#maybe a lady with triplets lol
plumbus-central · 2 years
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pergnant... in the 80s no less...
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tezzbot · 6 months
Okay.. so... fairly long post under the cut with the sort of background to my Sonic Underground AU!! If anyone's interested fjdgv I have thought about it a Lot lol
So basically, The background is that Eggman has definitely been up to shit since before Sonic was born lol and one of his sort of things when he I guess started out in villainy ? was he started trying to claim land and take over so that he could build his cities and theme parks and factories and what have you and rule over everything. So, after claiming some untouched land he started attacking “Mobian'' settlements, (not sure whether to stick with Mobian or what but the word gets my point across so I’m using it now sfgdh) and I guess started working his way up until he found Christmas Island, which is the small Kingdom Aleena ruled over at the time. This caused the Kingdom to fight back and started a war with Robotnik. However. Obviously the warzone was no place to be raising the Very recently born heirs to the throne (the three who would grow up to be Sonia Sonic and Manic, they might’ve had different names back then lol) and so Aleena with a Very heavy heart sent the three Far away, they had them sent to a dinky little orphanage in a fairly distant zone, intending to pick them back up when the war was over.
Unfortunately, Very early on in the triplet’s stay at the orphanage, when they were still practically babies, an unfortunate cot placement led to Manic being kidnapped sometime in the dead of night (don’t ask why they did it I just think it’s funny love and light). He was taken to a nearby city, and somehow managed to endear himself to Ferral, the leader of one of the larger sort of crime rings active there. This is where he learned to get by and live and thrive, little crime family they love each other and rag on each other so much smile smile smile.
Sonic stayed in the orphanage a lot longer than Manic, but doesn’t really remember his time there all that much. As soon as Sonic figured out how to, he ran. Ran as fast and as far as he was able. Ran until he had no idea how to get back. But he'd not a guilt on his conscience. He was free, for the first time felt truly free. He learned how to survive on his own and met a little two tailed fox cub and his life played out pretty much exactly the same as it does in the main line continuity :)
Sonia is the only one of the three who has any memory of staying in the orphanage and was the only one to leave there by regular means dgfhfg. At about five years old, she was one of a few girls from across the continent to be chosen to attend and live at an all girls school where they would grow into proper ladies™, being taught etiquette and manners and so on. She managed a fairly cushy lifestyle here but was never truly happy there. She obviously has her besties like Mindy, but it always felt far too restrictive and (figuratively) cold. So while she does do well there, she is slightly prone to getting in trouble and feels kind of belittled and invisible among her peers at times
So in the triplet’s maybe 3rd year? The war on Christmas Island ended and the Mobians were unfortunately forced to go into hiding. Aleena made it out and went into her own hiding in the form of laying low in a residential area in a nearby city, and attempted to blend in there for a few years before making the trip to finally reunite with her children. Unfortunately by the time she gets there, all three are gone :( Even though the orphanage may know where Sonia is, she feels as though she has failed all three as their mother and wouldn't be able to face any of them (despite the fact they're like. 6 year olds lol), and so retreats back to her city home.
Until, over a decade later, Aleena sees the world renowned hero Sonic the Hedgehog that she hears so much about, (maybe he’s just saved that part of the city from a badnik attack or something like that) and there is just… something about him that is so uncannily like her Bernie… His heroism and humility right down to his mannerisms, the being blue also adds to the effect. And… Aleena is not one to get her hopes up, but the chance of this being one of her missing children after all these years…
Then I’m thinking maybe, she is wearing the equivalent of the three medallions and, maybe as she gets closer to Sonic one of them has some sort of magical reaction ? or something I’m not actually sure. But something DOES confirm to Aleena that This is one of her kids oh my god!! And he’s just like his (other) mother… Aleena gets overwhelmed and ends up not talking to him. Sonic maybe notices someone in a long flowy jacket running away from the crowd, but gets distracted by the many other thankful citizens around him to really take note of it lol
This is when Aleena writes her letter to Sonic. She looks him up, tries very hard to find out where he lives. Ultimately coming up with nothing she’s like IS MY BOY HOMELESS?? But then what comes up eventually is a plethora of small garages and laboratories under the name Dr. Miles Prower and is like Oh! An apprentice maybe :) lol and so she rolls the dice and chooses one of those locations at random and hopes her message gets to him soon.
This is just the leadup to what would be the "main plot" of the AU and I do have more for it!! So if this like. Text based way of explaining my ideas is alright I can share more from the google doc if ppl are interested!! And maybe I'll doodle some stuff for it here n there who know (seems likely tho lol)
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dollwrites · 1 year
HELLO BABE THERES SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT LOL I'm gonna try to make this ask not overwhelming lol
First demon slayer. TELL ME ALL YOUR OPINIONS NEOW I MUST KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THE FIRST (and maybe second) EPISODE 👀 koku and yoriichi are so beautiful like even the yoriichi doll that has half a face is gorgeous lol, also the way that koku was scolding akaza like 😳 I also love the part where doma tried flirting with the biwa lady and shes just like get the fuck outta here 😒 and listen I'm not ashamed to say that I would literally pay mitsuri to talk to me lol idk how genya could ignore her IN A HOT SPRING OF ALL PLACES.
Now to diabolik lovers, I also must know literally all of your opinions on the two seasons too lol 👀 like who your favorites are and why, what you think of each family, etc 🤔 So my first favorite the absolute first time I ever watched it sooo long ago was ayato so he'll always be one of my favs and I have a soft spot for the triplets for sure, but literally every mukami is my favorite LMAO I was absolutely shook when they were introduced in the second season. Like if diabolik lovers didn't want me rooting for yui to stay with the mukamis they shouldn't have made them all look THAT good. Like starting with azusa I knew he was for me when the FIRST thing out of his mouth was do you like pain? If they had left me alone with him on the first day I would have let him do vile disgusting things to me lol they would have had to pry me off him, and when he had the knife and was like I want to see it pierce your skin HELLO KNIFE KINK 😳 and Kou is so beautiful even tho the whole masochistic kitten is slightly cringy lol he can call me that all he wants, the masochistic part is completely true lmao 👀 the way that he gave her flowers so he could insist he needed something in return to suck her blood and then took them back and DESTROYED them when she refused was so manipulative and dramatic I love it lol. Also that boy was MOANING when he first drank her blood LMAO he was thoroughly enjoying himself 👀 Kou is so whiny too the way he was like help me get undressed I'm not good with buttons 🥺 and when he bit over suburus mark bc he was jealous, I fr love everything about that boy lol. AND YUMA THE BIG BOY I would never recover if he was carrying me around like that, like I can just imagine him using you like a ragdoll my size kink can nawt handle him 😭
We also NEED to talk about tokyo revengers asap but since this is already getting long and I'm not sure if you finished season 2 yet we'll have to wait until the next one maybe 🤔
THE DABI TIKTOK HOLY SHIT IM SO BLESSED YOU SENT THAT TO MEEE 🥰 I could actually cry at the pic where hes burning your neck as hes choking you that's all I want in life 😭 tojis looking alot like megumi I'm v excited 👀 also poor akaza he hates doma with all his heart LOL
I have so many tiktoks to send you it's not even funny lol im really gonna have to restrain myself rn
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3WET4D/ SIZE KINK SIZE KINK !!
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3Woj4R/ no bc they made them look too beautiful in this intro I would immediately leave with them
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37FL6t/ I could never forget about the biggest slut in the show 👀
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37NFSb/ me immediately running lmaoo
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37YBtQ/ THERE WAS NO REASON TO BE THAT SEDUCTIVE 😭
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3WcwrY/ hes so pretty 🥺
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37kVjn/ the way that he would inflict pain so lovingly 👀
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37dtr4/ LMAOO
I have so many demon slayer tiktoks to send lol but I'll only send like one now since theres already a ridiculous amount above lol and save the rest for the next one 😭
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR37Yk1b/ the voice 🥵
Jjk anon 🥰😘😘
Full disclosure I’ve not seen the second episode yet! My mom is watching it with me and last weekend she had company over so I didn’t get to watch it with her so I held off
YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO SEE KOKU AND YORII ANIMATED !!!! I am screaming crying throwing up
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Especially bc I’ve got so many ideas for koku x reader x yorii I am actually mentally eel. My friends know this already but I have an OBSESSION when it comes to anime twins. I become absolutely rabid
Douma being like ✨✨ be nicer to him ✨✨ I didn’t dodge it on purpose and koku just being all THE POINT IS HIERARCHY
I wanted to cum right then I love just a strong, cold man and he’s my favorite !!!
Biwa has had It with everyone’s bullshit and honestly I don’t blame her if I had to be stuck in that dimension with akaza and douma having their dick measuring contest, koku lamenting about traditions, hantengu just fuckin sobbing, and gyokko wiggling around I would FOR SURE have lost my mind. except I would ofc be sitting right on koku’s lap talking about some “yes daddy ur so right they just don’t make demons like they used to”
Genya’s such a cock but I can’t help but really REALLy like him.. it’s how fucking mean and gruff he is he’s got major tsundere type vibes and honestly that’s my fave
I just god I’m so attached to the triplets my absolute favorite was and always will be laito, very underrated with the sexiest voice, literally always sounds like he’s cumming I’m not OKAY
My thing is that every single one of both sets of brothers awaken something in me so picking favorites is so difficult too ALL OF THE MUKAMIS GIVE SUCH JEALOUS VIBES AND ALL OF THE SAKAMAKIS ARE SO YANDERE azusa is my little meow meow my pretty emo boy
I am so overdue for a rewatch it’s sickening
TOKYO REVENGERS NEXT MESSAGE, I GOT YOU. I’ll tell you where I’m at actually. Baji just now proved himself to Valhalla!!
I genuinely haven’t been on tiktok in so long so I don’t have any new ones for you BUT I WILL NEXT MESSAGE I PROMMY
Unlike yui I would never ever ever piss kou off I WOULD ONLY MAKE HIM HAPPY!!! I WOULD MAKE HIM CUM !!!
YUMA SIZE KINKJJJJ full on crying and jumping up and down baby you’re really trying to pull me back into my DL ERA
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rozetheeuwu · 2 years
🌊🤝🎭🥞📚🐹👎🌳for the reborn triplets and Anesa :3
Reborn triplets and their mother my beloved
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
Jack has seen the ocean and thinks it's pretty cool, I guess.
Katie has seen it and is fascinated by it, morose of a professor studying pokemon perspective.
Saywer has not seen it sadly enough, he's only ever seen the polluted water in Reborn. They haven't really thought about seeing things outside the region.
Anesa has seen it and loves the ocean, it's calming and relaxing and beautiful to her.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Jack - his mother and Katie
Katie - her mother and Jack
Saywer - No one
Anesa - Her sister
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Jack - He doesn't really regret anything? Maybe not being more focused on others instead of his research, but in his eyes it's not too late to start caring more about them.
Katie - Most of her life she chose to act very mature due to her mother's airheadedness and hippie mindset. She said "I'll be the parental figure for my brother and I will have an important career to show my mom that I'm mature"
I think she would still choose to study to become a pokemon professor, but she would want to redo how hard she's been working and become more relaxed.
Saywer - So much regret, so much he would redo.
Anesa - Not taking Saywer with her will always be her biggest regret. On one hand if she could have a redo she would, but on the other hand she knows if she had the chance to redo it and take them with her Sirius would probably hunt her down and take all three.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Jack - Yeah! He gets enough sleep a day and actually helps his mother cook dinner.
Katie - Not really lol, ever since she started studying to become a professor she has been to busy with work to focus on herself. Someone will probably catch her passed out on her desk when her body is too tired to continue. Luckily enough her family makes sure she eats enough.
Saywer - Same case as Katie. He could use a lot of more sleep, lol. He does eat what he needs to though. Mainly thanks to Ace and Luna who force them to eat something.
Anesa - Yes
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Jack - biology, specifically herpetology, otherwise he's screwed.
Katie - Does this often actually, but probably pokemon habitats or something like that.
Saywer - Violence Idk, like??? Math???
Anesa - Botany or something?
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
Jack - Seviper, He wants to be champion and specializes and lizard and snake pokemon.
Katie - She changes her favorites all the time, during the events in Reborn it's either Silvally probably. She is a pokemon professor, so not much of a trainer.
Saywer - Tepig because it was his very first pokemon ever and one of the only gifts they ever received from their father. He is an admin of an evil team leader so, yeah, that kinda trainer
Anesa - Delcatty, she probably is one of those trainer classes like Aroma Lady.
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
Jack - Sigmund and (adult) Lin, probably.
Katie - Sirius and also Lin and Sigmund
Saywer - Lin
Anesa - Sirius and her parents
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Jack - Yes
Katie - Yes, easily
Saywer - Yes
Anesa - Not really. She survived the streets, but the wilderness is a different type of challenge.
Thanks for asking me about them!! I love them sm,,, <3
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
I have to add my DB thoughts.
Dieter Bravo is fertile bastard. He definitely gonna make multiples. Twins or triplets. His lady scared as fuck but him being the proudest bastard because his boys are so strong 💪🏼 and I think that as most of Pedro boys, he is girls dad.
I love this man so much
I would be scared too tbh dfvdfbfb but he would %100 be so strong and smug about it, to the point reader starts to get very much annoyed lol
and YES tho I feel like all the pedro boys everyone's a girls dad fdvbfgb maybe except for Jack
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lunaencantada · 2 years
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I mean!! Super generic, the safe move, boring (I'm sorry Parce!!):
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That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life:
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I don't know about you, but I fear the day that we have a canon sexuality for Bruno because whatever it is, some people will be angry.
I see a lot of people with OCs that are ladies, so I suspect that they want Bruno to like girls. Then you have people who watch him and read his story as the gay uncle whose name the family don't speak, so, achillean. And I think the option of aro and/or ace is popular too? And right now everyone is having a great time with their headcanons, everything is valid.
But Jared Bush doesn't want to answer anything about this topic. He is doing that with the things they want to explore in the future. And yeah, I can imagine the grandkids asking why he is single. They'll make a canon story about that. And some people will be disappointed or angry.
My worst fear? I'm ok with everything, but I guess I can't trust Disney (talking about the company, not the people actually making the movie and trying their best).
I would love Bruno being aro/ace. I crave asexual representation. The A spectrum is so big, they can try so many options (I usually think about him like an ace with a tentative interest in romance). But. Can I trust them to do a nice representation? And, can I trust the fandom who see him as alosexual to be ok with it? Because, I don't want to think bad, but I watched so many dramas in other fandoms... I'm not ready to read more shit about us. I can't do that anymore, I'm tired.
Bruno being gay? Amazing. I love the idea. Beloved character being achillean, nice. But we are talking about Disney. Every year we have a new "the first openly gay person in a disney movie!!!" and is always a background character saying one line or kissing their partner really fast, super easy to cut if they need it. I don't know about the situation in other countries, but here in Spain there is a group of people who are trying to boycott Lightyear because Oh No TwO wOmEn KiSsEd. Encanto is SUPER popular. Bruno is very popular. Some people will be so angry if he is gay. Would Disney risk their public opinion for this? Uuuh.
And if he is hetero or at least they show him having interest in women... It's ok! The movie is not about LGBTQ+ experiences, I don't expect Disney to try more representations after using the "latino representation card" (Too much for them, they'll cry). And we’ll have more opportunities with the rest of the family if we are lucky. But if they go with "he wanted but everyone was wary of him, so Bruno couldn't find a girl" ..... I'll die if the incel community find him relatable or something like that 💀 Or... Imagine if they use Bruno being neurodivergent as the excuse of why no woman wanted to marry him, because he is "strange". More 💀💀
So yeah, I don't know. I'm happy right now. Everyone is having fun. You can read/write about any option or ignore the topic completely. But some day...
176 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de junio de 2022
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mayocc · 4 years
Not So Not So Berry Challenge
AKA Not So Berry Challenge 2
General Info:
If you play this challenge it’d be great to hear some feedback on what’s good and what’s not, especially as this is my first (and probably only) time making a challenge.
Feel free to either start this challenge off with Emerald, or continue the original NSB with this one.
I’ve heard that the freelancer career often doesn’t work. If this is the case for you, feel free to simply ignore that part of the black generation. Or any other stuff that don’t work right.
Packs that can be realistically replaced are in italics.
Expansion Packs Needed: Get Together, Eco Lifestyle, Get Famous, Island Living, Cats and Dogs, Discover University, Get to Work
Game Packs Needed: Spa Day, Strangerville, Jungle Adventure, Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Packs Needed: Nifty Knitting
1. Same basic rules as the original NSB.
2. You can do mild cheats if you want to, just don't cheat the actual challenges like careers, collections, relationships, ect.
3. If you fail to complete minor parts of the generation (only make food with ingredients you have, living near water, ect), you don't have to end the challenge. As long as you do the main stuff of the generation (careers, collections, aspirations), you're a-OK!
4. Tag your post #not so not so berry / #nsnsb if you do this challenge, or @ me! I’m @mayooinajar /  @mayosims This isn’t necessary but I’d really love it if you did :)
Generation One: Emerald
You’re a sim with a passion for the world! You spend your life working to improve the future for others.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Insider
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Civil Designer
Master Civic Planner branch of the Civil Designer career and complete Leader of the Pack aspiration
Master Gardening, Logic, and Charisma skills
Build a Greenhouse/Sunroom
Only make meals you have the ingredients for
Generation Two: Cream
Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of being in the spotlight. Time to make your dream a reality. 
Traits: Bro, Erratic, Outgoing
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress
Career: Actor/Actress
Master Actor career and complete Master Actor/Actress aspiration
Master Acting and Charisma skills
Divorce your spouse and never remarry
Complete MySims collection
Generation Three: Black
Spending your childhood in the spotlight, you decide to change your appearance, leave home, and try to make it as an artist. You struggle at first, but eventually settle into your new life, all by your own merits! (okay, maybe with the help of some ‘borrowed’ objects)
Traits: Geek, Kleptomaniac, Freegan
Aspiration: Master Maker
Career: Freelance Artist
Complete Master Maker aspiration
Master Fabrication and Painting skills
Leave home once Young Adult, drastically change your appearance
Steal items for money
Generation Four: Teal
You’ve loved the ocean ever since you were a child. Eventually you decide to take this dream to the next level and become a mermaid, which you find is surprisingly easy to do! You use your new swimming skills to excel at your job as a diver, and play the piano on the side.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Diver
Master Diver career and complete Musical Genius aspiration
Master Piano and Fitness skills
Live by the water (Sulani, Windenburg, Brindleton Bay)
Become a mermaid
Generation Five: Lavender
Who says performing surgery and paranoia don’t mix? Not you! You brush your fear aside and start up your own vet clinic, and if you sleep in a vaulted basement, nobody has to know.
Traits: Genius, Paranoid, Cat/Dog Lover
Aspiration: Lady/Lord of the Knits
Career: Veterinarian
Own a Vet Clinic and complete Lady/Lord of the Knits aspiration
Master Veterinarian and Knitting skills
Have 3 pets at once (including My First Pet pets)
Sleep in the basement underneath your Clinic
Generation Six: Honey
You’ve obsessed over fashion since you were young. You decide to combine your amazing taste and extreme likeableness into a job! Who wouldn’t want to hear your opinion anyway?
Traits: Self Absorbed, Cheerful, Foodie
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Style Influencer
Master Style Influencer career and complete Mansion Baron aspiration
Master Writing, Photography and Gourmet Cooking skills
Always hire a Nanny instead of daycare
Go to the spa at least twice
Generation Seven: Coral
In spite of your sheltered childhood, you decide to spend your adult life exploring the jungle! And maybe meeting someone along the way?
Traits: Childish, Art Lover, Glutton
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Career: None
Complete Jungle Explorer aspiration
Master Selvadoradian Culture and Juice Fizzing skills
Propose at the waterfall in Selvadorada
Try for a baby while adventuring
Make money by selling artifacts
Generation Eight: Sky
Parent by day, Secret Agent by night, you do it all! You keep your job a secret from your children. It’s for their own good.
Traits: Good, Neat, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Secret Agent
Master Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career and complete Big Happy Family aspiration
Master Cooking, Charisma and Logic skills
Have twins or triplets
Lie about career to your children
Generation Nine: Burgundy
You’re determined to be the best doctor around, and nothing can stand in your way! Besides, having kids is overrated anyways… Oops.
Traits: Goofball, Self-Assured, Hates Children
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Doctor
Master Doctor career and complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Complete Logic and Handiness skills
Never get higher than level 5 parenting skill
Stay late every time you go to work with your sim
Generation Ten: Lime
Growing up with a parent who didn’t like you, you decide to go into a career where you can improve the lives of young people! 
Traits: Squeamish, Romantic, Bookworm
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Education
Master Education career and complete Bestselling Author aspiration
Master Research and Debate, Charisma and Writing skills
Have a sim in your household die, then be resurrected via a Book of Life
Adopt all of your children
Alright! That’s it, I hope you enjoy. I’d like to thank myself for actually following through and writing this whole thing! 
Edits (M/D/Y): 
9/21/20 / Fixed a missing aspiration
9/22/20 / Changed generations from eleven-twenty to one-ten
11/30/20 / Fixed some messed up phrasing
@lilsimsie @alwaysimming just in case they care lol
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A Baker’s Dozen for Us!
Howdy, readers! It’s hard to believe how quick things are moving around here! We’ve got birthdays, babies, and so much joy in this house! Aren’t we blessed?
Christian, our third baby, recently aged up. It’s so hard to believe that we now have three teenagers in this house! Send prayers, LOL!
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Because our family has expanded a LOT recently (a set of triplets and a set of twins...we are so blessed!) we did some renovations, including a special toddler play area in our yard...
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And a new living room to make room for everyone! What do you think?
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Calder (#5) seems to love the new living room! He loves mechanical projects and such. He’s such a boy’s boy! Maybe he’ll be an engineer someday!
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By the way, the twins recently aged up...and just in time, too, because I’m expecting again!! We are SO thrilled! We will be adding another member to the girls’ room in the fall! 
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My hubby has been SO good to me throughout my pregnancy with baby #13. Now that I’m almost 36, pregnancies are getting a bit harder on me, but I have no greater joy in my life and I am so grateful that I get to be a Mama again!
He took me out to dinner recently. We had some yummy rootbeer floats, too! We do not consume alcohol, but ice cream is definitely okay :) 
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Meanwhile, my babies have been so good. Carly recently designed and sewed a brand-new modest dress for herself. She is such a little lady!
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Cooper and Calder had a mud fight on a recent rainy day. I couldn’t bear to scold them! Boys will be boys!
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Sweet Carly has really been flourishing lately. Not only does she have a deep conviction for modesty and a love of fashion, she is also blossoming into a real musician!
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I love hearing the lovely strains of her music straining through the house!
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Meanwhile, as our kids have gotten older, we’ve had to put a strict curfew in place. Parents, don’t let worldliness dissuade you from setting boundaries with your kids! Allowing them to stay out late is just asking them to fall in with the wrong crowd and go astray! This is one reason we are so grateful for homeschooling. It keeps our kids away from activities or other silliness that might go late into the night.
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Everything is going well around here! We are so grateful for each other and for our loving family. What a happy home we have!
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lieutenantcactus · 3 years
Mmhm... Spitfire,Soarin and Fleetfoot for the headcanon meme
Sexuality Headcanon: Big Butch Lesbian!!!
Gender Headcanon: Trans Lady!!! and very proud of it too!
A ship I have with said character: Mannn okay, I love her with Sapphire Shores!!! I think they’d be Equestria’s celebrity power couple. Also good is Sugar Belle, Clear Sky and Coco Pommel. Basically, put her with a femme lol
A BROTP I have with said character: Any other wonderbolt. Queer friend group :3
A NOTP I have with said character: Maybe her and Soarin? idk, not a big fan of “man and woman work together, must date!!!” trope
A random headcanon: She’s Sunburst’s cousin on her mother’s side/his father’s side.
General Opinion over said character: Love her a lot, she was on POINT during the washouts episode
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay boy!!!
Gender Headcanon: Cis man, tho I have seen some baller trans femme headcanons
A ship I have with said character: A classic, of course, is him and Braeburn, love those two boys. Kinda like him with Flim too
A BROTP I have with said character: Again, any of the wonderbolts. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Him with Spitfire. Can’t really think about anything else.
A random headcanon: Is the youngest in a set of triplets! His older siblings are High Winds and Curly Winds
General Opinion over said character: Good ol himbo, wish he got more screen time
Sexuality Headcanon: Butch Bi! She makes people swoon
Gender Headcanon: Trans Gal! 
A ship I have with said character: I like her with Fleur-de-lis, cause I love JockxModel. But also good is her with Moondancer and Flam
A BROTP I have with said character: Once again, big found family wonderbolts is good
A NOTP I have with said character: hmmmm can’t really think of any
A random headcanon: She’s Night Glider’s older sister!
General Opinion over said character: Her voice is so so cute!!! I think all wonderbolts should’ve had more screentime tbh
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mamabear-elinor · 3 years
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Elinor Aisling DunBroch -- Character Sheet
a naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth / mise ri d' thaobh, / Ó mhaighdean bhàn / ar rìbhinn òg, fàs a's faic / do thìr, dìleas fhéin
little baby, hear my voice / i'm beside you, / O maiden fair / our young Lady, grow and see / your land, your own faithful land
a ghrian a's a ghealach, stiùir sinn / gu uair ar cliù 's ar glòir / naoidhean bhig, ar rìbhinn òg / mhaighdean uasal bhàn
sun and moon, guide us / to the hour of our glory and honour / little baby, our young Lady / noble maiden fair 
Archetype — The Mother         Birthday — January 6, 1974 Zodiac Sign — Rising Sagittarius, Sun in Capricorn, Gemini Moon MBTI — ENFJ Enneagram — Type 6: the Loyalist Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — (honestly still figuring this out…) Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Temperance Element — Fire
[cw -- mention of miscarriages]
Mother — Una Briar (de Chateaupers) Father — Collum Briar Mother’s Occupation — homemaker Father’s Occupation — banker Family Finances — generational wealth Birth Order — eldest Brothers — N/A Sisters — Shannon Charming (b. 1974) Children — Merida (b. 1997), Harris, Hubert, Hamish (b. 2007) Other Close Family — Fergus (ex-husband), Henry Charming (nephew), Thomas Harrington (nephew) Best Friend — some lady from the Order probably.  Other Friends — other Order women Enemies — People wishing to harm her daughter so...the Order, I guess. Awkward.  Pets — None now, but she had a horse back home :( His name was Duncan.  Home Life During Childhood — Typical of an Order family. Except, because they were both girls, things could be tense. Their father had little to do with them. He was cold and not affectionate. Their mother did her best, but she was constantly stressed that her daughters weren’t going to find good matches, that it was basically all she talked about. She grew up being told that she should’ve been a boy. At first, she was a bit rebellious and could get away with being a bit of a tomboy, but by the time she was ten and her family didn’t have a boy--she was basically cut off from those outlets. Town or City Name(s) — Glasgow, Scotland What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Simple. More girly than she would’ve liked it, but she didn’t have a lot of opinions when she was a kid about décor. That came later, after many lessons where the proper way to set up a room and what fabrics to use together and what colors suited each other. She actually really liked these kinds of lessons and took them to heart and changed up her bedroom when she was 16 to reflect this with deep blues and greens.  Any Sports or Clubs — Equestrian club, probably ran track/field in college because her parents couldn’t stop her, maybe played some other sports intramurally but not officially.  Favorite Toy or Game — Anything outdoors, loved camping and horse riding.  Schooling — graduated from the university of Glasgow with a degree in art history. (1996) Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Loner in regular groups, popular with the other Order people.  Important Experiences or Events — When her sister was born, when she first babysat some neighbors kids and realized how much she loved bbs, when she got married, when she had Merida, when she had her first miscarriage, ...all the miscarriages after that, the birth of the triplets!, when Merida left home, when Merida returned as a wolf, when her sons went off to be squires :( Nationality — Scottish Culture — Scottish/the Order, lol Religion and beliefs — Catholic, quite religious. Her faith in the Order has been shaken, but her faith in her religion hasn’t.  
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Caitríona Balfe Complexion — Pale Hair Colour — Dark brown, often mistaken for black. Grey streaks that she hides with dye.  Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’10 Build — Slender, but muscular Tattoos — Absolutely not! (Yes, she has a rose on her shoulder blade she got when she was 18.)  Piercings — ears  Common Hairstyle — Sensible half up do, though she recently cut it short, so that’s new.  Clothing Style — As I described it to Lauryl: Kate Middleton.  Mannerisms — Very stiff, very proper. Excellent posture. Does not gesture with her hands. (Usually.)
Usual Expression — 
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Has a good constitution but she can get colds when she’s particularly stressed. Physical Ailments — None, she’s pretty fit for almost 50!  Neurological Conditions — probably some depression, a few concussions when she was young, maybe i’ll make her suffer from migraines through menopause lol Allergies — None! Grooming Habits — Fair. She takes care of herself, but definitely isn’t a woman to do like hair masks and all that kind of stuff. Doesn’t mind getting dirty or roughing it camping.  Sleeping Habits — A light sleeper, tosses and turns, has not had a good night’s sleep in 24 years. Eating Habits — Fine? She eats, lolol Exercise Habits —  She actually exercises quite often. Goes for jogs, does yoga, some cardio, horseback rides, she likes to stay active. Emotional Stability — She is pretty stable, unless she gets pissed off, and then she is very not stable. Has a temper for sure.  Body Temperature — Runs a little hot.  Sociability — Enjoys socializing, definitely extraverted.  Addictions — N/A Drug Use — Smoked before she became pregnant with Merida. Will occasionally still smoke a cigarette when highly stressed. Alcohol Use — Not too much. Probably went through a phase where it was a bit heavier, but cut back.  
Your Character’s Character: 
Bad Habits — Short temper, making assumptions about people, being pushy and pushing her ideals onto others in an attempt to control them -- but she means well.  Good Habits — Organized, takes charge, throws a great party, very warm Best Characteristic — Her empathy Worst Characteristic — Her pushiness Worst Memory — Probably when she had to save her daughter from her husband, that was fucked up. Also, when her secret Order beau turned her away for a more “high ranking” woman to marry.  Best Memory — The birth of her children <3 Proud of — Not much, tbh. Which is ironic considering she has a lot of pride. Her children, but in a very complicated way. Embarrassed by — Her ex-husband, her own foolishness, bad manners Driving Style — Bit of a speed demon, heavy footed on the breaks lol  Weakness — Her children, being guilted into doing things Fears — Something happening to her children, that she has not been a good mother. Phobias — N/A Secrets — Man, so many but they’re mostly abstract. Basically: how unhappy she’s been her whole life. Regrets — Letting people push her around for so long.  Feels Vulnerable When — People point out her flaws. Pet Peeves — Bad manners.  Conflicts — Her whole life in the Order v putting her children (and herself) first. Motivation — To protect her children Short Term Goals and Hopes — Find Merida, make sure she is okay. Long Term Goals and Hopes — Be happy. :( Sexuality — Bisexual, she knows about it, but it is frowned upon in the Order, so she hasn’t really done much about it.  Day or Night Person — Day person, up early! Introvert or Extrovert — Extroverted Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist Greatest Want — To protect her children Greatest Need — To embrace her freedom
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x07: Last Call
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In case you forgot, Dean and Cas are  f i g h t i n g. 
Texhoma, Texas
It’s bar time at a lonely little dive bar and two friends are stumbling to their car. Well, one is helping the other. Sally needs to vomit and runs to the bushes. Her friend, Angela, gets in the car instead of holding her hair back. I’m side eyeing your level of friendship here, ladies. Sally turns around from her puke-athon to find Angela and car gone. 
Cut to Angela tied to a chair in a basement. There’s a line slowly draining blood from her arm --and a monster feeding on it behind a door!
At the bunker, Dean continues his nihilistic spiral by drinking all the beer in his room and surfing the internet for cases. He finds one!
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Cut to Dean wandering into the kitchen where a very cozy Sam and Eileen are making all the breakfasts. 
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Dean knows when he’s a third wheel and decides to check out the case on his own. Sam and Eileen are living their best lives. He doesn’t want to get in the way.
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Dean arrives at the Texhoma sheriff’s office and meets Sheriff Dillon. He asks about the disappearance of Angela. The sheriff isn’t convinced she’s gone. Her car went with her. He suggests that maybe she ran away to LA. Kids do that. They usually return within the week. He boasts that he stayed for a month. 
Ok, I can’t recap this with a straight (*wink*) face anymore. WHAT THE WHAT was happening here? There is SO much staring and awkwardness. I loved it but also wanted to hide under a rock. 
In any event, the sheriff admits that Angela’s friend has issues that usually keeps her at Swayze’s Bar 24/7. Before Dean can head out though, the sheriff tells Dean that he could go to LA and look for Angela. He could give showbiz a try himself. Cue camera zoom and, “You’ve got the look.” 
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Dean    is    confused. 
That night Dean arrives at Swayze’s Bar. Dancing, drinking, and live music greet him. Also, a flirty waitress asks for his phone. This is a No Phones Allowed bar (guns are ok #AmericaYouAreTheWorst  -and what’s even worse? As an American, I didn’t think twice about this line until international fans vomited on Twitter. Sigh.) Dean, who’s currently on a case, just drops it in the basket. I guess he won’t be calling Sam if he needs anything. He asks about the friend, Sally. The waitress, Lorna, hasn’t seen her yet. She does slap Dean’s ass as she walks away though. Sigh. <Insert discourse on all the times Dean’s been sexually assaulted and harassed throughout the years.> He turns around to watch the waitress walk away when he notices the lead singer of the band. 
“Lee Webb.”
They’re old friends and ecstatic to see each other. Lee owns the bar. I wonder if they watched Swayze movies together in their youth?
Back at the bunker, things are snoozeville in Research Land. Eileen suggests they stop to do something fun. ooooOOOOOooooo. Sultry looks and awkward glances ensue. Sam takes her hand, she looks expectantly towards him, he leans forward, and...CAS INTERRUPTS! Bless the angel and his timing. Sam deserves it after 12 years of doing it to Cas and Dean. Cas and Eileen meet. Yay! 
*Classic SPN Dialog Alert*
Cas: I thought your were…
Eileen: Dead? Yeah, I got...better. 
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Then Cas asks the important question in life: “Where’s Dean?” Lol, you two are divorced, remember? Anyway, Cas comes with ideas. He thinks that Sam and God are connected through their wound. 
At the bar, Dean tells Lee that John died 13 years ago. Damn, when you put it like that, it’s overwhelming to think about how much of their lives we’ve watched. Lee’s sorry to hear it. They toast to his memory. They talk about the last time they saw each other. (A cult thing in Arizona.) Lee did one more case and hung up his hunter spurs. Dean asks if he regrets walking away. Nope. 
At the bunker, Cas is going to probe Sam. Well, his wound really. Cas does his angel magic and that leads to Sam getting tossed against the wall. Ooops. 
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Cas calls and leaves a message with Dean (on all his many, many phones it seems.) Cas growling directly into the phone is all kinds of wonderful. 
Dean’s busy reminiscing about orgies Lee and him had with triples. Yeah, they split triplets up “fair and square.” Um? <Insert lady doing complicated math gif here>
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Cut to Sergei. Remember him? He sold Cas “archangel” grace back in the day. Cas needs his help. Cas goes all BAMF on him and we collectively swoon. Cas also makes another phone call. 
For Hand Porn Science:
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At the bar, Dean tells Lee all about Ghost Sickness (ah, that very funny episode, until it wasn’t. Andrew Dabb’s first episode. Lilith makes an appearance.) Lee asks about his current case. Dean shows him a picture of Angela. Lorna sees it and is surprised Lee doesn’t recognize her. She’s in the bar all the time. WHERPS. Someone’s a lying liar. Anyway, the conversation moves on and Lee tells Dean he could have this life. (*crying Rocky’s Bar noise*) Dean wants to know who’ll kill the bad guys? “You deserve a break, bro.” Ok, fair. 
Lee then gets the band to play “Good Ol’ Boys” AND convinces Dean to join him on stage. Dean takes another shot and joins his friend. Dean’s on stage, but HE IS FREAKED OUT. Poor boy. He starts singing though. 
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And he can sing?? Ok. I will accept. Because I have to. Why would he pretend to not be able to sing for all these years? I mean, I guess, why does Dean pretend to be something he’s not is the main question we have about this poor soul in general. 
A fight breaks out in the back - Blondie’s getting harassed. “Road house rules?” Dean asks, invoking our lord and savior, Swayze. Hell yeah. Dean and Lee make quick work of the bullies and Dean discovers that Blondie’s actually Sally Anderson, the best friend of the girl who disappeared. 
Cas lets Sergei into the bunker. Sergei is positively ENAMORED by the bunker and all the delightful treasures within. Cool your jets, man! “You’re here for a reason,” Cas growls. 
“Aren’t we all?” Sergei replies, and my eyebrows go WAY UP high in the air because that is some straight up authorial intent nonsense. They head in to the infirmary and Sergei uses a crystal to scan Sam like it’s a medical tricorder. Sam’s dying, according to Sergei. 
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Sally spills the details, including the disappearance of the car. “You can’t rapture a car,” Lee protests. 
“It was a good car,” Sally tells him and I am definitely not now thinking about the Impala getting sucked up to her eternal rest in Heaven. Nope. Not thinking about that at all. 
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Instead of Heaven, Lee suggests that the car may have gotten dumped in the lake. Lorna, who is probably a TRUE CRIME enthusiast, suggests the scrapyard, though. Dean marks that as his first stop. 
Sergei delivers some truth about Sam’s wound. It’s a soul-deep wound and connects his soul to something that wanders the world. When Castiel probed it, Sam’s soul was squeezed out of his body. Please be like me, and envision Sam’s soul as the toothpaste in a half used toothpaste tube squeezed by Castiel’s fist. If Sam’s soul wanders too far, he dies. Or, as in my analogy, the toothpaste tube of the soul explodes. Soul toothpaste everywhere!
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In the junkyard, Dean discovers the victim’s car and more appallingly, her body hidden in the trunk. A gun is cocked behind him. It’s Lee! He knocks Dean out cold. 
Sergei smears a potion on Sam’s wound. Sam begins to thrash violently while Sergei chortles to Cas about deliberately hastening his death with his “cure.” Wherps. Shockingly, trusting the villain who cheerfully harmed Jack has backfired! Sam flashes on Chuck’s conversation with Amara - particularly on all the bits where they discuss Chuck’s current weakened state. While Sam flashes, Eileen drives Sergei into the wall and chokes off his airway. FANS SELF. 
Sergei demands the “Key to Death” in exchange for saving Sam’s life. It’s a key with a skeleton handle which can open the door to Death’s library. OKAY GUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL I am very excited! First: a trip to the library! Second: it’s a SKELETON key, pardon me while I savor this pun with all I’m worth. Please, please can we visit Billie with a magic key? PLEASE????
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Um. Anyway. Castiel isn’t taking any of Sergei’s bullshit. He pulls out his phone and shows a photo of Sergei’s niece, under surveillance by Bobby. At Castiel’s order, Bobby will kill her. This takes all the wind out of Sergei’s sails. 
Cut to Sergei chanting over Sam just before Sam wakes up, mostly intact. “We good?” Sergei asks. Sure! BFFs. 
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Dean wakes up tied to a chair in a basement with an IV in his arm. “You awake, Buddy?” Lee asks, and isn’t that just an improper endearment to use at this time? Lee heads downstairs to deliver his villain monologue to Dean’s face. No sense in killing him while Dean was knocked out, right?!
Lee reveals that he had a very bad hunt that caused him to despair ever winning against the evil in the world. When he did his last hunt in this town, he found the monster who is now locked up in the cage in the bar’s basement. “As long as you feed it, it gives you money. It gives you health. It gives you anything you dreamed of.” Lee feels that the world owes him for his many monster kills from his younger days. The world isn’t divided into good or bad, nor does it care for anybody’s moral high ground. “But I do,” Dean says, and it’s like a rallying cry for our poor hot-dog-pantsed hero.
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Lee releases the blood and it begins to travel up towards the monster’s cage. “Dean Winchester, the righter of wrongs. You’re gonna keep digging. You’re gonna figure me out.” Lee pats him on the shoulder one more time, bro-like, and heads up the stairs again. 
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Dean sizes up the situation, rocks the chair and shatters it on the floor like he’s made out of granite, and pulls out the needle. It’s monster fightin’ time! 
Upstairs, Lee hears the commotion. It’s basically a lot of loud snarling and banging. Just a typical Friday night for Dean Winchester, amirite? Footsteps climb the stairs…and the monster’s head is thrown through the doorway.
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They engage in a good ol’ fashioned shootout before confronting each other face-to-face. “I am you,” Lee tells Dean. But he’s a version that realized the world was broken and bought into it. 
“Then you fix it,” Dean insists. “You don’t walk away. You fight for it.” And, as it turns out, they fight for justice, I guess. They fight and Dean skewers Lee with a broken pool cue. 
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“I’m glad it was you,” Lee says about his death which is twenty flavors of fucked up. Look, I know there’s all this meta about how this is Dean’s unrealistic fantasy and it shows him his true calling isn’t tending bar. That is all ABSOLUTELY accurate. But GUYS this also reads like another lesson from Chuck to poke Dean back into hunting and eventual fratricide again. Hot dog pants don’t kill people (EVEN THOUGH they straight up murdered fandom a few weeks ago). What parts of these episodes are meant to be Chuck and what are meant to be “free will”? I have no idea and I’ve never been more in love with this show!
Um. Anyway. 
Dean returns to the bunker. Castiel, just striding innocently through the war room, is ASSAULTED by Dean’s surprise presence. “Dean,” he says, so very softly. GAAAAAH. 
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Dean asks after Sam. Castiel delivers the good news and can NOT maintain eye contact. WHEN WILL MY SUFFERING END? Castiel strides away and Dean follows him to check on Sam. 
Sam, bless this poor clueless bean, is ecstatic with his new knowledge from his near-death visions. He realizes he saw Chuck’s memories, and knows he is weak now. Sam’s ready to take the Team Free Will monster truck and just rollllll it right over Chuck. Easy peasy! 
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Gimme a Bro-Quote, Bro:
Duke? Like put up your dukes?!
I need a break and so do you. Why don’t we do something fun?
Livin’ the dream!
Can’t just keep lip syncing Eye of the Tiger while no one’s watching
You can’t rapture a car
Best friends don’t just leave without saying goodbye
I like this you, Castiel. It’s very…Russian
Good or bad. The world doesn’t care. No one cares, Dean.
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tezzbot · 5 months
What first made you think of the Rosemere ship?
Also, do you think on your deathbed you'll whisper "Rosemere" into a snow globe and people will spend an award winning movie figuring out what it is?
Citizen Tezzbot
Okay 1. Extremely good I love that so much thank you JHSDGH
Well, when I started developing the Underground AU more, I started getting really into the way I was characterising Sonia like I love her so much lol and then I started thinking about like post-triplets meeting, how would Sonia and Manic be around Sonic's other friends, like they obviously already love Tails (it's free little brother!) but what about the others? And I thought it would be funny if put together, trained in etiquette, upper class girls school raised Sonia just became a fumbling stuttering mess because she thinks Amy is VERY pretty and lovely aand it just kind of spiraled from there LOL perhaps with a sprinkling of my own sapphic yearning projected in there maybe a little bit who's to say smile. smiles.
Also I call it Rosemere because Amy Rose and I use Sonia Windemere because she was brought up by Lady Windemere in the show and in this AU she was taken in by and grew up in Lady Windemere's School for Girls ^_^
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alright, round 2
Quack Pack!:
Damn, they just throw you into the sitcom. I love it. All the overacting and over the top poses/reactions are great
Dewey’s entrance is great
Is the bear the one from the last episode?
“I’ve shenaned-once, I’ll shenan-again” BEAUTIFUL
And then he just one-legged hops up the stairs backwards
I liked the Della and Louie are both wearing green. It’s a cute thing to tie them together
Louie totally did this scheme with Dewey in Della’s place at some point
The fact that Scrooge stops to entertain the idea is great
 “We’ve got about...30 mins” I love when shows make allusions to the actual runtime
Beakley and Webby had the BEST ENTRANCE! They must have seen the Lady Gaga halftime show
That dangerous agent stuff is probably gonna come back. Next week is the spy episode so...
“I’m not a spy” I wonder how that worked in the plot of the fake show. Did Beakley do spy stuff? It just doesn’t make sense for a sitcom
From the get-go Huey could tell things were off
I wish they had just used the Quack Pack intro for the theme this episode
I want Launchpad’s band to somehow exist. I liked the girl’s design a lot
When you rewatch the episode you can see they foreshadowed the twist. Donald looks directly into the camera an awful lot for someone that doesn’t know there even is a camera
Knox Quackington? Even for a show full of punny names, that is a ridiculous name
His outfit looks more “ace reporter” than “eccentric photographer”
“He’s a spy” Do you think Gene was trying to pretend to be a spy for the wacky misunderstanding of the episode in-universe or he just didn’t know how photographers act?
“YOU’RE SO SMALL! But so STRONG!” Webby has probably killed a man
The screen wipes are GREAT, though that feels more like an anime thing than sitcom. Sitcom scene wipes usually were establishing shots of the house they live in or the city. I’ve watched far too much tv
Louie’s lie speil was great and solid logic
“Time is money, kids, and I’d rather spend time because it’s not money” Inspirational
Donald sure cares a lot about the lighting. How would he know the office had the best lighting, hmmmmm
Something about that hand movement makes me think 90s but I’m not sure why
Dewey doing the dance that the triplets do in Mr. Duck Steps Out is cute
The blank pages made me think about how people can’t read in their dreams
“On the moon we had this old saying-always check your pockets” To be fair, that is good advice
Poor Huey just CAN’T catch a break! First he hallucinates a talking guidebook (THAT BURNS TO DEATH AND COMES BACK AS A GHOST) now reality is SHATTERING BEFORE HIM. Yeah...this season’s gonna do a number on this kid. Hopefully he gets a break next week
“Since when are YOU a hairstylist?” “SINCE THE INTERNET” Now THAT is a quarantine MOOD right there 
So we learn later that SHABOOEY is Gene’s catchphrase, is Dewey saying it because he’s being controlled by Gene in that moment? 
Donald looks into the camera again
Maybe because it was a soda ad in a Disney Afternoon-based show, but the commercial made me think of Coo-Coo Cola from Rescue Rangers
Ducktales-the ONLY Disney show with an in-universe “and you’re watching Disney Channel”
I love Huey dearly but....it’s really fun watching him MCFRICKIN LOSE IT
Dewey can’t throw...because he’s a theatre kid
Donald looks at the camera again
Louie’s wipe DEFINITELY looks like something out of an anime. Is Louie secretly a weeb? I mean he is in a different show
Gene doing his best not to break character. A true thespian through and through
“Yo” *all the ladies cheer*
All of the sudden BAM Launchpad has a band. Is he the Uncle Jesse?
I love that we don’t get to hear them play
“Trapped in a mystical prison that’s constantly laughing at us” I call that my brain :’)
“I figured if anyone would crack, it’d be Dewey” Huey seems WAY more likely to snap imho
“But that was from soul-crushing loneliness” Della, you wanna talk about that? With a professional perhaps?
“We need some wacky hijinks!”
“HOW DID I GET HERE? WHY AM I DANCING?” Huey gets SO MANY great lines this episode
And once again we have Donald looking directly into the camera
“Cute girl stuff” Della probably went around with a meat tenderizer as a kid, so it’s normal
Goofy seemed to be aware of the cheering. HMMMMMMM
I’ve been calling DT17 Goofy Chibi Goofy because of how short he is compared to how he normally looks. They probably made him shorter so he and Donald fit in a single frame easier. I know a lot of the boarders/animators for the show have a hard time doing scenes with Launchpad and the kids because of how MASSIVE he is compared to the kids
Goofy knew something was different about Donald. HMMMMMMM
The way Don delivers the line “You CAN help” has a weird inflection, at least to me
I want Goofy thinking to become a meme and people put random sounds over it like those are Goofy’s thoughts
That face-slap was loud
Where was Dewey that whole time? He kind of just...disappears for a bit
Oh Launchpad, you MAJESTIC himbo. And Gene smiles, too cute
“Getting the lid off that peanut butter jar was an adventure” In that household it probably could have
Donald using Louie and Della’s names when he could have just said you broke your mom’s vase or something like that
You look pretty nervous there, Donny-boy
“I don’t mean the last episode” Good, because you kinda lost your mind in the last episode
Wow, flashbacking is TRIPPY
“We should really get back to the plot, I mean problem”
Why don’t you want to flashback, DONALD?
lol Goofy does it too even though he wasn’t present for that event
Gene’s just blankly staring in the background
“REMINISCE HARDER” What you tell yourself as you take a test and are trying to remember what you studied
Yay, the journal is brought up!
“How many lamps did this jerk have?” Excellent question
I feel like Gene took some MAJOR liberties with Donald’s wish. When I think normal family problems I don’t think of sitcoms. In fact that is the FURTHEST THING from what I think of as normal. Then again Gene is played by Urkel, so that might be his normal
Speaking of, does Gene know that they are all ALREADY in a tv show? How far does this rabbit hole go?
“EVERYONE STOP CATCHPHRASING!” “Is ‘I’m not a spy’ seriously my catchphrase?” You deserve better, Beakley
Of COURSE Dewey’s cool with it...because he’s a theatre kid
Gene just trying to sneak out. I don’t think he wanted to deal with all that family drama
“HOW MANY MORE SECRETS DOES THIS AGENT HAVE?!” Oh Launchpad. Next week you’ll learn all about secrets and agents and secret agents
Gene feels like what would happen if all of Genie’s pop culture references were limited to the 90s. I LOVE IT
“AGES! The long ago year of 1990!” Well I feel old (born in 91). His eyes after he says it are just AMAZING
Gene being so knowledgeable about what makes great tv is hilarious. Clearly he should have directed the Darkwing movie lol
Seriously though, this really gives us a good look at Donald’s psyche. The guy just wants his family to be safe. But it’s even deeper than that. He wants to be normal, which includes him having a voice that’s easier for people to understand. He’s got a lot of baggage and trauma that needs to be dealt with, mainly how he views himself. Like, fuck
The HURT you see in Della’s eyes when Donald talks about why he likes it there BROKE ME
Huey’s line about adventuring being who they are got me teary eyed
Goofy just shrugs as he walks out
Of course Launchpad was gonna get the multiple dates plot. We’re ALL thirsty for some Launchpad
“Probably at least 3 seasons, plus spinoffs, and I assume they’ll reboot the show eventually.” Lines like this make me think Gene is very aware he is in a tv show
 “HORRIBLE, FLESH-FACED MONSTERS!” Not gonna argue with that
Dewey is SUCH a drama queen
I don’t like how Scrooge called Gene genie. He told you his name, there’s no need to be rude
Ok the study date girl kinda reminds me of Laura from Family Matters, but that might just be because Urkel is there lol
How old is Launchpad supposed to BE in the sitcom? I don’t think a 30-something is going on many study dates
“You all seem real nice, I feel bad about the mix-up” LAUNCHPAD YOU BEAUTIFUL HIMBO
Beakley and Della telling the dates to find themselves and to be independent SLAYED ME. I was NOT expecting that!
“AH, MY PET SNAKE!” “Louie why would you have this?” “THIS IS A POORLY CONCEIVED STORYLINE!” “Eh, everyone’s a critic.” Louie’s right though, DEWEY would be the one with an exotic pet. Or any pet
Tiny Johnny and Randy
The ENTIRE SCENE of Goofy and Donald together was SO HEARTWARMING and something we could NEVER GET before this series!  Having Donald and Goofy talk about being parents is WONDERFUL! It’s something we’ve never seen before with these characters. Donald just wants to be normal and Goofy giving a beautiful speech about how there really is no normal so enjoy the candid moments in life. I LEGIT CRIED
OF COURSE Goofy would have the wallet overflowing with pictures, he is THAT DAD. Seeing Max was great. I thought we might see PJ but I SQUEE’D when they showed the picture of Max and Roxanne! I hope they show up for real later on
We get a hint at the OTHER twist here with Goofy actively encouraging Donald to put things back to normal while everyone else that aren’t the Duck family are trying to keep them there
Also, Goofy’s ears have bones
DON’T MESS WITH DONALD’S FAMILY. It will NOT end well for you
Goofy just starts snapping pics, like the true photographer he is
“LET’S GET QUACKING” It’s no “I AM THE STORM” but still good
“A lamp in a lamp?” I can’t tell if that is BRILLIANT or lazy. Or BRILLIANTLY LAZY
“YA HA HA HOOOOWIIIIIEEEEE” It wouldn’t be a proper Goofy cameo without the yell
The scorpions got bored and left
 “The sound of no one laughing never sounded SO GOOD”
“BEST EPISODE EVER!” Definitely in my top 5
“Gawrsh, that’s sweet.” *does a cute wave* “Wait, Goofy was really here this whole time?”
Ok, but where was Goofy before then? Did Gene poof him away from something important? I WANT ANSWERS!
I bet they had this bit so people wouldn’t freakout like they did with Darkwing
I love Launchpad just being confused and waving at Goofy. He’s never met the dude before so it’s understandable. But I NEED they to have a proper interaction. THING OF THE PROPERTY DAMAGE!
“Magic’s got NOTHIN’ on a big name guest star” YOU KNOW YOU’RE IN A SHOW!
Lowkey want that Goofy lava lamp
The little Maxes flying over Goofy’s head...ADORABLE
Donald using his last wish on the picture made me tear up. He could have had ANYTHING. He could have wished for a normal voice. But he used it for a family memory
Donald and Beakley both looked into the camera for the picture. WHILE FIGHTING DEMON HUMANS.
I can’t lie, THIS was the episode I was most excited for even before we got the premiere date. I was excited for the 90s cheesiness. Then we found out Goofy was gonna be in it and I got even more excited. Goofy is one of my faves, especially Dad Goofy. I was expecting it to be balls-to-the-wall insanity nonstop but they got me in the feels too. I want more of this Goofy and Donald. The two of them being single parents who lost someone close to them. Like I said earlier, this episode is in my top 5 for sure.
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suldreen-saga · 4 years
hi! can you do 13, 21, 18, 25, 31, 64, 27, 11, 10 from the wyr? thx!
oh wow anon, you really went ham with this and I love you for it! :)
10) cryokinetic or pyrokinetic
tough choice! I would love to be able to pull an Elsa and freeze stuff. but being able to control fire, even if it’s dangerous, sounds so badass! (I have a strange obsession with fire. no I am not a pyromaniac)
11) atlantis or eternalia
Eternalia sounds great and beautiful, especially since it’s in the Himalayas! Atlantis on the other hand, though?? I’ve always loved going to aquariums so the idea of an underwater city makes me so happy. I’m sure most of my time there would be spent near the force field, watching ocean life on the outside. also, ever heard of that game Bioshock? I love it so much!! Sam, I hope you’re seeing this lol. if any of you remember my Atlantis art, I actually based it on the city of Rapture from that game so... you can see that I have strong opinions about this particular wyr question
13) ogres or gnomes
hmm. my first instinct was to answer ‘gnomes’. I mean, who doesn’t love them? they are the best!! but ogres culture is fascinating to me? I know they seem barbaric and cruel but there has to be so much more beneath the surface. there must be a reason that Lady Cadence, the person who spent so much time close to them, came to respect and appreciate this species. I would love to learn more about their culture and way of thinking so that I could better understand them!
18) elwin or livvy
oof, sorry Livvy, I love you... but Elwin has a special place in my heart. and if anything happened to him I would fight whoever or whatever harmed him with my bare hands
21) blue eyes or brown eyes
don’t make me choose between these two!! they are both so pretty??
25) project moonlark or lodestar initiative
why do we not know virtually anything about the Lodestar Initiative? it’s been 4 books since it was first mentioned, Shannon! we want answers *slams fists on table*
27) song twins or dizznee triplets
okay, listen everyone, I love the Dizznee triplets so much? but I do have younger siblings so I guarantee you I would burst through a wall in an attempt to escape from the triplets if I spent more than five minutes around them. I have no idea how Dex does it?? on the other hand, Tam and Linh can step on me and I would thank them
31) keefe’s neverseen era or tam’s neverseen era
this may be surprising but I’ll go with Keefe’s Neverseen Era! it sucked and we were all in pain and dead inside but it felt less of a dire situation for some reason? like, there seemed to be hope still, what with Sophie keeping in touch with him and it being his choice in the first place? nobody else was threatened to be harmed really? Tam, however, was dragged away unconscious, after having been blackmailed, and we knew little to nothing of what was going on with him...
64) shade or flasher
both are amazing! I, personally, would love to try out being a Shade. getting readings on other people? power move and super useful
I feel like not much is known about Flashers apart from their ability to use light to better help with medical stuff or being able to create really cool spectacles like the Celestial Festival. what about all the other stuff though? there has to be a lot more, like Glimmer’s ability to create bonds, Cyrah and her starstones, maybe even Stellarlune? I’m sure you are all aware how much I crave answers at this point
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11,6 and 14 for the ask game pls
Diabolik lovers: asks, send one
6- what is your favorite picture of the brother/brothers
The DL art is so good how dare you make me choose just a single imageー
I guess if I had to pick, I would go with the cover art for Subaru’s Zero CD. The first time I saw it I just went like: W O A H. HELLO THERE. 👀 Even though you can only see one eye, that one eye is enough to make me melt. > ///
Tumblr media
11- favorite to least favorite (all the bros)
I’m gonna have to cheat a little here because even though it says all the boys, I don’t think it’s fair for me to rank Carla, Shin and Kino when I haven’t played any of the games they appear in yet. 
1. Subaru: He’s my tsundere baby okay. I love him. He’s perfect.
2. Shuu: Very very close second because honestly every time I see him, I fall in love with him a little more. Also I heard he has an ending with a cat in one of the later games and I’m a crazy cat lady. 
3. Ayato: My favorite triplet by far. He’s just so lovable even when he’s being a brat. Also his voice is hella hot. 
4. Kou: This is probably going to change when I get to playing his route but Kou is just so much fun in the drama CDs and when I was translating his tweets earlier for a future post, I kept on finding myself get charmed by him. 
5. Yuma: The way Yuma talks is a pain to translate but I do like his design and overall attitude. I’m also a huge health nut IRL and eat tons of fruits and vegetables so give me a boy like Yuma who can grow them for me. 
6. Reiji: Reiji is very middle-of-the-road for me. I don’t dislike him, but I’m also not crazy about him. I think it’s hilarious how he’s such a mom in a lot of the drama CDs, but the things he did to Edgar and Shuu in the past are eeeh, not so great. I usually love men with glasses but honestly I don’t find Reiji to be that attractive either. ;;;
7. Laito: This guy has grown on me a lot. Mostly due to stuff on my RP blog. I absolutely love his design and voice but his route in HDB is just so fucked up. He does improve over time so I’m at least looking forward to that. His Zero drama CD was probably one of the best things I’ve listened to in the series yet so he gets props for that as well. xD
8. Azusa: Azusa has some really cute moments, but he also creeps me out. Like…no, please don’t hurt yourself. ;;; The way he talks also gets really annoying after a while or maybe that’s just me. 
9. Kanato: I’m not into the shota type character okay. All the other guys treat you badly too in HDB, but at least they LOOK like they would make good boyfriends based on your appearance. I don’t look at a cutesy-dressed boy with huge eye bags who holds a teddy bear and go: yeah I’d tap that. Sorry Kanato, but you’re too much for me. 
10. Ruki: Okay. Listen. This is gonna be really shallow of me, but Ruki kills a cat in his route and that is a crime which can never be forgiven. Appearance-wise, I’m hella attracted to this guy but HIS SINS ARE FAR TOO GREAT. Rejected. 
14- are any of your friend/family into DL
I have a bunch of DL friends on my RP blog! I’m even in a DL-themed Discord server with some of them. ^^ No DL fans amongst my real life friends (or family) though. I’m probably gonna keep DL a secret from most of them as well, lol.
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jooheonyonehunnit · 4 years
Tag Game!!! aka get to know me I guess :))
  Tagged by @husberttee thank you! Sorry it seems I only get tagged in these when I’m not checking my notifs haha
1. Name: Brier
2. Nickname: Boo, Bubba, Boob, Bubsie, Beer (this one only by my Polish friends lol), basically any nickname you can think of that starts with ‘B’ haha
3. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
4. Height: 5′5″
5. Languages: Only English fluently :(((
6. Nationality: American
7. Favorite Season: Summer!!
8. Favorite Flower: Prairie Rose or Pink Lady Slipper
9. Favorite Scent: Clean laundry, chlorine, rain, and my dogs 
10. Favorite Color: Soft pink :)
11. Favorite Animals: Dogs and bunnies
12. Favorite Fictional Character: I’m gonna sound like a 12 year old but Percy Jackson will always hold a special place in my heart
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: All three haha, really depends on my mood
14. Average Hours of Sleep: Either 2 or 12 there is no in between
15. Dog or Cat: Dogs obvi, I love cats though I’m just more allergic to them
16. Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Just 1 usually, unless its January and -20º out then maybe 2 lmao
17. Dream Trip: I wanna go somewhere warm with a beach, so like Hawaii or Thailand or Spain or like Greece idk lol
18. Blog established: This one? Like 6 months ago, my main was like October 2012 
19. Followers: like only 750 on all 3 of my blogs combined :((
20. Random Fact: I’m a triplet! I have 2 sisters who are the same age as me, just a few minutes older! I love them both very much and I can’t imagine my life without them 💕💕
I tag @you-did-well-moon @cherryeoo @hibisannie (Only if you guys want!)
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