#maybe it's because cheating feels closer to everyone's reality?
ctl-yuejie · 1 year
hmmm something something boston slept with someone's boyfriend but mew actually duplicated revenge porn
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
could you write the cullen's being jealous??
The Cullens being Jealous
Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy this!
Also I mentioned it in my last post but I know not everybody would have seen it because I didn't put as many tags, so I'll say it again.
My requests are open!!!!! Please request, I'm bored :(
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I feel like he would get jealous pretty easy
Like he can hear everybody's thoughts
He already knows if someone starts expressing interest in you before they can even do anything
But the most he would do in that scenario is maybe keep you a little farther away from that person
You know like moving your seat in class so you're closer to him and farther from them
Walking different ways to class to avoid them
Stuff like that
He wouldn't say anything to you or to them
Now if they act on it?
Completely different story
No matter your gender, physical appearance, race, literally anything, the second you guys start dating everyone knows it
So for someone to know that you guys are dating and still try something?
He is seeing red
It doesn't matter what the other person did
A flirty note, asking you on a date, literally touching your fingers while they hand you something
All of it's the same to Edward
If it wasn't your fault or you weren't reciprocal, it's very likely that you wouldn't even know anything happened
To you, Edward just stepped away for a moment at lunch
But in reality he cornered the poor, stupid person and not-so-nicely told them to never even look at you again or they were gonna be dead
But if he sees something that you did as meaning that you were into it?
The same thing happens to the other person
And he sits down to have a talk with you
Maybe he only heard about what happened and didn't get to read your mind as it was happening
Or maybe he can't read your mind for some reason
Just explain to him that he's the only one for you
And let him read your mind if he can to let him know that you mean it
Overall he's very protective and pretty prone to jealousy
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I don't really see her as the jealous type
She has that mentality of "they come home with me every night so it doesn't matter what other people do"
Like she's got you already
And she doesn't ever see you cheating
So she's not worried
The only time that she would get jealous is if you show a liking to human nature
AKA anything that she can't give you
If you mention something about someone's hand being so warm or mention having a sleepover with someone she gets a bit jealous
The sad type
It just reminds her that she can't be everything for you
If you're a human it's even worse
She knows that she's cold
She knows she can't sleep
She knows that she'll never be able to enjoy your favorite foods with you
It just hurts to be reminded of it
But she's also not the type to stew in it
She will tell you straight-up if something is bothering her
She won't ask you to never make comments like that ever again
Obviously that's not really something that can be controlled
But she just wants you to know why she's a little more down than usual today
"Oh nothing, I was just reminded that I'm not human"
Please give her so many kisses and tell you that you love her no matter what
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I can already tell I'm gonna get carried away
Jasper in my mind 🤝 angst
He gets so jealous
But again it's the sad kind
He's not perfect
He's not human
And he's not good for you
The fact that you agreed to date him at all is still a wonder to him
So he's very sensitive to seeing you with other people at all
He knows that you have friends obviously and that you can't be with him 24/7
But when he sees you and your lab partner laughing and making jokes, when he sees one of your oldest friends leaning way too close, when he finds a note shoved in between your papers, it gets to be too much
It just reminds him of how many better options there are for you
He wouldn't say anything to the person making moves on you
He knows that it would definitely end up in a police report and the Cullens needing to move again
But I feel like he would take some time to talk to you
He would take a while to psych himself up though
Maybe a few practice convos with Alice
And a threat from Rosalie that she is going to take matters into her own hands if he doesn't say anything
He would be very open about what's bothering him
He doesn't like keeping secrets from you
So he would tell you about how he felt seeing the way someone acted with you
The type of emotions they were feeling
And how it was bothering him
He would accept all of your explanations that the person was just a friend, or that you don't feel that way
But I feel like what he would really need is some intense reassurance that you do want to be dating him
And that you love him
Aww so sweet
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Yeah she doesn't get jealous
She's a bad bitch
She's hot
And she knows that you love her
It doesn't matter if some nobody from your highschool starts hitting on you
Because there's no way they have a chance with you
And she knows that
Because guaranteed you are a bad bitch too
The only time that really any reaction would come from her is if somebody physically hits on you and makes you uncomfortable
And it's not jealousy it is full protective rage
Like how dare someone touch her SO and think they can get away with it
A note or two, maybe some longing glances she can get past
But harassing for a date, pressuring you for your number, or even making physical advancements that you are not okay with?
Yeah suddenly they wake up the next day with a broken arm
And she goes full exposé
If they sent you any nudes they are getting leaked to the school
She doesn't play around like that
Fuck around and find out
But she will never be jealous of some losers trying to take what's not theirs
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He's also not really one to get jealous
In fact he kinda likes the opportunities
Like if some guy is hitting on you he LOVES being able to sneak up and go
"Babe is this guy bothering you?"
And then the dude just turns around and sees this 6 foot something 300 pounds of pure muscle dude standing there
He loves it
He does get a bit annoyed though
Like if there's one person that keeps sending you notes, asking you on dates, trying to sit next to you in class, he gets frustrated
He offers to beat them up
To get them to leave you alone of course not because it's annoying him
Even if you say not to he's still gonna do it
He's like a 50's gangster waiting in an alleyway for the person to show up
He doesn't physically beat them up
If the person persists after his "stern talk" their ass gets jumped
And he will always deny it if you ask him
Oh well :)
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I feel like she might be a bit insecure about being one of the "normal" ones
She doesn't have any special powers
And she didn't have any particularly strong characteristics that manifested themselves when she turned
In her mind she's just a little "blah"
So I feel like she would get jealous easy
But it wouldn't have an opportunity to present itself as much
She wouldn't get jealous over most humans
And since she spends most of her time in the house, she doesn't even get to see you out and about interacting with people all that often
So I feel like the moments in which her jealousy makes itself known would be when other vampires are in the area
Especially if they're vegetarians
And ESPECIALLY if they're gifted
It was her actual waking nightmare when all of the vampires were collected to protect Renesmee
(Not that she really had time to be worrying about that but yk)
The only other time I could see her getting jealous would be if you two were out and about together and someone started hitting on you
And even then she would only tell you about it after the person left
"I can't believe they were flirting with you while I am literally right here" "...are you jealous?" "...no..."
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This is a man who is secure in his relationship
He trusts you completely because he knows that you trust him completely
SO many people flirt with him at the clinic (I don't blame them I would too tbh) (actually no I wouldn't I'm too scared to do that)
He knows that people find him attractive
And he knows that people find you attractive because how could they not
But he has full faith in you
And he is very transparent
He tells you all of his stories from the day when he comes home from work
"This woman came in today with a broken foot, like completely turned around, bone showing and everything. And she still looked at me and asked for my number! And then she passed out..."
He thinks it's funny
Because he would never, not in a million years, even CONSIDER cheating
The only thing would be if you're describing an interaction you had and you don't sound completely put-off by it or if he finds that you kept a note someone gave you that was very clearly flirtatious
He, once again, does not let it stew, though
He directly asks about it
Prying into the details of how you feel about this person and why you talked the way you did/kept the note they gave
I can't imagine anyone cheating on him tho so just tell him the truth that you didn't mean it that way or just forgot to throw the note away
He still fully trusts you tho
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Vampire! Bella:
She sort of has the same problem as Esme
In her mind she still thinks of herself as the boring, plain-looking girl who just blended in
She doesn't consider herself to be anything special
So when she sees you talking to someone else, maybe laughing a bit too hard at someone's joke, or even hanging out with someone, she gets super jealous
I am sad to say though that she does immediately jump to conclusions
She gets sad for a bit but then immediately she flies into accusations
Asking you what you were doing with that person, if you want to break up with her, if she's not good enough, if you already cheated on her
It gets a bit exhausting after a while
I feel like this would be a genuine problem
Once she met Edward, she basically left all of her friends
So she has a little bit of a skewed idea of what a relationship is supposed to be like
I mean you can't entirely blame her
Her only other experience with a relationship was complete obsession
So she thinks your relationship should be the same
You just need to tell her that
That most normal people in relationships do actually have friends
She'll get it at some point... maybe
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snowyquokka · 5 months
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jeongin x fem reader
cw: angst (😈), breakup, kissing, swearing, mutual pining, mentions of cheating, kinda toxic/asshole seungmin (FORGIVE ME), not proof read bc why tf would i do that (im too lazy so my apologies if some of it doesn’t make sense lmfao-)
wc: 3.1k
a.n - so this is not how it was originally supposed to be 😭 it started as a seungmin fic but spiraled into whatever monstrosity this is lmao. everyone thank @solisyeah for the request ily. anywho i hope it’s good <3
Seungmin furrows his brows as he inspects the photo on his screen. A photo of you with another guy, in his lap with your face nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
Just like you do with Seungmin.
On the very couch he’s sitting on.
At first he thought it was edited, because there’s no way you’d cheat on him, right? But as he took a closer look he just knew it was real.
He was tired, sore, and downright miserable from a rough day at the studio; he had to take way too many breaks for his liking and this picture was just the thing he needed to send him right off the deep end.
He shot up from his spot on the couch so fast it made his head spin, but that didn’t deter him from storming into your bedroom where you were sitting on the bed, aimlessly scrolling through your phone. Once you see his face you can automatically sense something’s wrong.
“Seung?” You tilt your head as you watch him take your apartment key off of his key ring before placing it on your dresser with a clink.
“Seungmin what are you doing?” You jump off of your bed as he slides his shoes on. He runs his fingers through his hair with a frustrated huff.
“I don’t- I think we just need a break. I need a break.” These words were the last thing you imagined to ever come out of his mouth, in this context especially. Or lack there of.
“Wha- why?” Your eyes glaze over with unshed tears that threaten to spill at any given moment. You don’t want to cry in front of him, you’ve always hated having your raw emotions on display like that, especially in such a powerless situation. “Seungmin, talk to me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I’m not stupid.” Seungmin shakes his head “Did you really think you could hide it from me?”
“Hide what, Seungmin?”
“You should’ve just fucking left me. Spared my feelings, maybe. But I guess you’re just too selfish for that.”
Without another word he rushes out of the room, leaving you in shambles with nothing else to do but slide to the floor, curl into yourself and let the sobs take over your body.
Seungmin can hear you crying before he even walks out of the front door, causing his heart to clench in his chest and his gut to twist. Standing with his hand just brushing the door handle, he has to physically force himself to press on, to let you go, to accept his reality. The door slams shut behind him and the noise only pushes you further towards the realization that this is actually happening. You aren’t hallucinating, this isn’t some fucked up fever dream or an even more fucked up prank.
You just wish you knew why. No matter how much you try to put the pieces together, you’re always missing something. You can’t think of anything that could’ve set him off. Everything was perfectly normal less than an hour ago, yet all it took was five minutes to trigger the downward spiral of what feels like the end of the world- the end of your world.
“What’re you doing back here?” Jeongin slides next to Seungmin - who is still eyeing up the picture on his screen - on the floor. Jeongin nods towards the phone, “What’s that?”
Seungmin huffs and leans his head against the wall behind him, “I honestly don’t fucking know, I don’t even really want to know, actually.”
Jeongin reaches for the phone, pulling it out of Seungmin’s grasp. His lips part in a silent ‘oh’ as he inspects the photo. He’s assuming Seungmin hadn’t even given you a chance to explain solely based on his reaction, in typical Seungmin fashion. Jeongin turns his body to face the other, his face set in an almost disappointed expression.
“I’m going to say this with the utmost respect and I need you to not cause me any bodily harm-” Jeongin sighs before continuing, “You’re a dumbass. Like the dumbest dumbass I think I’ve ever seen. Like paboracha level dumbass. I’m talking-”
“Are you done?” Seungmin groans and squeezes his eyes shut.
“Are you done? God- you just fucked yourself over. If I were you I’d start praying that she’ll still take you back after all this crazy shit.”
“How did I fuck myself over when she’s the one cheating? Or am I supposed to just forget about that and take the blame for it all like usual? She brought another guy into the same place I spend almost all my time at, and probably fucked hi-” Jeongin slaps his hand over Seungmin’s mouth, effectively silencing him before he could carry on with his bullshit.
“Hyung. Shut up.” The maknae slowly pulls his hand away as Seungmin’s eyebrows shoot upward. “Look I get it, you’re tired, you’re upset, you’re angry bu-”
“Can you fucking blame me? I can’t unsee it. I mean, you see how comfortable she looked with him.” he clenches his fists.
“Will you keep your mouth closed already? You’re killing me here, got a massive migraine now.” Jeongin groans and rubs his temples as he speaks “That picture was taken over a year ago. Before you even knew she existed, hyung. Besides, I know her better than anyone ever will, other than you obviously, which is why I suggest that you get your ass up and go apologize for being such a dumb fuck. Beg for her forgiveness if you gotta. Maybe get on your knees while you’re at it.” he sighs and stands, holding his hand out to Seungmin before pulling him up.
“How do you know she isn’t lying to you? How do you know she isn’t lying about anything else?” Seungmin finally says.
“Because she loves you too much to do that to you. God, have you always been this dense? You seriously need to wake up and realize how stupid you sound.” Jeongin mocks, prompting Seungmin to glare at him one last time before walking out of the studio. All the while unbeknownst to the younger standing with a frown threatening to pull at the corners of his mouth.
“He’s a fucking idiot if he let’s her go over this,” he mutters begrudgingly while he listens to the soft pur of Seungmin’s car in the distance.
Almost a week later you’re still waking up with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. The first thing you notice is Seungmin’s apartment key still sitting on the dresser untouched. Well, it used to be his. You were really hoping that it was all just a shitty nightmare and that you’d still be tucked in his side with his soft snores being the only sound to fill the room even though it’s been days.
You realize what had stirred you awake as another knock fills the almost suffocating silence. You’re half tempted to just ignore it, but something in your gut tells you to answer it.
“Oh, uhm- hi Innie.” you wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie. Or Seungmins hoodie, rather.
God you need to pull yourself together. How could you not even realize what you were wearing. Fuck.
“Hey,” Jeongin rocks back on his heels somewhat awkwardly, “Can I come in?”
You nod and mumble a soft ‘of course‘ as you move out of the way for him to slip past the threshold and into your apartment while you take a moment to collect yourself, and to put on the most convincing smile you can possibly muster.
“What’s up?” you find a spot on the couch next to him as he scans the room for a second, looking for any signs of whether or not Seungmin actually showed.
“He’s not here, is he?” Jeongin turns to you with sympathetic eyes, finding your own longing for comfort, seemingly pleading him for some sort of consolation.
“N-no but he’ll probably be back so-”
“He’s not coming back, y/n. If he was, it would’ve been days ago.”
Before you can open your mouth to protest, Jeongin has you pulled into his strong chest and tucks your head under his chin gently. “It’s okay, baby. I got you.” he sighs, rubbing small and slow circles on your back just the way he knows you like. He places a small, chaste kiss on the top of your head because he’s learned over the years that the action relaxes you and makes you feel secure.
Jeongin knows you like the back of his hand. Sometimes he thinks he knows you better than he knows himself. He knows your favorite food, your favorite season, your favorite movie. He knows how much you love to read, having periodically skimmed your shelves for books you may have and promptly buying you ones that you haven’t already buried your nose in.
Most importantly, he knows exactly what to say in order to subside your bad moods (he’s well seasoned in this field), and that sometimes you say things you don’t mean yet he never - and will never - hold that against you.
He knows just how much you loved Seungmin, not even wanting to imagine the amount of absolute heartbreak you’re feeling. Despite all this, he can’t help but feel somewhat relieved. You and Seungmin undoubtedly wouldn’t have worked in the long run and that’s exactly what you desire and deserve: a stable, long term relationship where you’d be taken care of and treated like the absolute goddess that Jeongin thinks you are.
He just wishes you give him a chance to treat you like his- more so than he already does now.
“Thank you, In,” you mumble into his chest.
“You don’t need thank me, baby. You know I’m always here.”
You did know that, you’ve always known that. Jeongin doesn’t let you doubt how much he cares for you, he’ll spend every waking moment reminding you if he has to.
You pull back slightly to look into his eyes. “I always end up burdening you with my problems.” Jeongin’s eyes soften at your apology and all he wants to do is hug and kiss and cuddle you until he thinks he’s convinced you enough of his adoration.
But for now all he can do is settle for words, though he can’t help but think it won’t be enough.
“Baby, please don’t be sorry for that. What kind of best friend would I be if I never listened to your complaints or rants?” Calling himself your best friend took more out of him than it should have and he tries to hide his hesitation. Thankfully you hadn’t noticed.
Hearing Jeongin say this makes you realize that he’s treated you better than any boyfriend you’ve ever had. Seungmin never reassured you like Jeongin does. Actually, now that you think about it, Seungmin didn’t do half of the things Jeongin does, even if it was the bare minimum.
He’s always like this, but why does it feel different now?
That’s just his personality, right? There isn’t any hidden meaning behind his words or gestures. Or the way he’s holding you and speaking to you like you’re the most precious thing he’s ever had contact with. The sudden urge to reach out and cup his face is unreal. You just want to make sure you aren’t hallucinating. You wonder how you managed to find such a perfect person who thinks the world of you just as much as you do them. Someone who loves you just as deeply and truly as you do.
Wait what?
You’ve singlehandedly scared and confused yourself all at once now. Obviously you love him and he does you, but it feels as though you love him in a different way. A special way, one that you don’t think you’ve ever felt for anyone. Not even Seungmin, who you once thought was hands down your soulmate.
What you failed to realize, however, was that your soulmate has been here the whole time, and he’s holding you in his arms like he never wants to let you go.
You cut off your train of thought because he doesn’t want you like that and you’re making assumptions that could get you hurt.
Too late.
Another wave of sadness that has nothing to do with Seungmin washes over you.
“Baby? Hey, where’d you go?” Baby. Fucking baby. He’s got to stop calling you that. You want to tell him to stop, so why can’t you open your mouth and form those simple words.
“Mhm, ’m okay.” You can’t even bring yourself to put the tiniest bit of distance between your bodies.
You mentally scream at yourself for sounding so noticeably pathetic. He must think you are. How could he not when you’re making it so painfully obvious?
“Don’t hide from me, baby. You know you don’t need to hide anything from me.” How ironic.
“I’m not- I just-” you huff and lean your forehead against Jeongin’s chest. God, when did he get so…buff? Has he always been like this?
He pulls your head back to force your gaze to meet his. “What did I tell you, hm? Talk to me. I’m all ears.” His arms encircling your body is the last straw before the world comes crashing down on you.
Tears flood your vision and you aren’t even sure as to why you’re crying this time.
Pathetic and dramatic. Great.
Jeongin immediately thinks he’s overstepped now, he took it too far and made you uncomfortable. He removes his hands from you immediately though the action kills him inside, when in reality you want the exact opposite. You want him to pull you closer, you want your chest flush against his to the point where you can feel his heart beating.
“I’m sorry, Innie. I’m sorry.” You finally climb out of his grasp and step away from him. He follows you and with every step he takes forward you move backward until you collide with the wall.
“Why are you sorry when you didn’t do anything wrong? I don’t want you apologizing to me for no reason. If anyone should be apologizing it’s Seungmin, but it’s his fault and his loss, you know that.” You wish Jeongin would stop being so supportive, it’s making it ten times harder to ignore your surfacing issues.
“That’s not the problem, Jeongin.”
Since when did you call him by his full name?
“Then what is it? Is it me? Please I- I just want to help you.”
Your tears have finally halted and you couldn’t be more thankful. You need to be able to properly look into his eyes.
“You can’t help me.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do.”
“Why are you being so difficult all of a sudden?”
“I’m not.” You cross your arms over your chest.
Jeongin blows out a frustrated huff. “Why can’t you tell me? Is it because Seungmin and I are friends becau-”
“I love you.”
“I know you do, which exactly is why you should be talking to me right now instead of bottling it all up-”
“No, Jeongin. I love you. Not in a friend way, not in a platonic way. I want to kiss you and hold you and-” You’ve worked yourself up so much you have cut yourself off in order to calm down.
Jeongin’s mouth stays agape for a solid five seconds before he even processes what you’ve said. “You love me?”
“Is that not what I just said?” Jeongin has to bite back his smile at your remark but quickly frowns again at the expression on your face. You look regretful, like you wish you never spoke. You’re just waiting for his rejection, willing it to come faster so you he’ll leave and you can wallow in self pity by yourself in the comfort of your bed. You disturbed the peace that was your friendship.
“I- the breakup is still fresh and you aren’t thinking straight, baby. Don’t say things you don’t mean.” Jeongin pleads. Is he trying to convince you or himself?
“But I do mean it Jeongin. I really do and I can’t believe it took me this fucking long to figure it out and I wish I’d never caught feelings because this is just a shit show now.”
He goes to speak but you quickly interrupt him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget about it,” you expect him to leave, or to at least move away. But he doesn’t, instead he leans in closer to your ear and whispers in a hushed tone,
“Didn’t I just tell you to stop apologizing, baby?” The way he says ‘baby’ sends shivers down your spine, it’s different than the other times he’s called you that. This time his words actually do have a hidden meaning. His breath ghosts the shell of your ear for a moment before he slowly pulls back to look at you. As if he hasn’t studied your every feature to the point where you’re engraved in his mind.
“You have to promise me that you actually understand what you’re saying and that it isn’t the post breakup neediness talking.” He looks at you sternly and fully expecting a response in words.
You, on the other hand, have absolutely no intention of speaking as you instead grab him by the collar of his hoodie before pressing your lips against his.
Kissing your best friend is much more intimate than you ever expected. He kisses you like it’s not the first time and with more than enough purpose. It starts off aggressive but soon simmers down into a delightfully slow and passionate rhythm and as cliche as it sounds, it’s in this moment that you finally know where you belong, where your home is.
No matter the circumstances, Jeongin always left a space for you in his heart. His subconscious wouldn’t let him fill it with someone else even if he wanted (which he didn’t), forever waiting for you to find the spot with your name written all over it and stay there for as long as you may live.
tags: @skzstarnet @godslino @myseungsunglove @seungseung-minmin @azuna-sz @chanyeolsrealwife
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wonwoosthetic · 6 months
Finding something to fight for update coming back anytime soon…? Love this story 💜
a/n: i looooove writing for this series so so so much, thank you for enjoying it so far!! Here I have part 2 of how the reader and Joel met! Yes, there’s not much romance going on (just yet! the next part will be about their first few dates) but a lot have asked for a part 2 and since Joel is a single father who was left by his wife, I can imagine love for a random woman wouldn’t come easy to him ˙ᵕ˙ I still hope you and everyone reading this will enjoy and stay tuned for future chapters! Thank you for reading and thank you for sticking around to see more of their story unfold!🫶🏼
Btw: I changed the name of the series, I hope people won’t be too confused! <3
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You’re Lonely. I Can Fix That. Pt. 2
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pairing – Joel Miller x female!reader; Tommy Miller x female!reader (platonic!)
word count – 16.2k (don’t even get me started, this is starting to feel like a slow-burn😭)
warnings – fighting, tiniest bit of cursing, bad writing of southern accents (somebody pls teach me)
synopsis – part 2 of this request; slowly but we’re getting there ˙ᵕ˙ the reader and Joel are getting closer🤭
series masterlist
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You did, in fact, not find a way to contact him. At least none that wouldn't require you to jump over your shadow and contact Tommy Miller first.
Every afternoon you had to spend in your parents' restaurant mostly consisted of you standing by the counter, and your head shooting up at the sound of the door opening. None of those times had it been either one of the Miller brothers - but each time you had hoped it would be. Praying and pleading that the universe had some last specks of luck left for you. But it seemed like destiny was not on your side at that time. Or maybe it was. How could you possibly know if he was as good as he pretended to be? Maybe the kindness Joel had shown you was just his way of holding up a normal conversation with no ulterior motives after all. Asking you about your future plans and dreams, telling you about his daughter, and driving you home seemed to be just the naturally kind gestures of a Southern gentleman... Or maybe it was just an act and in reality, whoever was up there was saving you from a big mistake before it could even happen. 
'I think that if he was a real gentleman and if the looks he gave you were real, he'll find a way to contact you.'
Maria's words were once again haunting you. Even with your hopes already slowly vanishing in ever seeing the oldest Miller again. He was a gentleman, no doubt. He had to be... right? There was almost no possible way he had put on a mask before entering that bar. But...
You shook your head. Your best friend might be a good people reader, but she's also well-known for her delusions. It was fun and made life much more exciting, that you had to agree with. Having a campus crush and calling him 'your man' when all he did was thank you and call the essay you wrote a 'great piece of work', was how you kept life interesting. It was easy entertainment. Normally, it was all fun and games, something you could tease each other with, but this was different. Because with Joel, you noticed it too. You may not have noticed the 'looks he gave you', but what man would just 'like to make sure you got home safe'? Or maybe you were potentially just looking too much into it. Maybe Maria had already infected you with her delusions.
'It's a small town, it can't be that hard.'
Well... it seemed to be very hard because it had already been close to a month. And neither of you had found a way or were interested enough to look for one. At some point, you had to get the fantasy of Joel Miller you had made up in your mind out of your head. There was no way a man could possibly occupy such a big part of your brain and control how you'd act at work.
There was only one man in the past who had the same kind of grip on you as Joel Miller now had. And that guy broke your heart when he admitted to cheating on you and getting Chlamydia from the college girl he fucked. Fun times...
Other than that, the topic of boyfriends hadn't ever been more than just plain and simple entertainment for you. You didn't use them. And you never would, because, after all, you were a lover girl at heart. But they just didn't make you nervous. Usually.
You could vividly recall each and every time you managed to make a man bring you to his house and let you spend the night, just as much as the number of times you barked at them to leave you alone in a club. Yes, they were big and scary men, but you were a woman raised by an older sister who inherited the generational trauma from your mother and anger issues from your father. If you didn't want them near you, you wouldn't let them.
Crushes came and went, and the ones that stayed, you were usually able to turn into something as serious as a few fun nights or even take it a little further and turn them into the two relationships you have had in the past. But that was it. 'Chlamydia boy', as Maria had baptized him, was the last one you had let occupy your mind as much as he did. 
That was until Joel goddamn Miller, in his 6ft, wide shoulders, itty bitty waist, rough hands, curly hair, shaggy beard, and grungy voice glory, just had to walk into that bar. Now you were daydreaming about a 30-year-old construction worker and single father all while he was probably just enjoying the evenings off-duty he got to spend with his daughter, looking forward to the next parent-teacher conference where the other mothers would be gawking at him and drooling while following him around like lost puppies.
That's how you found yourself. A birthday and a whole month later, in your family's restaurant just like almost every afternoon. You had finished another small exam and were finally able to enjoy the first rays of sunshine that were peeking through the clouds during the colder winter months on the way to work. But even the big windows couldn't even to some extent let you feel the freedom and fresh air from the outside. Sometimes you wondered if you should at some point regret coming back to Texas to help your family. 
Back then, you had been ecstatic about the mere thought of moving away, seeing more than what that small town you grew up in had to offer. That's why you decided to study out of state. You started building your life out there. A new life. But one call from your mother, asking you to come back was all it took. You couldn't tell her simply 'no'. Not when she was explaining that your father, due to his age, was advised not to work normal shifts on his legs anymore as they were slowly giving up on him. So, you listened to her. You packed your bags and came back. You found a place of your own and a roommate to share it with. You were accepted into the college you so desperately tried to avoid during the application process back in high school and continued your studies only 30 minutes away from the house you grew up in and the garden you used to play in.
You weren't allowed to regret your decision. Not if it meant helping your parents keep the restaurant alive they had worked their entire life for.
"Where's my daughter?" The frantic voice of your mother made you sigh out loud as you made sure to fix the name tag on the right side of your shirt. "Is she here already?" Her quick footsteps echoed through the kitchen until they stopped in the doorway of the small staffroom.
"I'm here, Mom," you answered her with the slightest hint of annoyance. The simple sound of her stressed-out sound and heavy breathing could get your blood pumping in an instant. She has always been a stressed person - making situations much more hectic than needed.
A heavy huff fell from her lips. "Y'are late," she simply stated.
With a roll of your eyes, you passed her, putting your hair up in a ponytail just like you usually would. "I'm not late, I had an exam. I told you that."
"I guess, I forgot... 'bout that...," she thought out loud. "Anyways," she was quick to change the subject, hot on your tracks, following you up to the counter overlooking the somewhat empty tables. You only could sigh again. "I'll have to leave earlier today. I need to go to the pharmacy before it closes. The doctor gave ya dad a new prescription," she explained. Another new one... was there ever going to not be another medication this man would be put on? The medical bills were already piling up - you remembered the stack of letters addressed to your father you had seen just the day before when you came over for the usual Sunday family dinner.
"Y'are okay with closing? Jimmy might stay with ya if I ask him." Jimmy, the head chef of the kitchen behind you and a long-family friend. He was in his fifties and had a wife and three kids waiting at home for him each night.
You shook your head, "No, it's fine. I... I think I can clean up by myself, but thanks," sending her a tight smile that got a big grin out of her.
"Great!" She grabbed your shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze. "I'll leave in a bit, alrigh'?" You nodded as an answer, your eyes already on the notes for the day your mother had put on the counter, out of eyesight from customers. And with that, you got to work.
Mondays weren't all that busy, usually. The construction workers from around the area would come in and order their usual big servings that had been keeping the family business going. Some teenagers spent their lunch break by the tables, working on their homework and having a quick meal. Just like every other day.
With a sigh, you pushed through the swinging door, separating the kitchen from the counter area of the restaurant. Three plates filled with the extra portions some of the construction workers asked for balances on your hands and left arm. In moments like this, you were thankful for the low number of customers. You rushed over to bring them their food in a respectful time, getting a round of charming 'thank you's in return, to which you nodded politely.
Just as you were about to get back behind the counter, hoping to find the next thing to focus on until new customers would come in, your eyes found a familiar face, sitting in a booth all by themselves. You smiled to yourself, watching the little kid's head buried in the book in front of them as they frantically continued to write something down with their right hand. 
It was the Parker's son, Miles. A young, very bright boy, who was way too mature for his age of only 10. The first time you had seen him in your parent's restaurant, you thought somebody had forgotten him. But no, he just enjoyed the background noises of the diner in the background while doing his schoolwork. He usually showed up a few times a week, would take a seat quietly and not ask for anything unless a waiter or waitress came over to him first. 
As you began working part-time, you took on the responsibility of being that exact person. You'd approach him and ask him for his order, adding a free hot chocolate or lemonade to whatever he desired - you paid for it out of your own pocket by the end of the day.
"Well hello, young man," you walked up to the boy with a soft smile on your face. The sound of your voice made him look up, pushing his glasses back up higher on the bridge of his nose.
"Hi, Y/N," he grinned at you shyly. It was only then you realised how much you had missed his rosy cheeks.
"I haven't seen you in so long. I got worried already," you admitted. It was the truth. You hadn't seen him in a good three weeks, which was very much out of the ordinary. In a small town, you would've expected to hear rumours and chatter about every family, but the Parkers seemed like a mystery to most apparently.
Miles shrugged, his eyes back down to his book. "I'm okay."
The tone of his voice told you otherwise. He wasn't a very expressive kid, to begin with, so the change in his tone stood out.
"Are you sure?" You quietly sat down on the opposite side of the booth. You were in no position to interrogate him, and neither were you the best with children - at least that's what you thought. But you were a good advice giver and could read a room usually pretty well.
It took a few seconds of silence before he spoke up again. "Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce."
The instability of his family was no secret - your mother had caught you up with everything going on behind their closed doors as she and Miles' grandmother were part of the Saturdays' flea market in town. And that woman had no filter when it came to the 'monster of a husband her daughter had married'.
"I see," you nodded gently. "And... you're okay with that?" It was a stupid question, yes, but how else were you supposed to not just let him sit in misery, the thoughts of his parent's divorce occupying way too much of this little kid's mind.
"I think so, yes." Miles looked at the side of the table, his pencil gliding over a crack in the wood, "Grammy said it's good. And Mommy has been crying less. So... I think I'm happy."
Your heart shattered just hearing his words. No child should ever have to go through something like that.
"Daddy said I'm not allowed to come here anymore." You glanced at him with a slight scrunch in your eyebrows. "But now I live with Mommy and Grammy, and they don't really care where I am after school, so I came back," he sent you an innocent bright smile. His bright face almost sent tears to your eyes.
"They do care where you are Miles," you tried to explain to him, not even knowing if it was the truth, but why should a child even dare to think that the authority figures in his life didn't 'care' about him. "They just... they probably know how happy you are whenever you're here. That's why they let you come over."
You noticed as he tried to avoid your eyes, glancing out the window as he spoke, "But I'm only happy when you're here too," he admitted.
Pressing your lips into a tight line, you took a deep breath, about to give him an answer back, wanting to let him know how much brighter your day got whenever you got to see him, but he beat you to it.
"That's Sarah Miller," his finger was pressed up against the glass. "With her dad." Unfazed, he turned his attention back to his notes. "His name's Joel."
"What?" You accidentally muttered out, your head snapping to the window. The black pick-up truck came right into view. The one he brought you home in. Your eyes followed his every move as he opened one of the back doors, helping his daughter out of the car. He held out a hand for her to take, but she ignored it and jumped with a big smile. A whole goddamn month it took for you to finally see his face again. 30 days, if not more. Just as you had been on the verge of forgetting about your encounter with the oldest Miller brother, he suddenly decided to show up. At your family's restaurant out of all places. 
Frozen in place, you couldn't help but stare, forgetting about the fact that a window worked both ways. You got lucky as he seemed to not have seen you, passing by and walking over to the front door while Sarah was skipping around the parking space in excitement. The pounding heart in your chest made you gulp.
"How do you know them?" You suddenly asked.
Miles continued to write in his notebook. "Sarah's in my class. She's nice."
"I told her about this restaurant. Told her I like you and the food. And the free drink you always bring me," he sent you a quick grin, making you chuckle. The smile vanished quickly though as the sound of the bell above the entrance door rang through the room. To everyone else, it was just another customer coming in, but to you, it was the desperate crush on a 30-year-old man, who had no business occupying your mind as much as he did. There was no time to continue your daydream of finally seeing him again as he and his little one walked further into the restaurant, looking around to see which empty table they'd claim. Joel proposed the one in the corner right next to the door, which Sarah seemed to be okay with after taking another quick glance around the open space. They'd be waiting for someone to come and take their order. And that someone should be you. It had to be you. There was no other waiter on shift for this afternoon.
"I'll be right back," you quickly excused yourself, making Miles glimpse at you in slight confusion at your rushed tone, but the notebook in front of him was much more interesting anyway.
With a few deep breaths, you strutted across the floor, brushing over the apron covering the front of your thighs. You passed the register area to snatch the small notepad you used during your shift before finally making your way over to the duo.
Just before you were close enough to their table to stop, you heard the girl's faint voice mumble, "He said he'd be here." Her head turned upwards to grin at you as soon as you came to a halt, pen and paper in your grip.
"Hey, what can I get for you, guys?" You clicked the back of the bullet point pen.
Joel snapped his head up, his brown eyes staring at you as soon as your voice registered in his head. His lips parted, stopping for a second before he spoke up.
"O-Oh- hey," he sat up straighter.
"Hi," you smiled at him, slapping yourself internally at greeting him a second time when you literally just did that.
"Hey," he nodded, his lips curling up just a bit. "Y/N... right?"
While the name Joel Miller had branded itself onto your brain, he seemed to not even be sure about your first.
You nodded with a tight smile that was close to disappearing, but you had to keep a professional face on, "Yeah- yeah, Y/N," and pointed to yourself like an idiot. His eyes didn't leave your face, almost dragging you in, but you were quick to snap back, the sound of someone clearing the throat to your left catching you off-guard.
"Introduce me, Dad," Sarah tried to whisper, holding her hand to the wrong side of her mouth, where you could still clearly see her lips moving.
"Hm?" Joel's head turned towards her, "Oh- that's... that's Sarah. My daughter."
With a wide grin, the girl reached her hand out to you, which you gladly accepted, shaking it with a similar facial expression.
"Nice to meet you, Sarah."
"It's very nice to meet you too, Y/N." Once she dropped your hand again, her gaze quickly flicked over to her dad, who politely coughed into his elbow. "Do you know my, Dad?" She suddenly wondered.
"I- ehm...," you were quick to open your mouth before you could even come up with a full reply, wanting to kick yourself in the shin.
Thankfully, Joel decided to answer her, "She's a friend of Uncle Tommy."
Sarah gasped, her eyes widening, "You know Uncle Tommy too?" She gazed up at you in amazement, making you chuckle. Calling you a 'friend' was much easier than explaining your relationship with him to a 9-year-old, so you accepted it.
You nodded, "I do. I met him a long time ago." Not a lie.
"Cool," she said out loud, looking down at her intertwined fingers on top of the table. "What do you-"
"Babygirl, you wanted to eat, didn't you?"
The voice of her dad made her lift her head to grin at him, "Can I get pancakes?"
Joel put the menu he was holding down with a soft sigh, but a kind curl to his lips, "You can ask Y/N if you want to."
Quickly, she whipped her head towards you, "Can I have pancakes, please?"
You couldn't hold back a subtle chuckle. "Of course." The fact that pancakes were on your breakfast menu was unimportant. If the girl wanted pancakes, you'd get her her pancakes, even if it was close to 5pm. "And for you?" You turned to the man on your right.
"Can I get a simple turkey sandwich? And a black coffee?"
You nodded, writing down just quick abbreviations to remember their order. "Coffee's free here," you added.
"Oh, great," he commented, putting his hands down on the table, "That's all then."
"Alright, I'll be right back."
"Thank you," Joel gave you a nod and a grin, his attention back to his little girl as soon as you turned around and heard her whisper.
"Why do you know so many people?" Making you chuckle.
In the kitchen, you handed over their orders to Jimmy, who glanced at you with a frown, re-reading your handwriting on the piece of paper.
"Pancakes? At 5?"
"Can you do that? It's for a little girl, she's really sweet."
With a wink, he moved over to the stove, "'Course I can, no worries."
You grinned, "Thanks, Jimmy."
Getting a, "No worries, kid," in return.
Just as you were about to leave, you made a stop at the fridge, opening it to get the glass jug of homemade lemonade. Along with three clean glasses from the cabinets right above your head. You filled them up equally before putting the lemonade back and heading out to the counter again, balancing all three on a tray. You didn't expect the man standing right across from you, making you stop in your tracks.
"Hey," Joel smiled at.
"Hi," you copied him. Again, feeling the need to slap yourself. How many times have you now said these two words in exchange to each other? 
"I...," he started, looking around the empty bar area. His hands glided into the back pockets of his jeans before he locked eyes with you again. "I'm sorry, I... Sarah- she forgot to order a drink. Is it okay if I- can I do that here?"
"Yeah," you nodded your head frantically, putting down the tray, as your eyes landed on the filled-up glasses. "I- I was actually just about to bring two of these over to you guys." Taking them into your grip and lifting them to his eyesight.
"Oh- did she-"
"They're like a... signature thing here. I thought you'd... might want something to drink." You placed them down on the bar top, "On the house."
"Oh no, I can't let-" he started, but you were already shaking your head.
"No worries. A little welcome gift," you brushed him off, your fingers slowly digging into the wood below you.
Slightly hesitant, Joel reached out for the two lemonades.
"Gotta keep the customers coming back somehow," you added with a soft chuckle, getting a humourous laugh from him in return.
"Yeah... well..." he turned back to take a quick glance at his daughter before looking back at you, "we might be coming back more often anyways. Sarah got a recommendation from a classmate... and she's been really beggin' me to take her here. And we were in the area, so..."
"Miles, yeah... he- he told me," you nodded along with his storytelling, fidgeting with the dainty bracelet on your wrist - an older Christmas gift from your sister.
Joel raised his eyebrows in interest, "You know him?"
"Yeah," you nudged your head over to the left side of the diner, with the boy in the only occupied booth, "He's sitting over there."
"Aah...," he took a deep breath in, "Gotta make sure to tell Sarah," he mumbled slightly more to himself, but you were still able to catch it.
"Are they friends?"
Joel slightly shrugged his shoulder, "I guess so, yeah... they're both in an advanced Math course for middle schoolers, so... yeah."
"Advanced Math?" You wondered in astonishment. He hadn't told you all too much about her back in the car a few weeks ago, so this was news to you. You knew Miles was in that course, Christ, he had proven it to you many times before whenever you asked if he needed help with his homework, but you didn't know Joel's daughter went the same path. "A little genius."
"Yeah," the older Miller brother chuckled, looking down at his feet, "Kinda like you," he met your eyes. "I mean- not like you... really... because, you know, not... College level, but... she- she's interested in it too. But I- I guess... I don't know if she's really interested in it, but she seems to enjoy it so far, so..."
If your eyes and ears weren't playing with you, you could almost hear a slight added raspiness to his voice as he tried to avoid your gaze, talking on and on about his daughter. The grin making its way onto your lips was only an indication of your amusement at his rambling.
"I understand," you laughed. "Smart girl."
He nodded gently to himself, "That she is... she sure is..."
Your awkward chuckle was followed by a second of silence. Maybe a few seconds, actually. Joel could've excused himself to go back to the booth they chose, but he didn't even move an inch. Not even made an indication that he wanted to leave. Your eyes travelled around the counter, trying to look for something to busy yourself with, but there were no notes left, every other customer (there weren't a lot) seemed to be happy, so there was nowhere to go for you. You were stuck to stand still across from him, forced to bring the conversation to a halt as neither one of you knew what to possibly say next. Not until you went through each line that had spilled from his lips, remembering-
"You said you were in the area? Do you live here... or...?" What a smart move. Ask the stranger if he lived close to where you're working, fucking creep.
Joel cleared his throat, politely holding up a fist to his lips. "No no, she- Sarah... she has soccer practice every Monday 'round here."
"Oh," your eyes lit up, "At the old Ramson's field?" The corners of the man's lips curled up at the mention of the area that was once a strawberry farm. It was sold years ago by an elderly couple, the Ramsoms, to give the kids a place to run around freely. Somebody took the chance and turned it into a local soccer team's training ground.
"Yeah, exactly that. You know it?"
You nodded excitedly, "My sister used to go there. She was really active. Always the sporty one in the family, you know..."
For a second, Joel pursed his lips, smiling to himself before he answered. "So... sister's the sporty one and you're the smart one? Your parents got lucky."
"Well...," you talked down his compliment with a soft chuckle, "I don't know if I'd say I'm the smart one...," thinking about your next words for not longer than a second, "I did get in the car of a basically stranger who took me home while I was definitely intoxicated, so... don't know how smart that really is." Smirking at the mention of the evening.
The older Miller's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why would you do- Oh." Stopping himself before he could continue. He shook his head with a laugh, "Right... yeah..." Just for a second, he had forgotten how truly unfortunate, or maybe not so unfortunate, your first meeting actually had been. "But," he took a deep breath in, "You got home safe. So it was a smart move, I guess."
"I got home very safe, yes," you agreed, a dreamy smile playing on your lips, as you pulled your hands back to yourself, feeling the chipped wood digging into your fingertips. "Thank you, again... really."
"All good," he gave you an assuring nod, "Rather getting in the car of a stranger than hangin' out with Tommy's group of... whatever they are."
You couldn't hold back the laughter coming from your lungs at his clear dislike of his younger brother's group of friends. Already back in the bar, it was clear to tell Joel was not a fan of them or the comments they made or truly anything about them all together, and he seemed to like making that very clear. He joined in your laughter with a slightly softer one, only to be interrupted as a voice from behind you suddenly shouted out.
"Pancakes and a ham sandwich!" Jimmy came through the swinging doors, the two plates in each of his hands as he stood next to you.
You turned to the side, giving him a quick smile.
"Oh- you were quick, thanks."
"I can take 'em," Joel was about to reach out, wanting to take his order, when you stopped him.
"No, no, it's fine. I'll bring them over," you assured him. "In a second."
"You sure?" He asked you cautiously.
You nodded, your lips pressed together tightly. "A girl's gotta work," you shrugged with a smile.
Joel gave you a quick nod before taking the two glasses of lemonade and going back to his table, the eyes of the little girl waiting for him getting big as she saw what he had brought along. You grinned at the sight.
"Y'sure you wanted to make the girl happy or the dad?" The old man's voice rang through your ear. Your head snapped towards him, taking a step in defence back.
"'Xcuse me?"
Jimmy shook his head in amusement, putting down the two plates of food. "I was in there tryin' to avoid interruptin' you two, but Lord..."
"What?" You wondered, a slight edge to your tone as you were interested in hearing what he was about to say.
He glanced at you with a soft smirk. "It was painful listenin' to that poor attempt of a flirt."
"A flirt? By who?" 
"Y'know damn well by who," he pointed a strict finger at you, the smile still evident on his face as you tried to hide your own.
You arrogantly lifted your head, making sure to stick your nose up extra high as you crossed your arms. "I have no idea what you're talkin' abou'," purposely copying his very Southern accent badly. "That wasn't flirtin'."
"Damn right, it wasn't."
"Oh, I'm sorry that I don't have forty years of flirting experience," you bit back jokingly, about to snatch the two plates off the counter.
Jimmy scoffed with a shake of his head, "I wasn't talkin' 'bout you, darlin'." And with those words, he left through the doors again, going back into the kitchen.
You stopped in your tracks, hurriedly following him. 
"Wait-," you called out, "You think he was flirting with me?"
"A poor attempt of a flirt," he corrected you, his back already turned to you as he started cleaning the counters. Before you could say anything more, he stopped you with a raise of his hand, "Go back to work, sweet pea. We'll talk about this later," giving you a last wink.
Joel and Sarah got their meals, and you brought Miles his free lemonade as well. It was already past 7pm, almost closing time as you usually locked the doors at 8pm. Most customers had left, besides a few teenagers you decided to hang around for a bit, enjoying the cheap prices of the food. The father-daughter duo in the corner had split up, leaving the oldest Miller brother to sit alone at the table, his finger furiously trying to type out a message on his phone, only to give up with an annoyed sigh and switch to calling the person. His little girl had joined Miles at his table after her dad had told her that he was there.
It was a rare sight. You had never seen the young boy interact with people his age. Or really with anyone but you or your mom. Other adults had tried to make a few conversations work, only to be met with silence from him. He didn't enjoy talking to strangers much, understandably so. The sound of the two giggling brought warmth to your heart and a smile to your face. He hardly ever grinned as much with you as he did right at that moment with her. You had no idea he even had people around him that could make him this happy. He didn't even smile at his mother when you once saw her pick him up. It was a one-time-only experience, he usually took the bus home alone. Sometimes you accompanied him, just out of fear and worry as to who would even think to let their own child travel by public transport in the dark. But maybe that was your big-city brainwashed mind talking and small-town parents saw the world completely differently than you did.
"We got any new ones?" Jimmy's smoker voice brought you back to the present and made your eyes leave the two kids to look at him.
You shook your head, "No, I think that was it for tonight, you can start closing up." You rarely ever got any new customers past 7:30, so you gave him the o.k. to clean up in the back while you started at the front.
Rounding the counter, you passed the tables, now empty, to get the last few plates and glasses that were left by people who had left merely a few minutes ago. Some others noticed you cleaning, handing you over everything they didn't need any more along the way. With full hands, you came back to the bar area, placing each dirty plate, glass, and mug on the window sill, between the front area with the kitchen. Jimmy gave you a grateful smile as he got a hold of them.
As you turned around, you were once again faced with the dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty of Joel Miller standing in front of you. He had stacked their two plates together, with the cutlery right on top, and the now empty lemonade glasses right next to them.
"Oh-," you chuckled, "Thank you," taking them off the counter to turn around and put them on the sill as well.
"It was really good, so, thank you," he commented with a tight smile.
"I'll let the chef know."
"The chef knows!" The older man shouted out from the kitchen, letting his head peak out the window with a big grin. His facial expression made both of you chuckle.
You turned back to face the oldest Miller, glancing up at him slightly shyly, not even trying to hide it. "You're leaving?"
Joel nodded, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "Yeah... Tommy needs to get picked up. And Sarah's got school tomorrow. Gotta check if the homework's all done." You nodded along to every single word dripping from his lips, even daring to take a few quick glances down to see each movement and curve of them. "I mean- she always does them, I don't... I don't think she'd ever not do her homework, she'll even do them in short breaks or... in the car or something. But..."
"Just to make sure," you grinned at him, blocking his further rambling.
Joel nodded, a heavy breath falling from his lips, "Exactly... yeah..." He opened his mouth just a bit one more time, but wouldn't dare to speak, making you wait in silence, begging he would continue whatever his mind had come up with next.
He cleared his throat, looking over at his little girl, before switching back to you. "I- I should get her."
You gave him a hasty nod, "Yeah, yeah, of course."
Just as he passed the counter to walk over to the two kids who still seemed to be as giggly as they were 30 minutes ago, Joel turned back around.
He called out your name, making you whip your head around with hope.
"D'you know if his parents are gonna come pick him up?"
Not the question you were desperately waiting to come out of his mouth, but at least something.
You shook your head, "No, he usually takes the bus. I'll go with him after closing."
Hesitantly, but still, he nodded, mumbling a quick, "Alright," before continuing to make his way over to the other corner of the diner.
In the meantime, you got back to wiping down the front counter, before moving onto each table in the room. Even the ones that hadn't been used that day, you made sure to clean. In the position you were in, you could see Joel and Sarah heading for the front door, only to stop and wave at you.
"I'll see ya," the oldest Miller smiled, "Have a good night." You waved back, chuckling as Sarah excitedly waved as well.
"Bye, it was nice to meet you, Y/N!"
"You too, Sarah. Good night."
Your eyes didn't leave their forms until they were back in the car after Joel opened one of the doors on the passenger side in the back, waiting for his daughter to jump in. You couldn't help but grin at the sight. Other customers who passed you, said their goodbyes, making you walk over to their tables to collect the money they left for the food they had eaten. Arrived at the table the father-daughter had occupied merely minutes ago, you glanced at the money, counting the bills with your fingers only to realise the generous tip Joel had left for you. Damn it, there you were smiling again.
Miles was entertaining himself outside, still in the same booth while you joined Jimmy in the kitchen. Every table had been swiped over, the counter cleaned to perfection, the cashier counted and the money stored safely in the safe. You had found a comfortable place on top of one of the counters in the kitchen, a mug of the last bit of coffee that was in the pot now in your hand. Just as you were about to take a sip, a groan fell from your lips as the memory hit you.
"Huh? What?" The older man looked up from the floor he was sweeping over.
"I forgot to give him his coffee...," you mumbled out loud.
Jimmy's thick brows furrowed, "Who?"
"Joel..." He had ordered a black coffee. You had even told him it was free, and he never got to taste it... but then again, he didn't ask you a second time...
He seemed to think for a second before the corners of his lips curled up, "Aaah, Sir Handsome."
Your head shot up in confusion, "What? Sir Handsome? Really?"
Jimmy just shrugged, "That's what I'm gonna call him."
"His name's Joel. Joel Miller."
"Miller?!" He stopped in his tracks, coming to a halt with the chore, almost dropping the broom to sit against the counter. "From 'round here?"
You nodded.
"Miller, like Thomas Miller?!"
You glanced at him in confusion. "You mean Tommy Miller?"
The man rolled his eyes, "Whatever that punk's name was," and went back to cleaning up. His reaction got a chuckle out of you.
The name Tommy Miller, or like Jimmy sacred to call him, Thomas Miller, had embranded itself onto the entire staff of the Diner. Even past employees knew about him. Hell, even the food inspectors that used to come around once a year knew about him - he had the fantastic idea of following the lady around the diner like a lost puppy, flirting with her the entire time. The fact that she was well over 30 and he just a good 18 years old was so not important to him at the time.
He and his entourage were well-known around the area for multiple reasons. Their bad reputation had followed them all throughout their teenage and young adulthood, leaving a memory of their presence with each and every one who had ever come in touch with them.
"Yeah... they're... brothers."
With a clearly unamused facial expression, Jimmy glared at you, making you sit up straighter in an instant.
"Joel's the older one. And he's nothing like Tommy," you assured him. "I promise."
"And how d'you know that, young lady?" He popped his hip out to the right side, leaving the broom to lean against the counter as he took in his stance.
Jimmy might not be your father, but he's someone's. And you can tell. Your dad had been sick for longer than you'd like to remember, leaving Jimmy to take on the role of the next best thing of a male parental figure with a slight touch of a close friend.
"He- We...," you sighed, looking at the booth behind you to take a quick peek at Miles, colouring some pictures you had given him as entertainment. "I was at a bar-"
"When?" He nagged.
"Not too long ago."
"A few weeks ago," you answered him with a sigh, trying to continue the story, when he interfered again. He shook his head, sighing your name out loud as he ran a hand over his face.
"I won't tell your Mom, don't worry," he raised his hands in defence. "Just wantin' to know you were safe."
"I was," you told him, "partially thanks to Joel." Making him frown. "So. As I said. I was at a bar and Tommy, Joel's brother, was there with his group of friends-"
"Oh, Lord, help me...," Jimmy mumbled.
"Not his teenage friend group!" You called out, "I don't think so at least... I don't know," you brushed off the thought, "Anyways, I was there and Tommy invited me to sit with them. And at first, I wasn't really sure, but then Joel came too and I was like... why not, you know?" The older man gave you a knowing smirk. "But that quickly turned into a mistake because his friends, high school friends or not, were jerks, so I wanted to go home, but I had a few drinks, so Joel drove me home."
"You gave a random man your address?!"
"This is a small town!" You defended yourself, "If he was bad news, everyone would know!"
"That's not the point-"
"The point is!" You interrupted him, "I only got into his car because he was genuinely nice and the only one of them all that listened to me and actually seemed like he wanted to talk to me at that table." The part of your best friend technically forcefully reserving you a seat in the passenger side of his car was left out.
"Yeah...," Jimmy shook his head with a sigh, "You know who else was this charismatic?"
"Ted Bundy."
"Jimmy!" You threw your head back with a big laughter erupting from your lungs.
The audacity to even compare these two men.
"Dark hair, dark eyes, nice smile. Sounds like Ted to me." Like he knew the guy...
"You can't say that," you scolded him, wiping away the tear that had fallen from your eye in the middle of the fit of laughter. He joined you with a wholehearted chuckle, coming closer, to stand right across from you.
"So, what about him?" He suddenly turned serious, crossing his arms in front of his small beer belly.
You shrugged. "I like him," thinking for a second before continuing. "I only met him once- well, twice now, and I think he's really handsome. But... I don't know. I don't think he looks at me like that. This crush might be one-sided."
"Why not? Y'are a pretty lady!" He called out with another frown. It would let people believe he was mad when only compliments kept falling from his lips. "Ya smart, good with kids, polite. Why wouldn't he like ya?"
"He didn't even remember my name from the last time we met!"
Jimmy couldn't hide his smirk of amusement, "Sweetheart..."
"What? This isn't funny! I'm in a crisis."
"Y'are wearin' a name tag."
Your right hand immediately flew up to your chest and onto the plaque you always wore on the right side of your shirt. Glancing down, you saw the piece of plastic staring right back at you. How could you even forget that you were wearing that thing?
"But why..."
"I told ya," the old man shrugged his shoulder with a chuckle, "A poor attempt of a flirt."
You scoffed with a roll of your eyes, hopping down from the corner to take off the apron and mentioned tag. "That's really what you call flirting?"
"I think, he's a man probably somewhere around his thirties with a little girl by his side. How much female attention ya think he's been gettin'?"
"Have you seen him?" You stared at him with wide eyes. "I think quite a lot."
"Okay, how much female attention ya think he's lettin' get to him? This man probably hasn't even spent a night with another woman in YEARS. Where's the mom anyways?"
You shrugged, "Izzy said she got pregnant in college and everyone just thought he left her. But he has a daughter now and I hardly believe he would let his high school sweetheart alone with a baby while keeping one from another woman."
"Ya really thought a lot 'bout that, huh?"
With a smirk, you looked up at the ceiling before glancing to the side, trying to avoid his eyes as you mumbled, "Maybe a little..."
"If ya asked ya sister 'bout it, I doubt it was a little," he chuckled, noticing how riled up you were getting about the subject as you threw your apron on the counter.
"Alright! I thought about it a lot, okay?! I don't want to come off too strong when he has a whole family waiting for him at home. But so far... I don't think he has... but... I don't know." You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "I have to get my information somehow."
"Could also just ask him, ya know?" Jimmy tapped your head as he snatched your apron off the counter after taking off his own and heading towards the employees' closet.
"I feel like that's rude. Imagine just talking to someone, kinda 'cause you're forced to do it and suddenly she's all up your business, asking you about romantic partners and whatnot." You came to a halt in the doorway, leaning against it as you watched him pull out his jacket and hand you your own.
"I don't think he'd be flirtin' so poorly with a girl if he had someone at home. "He sent you a stern look, "And if he has and still does that, he's a piece of shit." Making you chuckle as you put on the piece of outerwear.
"Can you stop saying poor flirting? He was talking. Maybe he's trying. He was telling me about his daughter."
"Jesus, sweet pea, he told ya her entire life story. Ya could write her autobiography with all the ramblin' he did today," Jimmy joked, shaking his head in disbelief.
You laughed along with him as you grabbed your bag and headed back to the kitchen. "You're overreacting."
"Am not!" He told you. "The last time I sounded like that was when I tried to get to sweet talk my beautiful Betty." Your lips formed into a smile at the mention of his wife. This man could talk about her for HOURS. He's a true role model for the upcoming generation, and you were hopeful for his children getting to watch a couple truly in love right in front of their eyes.
"Plus," he added, "I have a cousin. Jeff. Single dad for three years. He's been tryin' to get himself out there again, and good God... Jesus help him. This man knows nothin'. Nothin'. That Joel kid reminds me of him a little," he stopped for a second to look at your blushed cheeks that had started to heat up. "Like I said, I didn't want to interrupt ya, but it was painful. Just like with Jeff."
You shook your head in defeat. There you had your confirmation. If what Maria had told you wasn't already enough, you better trust the wise words of a fifty-year-old man, married to the love of his life for a good thirty years.
"So," you cleared your throat, taking a deep breath in, "You think I have a chance?"
Jimmy sighed. He shook his head. After a step forward, he stopped right in front of you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, only to cup your cheeks right after.
"My dear," he made sure you were looking him straight in the eyes. "I think ya could make a man build a castle with his bare hands for ya. And I think ya know that too."
You smirked, retrieving a small memory from that night in his truck. "Well... he is a constructor."
Jimmy gave you a laugh with his whole heart, pulling your face in to place a warm peck on the top of your head. He let you free again, giving you a comforting pat on the shoulder.
"Just give that man some time. Y'are a beautiful lady. He's nervous." With a final nod, he left through the back door of the diner, leaving you alone in the kitchen. He knew you'd be taking the bus to make sure Miles got home.
Speaking of, the last sounds echoing through the empty area were your beating heart and the scraping of the coloured pencils getting dragged over the paper by Miles. Your head turned to the side, and with a smile, you watched the young boy.
Just give him some time.
A week later, on Tuesday, you saw him again.
Monday had passed and there had been no sign of Sarah or him. Miles had been at the diner, entertaining you with some casually fun stories from school, including the young Miller girl in a few of them, but never anything else. And you weren't going to pester him about why she hadn't visited the diner after her practice on Monday.
But there he was, strolling into the room on Thursday, 6:30 in the evening. You were writing down the order of a group of teenagers when you heard the bell above the door. Right after you lifted your head, just wanting to call out a quick, "Welcome!", your breath got caught in your throat, making you cough out loud awkwardly. With a hand in front of your lips, you tried to cover it up, going back to writing down the order before disappearing into the kitchen.
"He's here!" You shout-whispered at the cook, who whipped his head around.
"Who?" He wondered, answering you quickly, but as soon as he saw your wide-eyed stare, he got the message. Jimmy smirked as he placed two finished plates on top of the counter. His eyes drifted from your form over the open window out into the restaurant, his smile dropping in an instant.
"Fucking Miller," he cursed out loud. You turned around to follow his gaze, finding not only Joel but also Tommy taking a seat in a booth right across from you. The older Miller's head seemed to notice your stare, glancing up, only for you to quickly turn around again.
"What do I do?" You continued to whisper, now even more careful about the others possibly hearing you as they were only a few feet away and an open window wasn't much of a sound barrier.
The cook rolled his eyes and turned back to the stove. "Get that punk out of the restaurant."
"Wh- Not Tommy! I don't mean him," you explained. "Joel."
Jimmy looked back at you, "Just be yourself, Jesus," grumbling something to himself that you couldn't quite understand.
Defeated, you took a deep breath in, reminding yourself of who you actually were and trying to get your act back together. If Maria could see you, she'd be filming you for a future Comedy sitcom - she'd have a field day with the state you were in. Nervous because of a man...
Just as you turned around, ready to face the outside world again, Jimmy's call out of your name made you stop.
"Give me that," he nudged his head towards your hands.
"What?" With a frown you glanced down, seeing the order you had just written down, already long forgotten again. "Oh- right," you ripped the piece of paper off the block and put it on top of the counter before trying to walk away again. But there he was, the older man stopping you one more time.
"What?" You asked him, clearly on edge now, slightly amusing him.
"I swear to God, I'll spit in his food. Don't matter what he'll order." You knew exactly, who he was talking about, making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
You pushed the swinging doors, taking a quick look around the space, trying to see if anyone needed something for you, but it was, just like the last few times, barely packed. Going past the counter, you crossed the floor to the other side of the restaurant, already noticing one side of the handsome face you had been so desperate to see again.
"Hey, guys," you approached them with a smile, stopping right by their table, now also finally getting a peek at the younger Miller. Both men were still in some type of work attire and you noticed the slight shine and curl to their hair. Tommy's was longer and darker, but you prefered Joel's.
"Hey, girly," the youngest grinned at you before slapping his older brother's arm that was perched up on the table. "See, I told you, she'd be here," he turned back to you, "How have you been?"
You nodded, "Good, busy. The usual, you know. You?"
"Good, good," he continued, "Getting back into the American lifestyle, chasing the American Dream." You didn't notice the roll of the eyes from Joel.
You couldn't help but chuckle, "You're chasing the American Dream?"
"Sure am," he answered you proudly. "Might not be as smart as you are, but a man's gotta try."
"'Course, why not," you shrugged, a smile still on your lips, hoping your answer would be enough.
"So," he huffed out a big breath, taking the menu into his grip, pretending to read over it. "I heard your turkey sandwich and pancakes are still as good as I remember."
You had to admit, the thought of Joel and Sarah telling him about their dinner at the diner warmed your heart a bit.
"I mean," you smirked, "I might be a bit biased, but I'd say so, yeah. Jimmy's still making them as good as always."
"Jimmy's still here?" Tommy wondered, making you nod a take a step to the side, letting him take a quick peek into the kitchen. "Ey, Jimmy!" The old man turned around, meeting the young Miller's eyes with a glare. Tommy lifted his hand for a wave, but the cook's attention was already back on the food he was making.
"Still doesn't like me, I see," he mumbled, shaking his head slightly as you laughed.
"Wouldn't be surprised if he spat in your foot." Joel suddenly spoke up. You looked over to him, giggling at the comment, making his lips curl up in return.
"He offered," you let him know, getting a chuckle out of him,
"Well," he shot his brother an annoying smirk, "Aren't you a treat for this town."
Tommy looked up at you, a hasty response dropping from his lips, "Tell him I decline. Gladly." Before scowling at his older brother.
Suddenly, you felt like you were interrupting something between the two. With a deep breath, the younger Miller brother was back to his old self, fixing the fit of his jacket. "Well, then... I'll take the turkey sandwich and see if it's still holdin' up to the good ol' times."
Your lips curled up into a teasing grin, deciding to just throw out the comment tickling your tongue. "You're doubting Jimmy's talent?"
"I would never," he quickly told you, making you chuckle and gently shake your head before you diverted your attention to the older brother, seeing him already looking up at you. The menu was barely in his grip as his fingers played with the laminated corners of the paper.
"I'll take the same," waiting for you to be done writing it down asking Tommy to pass him his menu and handing both over to you.
Before you turned around to get the orders over to Jimmy, you asked, "Coffee?"
Joel nodded, "Sure, thank you," intertwining his hands on top of the table as he looked at you. He didn't comment on the fact you forgot about that the last time he was there. You sure wouldn't forget it this time.
"Make that two, please," Tommy quickly added with a thankful nod after you assured them to be right back.
Trying to keep your eyes off the man was harder than you had hoped it would be. While you were able to busy yourself with taking orders and repeatedly cleaning the counter - you swear, it had never been cleaner than that day - you couldn't help but let your eyes wander over to the seat right by the window.
Joel and Tommy were sipping the coffee you had brought them, munching on their sandwiches, hopefully, oblivious to the internal fight you had going on with yourself. Miles was almost finished with his free lemonade and you were actually close to getting him another one, just so you had something to do. You couldn't just lurk around the counter like you usually would, otherwise, you'd find yourself staring at one of the brothers for too long.
During your little cleaning frenzy, you were able to let not only Jimmy's words but also Maria's re-run in your mind again. The evening, right after Joel and Sarah had spent their evening time in the diner, your best friend got every single detail from you, the moment she stepped into the apartment at 4am. Yes, you had stayed up to tell her. The session ended at around 6, the sun lighting up the living room being the indication to finally go to bed, where you found yourself awake for another good 40 minutes, just begging for a good dream to finally find you.
You had recalled the entire few hours he was in the same room as you. The moment he and his daughter stepped into the diner, the brief conversation you guys had, the coffee you had forgotten, up until the moment he had to basically verbally drag Sarah away from Miles' booth to get her home. Maria's screeching and excited jumps on the couch made you smile to yourself as you remembered the evening. It came close to a miracle that you got away without a single purple mark on your arm, considering she was repeatedly hitting you, smacking the naked skin of your upper arm each time his name fell from your lips.
She had put extra emphasis on the "I'll see ya," Joel had left the diner with. To which you sadly had to explain to her the casual meaning of those few words. It was a somewhat polite way to say goodbye to someone you know, not necessarily meaning that you'll see each other again. Maybe indicating it, but definitely not meaning it word for word - but Maria stood her ground.
You had also told her about your gossiping session with Jimmy afterwards. She had only met him a handful of times, her own working hours not leaving her much time to come and visit you at the restaurant, so told tales would have to do it. But even without really knowing the man, she agreed to each and everything he had said. 
"You know, there's not a lot that I would believe coming from a man or even listen to. But if anyone knows about a man's poor flirting techniques, it would be another man."
You had hidden your face in one of the pillows on your couch, the heat shooting into your cheeks being almost too much to bear, resulting in another few slaps to your arm from her. Jesus, could could start giggling and kicking your feet right now too, just at the mere thought of there being some sort of truth to their words and Joel's actions. But there was a barrier of reality still right in front of you. Not only had Jimmy mentioned his 'poor attempt of a flirt' but also the fact that your not-so-silly little crush was a 30-year-old father, with possibly very limited dating experience in the past few years. It wasn't something you had even tried to consider before Jimmy mentioned it. Add the unnecessary comment from one of Tommy's friends back at the bar, and it suddenly made sense.
"This poor man probably has no idea that you're even interested in him," Maria had whined out loud, "He's trying his best, but God..." You chuckled at her voice in the back of your head.
You ditched your daydream the moment the coffee pot was fully filled up again, the coffee machine making its usual sound to let you know it was done. With that, you began your usual round within the diner, passing each person who was holding onto a cup, asking them for a refill. Most happily accepted your offer, leaving you with a half-empty pot once you reached the two brothers.
"Another cup for you two?"
Tommy smiled up at the sound of your voice, "Sure, thanks, Y/N." You made sure his mug was properly filled up before turning towards Joel, who politely declined.
"Not for me, but thank you," nodding his head at you.
"Still trying to cut down?" His younger brother wondered, speaking over the brim of the mug he had brought up to his lips.
Joel took a deep breath, "If you had a 9-year-old lecturing you about the effects of caffeine each morning, you'd start thinkin' about it too." The explanation got a chuckle out of Tommy and made your lips curl up into a smile. Before you even thought about turning around to walk back behind the corner, you decided to continue the conversation. Taking every shot you could, just like Maria had told you.
"How is she?" You asked, "Sarah."
The older Miller brother lifted his head with a somewhat surprised expression on his face, but you just continued to smile at him. Tommy continued to hold his cup up against his mouth, hiding the smirk forming on his lips.
"Good," Joel let you know, "Very good. She... She had a test today. Lot to study yesterday... so we couldn't come over."
"I see," you humed, "I was wondering where you guys were."
A brief moment of silence followed your comment, almost making you regret admitting to the longing. Thankfully, the younger Miller got up from his seat with a clearing of his throat, making Joel perk up.
"Where are you goin'?"
"Gonna take a piss. You wanna control that too?" Sending his older brother an unreadable facial expression, almost glare, before he disappeared to head towards the toilet.
You frowned when a sigh escaped Joel's lips. "Everything okay?" You asked him, eyeing the older man carefully as he ran a hand over his face.
"Yeah," he mumbled, "Just... Tommy being Tommy."
A chuckle fell from you, making you cover your lips with your fingers. "Sorry," you excused yourself as he lifted his head, "Just... if I had a dollar for every time I heard those words from someone with that expression... I wouldn't be working here anymore."
Joel laughed. You managed to get the scowl off his face to replace it with a genuine laugh. He looked down at the table, shaking his head, but you could see his shoulders shaking and the unmistakable sound of joy coming from him. You tried to hide your amusement, the moment he locked eyes with you again.
"I thought you worked here because you were a good daughter," he commented. He remembered the conversation in his truck. On the way to your place, you had briefly mentioned the reason you had come back to Texas. And he remembered.
You grinned, "Oh, I'm a great daughter." Joel chuckled. "But I wouldn't mind the extra cash." Your own words let a thought flash into your mind. "Speaking of," you started again, "Thank you for the tip... last week. It really- you... you didn't have to do that."
"All good," he sent you a quick smile, "Good service needs a good reward."
"Even though I forgot your coffee," you sheepishly admitted, just getting another chuckle out of him.
"We got good food and free drinks, so you won't find me complaining," he simply told you, making you smile and look down at the pot of coffee you were still holding onto.
"Well," you had started to tap around with your fingers, trying to look for the next words to say, "Thank you. I appreciate it."
"'Course," he nodded at you before you turned around to get behind the counter again.
Only a few minutes later, the two brothers decided to call it a day and stand up to leave. You were just coming back out from the kitchen when you found them standing at the register, both smiling when you came to a halt.
"Just wanted to say goodbye," Tommy grinned at you, gently smacking his hand on top of the counter.
You chuckled, "Bye, have a good evening." 'Night' would've probably been more suitable as it was pitch black outside. A quick look towards the clock would also tell you it was already 7:51pm - almost closing time.
The younger one turned towards the exit door while Joel stood still, waiting for your eyes to lock again.
"I'll see you next week. Goodnight," he simply said with a smile, turning around without another word. His soft voice lingered in your head even after he was already through the doors and on his way to his beloved pick-up truck.
You quickly pulled yourself back into the presence. With a swift turn around, you rushed back into the kitchen. Even before the door was fully closed again, you were jumping around the space, getting a shocked facial expression from Jimmy in return.
"He said 'See you next week!!" You squealed in exactly, your arms moving around in the air as you got closer to the chef.
With a tight grip on his arm, you shook him, "He said 'SEE YOU NEXT WEEK'!"
The older man just grinned at you, shaking his head as he watched you dance around the kitchen.
"How much joy just a few words can bring to ya, kid," he softly spoke, throwing the dishcloth over his shoulder to cross his arms and lean against the counter.
"Just a few words?!" You stared at him, stopping your movements, "He just promised me that he'll come back next week! He WANTS to come back!" Reality hit you for a split second. "I sound really delusional, but I. Don't Care." Before starting your little happy dance around the space again. Jimmy's deep chuckles bounced off the walls.
"Can't remember the last time I've seen ya so happy." He admired the pure happiness spilling from you, filling the room with nothing but joy. With a sigh, your spinning around came to an end.
"I'm happy because I get to see a good-looking hunk of a man again! Can you blame me?"
"Hunk of a man?" Jimmy laughed out loud, his entire upper body shaking as he walked around the corner to push you towards the door. "Get to locking up and then ya can tell me all about Sir Handsome again."
"Okay!" You squealed again, pushing out the door, the echo of his laughter still in the background. Suddenly, getting through the rest of the week seemed to be much more enjoyable than before.
On Friday, one of the only days, you had gotten off of work at the diner, you decided to join Maria in the bar. While she was working, you were enjoying your time sitting at the counter once again. You were sipping on your second drink of the night, drinking slowly as you weren't looking for something wild tonight, but rather just enjoying a nice calm evening. It was around 11pm and even though you had been sitting there for a good 2 hours, there was not a massive amount of alcohol rushing through your body as you had asked your best friend to keep the drink mild. But some people had other plans that night.
"Well, hello there," a deep voice slurred next to you. With slight confusion you turned to the right, eyeing the man that had tumbled up to the bar counter.
You sighed, "Hey." Nothing against drunk people, hell, you were one of them from time to time, but God... sometimes you can just tell, you know?
He blinked at you, "A pretty little girl so alone in the middle of a bar in the middle of the night?" His dirty blonde hair was roughed up and the plaid button-up hung loosely around his frame. It seemed to be a size too big.
"Yeah," you nodded, "And I'd prefer to keep it that way, to be honest." For tonight, there were no plans. You were waiting for a beautiful man on Monday, that was plan enough.
The guy chuckled, holding onto the counter as he stumbled back, "I'm Cody and I'm sure I could change ya mind. I could show ya good time, I promise."
"You're trying to sell yourself here? I'm not interested, thank you," you simply told him, internally begging for Maria to come back to the front, but she was being kept busy in the back apparently. Nobody else seemed to be interested in what was going on between you and the drunk fuck next to you.
With slight confusion written across his face, he continued to stumble over his words. "Who says anythin' about sellin'? I ain't sellin' myself. Ya can get this here for free," pointing towards himself.
"As I said," you repeated yourself, making sure annoyance laced your voice, "Not interested." Just as you tried to get up and move, hoping to get behind the bar and into the backroom, you felt a tight grip on your arm.
"Listen," the man stopped you, "You don't know what ya missin' out on here, sweetcheeks."
"And you don't know what you're getting yourself into if you continue to talk like that to me. Let go of me," you hissed at him. You were taught how to use your words, not your hands though, so you didn't really know what exactly you were threatening him with.
A disgusting sarcastic chuckle came from him while his grip just tightened. You glared into his eyes with a hint of fear as he let his face get closer to you, "Look, I don't wanna do this another-"
"Hey, what's goin' here?" Never would you have ever thought to be thankful to hear that voice. Whipping your head to the left, you found a wondering Tommy Miller, glancing between you and the drunk guy. A sigh of relief tumbled from your lips. "You two are lookin' awfully close."
"Get back to ya own business, cowboy," the guy spat at the younger Miller brother, his eyes raking over his frame when he found the boots Tommy was wearing. "I'm just talkin' to the pretty lady 'ere."
"Well, but I know that pretty lady, so it kinda is my business, you know?" He simply answered him, daring to take a step closer. Tommy glanced at you, "You know him, Y/N?" He asked.
You shook your head with a gulp, to which he just nodded, but before he could even say something, the drunk, still holding onto you, beat him to it.
"She's lyin'! I just introduced myself!"
"You know, I believe her," Tommy stopped him, raising his hand to place it on top of his that was gripping your arm, "So how about you take your-"
"Get your fucking hands off me!" The other guy snapped at him, pulling his hand off you, reacting to Tommy's touch like it was fire.
The younger Miller could just laugh at the reaction. "What?" He chuckled, "So you can put your hands on a random woman but as soon as I do it it's uncomfortable? A bit ironic, don't you think?"
"What are ya tryin' to do here?" With a few steps, the guy was head to head with Tommy, making you take a quick jump back. "Ya think ya gotta prove you've got some big balls here?"
"Me?" Tommy pointed to himself with a chuckle, "Nah, I just wanted to know if I gotta play translator." His comment got a look of confusion from the man in return. "I didn't you understood the English language because I'm pretty sure she said she wasn't interested, but you just... ignored that?"
"Ya makin' fun of me?"
"Am I?" Tommy continued to nag at the guy, making you take a step forward, trying to reach for him.
"Tommy, don't-" only to get pushed back by the dirty-blonde man.
"Get the fuck away!" He shoved you, making you stumble backwards, hitting the back of another guy, to whom you quickly excused yourself.
The younger brother looked at you in concern, but as soon as he saw you safe on your feet, his attention was back on the drunk in front of him.
He sighed, "Look," he motioned towards you. "Now I have to hit you. Because you just hit her."
"I didn't hit her," the guy scoffed, "I barely even pushed her."
"Nah, I'm pretty sure you did that," with a strong force, Tommy pushed into the guy's chest. "Maybe even a little harder, like this," and repeated it with some added strength.
In clear annoyance, the drunk man shoved Tommy's hands off of him, only giving it another second before he let his fist swing. The Miller brother was quick to react, moving out of the way before landing the first official punch to the guy's side. The blonde groaned at the impact, only letting it affect him for a split moment before pushing Tommy further away. It gave him the time and space to land his own first hit to Tommy's face, making you gasp out loud. 
The entire's bar attention was now on the two fighting men, creating some space for them as they stumbled across the floor. You could only hear a few mumbles around you as your eyes were fixed on the fight in front of you. You tried to look for Maria but a crowd had formed right in front of a bar with mostly men, taller than you, hiding the counter area.
One punch made Tommy land on his ass as the other guy whipped his hand over his lips, you guessed there was some blood. You took the opportunity, to get down on the floor, your hands on the Miller's arm.
"Come on, stop this, don't waste-"
But before you could finish it, somebody shoved your body away from Tommy, making your back hit the wooden pole right behind you. You groaned out loud, closing your eyes for a second.
"Y/N!" You heard Maria's voice as she suddenly appeared, standing in front of the crowd with a glass bottle in her hand. In the next moment, she held the bottle up, swinging it to let it hit the back of the drunk guy's head before he could land another punch to Tommy's face as he straddled him. The man fell to the side, right by your feed, making you flinch away.
"Are you okay?!" Maria was right by your side, crouching down as she helped you up.
You nodded, "Yeah, yeah," you had only hit your back, which would definitely leave a mark, but not much else. Your worry lay on the guy who hadn't gotten up yet. No, not the clearly drunk one.
"Tommy," you rushed over, watching him as he groaned, blood rushing down from his nose. You couldn't even tell if there was blood coming from his mouth as well.
He huffed out, "Ah, fuck," trying to steady himself with his hands on the floor as he pushed himself up.
"Jesus Christ," Maria whispered out loud. The hushed voices around you got louder, making her raise her voice, "Everybody either get back to their table or out of here! There's nothing to see here!" After the first guy went after her demand, the rest followed.
"Tommy," you sighed, "I think we should get you to a hospital."
"Are you okay?" He suddenly asked you. You nodded quickly,
"I am. But you don't look good."
"N-No... no hospital," he told you trying to stand up more, making you stumble up as well as you tried to hold onto him even though he was putting half of his weight on you already.
"You have to, Tommy. Your nose is probably broken."
"If only the nose," Maria commented, suddenly having an ice pack and some paper tissues in her hold. "You wanna take my car? Get him to the hospital... I'll see what I can do about... this one," she nodded towards the guy on the floor that was slowly coming back to consciousness. "Probably have to call the police."
"Did that already!" Out of nowhere, Steven suddenly shouted out from behind the bar, making your best friend roll her eyes.
"Where the fuck were you before?!"
"I can't let... I...," Tommy groaned, not finishing his sentence as his mouth seemed to hurt.
"Take my car," Maria quickly told you, handing you the ice pack, tissues and the keys from her bag pocket, "And call me once you're there. I'll handle this here." She also got your bag for you.
You smiled at her, "Thank you," to which she nodded, giving you a soft touch on the back before you tried to move Tommy towards. He seemed to be okay walking, but his face was clearly in pain as he held his head down. The walk towards Maria's car was quiet, only his groans and moans filled the air between the two of you.
In the car, you put on the radio, trying to let the silence not become awkward.
"Are you okay?" Tommy asked you again.
You nodded, "You asked me that already. I'm okay. Only hit my back."
"Fucking idiot...," he mumbled, mostly to himself probably, but you shook your head.
"You too," you told him, "Why would you start a fight like that? I thought those days were over."
"I ain't lettin' a man talk like that to a woman, no matter what. And I know you, so I'm definitely not walkin' past that," he defended himself, almost raising his voice, but the situation told him not to.
The rest of the ride, the two of you listened to whatever was coming from the radio.
At the hospital, the two of you were told to wait in the waiting room as his injuries were not severe enough for him to be put in the emergency room. If it wasn't as late as it was, you would've started something with the personnel, but you already had enough of that for one night. They did offer you a new ice pack though and some more tissues.
You took a seat in one of the uncomfortable chairs next to Tommy, trying to find a bearable position. "Should I call Joel?" You asked him, knowing how close the two seemed to be.
Tommy groaned, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, "Fuck..." He thought for a second before continuing, "No... let's not do that. Unless you really wanna see him." One quick glance to the side, you found him smirking at you, giving you a quick wink. Even with all the blood on his face, this man was still able to joke around...
"You...," you shook your head in disbelief, "You're in the hospital. This is about you. I think he should know about his little brother being in the hospital," you snapped at him, but he only continued to smile.
"But you want to see him again, right?"
"I heard you in the diner." 
Your head snapped to glance at him. The annoying grin was still plastered on his face.
He chuckled. "I left my hat in the booth. When I came back to get it I saw you dancing around the kitchen singing that he'll see you next week."
With a pout on your lips, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and turned your head to look away. You knew there was no blame on him for this situation and all the blame was to be put on you, but you couldn't help but feel sulky towards him.
You scoffed, "It's not nice to listen to other people's conversations."
"But now I can help you," he nudged your side, hissing softly as he moved. You stared at him, trying to figure out if he was in serious pain and if you needed to get a nurse. He seemed fine as the smirk returned.
"Get your nose fixed first, then we'll talk."
With another groan, he sat forward, suddenly reaching into the back pocket of his jeans before falling back into the seat with a groan. He handed you his phone.
"Call him."
"Tommy, you didn't want him here. I'm not-"
"He'll be pissed at me, yes. But y'all can talk while I'm in there," you glanced at you, "Get to know each other a little better," wiggling with his eyebrows. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, your lips curling up against your will. He nudged the Nokia closer to you, giving you no other possibility but to take it.
"I'll be right back," you mumbled, getting a giggle out of him.
"Start the call with 'hey babe'!" He shouted after you, putting on a fake high-pitched voice to mock you. A harsh 'ssh' from one of the nurses made him sink back into the chair and you turned around and threw him a quick middle finger before disappearing further into the corridor.
You pressed the buttons to get to his contact list, not finding anyone under J that wasn't a girl's name, so you decided to just look through the entire thing, starting with A, until you finally reached B.
Barbara, Beatrice, Billy, Boobs-
He had a contact for 'Boobs'? You shook your head.
Brother Old.
This could either be someone else, an old number of Joel or, as you had hoped, Joel's current number. You pressed to call it, putting the phone up to your ear. After four rings, somebody on the other side picked up.
"What?" An annoyed groan erupted through the speaker. The familiar roughness to his voice was unlike any other's.
"Hey Joel, it's Y/N," you answered him. Some shuffling around seemed to happen in the background before his voice rang through your ear again.
"Y/N? What's going on? What happened?" He hastily wondered.
You took a second of silence to form a good sentence, just thinking about what he was currently doing or even just looking like. It was in the middle of the night, and just taken from his voice, you'd say you had interrupted his sleep. Did he sleep in a pyjama set? No, he was a dad. A true dad wouldn't sleep in much else but some shirt and boxers. Or maybe he's not wearing anything at all to sleep. You were drifting off.
"Ehm... So... Sorry for calling so late-"
"It's okay, don't worry," he quickly assured you with a heavy breath.
Out of habit, you bit down on your lip before continuing. "I'm calling from the hospital. Tommy got into a fight."
"God damnit..." Joel cursed under his breath. There were more incoherent sounds in the background as he spoke. "Which hospital?"
"St. David's."
"Alright, I'm on my way," he told you.
You nodded even though he wouldn't be able to see it, "Okay, we're in the waiting room right at the reception."
"Good, thank you."
"You're welcome, bye."
With a sigh, he put the phone down, ending the call and making your way back into the waiting room.
Tommy lifted his head at the sound of your footsteps getting closer to him.
He grinned at you. "And?"
You shook your head, handing him his phone back. "He wasn't thrilled."
"Ah," he brushed off your answer, "I bet your face will make him happy."
"Joel- Tommy, I mean-"
"I'm already getting confused with him? Wow, I'm honoured," he nudged you as soon as you sat down, the smirk still evident on his face.
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes, not even trying to hide your amusement. "It's late."
"But you do like him."
"I barely know him," you defended yourself.
"But you find him attractive," he continued to nag further.
You nodded. There was no reason to hide it from him if he had already caught your burst of excitement back at the diner. "But I think half the female population of Austin would too."
"But half of the female population of Austin isn't you."
His comment made you turn your head in interest.
"And what exactly do you mean by that?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Tommy smiled. "I think I know my brother well enough to notice when he finds someone attractive."
You laughed at his answer. "Wow, you're just gonna out him like that?"
"Somebody's gotta do it," he shrugged, "What else he got a younger brother for." You shook your head in amusement.
You may not be the closest to Tommy, but this was the most time you had ever spent with just him. Plus, he had just admitted to noticing his brother's attraction towards you. That brought a thought to your head.
"Can I ask you something?" It probably wasn't the ideal situation, but oh well, if you already had him sitting right next to you, confined to a chair, why not. Shooting your shots.
"Is there... you know... I mean... with Sarah, I was thinking about like... her mom?"
He shook his head, "Don't worry 'bout that," he let you know, turning to meet your eyes. "It's not my story to tell, but... she's not in the picture."
You almost felt stupid. You had only seen this man a total of three times, yet he had managed to enarmour you and let you think that you suddenly had the right to know everything about his personal life.
"Why?" He asked with the smirk back plastered on his face, "You wanna ask him on a date?" The question took you by surprise, making you open your mouth, ready to defend yourself, but nothing came out. Your lips quivered as you tried to come up with an answer, but Tommy just laughed at your surprised reaction. The rose blush to your cheeks gave you away.
"You should," he told you, "It's been like... God, I don't even know, like... two or three years. Christ, maybe even four."
"Since his last relationship?" You wanted to be careful with your questions, but there was no way when Tommy played open book to you.
He shook his head, glancing at you. "Since his last date."
So Jimmy was right.
"Yeah," Tommy nodded to himself, "You'd be surprised how many women get scarred off by the whole dad thing." Your lack of answer made him look over again. "But not you."
"You ask about Sarah. He likes that."
"Well... she's his daughter, so... kinda obvious to ask about her," you were taken aback by the disinterest of the other women he had mentioned.
He shrugged, "Yeah, but like I said... not many care 'bout that."
A few moments of silence followed. Neither one of you seemed to have any will to continue your conversation. You didn't want to keep nagging further and you were pretty sure Tommy had started to doze off in his seat. It gave you some time to think, but a sudden jolt from the man next to you brought you back. He was about to sit up straighter when his eyes caught something behind you making you flinch and duck into the chair again, groaning at the impact.
"What?" You wondered, turning around to only find two police officers in the hallway, talking to a nurse. With a frown, you turned back to the Miller brother. "What?"
"They can't see me like this."
His reaction alarmed you immediately. "Why not?"
He seemed to think about his next answer before spilling out, "I know those guys. And they don't like me. If they see me like this, I'm fucked."
"I just got a new job, I can't get another mark in my record."
Your eyes widened, "Your criminal record?" To which he just nodded. "Tommy!" You shouted-whispered at him, making him shush you. "How many fights did you get in."
"A few, okay? Just," he put his finger up to his lips, signing for you to keep quiet. You dropped back against the backrest of the chair with a sigh, shaking your head as you ran both hands over your face, mumbling to yourself.
From the side, you tried to watch the two officers as they passed you, hearing a relieved chunk of air leaving Tommy as he sat up again. You couldn't believe it. You knew he wasn't an angel and you remembered his troubled time as a teenager. What you didn't know was how that time had continued to chase him into adulthood.
Noticing his still slightly on edge stance, you decided to change the subject, hoping to give him some kind of distraction. And it just so happened that you had an actual topic of interest for you personally.
"You think I should ask him out?" A gulp followed your question, unsure if dropping that would reveal itself to be a mistake or not.
"On a date?" Tommy's voice was steady again as he looked at you, his lips curled into a soft smile. You nodded, making him chuckle. "Give him some time and he'll ask you himself."
"You think?"
He nodded but continued. "I mean, you can ask him. I... I don't know how he'd react, to be honest, but he wouldn't leave you hangin'. He's just... he's a traditional southern-"
"Gentleman," you said in union, chuckling together.
"I mean," Tommy started, "You know, if a woman offered herself to me, I would never decline-" You stopped him with a soft shove to his arm, making sure not to be too harsh since you didn't know how severe his injuries were. "But," he pushed your hand away from him, "Joel's a bit more old-fashioned in that way."
"I see," you nodded understandingly. Hearing this in connection to any other man would've probably made a chill run down your spine and the sick feeling of pure disgust bubble in your stomach, but for some reason, it didn't when it came to Joel. Tommy spoke so softly about him being s traditional gentleman, he made it sound good and proper. Not conservative and old. 
A nurse's voice, calling out for Tommy made you look up as he tried to get out of his chair. You offered to help him, but he brushed it off, telling you to 'wait here for Joel' with a wink before following the nurse down the hall.
Only a few minutes later, heavy footsteps stomped through the corridor, coming to a stop at the reception. Before the older Miller brother could even ask for information on Tommy, his eyes found you. Curled up on a chair, your eyes closed and your shoulders lifting and dropping in an even beat. With the time now being well over midnight, you had given into your body's pleas for sleep and found some form of comfort in the waiting room chair.
He tried to be as smooth as possible, getting into the chair right next to you, previously occupied by his brother, but even at the slightest sound, you jerked up, lifting your head to find him.
"Hey, sorry for wakin' you," Joel excused himself, brushing his hands over the top of his jeans. He had thrown them on even though they should probably already be in the wash and the shirt was wrinkled as he had fallen asleep in it. His unruly hair, messy and curly, showed the sleep you had woken him up from. But even in this state, which most would describe as dishevelled, he still managed to look good. He looked comfortable. Warm.
You shook your head with a tired smile, covering your mouth as a yawn escaped you. "It's okay."
"How long have been you here?"
"Ehm...," you tried to look around for the clock on the wall. 12:05. "Not too long, like 40 minutes or something."
He nodded, letting a sigh fall from his lips. "What happened?"
You rubbed your eyes, forgetting about the makeup you had put on a few hours before, but it probably was already smudged either way. Unsure if the story Tommy would tell would hold any truth or if he'd make up something, you decided to tell it in whole.
"There was a guy," you started, continuing to explain the entire situation to Joel, meeting his eyes a few times during the story, watching him go from annoyed, to concerned, to slightly irritated. He let you finish before asking further questions.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah. Just hit my back."
Joel frowned, "How?"
"I tried to get to Tommy after he got pushed to the floor, but that idiot threw me against a pole," you let him know, the scowl on his face only deepening. His wrinkles weren't just a sign of age. This man had been frowning too much in his life. Yet, it somehow suited him.
"You don't wanna get that checked? You sure you're okay?" He asked you further, but you just continued to nod.
"I drove here. I'm fine," you shrugged it off. Joel just sighed again, looking around the room before he continued.
"Anyone called the cops?"
"Probably," you answered him honestly. You didn't know for sure, but there was a high chance that you just got out quick enough. His deep breath in and out made you remember the reaction the two officers brought out of Tommy. "But I don't know. Maria said she'd handle it. My friend at the bar," you quickly added.
Joel glanced at you, his elbows digging into his thighs. "That's nice of her. Thank you." But you just nodded again.
Carefully, you decided to get closer. "Tommy mentioned something about a new job..."
"Yeah," the older brother sat himself up straight, letting himself fall back into the chair, "I got him a job at the company I work at. Just carpenter stuff, but... if they find out he was involved in a bar fight," he shook his head, "I don't know. My boss already took him in just because I practically begged him to."
"I see," you answered him, just letting him know you had been listening.
"Thank you for staying here with him. And for bringing him. And thanks to your friend for handling the whole police-" Joel began to ramble, but you were quick to stop him, subconsciously just putting your hand on his upper arm.
"It's okay," you smiled up at him, getting a thankful nod and soft smile in return.
It was only then it hit you.
Not only did this man have the responsibility of raising a nine-year-old girl, but he also was taking care of a man in his mid-to-late twenties. Letting him live with him, making sure he had a job, and picking him up from a hospital after a bar fight. You could see the tiredness on his face, and it didn't only have to do with the fact that he had to get up in the middle of the night. It was years old tiredness. You know it from your father. Carrying the world on his shoulders, dragging him, not letting him live to his full potential. The constant instinct to care and worry following his every step.
On one side, you couldn't help but find it attractive, his primal instict of protection, but on the other, you felt deeply sorry for him, you realised. If he hadn't been a met-three-times 'stranger' you would've offered him a hug. He looked like he could need one.
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joel taglist: @corvusmorte @aniia-x3 @skysmiller @lizlil
pedro taglist: @leslieelainetrask @sidelnes
82 notes · View notes
shelby-fangirl00 · 11 months
Good for you-part 3
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So I’ve been avoiding tumblr lately. Sometimes I get into these stupid funks after I write something I’m really proud of. It’s like I can’t do another good piece of writing after. I don’t know, I’m just scared of not being good. I honestly don’t know how well this one’s even written, but it was still fun to write.
So I took sometime to just fall into dark romance novels in order to help me feel inspired/grow as a writer. I know I don’t really have many people waiting on me to write or anything but I just have this guilt about not posting. BLEHHH ANYWAYZZZ…
🎵I can heaaaar the belllls🎵 it’s wedding day y’all! Enjoy:)
Warnings: (18+ MINORS DNI) strong language, smut, loss of virginity, dark!Tommy, dark!Tommy being soft, angst, fluff, jealousy and a bit of cheating
You hadn’t spoken to him in days, not since you woke up alone in his bed. he had left your ass bruised to hell. You weren’t sure why he had been avoiding you. It all seemed like one big mind game of his. Punishing you, soothing you, then disappearing. What was his angle?
Now, you were about to manually put one pearly white heel in front of the other as you walked down the church aisle, only moments away from signing over your life to him.
You looked at your father before he opened the doors of the church to expose you to a room full of people you didn’t know. He went to reach for the door handle, but you stopped him, pulling his arm back. He looked at you, confused at first. He could see the tears pricking at your eyes and the scrunching of your brow. Your chin began to quiver as you saw your fathers eyes soften with empathy and maybe a bit of guilt.
“I’m so scared, dad.’ You whispered to him, the tears finally falling down your cheeks.
“Oh sweetheart…” he pulled you into a bear hug, the kind that made you cry ever harder. You felt the child inside of you dying as his familiar arms wrapped around you, the arms that always protected you. It was a dark and empty feeling, knowing that you’d never have that gleaming light in your eyes that children have. That you always had. You’d never have the same rosiness to your cheeks anymore. You’d never experience real love, never experience traveling, never have your own life. You would always have that depressing mansion. Forever hiding behind the shadow of the man you’re marrying. Reality sank in and you tried to accept the hand that life had dealt you.
“Be strong, y/n. He may seem like a cold man but he will take care of you. You will never have to struggle again. We will never struggle again. And it’s all because of the sacrifices you’re making today. They don’t go unnoticed, love.”
You shook your head, wiping the tears away and composing yourself. You always understood your role in your family. It was all just happening so quickly at once.
You heard the church’s organ hymn to life, knowing that this was really it.
The doors opened, revealing nearly a hundred people or more standing and watching you, examining your body. At the end of the green aisle stood Tommy, hands crossed in front of him, watching you, with no expression at all. Everyone was dressed eloquently, but so we’re you. You’re dress was light but fitting, accentuating your best features with rhinestones and lace.
Tommy watched you walk slowly down the aisle, hips swaying back and forth. He always thought you were a pretty girl, but you looked beautiful tonight. He especially liked the way you chose to wear your hair in a low loose bun, strands falling down your neck. The way he favored it.
He coughed a bit as his mouth went dry the closer you got to him.
“Don’t get cold-feet now, Tommy.” John giggled from behind him. Tommy rolled his eyes, unmoving from his position.
As your father handed you off to Tommy who took your hand, walking you to stand in front of the aisle with the priest.
As the priest went on with the service, you felt yourself looking for comfort in Tommy’s eyes, your new protector. He gave you an amused smile, winking down at you playfully, like this wasn’t a big deal at all. His ability to not take it all so seriously (or at least not show you his fear) calmed down the rambunctious beating of your heart.
“I do” Tommy said, his voice booming through the church. You almost forgot how intimidating his voice was after not hearing it for days.
“I do” you said quickly, not daring to hesitate and risk embarrassing him. He smiled at your eagerness.
“In the sight of these witnesses and God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!”
The drop in your stomach was quickly replaced with butterflies as Tommy cupped your face sweetly and kissed you for the very first time. His lips were soft and supple, pressing lightly against your own. Being kissed by him was better than you imagined.
You both started to laugh into the kiss as the roar of people (mostly Tommy’s family and men) whistled and clapped for you both. Feeling the tension break away from the situation, you pulled away, smiling so widely at Tommy. His heart skipped a beat as he had never seen such a beautiful and authentic smile.
For a few moments, it felt like it was just the two of you in that church. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
You had ditched the champagne halfway through the night and snuck a few swigs of whiskey from Tommy’s office. All you could think about was what would happen after all of his fancy guests left. Would you still have a separate bedroom from him? Hell, you didn’t even know if he’d touch you. You never talked about anything. But you wanted him to. Deep down, there was a need to be consumed by only him.
The booze helped with your worries. You figured it would help with the pain you might be experiencing after tonight. You were a virgin. You never told him, but he never asked. You assumed he already knew. You had no clue where you stood with him, but the liquor told you to go find out.
You fought to find Tommy in the crowded hallways, trying your hardest not to get lost in the “congratulations” people threw your way.
Suddenly, you felt his presence nearby. Like you could sense where he was, you turned around to peer through the crowd. He was sitting alone in an empty room to your right, down the hallway. The door of the room was only cracked open and the lights were dim around him. Your body froze as your eyes followed his line of sight from above him in the dimly lit room.
A tall woman came into view, with fiery red hair and a slim figure. She leaned over Tommy, whispering something in his ear, her diamond encrusted necklace dangling in his face. It sparkled off his deep blue eyes.
You could almost make out the growl he let out in response as he pulled her forcefully onto his lap. She wrapped her delicate fingers around his neck as he shoved his face in between her chest, kissing her skin so softly. His hands, the hands that you so desperately wanted all over your skin, we’re gripping this beautiful woman’s instead.
The entire room and people around you faded into the background. Your ears rang out and you couldn’t look away from them. The more you gawked, the harder it was to pull yourself away. On your fucking wedding night of all days. Sure, you didn’t think that you’d be his last fuck, but surely not tonight. Maybe this was just the way of his world. This is what you signed on for.
Your vision blurred as tears flooded out. Your body suddenly felt 1000 pounds heavier as the blood pulsed through your ears.
“Darling, is everything alright?” Polly’s soft voice purred behind you, not noticing the scene Tommy was so obviously making down the hall.
Blinking once to free your eyes, you wiped them away just as quickly. Forcing yourself back to reality. In that very moment, something inside of you awakened, something devious, but also something very fucking angry. Deciding to shut your emotions off, you turned to her kind eyes.
“Oh just lovely Polly. But it is my wedding night and now that I’m officially a Shelby, I intend to drink like one. Join me?” You said so effortlessly, shocking yourself with the confidence you oozed out instantly.
Polly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, giving you a questioning look. She’d never heard you stutter out more than a few words to her or anyone in the family, really. She took you for the shy and submissive type, which to be fair, you were. But not right now, not tonight. He wouldn’t take this night from you.
After a few seconds of silence, her mouth slid up into a devilish grin.
It didn’t take long before all of the worries and pain dripped off your shoulders, evaporating into the air around you. At some point, Polly and her strange friends that surrounded her had disappeared into the crowds, chatting away with people you didn’t know.
The jazz music blared from the small band Tommy had hired for the night. Your body moved and swayed to it as you stood lazily at the bar. You hadn’t seen Tommy since he was eye-fucking whoever the hell that woman was. You told yourself that he was the last person you wanted to see. But it was a lie. You’d always want to fight for his attention or even his devotion.
But suddenly, like a fucking ghost, you felt the back of your neck prickle and your palms sweat. You knew he was close by, you could feel it in the way the air thinned and the way people’s back straightened.
You decided to not look around for him. If he needed you, he’d find you, but you were sure he didn’t give single fuck what you were up to.
Your eyes scanned the ridiculous bar and landed on the tall man to your left. He was sitting opposite, staring up at you as he brought his glass to his pink lips. You stared, a bit taken aback by his boldness. He lowered his glass, never looking away. You threw him a playful smile, never looking away.
His skin was tan, opposite of Tommy’s. His eyes were almond shaped and honey coated. His aggressively large shoulders and slim torso enticed you as his body seemed to lean forward, preying on you.
Without your mind fully catching up, your body moved slowly towards him, but not before you shot back another glass of champagne.
“I have a feeling you’re the designated wedding crasher?” You almost whispered as you sat down on the stool beside him.
His eyes softened, and his grin turned even wider at your examination of him.
“What makes you so sure?” He sipped on his glass, his loosely slicked back hair tumbling into his face as he moved.
“Because only an enemy would try provoking Mr.Shelby by making eyes at his new wife…especially on her wedding night.” You giggled, lazily crossing your thighs together.
He didn’t miss the movement. His eyes traced over your body, stopping at your exposed thighs before meeting your face again.
“Well you don’t seem to mind, do ya love?” His voice turned husky as he leaned in closer, making you do the same.
You looked past the man’s shoulder, zeroing in on those deadly blue eyes, watching you from the corner of the room.
Now you had his attention. You didn’t even give a shit how much trouble you and this mystery man would be getting into. He clearly wasn’t welcome here anyways, whoever he is.
You smirked at Tommy, never taking your eyes off of him as you leaned even closer, pulling the man’s neck closer to you, putting your lips to his ears.
Before you could even get a word out, Tommy was stomping towards you both. You slowly let the man go and watched in awe as Tommy grabbed the man by the back of his collar, pulling him off the chair. His back slammed onto the floor, making the entire room fall silent.
Unfazed, you sipped on a glass of champagne in your hand, watching Tommy’s anger boil over, ready and waiting for your own punishment.
He placed both feet on each side of the man, whipping out his pistol effortlessly from under his coat and pointing it in his face.
“Fuck off.” Is the only words he spoke to the man, but they were deadly enough to make any person run away in fear.
The man didn’t need to be asked twice before he pushed himself up and stomped to the front door. Well that was easy enough.
As Tommy holstered his gun and brushed his pants off, the band began to play again as everyone slowly continued on with the party. As the noise picked up, he finally turned to me, eyes on fire.
He yanked me from the stool by the arm, dragging me down the hall and up the stairs. You giggled your way up, too drunk to even care how mad he was.
He threw you into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Stumbling back, you cocked an eyebrow up at him, challenging him.
“Are you that fucking dense? Are you trying to embarrass me or do you just not give a fuck?” He voice was filled with disgust. While his tone was vile, his composure was also slipping.
You tapped your pouty lips with your finger like you were thinking hard.
“I was so lonely, husband. I just needed some attention.” You giggled, skipping towards him lightly, your chest bouncing out of your low cut dress. Ignoring his insult completely, you batted your thick lashed at him.
His eyes shot down to your chest but they were still full of fury.
“Oh I see! Only you are allowed to play tonight.” You said in an annoyed tone.
His shoulders rolled back and he tilted his head in suspicion. He knew you knew.
Seeing the realization in his eyes, you rolled your own, turning your back on him. Before you could take another step, he yanked your arm back, pushing you into his chest. You yelped, attempting to push him off of you, but his grip on you was too tight.
“Fuck off, Tommy. Let me go.” You said, finally dropping the whole “I don’t care” act. His fingers dug into your sides so hard you knew they would bruise.
His eyebrows shot up to his fucking hairline, letting out a laugh that was deadly.
He pinched your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re hurting me! Let go!” You whimpered out. He used his other hand to pin your hands behind your back. He rotated both of your bodies, pushing you again the wall with a loud thud. You winced in pain.
He pressed your face into the thick walls, shoving his nose into yours.
“This is my house. I can do whatever or whoever the fuck I want, ya hear me? You may not act like a whore.”
You didn’t feel scared or threatened. You felt fucking rage. It was bubbling up inside of you, clawing at your throat.
“I wouldn’t have to act like a whore if my husband could do the fucking job himself.” You said at an angry whisper.
His eyes darkened and his lips curved up into a smirk.
“You’re awfully cheeky tonight, love. What happened to my submissive little pet?” He cocked his head to the side, making you shudder.
His hand curled it’s way around your throat, squeezing a bit too tight.
You preferred being good for him. But you were still too angry for that.
“Fucking other women on your wedding night…that’s gotta be a bad omen or something, no?” You squeaked.
“What makes you think I fucked her?” He chuckled, examining the way your body was pushing into him.
“Because you have quite the reputation for acting like a whore yourself.”
You yelped as his palm smacked the side of your cheek, not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to get your attention.
Without another word, he let you go, but not before forcing you to your knees as he pushed your shoulders down. Finally.
Quickly, he freed his cock from under his dress pants.
“That naughty mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson.” He growled before forcing your jaw open with his hands. Before you could process what was happening next, he was shoving his cock down your throat.
You moaned at the sensation, greedily trying to take back control. You bobbed your head back and forth, using your tongue to swirl around the tip of his cock. You were a virgin, yes. But you’d had a few dicks down your throat before. Maybe none as big as his though.
His hand fisted into your hair, taking control of the rhythm. As he forced himself farther and farther down your throat, you gagged, drool dripping out onto your chin.
Both of your eyes were locked onto each other as you let him fuck your mouth relentlessly. You folded your hands behind your back, letting him have the control he desperately seeks.
He smiled sweetly at you.
“There she is. My good girl.” He said huskily, not stopping his relentless movements.
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his words, making you moan around his cock again, sending vibrations up his body.
Your thighs opened up and you attempted to rub small circles into your clit, trying to relieve the built up tension between your legs.
As he watched you, he pulled out of your mouth and smacked your hand away from yourself.
“You ask for permission to touch that needy pussy. It’s mine now.”
You whimpered, wishing he would stuff your mouth full of him again. Noticing your expression, he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.
“Get on the bed. I need to be inside you.”
Your body froze for a second, preparing yourself for your innocence to be taken away.
“Tommy…I’ve never-
“I know. You think I would have waited to fill that pussy with my cock until tonight if you weren’t?” He stalked over to you, placing his open hand out for you to take. You do, standing to your feet and allowing him to lead you to the bed.
He stalked behind you and you felt his fingers zip down your dress and push it off your body slowly, finally exposing you naked body to him for the first time. Goosebumps covered your skin as you could feel his eyes all over you.
His hands snaked around your stomach from behind, slowly reaching down and stopping above your pelvic bone.
You were desperate for his touch.
He leaned over from behind you, forcing your head back to kiss your lips softly as his hands crept up and down your thighs. Every one of your nerve endings were set on fire as his unfamiliar hands touched your skin.
“I don’t know if you’ll fit inside me..” you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
He smiled knowingly, kissing your nose. His changing moods were giving you whiplash.
“It will, love. It’ll hurt at first…” he kissed down your neck, sending goosebumps down you again.
“But I promise I’ll make it feel so good.” He whispered in your ear, biting at your lobe.
He pushed you towards the bed and you laid flat on your back, almost shaking with anticipation.
The only exposed part of his body was his throbbing cock standing center.
His eyes devoured every inch of your body before he hovered over you, kissing your cheeks softly.
“Tommy.” You whispered, your hands wrapping around the back of his neck.
His eyes lifted to find yours.
“Please be gentle with me?” You watched as his eyes softened for only a second and quickly changing to mischief.
“Relax, love. Do you want this?”
“Of course I do.”
He smiled down again, giving you one last kiss before he lined himself up with your pussy. Your body stiffened as you felt him tease you, rubbing the head of his cock against your slick slit.
“Beg for it.”
You did as you were told.
“Please, Tommy…I cant wait anymore.”
“Good girl…you feel how wet you are? You’re ready for me.” He moaned out as suddenly the head of his cock popped through your entrance making you gasp.
Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to find comfort in him.
He brushed his nose against your neck, making you shiver. He inched in further before stopping to let you adjust to his size.
He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“I’m going to push all the way in now, ok?“
You shook your head, ready to get the pain over with.
“Fuck!” You yelled as he plunged into you, breaking through the thin wall inside of you so easily.
“Shhhhh…I’ll make it feel better.” he cooed, taking his hand to wrap your leg around his waist. He froze again, letting you adjust.
“Tommy, please fucking move!” You wined as the pain was too much to bear.
He chuckled, moving all the way out just to thrust back in again.
“Christ, this pussy was made for me, y/n. It’s all mine…you’re all mine.” The use of your name made your head reel.
After moving in and out of you a few more times, your body relaxed. You pushed him into you with you legs, reveling in the pain mixed with the pleasure.
“How does it feel?” He moaned out, pinching your nipples between his fingers.
Your back arched up off the mattress, chasing his touch.
“So fucking full…” you barely mumbled out as his pounding never relented.
Thrusting inside of you once more, he flipped you with ease so you were on top of him.
You froze for a second, feeling intimidated by this position. But you couldn’t deny it. You liked the way he looked under you, eyes glazed over and mouth popped open in ecstasy.
Noticing your timidness, he squeezed you hips, signaling for you to move up and down.
“Fuuuck..” you panted out, tilting you head back and planting your hands on his chest. Like your body knew exactly what to do, you slowly found a pace, moving up and down on his dick.
“Good job, love. Just like this.” He led your hips up and down, meeting your hips with his own.
You pulled the buttons of his vest apart, exposing more of his broad figure, but still fully clothed. For some reason, you liked how exposed you were and how covered up he was.
His encouraging words boosted your ego, making you bounce faster and faster on him. You felt him pulsing inside of you. The sounds of your skin slapping together and the shared panting and moans drowned out the music from behind the door.
He used his palm to push you back down, forcing you to lay flat on his chest. He took the opportunity to lift your ass and fuck up into you. Shots of pleasure were
You let out a guttural scream that you were sure someone would have heard. Riding him felt good, but this felt intoxicating. Your body was at the complete mercy of his movements. A knot started to form in the pit of your stomach, pulling tighter and tighter around you.
“I think I’m-
“Yeah, I can feel you squeezing around me. Come for me, please.” He panted out. Did Thomas Shelby just say ‘please’?!
He pushed his hand in between your bodies, letting his thumb draw circles along your protruding clit with one hand while the other lifted your ass up and down onto him. This can’t be what sex feels like for every man. This is what sex feels like with Tommy. You felt like he was finally seeing you and you were finally seeing him for the very first time. He smiled up at you, watching you find yourself through him. A sense of belonging and power washed over you and you let all of your fears of Tommy go…in that moment at least.
Seeing flashes of a vulnerable Tommy was fascinating. He never let his guard down around you, except for right now. He had completely fell into this moment, your bodies moving as one, like you’d done this 100 times before.
You sunk your claws into his thinly covered chest, leaning your head into his neck as he fucked you through your orgasm. Thousands of tiny sparks ignited inside of you. Your body tightened as you silently screamed in pleasure.
He didn’t stop even after you came down. He flipped you over to your back again, chasing his own release now.
You both groaned out as your back hit the mattress and he pounded into you with such force. His hand lifted your leg up to rest on his shoulder, pulling at your tight walls.
“I’m gonna put a babe in here…plant my fucking seed in you.” He growled. Normally, you’d reject this. But fuck, you didn’t care right now. You wanted to know what it felt like when his cum shot up into you.
His thrusts became sloppy and his free hand held your chin in place, not allowing you to look away as he finally came inside of you.
The whimpers that left his mouth as he stared down into your soul. You smile deviously, now addicted to this vulnerable expression. You wanted to see that drunken-on-lust look over and over again.
Both of you panted over each other, not moving from inside of you. You could see in his eyes that something had changed between the two of you. He had finally made his mark on you and you were now a brand new woman. A woman with power and needs, that he would happily fulfill for you whenever you wanted.
He giggled cheekily, letting his head fall to his shoulder.
You chuckled, sitting up on your elbows.
“Come here.” He said softly, reaching his hands out for you to take.
Finally, he pulled out with a gasp, watching your pussy as the cum dripped out of you. He used his two rough fingers to collect the excess and brought it to your mouth. You eagerly sucked off the juices on his fingers, greedy to know what it tasted like when you were mixed together.
He slowly led you up and towards the connecting bathroom, starting a hot bath. It was sweet, the way he was trying to take care of you now. You would’ve never expected this type of treatment from him before. You had broken down his wall, at least a small bit.
You watched as he finally removed the clothes from his back. You were gawking at the way his tight muscles moved when he did.
Normally, you’d be shy about standing there naked in front of someone, especially him. But not anymore. He’d taken away the awkwardness and the fear you usually had around him, and you were thankful for that.
With the bath filled almost to the brim, he undressed completely, exposing all of him to me now. He sunk down into the water with a groan and held out his hand for you to join him.
You smiled, stepping and sinking in too. You hissed as the water hit your hips, feeling the sting between your legs. You rested your back against his chest. You hummed in satisfaction as you let you head rest against his hard body.
His hands snaked around your stomach in the water and he leaned his chin against your neck. You loved the way his skin felt on yours. This is the longest you’d ever been around Tommy without feeling on edge.
“Shouldn’t we be out there entertaining all of your fancy friends?” You giggled, feeling him smile against your skin.
“That’s the last thing on my mind right now. Polly and Ada can handle it. Im right where I need to be.”
You craned your head to press your lips on his. The both of you seemed different now. The softness he showed was only reserved for you.
You didn’t feel pain or regret. You felt calm and happy to be wrapped in his strong arms.
“Y/n?” He whispered, making you look up at him.
“If you ever pull something like that again, I won’t be as forgiving. You’re all mine from now on, understand?” He brushed the water up and down your arms soothingly.
You shuddered into the hot water, squeezing his arm as a sign of affection and remorse, for some reason. But you couldn’t even be mad at him anymore. He fucked all of the anger and jealousy out of you.
“And you’re mine, too.” You stated without questioning yourself and letting you eyes fall shut.
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missmarveledsblog · 11 days
Flumpy ( jake seresin x reader) part 9
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summary : he can't let it end like this , truly and utterly he can't let this be the end , flumpy tells jake maybe he needs to think if a relationship is what he wants and give her space , cassie tries it again in the hard deck only this time jake stops it and shares his thoughts , rooster gives his two sense
warning : angst but fluffy ending because i'm sorry for the last part and am hoping this one gets me forgiven lol ,
A moment , just one moment she thought it was a horrible dream . That was til the sting of her now sore and dry eyes  and how cold and empty the bed was that really set the reality of things in . the thoughts of the woman all over jake , the accusations and venom from his lips hit her like a speeding train . how she felt coming home alone and crying herself to sleep . what was an amazing weekend turned to complete and utter shit show , one she wish never existed . she didn’t know what hurt more the way he let that woman think she could have him , the humiliation or the fact he thought she would do such a thing . 
She needed to get up , getting something into her sick riddled stomach and maybe just come back to bed for rest of the day . she dragged herself from the bed to her bathroom  the splash of cold water on her puffy face was soothing but the feeling in her stomach continued . maybe this was sign they weren’t meant to be or a cruel joke the universe was playing on  her . she pulled her door open startled slight at the incoming body or the thud to the ground . she wanted to feel bad as she looked down at the confused blonde,  the fact he fell asleep outside her door and how uncomfortable it must of been and yet when she looked at him all she saw was the tramp at the bar and the face of anger on jakes toward the one he was suppose to love . she was now pissed standing over him and storming to the kitchen even if her head , heart and eyes were hurting .
Jake never had gotten up so quick almost tripping over his feet as he ran to the kitchen . if he had to .. not had to he was prepare to fall to his knee and beg her to forgive him , beg her to let him make it right. 
“ baby i am so sorry shit sorry ain’t ever near enough to how much i fucked up , i trust you , i trust you with my life  he began . 
“ was that before or after that woman had her hands all over you , jake if you wanted to break up and catch up with an old fling you could of done so long before last night” she scoffed keeping her  back to him and her voice firm. 
“ no i wouldn’t  do that , i would never do that to you” . 
“ but you thought i would , you thought i would cheat on you,  you let that woman think she had a chance , you didn’t tell her no or to stop i was your girlfriend nah you thought better to turn the tables and humiliate me in front of our friends and everyone we work with , you made me look like a joke because i hug a man , a gay man i know from college , i would never do that on you , i would never made you feel the way you made me feel last night” she turned her eyes filling with tears ready to spill any second. “ maybe we need to think if this , us “ she stood turning away ready to head back to her room . 
“ i don’t want to break up , look i should of told cassie fuck off i shouldn’t of gotten so jealous  but seeing some guy so close and you putting your number in his phone and my head being a wreck already”  his own tears forming , his own voice cracking . 
“ you did that because a guy hugged me jake you don’t do that to someone you love” she cried he wanted to wrap her in his arms , hold her close to his chest but anytime he move closer she moved back. 
“ darling please i will do anything to make this right  , anything you want” he pleaded . 
“ give me space jake let me think about this” she sniffled . 
“I’m being deployed my head is messed up because i am being deployed, this is first time i have someone waiting for me come home  , a love that going to be waiting for me to get home , it’s killed me the thought of being away from you for three months and not being by your side but it’s killing me more that i’m coming home to nothing at all” he blurted out. 
“ my dad is maverick , my bestfriend and almost brother is rooster  i grew up around the navy  men i call my uncles i can handle deployment jake it would hurt but i can handle it and  do you not trust me to do that either , i need space ok just give me space” she walked off only for him to grab her hand. 
“ i trust you ,  i do really this is just new and i wasn’t thinking  but i do know it killing me more to know i may of lost my girl  , my life with you” . 
“ i need to think jake” was all she said pulling away from him  leaving him standing in the kitchen as tear streamed down his face and as she cried behind the door of her bedroom .
It was hardest week of her life , she hated it not being able to be close to him , not having lunch in the back of his trunk or heading to the good duck park . she left the room every time he came into it , at work she was only giving him short answers even thought her heart panged with pain to just talk to him .  she couldn’t sleep either the bed felt so big and empty without him there , she felt sick all time her appetite was up and down  knowing they usually ate together it was just the worst time she could of been going through . 
“ hard deck tonight no excuses” nat told her walking out of the hanger before she could even answer . 
He felt rough , a week not knowing if he was ever going to make it right , she could barely look at him , barely speak to him it was a living hell .  his life felt empty and  even his performance was bad , it worst flying he’s ever done .  he done so many pushups this week he knew each part of gravel on the ground on a personal level .  he need to talk to her , he need to make it right some how .  just as he went to move towards the door she walked in with nat  . 
“ i didn’t know he was coming tonight” nat said but honestly not convincing anymore .
“ its fine come on” she moved past sitting in the corner those eyes that held so much love for him now filled with sadness and hurt.
“ jakey , there you are “ god why was this happening to him .
“ cassie fuck off really i’m here with my friends and my girlfriend “ he move back . 
“ last time didn’t seem like that “ she cooed reaching out to touch him only for jake to push her arm away. 
“ i love her ok , last time i should of told you that , shouldn’t have let you think less but that girl , that crazy will absolutely kick your ass , beautiful woman right there is the one i love more than anything” he said pushing past cassie altogether heading to y/n as  her eyes widened . 
“ baby you think i’m not ready for this and i wouldn’t blame you but you're wrong because i know nothing feels right without you being my girl ,  i hate waking up without you but mostly i hate going another second not having you being by my side , i’m serious  shit if i could i would marry you tomorrow “ the raw truth of his work falling like a dam was broken without him . 
“ marry me?” she gasped . “ you wanna marry me?” .
“ from the moment you put me in my place that day on the beach when we first met …face to  face” he nodded. 
“ hey asshole” a voice called only for jake to turn and a fist to connec to his face sending him to back . “ ok now you can continue i’ve said my peace” bradley shrugged moving to his friends . 
“ i deserved that” jake groaned rubbing his jaw. 
“ you did “ she agreed , “ lets talk outside” she stood handing him the napkin filled with ice.  “ oh and lady your lucky i’m not doing that to you” she stood looking at cassie. 
“ could of had a better time with me jakey” she cooed. 
“ fuck it” y/n muttered before well  doing what roo did sending the woman on her ass . “ now go talk” 
“ ugh my best friend is so hot” nat gushed. 
“ dude your boyfriend” 
“ i know my place” kyle laughed kissing his girls head. 
The night was calm well a lot more calm compare to start of the night as they walked down the beach it  was minutes but it felt like an eternity . til she stopped  sitting on the now cool down sand as the night time breeze flowed through her hair. 
“ you really meant it” she said breaking the silence . 
“ every single word and if you give me the chance i swear along as i’m breathing i will make it up to you” nodded .
“ you can’t flip when you see me interact with other men you need to trust me and talk to me when your feeling any type of way” she said softly . “ when you  propose  nothing too flashy  and big” she smirked only for him to push her on her back , attacking her face with kisses . 
“ or you say you’ll marry me now and i’ll get you a ring another time” he said leaning over her . “ i was dead serious  your it for me til we’re old as hell  still going to that good duck park” he kissed her lips softly. 
“ you’re crazy , this is crazy but i’m more crazy about you even if your an idiot but this week been hell without you  but before i say yes next year we’re doing couple costumes to the convention of my choosing” she arched her brow. 
“ i did say anything” he chuckled 
“ then yes jake  i will marry you , just not tomorrow we have work “ she smiled pulling him into a kiss . 
“ the day after works too” he winked .
part ten
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch @djs8891 @emma8895eb @darksparklesficrecs
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nyctophiliq · 2 months
young agents in love:
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the first time you went over to deal business with solomon reed as the newest consultant of his and the fia, you came across a girl who seemed to be lost in her own world, or rather the network, judging by the netrunning chair she settled in during most of your visit. you were quick to learn however that she could push your buttons faster than any kind of higher-ranking agent who was trying to get through to you before forcing your hand and making you join the agency.
“reed will just take a moment.” you nodded at her words, one of the few times that the two of you actually exchanged words and you didn’t just stare at her like some freak. you stood to the side, letting her walk past you with ease and get back into her chair. but you couldn’t ignore how you didn’t hear the click of her gear so you turned back to face her and noticed she was staring at the box in your hand.
“what’s that?” it took her a second to build up the courage to ask, but sure enough she did and even a blind person could see that you were once an animal from dogtown with the way your chrome glowed with the neon streaks under the dim lights of the room. dead giveaway, you couldn’t even deny it.
you shrugged, “a gift, where i come from we don’t arrive without a little something.” yes, dogtown had its own little traditions, so to speak, that is to mention that most of the time the gifts back home were bombs or other lethal objects that were made to harm the receiver. everyone jumped to conclusions about what your intentions were when you stepped outside of dogtown, but in reality, they were all harmless.
you could bet she was thinking you were here by mistake, looking to score a deal with the wrong people, or a chrome up that you wanted to cheat the system to get. the look on her face told you though that she wasn’t satisfied with your answer at all, so you followed it up just to get her off your ass, “it’s a shard, something reed has been looking for and i got it for him.” she hummed after you explained then you heard the click and she was gone.
every time you visited you were interrogated by so mi (you also learned her name over the course of your many visits) about your ‘gifts’ and why you turned up in the hideout time and time again. you always told her, you were here because solomon reed asked you to be and little details about the shards and other kinds of gifts that you brought.
today was probably the last time you visited the hideout after months, getting wind of that the fia is sending solomon on his way to take on another mission. your only quest was to get enough information and maybe ‘bribe’ your contacts (as once you were thought by kurt hansen himself) for intel, telling them that you were still with the barghest but in reality, you were dropping the wire on how to infiltrate various points of interest.
“this is my last visit here, thought i would bring something for my favorite netrunner.” your walls slowly crumbled down, all assumptions getting lost in the fog of your mind and heart growing closer to the netrunner.
so mi was hesitant of accepting the wrapped gift from your offering hand. “trust me it wasn’t easy to shit something like this out, you wanna take it.” she didn’t have to know how hard it was to gather just one little shard with all the stuff she wished for, this is when you need to thank reed before never seeing him ever again for helping.
“i… um…” her voice shook with uncertainty, gazing at the shard between your fingers. “i don’t know what to say.” so mi breathed.
“then…” you start, biting your tongue to slow yourself down before muttering some nonsense. “what if i ask the big guy to let you out? for lunch or dinner, we could make it a date…” you made a mess of your feelings at the end there, slipped up but it could have ended a lot worse than it actually did.
“a date sounds perfect.” so mi said, not having too much luck with trying to hold back the smile that crept up on her face as she stepped up to you. her hands landed on your shoulders, tip-toeing up so your faces were right in front of each other, just inches away. too fast…
she quickly pulled away, muttering an apology for her sudden moves. you assured her she didn’t do anything wrong. “kid, come on inside.” you heard reed call out. you looked over your shoulder before looking back at so mi and leaning in to press a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek.
“something to make sure you won’t stand me up.” you turned on your heels, and now the composed and serious ex-barghest walked inside the office she knew very well. you could jump out of your skin over so mi saying yes to your date later, and work out some other details (like how you two are both agents and the guys on the eighth floor didn’t really find that a good idea) even after that.
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a/n: i always wanted to write something for songbird and now that I am easing into this blurb or drabble style I got going on right now I thought why not cook up something for the best netrunner in the world? i hope you guys liked it and thank you for reading !!!
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eisa-core · 1 year
how did members react when daisy and minghao get together ?
Hi anon! thanks for you question. This is how it went!
Seungcheol: He is really protective of Daisy. Ever since she got together with Kai and after he cheated on her, Coups was always by her side, not letting anyone disrespect her. By standing by her side, he therefore understood there was something with Minghao, but he never turned against her or him, trusting both of them.
Jeonghan: Jeonghan and Daisy are always accomplices in many contexts, and this time was no different. It was Daisy herself who told Jeonghan about her crush for Minghao, and Jeonghan wasted no opportunity to get them closer than usual. Now that they are together officially, Jeonghan thinks he has become Cupid.
Joshua: He was quite normal about it. He knows they are both adults so it's okay for them to live their lives. He is probably already waiting for the invitation to their wedding.
Junhui: «Am I supposed to be surprised?» was what he said when Minghao told him about the now official relationship.He knew right away, maybe even before the two of them realized it. To him, it's as if his two best friends got together, he couldn't be anything but happy.
Hoshi: Unlike Jun, he didn't understand it at all. He thought it was another Hyejin, so he didn't understand why everyone was so serious about it. When it was explained to him again after 1 month, he understood. He doesn't care so much as long as they don't get too distracted in the rehearsal room!
Wonwoo: As many Carats will know, Daisy calls Wonwoo her "psychologist cat." He has always been the person she trusts the most, to whom she tells things she would not even tell her family. So all those sleepless nights when she tried to suppress her feelings for Minghao because she thought it was wrong were accompanied by Wonwoo's reassuring words. Even today, if there happens to be an argument between the two of them, Daisy knows that going to Wonwoo is the best choice.
Woozi: Give him pen and paper he immediately has a song in mind to write! all joking aside, he didn't have who knows what kind of overwhelming reaction. He's happy for them but he's afraid it might get the whole group in trouble so he lets them do it and hopes it all goes well.
Mingyu and DK: They were super excited! Minghao preferred to tell the 97s together. They wouldn't stop smiling or giggling. «I will be the best uncle» Dokyeom said first, «What are you saying? I will be the favorite uncle!» countered Mingyu, thus beginning a long series of back-and-forth. «Guys, thinking a little further, we have been together for 2 days.»
Seungkwan: «And I thought it was all because of meditation! Now I understand why you are happier lately» Seungkwan replied to Minghao like this, making everyone laugh. He loves knowing that Daisy finally got over her fear of never being truly loved, so Minghao be careful, because if anything happens to Daisy, you will have to deal with him!
Vernon: He finally understood why Minghao always went to the maknae line dorm. But he didn't care much. At first he was almost disgusted to see 2 group members kissing while watching a movie next to him in the sofa, but now he got used to it.
Dino: Daisy and Dino went for a drink together after practice, and Daisy thought it was the perfect time to tell him. «Minghao and I are together» she told him and Dino burst out laughing so hard that Daisy had to put her hand in front of his mouth «Wow I was really falling for that!» he thought it was a joke but the silence there brought him back to reality «Oh??? Really??? You and Minghao? Minghao? our Minghao??? Wow great...» the alcohol made him too happy as much as confused. The next day with a clear mind he went to wish them both well.
ー☆ ͏
taglist: @allthings-fandoms ; @taestrwbrry ; @illusionocnet ; @kimhyejin3108 ; @enhacolor ; @alixnsuperstxr
oc's masterlist
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softtdaisy · 3 years
hello, a request where the reader was peter's girlfriend (1) but the whole blip happened, and things were not the same, he fell in love with mj and maybe he cheated on her? or they separated because the reader saw how peter was in love with mj, time passes and they are still friends but the reader feels bad because she feels that she is not enough, she feels that there is something wrong with her and we go to nwh where peter (3 ) he is shocked to see her because his girlfriend was the reader in his reality and at one point he consoles her (it can be in a loving or platonic way, for the ages I say) or that he also gets angry with peter one and is she the one who saves instead of mj and if it's romantic can it be a kiss?
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DESCRIPTION I after dating peter 1 for a while, it breaks your heart to see him with mj. peter 3 will do everything he can to prove you, you are enough. Especially after losing you, the love of his life, in his own universe.
PAIRING I tasm!Peter Parker x reader & mcu!Peter Parker x reader (a little)
A/N I Hi!! Thank you for your request it was such a good one! I’m so sorry it took me a few days to write it, I needed a break from writing after a whole week of class 🥺 And of course, I decided to go for the love part but if someone wants to read a more platonic version, I can write one! I hope you will like it! 💜
WARNING I nwh spoilers, reader is taking Gwen’s place in the tasm!universe
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Saying that you and Peter were The couple would be quite exaggerated. But at the same time, when you were a thing, all your friends thought you were for life. You were sweet and young; the whole concept of a dream couple in a romcom. And you really thought you would make this work out no matter what.
Then the blip happened, and you lost Peter not long after it. To your biggest distress.
Things were never the same after it; you lost your connection. You felt that Peter didn’t want to kiss you as much anymore. He didn’t bring you on dates; he always had excuses. You thought he was trying to show you he didn’t want to be with you anymore.
Or maybe Peter didn’t even realize he was acting like that. Maybe he just followed his heart and where it wanted to bring him. Destination: MJ’s life.
One day, you noticed how they got much closer than before. How they were having inside jokes, like you used to have with him. How they were always together, sitting together, talking together, calling each other… Suddenly, you didn’t have any place in Peter’s life anymore. Did it hurt? Yes, like hell. It felt like your whole world was crashing and you couldn’t do anything about it.
So, you accepted it. You accepted that maybe, Peter would be happier without you. And happier with her.
It was a night when you were out with all the gang that you took your decision.
“We should end this, Peter.” You said, once you managed to take him apart. Peter frowned, not understanding why you would want that. Then he followed your glance and saw how you were looking at MJ. It was a look of sadness, jealousy, and acceptation. A weird mix that made sense to him.
“[y/n], no…”
“You love her. Go ahead Peter.”
After the breakup, you stayed friends. Losing him as a lover was enough. You didn’t want to lose him as friends either. And when he made questionable decisions, you were by his side.
Even if it meant losing your chance at entering college.
Even if it meant watching New York get invaded by villains from another universe.
Even if it meant losing May.
Everyone turned their head to you. After MJ called you and told you about May, you ran to Ned’s to be with them. You tried to call Peter, but you didn’t expect any answer from him. And you were not sure he would want to see you. So, you thought your place was with your friends.
And now you were in the middle of the living room…surrounding by two others Spider-man?
“Don’t ask me, I still haven’t understood.” Ned told you, giving you a tap on the shoulder which made you laugh gently. “All I know, is that I’m magic now.” He blinked before going back near MJ. You didn’t even ask what he meant by that. You were looking back and forth between the two people you didn’t know. But you were quite surprised by the way of them looked at you.
Peter 3 couldn’t believe his eyes. Going to another universe was a thing. Discovering there were others Peter Parker and Spider-man was another. But meeting you again was something he would never have excepted.
You were [y/n], the love of his life. The one he loved the most. The one who he thought he would spend the rest of his days with.
You were also the one who died in his arms, by his fault. He would never forget the night when he watched you fall to your death, unable to reach you in time. He would never forget the feeling of you dying in his arms.
“We are Peter Parker and…well Peter Parker.” The oldest said. You looked at him with a small smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m [y/n].” You replied, trying to get Peter 3 to say something. But he didn’t.
Because you were there. And you were alive.
Since no one was talking anymore, MJ told them about the situation: villains, May’s death and how Peter was nowhere to be found. You were looking at her, the way she was worried about Peter reassured you: you made the good decision by letting them be together.
But it broke your heart to think it would never be your place anymore. You will never be the lover again; the one people referred to when thinking about Peter. And you were sure she was better at this than you were. Maybe you were a bad partner at the end.
You stayed silent the whole time, not feeling like participating. Too scared someone would look at you and say “you’re not in the position to talk anymore [y/n]. Peter doesn’t love you, and people don’t care about your opinion.” So, you just sat in silence and listened to the others.
Peter 3 noticed how empty inside you looked, and it was breaking him. He knew a version of you that was happier, always making joke. Your smile was like the sun. And the little he saw earlier proved him it was still a thing. He wished you would smile more.
He hoped he could make you smile more while he was there.
A few minutes after your arrival, you all left to meet Peter. Of course, MJ had an idea of where he could be. Of course, she did. She was his girlfriend now.
You followed everyone and stayed in the back while MJ and Ned hugged him. He needed them, not you. You heard the other Peter Parker telling him why they were there and trying to convince him they could help him. After all, they all went through the same thing.
“I’ve got some understanding…” Peter 3 started, taking some steps towards Peter 1. It was difficult for him to talk about it, especially with you here. It was like nothing made sense anymore. But he knew what it was like, losing Ben and then losing you. He had quite a lot of knowledge and experience in grief.
“No. Don’t tell me that you know what I’m going through.” Peter 1 snapped back, looking up at the other Peters. He had an angry look in his eyes, the kind of look you always feared. Maybe it was a Peter Parker thing: not accepting open hand and reject everyone.
You turned your head to Peter 3 and you swore all the sadness inside of him was showing on his face. He was broken. Just like you were. And Peter’s reaction wasn’t helping.
“You’re being mean Pete…” You said, trying to calm the situation down. But you knew, from the moment you opened your mouth, that it would be useless. You knew Peter 1 by heart; when he was like that, it was like talking to a wall.
Except the wall was answering back. And not in a very nice way.
“What? She’s gone. And it’s all my fault. None of you know what it’s like!” He was getting angrier each second and you didn’t want to stay there. It was too much for you, dealing with this situation. Not after Peter 1 broke your heart and your whole mind. You were ready to do anything for your friend. But you won’t become his silly toy that he could punch when he wanted.
You started moving backwards. And it was when you approached Peter 3 that your ex-boyfriend decided to open his mouth. Again.
“Yeah, run away [y/n]. That’s all you ever do anyway.” Peter 3 heard your heart get broken, again. He didn’t know if he imagined it or if he really saw you almost faint, but he grabbed your arm at the very first second before you fall. You turned your head to him and thanked him, with teary eyes and a weak smile. That was all you could give him.
You were lucky enough that Peter 1 to be surrounded by MJ, Ned and Peter 2. The last one had a silent agreement with Peter 3. Each one would take care of one of you. That was why Peter 3’s hand slowly slipped down your arm to grab your hand. Together, you took the stairs and went to a silent room.
You didn’t even notice you were holding Peter’s hand until you started crying and you wanted to hide your face. You hated yourself even more for acting like this, crying in front of a stranger. But what were you supposed to do? You couldn’t let everyone behind you because you and Peter 1 broke up. But you couldn’t let him be mean to you and the others. You were just so lost. All you could do was cry.
That was what you did. And Peter 3 took you in his arms.
He was brushing your hair, trying to calm you down. It was breaking his heart too, to see the only girl he ever loved being this sad. Were you ever going to have a happy life, at least in one universe? He wished he could take you back to his world. But how he was supposed to explain that you were suddenly alive again? And that, at the same time, you weren’t the [y/n] people around him used to know? Too complicated. And selfish too.
He accepted that he was just able to take care of you here. For now. “What happened between you two?” he asked, curious but mainly because he needed more information to help you. So, between two sobs, you explained him the whole story. How you ended up here, telling him how Peter wasn’t even that bad he was just broken like you all. “And I feel bad because he has problems now that make mines so less important.” Your voice broke again.
No one around you really knew about your feelings. Peter didn’t, you thought it would be selfish to tell him that because of your break, you were feeling insecure. Same for MJ, she was dating him now and you didn’t want them to think you were planning on breaking them up. And Ned was too close to them for that.
Which let you with your family but after the blip, you stopped talking about personal problems.
Peter 3 was the only person you felt free to talk to for the first time in months.
“But I feel so lonely. I never had tons of friends, but the few I had are my ex’s now girlfriend and best friend. If something happened, they would choose him. And after spending some much time with Peter I feel like nobody would ever want me. Maybe…he was the only person who will ever have feelings for me. And that’s awful…”
You started crying again against Peter 3’s chest. He was holding you close. So close. Too close, to be sure you won’t see him cry in silence too. It took him a few seconds, and a few calming breaths, to talk again. “I know it’s hard, especially after you loved someone so much, but the world is full of interesting people. And some of them would kill for you, I’m sure. They just haven’t said it yet. Or maybe you just haven’t met them yet.”
You looked up to Peter. He gently brushed away your tears. You saw him lean forwards and you did too. You felt something was going to happen. You weren’t thinking anymore, your heart was controlling your body. You were only a few centimeters away, ready to kiss when you heard the door opened.
Before letting you go away, which was the logical reaction, Peter 3 planted a kiss on your head. A way of saying “I’m here if you need to. I understand you.”
Peter 2 entered the room not long after. “We’re heading to the lab, to find cures for the villains. You’re coming?” You liked the way he was asking, as if Peter 3 wasn’t supposed to be there with them rather than with you. You didn’t have a choice, but he offered you one. Peter 3 nodded and went to him before looking back at you. “I need a few minutes alone. I’ll find you all later.” You told him.
When the others Peter arrived at the lab, Peter 1 was already there with his best-friends. Peter 3 knew he couldn’t be totally mad at him: he had been a teenager; he had made mistake. He had treated people like shit, and he didn’t get the time to apologize to some of them. But the connection he had with you made him so angry…
Everything started pretty well: each one was working on a cure. MJ and Ned were helping as much as possible. Peter 1 was asking some stuff about their life but nothing too inappropriate. If things stayed like that, Peter 3 wouldn’t have said anything. But of course, being young sometimes meant being stupid.
“I can’t believe [y/n] didn’t come back.” Peter 3 heard Peter 1 say to his best friends. He saw the look on his face: he was angry and spiteful. Like you were making a huge mistake and he was going to make you pay for letting him down.
“Maybe you should treat them with kindness rather than being vicious.” He didn’t realize he spoke his mind until Peter 1 looked up, frowning. Peter 3 couldn’t help but protect the one he loved. And no matter the universe, he loved you so much. He wasn’t going to let the boy treat you like that.
“What are you talking about? You know nothing! You don’t even know them!” Peter 1 said angrily, putting what he was doing aside to walk to him.
“Oh, you seem to know a lot of things for someone who’s still in high school. Maybe you should hear what others have to say rather than acting like a mister know-it-all.” Peter 3 snapped, looking only at this work as if he didn’t care about the others. He just looked up to him when he had to talk about you. “And maybe you think I don’t know them, but I’m pretty sure you don’t. Otherwise, you would notice how they really feel.”
And no matter the situation between you, there was one thing Peter 1 hated above all: forgetting about the others and putting himself first. If he could give villains another chances, maybe he should give it to you too.
Peter 2 noticed how the two others Peter had issues and he thought that, maybe, as the oldest, he could make them talk. So, he walked up to Peter 3, who he knew the least about.
“What’s your story?” Peter 2 finally asked, and Peter 1 was listening discretely.
“I was dating someone in high school. They were…my everything. When I became Spider-man, they were here. They were always there at my worst and at my best. I would never have imagined my life without them…but the universe took them away.” He ended his sentence in such a low voice that Peter 1 almost didn’t get it.
“How?” Peter 2 put a gentle hand on his back. After all they all knew what it was to lose someone, no matter what Peter 1 said.
“They fall from a tower when I was fighting Harry, my…best-friend. I couldn’t catch them on time. They died in my arms.” He focused on the wall in front of him. He knew that if he closed his eyes, he would see you. You, dead in his arms. And he couldn’t handle it right now. Not after meeting you again. “Sorry.” He said, before going back to work.
And Peter 1 understood what Peter 3 meant earlier, on the roof. Maybe he did know something about grief and feeling guilty.
MJ is the one who texted you and asked you to come back. “I really need your opinion on something, and I feel bad about the way Peter talked to you. Please [y/n] come back…” and you liked her too much to say no. She was your friend for so long. You won’t let her down now.
So, you did end up coming back to the group and helped MJ on some things. You noticed the way Peter 3 was looking at you from his place and you couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to be seen and appreciated again.
You planned on staying inside, not interesting in fighting an electric man…or a sand man…or whatever Peter 1 brought into your world. You were better in the thinking part than on the fighting.
And deep down, you were too scared for the boys to watch them. For the first time in a long time, Peter 1 was not the one on your mind during his mission. Peter 3 was.
But then Ned messed up with the ring and opened a portal. You had no idea how you ended on the statue of liberty, in the middle of the fight. You just knew that right now; you were falling to your death. It wasn’t even the fall that scared you, as if you were so broken inside your mind didn’t even care about the end of this.
No, it was Peter 3’s scream: a “No” that echoed in your body.
You closed your eyes, too scared to see it coming. But you felt huge arms grabbing you. You opened them for a second, you immediately saw Peter 3. You looked back again when you stopped feeling the air around you. Also, once you checked your pulse to be sure you were alive.
And you were.
“Pe…Peter?” You said slowly, now that you were calming down. You were safe in Peter 3’s arms: he was the one who jumped to save you. To one who risked it all for your life. He thought about you before thinking about himself.
He wasn’t talking at all. You didn’t understand why.
Because there was no good way for Peter to explained that a few years ago, the exact same thing happened. And you didn’t end up in a good shape.
He was focusing on you. But his thoughts couldn’t stop coming back to your dead body in his arms. He started crying, thinking he failed you again. He can’t lose you again, not in the same way.
You gently caressed his cheek, trying to get his attention. But nothing seemed to work. It was like Peter’s mind was in another universe. Back to his. But his body was there. And it scared you a little.
You didn’t know what to do anymore except for one thing you hadn’t tried. So, you thought about risking everything and doing the thing you almost did earlier. You softly pressed your lips against Peter’s. Your free hand, the one that wasn’t stuck against Peter’s body, landed on his neck to keep him close.
You weren’t sure it was working until Peter responded. He kissed you back, holding you closer. You felt a single tear falling from his eye and landing on your cheek. The one that was closing a huge chapter in his life.
“Are you okay?” You finally asked against his lips. And Peter nodded. But you could feel that he wasn’t that okay. You gave him one last kiss before getting back on your feet. “Go save the world Peter Parker. I’ll wait for you here.” You said with an encouraging smile.
Having no idea that you used to say the exact same thing back in the days, in his universe. It took him a few seconds to move on and join the other Spider-man.
Peter 1 was amazing; you always knew that. So, 3 Peter, you never doubt they would succeed with their mission. Even if New York ended up in a bad state, you were happy to see them all good and safe. Once you could, you ran to Peter 3. Right when MJ was running to Peter 1. Everyone had their comfort person. At least, for the next few minutes.
You didn’t know how to act once you got close to Peter, but he did. He grabbed your face and kissed you. Not like the first time, not as sweet and gentle. It was passionate and desperate. He knew it was maybe the last time he would ever be able to kiss you. His hands are placed one in your back and the other in your hair. It was like he was giving you all the love you needed in one single kiss.
You ended up both breathless, but it was worth it. “I’m going to miss you…” you said, laying your forehead against his. Now that you tested a life with Peter 3, you could never imagine how it would be to spend one day without him. It was like you needed him now.
“I’m not going to let you go another time, I promise.” He answered. He closed his eyes and you wondered what he was thinking about. For a second, you thought he wasn’t talking about you. Or even at you. But there was no one else around you…
And Peter was indeed talking to you. He was just kind of lost at which version of you he was referring to.
“Now that I know that this…” he moved his arms, referring to the multiverse “is a thing, I will do everything I can to have you in my life.” And you knew by the way Peter was looking at you that he was telling the truth. He would work on this and find a way for you to be together. You were sure of that.
You just had no idea how much it meant to him. Will you one day?
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kaistrex · 2 years
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Home by kaistrex
Stiles clambers forward until he’s kneeling at the edge of the bed. “You love me, Derek.”
That punches the breath from Derek’s lungs. He spoke it as surely and simply as he’d declare the sky is blue, voicing this tangle of emotions Derek has long feared to unravel. He’s never felt so exposed.
“No, I don't,” he snarls.
“You don't need to hide it from me. I'm not the Stiles you know. He won't know about any of this when he gets back.” He steps off the bed. “Come on. Just for five minutes let yourself be at ease. You’re safe here,” he murmurs, moving closer.
Derek has nowhere to back away to, already pushed up against his chest of drawers. He can only stand there as Stiles approaches and slowly reaches up to place a hand on the back of his neck. At the simple contact, his knees are suddenly on the verge of giving out. That this Stiles knows to touch him like this, there, the way Derek secretly loves... 
It’s the feeling of support and security and being taken care of, and this Stiles knows it. If everything Stiles has said is true, Derek is probably the one who revealed what this does to him, and now he’s using it against him.
“Don’t,” Derek says as Stiles starts to massage, but there’s no demand behind it, no heat. Even if there was, this Stiles wouldn’t stop. His Stiles probably wouldn’t either, if he knew about the effect this has on him. Derek has all the power to shake him off, but he’s gone loose under his touch. “You’re cheating,” he murmurs, sounding drowsy, drunk.
“Maybe,” Stiles murmurs, voice close to his ear. “But only because I know how much you need this.”
It’s been such a long time since he’s had someone do this to him, since he’s had someone know to do this. But he doesn’t have anyone he can lean on. At least, not in the way he needs.
He’s the Alpha. Everyone looks to him for guidance. He needs to always be forging the path onwards, ready with answers and advice. He doesn’t have the luxury to let his guard down, or show weakness or doubt.
“You love him,” Stiles says again, but the difference in wording feels easier somehow, easier to admit to, talking about someone who isn’t here, who’s in no position right now to find out about it.
Derek looks up at him, the shell he’s tried so hard to maintain lying shattered at his feet. He doesn’t speak, but he knows his eyes are saying enough for him.
Stiles smiles and presses their foreheads together, and Derek cracks. He ducks down to press his face to his neck, breathing deep, greedily, the first time he’s ever allowed himself to do this to him.
That mated half of a tangle is still ripe in his scent but he rubs his face there, scraping his stubble and layering his own scent. It does little to right the fact that he smells wrong – like someone else’s – but it helps.
“That’s exactly where I’ve got your bite scar in my time,” Stiles admits, and a whine rips from Derek’s throat. His eyes flare red, welling up like a flood, his fangs itching at his gums like he’s ready to make the bite a reality, here, in this time.
“Don’t,” he snarls, rearing back. It’s too dangerous.
Stiles doesn’t show any alarm. Instead, he reaches out slowly with one hand and Derek almost flinches away. He holds still as Stiles presses his fingertips to the base of his neck on the left side, feeling the cool touch of skin. “You’ve got my bite right here.”
Derek starts to shake, whipping his head away from him and breathing heavily.
He’s plagued by fabricated images of mating and marriage, of Stiles wrapped up in his arms, of the two of them surrounded by forest, of a new house ready to soak in their scent. He’s thought about it during long, seemingly endless nights, a hundred different ways, but here it is being presented to him as a possible reality.
Did Stiles get down on one knee, or is Derek the one who proposed? He doesn’t dare ask. That would be admitting something he’s not ready to. But deep down, he’s greedy for it. Starved for what this other Derek has.
He starts to shake his head, his doubt building. “He doesn’t want me. Not really. He’s going to come back wanting the Derek you know and I can’t be that for him. I can’t—”
“My Derek isn’t who he wants. It wasn’t his desire for that Derek that the genie read from his mind,” Stiles points out, tilting his head to catch Derek’s eye. “You’re still the same person. In the future, you just smile more. Mostly because of me,” he adds snootily, nose in the air.
Derek scoffs – he doesn’t laugh – and Stiles cups his cheek, like he might hold the expression on his face.
“Like that,” he says, softly, alerting Derek to the unusual way his own lips are pulled up in the corners.
The smile drops from his face and he turns away, dislodging Stiles’ hand and regretting it immediately, but not for long; Stiles hand moves back to his nape instead and Derek’s eyes flutter shut before he can even think to stop them.
“Come here,” Stiles coaxes, leading him back towards the bed.
The traitorous wolf inside him has gone limp, allowing Stiles to steer and manoeuvre them onto the mattress until they’re lying there with Derek’s head on his chest, Stiles’ hand still cradling his nape.
“There. Isn’t this comfy?” Stiles asks, pleased.
Derek tries to growl, but it comes out like a contented rumble. His thoughts have gone fuzzy, far away, like he’s starting to float.
Just five minutes, like Stiles said. He can allow himself that much.
Read the rest on AO3 // Stiles ver.
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moonbeambucky · 2 years
A Whole New World (Part 4)
Pairing: Genie!Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3109 Warnings: fluff, angst
Summary: Three wishes open up a whole new world of opportunities to a girl looking for a home but finds love along the way.
A/N: Remember this is an Aladdin AU set in a royal modern world with magic. Feedback is always appreciated!
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Bucky paced along the endless land, the never changing pumpkin sky of this universe, contained in a gem that fits in the palm of one’s hand. He doesn’t like to think about the logistics, nothing made sense anyway. Hell, he doesn’t even remember how he became a genie. He knows he wasn’t born one and vague memories of a childhood slip through his mind every now and then. The longer he’s been in here the harder it is to remember. This world has weakened his mind. 
If he wasn’t born a genie then there must be an explanation of how he became one. Was he cursed? Searching for answers is pointless. If he can’t remember how he became a genie he can’t deny the fact that maybe he brought this on himself. He’s seen it happen before; those who’ve wanted infinite power and the stones grant their wish in their own special way. Perhaps that is what happened to him.
He can see why being a genie would seem so appealing, why anyone wouldn’t be able to deny asking for it. People have always sought after power; the power to conquer, the power to rule, the power to… help. He can only think of Y/N when it comes to that. Most people are selfish in their requests, everyone actually except for her. 
From the beginning that’s all she’s ever wanted, carefully thinking about what is in the best interest of the people around her despite her own less than fortunate situation. Even her wish to become a princess was simply for the chance to be able to speak with the prince about what would be best for Midgard. 
Bucky’s head slumped low when he thought of Prince Steve and he isn’t sure why. He’s been a generous host who’s been kind to Y/N. He should be happy for her. Even if she doesn’t wish him free he knows her wishes will be for the greater good of the people and Bucky can’t be upset about that even if he tried.
He’s been walking for a while and he knows he should speak to Y/N but Bucky doesn’t want to interrupt whatever Prince Steve had planned for them. He walked until his feet hurt and finally settled down. His eyes shut with the weight of his thoughts and Bucky was still for hours until a pain in his chest filled him with dread. It felt like he couldn’t breathe and the reality of what this feeling was hit him like a ton of bricks– Y/N was in trouble. 
In the blink of an eye Bucky was out of the world inside the gauntlet, unexpectedly floating in the darkness of the ocean. The panic made his heart race even more. He had to find Y/N! The moonlight barely lit the depths he was frantically searching but she had to be here. 
He reached his arms out, sweeping them all around to try and feel something. He knows she’s near, he can sense it, the faint murmur of her heartbeat that beats within himself. He’s thankful for the connection she has to the gauntlet as the pressure inside his own chest hurts the closer he gets to her.
The pain is worth it because it leads him to a shadowy figure floating lifelessly and the pain grows sharper in his chest. Y/N is dying. She’s dying and there’s nothing he can do about it.
“Please Y/N, you can’t cheat on this one. I can’t help you unless you make a wish.” His voice is clear despite his surroundings and he begged, “You have to say ‘Genie, I want you to save my life!’” Her head lolled forward and Bucky fought the indecision in his body, taking her unconscious gesture as a yes. 
Bucky cradled her in his arms around and flew out of the ocean, leaving the ball and chain at the bottom to rot. Gently he laid her on the edge of a nearby shore, tears mixed with the droplets of water on his face as he waited for some sign of life. He was about to intervene before she spit up water, turning onto her side as she choked out the rest.
Her lungs were aflame with life as she caught her breath, her knees pressing deep into the damp sand she was beyond thankful to feel again. Y/N looked up at Bucky, tears burning her eyes as she threw her arms around him for a crushing hug. He was quick to squeeze her back, never wanting to let go. 
“Thank you for saving me,” she croaked against him, and Bucky felt her shuddering against him as her tears began to pour out like a waterfall. 
He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her damp hair, running his hand along her back. He would hold her for as long as she needed though Bucky wasn’t in any rush to let go himself. The fact that he almost lost Y/N scared him in a way that nothing ever has before. 
It isn’t the right time but Bucky wants to know who did this. His blood boils at the thought of someone wanting to kill her and he wants vengeance. He would willingly trade his freedom for a wish that would seek revenge on those that hurt her. 
She looked at him, her eyes bloodshot from crying, her lip trembling still and his anger is set aside. He can be angry later, right now Y/N needs comfort. His gaze softens as he looks into her eyes, seeing a tear teetering on the edge of her lashes. He brought his hand up, gently catching the tear on his finger as it fell. 
Y/N let out a slow and steady breath as she stared at him, admiring the lines of his sharp jaw and his eyes illuminated by the night’s sky. Moonlight cast an ethereal glow around him, and she couldn’t help but think he was magical. It was more than Bucky being a genie; he was enchanting all on his own. 
Water dripped down from his soaked strands and she pressed her palm against his chest, dropping her eyes to his petal soft lips and back up again. Her tongue slipped out to wet her lips and Bucky noticed, feeling the tension around them as thick as humidity. Her heart was beating rapidly as she slowly tilted her head, moving closer to Bucky. The space between them was diminishing and just as her lips hovered above his she let out a gasp. 
In the distance was a loud voice calling out to another and once again fear flooded through her body. They ran off quickly, knowing it was too dangerous to be seen but at least Y/N knew who was trying to kill her, and worse, they worked for the crown.
“We have to warn the prince.”
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The room Y/N was staying in was in complete disarray. A knife had sliced open the mattress, pillows stabbed to shreds with feathers flying everywhere as Rumlow and his men dismantled everything. The drawers were turned over, her clothes strewn across the floor as they searched for the gauntlet. 
In a fit of frustration Rumlow picked up the pile of fabric and tossed it into the burning fireplace. “You’ll be next if you don’t find the damn gauntlet!” he threatened.
It was enough to scare them into working harder, checking the walls for hidden panels, the floors for loose boards, anywhere and everywhere. But no matter how much they searched they still could not find what they were looking for.
“Sir, it’s not there,” Rumlow stated, bracing himself for the backlash of failing his boss. 
They searched Y/N and Sir James’ rooms, not that he needed one anyway. Even if they found the genie pretending to be a man it would be no use, without the gauntlet they could not command him. He had not been seen since Rumlow saw him vanish and he had to assume he was in the gauntlet– if only he could figure out where it was!
Pierce’s gaze does not falter as his lips begin to purse tightly together, his eyes are determined in holding a disappointing gaze that cuts right through Rumlow. This is not the news he wanted to hear. He regretted tossing the girl into the sea, not anticipating this failure. 
“Keep searching,” he snarled, dismissing Rumlow from the room.
His hand grazed along the golden arm of the grand throne, the chair that should be his, and would be if he could find the gauntlet. Like the inner workings of a clock his mind is in constant motion, gears turning, always thinking, needing to find the answers. He was so close, closer than he’s ever been before. The gauntlet is right under his nose but he cannot see it. 
“Rumlow.” He hastily walked back, answering like a dog to its owner, awaiting his commands. “At first light, have your men get the girl and search her body. It must be on her somehow if it isn’t here.”
He nodded in return, leaving Pierce alone in the throne room with nothing but his frustration. 
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Y/N and Bucky moved stealthily back to the palace, keeping out of sight of the Royal Guards. It was hard to know who was corrupt, but they were certain that Rumlow would have told them to be on the lookout for Sir James. Y/N thought it would be safer if she made the journey back alone, with one less person it’s easier to not be spotted but Bucky wasn’t going to hide. The concern wasn’t for himself; he wasn’t going to let Y/N do this alone.
They made it safely to the servant’s entrance that Sam had taken her through. With a little help from Bucky the guards were distracted, leaving their post to chase after a noise that allowed them to sneak in. Carefully, they roamed through the hallways to find Sam.
In the kitchen was where they found him and Sam looked puzzled to see them. His nose scrunched at the overpowering smell in the room. He thought his eggs had gone rotten before he saw the way Y/N’s clothes clung to her body, the dampness evident. 
She explained right away, tripping on her words as they stumbled out of her mouth. There was too much on her mind, so much to say and she hoped he would listen.
“I’m so sorry for lying, Sam but please, you have to believe me.” 
Sam was very skeptical. Y/N broke his trust the moment she arrived at the palace as a princess. She could tell he needed proof so she untucked her necklace from her shirt, holding the small gauntlet out to Sam. The moment her pinky entered the glove it suddenly appeared in its full size and she was wearing it on her arm. 
“It’s all true,” Bucky admitted. “I’m not a Sir, hell I’m barely human, but this gauntlet, my powers… that’s all true.”
What Sam had seen was much more than he ever thought was possible in this world. He had so many questions but there was no time for that.
“Steve is in trouble!”
Y/N pleaded, staring at Sam with a truth in her eyes that resembled the first time they met. He didn’t need to hear anymore, the thought of Steve’s safety being compromised made him nauseous. 
She shrunk the gauntlet back and the three of them made their way to find Steve. His room was empty and the lack of guards that normally guard his door made the hair on Sam’s arm stand up, something was definitely going on and none of it felt right. He feared for the Queen as well, having Y/N and Bucky hide as he went to her room.
Queen Sarah’s guards were still at their post and some of the edge was taken off as Sam saw them. He had no doubts in trusting them, Phil a man he’s known for most of his life while living in the palace and Melinda, who had joined him a few years ago. What she lacked in height she made up for with her intimidating stare. Her arms crossed over her small frame, holding a stern gaze as Sam asked them about Steve’s whereabouts.
Though they did not let Sam enter the Queen’s room the man, worried by Sam’s frantic demeanor, leaned in to inform him Steve had recently visited his mother. “I believe the Prince said he was headed towards the Great Hall,” Phil offered. 
Sam thanked them and turned on his heel, stopping after he took a few steps. He couldn’t leave without warning them if anything happened to Queen Sarah he would never forgive himself. His eyes held a world of chaos behind them. Quick words were exchanged as Sam’s gut told him he could trust Phil and Melinda with what was going on.
“Please keep her safe, I’m going to find Steve,” Sam urged. 
Phil whispered something to Melinda who nodded, taking a firmer stance by the door as her partner ran down the other hallway.
He jogged back towards the deserted hallway where he left Y/N and Bucky. Quickly and quietly, they navigated through the palace, through secret tunnels that kept them hidden from Rumlow and his men until they found their way to the Great Hall. The room was empty but voices carried from nearby and they followed the sound. 
Hidden in the doorway of the throne room Sam watched Sir Alexander and Steve talking from afar. His jaw clenched tight, his nostrils flared at the Royal Advisor, a lying snake that spit venom in every false word.
Anger clouded his judgment as Sam stormed towards them. “Get away from him Steve, he’s not what you think.” 
Steve was shocked at Sam’s unexpected appearance but his jaw nearly hit the floor when he watched Sam physically push Sir Alexander away from him. 
“Sam, what are you doing?!” Steve couldn’t help his immediate reaction, hoping the older man was not hurt as he stumbled backwards. It was unlike Sam to ever act in this manner so there must have been a reason but Steve was unable to see past his bewilderment. 
“Trust me Steve, he’s trouble.” 
There was fear in Sam’s eyes that Steve hadn’t seen since the time he was recovering from a motorcycle accident, with tears that threatened to fall as Sam came to visit him in the hospital; relieved to know he was going to be okay but shaken to the bone with fear for what could have been.
In that realization Steve knew Sam must have had a good reason for charging in but it was too late. They didn’t realize Sir Alexander had called his guards who quickly apprehended Sam and Steve.
“Get your hands off of me, I am your Prince!” Steve insisted but it was no use. 
Y/N was still hidden in the walls watching everything with Bucky. Her stomach churned with unease the moment she saw Rumlow and the other guards enter the room. She bit her lip so hard she was sure it was bleeding, her whole body vibrating with the need to do something.
“We have to help them,” she whispered.
Bucky sighed knowing she was right, if Pierce was so bold to capture the prince himself then there’s no telling what he might do next. Together they tiptoed out from the passage and upon seeing a decorative vase Y/N grabbed it. With Pierce’s back turned for a moment they took advantage and entered the room. 
Their footsteps were heard but it gave enough time for Y/N to smash the vase over the head of one of the guards who was holding Prince Steve captive. The other man lunged toward her but letting go of Steve was a mistake he paid for with a solid punch to his jaw.
Bucky helped Sam, using what little magic he could to get the guards off of him. One unsheathed his sword, moving towards Bucky like a snarling animal. He swung at Bucky who moved out of the way, grabbing a golden candelabra from the corner of the room to fight him off with. Sam felt the blow of a fist to his cheekbone but it didn’t stop him from fighting back. 
Rumlow heard the commotion and ran into the room, locking eyes with Pierce who hid behind the Queen’s royal chair. He whistled sharply and the hallways echoed with footsteps, like a herd of elephants they stomped, the sounds of metal armor clinking the closer they got. 
In the corner Rumlow spotted Y/N, shocked to see she was alive though his eyes bulged wide as he noticed what was around her neck. He ran so fast she didn’t have time to see him coming but she knew what he wanted. She cursed the fact that the necklace had slipped out from her shirt, and clutched the small gauntlet in her palm as Rumlow struggled to grab the necklace for himself. 
Thick arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her back toward Pierce. Steve and Sam were occupied fighting off the new guards that had come in to notice but Bucky saw her from the corner of his eye. He sent an invisible zap through the air that made Rumlow let go of Y/N but it was too late, Pierce ripped the chain from her neck and a sinister grin slowly stretched across his face.
Y/N tried to take the necklace back but Rumlow grabbed her and threw her forcefully against a thick marble column and she crumpled to the ground. Bucky ran to check on her but he never made it. Pierce studied the small gauntlet and accidentally figured out how to enlarge it. His beady eyes darkened with wicked delight as the gauntlet appeared on his arm.
Bucky disappeared from the spot he was in only to reappear beside Pierce, wearing the leather jacket with buckles she first saw him in but this time he was even more restrained with a black muzzle on his face. His eyes were crestfallen as he watched Sam and Steve be taken down again by the guards and worse, he saw Y/N slowly getting to her knees, rubbing the back of her head and grimacing at the pain. Momentarily dazed, it wasn’t until she locked eyes with Bucky that she realized what happened. There was heartache in her eyes when she realized she failed him. 
Pierce didn’t even look at Bucky, but instead he held a taunting gaze with Steve as he grinned. “For my first wish, I wish to be the King of Midgard.”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Fight or Flight
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve comes clean, in the aftermath and shock you turn to the one person who you know you can trust.
W/C: 2,369
Warnings: Implied cheating, angst, swearing
A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @sweetlyscared 's 1k celebration (congrats, it's well deserved!), prompt is in bold. I'm still pretty new to writing and this is my first true Angst fic so any and all reblogs/comments are super appreciated! Please check out my other stuff if you liked this fic!! Cheers!
PART TWO I Masterlist
The feeling of everything crashing around you was slow. Like your world was moving in slow motion as you processed the words. Everything else he was saying became distorted, going to waste as he tried desperately to explain himself to you. All you could hear clearly was your own breathing while you tried to will yourself to do something, anything.
Fight or flight is a funny thing, you were always so feisty and eager to fight back, A Bulldog, Steve had affectionately called you. But when he told you he was in love with someone else, that he has been in love with someone else for months, your body couldn’t find anything in it but to walk away.
Your breathing picked up and your eyes searched the ground, refusing to meet his. You felt your legs raise you up to stand and start walking away, unsure of your destination. When you pivoted to leave the room your eyes met his briefly, staring emotionlessly as his desperately searched for anything at all in yours.
“Where are you going? Doll, please, can we talk about this? I’m, I’m so sorry I-”
Whatever else he was saying wasn’t heard over the noise of opening the door and shutting it behind you. You didn’t know where you were going or what you were feeling other than the obvious. You were in a state of shock, it’s one thing to hear awful news and another to understand that it’s true but you were fastly approaching that truth head-on.
You paused for a moment in the hall and heard no movement come after you. You almost let yourself be surprised but he’d admitted he gave up on you a long time ago, so it only makes sense he wouldn’t fight your exit. You kept walking and tried to hold the floodgates of your heart closed for a bit longer.
Flashes of what was said come back to you slowly as reality sets in. “I can’t put this off any longer. I want you to know that I will always love you, but there’s someone else.”
Your head hurt like it would as if you were already crying, the blood pumping in your ears and pressure building in your temples that would no doubt evoke a long-standing headache. Your face felt hot as you stepped into the elevator, maybe you’d go for a walk in an attempt to fend off your tears. Or maybe you’d walk to a safer place to have an emotional breakdown. Whichever is easier.
Brisk gusts of air greet you as you exit the building, making you realize you left your jacket on the arm of the couch. You took a second to evaluate yourself and noticed you’d also walked out in your house slippers and a thin pair of leggings. Trying to evade the cold you tucked yourself in the doorway of a bodega down the street and dialed Bucky.
Two rings and he picked up.
“Did you know?”
The silence on the line only reminds you of the blood pumping in your ears. The silence tells you everything you needed to know.
You hang up.
You’re breathing even harder now. Who else knew? For how long? How long was I the joke? You need to find somewhere else to be soon or all these strangers are going to get an eyeful of a grown woman sobbing. You dial the last number you’d expect to at a time like this.
“What’s happening, shortstack?”
You can hear Tony’s grin through the phone and his easy greeting gives you momentary comfort.
“Can I come over? Something happened.”
“I’ll let Jarvis know to let you in” Tony’s tone is understanding, not needing you to explain further, just letting you know you can come to him.
Tony’s only seven blocks from yours and Steve’s shared apartment, a fact you’re grateful for when you feel your feet aching every time they hit the pavement. The conversation replays in your head, you try to word what happened in your head and your anger starts overtaking the heartbreak. It’s almost a welcome reprieve from the settling heartbreak but you’re not sure if you’d rather be numb to it completely.
When the elevator doors open Tony’s waiting for you with two tumblers of scotch in hand. You shake your head and move past him to the couch. He joins you on the opposite armchair and sets both his elbows down on his spread knees, resting his face in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about it or not talk about it?” He asks with a sigh.
You don’t make eye contact with him so you don’t cry, choosing to focus on the Iron Man coffee table book you’d gotten as a gag gift for Tony all those Christmases ago. It almost distracts you enough to laugh, the fact that he just has it out. But you need to tell someone what happened and get it all out before you can let yourself feel it all.
“Steveisinlovewithsomeoneelse,” You rushed it all out in one breath afraid if you didn’t get it out fast enough that you’d break. “He has been for months. He said he doesn’t know when it all changed but when he was with her things just clicked,” you paused to collect yourself, “But don’t worry, I’ll always hold a special place in his heart and he hopes this won’t affect the future of the team or our friendship.”
“Oh, and he’s really sorry.” you added.
You laughed bitterly and shook your head in disbelief. His delivery had been so cold but so sincere, very to the point but pained in its delivery. “I just, whatever we had, it’s just gone. Things are just different now, with her, this kills me though, please believe me. You’re still really special to me.” Bullshit. Special enough to act as a placeholder until someone better comes, special enough to cast aside.
You’re broken momentarily from your spiral into anger by the sound of a glass hitting a coaster a little too hard. Looking up, you find Tony quietly seething. He and Steve aren’t close by any means so you figured that he wouldn’t have known, it’s why you called him over anyone else.
He moves slowly to your side on the couch and pulls you into his side. You can smell his aftershave and what you think might be burned grease from one of the many things he’s been tinkering with in the lab, it smells like him, like comfort.
“That fucking asshole. Unbelievable, I don’t even…” He leaves the thought unfinished.
His hands move up and down your arms in a soothing motion and you finally let yourself have it. You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel the tears wet his shirt when you bury your face in. You sniffle up tears and snot when your face heats up.
There’s no way to know how long Tony lets you sob into him, no doubt ruining his vintage Depeche Mode shirt. Somewhere in the back of your mind you make a mental note to buy him a new one later. But for now you’ll just allow yourself to cry and you can deal with the world in the morning.
Tony lets you fall asleep on his chest, feeling somewhere between furious and heartbroken by proxy. He thinks about letting you sleep and giving Steve a piece of his mind but figures that’s not what you need right now. Your phone sits on the table and he touches the screen to check the time. No notifications on your homescreen except for a missed call from Bucky and an old photo of Steve making a funny face as your background.
Had Steve not even tried to call you? Had he not even tried to go after you? Why was Bucky of all people the only one to be trying to get a hold of you? Prick.
Selfishly Tony is glad that he has a good reason to be rude to Steve now, he has to admit. You two had always been close but when you and Steve started dating he saw less and less of you. He couldn’t fault you for it though, you were so in love with Steve and you knew that the relationship between the two of them was strained so you kept your distance a bit.
He thought of all the sacrifices you’d made for Steve. You gave up your childhood home in the Bronx that your parents had willed to you to move in with him because he wanted you to be closer to the tower. You gave up a promotion and transfer to DC when you were still just an agent, granted you were an avenger now but it doesn’t matter, he’d made a very big deal out of you turning it down. You gave up the friendship the two of you had.
It was incredible, really. How much you had done for him only for him to turn around and love someone else behind your back. Brave enough to fight aliens and terrorists but too cowardly to break up with you and leave you with some dignity. Did anyone else know about this?
Tony had to stop himself from getting too angry, afraid he’d wake you up. So instead he went back to plotting up schematics for the half-finished suit mod he’d been in the middle of when you called.
It’s been a week and you still haven’t properly talked to Steve. After two days on Tony’s couch you need to look at things from a logical stance. Where am I going to stay? It’s not like you had your parent’s place anymore and you didn’t want to sign a new lease on an apartment. You could always move into the tower but that meant a higher chance of running into Steve.
You were thinking about all of this out loud to Tony when he offered you the guest bedroom in his penthouse. You were shocked, he’s always been a generous man but after you drifted apart from him you were surprised he even let you stay these past few days. Maybe now was a good time to rebuild your friendship with him and have some space from work.
What’s work going to be like? You agree and go on a temporary leave from the team, just a month to collect yourself. If you really wanted to you could go back but the thought of seeing everyone that knew about Steve’s affair was humiliating and enraging in one go.
It turns out Sam had been playing therapist to Steve in all of this, Nat figured it out through some sleuthing, and Wanda had inadvertently heard his thoughts about her. And none of them thought to tell you? To save you from the anguish but to let it fester? Steve wasn’t the only one that betrayed you. They all had.
What will I say to him? Should I say anything to him? Turns out the answer was ‘nothing’. You texted him to let him know you were moving out and you’d be by to get your things as a courtesy. You walked into an empty apartment and you were almost relieved.
He’d chosen to not be here but he’d left you a letter on the kitchen counter next to a framed photo of the two of you on vacation last year. You scoff but don’t touch the letter. Every ounce of restraint you have is being used as you leave it untouched. But you don’t need to know what excuses or apologies he has on deck, nothing he could say would exonerate him of his wrong-doings. You had no intentions of speaking to him but secretly you hoped he suffered as he stewed in his guilt and inner-turmoil. He deserves to.
When you pack you leave every gift he ever gave you, taking only what you’d brought with you in the first place. You take one look at the unmade bed and almost go to make it out of habit but then you think of the two of them there together. All the long missions you went on without him, all the times you stayed late at work or went out with your friends. How many times had he been here with her while you were there?
You end up only leaving with two suitcases and a backpack full of things. Tony waits for you in the lobby, understanding you wanted your space when you went to get your things in case Steve was there.
The elevator doors open to him taking a selfie with a couple of fans and shaking hands. He’s all too happy to be recognized but when he sees you his eyes soften. Not out of pity, but fondness, like he’s proud of you for getting out.
He sends you a questioning look with a silent question. Are you okay?
You smile at him and for the first time in days it’s a genuine, non-placating, happy-to-see-you smile. It’s okay, I’ll be okay.
He takes one of your suitcases from you and helps you load them into the back of the car before opening the door for you. The drive back to Tony’s is silent but comfortable. The trust you have in each other is strong and unspoken. Something you’ve always been grateful for between the two of you.
He doesn’t ask you about Steve or what happened, always letting you come to him first, which you appreciate. And when you talk he just listens. No bullshit unsolicited advice about moving on or how everything happens for a reason or getting back out there, just listens.
You know the road ahead is long and it will be difficult, but you have someone in your corner and the knowledge that what happened isn’t your fault and that you’re a badass and fuck Steve Rogers and fuck anyone else that did you wrong in all of this. Maybe you’ll forgive them someday but for now you’re gonna focus on you and work on building yourself back up. You’re ready for the ups and downs, you’re ready to fight.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + inumaki toge + nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : spoilers for non-manga readers (volume 0) + swearing + grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 10 may
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ request : Hi ! Can I please get them as big brother headcanon with itadori, inumaki, nanami with a little sister! If you don't do family fluff please ignore this and have a nice day
↳ barista’s notes : let me admit, i haven’t been feeling the best mentally - probably because of the random exams that have been thrown at me from my school after doing 6 of them around 3-4 weeks ago - so i’m going to close my request box for the time being and maybe take some time to rest (even though...i haven’t been writing for a while until yesterday ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ) but moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee and please return when you can ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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Itadori being your older brother is basically having an instant best friend in your life because Itadori is the type of brother that is reckless, hilarious, and encouraging.
Itadori will encourage you in anything that you choose to do - except for stuff that is bad, so don’t take advantage of that - but he is a supportive person in your life.
For example, if you want to get into a sport, Itadori is the best person to encourage you due to his superhuman abilities - lowkey, you both will argue that he is cheating.
Since Itadori knows how to cook, he knows how to make your favourite meal and you both will have cooking nights together that will turn into food fights leading Grandpa to yell at you both for the mess that you made.
When it comes to education, Itadori gets average grades but when it comes to science, you both are studying together all night to do well in that certain exam.
During school, everyone knows you because of Itadori and they will ask you about why he doesn’t take any sports club...just say “I have no idea”
After school, you and Itadori will go to the nearest fast-food restaurant at the end of the week and just munch on some food - both of you will steal each other's chips/fries even though you both ordered them, it’s just more tasty for some reason.
When he tells you about the whole Sukuna and curse incident and that he has to be executed by the end of eating all of 20 fingers, you would just take it as a joke at first before realising that he isn’t - it would just be a silent stare at you both after you deep it and tears will appear...that just won’t fall.
Itadori is also the brother that knows how to cheer you up and instantly make you smile, and when he is the one that makes you upset, he knows how to make you smile again - aka giving you our favourite food.
Itadori knows that you can protect yourself but after the whole curse incident, he will become more protective than he has ever been, especially with Sukuna because you don’t know what that old man would do.
Fushiguro is the only guy Itadori trusts you with like Todo is out of the question - he does trust Gojo as well since he is the strongest but Fushiguro seems like a better option.
Overall, Itadori as a brother is a brother that we all wished we had because we do need the hint of happiness in our lives and the support that he would instantly give.
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Inumaki as an older brother is a weird one to describe because he is both annoying and caring at the same time to the point where you don’t know what to do.
Inumaki is the type of brother that will play pranks on you from time to time and you will run around, chasing him to hit him leading Maki and Panda to laugh.
Other times, Inumaki is the caring brother that everyone wants since he seems like the type to be perspective on your actions/anything you do - if you are thirsty, he will press a really cold water bottle to your cheek...doesn’t matter if it’s winter.
If you are able to talk or not, you and Inumaki will have a secret language together where you will chat shit about other people - but you both will learn sign languages together.
When you and Inumaki talk together, people are just purely confused about what you are both talking about because how do you understand onigiri ingredients.
Inumaki doesn’t trust any guy with you, so when any guy from the Kyoto side comes to talk to you, he will come from behind, grab your upper arms and just guide you away like the person in front didn’t expect - Todo is also out of the question for this headcanon.
When you first meet Okkotsu, Inumaki will guide you away from him in the beginning because Rika is there and Okkotsu will profusely apologise in the beginning for scaring you - when in reality you understand his situation completely.
When Inumaki and Okkotsu get closer as friends, you are also close with him and Inumaki finds it cute to the point where he will tease you and tell you to confess to him even when you don’t have a crush on him.
One thing Inumaki is thankful for is you carrying spare throat medicine for him when his spare on runs out, and if he needs to go buy more, you already have a cabinet for him.
You both as siblings are also competitive, like when it comes to games, if one person wins, the other will instantly ask for a rematch.
Overall, Inumaki as a brother is a funny experience because you both care for each other to the fullest in your own ways but there are times where you would get annoyed at him due to his pranks - Maki will attack him for you, don’t worry.
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Nanami has an older brother that is the stern type to the point where he seems distant (not to the point where you question his brotherly love for you) but does worry about your wellbeing over his.
Nanami wants to make your life as comfortable as possible because he doesn’t want you to live in an endless cycle of work as he does - he wants the best for you, see him as a second parent.
Nanami will text you almost every day to make sure you have drunk water and had something to eat and if you haven’t, prepare to get a lecture through voice message/phone call - and he will come to wherever you are with a bag of food.
When he is on the phone with you, Gojo will always try to sneak in a few words only for the device to suddenly fly away from him because Nanami refuses to let him talk to you.
He will also make sure you are at least 5 miles away from Gojo (maybe 10) because he doesn’t want you to get influenced by his senior and personally, he knows that the white-haired man will flirt with you no matter what your relationship is to him.
When it comes to dating, he will tell you this: anyone is fine but they have to be a good person, anyone is fine...anyone but Gojo Satoru.
So when Gojo somehow gets to flirt with you, Nanami is already standing behind him with his wrapped up blade lifted up - and you would just give the widened eye look because what else are you supposed to say?
When he was a salaryman, you would always come to his work to give him food so he didn’t have to pay for himself and he will try to pay you back - but you refuse even when you secretly want to take it (you still do this for him, so you both would buy food for each other)
You both go to cafes quite a bit when he is free to talk to each other about life since it’s hard to catch up to each other - especially if you are both sorcerers - since it’s a really nice heart to heart conversation. 
When you were introduced to Itadori, the first-year can’t help but question if you were really Nanami’s younger sister because you were somewhat more out-going than he is but he can see some similarities in personalities from you both.
Overall, Nanami as an older brother is someone that is an act of service type of man when it comes to his brotherly love to you, he does care about you immensely and will try to make your life a little easier than his since all he wants is the best for you in this world.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
The Gamble Of Prides. (Mafia!Baekhyun x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, public humiliation, exhibitionism, cum play, knife play, gun play, fear play. Both of you are legal in this. Read at own risk.
It took Y/n a moment to realise what had just happened, eyes widening slowly as she looked up from Mafioso Byun's final cards and at his smug face. "N- No… No way…" Her friend facepalmed in great stress and fear of all the men surrounding them in Byun's bar. That did not just happen. "How is that possible?" Smashing the cigarette in her hand against the table, Y/n stood up. "There is no way you won this time! I am not just good-- I am GREAT at this! How could you win?! Not when I-..." Y/n trailed off from her own words, not willing to admit that she was cheating. Since the beginning.
The older man shrugged. "Well… maybe you're not that good, Miss. I mean…" Him and his men chuckled at the 4 foreign kids visiting their country for vacation. "You lost 4 games in a row along allllll that you had" taking a drag of his cigar, the man smirked devilishly. "Confidence is good but overconfidence will drown you in the sea of reality, in the wise words of Norain."
The girl was clenching her fists, every fiber of her body loathing him. Y/n hated just how fucking smug he was.
"You bastard!"
Byun chuckled. "Adorable. So you remember all that you put on the table, right?" The female gulped, the recent memories of how she bet her body at last when she had nothing left to gamble with. A laugh left the man when she backed away and tried to run, which resulted in Byun's right hand that was sharper than an eagle, Sehun, to grip her arm before throwing her whole body back and in the Boss' feet. "Tsk. I honestly thought you were an honourable young lady. But the way you tried to run away from your own words?"
"P- Please! We will pay you back, sir!" One of Y/n's friends sobbed, causing the girl to glare at her.
"Shut up! Don't fucking plead a cheating bastard like hi- OW FUCK!" Y/n was cut off when Byun gripped her hair before her brain could decipher it and pulled her face closer to his.
"Calling me a cheater when you were trying to use pathetic little rigged ways while playing in MY casino?" Silence followed for a couple moments, the man's lip chain dangling furiously from how fast he'd moved. "You are more foolish than you seemed, baby doll."  Before the girl could shoot anything back, one of her friends shakily stood up, realising this was no game and the man was pure trouble.
"S- Sir… m- may we leave?" Gasping, Y/n turned to look at him along with their other friends. "We had nothing to do with the game nor do any of us gamble. You can sort your thing with her but we really had nothing to do with the game. Please let us go."
Byun sat up a bit straighter, a firm hold on Y/n's hair still. "That's fair." Nodding at his men, the man spoke. "Leave." He couldn't help but chuckle when that boy gathered the rest of his friends before all of them left without sparing a shocked Y/n another glance. "You really are that irritating to everyone, huh?" The girl was fuming at this point, hating how smug and entertained he looked.
“Fuck you!
A snort left the Mafioso when the small girl dared to spit on his face. Byun fucking Baekhyun's face. "I am afraid you don't realize the intensity of the situation, love." Before he motioned his men to stop in their positions, halting them for beating her up for the disrespectful gesture. Before Y/n could realise what had happened, she gasped under her breath when the man suddenly pressed a sharp knife to her throat, the blade threatening to slice against her soft skin.
"You bet all that you had and then took a loan. When they told you that you couldn't take any more loan you bet your body without thinking of the consequences…" Clicking his tongue, he dragged the knife along the length of her neck before grazing it against her collarbone, making the girl jump when he sliced through one of the strings that held her dress against her breast. "Tsk. Did you even know what that means?" The girl hated how she was made to kneel in front of him as he sat in his seat, feet on either side as one held the knife and other held his cigar.
"I- I will pay y- you back!" The men laughed at her slightly wavering tone.
"Oh, is that so?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Of course you will. Of course. That is the only way. However…" Taking the other string that was on her other shoulder over the blade, the man toyed with it. "I shall give you a choice." Taking another drag, he puffed it in her face, causing her to cough. "You can either be good and even redeem yourself on the way for your naive actions or…" Inching their faces closer, Baekhyun spoke just above a whisper. "You die and all your body parts get sold."
Y/n's blood started to run cold as she realised just how fucked she was. Even her friends had abandoned her and now she was in this casino with some man she had clearly underestimated as some local gangster. His blood slightly brushed against her skin, still not cutting open the other string. "So… what's it going to be, huh? Me cutting this little dress off your body or me sliding this blade across your throat?"
"I… I d- don't want to d- die, p- please" her eyes finally wetted with tears, bringing the man great satisfaction as he nodded slowly, taking another drag as he finally cut the string open, the tight dress Y/n was wearing falling down to her waist in an instant, causing her to gasp before protective arms tried to hide her chest but Byun's foot beat them to it, pressing both of them down in her laps by one of his feet.
"No, love. You cannot decide what happens to you any longer. You lost all of those rights when you lost your body to me. Now you're my puppet." Byun fed off the fear in her eyes and across her face. "Now, let's begin the fun, shall we?" The girl shook under him as she realised that she didn't have a choice anymore.
"Stand up." The man ordered. "Stand up and take those clothes and heels off." Before the girl could protest, Sehun spoke up from behind, firmly pushing at her back with his knee.
"Didn't you hear what the boss just said, whore?!"
"Hey now, Sehun-ah… don't treat the pretty girl like that…" Byun looked up at Sehun with upset eyes, words painfully sweet like he wasn't just threatening to murder her in cold blood. "She's too weak to be treated so rough… Dolls like her are delicate and fragile… aren't they?" He looked down at the humiliated girl with teasing eyes, snorting at how she flushed in embarrassment before removing his foot from her arms.
"Get up." His tone was rough again as he leaned back in his seat, tossing the knife on the table before picking his glass of whiskey up, taking a sip. "We don't have all day and the clock's running!" He spoke aloud when the girl tried to plead, not even looking her way but in a far distance, waiting for his orders to be obeyed.
Y/n shivered under the gazes of all the men in the room as she slowly stripped from her dress and heels, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Come here…" Byun ordered. "Kneel." And as the girl kneeled, the male grabbed his knife again, placing one of his feet under her pussy before clicking his tongue at the bra that she didn't take off, swiftly cutting it open, making it fall against her laps. "Don't." The man warned as the girl went to cover her now exposed chest with her arms, watching her carefully. "Come here."
Y/n's eyes were letting out continuous silent tears as she got closer to the man, feeling her nipples harden from the air as her face burned the hottest it could. She could only bite her lip and stare at the ground in embarrassment. "Get on your knees and undo my belt." Her eyes widened as she looked up at the man that looked almost bored. "What? Did I mumble?" His lips grazed against one of her breasts now, making her instantly mumble a small 'no' before she did as she was told, her fingertips trembling as she followed his instructions until she could see his erect cock bulging against the dark blue boxers he wore.
"Come closer now, rub your face on it, doll. Feel your Master up~" Baekhyun encouraged, fistibg her hair in one of his hands whilst the other one that was in possession of the blade grazed against the side of her neck dangerously close. Y/n bit back a sob as the man guided her face closer to his clothed member, forcing her to rub her face against and all over it, moaning lowly at just how good her warm breaths felt.
"Take it out…" The girl did as she was commanded, her hot tears falling on Baekhyun's skin one by one, only adding to the pleasure. "Come on… take it in your mouth. That's it…" Y/n was in disbelief of her situation but knew there was no way out. Opening her mouth, she took his thick head in her mouth, cringing at the taste as she slowly licked and sucked at it, literally shaking as Baekhyun leaned over, pulling her face down his cock by the hair he was holding, finally cutting the last piece of clothing she had on which was her underwear, exposing the girl to everyone in the room and increasing the tension even more. All of his henchmen were sweaty and their throats were dry. But nobody could do anything no matter how much they desired.
Because she was his toy.
"Keep going…" The Boss whispered, sliding her mouth further on his cock and grunting when she gagged around him, bringing her face up before slamming it down, causing the girl to choke again but he held it tight this time, his cock twitching from how she struggled to breathe but couldn't. "Good girl. Now that is some good behaviour." The man grinned, releasing her just enough to let her breathe before pulling it off completely.
"Lick it off." Baekhyun's voice was cold again as he guided her to his cheek which had her spit on it, tightening his hold on her head even more. Y/n was full on sobbing now after failing to suppress it felt her scalp burnt from where he was holding her, shakily placing her hands on his knees before licking her own spit off, sweat trickling down her back. "Are you sorry?" She felt a gun press against her pussy now, the blade long gone as he calmly stared down at her.
"Y- Yes! Yes! I am!" The girl rushedly spoke, feeling the cold metal of the gun slip in between her folds, rubbing back and forth."P- Please, si- sir!"
"Good." Baekhyun was satisfied from how the girl was trembling in fear, standing up before pulling her up on her feet before pushing her on the table where they had played, placing his gun on her stomach before grabbing her thighs and forcefully pushing into her, moaning when she screamed in pain while crying even harder now. "This will get you thinking, tsk. Who do you even think you are? Brats like you deserve nothing but to be treated like this…" Baekhyun loved how he stretched her walls long and deep, expanding them forcefully before he gave her another powerful thrust.
"So fucking overconfident… And what are you now? A fucking slut that's not even in control of her own body." Grabbing the gun, the man started to give her faster thrusts now, moaning loudly as sweat dripped down his forehead, hips snapping mercilessly whilst he pressed the gun to one of her breasts, rubbing the tip against her nipple. "I wonder what will happen if I shoot it… will it pop off? Deflate?"
Y/n's eyes widened as she hysterically cried, her heart thumping as she slid up and down the table, shaking her head furiously whilst her hands rested lifelessly at her sides, her whole body covered in sweat. "P- PLEASE! PLEASE! N- NO! NO! DON'T S- SHOOT ME, S- SIR! PLEASE!" She could only beg helplessly as the man got off to her fear, glaring down at her as he fucked her intensely, going balls deep as he twitched again, feeling himself closer to his orgasm.
"But you've been so fucking disrespectful today. Do you even know who I am, you little slut? How dare you?" Before he pushed the gun in her mouth, forcing her to taste herself as the fear of him suddenly deciding to pull the trigger invaded her senses.
"I- I… s- showwy-" was she could pathetically let out through the gun as he grazed it against the soft end of her throat, ramming into her harder and harder before he was emptying his load into her, pulling out and seeing his cum gush out of her along the blood of her purity, forming a pink mixture. Gathering some of the white liquid off his cock, the man rubbed it against her lips before kissing her as he tucked his cock back in followed by the gun and his blade, pulling her off the table by her hair, spitting in her face before slapping her for all the former disrespect, throwing her in his feet.
Baekhyun smirked, getting even more satisfied as he realised that he was her first time. The trip she was on was in the celebration of her 18th birthday after all. Whilst the mafia was turning 30 this year. "Maybe I won't send you to one of my brothels after all."
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Never get to hold you | Lee Haechan
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Lee Haechan x female!reader x Lee Jeno
▸ Fluff, smut, angst? Haechan is poor ▸ Part of To All the Members I’ve Loved Before: Dear 127, hosted by me ​
Summary: Growing up in a fucked up household, Haechan has always been thankful for his friend Jeno for treating him like his real brother. From giving him food, to letting him stay in their big house, to lending him money for school. Jeno has always been an angel. Until one day, Haechan found another angel, you. Finally his life is now brighter than ever… but not for long, because Jeno likes you too. Will Haechan let this once in a lifetime love slip and give you to his true friend who’s always been nice to him? Or will he be selfish?
Work count: 6k flat amazing
Warnings: Smut, toxic household, mentions of parents fighting, Haechan is poor here, if you are not okay with the idea please click away. Unprotected sex, couch sex, mentions of rough sex, overstimulating, Haechan smoked one cigarette, mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, mentions of Haechan’s sister, break up, slight cheating? but not really A/N: Pure fiction. Haechan’s character here is inspired by Justin Fooley from 13 reasons why. And the friendship is inspired by Bryce and Justin’s friendship. hehe. Originally this is a cheating au, but I’ve been writing a lot of cheating au so.... lets do the right thing for now. HAHA. also I did not include a lot of smut just because it doesn’t fit the story so i hope you understand that and still enjoy reading this. <3 
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A peaceful night that’s what Haechan longs for. A night free from the screaming and shouting of his parents, the glass shattering and never-ending blaming. He turns the volume up of the song he’s listening to from his mp3 player, closed his eyes, and tried sleeping. It’s not calming or whatsoever but it’s better than hearing the bickering.
For Haechan, sleep does not fix anything but it sure does make him feel better once he wakes up and finally faces another fun day in school. Yes. That’s right, Haechan loves going to school for it makes him feel like he’s a normal person. Not everyone in school knew how fucked up his life is and that’s another thing why he loves going to school. School and his friends have been his escape.
“You’re coming tonight right?” Jeno sneaks from behind and swings an arm on his best friend.
“Of course I’ll be there. I have to drive your drunk ass home-“ Haechan jokes but he was soon interrupted by something so unfortunate.
His shoes gave up on him.
“I think I should go and get this fixed before class starts. Not again,” Haechan said, stopping to remove his worn-out shoes and check them further while Jeno watch him.
“I have my Balenciaga shoes in my locker I don’t use that anymore. If you don’t want to keep it or accept it, at least use it for the day,” Jeno smiles at his friend and pats his back. But before Haechan could even say no to his best friend, Jeno is long gone for the school bell rang already.
Every since Haechan is new in town, Jeno has been a good friend to him. Both very different boys but they are brothers by heart and got each other’s back. For Haechan, Jeno is an angel to which he almost feels bad for not giving something in return for all the things Jeno gave him. Not just material things but Jeno offers financial help to Haechan too, in fact, Jeno is the reason why Haechan’s mother got a job at a store Mrs. Lee owns.
So you see, being a loyal and true friend is the only thing Haechan can give in return for now.
After school, Haechan fixed his wretched shoes before going to his part-time job. There, while he looks over the convenience store, he does his homework on the side and makes sure that he studies in advance so he can get closer to the college and scholarship that he’s aiming for and finally get out of this hell hole.
“You like studying so much?”
A voice made him drop his pen and went to work immediately. Punching the cashier and putting the stuff you bought in a plastic bag with a shy smile. A shy smile that miraculously lights up your day, he’s like a sun you thought.
“College. You’re new here right? I saw you earlier with the student body president. I’ve been there, being new in town will get easier... with the right people” Haechan says.
“Well, I had a bad first day, but thank you.... Hyuck. It’s great to know that eventually, everything will get better ” you read his name tag and smiled so sweetly at him. Oh, you wish it’s not obvious that you’re flirting.
When you left you’re all he could think of. He can’t stop thinking about your smile, how it’s obvious that you’re flirting with him but he thinks you’re so cute rather than flirty, he even beats himself up for not asking your name and making you stay longer.
As he walks his way home under a quiet night and with nothing in his head but your smile, he replays his only memory of you in his head while smiling alone and looking like a complete idiot. But when he was just a few walks from his house, he hears the screaming and shouting again.
He ran towards the door and straight to his sister’s room, not giving a fuck about why his parents are fighting. He hugs his little sister who’s in tears and basically shaking from fear, keeping her close to him to let her know that he is here now. And this is the sadness and reality he had to face every day.
“You scared?” He whispers but his face shows no fear to show his sister that his big brother is ready to protect her.
“Where were you?” She whines and snuggles to her brother more.
“I was at work, sorry. You know something wonderful happened to me today,” Haechan ready himself to tell his sister how you two met for the first time. She has always loved Hyuck’s stories and she’s always interested in the people his brother is friends with, especially Jeno.
“Well, why didn’t you ask her name? Will you see her again?” She asks eagerly. “I want more stories about her, she sounds sweet even though your conversation was too short”
“Yeah I know. Maybe I can talk to her by Monday and tell her, ‘hey my little sister wants us to be friends’” he jokes.
And so the night went on, exchanging stories with his sister until his parents stopped fighting and eventually his sister fell asleep in his arms. To be honest,  he didn’t want to leave his sister alone after what happened tonight, but he promised Jeno that he will be there so he needs to be there.
Going to Jeno’s birthday celebration in a bar downtown is the last thing he wants to do after having a hard night. The bar was loud, packed, and it’s giving him a headache. So he promised himself that he will stay here for half an hour only, which did not happen because his heart feels heavy.
So he went out to have a cigarette and to clear his mind, having a debate with his conscience whether he’s going back in or not.
“The answer is no,” you said from behind which made him turn immediately and face you. “I’m watching you for a few minutes already and your feet is obviously hesitating to go back inside”
“It’s that obvious? Am I really that easy to read?” he takes one final hit from his cigarette before he throws it away. You nod with a smile to answer his question. It’s obvious that you’re happy to see each other again. “Why aren’t you inside? It’s cold out here,” he would give you his jacket if only he’s wearing one right now but he’s not.
“Everyone is loud inside and I feel like I’ve had enough of the screaming and overflowing booze, you know?” You answered awkwardly. Little did you know that Haechan feels the exact same thing. “But I should probably go and not ruin the silence here too so-“
“I can’t stop thinking about you” Haechan finally blurted out. He didn’t mean to but those are the words that came out from his mouth the moment he saw you turn and was about to walk away. “I don’t even know your name but my sister thinks your cool” he added, trying to sound fun and interesting. Heck, he’s trying to make you stay.
And it's working.
“You have a sister and you told her about me?” Haechan nods with a shy smile, “Well what did you tell her?” You asked with a flirty tone.
“I told her that I’ve never seen a smile so beautiful and that I feel stupid for not asking your name” he shamelessly flirts and came closer to you, making your heart beat faster and making you really nervous.
“Take me some somewhere quiet and I’ll tell you my name” you flirted back.
And without any second thoughts, he brought you to a place where you two can laugh out loud freely, and there's no loud music to bother the moment. You introduced yourself and all he did was giggle and tell you that his little sister will be happy about this. Haechan made you laugh nonstop, telling you the happy memories he holds dear and even small parts about his life, without fooling you and making you think that he’s someone else.
Now that he gets the chance to talk to you again, he wanted to embrace you while he pours all his honesty to you and hopes that you don’t mind liking someone fucked up like him. But Haechan thought that telling you that he’s poor as a rat on your first night together is not something worth staying for, so he shrugged it off and continue asking more about you.
Until you both lost track of time and he offered to walk you home, which you think it’s sweet.
“Do you want to have some water first, before you go? It’s a long way back. M-my parents are not home so no need to be shy,” you offered with a hint of other intentions that he surely understood. And thankfully he accepted.
The moment you closed the door, he stopped you from opening the lights, his hands are on your face and your lips touched immediately. Returning the kiss without hesitation, heads turning continuously and both tongues are wanting for something more.
You motion him to the couch and push him until he falls on the cushions and let out a quiet giggle. It was a pity that you wouldn’t see his bright smile. “You okay with this?” he slips his hand inside your shirt and smoothly removed it.
“More than okay,” you said and started to undo his belt and remove his pants. Soon, you’re both wearing only your underwear while grinding on top of each other. Shy to make a move but your kisses and moans say otherwise. You’re the one who initiates it this time, unclasping your bra and making him knead and cup your boobs shamelessly.
“Do I need a condom?” he asks, removing his boxers brief, throwing it on the floor, and immediately slipped his hand inside your panties while you’re on top of him kissing him like there’s no tomorrow.
You moaned softly when his fingers made contact with your very wet slit and told him, “No. But pull out?” he nods and told you he will. And because of that assurance, you finally removed your panties and went on top of him.
“It’s hard to pull out if you’re going to be on top, maybe next time?” He says and effortlessly switched your positions, putting him on top of you. He pulls away for a second and pumped his cock in between your opened legs, came in closer to kiss you before he pushes his in.
His kisses were gentle and sweet like he’s not about you fuck you in the next few seconds. But when he finally lined his cock and slowly thrust in, both of you moaned and forgot that you were kissing for a second. Sharp gasps escaped your mouth while delicious groans escaped from his. Slowly he takes his time pushing in and out without thrusting all the way, which surely builds the momentum and it definitely made you want more of him.
“I’ll go deeper” thankfully he noticed and pushed in finally. Thrusting a little bit quicker than earlier while his fingers are busy drawing circles on your clit.
Soon, you’re both on edge. Too shy to admit it but you can’t stop clenching and unclenching around him, “Stop doing that,” he says and kissed your neck, bitting the shell of your ear to hear you giggle while he makes you moan deliciously.
He came first as expected because you can’t stop moaning behind his ears and making him feel good with your tight walls. He shoots his cum on your stomach, away from your pussy while his other hand is continuously drawing fast circles and making you cum in no time.
You shivered like crazy and tried closing your legs but Haechan got a hold of it and overstimulated you.
“Wild-brutal, that’s you” you said while you continue to shiver, curl yourself in a ball and beg him to stop.
He kisses your body, avoiding his cum but still managed to suck your nipples good as you come down from your high. When you’re finally calm, you reached for the tissue on the coffee table to wipe yourself clean but he snatched the tissue from your hand and did it himself. After that, you moved your body and make room on the small couch so he can lie beside you, using his arms as your pillow, keeping you close to his sweaty body.
“You’re the second girl I kept in my arms tonight,” he says softly. Looking into your eyes directly. You know that it's his sister and it made you smile and planted a kiss on his lips.
“Can you keep it that way then?” you said, softly like how he spoke. He nods and tightens his hug.
“To be honest I feel like I’m a slut right now because I slept with you first... on my first day of school, my first day of meeting you-“
“Sssh. You think too much. You’re not a slut. I like you, you like me. It’s a normal reaction” he kisses your lips and your cheeks one too many times to make you giggle and eventually let go of your thoughts. “I have to go back to my friends” he added.
“What- No, stay, please. My parents wouldn’t mind” you begged but he shook his head and got up from his comfort.
“I’ll find you again”
“Well give me your phone” you said, eager to make him stay. Eager to stay in his life.
“I don’t have one because I can’t afford one” Haechan was shy to tell you the truth but he didn’t want to lie to you. But of course, you understand him instead of prying. You sat up, kissed him sweetly and told him,
“It’s fine. You know where I live, so we're going to do this old school then” you giggle and make the most of the few minutes you have with him. He reached for your panties and helped you wear them together with your shirt, leaving a soft kiss on your lower abdomen.
“Is that fine? Going old school?” He asks smiling and asking for another kiss.
“More than fine, that means I get to see you always” he giggled and told you that’s right and continued wearing the rest of his clothes.
The next day, Haechan woke up with a smile on his face by just merely thinking about you and thinking of going to your house tonight and surprise you after he hangs out with Jeno at the amusement park.
As his day went on with his best friend, all he thinks about is you. Did you eat already, how was your sleep, do you think of him, and what are you doing now? These are questions that he wanted to ask you because he misses you already, but also, these are the questions that attracted the universe into putting you both in the same place.
Just a few minutes ago, Haechan is thinking about you but now you’re right in front of him... with a blindfold at The Kissing Booth and about to kiss Jeno.... Jeno of all people.
There, Haechan stood and watch you and Jeno kiss in front of the audience. Watching your friends take a video and giggle as much as they want because you have no idea who you’re kissing right now. Oh they would kill to be in your position and taste Jeno’s lips. While you... you think about the gentleman who made you laugh over and over again last night, the gentleman who’s honest about everything, and the gentleman who made you feel good on your family couch last night.
And when you removed your blindfold, you can’t help but feel disappointed. It’s not Haechan you’re kissing, he hasn’t found you again.
When Jeno came closer and attempted to kiss you again, you pushed him away in front of many people, smiled and whispered, “We had our fun already, I think that’s enough. Sorry, I was hoping you’d be someone else” and came down from the stage to join your friends.
The disappointment in Jeno’s face was evident. He felt like he violated you or something and wanted to apologize further but you didn’t give him a chance. He saw Haechan standing in the corner with a soda in his hand and joined him, “That was something. I feel like I was taken to another dimension while I was kissing her. Damn I like her already” Jeno admits, having no clue that Haechan knows exactly what he’s talking about.
“Hey.... Haechan” you taped his shoulder which made him and Jeno turn around. You didn’t want to be bold and flirty with him in front of his friend so you just said hey.
Jeno was shocked to the core when you approached his friend and not him, and he was even more shocked to see you smile so sweetly at Haechan. “You know each other?” he asks you both nervously.
“N-no. Not really. Dude, everyone knows her. New girl in town plus she came by the store during my shift yesterday after school” Haechan explains. Completely denying that you two shared something special the other night.
Good thing Jeno believed and accepted Haechan’s explanation, so this time he didn’t waste any more time and shoot his shot. “I want to apologize to you. Can we go for a walk? Alone together-“
“Good idea man. I think I should go. I have a shift at the store, s-see you at school. B-both of you,” he says and awkwardly walks out and left you with Jeno.
You wanted to follow him, you would rather want to watch him work at the store than be with Jeno and waste your time strolling around the park, you’ve been wanting to be with him ever since you opened your eyes this morning and now you can’t believe that he denied you in front of his friend.
The whole time he was walking in circles around his neighborhood, Haechan can’t stop thinking about you and Jeno. Even hating the universe more for making him and Jeno like the same girl. Fuck, he murmured frustratingly until he came to a thought that maybe life brought you to Haechan’s life so he could finally give something back to his best friend.
Maybe he’s doing the right thing by letting you and Jeno get to know each other.
“You’re a fool,” his sister teases him while he watches her brush her teeth. Haechan just snorted and let out a small laugh knowing that his little sister is smart and that she’s growing up wise.
“But when you grow old you can’t just commit to something or someone if you know to yourself that you can’t. Be honest,” he kisses her sister good night and tucked her to bed. Wishing for her sister to grow up strong and smart, and not like him.
After a few weeks of seeing Jeno and going out on dates with him, you force yourself to think that what happened between you and Haechan is just a one time thing. That you were just horny teenagers that night who both had a bad day that’s why you thought it was something special.
It’s not that you’re using Jeno to forget Haechan, but Jeno is the one making his moves and trying so hard to impress you. He’s almost as nice as Haechan you thought. Maybe that’s why they’re best friends, and maybe that’s why now you look forward to seeing Jeno every day because you see Haechan in him.
Until one night, you and Jeno had a rather hot night that leads you two to his bed. Sex with Jeno is rough and fast and to be honest you forgot how many condoms he used because the sex was that good. And in that very moment, you realized that the only difference between Jeno and Haechan is the way they fuck. Jeno made you forget Haechan whenever you two are in bed and that made you want Jeno to fuck you more each day.
But Jeno is a natural sweetheart, a lover boy who shows you that he is a great man and a good person. “I know we fuck too much and it's obvious that something is bothering you” he says, hugging you closely while you’re on top of him after a very good car sex. “You can tell me, you know?” he added but you just shook your head no. “Okay okay, I understand. I love you. Whatever you’re going through or whatever that’s bothering you, continue to lean on me. Use me if you must,”
And right then and there, you decided to return the love Jeno is giving you.
It was not easy but it was worth it. Jeno loved you so much, more than you could ever imagine. You spend your senior year together, made memories each day, have good sex after school or during weekends, be the life of the party together, and meet each other’s family.
“Are you happy with me?” he whispers behind your ear while he hugs you from behind.
“What kind of question is that?” you said, turning around to meet his eyes and rake his hair away from his face. Not giving a fuck about the people watching you two flirt in the middle of a crowded place with drunk teenagers.
“Just a question. My way of checking if I’m still a good boyfriend” he admitted shyly. You rolled your eyes and came closer to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips which soon became heated and his hands roamed freely around your body.
“Mhmm. I'm happy, I love you” you whisper and you mean it.
“I love you too” he smiles and continues the kiss.
And while you two are in your own private world minding your business, Haechan watches from afar with a beer in his hand. Jealous, but not mad. Happy, but for you and his best friend. You deserve each other, he thought.
So as you and Jeno make your relationship strong and pour all your love on each other, Haechan became even more hardworking, focused more on his studies, and looking for more jobs to save more money. It was his way of forgetting you.
During a party that Jeno threw in his house, everything was intensely wild and everyone got drunk during the party, except Haechan because he was late due to his shift from one of his part-time job.
He saw you laughing with your friends near the poolside. You look beautiful tonight, as always. And at the same time, you look drunk already and all he wanted to do is take care of you but that’s not his job.
“Great that you’re here man, ugh. I’m so drunk” Jeno whines, almost about to throw but he’s still in control. “Here. Promised her dad I’d bring her home, but obviously, I can’t now. I can’t drive while I’m like this, knowing that she’s in the car with me. Too risky. Please dude, thank you”
And just like that, the responsibility and the power to take care of you is passed unto him.
“Baby, Haechan will bring you home- I can’t drive” Jeno admitted to you. Giving you his jacket before he walks you towards his car.
“W-what? Let me stay then, I’ll take care of you. Then you can drive me home when you’re sober” you said but your boyfriend said no and told you you’re as drunk as him. So you didn’t have a choice but to go inside the car with Haechan. He watched you two kiss goodbye and say your I love yous with each other before he drives away and takes you home.
The drive was silent. You didn’t dare to open your mouth and ask how he’s been, he didn’t dare to open his mouth and tell you that you’re beautiful. And it stayed like this until he reaches your house and parked in front of it.
“Do you remember the night that you walked me home?” you started, and you think it’s the alcohol that's talking. Haechan just nods and lets out a heavy sigh. “I wish it never happened. I wish I didn’t flirt back then and went back inside that bar instead of asking you to take me somewhere quiet” you admitted, feeling your heart break but you can finally breathe better now that you told him what you really feel. But deep inside you didn’t mean it. You’re just saying that because you’re still mad at him for denying you.
He unbuckles his seatbelt and reached for you, shamelessly hugging you, and placed a sweet kiss on your temple. You feel his tears and that made you hug him back. Staining his shirt with your tears that you kept for months.
“I’m sorry. I can’t give you what Jeno can give you. My life is a mess, I’m a trash and you deserve someone better. Someone who can take care of you, I can’t” he hugged you a little bit tighter to let you know that he’s sincere. And after a few minutes of silence, he explained his part to you and you listened attentively not because he owes you an explanation but because you miss his voice.
“When I was new here, bullies just won't stop teasing me, then Jeno became my friend and suddenly they all stopped. Jeno didn’t mind if I’m poor, he just wanted a brother and found it in me. That’s why whenever I’m in need he’s always to the rescue, my books, my mother’s job, this Rolex watch that I only use whenever I need it at work. I remember he gave this to me because he didn’t want to give me cash because he was afraid that will make me feel small. So instead he gave me this watch and expected me to pawn it. But I can’t because it’s like a token of our friendship”
“I get it. Bro code” you said calmly and watch him nod. “But who are you to tell me who to love. My heart still belongs to you when Jeno was courting me, I think about you when he kisses me-“
“Do you still feel the same way?” he blurted out, looking at your lips and thinking of kissing it one last time before you have your closure. But he won't.
“I love Jeno but you still have this great effect on me, you still have my heart” you admitted.
“I’m sure you understand me now. Why I don’t want to hurt my friend” you nod because you do understand him, you don’t want to hurt your boyfriend either, “He’s an angel” Haechan added.
When Haechan left and drove away, you feel like he took your heart away with him. Like that one specific night you had sex with him and you didn’t want him to go. You know what you said. You don’t want to hurt Jeno and you do love him, but what can you do? Your heart still belongs to Haechan.
After that understanding with Haechan, you suddenly became cold towards Jeno and all you could think about is Haechan. Obviously, Jeno can see right through you. He knows you, whenever something troubles you, you will keep it to yourself and you won’t tell it to him. So he made a way to cheer you up, but it ended up annoying you.
He invited you to his house to have a sleepover and movie night with him. The thing is, Jeno knew you love having sex with him so the moment you two are alone in his room with all the lights off and only his big flat-screen TV is on, he tried putting you in the mood and became way too touchy.
“Stop” you whine as Jeno starts kissing your neck while his hands roam free around your body. It feels good you can’t lie, but you’re not in the mood so you pushed him a little too hard which made him even more frustrated.
“What did I do wrong? I wish you could open up to me more, Y/n” he gets up from his bed and gave you space. “You’ve been like that for days and days already, I don’t know if I did something wrong. Baby, just tell me. I’ll fix it,”
And there it is. Your very reason why you loved him “Why do you have to be so nice?” you murmur and sat beside him. You knew that this isn’t the right time to tell him about Haechan, but he asked what's bothering you so you’re going to tell him the truth and do the right thing. Bravely, you told him every inch of your feelings, the truth about you and Haechan, and hopes that he will not get mad at you or his friend.
He listened. While Holding your hand. Close to tears but he won’t cry in front of you. Not yet. But now that he knows the truth about you and his best friend, he felt like he stole you from him.
“Don’t be mad at him, he just feels obligated to give back to all the kindness you have done to him and his family” you wait for his reaction. You expect him to get mad or throw a fit but all he did was kiss your knuckles, hold them tightly, and kept you close while he can.
“So what now? Do you need time? Space even? It hurts like hell, I must admit but I can’t force you to stay” he says, with tears in his eyes and trying so hard to look strong.
“I need space from the both of you, choosing is not easy. I don’t want to hurt you in the future Jeno” you said.
“I can’t force you to stay, but I can beg right? I love you-“ He cups your face and leaves too many kisses on your lips, saying he loves you over and over again, begging you to please choose him.
“I’m sorry Jeno, please don’t beg. You don’t deserve this,” you made him stop begging and pull him into a tight hug. Inviting him to come to bed with you and savor this night together while you can because, on the next day, you will leave him.  
When you broke up with Jeno and focused all your energy on school, you walk almost every day from school to your house just so you can sort out your thoughts.
Jeno stopped begging you to come back after a few months and got himself a new girlfriend while Haechan… well, he’s doing his best with avoiding you. Still, breaking up with Jeno is a wise decision because now it’s clear that you don’t love him like how you love and long for Haechan.
“Fuck” you curse at the rain for pouring out of nowhere and you have no choice but to enter the store that Haechan is looking after. Just like the rain, you came out of nowhere and shock him. But shocking him and ruining his peace was not your intention, you’re just waiting for the rain to stop so you can go and walk again.
Shivering because of the store’s air conditioning, you hug yourself to keep yourself warm in every way you can but it’s not enough. You tried going out again but the rain kept pouring and it started to rain hard again when you tried and open the door. But then you heard the sound of the air conditioning being turned off, and Haechan is behind you holding the remote and some extra clothes.
“You’ll get sick if you stay wet. Here-“ he awkwardly hands you an extra shirt and his hoodie, “You can change back there. There’s no one else in this store except me,” he says and points at the door for the staff room. Of course you accepted his offer and you’re happy that he still cares.
When you got back, you saw him preparing you a hot drink and made you sit on one of the vacant chairs. “How are you?” he asks, stirring the drink and puts it in front of you carefully.
“I’ve been well, thank you for asking. How about you? How's your sister?”
“I’m doing good too. And my sister is fine”
And after that, an awkward silence made you both giggle and feel shy about being alone in this cold store. But not for long. Haechan initiated the conversation and made small talk with you. If he’s being honest right now, he doesn’t want you to shut up. He wanted you to talk and talk freely without being shy… like that first night you spend together.
When the rain stopped, he walked you home again and you both enjoyed the cool breeze and wet street. Admiring the calmness that the rain brought. “Why did you avoid me? After me and Jeno broke up?” you asked calmly.
“I know we learned the hard way and we’ve been through some stuff” he came closer and put strands of your hair behind your ear, “I’ve been helping myself to be better for you so this time I won’t fuck us up, and I wasn’t avoiding you. I’m giving you time to heal” he smiles and looked into your eyes deeply.
“Can we start again?” he finally blurted out. “This is my final attempt on keeping you, and… I just want to fight for you this time”
The rain was a blessing after all. You don’t know if the rain was a sign of starting over again but you’re glad that you decided to walk today and got soaked in the rain and did not have a choice but to enter that convenience store. But you’re happy that the rain brought you back together, so you hugged him tightly as your answer and warned him with all your might.
“If I wake up tomorrow and you deny me again, I swear Lee Haechan-“
And just like that, he cuts you off with a kiss, an act of promise so you won’t need to worry for the next day. “My sister will kill me if I let go of you again” he giggles and continue kissing you.
Who would have thought that you need only the rain for you and Haechan to get back together? Because after that night, he kept his promise to you. He never left your side and you never left his. Life wasn’t easy for him still, but you made sure you stayed with him through thick and thin.
Even though Haechan can’t bring you to expensive dates or movie dates, being with him while he’s working at the convenience store is more than enough for you. “I love my job. I can earn money while having a study date with you in this cold store” he says, kissing your temple while you’re busy reading and studying beside him.
Your remaining high school days were full of him and you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
After graduation, you and Haechan planned on living together even though you’re both going to different schools, thankfully your schools aren’t that far from each other. Living together is not easy, your parents warned you. But Haechan made it easy for you because he loves you so much. Nonetheless, you would still choose a hard life with and just so you could be together the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you close them to end your day at night.
“It's you and me from now on, Y/n” he whispers beside your ear, hugging you from behind so tightly like you’re going somewhere and finally kiss you good night.
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To this blog’s audience, please do not steal my works save yourself from the shame. Do not translate my works, they’re not worthy. Also if you see someone who stole my work, kindly reach out to me.
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ateezthings · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction: Heated argument with S/O
“i was going to request a drabble with yunho if it’s possible he’s getting into a heated argument with his s/o and then they kiss make up after it. like an angst to fluff 🥺🥺 if it’s possible can you write it?? i would be so happy thank you “ - dreamingoverclouds 
Also Anon said: “ Hello! Can you write a heated argument and then a make it up scene (maybe with a kiss😌)? Oh and its for Ateez reaction?? Can you. 🥺“
Sorry this took me so long, hope you enjoy it anyway 😊 Let me know if you’d like a clean angst to fluff version of this (it ended up being more suggestive than I intended sorry)
Angst to Suggestive
Warnings: Language, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Really suggestive
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“I was waiting for you Jongho… in my lingerie… for three hours… and this is all you have to say? ‘Put some clothes on’?”
“Well, the guys are here, do you think I’d do it with you while they’re outside listening to you moan?”
“But it’s your only night off this week, I was hoping…”
“What? What were you hoping? That I’d fuck you until you can’t remember what we were fighting about?”
With his lips only centimeters away, you bit your lip, not wanting to let your desire show. But he knew you better than that.
His lips found their way to yours and you melted into the kiss. The longer he kissed you the needier you got. But he wasn’t going to give you what you wanted.
Instead, he broke the kiss, winked at you and whispered: “Don’t you dare touch yourself while I’m gone” And with that he left the room, to go hangout with the boys.
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  “Y/N that’s just who I am, I’m flirty with everyone”
“Yeah but you didn’t have to eye-fuck her during dinner while I was sitting next to you”
“That’s so not what happened, don’t imagine shit that didn’t happen”
“So you didn’t want to fuck her?”
“Obviously not”
You weren’t happy with him, so you kept walking. Wooyoung was faster though and stood in front of you.
While he was trying to apologize you couldn’t help but notice the vein in his neck, that started to pop out when he was passionate.
Suddenly you wanted nothing more but to feel his tongue on your skin.
“Are you even listening to me Y/N?”
Instead of answering you kissed him with a passion that made him forget anyone else.
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“So, my feelings don’t matter in this?”
“Don’t twist my words Y/N” His eyes narrowed till they were merely slits.
“I just don’t like you dancing so provocatively with that bitch on stage”
“Why do you care so much? That’s just work”
“Yeah, for now Mingi, but can you assure me that you won’t develop feeling for them, if you spend all day grinding against them at dance practice?”
“But don’t I only fuck you at the end of the day?”
That took you by surprise. Similar to the needy kiss that followed.
While you were engaged in this forget-your-surroundings-kiss, his hands groped your bottom, trying to push you closer to him, which wasn’t possible.
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“I can’t believe you wore this on stage San, did you not think about all the women that are lusting after you right now?”
“Oh, come on Y/N, it made for a good performance, that’s my job!”
“I feel like you did this on purpose, you wanted to have these sluts long for you and your perfect body in that leather outfit”
You had to admit, the cutout at the abs showing off just enough of his muscles to make you feel lightheaded and the leather pants cupping his bottom got you a little hot.
“There was only one person that I wanted to seduce and that’s you”
That was it, you needed him right here, right now. You didn’t care that there were a bunch of staff people, female staff, standing around you two. You cupped his face, running your hands through his dark hair as you kissed him in a way, that marked him as yours. No one should think he was available.
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“I’m not happy about this Yeosang” In your hand you held your phone, showing him the article that claimed that your boyfriend and another idol were dating.
“I don’t have control over these things and you know all publicity is good.”
“Actually, I don’t, because I prefer my boyfriend’s to be honest you know?”
“Y/N I’m serious, there’s nothing between me and them, come on you can’t really believe what these people write?”
“Isn’t there a grain of truth in everything?”
He was slowly losing patience.
“Not… with… this…one” With every word he took a step closer to you, on the last one you could feel his hot breath against your neck. His jaw was clenched, eyebrows furrowed in anger.
Whenever he got angry, your mind immediately went to dirty places, thinking of what he’d do with you in this angry state.
The kiss that followed let you get a taste of what was to come.
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“I forgot alright?!”
“Yunho, you forgot our one-year anniversary… I waited for you for an hour, even the waiters were pitying me”
“I said I was sorry like a million times”
“Well, that doesn’t make it better okay?”
“Okay, then how about this?”
The kiss started out innocent, you being hesitant about forgiving him. As his hands were roaming your body however, the heat in your stomach started to spread. You wanted him, as he lifted you up and carried you to the bed, not wanting to break the kiss.
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“Did you think I wouldn’t connect the dots?”
“Y/N these lyrics are not based on reality, come on, I’m an artist”
“Oh, so you didn’t write a whole song about cheating on me? You go on for two verses about how hot this stupid bitch i-”
“I DIDN’T CHEAT ON YOU!… Okay? These are made up song lyrics that Maddox and I wrote… “
“And of course you think I should believe you”
“Oh, I’m going to make you believe me”
Before you could think he wrapped his arms around your hips, pressing your body against his, your lips colliding with anger and passion. You needed to feel him as close to you as possible.
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“Oh, so you think my job isn’t as important as yours?”
“That’s not what I said, don’t be ridiculous Y/N”
“Well at least I’m not the one being possessive”
“I just suggested you could find a new job in my area what’s so wrong about that?”
“Seonghwa, I have my own life here, you don’t own me!”
“Really? We’ll see about that baby” He stepped closer to you, eyes dark, breath fast. You took a step back, not wanting to give in. As soon as your ass hit the wall behind you though, it was over. You both gave into your desires.
Smashing his lips into yours, your tongues fought for dominance. Carrying out your argument. You needed him almost as much as he needed you.
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