#maybe not but i lvoe him
roachesbf · 1 year
Otter Gaz Courting Headcanons
art @ DEVILSPINZ (twt.com)
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Gaz is a very physical lover! Even when you first started off as friends he always liked to cling to you. Interlocking pinkies, interlocking arms, or even having you sit on his lap/ or him sitting on your lap, he thrives off of physical touch. Along with that he’s a big sucker for your hair, always grooming it, or messing with it when he has your head seated on your lap, talking to you about his latest interest or telling you about Soap's latest shenanigans. Honestly he does this a lot when you officially start dating, and when he’s done he’ll have you lay in bed with him, holding your hand as he gets comfy.
During training he makes it a point to partner up with you if he can. Something about it is just so funny to him. Being able to see who can manhandle the other, and then tease the “loser” until the next training session. Sometimes the both of you can get too competitive but no hard feelings in the end!! All he has to do is bat his eyelashes at you and boom your attention is off on winning, and damm now he has you pinned to the ground and declared the winner. To others it may be seen as aggressive but that’s just how the two of you play at this point. 
No matter what, friends or lovers, your room is now his room, since he’s always sleeping over his clothes and items can be found all around. Your bed having a mix of his + your own covers, the difference between your cologne and his always hurting anyone else’s nose just because they haven’t developed a tolerance to how strong it is. He loves adding his own little touches, like getting you posters he thinks you’d like or changing the sheets to something that reminds him of you. It’s all about feeling domestic in your spare time with each other. 
Otters usually eat anything in water, so his family is known to have strong stomachs but I feel like he’s a picky eater because certain things make his tummy ache. He hates it and complains about it so much, but then being babied by you makes the whole ordeal better. Laying on your bed as you massage his body and kiss his cheek, trying to soothe him after eating something he wasn’t supposed to just because he was curious. 
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grimgummiesart · 1 year
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I'm normal about this character (lying)
Also tryna practise drawing him without his disguise/costume aughh
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badnewswhatsleft · 3 months
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anikiain · 6 months
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If Ejojo has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Ejojo has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Ejojo has only one fan then that is me. If Ejojo has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Ejojo, then I am against the world.
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object-yaoi · 1 month
I DONT WANNA BE RUDE but i dont get why people wanna fuck that vampire twink so much
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oldworldsguest · 11 months
Just Beast's Akutagawa traumatizing a kid for life
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shapeshivvter · 2 years
Help! I think my Universe's lars is broken! he keeps rotating! /j
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recitedemise · 5 months
@enidrhena asked: ❛  when  you’ve  been  fed  lies  for  so  long ,  you  eventually  lose  your  appetite  for  love .  ❜ (𝑺𝑶𝑭𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 STARTERS: still accepting.)
"Or alternatively, you begin to crave all the more."
One look at them, and one might learn where they both stand.
Gale, preparing dinner for their party, doesn't quite meet her eyes. Rather, focused on his important task--mincing garlic, fragrant rothé in the air--he catches her lingering like ghosts at the door. She's colder than him, something like the tundra or a petulant winter. And yet, all ice that she is with such frost in her bite, she's still, he's discovered, like a midday sun. She's fierce and angry. She's a bristling peacock. Still, she's hungry, too, for the meagerest of things, and with a wedge of garlic slipping up his nails, he wonders what else was torn from her.
Love, apparently, a deep, deep one. Unlike her, Gale, unfortunately, still soppily wants it.
"I can't do much about the appetite for love," he segues, "but I can serve you the finest dinner this side of the Surbrin. At the very least, I can guarantee that one plate will hardly satisfy. If you're in need to be voracious, look no further." That sounds weak even to his own ears, but he still smiles, half a laugh spilling out of him. "Unfortunately, sating one hunger, in my experience, is no substitute for tiding another."
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crush-like-that · 6 months
reading the shining:
oh... it's another Jack chapter
Ooh! A Wendy chapter!
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tealfruit · 2 years
I love you bodegas I love you corner stores I love you shitty gas stations in the middle of nowhere I love you truck stops I love you gas stations on the corner downtown that sell bongs for some reason I love you weird local convenience stores
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z0mbiehouse · 2 years
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im sorry but please look at my ocs thhey r so. they mean so mcuc h t ome 
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thegreatestheaver · 3 months
I am god’s strongest soldier (<- really really does not like my friend’s girlfriend)
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cloneboywonder · 9 months
oooooo I had so much fun today we ordered food at work and we played games and I went on a couple walks bc my one student had tons of energy and he kept getting yelled at :-( I was like come on buddy we can go play outside :-( and then after school I picked up my step brothers grandma and my mom and we went to the mall. IIIIII SAW MY BUDDY AT THE RECORD STORE. I sent my mom and Mimi off bc it’s not fun to hang out w him if there’s other ppl :/ but then i felt bad bc my mom messaged my saying she was waiting outside the store and I went out there and was like oh sorry how long were you waiting and she was like we were only at the other store for 10 mins,,, um they sat outside fye for like 45 mins LOL saurry I looooove talking to my bestie sm. He was excited because he got some email about fall out boy vinyls that were silly color pressings and he’s been saving it to show me. And he told me about some of his old Beatles albums I love learning and I love listening to ppl talk about things they like. I love having fun :-) But she wasn’t like bored or wanting me to leave she said I could go back in but it’s okay I’ll go see him again soon. I told him I would make some little bracelets and that if someone bought the fob vinyls there he had to give the people the bracelets LMAO. And then I went home and my dad said no update on tickets but that’s okay and he was stress looking at Ticketmaster because he was curious about prices LOL no worries BUT I thought it was cute because he was like “where are they from” and blah blah and then he’s was like “the damned things?” And I’m like huh? And he’s like the spin off band the damned things. And I’m like oh blah blah hiatus side project. But like. My man was reading a fall out boy article. He loves research lol. Yesss read about fobbie <3
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blitzisms · 1 year
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snakesnifter · 1 year
leo valdez 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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detectiveconnor · 1 year
"Mr Kamski." An invitation for him to speak. He expected Elijah had some bullshit to espouse, so Connor would let him get it out of the way now, before they got started.
i gotta go make dinner but i really do love this man when he's out of patience. straightforward connor/10
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