#maybe i am in amongus !!!
pochapal · 1 year
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getting blasted with a near-irrefutable conspiracy from eva followed by revealing suspicious information at the worst possible time...natsuhi get UP!!! fight back!!!!
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r7inyz · 7 months
this week has been shit but atleast i have this image🙏🙏🙏🙏 praying next week will be better
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castielsprostate · 3 months
ides of march dash simulator 🔪🍴🍽️
🔪et-tu-brute🌕🎤 FOLLOW
the plan for today!! dni julius ceasar
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#Unfortunately the guy with the smokemachine cancelled last minute :( #There'll still be snacks though! Porcia got us the BEST grapes in the area #EOTRR DNI
🍊cassius-with-assius🎤 FOLLOW
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#make sure to let brutus know you're there by signing in at the front slab!!
💭desi-besi🎤 FOLLOW
yooo dudes which knife should i bring??
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13 notes 🔃 ♡
#i think i should take the first one but the second is calling my name...
🏺jerry-bakes-pots FOLLOW
Idk maybe it's just me but I don't think it's right to kill someone because you don't agree with their politics. I think you guys are taking this too far, J is still a human being, he has feelings. Maybe you guys should, idk, try talking first?
🔪et-tu-brute 🌕🎤 FOLLOW
woooow that is a lot of nerve coming from you! last week you were telling me that this was a great idea, and now? you're backstabbing me? fuck you. BLOCKED
🏺jerry-bakes-pots FOLLOW
Nice victim-play there Brute! I knew I should've listened to my wife instead of hanging around with you lot! You can kiss my asinus!
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#Don't come crawling back to me when this blows up in your fucking face
🎟️trebondeeznuts 🎤 FOLLOW
coordinates for tonight's 'party': 41°53'43"N , 12°28'37"E
don't be late! you wouldn't want to miss it
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🔐longus-amongus 🌕 FOLLOW
I am SO ready for tonight!!!!!!!!!!
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#been practicing my aim all week!!
👑EOTRR ✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️✅☑️🌕 FOLLOW
Can't wait for my suprise party tonight! Don't tell Brutus I said anything, but I heard through the grapevine that they're throwing me a lovely get-together tonight! 🥰 feeling #blessed
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#I'm so grateful for my friends #I wouldn't be here without them
👹marcimoo FOLLOW
why the fuck wasn't i invited?????
1 note 🔃 ♡
#y'all should've killed mark anthony instead
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thedappleddragon · 2 years
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maraschinotopped · 2 years
felt like crumpling up on myself earlier bc i had to climb up a (not huge but not very small) mountain in cold/windy weather for an hour and had a like.. a 38 degree temp and felt sluggish afterward. all for mapping out pathways. i did climb up the mountain though fully so that makes me automatically better than the two year 12/13's that stopped halfway through <3
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violetganache42 · 4 months
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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Staged 2 thoughts!! (this will take a Year because I have a Lot of feelings)
tl; dr at the end
Hmmm I don’t see how it’s a love story yet
Staged 1 works well enough on its own but the second season is really essential as a companion piece upping the emotional ante (which is exactly how I feel about Good Omens 1 & 2 lol)
The opening scene mindfuck; The meta! We have reached levels of irony not previously seen possible
Who do I thank for the tacky Zoom interview show background? It deserves top billing
Celeb cameos in season 1 being all “hey! I like you!” in season 2 like “you are tearing them apart. I hate you. scum
Also the themeing of Michael Sheen and David Tennant being on their own “side” VS everyone else……….. Simon Mr. Writer Sir i see u and unfortunately i am in your walls
The writing feeling less theater-y works for the meta and I’m wondering whether they always had a second season in mind or if it’s just that well written
Was really hoping for a Colin Firth & Hugh Grant cameo ngl :/
The music didn’t annoy me as much this season since it was more of the horn oomp-pah-pah than the piano. Idk maybe my mind just changed
I didn’t know Whoopie Goldberg could be terrifying but here we are (also I forgot her name isn’t Whoopie)
“I think the wizard fucked your ass” ???
Setting up the awards and the baby was peak *pops P* comedy 🤌 Definitely needed since it gets Sad as it goes on
Welsh kink spotted!!! And so fucking blantant I was scandalized
“I’ll shove it up my ass where the rest of the excrement goes” Michael casually asking David to peg him. Nice
More bad magic. More pls and ty
Also moar Nina pls. T’was but a brief beautiful bluster in the wind
Tbh missed a lot of Michael & David’s back-and-forths VS season 1 but I get that’s… the point
Everyone agreeing David is whiney and annoying lmao get wreck’t
Also I forgot they don’t have air conditioning in Englandland ‘cause my man is sweating in every scene he’s in (unless that was intentional in which case… go on…)
The ladies!! That meta ending with the Bechdel test… I see you…
Still love Georgia and Simon’s sister (who I apparently don’t respect enough to google her name); I like Anna now too! She’s got this kinda quiet sarcastic edge I didn’t notice the first time. They all played off each other well in their 3 some (phrasing) scenes
Big amongus sus react that Anna has better chemistry with the two of them than with Michael of which there is literally zero chemistry. Compared to Georgia and David who are just electric with each other it’s honestly distracting
Actual torture watching them break down as other actors play them and drive their friendship apart, it’s fascinating to watch especially on top of it being themselves but, like, not we swear
“Am I your best friend” “No” Fuckin REJECTED !! looser!!!
Oh huh I can see how this is a love story, interesting
The David Tennant fanboy (he is a Real actor I just can’t think of his name) served juicy vomiting SFX realness
“So you’ve made love with him” BROTHER
It took me 87 years to realize warthog and mongoose were in reference to Timon and Pumbah lol <- I am not looking up how to spell this
The bannister being part of the bookshelf why did this make me laugh this hard
Ken Jeong actually reaching into the heart of everything and casually tearing into it Temple of Doom style and leaving everything to ruin lmao
I miss people getting too close to me (feral noises)
Ewan McGregor is cute and I am shallow 🥰
AU where Simon Pegg and Nick Frost did Staged and honestly it would still work aside from being dangerously heterosexual
Simon & Nick doing the Staged 1 back and forth but literally? mmmm that’s sum gud meta
Oh right I forgot the actual writer Simon’s in it too. He’s still good. I like his Zoom tantrum
Jim Parsons unconvincingly looking for his phone after he casually tells David that he and Michael are obviously in love and everyone sees it lmao
David Tennant has the unique ability to make this absolutely insane face reserved specifically for the emotion “oh shit I’m in love with Michael Sheen” which like
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I could kill the Good Omens costume department rn I stg take off those fucking sunglasses I’m so mad
Ohhhhhhhh yeah this is a love story
The Frozen snowman being the big bad final boss of cunt, oof you gotta love a good villain
Michael’s monologue the only one not in the kitchen area just breaking down completely I mean *claps until my hands fall off* he put his whole pussy into it. The frustration? The despair? I mean it felt like an audition monologue (in a good way) he walked through the valley in the shadow and death and came back a broken man with a fuzzier beard
Apparently people didn’t like Phoebe Waller Bridge in the new Indiana Jones movie which I haven’t seen but idk I thought she was pretty funny and hot here. *ding*
The use of travel as a metaphor for feeling stuck emotionally *clenches fist*
“I like silence” *screaming from the other room*
“It’s like gas filling a room” <- fascinating way to describe their dynamic, it’s specifically referring to aimless conversations that snowball and “fill up a room” but it could also refer to the palpable energy between them— like even through the abstraction of a computer screen there’s this magnetic force that’s just riveting, it’s hard to describe
“We haven’t talked about love” > Seen at 2:17 PM LMAO
Michael alone with the black frame lingering shot. Acting and editing and directing choices so simple and on point. everything hurts
Struggling to say goodbye on Zoom physically reaching out unable to leave the frame that whole scene was just. You can just feel the love through the screen, it’s so layered and intimate despite essentially being “No you hang up first”
Zoom wedding! He stayed!!
I wonder if that’s Michael Sheen’s actual best friend. That would be cute
Anna whispering and telling him “nah I know your bestie is literally an hour away but he can’t come over lol” like??? why? let them love each other I cannot handle this villain arc
“I have to bring that one otherwise my tits will explode” Wait wasn’t she drinking earlier though? #ShivRoyMoment
“I was standing outside your job for four hours because I love you” <- dog from Up moment
Yes he is legally a Hobbit
The car window as an abstraction like the Zoom boxes *continued feral noises*
The direction of David putting his hand on the window and Michael walking away only then revealing Anna and the baby far in the background? We’re in 3 dimensions and they are all painful!!
Okay yeah I get it it’s a love story but I thought this was a comedy haha right guys why does everything hurt
It ends on that meta moment between David and Georgia which I can only assume is to set up for the third season although I dunno if that was planned at the time as well. It’s ambiguous but not distracting if they didn’t make another one
tl; dr: Staged 2 is a unique and excellent addition to Staged 1. The added meta textual layer of the other celebrities breaking down their relationship based on Staged 1 allows for a lot of “hiding behind my hands so embarrassed” moments, but also by pitting them against each other, it reveals their actual love for each other through the bickering. Season 1 on its own is a nice vignette of its time but season 2 with it adds a tension and intimacy that really takes both over the top
Kinda dreading watching Staged 3 since it seems like people overwhelmingly like it less than the other two because of the loss of the Zoom format and constant arguing, but I’m already in this far deep so I’ll stick the landing
To wit— awwwwwww, they love each other!
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echolocati0n-art · 11 months
More c!puffychu headcanons (theyre called headcanons because i need my head examined)
puffy sometimes grows a beard because sheep genetics and niki thinks its very cute albiet a bit scratchy
puffy bleets when shes surprised and niki will switch to german when shes angry or tired, they find eachother extremely adorable
nikis love language is words of affirmation and puffys love language is quality time
in my head, the dsmp ended with clingyduo successfully killing drm forever, and niki finds puffy before all the egg stuff and everything gets resolved yayy happy ending anyway
puffychu pirate adventures
niki gets seasick sometimes but she has a hell of a voice for shanties and loves the view (her girlfriend working on the deck in just a t shirt because its hot out)
puffy has a very high alcohol tolerance because shes a pirate whilst niki has a very low tolerance because she hasnt built it up yet
niki will drunkenly switch to german sometimes and puffy only knows a few words (shes learning) and gets very confused
(im not bilingual idk how this works please dont make fun of me)
also it would be cool,,. pirate smp puffys eyes are red and she got defensive when it was brought up... imagine c puffys eyes are stuck red after all of the egg stuff and theyre the same character except a few years apart
i dont want to associate the pirates smp with the dsmp but can you imagine
ANYWAY im rambling now
nikis birthday is today (august 6th and no not the ccs) and she didnt expect anyone to show up except puffy and maybe jack but puffy made SURE many people showed up (quackity and wilbur are banned from her birthday party this year after the 2020 fiasco)
the syndicate came, all with different presents, some of phils crows have picked up shiny things for niki and put those things on the presents table
clingyduo, jack, fundy, and hbomb show up as well
they all play games like jackbox and amongus and then niki opens her gifts and everyone has an amazing time
puffy gifts niki some weighted blankets to make sleeping easier, but the biggest gift comes in the form of a new cottage right above her city in the flower fields, so she can always retreat to the cave and work on the city, but she always has a home aboveground as well, niki absolutely adores it and when she feels ready, theres a huge kitchen space for her to start baking
puffy moves in later :)
it also came insured (aka if anyone fucked with it they would take all 3 canon lives, they gave a side eye to tommy who just whistled and acted like he didnt notice it)
puffy constantly gives forehead kisses because niki is small, niki will sometimes grab a horn, pull her down, and get her back with a kiss on the cheek in return
they are both huge blushers they will turn tomato red at any affection ever
niki stays up sometimes to make sure puffy gets to sleep okay (paranoia makes it hard) but when puffy wakes up she will stay up for a few mins to make sure niki is sleeping okay (night terror having gfs <\3)
niki snores very loud and talks in her sleep and puffy thinks is so silly
i am tired and thats all i have for now but i hope you enjoyed <3
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gaecactae · 1 year
omg I need to. Write you guys about this
So recently my life took couple of mf flips and eventually I ended up back in my home city (which is in fact, awesome)
And I struggled to get a job anywhere until I visited my old elementary school which is the purest place on the whole earth. I love this school. I love how they teach. I love the teachers. They all remember me and love me back.
The principal, who is absolutely my second mother like fr (they even share the same name), asked if I knew that one of my old classmates works there as daycare room attendant. I said that I do know and I actually came to also visit her! The talk went on and she asked if maybe one day I’d work for them as well
And I just stood there like 🧍🏽well actually
And WELL HERE I AM, they made me a whole ass arts and crafts teacher
I got 3 classes to teach so far and they’re pretty sweet kids! Willing to work if the subject interests them enough, very talkative, they’re awesome, honestly.
And just the funniest things keep happening
Y know how kids are very much present in social media these days and as much as we would love parents to control their screen time a bit more, it happens either way
Like on TikTok? You keep seeing literal kids on TikTok, 7-10 year olds n stuff
these guys. Know. Memes.
And they keep referencing to them. They dance. They quote. One of my students dabbed at me today because I praised the flower she drew for a reference for the class.
you guys have no idea how it feels to walk into the classroom and spot those gremlins wearing shirts with Amongus or Fortnite and every second one of them has a Minecraft themed backpack next to their desk
Today one of my students had a pencil case with Minecraft Story Mode characters and I bawled internally
AND ALL THAT??? I mean it in the nicest possible way
Cause just as much as those games are usually kinda cringe or memes to us, to them??? They’re interests! And it’s honestly, genuinely so cool to see they’re not worried to show them off☺️
The funniest thing to me so far is actually talking to them about the games, when you’re a teacher. Cause from what I observed, to them, it feels like something absolutely out of this world. Teacher? Knowing THEIR interests??
I had second graders today and they were making tiny Pokémon figurines with clay (ditching the task I gave them but it was pretty late and tbf we were all tired). I praised the small Pikachu and asked if they could put together a figurine of Bulbasaur, because we were having a spring lesson. THEY WERE OUT OF THEIR MIND, they proceed to ask HOW DO I KNOW THIS?? WHY DO I KNOW THIS?? WHAT IS THE ELEMENT OF A CHARIZARD AND WHAT DOES HE EVOLVE TO???
We continued to have small chats about either Fortnite or Minecraft, still to their surprise that a teacher knows of their interests.
After that long day, I sat down to my mom’s car, fastening my seatbelts and had a single tear running down my cheek
“You said playing games will never be useful in my life,” I started, looking at her.
“You were wrong.”
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axoloots · 3 months
who would win, art or doodles - part 2
on one side, we have, the doodles:
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on the other, we have funny head thing (im pretty sure the plaster version was a woman, but..,):
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i think this was supposed to be aph china, but then it turned into some oc that i will maybe impose trauma on (also its pretty. like. wtf. why so prett):
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i cut it out and am now keeping it on my desk in its own little frame.
if doodles, tag which one: nothing to see here potato, claw shaped head, circle, amongus, was going to be yao wang, face, and grapes?
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA okay the minute i hit post i'm going to delete among us, delete portal and uh delete stickmin and uh close this browser and GO EAT DINNER AND I'M SO TIRED OF EVERYTHING WHY ESDFJOIFOIDSHFODSIFIOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi'm literally sobbing inside but i can't sob physically yet because it will take maybe 1.5 hours for my parents to be asleep and i can only sob when they are asleep so that they do not worry about me and idofsihofhdsofhdosifhdsoifhdosifhdosihfodsifhdsoihfodishfodsihfoisdhfodshiodhfiodhfhihioh internally weeping to bits right now.i'm so timred of everything. people. i'm so tired of people. i'm so tireEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDi wanna sleep for 5 days and play videogames for 10 days and spend 15 days cleaning my room and 4 months studying for my exams and 6 months doing my work but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i have to have deadlines which my brain proceeds to IGNORE COMPLETELY so there's no point because i'm still not getting anything done i'm just sitting here playing amongus or some shit and bin weevils but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi have work i have to do work i have to clean my room i have to do work i have to do so much work and i'm doing absolutely none of it and it's been days and i'm going to be in trouble VERY soon if i don't start studying idk anything i don't know how to ADD NUMBERS ANYMORE i don't know how to calculate the distance between 2 parallel planes i don't knowwwwwwwwwwwwww i don't know i don't know i don't know and i'm so tired and i want to sleep i want to eat instant noodles and drink 3 gallons of water and then i will snuggle up in my blankies and sleep it is 20:29 and i have time i'm going t ot sseeelppppppp i want sleep i'm so tired. i want sleep.
sorry this is the first time i'm doing a vent post from my laptop and my fingers are a lot faster on a physical keyboard so now literally all my thoughts are just being poured onto this post so apologies for anyone readind this no i will not be deleting it because i need to keep these posts on my blog so in the future i can search up my vent posts and look at the amount of progress i've made so no i will not be deleting this post but I DO STILL NEED TO SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i'm so done and so tired and i'm going to sleep tonight and clean my room tomorrow and then i'm going to
study yeah i'm going to do 3D vectors because i like that topic and i need to start with something that i know will suck me in i HATE normal maths it's too boring and easy i need to do some further maths it will make me feel better i'm going to SCREAM please someone wish me luck making those instant noodles i want to make something so i don't feel like i'm rotting away in my procrastination and just sitting here and doing literally nothing i'm just not doing anything i'm just sitting here i want to do thigns but i'm just not doing them why does it have to be so hard to do things i literally want to do
and plus now i have afreaking roommate that is a spider. i am arachnophobic. but i can't kill the spider because it's just a little guy existing and it's MY fault for being so irrationally scared of a tiny little fellow so now he's my roommate and his name is Spookie and he owns one corner of my wardrobe and i just have to live with this i have to still open up that side and clean everything up WITH spookie sitting there and it's too hard everything is too hard i just want to relax for 5 years and then get back to life i swear i'll do it but no i have things to do i have an income to earn because no one in my family can be trusted with MONEY so now i have to make my own or i'll die which is techincally what i want to do but i'm not allowed because ialso have the best friends known to mankind and they don't want me to die so now i have to live and to live i need money so a job and now i have a job but i DONT DO ANYTHING BECAUSE I'M STILL A KID I'M STILL EIGTHEEN AND I DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE TO CARRY THE WEIGHT OF MY FAMILY ON MY SHOULDERS AND ALSO THEIR MENTAL HEALTH AND MAKE SURE THEY'RE NOT TOO WORRIED ABOUT ME OR IT WILL BE HARDER FOR ME TO COPE AND IDSOFUSHOFDHOF EVERYTHING. everything is just too much. everything is always just far too much. eevvfdgoifhdodgifgjofidjgiodfjgdfiojoiodijgjoidfjgoidfgjdgfguidshfudshfidshifuhdsoufhdsofhidosfjidsjosfjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i wanna scream but i can't because i live among other humans and other humans don't like listening to sounds of other humans screaming even though that's desperately what i want to do and adflsodshgoidsfodjogifdjgodfgdfgdfgdfddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd so tired. i'm so tired. i want to sleep after eating instant noodles. insteand noooooodles. goodn ight. i' m SLEELPING. i'm not doingg this anymore i'm tired and i'm sleeping i'm going to get up tomorrow and do things, not now. HECK not now. someone please make me wake up at 07:30 like i'm supposed to and not fucking 11 am like i've been doing lately. my timezone is IST btw but i also don't have notifications on so there's no point asdfughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aoky good night.
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rosallora · 1 year
S2E20 Divided Loyalties
Love the commentary on the news to start! I love Delenn talking about the power dynamics of the Minbari - and how she learns sometimes more from the human newspapers about Minbar than from the leadership! The funny bit of hypocrisy in that, according to her own traditions. Also I love her wanting to be a bit more informed about what people think about the Minbari, though!
Ivanova and Talia are FINALLY getting along!!! I’m so happy about it. Funnily enough one of the first things I said during like, the PILOT, was that I was hoping that our two leading-ish ladies would be able to talk to each other well. So this is a really lovely development!
Also there’s uh... there was something... a little sapphic about that. Not gonna lie. It’s probably me being gay as hell. But there was something about that conversation and the offer of Talia staying at Ivanova’s place... that was kinda gay. It was kinda gay, right?
Lyta... one of the most sci-fi names we’ve seen so far on a human character!
I like that she’s kind of bonkers from the start. She read Kosh, after all. That must mess you up.
It’s AMONGUS TIME!!!!!!!!!! IN! SPACE! (Wait, amongus was ALREADY in space)
Oh my god is Lyta going to password journal unlock everyone? I am so worried about Ivanova. I know this is going to hit her hardest.
It’s cute that Sheridan and Delenn are having this cute moment but HE DID NOT TELL HER WHAT BUTT MEANT. BOY YOU STILL HAVE TO TELL HER!
Wow uhm... Talia and Ivanova are uhm... really comfortable and domestic... uhmmmmmmmmmm... UHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I do love that apparently on Bab5 you’re given a set of silk pjs and dressing robe when you come on board. Ivanova has the dark blue set and Talia has a beige set.
Okay so the show is gesturing towards Ivanova being the spy/trojan and that’s... INTERESTING. It would compound with her natural aversion because of her mother... it would all make sense. I feel so bad for Ivanova though. And I don’t think it’s her because it seems... too obvious? And I’m glad that Talia’s here for her. The solidarity...
Delenn and Sheridan... I’m still not sold on it. It’s gonna take time.
(Ivanova/Talia on the other hand............................)
IVANOVA IS A TELEPATH HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! A latent one anyway. That’s so sickkkk!
I want the best for Ivanova...
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the lesbians :c this is like. Almost worse than bury your gays. This is so sad. But... why did she want to be so close to her? Just for intel? CHRIST. Poor Ivanova!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
KOSH TIME, KOSH TIME! Lyta DID hold something back... oh shit. What was she hiding? What does she KNOW? Also I feel a bit bad that she’s acting against the respirator she has on. Oh FUCK KOSH IS OPENING UP! Why is he so willing to let her see again? Maybe because once you’ve seen it once, it doesn’t matter anymore?
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maddieandangel-2 · 6 months
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Yeah I'm doing it
The transcript for my messages is below
Most of it except the last section is just a plot summary but. shhhhh whatever
And finally, THIS EPISODE
(Honestly this one doesn't even need to be seen as romantic it's really cute regardless,,,,,)
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First off I screenshotted the title screen before I even started the episode for Obvious Reasons ඞඞඞ
I already knew that an episode titled "The Fungus Amongus" was coming up because I'd looked through the playlist, but they also had to do the font in RED?
But anyway. The episode was actually really good, despite it bringing back a Master Belch fuckin lookalike villain who I did not particularly enjoy the first appearance of
The returning villain found a fungus that eats through metal, and he wanted to use it to get revenge on 1. Betty, 2. The entire Galactic Association by destroying their HQ
And this is one of those rare episodes where the Big Potential Danger To Robots actually *does* affect X-5!
X-5 gets attacked by the fungus after it attacks the crew's spaceship, and is taken hostage by the episode's villain. And Yeah! He is Very Much in danger of Actually Dying! The villain threatens as such, unless they tell him the location of the Galactic Headquarters.
And X-5 is like “yeah no, no Galactic Guardian would *ever* tell you that, no matter what.” So the villain makes good on his threat and sics the fungus on him.
And as the fungus starts to eat away at X-5's protective shield coating, Sparky blurts out the coordinates. Sparky. NOT Betty. Betty was panicked too, but it actually seems like she wasn't going to say anything? She even covers Sparky's mouth after he gives the location. (Not that I'm bashing her though)
Sparky was willing to put the entirety of the Galactic Headquarters at risk to save X-5’s life.
Read it whatever way you want, platonic, romantic, whatever, it's still just— OUGH. He CARES. Despite all his jabs and teasing, Sparky DOES genuinely really care about X-5!!
And yeah sure, knowing Sparky, he probably wasn't thinking about all the long-term consequences of revealing the Galactic HQ's location (unlike Betty and X-5). Especially since he and Betty only had like 6 seconds to make a decision. But he still would've known that doing that would be Bad, and he still chose X-5 over it anyway.
It later turns out that the fungus can be eradicated by some soup Sparky had been making before everything went down ((which, by the way, he was making for X-5 to help with a ‘cold’ that he had—which was likely more something akin to an allergic reaction right before the fungus attacked the ship))
But when Betty asks Sparky for some of the soup, having figured out the fungus’ weakness, Sparky's like “okay, but this is hardly the time to be eating, you know!”
Even Sparky himself is surprised he said that.
Then at the end, once HQ has been saved from the swarm of fungus, DeGill wonders aloud how the villain even managed to find its location, X-5 rats Sparky out. And y'know what, I'm just gonna give you the transcript for the conversation:
X-5: That was Sparky. He gave away the location.
Sparky: Hey, I only did that to save you, you ungrateful sardine can!
X-5: Ungrateful sardine can..? Truth is, you like me! *He leans in for what I am choosing to interpret as a hug* You really like me!
Sparky: Do not!
X-5: Do to!
Sparky: Do not!
X-5: Do t-
Sparky: Not!
X-5: Do!
Sparky can try to deny it all he likes, but the truth is obvious <3. And I just think the scene is really cute?? X-5 seems so happy to know that Sparky does genuinely care about him.
It does make me wonder though about X-5 maybe being a little insecure about his place in the crew? Because of how happy and relieved he is to get confirmation that Sparky cares about him, and also one of his lines earlier in the episode, “I didn't know Sparky cared that much about... Metal.” (which. AUGH? You are so much more than just metal, my boy!! Don't let anyone make you think otherwise).
But it would kinda make sense for him to be worried about that. In some ways, he could kinda be seen as the most 'replaceable' member of the crew? I say this with him as my favourite character, and I don't think Betty or Sparky would think that, but like. X-5 is very heavily connected to their Star Cruiser. He can still exist and function just fine away from it, but the two are a package deal. And if the crew wanted to upgrade to a new, more advanced ship, it would come with a new robot companion (as seen in Bye-Bye X-5 from Season 1). Which would mean X-5 wouldn't really be 'needed' anymore, and he and the old Star Cruiser could be abandoned sent to 'retirement' in Crushton. So in a way, X-5's 'worth' is tied to how useful he is to his crew.
Now, I do believe (or at least fuckin hope) that Betty and Sparky care enough about X-5 as a person to want to keep him around even as they upgrade the rest of their technology. But I could still understand X-5 feeling anxious about the whole thing—and thus being very very happy and relieved when his crew proves that they do care about his well-being, even if, logically, they could just find another robot to perform his duties and replace him if he were to die.
I do kinda wish this episode took place much earlier in the series' timeline, though. I'd love for it to mark a turning point in X-5 and Sparky's relationship, where this is where X-5 realizes that Sparky does genuinely like him in spite of what all his insults may suggest (meanwhile he's always deeply respected Betty as a leader, and Betty's never treated him too poorly). But... By the time The Fungus Amongus takes place, the crew have been Galactic Guardians for multiple years at that point. The idea that X-5 has been insecure about his place in the team for that long makes me sad.
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hannahlovesluca · 8 months
Hi can i get a nijisanji matchup if u dont mind (:
Male nijisanji en member :DD
Pronouns:He/him(literally any of those)
Sexuality:Gay for the homies....jk im bisexual.But men.My favorite genre of men is men who seems cool-headed but turns hot-headed whenever he plays amongus cause they're so fun to annoy(i may not have a type,but i have a pattern.and that's men.That's it.I'm so sorry for putting you through this but this sounded funnier in my head)
Zodiac:...what is a zodiac.I was born on April 12th if that helps?
Appearance:176 cm,almost a literal twig(i make up strength with agility i swear),dark brown eyes,short fluffy(?) brown hair??like those kinda wavy hair thing tho sometimes i tuck my bangs behind my ear like a disney princess if the temperature's hot,i don't neccesarily wear edgy clothes,sometimes i just find what's comfortable or i dress like a manhwa male lead.One day you see me in a black turtleneck and white shirt and the next day you see me in a blown up two piece suit while playing the most random stuff ever.I guess i have like a small waist??my friends told me i have those thin waists than even a corset wouldn't affect me(send help) oh and i had an era where i had waist length hair and ended up cutting it out of impulse,i only have like 3 fingers on my left hand cause im missing a pinky and ring finger(i honestly dont have any trouble against it i just think its annoying that i cant remember what even happened to begin with)
Mbti:ENTP/INTP(sometime si get entp sometimes i get intp)
Personality:Pain in the ass.Metaphorically.I will not hesitate to say something so abominably horrendous for the sake of arguing cause it's my favorite passtime.I'm the embodiment of that one character who never dies in a series and die at the end of the series from a tapeworm cause it felt lonely--On super duper rare occasions i get serious when it comes to problems but that's just a whole nother person atp,i'd be serious and maybe waaaaay too logical and blunt....but i still have a sense of humor tho
Likes:When people just randomly ramble to me,random 3 am shower thoughts,crabs(they taste good i swear),the concept of death(not in the depressing way i meant as in 'what if i die from a washing machine while showering' type of thoughts),physical touch and affection,i'd literally propose to someone if they'd let me doodle(rick astley) on their skin for funsies
Dislikes:Curfews,this thing we call math,toxic parents like if i see one im deadass gonna roast the hell out of them and mentally adopt the child(this happened like 3 times and im a children magnet atp)
Love language:
Giving:Words of affirmation(affectionate insults),physical touch
Receiving:Words of affirmation(affectionate insults),quality time
Extra:I get hurt kind of often so they'd probably see bandage rolls in the trashcan everyday,i actually love math but the act of actually counting the numbers makes me sick/lh,my room is a literal shipwreck unless someone scolds me to actually clean up my room LMAO usually i have to keep up a reputation so sometimes it's a shock to people that think that im introverted
i pair you with…
Uki Violeta!
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hear me out…
• you are literally uki reincarnated
• i swear i didnt do this just because both of you are gay
• it works out great though
• you and fulgur probably jokingly fight for uki’s love
• omg imagine you went on Luca’s dating show and thats how you both realized that you loved each other
• might be writing a fic ab that…
• Uki knows your room is a wreck and he will FORCE you to clean that shit. he’ll also help u if u beg enough
• Uki also knows how often you get hurt and he’s always there to help, whether that be wrapping you up, or just giving you soft kisses <3
• its just so fluffy and cute and adorable and
• sorry this is really short, i am extremely sick but i’m trying to pop out all these reqs!!!
RUNNERS UP: Fulgur Ovid, Claude Clawmark
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pantherxdrawz · 1 year
Why the fuck am I thinking of an Ace Attorney Amongus au/case
Like they’re on a spaceship for investigation purposes and suddenly it goes off into space and now they have to survive an imposter attack (Who I mean by “They” I’m not really sure do I mean the OG cast the AA4 main cast? Who knows I’m not sure yet)
(Someone on board is actually an escaped convict pretending to be one of them to take revenge, but since the spaceship took off they went “Fuck guess I’m doing this Amongus style”)
And of course they have to try and vote them off before they kill them all- (Okay maybe not vote them off, maybe like put them in Gay baby jail)
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tacroyy · 10 months
official first day of school
~the state of public education in the us is shiiiiiiiiiiiiit~
boy, im really trying not to use identifying details here, but i am having a hard time not to describing in excruciating play by play the ABSOLUTE bullshit the district handed down this week. to simplify, we have to teach a class that we shouldn’t be teaching (bc we are not licensed in the area) and that we aren’t being paid for, AND—none of that is new news, but THIS is—we are (the district is) lying to the state about it—they edited our official reporting system to delete the class, but we are still being asked to send kids to other locations/teachers when they’re supposed to be in our custody. so we don’t have ACCURATE CHAIN OF CUSTODY. what the FUCK. now don’t worry, the appropriate agencies/authorities Have Been Contacted, grievances have been Extremely filed, etc., but like. what an utterly wild and irresponsible and unsafe and insulting and demeaning thing to try to do and expect to get away with it.
so that was hanging over the first day of school. i ended up with 32 kids in my core class (pending new students, of which there are generally an average of three for year, and also—i am not bragging, i am just saying this bc it constantly happens—i am a great teacher, or at least kids who dont like school really tend to like me, so i often get kids transferred into my class) and it wouldn't be too bad except there are a number of them who need like, every bit of attention i have 95% of the time or shit will go down. so day one there was some shit, which is fine, its not their fault (its the fucking system), it just really sucks ass to have such a difficult educational environment so fast. my two smaller classes (20 and 24) are delights! my three larger classes (28 and 32) are More Difficult. (you would think we could even that out, wouldnt you. dont get me started.) it's entirely the size, it really is. its not kids fault bc, developmentally, their brains are SO activated by the shit their peers are doing and so NOT activated by the shit their teachers/adults are doing. so basically you have the peanuts teacher except its the NEUROLOGICAL, DEVELOPMENTAL TRUTH. which is why we need small class sizes, interest-based and project-based learning and training on this, prep and meeting time, and... i mean, i can't start listing what we need because i would never stop.
good things that happened: a kid came in just to make sure id kept his amongus artwork up (i obviously had), they continued to be amazingly helpful to each other ("heres a pencil!" "theres a seat over there!" "how the fuck do you not know where the lunchroom is! no i was kidding its fine let me show you"), a ten and a half year old defined and explained gdp perfectly to the utter bamboozlement of everyone else at his table group, i was asked who i mained in mario kart (botw link) and then i also added that my wife mains tanooki mario and they were Actually Impressed and had No Arguments about it (i cannot express to you how hard it is to Actually Impress a middle schooler into having No Arguments), a kid who i had to Talk To In The Hallway managed to get the closest guess on a difficult thing and Bounced Back, we are already getting into linguistic colonialism, and i got to see SO many kids from last year that i missed SO much and teach so many of them too!!! also i think i maybe know what im doing in most of my classes tomorrow. miracle.
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