#maybe it would be more accurate to say that it expresses the oldest dream’s feelings?
purrfectlycontent · 4 months
the newest chapter has me thinking about kdj’s relationship with the fourth wall
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: I just saw that requests were closed-just got excited but "Dick falls in love fast and hard. He knew that he was in love with you when you stood up for him against Bruce during one of their fights. The second that you were out of eye shot of Bruce, he had brought you into the most knee buckling kiss." Was so cute that I'm just day dreaming about it.
Warning: fluff
A/N: I know I specified literally today that requests are closed but I’m willing to accept one (1) more request for Dick Grayson because I’m in the feels
Word count: 1.4k
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You didn't need to be dating Dick Grayson very long to find out that him and his adoptive father rarely got along.
To your surprise, Bruce Wayne wasn't much of a father and continuously fought with all of his kids. With Dick being the oldest of them all, it seemed that he got into it the most. You were lucky enough not to have witness one of these fights. In fact, you hadn’t met Bruce at all. 
Dick would tell you about these grand fights that he had with his adoptive father, ranting about how he wished that he would understand. He found himself holding back everything that actually happened in the fights - most of his issues stemmed from his time as Robin. It seemed that nothing ever got resolved and his issues only worse.
That was why you had never went to the Wayne Manor. Dick would come to your apartment, or you to his. Even when you were both staying in Gotham, you would opt out to buying a hotel rather than staying at Bruce's. Dick didn't want to make you uncomfortable, it was the last thing that he wanted.
The second that Dick laid eyes on you for the first time, he knew that he needed to know everything about you. From the way that your eyes crinkled when you smiled or the fly away hairs that didn't seem to bother you, he needed to know every singly detail about you. He didn't hesitate to ask for you number, and similarly, you didn't hesitate to give it.
In the couple short months that you were dating, he was completely invigorated with you. You were the person he was excited to see in the morning and the last person he wanted to see at night. He felt something for you that he never expected to in the short time he knew you.
That night, you were meeting Bruce Wayne for the first time. It seemed early to be meet his adoptive father, but Dick had already insisted that he meet your parents. It seemed only fair that you got to meet his.
He was nervous for you to meet Bruce. Not because he thought that he wouldn't like you - Bruce would love you. It was the fact that being around his family brought out a different side of him that you didn't know yet. You had no idea that he was once Robin, or had moved onto being Nightwing.
He didn't want you to know, not yet anyways. Yet, here you were, dressed nice with a nervous smile on your face. Dick held your hand in his as he waited for the front door to open to his old home. It had been months since he had been there that wasn't related to vigilante business. In fact, he hadn't been there since he met you.
You met his adoptive father with a smile on your face and a brave facade. Much like Dick expected, Bruce was kind to you. He welcomed you into his home and expressed just how nice it was to meet you. Whether he was the speaking the truth of not, Dick wasn't sure. Bruce was far better at putting up a facade than you were.
Dinner went as expected. Question after question, Bruce analyzing you as he did everyone he ever met. There was a tension between the two men that you never noticed. Things still hadn't smoothed down since their break up of Batman and Robin. You didn't know about any of it, just how Dick intended to keep it.
It was after the dinner when things got messy. You were in the kitchen helping Alfred with the dishes when Bruce pulled Dick away, having several bones to pick with him. Alfred was kind to you, he spoke of when Dick was a child and all the fond memories that they had together. 
When you asked about Bruce, things go more tense. Alfred seemed to say the things about Bruce that the media said. It was as if Bruce didn’t have a life within the manor, just what he wanted to show the public. It just went to show that Dick was right, his father was heartless. 
By the time that you were finished with your dishes, you had wandered off in the big house to find your boyfriend. It was the echo of harsh voices that caught your attention. The sound of Dick straining his voice against Bruce in hopes to make him see why he did what he did and why he needed to leave.
You could hear the pain in him. How much he hated being here and arguing. You wanted to make that pain stop, it was the last thing that you wanted Dick to bare. So, maybe mistakenly, you popped into the study. Bruce saw you immediately, wondering how much of their fight you heard.
Nothing about him being Batman, but just enough to know that it wasn't Dick in the wrong, it was Bruce. You had enough of Bruce's harsh words towards Dick. He didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of this.
You stood between Bruce and Dick, grasping your boyfriend's hand like it was your life line. He was surprised by your appearance, and the rash decision you made to stand up for him. Dick stared down at you as you glared daggers at Bruce. You didn't know the man, but you sure as hell wasn't going to let him continue this useless chastising.
"Fuck off," You stated. It was a short statement, but it was enough to catch both the men off guard. Without another word, you dragged Dick out of the room. You wanted to get out of there before you lost your spark of confidence and before Bruce was able to react to your choice of words.
This wasn't the meeting that Dick wanted you to have with Bruce, but in a way he couldn't be more happy with it. You stood up for him against one of the most powerful men in the city. That took guts. He couldn't help but let his heart swell with pride and... love. A love for you that he hadn't even realized until this moment.
The second that you were out of the study, Dick stopped you. He grasped you face with both hands and brought you into a knee-buckling kiss. You melted into it, surprised but pleased by his reaction to your outburst. Dick kissed you with all he love and passion that he had within himself. At times, it didn’t seem like a lot, but now, it radiated off of him. 
Dick had been in a bad place for a long time. He felt lack of love, friendship, he felt like he had nothing. When you came into his life, he didn’t expect his feelings to amplify to a greater volume than he had since his parents died. You were his heart now. 
"I love you," Dick admitted. It was the first time that he was telling you this, but he knew it to be true. Even if it had only barely been two months of dating you, he knew his feelings were accurate. Dick fell in love hard and fast, it happened with Babs and Kori, now it was with you.
"W-what?" you asked, wide eyed and mouth agape. Dick half-smiled once more, pulling you in for a shorter, sweeter kiss. Saying it out loud, he knew it to be true. His feelings weren’t forced or fake, they were genuine. He loved you, he was in love with you. 
"I love you," he repeated. Standing up for him against Bruce? That was something few people ever did. You had cared about him enough in that short of time and didn't think twice about doing it. There wasn't a chance that Dick didn't love you.
You broke out into a smile, pleased by his revelation about you. You intertwined your fingers, pulling him closer than before. Dick made you unbelievably happy, and you did the same for him. Love wasn’t on your mind until he said it, but it would plague your thoughts for the days to come. "Let's get out of here," You declared.
"I'll follow you anywhere."
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rocorambles · 4 years
I've been thirsting for step bro Hinata pounding into you when your parents and Natsu went out to buy some school supplies 👉👈😔😳
Going to age this up a bit to timeskip Hinata when he was training in Brazil and make it a yandere scenario since I don’t write regular smut for incest and pseudo-incest scenarios
Warnings: Yandere, Pseudo-incest, Rape/Non-con, NSFW
You’re still adjusting to having new family members after your father had recently married Hinata’s mother. Family. What a strange term to use with people you barely know, people who were strangers until just a few months ago, people who only know you as a professional working adult. You’re a single child, or you guess ‘were’ is more accurate, so adjusting to having siblings for the first time in your life was a mental roller coaster. Technically you’re about the same age as the oldest son, Hinata Shouyou, but since he was away in Brazil, you had only met Natsu. The younger girl was feisty and energetic, but you also saw the sweet side of her and you were glad to be able to help fill at least a bit of the gap her brother had left when he went abroad. You’d always wanted a sister and even though it’s not exactly the dream scenario you’d imagined, Natsu and you make do and the two of you get close as you visit her at college and take her out to eat some real food and not the junk they serve in the campus cafeterias. You had finally settled into a comfortable rhythm with your new step-mom and step-sister when Hinata had returned home just as Natsu’s summer break had started. 
He’s cute. He’s not quite as short as you had imagined he would be from all of Natsu’s old high school stories of him and you have to tilt your head up to look at his bright smile. But you don’t dwell on thoughts of him too much as you continue living your life, going to work and returning to the shared household day after day. Hinata’s busy catching up with his sister and mother for the first few weeks he’s home and you smile as you see Natsu the happiest you’ve ever seen her. But it was only a matter of time before the two of you would have to begin to get to know each other. There’s only so much avoiding and hiding you can do when you’re all living in the same space. 
You’re washing the dishes after dinner one day when you feel a body press against you, far too close to you, far too warm and startled, you whip around only to see Hinata smiling at you as he reaches over to grab and dry the cleaned plate in your hand. You’re uncomfortable, but you’d seen how physical Hinata was about expressing his affection so maybe this was just normal for him. Maybe this was just him trying to be friendly to his new step-sister. Shrugging off your discomfort, you smile as the two of you continue washing and drying the dishes and you ignore the way he seems to edge closer to you until he’s practically leaning against you and you ignore the way his fingers seem to brush your fingers more than they should when he takes the silverware and dishes from you. 
Fleeting touches become more aggressive, more intimate. Polite small talk becomes dangerously flirtatious and sexual. And you shiver as you feel a pair of eyes always staring at you, trailing after you whenever you’re home. You consider confronting him about it, maybe telling someone else about it, but you recoil in disgust at where your own trail of thoughts are leading. Surely it’s much more innocent than you’re thinking. Surely he’s just being extremely friendly. Maybe it was just new attributes he had picked up while in Brazil. You know the culture there is much warmer, much more physical than Japanese culture. Yeah, that must be it. You laugh in mortification at having somehow almost convinced yourself that Hinata was actually trying to come on to you. 
But your own conviction doesn’t completely dispel your unease and you throw yourself into work, working longer hours, hanging out with your friends and coworkers more, trying to do anything you could to avoid being in the house as much as possible. It’s high time you moved to a place of your own, but you needed to save a bit more money before that. 
Summer is coming to an end and you groan, hungover from a happy hour that had gotten out of hand when someone knocks on your door Saturday morning. “Come in,” you croak out. And despite your cotton mouth and the pounding of your temples, you smile when Natsu waltzes in and asks if you want to go shopping with her. The new college semester is going to start and she has a whole list of school supplies and new outfits she wants to buy. You really want to say yes and you almost do, but just as your mouth opens, a particularly painful pulse to your head halts you and you sheepishly tell her you’d need to pass for today, but that you’d make it up by taking her shopping for clothes tomorrow instead. You slump back down into bed as you vaguely hear your parents and Natsu say goodbye as they exit the house and you prepare to get some more shut eye, only to be distracted by the way your door suddenly swings open and Hinata pokes his head in. 
You bite back a groan when you see him and you pull your covers over you as you tell him you’re still sleeping and that you’d talk to him later when you’re up and you sigh in relief as you hear the door shut, but you almost choke on your own saliva when your covers are ripped off of you and a figure is suddenly on top of you. Any pretenses of being polite dissipate immediately as you angrily shout at Hinata to get the fuck out of your room while you try and hide your skimpily clad figure only covered by a practically see through lace nightgown you had worn to bed last night. But angry shouts get stuck in your throat as a ripping sound echoes throughout the room and you try to register the sight of the torn fabric in Hinata’s hands and your now completely bare body.
You’ve barely comprehended what’s happening enough to begin to struggle, but it’s too late and you sob as hands maul your breasts and teeth leave stinging trails all over your body. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. It becomes like a mantra for you as you plead over and over again for him to stop. But Hinata’s voice suddenly slices through your panicked haze and bile rises in your throat at his words. 
“Call me nii-chan and I’ll stop.” 
“You fucking sick piece of-NGH”
Your scathing words are cut off as he harshly pinches your sensitive clit, but your pride and morals still keep you silent and it’s only when he bites your sensitive clit, tearing a pained scream out of you that you give him what he wants. 
“Nii-chan, please stop.” 
You curl into a fetal ball of shame as you feel his weight stop pinning you down, but your heart sinks at the sound of clothes rustling and you scream as your legs are spread so far apart you’re afraid your muscles might tear. Your hands reach up to push him, but when he shoves his entire length into you in one swift motion they claw at bed sheets instead as your body tries to come to terms with the pain and humiliation it’s experiencing. You’re not even cognizant of the way you wail “nii-chan, stop” over and over again, but Hinata is far too aware of the slip of your mouth and it only drives him to go harder, deeper, and faster. You feel incredibly tight and the fact that you’re forbidden fruit only makes everything even more tantalizing and he can feel his peak coming right around the corner. You brokenly moan as his hand slides between the two of you and begins to furiously rub at your abused clit and despite your best attempts to push down the pleasure unfurling more and more inside of you, your back arches as a loud “nii-chan” fills the room. And that’s all it takes to push Hinata over the edge as he shoves himself balls deep into you one last time and holds you tight to him as he empties himself into your quivering walls. 
Feral eyes wickedly gleam as they stare at your spent body still twitching from the aftershocks of your orgasm. He’ll enjoy a few more seconds inside of you before he gets up to find a wet cloth to wipe you with. After all, nii-chan needs to take care of his pretty sister after they’ve played too hard.  
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pilyarquitect · 3 years
3 “What happened to your hand(s)?”
I've a few more requests wrote that will soon be updated, but unfortunately after publishing them all, I'll close requests for a while. Sorry, life is taking me a lot.
As the last time, since the person who requested those one-shots said he didn't care if they were in English or Spanish, I decided to do half and half, and this one is in English.
Leo woke up at dawn. He could feel his heavy eyes, trying to close themselves against his will. But Leo forced himself to keep awake. He had this feeling, a feeling Mikey named bro-needs-superdetector…
Honestly, Mikey needed to work more in the name, since Leo wouldn’t admit loudly, but Mikey’s ability to name all the creatures they found during all the time since they went to the surface for the first time, was admirable. And actually, all the names were quite accurate.
But returning to what woke Leo up, it was true every time one of his brothers needed help, Leo had this feeling. So, after tying his mask, he left his bed and his room, the older brother headed first to his youngest brother’s room. He put his ear on the door and listened carefully. He could hear his little brother inside, snoring peacefully and muttering “pizza”, “pepperoni”, “candies” and similar words. So Mikey wasn’t the one who needed help, he was dreaming with pizza, nothing strange in that.
Next door was Raph’s. Leo knew he had to be careful. Raph wasn’t as easy as him to wake up, but if he made the mistake of wake up Raph, Leo was sure he could end up with one of his wrathful brother’s sai nailed somewhere in his body, totally accidental, of course, Raph would never do it on purpose – at least Leo hoped he wouldn’t – but the second older brother had a very bad awakening, and if he wasn’t careful, he would surely pay the consequences of it.
The blue-clad turtle repeated the action he did with Mikey’s room, and fortunately, he heard hard snoring coming from the inside of the muscular turtle. Raph was alright too. That left only one option, Donnie was the one who needed help.
Using his ninja training, Leo went as silent as possible – to not wake up Raph – from the red-clad turtle’s room to his genius room. And once in front of the door, for the thirst time that night, Leo repeated the operation of listening inside. But unlike the other two times, Leo could hear nothing coming from Donnie’s room. It seemed as if it was empty. Leo frowned. He saw the tallest turtle walk to his room. Why was it so quiet now? Carefully, the older brother opened a little bit the door’s room.
“Donnie?” he whispered “Donnie, are you there?”
The oldest brother opened the door a little more and looked inside. To be honest, he wasn’t surprised upon seeing his genius brother’s room empty. It wasn’t the first time Donnie sneaked out of his room in the middle of the night, and Leo knew perfectly well where did the genius turtle went every time he did this.
Leo immediately headed to the lab. He was convinced Donnie would be there. The big doors were opened and the light was opened, making Leo be sure his hypothesis was right. Leo was glad that his brother didn’t close the door. This made his job easier. Carefully and silent, the older brother walked to the lab. As he got close, he could hear his genius brother muttering to himself as he seemed to be looking for something.
Leo looked inside and saw his brother next to the first aid supply cabinet. Seeing him there made Leo fear his brother was injured, so before he could stop himself, he was entering to the lab.
“Donnie? Are you okay?”
The oldest brother heard an instant scream for his obvious surprised brother, and what he had at his hands fall to the ground. Fortunately, what fall down was a pack of gauze. Leo moved his eyes from his brother to the table and immediately noticed the broken glass on it. Alarms raised on Leo’s mind, and he took a better look on Donnie and soon realized.
“What happened to your hands?”
Donnie’s eyes widened, but soon he tried to cover the fact he had been caught by making it seem something not worthy to worry about.
“Oh well, that’s… not as bad as it seems.”
“Donnie, this isn’t what I asked!” Leo replied with a hard expression.
The oldest brother’s look along with his tone weren’t enough to make Donnie stop pretending.
“Well, you’ll see…”
Leo knew his brother was trying to avoid the fact he would have to explain what was he doing, but on the other side, Leo noticed his brother knew with a little bit more of pressure there wouldn’t be any possible scape way, so Leo made sure to give the genius turtle the pressure he needed.
The purple clad turtle sighed. He was defeated and he had no other choice than explain everything to Leo.
“I was trying to find a retro-mutagen, but while mixing different chemicals, suddenly it produced an exothermically reaction and before I could even realize, it exploded.” Donnie giggled. “Fortunately, by instinct I protected my face, although, since I was wearing my lab glasses my eyes wouldn’t get damaged, but I couldn’t tell the same for the rest of my face.”
Leo nodded in understanding.
“So, you got hurt on your hands instead of your face.”
“Exactly.” Said Donnie nodding too.
Leo sighed. He expected something like this actually. He looked at his brother, especially his hands. They seemed to hurt. Leo sighed again. He knew what to do.
“Come on, let me help you.”
He made his brother accompany him and started to heal his hands. While working, an awkward silence set up on them. Leo looked discretely at Donnie’s face, but the genius turtle avoided to look at him or his hands, he was looking to an unspecific zone of the ground. There was something bothering Donnie, Leo was sure of that, and it was his job as older brother to find it out and help him in the best way possible. For that reason, Leo cleared his throat.
“So, what were you doing here so late?” he asked in the most casual way possible.
Donnie stared at him adopting a surprised look. He was looking at him as if Leo had two heads.
“I’ve already told you, trying to find a retro-mutagen.” The purple-clad turtle answered sounding a little annoyed.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know that.” Leo took a deep breath. “What were you doing here when you were supposed to be sleeping?”
“Oh that… well, it’s true Sensei told me to go to sleep, and I really tried to, but I just couldn’t.” Donnie admitted. He closed his eyes and shame was perfectly reflected in his attitude. “Because of our negligence, there are a lot of mutants out here, and to help them all – April’s dad included – to recover their normal lives, I’ve to find a retro-mutagen.”
Leo looked at his brother with a sad expression. He knew perfectly well that, from them all, Donnie was the one who blamed himself the most for what happened. Specially since April decided not to talk to them anymore after finding out they were responsible of his dad’s mutation.
Leo feared Donnie’s inner self-blame could end up destroying him, and he wasn’t going to allow this happen. Not in his watch.
“Donnie, do you feel guilty that all the mutagen fallen from that Kraang ship?” he asked directly while looking his brother reaction.
Donnie immediately looked at him with a surprised expression.
“What? No, well, maybe yes…” he admitted “I could have done something to prevent all those cans to fall, but I failed, and innocent people is paying for it.”
Leo sighed. His assumption was right, but he had to stop it before it went to far.
“Donnie, it wasn’t just you,” Leo put a hand on Donnie’s shoulder “it was our fault, the four of us. You cannot bear the sole blame for what happened.”
Donnie looked away, unable to keep eye contact with his oldest brother.
“You may be right Leo, but we both know I’m the only one capable to find a retro-mutagen, and if I don’t find it, we won’t be able to do anything else.”
Leo lowered his head, what Donnie said was true, but Leo didn’t want all this pressure on his brother, he didn’t want him to believe he was carrying all the weight of the world to a point where he’d start forgetting his own health in order to save everyone.
“I know Donnie, but I also know you’ll find a way to cure all those mutants, I trust you. But right now, to be more productive, you need to let your brain rest.”
Donnie giggled and looked at his brother with a tinny smile in his face.
“Where did you get that from?”
Leo adopted a thoughtful expression, and pretended to think for a while about it.
“Honestly, I don’t know, but I think it’s a good thing to say.”
Donnie shrugged.
“Just maybe?” asked Leo crossing his arms over his chest.
“Fine, it is, I’ll may take your advice and ‘let my brain rest’.”
“That would be good.”
The two of the laughed at this until they remembered everyone else was sleeping.
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alisheaburgess · 4 years
Sun in the 12th House - My Experience
For reference - I am a Virgo Sun at 28 degrees in the 12th house with a Libra Rising.  My Sun is sextiling both Mars and Pluto, as well as trining Neptune and Uranus.
Things in my life that I connect to this placement
I tend to get overwhelmed in crowds but especially when attention is on me...not even the full crowd, just a small group of people paying attention to me while I’m in a busy space would almost exhaust me. I feel like the sensory part is the fact that my Sun is in Virgo so this may not be the same for other signs.
I can do just about anything...as long as nobody is expecting me to. As soon as someone says they know I can do something, I crumble and have a hard time dealing with knowing they expect something from me.
I do often feel left behind (even when I’m not), like maybe I don’t understand something fully so I’ll research the crap out of it, or I have a tendency to avoid it if it isn’t something I’m interested.
I also tend to day dream a lot. It takes quite a bit of effort to get myself out of this mode once I’m in it.
I am the second youngest out of 5 children, although the oldest 2 were significantly older than us other 3. My dad did have to work a lot while I was growing up.
I do catch myself molding to what other people want and/or are. Another reason why I have to have alone time. Being around people who expect too much from me or are not very similar to me (like if we constantly disagree about stuff) drains me so much that I usually go into hermit mode for weeks if not months.
When I was younger I was almost invisible or deemed insignificant by people outside my immediate family (or at least that is how it felt to me). Example: at family reunion every year I would get a nickname depending on what I was wearing because nobody cared to remember my name...I’m talking first cousins, aunts and uncles not super distant family, and they only did this for me...
…this has changed drastically now that I’m an adult though (currently 26). People tend to include me and notice me when I wouldn’t expect them to. I feel like I assume it’s going to be like when I was little, but it’s not and it always takes me by surprise. I almost want to hide back in the shadows like before. I’m not used to being noticed.
I have always wanted to be some sort of entertainer or do something where I can communicate with lots of people (like this blog or a Youtube Channel). I also feel overwhelmed by the idea but can never seem to let it go (so here we are!). 
My dreams are super vivid and frequent. Keeping a dream journal has made them even more so!
I know this isn’t fully to blame on this placement but I do think it plays a part. I cannot stand seeing or even hearing about people/animals being in pain, even in movies! I can’t really even describe the feeling or why but I have actually passed out from seeing someone in pain (no icky stuff, just knowing that they were in pain). However, when something does happen while I’m present, in the moment I am fully able to help. It’s mainly when I can’t do anything about it that it effects me so badly.
I was able to accurately see how things would play out years in advance from quite a young age. As I got older and more stressed that decreased but as I get back to myself more it has started to come back.
I’ve always been drawn to the esoteric (even though I wasn’t raised that way). 
Note: When I reflect instead of day dream while I’m alone, I feel so much better and usually come out with some sort of expression of what I’ve working through. I keep a journal, it has helped so much. Writing poems and stories about it happens more often than not for things that really impacted me. 
I’m sure there’s more but this is what I have for now.
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terapsina · 5 years
5 Times The Doctor Talked About River Song With Graham (+1 Time The Fam Finally Met Her)
---          ao3 ---  1 ---
Graham finds it on the floor of the TARDIS control room.
Everyone else is asleep, emotionally wrung out from their latest trip, he thinks even the Doctor might have gone off for a nap and he’s never actually seen that happen before now.
But Graham can’t sleep. His mind is still painfully stuck on Grace. On having held her in his arms not even a few hours ago, on having lost her all over again. Logically he knows it wasn’t really Grace. Now that it’s over and he’s looking back he even realizes a part of him knew all along.
It doesn’t make the hurt of it lessen.
And it’s not because the illusion was flawed, if anything it’s because it was too perfect. She looked like Grace, sounded like her, fit in his arms like her. She even smelled like Grace, like Shea butter and vanilla, because all the products Grace liked to buy had those ingredients in them. Everything about her was as warm as he remembers, from her smile to the soft touch of her hand. Even her mischief twinkled like the fire from a candle in her eyes.
It was like a dream come alive, a dream he never would have been willing to wake from if not for Ryan.
He’s so angry at himself for almost having abandoned his grandson for an imitation of the woman who was the love of his life. However flawless of an imitation it was.
He’s pacing from one side of the console to the other, mind lost to self-recriminations, when he feels his foot step on something small, kicking it across the room with a light tinkle.
His eyes follow the small golden object as its slide down the floor stops in the middle of TARDIS, and finally focuses on the last thing he’d have ever expected to find here if he’d ever thought to consider it.
It’s a ring.
He walks toward it, bending to pick it up. It turns out to be a simple gold band, moving it to catch better light he notices a small inscription on the inside that he can’t read. The TARDIS isn’t translating it. It’s written in the same circular pattern that he’s seen all over the ship since the start of this strange adventure into time and space.
It’s also, unmistakably, a wedding ring.
Breath catches in Graham’s chest, because in a moment between one heartbeat and the next, he knows. And his heart breaks for his alien friend.
The Doctor was married.
He stands frozen, uncertain if he should go looking for the Doctor now or to wait until later. Picturing her face the last time he saw her, those tight and drawn eyebrows and the dropping shoulders, he comes to a decision. He pockets the ring and goes back to his room. 
The Doctor deserves some sleep too, he’ll find her tomorrow morning and return it then.
Tomorrow morning turns into afternoon and then evening before Graham gets his chance. By the time he woke up, both Ryan and Yaz were awake too, and the Doctor was already busy with finding their next adventure.
And he knows if someone had found Grace’s ring he’d want them to return it in private.
He loves his grandson and Yaz. But they are so young, their curiosity would have gotten the best of them and Graham doesn’t want to put Doc on the spot like that.
So he waits until Yaz and Ryan have gone off exploring the dizzying number of rooms of Doc’s ship, or whatever else it is they like to do when they’re not running toward death defying adventures with grins on their faces, before he pulls the Doctor away from tinkering with the mechanisms of her time machine.
“You have a moment?”
She slides out from underneath the opening into the console, her sonic screwdriver between her teeth. The humming of the TARDIS engines grows softer as if in response.
“What’s up Graham?” She asks, after taking the screwdriver out of her mouth and as she’s pushing her goggles up to her hairline, making her hair go in all kinds of interesting directions. She looks like the mad scientist he might have found on the screen of one of Grace’s science fiction shows.
In a way he supposes that’s a pretty accurate picture of the Doctor, and any other time Graham might have smiled in amusement at his thought. Today he flinches at the smile she sends him, knowing he’d be taking it away with his next words.
“I found something yesterday. I think it’s yours, Doc.” He says, and pulls out the object that’s been burning in his pocket the whole day.
The Doctor’s eyes slide to his arm and once they narrow in on the ring laying in the palm of his hand, her face transforms from the carefree adventurer he’s gotten to know in the past few months, to something painful and lost and hurting. It’s a look that’s far too old for that face. And so very familiar Graham can’t help but look away.
“Where did you find it?” the Doctor asks, voice a breathless whisper, her hand hovering over the ring, seeming unable to cross that final little bit of air to touch it.
“It was here on the ground. I don’t know how it got there.” He says with a nervous shrug.
“I do.” The Doctor says, eyes momentarily glaring toward the center of the room. She doesn’t explain, instead finally taking the ring from him in one quick movement and pulling it to her chest, squeezing it in a fist against her.
“I’m very sorry Doc.” Graham says. The words are inadequate but sometimes they really are the only ones available.
“I know.” She says, eyes looking to a point in empty air behind him.
He nods and pats her lightly on her shoulder, before turning around to leave her to whatever memories have washed over her with the return of that wedding band.
“Her name was River Song.” She says once he’s already taken a few steps. He stops, turning around, giving her the opportunity to continue or not as she needs. “She was an archaeologist. And a professor. And a criminal. And she was brilliant and absolutely mad.”
“She must have been. Married you didn’t she?” Graham jokes before he can help himself.
But Doc just grins like she agrees and laughs to herself. 
Something uncoils in Graham’s chest at seeing Doc’s face regaining its natural brightness, however tinged with grief. The grief isn’t new either, he’s seen shadows of it in her all along but this is the first moment she doesn’t seem to be trying to hide it. Or maybe the first time she’s not trying to hide from it.
“She did do that. Married me at every point in history happening all at the same time. And a few times after.” The Doctor tells him, leaning forward like she’s revealing a secret instead of saying something that makes no sense at all.
“Sounds like quite a woman.” 
“She was.” The Doctor says, eyes now down on the hand hiding the precious metal band within its hold.
There’s an extended moment of silence and then; “Graham?”
“Yeah, Doc?”
“Thank you.” She says, a serious and infinitely grateful look overtaking her face.
He nods at her and turns around, knows the conversation has come to a close and he should leave his friend to a moment that’s something meant between her and the specter of her wife.
In the privacy of his own mind he wonders why the Solitract never took on the form of this River Song. Whatever the reason, he finds himself grateful, he wouldn’t wish that cruelty on his worst enemy. And he certainly wouldn’t wish it on Doc.
---  2 ---
“She used to leave me coordinates and jump out of the most impossible places, waiting for me to catch her. I always did.” The Doctor says out of nowhere, both of them chained to the stone wall of the dungeons of the Victorian castle, waiting to get executed, or getting saved by Yaz and Ryan. Whichever comes first.
Personally, Graham’s hoping for the second one.
“What?” He asks, lost.
“River,” the Doctor explains. “She once defaced the oldest cliff-face in the universe. And before that she left me a recording inside a Home Box so I’d come catch her jumping out of a space ship into vacuum. It was the day her mother met her. Well, that face anyway.”
“That must have been frightening.” Graham says, uncertain. He’s not sure he wants to touch the bit about the mother. Sometimes he thinks she likes to confuse them on purpose.
"Oh no, she was absolutely fearless. Hell in high heels and it's the devils who ran." The Doctor says either misinterpreting his words or choosing to misunderstand on purpose, her voice full of spousal pride and a face painted with smitten adoration. It’s so unexpected, so unlike the Doctor’s usual disposition, that Graham needs to clear his throat to get past the sudden awkwardness of it.
"Sounds like she was made for you, Doc." He finally says, trying to picture this impossible woman who married the Doctor, and falling short. The only impression he can summon up is someone dangerous and larger than life.
He’s so busy with his mental portrait it takes him a moment to notice the Doctor has fallen silent, once he looks at her though his breath stutters. Her face is so pained it’s as if he’d landed a physical hit with his last words. She looks almost... ashamed.
He curses himself for whatever it was he said that put that expression there.
“You okay, Doc?” He asks, voice as gentle as he can make it, trying not to startle her into pulling back into herself.
The Doctor flinches and blinks rapidly like waking from a bad dream, then her face transforms into her usual bright but slightly removed facade, and she’s back to trying to reassure him.
“I’m always alright.” She lies and changes the subject. “I wonder what’s keeping Yaz and Ryan, they should really have gotten past the sleeping guards by now.”
He doesn’t call her on it and moves his mind back to the problem at hand. The problem at hand of course being; the part where they’re chained to a prison wall for trying to assassinate Queen Victoria. The fact Queen Victoria has been replaced by a homicidal alien copy asks for some worrying too and Graham is more than willing to oblige.
In the end it turns out there’s no need for either worry, Yaz and his grandson find them twenty minutes later and they’re away from 1882, London within an hour.
The real Queen back on her rightful throne, though still yelling threats to the Doctor’s back even as they’re being whisked away by the little blue box.
---  3 ---
They’ve split into pairs again. Usually he prefers to watch his grandson’s back when that happens but today is March 18 - or would have been if they weren’t jumping all over time and space, - and Ryan had been snapping at him since morning.
He knows Ryan well enough to know that if he doesn’t give him some space before trying to talk to him about it, they won’t talk at all.
“Everything okay with Ryan?” The Doctor asks as they’re traveling through the apparently semi-sentient crystal tunnels of the newest planet she’s brought them to, trying to find and stop whoever it is that’s been attempting to mine it.
Grace would have loved it here. The sapphire-like stone itself is the familiar blue of what he’s pretty sure is Doc’s favorite color but it’s mixed with golden strands that run through the fault-lines and leave the strange impression of blood vessels, veins running through the body of the living crystal.
“It would have been Grace’s birthday today.” Graham says, heart clenching in his chest at saying it aloud. In a perfect universe he would be home right now, standing over her favorite cake - red velvet with cherry frosting, - and singing a ‘Happy Birthday’ with their grandson.
In a perfect universe she would be here beside him, just as in awe of their surroundings as he is.
“Oh.” The Doctor says and grows quiet.
“It’ll be alright tomorrow. It’s just… today is hard. For both of us.” He hopes he’s not lying. Hopes Ryan will let Graham find him once they’re back in the TARDIS so they can spend the evening talking and laughing and crying about Grace. So they can pick themselves up tomorrow and continue living in her honor like she’d have wanted them to.
They spend a few minutes just walking when the silence finally becomes too much for Graham. 
“How long were you married?” It’s the first time he’s initiated the subject of the Doctor’s wife himself, the two previous times it was her who opened up first, so he’s not entirely sure how she’ll respond. But he’s ready to fall back into silence and not press if it looks like she doesn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t know.” She says, still steps ahead and with her back to him.
“How can you not know?” Graham asks, mind heavy with confusion.
“If I count only all the days we were together; then two, maybe three centuries. If I count all my days from our first wedding to the last time I saw her, then almost half my life.” She says with a forcefully easy tone. 
Graham stops in his tracks as the implication hits. “Centuries?” 
She turns around and looks at him like she’s measuring the words she’s planning to say, or if she’ll say them at all. After a moment her face clears and she seems to come to some sort of decision.
“I’m more than two thousand years old, Graham. I’ve loved River Song through four of my faces and had more than twice as many before that, most of them male. I’m not human.”
Graham had known that, that the Doc wasn’t human, that she had two hearts and enough lives to make a cat jealous. In an abstract way that they were a man before they were a woman, because she’s dropped enough comments to that effect by now. But he hadn’t realized the differences between them were quite so vast as two millennia.
“Was she?” He asks and immediately thinks better. “Wait, no, you said three centuries, she couldn’t have been.”
“Your wife.” He doesn’t know why he’s asking that, except maybe because he knows Grace would have, and so especially today of all days he has to in her place. Or maybe it’s just that pesky human curiosity.
“She wasn’t. And she was.” She says after a moment and turns back around to continue walking. “She was the daughter of my two best friends. And the daughter of TARDIS.”
She doesn’t explain further than that, so he’s left puzzling over the new contradiction on his own for the rest of the way through the alien tunnels with his strange alien friend as his company, a silent one now.
He turns his head back toward the faintly glowing walls and once he looks more carefully notices the slightly irregular pulsing of the golden veins. Fascinated he again thinks about how much Grace would have loved to see this.
‘Happy birthday!’ He thinks toward her, hoping she’s seeing this from wherever it is she’s watching over him and Ryan.
---  4 ---
They’re back in Sheffield the next time the subject of River Song comes up.
Yaz is off spending some time with her family and Ryan is meeting his father for dinner. Graham is trying really hard not to stress himself into growing ulcers over that last one.
It’s not that he thinks he’s going to lose to Aaron the bond he’s finally building with his grandson. He understands Ryan’s wish to repair the relationship between him and his father. It’s just that despite Graham’s belief in Aaron’s genuine regret, he can’t help worry that Ryan will get his heart broken again.
He doesn’t think he could stand seeing Ryan disappointed like that again.
Which leaves him at home. Worrying. With the Doctor as company.
“He’ll be fine, Graham.” The Doctor says, not for the first time this hour.
“I know that.” Graham says back, eyes still on the door.
“Oh, do frowns and scrunched up foreheads not mean what they used to mean in you humans?” The Doctor’s voice sounds amused so he can’t help but glare at her a bit.
“Hilarious.” He mutters under his breath.
“I am, aren’t I?” She says. 
He huffs loudly and goes back to staring at the door. Waiting for Ryan to come home.
“Do you want to talk about something else then?” She offers. “Might distract you.”
“Be my guest.”
“The first time River met me she shot the TARDIS, tried to kill Hitler and poisoned me with a kiss.” The Doctor drops, and to give credit where it’s due, distracts Graham absolutely.
“What?” He doesn’t even know which part to touch first.
“Poisoned lipstick. So glad she switched to hallucinogenic ones later.” She almost sounds dreamy. Graham feels his brain beginning to hurt.
“She poisoned you?” Honestly, he doesn’t even know why he’s shocked, it’s the Doc after all. But still, how do you marry someone who poisoned you in their first interaction?
“Only a little bit. And she saved me right after.”
“And that makes it okay?” Graham says, furious on her behalf.
“There were... reasons. She didn’t know me yet but she knew about me and- well, there were reasons.” The Doctor explains. Even though Graham doesn’t really think it explains all that much at all. Something about her expression though tells him to leave it alone, there’s that guilty, haunted look in her eyes again and Graham isn’t sure he wants to know what’s behind it.
So maybe it’s a good thing that before he has a chance to put his foot in his mouth there comes the sound of a key turning in the lock and the front door slamming open.
“Hey, gramps.” Ryan says walking in, a wide smile on his young face.
Graham exhales, the knot of worry loosening for now and smiles back, hiding the stress he’d been struggling with for the past few hours. “Hello, son. How did it go?”
“Good.” Ryan says, a slightly shy happiness dancing like starlight in his eyes.
---  5 ---
It’s almost three months since Graham found the ring and gave it back to the Doctor before a moment comes where he feels like it might finally be the right time to touch on the one thing that’s been implied but never addressed in their conversations about the Doctor’s wife.
The day isn’t particularly different from any of the previous ones.
It’s late and Graham can’t sleep so he walks to the kitchen for a cup of tea when he finds the Doctor already there, eating custard cream biscuits.
He nods tiredly in her direction, grabbing two blue cups from a shelf and going through the motions of making both of them the peppermint tea he finds on the counter-top - he’s pretty sure it wasn’t there a moment ago but he’s also gotten used to not questioning things like that while aboard the TARDIS.
“Sugar?” He asks, because he’s noticed she never puts the same amount in any of her cups. He thinks it might depend on her mood.
“Two and a half teaspoons, please.” She tells him and he tries not to grimace as he follows her instructions.
“Here.” He says and passes her the cup once he’s done. Pulling his own cup - no sugar - with him to the other side of the table. 
She gives him a few biscuits in exchange and for a few minutes they share their midnight snack in peace. And then the thought that has been ruminating unvoiced for a long time now surfaces in his mind again, and for the first time he doesn’t push it back down.
“How did you lose her?” He asks.
The biscuit halts halfway to her mouth and then lands heavily back on the plate. For a long time she just stares into her tea and Graham thinks she’ll choose not to answer.
But then she looks up into his eyes and breathes out very slowly.
“She died the day I met her.” She says.
“I thought you said you were the one who almost died when you met.” Graham says, confused again.
“When she met me. This was before that- well, from my point of view at least. We never met in the right order. She was a time traveler too, had a vortex manipulator, I think she might have stolen it from an old friend of mine actually, not that she ever actually admitted where she got it.” She says, growing more animate as she switches gears mid-tangent. “Our timelines went in opposite directions. Not entirely of course, there were loops and twists and exceptions but for the most part the older I got, the more often the River I ran into was a younger and younger version of her.”
“So the day you met her...” He says not finishing the thought, horrified as he realizes what she’s saying.
“She died saving four thousand and twenty-two people.” She finishes for him with a shrug that belies the pain he knows she must be feeling at saying it.
“That couldn’t have been easy, knowing the entire time what would happen to her.”
“I spent centuries running away from the last date we’d have before she went to the Library.” She snaps. “So, no, not easy.”
“Did you ever try to-”
“What? Change it? Save her? Go back and make sure she never died there? Take her place?” She glares at him and for a fraction of a moment she looks her age, millennia old and furious and terrifying beyond reason, and for that one moment Graham is almost scared of her. And then she blinks, her gaze losing it’s terrible intensity, and he’s not even sure that he didn’t imagine it. “She would never have forgiven me. And- and her timeline is complicated, even if I tried to- there’s a very good chance if I did it that I’d be erasing her from the universe entirely.”
He stares at her, heart full of grief for the pain she must have lived through. He tries to imagine having known the entire time about the day he’d lose Grace to that fall and almost breaks with it. He doesn’t think he could have survived that.
“You’re like a Greek tragedy, Doc.” He breathes past the knot in his throat.
“Always preferred the Romans.” She says and goes back to eating her biscuits, eyes skittering away from meeting his.
He knows the conversation is over and by the way she’s starting to fidget with that chain around her neck, - the one that wasn’t there three months ago but which she hasn’t taken off since, - and by the way she is decisively avoiding his gaze. He knows she wants to be left alone.
Respecting her wish for privacy he finishes the last of his tea and gets up to leave. “Goodnight, Doctor.”
She doesn’t answer but by the time he’s reached the door he does hear her say something. Something he’s pretty certain isn’t addressed at him. Both because he doesn’t understand it and because he’s pretty sure she’s already forgotten that he’s still in the room at all.
“Not those times, not one line. I promise.”
--- +1 ---
It ends the way it began. With Graham noticing something small in the control room of the TARDIS. Though this time it’s not the middle of the night and he’s not there all by himself.
It’s mid-afternoon and the Doctor is laying on her stomach, playing with the insides of the ship, sparks flying around her whenever she touches a wire with her sonic and once in a while being interrupted by what sounds like the irritated humming of the TARDIS itself. Yaz and Ryan are on either side of her trying to figure out exactly what she’s doing, though Graham is not at all sure even Doc knows what that is.
And then something catches his eye.
“There’s a blinking button, Doctor.” He says and goes over to it for a closer look.
“Red or green?” She asks, not moving from her place halfway into the console.
“Oh, someone’s left a voicemail. Put it on speaker, will you?” She says louder, in answer to the sudden shudder that runs through the ship and makes Graham catch the console for balance.
“Sure. How do I do that?” He asks, eyes running over the large number of doodads in front of him.
“Flip the first switch to the right down, and then press the blinking button.”
He follows her instructions and as soon as he’s done so, a low female voice with a Southern British accent rings across the room, a playful lilt to her tone.
“Hello Sweetie, be a dear and come pick me up, please?” There’s the sound of an explosion from the other side of the call echoed by the unmistakable clang of someone hitting their head against metal from under the TARDIS console. Before Graham can do more than lean over to check that they’re all okay, the Doctor is already up and pushing him out of her way. “I’ve sent you the coordinates.”
“Who was that?” Yaz asks with obvious concern as soon as she and Ryan join them. 
Graham has a feeling he already knows.
“River.” The Doctor exhales more than says, Graham notices her hands shaking as she pulls up the mentioned coordinates.
“Doctor?” Ryan asks, looking just as worried as Yaz.
“My wife.” The Doctor says and starts running around them, flicking switches all around the control table even quicker than Graham’s already used to seeing from her.
“Your what?” Yaz exclaims in tandem with Ryan’s: “What?”
The Doctor ignores them both, halting with her hand atop the lever that will make them take off and turns her head to face Graham. She’s paler than normal, eyes blown wide from terror and tears starting to visibly gather in the corners. Graham has never seen her scared, not truly, but right now she looks on the edge of breaking.
“I can’t go through this again. I’ve already lost her three times I can’t- not again.”
Graham stands frozen, for a moment absolutely uncertain about what he could possibly say to help her. And then the answer hits him and it is so very simple.
“It sounds like she’s in trouble, Doc.” He says, remembering one of the things she’d told him.”You said you always showed up to catch her.”
The Doctor lets out a shuddering breath and seems to steel herself. She pulls the lever and they all grab for the nearest steady surface to stay on their feet as TARDIS takes off with an almost exhilarated sounding wheeze.
“Is someone going to explain what is going on? Where are we going?” Yaz yells again, this time directing the question at Graham.
“It’s not my place to say.” He says, holding on to the table for dear life but upon noticing Yaz’s frustrated expression expands on his words. “But I’m pretty sure you’re about to find out.”
When they come to a halt a moment later the Doctor is already running toward the Police Box door, flinging it open with a snap of her fingers before she’s even halfway there and then crashing to the ground as a woman lands sprawling on top of her.
“Well hello there,” River Song purrs for all of them to hear. “That’s new.”
“River!” The Doctor says, like all the breath has been knocked out of her. To be fair, Graham’s pretty sure that’s literally the case.
“Yes, Sweetie?”
“What were you doing breaking onto the Museum Planet. They execute their thieves.” The Doctor says from underneath her wife, looking all too happy to stay where she is even as her voice turns chiding. “Also it’s boring down there.”
“Yes, well, it’s not my fault that I’m so infamous that when I’m presumed dead all my personal possessions suddenly turn into priceless artifacts they want to put on display. They were practically begging me to steal them back.” The Doctor’s wife says with a smirk Graham can hear even without seeing her face.
“Presumed dead?” The Doctor asks, voice turning small again.
“Oh, honestly, Doctor! Did you expect me to spend all of my eternity in that data core? It took me a while, I’ll give you that, but at the end of the day it was just another Stormcage.”
Graham is starting to feel like he might not have gotten anywhere near the entire story himself here. But he’s also beginning to get the feeling that the Doctor might be getting her wife back from the dead after all.
“You’ve been to the Library.” The Doctor says, starting to struggle to be let up and Graham finally catches a glimpse of her face. She looks overwhelmed, but where just minutes ago it was with fear of having to say goodbye again, right now there’s a dawning realization of something akin to bliss.
Graham feels his own heart tremble in his chest. It hurts. River Song is alive and Grace is still dead and no matter how happy he is for the Doctor, there’s sudden gnawing envy trying to swallow the heart that he’d only barely started to mend.
He has just enough time to see the Doctor pull River into her arms, crushing her mouth against her wife’s, before his eyes turn away and land on the shocked faces of Ryan and Yaz.
He walks over to the two of them and turns them around by their shoulders to steer them out of the control room and into the deeper hallways of the TARDIS.
“Come on son, Yasmin, we should give them some privacy to catch up. I think they haven’t seen each other for a very long time.”
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Part 13
Catch Up Here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 3k
Warnings: Exposition dump! 
A/N: This chapter and I are frenemies. On the one hand, I love delving into lore, on the other... I don’t like info dumbing, but... Yeah. Also, I didn’t get a chance to work on some things that I had originally intended but the good news is that the action picks up in chapter 14! I haven’t proofread so bear with me. 
Leave a like or reblog if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps ☺
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"Vampires?" Peter huffed with a humorous chortle in his throat.
Maggie pinched the bridge of her nose, annoyed that he had interrupted her mid-sentence, "Not in the conventional Vlad the Impaler sense… but yes, for lack of a better term, 'vampire' is as accurate an explanation as I can give."
Theo chuckled under his breath, his body shaking with amusement, "Vampires. Now I've heard it all."
"Almost everyone in this room is a werewolf and you're a chimera, but for some reason believing in a well-established mythological creature just as popular as the werewolf is where you draw the line?" Stiles gawked at both Peter and Theo.
"I'll believe it when I see it," Peter folded his arms.
"Perhaps if you'd let Maggie finish what she was telling us, we'd have an easier time swallowing this 'vampires exist' pill," Stiles posited with some annoyance in his voice.
"Thank you, Stiles," Maggie said gratefully before continuing: "Okay so from what I've gathered, we know that these hunters never appear in daylight and that any effort to kill them hasn’t been successful as far as we know. And according to Derek, when you two were in the dream state, they mentioned something called the Mother Tree and one of them had a tattoo of a five-fold-knot. We also know they are warded off by burning sage."
"Oh, I get where you're going with this," Jonah plopped down onto several cushions and crossed his legs. "Sage is their garlic… right?"
"What?" Esme frowned, lost in translation.
"Because vampires can't stand garlic. So if these hunters are some type of vampires, then sage is their garlic," Jonah said excitedly. "Oh, oh, oh, does that mean that we have to whittle stakes to kill them?"
“They do suck people’s essences out of their body, don’t forget that,” Peter added dryly.
Jonah’s eyes went large and his jaw dropped, “Woah! Maybe they are vampires.”
"That's all well and good, Speedy, but that's not what I was getting at," Maggie patted his back appreciatively. "I was going to say that the Mother Tree is probably a very old Nematon and sage is an ancient ingredient used by druids for centuries, usually to cleanse negative energy and such. Naturally, this led Deaton and I to the legend of the liaths. And they in turn led us to--"
"Now I’m confused," Derek jumped in. "What's a liath?"
Maggie pursed her lips as she thought of the simplest way to explain it to them.
It was Deaton who chimed in this time, "The same way druid emissaries are a force for good and darachs are a force of evil, liaths are those caught in between. They don't really serve any one side."
Esme pulled out a scroll from a stack of papers shoved in the bookcase after Maggie whispered something in her ear. Once it was unrolled, a large portrait of several faces stared back at you from the crumbling paper. You gasped when you saw what looked to be a perfect illustration of Alyster and Astrid and that kitsune -Kaze- from before.
“Are these the guys who attacked you in the church in Mexico?” Maggie’s dark nails scrapped over the paper slightly and the noise made a few of the werewolves in the room cringe.
"That's impossible," Peter chocked on his words as he took a closer step to see the scroll better. "They look exactly as they did in your memories..."
"They haven't aged a day," Liam said in amazement.
"I thought so," Maggie popped her knuckles, bangles sliding down her arm nosily, "That is one of the few remaining iterations of an ancient order known as the Venatores -which Stiles told me you had already figured out thanks to Lydia’s translations. Over the years they’ve been called different names: Order of Osiris, Order of Sagittarius, The Solstice Hunters… it goes on and on. They've been around for thousands of years."
"Why?" you finally spoke, but your voice was shakier than you would have liked. "What do they want?"
Derek's eyes fell on you when he heard the subtle quake in your words, he instinctively took a step closer to you but then stopped himself from moving any closer. That awkward tension was still strong between you two. You dreaded the fact that you'd have to talk about the kiss... eventually.
Markus rubbed your arms to comfort you, it helped but not by much.
Maggie opened her mouth to answer you but couldn't pull through. Having sensed Maggie's distress from trying to answer your question, Esme laced her fingers with hers in a silent act of assurance.
"What is it?" you asked frantically, eyes searching the pile of notes and sketches and open books for any clues. Markus held you fast so you didn't shake like a leaf in front of everyone.
Theo exhaled loudly, his fingers scratching at his eyebrow, "Isn't it obvious. They want what they've always wanted. You. Dead. The real question is why?" He turned his attention back to Maggie, ignoring your distraught expression.
A hush fell over the room and you could see Markus's eyes squint in Theo's direction when you turned to jelly in his arms from dread.
"He's not wrong," Peter mumbled and Derek jabbed his side with his elbow forcing a cough out of Peter’s mouth.
You took in a deep breath and sat down on a chair, head in your hands as you blinked back the image of Alex lying dead on the ground and Scott and Derek being cornered by the hunters. Your life was turning out to be one great big nightmare, and right now you were beginning to resent the fact you hadn't gone with Alyster. With that thought, a tingle returned to your lips and you were reminded of the kiss. It brought with it a bitter-sweetness that kept you grounded while your thoughts bounced all over the place. You felt like you were going insane.
As though to shift the focus and clear the stale air, Deaton pushed a large, musty-smelling book towards the group and flipped it 180 degrees. His finger tapped on an illustration of an intricate compass that looked to be hundreds of years old. "Is this the device that the man -Alyster- had around his neck?"
You studied the detailed drawing and then nodded weakly, "Yeah, that's it. What is it?"
"It's called the Oculus. It grants the wearer an ability to wield the Wadjet, it is more popularly known as the--"
"Eye of Horus," Markus interjected, brows knit in thought. A few people shot him surprised looks and he just shrugged them off with a nonchalant: "I have a masters in history."
"That's right," Deaton affirmed. "Horus is associated with protection from evil spirits and he is usually depicted as a falcon, hence the reason why this Alyster's eyes change when he activates the Oculus."
"So now we're fighting ancient Egyptians? I--" Liam plopped down next to Jonah and just stared blankly at the floor. "Can someone just run us by the SparkNotes version or...?"
Esme laughed and sat atop the table with one leg dangling over the air, "You gotta brush up on your storytelling skills, hon." she smiled at the very exhausted Maggie.
Deaton cleared his throat before throwing his hypothesis out for everyone to ponder, “I think this amulet gives him the ability to track and locate the Order’s targets. I also think it’s used as an anchor to a much more powerful source of magic.”
Maggie jumped in on Deaton’s bandwagon and started breaking down what everyone knew, "Okay, so from what Stiles found out, we know that these hunters have some sacred mission linked to all their killing. We now also know they're older than dirt so… that's a plus because there’ll be a trail left behind somewhere. What we didn't know before was, just as Theo put it, why they do what they do. Until now."
Maggie placed a book identical to the one Stiles had been trying to translate in the bunker days prior, “According to this text, the Order was established by a group of druids, liaths and darachs alike. A few hundred years ago a plague nearly wiped out all shapeshifters on earth -that's why our numbers are so low despite how long we've been around. Those that were immune stopped presenting the ability to shift. Those who contracted the plague were killed by the Order. It was called the First Coming of the End of Days. The sacred duty of the Order -or Venatores- was to try and prevent a second coming. The druids on this council feared that the plague would one day return, and so they created these hunters using the sacred power stored inside the oldest focal point of concentrated magic in their village. A Nematon. And since Nematon’s have a tendency to influence the formation of telluric currents, we believe that’s where the Oculus comes into play. We think after they absorb someone’s essence, the Oculus channels that energy into the earth and sends it somewhere else using telluric currents.”
Peter ran a hand through his face, his jaw muscles tensing, "Oh for the love of- So far, all you've told us is that these hunters are very old, very unkillable and very specific in choosing their victims. None of that helps us in any way. I want to know how to kill them, and if we can't, I'd like the quickest route to the airport please." He flashed a forced smile and everyone collectively sighed.  
"Scott, how do you feel about all this, you've been quiet during this whole thing," Derek ignored Peter's outburst and placed his focus on Scott, who looked to be in his own little world.
Scott stretched and turned his head up to regard everyone's inquisitive gazes, "Honestly, my whole life has been one impossible thing succeeding another and another… So what if they're vampires or if they're supposedly the first warning sign of the end of days. A few days ago, Monroe was our biggest worry, now she's dead and her numbers are cut in half. That's one crisis averted. Things have a way of balancing themselves out. We just have to maintain cool heads until they do."
Stiles paced about the room before clapping his hands together at the prospect of a new idea dawning over him, “Uh, hey, Maggie, you got a map that displays telluric currents?”
Maggie moved about the room in a hurry, but it was Markus that came to the rescue, “Here,” he handed Stiles a map he had grabbed from a trunk. “Telluric currents were a passion project of mine. I’m a bit of a nerd for this stuff.”
Stiles slapped Markus’s large arms in thanks and winced before flicking his hand at the wrist several times, “Ow, what do they feed you?”
“Kibble,” Markus joked dryly. “Why the map?”
“I’m thinking if we spot any major changes between the data on this map and a more recent one, we can determine whether this Oculus theory is accurate and maybe plot out where the fluctuations lead to,” Stiles fumbled with the map until he gave up and handed it to Scott who unfolded it with ease.
"That just might work…” Markus looked over your shoulder, his attentions shifted onto the piece of paper in front of you. “What are you drawing?"
You furrowed your brows, confused by his question and then looked down to where his eyes were focused. On the page were several pened drawings of a bow and shank of a key without a bit. To your surprise, you had been scribbling the symbol from the car ride over and over.
"I… I didn't know I was doing it," you sat up from the chair and dropped the pen like it had burned you.
"I know this symbol. Professor Tennyson ran a class on semiotics. That's the Ankh. The Egyptian symbol of life," Markus finished the symbol by drawing a line that intersected between the bow and shank of the key.
"Okay, but that doesn't explain why I'm drawing random symbols without thinking it..." you looked to everyone in the room and saw Stiles raise his hand. ”Stiles?"
"Ah, yeah, so I was possessed once by an evil kitsune's spirit and that would sometimes cause me to do things I didn't remember doing," he shoved both his hands in his pockets and started rocking on the balls of his feet, lips pressed tightly together when he noticed Jonah's jaw practically fall to the ground.
Everyone in the room took a tentative step back or inched away from you. You rolled your eyes at their behaviour.
"I'm not possessed. I think I'd know if I was possessed," you bit back.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how that works," Liam chimed in, his words muffled by his curled hand placed on his chin and lips.
"Maybe its residual magic from when Alyster was inside your head," Esme said casually as she took a bite of an apple.
"Alyster was in your head?" Markus repeated in shock. "How? When? How? And why didn't you say anything?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that everyone heard my conversation with Esme and Maggie a few nights ago," you glared at Derek. "Seeing as how I live in a house full of werewolves with supernatural hearing."
Peter coughed again, but this time it was to hide his grin and laughter. Derek opened his mouth to say something but Deaton's busy hands rustling through papers and books garnered everyone's attentions away from the two of you.
"What are ya thinking?" Maggie asked him.
"I think Esme is right, and I think there's a pattern we aren't seeing," he answered.
"What pattern?" Scott moved closer to the table.
"Semiotics," Deaton smiled when he pulled up an encyclopaedia. "First, Alyster mentioned a Mother Tree. Then we find out that the hunters are the closest thing to immortal as we can get and now Y/N is unknowingly sketching the Ankh of all thing. Do you see it yet?”
“These are all three very different things,” Liam nodded.
“N-no… They are all linked by one semiotic message. Life,” Deaton said, his finger pointing into the air stiffly like he was giving a powerpoint presentation. “Every spell draws power from somewhere. All magic is just an exchange of energy.”
“So what if they’re killing people for fuel?” Derek posited, stepping closer to you and the table.
“Why don’t we just ask one of them?” Theo’s bored tone swept through the room.
Stiles squinted at him, “What? Just stroll up to them and ask one of them to come over for tea and crumpets?” he retorted sarcastically.
“No, I mean like set a trap, kidnap them and then try different methods of murder until one of them sticks,” he stated morbidly.
Jonah swallowed loudly and hid half his face behind a pillow, “That sounds mean.”
“It doesn’t count if they’re immortal,” Theo smirked.
Esme lobbed her apple at his face, some of its fleshy interior broke off and showered around Theo’s feet in juicy sprays. He wiped the residual bits off with his jackets sleeve and a sour face.
“Don’t fill his head with such things. You aren’t helping. Out!” Esme pointed to the door and Theo lifted his hands defensively as he strode out confidently.
“Can I leave too, or are we only handing out hall passes if we say insensitive things?” Peter pointed to Theo’s retreating form. “Because, let me tell you, I have so man—“
 Esme lobbed another apple but Peter’s quick reflexes caught in just before it touched his nose. He crushed the apple in his hands and made quite the show of it, “I take it that was a no?”
“Stop being an ass, Peter. Otherwise, the next thing someone throws at you will be a stake,” Derek spoke over his shoulder without looking up from the map Stiles had laid down.
“A stake…” Peter glanced at Jonah and then back up at Derek’s back. “The kid was onto something!”
“W- Who me?” Jonah bounced on the couch, happy to be included in the discourse. “About what? Vampire stakes?”
Peter rose a brow and said, “Yes.”
No one moved an inch, the only sound in the room was the passing of wind and Stiles flipping map pages like he was ripping rice paper apart.
“Think about it,” Peter wiped his hands on Scott’s shirt and Scott simply sighed. “Maybe 'vampire' isn’t the most far off explanation after all. I mean… what if we need a very specific weapon to kill these hunters? Maggie said that they were created using magic from a Nematon. And Deaton thinks the Oculus is used to traverse through telluric currents -Hell, I bet that’s how they travel so quickly too!- Maybe we need a piece of the thing that made them, to kill them!”
Esme worked her back muscles before begrudgingly siding with Peter, “I hate to say this, but maybe the ass is right.”
“Well that’s just rude,” Peter complained. “But at least you can see the obvious genius in my explanation. And look at that, I didn’t even take a whole morning to explain things to everyone.”
Markus rubbed his eyebrows, “So we find this tree and…”
“I found it! I found the spot where the telluric lines converge!” Stiles cheered by himself, fist-pumping in the air. Jonah joined along too figuring it was the more appropriate thing to do in this situation. Then Stiles’s face fell and he swore under his breath as he looked over the map on his phone and the one of the table.
Derek sighed, his teeth clenching in disappointment, “It’s in Sweden.”
The room collectively groaned.
“Well we can scratch that off the list because there’s no way we’d be able to go all the way to Sweden and back before the hunters murder everyone,” Peter sat on the windowsill looking defeated. “Come to think of it, why haven’t they found us yet? It’s been days. Last time it took them mere hours to find us after we’d crossed the border into Mexico.”
Maggie was chewing a biscuit and had to dry swallow most of it to answer him, “We’ve been taking turns burning sage pales around the property's border. I’m surprised you haven’t smelt it.”
“I just thought that was the usual smell around here,” Peter mumbled snidely.
“Actually, I don’t think we have to go very far to get what we need,” Deaton stated. “Most Nematon’s come from the same root. In theory, all we have to do is head back to Beacon Hills to get what we need.”
“Then I guess we’re going back to Beacon Hills,” You stood from the chair, spine groaning from being stretched too suddenly. “If you want to test out your stake theory, you’re going to need bait.”
“It’ll be dangerous,” Derek protested in a dark voice.
“Then you’ll just have to protect me. Like you promised,” you spoke with confidence.
“Shotgun!” Peter said loudly with a mischievous wink sent Derek’s way.
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It didn’t take long for a plan to be formed. Soon after everyone was familiar with their roles, they all broke off to start packing up.
You had started packing up some of the clothes you’d found in your old drawers. You didn’t know why you were doing this but it seemed to help, it kept your mind busy. Markus, Esme and Maggie had argued for you to stay home and let everyone else handle everything, but in the end, they were left with no option but to concede. Even though it was dangerous, you were right, the plan wouldn’t work if you stayed behind.
Maggie gave you a pendant with a hollow locket filled with sage essential oils so you could stay shielded from the Order during your drive back. There was a spot on your chest that always got a little oily if the necklace stayed still for too long. You made a habit of wringing the charm along the silver chain in between still moments.
There was a rap at your door and you started from your thoughts, “Come in.”
It was Derek.
“Got a minute?” he asked from behind the ajar door.
“All I’ve got are minutes.”
He hummed before walking in and closing the door behind him, affording himself some privacy, “I wanted to talk to you about--“
“The kiss,” you said simply.
“Yeah, listen, it was a spur of the moment thing. It was a heated argument and you were so stubborn that I felt like I couldn’t get a word in,” Derek tried to explain while his hands fidgeted.
“Right. It was the only thing you could think to do.”
“Yes!” His eyes lit up.
“Like in the dreamscape…”
“Yes!” then his eyes grew serious and his cheeks went hot. “Wait, that’s not what I was getting at…”
You laughed, stuffing more clothes into your bag, though at this point the only thing left were baby booties and torn towels, “Relax Derek. I’m not going to eat you. As long as you don't make things awkward, I won't make things awkward.” You joked.
He held you steady and stared you dead in the centre of your eyes, you shivered again, your lips going numb as they remembered what it felt like to have Derek's lips over them.
“Look, I came here to tell you… It was a mistake, for me to have kissed you… in that way. I promise I won’t do it again,” he released his grip from your arms and you felt an odd sense of disappointment at having heard those words.
Derek pulled the door handle and before he stepped out of your room, he whispered, “Not until you ask me to.”
Your knees caved in and you crashed onto your bed. You didn’t know what to say or think or feel. You were left feeling dazed again. It was turning into a force of habit now. But behind your fear and uncertainty, behind your broken heart that still mourned Alex, you felt a glimmer of warmth spread through you. It felt like molten sunshine. Bright and happy.
As the sensation spread, you fought the sudden urge to smile in spite of all the devastation you had faced –and were about to face.
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Next Chapter>>
Tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfics-blog @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @zenawa @squadkyoya @cassandraevans @moli1497 @wanderlust-travler @143amberrose @humbledarkness @rockyrocket15 @4llmywr1tings @smolbeanfive @500daysofbecky
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80 notes · View notes
minchiutau · 5 years
Most details are from 1st day because we usually can’t see 1st day performances except for MC in DVD/BD anyway so i tried to focus on writing details of performance from 1st day more than 2nd (tho in term of perf there weren’t many differences) It contains most of the MCs and my thoughts about it!
Warning: Both reports and translations of the dialogue ARE not 100% accurate.  It’s based on what i and my friend remembered and took notes of. The post is extremely long! And i spent tons of time typing this so there might be a lot of grammar and typing errors. I’d be happy if you would overlook all of my mistakes here!
Edit: Let me apologize for the extreme delay.. I actually had this finished a week after it happened, and i was probably super tired when i finished it. I’m not sure how that happened, but apparently i didn’t post it and this had been sitting on my drafts for six months because i went on a hiatus afterwards.... I realized it after opening tumblr a day ago. I was super sad because it was so long and i spent tons of time writing it.. if possible i don’t want to delete it so here it is!
Opening lines by QN members
Opening VTR, there isn't anything like last QN live but it was visual picture slideshow of previous live and it shows how QN has been around since 2012~now. QUARTET★NIGHT instrumental was playing on the background.
Followed with clock'tick tock sound, bell rang and the main stage monitor was split into two and QN appeared with gold stage outfit and big clock on the background! Tattsun and Morikubo had similar hairstyle to the previous live with minor change (styling?) while maenu had brown hair tied like in 6th live melting of snow performance and shoutan with ai's hairstyle+hair color (bleached in some parts, not entirely but it looks really nice!)
1. THE WORLD IS MINE I actually guessed this would be the first song and i was right! It started with really pretty acapella ;;_;; THEIR HARMONIES WERE PERFECT IT WAS LEGENDARY like it was probably one of the best harmonization i've heard in my life (if previous live wasn't enough) I kinda forgot what happened during this performance because i was too amazed by how good they sang tbh. Pretty sure people know how good QN harmonize, but this one was especially good! If i remembered it right, there were some dance moves! The audience also sang "The world is mine!" part in the bridge, it was fun! I literally cried the moment they appeared i can’t remember much AHAHA //sweats
2.Poison KISS As soon as the intro started people around me went crazy with their screams xD It's more or less similar to what we've seen in previous lives. Do they have any tradition bc they always sing this song since 3rd live xD Except of course, they were dancing a lot more now and this song is actually one of the good example of their improvements! This song is still as hyped as always. They walked from the main stage to the front stage and during that they also did some poses and fanservices
MC (or not really since they were talking in character voice the whole time? kinda like opening serifu) Maenu: *Camus butler mode* Welcome to "QUARTET NIGHT LIVE FLY TO THE FUTURE" ladies and gentlemen. I'm Camus and let us enjoy tonight together. *Camus usual mode change* Or did you really think i'd say that, you peasant?! Be sure to follow us to the end. (In 2nd day camus didn't say the peasant thingy tho idk why) Shoutan: I'm Mikaze Ai. I'll make it a fun and dokidoki live until the end! *throw kiss* Tattsun: It's Kurosaki Ranmaru! It's finally our rocking time! Let's enjoy it till the end! Morikubo: Rei-chan’s the one left here~! My girl and my boy!! It's okay for Rei-chan to start first, right~?! and it went right to the next song
3. On Your Mark! I personally thought that this song sounds hard to sing (maybe bc of the key progression??) but Morikubo did great! His singing was super stable and consistent, as usual. He danced A LOT more on this one! Probably the most i've seen from reiji's solo so far! And he did super great! ;; It’s similar to the perf he had in 6th live except i think he did even better this time!! He must've worked really hard! He forgot a bit of his part in 1st day xD but he recovered right after!
4. Futari no Monogram I HAD FEELING THIS WOULD COME bc it was the only ai's solo shoutan didn't sing in QN 1st solo con.. and I definitely saw improvements! He was dancing (almost) all of the time and but he sounded A LOT more stable than 5th live (and i think 5th live was already great) it looked so easy for him xD But all in one it's similar to the one we've seen previously, except i think there were some additional moves? (Edit: many parts are entirely different too) In the end shoutan also said "Da~isuki" like 5th live, except it was in a bit more playful tone (kinda teasing tone?) Overall i think he did even better than 5th live! He also did some fanservices and i personally like the part where he fixed his silver gloves.
5. Saintly Territory Maenu appeared with his (this time a bit thin?) white mantle and did the dance like in previous live! Same with shoutan, i think he improved a lot with his singing stability and this time it sounded extremely stable and he looks a lot more relaxed with his dancing too!;; I really love how they keep on improving even tho they were already that good to begin with. He came to from main stage to front stage and suddenly he appeared with camus' stick from halfway and danced with it! xD He danced a lot! I’m not sure if it’s in this song or not but if i remember it right on first day, he also gave us a fanservice of him smirking in front of the camera and people went crazy over it (i mean, me too AHAHA)
6. BE PROUD Remember how legendary 6th live performance of this song was? Yeah, this time it was equally amazing. He appeared with stand-mic and it was a straightforward+simple performance, yet his singing was really amazing i kinda stopped swinging penlight.. The adlib on the bridge was really powerful and it just hit me hard i almost teared up ;; On last reff he went down on his knees and made really pained expression ;; in general he had pained expression on his face and it made me emotional.. also the trademark super-long notes in the end was also there, it was just amazing! I got chills. Personally i like last reff "hoeru shika naku (I have no other choice but to howl)" because he sounded like he was actually howling. BUT SERIOUSLY it was extremely emotional, both days were powerful and all in one it’s just simply amazing. Fight me you don’t like Ranmaru and tattsun after you listen to this performance AHAHA
The screen suddenly said "Acoustic corner, Reiji Camus", Morikubo and Maenu appeared with long sleeves shirt. Morikubo (reiji's) was black (with stage-like vest?) and maenu was white (with blue tie).They greeted the hall and live-viewing audience. Maenu wore camus' glasses. They said they were doing something new, which was acoustic corner! The band (?) was preparing on their back while they were doing the MC. Chairs were also prepared for them and they talked while sitting on it, also telling the audience to sit throughout acoustic performance.
Day 1 They talked about there weren't many chances to have only the two of them on MC and how rehearsal have passed in a blink of eye. It seemed like they were doing it under a lot of pressure (considering last live extreme high quality i'm not surprised tbh lol) Maenu: "It's hard to gather all of us together on the rehearsal" Morikubo: "We only managed to get all together once (?!) on the rehearsal. We sometimes did it with three of us present and for some reasons most of the time one of us couldn't be present." (audience sounded surprised! Me too, they performed really good together i just didn't expect it) Maenu: "I started rehearsal mainly from September. Though of course,  i received choreography videos beforehand." Morikubo: "The red person started really early, didn't he?" (audience laughed) Maenu: "He always got to start rehearsal really early every live" Morikubo: "He always got to start really early i couldn't help but thinking "Eh?! He started already?!" when i heard it." Maenu: "And he'd contact us with "I started with it!" first everytime" After that they were talking about the live and how it started with a new song! Apparently they were practicing it it a lot to the point that they saw it on their dreams lol Morikubo danced a bit (?) of the choreo with his hand, pointed at Maenu and said he often did those moves (practicing the move, the usual maenu’s greatness; not sure but i think it was killer kiss moves?) xD They talked about how it was the first time for the four of them to perform an acoustic corner on utapri live and that the live was fun. Morikubo: "I always receive the choreography video from the dance teacher first and i got to voice my opinion first if the dance was too hard or if it needs to be changed into easier moves. If i'm okay with it then the three of them will follow. (Because he's the oldest) Until now if some parts were too hard i'd say so and got scolded by certain someone (Tattsun LOL). But this time, after receiving it I said nothing about it and did it the way it's supposed to be." (Audience cheers) Maenu: "The choreography was really hard, wasn't it?" Morikubo: "Neverthless, our duty this time is to follow after Quartet Night. If the four of them are supposed to do it that way, then we will do our best to follow after them. We did our best without making excuses." (Audience cheers) Morikubo: "Up till now, there are a lot of idol groups existing right? They dance and sing." Maenu: "They do." Morikubo: "But look at us, we're dancing, singing AND harmonizing. Isn't that rare to be found?" Maenu: "It's rare indeed!" Morikubo: "We're dancing, singing AND harmonizing! (2nd time xD)" (Audience cheers) Morikubo: "If the four of them aim for even higher level, we'll also aim for it and chase after them(characters)!" After that they called for the acoustic band members. They also talked about Maenu's Camus glasses and apparently, Maenu being the biggest Camus fan he is, got the glasses by himself xD (If i remember right it got sold out really fast so i think he meant he put tons of effort to get it)
Day 2  They talked about how they’re doing it on Kobe this time. Up till now utapri live (or most events actually) was held in kanto region/near tokyo but this time the live was held in kansai region (Psst as someone who lives in kansai i’m extremely happy) They greeted people at live-viewing. Maenu: *to the camera* “Can you see us here?” Morikubo: “Live-viewiiiing!” Some of the audiences in the hall went “Fuuu~↑” even tho they were calling for the live-viewing LOL Maenu: “*a bit puzzled* O--oh I could hear their voices, i heard the Fuuu~“ xD From this point they’ll keep on doing this few times if someone let out voices when they were calling for people in live-viewing LOL There was also a small accident of the staffs bringing wrong water-bottle for Maenu (it was tatsu’s) xD They talked about how the penlight color change was automatically controlled by the staffs (like the one on previous live) Morikubo: “I thought it was amazing!” Maenu: “At first i thought ‘they changed the color so quickly!!’ but it seems like that was not the case” xD Morikubo: “Ah, but it’s possible to switch it into your favorite color, right?” Maenu: “Yes, it’s possible to do both” Morikubo: “If i say a color right now would it be possible (for the staffs) to change the color right away?” Maenu: “It’s supposed to be on programmed automatically isn’t it?” Morikubo: “Let’s try it!” Maenu: “I’m not sure, we haven’t told the staffs beforehand!” xD Morikubo: “We haven’t told them anything!” Maenu: “They must be panicking right now” Morikubo: “Everyone, I’ll say ‘red’ so please switch your penlight into another color and don’t change the color manually! Let’s see if it’s possible” Morikubo: “Here i go, red!!!” They waited few seconds and the color didn’t change xD Morikubo: “So it’s not possible!” *audience laughed* Maenu: “It has to be programmed beforehand” in the middle of their talk suddenly all of the penlight on the hall turned red Morikubo: “OHHH IT’S RED!!” Maenu: “That’s amazing!!! The staffs definitely panicked just now” Morikubo: “I’m sorry for doing it suddenly!”  Maenu: “(it’s all in red) So this is what Tatsu saw while singing” Morikubo: “(to audience)Ah, you can turn it back to your favorite color now. Thank you very much for your cooperation” They talked about how the concert hall is a good hall (and i totally agree) and how they could see the audience clearly. Then they talked about how it was a 2 days concert as opposed to prev one. Afterwards Morikubo told us that they’re ready to do it for another day or two xD Maenu agreed Maenu: “Even the rehearsals were fun. Of course there were a lot of hardships, but the sensation of being able to stand with the four of us.. it’s just addictive” Morikubo: “Lately, there’s something all of us often do. Inside the dressing room, when the four of us were sitting in front of the mirrors and our songs were played on the background, we’ll do an imitation/impression of our own characters”  Maenu: “A bit exaggerated one” Audience screamed “Do it~~” and the two of us fell into silence all of sudden xD Maenu: “If you said something like that of course it’ll come into this!” Morikubo: “It’s more or less just what you always hear from us” Audience told them to do it again Morikubo: “Yesterday we talked about such topic. We were talking about how Shouta used to sing demos of most utapri songs and we asked about how he did our character voices. *stares at maenu* How did he do Ran-Ran again?” Maenu: “?! I’d be the one doing it?!”  He did an impression of Ranmaru’s “Arai hou ga ii~” of Poison kiss and it was super funny! xD He made his voice really hoarse and also made funny expression with his eyes wide-opened LOL Morikubo then apologized at him for making him suddenly do it Maenu: “You told me to do it!” Morikubo: “I wasn’t expecting you to do it with that expression” Maenu: “I’m sorry please forget the thing i did just now” LOL Maenu: “At rehearsal we often do something like that to fill the part of the member that wasn’t there. For example Morikubo-san’s part” Morikubo: “They’ll start imitating ‘Tee ↑ ee↑ (the vocal swing he often does, you’d probably get what i mean if you listened to Reiji’s singing in general)” Maenu: *imitates* “More and More and~~(poison kiss w/hands movements too)” Morikubo: “It’s not “Mori mori ok?!”  (means to do something vigorously in japanese) Maenu: “Even all of those things were really fun” Morikubo: “Camus’ (impression) were amazing too you know” Maenu: “Tatsu totally did that on purpose!” Morikubo: “If Tatsu comes later, tell him to do it here” And they called the band
7. KILLER KISS When they talked about how they were going to perform it acoustic i actually couldn't imagine how it would sound with this song but it actually sounded really pleasant! I mean, it sounded a lot quieter than the actual song so you could hear their great voices and amazing harmonization crystal clear! It sounded really refreshing! They also did a bit of the little hand choreography similar to the one on 6th live. They sounded really powerful!
Shoutan and Tattsun appeared. Shoutan had white shirt with lilac-colored flower on his left pocket and Tattsun had black shirt they also talked while sitting like Morikubo and Maenu (At some parts they also stood?).
Day 1 Shoutan talked about how it's refreshing to be able to talk with just the two of them and tattsun agreed to it. In the middle of convo Tattsun just went with sudden "Let's introduce ourself" and the audience laughed. Shoutan: "Everyone, good evening! I'm Mikaze Ai's good friend Aoi Shouta!" Tattsun: "You went with that?! I'm the one who's always standing closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa." Tattsun: "Aaa~ It's refreshi-- *looks at shoutan turning his back from audience* Hey! Don't fix your belt here!" (Shoutan a bit panicking lol) Tattsun: "This is why before the live started i told you not to eat that many cream puffs!!"* (if you don't get this reference go search for game and drama CDs involving Ai lol) Shoutan: "That's not true!" lol Tattsun also said Morikubo and Maenu talked a lot so almost no topic left for them to talk xD Shoutan told the camera to zoom at Tattsun's nails. Apparently at previous lives Tattsun's nail colors were normal red but this time he finally had Ranmaru's burgundy dark red! Also Shoutan tried to let his nails grow but at rehearsal two of it hit the mic and broke. He also had Ai's color nail btw. Tattsun: "This time, at rehearsal we were often together. Of course we were looking at each other practices a lot too. The more i see him, to be honest I could only see Shouta as a girl!" Shoutan: "You said that a lot! Stuffs like "what's with that body line!?" Tattsun: "His girl power (女子力) is increasing day by day! If it's me i definitely wouldn't be able to do it! For example this pose *posing*" Shoutan: "This one? *posing*" (hard to describe so take a look at matoni-sensei's report pic here! the pose at the very middle of the pic) Tattsun: "How did you do that?" *imitating but failed* (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "This time, for example the dance, like previously talked, we're following the footsteps of our characters. As they go higher, we as one try to follow them. To begin with I only do stuffs like this once a year here you know!" Shoutan: "This kind of chance doesn't happen often, right? But actually tatsu-nii at his own will, you know, even after the rehearsal was supposed to end--" Tattsun: "Hey~ Stop this topic!" Shoutan: "When the rehearsal ended he'd go around saying "I'm sorry, can i do it just one more time?" you know! Of course we have to make sure we're in good condition by resting well too, but his feelings reached me and it made me want to reply it with same thing." Tattsun: "Right, at that time i had the time so i tried to use all of my time practicing and when i realized it i've been doing it for six and half hours." Shoutan: "Really, how many times did you do the live that time?"   (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "And Shouta was also there the whole time."(Not sure if he said he was standing there or singing behind him) Tattsun: "To be honest, I couldn't produce Ranmaru's voice easily. And so i'd need time to adjust my throat beforehand. Sometimes i got frustrated and was troubled with it alone. And at such times, he'd come closer to me and said "Tatsu-nii, what about doing quartet night songs together?". Among us, Shouta is the one who's always trying to consider others feelings. At that one time all of us got together, we were troubled with a thing and couldn't come into agreement. At such time, Shouta was the first one to speak up "What about doing this way? Maybe it's going to change for the better!". He was always thinking about our feelings and what to do about it. In that way, he's the one supporting our backs and i think that's what's good about him." After that they talked about how they're going to sing after this with the acoustic band. Tattsun: "We were talking a lot prior to this performance, like how to make it sound better and what to add and improvise." Shoutan: "That's right, we talked a lot about it." Tattsun: "I was thinking of supporting Shouta while he's singing freely with his all, but actually Shouta also adjusts with how i'm singing. It feels like a matchmaking (お見合い)." Shoutan: "It feels like we're sharing same atmosphere!" Tattsun: "It made me feel like, "Ah, so singing with others could be this interesting!" It's really fun. I haven't had chance to sing with someone with such a different type of voices and it feels refreshing. *suddenly bowing?* Thank you so much" Shoutan was off guard because Tattsun just suddenly thanked him and was like "nn?!" xD Tattsun: "So, are we doing it?" Shoutan: "(to the audience suddenly) Do you want to hear us~?" (and of course we said we want to hear it) Shoutan: "They said they want to~" Tattsun: "Why did you start it and answer it yourself?" (Audience laughed xD) Shoutan: "I'm sorry" (Audience screamed "Cute~!") Tattsun: "That part! That's the cute part of you, you know" And i kinda forgot what they said after this.. but not long after they started with title call and the next song started! Day 2 Shoutan: “Good evening~ It’s finally our turn” Tattsun: “No matter how many times we did it, it always feels refreshing to be here (doing MC) with just the two of us” Shoutan: “It does! The previous two’s MC/perf was really heated up” Tattsun: “Right” Both: ”Right~” (audience laughed xD) Tattsun: “First, please introduce yourself” Shoutan: “I’m Mikaze Ai’s best friend, Aoi Shouta!” Tattsun: “I’m the one with privilege to stand closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa” Shoutan: “Isn’t it interesting that our introduction changed a bit everytime?” They talked about live-viewing and called out to them Shoutan: *to camera* “How are you guys?” Tattsun: “Everyone at live-viewing places, how are you?” the audiences in the hall went “Fuuu~↑” again Tattsun: “I could hear voices even though it’s supposed to be live-viewing! Amazing!” LOL After that they changed topic into the outfits they wore on acoustic corner Shoutan: “After the first day ended, there was something a lot of people were talking about regarding this acoustic corner. As opposed to our previous gold outfits, in this corner we have a shirt as our outfit. *Tattsun spun to show the audience his outfit*”  Shoutan: “It has Ranmaru’s color on it” Tattsun: “(the red cloth of the lower part of his outfit) I requested this” Shoutan: “For me, i wanted a symbol at Ai’s left chest. The staffs also added Ai’s color on it” (whoever manage to understand the symbolism i love you) Shoutan: “The real topic starts here. The shirt i’m wearing right now is  an oversize shirt. So it has a bit of kare-shirt (It’s a situation when someone is wearing their lovers’ clothes) vibe on it. “ *audience loud screams* xD Tattsun: “Right” Shoutan: “And that’s..” Tattsun: “That’s why you should just say you were staying over in my place” *fangirl squeal* Shoutan: “And there’s the fact that the two of us are doing MC together too.. For a moment i thought 'Eh?! Did i actually stay in Tatsu-nii’s house and borrow his shirt?!'”  Tattsun: “I thought it would look good on you, so you can have it” *embarrassed shoutan* xD Shoutan: “This person right here... Why does he always say this kind of embarrassing lines like it was nothing?! This is embarrassing” (you two so cute stahp) Tattsun: “Could you stop getting ‘seriously’ embarrassed?” xD Shoutan: “Of course i would! *to male audience* Even male would feel the same, right?!”  A male audience answered and tattsun laughed at it Shoutan: “I told you so!” Tattsun: “I could hear your voice (male audience) really clearly! Wait a bit, let me take off my in-ear monitor. (He looks happy to hear them) *male audience cheers*  Tattsun: “This is awesome, i could hear you guys really well! *laughs* Oi, you guys sure have great voices!” (they both look really happy xD) Shoutan: “And obviously, all of you girls, it made your heart throb right?!” *audience cheers* Shoutan: “I told you!” Tattsun: “Wait a bit, why did you put yourself in girls side?!” LOLOL Shoutan: “After standing on many stages of utapri, i feel like i could understand what everyone is thinking about!” Tattsun: “That’s what i told you in the rehearsal wasn’t it?! When i was watching your solo, i told you 'Your girl power(女子力) is increasing even more!'“ Tattsun: “Especially when he was dancing and singing, his body-line definitely doesn’t look like a male!  Shoutan: “Really? *does the same pose as the one on 1st day MC* I ended up doing it like that” Tattsun: “If i’m the one doing it, it looks like a plastic model *does the same pose* So stiff” Shoutan: “But in return you have the coolness of Ranmaru!” Tattsun: “All i could do is being aggresive (オラつくit’s a bit hard to explain)” Shoutan: “That’s Ranmaru!!” After that they talked about flower stand! (btw for some reasons if i go to QN events i always see many cool and artistic flower stands so if you’re curious be sure to look it up) Tattsun: “We wanted to see it by ourselves but it was close to where the audience was waiting so we couldn’t see it. But our managers took a VTR of the flowers for us and we all watched it together. While we were talking about how big and pretty it was suddenly a panel appeared and we were like ‘Eh?! You can create such flower stand?!’” Shoutan: “It was amazing wasn’t it?” Tattsun: “And also, i know it’s a form of love and i probably shouldn’t say an unnecessary comment like this, but there was a flower stand with Ranmaru’s silhouette and an instrument on it. The thing is, that silhouette wasn’t a bass, it was a guitar!!” Shoutan: “A-Ah, the instrument Ranmaru plays is..” Tattsun: “Bass” Shoutan: “And what came was...” Tattsun: “Guitar...” Shoutan: “That was close! So close! B-but it was a silhouette so..” Tattsun: “But.. it was a guitar...” Shoutan: “So close!” Tattsun: “That shape was probably an SG (gibson SG? i’m not sure) guitar..” Shoutan: “You sure know a lot!” xD Tattsun: “*asks a band member* Right?! But i could feel the love and so i think ’It’s okay, a guitar is fine too’” Shoutan: “After all, they made it so pretty!” Tattsun: “Indeed! Among them there were also outfits right? The quality was so high i thought ‘Eh?! Did we wear that outfits?!’” Shoutan: “Eh?! It’s the real thing?!” Tattsun: “Did we give/show the real thing to them?!” xD Shoutan: “Was it leaked somewhere?” Tattsun: “Without realizing it, do they know our three sizes?!” Shoutan: “That’s bad!!” Tattsun: “No way, no way!!! We’re in trouble!” (what are you guys doing LOL) Afterwards they talked about how it represents audience love for the series Tattsun: “It was so amazing it feels like being on an exhibition! Don’t you think we could charge an admission fee for this?” Shoutan: “That’s right!!” xD Tattsun: “A lot of people also sent it directly to certain character and on that part too i could totally feel your affection for them.” Tattsun: “Yesterday, after 1st day ended we had a small after-party with the four of us plus few people. We talked about a lot of things there and there were a lot of talks full of love for the series. We’ll talk about it in depth after the four of us are all here.” Tattsun: “Also, on dressing room lately, doing an impression of QN members has became a trend, right? Shoutan: “We do impression of each other’s characters. It’s before the live so tatsu-nii brought a stereo--  Is this the right word? I’m hopeless when it comes to such thing..  ” Tattsun: “Shouta” Shoutan: “Yes?” Tattsun: “Ba~ka” (in teasing tone asdhjkf what is this, a shoujo manga?) *Audience screams* Shoutan: “ *a bit of sulking tone* He said i’m an idiot..” Tattsun: “That’s called a bluetooth speaker!” Shoutan: “Ah! It’s a speaker!” Tattsun: “Don’t just go and group everything into 'latest model machine’!” Shoutan: “I’m sorry.. -- so he used a speaker to play the setlist of this live inside our dressing room. And then we’ll hum or sing along” Tattsun: “I thought if there’s no sound maybe the atmosphere would be a bit gloomy so i brought a rather big one and played the playlist of the setlist. And when i did that, suddenly we could hear Rei-chan that wasn’t Rei-chan” LOL Shoutan: “You’re right. After that we would hear an addition of one more person, and another one, we would then hear someone who did an impression of ranmaru, and so on...” Shoutan: “But the thing is, when Camus’ part comes..” Both: “All of us would do it” LOL Shoutan: “It was amazing wasn’t it?” Tattsun: “All of us would gather and sang the “kindan no kajitsu~♪ (killer kiss)” Shoutan: “We did it. Not only our own character, but did such to another character of the same group” Tattsun: “We did it” Shoutan: “Ai’s impressions were also amazing” Tattsun: “When doing Ai we would pucker our lips” Shoutan: “That’s right! Actually, i have such a small mouth/lips so when they’re doing it like that i could hear some similarities.. Tomo-nii also did it. That’s what’s trending on our dressing room lately” Tattsun: “When doing an impression of Ranmaru, all of them would sound so hoarse!” Shoutan: “First of all we would strain our voices” Tattsun: “Raise the distortion to the max..” Tattsun: “Do you still remember the first time you voiced Ai?” Shoutan: “I do! At that time i was just started learning how to be a voice actor. With an illustration of Ai right in front of me, I was thinking of how to make him alive. While thinking of such things i would practice over and over again. After spending a lot of time, i finally managed to do that.” Tattsun: “The staffs were really careful about it weren’t they?” Shoutan: “Yes. What about Ranmaru? How was it?” Tattsun: “A bit roughly but at that time I saw all of the utapri series first. And at that time, i thought that there weren’t many people with low tone voices. As a senpai, when i read the script at that time Ranmaru also said so many harsh words. I was thinking of what to do with it and came into conclusion that to make it sounds manly i should do it with low tone. And so it became like that.” Tattsun: “But that time, i didn’t give it much thought and let out the lowest tone i could at that time.” Shoutan: “I see!” Tattsun: “And so when i’m voicing Ranmaru i have to keep my throat wide opened the whole time” Tattsun: “The first time i thought ‘i’ve done it wrong’ was at the singing recording. At that time i realized that i have to practice hard to produce Ranmaru’s voice well. Especially at the very beginning, i have to warm-up my voice well before recording something as Ranmaru. At that time i’d practice “*Ranmaru’s voice* Oi” with my throat wide open.” Shoutan: “And so it becomes Ranmaru” Tattsun: “*points at the area between throat and chin* the shape of my face here would disappear (bc he’s keeping his throat open).  It would turn into a neck of a dinosaur. ” xD Shoutan: “But after going through all of that Ranmaru was born” Tattsun: “That’s right” Shoutan: “A lot of stories were there”
And they announced next song
8. HARUHANA ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE: BEAUTIFUL. I guess this one is easier to imagine in acoustic ver. It sounds really classy~ I must say this arrangement fits this song A LOT! Both of them sang super emotionally ;; Tattsun used softer tones at some parts and shoutan sang some parts more dynamically than others creating an emotional performance;; When this song was released i saw someone said that they voices don't go well with each other, but nah they really need to watch this performance. Their chemistry was heavenly.. their timing, the way their voice overlap and harmonize, even how they put power in their singing, it was a perfection. To be honest, the two of them in this performance probably had the best chemistry i've ever seen in utapri live performances. They shared A LOT of eye contacts! (they were staring at each other like most of the time? lol) They also inserted really pretty adlibs and even harmonize on it. Before last reff they sang it really passionately before suddenly (intentionally) stopped singing for seconds and left a bit of silence. After seconds they start again with really emotional last reff! It was amazing. (Explanation: "Oru youni kasaneatte, koe e to, uta e to~~~ (long notes) Aa *stops for like 3 seconds* yokaze ni fukarete...") Also last reff's "..mune wo sasu kedo ↑" was improvised as the notes went up instead of down. I couldn't say anything other than perfection. I personally like their perf of this song on the first day more than the second day (tho of course it was awesome too) so i kinda hoped utapri would ever release DVD/BD of 1st day of their lives too...
A bit of MC. Tattsun said that because they finally had the chance to sing acoustic they wanted to sing with the four of them and called Morikubo and Maenu!
Day 1 Morikubo said he had two things to say to them Morikubo: "First, the two of us talked about a lot of topics (that Tattsun said they have nothing left to talk) because it took a lot of time for the band to set their instruments on the stage!" xD Maenu: "It can't be helped!" Tattsun: "Talk about of such circumstances when we're on backstage instead of here!" (Audience laughed) Morikubo: "Also second, Tatsu is amazing with his practice and all, but sometimes there's also time when he's only stretching for 2 hours!" LOL ((After this they talked a bit more but i forgot the details, i think my memory went overcapacity starting from here, i'm really sorry //sweats)) They talked about how QN appeared for the first time at 2012. If i remember it right Tattsun also said previous live was only last year (6th) but he felt like it's been longer than that. I didn't remember who brought it up first (Tattsun maybe??) but they then talked about how Shoutan used to provide his singing for the demo/prototype version of utapri songs before the respective seiyuu sing the song! (I think a lot of you knew it already, as people around me already knew abt this too) Shoutan: "You promised you won't talk about this, right?!" xD and they realized they didn't give us enough explanation about what they were talking about and decided to explain. Maenu: "For a period of time, Shouta used to sing for all utapri demo song alone by himself. " Tattsun: "Not to mention, he also sang it the way the character would" Morikubo: "You did STARISH songs and Quartet Night songs right? And what about HEAVENS'? Shoutan: "I also did HEAVENS song!" (Audience and the rest of them were surprised) Tattsun: "That's why, i mean, isn't it a good idea to release those CDs?" Shoutan: "*panicking* No way! No way!" (Audience screamed they want it xD) Shoutan: "It's only good because they (respective char/seiyuus) are the one singing you know! Demo songs are just demo" Tattsun: "Even so, how did you do sing it (the way other characters/seiyuus would)?" Shoutan: "Of course, first i heard each of their CDs. After that i tried thinking of how to sing it so that it's easy to understand who is singing which part. If i sang it all the same way, it'd be hard to understand!" Morikubo: "If that's the case, for example how would you do it if you're doing Ranran's part?" Shoutan: "Wait!! I'd get scolded for this!!" xD (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "You won't!" Morikubo: "Like first, do you need to get your feelings fired up or such? Tell us how you do it! Maybe the audience will have the chance to sing Ranran's part at karaoke or something!" (I kinda forgot this part) Tattsun: "But for some reason, when everyone was imitating Ranmaru's voice, they'll make their voice hoarse. And they'd start saying "I'll kill you!"? Ranmaru didn't even say such thing!" Maenu: "We, and other utapri members (starish seiyuus?) sometimes imitate other character voices on rehearsal and practice." Shoutan: "We did! Also personally same here, when doing Ranmaru's voice i tried to make it sounds threatening (? (LOL xD)) and put my attention on creating more breathy sounds” Morikubo: “Did you hear it guys? Breathy voices!” Shoutan: “But the original singer actually didn’t even do it on purpose right?” Tattsun: “Yes, i’m not aware of it myself” Morikubo: “What about me?! Me?” Shoutan: “With Reiji i’d insert many vocal swings” Morikubo: “Ah, i see!” Shoutan: “Even with Ai there are times i used that kind of singing technique, but after listening to a lot of songs i tried to think of the way i could get the feel with my own voice” Maenu: “What about me?” Morikubo: “With Camus, the first thing is to put in a lot of sugar right?” Shoutan: “Yes xD a lot of sugar cube!” *Tattsun agreing lol* Maenu: “So how did you do it?” Shoutan: “With Camus.. i tried to sing a bit through my nose?” Maenu: “I see! It’s like when Tatsu imitated my voices with bad intentions (LOL) He does it a lot on the dressing room” Tattsun: “Didn’t you do that a lot too?!” Maenu: “We all do! *shoutan and morikubo laughed* Morikubo: “When we all stand side-by-side the ‘let’s imitate other characters tournament’ would just suddenly start!” Tattsun: “Inside the make-up room we were all sitting side by side. At that time the setlist of the concert was playing on the bgm. And then suddenly someone would just start singing a part that isn’t even theirs!” Morikubo: “Didn’t you *points at Maenu* also sing your own part exaggeratedly?!” Tattsun: “He did!!” *shoutan laughed*  Tattsun: “What were you even doing?!” Maenu: “I just thought maybe it would be interesting, i tried to guess how my singing sound for people around me” xD Morikubo: “In the prev live i talked about how singing with the three of you feels so good, right? This time while listening to ourselves in acoustic corner, the existence of Maeno’s solid low notes, Shouta’s clear high notes, and for mid-high notes i’ll be there together with Tatsu’s mid-low notes, make a great balance.” Shoutan: “I thought so too!” Morikubo: “Especially because it’s acoustic you could hear the voices clearly. It felt so nice! What do you guys think of it?” Maenu: “I ag...ree with you *stumbled with his words*” Tattsun: “Which position are you standing on right now?! Also where is your glasses (camus’ glasses) ?!” Maenu: “I took that off” Shoutan: “You took that off!” Maenu: “It’s a coincidence but our voices balance out each other extremely well. They’re so compatible with each other. It’s such a wonder.” Morikubo: “What do you guys think of it? (audience)” *audience claps* Morikubo: “Today is the Culture Day (a holiday in Japan) but we’re able to be here. Why don’t all of you start your own QUARTET NIGHT with 4 people around you right now? (xD LOL)”  Tattsun: “Live-viewing too!” And they show themselves on camera for people in live-viewing! Tattsun: “It’s QUARTET NIGHT~~~~” (his tone was so cute xD karunai dayo~) Tattsun: So, a lot of QUARTET NIGHTs would be born from among the whole country today? (LOL)
Morikubo: “Let’s sing together shall we?” They talked about the outfit a bit before getting into the next song
Day 2 After the performance Tattsun said that it was really fun and called for the other two. Morikubo&Maenu: “It was a great performance!” Morikubo: “I could listen to your (haruhana duo) talk and performance forever” Tattsun and shoutan laughed Shoutan: “Really?!” Morikubo: “I mean it. But Shouta, how could you mistook a speaker for a stereo?!” Maenu: “But i think Tatsuhisa who mistook a video for a VTR (video tape recorder) is also more or less the same” Morikubo: “What has gotten into you?! a VTR?!” *to tattsun* Tattsun: “EH?!” LOL Shoutan: ”I sure made a grave mistake..” Tattsun: “At least i didn’t say something like ‘a beta’ (betamax)” Morikubo asked the audience about the acoustic corner Morikubo: “It felt really good” Shoutan: “It was fun!” Maenu: “It was!” Tattsun: “During today’s rehearsal showtaro-san also talked about this but I feel like we could make a lot more stuffs with this corner” Morikubo: “Like for example, an acoustic live or something” (OMG YES PLS) *Audience cheers* Maenu: “It’ll be great” Tattsun: “For example wouldn’t it be nice if we do it with night sky in the background?” Morikubo: “Our dream keeps on getting even bigger” Tattsun: “We keep on saying this kind of thing, i’m sorry!” (about what they want to do in the future onstage without consulting to staffs xD) Morikubo: “I think it’s important to have a specific dream!” Maenu: “It’s also important to say it out loud” Morikubo: “That’s right, let’s keep on saying it. Right, everyone?” a bit of short silence Morikubo: “You’re not going to say it?!” LOL Everyone laughs Maenu: “It’ll be nice if it becomes true in the future!” Morikubo: “When the two of you were talking I could hear the voice of ‘my boy’ (male audience) so clearly! Let us hear it again, ‘my boy’!!” *male audience cheers* Maenu: “Oh! It’s amazing!” Morikubo: “*to a male audience* Thank you! It makes me happy!” *male audience cheers*  Tattsun: You guys sure have great voices! I’m so happy!” (he looks super happy xD) Morikubo: “What about in the live-viewing?” Tattsun& Maenu: “My boy?” Morikubo: “My boy!” Morikubo: *to the camera* “My boy in the live viewing~!!” *Male audience in the hall cheers xD* Shoutan: “There must be some of them!” Maenu: “I could hear them!” Tattsun: “That true, even though it’s live-viewing i could hear their voices!” LOL Maenu: “It reached us! Words filled with feelings definitely gets across, doesn’t it? xD Morikubo: “Right, it’s amazing. We’re so grateful that a lot of people from the whole country came to see us. Thank you very much” Morikubo: “This time it’s a 2 days concert. What do you think of it?” Tattsun: “Yesterday i felt extremely nervous.. I was full of momentary nervousness, but as i talked on previous MC the four of us had an after-party, didn’t we? It seems like i was really happy. The moment i woke up today all i could think of was about that!” Morikubo: “Actually, it seems like the four of us were really happy about it” *the four of them laughs* Morikubo: “We’re surprised about it ourselves. But it seems like the four of us put our arms around each other's shoulders and walk back to the hotel on that position!” (o mg cute) Shoutan: “It’s a real story!” Maenu: “We were all pretty drunk” Tattsun: “To reach the hotel there was a bit of distance so we decided to just walk to the hotel. The four of us keep on putting arms around each other during our walk back to the hotel! “ Shoutan:“That’s true!” Maenu: “Our managers happened to be on the lobby of the hotel and took a picture of us!” Tattsun: “They were like, ‘what are you guys doing? It’s funny so can i take a picture?’  and took a picture of it! Morikubo: “It was so fun!” Tattsun: “It was a blast! We talked about a lot of things” Morikubo: “We were able to feel this feeling thanks to the group named QUARTET NIGHT. So, Shouta, how was it?” Shoutan: “Even though yesterday was only the first day, I already felt like tearing up many times on the stage.. I tried my best to endure it”  Tattsun: “It’s okay to cry though” Shoutan: “And this person would say something like that!! Near the end when i was about to tear up he would come and say “Oh? Oh? Are you about to cry?” (he’s like provoking shoutan to cry xD) and i’d say “That’s not true!” ”  Tattsun: “That’s okay Shouta~ if you cry I’ll pat your head”   (asdahkf) Shoutan: “But in truth, *points at maenu* tomo-nii was also about to cry in certain song!” Maenu: “A sweat, i was just sweating a lot!” Tattsun: *points at maenu “This guy right there, all he could do it say stuffs like that till he actually breaks into tear!” Maenu:“It was just a sweat!” Shoutan: “Something like that happened! Everytime i stand on this stage, i could feel all of your feelings directly. It directly reached my heart. I’m sure, it also reaches the four of them (chars) directly too.” Morikubo: “It’s our second solo live, so to surpass our previous live, we thought a lot about what our stage is supposed to be. For example the acoustic corner. After this too, we have a lot in store to show all of you here in Kobe. Please look forward to it!” Tattsun: “Among us, Maeno is the most passionate about QN, isn’t he?” Maenu: “That’s not true, all of us are equally passionate about it!” Tattsun: “Of course, we’re all passionate about it! But in terms of concentrating himself to the characters, i feel like he inspires us the most.” Maenu: “That’s not true!” Morikubo: “That’s true, whenever i see him he’s always practicing!” Shoutan: “Exactly! Everytime i’d see him practicing on the corner of the room” Tattsun: “So, how’s this concert for you?” Maenu: “Just as always, while looking forward to it i hope i could leave good memories in the history of QN’s journey. Every moment is so precious and dear to me, it happened to me during 6th live too, but that’s why when the show ended and i have to take off the sparkly and beautiful outfits, i would feel so sad. But of course, if there’s a beginning eventually there will come an end too, so i want to create a lot of memories with all of you before it ends. “ Maenu: “But really, the moment four of us are all here together, i always feel so at ease. It just feels like we’re unbeatable. It’s so addicting.” Morikubo: “That’s true.” Tattsun: “I agree” Shoutan: “When we’re practicing there are a lot of formations. In most of them, we’re supposed to stand a bit apart from each other, but when we started to talk with each other without even realizing it we’d suddenly stand so close to each other!” Tattsun: “Without even realizing it!” Morikubo: “in the previous live something like that happened too wasn’t it? Even though the stage was big, suddenly we all were already in the middle of the stage standing so close to each other! We’re supposed to use the wide stage!” Maenu: “I mean, don’t you think it’s already unusual for four fully-grown adults to walk back to hotel with their arms on each other’s shoulder?!” xD Tattsun: “And the thing is, aside from QUARTET NIGHT we actually always go on our separate ways, right?” Maenu: “That’s true! Even if we meet on another works we’ll just say greetings and go our separate ways!” Tattsun: “Actually this time, the day before the concert, i heard that we could do rehearsal on the hall and i was on the same bullet train with Maeno. I met him in the station of Tokyo. We exchanged “Good morning” and just went our separate ways just like that!” Shoutan: ”Eh?! Really?!” Morikubo: “You didn’t come together?!” Tattsun: “We just exchanged good morning. It’s not like i had any reason to go together with him.” (The way he said it was a bit funny xD a bit tsun) Maenu: “That’s right! I was buying something in the convenience store and Tatsu came in when i was about to quit the store. So it was like ‘Oh so you’re going to buy something here, i see. See you later!’ “ Tattsun: “And so i replied ‘Yeah, i’m going in. Later!’ and went to opposite direction“ Maenu:“But the moment we met up on the rehearsal we would start saying things like ‘Let’s do this part!’ to each other.” Shoutan: “That’s very like Ranmaru and Camus!” *audience laughed xD* Morikubo: “You’re right! That’s exactly the same!” Shoutan:“Exact same!” Morikubo: “The two-shots of these two is interesting so let us see it! *goes away from the other two and gets closer to shoutan* Yesterday when we were eating together it was like that too. They were like Ranran and myuu-chan” Maenu: “But at the group line Shouta also enthusiastically does stuffs like that!” (acting like characters) Tattsun: “He said stuffs like that!” Maenu: “He’d say stuffs like ‘I won’t forgive you if you’re late!’”  Shoutan: “We uploaded a photo of our hands and mics, didn’t we?” Tattsun: ”We actually created a diamond on that photo” (the more you know) Shoutan:”We’re a group so it’d be better to upload it on the same time. Showtaro-niisan suggested that we all upload it on 21:00. Tatsu-nii edited the photo for us. After he sent it to us, tomo-nii replied with “Can’t be helped, i’ll use it” (like camus xD)”  Morikubo:”Then our whole in-char conversations started!” Maenu:”*points at tattsun* He replied with “You’re not being honest” Tattsun: ”That’s normal thing to say, right?! If you’re going to use it you could just say thanks, right?!” Shoutan:“And they i’d reply with “*Ai’s voice* They’re at it again” and added *back to usual shoutan* let’s do it on 21:00″  Tattsun: “We sure talk in our characters personality don’t we? Shoutan:”We do!” Morikubo:”Speaking of LINE, we actually have an utapri all cast group line and yesterday all of the STARISH members gave us encouraging messages.” Tattsun: ”It made me really happy!” Morikubo:”All of them did!” Tattsun: ”We’re standing here right now as QUARTET NIGHT, but we want to treasure the fact that it’s STARISH who opened the path for us. So it makes me really happy! I feel like that it fired us up even more, it made us stronger” Morikubo then said that they’re going to sing the next song and he suddenly told tattsun and maenu to stand beside each other to which maenu replied with “It’s not like we’re close with each other or anything!” xD and they started with next song
9. Marriage
Because it was acoustic arrangement there weren't any background vocals so instead they sang all of the english background vocals live too (ex: "under the starlight~ let's find our love part" etc) and it was really pretty! ;; if i remember well it's mostly shoutan for higher octave (i thought i heard female voice LOLOL) and switched between maenu/morikubo/tattsun for lower parts! Tbh listening to the reff reminded me how much maenu has improved with his singing/harmonies. It sounded really pleasant. On the middle of the song they introduced band members (i think it was percussion, violin, guitar, bass and keyboard??) while they were sitting on the front stage floor xD it was cute!!
Questions VTR. Seiyuus were asked some questions about their characters (impression, stuffs they like about them, etc) Maenu joked a lot, (or stuffs he said were just purely funny lol) shoutan too! In general it was really funny! But it was pretty long and fast so i didn’t manage to remember/take note of most of them, i’m sorry!;; Stuffs written here are not in order and is more or less just the gist of it. They didn’t show each of their full interview as one but instead cut their sentences halfway, switch to another person and so on so it was a bit hard to remember their full answer but here are the questions:
Was there something you couldn’t understand from your character?
Morikubo→ “Thank you very very Macho-cho “ LOL Tattsun→ How harsh he was toward ppl around him Shouta→ He sleeps on siting position LOL Maenu→ He puts way too much sugar on his drink (Saw that coming xD)
Which part do you like from your character from the very beginning?
Morikubo→ As a moodmaker, he actually could read the atmosphere well Tattsun→ He’s extremely straightforward and devoted (abt his work/in general?) Never compromise (to aim for better thing) Shouta→He’s like a cute younger brother. His voice is beautiful LOLOL Maenu→ His “strong heart”. He’s not afraid of being hated and says stuffs the way he think it is. 
What was your first impression of your character?
Morikubo→ Bright but hard to figure out (his inner thoughts etc) Tattsun→ Scary Shouta→ Difficult to deal with Maenu→ Full of dignity
When did you feel like you’ve become best friend with your character?
Morikubo→ The moment  “Yoroshiku Macho-cho “ was born  Tattsun→ The moment some parts of Ranmaru he didn’t know started to appear, when he felt grateful for the chance to learn more about Ranmaru Shouta→ The moment he learned that Ai is not a human being Maenu→ The moment he woke up and mistook Jan 23 (Camus’ birthday) as his own birthday
Is there something you still can’t understand about your character?
Morikubo→ Wonder how did Reiji become such a “strong” person Tattsun→ “Aside from his honest and serious personality he also cooks well, is kind to animals, Isn’t his ‘spec’ too high?!” He said he couldn’t forgive Ranmaru for being too ‘high-spec’ xD Shouta→ He still sleeps in sitting position (He talked about how sleeping on bed def works better to recover yourself many times LOL) Maenu→ When he drinks something he put in a lot of sugar
What is something you like from your character now?
Morikubo→ (not sure i’m sorry;;) He pushed himself to limits for members Tattsun→ Everything (Aaaaaa) Shouta→ Became a lot softer. Understands his own position well Maenu→ He doesn’t try to flatter others/sugarcoat things
Is there a (bad) thing you want your character to fix/improve?
Morikubo→ He’s strong but he should stop keeping his feelings bottled up inside and relax more Tattsun→ He should stop wearing different color contact lenses for both eyes LOL Stop depending on color lenses Shouta→ Stay the way he is Maenu→ He’s drinking way too much sugar for his health
Is there anything you hope for your characters?
Morikubo→ There must still be a lot of Reiji’s side we’re not aware of so he should show us more sides/charms of him Tattsun→ Stay just the way he is Shouta→ Ai might be a robot but he should meet a lot people, move forward with his comrade, treasure each of the moment of his life Maenu→ He believes Camus could make the impossible possible so he wants to see him fly in the sky LOL
What should you/character do to achieve higher heights?
Morikubo→ Not only about what about to happen in the future, for now they should look at what is right in front of them. Tattsun→ They should clash more, and at the same time also try to understand each other, tolerate each other more. Shouta→ They should sing more variety of songs Maenu→ They might not in ‘that’ good term with each other, but in return those colliding powers are creating an even stronger power. By that, they boost each other up and that’s the kind of group QN is. They should keep going they way they are.
If you were to describe your character in a word, what would it be?
Morikubo→ Wedge Tattsun→ Flame Shouta→ Love (Ai) Maenu→ Ice  
All: “That’s.. QUARTET NIGHT” And next song started! Outfit change, white pants, white and their respective colors? a bit casual, design is different for each of them! 
10. The dice are cast Powerful singing, as we already knew! The choreography looked like 5th and QN 1st solo con? They moved around the area and stopped when all of the carts became one in the middle of arena seats. I also noticed that tattsun's part of the adlibs on the bridge was a bit different (improvisation with higher notes and i think i heard him doing it in both days)
11. STARLIGHT MEMORY I PERSONALLY LOVE THIS SONG so i was really hyped up for it! They sang while still on the cart and like on QN 1st solo con they used stand-mic for the choreography. It was really heated up, the "Just say Quartet Night!" parts were also sang by the audience and our voices were LOUD! It was fun!
12. Evolution Eve The first acapella sounded as heavenly as what i've heard in previous lives! ;;_;; Also the first acapella which was supposed to be lines without harmony for some reasons was harmonized? pretty sure it was tattsun with higher harmony! The instrumental break dance part we already knew from previous lives were changed, i'm pretty sure it wasn't the same. The previous one was good but this one was even better! I remember morikubo doing a really smooth turn. Proud of their improvements!
13. Double Face *Camus butler mode voice* "Let me show you my everything" *Camus usual mode voice* "You peasant! Fine, i'll do it according to your wish. Witness my 'love'!" Suddenly Maenu appeared with this song! I wasn't expecting this at all but it was a good surprise! Two dancers in white and black (like in QN 1st solo con) were present and maenu was also singing on a stand-mic. It was really similar to QN 1st solo con performance. As usual his voice change was amazing! In first day, it was clear that maybe the fast voice change made him a bit confused sometimes tho xD it was cute.. In 2nd day he did super great tho! One of my favorite thing about watching over QN seiyuus’ growth is watching Maenu getting more confident and glowing each live ♡ 
14. Synchronism Shoutan appeared on front stage with dancers. Apparently his outfit this time had animal ears (i'm not sure is it cat? or not..) fur hoodie and he had his hoodie up! It was extremely cute!! The dance was similar to 6th, but i think there were additional moves? Also if 6th live performance wasn't cute enough this one was even cuter it was illegal //no On 2nd day he also made a lot of different expressions from the one in 1st day during dance break (you probs know which one if you watched 6th live) As expected from shoutan, lot of fanservices were given! In 2nd day last reff "Amaku shite~" part he gave us a thrown kiss too! lol Been thinking about it for a while but it’s actually amazing how stable he was even at extremely low notes.
15. Not bad Tattsun and dancers came from main stage! He danced most of the time and both his dances and singing were amazing and powerful! ;; Also i'm really sure some parts of the dance moves changed entirely, for example the reff's "yoku kike yo, nidoto wa iwanai ze" part? It was such a passionate performance and i have no words except it was SUPER COOL ;;_;; There was also fire burst (?) stage effect and it was cool! He walked from the main stage to front stage! Instead of singing it, the music suddenly stopped and he said the "Ore ni *a bit pause* tsuite koi (follow.. me)" as a serifu
16. NEVER Morikubo appeared with his hat and he threw it away xD I think he improved a lot with his dancing compared to previous performances of this song! The choreography looked similar to the one on 5th live with some additions? I really love the part where monitor behind him turned into a big green → rainbow ferris wheel! ;; I personally really love Never's Reiji and the performance was wonderful ;; On the quiet part he usually went with falsetto on "honki to iu na no imi ga tsumatteru" but this time he went full power on that part! He also inserted a bit of adlibs after that and it was pleasant
17. Non-fiction Main stage was engulfed in red light and non-fiction intro was played, people around me went wild xD Tattsun and Maenu appeared sitting on a (what seemed to be) luxurious sofa while singing! It's interesting how the way they sit reflected their character personalities lol (Maenu legs crossed? and tattsun had his right leg up on the sofa) lol Maenu had his camus glasses on. They also danced a lot on instrumental parts and did some poses/combination dance(?) together! I love how they were posing with the sofa (for example if one of them sit the other stand behind the sofa etc) and also posed together (ex maenu put his hand on tattsun's back etc). Tattsun "Aaaa ↑" high notes part (you know which one) sounds amazing on live, it was powerful and on point. They also danced a lot on front stage. All in one it was GREAT and i’m pretty sure a lot of you would like this performance a lot
18. Fiction Started with pretty adlibs. As opposed to Non-fiction, It was an emotional and melancholic performance. Their harmonies were really pretty and their singing were great/emotional too! They weren't doing many moves, instead at some parts it feels much like drama posing (There were still kinda melancholic choreography at instru break). It somehow had really sad vibe ;; Shoutan was a great actor, they posed like stageplay at some parts. For example shoutan (ai) was looking at morikubo (reiji) but shook his head and decided to turn back, or morikubo staring at shoutan from afar, etc. At one part they had their hands up and joint their hands, but shoutan/ai let go of his hand and went away ;; At the end they stared at each other and shoutan/ai walked away from the stage first (from the middle of main stage) and morikubo/reiji followed after. The outro was still playing, with only falling petals (2nd day correction i think it was white feathers?) being lighted-up. I kinda teared up during this performance
All: "Fiction or non-fiction"
19. KIZUNA As usual, the harmonies of this song were really pretty. They also sit on main stage stairs and pose like car-scene on the anime (like they did on QN 1st solo con) with morikubo acting like he's driving the car. The whole thing felt similar to QN 1st solo con, it was amazing nonetheless. Last slow part never fails to make my eyes teary ;; I MEAN who doesn’t.. they also did the last part where they pointed at the characters on screen. 
20. QUARTET★NIGHT I ACTUALLY WASN'T EXPECTING THIS TO COME HERE LOL but i love this song with passion bc it's the start of QN so i was really hyped for it! The choreo was also similar to QN 1st solo con. I personally think their 3rd live (aka 1st appearance as QN ever) of this song was unrivaled, but this performance was probably even better than that! It was easy to see how much they improved and i was extremely happy. Their vocals gave me chills and it also reminded me of when i first came to like QN, it was amazing.
Morikubo/Reiji told us it's his DJ time (wasn't really DJ-ing like prev live tho) and introduced dancers as the rest of them sit on the main stage stairs. They took turn to introduce the dancers. Reiji→Ranmaru→Ai→Camus
Tattsun (in Ranmaru’s voice) told us it's last song after this
21. FLY TO THE FUTURE I knew it LOL I guessed this song would be the last song after encore and i was right! When i first heard this song i was amazed at how QN managed to even surpass their previous harmonization with this song. The live version was amazing, their harmonies were heavenly. It was perfectly done, i can't help but crying halfway... They also danced quite a lot on this song. There was LONG (like 10 secs?) pause before the serifu "Arigato, soshite kore kara mo" (last reff after "nakeru hodo waite~").  Basically they sang That part was really emotional. It's also fun to do "Fly to the future~" call with other audience. It was easily one of my favorite QN performances of all time.
Encore “QUARTET NIGHT!!” calls started. I think i LOVE the Kobe World Hall they're using this time. It's not as small as previous QN solo con (to the point that the "Quartet Night" call wasn't really that loud bc there weren't that many people to begin with) but it's also not too big to manage a perfectly synced encore call. It's probs one of the most synced encore i've heard in my life (in BOTH days). Actually, i was really moved by how amazing the audiences were this time around. Super interactive and cooperative. The acoustic of the hall was amazing, both voices and instru were easy to listen to and sound crystal-clear. It’s easily one of my favorite concert hall ever.
22. Force Live They danced the choreography from the MV (except maybe the kick thing at the beginning lol) This song sounded great without autotune btw LOL i have to say QN sounds great on their own so they sound a lot better without autotune live. There isn't much to say except both of their dancing and singing were awesome! Morikubo also did front kick on 2nd verse if i remember it right! It was really cool watching the MV on the screen behind while looking at their performance/dance. You could see how much effort they spent to perfect their performances.
MC Announcement→ Renewal of utapri movie website Day 1 by Camus Day 2 by Ai (+DVD/BD announcement of the concert) Day 1 Maenu: “I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. I’m sure all of you managed to feel the characters through our performances, so i’m not going to talk a lot this time. It’s been a year and half since the first solo live. At that time, i talked about how i was the only one without any singing career among us and how i felt about it. I felt like i had nothing at the beginning. Of course, i still feel it now even if it’s just a bit. But now that i look back at it, maybe i was able to bring something new to the group precisely because i had nothing. And i was able to do it thanks to the other members, all of your support and the utapri staffs. Thank you very much. As for me, i’ll keep on chasing after Camus’ back. If i have the chance again in the future, i’ll do my best to perform as Camus onstage. So, from now on please keep on supporting STARISH, QUARTET NIGHT and HEAVENS. Thank you for coming today!”
Shoutan: “I’m the C.V of Mikaze Ai, Aoi Shouta. Whenever this time (last MC) comes I somehow could never put my thoughts together well.. This time, we got to sing a lot of new songs. Among them are the newest Fiction and Non-Fiction. The recording was a bit painful and i got to feel a lot of different feelings. Up till now I always felt like i just couldn’t catch up to Ai and it gave me chance to think a lot about myself.  Their time (chars), and of course our time will never stop moving forward and will pass. I hope Quartet night could be the group to keep on challenging themselves. I really love all of the members/my comrades. Being able to stand on this stage always makes me rethink about a lot of things. With these feelings, I want to be able to find more “possibilities” and take it to the future. I’m really grateful to be able to stand here. Please keep on supporting utapri!”
Tattsun: “I’m the one standing closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. I had a lot of things i wanted to say. During the rehearsal, when i was practicing with the members of QUARTET NIGHT, i felt something. At that time what crossed my mind was ‘Ah, today i feel “scared”. My heart was racing, and it reminded me of the first time i became Ranmaru. ((Stuffs i couldn’t remember after adjalksjf i’m really sorry;; I think he said about how he was not sure if it’s alright for him to stand as Ranmaru onstage and also made a joke about it but i just can’t remember what was it ;;)) But the ‘idol’ Ranmaru is, without me even realizing it, has already moved so much away in front of me. The Ranmaru inside me keeps on telling me “I should do it like this” and thanks to that i caused a lot of troubles (bc he keeps on being idealistic), practice a lot. I would imagine how all of you would react and feel, and to be honest right now I’m extremely anxious. When i stand as QUARTET NIGHT, i could hear all of your supports directly, and seeing your happy expressions i’m just glad i could be here. Everytime, i’d think about how i just purely love all about this series. I love all of my comrades (starish+heavens too?), there’s no one i dislike, I respect all of them from the bottom of my heart. I love each of them. And so that those words won’t turn into lies, I hope that all of the people watching this, be it here or on live-viewing could feel it through my performances today. That’s the only thing i have on my head right now. I’m really happy i could stand as Kurosaki Ranmaru. It’s all thanks to the staffs, utapri casts, all of you who come today, a lot of others who couldn’t come today, STARISH who opened the path for us. I couldn’t thank all of you enough. Thank you!”
Morikubo : ”To all of you who take us to the world we could never imagine before, to QUARTET NIGHT who gave us the chance to spend this time, thank you very much. (the topic mentioned in prev MCs) It’s true that we’re the one standing closest to our characters. But we’re standing ‘behind’ the characters, the one standing besides them is all of you. You’ll be the one guiding our characters, and so that the four of us could also move forward. This time we’re blessed with a chance to do a 2nd solo live, so of course I intended to do my very best! Experiencing a lot of things, in previous solo live the word “payback” naturally became our theme. And after that we got the chance to stand on 6th live with HEAVENS also joining us. I was happy at that time for the fact that at that time we had ‘future’ performances waiting for us. The words “evolution” “thanks” “kizuna/bonds” of course are still naturally here with us, and we’re about to see what’s going to be the next theme. Did you manage to feel something through us? Thank you. From the day of last solo live up till today, i’m sure QUARTET NIGHT was the one taking all of us to the future we have today. From now on, please keep on standing by your favorite characters! Please create a future for us! We’ll be following from behind. Let’s enjoy it just like that! As long as we have your love and feelings, we’ll keep on advancing. I hope to see you again if the chance comes. I’d be looking forward the day when we could dance, sing, along with STARISH and HEAVENS in front of you again. To all of you on the hall, live-viewing, thank you very much!!”
Morikubo : “Sooo~~ what do we do now? *laughs* Let’s drink the water shall we?” And they drank the water onstage xD love how the audience let out a big reaction and they were like we’re only drinking water here xD After that they had a short MC connecting to the next song
Day 2 Morikubo: “And n-now, for the e-end *stumbled with his words many times*  let each of us say our last messages! (him stumbling) It’s my body showing you all my feelings or not wanting it to end!” xD Shoutan: “I can feel it!” Morikubo: “Let us begin with Maeno!” Maenu: “*in camus voice* I refuse!” (audience screams) Shoutan: “So he feels sad!” xD Morikubo: “That’s a convenient word!” Maenu: “*in camus voice* Well, sure i’ll do it. Wait a bit" "closes his eyes for a while and opens it* Maenu: *back to normal “ I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. Since October started and we started our rehearsal, almost every night i saw a dream of yesterday and today concerts. Expectations, anxiety, pressure, i’m sure i saw those dreams due to a lot of feelings. And now, to see all of you here, people on the live viewing, spending time together, it all feels like a dream. I’m sure even tomorrow and the day after, i’ll see it on my dreams. As a part of QUARTET NIGHT, i think i managed to create many great memories here. On previous live, our theme was to do “payback” to starish, to utapri and to all of us. And this time too, we talked a lot and decided on a theme but our journey of ‘payback’ will never stop as long as utapri still exists. With that as the foundation, so that a “ final destination” will never come to the future of QUARTET NIGHT, it’s a journey that will never ends. I’ll do my very best so that i could see the back of Camus who’s standing so far in front of me. From now on, please keep on supporting STARISH, HEAVENS, QUARTET NIGHT and utapri. Thank you so much for coming today.”
Shoutan: “This moment finally comes once again.. (audience says ganbare) Thank you! I’m the C.V of Mikaze Ai, Aoi Shouta. Did you have fun? While doing my very best to sing in front of all of you, i keep on thinking about what to say here. I had a lot of things i wanted to say, but whenever this moment comes I can’t put my feelings together.. That’s just how big it is. After the first day ended, we had a little after-party. At that time we talked about how there’s still today. There was still a future called “tomorrow” for us. I’m standing here today with the hope of creating beautiful memories together with all of you here, people on live-viewing and with all of the staffs. With starish opening the path, the four of us then joined in the middle of the story. To be honest, as a member of QUARTET NIGHT, i’d be lying if i say i didn’t feel inferior to others. But the fact that i could stand here right now and be with all of the people who love utapri, like starish and heavens, makes me feel that i’m actually spending the time together with everyone. To stand as a proud member of QUARTET NIGHT, to be someone who supports the utapri series which i really love from the bottom of my heart, that’s what i want Ai to become. That’s why, from now on as a part of QUARTET NIGHT, as Mikaze Ai, i’ll do my very best to liven utapri up. I hope to spend good time with all of you. I’m still no good, but thank you for always being here. From now on, let us love uta no prince-sama together. Thank you very much.” Morikubo: “You’re getting a lot better on giving comments. I talked about that with Maeno on the underground backstage when we were listening to your MC at acoustic corner” And suddenly Shoutan teared up ;;; morikubo then followed him up Morikubo: “Is that some kind of malfunction?” (ref to Ai’s identity) (Audience laughs)
Tattsun : “I play the role of Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. I keep on thinking of what to say. This time, i felt anxious too. Yesterday Showtaro-san said a really good thing. The four of us are standing behind the characters, and the one standing besides them is all of you. I thought it was a really good words. I’m always chasing after him. He runs very fast, you know (audience laughs). He keeps on doing his best and moving forward. He’ll say “I want to do something like this!” “I want to do this kind of performance!” “I’m still nowhere my limit!” and will run even faster. I can’t help but think that “He’s too fast”, and everytime i have the chance to stand on this stage I always feel like it’s way too much for me. For me, objectively speaking as part of the audience, Utapri’s live is so fun. I always get overexcited like an idiot on the backstage. Humming the melodies of the songs. But i wonder if it’s okay for someone like that to stand here. It’s not like that i have something beautiful to show to all of you. But even so, i decided to at least do the very best i could. So that, i can proudly tell him that I’ve done everything i could. So that i could tell him I managed to let out everything he has to show. I’m standing here now so that i could say all of those words. I sincerely hope my thoughts could reach you even if it’s just a bit. The only thing i could do is to give him a voice and to push him forward. With my singing, i can move forward together with him. But the one who could take him further ahead, is all of you. You’re the one who makes it “amazing”. Isn’t it the best? Nothing but the best isn’t it? I really love utapri that gives me the chance to do so. I love STARISH, I love QUARTET NIGHT, and I love HEAVENS. I love everything about it. I could love all of the characters. I just love it so much. From now on there might be both positive comments and criticism. Bring it on! I’ll shoulder everything and stand behind the mic, be it onstage or not, as Kurosaki Ranmaru. No matter what it is, i’ll shoulder it all. I believe it’s all because of something carved deep inside of my heart. That’s why i’ll keep on moving forward just like that. To the future! Thank you so much for today!”
Morikubo: “Did you have fun? And live viewing?” Morikubo: “Just like the other three, i have many things i want to say. I came up with the words after listening to Tatsu’s “I’m the one standing closest to Ranmaru” yesterday. But it feels a bit off if i say ‘beside’ them, because each of us are standing behind quartet night. The one should be beside them is all of you.  Please take them to the future, and so the four of us will also follow, that’s what i said yesterday. And such feeling is getting stronger today. Just as what maeno said, we talked about how we should stand on the stage today. A keyword, our share motive. Up till now, it naturally came to us. For example on the previous live it naturally came to us on our LINE group chat. We then just naturally agreed on it. And having a keyword/theme managed to bring us together as a group. “If the four of us are together we feel at ease” we talked earlier was also something like that. This time, actually until the day before, we had no such keyword. But that’s actually something to be grateful about. In the past there were a lot of things, a lot of stories and hardships that built up and naturally provided us with a keyword. But this time, when we realized it we have nothing like that. That means we’re just purely advancing towards the live. Rather than something like “Let’s beat something!”,  it was purely “Let’s do the live!” kind of feeling. But in return, then it was hard to come up with a keyword. We were wondering if we should have one. The day before the live, this time too, Tatsuhisa started asking about it. I came up and say something like “Do you have a bit of time? Why don’t we gather and talk about it? It won’t take long” on our group LINE. Because the next day we have to wake up early, Maeno was about to stop us but suddenly he got no signal and it was unsent!” Maenu: “He said something like that on 12 pm when the day was about to change and we were all tired after practice!” Tattsun: “It can’t be helped! It crossed my mind when doing the rehearsal!!” Maenu: “So i was about to send a message about how we should just talk about it the day after, but suddenly i had no signal and it was unsent! Afterwards, the others were ready to do it so i have no choice but to erase that message.” Tattsun: “So that’s why! I thought it was rare for you to say nothing” Maenu: “And so in the end.. *gets it back to Morikubo*” Morikubo: “We ended up talking about a lot of things. Looking back at stuffs we’ve done in the past, and a lot more. And so a keyword was born. I won’t say it here. It’s the best to feel it through our performance. But there was talk about DVD just now, so maybe~ they will have a commentary video or something right? I’m not sure, i haven’t heard anything about it! But we stood onstage with that keyword on mind. I’ll be happy if each of you could feel it through our performances. And if someday the chance comes, we’ll talk about it there and not right now. This time we’ve done everything, the best of the best we could’ve done. We’re doing our best to chase after QUARTET NIGHT. If they move forward, we’ll do so too. We believe that all of you will take them even further. But Maeno, Aoi, Suzuki and Morikubo who are standing here right now, had done everything we could possible do. If you’re okay with us, if you’re okay with this kind of atmosphere and performance, the four of us will be more than happy to stand on the stage again! We’re serious about them. I’m sorry, but even if you try and search through the whole world, you won’t find someone who is as serious as we are toward them. Please believe in us for that matter! Please take them to the future. Will you show us the future?” (audience cheers) Morikubo: “Thank you! Thank you very much for today!” They then talked about how it’s not like them to be emotional. But then no one continued the convo bc they don’t want it to end and Morikubo was like ??!? Morikubo: “I understand that feeling! But! I’m not going to take up that offer again! I’ve became an adult” (He meant the scene on 1st live when they talked about not wanting it to end and he lay his body on the floor and sulked xD) And they finally got it into next song
23. GOD'S S.T.A.R The serifu at the beginning completely changed! *u* This song was so fun to do!!! The call and response was extremely fun and the hall was fully heated up by this song. It's probs hard to get the hype of this song if you haven't experienced this song live and only see this song on videos. BUT THIS IS the song that got the audience fired up/hyped more than any other song. The choreography was similar to QN 1st live and 6th live. I remember Maenu went down on his knees at some point at the reff and people around me went crazy over it!
Double encore I had feeling there would be double encore considering the amount of song they did plus they weren't changing into encore T-shirt on 1st encore. This time they had live t-shirt, Maenu wore camus prince parka on top of it. Day 1 Morikubo:  “This is the first time we had double encore right? *audience cheers*  Let’s go to the last song, the one that will unite all of us together. Let us begin!” *silent of other members xD* Morikubo: “Mmm?! We’re not starting?! You three had that kind of faces (of not wanting to start next song)” Tattsun: “If it’s possible i just want to get closer to everyone/audience”| Morikubo: “And now you’re saying something like that again~ Let’s do it shall we?” Day2 Morikubo: “Thank you for the double encore! I was worried all of you would just return home after that..” Morikubo: “It seems like we’re allowed to sing one more song!” Shoutan: “Yaay!” Tattsun: “There’s still that one song we haven’t sung, isn’t it?” Morikubo: “Let us sing that song! But please remember that when it comes to our feelings, we’re actually super ready to do another day or two!” Tattsun: “If it 's possible, to be honest i really want to do it” Morikubo: “We keep on talking about stuffs like that! But those feelings, please use that feelings to create a path to future!” And they started with the next song ;;
24. You're my life It seems like we need this song to end every QN solo con and i’m totally not complaining! They went around the hall with carts and the whole performance was similar with QN 1st live, except they were a lot cheerier and weren't crying that much?? (edit on 2nd day they did look teary) Since they were circling around, i also got the chance to see all of them up-close! ;; We were also singing lalalala part like in QN 1st solo con! I really love their smile at this song ;; they look like they were having tons of fun Audience also sang last "Kimi no moto ni todoke~" together and it was really touching. 2nd day "Kimi no moto ni todoke~~~~~~" was really long. On 2nd day i also remember the moment carts pass each other they did hi-touch with each other! tattsun and shoutan also had a hug? at one part
When they were doing the farewell greeting they went around like how it usually goes, fly to the future instrumental was playing on the background and the audience sang the "Fly to the future" part together ;; it was really touching!! At first day they weren't crying but i saw shoutan and maenu having teary eyes. 
Day 2 Shoutan was crying a bit, at one point he was crouching down and hid his face. On 2nd day audience was singing along to fly to the future too and they took off their in-ear monitor to listen to our voices and they looked really touched by it ;; They hugged each other starting from tattsun and maenu and so on. I remember tattsun and shoutan hug was a bit longer bc shoutan got so emotional and tattsun comforted him and patted his head ;; Shoutan was tearing up but at last moment before stage closes he smiled and it was memorable. When the stage was closing shoutan dragged morikubo close to him and shoutan+morikubo+tattsun peek through the remaining open gap and at last seconds Maenu also went to the middle except i could only see his rings in dark xD Also, can you believe that all of us the audience keep on singing along to the instrumental ver of QN songs (god’s star) EVEN AFTER the live ended? That’s just how cooperative and interactive the audiences were for both days and It was a BLAST. I felt so glad to be able to take part on it. The audience was extremely passionate and i’m sure you’d be able to feel it too even through BD/DVD vids. 
This felt awfully short compared to previous live maybe because the amount of the song! instead we got a lot of MCs tho. Utapri, thank you so much for getting all of these awesome people together. I can’t understand tbh, how did producer Agematsu gather four people whose voices blend like heaven even tho they have such a different voice characters...? Plus they also harmonize like heaven and perform really well.. I’m just so grateful I discovered such an amazing group.
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(From Morikubo’s tweet!) Thank you so much for reading and i hope all of you love Quartet Night as much as i do ♡
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frompannonia · 7 years
Hi everyone! This story was running in my head for a few weeks and then I decided to write it down. This is an Ubbe/Original character writing, and slightly AU (or maybe a lot…) There are a few old Norse phrases and one Hungarian sentence. I will list the translations right above the story. I find the Norse phrases on the internet so maybe they’re not really accurate, so sorry about that.
I want to thank @whenimaunicorn for reading through this first chapter, and giving me a few advice. It means a lot! 😘
Anyway, I hope you all will enjoy it, and tell me if you want to read more, I already have the second chapter down. 😊
Let me know what you think about it! 😊
Lél, drága férjem… mit tettek veled? - Lél, my dearest husband… what did they do to you?
stǫðva -stop!
Buðlungr - Prince, king
Þakka fyrir! - Thank you!
Þakka fyrir Margrethe! - Thank you Margrethe!
From Pannonia
Chapter 1
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Bibur’s PoV
I stretched myself and rolled onto my side. It started as a peaceful night. My husband was guarding the town-gates, making sure no enemy could enter our town. I was laying alone under the heavy quilt, smiling at the possibility that maybe I am with child. I buried my cheek into the quilt pillow, grinning like a child. Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing two strange-looking men. I jolted up, frightened of them. My body was frozen as I tried to cover myself up; my hands and arms didn’t move. They smirked at me in a cruel way, showing off their blood covered teeth. One of the men’s hair was halfway shaved from his head and the hair covered half of his face. He had a scraggly beard and the other half of his face was littered with ink. His eyes were wide and brown colored; his dirty blonde hair coated with blood and dirt.  When he turned his head I saw his whole head was covered in ink. The other had the same colored hair but his was shaved into a Mohawk-thing which was braided into a long tail. His face and the top of his head was covered in ink. They said something to each other in a foreign language and when they started to come towards me another man joined them. He was really tall, taller than the other two and when the first two men saw him they straightened up and bowed their head in respect. What I instantly knew wasn’t really genuine. The third man spoke and I could see the anger in the men’s faces. He started coming towards me and I shrunk more into my bed, successfully covering my barely-there clothing. He smiled a little, than motioned me to go with them. I didn’t want to; I wanted to know what happened with my husband but I didn’t want to die so I agreed. I slipped into my boots than followed them.
I stared at the blood-soaked ground as we walked. Fallen bodies were everywhere. Something tightened in my gut and I just knew that I wouldn’t be seeing my husband alive again. When we got to the town-gate the blood drained from my face. 
I ran to my husband’s corpse, sobbing on him… “Lél, drága férjem… mit tettek veled?” Gut wrenching sobs escaped me as I was clutching his lifeless body. In a second, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. I sprang up, facing the man. My eyes narrowed and I gathered a little bit of my saliva and spit at him; square at his face. Oh my, what would my grandmother say if she was still with me… Anger was bubbling up inside my body, helpless sorrow and fury towards these men’s sinful actions. Who are they? Where did they come from? And why did they do this? I really wanted to know the answers to these questions but to be honest it doesn’t matter anyway… The two men who first came to my hut snarled at me then reached for their swords. The man who I just spat at, lifted one hand and said ”Stǫðva!“ Their gaze snapped at him. ”Buðlungr…“ one of the man said, clearly his control stretching to its limit. Their leader or something just shook his head and motioned for me to keep walking. I kissed my husband the last time and with heavy heart I started to walk again. I tried to gather what little strength I had left. My husband was dead but I was still alive, and I intended to stay that way.
Vikings’ PoV
"They should be here already, where are they?” One of the men in the tent asked impatiently. His dirty blond braid swung back and forth as he was walking… no, marching in the tent. Another man sniggered. “Ubbe, my brother… be patient. People say it’s nearly impossible to conquer the main city of Pannonia… but we have our big brother Björn who will succeed. So just sit down, drink a little ale and relax…” “Björn isn’t immortal, you know that too… what if something went wrong, Hvitserk.” Hvitserk just groaned and he threw himself on the makeshift bed with a loud thud. “I give up! Just see, they will be here any time now. Maybe they found you another nice slave girl…” The cheeky words from his brother made Ubbe roll his eyes and to finally sit down. He reluctantly poured a little bit of ale into a horn and drank from it. They were sitting in dead silence when suddenly after the Gods know how many minutes passed they heard the unmistakable noise of hooves thudding. They perked up and ran outside. Both of them sighed in relief, then grinned widely at their brother. “Björn! Brother! You succeeded! Brilliant, brilliant!” Hvitserk skipped to his oldest brother who was deep in thoughts. “It wasn’t easy… that town was almost as strong as Paris…” “But you won! You won! Come on then, let the celebration begin!” Hvitserk grinned then when he saw the stranger woman behind Björn it went into a smirk. “You found yourself a nice slave girl… good job…” “Stop… you or any of the other man can’t touch her. I have a feeling she is with child…” “And care to tell us how exactly you think that and why does it matter anyway…” Halfdan looked at him with utter disgust. He plopped down from his horse than sneered at the young woman who was deeply in her thoughts, not bothering to pay any attention to anyone. “Because when she found her dead man she placed his hand on her abdomen like she is carrying a child… but I can’t be sure. So until we know the truth no one touches her!” He said strongly, ignoring the second part of the question which was directed toward him, then he gently shook the woman so she will come back to Earth. Björn helped her down and poked his own chest with one of his finger. “Björn!” He said then gestured to his two brothers. “Ubbe! Hvitserk!” The girl glanced at them with her blue eyes, fidgeting with her hair a little. When she understand what is happening she told her name “Bibur…”
Bibur’s PoV
It was clear who was their leader. Björn, who saved me, tried to keep me comfortable which was a little strange considering he had my people’s blood all over him.
They tried to pry my heavy quilt off me and replace it with one of the thickest fur I have ever seen. I did not budge. Clutching it close to my body, I shot them a very unfriendly glare which caused them to retreat.
Outside of the tent I heard people talking cheerfully. Skoll! was a really frequently used term. Drunken mirth seeped into our accommodation, which caused me to yearn for my own happiness.
I could smell meat roasting on the fire and a little bit later Björn left the tent and returned with three huge poultries. At the sight of the roasted chicken my belly grumbled embarrassingly loud; reminding me how long ago was the last time I ate. The middle brother, I think Ubbe was his name, looked at me with raised brows then with a little grin he broke off two chicken wings and sliced a big piece of the meaty part from the poultry for me. I almost spoke up in Hungarian; opening my mouth, then closing it as I realized that I don’t know how to thank him. He clicked his tongue in mock disappointment then uttered two words, so foreign to my ears. “Þakka fyrir!” I repeated it, then scrunched up my nose when one of the men giggled at me. He was wearing heavy black painting on his face, I was certain it wasn’t ink because the black was smudgy on his skin. Björn cleared his throat at the man, murmuring something along the way kloki or loki… no, it was definitely Ploki… I let out a little giggle then looked at Ubbe again and repeated the phrase. He just nodded then continued to eat. I was munching on the wings when the little brother; whose name was so strange to me that I could not even remember; plopped down next to me, flashing a toothy grin towards me, showing his food-coated teeth. I grimaced then felt that small little chicken I savored will come back up really fast… He drew his brows together then groaned in disgust when I vomited on him. I closed my eyes in shame, trying to wipe my mouth and ignoring the extreme nausea that I was feeling from the taste of the vomit in my mouth. I looked up, seeing and thinking that everyone was laughing on my misfortune but soon I realized the laughing matter was the little brother’s facial expressions. I tried to look as apologetically as I could, hoping he will understand it. He waved his hand dismissively, then offered me a drink from a curved horn. I tasted it a little, and when I realized it was only water I took a huge gulp. Ploki or Loki, gestured to me for my heavy quilt and I noticed vomit was on it too.  I sighed sadly, then gave my cover to him. He gave me a fur then with a nod he took his vacant seat. Suddenly, a girl around my age came into the tent, her eyes glancing briefly at Ubbe with a flirtatious little grin. After a few seconds she turned towards Björn. He gave her my dirty cover then said something to her. She nodded and after Ubbe yelled Þakka fyrir Margrethe, she exited with a smirk. Soon, I felt my eyes dropping, and in my dreams I was with my husband again.
Vikings’s PoV
“You already layed with her, am I right, Ubbe?” Hvitserk cackled at his older brother who just smirked back at him. He didn’t deny or confirm it, but everybody knew in Kattegat that the rumors were true. How could it be not? He was openly flirting with her during the meals and she happily returned it every chance she got. This made her the target of the other servant girls; being them jealous of her. “Oh, come on! Tell us something!” Hvitserk whined a little but reluctantly accepted his fate that he can’t get more words out of his brother. Björn just rolled his eyes at his younger siblings, then with a throat-clearing cough, he lead everyone’s attention towards him. “We’re returning home at the next sunrise. Pack all of your belongings!” Everyone cheered at the news.
As the Vikings settled down and just a gentle murmur was heard around them, Hvitserk turned to his brother, Ubbe. “What do you think, if we discover she is not with child, would Björn lift the ban off her? Because I would definitely try to lay with her…” he grinned, licking his lips a little bit then he turned towards the young woman from Pannonia. Ubbe flicked his fingers at his brother’s ear, then a not so gentle slap on Hvitserk’s head earned him a growl from the younger man. “What? Do not say, dear brother, that you did not notice every curve on that girl. She is so plump that I would not know where to put my hands when we are laying  together. She is nothing like those servant girls back in Kattegat. She looks special…” Ubbe snorted at his brother. “Yes, because she vomited on you…” he grinned then took a big gulp from his ale. Hvitserk just sneered at him. Ubbe tried really hard to keep his gaze from the sleeping woman, but the words from his little brother were working as a bait. He slowly turned his head towards Bibur. Her dark brown hair was spreading out on the pillows, two little braids keeping it out of her face. Her lips slightly opened and a deep frown was seen on her features. He could not see her whole body, but the little glimpse from earlier was living so vividly in his mind that the fur covering her was nonexistent to him. He cleared his throat then turned back to Hvitserk. “Do not wait for me. I will be on a walk. Just make sure to wake me when we have to leave!” “Absolutely!” His brother smirked at him, knowing very well that he is not going on any walk… Ubbe nodded and exited the tent. His mind was all too confusing. He had had this very strong desire for Margrethe. Ubbe even played with the thought of freeing her so he can ask her to marry him. That certainly won’t be a displeasure for the servant girl… But this girl, Bibur,  appeared from nowhere… he can not even communicate with her but the desire just to be with her was so overwhelming that it almost choked him. Besides, she just lost his man because of his kin. Ubbe groaned at himself when suddenly he realized how hypocrite he was towards Hvitserk earlier. He slapped his own cheeks a few times just to clear his head and made his way towards the woods, where hopefully Margrethe would be able to blow some sense into him.
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akiharashizuka · 7 years
Cardfight Vanguard G: Next turn 29 thoughts
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There’s something interesting about the title. It is supposed to be read as “Diffrider”, however it is written with lots of kanji (and some hiragana), instead of the usual katakana. It’s not uncommon to see that in anime and manga.  And the overall meaning is something like “Possession from another world”. That’s kinda what Different World Ride is all about.
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Nice way to begin the episode with a beautiful piano melody. And we also get to take a look at Nome. Though, not much can be interpreted about him with only this scene...
His voice sounds familiar...*checks to see who is the VA* Tomokazu Sugita!? O_O Another big name joins the Vanguard cast. Just to give a few examples of his other roles: Joseph Joestar (Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure), Gundam Tanaka  (Danganronpa), Karasuma (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu), Switch/Kazuyoshi Usui (Sket Dance), Gintoki (Gintama - haven’t watched that one yet but I know it’s very popular).
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This episode sure is full of surprises. Didn’t expect to see Harmonics Messiah again. I mean, at the end of the movie, its card turned into Neon Messiah, so I’m a bit confused.
Leaving that aside, what it showed Ibuki is the main interest. Especially this:
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That kinda looks like the Reverse energy thing. It is shown in Japan, so it’s most likely Shiranui.
Then Ibuki is woken up by Mamoru. Hmm, I’m thinking Mamoru might realize something is going on sooner or later.
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Whoa O_O 
I guess this picture was taken after Shiranui possessed Onimaru.
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Pff Chrono exasperated that the investigation began because of a dream xD His reaction isn’t completely unreasonable though. And Aichi looks like he wants to calm him down, while Kamui tries not to laugh out loud xD Then Ibuki tells him to get down xD I wonder what Kai was tinkling about this situation.
Speaking of which, I re-watched the episode in Stride Gate in which Ibuki was driving with his broken arm and I realized that his car looked a lot different. So, this is most likely Kai’s car. 
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Back to the main topic, aside from convincing Chrono that it wasn’t a normal dream, we get some info on the Tatsunagi family. So Nome, the older brother, took over only recently and that because there were troubles during the last leader’s time. Yeah...things were indeed hectic when Takuto was around. But why did they wait so many years to change the leader? And usually the oldest sibling is the heir, so I’m guessing there was a reason why Takuto was made the leader instead.
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Ok, Nome is a rather eccentric person, welcoming the guests with a party cracker, then he goes ahead and locks everyone in and turns a projector on.
I’m pretty sure the normal way is to tell the guests to take a sit, then bring some tea...
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Trinity Dragon vs Kazuma and Taiyou xD The face Kazuma made when Tsuneto told them that the one with the most loses has to treat everyone to ramen is too hilarious.
Other than that, I’m glad that reminded us that team Striders got to participate in the U20 because they won against Trinity Dragon. And they put up a good challenge.
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Now Chrono has to pay for ramen because he is skipping training xD That should turn out funny.
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I’m confused as to why Kamui is kneeling down, but anyway.
This is the list with the qualified teams for the 2nd round. Since they are shown so clearly, thought I should present them all:
Team Diffrider
Team Toriaina/Triana (I have no idea what it could stand for...)
Boppin Rabbit (that’s kinda cute)
Team Baliastars (?)
Sheep's Head (what?)
Alpha Indy/Indi (I don’t know...)
Team Dead End 
Team Moon...(sorry, I searched a lot, but I cannot find that last kanji and I don’t get why...)
Ribros (?)
Demise Neo
Tulip Group
Team Troika (?)
Rummy Labyrinth with Saya
Jaime Flowers
Fukuhara High School Vanguard Club
Sorry...I wished I could make it more accurate...But hope I managed to give a good idea of their names. Surely, most of them aren’t relevant, so it’s just “out of curiosity” kinda ting.
I think some of these were mentioned in past episodes, when the MC was speaking in the background. Also, the official spellings will most likely be revealed in the future for most of these. 
But anyway, let’s go back to the main topic.
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Ryuzu, what have you done...To think that the Different World Ride is an aftereffect of the Stride Gate. And the Void might be trying to use that. It’s not confirmed, but after seeing that black and red energy thing, I can’t think of something else.
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So both sides need to agree for a Diffride. I guess that was the case for Miguel, Verno and Saori. And, it doesn’t seem like their original personality is completely gone. Or at least I hope so because Verno and Saori seemed interesting and I’d be disappointed if only their units are like that. However, Shiranui just went ahead and possessed Onimaru.
That should turn out interesting. The opening pretty much hints that Kazuma will find out about this (along with Shion and Tokoha) and most likely will want to bring his brother back and show him that he is over what happened in the past and how much he had improved over time. Who knows, maybe Onimaru (the real one, not Shiranui) himself felt guilty about Kazuma quitting. 
I liked how Kamui compared the units to tourists xD Ok, I know he was being serious and slightly annoyed, but Nome’s answer just cracked me.
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Kai’s reaction to hearing about Chaos Breaker was exactly as I expected. And the flashbacks from Link Joker started flowing in my mind...
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So far, I like the contrast between Nome and Takuto. Takuto got involved in pretty much everything, but Nome is completely detached, as he is just an observer. I think he does have a good point. 
I’d also like to point out the cards shown behind him: Chronojet Dragon, Altmile, Ahsha, Luard, Gurguit, Vanquisher, Gavrail, Battle Sister Madeleine, Scharhrot and Harri. So, Try3 plus their teams and Luna’s avatar. Ok...Nightrose at least should be there as well...I don’t know if I saw it right, but there seemed to be more cards, but Nome turned and his head might be blocking them. So, it might have been there.
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I can’t let this episode pass without mentioning that Psyqualia is still around.
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I was a bit disappointed that Kamui’s team didn’t make it to the 2nd round, but finding out that he didn’t want to pass in the first place makes me feel better. Hmm, I wonder how Emi and Nagisa took it. 
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Ibuki was basically telling him to go and enjoy the tournament, even with all this happening. Of course, when it’s time to act, he won’t be left out. He’s such a good guy.
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First off, Tsuneto just declared Final Turn against Kazuma o_O Kina wanted to see how it will turn out, but then Chrono shows up and we do have a Chrono vs Kazuma match after all.
I like how Chrono said that the reason he wants to defeat Shiranui in the first place is to pay him back.
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If they hadn’t shown the table a bit earlier and Kamui (who is still underage) wasn’t there, I would have thought they passed out because they got drunk. Or maybe Kai just defeated them one after another. 
Knowing these people, they probably had fun and argued until they got tired xD
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Speaking of Kai, he seems like he has something to do. 
And there’s an Ibuki vs Aichi fight going on. I don’t really have anything to say about it.
Hmm, so Aichi will return to America and gather info. I don’t really see what’s the pint, considering that the Diffride occurred in Japan. Unless there are more people who experienced it. But he also wants to see the 2nd round, so the writers won’t get rid of him so quickly.
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Since I watched the episode early in the morning, I thought I was half-asleep and still dreaming when this showed up. Even now, when it’s afternoon and I’m fully awake, I can’t believe Ibuki can make this kind of expression xD
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This! This was my favorite part in the entire episode. I love this turn of events, with Kai helping Arata and Makoto to search for Noa. Of course, he has his own reasons because of what happened in the Link Joker arc and this is part of his redemption. But these two also have the right to know what happened to their teammate. 
What made this moment even more special is that Kai, with his not so great social skills (I’m not one to talk though...) just went to them and said: Let’s go and search for Noa, while Arata and Makoto are just staring wide-eyed at him xD I bet they are thinking stuff like “What is Toshiki Kai from the Euro League doing here?”, “Why does he know about Noa?”
Hopefully, next week we get an expansion on this scene.
The preview showed a Try3 meeting and a bit of Verno vs Taiyou. That’s a fight I’m really looking forward to.
That  "Chrono was overcome by tears of joy as he was holding his wallet" though xD Poor Chrono was still made to treat everyone to ramen.
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strandedontatooine · 8 years
Broken Record
This is for an anon from a while back who requested a songfic to the song ‘Broken Record’ by Tessa Violet. I ended up doing it as an Eliot Spencer x Reader from Leverage, so I hope you like :)
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You met me in my dreams last night Same dark eyes, familiar sight Broken words I’ve dreamt a hundred times
“Oh, my God!” You gushed sarcastically, rounding a silver corner, air conditioning batting at the sweat of your back, “Eliot Spencer, as I live in breathe!” You laughed at the odd, awkward expression that took over the gruff man’s face, taking a moment for the sake of recognition among the shadows.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” Eliot started with a polite smile rearing on actual joy, “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
“We haven’t seen each other since- oh my has it been that long…?- oh, since Moscow!”
But you were strange and staggered too Like what you said I’d scripted through I guess this means I’m getting over you
“Yeah…” Eliot nodded distractedly. He could promise anybody that he wasn’t usually like that, and in his mind he was just as casual as ever, but being around you does something to him and he just can’t seem to shake it.
“So, you still working alone? Doing the whole ‘fist for hire thing’ still?” You chuckled as you referenced his hatred of bullets and guns and he definitely caught the teasing jab, too, responding with a grin.
“Actually,” He said proudly, “I switched it up a bit. I’m working with a team now.”
“A team?” You gasp, feigning incredulous scandal, “Eliot Spencer? Part of a team? How in the world did that ever happen?” You smiled a little, and yeah, he caught that, too.
Why do I still dream of you? Why do you still come? Is it to remind me of the evil things I’ve done? Why am I still followed by your ghost memory And why do I still hope you think of me?
“Well, after you left, I don’t know… I needed a change and I had the opportunity, so I took it.”
Memories of that final, fateful night flashed back in both of your minds, identical film reels crackling through your recollections and his. You remembered leaving and you remembered him not stopping you. You remembered the way that bare hotel hallway felt a lot colder, more damp and sad, than it had the day before.
Every night inside my bed You creep into my head I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
You managed a small smile, hoping he didn’t notice the way your lips drooped down as you remembered faraway things, “So, this team..?” You started, your breath catching.
He smiled, real and open, much unlike your own, “They’re great. I never thought working with a team would be any good, but well… it works.”
This was a whole new Eliot. He was open and smiling. It was weird, but you liked it. You really liked it.
Every night inside my dream I replay the same old thing I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
“Oh! Here they come.” You smirked just as easily, knowing how easy the whole thing would be.
An immature gaggle of under-trained security guards rounded the corner, huffing and puffing rather dramatically.
“Hey!” The oldest one shouted, “Get outta here!”
And Eliot went right down to business, a punch and punch and kick and another punch. You moved right beside him, doing similar moves to disarm the guards as they quickly tumbled to the floor, one after the other. You turned to Eliot with a triumphant smile, “Easy peasy.”
The strangest part I’d have to say Is I don’t want him anyway Maybe I just want what I can’t have
“Just like the good ol’ days.” Eliot smirked, “Come on.” And he waved you on further into the hallway. You jogged beside him. Both of you had been sent on obviously similar missions.
“So,” You said casually, at ease, as if you hadn’t just taken out a troop of guards with him, just like the old days, “Have I heard of these people that have gotten you to commit?” You didn’t intend for the last word to fall so bitterly, but it did and you hoped Eliot didn’t notice. He did.
“Maybe.” He answered mysteriously.
Maybe it’s the tragedy Or maybe it’s the girl in me Who just wants to be wanted by a man
“I’m having deja-vu,” You smirked, “We’ve definitely done this before.”
“Yeah, but it’s been awhile.” Eliot whispered back
He had yanked you into a small janitor’s closet just before the alarms went off, blaring and screaming and flashing above you. You probably would have gotten caught if he hadn’t pulled you in after him. That didn’t make things any less awkward.
Or maybe I just think of him when I am on my own 'Cause maybe make believe is not as lonely as alone Silence brings the truth, but it breaks the fantasy The only one I’m talking to is me
So, this closet was small. Really small. You could feel Eliot’s chest pressed against your own and yeah, that deja-vu was definitely there. You laughed instinctively, “Remember Bavaria?” You muttered, quiet, almost secretive.
He tensed up in memory at the sound of that place. Oh, god he remembered Bavaria. Eliot thought a lot about Bavaria actually. He tried not to, he really did, but he couldn’t help it.
Bavaria. That’s where it started. You and him. It had been, god, years earlier, but it had happened. He was on a job, hired by some faraway government to take some people out and you had been hired by an opposing government to do the exact same thing. You met, eyes flashing from across a crowded and somehow knew that this handsome guy was the competition.
It started with forbidden smiles, rebellious and riveting. Then it escalated to inching toward each other, until you met him and he met you in the middle of the room with glaring smirks. Suddenly, the two of you were dancing. The night escalated further until you were showing him your hotel room number and then you showed him the inside of your room and suddenly Bavaria wasn’t just Bavaria anymore
Every night inside my bed You creep into my head I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
“Come on,” You broke Eliot out of his trance, peeking out the door, “The coast is clear.” He mumbled and grunted in his garrish way and followed you out the room. You barely noticed his little mental excursion, but you noticed it nonetheless. You kept walking, and you chuckled.
“Bavaria. What a time.” Eliot muttered flatly under his breath. He thought you didn’t hear. You did.
Every night inside my dream I replay the same old thing I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
You worked your way through the building, working together, getting your jobs done, chatting as if not a day had passed. With you and Eliot, things had always been easy. Too easy, it seemed, for Eliot to come to terms with.
Eliot fought alongside you, floor after floor, climbing stairs, avoiding escalators, letting the punches fly and the gentle chatter to continue aimlessly.
Eventually the two of you made it to the executive level, the penthouse of such a weakly guarded skyscraper being just as poor up top. A true shame for the rich business and pure luck for you. Eliot split away from you, off to retrieve his own documents or valuables or bodies, whatever he had been sent to do.
You met back at a juncture between the two largest offices, slight smiles and full briefcases at your sides. It must be a really dirty company to bring both of you to the same place to come for different things, neither leaving empty handed.
To broken past and breathing dirt To cling to not escaping hurt Is it a choice repeating struggles? Maybe trapped or mostly troubled
You smiled, big and wide as you watched Eliot tug his jacket off, “That was fun.” He said, smirking. You watched as he dusted a lingering lock of hair from his eyes.
“Yeah, it was. We should do it again sometime.”
Every night inside my bed You creep into my head I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
Eliot looked up at you, eyes big and wide and obviously pensive. He forced an unjust smile, clearing his throat, “Yeah. Maybe.” And then silence reigned, wanting and hungry until he grinned again.
“Well, I really hope to see you around.” His eyes darted to a vast window that reflected your profile and his. A nimble body tumbled into view, slight and agile, her blonde hair a speck in the dark night among her even darker clothes.
Eliot grinned mischievously, jogging backward. The girl was working to make a hole in the glass, an easy task, articulate and accurate in her work. By the time Eliot was right next to her, she was feeding cords into the hole she formed. Eliot attached the cables to himself, a harness that he obviously had used countless time, an ability he had added to his resume since you had last seen him.
Eliot climbed out into the brisk wind, pivoting towards you one last time, “I’ll see you around,  y/n.” He said before he and the girl disappeared into the night, two blips on the horizon.
And just like that, Eiot had disappeared out of your life again, and you couldn’t help but hope that the two of you might run into one another again, but that would be another job, another time.
Every night inside my dream I replay the same old thing I am just a b-b-b-broken Broken record
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