his voice. “I would never make the love to her.” 
Now his eyes are fixed on your lips. His mind is going places. You watch him salivate over the shape of your mouth and don’t dare to interrupt his filthy train of thought. But that bulge in his swim trunks is seared in your mind. The subtle way it moved with each step. You have to stare at anything else to keep your eyes off his pants. You look at the bits of silver in his beard and the sparkle in his eyes
“Hm?” he asks and you snap out of your trance. 
“We need to control the narrative,” you mumble, as if you're thinking about work. 
“I don’t have a narrative, I have the truth. And the truth is too dangerous, mami.” He extends an arm behind you. 
The intrigue shakes you from your dirty thoughts. You shouldn’t pry, so you try not to, but having heard his explanation for the Page Six comment, you’re wondering if there really is a good explanation for how he got caught riding dirty with both narcotics and unregistered weapons.
He scoots closer, so he’s mostly on your bench rather than in the corner, and he extends an arm behind you. “I have to say, you are a smart girl.” He brushes your shoulder with his thumb. “Very pretty, too,” he adds quietly. “And very smart not to ask.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. What else can you say?
He looks you over, and his face hardens in an instant. “You should fire them,” he says. “They put a pretty girl like you in a van with me.” He scoffs. “They don’t respect you, I’m sorry to say.” 
What is that supposed to mean? You stare at him blankly, then say, “I can’t fire them, I work for them.”
“Well then you should fire your job. Quit it, the job.” You suppose he’s that out of touch. He probably doesn’t even know how much rent is in LA. Increasingly incredulous, he asks, “They sent you here alone?” 
Your mouth feels dry. You nod and try to swallow. 
His face softens. “No, please do not be scared,” he tries to recover, cupping your shoulder warmly with his palm. “But they should care more about you. You are precious.” 
“Well. . . Thanks, I think I’ll be okay,” you stammer.
Javi chuckles and locks all the doors to the van. Your upper body quickly goes cold as he settles in again next to you, his knee touching yours. How did he even do that?
He smiles darkly. “You felt that, right? In your spine?” His thumb brushes the nape of your neck, then the top of your spine.
You nod, otherwise paralyzed. 
“Fire them,” he repeats in a whisper.
You stand up just an inch to smooth your dress, and before you can sit back down, the van lurches out of nowhere.  You’re propelled face-first into Javi’s arms. The unopened bottle of champagne rolls away. Your faces are only a few inches apart. His shirt is soft, his body is warm, and you’re breathing his minty breath. The van lurches again and he hugs you into him, protectively. 
“I apologize, sir,” the driver announces through a speaker. 
You slowly begin to sit up from him. His arms are slow to release you. As you sit up, he lays a hand on your thigh. “Are you okay?”
“I should warn you,” he murmurs. “Traffic is very bad here.” 
You sit there with Javi’s arm behind you and his other hand on your thigh, and neither of you speaks. He’s practically enveloping you with his whole body.
“You are thinking about it, right?”  
The pitch of his voice and a nod toward your skirt tells you what he’s talking about, and you don’t answer.  He takes his hand off your thigh only to adjust himself, and your face heats up. 
He sighs. “So, if you are the press, what should I say right now?”
After a loaded beat of silence, you snap out of it and begin to ramble, “Well, I haven't asked you a question, so you don't have to say anything, in fact, unless they ask–”
He reaches for your face. He rests four fingers on the side of your face, then brushes his thumb over your lips. “Shh. I won't say it,” he whispers. “That this press is the most beautiful girl. . .” Your lips part and let his thumb into your mouth, but your tongue pulls back.
“That I need her. . .in a way I cannot explain.” You gasp and look down. He takes his thumb  out of your mouth, then his hand drifts to his pants. “That I want to twist her legs around me like a pretzel.” The glint of his rings catches your eye, slowly moving atop his pants. His eyelids are heavy. “I should not say it, right?” 
You look at his mouth then meet his eyes again and shake your head no, ever so slightly. 
“But I can think it,” he whispers with a nod. “I can feel it,” he nods with a raise of his eyebrows. “Dios mio. . . I can have it.” 
He hugs you, slides a hand under your opposite thigh, and swiftly pulls you into straddling him with your knees on the seat and your skirt hanging loosely in his lap. You aren’t wearing stockings, but you’re wearing modest boy shorts. His hips lift up to meet you as he pulls you down with a sigh. His warm package feels even bigger than it looked. He closes his eyes and runs his hands over your back as your loins throb against each other. 
He holds your body firmly in place for a few gentle little thrusts that make you gush with each push of his bulge. Then, satisfied that you're not going anywhere, he pulls your face in for a long, steamy kiss, with his rings pressed against your cheek. As he feeds you his tongue, his hips keep moving, slowly pressing himself against you.
He pulls his face away and asks, “Do we have to go to this thing?” 
“No,” you say, pleased at this turn of events. He cups your head, and you explain, “Not at all. We wanted you to lay low. But you insisted-”
“I want to lay low with you,” he murmurs against your cheek. “Let me lay with you.”  Your insides are throbbing and swelling. His lips and the slightest hint of his teeth drag down your neck while his thick manhood hardens more against the crotch of your boy shorts. “I'll give you more than a taste, Mamacita. We're going to lay together.”  
He asks the driver to take you back to his place. Then he latches onto your neck, and you let out a little moan.  The van turns around to head back to his place. 
“I just need to text the team,” you tell him and get off his lap. You straighten your dress and begin to text your manager.  While you're on your phone, he keeps kissing and nibbling at you. 
Your manager calls, and you clear your throat. Javi occupies himself by popping open the bottle of champagne. You receive accolades for talking him out of the event. 
When you're off the phone, Javi has somewhat composed himself. “Now we have all night.” He hands you a flute of champagne. A voice comes over the intercom saying there's a security matter Mr. Gutierrez needs to be briefed on. The van pulls over and Rafael, Javi’s head of security, joins you. 
“Your brother is back,” Rafael tells him. “And he's not happy about what you took.”
“Puta Madre,” Javi grumbles. “You know what he would have done with it.” 
“I know,” Rafi nods. 
“I have plans tonight, Rafi.” Javi looks at you adoringly. “The most important plans of my life.” He turns back to Rafi.  “Do you see this beautiful woman? We have plans.” 
“You have to stay with me,” Javi tells you. “I’ll keep you safe.” 
When you arrive back at Javi’s place, Rafi insists on escorting the two of you up to the penthouse. The place has already been cleaned up, and a maid is on her way out. 
“Thank you, Sandy,” Javi says as she passes by. She nods. 
You excuse yourself to freshen up while Javi rants to Rafael. There's a crashing noise and you take your time coming back from the restroom, unsure what awaits. 
You come back to the main room and put your bag on a stool at the counter. Rafael is on his way out to stand guard by the door. Javi is sitting on the sofa with his pants off and his shirt unbuttoned, holding his gold pistol against his thigh. 
“I asked Rafi to give us some privacy,” Javi says. “We will not let this ruin our night.” He looks at you hungrily. “Come. Sit.” He makes space in his lap and looks down at himself. He’s wearing black boxer briefs.
You straddle him but don't sit yet. His free hand slides up the back of your thigh and he grabs a handful of ass. “You are the most beautiful woman,” he sighs. “And you feel so good in my hands.”
With his other hand, Javi nudges the golden gun under your skirt, and the metal on your bare thigh makes you flinch. “Shhh.”  He slowly slides the barrel along your inner thigh where the hem of your underwear is. He slides it lightly back and forth, breathing deeply through his nose. Then, his lips part as he rubs it along the damp crotch of your boy shorts. Your whole body erupts in goosebumps. He watches your face as he rubs you with the barrel of his pistol. He angles it upward each time he reaches your front. 
He palms your ass at the same rhythm as he massages you with the gun, as if encouraging you to ride it. Then he holds it still between his legs, pulls you closer against it, and your hips move on their own, seeking more pressure against the barrel. You twitch and gasp and he sucks in a deep breath through his nose. He moves you on the gun and you grind against the barrel until you’re almost at the edge and your thighs are trembling. 
“Good girl,” he sighs. He brings the side of the barrel to his nose and sniffs. Then he makes eye contact with you as he presses his lips to the side of the barrel and dips his tongue onto the metal.  He kisses the gun goodbye, then puts it aside. “I will keep you safe,” he reassures you again. 
Javi takes your hand in his and puts it on the hard bulge and you almost come. He’s so big, and so hard, the seams of his boxer briefs must be ready to burst. He uses your hand to massage himself. At the same time, he grabs the back of your head and pulls you into him for a passionate kiss. Your palm begins to massage his shaft. Feeling the hard shape of him, you can tell how thick he is, and it's more than a handful. Your fingers cradle his balls as you massage the lower part of his shaft. He pulls his underwear down and your skin meets his bare cock.
Both his palms engulf your ass cheeks and he lifts your dress all the way up over your ass so he can see your hips before desperately pulling you fully onto him. He smacks your ass, then kneads it again and licks into your mouth as he grinds up against you. 
He gropes your breasts and pulls your dress all the way up, taking it over your head. His hands find your bra clasp, and he frees your breasts, taking one to his mouth right away. He reaches into your smooth, stretchy boy shorts and gasps at the feeling of your bare, dripping cunt. He holds his cock in his hand and brings the tip to the bottom seam of your underwear. He wedges his cock into the garment, resting against your inner thigh, then a little further, and the bare skin of his tip nudging between your slippery folds makes you weak in the knees. He puts his cock all the way into your underwear from the bottom, wet from your slick, and pulls you tight against him. You grind together and his shaft massages your clit. The pressure builds and quickly boils over, and you moan as you begin to pulse against him. 
“Oh, my love,” Javi sighs, then moans as you grind and come against his cock in your panties. “Such a pretty sight and sound.”
With pleasure still washing over you, he wraps an arm tight around you, turns and lays you down on your back as your orgasm wanes. 
His cock slides out of your underwear as he makes space to finish undressing you both. He tears your underwear down in a frenzy and can't get out of his own soon enough. Within seconds, you're both nude on the sofa in the dimly lit room.
Javi sits on his knees between your legs and pumps himself slowly, belly pushing out, eyes dancing across your body. His cock is so stiff and thick, you can't take your eyes off it. You throb and ache for it. He runs his flattened fingers through your dripping seam and moans at your wetness. 
“I cannot wait another moment to feel you, my love.” 
Javi gets on top of you, his belly pressing into you as he positions himself then notches at your entrance. His gold chain hangs and grazes your chest. He hikes your leg up and you wrap it around him. 
“Good,” he whispers.
Javi shoves into you, punching the air out of your lungs with a brief burn at the stretch. He groans as he fills you with his flesh as fast as your body will allow. “Javi,” you gasp as his girth spreads you apart. His dick twitches at the sound of his name on your lips. He sighs your name and you're almost flattered he knows it, giving you a brief twinge of uncertainty that's quickly replaced by pleasure as he withdraws a few inches then slams into you. 
“You are so beautiful,” he pants as he begins to fuck you steadily. He kisses your chest and your neck. “It was fate that you came here to me.” 
He moans and grunts as he buries his cock in you. You wrap your other leg around him. His body is solid and soft against yours.  So much skin on skin and it all feels right. You feel safe, and you feel adored. The way he looks at you, the way he feels you, moves on you, it’s like he’s been waiting for you forever. He hooks a hand under your shoulder for more leverage, and the force of each punch of his hips jiggles your breasts. He slows down and fucks you more tenderly, but still with power. The movement of his hips is fluid and smooth. 
After a few minutes, he moans, “Ohh, my love,” then sighs your name. “I have to give you my cum, I have to give it to you.” You aren’t sure, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything to disrupt this moment. You’ve never had someone make love to you this way. “I’m going to explode,” he warns.
He buries his mouth in the crook of your neck, bottoms out, and groans as he erupts deep in your core, sending you for another climax of your own. Then his lips scramble up your neck and jaw to find your lips and he kisses you passionately as warm bursts of his cum fill you up. “Mmm,” he moans into your mouth as you clench around his cock. 
When you’re both finished coming, he stays inside for a moment. “We will be joined again,” he assures you as he pulls out.
He lays half on his side, with a bit of his weight on you for a moment. He strokes your face and admires you tenderly. You excuse yourself to the restroom, and he goes with you, escorting you to his master bath instead of the guest room you used earlier. He shows you his bedroom on the other side and says, “you will stay here with me.” 
When you come out of the restroom to Javi’s bed, you approach hesitantly. “Are you sure?” you ask. 
“I would not dream of letting you leave,” he assures you. 
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
Second time lucky...
College AU featuring Bradshaw!Twins Bradford and Bradley, a Jake Seresin with a crush, and a long-suffering Javy Machado.
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                “He’s so fucking hot,” Jake whines and Javy rolls his eyes, clearly sick of hearing about it but Jake just can’t help himself.
                They’re watching a group play ultimate frisbee, a sport they’ve both learnt to come to appreciate watching when the teams differentiate themselves by shirts and no-shirts, the women stripping to tanks and everyone wearing the shortest-shorts they apparently seem to own. Jake approves, even if he doesn’t really understand how the game itself works. But the guy is playing, and Jake has dedicated a lot of time to watching him.
               He’s been seeing the guy everywhere on campus, can’t seem to walk anywhere without seeing him and it’s really fucking distracting. He goes to the pool, and the guy is there. He goes to the gym, the guy is there. He goes to the library, the guy is fucking there. He’s not in any of Jake’s classes thankfully, he does get some reprieve, however if the guy was in a class he’d have an actual chance of learning his name.
                “Where’s your infamous charm now? Why don’t you just go and ask him out?” Javy asks. While there are a lot of names being thrown around, it’s impossible to tell which one belongs to the guy in question.
                “I… I can’t.”
                “Seriously? You can’t? You’re actually… oh my god. You actually care about getting rejected by this guy.”
                Part of Jake wants to snap that he doesn’t care. And that he doesn’t get rejected. However he has to admit that he usually doesn’t get rejected because he generally only asks people who are a sure thing. People who have made their interest known. With this guy, he just doesn’t know. Sometimes he thinks that maybe yeah, he’d totally be down to going out with Jake. Maybe. And other times there’s definitely zero interest. So it’s not like the guy is blowing hot and cold. More like… barely lukewarm and cold. Maybe once or twice he thinks there was something, but it had been gone so fast he’s pretty sure he imagined it.
…            …            …
                “I think I’ve found you an in. The guy is a member of the Delta Frat. And he’s a senior. That’s why he’s not in any of our classes.”
                “He’s in a frat?” Jake asks, pulling a face.
                “Yeah, and I am totally judging your taste. Because not only is he in a frat, but his name is Bradford Bradshaw.”
                “Oh god…” Jake groans, because that is one hell of a name. But he has a name now, and he recognizes it as being one yelled out while watching ultimate frisbee, so it sounds like it is probably the same person.
                “And, because they’re a frat, they’re having a party on Friday night to celebrate… the end of the week probably. I don’t remember. Anyway, I got the details. You owe me.”
                Jake feels like he might throw up.
                Javy has gone to all this effort for him, he can’t just not use it.
…            …            …
                They stand in front of the house and it doesn’t seem like there’s a party and they look at each other hesitantly before Javy shoves him into motion with a push to his shoulder.
                “Just walk up and knock. Come on.”
                He huffs out a breath and squares his shoulders. He can do this. He raises his hand to knock and then the door is opening away from him and there’s a guy standing there looking at them, wide smile on his face, and at least he looks welcoming rather than asking them who the fuck they are.
                “Oh, hey man, just go straight in. Mickey’s out the back heating the grill, think Bradshaw’s in the kitchen. You’re a bit early, game doesn’t start for another hour.”
                He exchanges a look with Javy, because that would have been useful information to have, and he also feels empty handed, like maybe some chips and dip wouldn’t have gone astray, because it seems far too settled, too quiet, considering they’re having a party, and Bradshaw is in the kitchen. Chips and dip would give his hands something to do, something to hold onto. Reaching out to grasp hold of Javy just doesn’t elicit the image he’s at least trying to portray here.
                There’s posters and scarves for different teams. A pair of silicon boobs is sitting on a shelf beside what Jake is pretty sure is a bong. Beside which is a dildo. Okay then. They walk further into the house, and there he is. Bradford Bradshaw, in the kitchen as promised, poking at an assortment of Jello shots in the fridge. They’re arranged like a rainbow, and it gives Jake a little flare of hope, because so far, the house had been very… frat bro aesthetic.
                “Uh. Hi. I’m Jake.”
                “Hey man. Bradford. I think I’ve seen you around. Swim team right?”
                “Uh, yeah,” Jake manages to croak, because that also bodes well for him, that the guy has at least noticed him enough to know that. “I’m actually here to see if you’d be interested in going out sometime,” Jake says, surprised his voice sounds fairly level given how badly he feels like his insides are shaking.
                The guy has looked up sharply at that, his eyes have gone wide and he’s suddenly looking supremely fucking awkward and Jake shrinks inside. God. He’s about to get rejected. At least he can just leave. And maybe transfer to another college. Or country.
                “Oh… dude. I’m flattered. Seriously. Uh. Look. You want the good news or the bad news first?”
                Jake isn’t quite sure how there is any good news to come out of being rejected and he just shakes his head, is already stepping back, heading toward the door. But the guy is quick, slaps his hand against it and looks at Jake likes he’s an idiot. Sue him, maybe he is.
                “So, bad news, I’m mostly pretty straight. And I know that without any shadow of a doubt,” Bradford says, like he’s trying to somehow let Jake down gently, but he seems happy or eager about something, like crushing Jake is somehow making his night. “So, while I don’t really bat for your team I did say I have some good news. I have an identical twin brother who is very not straight, so… lets go find him!”
                “Uh, what?”
                “An identical twin. Well, identical enough. So if it’s all this you want to get up in on, then I have another model that I think would be very, uh, interested,” Bradford says, gesturing at himself and Jake despairs of himself, because unfortunately he is very much interested in getting all up in that. He looks to Javy, who has followed them, and he’s glad, because they’re walking down the street past other houses. He’s pretty sure he’s not getting pranked or anything, most people don’t invent something like an identical twin out of thin air as a joke…
                “How do you know? That he’d be interested?” Javy asks, and Jake blinks, looks between them, because he hadn’t caught that, his mind too busy processing the idea that there are two guys that look like this and that he wasn’t going mad thinking he was seeing them everywhere.
                “Would you believe twin telepathy?”
                Jake raises an eyebrow disbelievingly and scoffs.
          ��     “That’s a good thing, he doesn’t buy into any of that bullshit either. What he has been doing though is whine about this guy…” he says, turns to give Jake a quick up and down glance which makes him flush a little, because this is still the guy Jake has been sort of drooling over the last few weeks. “You happen to have a toothpick on you?” Bradford suddenly asks, apropos of nothing and Jake glares at Javy when he snorts.
                “Yeah, I have a couple. Why?”
                “Oh yeah, you’ll do. He’s been mooning over this guy with an oral fixation that won’t stop flicking a toothpick with his tongue. And buddy, I don’t know how many guys are walking around with a supply of toothpicks to fellate, but I’m pretty sure I’m about to fucking play cupid.”
                Javy is outright laughing now and Jake punches him in the arm, wrestles away from the noogie Javy tries to give him in retaliation.
                “What’s his name?” Jake asks, trying to straighten his hair, no idea how close they might be getting, but they’ve been walking pretty fast for about five minutes now.
                “Your parents named you Bradley and Bradford?”
                “Our parents think they’re hilarious. Last name Bradshaw remember.”
                “It’s fine, means we’ve got thick skin and a decent sense of humor. Although, while I can commend you on your taste, he is definitely the more boring twin. See if you can make him come to the party, I made the Jello shots especially for him.”
                Oh. That’s kind of sweet Jake realizes, showing support through no-doubt alcoholic Jello shots arranged in rainbow colors.
                “I’ll ask him.”
                “Good thing you’ve got balls and are doing the asking, because he’d never get around to it. Anyway, this is him,” Bradford says, and he’s just pushing the door open and kicking his shoes off and Jake exchanges a look with Javy and just follows after him, scrambling a little to keep up as Bradford just calls out a general welcome to the house, telling anyone who can hear him that it’s only him, and not someone here to steal their shit. From somewhere there’s an answering yell about them having nothing worth stealing and Jake blinks, because he’s in the dorms, and this isn’t a frat house, but it’s still a shared house of some sort, smaller for sure. Then Bradford is banging on a door, and Jake sucks in a deep breath, because this must be Bradley’s door. His bedroom. Oh shit, suddenly this feels far too personal and he feels like he’s shaking.
                “Bradley!” Bang bang bang. “Bradley stop jerking off and answer your door man.” Bang bang bang. “Dude, come on, I will open this door on you…”
                Then the door swings open and there is another man standing there, the spitting image of Bradford, but he looks furious, eyes flashing, knuckles white where they’re gripping the door and Jake swallows nervously, but also a little turned on. That anger isn’t directed at him after all.
                “For fucks sake Bradford, I’m trying to study!”
                “Yeah, not anymore you’re not. Here. I come bearing gifts. You can thank me later.”
                Then Jake is being grabbed and hauled in front of Bradford like a human shield and the change in expression from anger to surprise on Bradley’s face is immediate.
                “Uh, hi.”
                “You’re the guy from the library,” Bradley says and Jake nods.
                “Yeah. I didn’t realize you had a twin brother.”
                “Yeah, my whole life.”
                “Um. Did you want to… um. Get a drink sometime?” Jake asks, and the way Bradley is looking at him is still surprised, like he can’t believe Jake is there. And Jake hadn’t ever planned to do this in front of Javy and somehow, the identical twin of the guy he’s got a crush on. Well, he was told going to college would give him new life experiences.
                “A date. Or something. Or just studying together if you don’t have much time. Just, uh, I wanted to ask you out.”
                “And my work here is done,” Bradford says, taking a step back and making a bow. “I’ll see you round. You want to come back with me?” Bradford says, turning to Javy with the last question, and Javy’s giving Jake a little salute, slap to the arm and he’s leaving with Bradford; leaving Jake there alone.
                They stand there awkwardly looking at each other and Jake’s wondering if he should maybe just leave, because Bradley hasn’t said anything else, not even yes to Jake’s jumbled date asking.
                “I think I’m just going to go. Leave you to it.”
                “No! Sorry… I’m just. You want to go out with me?”
                “Yeah. I’d like to… get to know you.”
                “Yeah, okay. That would be nice. What’s your name?”
                “Oh shit. Jake. My name’s Jake Seresin. It’s nice to meet you.”
                The smile Bradley gives him is breathtaking and Jake can’t help but smile back, his stomach feeling like a kaleidoscope of butterflies has made itself at home, but he feels a lot less nervous now.
                “It’s nice to meet you too.”
                They kind of stand there and just grin at each other for a few moments, and Jake feels so relieved that Bradley seems to be into him.
                “Oh. Did you want a drink, or to… go out somewhere? Now?” Bradley asks.
                “Well, we could go to the party. Just walk there, say hi, then walk back…”
                “You don’t want to actually spend time at the party?”
                “No, not really. I was only going to meet you, so… Think your brother might like to see you there though.”
                “I think the last thing Bradford wants is me there killing his vibe, but sure, a walk sounds nice.”
…            …            …
                As they walk their arms brush and bump occasionally and Jake finds himself unable to stop smiling. He’s also pretty sure he’s blushing, but Bradley is definitely blushing, so Jake doesn’t care. They’re walking slowly, ambling really, neither in a rush. They’ve talked about what they’re studying, their families, friends and now…
                “I need to teach you how to tell Bradford and I apart. For a start, he’s left handed. He’s also taller and heavier. I’m the oldest though, but you can’t tell that from looking.”
                “Hopefully I get to know you well enough I’ll just be able to look and easily tell you apart. Your parents can tell you apart, right?”
                “Yeah. Mostly. As long as they’re actually paying attention. Our voices changed when we went through puberty. We sound pretty much the same now, except for the part where he sounds like a typical frat-boy jock.”
                “You do seem to have very different personalities,” Jake concedes, and part of him is glad that Bradley seems more chilled out than Bradford.
                They’re back in front of the Delta Frat and Bradley is pulling a face and rolling his eyes, and Jake laughs, reaches for his hand to tug him inside.
                “Five minutes. Ten max and then we can leave. Okay?”
                “Okay. I’m holding you to that.”
                Jake grins and then pushes the door open. There are a lot more people here now, there’s music and a football game being projected onto a white wall in the living room. There’s a keg and the smell of cooking meat. It’s still early, no-one appears drunk, although he’s sure that’s a certainty considering someone is setting up beer pong. Bradley is rolling his eyes and Jake pokes him for good measure, it’s not his scene either, but he’s not going to judge his peers if they want to take part.
                “Bro! You made it! Oh my god, you’re a miracle worker already!” Bradford says to Jake, slapping him on the back and reaching out to give Bradley a fist bump. “I made you Jello shots! Rainbow Jello shots!”
                “Of course you did…” Bradley sighs.
                “It’s sweet of him,” Jake murmurs in Bradley’s ear, because he doesn’t know either of them well, not yet, but he imagines one of his siblings trying to be supportive by making him rainbow colored drinks at a party and it is sweet.
                “They’re Redbull and vodka, caffeine and alcohol, avoid at all costs.”
                “One won’t hurt…”
                He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a paper-wrapped toothpick, strips the paper off and runs it around the inside of the shot glass, loosening the Jello so he can better suck the entire thing into his mouth. His tongue is running over the bottom of the shot when he realizes exactly what it might look like, because Bradley is watching him with hooded eyes and he swallows, nervous again.
                “You and your fucking toothpicks.”
                Jello now gone Jake sticks the toothpick in his mouth and rotates it 360, raises an eyebrow.
                “I think you have a thing for my toothpick…”
                “I have a thing for a guy who might have an oral fixation. It’s been five minutes; can we go now?”
                “Lead the way.”
                “You guys leaving already?” Bradford asks.
                “I have better things to do,” Bradley states and Jake snorts.
                “Yeah you do! Go. Have fun.”
                “Oh my god…”
                “I’ve only known him like an hour, you walked right into that one,” Jake says, grinning, letting Bradley pull him out of the house.
                “He’s the worst.”
                Jake isn’t going to agree or disagree, because he’s pretty sure Bradford would die for Bradley, but also if anyone pointed out to him how much his siblings loved him, he’d also deny it until his dying breath. He does laugh along with Bradley though, as they walk back to his place, and he doesn’t miss Bradley’s eyes flicking to his lips, where the toothpick is still being worried at between his teeth. They’re almost back to Bradley’s when he slows to a stop and turns toward him, and the street is quiet and empty.
                “Can I kiss you?”
                Jake quickly takes the toothpick from his mouth and throws it into the nearest bush.
                “Yes, yes you definitely can.”
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(FYI - all photos (and children) are my own. I haven't gone and posted pictures of someone else's kids without their consent etc.)
This fic fills the "Frat Party" square on my Top Gun AU Bingo card, as well as the "Free Space" which can be either a College AU, or Bradshaw Twins AU.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘My Desert Flower’
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Jake Seresin x girlfriend reader - nickname, ‘Poppy’
Summary: After coming home early from deployment overseas, Jake is happy to come home to Texas to surprise his favorite girl as they celebrate his mommas birthday 
  Jake Seresin had just gone back from overseas after a successful mission, but, the thing was that he had arrived on land much earlier than scheduled. They were planning to be home until two weeks later.  
 So with that said, he figured that he’d give his family and girlfriend, Poppy, a good surprise. All his wing buddies agreed  to drive him to the airport, and the whole way there they teased him about being a softie when it came to talking about his girlfriend, the green in his eyes shone so brightly and his cheeks gave off a light pink shade of color, he looked and acted like a crushing high school boy. From seeing this look on Jake, Bradley and Natasha concluded that he was head over heels for his girl. Javy and Reuben tried to mimic Poppy’s voice to tease Jake and call him pet names. Bob and Mickey just laughed and went along, they were too shy to emerge, but had fun either way. But Jake laughed the most and was all happy smiles, because it was true, Jake was deeply in love with his sweet girl Poppy. He met her while she was taking a trip in San Diego, and she had stopped by to say ‘Hi’ to Penny who was a best friend but also her babysitter from when she was a little girl. But what was supposed to be a short ‘Hi and Bye’ soon led to her staying the whole afternoon till evening as she chatted happily while catching up, but that’s when her eyes landed on the tall blond man who had walked in with a fitted black t-shirt and some aviators hanging low on his nose, then her ears fell for his sweet and flirtatious words as he kindly and respectfully greeted everyone around him, including her. Poppy had tried to play off her interest in him for most of the night, but the minute Jake asked for her number, she didn’t even hesitate to say yes. But she was quick to explain that she was only in San Diego for short time, but that’s when Jake asked where she came from, and in that moment he knew that he’d have for for a long time. Poppy explained to him that she came from Houston, Texas to be exact. Jake immediately told her that he was born and raised there too, and that maybe there they could get to know each other more, and see where they went with that. Which soon turned out to be 3 years in a wonderful relationship, Jake loved his girl, she was loyal and caring, always waited for Jake to come back, sent gifts and necessities overseas to him and his fellow sailors, even spent lots of time with his family to stay close and get to know them more too. Poppy had a masters in child development, and worked as a teacher for adorable preschoolers. All this he shared about her to his friends, and was grateful to see how happy they were for him. But Jake was more excited to know that soon he’d be able to see her again, as he said his goodbyes to his fellow aviators, and received loud smooches on his cheeks by Natasha and Javy who couldn’t stop the teasing. Jake promised them that soon they could all meet up and he’d introduce Poppy to them, and that only made his wing buddies all more mushy and playful with Jake, but deep down they actually were more than anything happy for him. When they first got to know him, Jake was the kind of guy that only did one-night-stands and didn’t know how to commit to relationships. But they also witnessed the day that changed, which was the night he laid eyes on Poppy at Hard Deck, while she twirled and danced to Bradley playing the piano with happy tunes and helped serve everyone to ease some work off of Penny’s shoulders that very night. 
Taking the plane was the fastest way to get home, but Jake still felt like it took forever to get there, what in reality was like maybe 2 and a half hours, Jake felt like he had been in the damn plane allllll day. But finally once he arrived at the airport in Houston, he changed his uniform khakis into his favorite button down orange shirt and Levi jeans along with his cowboy boots. As much as Jake loved to be seen in his Naval apparel, he loved his cowboy apparel more, it made him feel at ease and at home, knowing that not anytime soon he’d be called back, for now he could forget it. Jake had left his favorite cowboy hat home with his girl, so she could take care of it while he was gone he had told her, and knowing how careful and protective Poppy was with all his stuff, he was sure she did. Once he was changed and refreshed, Jake took a cab to go to his girls house, his initial plan was to surprise her there first before going to his family’s house. So in between telling his driver the ‘Can you go a little faster?’ - ‘the light was yellow you could’ve gone’ and trying to be nice at the same time was kind of a hard deal for Jake when he desperately wanted to get home. Much to his surprise though when he finally got home, was that his old red Chevy truck sat in the drive way just fine, but Poppy’s black ‘67 Mustang wasn’t there. He got off the cab after paying the driver well, and went straight to the door and found the key under the mat where his girl had left there for him, which in that mere moment it sent him warm butterflies in his chest, to know that she had kept that there for him, letting him know that he was always welcome, whenever. When he walked in her house, an aroma waving a scent of fresh flowers and its sweet nectar hit his nose, along with her natural body’s scent, which was so addictive to Jake. But he also caught a whiff of what smelled like carrot cake? He knew his girl loved to bake, but was disappointed when he didn’t find the source of the smell. Though He straightaway went to the fridge where he knew she’d have her to-do list hanging on it, which would tell him what her plans were for today. And he was right when he read on the paper in her lovely handwriting,
  ‘To-do list for today:
 By Momma Seresin some flowers.
By her birthday present.
 Bake the cake. 
Leave at 5:00 to help decorate at the Seresin Ranch at 5:30’
  Jake checked the large white clock that hung on the wall near by and it read, ‘5:10’
 He smacked his forehead slightly as he thought,
  ‘Damn it I just missed her!! It’s my moms birthday! Shoot I didn’t forget... but I did.. ok ok, let’s just go and surprise them there! Now where are my keyssss... oh there they are!!’
  On the key rack Jake found his truck keys, with a new, small charm on it, the Texas Longhorn symbol dangled from the chain, he realized that his girl must of gotten it for him while he was gone, knowing that he was a HUGE fan and had wanted one sense he saw it at the local gas station. It made his heart swell for the sweet things she did for him, it showed him that she really cared and remembered the little things about him. 
After hopping into his truck and relishing in its familiarity it for a few minutes, he turned it on and grew a huge smile when the motor roared to life, showing him that though it was old, it still worked like magic. While driving down the familiar streets of Houston, he drummed his steering wheel to his favorite tunes that played on repeat, which was unknown to everyone except his girl, was actually Taylor Swift’s album ‘Red’. He was currently jamming to ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ as he finally found the dirt road that led him to the Seresin Ranch. He as always liked to roll down his windows so he could coo and call out to every cow and goat he passed, it was a habit no one could pull him out of, but he enjoyed it greatly when they replied back to him in their animalistic language. He could feel the breeze that grazed and brushed against his skin as he continued down the road, he let his hand hang out the window as his fingers drummed against the door. The sun let out its golden shade, and painted the sky beautifully above him, which the clouds danced in every color as they began turning into different ones as the seconds passed. Soon the Ranches Red Barn came into view, and he found several familiar cars parked in the grassy driveway, one which was his girls Black Mustang. He parked his truck in front of the open barn yard, which showed the lights and tables that were set up, he liked how it looked so homey and beautiful. Turning off his truck he looked around and saw a ladder that stood in the middle of the open place, right under what looked like a large lamp filled with dangling lights in mason jars. He thought that maybe it was his pops that was doing the job, but he was so wrong when he saw the woman of his dreams skipping into sight with a box of lightbulbs in her hands. She wore a gorgeous, white sun dress with her tall brown cowgirl boots that Jake had bought her for her birthday. Her hair was curled and bounced loosely, and set on top of her head, was Jake’s favorite cowboy hat. Taking in such a sight for his sore eyes, just about made Jake drool onto the steering wheel he leaned on while watching. He smiled to himself when he heard her singing with a sweet melody, he couldn’t quite catch the words, but it sounded like ‘Shake It Off’, another Taylor Swift hit that Jake had fallen for because of his girl. She twirled and danced, moving her hips softly, like if she was imagining that she was dancing with her loved one. 
As much as Jake could stay there for hours watching her be herself, in the freedom and fresh air of the Seresin Ranch, his anxious heart couldn’t wait to be in her arms any second longer. Opening his door and closing it softly so he wouldn’t be heard just yet, Jake then fixed his shirt and his hair, making sure he looked fixed and smelled good, then checked his pants and boots, once satisfied he finally agreed to himself that he was ready to be seen by his girl. Though he knew that she didn’t care how he looked or smelled, it could be him wearing his flight suit while smelling like sweat and jet fuel, or like the cows when they spent the summer with his family at the Ranch, she always hugged him tightly and kissed his chest over his heart then his lips. While walking closer he realized she was singing a different song, as she still danced slowly, he caught her words as she went on sweetly,
  “Say you remember me.. standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe... red lips and rosy cheeks.. say you’ll see me a-gain even if it’s in your-“
  “wiiiiildest dreams..-“ 
  “OH MY GOD!!”
 Jakes intentions were to collaborate with Poppy and go on singing, but he actually startled her which made her gasp and drop the whole box of lightbulbs as she held her chest to hold her heart from jumping out from fear. Her and Jake quickly reacted to pick up the bulbs and kinda forgot about the realization of seeing each other again as they chucked and apologized,
  “I’m sorry I scared you-“
 “No no it’s ok, I didn’t realize you had arrived- woah wait-“
  She then stopped mid sentence as she took in Jakes presence, then squealed when she fully realized that he was actually there,
 Poppy unexpectedly threw herself in Jakes arms to which he let out an ‘omff!’ while almost hitting the ground. But quickly he composed himself and held onto her tightly as he stood up and held her feet above ground. She squeezed her arms around his neck as she pressed a ton of kisses on his head, Jake kissed her head too as he smelled her citrus scented hair, and relished in it, happy to know that she was actually and finally in his arms. He then heard her voice say with a sniff,
  “Welcome home honey.. I really missed you.. and didn’t think you’d be here today.”
 Jake squeezed her hips as he cooed,
  “Awe sweetheart.. I’m right here.. don’t cry ok? I’m not going anywhere for a long time.”
 “Please don’t... I miss you all the time.”
  “So do I baby girl.”
He then gently put her down and detached his hands from her hips so he could delicately hold her face, he kissed her nose before saying,
 “You look so pretty in my hat.. let’s all the guys know that I’m yours.”
  Shyly giggling Poppy touched the charm on the hat that had Jakes first and last name imprinted. Jake then grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers as she asked him,
  “You came home early?”
 Nodding proudly he replied,
  “I did.. our mission was a complete success and done ahead of schedule.. so that earned us plenty of time off.”
 Her eyes glistened with excitement as she asked,
  “How long?”
With a million dollar smile Jake cheered,
  “4 whole months!”
 Gasping with glee she jumped in Jake’s arms again, to which he began to twirl her around as they laughed happily. 
  Later that evening, once everyone knew that Jake was home and welcomed him back gratefully, his momma then let the party begin. Roars of cheers and laughter could be hear everywhere, along with the younger nieces and nephews running around chasing after the lose chickens and baby goats that were desperate for them to go home and leave them be, (except when they were fed off the table by the little kids of course.) After eating a hearty steak that Jake’s pops and older brother grilled, the tasty macaroni and fruit salads his aunt put together, and lastly his girls special carrot cake with homemade vanilla ice cream, everyone was called to the dance floor after letting the food settle down. Country music began to fill in the atmosphere, as a couple of talented uncles and cousins played their favorite instruments. It was traditional that they danced all together for every celebration or party, so it wasn’t awkward when they all began to move in sync with the same dancing choreography as they took in the music like air to the lungs. Jake was quick to take his girls hand as they danced in their boots hand in hand, he lived off the smile she gave every second, and she lived off his laughter that was more than music to her ears. The jolly and upbeat music had everyone sweating and gasping for air once it came to an end, as they had been jumping, twirling, and moving the entire time. As the evening passed, it was time to settle down, so softer music began to play, a few went back to sit down, others chatted by the fruit and drink bars, while very few still swayed on the dance floor. Jake still wanted to dance in his girls arms, but he noticed how she kept moving her feet uncomfortably, so he asked her what was wrong in her ear wondering,
 “What’s the matter baby girl?”
 She looked up to him from under the hat as she said shyly,
  “My boots are beginning to hurt my feet.. but I really want to dance to this last song with you.”
Jake understandingly took her hand and led her away, but before she could protest, he sat on a chair and sat her on his knee as he began to take off her boots. Poppy was afraid that she’d be judged for having Jake take off her boots like that in the open, but felt a rush of relief as she watched him rubbed her feet lovingly, then placed her boots under his chair so no one would step on them.  
  Poppy continued to worry about his caring choice of actions, but soon forgot about those thoughts when he stood her up and walked her back to the dance floor as he said instructively,
  “Stand on my boots, baby.”
 Looking for reassurance in his green eyes once again while trying to tilt her head back so she could see him properly from under the hat she asked,
  “Stand on my boots honey. Come on.”
 Sense his boots were kinda soft on the top, it wasn’t uncomfortable when she stood on them, her small feet actually fit quite perfectly on them. He then held her waist tightly as he said sweetly,
  “Hold onto my neck so you don’t fall ok? I’m going to move slowly. I got you.”
  When she did as he said, she immediately felt safe and sound in his arms, as they began to sway in complete sync. Laying her head on Jakes chest after placing her kiss on his heart, she felt him take a deep breath before saying,
  “I’m so grateful for you... you’re always so faithful and sweet, and always helping my family when I’m not here. That means a lot to me you know that?”
 Lifting her head up to him, caused him to chuckle when his hat fell on her eyes again, so he quickly said,
  “Put the hat on my head baby, I’ll hold it for you.”
 Taking the hat off she brushed his hair back before settling it on his head as she replied to him,
  “Your family is my family Jake, no matter what. I’ll always be here, wait for you, support you, and love you. Ok?”
  Jake tried to hold it in, but couldn’t help the fact that his eyes either way teared up. Her words meant more to him than anything else, as he remember where they started. Jake had met his girl in the worst time of her life, she had decided to leave her family after being treated and used so poorly, which was a hard decision for her to make, because she didn’t have anyone to fall back on. She had gone to Penny hoping she’d help. (which she did of course, Penny wasn’t one to leave anyone behind.) Poppy was like a desert flower that had been left alone, waiting to be given water, given love so she could flourish, and Jake was the one to do just that. He never plucked her out of her place, but instead made her surroundings more durable and safe, and planted himself next to her, so they could grow together. Penny was the only one at the time that gave her a safe place, but when they began their relationship, Jake was happy and quick to want to take Poppy under his wing, but he gave her the time to know him first and see that she could trust him. Which soon she did when they bought a little house in Fighter Town. But when Jake and her made the choice to make their relationship more serious, he knew she was afraid to meet his family, he had heard all her sad stories of how she was poorly treated by family, but he was confident to know that his family would never hurt or reject her, which was something she had to see to believe. So as time had passed and she got to know them more, Poppy began to always make plans to go be with them, and that’s when Jake saw that she finally trusted them and him fully, and he couldn’t be happier. Pressing a tender kiss to his lips she then wiped his eyes carefully as she confessed,
  “I love you so so much.”
Lifting her up slightly off his boots so she could be at his eye level, Jake replied,
  “I’m very proud of you.. and I love you so so much too.”
  They pulled each other into a hug, and felt complete with one another, knowing that no matter how alone or dry the desert might be around them, as long as they had each other and loved, they’d be more than just fine, they’d be one another’s desert flowers. 
 Later that night, the warm summer breeze still filled the atmosphere, and by then everyone had retreated to their homes and comfy destinations, all except for Jake and his girl, who rested in the bed of his truck laying on thick white comforters while watching the stars above, which painted the sky beautifully. Poppy’s leg was thrown over Jake’s waist as she hugged him and laid her head on his chest, as Jake had his arm wrapped around her too, and he used the other hand to hold onto her thigh that was on his waist. He felt so much happier as he began to hear the soft snores coming from her pretty lips, it confirmed that no matter where they were, she trusted him to keep her safe in his arms, even in the put and opened, right beneath the stars that gave off a low light, that illuminated her skin. Jake then carefully moved his arm away from her thigh to pull the extra blanket on top of them, to keep them covered and comfortable, but Poppy either way woke up and lifted her head off his chest due to his shifting, but sent him a warm smile when she realized that he had covered them both. Tilting her head down to meet his lips with hers, they brushed together as she sighed happily,
  “I’m so happy you’re my family Jake, you love and take care of me, and make me feel super safe.”
 Lifting his head up slightly to press a firm kiss to Poppy’s lips, Jake replied,
  “And I’m happy you trust me. And believe me Poppy, I’ll protect your life with mine at all costs, I’ll keep the birds and bugs away from my desert flower, and I’ll make sure she blooms and flourishes like no other. You stand out in a desert, you follow the sun no matter the season, you give life in a place others only thought could give nothing.”
  Poppy’s tears landed on Jakes cheek then rolled down slowly as she took in his sweet words, it was rare when he said something so deep and meaningful, because he didn’t always know how to word out his passionate love for her. But she wiped his cheek gently with her fingers as she asked shyly,
 “I’m your desert flower baby?”
 Nodding while kissing her one last time before holding the back of her head to lay her down on his chest, Jake confidently said and promised,
  “You’ll always be my desert flower, strong and beautiful, the only one. And I’ll forever make sure you stay planted on good land and grow. I’ll always keep you flourishing and safe.”
  Squeezing his waist tightly Poppy awed,
 “You’re so amazing... thank you.”
 Keeping his hand on her head while the other held her tight Jake cooed,
  “And you’re my wonderful baby... I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
 Silence soon fell upon the two, as nature continued to treat them with its nice, warm breeze, settling in for them to have a nice, and peaceful night. Both in the comfort and safety of one another’s arms, they were lulled to sleep by the sound of one another’s heartbeats and soft sounds of nature that surrounded and embraced them lovingly.
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hopeamarsu · 1 year
First Meeting
Part of the Year of Themed Creation challenge by @yearofcreation2023
Javi Gutierrez x gn!reader (no pronouns) Word count 1,1k
Warnings Bad puns and flirting
Summary: The movie theater was empty when you stepped in. Taking advantage of the space, you chose a two-seater at the back of the room, thinking you wouldn't have to share. But all that could change before the film rolls.
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“Excuse me, but is this seat taken?” 
You looked up from your phone, startled. While waiting for the movie to start, you’d been immersed in your phone, scrolling and liking and not realizing the theatre had filled out around you. 
You’d chosen a two-seater in the back for the extra space as it had been almost an empty room, but a quick sweep around the theatre told you claiming that was no longer an option. You turned back to the man, your eyes widening slightly as you recognized him in an instant. Hell, just last night you’d watched one of his latest interviews, marveling at the ease with which he answered questions aimed at him. 
Javi Gutierrez. Screenwriter, director, and star of an action flick that was wild for movies and even wilder since it had really happened in real life. 
He wasn’t yet a household name but after the success of his and Nicolas Cage’s movie detailing his life as part of a drug dynasty and the newest indie movie blockbuster he’d written, his handsome face had become known in the papers and on social media. But you had never in a million years thought you’d run into him on a late-night showing of an old black-and-white film in a theatre that was way off the beaten track. It was not how things were done in your life; celebrities of his status didn’t visit the same places as you did. 
But here he was, his soft curls falling on his forehead and with a shy, hopeful smile on his face. He was holding a drink and a small popcorn bucket close to his chest, obviously trying to look as unthreatening as possible. Or maybe as unrecognizable as possible? Either way, he was clearly trying to minimize himself in some way. 
His eyes flitted to the seat and you groaned inwardly, understanding dawning that you were ogling and not answering his polite question. With a quick nod and murmuring “of course”, you shuffled your jacket between yourself and the armrest, freeing the space for him. 
Hyperaware of the loveseat dimensions, you waited nervously for the seconds that it took Javi to sit next to you, your knees almost pressing against one another. He moved, placing the drink on the holder and his thigh flexed and rubbed against you. On impact, you couldn’t hold in the small gasp when electricity shot through your body. He whipped back your way, his deep brown eyes wide as they raked your face quickly, searching for your anger perhaps. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, sounding remorseful. “The seats are…” Javi gestured helplessly between you two and you could practically see his muscles tighten in an attempt to be even smaller. Not take any more space than he had to. It made your heart squeeze and you relaxed in your own posture. 
“No worries,” you waved him away, hoping to alleviate his worries, your own shoulder now pressing against his. “I’m okay. We’ll make it fit.” 
The second your words registered in your mind, mortification struck. Had you just … Had you just said a double-entendre to Javi Gutierrez? The man you had crushed on from the first interview you had watched him do? Could you be any more embarrassing?
And to top it all up, what you had said was sexual innuendo at its worst. Fighting the urge to cover your face with your hands, you tried to move so that he couldn’t see you, but the action only pushed your ass firmer into his thigh. You could hear his sharp intake of breath and another wave of embarrassment washed over you. Sweat gathered at the nape of your neck as seconds passed, and neither of you spoke. Tick, tick went the clock as you struggled to gather your scrambled brain, growing more and more agitated. 
Fuck! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Say something, you urged yourself, panicking. 
“I’m so sorry!” You finally wheezed out after an eternity. Could you be swallowed by the Earth now? A portal appearing out of nowhere and Wong could whisk you away? Hell, you’d take a sudden earthquake that would split the loveseat in two right about now — anything to escape the humiliation. 
“No need,” Javi whispered back, trying and failing to hide the eagerness in his voice. “I like how you feel up against me.” 
Your head spun up, eyes wide, watching as the man blushed but held your gaze nonetheless. Just as you were about to speak, ask if he was mocking you or flirting for real, the lights in the theatre dimmed, hiding him in shadows. But you could feel him close, inching his way ever closer, and as your bodies pressed together from knee to shoulder, you knew it was no accident. 
He was warm and solid against you, the heat of his skin permeating yours even through the layers of your clothing. It was the sort of warmth you wanted to curl up against and never leave. Javi leaned in closer and your eyes fluttered shut, the darkness in the theater sealing you into a private bubble. 
Hot breath traveled the shell of your ear, bringing a wave of shivers in its wake. “Will you…” the honeyed voice whispered just as the previews started and a logo appeared on the screen. Javi paused for a second, perhaps to search for the correct words to convey what he wanted and the suspense left you hanging by a thread. 
“Will you allow me the pleasure of joining me for a glass after the showing? I would love to explore the movie and our feelings about it with you afterward.” Each word was like liquid fire and you shivered as they licked your neck and ear. 
He should’ve sounded cocky and overly confident with the way he used the word feelings, but something in his voice made you think the exact opposite. Javi was clearly nervous about your answer, despite the bravado he tried to insert into the question. You also got the sense he held himself back after the question, afraid of maybe coming on too strong. 
You held all the power in this moment, you thought. He was confident enough to ask, but not confident enough to assume you’d accept. You had the power to turn him down or jump with him into the unknown and he would accept either result with ease. He wanted it but didn’t dare to take it. 
It was that exact duality of this man, the intriguing mix of alpha and omega in the same space that made you agree instantly to his proposal. Your husky yes made him shiver, visible even in the dim light of the opening credits. 
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divider by @firefly-graphics
Year of Firsts masterlist
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vanemando15 · 2 years
She’s Got The Ticket - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)
Word Count: 4500+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.
A/N:  Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Here we go :)
To my helpers thank you all @musings-of-a-rose @icanbeyourjedi @mypascalito975
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Over the next couple of weeks, you and Javi got closer, but nothing went beyond that; it was just straight work oriented. Your partnership was spectacular. You complimented each other. Not having anyone to go home to, late nights for both of you was becoming the new norm. Every night a different take out place for dinner. Javi and you would eat in his office and have late conversations whether it was work related or personal. Each one of you is fighting through your feelings towards each other. Lust filled glances exchanged throughout the day at each other, but that path was never crossed between the both of you.. Since that night at your apartment ,the almost kiss was never mentioned or even tried again. It was as if nothing happened. You were starting to like him more, but you didn't know if he felt the same about you.
Thursday night
“Come on Val! You need to come to my wedding! I haven’t seen you since you left.” She yelled across the phone.
Lea, a family friend from back home, was the only person that knew almost everything that was going on in your life, especially about your new crush. Finding out that she was engaged made you feel excited and happy for her. Finding out that she was having her wedding in Cali, her fiance's hometown made you unsure that you wanted to go. After the struggles of this past year going to a wedding was something that you didn’t want to be part of. 
“I don't know Lea. I’m swamped at work.” As much as you wanted to see Lea you weren’t in the mood to celebrate love especially having to go alone. 
“Oh with that hot agent of yours?”
Flustered by her response, you quickly shut it down. “What?! No! Nothing has happened between us since that night. He hasn’t mentioned or said anything about it since then”. It had been weeks since that night. Even though your work relationship with him did become better, it just stayed that way “professional”. The commissioner noticed a difference in your partnership. The both of you complimented each other.
“Wait a minute. You are going to tell me since that night nothing has happened between you two? Don’t you both work late every single day? He hasn’t made a move?? What’s wrong with him?” Lea was persistent in wanting answers from you. 
“We are trying to be professional Lea. Plus, I was the one that didn’t want it to go further.” You lean against the wall, hand to your face in defeat. You did want it to go further, but did Javi even feel the same?
“Come on, woman!. From what you have told me that man has a reputation for fucking every woman he sees walk right by him. You need to unwind from the craziness that is happening, and my wedding is the perfect excuse. Ask him to come with you. I’m sure he'll say yes.”
You started fidgeting the phone cord and questioning if you should ask him.  “I don’t know, I'll think about it and let you know.” 
“Just do it, Estrellita! Where is the confident, resilient woman that I grew up with. What’s the worst he can say? No!” Lea was giving you the courage that you needed. Maybe it was worth a shot at asking him.
The next day
Words couldn’t describe how nervous you were coming into work. You were extremely nervous to ask Javi to go with you. Since it was Friday you had the perfect game-plan. You were going to leave early to go dress shopping and before leaving you were going to ask him. If he said no to save the embarrassment you had two days without having to see him and if he said yes…. well you weren’t sure how to react to that because you were sure that he was going to say no. 
Grabbing your items and heading out, you walk into Javi’s office, he looks up at you and checks his watch for the time.
“Wow, is it dinner time already? What are we eating today?”
You started to fidget with your blouse feeling so nervous to ask him.
Looking puzzled at you Javi reacts. “Estrellita, what's wrong? You seem nervous. Is everything ok?”
“Um.. yes I’m fine. I need to ask you something.”
Javi took out the food menus from his drawer and started looking over them “Ok? Do you not want Chinese again? I’m not in the mood for that.”
Speaking in a low tone “Javi..”
Continuing to look through the menus “What about Cuban food? I’m kinda in the mood for a good Cuban sandwich.”
Your tone got a little louder. “Javi! I need to ask you something.”
Giving up on looking at the menus he put them down on his desk and looks back at you with a frustrated face “What’s going on?” 
This was your shot, all or nothing at this point. “Are you doing anything this weekend Javi?”
“Not really why do you ask?”
“Remember my friend Lea who I had mentioned?” 
Confused by your comment he started passing his fingers through his mustache trying to understand what was going on with you “Isn’t that your friend from back home?”
“Right!  Yeah well she is getting married here in Cali this weekend. She invited me to come but I have no one to go with and I wanted to see if you would like to come with me.” Finally asking him you felt a huge relief but yet you were still a little nervous with his response to your question. Your nerves cause you to start rambling. 
“I mean, I know it's last minute. It’s ok if you don’t want to go. I know with everything going on I'm sure you wouldn't want to go. I would completely understand. I just figured …….”
Javi gets up from his chair and puts both of his hands on your arms. His hands felt soft, bringing you a sense of calm, even though you knew he was about to turn you down.
“Estrellita, relax. Of course I will go with you. Why wouldn’t I go? We're friends.”
You suddenly felt deflated hearing him say “friends”. This was not the reaction you were expecting. Having the interpretation that there was something between the both of you made you believe that the wedding was the opportunity to explore that but you were completely wrong. 
“Right! Friends! Of course we are. That’s what friends are for.” Tears slowly began to pool in your eyes and you needed to get out of there quickly before Javi noticed. Backing away slowly towards the door, Javi's hands fell from your arms. 
“Estrellita, are you ok?” He asks. 
“Yes I am. I gotta go, it's getting late.”
The door was closed and now you just smacked yourself into it as you were heading out. As embarrassed as you were already, this just made matters worse. 
Javi quickly came to you to see if you were ok. “Shit Estrellita are you ok? Did you hurt yourself”
“Javi, I'm fine. Clumsy me! By the way It’s tomorrow. Dress formally. Pick me up at 7 pm. Have a good night, see you tomorrow.” You opened the door and left his office more embarrassed than when you initially walked in. Javi leaned against the door as he saw you quickly leave his office. He wasn’t sure if he said the right things to you. I mean the both of you are friends but is it possible that it can be more? 
Turning into the nearest hallway you slammed yourself against the wall and slowly fell to the ground and started to cry from the embarrassment. Is he rejecting you for not kissing him the other night? What were you going to do? You can’t back away now. You can’t uninvite him. You now have to take the heat and go to this wedding with your “Friend” Javi. You sat on the floor for a couple of minutes trying to compose everything that just happened in Javi’s office. Hearing the words ,“That’s what friends are for '' felt like your heart was ripped open and broken into pieces. Seeing how he was with you  these past couple of weeks, you  truly thought that there was a connection between the both of you, but after what you just experienced maybe it's best to just leave it as “Friends”. After a couple of minutes, you finally composed yourself, got up and headed toward the door. With a smile on your face, you were determined to get pretty and have a good time at this wedding with Javi, even though nothing was going to happen between you. 
The next day… 
Javi’s apartment
Figuring out a suit for Javi to wear was pretty easy for him to find because his whole closet was full of suits. With his new position in Cali the tight fitted jeans and casual shirts went out the window. You had told him it was formal wear so Javi had to level up his wardrobe for the occasion. He wanted to look somewhat different from how he looked at the office. Looking through his closet he was able to find a navy blue fitted suit. The suit fit him well. He knew that you had not seen him in this suit. He matched it with a dark blue silk shirt underneath. He didn’t feel like wearing a tie; he wore that plenty every single day. He added some black dress shoes that were just collecting dust in the back of his closet. The whole outfit seems to form to him, hugging him in all the right places. He was contemplating on shaving but he remembered that you had complimented his dark shadow and the little goatee so he decided not to shave it off. 
As he was getting ready thoughts started brewing in his mind. He wasn’t good with relationships. His type of relationship was just one night stands and nothing further. Accepting your invitation to this wedding was a nice thing to do. It would be a good distraction for him. He hadn’t had a free weekend in months and yet he was quite excited to go out and not have to think about work and everything going on with the cartel. 
Your apartment
It was 6:45pm and you were putting the finishing touches to your makeup. You had told Javi at 7 so time was limited. 
You wanted to look your best not just to impress Javi, but you also wanted to feel beautiful for once. In your past relationship with Rey you always tried to look on point for Rey and he never gave you a compliment, which was one of the things that you hated about him, but yet you still wanted to marry him. After you had humiliated yourself in front of Javi you left the office and went dress shopping at a local shop that was near to your apartments. You were able to find a blue silk dress that hugged your body in all the right places. Even though you were still hurt by his “friends'' comment you knew you had to put a smile on and have fun tonight. Panic started to creep in as you noticed that 7 was nearing.
Whiskey! I need that. Maybe that will loosen me up.
Javi had gifted you his favorite bottle after completing your first mission together with a note that said:
“Thank you for everything you did. To many more. When in doubt, have a glass.”
Doubt is what you had and liquid courage is what you needed. You weren't a  whiskey drinker, wine was more your thing. The whiskey went down smoothly and didn’t have a wacky after taste. Javi was right, when in doubt have a glass. After taking your last sip you look at your kitchen clock.
Shit! 6:55pm Javi will be here any minute! I better hurry. 
You headed towards the bathroom to put on final touches on your hair. Nerves were getting the best of you. You  take a couple of deep breaths to relax. Visions of how dapper Javi will look in a suit were coming to your mind. You were hopeful that he wouldn’t wear one of his everyday suits. Thinking of how good looking he can look sends ecstasy down your body. You force yourself to remember that a decision was made not to go any further and this was a friend's date. This was what was best for both of you.
Back at Javi’s
Javi looked at his watch and noticed it was 7pm. He quickly put on his favorite cologne, looked one last time at the mirror made sure everything looked good and headed out the door. He slowly took the stairs down to your apartment. Making sure he didn’t show any sweat he didn’t rush down the stairs. Arriving at your door thoughts started passing through his mind: 
There can’t be anything between us. 
I like her and I think she likes me back but we can’t be anything. 
We have to be very professional. 
You are here accompanying her to this party.
Nerves start kicking in. He starts fixing his suit and finally knocks on your door.  
We are friends.
We are going to have fun tonight.
What could go wrong?
You open the door and he couldn't believe his eyes. 
“Hi Javi! You look very handsome.” 
I’m fucked. 
At your apartment
Javi was speechless when you opened the door. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing you looked like a goddess. He couldn’t believe his eyes as the blue dress hugged all your curves. The dress was a little risky because it had a high slit which was going to immediately make all eyes go on you. To complete your look, you were wearing a matching necklace with a pair of silver heels. Thinking of you as a friend was slowly going out the window in Javi’s mind. 
“Wow! ” as he was standing at the doorway. “You look….” 
He pauses as he sees a different version of you that he hadn’t seen since he met you.
You blushed and smiled at his comment. 
“You look amazing yourself. It’s very nice to see you in a suit other than that khaki suit you wear.”
Javi chuckled at her joke. 
“Holy shit you look like a goddess.”  Javi starts to ramble and quickly corrects himself. 
“I mean, I’m sorry. You look beautiful.”
You smiled because you didn't want to laugh as you noticed that it seemed Javi was nervous. 
“Thank you Javi.” 
He extended his hand towards you “Umm, yeah. Ready to go?”
“Yes, let's go” as you intertwined his fingers with his and headed towards Javi’s truck. 
Later on that night
The wedding was beautiful. Lea did a great job designing everything from flowers to the party favors on the table. The ceremony itself was stunning. The ballroom was decorated with multiple chandeliers across the dance floor with a string quartet playing in the corner. It's what you had hoped for if you had gotten married to Rey. Watching two people that loved each other made you think what could have been. As the night went on the music started going. At any other party you were always the first person on the dance floor but tonight you weren’t in the mood to dance. You were noticing from the corner of your eye Javi staring at you. You had a contagious smile that Javi couldn’t shake off and everything that he was thinking of not doing with you now was the complete opposite. 
He needed a drink to settle down. “Do you want something from the bar?”
“No, but thank you Javi.” 
While waiting for his drink at the bar, he was approached by a very good looking blonde woman. 
“Hi there.” 
He cracks a small smile. 
“Are you here for the bride or groom?”
“I’m here for the bride.” 
The blonde really seemed like she had more than too many drinks because she was slurring her words a little. 
“Are you here alone, hot stuff?” 
Javi looks back to see you and for the first time, he realizes that you were more than his work partner. He really wanted something with you. All the thoughts that he had of not pursuing anything with you went out as soon as you  opened your apartment door. As the blonde woman approached him he started to feel uncomfortable but quickly answered her question.
He turns to her while grabbing his drink and with a firm answer replies “Yes, I am with someone. Have a good night.” He slowly walked away from the bar leaving the woman behind. He casually sits back down next to you and the mood changes as Purple Rain comes out through the speakers and couples start approaching the dance floor. Javi needed the perfect time to make his move; this was his shot.  He stood up from his chair and turned to you.
“What are you doing Javi?” 
“Dance with me.”
He stretched his hand towards you and stared into your eyes. He looked genuine and truthful. You gave him a small smile while presenting your hand. Your fingers intertwined together as both of you moved towards the dance floor. He pulled you close to his chest and laid his other hand on your hip. You gently place your cheek on his as you close your eyes to make sure you savor the moment. The sensation didn’t bother you at all - Javi didn’t seem to mind it either. This was the moment that the both of you were waiting for.
The song felt like it was being played just for them. Every lyric matched what Javi was feeling. It was in that moment that Javi realized he was falling for you and hard. He never felt these emotions for anyone, not even Lorainne. It was starting to become romantic but the both of you were hesitant still having that thought that this would interfere with your work relationship. Javi looking at you the way he did in this moment made all those thoughts go away. Something inside of him burned and he started to feel a strong sense of happiness. 
As the song was slowly coming to an end you both separated from each other and looked into each other's eyes. There was a surge of emotions that were passing through you. The look that Javi had on you was not the look you had seen from him. He didn’t seem like Agent Javier Peña - he looked like Javi the man that almost kissed you that night. Could this be the moment that you were waiting for? Was this the moment that Javi needed to really take things forward with you? Lost in transition, you look at Javi.
“Javi, are you ok? Do I have something in my face?”
Javi lets out a small smile and locks his eyes on your lips. He pulls you closer to his chest and whispers in your ears.
“You just look extremely beautiful.”
You clear your throat not knowing what to say. 
“Thank you, Javi. You look extremely dapper tonight. I am really glad that you came with me.”
“I am glad you invited me. This has been an amazing night.”
Both sets of eyes were locked to each other. A rush was going through each of your bones. You made Javi weak and tender. Being here with you made him forget everything that was going on. The whole drug war didn’t matter to him at the moment. He felt at peace with you. All his rules just went out the window the moment he realized what he was about to do. 
He really wanted to kiss you. He didn’t want the moment to be fast. He really wanted to savor every inch of you. He was hesitant to do it but he did it anyway - this was his chance. He leans into you with his hand on your waist, he dips down to you and places his lips on yours. He retreated back a couple of inches as you both looked at each other. Without hesitation you couldn’t resist and grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back into another kiss. You slid your tongue over the seam of his mouth and whimpered as the kiss became more passionate. He tasted amazing. The mix of cigarettes and whiskey aroused you in places that you had never felt before from anyone.  Not caring that the song had finished and everyone was dancing around them, you broke the kiss and smiled at Javi. It took everything from Javi not to go back for more; to keep from pressing his tongue into your mouth. What was coming next was something that the both of them would never regret doing.   
“You want to get out of here?” He asked you.
“I would love to.”
You grabbed your purse and while holding each other's hands you headed out to Javi’s truck.  
Javi raced back to your apartment and the both of you were excited for what was about to happen. As you arrive at your place he hops off and runs to your side and opens your door and reaches his hand for you to get out of the truck. He was acting like a true gentleman. Both of your hands were locked on each other as you head towards the main door of the building. Smiling back and forth, not looking away from each other.
“Would you like to come in Javi?” you ask biting your bottom lip, hoping that the line was going to be crossed.
"I would love to." He responded in return. 
Upon arriving at your door you were nervous as you looked for your keys to your apartment. He hasn't kissed you since you left the party. You really didn’t know what to expect from him as you found your key and opened the door. As the both of you entered and you placed your purse and keys on the counter and without hesitation he turned to you quickly and his lips were on yours. This kiss was different from the kiss before. The first one was soft, this kiss was a hungry kiss. He pulled you back and looked at you. You had never ever been so lost on someone before.
He kissed you again and you relaxed wondering if you were dreaming. He parted his lips from you as he spoke to you. 
"Are you sure about this? If it’s not okay please let me know."
At that moment he felt honest and worried at the same time. This didn’t seem like the playboy womanizer that you had heard of from the office. You felt that Javi was a caring man who was falling for you. 
“Yes” you responded to him. Without speaking another word he pulled you in and kissed you deeply. His hands felt so warm as he slid them up and down your hips. He slowly turned you around to undo your dress. He would kiss every inch of your neck. As you picked up your hair he slowly grabbed the zipper and started pulling it down. He caressed every single body part as he pulled it down your body. The dress fell to the ground and you carefully made your way towards him while wearing nothing but black laced panties. You raised your arms to wrap them around his neck and Javi nuzzled his nose on the back of your neck. His eyes couldn’t get away from you. You felt like something was going to explode from your chest. Your lips parted as you grabbed his hand and led him towards your bedroom. When you arrived you gently kissed him one more time as he was taking off his belt and pants you started to unbutton his shirt and you slowly placed your hands on his chest and pushed his shirt off. He cursed under his breath as the both of you slowly moved towards the bed. Javi pressed up against you,  
His warm breath was driving you crazy as he would kiss you around your neck and slowly head his way down to your sternum. You slowly rolled your hips against him and you both gripped each other tighter. You grab his face in your hands and angled it upwards so you can kiss him again. With every press you let out a low moan. He wanted you badly as he slipped his hands and started rubbing over your panties. You were soaked with your arousal. He would tease you and he hoped that he wouldn’t come right there and then by just touching you. He pushed your panties down and slid a finger inside you. You cried out as his digit began to slide inside you and the bottom of his palm rubs on your clit. 
You were on cloud nine, floating through the air as  he gently pressed your clit hitting spots that no one has ever touched. His touch was firm but gentle. As he pushed his two fingers into you he would kiss your neck, pressing his lips and tongue against your soft skin just below your jaw and down to your shoulders. 
“Javi…” you moaned softly.
You lost full control of your body and you were to the point of passing out as you were slowly reaching your peak. He brought his hand to cradle your face. He then began to pepper kisses down your throat, chest, your breast, sucking on your nipple. Javi then moves to your other nipple to give it a gentle tug with his lips and kisses you down to your belly button. He stops below it and looks up at you with parted lips as if to seek permission to keep going. You slightly run your fingers in his hair giving his head a gentle tug down. The corner of his lips lift in a small grin. Javi slides two fingers into you thrusting them in and out while he would work his tongue on your clit.  Javi couldn’t get enough of you. You were losing yourself and there was no turning back. He moved his tongue repeatedly over your clit. He wanted to taste more so he buried his face in your pussy. You gasped as you were trying to keep up with everything Javi was doing to you. You wanted more from him as you  grabbed a handful of his thick brown hair. The more he sucked and licked you, the harder it was for you to not move your pelvis to the rhythm of his tongue. 
“Fuccck Javi, I’m g-going shit I'm  going to c-come”. 
It’s pure ecstasy and adrenaline courses through your whole body and you’re sure your surroundings go dark. Javi cleans you out with his tongue and brings his body up onto yours. He kissed you, tasting your arousal on his lips. He pressed his forehead on yours and both of your breaths were in unison. Javi slowly slides his cock into you and begins to thrust. Javi was a mess, overwhelmed with pleasure as he nestled deep in your body. Everything that the both of you were feeling towards each other was finally being exposed. 
Javi felt his walls closing around him as an orgasm was slowly approaching. He captured your lips again and swallowed down on your moans. The angle that he was thrusting you in was hitting your clit perfectly and sensually. Your body was trembling as your arms gripped him tighter around his shoulder. You were almost on the edge again.
“Fuck, baby,” he rasped.  “You are amazing, I just can’t stop.”
“Javi kiss me now” you demanded from him.
He kissed you, slow and deep as he kept pushing into you. Javi was feeling that you were about to come and it took everything for him to not unload on you yet. He wanted to be in this moment forever with you. He gripped your thighs and then held onto your hips to pull you closer for a harder thrust. He slowly started picking speed and you braced yourself for what was about to come. At this moment you were so wet that Javi kept slipping out. You placed both of your hands on your headboard as the both of you moaned from extreme pleasure as Javi places the last couple of thrusts before they both come undone. Javi collapsed on you with a heavy sigh and you kissed the top of his head sliding your fingers through his hair. He laid down next to you as you. You both laid quiet with only each other’s breaths for a few minutes as the both of you were exhausted. You wrapped your arms around his neck, gave him a small kiss on his forehand and fell asleep.
The sun was rising as hours had passed and you were still cuddled next to him asleep. Javi was wide awake. As he stares back at you still sleeping, thinking about the amazing night that the both of you experienced. He didn't want to leave but he felt guilty here. He knew that having a relationship and working together was not part of your function and this was going to be a one time thing but at the same time he couldn’t resist how beautiful you looked last night. Staying here, staying here with you was what he really wanted and that scared him. Could he actually have true feelings for you? He didn’t want to let his walls down so easily. He placed a kiss on you and slowly pulled out of bed and put his clothes back on. As he headed towards the door he took a look at you as you were sound asleep and hoped that you wouldn’t get mad at him for leaving but also hoped that this could happen again.    
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Congrats on the followers my friend!! You deserve all of them and many more!
I'd like to request a little something with Javier Peña, with the prompt "I can't stop thinking about you" (from dialogue prompts to make readers swoon). I'll let you decide how sweet or spicy it is, just however it strikes you. 😘
Thank you, and congrats again!!
Oh my gosh, JEN!!!! I love you so much! I hope you enjoy this slow-burn, sprinkling-of-angst-with a happy ending!
Here is a sweet "confessional" story for Javier x female DEA agent under the cut!!
The bar was half-empty, or half-full, you weren’t quite sure. And maybe it didn’t matter anyway, since you only had eyes for the man with the mustache across the table from you. He stubbed out his 5th (or was it 6th?) cigarette of the night into the amber glass ashtray on the table. You watched him purse those perfect lips and blow the stream of smoke up and away from the booth. His coffee-brown eyes came back to yours, the depths of them muted in the blue neon lights. You stared just a beat too long, and then blinked.
You shifted your attention to the table and stirred the last of your drink with your straw, watching the half-melted ice swirl in a lazy circle. Maybe tonight you would tell him how you felt. You lifted your eyes just in time to see Javier turn his head away from you to watch a very attractive woman walk by. He followed her with his eyes until she was out the front door.
Maybe not.
Javier turned back to you and waved over your head at the waitress for another round.
“You really want to stay?” You couldn’t hide the little bladed edge of irritation in your voice. Whether you stayed at the bar or not, you didn’t want to be around Javier any longer than you had to. You saw enough of him at work, and you weren’t interested in being his ‘pity date’ on a Friday night just because Steve couldn’t make it out for drinks.
Javier frowned at you, “I thought we were supposed to be celebrating tonight, amiga. Big win with the arrest warrant this week, remember? Why are you so cranky?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, and then rubbed your tired eyes. “It’s been a long week, and I just don’t feel very festive tonight. Okay?”
The waitress brought your drinks and Javier tossed a few bills on her tray. You picked up your third drink (fourth?) and watched Javier watch the waitress walk away. You downed your drink in record time and stood. “Right, I’m going home.”
“Already? We just got here.”
You snapped, “No, you just got here, I’ve been here all night, watching you watch other women. Not as much fun for me as it was for you. I’m done.”
You made for the ladies room and peed, then sat there for an extra two minutes, hoping that Javi would be gone by the time you got back out. You only got up when another woman needed the stall. You washed your hands as slowly as you dared, then dried them carefully and reapplied your lip balm at a snail’s pace. The face in the mirror looking back at you was your own, just sadder and more tired than you had seen her in a while.
When you finally emerged, Javier was right there waiting for you. He was leaning back against the wall opposite the ladies room, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed at the ankle. Anyone who didn’t know him well would have thought he looked casual. You knew he was pissed off. The moment you swung the ladies room door open and stepped out, his dark eyes were on yours. It took your breath away, just for a moment, but that was long enough for him to unfold himself and take your upper arm in his strong grip.
“I’ll make sure you get home safe. I can’t let you travel home this late by yourself, Agent.” Agent. Fuck, he really was pissed.
You didn’t argue, partly because you knew he was in that mood, and partly because of the sensation of his hand, large and warm, wrapped firmly around your arm just above your elbow. It wasn’t painful, but something about feeling how strong his hands were, how he gripped you sent your mind running to the same places it had been running to for months.
Javier propelled you out of the bar to his car, opening the front passenger side door and standing like a sentry until you were tucked in and belted, then he closed the door with a pop. Neither one of you spoke until he parked the car on the ground floor of the garage at the DEA apartment block. Your apartment was just down the hall from Steve and Connie, two floors up from Javier. It was cozy, mostly. Nice to have neighbors who you already knew. Not nice when someone had a crush on someone else and couldn’t avoid them.
Javier turned the engine off and broke the silence first, “I’ll walk you to your door.”
You bit your lips together and nodded, sucking in a deep breath through your nose. Bad idea. The smell of Javier settled deep in your sinuses and stayed there: his cologne and cigarettes and the breath mint he was chewing, and something uniquely him, all of them mixing and intensified in the still air of the car. You blew the long breath out through your mouth and it took most of your hurt feelings with it.
You turned to him but you both spoke at the same time and chaos reigned for a moment.
“Why didn’t you want me looking at-”
“I’m sorry, Javi, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, you go first-”
“No, you can- Wait, what?”
Normally you would have laughed together and cleared the air, one of you deferring to the other to speak first. This time there was something tense. You had been on the verge of apologizing for snapping at him, a means of smoothing things over while sweeping your own discomfort under the rug. You’d hoped that if you could apologize for being sharp, you could get back to ‘normal’ and just be work partners. Like how it was before your heart got in the way. You thought maybe if you just did that enough, buried everything deeply enough, Javier would never guess how you felt.
And if Javier had been any other man, that might have worked. But he wasn’t the type to feign shyness to help ease your own shyness. Another man might have chuckled and looked away from you, played with his hands on the steering wheel to pass a few awkward seconds. Javier used those deep brown eyes to pierce your defenses and asked you the direct question you had been dreading since your outburst at the bar.
“Why didn’t you want me to look at other women?”
You paused, keeping your breathing even. You blinked a few times but you didn’t look away.
“I don’t care. Look at whoever you want. It’s none of my business.” A lie. And he knew it. And worse yet, you knew that he knew it.
“No amiga, you do care. Or at least you did half an hour ago.” You hated how intense he could be, so calm on the outside while he drew secrets out of panicked people via interrogation. “What is it that you don’t want me to know? What are you not telling me?”
“Nothing.” You put a hard backing to your next words. “Drop it.”
You turned and opened your door, not waiting for Javier to follow as you speed-walked from his car across the parking garage. You slammed through the door to the lobby and took the stairs two at a time to your floor, telling yourself it was necessary exercise, part of staying in shape for foot chases… not avoidance, not the fear of facing Javier and telling him your embarrassing truth. You heard his footsteps land a moment behind yours, and you didn’t bother holding the stairwell door for him. He caught it on the backswing and was just a step behind you as you approached your door.
“I can get inside from here just fine. Good night.” You spoke your words to the keys in your hand, to your doormat, anywhere but to him.
He reached a hand out to hold your wrist, and it was the most gentle touch he had ever laid on you. It matched his low murmur of, “Hey. Wait…”
You turned to face him, and you opened your mouth to repeat the lies, the denials, to try to say something that would brush over tonight’s embarrassment with a clean sweep and let you face yourself and him in the morning. But the look on his face, the way his eyes were soft instead of probing, the whisper of his touch on your wrist when normally he was rough with his high fives and his handshakes… suddenly your voice didn’t work.
Javier looked at you the way that you had hoped for months that he would look at you, but it wasn’t how you wanted this to go. This painful reveal of innermost secrets and feelings. You wanted him to want you, to be bowled over by you, not to pity you or treat you like an idiot. But still, that look on his face, it struck something deep within you and you decided that you would take that look however you could get it.
You opened your mouth to speak and so did Javier, but this time instead of speaking at cross purposes, instead of a jumble of words tumbling into each other, you both said the exact same thing...
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Heat rose in your face at your own admission, at your absolute sureness that he would peel away from you, be upset at you for feeling too much, but the minute you realized his own words had matched yours, you felt the heat in your face ebb away, and before you could process it, before you could think, Javier mumbled a quick, “Fuck it,” and then his hand was on your waist and you were being pulled into his arms and you just went limp and let him kiss you.
The instant his second kiss landed, your brain came back to life and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him as deeply as you could, not breaking off even when your next-door neighbor’s apartment door opened, not when it closed again with a soft bang, and not until you felt Javier’s erection grazing your hip.
You finally broke the kiss, breathing out a high-pitched, “Inside?”
Javier grabbed you firmly around the waist and pulled you tighter. “Inside.” His voice was nearly a growl, and you felt your panties get hot and wet.
You took Javier inside your apartment, slamming the door behind you. And you finally confessed everything, with your lips and your body and your legs wrapped around him until the small hours of the morning.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Pain Is For The Living [Javier Peña x F!Reader] - Chapter 2 (SMUT)
Summary: Sex work in the heat of 1980’s Colombia was never going to be a walk in the park. Especially not when you had a crush on your number one client, agent Javier Peña. You’d been warned about him and his reputation, but after one very specific incident that would change your life forever, you find yourself attached to him like never before and you’d do anything to make him yours. Even if it means endangering your own life.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT (protected p in v), allusions to sex, reader works in a brothel, PTSD, anxiety, panic attack, mention of drugs, guns, character death, typical Narcos themes.
Word count: 4000>
Pain Is For The Living Masterlist
*reblogs appreciated! Ko-Fi in bio if you want to support me!
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The office was dead, like it had been for the last three weeks. No new leads. Nothing. The days dragged and honestly, it felt like the case was growing colder and colder. Escobar had gone completely off the grid, hiding out in La Catedral, his very own self-built prison in the depths of Medellín. But the DEA didn’t know that yet. So, they made an attempt to shift focus, at least just for now. After all, any narco they captured would be a win. They’d been tracing Juan Diego Diaz, otherwise known as La Quica, believing that the sicario would eventually lead them to Escobar himself. But La Quica was just as cunning as any other narco and following him was not an easy challenge. If it wasn’t for Steve Murphy, the DEA would’ve most likely shifted focus again - but Murphy and La Qucia went way back. In 1981, just a few years ago, La Quica shot dead Kevin Brady, Steve’s old partner back from Miami, and so to say that Steve had a personal feud against La Quica was an understatement.
Javier Peña didn’t realise he was about to gain a whole vendetta against him too.
Within a second, every phone in the damn embassy began to ring. Javier and his partner, Steve Murphy exchanged a glance, and their eyes trailed up to Horacio Carrillo who answered the call. “Colonel Carrillo,” he introduced himself. Javier and Steve watched as their colleague took in the information on the other end of the line. Carillo erratically gestured for a notepad and pen, and Steve quickly threw him one his way. “Wait, wait… are you sure? Are you sure you saw him? How many eyes? With another man? Who? Who?” Carillo pressed pencil to paper and began to scribble the details down. “How many dead?... Shit, okay. We’re on our way now.”
Carrillo slammed the phone down on the hook and took a deep breath, rubbing his hands over his face in dismay. “We got eyes on La Quica,” he announced, and Steve immediately grabbed the handgun from his desk drawer and shoved it into his jeans. The whole office cheered, apart from Javier and Steve. This was good news considering the DEA had no lead whatsoever for the past three weeks, but if Carrillo’s demeanor over the phone was anything to go by, Javier and Steve knew they shouldn’t be celebrating just yet. “No. No,” Carrillo chanted, raising his voice in order to silence the rest of the department. “Three hookers. Dead. Shot.”
Javier froze up completely as he processed the words.
“By La Quica?” Steve beckoned, his voice dripping with venom.
“We don’t know. But we have eyes on him. He was seen.”
“Where?” Javier asked finally, his face expression stone cold.
Carrillo eyed Javier up and down, swallowing a nervous lump in his throat. He knew it was the brothel that Javier frequented...and Javier Peña was quite unpredictable. So, after taking a brief moment to prepare for Javier’s reaction, Carrillo finally gave the name of the location. “Desiderio.”
Desiderio. It was the brothel where you worked. His eyes flicked over to the wallclock before his gaze met back with Carrillo’s dark eyes. He had literally been there, with you, two hours ago. If he had just gone two hours later… he could’ve put a stop to the attack. Hell, he could’ve been the one to find an arrest La Quica. But Javier’s hero complex was short lived when all he could think about was you.
“Do we have names?” Javier asked. “Who was killed?”
What if it had been you? What would Javier do then? You were younger than the other girls, polite and bright eyed. You were brand new to Colombia, and Javier swore you were too good for the dangerous life you had managed to get yourself caught up in. Being a sex worker in 1980’s Bogotá? It was only a matter of time something happened to you. 
“No names,” Carrillo confirmed. “Peña, with all due respect, I ask that you go in and investigate the scene. You know the girls better than anyone else in the department. Maybe you could identify some of the bodies.”
It was like time was frozen, and Javier felt sick to his core. Javier was used to death and bloodshed; this was a war on drugs - however, it hit different when it was close to home. When it was a place he had been, or it was people who he knew.
Javier Peña was a complicated man. He didn’t talk about himself or his feelings. Truth be told, he didn’t even let himself feel. But right now, as anger swirled in his stomach, he decided he wasn’t going to waste anytime at all. He paced back over his desk and grabbed his handgun before bolting to the car that was already waiting outside for him. All eyes followed Javier’s movements but no one dared to make a comment. Apart from Bill Stechner, of course.
“Not everyday you see the department of drug enforcement’s noted womanizer get worked up over a whorehouse shooting,” Bill commented, a smug grin playing on his lips. “Didn’t think agent Peña had it in him.”
“Shut the fuck up Bill.” Steve rolled his eyes, not even bothering to humour the CIA agent’s out-of-pocket remark. Everyone in the district knew about Javier Peña’s reputation with the ladies. But of course, you were new.
“The Search Bloc and I will go after La Quica. Steve, you stay on the down low with agent Peña and investigate the crime scene. We’ll have guards protecting you from outside the brothel.”
“I want to go after La Quica.” Steve argued but Carrillo pointed a finger.
“No. You stay with Javi. Partners,” Carrillo reminded the blonde haired man. “Besides, you’re the DEA’s best photographer.” Carrillo smirked, thrusting a Polaroid camera into Steve’s chest. Steve let out a low grumble in response, before shaking his head and following Javier out of the office. Partners. And right now, Steve saw the primal glint in Javier’s eye. Agent Peña was seeing red.
As both Javier and Steve were being transported to Desiderio, Javier made an attempt to dial a number on the carphone multiple times. Your number. Of course it was a dead line. And that only worked up Javier more. The never ending ringing sound signified that you weren’t there, and Javier’s heart was pounding against his chest. It was the same kind of adrenaline as when he found Helena tortured by Gacha’s men in Medellín. Steve knew better than to ask his friend who he was so desperately trying to call, but it was the last of his instincts to assume it was one of the sex workers from the brothel. Because renowned womanizer Javier Peña didn’t form attachments, especially not to women, right?
At some point or another, you had passed out. Maybe you’d cried yourself to the point of exhaustion. Maybe the reality of what you had seen had hit you like a ton of bricks and you had fainted. How could you possibly know? But when Javier and Steve stormed the lobby of your workplace, you were laying on top of Rosa’s body, as still as could be. And that’s when Javier’s heart sank.
You weren’t moving, and his mind shot to the worst possible outcome. He raced over to you and fell on his knees, dragging your body off Rosa and cradling you in his arms. You were absolutely saturated in your best friends blood, and by holding you, now Javier was too. He briefly glanced down at Rosa and placed a hand on her forehead, trying to feel for any sign of warmth -  any sign of life. Javi sighed and ran his hand through his dark locks of hair before bringing it back down to you. He cooed your name a few times, desperate to earn some sort of reaction. Thankfully, on the third calling, you stirred a little, indicating that you were in fact alive.
Your perfect eyes fluttered open and in that moment, Javi swore his heart stopped. Thank God you were breathing. “You’re safe now,” Javier whispered. “I’ve got you.”
“Javi?” you asked in disbelief. Surely not. The way he was holding you was the most affectionate he’d ever been with you, and it felt like a dream. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe you were dead and this was your journey to the afterlife. God was finally giving you a chance with the one you loved so much. You said his name again, raising a shaky hand to cup his cheek. You brushed your thumb over his jaw and along his mustache, and when you smelt his familiar musky cologne, you knew you were somehow going to be okay.
Javier picked you up and carried you back to the car. “We have a survivor!”
Steve replied but to you it was just a haze. You could hardly keep your eyes open and when you did, everything was a blur. Your clothes were stuck to your skin, due to the mixture of blood, sweat and tears. You knew the second you were outside because the orange setting son burned against your skin. You stirred and mumbled, but Javier smoothed out your hair and hushed you. He opened the back seat of the DEA car and lay you down.
“Hey, hey listen, I’m DEA,” Javier whispered. “I don’t talk about it, but I’m here to help you. I need to head back inside now and help my partner out, but I won’t be long. I promise.” As Javier turned to leave, you grabbed his hand and he looked back at you.
“Please don’t go.” you sniffed, tears free falling down your cheeks.
And normally, Javier would’ve shrugged it off. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t just stick around you because you felt unsafe. They had counsellor’s back at the embassy for that. All he had to do was use the carphone and call them out. It wouldn’t take him two minutes. The only problem was, Javier didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want anyone else to hold you and comfort you. He wanted it to be him.
So, he swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and slid into the back seat next to you. He maneuvered your body so your head was resting against his jean clad lap, and he continued to smooth out your hair. Despite your red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, you were still so beautiful.
“Hermosa, what happened back there?” he asked quietly after a moment. Between you and Javier, there was never an uncomfortable silence. It was his job to find out, but asking you straight up when you were so clearly traumatized, felt insensitive. Nevertheless, what else was there to say? He had to do it sooner rather than later.
“I’m sorry.” Javier mused, closing his dark brown eyes as he mourned.
“They killed Rosa,” you whispered shakily, doing your absolute best to remain composed and not fall back into an abundance of tears. Javier looked out the car window and held back a sigh. Well, he knew they killed Rosa already. “And Juliet and Martzia.”
Javier didn’t know who Juliet and Martzia were, but his heart sank at the revelation. Three deaths that could’ve been stopped.
“La Quica,” you croaked, and Javier’s head snapped to face you. “Was his name. But there were two, I think.”
La Quica… that was the name Carrillo had come up with. It was who the DEA had spent so much time looking for. But two? That was the first he’d heard of it. Carrillo and the cop department only had eyes on La Quica.
“Do you know the name of the other man? Or what he looked like?”
You did. At one point, his name rang like bells in your ears. He was friends with Rosa, or so you had thought. You knew his name… you knew his face until suddenly you didn’t. You couldn’t make sense of it or understand it, but it was like everything that happened back there had just become a fuzzy blur. It still hurt so much but… you couldn’t match actions to faces, or names to bodies. All you could see was Rosa and her sacrifice. All you could see was the way her body fell to the ground, crumpled up in a pool of her own blood. And then the screams and cries.
“Are you okay?” Javier asked due to the delay in communication. Your mouth felt dry and your fingers felt numb. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Listen, I can take you home, but the embassy is gonna want to interview you at some point in the near future. La Quica is dangerous, and I don’t know who this other guy is but I wouldn’t feel good about bringing you back to your apartment and leaving you there. I can send over additional security measures but, listen. I know you. And,” Javier took a deep breath not sure if he was about to regret the proposal. “If you’d prefer, you can come back to my place. Stay there for a few days. High security and you’ll be with me. Someone you know. I know that, if I was you, I wouldn’t wanna be alone right now.”
And for the very first time, your pretty plush lips curled into a smile. “You’d really do that for me?” You whimpered, nuzzling your face into his shirt.
“Of course.” Javier hummed, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead.
Was it unprofessional, inviting you over to live with him for the foreseeable future, the moment you had become an essential asset to the case? Yes. Fuck yes. But Javier Peña was not someone who played by the rules. He’d done this plenty of times before, when he shouldn’t have… but it was truly the right thing to do. Besides, you weren’t like any other informants. He knew you. He cared about you, more so than he’d like to admit.
You were very sleepy, and you couldn’t bring yourself to talk all that much. Javier understood better than anyone. He helped you out the car, carried you through the embassy apartment complex, unlocked his door (albeit with great difficulty), threw his keys haphazardly on the kitchen counter and gently plopped you down on the brown leather couch. Pulled out a crocheted blanket, he wrapped it over you, ensuring your warmth. He padded into the kitchen and filled you a glass of tepid water before looking in the refrigerator. Empty. Javier didn’t cook. In fact, he rarely even ate. When he did eat, it was take-out or fast food. Something quick and easy that he didn’t have to bother with. But now he had company. He sighed, and closed the fridge, glancing back at your sleeping body. He figured he’d have to go grocery shopping.
He picked up the phone and dialled Steve’s number, but his wife, Connie was the one who picked up. “Hey Con, Steve there?”
“Yeah. But he’s pissed with you Javi.” Connie sighed on the other end of the line. Javier scowled. He understood. It seemed like he pissed off people quite easily.
“Could you put him on?”
Connie didn’t reply but judging from the scuffling, Javier assumed she was handing the phone to her husband.
“Javi,” (“Steve,”)
“What’s up?” (“I need to ask you a favour,”)
“After today’s stunt? Not a chance.” (“Y/N was a mess, Steve. One of her best friends died in the shoot-out. I wasn’t just going to leave her,”)
“Javier Peña. Ever the hero. What do you need?” (Groceries. She’s gonna be staying with me for a few days. I can use the time I spend with her to gain her trust. Try and work out what exactly went on,”)
“Javi, she’s vulnerable. She’ll need therapy. You really want to use her as an informant?” (We’ll get her therapy from the embassy. Steve, I don’t think we have any other choice.”)
“I just think it’s a bad idea, but, it’s your call Peña.” (“I’m going to head to the market before it closes. Can you or Connie come over to watch her? She’s asleep so she won’t be much trouble.”)
“We have Olivia.” (“So bring her. Or don’t. I don’t care. Steve, please.”)
Javier waited patiently through a silence followed by a long sigh. “Okay Jav, but you owe us. We’ll be over in five minutes.”
“Thanks Steve, I’ll see you soon.”
Javier put the phone down on the hook quietly and padded back over to the sofa where you slept, crouching down and taking your hand. You didn’t deserve this. You were so soft and full of life, and everytime Javier saw you at the brothel you were always beaming. You were too good for this life. He knew you’d get hurt, one of these days, but that didn’t mean it was right. And suddenly, Javier was filled with vengeance. He couldn’t bear to think how the shoot-out would come to affect you, but he knew, in that moment, he would seek justice. Too many deaths, too close to home. Javier whispered your name, his breath fanning over your ear. You were somewhere in between consciousness. You could feel his presence but everything felt so dream-like. “If you can hear me, I’m going to head to the store. Buy us some food, okay? I won’t be long, and I have friends who will be watching over you. You’ll be safe, I promise.” Javier said before pressing another kiss to your forehead. He just couldn’t resist it. You stirred upon feeling the bristle of his mustache graze your skin and he drew his face away, not wanting to wake you completely.
“Hi Liv,” Javi cooed, leaning down to Steve and Connie’s little girl and pulling a face.
“So that’s her?” Connie asked, putting Olivia down.
“Yeah,” Javier sighed, and began to introduce you.
“Why do I get the feeling that you know her?” Steve quirked an eyebrow and Javier felt his cheeks flush with heat. “Are you one of her regulars?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yeah, I suppose I am,” Javier retorted, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Con, if I’m gonna cook her dinner, what would you recommend?”
Connie stifled a laugh before turning to Steve. “Steve, you hungry? Javier’s offering to cook.”
“Hey that’s not what I meant--”
“He does owe us…” Steve smirked. “Paella sounds good.”
Fucking paella. 
“I could just bring her Taco Bell,” Javier considered out loud.
“I like paella.” Steve reiterated.
“Me too,” Connie agreed. “Paella is delicious.”
“Everyone likes paella.” Steve commented.
“Oh my god would you shut the fuck up about paella?” Javier groaned, causing Connie and Steve to laugh in unison. 
“Make her paella and bring us the leftovers,” Steve grinned, patting his friend on the shoulder. “And be quick about it.”
“Whatever, Murph.” Javier sighed, rolling his eyes before grabbing his wallet and car keys.
Seeing Nina working as the supermarket cashier was the last thing Javier expected.
“Javi?” she smiled that familiar gorgeous smile, her eyes sparkling as she scanned through the items of food. “It’s so good to see you. Been a while.” she commented, her gaze not leaving the agent’s once. 
And for the first time in a long while, Javier smiled. The stress of the stake-out and investigating the brothel, and taking you home had been a lot on him, but seeing his ex-girlfriend helped bring him back down to earth. If Nina could even be called ‘ex-girlfriend’. It wasn’t ever official, but he and Nina had been fucking on and off for around 6 months last summer and Javier was actually committed to Nina during that time. She came into his life unexpectedly, to say the least.
“How long have you worked here?” Javier charmed as he bagged the groceries.
“Two months, it’s been good to get out of the house,” Nina grinned. “You're still working for the DEA I assume?”
“Yeah.” Javier hummed, quickly reminding himself of you and the way you were sleeping on his sofa. He looked back up from the bag of rice and at Nina. Come to think of it, she resembled you quite a bit. Same hair colour, eye colour, skin tone… only she wasn’t as distinct. She didn’t have that flare about her, like you did. Maybe Javier had a type after all. 
“I get off work now,” Nina announced, flicking her wrist upright and checking the time on her watch. “Are you busy or? I was thinking… it would be nice to catch up, maybe, if you wanted.” Nina ducked her head down awkwardly.
Javier didn’t forget about you once. He didn’t forget about the fact he had a traumatized sex worker sleeping on his couch, or how he’d invited his partner and his partner’s family over to watch over you while he got ‘groceries’. But catching up with Nina would be nice. The right thing to do would be to reject Nina, and perhaps make plans to see her when Javier wasn’t so swamped with work commitments (if he could even call you that). But this was Javier Peña. He supposed Steve and Connie could wait just a little while longer, besides, they’d never find out. Javier was a good liar. He could make up some excuse about having to travel to a different grocery store or something. So, he agreed.
Nina’s apartment had barely changed since she and Javier had ended things. Still quaint, decorated with plants in every corner and full bookshelves. It was a clash of tongues and teeth as Nina navigated inside of her home, not pulling away from Javier once. She moaned against his lips and he grabbed onto her back, pinning her against the wall and knocking a few things off the coffee table.
“Missed this,” Javier confessed, nudging his nose against Nina. In the moment, he’d forgotten why he’d ended things in the first place. Nina wrapped her hands in Javi’s dark hair and tugged on the locks at the nape of his neck. Javier groaned wantonly and reattached his lips to hers as she let her hands maneuver down his body, unbuttoning his shirt and working at the zipper of his jeans. “Fuck Ni.”
She pulled off him and began to discard her clothes. “Bedroom Javi, I have condoms.” she hummed, taking Javier’s hand and guiding him through her apartment as if he didn’t already know the way. He’d never forgotten, really. 
This was wrong. On so many levels, this was wrong. He should be back home, with you. If anyone was to find out about this… well, Steve would be furious, for a start. But Javier genuinely couldn’t stop thinking about you. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, because if he wanted to be with you so bad he could easily just go back to his place and sit with you on the couch. The idea of that wasn’t the worst in the world. But also, he was about to get laid by Nina who looked so much like you… he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
He was whipped. Thinking about your lips on his… your hands caressing his muscles. She might have resembled you, but she tasted different, her voice was different, and her attitude. She just wasn’t you. 
Once Javi was all wrapped up, he pushed into Nina, and settled deep, his movements rough and fast. He grabbed onto her tits and gave them a squeeze, but they just didn’t feel like yours. They’d do though, for now. His grunts and her moans filled the room as she chanted his name, and he could feel himself nearing orgasm. He dipped his head in the crook of her neck, biting down on her skin that just wasn’t as soft as yours, and as his dick throbbed inside of Nina, and when he reached his climax, he made the biggest mistake of all.
He gasped your name like it was the sweetest prayer to leave his lips. He was fucking Nina but shit, he said your name.
Javier Peña said your name.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor​ @pedro-pastel​
PIFTL Taglist: @blo0dangel​ @daisychainsinknots​ @shitilovestarwars​ @midnightartemis​ @layniapetrovnaaa​ @pulplorrd​ @obsessivelysearching​ @mustbeaweasleyginger​ @jennebeanfics​​ let me know if you wish to be added!
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter Five
Summary: It’s girls night at the Murphys’, Connie declares, since you, Lorena, and Connie all have this Friday night off. After meeting Steve, reader also discovers that she’s standing right above Javier’s apartment. 
W/C: 2.8k
Warnings: language and innuendo, brief mentions of sexual stuff but like, it’s brief
A/N: Well, this chapter is super cute and I really love it! Hope you guys like it like I do! Thanks to @remmysbounty​ for being my proofreader and giving me ideas, specifically for this night! This chapter is so cute you guys I love it! (this is the last fluff you’re going to get in this series for a while so... enjoy it now) this fic also really encouraged to me with my anxiety over wearing a scrunchie in public (I know I’m super lame), so thanks to @remmysbounty, @lunasblipsandblurbs and @mandoalorian for being my encouraging team and telling me that scrunchies are definitely still cool!!
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The bottle of wine on your counter looks more and more enticing as it grows closer to 6:30. You, Connie, and Lorena all had the luck of having this Friday off, and Connie had decided that a celebration was in order, inviting the two of you to her apartment. You’re excited: it’s a night with two of your favorite people in all of Colombia, and you finally get to meet Steve, who you’ve heard plenty about from both Javier and Connie.
As the hour draws closer, you decide to head over a little early. You and Connie had compared addresses and found that the two of you lived fairly close to each other, and you set out on your walk. 
When you reach the building, you walk inside and knock on the door with the number Connie told you. The door opens and reveals a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes- you think he could be Connie’s brother, you almost chuckle to yourself. “Hey,” the man says, a light southern drawl evident in his tone. “Connie, one of ‘em’s here,” he calls out into the apartment before letting you come in. “I’m Steve, nice to meet ya,” he says with a smile.
You introduce yourself and he nods, noting that the name is familiar. Connie rushes out, excitedly smiling as she sees you. “Hey!” she practically squeals, rushing to hug you before taking the bottle of wine you hold and setting it on the counter. “Well, you’ve met Steve now,” she chuckles, nodding at him, and he nods back. “He’s just going to be hanging around tonight.”
“Might get a beer with Javier,” he tells her, and she shrugs.
“Might as well. Just stay out of our way,” she threatens, a sweet smile on her face opposing her tone, but she laughs quickly. It’s simply the way the two of them interact, you can tell, and it’s kind of cute. 
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom quick?” You ask, and Connie nods.
“Oh, of course. It’s just down there and to the left,” she tells you, and you follow her directions.
As you sit on the toilet, you can hear them talking. You ignore it until you hear Javier’s name mentioned again, catching your attention.
Connie’s voice is muffled but clearly giddy. “That’s the one, Javier’s girl,” she tells him, and you can hear Steve give a little chuckle.
“She’s cute.” “She’s not just cute, she’s gorgeous,” Connie laments. “Has Javi talked about her?” “Nope.”
“You’re probably just too thick to even notice if he did anyway.” “Hey! And no, he hasn’t mentioned anything about her. I already mock him enough for his tastes. He likes her though, that much is clear. And he hasn’t even slept with her yet- impressive for him. That must take some self control for Jav.”
That makes you warm a little on the inside. He’s into you. You feel like a teenager, and you cover your mouth with your hand as you give out a little giggle. 
There’s a knock at the door moments later, and you can hear Lorena’s voice ringing through the apartment. You finish up in the bathroom and grin at the sight you return to: Connie and Lorena, in casual clothing, holding glasses of wine with a third one at the counter for you. The three of you chatter for a little, slowing it down for Lorena. She’s not a fantastic English speaker, but she’s fluent enough, and Connie isn’t great at Spanish.
A few minutes later, Steve grabs a six-pack of beers from the fridge and heads towards the door. “Heading to Javi’s,” he tells Connie, kissing her head as he passes your little group.
He opens the door, and you find it strange that the beer is all that he’s carrying. “No coat?” You ask, tilting your head a little.
“We should get you in the DEA. We need observant people. Everyone around there walks with their heads up their asses,” he chuckles and opens the door. “No,” he says and looks at Connie, as if asking why you don’t know. She shrugs and he shrugs back. “Javi lives just downstairs, apartment beneath us. Holler if you need anything,” he tells Connie and closes the door behind him. 
“Javier lives downstairs?” you ask, eyes widening and heart fluttering at the idea that you’re in such close proximity to him. “Steve is DEA?” Lorena asks, big eyes widening like yours did. 
Connie is suddenly feeling bombarded, her pale face flushing with a little red. “Uh, yeah. To both. You really didn’t know that, Lori?”
“You said he was a janitor!”
“Lori, they don’t send people from the U.S. down to Colombia just to be a janitor,” you tell her with a gentle chuckle. Lorena is innocent and naive, you and Connie both know that, but you’d figured growing up in Colombia during Escobar’s reign of terror would’ve made her at least somewhat more knowledgeable. “I just believed what you told me,” she murmurs and sips her glass of wine.
Javier cracks a beer open and immediately takes a swig. “Connie’s never been one for girls nights, has she?” he asks Steve. He usually comes down here if there’s a fight between the two of them, or if Connie’s working the graveyard shift and he needs a drinking partner, but a girls night hasn’t been a reason yet.
Steve shakes his head and opens his beer too. “Nope, not really. She’s got two new best friends now, looks like. One of them is that American girl she works with,” he says and raises an eyebrow, raising his bottle to his lips to take a drink. He says your name, drawing it out and watching Javier’s expression.
Javi sighs, though the thought of you being in the room above him is exciting. “We’ve been over this, Stephen. You can’t mess with me the way you think you can.”
“Yes I can, Jav,” he chuckles and kicks back on Javier’s couch, turning on the television. Javier sits down next to him with a bowl of popcorn, sighing and shaking his head. As the football match plays out in front of them, Javier’s mind keeps drifting to the apartment above him. He wonders what you’re wearing: he’s only ever seen you, but he’s thought about how you’d look in a nice dress, in jeans, in nothing at all and splayed out in his bed- stop, Javier, he has to remind himself. Focus on the football game, and pray that Steve needs something from upstairs.
As Connie gets up to get another bottle of wine, she picks up a bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter. “Damn. Steve was gonna give this to Javier tonight,” she says with a frown. It immediately forms a smile as she turns to you. “Why don’t you bring it down there for them?” She asks you, grinning ear to ear.
“Yes, I think they need it,” Lorena chimes in, nudging your shoulder with hers. 
You shake your head at her proposition, laughing. “Why don’t you bring it down there yourself?” you ask her as you finish your glass of wine, setting it down on the counter and giving her a pointed look.
Connie holds the whiskey out in front of you with a pout, blue eyes wide. “Come on! Don’t you want to see him?” She asks with a giggle, grinning ear to ear. “It’s easy. Tell them I’m making them- ooh, should I make cookies? Then we can get Javier to come up here and get them once they’re done and you can see him, Lori, he’s really cute.”
“I want in on the cookies!” You exclaim, mockingly offended.
“No cookies if you don’t go bring this to Javi,” Connie practically sings and wiggles the bottle in front of your face. “Come on. Just tell him I’ll call down there when they’re ready and he can come get him,” she asks.
You sigh and take the bottle from her. “What, are we 13? Do you want him to admit he has a crush on me?” You ask dryly, standing. “Maybe we can hold hands in the stairwell between classes,” you roll your eyes, though you’re smiling.
The two girls cheer after you as you walk out of the apartment, closing the door behind you and hearing Connie and Lorena giggling, even from the hallway. You walk down to the apartment directly below Steve and Connie’s, taking a deep breath before knocking twice.
The door opens to reveal Javier, wearing a casual button-up shirt and jeans. He looks a bit surprised to see you, but he smiles as he recognizes that it’s you. “Hey,” he chuckles, a hand on his belt loop, the other leaning in the doorway.
“Hi,” you says with a growing smile that matches his. 
“I, uh. I like the scrunchie,” he says, gesturing to the cloth that’s holding part of your hair out of your face.
“Thanks,” you say, laughing a little at his compliment. “I like the apartment,” you say, gesturing behind him.
“Thanks,” he says too, looking down at the whiskey in your hands. “Do you want to come in?” He offers, moving in the doorway so that it’s accessible to you.
“Oh, no,” you shake your head and hold out the bottle. “Connie said Steve forgot this, so she sent me down to give it to you. Oh, and she’s making cookies. She said you’ll have to come up and get them when they’re done.”
Steve gets up from the couch, noticing that you’re there. “Damn, that’s right,” he chuckles and takes the bottle from you. “Forgot about that. Thanks for bringing that down. Connie’s a great baker, and I guess she knows about Javier’s sweet tooth,” he says.
You raise an eyebrow at Javier, asking if it’s true. He makes a little dismissive face and shakes his head softly, making you giggle. “Well, I’m gonna head back up. Connie said she’ll call down here when the cookies are ready.” “Thanks for bringing that down,” Steve tells you with a nod, heading into Javier’s kitchen to grab glasses for the liquor.
“Of course. I’ll see you later,” you tell Javier with a smile, and he smiles back and gives you a nod. 
You turn away and walk back down the hallway. You don’t turn, but if you did, you’d catch Javier watching you with a dopey smile on his face. His eyes are trained on your ass, how good it looks in those tight jeans you’re wearing.
About an hour later, after munching on the leftover cookie dough and about two bottles of wine in, the timer dings on Connie’s oven. She hops up from her spot and heads to the oven, grabbing the treats. You and Lorena both sigh at how good the smell of the freshly-baked dessert is, and Connie comes back with wine bottle number three. “You two open that. I’m going to call down to Javi’s,” she tells you and wiggles her eyebrows, making you roll your eyes at her as you uncork the bottle and pour more for all three of you.
Lorena immediately takes a swig from her newly filled glass, getting up from her spot and stealing a cookie from the tray on the oven. She hums happily as she eats it, walking back to her spot. 
Connie chatters on the phone, her tone indicating that she’s clearly talking to Steve. “No, send Javi up,” she whispers, thinking you can’t hear it. You can.
Once she hangs up, she scoops some cookies onto the plates and you and Lorena chat mindlessly, both sipping at your wine glasses. Connie unlocks the front door before returning to the counter and sitting down with the two of you. You continue your conversation from before, taking a bite of a cookie and immediately feeling transported home. Your eyes close as you savor the taste, but they open a moment later as there’s a knock at the door. “It’s open,” Connie calls out, and Javier walks in.
You notice that his jeans are tight, very tight, and bite down on your lip at the image your mind conjures. You give a little wave and he chuckles. “So this is Lorena,” he says as he gestures to the girl sitting between the two of you. She nods, grinning at him, and he walks closer, offering her a hand to shake. “Wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you,” he tells her with a charming smile.
Lorena giggles a little at that, sipping her wine. “Likewise,” she tells him and gestures to you with her head. “Mainly from her.” You roll your eyes but smile as you see the pleased expression on Javier’s face. “Oh, Javi,” Connie says, popping up quick. “I wanted Steve to take pictures for us earlier but I forgot. Will you take them for us?” She asks hopefully, a hand on his arm. He nods and she grins. “Great! I’ll be right back.” She rushes out of the room to grab the camera.
“So how’s it going down there?” You ask him and sip your wine. 
“Typical. Steve and I are drinking in silence and watching soccer,” he chuckles, taking a cookie from the plate and biting into it. “Damn, she really is a good baker,” he sighs as he eats the rest of it.
Connie returns a few moments later with her Polaroid. “Okay, get up ladies,” she chuckles and hands Javier the camera. “Take three, so we can each have one.”
“Yes ma’am,” Javier chuckles as the three of you get arranged, tiny, 4’11” Lorena in the middle, you and Connie on either side. You all grin at the camera and Javier takes three successive pictures, with breaks in between for the photos to pop out of the bottom. 
As they develop, Connie coos over the pictures even though just your silhouettes are visible at this point. “Oh, you two should get a picture together!” She exclaims with wide eyes as she looks up at you and Javier. Once again, a silent question and answer passes between you: you ask him with a lifted eyebrow, Javier shrugs as if to say ‘why not’ and gives you a smile. 
“Sure,” you nod, and Javier hands Connie the camera. 
“Okay, I’ll take one for each of you. The first one will be yours, Javi,” she tells him as she positions the two of you then backs up to a distance to take the picture.
You and Javier each have an arm around the other’s waist, and Connie positioned your hand on his chest. As she brings the camera to her eye, you get an idea and grin. Javier’s already smiling for the picture, and you bring your lips to his cheek, pressing a kiss there for the picture. He gives a little chuckle, and you can feel the way it vibrates in his chest with the palm pressed to his heart. “Aw,” Connie laughs as she takes the picture from the slot, and Javier presses a kiss to your head while neither of the women are looking, making your heart melt.
“My turn,” he murmurs to you, and while Connie prepares the camera, he kisses your cheek, wrinkled from the wide smile on your face. Both of the girls coo as Connie takes the picture, and you laugh a little at the way they react. 
When both pictures are done, you lightly pat Javier’s chest and break from his arms. You grab the plate of cookies and his Polaroid picture from the table, handing them both to him. “Why thank you,” he chuckles and pulls you into a side hug.
“Are you just being nice to me because the girls are watching?” You ask him teasingly, your arm going around him as well.
“Tonight you’ve given me whiskey and cookies. Of course I’ll be nice to you when you do that,” he teases right back, and you laugh, your head falling into his shoulder.
“Don’t eat them all on the way down,” Connie threatens him. “I do like you more than Steve sometimes, but he’d put me on the first flight back to Miami if he didn’t get any of those cookies,” she says and nods to the plate.
“I’ll try not to,” he says, nodding obediently. Javier squeezes your side gently before breaking away from her. “Nice to meet you, Lorena,” he says again and gives a little wave before heading out of the apartment. 
You smile to yourself as you pick up your two photos: one with you and your best friends, one with you and Javier. It really has been a perfect night, you think with a sigh, and munch on another cookie. Little do any of you know how wrong things are about to go.
@wonderlandgabby​ @diogodxlot
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Pink(?) with Envy
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Pairing: Izzy Garcia x (FemKnight!)Reader
Summary: It follows a girl: Y/N Y/L/N, who currently owns the "Pteradon Champion Zord", along with its DinoSoul Key, who is currently a Professional Box Fighter. The youngest ever to be a pro. What she doesn't know is that she is a direct descendant of the supposed Mythical "DinoSoul" Tribe. [Equivalent to the Ryusoul Tribe]. Her partner, she calls him, "buddy" as she doesn't have a proper name for him. The two of them embark on a journey to figure out who she is, finding an old flame and developing a new crush in the process.
Warnings: Broken Heart, Jealous Ex-girlfriend
As you waited outside of the Diner for Izzy, the two of you decided to go out, celebrating each others' wins. Although you still had a lot of time to recover, you miraculously recovered faster than you expected. Also, today [a Thursday] was pretty much the only time the two of you can really get to know each other, getting to know each other other than through sports.
"Hey stranger," Izzy calls over, catching up to you
"Hey yourself," you smile, opening the door for her
"Why thank you my knight in shining armor," Izzy jokes again as you sigh, following behind her
As the two of you seat yourselves as far from people as possible, you don't notice the door opening. Not bothering to see who it was.
"My treat Izzy," you state, looking through the menu
"Oh no MY treat Carly," Izzy states back, "It's a thanks for prepping me for my competitions."
"So how will I repay you for preparing me for my biggest match?" you ask, smiling
"You can save it for another time love," she smiles
After you guys paid for each others' food, the two of you decided to take a walk through the woods to get fresh air.
"Wait so you've had your zord since you were 5?!" Izzy asks
You nod, "He was given to me by my mother. Well, since she long passed, he's been looking after me."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Izzy sighs
"It's alright," You sigh as well, "She was trying to rush home to me on my birthday. It was a rainy night and she was driving alongside the cliffs.."
"I see." Izzy sighs, "Well, you have him right? Isn't he like your family too?"
"Oh he's family alright," You agree, "It's just, I didn't have parents growing up."
"Where was your father?" Izzy asks, "If you don't mind me asking."
"He disappeared after my 6th birthday," You say, "It was a mystery on where he went."
You weren't sure where to go on from there, as that was pretty much your entire story on your family.
The rest of the walk was silent, but with the ambience of the wildlife. You didn't realize you and Izzy were holding hands on you way back into town.
"Oh, jeez, my step-dad is yelling at Javi again," Izzy sighs, "I gotta go talk to him."
"No worries," You smile, kissing Izzy's cheek, "Tomorrow morning's session?"
You don't hear her answer you but you gently shake her back to her senses.
"Yeah," Izzy sighs into a smile
You watch her run off further into town to meet up with her step-dad and Javi.
"Did you have fun?" a familiar voice calls out to you
You turn a whole 180 before meeting Amelia's gaze. You sigh, knowing what she's up to.
"You know what?" You scoff, "I did have fun. More than I did with you in high school. Listen here Amelia, I'm okay with still being friends but you're starting to become too much with you coming back into my life, and being jealous. Yeah, didn’t think I’d notice? I don't need you to be jealous of your friend Izzy okay?!"
You slightly bump into her shoulder and begin walking back to your apartment; having enough of her presence.
"Hey how'd it go?" He asks as soon as you walk through the door
You slam the door shut, "Fine."
"You okay?" He asks
"Yeah I'm fine bud," You sigh
"Did you run into her again?" He asks
"More like she wanted to find me," You sigh, "I don't know what her deal is. She's the one that broke up with me."
"Well, you should talk to Amelia," He suggests, "Tell her that you're beginning to like someone else."
"Well, I believe she saw that cheek kiss I gave Izzy before she left," You sigh, "She should get that hint by now. I'm gonna head to bed early. Goodnight buddy."
You wait outside of the rec center on any other morning, waiting for Izzy to train her for her next meet. However, at the corner of your eye, you spot a hint of pink.
"What are you doing here Amelia?" you ask, while you're waiting outside of the rec center
"I wanted to come say hi," She says, "Maybe you'd want to grab a bite to eat after your training session with Izzy?"
You scoff at Amelia's request, "Come on, you really think 'getting a bite to eat' is going to make me feel better about what happened in high school?"
"Come on," Amelia whines, "I barely get to see you already."
"So you think you get to just break up with me all that time ago and now you want to have lunch with me?!" You ask, angrily
"Yes?" Amelia answers your question with another question
"Why are you so obsessed with me Amelia?!" You ask, beginning to raise your voice, "you're the one who broke up with me! You're the one who said 'we aren't working out'. So why all of a sudden you're jealous of me and Izzy?! Do you not want me to be happy?!"
"You really don't know do you?" She says
"Apparently not," you say, still angered, “So what do I not know that you do?”
She grabs the collar of your jacket and brings you closer to her; your lips touching hers. You were in shock so you didn't do anything other than let Amelia kiss you. However, once she pulls away, you could see a pair of feet from the corner of your eyes.... You look over and....
"Izzy, wait- it's not- it's not what it looks like," you stutter, trying to chase after her, "Izzy!"
Once you finally caught up to her you gently place your hand onto her shoulder, "Izzy, wait let me explain-"
"What are you trying to play at here?!" She asks, angrily, "Did you have a thing with Amelia?"
You hesitated to tell her. You didn't tell her before. You believed you didn't really need to talk about it. Oh man you were wrong... You could see tears forming into her eyes... Wait... Does she like you back? It won't matter after now....
"Yes," you confessed, "But, she broke up with me and I was on shock not even a minute ago, I don't have feelings for her anymore Izzy-"
Before you could go on, explaining yourself more, Izzy looked like she had enough and walked away, walking past Javi. He looks at you, confused but mix of anger in there too.
"Before you even go off on me, I'll explain everything if you want to settle this over food," you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, "Go talk to her for me will you? Please?.."
He could hear the hurt in your voice. So he follows Izzy. You felt alone.... Your partner was at your apartment. As you didn't see a need to bring him along. But, you immediately felt like an idiot. You should have pulled a a ay the second your lips touched Amelia's.
"God I'm an idiot," you scold yourself before walking away
You found yourself at the rec center again, punching your frustration out on a punching bag. You were so caught up on what happened you didn't even hear Javi calling out to you once you finally stopped punching the punching bag, wincing at your now bleeding knuckles.
"Hey Javi, how's Izzy?" You ask, beginning to put ointment on your knuckles and wrapping them
"Upset," he sighs, "You want to explain yourself? So do it."
"You want food in that combo my guy?" You ask
"Yeah," he smiles slightly
The two of you head to Javi's favorite food joint. You could barely eat, still scolding yourself on what happened earlier that day.
"Amelia and I had a thing when we both went to high school together. She was a Junior, I was a Sophomore," you sigh, explaining to Javi, "However, come near the end of my sophomore year I got recruited by the most popular boxing manager by 16, I told her the news that I'd be training immediately after the school year. She feared that we'd barely see each other, so she broke up with me. Who knew she would one day, magically still have feelings for me?"
"That's a whole lot to process," Javi sighs, "But I have to be there for my sister."
"That I definitely get," you agree with him, "But I want you to know to know that I'm going to make this right."
He slightly smiles at you and gives you a pat on the back before he slides a $10 tip to the waitress and makes his leave. Leaving you alone in your own thoughts. You really scolded yourself for hurting Izzy, you wanted to just march yourself over to her place and just kiss her right in front of her brother and step-dad. But, you shoved that idea into the back of your head as you believed that was also a bad idea not only for you but for her too.
Once you get home, you were so busy in your thoughts you didn't even hear your partner greet you like he always does. However, he believed you were just tired from the days work, so he let you go into your room.
"You okay?" your partner finally asks, coming into your room
"I screwed up today bud," you sigh, patting the spot next to you for him to jump up to
"What happened?" He asks, seating himself next to you
"It has come to my realization, Amelia hasn't moved on from me," You sigh, scratching the back of your head
"What makes you say that?" He asks
"She kissed me," You sigh, "Izzy saw and got upset. I tried telling her my feelings toward her are valid and true. But, I think Izzy's attraction towards me is no longer something that's there."
"I think it's still there," He states, "You should try to talk to her."
"I keep trying to call her but it always goes to voicemail," You sigh, a single tear falling from your eye, "Think I lost her bud."
"Where's the Y/N Y/L/N I know?" He asks, "The Y/N Y/L/N I know wouldn't be moping about a girl she loves."
"Well," You sigh, "It's too late for it buddy. But, thanks for trying to cheer me up."
You hop under your sheets, trying to force yourself asleep.
Part 5
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rexsjaigeyes · 4 years
A Spark
(For the Fourth of July)
Javier Peña x female reader | NSFW, 18+ only!
Words: 2,651
Warnings: Allusions to PTSD (for Javi), car sex, unprotected sex, creampie
A/N: I wanted to explore a little bit of what Javi might experience when he comes back to America, and I wanted to show a more vulnerable side of him. Hope you like it!
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Javi frowned for the fifth time that evening as you walked out into the crowded field. You had begged him to watch the fireworks with you, but he wasn’t as excited as you were. Even though it was his first Independence Day back in America since his time in Colombia, he didn’t really care about having a big celebration. He would have rather spent the night alone with you, but you gave him your signature pouty face, and there was no way he could say no to you.
“Over here, Javi! This looks like a good spot,” you pointed to an empty space before you laid the blankets and pillows on the ground.
Javier stayed close to your side, huffing softly as he glanced around at the people surrounding you. He had been back in America for a while now, but he was still on edge for some reason. Sometimes he’d look so distant, as if he was reliving something from before– something he experienced in Colombia. He had that look on his face now, and you quickly recognized it.
You squeezed his hand gently, making him look at you instead of glaring suspiciously at the families sitting on the grass. “Come back to me, baby,” you whispered and smiled at him reassuringly.
He snapped out of it, his dark eyes returning to your face as he squeezed your hand in return. Satisfied with his little gesture, you pulled him down to sit beside you on the blanket. Javi breathed deeply, and you could feel his gaze on you as you looked up at the night sky. He wrapped his arm around your waist tightly, as if to protect you from an invisible threat.
You leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body radiate through your thin summer dress. “Thank you for bringing me here, Javi,” you whispered, turning your head so that you could kiss his cheek.
He smiled and planted a kiss on your hair as you snuggled into his side. As much as he tried acting grumpy about being here, you knew he was happy that you were having a good time. You could always see through his tough guy act; his body language would always give him away.
Within a few seconds, the first firework shot into the sky, and you watched in awe as it exploded with a loud boom. You were caught up in the beauty of the first few fireworks, but by the time the sixth one exploded, you noticed how tense Javier had become beside you. His grip on your waist was almost painful, and you turned to see him clenching his jaw harshly.
His breathing was heavier than normal, and you could feel how fast his heart was beating as you leaned into his chest. Javi kept a lot to himself, even though you urged him to tell you about what happened during his hunt for Escobar. He was stubborn as hell, and carried all the weight on his shoulders. Now it looked like the weight was crushing him, and you knew you needed to get him to a safe place.
Gently, you rested your hand on his thigh, pulling him from his trance. “Breathe, babe,” you muttered and squeezed his thigh. “Hey, look at me.”
You slid your hands up his chest until they rested on his face. Slowly, you turned his head so that he looked at you. You kissed his face, feeling him tremble slightly when a particularly loud firework went off.
“It’s okay, I’m here with you. We’re safe,” you whispered softly.
Javi sighed as you kissed the corner of his mouth. He melted against your soft touch before he pulled you in for a proper kiss. As soon as your lips met, he relaxed and grabbed the back of your neck to keep you close as he kissed you roughly. You knew he resorted to intimacy whenever he was upset, so you let him control the kiss however he wanted.
He pulled your hair gently, forcing you to open your mouth so that he could slide his tongue inside. Not caring who could see, you brushed your hand over his crotch briefly as he deepened the kiss. Javier groaned into your mouth, no longer bothered by the loud explosions in the sky. Your heart raced from how electric his touch felt in the stifling heat. The air became smoky as the fireworks continued, so you pulled away from him to catch your breath.
“Let’s get out of here,” you suggested. “We can celebrate in a different way…” You bit your bottom lip and smiled at him sweetly.
You knew Javier too well, and the look on his face said he needed you badly– not just sexually, but intimately. He may not have said it, but you knew he needed some release and you were happy to provide it. He nodded and pulled you up from your spot on the blanket. Javi threw a thankful look in your direction while you rolled up the blanket and picked up the pillows. As you navigated through the crowd of people looking up at the sky, he held your hand tightly.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as you walked towards your car. “I know you wanted to see the fireworks.”
The parking lot was empty since everyone was out on the field watching the show, and the explosions weren’t as loud from this far away. Javier seemed to relax now that you weren’t surrounded by so many people.
“It’s okay,” you responded with a smile. “We can cause sparks to fly in our bedroom when we get home.” You winked at Javi, giggling while nudging his shoulder playfully.
He chuckled softly, and looked up at the car as the two of you approached it. You were about to throw the blankets in the back seat before he put his hand on your shoulder to stop you.
You looked at him in confusion before he asked, “Do we really have to wait until we get home?”
You raised a brow, not expecting him to want to stay any longer. Javier brushed his thumb across your jaw, his eyes flickering to your mouth.
“I need you now,” he whispered so softly that you barely heard him over the fireworks. “And maybe,” he leaned closer to whisper in your ear, “you can still watch the show from here…”
Your breath hitched as Javi lowered his mouth to your neck before sucking on the sensitive skin. A soft moan escaped your lips from how gently he touched you. His hands ran up and down your sides before you felt him slowly groping your breasts through your dress.
“Wait, not out here though,” you groaned. “There’s enough room in the backseat.”
Javi nodded in the crook of your neck and let go of your skin with a soft ‘pop’. “Hm, good thing we have blankets and pillows already,” he said with a smirk.
He gestured for you to enter the car first, so you opened the back door with shaky hands and climbed inside. As you laid out the blanket and pillows, you realized this was the perfect time to mess around because everyone was too busy watching the fireworks to notice anything suspicious happening in the parking lot.
Javier entered the car once you finished laying out the blankets. He closed the door behind him and looked relieved that the car muffled how loud the fireworks were. You smiled at him and scooted closer so that you could kiss him. He groaned softly before slowly lowering you to lay down on the seat without breaking the kiss. Javi pecked your lips and muttered a barely audible ‘thank you’ against them. You grinned against his lips, letting him know that you were grateful for how vulnerable he was with you.
He broke the kiss and let his hands wander all over your body. Both of your chests were heaving from how heated the kiss was, and your breasts were spilling out of your low-cut dress just enough for Javi to notice them. He held himself up with one hand while the other slid down your neck before stopping at the swell of your breasts. His hand felt perfect on your heated skin, and you let out a whimper from how well he massaged your tits.
The material of your dress was stretchy enough for him to pull it down to gain access to one nipple. Javier groaned at the sight before he lowered himself so that he could suck on the hardening bud. You let out a whine as his teeth grazed against your nipple, and you carded your hands through his hair, desperate for more. He pulled away, letting saliva drip onto the sore bud before he brushed his thumb against it, making you jolt from the feeling. He grinned smugly and licked his lips, his eyes boring into yours as he touched you.
“The fireworks aren’t so interesting now, are they?” Javi asked cockily.
He already knew the answer and didn’t wait for you to respond before his hands moved down your body to hike your dress up. As if proving his point, a loud boom echoed in the sky and you remembered how risky it was for both of you to be doing this so publicly. You shuddered when Javi pushed your panties to the side and you felt the rough pad of his thumb rub against your clit.
“Fuck, please,” you moaned as he increased the pressure on your clit. “I need you, Javi.”
You were practically aching with need, but Javier wasn’t done teasing you yet. His fingers slid down your pussy and he collected some of your arousal before spreading it around your entrance and up to your clit.
“God, you’re so wet for me already,” Javi murmured as he stared down at you. “Such a good girl…”
He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean, his eyes meeting yours as he tasted you shamelessly. You groaned at how hot he looked and you felt yourself get wetter from the sight. Javi pulled his fingers from his mouth with a smirk and worked on pulling his pants down. Both of you were too impatient for any more foreplay and you didn’t have much time before the fireworks ended, so Javi pumped himself in front of you twice before finally sliding inside your pussy.
He groaned once he was fully inside you, his body shaking slightly as he paused to let you get used to his length. Loud booms continued outside the car, and you noticed the way he let out a shaky breath at the sound. You pulled him closer to your body and kissed his cheek, reminding him that he was safe with you. He sighed from your touch, smiling gratefully at you.
You wrapped your legs around him and rocked into him, letting him know you needed him to move now. Javi brought his head down to rest in the crook of your neck as he pulled out before thrusting back inside you. The sound of the fireworks reverberated in your chest, and you wrapped your arms around him to comfort him as he rocked against you.
His pace was slow and sensual, feeling every inch of your body as his cock dragged in and out of your pussy. The windows started to fog, and you were sure the car was rocking slightly from your movements. You could feel Javi’s ragged breath on your neck as you looked over his shoulder and watched the colors of the fireworks light up the car. Each time the sky lit up, you became more aware of how easily someone could catch the two of you in the act, but it only made your arousal seep further out of your cunt as you clenched around him.
Javi felt the way you tightened around his length, and he grunted in response before pushing himself deeper inside you. With one hand, he held onto the door behind your head for leverage so that he could fuck you harder. You moaned his name and gripped his hair tightly as he picked up the pace. His groans filled the car and he bit down on your neck, causing you to gasp in pleasure and pain.
Pulling his head away from your neck, Javi noticed the way you were staring out the window behind him with wide eyes.
“Enjoying the show, hm?” He asked you with a small smirk on his lips, but he recognized the way you tensed around him in fear of getting caught.
He ran his hand up your body soothingly and kissed your cheek in a similar way you did earlier to calm him down.
“Relax, princess,” he whispered. “They’re all too busy being patriotic. They’re not gonna see us.”
You swallowed thickly and returned your eyes to his before another loud boom echoed in the sky. Javier groaned and thrust deep inside you, making you whine from how amazing it felt. You could feel your orgasm building already, and you looked into his eyes, silently begging him not to stop.
“Fuck, that’s it baby, keep your eyes on me,” he moaned and gently wrapped his hand around your neck to keep your gaze on him. “I know I said you could watch the show, but…” he chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss you. He moaned against your lips, his movements were sloppier now. “I want you to look at me when you cum,” he muttered in between kisses.
His hand tightened around your neck and you could feel your orgasm quickly approaching. Javi’s thrusts were erratic, and you could tell he was close from the way he was muttering filthy things in your ear.
“Are you close, princess? Hm, are you gonna cum for me?” He moaned your name desperately, his hand still gripping your neck just the way you liked it.
You were barely able to give him any warning before you were falling over the edge and clenching tightly around his cock. You writhed beneath him, gasping as your orgasm washed over your body. Javi’s cock twitched inside you and he let go of your neck so that you could breathe.
He groaned your name before stuttering, “I’m gonna cum… where do you want it, baby?”
Your voice was raspy as you begged, “Cum inside me, Javi. Please, I want to feel you…”
Your legs tightened around his waist, trapping him in place instinctively. You knew he always loved hearing you beg for his cum. Without another word, he groaned loudly and held you close as he came inside your cunt. You moaned from the feeling of his hot load coating your walls. Javier shuddered as he came down from his high before peppering your face in loving kisses. Slowly, he pulled out of you, the feeling causing both of you to groan. You could feel his seed leak out of your cunt, and you were sure he saw it drip down your thighs judging by the smirk on his face.
With a self-satisfied grin, he readjusted your panties so that it covered your dripping pussy. You tried not to get all riled up again from the thought of walking around with his cum still deep inside you. He let out a soft chuckle, noticing the way your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Javi helped you sit up before he brushed your hair out of your face and kissed you.
“Fuck,” he muttered after breaking the kiss, “if that’s how we’re gonna celebrate the 4th of July from now on, you’re gonna turn me into the most patriotic man in the country.” He laughed and pressed another kiss on your cheek. “Come on, it sounds like the fireworks are over now. If we make it back home by midnight, we’ll still have time to celebrate again.”
Javier Peña tag list: @sirianfromsixties​
Let me know if you want to be added to the Javi tag list!
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tintinwrites · 4 years
Telling Pedro Characters You’re Pregnant but I’m REALLY an Asshole to the Characters
Warning: Pregnancy both planned and accidental obvs but you don’t really need to feel one way or the other about it bc most of these are dumbass.
I love Pedro and everyone’s fics and headcanons, this is for fun!
Agent Whiskey
How long you’ve been together: Four years
Were you trying: Yes
Your reaction: You’d been trying for a few months so you were pretty happy when the stick finally said you were pregnant, but somehow you were still surprised
His reaction: “Well, you’ve made me happier than a...” He doesn’t say some ridiculous Southern phrase because he tears up and quietly excuses himself
Comandante Veracruz
How long you’ve been together: Seven months
Were you trying: No but uh you know how you fucked without a condom every time? MAYBE YOU SHOULD’VE THOUGHT
Your reaction: Complete and utter terror
His reaction: He laughs for a minute straight before he realizes you’re serious and he walks off to just shoot things for a little bit
Dave York
How long you’ve been together: Two and a half years
Were you trying: It’s kind of funny bc you discussed having a baby and Dave wanted to do it in a fun way that turned him on which was poking holes in the condoms like it was some little game and you were like “go off i guess”
Your reaction: You know he’s a good dad and you were technically trying anyway so you’re...happy?
His reaction: An evil smirk which seems to be as happy as he’s capable of looking
Din Djarin
How long you’ve been together: Between the pining, the fucking, your relationship, and then your marriage, you can’t really remember exactly how long
Were you trying: Considering there’s no fucking Mando without him going, “Gonna put my baby in you.” yes
Your reaction: Happy, but nervous. You know he’s family-oriented but what if he doesn’t really want a baby but just likes the idea of it and there’s the Child to take care of and fuck Din’s older now and-
His reaction: He’s silent for a long moment, then he quietly brings you to his chest and does his best not to fucking crush you...wait, is he crying?
How long you’ve been together: You’re friends with benefits bc you’re both sexy and you’re both there
Were you trying: No but birth control isn’t exactly plentiful and you’ve been relying on the pull out method
Your reaction: Once you realize you missed your period again you sit there going, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
His reaction: “I cannot say I entirely thought of the result of our fornication being anything beyond mutual pleasure which was a lapse of judgment on my part, but I’m willing to co-parent alongside you if you so choose to entertain this pregnancy.”
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales
How long you’ve been together: Three years and four months
Were you trying: No but the topic of children popped up every once in a while
Your reaction: Terrified but happy because there’s a little half-Frankie in your belly? Really?
His reaction: Worried because you start sobbing and then you tell him and he’s quiet and then tears fill his eyes and he takes off his hat and he’s like, “You’re serious?” and he kisses your forehead and he promises it’s okay, you have the money, the baby will be loved, and “You’re really serious, baby? Like, really?”
Javier Peña
How long you’ve been together: You’ve fucked a few times as stress relief
Were you trying: No and you were being careful but apparently babies don’t fucking care
Your reaction: Trying to figure out how to build a time machine so you can kick Javi in the balls the first time he propositions you then realizing you can’t do that and looking up what the first flight out of the country is but you don’t really want to move to Estonia just because you’re pregnant but also if you did you wouldn’t have to tell him about it
His reaction: Backs away. Backs out of your apartment. Backs out of the city. Backs out of the country and keeps going until he’s in the ocean.
Marcus Pike
How long you’ve been together: Seven years
Were you trying: Passionately
Your reaction: Sobbing in the bathroom for eight minutes but in a good way
His reaction: He’s a little slow to understand when you hand him a onesie that says ‘hi, dad’ but then he realizes and you KNOW he’s crying and he’s kissing all over your face and he’s making you laugh and his hand is immediately on your belly and he’s telling the baby all about himself even though it can’t hear him yet bc he’s wanted to give you a life, and a home, and  AFAMILY IF YOU WANTED IT
Maxwell Lord
How long you’ve been together: Eight years but honestly mostly just for fucking
Were you trying: I hope not
Your reaction: Trying to figure out how long you can hide this from him bc he shouldn’t be near babies or children oh fuck your kid is gonna dye their hair that terrible gold AREN’T THEY
His reaction: “No.”
Max Phillips
How long you’ve been together: You’re his assistant who he fucks let’s not pretend there’s anything more to this
Were you trying: No but you weren’t exactly preventing bc he’s a vampire and his sperm shouldn’t even work?????????????
Your reaction: “I’m going to give birth to the fucking Antichrist.”
His reaction: “...think of all the sales I could make if I was holding a baby.”
Oberyn Martell
How long you’ve been together: You’re not even sure at this point bc he fucks you so much and so good that you don’t even remember your name
Were you trying: Probably the man has a lot of kids
Your reaction: Pleased
His reaction: Happy to welcome what is probably another daughter and the celebration sex is FANTASTIC even tho there’s twelve other people there celebrating with you
Pero Tovar
How long you’ve been together: Eight months
Were you trying: This is the 1100′s; if you were fucking and well-fed, you were trying for a baby
Your reaction: Happy that you were able to become pregnant so short after wedding bc you needed to work quick in them days
His reaction: Pride. So much pride at impregnating you and then pride in you for being with child. He pampers you by filling a cup with mead himself and helping you chop up one potato for dinner.
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do these count as hc requests? i just like talking about them and thinking about them and i love them as much as i love our tough as nails but still 100% human gorgeous wifey
I know you sent this in FOREVER AGO but im answering it now because uhhhhhh im out of work for a hot minute and need something to do!!!! And i love javi, drummer babe, and reader!!!!!
this ended up MUCH longer than i expected im sorry aksksksk. 
@thesadvampire @captainsamwlsn @winters-buck
SO. I like to imagine that Javi got into security work after he stopped working in the DEA. he needed something less high strung, but still in a similar field. Security work was easy enough actually, with a background like his he found jobs easily and worked on temporary contracts as a bodyguard for many famous actors and singers. In his opinion almost every single one he’d met had been a TOTAL dick. He found celebrities to be pompous self-righteous pricks, many of which would use the same drugs he spent his life arresting people for right in front of him after a show or shooting. It boiled his blood to not be able to stop it. But hey, that’s showbiz. 
Now onto our sweet drummer babe. Who is a southern raised sweetheart with the hands of God that pound out music on her drum set every night like it's her one joy in the world. Her name is Gemini, but called Gem by her friends and bandmates. She’s the drummer of a new band riding the high of their newfound popularity that is just about to go on tour around the US. Javi is hired as a preventative measure. Sure they’ll have guards at each concert, but their manager thought itd be good to have one that went along with them from place to place, the entire goddamn time. 
To keep them out of trouble. The manager told Javi as he stepped onto the tour bus with a fake smile. 
Which meant babysitting. 
Ultimately. Gem was the only one Javi got along with. The singer was a pompous prick who thought he could treat Javi more like a goddamn butler than a guard. The bassist, perhaps in an attempt to gain more popularity herself, more vocal parts other than backup, or out of her pathetic schoolgirl crush on him, agreed with every word the smarmy schmuck said. The lead guitarist didn't talk much, when he did, was it was some odd bullshit about being on the “new wave of music” and talking in a way that made Javi think of a cult leader. He chalked it up to the drugs, but did not want to find out if he was right or not. But their lead drummer? Oh, Gemini was a woman with a bite. She didn’t hesitate to call other members out on their bullshit or their flippant disrespect of javi. 
“He’s here to keep us safe, not make your fucking beds. If the crowd gets too rowdy next time, dont be shocked if he leaves your ass behind.”
It didn’t take long for the pair of them to fall into bed together. It started off as just sex for Javi, because he couldn't necessarily just ditch the band and go to a bar in search of a hook up. But at some point, as Gem played with his hair while he talked about his old man and the ranch back home he felt a shift. His heart would skip a beat when his arm curled protectively around her waist while leading her through a crowd, he’d find himself smiling and even tapping his foot on beat during their rehearsals. During concerts, he’s backstage, ready to lead them off when they finish. She'll be sweating, grinning like a mad man and basking in the cheering crowd, every time she showed off her skills on the drum he couldn’t help but feel a thrum of pride in his chest. 
That’s his girl. 
You however, he met differently. 
I'm not sure if you fall into the traditional sense of badass. As in some muscly scared woman kicking ass and taking names. 
You’re a college professor, smart, articulate and intimidating in that sort of sense of walking into a classroom people suddenly feel inadequate before you. Recently divorced, you realize you never acted for you, never had crazy moments of rebellion or wild college nights. So you take a leave from work. You're in such good standing with the university they allowed it. Join some friends who somehow convince you to follow this band on tour for a goddamn year and it's already the first day in and you know this was a horrible idea oh god maybe if you call your boss you can let him know you'll be there for the fall semester and you can cancel the long term substitute they have set up? God what were you thinking? You aren’t wild or spontaneous or-
But then the lights shut off, the crowd begins to scream as the music flows, a steady beat filling your entire chest. The stage lights up and you see the drummer, the most beautiful fucking woman you've ever laid eyes on in your life, with her eyes shut as she plays and her hair swaying as she moves to the beat. 
When Gemini opens her eyes she sees you watching her and feels her heart hammer. You're not looking at the band as a whole. Not screaming for the singer or lifting your top up for the lead guitarist. You're watching her. With this big excited smile and Christ you look so pretty as a friend pulls you close to dance with a laugh, but you're still looking at her. Gemini was used to being glossed over. She wasn't the singer or playing the electric guitar. She was the drummer. But you didn't look at anybody else for the rest of the night. 
At the end of the show, Javi watched as Gemini jumped up from her drum set and curled a hand around his bicep before pointing you out in the crowd. 
“She was watchin’ me the whole show, Javi. I think I finally got myself a fan.” Javi sees you, being tugged and pulled by your friends at the excited chatters of an afterparty. He watched your side profile with admiration that even after dancing to a 90 minute concert you looked almost regal among your friends. You turned, once more catching Gem’s eyes and extending a shaking hand in a self conscious wave. 
He felt her fingers twitch nervously against his arm as she, the lead drummer in a famous band, waved back with an excited smile. 
This will be interesting to watch play out. But he couldn't hide his attraction to you as well, even as he took you by the hand and led you backstage to meet Gem. 
He just really hoped this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
A Traumatizing Gesture
Summary: Gabe decides to go and surprise Nurgul but when he gives her a hug from behind her reaction is not what he expects it to be.
Word Count: 1850
Read on AO3:
Gabe stared out into the world beyond New Richmond, the moans and groans of the dead slowly filling the air as they mindlessly wandered about. Sometimes it surprised Gabe how much suffering the muertos had inflicted onto the living with how oblivious they seemed when humans weren’t nearby. One muerto was busy walking forward, never getting past the point it was at due to it being stuck in a hole. Another was busy trying to get beyond a tree whose lower branch was deeply embedded in its gut, tearing through its flesh and making its rotten guts slowly spill out. Then again Gabe had seen the carnage that the muertos had caused, the horror that they’d brought as they tore the living apart as if they were nothing. Biting into their flesh and drinking their blood. So he would remain vigilant on guard duty, not only for any kind of herd or muerto threat but also for those of the human kind.
Time passed by slowly up there as Liam stood not too far away on another watch post. After a while though, Gabe's shift was done and he carefully descended the ladder back down to solid ground. Strolling forward through the main courtyard, Gabe stretched his arms and reached for the snack that he would eat in celebration of a job well done: pudding cups. Nurgul had been kind enough to sneak out a second pudding cup to Gabe from Javi’s special pudding stash. The small gesture had warmed Gabe’s heart and looking at the pudding cup again Gabe was reminded how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like Nurgul. Tossing one of the pudding cups in his hand, Gabe happily strolled forward and was about to reach for his plastic spoon when he heard a familiar voice.
“Gabe!” Jimmy scampered forward with his usual friendly smile that showed his carefree nature. “I was hoping I would find you. I have the next shift but I didn’t grab anything to eat so-” Jimmy paused when he saw that Gabe was holding the pudding. “Could you be a pal and part with your pudding?” Jimmy pressed his hands together and began to plead.
Gabe looked down at his pudding then over at his friend with a small frown. Normally he would tell Jimmy that there was no way in hell he’d part with pudding. An apple? Sure. Some random vegetable? Absolutely. But pudding was special. Still, Nurgul had snagged him a second pudding cup and he would look like a dick if he didn’t let his friend have one.
“Okay, fine,” Gabe tossed over the pudding cup which Jimmy caught with a grin.
“Thanks!” Jimmy paused for a second. “It's hard to eat pudding without a spoon. Do you have one to spare?”
Gabe groaned again and reached into his pocket beside his army knife, one of the last mementos of his dad. Rummaging around, Gabe soon found the plastic spoon and tossed it over to Jimmy.
With a happy laugh Jimmy jogged forward and whacked Gabe’s back a bit too joyfully before sprinting off. “Thanks a million, Gabe!” He gave one final wave and then was off like a shot toward the walls.
Gabe returned the wave, watching his friend for a moment, then turned to continue to wander through the town. With a tired sigh and a shake of his head Gabe took out his other pudding cup and tried a new method of eating it: squeezing the bottom of the cup to let the pudding fall out. It was a sloppy, haphazard eating experience but still a tasty one. Maybe Nurgul was right - he was too kind for his own good. Then again, based on all the time he had spent with his girlfriend he knew that the exact same was true of her.
After a few more sloppy attempts to finish his pudding cup Gabe tucked the now clean plastic cup in his blue hoodie and wiped away whatever pudding remained on his face. Soon his mind was focused on the next order of business: finding Nurgul. He had no more chores or duties for the next couple of hours so he wanted to spend those with his girlfriend if he could find her. It took him a while, asking a lot of different people including Noah and Mia who were on their way to discuss something with Javi. Eventually, though, he learned that Nurgul was on the rooftop of a building only a block away from where he currently was. Apparently she was busy planting something up there. Whatever it was, Gabe knew that he’d enjoy the simplicity of helping his girlfriend garden while catching up with her. With that thought in mind he set out to find Nurgul, his strides wider in an attempt to reach her faster.
It didn’t take long for him to slip into the building and walk up the stairs, skipping steps in order to reach the roof quicker. Soon Gabe’s hand was securely on the door to the roof and with a soft push he opened the door which made a faint creaking sound. Strolling out and scanning the area, he soon found Nurgul in the middle of planting some new flowers. A calming Kazakh lullaby left her lips as she hummed while she worked. Gabe’s heart softly fluttered as he looked at his girlfriend before he began to tiptoe over toward her. He wanted to give her a nice surprise, wrapping her up in a hug that he hoped was even half as good as her hugs were. Step by step he made his way over towards her then waited until she rose up to her feet before he tightly wrapped her in a hug from behind. “Surprise, Nuri!”
Nurgul immediately tensed up though, her breathing becoming uneven and sporadic before disappearing. With a panicked cry she squirmed to break free of the hug, tossing Gabe back and landing him harshly on the concrete. Nurgul’s body trembled as she struggled to catch her breath; it wasn’t until a couple moments had passed before she risked a glance over to see who was there. Her eyes grew large when she noticed it was her boyfriend. “Gabe!” Nurgul jogged over to check on him.  “I am so sorry,” She reached out a hand which Gabe readily accepted.
“It’s fine. Didn’t mean to scare you like that. How about we sit down for a bit?” Gabe motioned over toward the set of benches, each in front of a planter.
Nurgul gave a shaky nod and made her way over to the far left one while Gabe gently brushed the lower part of his back. That was definitely going to bruise. Spotting where Nurgul had taken a seat, Gabe joined but sat a few inches away, making sure to give her the space if need be. Both of them were silent for a few moments as Nurgul fidgeted with the hem of her grey cardigan. Gabe stayed quiet, waiting to see if Nurgul had anything to say before he started up any sort of conversation. After some time had passed Nurgul broke the silence.
“Sorry,” Her eyes remained focused on the ground.
“It’s okay, just surprising is all,” Gabe gave a reassuring smile but Nurgul didn’t seem to fully buy it.
“Did I hurt you?” Her eyes studied Gabe’s for a moment.
“Nothing that bad. It will heal in no time.” Gabe smiled once more then took a beat before continuing to speak. “Are you okay?”
“I will be,” Nurgul gave a smile that felt forced then glanced back down at the ground, the toe of her shoe gently brushing against the concrete.
“I really didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought-” Gabe took a deep breath, “I just wanted to surprise you with a hug.”
Nurgul was silent for a second. “It’s okay, just brought up bad memories,” Her voice became quieter towards the end of that sentence.
Gabe waited for a moment, wanting to ask if Nurgul would like to share but ultimately deciding against it. He didn’t want to force her to share tough memories; he knew he’d hate it if someone said something that made it feel like he had to do that.
“It was winter time,”
Nurgul’s voice drew Gabe's attention.
“My mother was sick, but we thought that if we were smart she could hold on until springtime and she’d get better. But that never happened,” Nurgul hid her hands away in her cardigan sleeves. “She turned that night and when I woke I thought for a split second everything was okay, that my mother was just holding me close. That wasn’t true though. The ulginder kept holding me, tighter and tighter until it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I thought it was all over but my winter coat gave me another moment to live and so when I saw a chance I ran. Leaving her,” Nurgul paused for a moment. “Leaving it behind. That’s why I reacted the way I did earlier.” Nurgul’s right arm wrapped around herself for a moment as if she hoped that action would crush any lingering panic and anxiety within her.
Gabe looked at his girlfriend, feeling his sadness build as he let that story sink in. An inkling of guilt burrowed deeply within. Seeing the expression Nurgul held, he wished he could help her feel better.
“Nuri,” Gabe slowly reached out his hand, intertwining his pinky with Nurgul’s. The small action startled Nurgul for a moment, causing her to instinctively flinch before she allowed herself to accept it. Slowly her pinky locked with Gabe’s. “I’m so sorry that happened. Losing a parent,” Gabe felt his throat go rough at a bitter memory before he harshly swallowed and continued. “It hurts, deeper than I’d ever want anyone too feel, especially you.”
His words made Nurgul’s lips tremble as tears started to slip down her face.
“I promise, Nuri, I won’t ever do that again,” Gabe looked over at Nurgul who gave a small nod. She continued to cry softly as her grip on Gabe’s hand tightened. Gabe silently supported her, letting all of her emotions run freely now that he knew the weight that his one unintentional action had caused.
After a moment Nurgul scooted over and slowly slid her arm around Gabe’s back. Ever so carefully Gabe moved his arms around Nurgul, making sure that he wasn’t doing anything that would cause her any sort of pain. The two soon sat side by side, holding each other close and letting each other’s presence communicate what they were feeling as the silence remained.
After a few minutes Gabe felt Nurgul’s shoulders relax somewhat as her head rested on his shoulder. Looking down at Nurgul he saw that her eyes were closed as she took slow, deep breaths. Silently Gabe pressed a kiss to her head then let his head softly rest on top of hers. Soon the world around them faded and the pair let themselves enjoy the comfort that came from sitting together in peace and silence.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
Meant To Be
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Warnings: some angst but it ends on a good note :)
@the-mechanical-angel​ requested some angst with the prompts “I loved you for half of my lifetime, but I’m done running after you” and “give me a chance” with Javi
@huliabitch​ requested “you were the hardest one to leave behind” with Javi
So I combined them and this is the result! I hope you both like it!
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It started out as a silly childhood crush.
You and Javier Peña had been inseparable since grade school. Your parents always made jokes about how you two would get married someday and how it would be the biggest wedding in that part of Texas because everyone knew about you and Javier.
But all good things must come to an end, right? By the time you got to high school it was almost like you didn't exist to him anymore but you still loved him and would continue to even if he had forgotten about you.
After high school, it was like Javier dropped off the face of the earth. No one had heard from him or saw him for years and yet you still held onto the memories of him. It would be a long time before you saw him again in the most unlikely of places.
Your parents didn't like the idea of you becoming a DEA agent but after you went through all the training and officially became one there wasn't much they could do. 
"Well, well, well," someone said as you were bent over picking something up. You thought it was just another one of the perverted idiots that worked in the same office. When you turned to give him a piece of your mind your heart nearly stopped.
"Javier?" He spread out his arms and, as always, you went running to him. "Where the fuck have you been?!"
"Around," he responded then held you at arms length. "Look at you...Agent."
"And you?" You looked down to see the badge on the waistband of his jeans. "No way!" All you could do was hug him again. I love you! you wanted to shout. "Looks like we're stuck together again."
"The dynamic duo," he joked.
That was how Javier Peña came back into your life.That was how you both ended up in Colombia.
And that was how you found yourself hanging on his every word again. Your heart was full of unrequited love and you wished you could cut it out -- that would be less painful than how you felt right now.
Every day you had to hear about Javier and his informants. He would try to play it off as if it was nothing, but you weren't a little girl anymore. You knew exactly what was going on. All those times you asked if he wanted to come by or go have drinks he always had an excuse. The excuses changed a little each time but they all meant the same thing.
You held onto hope for as long as you could until it finally broke you. When the whole thing with Escobar ended you wanted to be on the first plane out of Colombia. You celebrated with everyone then excused yourself. In your apartment, you questioned your decision to leave as tears fell onto the picture of you and Javier as children. Those were happier times and they felt so long ago now. It was time to let go.
Back in Texas, you enjoyed your time off and thought of Javier less and less each day until he became an afterthought. You had been on a few dates and even enjoyed some of them but you never let any of them get serious. You preferred it that way.
In town, you did some shopping and then stopped at the diner to order food to take home. The owner never let you pay since you'd been going there since you were a child, but you made sure to slip him something here and there. After a few goodbyes, you stepped outside and put your sunglasses on as you headed to your car.
"Let me guess: tomato soup and grilled cheese," a voice called from a car parked a few spots away. It was a voice you recognized right away but you couldn't turn and look. You couldn't. You unlocked your car and got in quickly before placing your bag of food on the passenger seat carefully and starting the car. "Hey!" Javier called as he got out of his car.
"No. Not again," you said to yourself. "Drive away. Just drive away." But you just sat there, hands on the steering wheel. Javier knocked on your window and you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before rolling it down.
"You're a hard woman to find, you know that?"
"Am I?" You still hadn't looked at him. "Uh...I gotta go. Don't want my food getting cold."
"We should ta--"
"Javier," you sighed before looking at him from behind your sunglasses. Thank God for that because you refused to let him see the tears swimming in your eyes. "I loved you for half of my lifetime, but I'm done running after you."
"Goodbye Javier." Your voice wavered and you rolled the window up before you pulled off and cried the entire drive home.
At home, you ate but didn't taste anything. You turned on the television but didn't hear anything. You breathed but couldn't seem to catch your breath. The knock on the door you heard though. You stood and walked to it reluctantly. Don't open the door. You know who it is! You almost did but looked through the peephole first.
"I know you're there…" Javier leaned against the door and spoke to you through it. "We need to talk."
"Please go away, Javier," you cried. "I was just starting to learn how to live without you." He was quiet for a long time after that then slipped something through the mail slot.
"You left that on my desk," he said. It was the picture of you two as children, making funny faces for the camera. "I miss those days too," he confessed.
"It's too late." You were sobbing now and you hated how he could make you so emotional.
"Please open the door." 
You looked out the peephole again and saw that he had both hands against the doorframe and his head rested on the door. He pushed away a few moments later and walked backwards from the door for a few steps before turning. You opened the door slowly.
"What do you want?" you asked tearfully.
"I just wanna talk," he said as he made his way back to the door and inside. You closed the door and walked to the kitchen without a word. "Hear me out."
"Sweet tea?" you offered.
You poured him a glass and handed it to him before pretending to be invested in cleaning the kitchen counter.
"Why'd you leave without saying goodbye?" His eyes followed your every move.
"I don't know."
"Bullshit," he scoffed and you stopped what you were doing. You turned your head to talk to him over your shoulder.
"Do you know how hard it was for me to leave?"
"How would I know? You left without a word." He sighed and even without looking at him you knew he had rubbed his face and put his hands on his hips. "Look at me. Please?"
You turned and crossed your arms. "I'm looking."
"I'm gonna ask again and I want the truth: why did you leave without saying goodbye?" He stared at you until you gave in.
"You were the hardest one to leave behind," you admitted. "A goodbye would've felt too final for me."
"And you didn't want it to be final because...you love me?"
"Something like that."
"You never told me this...why?" Was he seriously asking you that?
"Why? Javier...I wanted to so many times since high school. Then you disappeared and I never got the chance. I mean, I never had a chance with you in the first place. And then you come back and we end up in Colombia and all the feelings came flooding back but you...you had better things to, uh, do. You wouldn't even give me the time of day…" You felt the tears threatening to fall again so you stopped talking and brushed past him out of the kitchen.
"You loved me for that long?" he asked.
"Yes. I think even before then…"
He joined you on the floor in front of the television. "Well, maybe we can try to--"
"I'm not gonna let you break my heart." You turned to the TV and ate your soup.
"God or whatever is up there keeps bringing us together for a reason. I'm a dumbass who clearly didn't understand that but maybe now I do."
You shook your head. "I'm so scared that you'll break my heart."
"If I promise that your heart will be safe with me will you give me a chance?"
"You can't promise something like that…"
"I can and I am. Please...one chance?" If only he knew that he always had your heart even when he didn't know it.
"Fine. One chance but if you hurt me...I'll kill you." 
"I...actually believe that," he said then chuckled. He scooted closer to you. "Remember sitting on the floor like this when we were little and our parents would yell at us about how sitting too damn close to the TV would make us go blind?"
You giggled. "Yeah, I remember." You reached back to the coffee table to grab your sandwich then split it in half. "Here." He took a half from you and smiled. You both dipped your halves of the sandwich into the tomato soup at the same time then looked at each other.
Some things are just meant to be.
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velvetmel0n · 4 years
University girl trying to not think about Carrillo so she goes on a date with a college boy. They go to a nice bar, but Javi and Steve decide for celebrate and drag Horacio with them. Feeling his eyes on her she excuses herself and he follows. She waits for him to come behind her, softly grabbing her waist and brings her against his body. “Amorcita” he nips your ear, “I need you” and shit so did you. But you didn’t know what you were doing with this grown man but you’d love to figure it out.
He’s a nice boy from some other department in the Embassy, another intern like you and you could tell he was a bit nervous to ask you out, his smile just a bit shaky. 
You say yes, thinking that it can’t hurt. Thinking you’ll get a night of decent conversation if nothing else and an excuse to go out. You know you’ve been thinking of Carrillo too much, in lust with the older man despite knowing that it’s an objectively bad idea to get involved with any sort of ranking military official, let alone the one in charge of the Search Bloc, and you’ve heard the stories about him, but here you are.
So you say yes to this sweet college boy when he asks you out because you hope it’ll scratch whatever itch Carrillo ignited, that maybe you’ve just fixated on him because of his intensity or something, the thrill maybe, and that you just need to be reminded of how nice things could be with someone with an ostensibly less dangerous career and demeanor.
Please imagine that you decide to wear one of those satin slip dresses with the tiny straps, perhaps even with a bit of a cowl neck, that idk about you but I’m an absolute slut for. It’s yellow but it’s that deep jewel tone yellow that almost looks like you’ve covered yourself in molten gold, glimmering underneath the dim lights and you convince yourself you’re actually looking forward to the date.
It’s going well enough you suppose but to be honest he’s a little boring. A little too nice. There’s no banter, no playful sharpness or teasing. He’s just...he’s nice. 
And that’s when you spot Javier and Steve walking in, Horacio not far behind them and his face stony. 
Well fuck.
Here you are trying to forget about your stupid schoolgirl crush on the Colonel and he just walks in, shattering whatever illusions you have. And he looks good. He’s wearing a polo that stretches across his chest and seeming like its only purpose is to accentuate his corded muscles and he sees you.
You look away, starting to burn up with the embarrassment of being caught looking but hoping you can play it off and act like you’re infatuated with your poor date as he regales you with stories of foreign dignitaries.
You try not to look at him, you really do, but you keep sneaking glances at him and almost every time you do you lock eyes with him. There’s no mistaking that he’s looking right back and despite how much skin you’re showing with your dress you feel overheated.
Halfway through you excuse yourself very politely to the bathroom, planning to splash some water on your face or just get away from Horacio because you can feel his eyes on you as you walk away and it’s making you feel all breathless and jittery. 
Did you forget to lock the door to the single bathroom, or was it left as it was on purpose, some dark part of you hoping the Colonel would follow you in?
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