#maybe i'm just assuring myself lmao
samuelroukin · 25 days
one thing (of multiple of course) i like about fanfic is we're all playing with the same characters but they all become yours, in a way. each iteration of the same little guy formed by the way we see them.
like yeah to some my version might be ooc, but there's a million other versions of him out there and there's bound to be one that aligns with the way you see him, and that one might be ooc to me, or not fit my version but still work in his own right because the base blorbo is the same, if that makes sense
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danieyells · 13 days
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
You've Got Mail:
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default(no affinity):
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1:
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2:
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3:
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 6:
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7:
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8:
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9:
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10:
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, FirstName. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11:
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12:
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13:
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14:
"... ...Oh! Hello, FirstName—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15:
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16:
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17:
"I didn't take you for a night owl, FirstName. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18:
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 20:
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 22:
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23:
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24:
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max):
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
"...Oh, FirstName. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday:
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day:
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day:
"These are for you, FirstName. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day:
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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mhsdatgo · 2 months
I feel like a lot of people misunderstand me when I say I'm disappointed with the way Aegon was adapted.
Most of those who criticize me (and some Aegon stans who aren't apologists, because get some help seriously) throw every possible excuse there is in the book in order to rid Aegon of any kind of depth or potential for Season 2.
I've been told I can't stomach characters that are downright bad, I've been told I only cling to show!Aegon's only redeeming quality at the moment (namely, TGC) and make it THE reason why Aegon should be liked.
I really don't know why I gotta say this about myself as a preface in order to debunk that second "theory" but I can absolutely assure you that amongst all the people I've crushed on or fell in love with in all my years of life, only two of them were boys and one of them is my current boyfriend. So if anything my fuckable meter as moral compass doesn't work that well with men lmao. Thank you for admitting that this show is so bad that sometimes the only good quality about certain characters are the actors that play them, idk what to tell you.
And on not being able to handle wicked characters, really? I've got a whole blog shitting on HotD writers for a lot of reasons amongst which is the fact that they made Rhaenyra blander than unseasoned potatoes and you came to the conclusion that... I can't handle wicked characters?
I'd really have no problems with Aegon being adapted as the cruel piece of shit he is in the books. You know, the only source material. If we're talking Aegon individually, my only problem with the route they're taking is making it similar to Joffrey. We don't want Joffrey Targaryen, we want Aegon II. (And like it or not, he's so different from Joffrey it's not even funny) The only things these two kids have in common are dying from poison, having a mother who's a lady-turned-queen, having a grandfather who's hand of the king and being selfish pricks.
My problem lies with Rhaenyra. Everyone knows Aegon sucks ass, that was known even before Sara Hess came up with that caricature of cartoonish evilness and tried masking it as gray writing. It's wanting to make Rhaenyra any better that is ridiculous as fuck.
Rhaenyra was just as selfish, self-righteous and dumb as Aegon. Rhaenyra's motives were just as valid as Aegon. They are both sides of the same coin. That's the basics if you want to understand Fire and Blood. Something Sara, Ryan, Miguel and the entire team didn't understand in the slightest. If you want me to take a show about the Dance of the Dragons seriously, you want to make this SIMPLE concept clear as day, which really isn't that hard.
And I'm sorry, but the situation with Dyana, that poor thing, is always angering to watch. Despicable, yes. Unforgivable, yes. I agree. I like it when there are turns in the adaptation of a story as vague as Fire and Blood, but not when that change is made for no reason other than wanting to uplift a character who deserves anything but.
Furthermore, I beg your pardon a second time for wanting the least possible scenes of r*pe or implied r*pe on my screen. Maybe because it's triggering, not necessarily because the r*pist is played by my little meow meow, ever thought of that? If you want your audience to hate a character, put yourself at work. There are so many ways to do that. Taking the easy route (because it was an easy route, argue with the wall) because war crimes aren't enough to make people pounce at a character like rabid dogs is lazy and disrespectful to people who came to see a well developed show. First accept that there aren't saints in F&B, then you can start working.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
May the Flirts Be With You- Seonghwa x Female!Cosplayer!Reader
It adds years to my life as a massive Star Wars nerd that a member of one of my ult groups is one too 🫶🏻 him making a May the 4th post = instant serotonin. It's 3 weeks late, but here's a corny little fun post for SW Day 😁
Word Count: 2394 | Conventions, Nerds to Lovers lmao, that trope I've accidentally created where Yeosang plays cupid | Warnings: the con is really generic because I didn't want to rip anything real off too much & have it be something they couldn't go to lmao, plus that way I could make other popular sci-fi references >:3
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“Isn’t the cloak a bit much?”
"Come on," Seonghwa half-jokingly whined, "you said you were going to appreciate everything."
Yeosang had joined him at a sci-fi convention, something Seonghwa had always dreamed of attending. Artists sat at tables showing their amazing creations, groups of friends and family took pictures with signs and props, and of course the place was flooded with cosplayers and merch. They'd even passed by the 501st Legion.
"I do," Yeosang assured him, nodding towards an artist table stocked with hyperrealistic head sketches of the classic Star Trek cast, "like look at those. I don't even watch the show and I kind of want one."
"That's why they say these cons are so expensive, like look over there!" Seonghwa pointed eyes widening. "There's a guy selling discontinued Star Wars lego sets!"
"Oh, boy," Yeosang muttered, but with a smile as his hyung dragged him over to the man's table, where he started eagerly digging in, that childlike wonder Yeosang knew so well starring his eyes.
"This is a fun little ship," Yeosang commented, picking up a small packet, "I like the yellow."
Seonghwa turned, then gave a nod. "The Naboo Starfighter! That is cute, you should get it for your shelf."
"You know what, maybe I will."
"That's the spirit! As for me, I'm between the AT-TE and the TIE Advanced set."
"Go with the cheaper one."
Seonghwa stuck his tongue out at Yeosang, who mirrored the gesture, then giggled in spite of himself. He wasn't the only one who made the sound, though; Seonghwa swiveled around, ready to greet another lego enthusiast, but what he saw had his fingers involuntarily loosening, almost sending the (slightly overpriced, in his opinion) AT-TE set tumbling back onto the red-and-black tablecloth.
It was a girl, a young woman about his age, dressed head-to-toe in a perfect Princess Leia cosplay. And not the classic white outfit, but the Bespin gown and cape.
You made the red outfit look classically beautiful, and whether it was all your hair or some sort of wig or extensions, you'd braided it just right, the loops falling back and at each side of your face, which was focused on Seonghwa with a smile.
"Oh, sorry, you two were just funny. You look like a Jedi and his padawan having a spat."
Seonghwa tore his eyes off of you long enough to regard Yeosang. "I told you I looked like a Jedi!"
"You sure do," you added, tilting your head toward the boxes in his hands, "what are you looking at getting there?"
Seonghwa shakily lowered the AT-TE back to the table. "Oh, well, I think I'm going with the TIE Advanced set."
"Good choice," you loudly whispered, leaning a bit closer, "355 to that one's 794. A little under half the pieces, but a quarter of the price."
"That's what I thought, like the TIE is way more iconic too, sorry Battle of Utapau."
"Yeah, I'm more into the OG movies myself."
He nodded toward your cosplay. "I see that. Did you make that yourself, or buy the pieces?"
"Oh, no, I made this."
Seonghwa feels his jaw drop, warmth pooling in his chest at the way you giggle again, this time at his expression, which rises from shock to a wide, awed grin. "You- you really? How do you do it? How long does it take? One of my roommates just customizes regular clothes and it seems like he can spend hours."
"Oh, yeah, hours is about right," you chuckle, "but it feels like the hardest part is finding the right fabrics sometimes, like these thicker ones aren't at every fabric store."
"Yeah, you really sound like my friend," Seonghwa jokes, "but you look way better."
He flushes the moment the words leave his mouth, immediately stuttering backtracks. "Well, um, that is, I mean, he doesn't do cosplay, more just like paint and cutting stuff up and-"
"Don't worry, you wouldn't believe how many creeps have told me I should have gone with the slave look," your voice cuts into his ramble, "I'm not offended. I actually appreciate it, um...what was your name again?"
"Oh," he lit up, "Seonghwa. This is my first convention."
Introducing yourself, you smiled and waved a hand at the legos he paused the conversation to purchase. "And it looks like you're getting something out of it already."
"More clutter for his room," Yeosang supplied.
You laughed. "You don't want to see mine, then. Besides, I can't help but notice you bought a ship too."
"A tiny one!" Yeosang sheepishly defended himself, quickly laughing at the m-hm sound you made.
"That's how it starts. Get him addicted, Seonghwa."
He nodded. "I'm trying."
"That's the spirit," you said with a mischievous grin.
Seonghwa nodded, then felt his eyes start to lose focus from looking at your own. "Er, well, we'll see you around, (y/n)!" He waved, starting to turn and walk away with Yeosang, who immediately shoved him.
"Whoa, what's that for?"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Getting back to the convention?"
"Don't you think you should talk to her?"
"What, and follow her around like a weirdo?"
"No," Yeosang fought, "invite her to go check out the voice acting stall or build your legos together or at least just take a picture with her to remember her by if you're too scared to do anything else."
Seonghwa frowned slightly. "I'm not scared."
"Ok," his long-haired friend shrugged, "then prove it."
"I will," he said with a satisfied smile as he turned on his heels, heading back for you.
"Oh, hey, (y/n)?"
You turned around too, white cape billowing around you like angel wings. He swallowed, trying not to stare too hard.
"Can we take a picture? I- I haven't really gotten many pictures with cosplayers, and-"
"Sure!" Smiling brightly, you accepted his proffered phone, taking a couple selfies that left Seonghwa feeling like a boiled lobster, he must be so red. He wasn't expecting you to put your arm around him, but he sure wouldn't complain, either. You also had Yeosang take a few head-to-toe ones so you could see your full outfits and the poses you guys did.
By the time you were done, you both were laughing, especially at one selfie you caught of all three of you where both you and Seonghwa posed and Yeosang just had the most confused expression. In another, you reached behind you to the book stall, each picking one up to pretend to read. Seonghwa made a shocked face at James Luceno's Tarkin, Yeosang mimed intense focus on Timothy Zahn's The Icarus Hunt, and you pretended to laugh at the bowl of petunias in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
"Well, thanks!" Seonghwa exclaimed after your photoshoot, trailing off before Yeosang elbowed him from behind. "Er, well, I was wondering if you are on any social media for your cosplays?"
"Yup," you nodded, closing out your Photos app with a smile at all the new shots of you guys that had been added to your phone and sliding over to instagram, "Here's where I post a lot of my photos, but if you want to see anything more in-depth or show your fashion designing friend, I can give you my youtube."
Wow... "You have a cosplay youtube? That's so cool! I bet it's a lot of fun!"
"Sure, it's where I track progress, share my processes, and do hauls and stuff too. Oh, and these guys," you shook the box of lego you'd bought at the stall that introduced you, "will get built on there, too. Hey, would you wanna be in a video?"
This time, no elbowing was required. "On your channel? Yes, of course! We could build our legos," Seonghwa replied, feeling excitement rush to his face as he strolled past a life-size Dalek, fingers reaching out to gently brush the smooth dome atop the metal structure.
"For one, yes," you said, a hand reaching up to straighten your Leia braids, "but how would you feel about modeling a legit cosplay?"
His eyes flew open. "You'd make me a whole outfit?"
"Well, I need practice doing men's fits too," you giggled, swerving around a couple dressed as Zoë and Wash from Firefly, "and you have, like, perfect proportions."
Seonghwa's mouth opened and closed a few times, but he didn't know what to say to that. You didn't say any more, either, your interest suddenly captured by a stall selling Padme-inspired jewelry, including one thick silver choker that honestly captured Seonghwa's eyes too...
"So, uh, would you be interested?" You glanced back and forth between the stall and Seonghwa, the way your eyes peered up at him involuntarily raising the corners of his lips.
"As long as my outfit is as pretty as yours."
"Everyone's commenting asking if you're a professional model," you giggle at Seonghwa, glancing up at your phone as you hand him the bright orange brick separator.
He pries apart two misplaced lego pieces before meeting your eyes. "Me?"
"Yes, you," you fire back, closing your phone and leaning a bit closer, scanning first Seonghwa's progress, then his face, "have you seen yourself?"
Heat creeps back into his cheeks. "Yes, but I've seen you, too, so I know they should be asking that about you, not me."
"Wow, that was really smooth. No wonder I dressed you up as Lando," you grin, resting your chin on your hand.
Seonghwa just gazed into your eyes with a fond smile. That had been a long, but amazing, process as you got measurements, pinned him still until he was stiff all over, but put hours of work into detailing a masterpiece, complete with a cape of his very own. All the standing around was so worth it to feel the way your hands gently grazed his sides, to hear you laugh at his little comments and even feel it against his neck when you were working on his shoulders, to always make sure you were stopping to take care of yourself, too, and hear how grateful you were when he reminded you you were doing amazing, no need to push yourself. Watching the transformation, your busy hands at work, getting to embody a piece of the universe he loved so much, all of it made for some of the best weeks Seonghwa had had in a long time.
"That was fun," he commented, attaching two more pieces to the wing of the ship he was building.
"Yeah," you agreed, "especially when you almost kissed me."
Seonghwa reddened, stiffening and lowering the wing in his hand slightly.
It had happened one of the last times you'd met up when you were attaching his cape, hands on his shoulders. He'd relaxed too much, falling into watching you work with dazed eyes, dreaming of leaning in, and then you pulled a little too hard, sending him surging forward, his face almost crashing into yours. He'd managed to catch himself just in time and you'd edited that part out of the fitting video of course, but that moment, your awkward but thrilling almost-kiss, had been living rent-free in Seonghwa's mind ever since then. A part of him wished he'd just managed to fall all the way, but that also wasn't how he wanted your first kiss to go. If you liked him back, which Yeosang and Hongjoong insisted you did. Hongjoong had even taken to texting him 'May the flirts be with you' before he went to your studio, which strangely had encouraged him on a couple occasions to just say the compliment or to brush your hands a little when he handed you supplies or made sure you had water.
"I'm so sorry about that, I really was just clumsy and-"
"It's all right," you smirked faintly, putting the constructed cockpit in your hands down, "I was ready for it."
Seonghwa's brows furrowed as he fully set the wing down. "You... you..."
"Wait, I'm sorry, did I read things wrong? I thought we were flirting. But if not, I'm so sorry! I'm not good at this," you confessed, "you know what they say about nerds and all."
Any and all dissatisfaction about Hongjoong being right dissipated into the great sparkly abyss of joy rising and thudding out of Seonghwa's chest because holy cow, the super cool girl who makes Star Wars outfits and builds lego with him and doesn't laugh at his ASMR is interested in them? Sure, let him and Yeosang rub it in Seonghwa's face. He'd endure anything if it meant getting closer to you.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, either," he chuckled, grin widening by the second, "but yes, I was. My roommate even started texting me to hype me up before I visited you, look!"
He showed you the text, which was followed by a gif of Han Solo and a whole bunch of teasing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
"I was worried you were going to see all the youtube comments teasing me about my obvious crush on you or how cute we were together!"
His eyes widened again. "So you have an obvious crush on me?"
"Seonghwa," you folded your arms, "you don't exactly want someone to kiss you because they're like a brother to you."
"Right, right, sorry, it's just so hard to believe a real-life space princess like you is interested in a lowly smuggler like myself."
"Ok," you snorted, "that was corny."
"I was trying to be corny."
"Good," you tease, leaning in closer until your nose is almost brushing his, "I like corny."
"That's why you like Attack of the Clones. It's the dialogue."
"It's the childhood appeal and you know it! I always say they got a little confident in their millions with some of the writing, but something in it really captured a youth vibe. It's like what they did in Twilight, but better because of the rest of the worlds happening around it-" You rambled, distracted by Seonghwa's claim.
Seonghwa, meanwhile, could only stare at your animated gesticulating and think how you're most definitely the girl of his dreams. "Ok, seriously, please kiss me."
“Alright, but we’re definitely doing the cape yank next time,” you comment as you lean in, letting Seonghwa take one of your hands, the other pulling you in softly by your cheek until your lips met.
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I'm stuck on this, so please have some of this brain rot.
I am torn about who I think this fits the best but we're gonna roll with Katsuki.
Katsuki x you. Soulmates au if you squint. Fluffy little blurb because I'm apparently trying to make myself soft for him. I'm wearing clown shoes right now don't look at me lmao
He's a creature of habit.
He wakes up at 5, goes for a run, and returns to start his day just the same way every single day.
So when you become a part of his routine, those habits extend to the way he interacts with you. Having you around was an adjustment, sure, but it wasn't necessarily unwelcome. He found quickly that he sleeps more peacefully on the nights you stay over. It's almost like something has notched into place in his soul. A piece that was, not missing, but misaligned before you.
He doesn't pay it too much mind though. He likes having you around. He likes you. So, for him it's as simple as that.
8 months in and you're staying at his place more often than not, and he has fully adjusted to his new routine. He wakes up at 5, five days a week. 6:30 on his days off now, because that's when you wake up. His watch vibrates to stir him from heavy sleep, instead of his phone sounding a loud alarm like it used to. It wasn't a complicated change, just something that he did one weekend after you'd had a hard stretch at work and he never went back to the old habit.
He doesn't think it's harder to get out of bed, but he does hesitate. Just for a second so he can look over your body still at rest.
The soft flutter of your lashes, covering the eyes he loves to get lost in.
The way your chest rises and falls so gently, even if the rest of you is askew from the restless hours between the sun's presence.
Now, every morning, before he gets out of bed, he kisses you softly on the shoulder, right in the spot where your gorgeous skin has an inconsistency.
He made a habit of nuzzling you, squeezing you, kissing you in that spot during the first months of your relationship, and he didn't notice the spot until you stood before the bathroom mirror one night, getting ready for bed.
Something about it tugged him closer, and he thumbed over the spot. Looking at it over your shoulder while he gathered you close in his arms.
"This always been here?"
You roll your eyes, but smile wide in that way he loves best. "Yea, it's been there my whole life. I thought you knew."
"Never noticed before, jus' like kissin' you there." He mumbles, nuzzling into the slope of your neck and relaxing a little more at the way your hand cards through his hair.
"They say that marks like that appear in the places where you were kissed in a past life."
He lets his head fall then, caressing your skin with his lips one more time in that spot before he pulls away to get in the shower.
Katsuki has never really believed in soulmates, but he thinks maybe, it could have been him. In another life, that left the mark on you.
A small assurance that he could find you again.
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kazumist · 10 days
it's been a while :) i know i only drop by here to answer asks (if ever i get any in the first place) but i still think i owe everyone a proper explanation—especially when i've been making promises to myself when it comes to returning.
(more utc, just didnt wanna clog the dash LOL. it's not that long i swear)
don't worry, i won't leave! and as you all may know, i'm usually semi-inactive in the first place because of my forever hectic personal life. even when i'm not that so busy with academics, my days are still filled with agendas due to extra curriculars, events, gatherings, etc. and it honestly has played a huge role as to why i haven't been able to focus on writing in the first place. i'm not really a person who stays at home most of the time whenever i'm in such a busy mood.
but surprise, surprise! life has its own way to make the tables turn for me. not only did my workload finally decrease, my... lovelife has flourished as well :) <3 maybe that's also another reason why i don't feel like writing that much anymore—it's because i finally found someone to fill up my heart even more. (i know love exists because i am full of it—we all deserve it.)
i won't really go into that much detail about how or when since i want to keep things private LMAO. but rest assured he makes me happier than ever. :') and i don't really want for it to seem that our relationship is what caused me to lose motivation in writing (though i have to admit, it has probably played a part i guess). it's really because of me not finding the proper time to sit down and actually focus on it in one sitting. 🥲
rest assured that i will still continue my smaus. i'm still going to finish the shs universe and the other smaus that i plan on making. you could consider this as me taking a proper break and properly addressing it. i have no idea when i'll actually be back but you'll probably just see me post a new episode of love maybe on a random thursday or something HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
however, still feel free to talk to me via inbox! i will still drop by to check my notifs from time to time.
that's all! if you reached this part, congratulations. always remember that love is just around the corner. <3
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krisdreaming · 2 years
Only You
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x gn!reader
WC: 849
A/N:  I'm exposing myself, but I actually don't use twitter 🙈 so I don't really understand how it works lmao.
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You stand from the couch with a soft groan, stretching your arms above your head. Atsumu still isn't home from practice, but your movie is over, so you decide there isn't much left to do besides going to bed. By the time your teeth are brushed, Atsumu texts you that he's on the way home, so you settle in under the covers to wait for him.
It isn't often that he's so late, but every now and then practice runs over. You've gotten used to it. It's just one of those things that comes along with dating a volleyball player. You bite back a smile. If someone had told you ten years ago that you'd be dating a professional athlete, you probably would have laughed in their face. Still, you wouldn't have things any other way, most of the time. Somehow, Atsumu makes it all worth while.
Reaching for your phone, you pull up your twitter feed to pass the time until he's home. After a few minutes of mindless scrolling, you come to a post on the Black Jackals' official account. It just so happens to feature your boyfriend. It's just one of those quick player highlight posts, using the staged photos they all have to take in their uniforms, so it isn't really anything special, but you still can't help but smile. Even looking at the fake smile pasted on his face, you feel a surge of warmth. It's a mixture of adoration and pride. That's your boyfriend.
Curious, you tap on the post and begin to scroll through the replies. Mixed in with the normal replies from fans of the team (and one from his mom), there's another type of comment you begin to notice. It starts out tame enough.
Miya is so handsome.
You chuckle wryly to yourself. There's no denying that, you suppose.
Definitely the hottest guy on the team. For sure.
You're starting to feel the smile fade from your lips. Part of you knows that you should just close the app right now, but a bigger part of you wants to keep scrolling.
I'd sell my SOUL for a night with Miya Atsumu.
Slowly, the pride you'd felt is turning to a jealous prickle. There are dozens of comments just like those, and you're beginning to feel a sinking in your gut. It's pretty sobering to think that Atsumu could have any of these girls any time he wanted.
"I'm home!" You'd been so absorbed that you hadn't even heard the front door open, and now your boyfriend is standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Quickly, you turn off your phone screen and shove it down next to you on the bed.
"Hey, Baby. Sorry practice was so late." He leans in for a quick peck, and you return it mechanically. "Won't happen again fer a while, I promise," He assures, rifling through the dresser for a pair of clean pajamas. He goes into the bathroom to change, and you bite down on your lip. For some stupid reason, you feel tears starting to burn at the backs of your eyes.
Too soon, he's back in the bedroom. You haven't had time to compose yourself. "How was yer night?" He asks lightly, and finally glances at you. It's only then that he truly looks into your face, and the twisting in your gut must be evident there, because his demeanor instantly changes.
"Hey," He quickly gets into bed beside you, "What's wrong?"
"It's stupid," You say thickly, trying to brush it off. Logically, you know you just need to forget it.
"Maybe, but it's clearly upsettin' ya." He rests his chin on your shoulder. "You can talk to me, ya know."
"It's not a big deal," You say softly, but you reach for your phone, turning on the screen and reluctantly handing it to him. You watch as he scrolls through the comments, brow furrowing into a frown. "See?" You try to lighten your voice. "Told you it was silly."
"Ya know I love you, right?" He says, so firmly it takes you by surprise. "Only you." You nod slightly. "These girls-" He gestures at your phone screen, "They're annoying. Just like those girls in high school I told ya about. Squealin' pigs." Despite yourself, you release a chuckle.
"'Tsumu, that's not very nice," You chide automatically, but there's a small smile growing on your face.
"Well, it's true. All the guys get that crap, ya know?" He slides his arm around you, pulling you close against his side. "But none of those girls are in bed with me tonight. You are." He punctuates it with a kiss pressed to your temple. "And I wouldn't change that fer anything."
"Neither would I," You say softly, snuggling a little closer into his side.
"Yer the only one for me, ya know that?" You tilt your face up to look at him then, and the tenderness in his expression dissolves the pit in your gut completely. He leans in to press a kiss to your lips. "I love you," He murmurs. "So much."
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 10 months
i’m sorry the “bold of you to assume anyone cares abt your poorly written character.” is hilarious considering half of the asks i see you get are asking about jade and her story lmao
i don’t know what’s stuck up that anons ass but i can assure a lot of us care and love jade as a character and they just seem jealous they don’t have a OC as well written and fleshed out as yours.
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This is the number of asks I have on my inbox at the moment. I'm sure about 1/3 of them are about Ghost/Jade I'm not even kidding 🤣 I most certainly do not need to send myself another ask about Jade. Maybe that anon had too much time on their hands. Anyway, I'm chilling with you and others who love her.
Thanks to all the kind and comforting asks I received after! I'm very happy and grateful I have such kind people loving my arts and contents. Love y'all! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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kimbapisnotsushi · 8 months
you seem to have a good read on HQ and your takes are great, so i have a question...and if you'd rather not go there, please ignore this! but i see oikawa get called "arrogant" quite often and i'm curious, would you say he is? what is it that makes people think that? imo he has a plenty of flaws, but i truly don't think arrogance is one of them. self-centered, sure, but not arrogant i think. i'm open to being wrong, i'm just legit so confused by that particular criticism, it makes me doubting my reading comprehension. i feel like that one post that's like "free my man, he didn't do that. he did a lot of other stuff tho" LOL. if you do answer this, then thanks for your time!
oh, dear anon. this is a very very big question and i'm honored you think i am capable of providing an answer that does it justice!! i don't consider myself an oikawa expert by far, but i'll do my best because he's still very beloved to me, and i hope whatever i say helps!
(but also - maybe take what i say with a grain of salt LMAO)
anyways, to get the main point out of the way: i completely agree that oikawa isn't arrogant! i actually haven't seen any commentary about that myself (bless!!!), so i can't say for sure why some people might think that, but my guess is that they think his pridefulness = arrogance — they think that the confidence he has in himself and seijoh contributes nothing to their actual power and is utterly meaningless if they don't win, especially in the face of ushijima. which, like, come on. what kind of captain would he be if he wasn't confident in himself and his teammates? is he supposed to tell them that they're going to lose??? is he supposed to discourage their hard work and effort???
or maybe it's because oikawa acts like he's all that, but doesn't have anything to show for it. who does he think he is? what does he think his pride is worth? what right does he have to go around making grand declarations when he has nothing to his name?
(which isn't entirely true, either, but we'll get into that, promise.)
now, do i think that he can, occasionally, be flippant, shallow, and/or petty? yeah, sure. he's got one hell of a personality about it. even iwaizumi says as much. oikawa is great at being a little shit. it's one of my favorite things about him!
but is oikawa genuinely arrogant, or self-centered? well . . . i don't think so.
see, here's the thing about oikawa: he knows he's good, but he doesn't think he's good enough. i think it'd be easiest to really explain what that meant if we broke this down into two separate parts, so let's give it a go, shall we?
(buckle up, friends, because it's about to get LONG. also: TIMESKIP SPOILERS!! and there's a tldr at the start of the tags because. WOW.)
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so, first things first: if people are calling oikawa arrogant, then i'm like 99% sure that they don't actually know what the word "arrogant" means.
"arrogant" is used to describe someone full of themselves. it's used to describe someone conceited and pompous. it's used to describe someone so assured of and invested in their self-importance that they don't care for other people, and if it seems like they do, then it's usually wildly off the mark and still serves to inflate their own egos.
oikawa has never once been like that. he's been pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.
and yeah, sure, by his third year of high school, he knows he's good at volleyball, and that's fine! it's perfectly all right to claim you're good at something if you have the skills/experience to back it up. confidence is healthy as long as it isn't in overabundance, and we actually see a lot of this throughout the series!
(not to mention that this was where ushijima fell short. he was overflowing with confidence. he did not believe, for even a single second, that hinata shouyou and his meager, scrappy little flock of crows could beat him.
but oikawa? he knew. he knew what it looked like to make something bloom.)
the key to oikawa's confidence that made him better was that he could pinpoint others' strengths and weaknesses just as well as he could with his own. and (bear with me, please, i might get kind of boring here bc it's nothing that hasn't been said in the manga before) i don't mean it in the way we see the coaches or more analytical players do, as observations to be taken advantage of by everyone else; i mean that in the sense of how vital it is to his position as a setter. that was always the biggest difference between oikawa and kageyama: no matter how much more raw talent kageyama had, no matter how much better oikawa believed him to be, kageyama, especially in the beginning, struggled to do what oikawa could with a team. kageyama struggled to bring out the best in each player. and it wasn't because he didn't know how -- oikawa freely admitted that kageyama had the skill for it, that kageyama, once he got his shit together, could win against him -- it was because kageyama didn't have that same confidence in himself.
(not until much later, anyways. but that's another story, for another time.)
so, oikawa's confident. he knows he's good. he can bring out the best in each player. he's got a killer serve (and a killer smile!), a mind for tactics that borders on machievallianism, and cherishes the trust he is given like it's something precious. his coaches let him lead without leaning on them. his team has the utmost respect and admiration for him. he has a reputation. from karasuno to shiratorizawa to the whole of miyagi -- there is not a single character who knows oikawa tooru and would believe that he is, in any way, bad at volleyball.
but it's not enough. despite all of that, oikawa still doesn't think he's good enough. and that, friends, brings us to the second point.
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oikawa tooru is nothing if not passionate.
so were the others, of course. kageyama kept going after his grandfather's death. hinata kept going while being a nobody from nowhere with no one to back him up. atsumu kept going while osamu didn't. it's not even about just those who went pro -- kenma, kuroo, noya, and everyone else found things that they were passionate about and kept going with it. the entire story revolves around loving what you do and trying to keep that love alive, and, sometimes, that can be really, really difficult when it seems like it doesn't love you back.
oikawa was so insecure over kageyama to the point where he nearly decked the poor kid. oikawa got crushed by ushijima-- who kept telling him that his team was not good enough, that his choices were not good enough, that there was nothing good enough to be proud of -- for years in a row. oikawa was taught that there would always be someone better than him no matter how skilled he was, but if he let that stop him then he didn't fucking belong on the court in the first place.
oikawa tooru is intimately acquainted with not being good enough, but he keeps trying to be. he keeps going. he tries to keep the love alive even if he's not loved back. he pushes and practices and takes a plane far from home to become even better. even if he doesn't have the skill, even if he doesn't have the talent, even if he doesn't have the love -- he still has his pride. and what does that mean, in the end? how far does that take him?
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in the end, oikawa tooru walks across a world stage and sees people who believed in him on the other side and calls it a family reunion. in the end, he gets to play the volleyball that reminds him of why he loves it and how it gives him so much love back. in the end, his pride is unyielding and unbreakable, a product of the forge. he molded it with his own two hands. he will not let it falter so easily.
arrogance would not have taken oikawa tooru this far. i hope this has proven that he is anything but.
remember: instinct is something you polish. talent is something you make bloom. and never, ever let anyone else tell you what your pride is worth.
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evans-heaven · 2 years
Scene ; Joseph Quinn
Leave it to me to see one comment asking for a full fic based on one of my Moments drabbles and actually write that shit 😭 I've been working on this piece for weeks and I'm pretty happy with how I left it so here it is for your reading pleasure ;)
Before we start, a couple of things:
This is pre-Feelings (tho reader is very much in love here but doesn't realize it)
The death scene is from the POV of Stacey, your character, and is mostly my dialogue bc i tried watching the actual clip and got less than 10 seconds in before i started crying 🙃 so I'm not gonna torture myself like that y'all sorry lol
Reader is portrayed as having anxiety and overthinks a lot, kinda like in Feelings. I write her like this bc that's pretty much how I am in real life about my own thoughts, feelings, and basically everything else. Aaannnd that's basically it lmao
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x Fem!Actress!Reader
Warnings: Unedited content, strong language, ANGST, description of Eddie's death scene, mentions of blood, mild depictions of anxiety, some fluff, and touching, duh ;)
wc: 3.6k
I already linked the other two fics so read Touch here
Pt 2 here
Prior to this day, you had your assumptions that actors filming a death scene would be pretty tough. 
But, now that you were in a position where you yourself would be at the borderline center of one, ‘tough’ was kind of an understatement. 
‘Tough’ wasn’t nearly a suitable enough word to describe having to cradle your co-star who was covered in prosthetic wounds and fake blood as he sputtered out I love you’s and goodbye’s, and then ‘died’ in your arms. 
Maybe ‘tough’ would be the appropriate term here, if said co-star wasn’t your best fucking friend and the person you were undoubtably closest with on set. Him dying in your arms, even if it was just for the screen, was still an experience that would feel way too real-even if you tried to remind yourself that, at the end of the day, it wasn’t. No matter how true to life it would seem. No matter how damn realistic those wounds looked (why the fuck did Amy and her team have to be so talented?), and no matter how fucking incredible Joe Quinn was at pretending to die. 
The words ‘calm down’ echoed in your head like a broken record all day. They had blended into one, to the point where they were incoherent and didn’t seem to make sense. Thus, they did very little to offer comfort. 
The day had been frustrating, to put it lightly. But, at least you had Joe.
That morning, during your daily-or hourly-sanctioned bear hug, your heartbeat was so strong he practically heard it pulsing in his ears. That alone told him your anxiety would be working double time that day. It was a serious pain in the agss sometimes.
You and Joe had always been attached at the hip over the last year and some, always hanging off of each other in some way or another. And today, it was with good reason attached to it-not that (consensual) physical touch ever had to have a purpose other than wanting to be close. Having that gentle contact, even if it was just a hand on your shoulder-was more than enough to ground you and halt the overactive thoughts-even if for a couple of minutes.
Although he’d say he was only trying to comfort you, it was obvious your embraces and touches held mutual benefit. Just as he was able to sense your anxiety, you could sense his. The sweaty palms when your fingers laced together during breakfast and lunch weren’t from you, nor were the goosebumps you felt against your collarbones when he held you from behind after you got your makeup done for the scene. This showed you that, despite acting his ass off during rehearsals, it didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous.
But, in typical heartthrob-from-a-90s-novel-written-by-a-woman fashion, all his energy was put into making you feel better, comforted, and assured that everything would be okay. Even if he had no idea what the true driving force was behind your anxiousness.
You couldn’t have asked for a better on screen boyfriend. Stacey Miller-Rhodes was a damn lucky gal. Well, up until her boyfriend got chunks of his flesh ripped from his body by demobats. Meaning he died. Meaning Eddie was gone.
Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
A sharp knock on your trailer door interrupted your useless mantra, as you jolted, just a little, before giving permission for whoever to enter.
In walked Matt and Ross, warm smiles on their faces. It didn’t do much to ease you, because you knew why they were here. 
“Hey, Y/N, you ready?” Ross asked. Matt stood by the door keeping it open, since it was time to go. 
You nodded. “Yep,” your voice was even, masking the heavy feeling in your throat. You were not ready.
“Figured we’d come get you ourselves, Joe’s busy with makeup on set, for, you know-”
“I know. Thanks,” you said quickly, cutting Matt off. “Let’s get going, then,” you said, standing up and walking past Matt, exiting your trailer. You heard the door shut softly and their footsteps following behind you.
You were being short with them, but that was because you really only wanted Joe at this moment. Unfortunately, he was currently being ‘deadified’ on set, which is where you were now headed. You two had a little cuddle session in your trailer, where he held you tight and layed kiss after kiss on your forehead, cooing that it would be okay and that you would both be fine. After that, he had to go to the makeup trailer to get his prosthetic wounds applied. The process had taken hours, and then he had to film the scene where Eddie actually got attacked by the bats. This meant it had been a while since you saw him last. So, his mamed and mangled appearance awaited you, when the last time you saw him, he was totally unharmed and at ease.
You entered the building, in which there were only a chosen few people. It was a closed set, just you, Joe, and the necessary crew members. The Duffers believed that because a death scene with a couple was so intimate, you and Joe were the only actors that should be on set. 
That, you were thankful for. You were your best self when it was just you and Joe, so you could be your best ‘acting self’, when it was just the two of you as well.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to the ‘Upside Down’, a set made to look like the particular spot in the alternate universe where everything would go down. It was tinted blue and almost sent a chill down your spine to look at, from how cold uninviting, and eerie the general vibe of the scenery was. And a little depressing, which was pretty fitting. The backdrop was a blue screen, which would be used to add the background of the setting, to make everything look as real as possible.
You spotted Joe in the middle of the set, the makeup team applying fake blood to his very real looking wounds. 
“C’mon, we wanna talk to you and Joe for a second before we start,” Matt told you, and as much as that made sense, you wished Joe was more than just a few feet away so you could prepare a little more for seeing him….like that, outside of the context of the scene. 
“Okay,” you said as you three began walking towards him just as makeup finished up their job. When you got to him, you felt yourself tense up at his appearance as you lingered back, just a little bit. He stood awkwardly with his arms slightly hovering away from his body, clearly not wanting to disrupt the fake damage. You could tell from the sight before you that with how much fake blood the team used, those demobats would really do a number on Eddie.
You hated those little CGI bastards.
“Hey,” Joe said, gaining your attention, though his tone was light. You met his eyes, narrowly avoiding the blood streaking the lower half of his face.
“Hi,” you said back, feeling just a little bit of air release from your lungs, not even remembering when you took a breath in. You wanted to make a sarcastic quip to lighten the mood, but words failed you. You didn’t really feel like being funny right now.
“So, you guys remember how the scene goes, Eddie just sacrificed himself and got attacked by the bats, and Stacey runs up to him afterward and sees his body laying there, barely alive, covered in blood and wounds,” Matt began.
You curled your lips in and nodded stiffly, feeling the slightest of shocks run through your body. Calm down.
“I know you two are gonna kill this scene,” Matt continued. “No one understands or could have brought to life Eddie and Stacey better than the two of you,” he said warmly, clamping hands down on both your shoulders. Yours was tense under his touch and Stacey’s clothing.
You had to admit, though, he was right. You had a lot of input into Stacey’s character, taking her from Eddie’s shy girlfriend who was just a tool to enhance how eccentric he was, to a girl with a backstory and reasons for her reserved nature. Knowing Stacey’s history would make the scene even more gut wrenching to film. A girl raised in a household with a domineering step-father who believed women should be seen and not heard, who made her life a living hell under the watchful eye of her mother who did nothing to stop it. Upon turning 18 she left him and his toxicity behind, but carried the burden of years of being forced to subdue herself. Eddie got her to open up to him, but she still carried herself quietly around others. The fear of judgment was damaging.
Because of how much you put into Stacey and the influence you had on her storyline, you knew none of your nervousness had to do with how you’d perform in the scene. You were confident in your abilities as an actress and knew you could carry this scene with the help of Joe perfectly. 
“Thanks, guys, that means a lot,” you said to them, gripping the moto jacket you wore, canonically taken by Stacey from Eddie’s closet. 
“Yeah, truly, we’ve come a long way from me thinking I would completely ruin the show,” Joe chuckled, the smile on his face juxtaposed by the blood caking it. It was actually kind of off putting.
“Alright, well, let’s get this show on the road!” Mat clapped his hands and walked with his brother offset.
More like let’s get this over with. You were about to walk off to get in your spot, when Joe grabbed your hand gently, stopping you. You turned to face him, brows raised expectantly.
“You good?” he asked.
Deciding to keep this short and sweet, you settled for a quick nod, and a soft ‘yeah’. Satisfied, he released your hand so you could go to your place, just as one of the Duffers yelled “Places!” 
When you got to your mark, you looked over to Joe one more time, who was already looking your way. You could feel the intensity of his stare from where you stood, those gorgeous brown eyes and the way they sparkled no matter the lighting or setting. He gave you a smile, and you returned one, unable to ever not do so. It managed to give you a new found confidence you lacked just seconds prior. He took his position on the ground, and then, it was time.
There was no turning back once it began. Unless you swiveled on your heels and ran in the opposite direction, which was tempting. 
Once it happened, everything you were worried about could become a possibility to follow suit.
You sucked in an unstable breath and closed your eyes, savoring a final moment of calm before those two little word were uttered-
You took off.
Stacey’s heart was ramming against her ribcage the moment she re-entered the upside down, but when she saw her boyfriend lying limp on the cold, wet ground, she swore her legs would give out as her heart seemed to cease in its entirety. 
He had gone back. He wanted to be a hero. He didn’t want to run anymore, but God, she wished he did.
“Eddie!” Stacey called out, voice unstable and legs threatening to give out from underneath her as she sprinted towards him. Somewhere in the corner of her mind that was swarming with fears of what would happen to him, she began to pray to whoever there was that could hear her and help him.
Please let him be okay. Please. Please. Please.
“Ed, babe, oh my God,” Stacey whispered, and fell to her knees before his broken down form. His torso was torn to shreds, his Hellfire shirt almost completely soaked with blood from his wounds. She took hold of him and pulled the upper half of his body into her lap, feeling the red substance begin to seep through her jeans.
The demo bats surrounded the two of them, incapacitated, laying limp on the floor of the upside down-taunting you. Blissfully unaware that they had probably just taken the love of Stacey's life away from her, brutally, with no remorse, as he tried so desperately to be the hero, not the coward he convinced himself he was.
“Ed, are you with me? Can you hear me?” Stacey asked him softly, not wanting to scare him. She brushed his hair from his face and tried to meet his eyes, his gaze unfocused and teary.
Eddie’s voice came out shaky and weak from his blood coated mouth, his cheeks smeared with it. “I did it,” he choked out. “I didn’t run anymore,”
There was no denying he felt some semblance of pride at what he did, and because of that, Stacey couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, though the tension in the noise was palpable. “Yeah, yeah baby, you’re so brave,” she told him.
The proud smile he bore was distorted by a look of pain as he shifted slightly. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” he groaned, in clear discomfort.
One of her hands applied pressure to one of the many wounds that marred his torso as he shivered in her arms. “No, no babe, it’s fine, you're gonna be okay,” she stumbled out, trying to sound as confident in her words as possible, when everything about the situation told her that her words were not the truth. “We just….we just need to get to you to a hospital and everything’s gonna be okay, Ed, don’t worry,”
“No. I think this was it, baby,” he met his girlfriend’s gaze, his jaw trembling as more blood dribbled out the sides of his mouth as he took in barely there, labored breaths. “This was finally my year,”
Stacey choked out helpless cries, caressing his face, and shaking her head. This couldn’t be his year, this couldn’t be the way it ended. He was supposed to finally graduate and the two of them were supposed to get the hell out of Hawkins together, away from all the bullshit media propaganda and pearl clutching PTA moms. They were going to get out of there and be happy together. That was how it was supposed to fucking be, goddammit.
“No,” Stacey gritted.“This isn’t over yet, you’re gonna be okay, Ed,” she nodded stiffly, lips trembling as salty tears flowed into the seam. “We’re just gonna wait a little until the others get here, then we’re gonna carry you out of this hellhole and take you to a hospital, and the doctors there are going to fix you, baby, they’re going to make the bleeding go away, and stitch you up and give you some meds, and then you’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay,” she chanted weakly as her cheeks became soaked with tears. She wanted to speak it into existence, even as reality clawed and fought its way to the front of her mind.
“Baby,” he cooed. He placed a cold hand on hers, the one that still pressed against one of his wounds, gripping it weakly. Always the one who wanted to comfort her, even if he needed it way more in this situation. “I’ve fulfilled my duty as Eddie the Banished, I didn’t run, and I saved the town,” he told her. 
“That town doesn’t deserve your sacrifice, Eddie,” Stacey argued pathetically.
“I saved you,” he stressed, making it known that this act was with only one person at the forefront as motivation, the rest of the town behind her. “And you’re worth it, Stacey. You’re so. Fucking. Worth it,” he said to her, lacing their fingers together, pulling the back of her hand up to his lips, and pressing a bloodied kiss to the cold, dirty skin. 
“I love you so much,” he said as firmly as his shutting down body would let him.
It hurt her to not say those words back, but she knew why he said them, and she didn’t want to accept this as the end.
“Ed, don't you dare say goodbye,” she told him through her tears, trying to sound strong and sure, but it wasn’t possible. “This isn’t the end for you, this isn’t the end for us,” she said.
“Stacey, baby, I want you to listen to me,” Eddie began, the wobble in his voice impossible to ignore now as he tried to raise his head as much as he could, wanting her to truly take in his next words. “When you go back, I want you to go home and pack all of your shit, as much as you can carry, and I want you to get on the next bus out, because you’re gonna leave that shithole Hawkins. You’re gonna tell that place to kiss your ass and you’re gonna run like hell out of there without so much as a single glance back,”
Stacey shook her head, understanding where this was headed, not wanting to hear a word more. “Ed, no-”
“You’re gonna find some place for the both of us, somewhere where the people aren’t shallow minded assholes, where we can be whoever the fuck we want to be with each other, and I want you to live your life everyday as you would have if I was there,’
“Eddie, I can’t-”
“Yes, you can. I don’t want you to cave back into yourself, baby. You’re the most beautiful, brilliant, incredible human being I’ve ever met and everyone deserves to know you and appreciate you as you are. Do you hear me?”His proclamation to her ended with that simple question, and he left no room for argument. 
She absorbed all his words, every letter, every syllable, struggling to accept that the life they wanted to have together, would have to continue on without him. The life she wanted with him would totally and completely absolve her from the one she had growing up. Could she do it? Could she move on?
Those answers remained to be determined, but the one thing she absolutely couldn’t do was argue with him anymore. She just didn’t have it in her to deny him his dying wish, or keep fighting what he had already accepted.
Closing her eyes, more droplets fell, mixing with his blood. She felt herself nodding before she could even consider another response in her mind. “Yeah,” she whispered in a watered down voice. “Yeah, baby, I hear you,” she opened her eyes and met his own once more. 
“Good,” he replied. “Good,” his voice was noticeably more floaty that time.
They fell silent. They just looked into one another’s eyes, exchanging so many words and feelings that would completely consume what little time they had left together. His hand was still laced with hers, pressed against his chest, where she could feel his weakening heart beat.
“I love you so much,” he repeated his words from earlier, breaking the hauntingly peaceful quiet. It was barely above a whisper practically mouthed, but she heard him, loud and clear. And as soon as those words came out, he looked ahead blankly, his eyes slowly beginning to lose the light in them Stacey loved so much.
“Eddie, no, please,” she gritted, tears dripping from her eyes uncontrollably. “Stay with me, baby, please,” she pleaded urgently, brushing more of his damp hair out of the way and patting his cheek lightly, trying to get him to remain alert….alive. She just wanted one more moment with him. Just one. 
But then, she felt it.
His body stilled.
His grip on her hand went limp.
His eyes lost any life left in them.
“Eddie,” she whimpered, hand remaining on his cheek. Her body shook uncontrollably as she let the tears fall freely onto him, her agony and pain taking over as she held his lifeless form close to hers. She repeated his name through her cries, trying to wake him, trying to make this nightmare end. She leaned down and pressed her forehead to his, wanting to feel him as close as possible, for what was the very last time.
“I love you, too,” Stacey whispered, her lips touching the skin between his eyebrows. If those words meant anything anymore, she wanted it to be at this moment. 
Because she truthfully didn’t know when-or if- she would ever say them again.
It was like a switch went off in you, as reality made its presence known once more. 
The scene was done, the Duffers yelled cut, it was over.
However, the moment fully sank in when Joe rose up and took your hands in his, pulling you upright and bringing you into a warm embrace. You didn’t care about the fake blood that would get all over your front or the fact that his back was soggy and caked with damp dirt, you threw your arms around him and held on tightly, rivaling the hold he had on you.
“You did so incredible, babes, I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in your ear, his long fingers running up and down your sides lightly, almost tickling, but you reveled in it and his touch. You closed your eyes blissfully as you came down from your high, feeling the tears drying on your face, thankful makeup used waterproof eye makeup. 
“Yeah, you too,” you said back for his ears only, as the Duffers and the rest of the crew approached you both. You let each other go, though his arm remained on the small of your back, as everyone began delivering their praise. The voices became so jumbled you could barely register who said what. So, you just smiled and nodded and gave your gratitude along with Joe, whose hand rubbed soothing circles against your waist.
Now, to face reality.
Part 2 where Joe and reader discuss why she was so nervous coming Saturday 🥰 it was originally part of this fic, but it was getting way too damn long, so a split was needed lol. Stay tuned Joe girlies 😘
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I've said this before, but I deleted the Megastar post during a manic episode which sucks because i still stand by the points I made
Not all Megastars are created equal.
There are many, many, MANY fanfics of Megastar where it's legit just the rapeyist power fantasy I've ever had the displeasure of seeing
I've noticed that many people in the transformers fandom can, and will villanize the shit out of you if you ship Megastar
And I can understand to a degree
-which like
-What the fuck
Idk, maybe it's because many like to project onto megatron, and as soon as there's a flamboyant, seemingly weaker man going against what they want, they write this cringe power fantasy where they can jerk off to the power imbalance
I understand getting mega sus of the cyberverse/unicron/idw/tfp shippers
I can fully understand ostracizing those mfs because I also want no association with the kinds of people
(especially the tfp/idw megastar shippers holy shit)
Most (not all) of the fanfic stuff I've seen from those two specifically are a different kind of 3rd degree cringe, I can assure you
but unless you have proof of posts or fanfics made by those individuals that prove they infact ship megastar for the abuse, I don't think you should be sending them death threats or making very gross assumptions about their character over it
*This is the part where I defend myself or something*
I am specifically a TFA megastar shipper
These mfs in this fucking show are so goddamn petty istg
I fucking love them
Literally the match made in hell-my otp of all time
The playing field is much more even for those two, starscream is able and confident enough to take on megatron by himself, which leads to megatron actually struggling to fight him lmao
TFA is most likely the safest of all the ship versions because of how goofy these goobers are, they legit spend most of their time together trolling the piss out of each other- it's very dumb
TFA starscream doesn't have a past of being abused by megatron, And I've never depicted them as an abusive couple towards each other
So it really rubbed me the wrong way when someone legit accused me of having a-
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damnation-if · 11 months
on today's episode of Hashing Out Concepts Theatre, i spent a while today while waiting for my new fridge/freezer to be installed after my previous one died and i lost all my food hashing out a bunch of concepts for another game idea i have. (rest assured i'm not actually working on it as a game yet i just like to bash out a framework for things every now and then to make my brain do happy chemicals lmao)
putting all of this stuff under a cut since it's a bunch of images and also in case people aren't interested XD
i am regrettably a huge fan of comic books (mostly DC) and i've seen a couple of comic book inspired IFs popping up lately, though when it comes to my own interest, i'm definitely more into a straight interpretation of a comic book universe than a more. the boys-style universe - i'm into the camp lol, not so much the grim and gritty stuff. (though that's just my own personal preference)
anyway the idea behind That's Just Super is something that i really like about certain comics - giving the villains more of a purpose and rounded existence than just existing to be in somebody's rogue's gallery. the joker's angry defence of the batfamily from various other DC evil forces, lex luthor's furious resistance against brainiac alongside superman because it's His planet, damn it, DOOM throwing in with the heroes in every second marvel event comic... i really like stories where villains and evil characters don't always make the Most Evil choice just Because, but have clear and explainable motivations that sometimes bring them into what we'd consider a 'good' alignment because unlike in d&d, there's no real such thing as a concrete moral alignment.
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(this is my banner design for it)
the basic idea is that an inexplicable cosmic event removes all of the superheroes from the planet, leaving it vulnerable to attack by evil mindflayer style aliens - unless the supervillains who remain are able to band together despite their more unpredictable, less cooperative natures and save the planet in the heroes' absence. after all... if aliens take over the earth, the villains can't take it over themselves.
here's my fun little UI design idea lmao...
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the other major thing about That's Just Super that i've been hashing out is the pc. the basic idea is that you pick your villain identity from a list but you get to customise their like. birth name and secret identity, while the villain identity comes with its own name, costume, and set history (including occasionally past romantic encounters). i like playing around with the way that IF works with the idea of mcs and customisable mcs so i just thought it'd be a fun twist... it also allows me to create nice drama by having set occurrences in the past lol.
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so i did some profiles for the nine villain options - three each of the DC triad of tech/metahuman/magic origin. they're all based on a specific kind of villain archetype, and i really tried to limit myself to ones where i could definitely pin down more than one specific influence so it didn't end up like me just making too many analogues haha... even if some of the influences are probably pretty obvious.
weirdly i haven't even Thought about ROs yet since i've been so focussed on the pc... maybe i'll play around with the partially set background idea even more and only have 1 possible RO for each villain choice or something. maybe a couple that you can romance as anybody... not sure. (talionis could definitely have a messy broken romance with his superhero for example)
apologies that readability isn't great but these are mostly just made for me lmao
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atticsandwich · 10 months
listen i need this as self assurance and indulgence. will include all dateables, mephisto, thirteen, and raphael. will also include any honorable mentions!
I'll link a playslist with all the songs at the end for funsies hehe
False God (Lover)
I know heaven's a thing; I go there when you touch me, honey, hell is when I fight with you.
I was debating between this one or I Can See You from Speak Now TV, but I feel like the religious imagery in this one really sold me
hon. mention: Invisible String, Don't Blame Me
Paper Rings (Lover)
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
I want to drive away with you, I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays
I think Mammon's definitely the type to propose with a paper ring either while he's drunk or as an impromptu proposal (of course, he'll still buy you an actual ring) but it's kind of a cute contrast from his greed image
hon. mention: New Year's Day
Glitch (Midnights)
I thought we had no chance, and that's romance, let's dance
This one is definitely not just because of the song's theming 🤞 Even the first line (we were supposed to be just friends) is a direct parallel to his character song 😭 (which, fun fact, is my favorite out of all the songs we have... That and Telepathy.)
hon. mention: Tied Together with a Smile
cowboy like me (evermore)
I've got some tricks up my sleeve, takes one to know one
You're a cowboy like me, never wanted love, just a fancy car
Satan was the hardest to pick for, I think. Originally I wanted to go for something like. idk. Sweeter Than Fiction? Which to be fair could be a good pick too. But I feel like cowboy like me encapsulates his "i've finally met my match, so i'm never letting go" kind of thing
hon. mention: Sweeter Than Fiction, I Think He Knows
Gorgeous (reputation)
You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk, you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong
This one was the first one I thought of LMAO I think people might say it's a pretty shallow pick but it's exactly why I went with it anyway - he seems like a very shallow demon and his aesthetic is definitely what first draws you in, but if you don't bother trying to get to know him, he'll only ever be gorgeous and nothing else. Do you get what I'm going for here. I hope you do.
hon. mention: Style, Bejeweled
Stay Stay Stay (Red, Taylor's Version)
You carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing, and I love you because you have given me no choice but to stay
All those times you didn't leave, it's been occuring to me, I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life
I take back what I said about Satan. BEEL was the hardest to pick for 😵‍💫😭 tbh this pick went purely off of vibes and not necessarily any deeper connection. How dare I call myself a Beel simp. (Someone help me out here i'm dying)
Run (Red, Taylor's Version)
Darling, let's run, run from it all
We can go where our eyes can take us, go where no one else is, run
I think I gravitated towards this song for Belphie because of the themes of escapism. Like all he wants to do is be with you and no one else (and maybe Beel) but as long as he's with you, anywhere is home
hon. mention: Untouchable
Enchanted (Speak Now, Taylor's Version)
This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends, my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again.
He was so fun to think for because he definitely has this almost naive, fairytale charm when it comes to romance, I think. Like he's definitely the type to reference fairytale romances with prince charming and sweeping you off your feet and all that. I think.
hon. mention: Today Was a Fairytale, gold rush
Dancing With Our Hands Tied (reputation)
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets, picture of your face in an invisible locket, you said there was no one in the world that could stop it
I was divided between this one and Timeless, but went with dwoht bc the vibes felt right. On-the-low sutuationship-relationship yet always craving their presence and intimacy? Yeah sign me up
hon. mentions: Timeless, Haunted
Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
Outside, they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
note: do NOT let him do shit in the kitchen
I picked this one because I think out of all of them, I associate Solomon with domesticity the most. I think he'd be one to crave for that too, and that all he wants is to go home after a long day to see you.
hon. mention: Ours, Our Song
Treacherous (Red, Taylor's Version)
Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should, think you should know, that nothing safe is worth the drive
Oh Simeon, the most un-angel angel (or ex-angel?) to ever exist. I originally wanted to go for something a bit more sensual for him, but I think Treacherous encapsulates his inner conflict of where he stands as an angel, his love for the brothers, and his love for you.
hon. mention: So It Goes...
Electric Touch (Speak Now, Taylor's Version)
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life, got a feeling your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
And I want you now, wanna need you forever, in the heat of your electric touch
Listen. Mephisto feels like a slowburn which was why I chose this song exactly. The uncertainty, the hope, the longing, but with a sprinkle of denial and starvation. The overthinking. YEAHHHH BABYYY IM GOING TO LOSE IT (<- has the unfortunate trait of being a mephisto simp)
hon. mentions: Cruel Summer, Afterglow
Wonderland (1989)
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? Didn't it all seem new and exciting? I felt your arms twisting around me, I should've slept with one eye open at night
Oh picking a song for her was fun. I also got stuck between two songs but chose Wonderland just bc I felt it suited her better. There's an air of mystery, skepticism, madness, longing... you name it
hon. mention: Message in a Bottle
Snow on the Beach (Midnights)
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen, I searched aurora borealis green, I've never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery
Okay this one feels like a stretch but also I'm half projecting because Raph is my favorite undateable LMFAO I just think his. Distance(?) makes it so it's almost magical that he gets drawn in. y'know. Almost like a once in a lifetime thing.
hon. mention: Dress, Superman
And that's all of them! I'm aware I didn't include Luke and although I still could include him with a more platonic/familial song, I went into this with like. Romance in my brain so. Sorry Luke ur still my bff don't worry.
There's also a distinct lack of debut, fearless, and folklore i'm so sorry i didnt mean it 😭
Anyways if you have any songs you also associate with them, I'd love to hear it!!
I made a playlist here!
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silyaseven · 4 months
Hello there!! I just wanna say that I ADORE your art and creativity! It's amazing! I'm not in art college, but I can tell your doing amazing! And better then me lmao- I love the au and the drawing, and I hope to see more!
I will say that I love the designs as well, they go well with the story!
sending love and appreciation! <3
Thank you! Huge! I'm very glad you like it, but I'm just getting started. I don't know where to start, because the plot is big. But I can say one thing, if it wasn't for Rouge, I wouldn't be drawing now. I've kept it in myself for many years. I assure you that I will not let you down! I really want to introduce you to the guys! That's why I hope that the questions will be for everyone. And I hope Rouge notices this story... I hope she likes it... Or maybe not?
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Fun idea that I would love to hear your for. Imagine how chaotic shuri would be if she had namor as boyfriend during the whole black panther 1 and infinity war and engame drama. And namor didn't disappear during the snap. But Shuri did. Though I guess the age difference would be even more of a problem. How old was shuri during civil war and black panther?
hi I started to answer this then saved it as a draft. that was like two weeks ago. soz.
Black Panther (2018) takes place soon after CA:CW since it deals with T'Challa's ascension to King immediately following T'Chaka's death. So, that movie takes place in 2016. Everyone initially assumed Shuri was about 16 in that movie (though her age is never directly stated in the film), but later sources put her date of birth in 1997-1998 (source). So, she would have been 18-19 in Black Panther, and, assuming Wakanda Forever takes place in 2024 (a year following T'Challa's death, and six years since the Snap when Nakia would have left Wakanda), she would be 21-22. (For what it's worth, actress Letitia Wright is currently 29.)
But for the sake of a little au idea based on the chemistry seen in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, let's assume she's the same age as that movie when she and Namor get together in this one. T'Challa was already more than a decade older than her, so she'd still very much be his little sister.
(So the above wasn't actually super necessary, but Shuri's MCU age is a common misconception that gets thrown around, and it annoys me.)
SO TO YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION, I think a fic with this premise would fuck hard (a high compliment, I assure you). T'Challa was so protective of his sister that imagining Namor and him in the same room is incredibly funny to me. They would hate each other so much. I think Shuri would encourage a rivalry between them. I think she'd find it funny. Putting some enrichment in their enclosure.
Plot-wise, I think it's interesting to think of Namor-as-Shuri's-boyfriend in BP. I can imagine a version of that movie where, after T'Challa was thrown into the water by Killmonger, the Talokanil find him instead of the Jabari and that's where Shuri and Ramonda end up going (lmao Killmonger, good luck getting them in the underwater kingdom). Maybe then the initial plan would be for them to go to Talokan and ask Namor to kill Erik's ass. Shuri just gonna bat her eyes and go "🥺🥺 baby pls"
Meanwhile Namor is like, I'm about to make myself Ramonda's favorite son-in-law ever. Every time T'Challa ever wants to beat his ass again, Shuri's gonna remind him of that time Namor saved his life and kingdom and T'Challa would be FUMING
Namor in Infinity War would be hilarious cuz he would straight up kill Vision. "oh, so if we kill you and destroy the stone Thanos's forces won't have a reason to fight us until he shows up?? but if we protect you then a lot of Wakandan soldiers will die???? damn. sucks to be you then lmao" he would kill that toaster so fast
seriously though the second he saw Shuri was in danger trying to save this fucker, Thanos's army boutta have another thing coming
the ANGST of Shuri being snapped while he lives though. darkcrow, you are KILLING me with this one 🥺🥺 because they were supposed to have more time, and it was never going to be enough for him in the first place, but now they don't even have that 😭 I made myself sad
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lord-pain · 5 months
Tbh I'm not sure I really see why Paul would be waiting for Yoko's passing to say whatever he wants to when she's the one who outed John as queer and attracted to him in the first place and Paul has always brushed it off. If anything I feel like, if he is holding onto something he either knows or was involved with, his reasons for denying it would be entirely his own personal comfort, which would be very reasonable given how painful and vicious and under constant public scrutiny everything got between them. I just hope that if some confirmation ever does come out that it's on his terms and not done behind his back or something he's cornered into addressing, or worse, after he's no longer with us and can't address it for himself or push back at sensationalism and misinformation. Poor guy's been through enough, right?
Hi!! @myplasticadversary i'm sorry for the late reply, i was too lazy to do it before lmao
Thanks for your ask i love getting new point of views in the topic because it really helps me to ask myself if i'm reaching or something :D I can't really assure that's the thing Paul would like to talk about after Yoko's passing, maybe he's refering to something completely different, can't really know. But if it is, the reason for why i think it would make sense is not because i think that Paul is worried of outing John as queer, but because he doesn't want to bother Yoko. Even if Paul says the slightest thing that could confirm that John had that type of interest for him, or that maaaaaybe they had something going on, it would probably overshadow John and Yoko's relationship and story, which even if Paul wasn't #1 fan of them as a couple, i can see why he wouldn't like to make her go throught that.
Besides media would probably try to reach out to have her say something about it, sensationalist news and articles would be shoved to her face, even if he doesn't mention her at all she will be involved. i also wish whatever comes out does from Paul's mouth, or at least with Paul's consentment, like you said he had to tolerate media bullshit for way too long.
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