#maybe i'll post a snippet on wednesday??? idk!
lizardkingeliot · 1 year
i’ve been stuck in season one au land for... well over two years at this point??? and i really thought i’d gotten all of the post-season 4 queliot fix-it fics out of my system in 2019 and 2020 but... lol. it’s 2023 and i’m working on the first chapter of a novel-length fix-it because i’ve had this idea eating my brain for months now and it refuses to let me go until i set it loose on the world like the terrible/wonderful hurt/comfort monster that it is so i guess it’s really true what they say...
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
i wrote like 3/4 of another modern don g fic in a frenzied hyperfocused daze on saturday night and while in the abstract i want to go back over it and probably finish it i have not even so much as glanced at that tab since then
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le-trash-prince · 7 months
KimKenta enigma induced not-quite-heat WIP
look at me posting a WIP snippet on an actual Wednesday
This may change a bit before the final piece is posted. I’m not yet halfway through this (maybe not even 25% idk LOL), and there’s a lot of nuance I’m going to have to navigate in the editing process
smut under the cut.
Edit: finished fic here
"I don't know, I- it's Pete, I think I'm- I think I'm in heat," he babbles. He finds himself pawing at Kim's jacket. "I need- you have to get away, Kim."
Kim grabs Kenta's wrists and forcefully pins them against the car, making Kenta gasp in pleasure. He's already so hard. "Have you been through this before?” Kim asks. Kenta makes a small sound of denial. “Okay. We need to get you to a heat center," Kim says.
"No," the word rips itself from Kenta's throat as he frantically shakes his head. "Tony can't know." 
Kim gives him a long, hard look, and then nods. Kim understands, he has to. He's seen Kenta's scars. He knows what Tony deals in. It can't be hard to put together, what would happen if Tony knew. The hypocrisy of his own fear makes bile rise in his throat. "Fine. But I'm not leaving you here. Let's get you somewhere safe."
"I'll hurt you," Kenta whimpers, even as his selfish heart soars at the thought of Kim staying with him. 
Kim just sighs as he slings one of Kenta's arms over his shoulder to help him to his feet. "If you wanted to hurt me, you'd have done it by now."
That's a lie, Kenta thinks. He remembers the look on Kim's face as the elevator doors closed between them. I've hurt you plenty already.
"Why are you helping me," Kenta mumbles, as Kim buckles him into the backseat. He should be resisting, he should be pushing Kim away. He doesn’t deserve to be helped.
"I'm just returning the favour," Kim replies. "Don't touch that seatbelt," he orders, pointing a stern finger at Kenta.
Kim's direct order to stay put is the only thing that keeps Kenta's sanity tethered enough that he doesn't try to unbuckle himself and crawl into Kim's lap. Even with Kim running the A/C on full blast, the other alpha's scent fills the contained space of the car. This is nothing like a rut. Kenta's ruts are usually mild—and rare to boot. He doesn't get rowdy like many alphas do, although he can be snappish. But this, this is an all-consuming desire ripping through him, driving every thought from his mind except the need to have Kim's cock inside him. He's so hot, so hard it hurts. 
It's terrifying, feeling his self-control slip through his fingers. Desperately, he focuses on the pain. Perhaps it is enough to simply be here, strapped down, his hard cock tenting his pants, tortured by Kim's overwhelming musk. To look, but not to touch. Perhaps this suffering is all he deserves.
"Does it hurt?" Kim asks quietly, his eyes still on the road. 
Kenta blinks, unused to being read so easily. "Yes," he replies weakly.
"Then touch yourself," Kim says, his gaze flicking up to meet Kenta's in the rearview mirror. “Get yourself off.”
Kenta finds himself helpless but to obey. "Fuck," he whimpers, as he palms his crotch. He grinds his hips against his hand, not even bothering to unzip his pants. The shame of it floods his veins, and he doesn’t think he’s ever come this quickly in his life.
Kim doesn’t look at him once until they park.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 10 months
Oh yeah, would ya'll be interested in me doing some kind of "WIP Wednesday" where I give a small snippet of what I'm working on (probably Blood Magic, but could be of scrapped ideas from drafts to revive aus I've had ideas of)?
And or, of me doing a "Fic Rec Friday" where I basically just talk about what Toh fic I'm reading or have read that I want to just ramble abt.
Idk, maybe I'll do it. I kinda think it'd be fun to talk abt stuff. Plus it'll give me a reason to get through my bookmarks and get engagement or whatnot.
Also ppl could totally send me asks if they want me to read stuff idm. Just please please PLEASE make sure it has paragraph breaks. I cant do walls of text 😭
just a thought ive been having. could be fun. just thinkin
props will post more toh hcs later tho too because damn i got some engagement w that and i think that could be fun too.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
first of all HUGE shout out to @spurious for doing this every week and always tagging me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i loved seeing everyone's posts and making my own wip wednesday posts, it was so much fun and so motivating!! thank you!!!!
it's the last wednesday of the year (what the fuck) so this week it's a
✨WIP Year in Review✨
Number of WIPs Begun this Year: oh my god too many 😂 not including ones that i finished/posted, 43, including ones i've finished/posted, 96. which is, quite frankly, ridiculous considering i haven't written anything in like. 8 years
Number of WIPs Finished this Year: 53????? somehow???? that's absolute insanity to me omg
Longest-Running WIP: not surprising, my millers crossing au is currently my long-running fic 😅 and probably will be for a while
Newest WIP: my newest wip is (working title) 'Lesbian McShep ft Sam" and the concept is genderbent mcshep with john and sam being air force buddies, and sam warns john to avoid rodney bc she's a bitch- cut to a year later when they catch up back on earth and johns like yeaaaaah so i might've. accidentally fallen for the bitchy lead scientist?
Most Worked on WIP: probably my millers crossing au lmao, it's one of those fics that i'm probably going to be writing forever because there's just. so much to explore in that fic with the characters and i'm loving it so much and i can't wait to share it but it's also going to be so sad when i finish it i can tell already
Favourite WIP: oh man this is a hard one! i've done a lot of writing that i really love this year so it's hard to pick a favourite but i think if i had to narrow it down i would probably have to say either Safe House (my unhinged insane cia mcshep au where they kill abusers for fun) or Childhood Memories (rodney surprises the team with a ton of classic childhood earth activities bc 'everyone enjoys the wonder and magic of being a kid')
Favorite Completed Work: again very tough choice bc i like a lot of what i've posted this year but i think its a toss up between Bludgeoned, a very angsty rodney whump fic with the team going insane, or Not Dating, but More Than Friends, a very sweet qpr mcshep fic that i honestly think very accurately describes what their relationship to each other in canon is
WIP You're Most Excited to Finish: safe house omg i'm so close to finishing and i can't WAIT to share it idk if it'll be very well received but i'm SO excited to share it (for the very niche specific audience of one i wrote it for 😂)
WIP You're Not Sure You'll Finish: i started working on a concept at the start of the year that was radek visiting rodney every time he's in the infirmary and idk if i'll ever get around to finishing it but maybe i'll post a snippet of what i've worked on so far if people are interested
WIP Resolution for 2024: i want to finish more plot fics!! i'm pretty good at writing short little one shots but i'm shit at writing plot or longer fics and i have a lot of ideas for long fics so i wanna get better at it!
what a great year of fic writing!! thank you to everyone who joined wip wednesday and everyone who read my fics!!! this is such an incredible community and i'm so happy to be a part of it!!
as always, open tags to anyone and everyone who wants to participate!!
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lazinesswrites · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Why am I always surprised by it being Wednesday?
Anyway. I have, like. so many WIPs, you wouldn't even believe it. I'm not sure I believe it. I've got... nine in my WIP folder called 'Clones' (which I really should rename to 'Star Wars' or something, as people who are not Clones also show up in there. Mainly Obi-Wan, though.) and that's just the ones I've actually made documents for - I've got a bunch of threads in my own private discord server as well, and also just. Vague ideas floating around my brain. It's amazing, and a bit of a problem, to be honest. *clears throat awkwardly*
Has anyone ever noticed how awkward the word 'awkward' is? Both to look at and to say? It's very fitting.
The fic I'm working on at the moment (will I ever be able to think about that phrase without hearing DBB say it in Crosshair's voice again? Probably not. I don't really mind) is the one I posted a snippet from on Sunday, currently titled "Cross doesn't kill the Lt.", until I think of something better. It's gonna have two or three parts - haven't decided yet if the last part(s) will be separate parts or just chapters - the first of which will have three chapters. I've already posted a draft for the first of those chapters, the prologue, here.
Part one is maybe 80% done, while the rest is... idk, maybe 50% or something. Depends on how much detail I want to go into with some parts. We'll see.
I'm technically working on that fic right now, so have some out-of-context sage words from Crosshair, and I'll see y'all again... next time!
Crosshair wouldn’t always listen, of course, because some of what Tech would ramble on about was genuinely boring to him, or way over his head. But even then, people would be surprised by just how much they could learn by letting someone be smart and excited in their vicinity. Some of it might be entirely useless, but some of it, well… Some of it wouldn’t be.
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sarah-sandwich · 3 years
michelle.mp3 👀👀👀👀 also lemon boy and/or the golden hour <33
This (and the other two I'm answering next) are from the fanfic wip tag game that I posted on... Monday :)
michelle.mp3 my beloved 💓💓💓
This one is basically done? I just need to do the final edits and write the epilogue and I'm dragging my feet about it bc I don't know??? how to survive posting two fics at once???? Like this one is 8 chapters and A Peach Like You has another 9 to post so??? Do I post both on Wednesdays??? Do I wait 9 whole weeks to start posting mmp3??? Do I post on a different day of the week and suck up more of my writing time?????
sigh. idk.
But anyway! mmp3 is a Gwenmj fic from MJ's POV. It's very chill and lowkey with no major external conflicts, only the romance and MJ's struggle to come to terms with her break up with Peter and decide what she wants to do with her life.
It's got humor! It's got angst (spiciness = mild)! It's got life lessons! It's got home renovation! Here's a baby snippet:
“Michelle.” Gwen turns and puts a hand on either of her shoulders as she looks into her eyes. “What do you want?”
“The laminate is—,”
“No, what do you want? I’m offering to get you whatever you want, just take it.”
Michelle stares at her. That’s what this is all about, right? Moving here. Fixing the house. Getting away from… everything. It’s about figuring out what she wants and taking it.
“I want the cherry hardwood.”
Gwen grins, crooked and beautiful. “Good choice.”
Lemon boy is--god I've been working on this for so long-- Lemon boy is my parkner magnum opus. Just kidding. Or maybe not. I won't know until it's done 😔 It's got two grief-ridden boys trying to figure out how to structure their lives post-endgame and Tony's death. It's primarily Harley's POV. He's kind of a depressed asshole in this one lol at first anyway. I'm afraid to share more of this fic bc I've shared SO MUCH bc of how long it's been a wip. Fortunately for you, I'm weak for Harley and May's relationship so here is a teensie bit of it.
He grabs one of the receipts and tears the bottom off. “Listen—,” he scribbles his number on it, “—call me if you need anything.” He holds it out to her as she stares. “I’m serious. If you don’t feel safe or you need a ride in the middle of the night, whatever it is, I’ll answer.” He stretches his hand out until finally, she takes it.
May smooths the scrap between her thumbs and says softly, “You’re a good man, Harley Keener.”
He doesn’t know about that. Not yet. “I’m trying to be.”
It's physically hurting me not to share the full scene from this bc it's soooo goooooooood
The Golden Hour
I have done ✨literally nothing✨ with this wip for months. It's parkner (*shocked face*) and revolves around this little gap between Peter's world where he's our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and Harley's world where he's a witch and an outcast, but still needed by his village as their only apothecary/health care. It's about how they're both burdened by their responsibility to their respective communities but also about how they find purpose in shouldering that burden, even though it means they can only ever have a stolen hour together at the close of each day as the sun slips from the sky
"There are supposed to be generations of healers for a village. Like how my mom had me to take over for her but I... I don't think I can willfully trap a child in this life."
Peter looks up, surprised. "I didn't realize you were so unhappy."
"I'm not. I like my life but there's not a lot of choice in it is there? I can't travel. I'll never see the world or even a city. I can't..." Harley looks at Peter and, for a moment, longing washes over him so hot and sharp he almost says something completely stupid. He shakes his head and tucks it back away then says to his lap "It's a life of service and I don't think I can make that choice for someone else. Certainly not a child."
"With great power comes responsibility," Peter murmurs.
Harley snorts, settling back on his elbows as he follows Peter's line of sight to the clouds shifting from yellow to deep orange streaked with pink. "Well I don't know about great, but yeah. The village is my responsibility. I can't abandon them."
Peter nods. "That's something my uncle said to me," he says without looking away from the sky. His brow is furrowed so low his eyes are nearly black. "Right before he died. Never forgot it."
"And that's why you're the way you are about Spider-Man."
Peter turns haunted eyes on him. "He died because I refused to step up. I can't let that happen again. To anyone. Not as long as I can do the things I do."
Send me a fic from this list and I'll ramble about it
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
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Thanks to @forabeatofadrum for the tag and for introducing me to the WIP Wednesday Hospital (Ward? To keep up the alliteration?). Today I'll be introducing you to a few WIPs that haven't been posted and are just languishing in google docs until I have the time/inspiration to work on them.
I'm gonna tag @fettuccinecaterpillar and @katyobsesses because I'm pretty sure they have unposted WIPs that deserve to see the light of day...and if anyone else does, consider yourself tagged!
First is a Kurtbastian one-shot, based on a MBMBaM question (which was essentially "the guy I'm hooking up with is buying a new mattress. I really like his current mattress. Would it be weird if I asked him to sell it to me?"):
“I just don’t understand what the problem is. If you’re getting rid of it anyway.”
Kurt purses his lips, then refocuses on his own face in the mirror. “It’s just...weird.”
Sebastian cocks his head. “Weird.”
Kurt sighs, a frustrated hiss, and turns around. Little white bubbles cling to his skin where he’s already spread product onto it. “Yes, it’s weird. How can you not see that it’s weird that you want to buy my bed?”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow, suddenly pleased. He knows maybe it’s fucked up of him, but he’s pretty sure he likes Kurt best when they’re getting into petty arguments about things. Nothing that actually pisses either of them off much, but where there’s just enough tension that they can throw verbal blows for a while, adrenaline building as they try to outsmart or out-annoy each other.
Then we have a story I'm working on where I'm taking a Klaine fic I wrote when I was in high school and expanding/improving it. The basic premise is that Kurt takes time off school to help Burt when he's going through cancer treatment, and while he's home he meets Blaine, a college student with little direction, a lot of external expectations, and a girlfriend (or as I've termed him in my notes, "repressed disaster boy Blaine").
Payton’s mouth fell open in surprise. “You picked up a hitchhiker?” she asked. “That’s so sketchy!”
“He wasn’t hitchhiking,” Blaine insisted. “He just needed some help. He was our age, and he was actually really cool.”
“Blaine,” she said, rubbing her thumb against the hinge of his jaw. “You are too nice. You’re gonna get murdered some day.”
Blaine ignored her. “His name was Kurt,” he went on. “He’s from here, but he goes to school in New York. We might hang out while he’s in town.”
“You’re going to hang out with a potential murderer?”
Blaine leaned forward to kiss her on the nose. “You worry too much,” he said softly. “I might have made a new friend, can you be happy for me?”
She rolled her eyes. “You have a funny way of making friends.” She pressed her lips to his, just briefly. “Okay, I’m happy for you. Assuming he doesn’t turn out to be a creep, in which case, I told you so.”
“Deal,” Blaine said, before pulling her into another kiss.
And, finally, here's a snippet of the Glee Mediator!AU I've had in my head for...like a decade. I'll get to it eventually, seriously, I will. It's currently written in first person from Kurt's POV, modeled after the novels, but idk if I'm gonna keep that. (also gonna tag @quizasvivamos since you expressed interest in this idea!)
When I walked back into my room, my personal specter Blaine was sitting in the window seat.
“Oh God,” I couldn’t help but mutter when I saw him. “Look, I’ve just had the longest day of my life, could we do this another time?”
Blaine looked slightly amused at my frustration, which only served to irritate me more. “You told me to come back during business hours,” he told me, “but you neglected to tell me when exactly those were.”
I collapsed onto my bed, then rolled on my side and propped up my head to look at him. “How about a time when I’m not about to fall asleep?”
Blaine leaned back, seeming very comfortable in his spot. “People usually stay up later than this nowadays,” he observed. “When I lived here many people didn’t have electricity. We didn’t stay up much past sunset.”
I blinked. “Thanks for the history lesson, but I actually go to school for that. Which is why I want to go to bed.” I yawned. “Look, I know you want help-“
“Help?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t need help, I just want to be able to use my room.”
I slumped down onto my pillows. This guy was so infuriating. “I thought we established that this is my room.”
Blaine shrugged. “I’ve decided I’m willing to share,” he said.
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