#maybe one day tho because guh
castielsparkle · 1 year
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the cas edits that live in my mind to the. mind control cult . transcript. are insane btw i wish i could make it real
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bigmack2go · 6 months
Continuing my parents guides
As allways: if you are a parent, DO NOT use these. Im begging you save your child the embarrassment. This is only for educational purposes and so you know what we are talking about when we use these.
That being said imma teach u the months to you now. Dont u dare interupt me i know u know the months. But u dont. So stfu. (Haha did u do ur homework? Do u know what stfu means?)
Okay lets go
So January is new starts and shit thats not something that only we do
February is honestly nothing special. Maybe we make fun of it being short like we do woth our friends but even that isnt very common
Now march, march is where the fun begins. March is when caesar was murdered. We usually have a bunch of phineas and ferb memes. Its also womens month.
In april spiritual people, religious people etc often do what imma simplify to you as „recharge“. Theres also a whole lot of complaints about the weather so theres that.
I honestly dont think may has anything special but i have adhd so i might be forgetting smt major rn lmao
June. Listen, we love june. June is the month of the ✨guh-guh-guh-gaAYS✨. (June is pridemonth)
And in july we complain that companies only use pride month for promo.
August. Im gonna be honest im not really objective on this bc its my birthday in august so thats sortof the only thing august stand for to me lmao. Its summer tho, i can say that
Ooo the embers… this is gona be great
September usually gets roasted for being bisexual(?) in september the most people get cancelled (2024 is an exception prolly)
Oktober is the month of creativity. Its not actually lmao i just said that. Because in October we usually make a bunch of art challanges (or other challanges for each day. And then we put „tober“ at the end and tadaa. Inktober! Costober! Fotober! And all that. That originally began bc well obv october is helloween month right? Right. So they did this thing called spooktober. Which can be each of those, it just has to be scary yk? And because America is weird and they do halloween wrong (/hj) they just don’t always use the spook and instead make whatever tober. (This whole explanation was a joke. Pls dont cancel me) and then theres hell week
Now hold your horses and settle your seatbelts for november cuz dis gon be a hell of a ride. It’s honestly actually not that much. Its just one thing but you’re gonne be a little disturbed after it. So november is NNN which is short for No Nut November. Boys chllange themselves to not masturbate or do anything sexual for that whole month. I have no idea where that came from so dont kick me. Its not my fault. Anyway youre gonna see a whole lot of people setting their profile pictures to eggs. Now ik i said its only one thing but see- it is one thing. The eggs are related to that. A whole egg means they still havent „lost“ nnn. A broken egg signals people in comentsections to pay respect to their fallen brother/the fallen soldier (youre gonna find some of both brother and soldier) also when i said we love the tembers its because some people make variations of this in september oktober and December too. Idek
December is basically just Christmas.
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Not like we're TEN days late
i know, i know. Look, last night was busy. But here we are again. Together. In the soup.
This level is so nifty! i loved all the little mechanical bits and interactions. Also that you kind of criss-cross through it, being able to see some later sections from early on in the level. Me, i just eat that right up. It feels a little rude to make this one a race, just figuring out how to progress can be a bit of a timesink, tho' i can see that adding into replay value. Like, you play a couple times just to learn what the level expects from you, and then you start making real stabs at a good score. It's weird, because on one hand, that really is good level design, and indicates a certain amount of confidence in what you've made that you believe players will give it that kind of time. On the other, well, it's not really a the other hand, i just think most players won't.
This is one of those levels that's really cool in concept, but pretty rough in execution. Not really through any fault of the level itself, it's just heavily, heavily reliant on physics, and when things work, it's super nifty, and when they don't, the level just breaks. i had to play three times just to get the duck to land right in that early on bit, and that's nothing i had any real control over, just a watch and hope kind of thing. Also, if i'm being honest, the level does feel just a touch overlong, and i was pretty ready to give up all pretense of getting a good score by around the halfway mark. Still, i super appreciate the ambition, and all the work that must have gone into making it run.
Gods, i honestly kind of love these attempts to make something scary in early LBP. Maybe because this was previous to the style getting subsumed in meme/copypasta formats. i just like "this is my spoopy ghost hospital wiv guh-guh-ghosts" a lot more than "jumpscare wiv slenderman or evil Sanic." But look at me here speaking from almost 45. i lay you dimes to donuts if i'd been in my young teens around the spoopy-pasta boom in LBP(2? Was that really a big thing in 1?), i'd have been right there for all of it. i was not wivout my edgy pre-teen phase, if you can imagine (and i'm sure you can).
Exactly what it says on the tin, and a bit more or less. Still, i mean, it's not not cute, you know?
This is, no lie, an extremely impressive bit of kit for LBP1. Like, it is a solidly designed platformer, wiv a clear design and character aesthetic, that delivers on that promise in a very satisfying way. The biggest issue i had wiv it turned out to be a totally on my end thing. That midboss fight, the one that seems to go on forever? So, some of you might know that my hearing is pretty shoddy. Not, perhaps, needing hearing aids levels, but it's still pretty bad. Rewatching the footage and i finally noticed there's a "damage taken" sound effect from the paintinator kit that plays when you hit those buttons. i didn't catch that at all when playing, so, going purely off the visual cues, i thought you needed to hit the left and right side buttons once to move it to the next cycle? So, like, it pops up, you hit both the buttons, it goes down, repeat three times kind of thing. Really, i could have hit either of the buttons repeatedly to just kill the thing. That kinda sucked. Yo, that final boss, tho'? Beautiful design on that one.
We talked about Princess Tofu last week. i stand by my takeaway that it is charming and confusing in about equal measure.
The LBP1 vibes are off the chart wiv this one. It's actually a pretty decent level, all nostalgia aside, tho'. Nothing in here is really too challenging, but there is a lot of it, and it's mostly enjoyable throughout. i love the creator just randomly wrapping up the level wiv a roller coaster, 'cause that was a whole thing for a hot minute. Like tying an onion to your belt.
This one is super cute, and i definitely appreciated the bright and cheery vibe; but it just goes on for what feels like forever? Also, even tho' there's no risk beyond just losing progress, i kinda hated that bounce pad staircase thing. Just thinking i'd have to do the whole dang thing again if i screwed up, you know?
i felt salty wiv this one, not gonna lie. The title page claimed it would be a long level. That it would be challenging. It turned out to be a two minute walk through a cave. That wasn't. Even. Cardboard. That's just lying. They lied to me. Rude.
i feel kind of bad for the creator here. Up on the title page there's a note, like, "this used to be copyable, but it turns out the LBP community is a bunch of thieving shits" (paraphrased). Which, you know, is definitely a mood. It's a real shame making levels copyable so you could share and teach turned into people just repubbing the level wiv their name on it. We really are a bunch of thieving shits. This level's pretty neat tho'. It's a good collection of some relatively simple puzzles and obstacles, and i had a good time throughout. It is fairly drab, seeing as there's a complete lack of decoration, but i can understand that; if the intent was for players to copy this and see how it was put together to make their own versions), the creator wouldn't have wanted too much crufting that might hide how things fit together.
So that's that set of ten down. The series has been going for almost a full six months (if you include my backlog, which i absolutely am) on a daily upload schedule, and that's kinda wow? Maybe? i don't know, i have a hard time judging these things, but i'm going to go wiv "a little proud" on this one.
Had a bit of a night out wiv two of my coworkers, and that went mostly well. Honestly far better than i could have expected. Was, i think, the first time i've been to an izakaya since honeybunny and i split back in '18. Definitely since covid has been a thing. It was mostly empty, which, like, honestly, that's for the best what wiv the plague, but also very not an izakaya mood, and kinda extremely lonely. But i had a nice time talking to the two gals, and eating shitty izakaya food, and surprisingly not drinking (the surprising was the enjoying not drinking, not the not drinking itself; it helped only one of us drank, so there was none of that social pressure to have a beer or anything).
The biggest fly in the ointment was, holy shit and no joke, i was fucking exhausted. i'd been dead-tired and beat since i woke up that morning, and the workshift did not help. i ended up having to skedaddle round about 7.30p, and i felt like a bit of a shit, like they might worry i didn't enjoy their company when i actually rather did. But like, when i say tired, i mean like "i am so fucking tired i can't even focus enough to have dysphoria over my stubble" tired. i mean, that sounds nice, the not having dysphoria, but, like, also, not being able to feel my fingertips sometimes and constant yawning, and that's its own socially awkward, and also "if i pass out, people will panic, then how will i get home" legitimate concern.
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mertonna · 4 months
Insta Archive START!! I tried to be as striaght forward as possible because I tend to ramble if given the opportunity, but I do succumb on some of these. Jsut know if it doesn't say [Caption:] beforehand, it's my current input, not from whatever time in the past :P I cut out captions entirely if they're too redundant or just weird Also I'll be skipping around so not every single Instagram post will be archived here because some of them!!! Are too cringe or just bad/plain to me lol But like they're there if you wanna look at em for some reason :3
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May 24th 2014 Caption: "Eeve!"
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May 25th 2014 Caption: "Vaporeon!"
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September 26th 2016 im too embarrassed to post this caption lol but its on my insta!! if you scroll far enough!!
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September 26th 2016 Caption: "Class doodle #1"
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September 26th 2016 Caption: "Class doodle #2"
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September 26th 2016 Caption: "Designed a fancy dress for Fuscia to wear"
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September 26th 2016 Caption: "She be flying in this dress"
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September 26th 2016 Caption: "This has got to be my favorite doodle of Fuscia EVER. I find the pose so adorable."
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October 3rd 2016 Caption: Day 3- Mermaid
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October 3rd 2016 Caption: "Okay so I know I'm already doing an Inktober list, but the witch one is amazing, so I'm doing it too. :3"
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October 3rd 2016
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October 3rd 2016
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October 4th 2016
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October 5th 2016
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October 6th 2016
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October 6th 2016
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October 27th 2016
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October 10th 2016 Hi wait a sec where tf did I learn the word "kinkshame???" good lord >_> also kinda funny how bad I was at taking pictures :0 I still am!! But golly,,,,
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October 14th 2016
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October 14th 2016 i love how i labeled each planet haha maybe cuz there's no color? this could be a cute school poster tho, yknow with some tweaks here and there :0
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October 15th 2016 Cpation: "Day 15- Royal Witch"
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October 15th 2016 Caption: "Speaking of underwater, here's my old OC named Coral~"
I have no sense of timeline what do you mean I considered this oc old already,,,,guh
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October 15th 2016 Caption: "New character just created today because I was bored. :)"
omg first Chry sighting
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October 15th 2016 Caption: "Underwater character huddle!"
this is cute :3 only one of these characters survived after all these years
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October 21st 2016 Caption: "Day 17- Necromancer"
I was initially gonna skip this one cuz it's kinda boring but the bonus scene is cute ;;w;; I'll let it stay!
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October 21st 2016 Caption: "Day 18- Music Witch"
i am SO sorry for the awful photo quality. whew
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October 25th 2016 Caption: "Day 25- Insect Witch"
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October 31st 2016 Caption: Day 31- "Free Draw I drew the cat from this game Google has up for October 30th and October 31st. It's where a cat witch accidently summons a horde of ghosts, which take over the school. Cat goes on a mission to destroy all the ghosts and save their classmates! If you haven't tried it, go on Google right now and play it! *FINALLY DONE WITH INKTOBER, FREEDOM!!!"
this is like,,,a core memory <3 I loved this lil mini game
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
idk if this was done before but hc on the gang's love language?? Gigi's would obviously be receiving gifts and pamper you like royalty and Andre with quality time not just for chilling but someone finally understand him on a deeper level. And Alpha Beta is touch cause,,,,,,, HAVE YOU MET THIS FUCKER HE'S CRAVING FOR TOUCHES
AWE <3333 I don't think I've done this already but,, if I have idc this is such a cute ask GUH <33
All sfw!!
OH MY DARLINGS <3333 this is gonna be so fun smdnsd
OH <33 QUALITY TIME <333 we see a bit of this in Ep 4 when she just,, spends ages cozied up w/ Robo-Bryan.
She's not super touchy, praise feels kinda. uncomfortable even if she appreciates it. She really does like smb she can just,, Exist Alongside and enjoy the company of?
I don't know how to describe this other than like. Parallel Play?
Like a big thing with her is her Alone Time and personal space, so if she really cares about you?? Expect her to,, slowly incorporate you into that bubble?
Not even necessarily speaking or interacting, just,, her sitting in the same room as you while you two do different stuff. There's a certain type of intimacy that comes with just,, Being Near someone that she doesn't share with a lot of ppl.
Is all an option? just all of the above??
SMNDSMD LIKE,, damn he’s such a naturally loving guy. He will literally show his love and care and affection for you in every single way and completely new ones.
Little gifts whenever he thinks of it. He will think up dates months in advance bc he’ll think of the Perfect Spring Date and log it in his journal. He compliments you and kisses and just. adores you as often as possible. He cooks dinner often during the week, not out of obligation but just because this Golden Retriever Man love you so much that he wants to take smth off your plate. Himbo.
If i had to choose smth he likes tho,,,, BIG words of affirmation.
Even the slightest ‘Today looked like it was super rough for you’ is gonna make him. so soft. little bits of encouragement go so far with Brett Hand <3
ALSO LIKE??? he isn’t super used to ppl doing stuff for him so. Acts of service would probably fluster him out of his sweet mind.
She just. She loves spoiling you. it's so cute seeing your eyes light up like aaa <3333 she'll drop so much money on smth small that'll light up your day??
She's very 'this made me think of you',, yknow,,, <333333 smth will catch her eye and make her think of you and she'll instantly grab it. mwa.
She's,, also a super busy person. She doesn't just work in media she IS media, she's constantly dealing with some new problem somebody's created for her.
Initially I was gonna say quality time bc of this,, but tbh I'm feeling Acts of service??
Like it doesn't even have to be smth big?? Maybe having dinner for the two of you when she gets home. Drawing her a bath while she's on a call fixing some Last Minute Issue. Her coming into work early, only to realized you tidied up her desk for her before your shift <333
SHE JUST. It makes her feel so giddy inside,, that little reminder that you two are there for eachother <33 mwa.
HONESTLY?? Words of Affirmation
Just,, little things. He isn’t the type for ‘fussing’, as he likes to put it. Compliments are just very rare little things that it makes him. feel like a schoolboy all over again.
complimenting his medals complimenting his smile compliment literally anything this man is gonna forget his own NAME I STG SMNDMSD. It throws him for such an absolute loop. 
To say he’s Gruff is an understatement. He’s very guarded overall - he also doesn’t go out of his way to help other ppl. If he’s doing something for you, it’s because he likes you.
Also like. Southern Gentleman Stuff (tm).
LIKE SUPER FARM-BOY ESQ, SOUTHERN POLITENESS THINGS? he’s more than a bit traditional so like,, opening doors for you, insisting on holding your umbrella, standing on the side of you that’s nearest to the road, etc, plus a billion others msndmsd.
Like as much as he adores just,, lazing about with you the stuff that gets him MUSHY is,, being able to have real convos with you.
Because come on, most people DO just see him as this fun-energetic-guy and don’t give him much thought beyond that. 
just. sitting up late at night on the roof of Cognito, relaxing and watching the stars and just. talking about everything. debating things and proposing ideas and having those Really Good Dense conversations that feel like the Communicative Equivalent of eating a Steak like. UGH <33
not even just sexual/flirty touches like. Touch in GENERAL is smth he loves. 
It gives him this perfect look into your head. he likes being able to see,,, into you,, having that intimacy and closeness. It’s such an absolute delight.
Expect,, just tentacles draped around you at any and every turn - he doesn’t care about PDA so,, he’ll gladly curl em around your shoulders, along your arm, leg - basically wherever he can reach smdnsd.
Rare love language,,, stealing your shit,,,
You came over to his place? He's gonna steal your sunglasses. Or your lipstick. Slowly you will have a little
He’s also. very clever with gifts bc he’s Attentive and Ancient. The stuff he gets you are things you’re gonna both Love and make use of for Ages <3
‘it isn’t sentimental, you brat, it’s practical. ‘ mhm sure
YEAH GIFT GIVING <333 sorry he’s so obsessed w/ spoiling you
it’s very different from gigi tho - it’s less small trinkets that made him think of you, and way more ‘oh i want my lover to be so absolutely flustered by the things i give them’
LIKE HE ADORES SPENDING THOUSANDS ON YOU. It makes him happy it brings him a sense of safety to just. drop a few thousand dollars buying some insanely expensive suit or necklace or perfume for you. <3333
I feel like,,, quality time is probably also smth he cherishes. Not only is he very busy, but his line of work is always putting him under the constant thought of He Could Get Disappeared At Any Moment By The Council. Every spare moment he gets to spend with you is one he cherishes more than you could possibly understand.
Nothing makes him melt like touch. The closest this little bastard has gotten to gentle touches was being,, sliced in half
It's very cute bc he'll insist he 'doesn't care about things like that' and that touch means nothing to him but also. He'll so naturally gravitate to being close to you. If your hand is open he'll just subconsciously hold it. If he's still trapped in his tube, and you lean against it, he'll lean against the same part so he can feel close to you. He's painfully obvious.
I'm not sure if this would fall under quality time but like. Banter Speaking Dialogue Interaction Talk Words.
LIKE FUCK HE GOT SO FEW VISITORS IN THAT BASEMENT HE JUST WANTS,,, CONVERSATION. he craves talking and interaction and just,, connection. Talk about literally anything he doesn't care, he just loves sharing time with you.
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sarah-sandwich · 3 years
A love letter to commenters, using only their words as they left them on works of fiction
Dear Commenters,
I don’t even know where to start
First of all, I have to compliment your fortitude
Well done
You mad genius
To write a comment
So full of
Genuine affection
Heartfelt, and REAL
Honey you can’t do this?
Such a beautiful message
Oh dear
I would kudos
A million times if I could
Unintelligible caps-lock comment
My beloved
I gotta be honest
Knee-jerk reaction
It’ll be a crime against this fandom if you stop
Wrote this
I’m thankful I got to read this
My heart needed it
On another note tho i—
A comment
Relief in the sea of fandom
Don’t take this the wrong way
I’m glad you didn’t
Threw it out
Because it is perfect and I’m keeping it
Y’know what, fuck it *affection*
The amount of validation
Is absurd
No thoughts. Head empty. Just
How it feels like we
I’m at 4am finishing just another one more part
You being the reason
I can’t wait to finish it
Would you be okay if I
Express just how much
I love your brain
We do not and I repeat do not deserve you!
I can’t think of a funny quip
In all seriousness
I’ve been struggling
I needed something
And you gave it to me
Rent free
We start out raw, stumbling around in the dark and weaving our way across the lines of humor and sincerity
The people we really are
Not the character or story development, but yours. You
Hi thanks its 5:30am here and I am wrapped up in my comforter and my face is wet
To write a comment
I don't know if you realize, but
From reading it
I'll be a better person
Sure, the characters drew me to this fic, but it’s you that kept me here
Going back
There's this
You managed to give me
And that's not even a fraction of the awe I'm feeling at the way
the commentary
made me blink back a few tears
There is absolutely no fucking way I can find the same amount of euphoria
Finally some good fucking food
I’m screaming
Something I don't think is said enough
Thank you for sharing
The most perfect paragraph I’ve ever read
I will cherish it for days
Will read again. Maybe a few times.
I believed in every word.
Guess what I’m doing instead of
I’m reading this
Again. Again. Again.
There were so many moments that had me
Do I feel guilty about it?
No :)
It’s alright the next chap is already up
I will be in debt from cavities but it’s worth it
I regret nothing!
Oh my god. Oh my god.
Just say thank you like a normal person
Is that too much to ask
I’m so sorry
The anxiety
The awkwardness
It’s alright
Make me feel better
Thank you for sharing
Supporting each other
Hits different for some reason
(in a good way)
Does that make sense?
Maybe I’m just sleep deprived
It’s 3AM here
I promise you’re doing okay bud
You’re really funny and sweet
You did such a wonderful job
You wrote it all very well
It makes my day
I love how you captured the
Subtle background details
And the acknowledgment that
It takes a lot of work!
And damn if you didn't hit that nail right on the head
Idk how long this comment will get
I should be sleeping
I’ll probably regret it in the morning
It’s like
So so happy to see this
In my inbox :)
It’s like coming home
You’re making me have FEELINGS
My heart is happy and full
I’m literally
Quietly-but-not-quietly-at-all into a pillow
This lovely
You wrote
Got me through
More confident
With lots of joy and laughter
I hope you’re still writing
You write
My favorite thing to read
Please dear god lmk
If you happen to
Been feeling out of sorts
You are not alone
Sending all my love
As always
Let someone take care of your ass for once
Really going through it
Being the yardstick for each other
Have to compete
But I just can’t
This should be
To be happpyyyy!
Next chapter
Could have been quicker
I wish I could give so many more
Life totally got away from me this year
Don’t read the last few chapters at 1 am
But on the other hand
What can you do?
My feelings are all over the place
Such a beautiful message
I think will stick with me always
From someone who hasn’t written in a while, this inspires me immensely to continue
Kudos upon kudos to you
Ah, I could go on forever
I don’t know how many ways I can say
Thank you so much
You wonderful human
Without sounding obnoxious so I’ll leave it as
It’s 2am and I’m left with
I can’t even put this one into words
Please knock me out with a brick
Ouchie…and lovely
It’s hard to form coherent sentences
But somehow you made me fall even more in love with
I forgot to say it before but
It was exactly what I needed
You are so fucking amazing
Did I mention my brain went aaaaaahhhhhhh!
Thank you for the serotonin
Once I run out
Will probably read it again
No seriously
I’ll have to return to it in the future to reread it
It’s now 3am
Thank you for
Reading this
I loved every moment and I’m sad it had to end. But it was perfect.
I can’t stop smiling.
Hope you’re safe and well, read you~
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peachysnzs · 3 years
genshin snz headcanons
i caved here are literally All my genshin snz headcanons cause im thinkin so hard rn
def sneezes in fits but tries to stifle whenever possible
uses his elbow most of the time, but sometimes when hes especially deep in a fit he ends up just sneezing desperately in the air
quiet and breathy
tries to make his sneezes as discrete as possible but the further in fits he gets, the more desperate his sneezes sound
every time he has a buildup to a sneeze, he kinda just shudders leadin up to it yknow
he always tries to be cautious and not get anyone sick when he is sick bless him
ok this fucker inhabits an ice mountain theres no way he doesnt get at least a *couple* colds
sneezes in likes twos, threes
this is so unoriginal bcs hydro vision but like her sneezes are def at least a bit wet-sounding
uses tissues when avaliable, but if not she just kinda turns to the side
loud and high-pitched
she sneezes relatively suddenly and it takes her by surprise sometimes
tbh mona feels like somebody who’d have allergies and being all sniffly and miserable looking and still try to deny that shes allergic to anything and that youre stupid for thinking so. very tsundere.
speaking of sniffly her nose probably just constantly runs like a tap when shes sick
she wouldnt even try to keep her germs to herself and would be disgusted at sick ppl even if she was the one to get you sick
hu tao
literally almost never sneezes* but when she does its singles
uses her elbow and covers her mouth, ty hu tao for being a good snz role model
kinda low and naturally soft
long ass fucking buildups! her nose just kinda itches for a whole two minutes and her breath wavers before she sneezes quickly
so for the asterisk * i kinda lied, she sneezes up a storm only when sick, she has kinda a subpar immune systme so whenever shes sick she just is stuck with sneezng consistently through the whole day til shes dizzy
also sneezes in singles, occasional doubles
alternates between using hankerchiefs if avaliable or just her elbow
i feel like jean is the type of person to like excuse herself right before succumbing to a fit
small sneezes, decently graceful
i feel like shed had a dust allergy honestly
jean literally will not take sick days even when she has awful colds, and while she tries not to get ppl sick she does a kinda awful job at it
two to four usually
elbow once again, but sometimes when shes gliding she cant really use her arms so she just sneezes in the air
squeaky def, high pitched
she def has hayfever and one day opens her glider and its just covered in pollen
no build ups to her sneeze, just a sharp inhale and then the snz
we already saw her snz so
either single sneezes or long ass fits, no inbetween
sneezes into her gloves, but when her sneezes start to get messy she switches to a hankerchief
breathy and feminine
cyro characters get colds cause i say so
no fr tho eula just miserable w a cold and just constantly having to duck foward and sneeze into her gloves
half of her cold is her denying shes sick even when she looks absolutely horrible and the other half is complaining about how miserable she feels and demanding people to do things for her
doubles usually
he sneezes into the air or in his hands this fucker would never sneeze in his elbow
messy and desperate
long! ass! fucking! buildups! he tries to hide the hitching with his builds ups but hes not at all good at it
his sneezes get so much messier the sicker he is, until hes practically just dripping
dont be decieved by the way he hides being sick, he desperately craves being coddled whenever hes sick because of his home life
suprisingly good at caretaking
triples and quadruples i feel like
elbow primarily, but sometimes uses tissues
loud and rough
he tries so hard to hide his allergies but it never works because his sneezes are always so loud
fuck it give him all the allergies
his voice gets stuffy so quickly when even in like a five foot vicinity of flowers, and his nose itches so much to the point where it feels like hes just constantly building up to another sneeze
has probably sneezed on someones drink at least once while he had a cold
almost only fits and he fucking hates it
he usually pinches his nose to stifle but if he cant manage he either quickly goes for the elbow or just ducks his head down and sneezes towards the floor
shaky and itchy-sounding if that makes sense
yknow that little gasp people do sometimes before sneezing i feel like hed do that
never takes sick days unless forced to by jean or diluc, and ends up shambling through his daily tasks shaky and feverish and sneezy
he tries to stifle but it really does not work
singles, and if u catch her sneezing she’ll probably make you swear to silence
literally just in the elbow
honestly i feel like shed sneeze like a kitten, or just really high and femme
she sees being sick/allergic as a sign of weakness so fights sneezing very hard. like u can see the visible effort she makes pinching her nose and shit after her breath hitches even once
also one of those dumbasses that stifle way too much and doesnt take sickdays
doubles unless shes allergic, then its fits
she has a fancy ass lace hankerchief she carries w her speficially for snzs to look ‘proper’
she forces her sneezes to be elegant, sneezing naturally is loud tho
small buildups but v audible breaths building up to a sneeze
she has a good immune system but when she does get sick she gets it bad and tries to cover up her flushed face and red nose with makeup
without people around her she just lets herself be miserable while sneezes, lettting out small little “..guh...” after a particularly bad fit
doubles or triples
beidou would also like never use her elbow, shed sneeze in her fist even if the sneeze is messy as hell
loud and proud of it
look all im saying is beidou is a walking health hazard whenever sick, she doesnt try at all to keep colds to herself and can and wil sneeze into her hand only to shake yours seconds later 
no buildups, just sudden sneezes that scare the shit out of people tho
very very fucking messy
half the time does not care if shes sick, she doesnt really feel like she needs to take sick days because she doesnt feel that bad and stuff like that
singles and occasional doubles
she keeps tissues on her and uses them relatively often
delicate and proper
the idea of lisa having a dust allergy is just everything to me, like she blows off dust from a book and ends up stuck for a few minutes with her nostrils flaring until she finally sneezes desperately into a tissue
rarely gets sick, but when she does milks the hell out of it to be as lazy as possible. like “oh im feeling so awful rn, maybe a kiss will make me feel better?~”
fits fits fits
hands or elbows, really depends on how hard the sneeze hits him
decently loud and a bit high pitched
look venti is an anemo god all im saying is when he sneezes the wind picks up, and when he has fits its enough to push you over
to remedy this he just avoids everyone when sick and avoids cats with a a passion
buildups are very breathy and desperate
his nose runs so much near cats and he makes a godddamn mess of himself the longer hes around them
cats absolutely love him regardless
he gets fits only bcs i say so
literally either just the air or his hands because nobody ever taught him that he should like cover his mouth properly when sneezing
quiet but messy
the idea of xiao w just torturuous buildups does something for me. he’ll be stuck there w his breath hitching and hazy eyes for like a whole minute before he finally just ducks into his hand and makes a mess of himself
he does not understand being sick and absolutely hates it when he does get sick, 100% tries to power through it and ends up a fucking mess by the end of the day
his sneezes get stuck so often
his nose gets so fucking flushed and twitchy after a while of sneezing
doubles or triples
sneezes in her elbow most of the time
soft and low
when she gets sick she gets so sleepy, her sneezes just kinda draw all the energy outta her and she usually ends up taking a nap
shes allergic to dogs too bcs why not
she doesnt want to bother people when sick or get them sick too so she usually takes copious sickdays until shes absolutely certain that she cant get anyone sick
triples literally always for some reason
either into his fist or into a hankerchief
low and masculine, a bit loud
doing the same god shtick with him, the floor tends to shake whenever he gets particularly sneezy and stuff on cupboards can and will fall over when in the vicinity
no buildups really, hell just be in the middle of talking and then he blinks a bit and then sneezes roughly
he doesnt really take sick days but he doesnt really deny hes sick either, just kinda tries to get through the day despite feeling awful
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kiwi-tai · 3 years
I might have forgotten about my Lucas fic Champagne Problems oop but I worked on it today instead of doing homework so that new chapter is coming soon.
Here’s a sneak peak tho with a moment between Elena and Bobby because I love their friendship.
Up in the dressing room, she finds Lottie brushing her hair who is quick to ask, “Well, how is the future miss Koh?”
“Oh please, gag me,” Elena says, grabbing a makeup remover wipe as she sits in front of one of the mirrors, “This whole night is gonna make these next few days the worst in the villa.”
“Or maybe something good will come out of it. You should let me read your tea leaves tomorrow morning,” the blonde suggested, unusually optimistic for the other girl’s liking.
“Maybe. I’m gonna talk to Bobby. I haven't had a chance to speak with him yet,” knowing Marisol was in the bathroom area beside them she calls out to her, “You don't mind do you, Marisol?”
Through brushing her teeth she responds by saying what Elena believes is ‘no go ahead’ but it sounded a lot more like ‘num guh hahud’.
Before leaving the dressing room she changes out of her dress and into the nicest PJ set she had yet to unveil. Tugging to fix the black satin set she glances over at her appearance in the mirror ‘eat your heart out, Koh’ she thinks. 
When she reaches the bed the Scot was occupying, the brunette drops herself atop the bunched-up duvet like a pile of loose bones, “Hey Bobbert,” she greets, causing him to scrunch up his face. He greets her back in the annoying nickname he’d given her, making her mimic the same face.
“How’s being coupled up with Marisol treating you? Excited to spend the night together?”
“Probably not as excited as you are,” he smiles over at her as she rolls her eyes, “I think this could be good for you.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?”
“Well I can be quite insightful so I see things maybe you don't,” he suggests.
“Sure when you're not making jokes about your toe fetish or baking puns.”
“I was going to say I’ll miss being coupled up with you, but actually, I reckon I won't now,” he speaks a bit louder so Lucas who was spreading out the duvet neatly a few beds away can hear him, “Thanks for taking her off my hands, Lucas!”
The physiotherapist responds in a lazy salute while Elena gasps mockingly at Bobby clutching her hand to her heart, “How rude!”
“Now out,” Bobby kicks his cold leg at her from under the duvet, “My new boo thing is coming.”
“You get one warning Bobby— I can tell you right now that if anyone calls me boo then I'm running for the hills,” Marisol threatens him as she sidesteps the brunette who begrudgingly makes her walk toward her new bed.
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Tanimura [RGGO]
. . . Yeah, I gave up on Ryuji’s. Sorry, it was frustrating  >_<. Instead, it’s time for the Mr. Gambling Turtle!
I find it funny that Tanimura’s dad/s go to all the trouble of naming him “Masayoshi” for justice and whatnot, only for no one to ever use his first name XD But “Ma-chan” is cute tho! Also, never figured Tanimura as a detective could be so idealistic, especially when compared to someone like Yagami ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ .
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Story: Tanimura and Date work together to solve a robbery. Tanimura learns like 3 moral lessons from his senior at the end of it, and proceeds to completely misinterpret said lessons.
Date: “Little Asia. My god, just look at this place.”
Tanimura: “Okay can you stop dissing my home now and get back to the case?”
Note: “Continental descent” just means “Chinese”. I wanted to put “mainlander” because that’s the accurate term, buuut idk if it would be more or less confusing like that esp with Westerners. (Also, the way we use “mainlander” in our country is Not Very Nice. Not sure if the connotation is the same in Japan.)
|2010. Tanimura Masayoshi, along with Kiryu and others, uncovered and resolved a big conspiracy involving the Metropolitan Police Department. After resolving the incident, Tanimura was transferred from Community Safety Division to Criminal Investigation Division One. Life goes back to normal.|
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[Mahjong Parlor]
Youth: “Damn it! Ma-chan’s probably going to win again!”
Tanimura: “Heh. I’m on a roll lately.”
Friendly Youth: “Hey, Ma-chan. Is it okay for you to be here? Didn’t you move from Community Safety to Criminal Investigation Division 1?”
Tanimura: “Well, I’m a detective who deals in murder now. They gave my achievements from the recent incident a high evaluation.”
Friendly Youth: “In that case, isn’t this bad? Then your boss will come here to yell at you . . .”
Tanimura: “Oh, you mean Date-san? Yeah, that would certainly be dangerous. I should get back to the station before he finds out.”
Friendly Youth: “One of these days, you’re going to get yourself fired . . .”
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[Little Asia]
Mister: “Yo, Ma-chan. Playing hooky as usual.”
Tanimura: “I’m at work. Patrolling. I’m here to protect the safety of this area.”
Child: “Ma-chan, let’s play!”
Tanimura: “Sorry, I’m at work. Later~.”
Tanimura: (Well, if I play hooky too much, Date-san will find out. I should get back to the station fast.)
Tanimura: “Hm?”
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Lowly Gangster: “It’s not a bad idea. And more than that, I don’t think we can wait any longer!”
Weak Middle-aged Man: “H-Hii! It-It hurts! Please stop hitting me!”
Tanimura: (That’s . . . the manager of Smile Heights Ni Hao, Hao-san . . .)
Tanimura: “Oi! What are you guys doing?!”
Lowly Gangster: “Ah?!”
Hao: “Ma-chan!”
Lowly Gangster: “Don’t butt in!! I’m working! I’m collecting this guy’s debt!”
Tanimura: “You’re a debt collector? Hao-san, how much did you borrow?”
Hao: “500,000 . . . I should have won the horse race . . . I lost a lot of money. Haha . . .”
Lowly Gangster: “The interest has ballooned to 5 million! Pay up 100,000 for this month!”
Tanimura: “Hey, stop! 500,000 to 5 million, that’s obviously an illegal interest rate!”
Lowly Gangster: “Bastard, didn’t I tell you earlier not to butt in? What are you, a cop?”
Tanimura: “. . . Tanimura of the Kamurocho Police. You do know if you keep doing that, you’ll be guilty of assault, right?”
Lowly Gangster: “What? There’s 3 of us here. Bastard, don’t think you can do anything on your own!”
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Tanimura: “Well, that’s why I called backup.”
Police Officer: “Sir! I received your request for backup!”
{The policeman takes the yakuza away.}
Hao: “Tanimura-san, thank you!”
Tanimura: “Hao-san, if you can’t stop yourself from gambling, why did you have to borrow from that guy?”
Hao: “Because I thought I could win . . .”
Tanimura: “Aren’t you teaching children? A teacher shouldn’t be showing that kind of example.”
Hao: “Ah . . . you’re right. I should set a good example as a teacher.”
Tanimura: “You’re a good person, Hao-san. Isn’t it a shame you lost sight of that because of debt? I asked Mei-Fa recently, and I heard you were picking up orphans and putting them up in your apartment?”
Hao: “Yup. It wouldn’t be fair to push the children all on Omomuki-san, and I like kids anyway.”
Tanimura: “That’s good. That’s why you shouldn’t lose yourself in debt.”
Little Boy: “Ah, there you are Hao-sensei! It’s time for cram school!”
Hao: “Ah! Is it already time?”
Tanimura: “Oh, Hao-san, wait a moment. Here, take this.”
Hao: “Eh?! Money? Are you sure?”
Tanimura: “Yeah. This is the money I won from gambling. Use it to buy the children clothes and teaching materials.”
Hao: “Th-Thank you!”
Little Boy: “Hao-sensei! Let’s go! Everyone is waiting!”
Hao: “Tanimura-san! Again, thank you very much!”
Tanimura: “Go already. And don’t use it for gambling!”
{Hao leaves with the little boy.}
Tanimura: “Teaching children for free, and feeding them on top of that . . . He’s a good person. If only he didn’t have debt and a gambling habit . . .”
Date: “Are you talking about someone else? Because I know a detective who plays mahjong.”
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Tanimura: “. . . guh. Date-san . . .”
Date: “I finally found you! Your paperwork isn’t finished yet, you truant demon!”
Tanimura: “Th-This time is different! I wasn’t playing hooky! In fact, I was helping people with their troubles . . .”
Date: “That’s no excuse! If a subordinate of Sudo is skipping out on work, it’s up to me to drag him back. Now, let’s go!”
Tanimura: “I understand . . .”
|Several days later . . .|
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[Mahjong Parlor]
Tanimura: “Hehe. Oh, this tile . . . I’m on a roll today~.”
Friendly Youth: “Ma-chan, you’re skipping work again to play mahjong. You’re going to get disciplined again.”
Tanimura: “I just can’t stop. Anyway, it’s noisy outside. Is something going on?”
Friendly Youth: “I don’t know. Why are you asking me, you’re the detective. Haven’t you heard anything on your comm device?”
Tanimura: “Hm, I wonder. I was focused on something else today. Oh, this tile . . .”
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Date: “Tanimura!! I knew you’d be here . . .”
Tanimura: “D-Date-san? Uh, you see . . . I wasn’t skipping . . .”
Date: “There’s been an incident.”
Tanimura: “Eh? Incident?”
Date: “A bank robbery. Happened just a while ago.”
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Sudo: “A man wearing a full-faced helmet broke into the bank, stole 5 million in cash, and escaped on a scooter. It seems that he fled to Little Asia.”
Tanimura: “In Little Asia?”
Date: “You’re very familiar with Little Asia, correct? So you’ll be on this case.”
Tanimura: “. . . Understood. What did the guy look like?”
Date: “There was one perpetrator, a 170cm tall medium-sized man of continental descent.”
Tanimura: “Continental descent . . .”
Date: “There’s only one way in to enter Little Asia. All the other exits have been secured.”
Tanimura: “Wait, are you suspecting someone who lives in Little Asia?”
Date: “Given the situation, I have to be suspicious.”
Tanimura: “Is . . . that so . . .”
Date: “Why are you upset? People who are born and raised in this city can be suspects.”
Tanimura: “It’s just . . . I know everyone in Little Asia, but I don’t know anyone who’d be a thief . . .”
Date: “Hey, Tanimura . . . you know you should look at the facts and not get distracted by personal feelings, right?”
Tanimura: “Alright . . .”
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[Little Asia]
Date: “Little Asia. Narrow streets tangling with one another . . . Foreign signboards in a narrow space lined up in front of suspicious stores . . . It’s the perfect place to hide.”
Tanimura: “Haa. Yeah, maybe you’re right . . .”
Date: “Alright. Tanimura, now listen up.”
Tanimura: “I don’t feel like I’m suitable for this . . .”
 {Date and Tanimura presumably discuss their gameplan and go find residents to interrogate.}
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Youth: “A man wearing a full-faced helmet?”
Tanimura: “Yeah, and he escaped into Little Asia on a scooter. Did you see him?”
Youth: “. . . You know, I think I did. He went inside a tobacco shop.”
Tanimura: “A tobacco shop, thank you!”
Youth: “Tanimura-san, are you suspecting one of us?”
Tanimura: “No, no. That’s not the case . . .”
Youth: “Is that true? Ren-san of the tobacco shop said he was also interrogated . . . You and that tough-looking detective are going around checking everyone’s alibi.”
Tanimura: “Tough-looking detectives . . .”
Date: “. . .”
Youth: “We may be poor, but when we’re in trouble, we help each other out. We’re not robbers.”
Tanimura: “I-I know. I don’t suspect everyone here. Thank you for giving us information. {to Date} It seems the guy went this way.”
Date: “Even so, this is a complicated place. If you weren’t with me, I’d have gotten lost.”
Tanimura: “Well, at first glance it’s just a dilapidated town.”
Date: “If the suspect is someone who doesn’t know the land, he’ll get lost. But if he does know the area, it’ll be easy to lose the police.”
Tanimura: “Um. Do you still suspect someone in Little Asia?”
Date: “I don’t want to doubt them, but as always we should.”
Tanimura: “‘Prejudice in the investigation is strictly prohibited’.  . . . I understand.”
Chinpira: “Oi!”
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Chinpira: “You’re the ones who’ve been swaggering around Little Asia, aren’t you?”
Date: “Hm? Who are you guys?”
Tanimura: “Do you even live here?”
Chinpira: “Dunno. But you’re really annoying. Get out of here now.”
Tanimura: “Are you headaches working for the criminal we’re investigating? Getting in our way like this, maybe . . . you’re the robbers?”
Chinpira: “What did you say?”
Tanimura: “You see, Date-san? The culprit is an outsider all along.”
Date: “. . . Tanimura. That doesn’t seem to be the case right now.”
Chinpira: “If you don’t get out now, I’ll kick you out myself!”
{Tanimura and Date defeat the guys.}
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Chinpira: “U-ugh . . .”
Tanimura: “Oi! Are you the robbers?!”
Chinpira: “What the hell are you talking about?! We were just ordered to get in your way!”
Tanimura: “Ordered? By who?”
Chinpira: “I-I don’t know. A bunch of unknown men. Probably yakuza, based from how they dressed . . .”
Tanimura: “Is that true?”
Chinpira: “It’s true! If we disturb your investigation, we’ll be paid . . . is what they said.”
Date: “You guys . . . where were you and what were you doing at around 5:30PM today?”
Chinpira: “We were playing at the arcade at that time.”
Date: “And you’re not lying?”
Chinpira: “I-I’m not lying! We even took pictures at the arcade . . .”
Date: “The crime took place at around 5:30PM. If you have an alibi, it should be the timestamps on those arcade pictures.”
Tanimura: “If that’s the case, do you think the yakuza who ordered them are the real robbers?”
Date: “It’s suspicious, sure, but its relevance to the robbery is still unknown.”
Tanimura: “Is that so . . . so what do we do with these guys?”
Date: “They obstructed a police investigation. Call for backup and let them handle it. We can go back to our investigation as soon as they take over.”
Tanimura: “Got it.”
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Tanimura: “According to the testimony, the criminal escaped around here . . .”
Date: “It’s a straight road. What do you think lies ahead?”
Tanimura: “It’s a dead end. But . . .”
Date: “But?”
Tanimura: “There’s an apartment here. A place managed by a person named Hao . . .”
Date: “Hao?”
Tanimura: “Yeah. He’s a good person who takes orphans in and teaches them for free.”
Date: “Oh. That may be your impression of him, but it’s possible the criminal escaped into his apartment.”
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Tanimura: “! That thing lying in front of the apartment . . . is that a scooter?”
Date: “That’s what the criminal was using, and it’s even the same color.  . . . hm? The license plate has been peeled off.”
Tanimura: “Is it the getaway vehicle?”
Date: “Seems like it. The engine is still warm. Thinking that he got away with it, the criminal made a mistake.”
Tanimura: “Following the footprints leading away from the scooter . . . it looks like the criminal escaped into the apartment.”
Hao: “Oh. Tanimura-san?”
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Tanimura: “Hao-san? Are you in there?”
Hao: “. . . Yup. I was in the caretaker’s room. Tanimura-san, is this an investigation?”
Tanimura: “Yeah. In fact, I’m chasing down a robber. A man wearing a full-faced helmet escaped down here.”
Hao: “Eh!”
Date: “This hut in front of the apartment that looks like a lottery counter. Is this the caretaker’s room?”
Tanimura: “Yeah. Children live here, so he keeps an eye out for suspicious people from over there.”
Date: “So in other words, the criminal wouldn’t have been able to get pass without the caretaker seeing them.”
Hao: “. . .”
Date: “Hao-san. How about it? Looking at the situation, it is likely that the culprit disposed of the scooter here and fled into the apartment. Did you not see the criminal run by? If you really were in the caretaker’s room, you should have seen him.”
Hao: “. . . th-that is . . .”
Date: “. . . Did you see him?”
Hao: “I-I didn’t see anyone! No one passed by here!”
Date: “And there’s no mistake?”
Hao: “There’s no doubt! No one escaped to this apartment!”
Date: “Is that so . . .”
Hao: “. . . um. Can I go now?”
Date: “Yeah. Understood. Thank you for your time.”
{Hao goes back inside.}
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Tanimura: “Hao-san didn’t see the criminal running away. So where could the culprit be?”
Date: “Something stinks.”
Tanimura: “Eh?”
Date: “It seems like the caretaker is hiding something.”
Tanimura: “Just because he doesn’t want to talk to the police all of a sudden? Maybe he’s busy.”
Date: “Maybe so. But . . . can’t you think of another reason? Like the caretaker protecting the fleeing criminal.”
Tanimura: “Date-san. Hao-san is a good person who takes care of orphans for free, isn’t he? He can’t be covering up for a robber.”
Date: “What if Hao-san knows the criminal? Wouldn’t that be reason enough to protect him?”
Tanimura: “Th-That’s . . .”
Date: “Hey, Tanimura. Don’t let your personal feelings get in the way of the investigation. You shouldn’t dismiss the possibility.”
Tanimura: “I know . . .”
Date: “Alright. Then let’s keep an eye on the apartment from the opposite building. If there is a criminal in there, he’s sure to come out eventually.”
Tanimura: (Hao-san protecting the criminal? That’s stupid . . .)
|About an hour after Tanimura and Date started watching Hao’s apartment . . .|
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[Little Asia]
Date: “There’s no movement. The caretaker still continues to watch TV in his room. The probable criminal hasn’t come out.”
Tanimura: “Yeah, he’s done nothing but watch TV the entire time. But, there is something strange about him . . .”
Date: “Strange how?”
Tanimura: “Hao-san has been fidgeting the entire time. Like he’s wary of something.”
Date: “You think he’s aware he’s under surveillance?”
Tanimura: “I wonder. But there’s something even stranger . . .”
Date: “What?”
Tanimura: “I told you that Hao-san tutors children, right? He should be teaching at this time. The study room is on the second floor . . .”
Date: “And yet he’s been in the caretaker’s room the entire time.”
Tanimura: “Yes. It’s supposed to be his daily routine . . . On top of that, I haven’t seen any of the children. The lights aren’t even on, and normally they should be switched on at the second floor . . .”
Date: “Tanimura . . . do you think your observations are related to the robbery case?”
Tanimura: “. . . I . . . think so . . . If we believe that a robber is in the apartment . . . it makes sense why the cram school isn’t open. The criminal could be using the children as hostages. That might be why Hao-san is protecting him. But . . . if that’s the case, it’s puzzling why the room isn’t lit. There’s no reason to turn the lights off and tell everyone otherwise.”
Date: “Heh. Tanimura, it seems you finally understand how to observe without letting your personal feelings interfere.”
Tanimura: “I’m not . . . I’m still not doubting Hao-san.”
Date: “. . . Alright. Let’s end this stakeout.”
Tanimura: “What are we going to do?”
Date: “You said things felt strange. It’s time to confront the caretaker. Doing so may move this situation from its standstill.”
Tanimura: “. . . Understood.”
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Tanimura: “Hao-san. I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
Hao: “T-Tanimura-san? What’s wrong?”
Tanimura: “Where are the kids?”
Hao: “! W-We-Well, that is . . .”
Tanimura: “It’s time for cram school, right? But the lights on the second floor are still off. Hao-san, what on earth is going on? Where are the children?”
Hao: “. . . uh . . .”
Tanimura: “I’m going to look inside the apartment room. Is that okay?”
Hao: “. . . Tanimura-san! I’m sorry!”
{Hao grabs a bag and pushes past Tanimura.}
Tanimura: “Ah! Hao-san, where are you going with that bag?! . . . ! The scooter?”
Date: “Tanimura! He got away! Let’s go chase him!”
Tanimura: “O-Okay!”
Tanimura: (Hao-san, is this a joke? There’s no way you . . .)
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Date: “Haa . . . haa . . . damn it! The alleys are too complex and our target is on a scooter! Haa . . . haa . . . this is . . . we have to keep going!”
Tanimura: “Date-san! Here! Please follow me!”
Date: “H-Hey, that’s the opposite direction . . .”
Tanimura: “This is a shortcut!”
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Tanimura: “Haa . . . haa. There you are, Hao-san.”
Date: “Haa . . . haa. Tanimura, you were right.”
Tanimura: “Haa . . . haa . . . Hao-san got off the scooter and entered that building!”
Date: “Alright! Let’s catch him!”
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Tanimura: “Hao-san!! Haa . . . haa . . . haa . . .”
Hao: “T-Tanimura-san?”
Tanimura: “What’s in that bag? Is it money?! Are you the robber?!”
Hao: “Th-That’s . . .”
Tanimura: “Show me what’s inside!”
{Tanimura grabs the bag and forces it open.}
Hao: “Ah.”
Tanimura: “Th-this is . . .”
Date: “The 5 million that was stolen. Judging from the number of wads, I’d that’s probably it.”
Hao: “. . .”
Tanimura: “Hao-san! What is the meaning of this?! Why did you become a robber . . .”
Hao: “. . . i-it couldn’t be helped.”
Tanimura: “What can’t?”
Hao: “The yakuza were claiming my debt! They took the children!”
Tanimura: “What did you say?”
Hao: “They . . . if you’re an orphan in Little Asia, it’s hard to go to the police . . . If I didn’t pay off my debt, they’d kidnap the children and sell them off . . .”
Tanimura: “I see. Since the parents of those children were here illegally, then those kids don’t exist at all in this country.”
Date: “in other words, there is no one who’ll sue them. They’re free to do human trafficking.”
Tanimura: “Hao-san, is that why you did the robbery?”
Hao: “They ordered me to. If I steal the money, they’ll return the children.”
Tanimura: “Is that so . . .”
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Yakuza: “There it is! That money is ours.”
Tanimura: “! Who are you guys?”
Yakuza: “It can’t be helped now that he’s talked. I’m taking all that money. Hand it over in exchange for the children’s lives, or we’ll sell them to get the money.”
Tanimura: “I won’t let you do that. I’m not paying, now hand over those kids.”
Yakuza: “Kekeke. There’s only two of you against us. You’re going to die right now!”
{Tanimura and Date defeat the yakuza.}
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Tanimura: “Where are the children?! Answer me!!”
Yakuza: “S-Second floor of the opposite building . . . they’re tied up there . . .”
Date: “Tanimura, watch these guys and Hao-san. I’ll call for back up and pick up the kids.”
Tanimura: “Got it. Hao-san, are you okay?”
Hao: “Yup. Tanimura-san, I’m sorry . . .”
Tanimura: “Hao-san, if you’re ever in trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Hao: “Tanimura-san . . .”
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Date: “Tanimura. The children are safe and protected now.”
Tanimura: “Um. Does the police know about the children’s complicated situations . . .”
Date: “Yeah. I sat that out. It would be confusing when it comes to the police.”
Tanimura: “Thank you very much.”
Date: “About Hao-san . . . as expected, there’s no easy way to handle his case. Even though he was threatened, it was still a robbery. They might give him a lighter sentence.”
Tanimura: “The situation is what it is. I hope they do . . .”
Tanimura: “. . .”
Date: “What’s wrong? That’s not the face one wears when a case is resolved.”
Tanimura: “. . . This case went exactly as you said. I was too caught up in my personal feelings, and my eyes were clouded. I should have known from the testimony that Hao was suspicious, but I didn’t want to doubt him. I didn’t want to believe my friends from Little Asia could do that.  . . . No, I didn’t want you to think they’d do it. Letting such thoughts distract me from the facts . . . I should be kicked off the police force.”
Date: “. . . You’re right. It’s not a very flattering side of you. But Tanimura, I think there are two kinds of people in the police. The kind who upholds the law . . . while the other kind fights for their idea of justice. There are people like you who learn once they bounce back from their mistakes. Remember that.”
Tanimura: “. . . I will. Thank you very much, Date-san.”
Date: “Besides, solving this case would have been impossible if it wasn’t for your keen eye and familiarity with the streets of Little Asia. It seems your truancy turned out to be useful this time. Heh, if everyone was just like you, the world would be a better place.”
Tanimura: “Haha, I can’t say anything to that.”
|A few days later . . .|
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[Mahjong Parlor]
Tanimura: “Alright! I win again this time~!”
Friendly Youth: “Wow! You beat me again!”
Tanimura: “Hehe. Looks like I’m in great form today as well.”
Friendly Youth: “But Ma-chan. Is it okay for you to be skipping out on work again? Your boss is going to get angry at you.”
Tanimura: “It’s alright, it’s alright. I had a chat with my boss. It turns out my truancy is useful.”
Friendly Youth: “Is that true . . . Oh, that’s right. It seems like Hao-san got off with a light sentence.”
Tanimura: “Yeah. They took into consideration the fact that he was threatened by the yakuza.”
Friendly Youth: “If Hao-san is gone, there’ll be no one to take care of the kids.”
Tanimura: “Yeah. I’m glad all the loose ends are tied up.”
Date: “What loose ends are tied up?”
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Tanimura: “Guh. Date-san . . .”
Date: “Tch, you! Are you playing hooky again?!”
Tanimura: “N-No, because you gave me permission to skip, didn’t you? You said skipping was good!”
Date: “You idiot! I didn’t give you permission! And I’m not cleaning up your paperwork! Sudo told me off because of your truancy! Get back to work!”
Tanimura: “Y-Yes! I’m sorry!”
{Tanimura runs off.}
Date: “Good grief . . .  Heh. To be young with such energy.”
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nopenname23 · 4 years
here’s a shitpost of me playing the click and drag game <3
If you wanna play too, here’s the link X.
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KUROO is your Best Friend & BOKUTO is your Sibling
THE KUROO AND BOKUTO FRIENDSHIP ALDKJASDLK. Just living for the imagery of your older brother and your best friend having the BEST broromance?!?
I love it. You’d be the three musketeers
Bokuto is the best big bro and u won’t tell me otherwise
He’d definitely act like 5 years younger than you sometimes, even though he’s a year older
You’d call him nii-chan esp when he’s in emo/baby mode 
You’d pep him up in a second when you say “but nii-chan can do anything!”
[[Akaashi (despite his understanding of Kou and abilities to control his funk) is admittedly quite jealous of the immediacy and certainty of your ways]]
Anyways, yeah yeah, kuroo was your brother’s bffl first
But over time he’s just been really dependable and like the /actual/ older bro of your group
Guh I love this dynamic a lot
ATSUMU is your Rival 
Same year.
Same class.
Every year.
Sometimes you think it’s fate’s cruel joke.
You’ve got a rivalry going with Atsumu that has only been going on since pre K
It started with you two competing to make the biggest and prettiest sandcastle
To this day, no one knows who stomped on whose first, but everyone remembers the tears and the screaming blame game
In the present, he’s your rival in the sense that you try your best to destroy each other’s egos
Your interests are vastly different, but your temperaments are quite the match
Aka Atsumu loooves your reactions
And you take his bait Every. Time.
At the end of the day tho, somehow you still got each other's backs
You stick with the same circle of friends 
There's this one time when you gave him the silent treatment for a while and he was very very confused.
He tried to play nice but even then u weren't having it
(Tbh it was like shaking the bottle of a carbonated drink. You felt it, but you seemingly had the patience of a saint)
Atsumu starts to get hurt by this bc even though you never gave each other a break, he's never considered you not a friend
He withdraws and his silence actually shakes the bottle more somehow 
So when he mutters an offhand comment about you always being late under his breath at a group hangout
You burst.
He's stunned (along with everyone else) but it only lasts a second bc everything is back to normal and this feels way better than being ignored
Ughhh why don't you just go home it seems like you haven't prepared your public manners yet >:(
"Don't worry, y/n. I'm not going anywhere. :)"
"Did you hear that everyone?? We're buds :)"
TENDOU Plays Volleyball with You
When you were younger, you’d accompany Kou and Kuroo to the community volleyball spaces
And when no one Tendou’s age wanted to play with him, there you were
And the cutest friendship blossomed <3
It was fun, he taught you a lot (and while your technique has improved, you don’t love the effort it takes to chase the ball lol)
You mostly just toss back and forth while you gossip
You both are THE BIGGEST shittalkers 
You LIVE to just chat and each other’s antics (you both like to poke fun at others’ egos and laugh about it together later lol. I love a bully duo)
Dw this duo doesn’t make their victims cry or anything
Like max is poking fun at Semi’s casual clothes and saying he looks weird (even though he looks damn fiineee)
SEMI Takes You Out on a Date
speaking of Semi...
You’ve lowkey crushed on this beauty for a while
But there’s like too many degrees of separation between ya
He goes to tendou’s school, he works at the record store, he’s in a local band
He's so cool and hot and you have no nerve to talk to him
Luckily (or not) tendou somehow makes a date happen
(Tbh I don't think semi knows it's supposed to be a date but it def is for you!!)
You've only waited your whole life for this moment.
You’d go to the movies or something generic (bc you want to plan it out to a tee and make it perfect so u go with cliche bc this is everything you want to tell your grandkids etc)
Yay! Date with semi~
KAI Cockblocks You
(fyi I know next to nothing about Kai, but he gives off v nice guy with a nice smile vibes)
So on your date with Semi, Kai also happens to be working at the movies that day
You’ve been v excited about this date and have maybe overprepared
(as in pretty much scripted the entire thing)
Part of your plan was to see the latest horror film (you think it’ll make you look tough... and you pre-watched it so that you wouldn’t do anything too embarrassing and could come up with quippy lines/reactions)
As you approach the ticket counter, there’s this guy there with a nametag reading Kai
Turns out that horror movie is sold out :/
So Kai suggests a different movie bc it’s playing at the same time
-This is fineeeee. You’ll make do. Stick to the script.-
Too bad the movie’s a Schindlers List type of show 
Everything goes NOT according to plan from this point on
You act super awkward (aka major performance anxiety)
You say lines that you prepared for the jumpscare scenes at the dramatic ones in this film
It. is. Not. cute.
No recovery available. 
You had plans to eat after but it was a heavy movie and semi thinks it'd be best to part ways here 
"oh. ok...bye"
You don't go to the record store anymore. 
So, therefore, Kai inadvertently “ruined all and any semblance of romantic feels that could and would have developed!!”
It’s no fault of his own, but you refuse to forgive him. Ever. 
Poor guy :(
(Later you see him playing at a Nekoma match with Kuroo, ur bffl, and you highkey shoot him glares the whole game lol. Gives him SEVERE shivs)
Again, poor guy. 
KITA was your First Kiss
When you were in middle school Kita was your first kiss after some freak ‘accident’ on suna’s part HAHA
[[or maybe, casual middle school bf bc he was the nicest friend and you walked home together, held hands, and then tried to kiss and were both like lol nah]]
Dw he’s been very chill about the whole thing, apologises and lets you know it doesn’t count and he’s still your pal (sweet bb)
Atsumu looked on with a surprised raised eyebrow open mouthed look like D8<
If anything, Atsumu is the one who doesn't let anyone forget this happened
YAMAGUCHI Has a Crush on You
Yamaguchi (and all other ‘nice boys’) crush on you because you give off sweet and quiet and perfect wife-y material vibes 
Little do they know when you’re with your pals, you’re the rowdiest of the bunch, got the mouth of a sailor, and just the biggest roaster of anyone and everyone
So he has a crush on you for a while 
But he never talks to you and that's cool~
?????? Is Your Boyfriend
Tbh i have no clue who that character is... dkm lol
You probably had a period where you forgot his name too
You call him petnames to get around that
You’re mostly dating bc he confessed to you and he seems like he rly likes you so you thought the attention would be nice :)
Atsumu definitely gives you the HARDEST time when he catches on that you don’t know your bf’s name/anything about him.
It is 100p THE. WORST.
He def baits you when you’re in a large group setting with your bf to embarrass you (ex. “Okay, now y/n is going to order us by our first names/birthdays/day we first met her! >:)”)
Yeah, so this relationship lasts longer than it realistically should (but not really that long, you don’t waste ur best years with him or anything)
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-06
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♪ HS2 HS2 is baaaaack ♪
♪ HS2bloggin here we gooooo ♪
♪ Structural changes on their team but I don’t caaaaare ♪
♪ Already resooolved myself that its NOOOT gonna beee as good ♪ with inattentiveness to details characters like Terezi forgetting-what-they-used-to-know and an obsession with dwelling on traaageeeDEEE without relief-or-considering how weee’d feeeeeeel~ ♪♪♪ --so just gonna enjoy-what-i-caaaaaan about iiit~ ♪♪♪
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Okay time for bankruptcy
> CHAPTER 11. History's Most Notorious Haters
Let’s see how effectively my perky new lowered-expectations attitude lets me enjoy this comic  *click*
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Oh.  so is this Dave drawing comics about current events or Regular Calliope doing so for our very first lanky look at her presumably-grown-up-more cherub form
> Knight: Keep it real.
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so we just get to SEE them?!  just like that???  no buildup or anything?  :D
Okay I’m marking out a little that’s a good sign.  Also what a nerdy cop-out to turn the roboteyes into glasses that’s barely passable which is perfect, the rest of his outfit looks pretty cool tho
DAVEBOT: and thats reason four hundred nineteen why despite my mans many accomplishments i will never acknowledge big skateboardings contrived message that tony hawk is the quintessential skater of our generation ARADIA: o_o DAVEBOT: not in these trying times
Good to see Ultimate Dave is being true to form with regards to the core of his personality
DAVEBOT: beep boop ARADIA: i have told you several times that i was a robot before and i know for a fact you dont have to say beep boop DAVEBOT: hm that sounds fake does not compute ARADIA: david DAVEBOT: mom
I was with this conversation until the last two lines what the fuck
(I’m reading into it aren’t I, Aradia was trying to be atypically proper -- even though she wouldn’t have the frame of reference to know without being specifically told that “Dave” was considered nickname shorthand for the human name David, and thus if she DID know there’s no reason she’d use it except to troll him -- and Dave’s just mocking her response.  Without any shame about his continued weirdness of calling people Mom, and by without any shame I mean he made the choice EXPLICITLY to intentionally evoke the awkwardness.  Wow I got a lot out of two lines.)
(Oh, also alt!Callie’s true Jade-body incarnation here probably prompted her to start using “David” by example.  There, various mysteries solved via a pile of assumptions probably to be disproven in the next couple lines I read.)
The Knight and the Maid stare at each other briefly, having exchanged enough meaningful glances over their time together to know when to drop it.
Would Time players have an easier time gelling this way, like this particular smoothness?  Dropping it just before it gets weird or excessively irritating?
ARADIA: i think we have exchanged enough meaningful glances over our time together to know when to drop this DAVEBOT: what i enjoy about our conversations is that you just say things like that
OKAY I SNRK’D AT THAT.  That was funny.
Initially.  And now I’m concerned whether Aradia is being controlled by the narrative-speak, or whether they’re both just humorously referencing the meta-text they can both see, or--
ARADIA: oh is that what you enjoy ARADIA: well we are both an infinite number of years old living countless lifetimes at once but thats no reason to waste any of our...
WHAT??!?  She’s an Ultimate Self too?!?
Um, okay!  Yeah!  So they’re BOTH just riffing on the narrative then.  But... why would Dave need a robot body to accommodate his Ultimate Psyche without getting sick but Rose not need it?  I can understand Dirk not needing it because the merging of the full breadth of his multiversal individuality gels well with him being a God of the aspect governing the power of his multiversal individuality, but Aradia?
Were the robot bodies not necessary after all, and the sickness Rose suffered and Obama thought Dave would have suffered some sort of ruse?  Are there shenanigans afoot?  (Or are we going with the “troll biology is better” cop-out?)
She knows how this will play out, having undoubtedly tried this joke on her friend in some timeline or another. Their rapport reflects a unique combination of their matching aspects but greatly differing classes. One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
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Okay if that means anything like it sounds like I guess my class chart is finally blown up, sure, they only waited (*checks last edit date*) SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS TO BLOW THAT GUESS UP, SURE
Wow.  Okay, I feel some obligation to jump to conclusions and say the whole class chart is wrong, but let me stay strapped in to see if “passive” is as literal as one would expect alt!Callie to mean, or it just means “an active class passive compared to other classes”.  And, serving the aspect?  Oh dammit, now people are gonna come at me advocating a Maid / Page dichotomy about actively serving the aspect versus allowing the aspect to be served... or Page / Maid even, jesus
I wish I had enough energy to have those chats anymore.  I’d rather hold on and see the whole ridiculous chart scheme they have in mind... which is definitely (and hopefully) the one Andrew really drew up at the time and not made up by the staff, even if it throws away plenty of my old work...  I’ll just stop thinking about it and keep reading.
--no, I don’t think I can just stop thinking about it yet.  Dammit, brain.
So um.  Maids serving their aspect.  There was a whole “Maids serve” thing going on throughout the whole plot of Homestuck, but despite how prevalent it was, I wrote it off as the story riffing on the classical definition of Maid when the actual stuff Maids accomplished was something different and more specific, just like Knights constantly got riffed on for chivalry and the like.  Furthermore, service seemed like a really shitty class definition, when class definitions are the verbs one uses to interact with reality through Aspects to change the way reality unfolds, and “serving” isn’t really an action that results in change, implying a distinct deficit of agency that I wouldn’t have viewed as fair.  (Especially since you originally think “meant to serve others” and not “meant to serve the aspect”, implying even LESS agency.)  Furthermore, MOST passive classes from their descriptions seem to have a propensity to act “as if by the will of the aspect”, so even with the nuance of “serving the aspect”, devoting an entire class verb to service would just step on the territory of other active/passive class pairs’ passive sides, right?
But... IF we were to take this for granted as what it SEEMS... then concentrating on that angle of “serving the aspect” implies a whole lot more agency than a service class might sound on its surface.  The definition fits with the story better once you contextualize all the Maid-y references to service around Jane, for instance, with the additional idea of “serving Life” by baking prolifically and creating more of its symbols in food and--
--fuck.  “Serving”, like serving to others.  Serving the aspect as its attendant AND serving it out to others that need it.  Maybe this still IS part of the Additive class pair!  Whoa.  :O
Okay okay so, what I/we thought before was:
Create/Add - Maid / Sylph
Destroy/Reduce - Prince / Bard
But “additive” really isn’t an elegant verb compared to the “Destroyer” classes, so... could it be the “Servants” and the “Destroyers”?  Like Maids cleaning up and healing the broken wreckage strewn through the halls by a bratty Prince’s tantrum???
It’d certainly be weird... and it’d CERTAINLY be a wild twist where I was partially wrong in some fascinating ways but not entirely off base?
One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
And yet, I can’t bet on this being the situation yet; not at all.  First, it relies on the idea that alt!Callie’s explicit narrative here is slightly misleading, which would be a pretty extreme thing to commit to, even for a technical truth like “she was saying it was passive relative to other classes even though it’s technically “active””.  Second... it would mean that Muses are even more wildly defined than the previous insinuation of hers, that the Sylph -- what we thought was the passive additive class -- was not enough like a Muse compared to a Witch.  Muses not being that Additive?  I could grudgingly understand that, but Muses not being anything like passive Servants?!  That would be EXTREMELY weird!
So... there’s not a whole lot of chance that I’m not dramatically wrong somewhere about these classes!  In a way that throws the entire chart into disarray!
I’m... oddly excited?  Huh.
That’s a pretty nice surprise that I actually feel that way.
(Don’t hit me up all at once to discuss this Classpect development over Discord, I’ll still need a few days without talking about Homestuck to recharge as usual.  Like... maybe wait and come at me as a group chat? So I’m not talking about the latest developments separately with everyone?  No that wouldn’t work, how about... guh I dunno, look my outlook’s a little more positive right now but dealing with Homestuck still takes emotional energy okay?)
Okay the rest of this page...
ARADIA: ... DAVEBOT: time then make a weird face ARADIA: ........ DAVEBOT: waste time DAVEBOT: time ARADIA:............. DAVEBOT: i experience all points of time simultaneously please just say time and make a weird face
This is true.
ARADIA: .................. DAVEBOT: cmon megido youre killing me clocks ticking ARADIA: ... ARADIA: time o_o
The Maid casts a furtive glance around the empty crew quarters, as though to search for someone more sympathetic to her bit.
ARADIA: tough crowd
> ==>
(Lazy fruit-throwing sword-training I won’t bother to screenshot but looks fun)
(I mean, really lazy looking, these people really don’t have Andrew’s knack for action composition that would make the same amount of gif-creation effort feel like a microcosm of the event they’re depicting, unfortunately.  Again, I don’t blame them; Andrew was just too good at it.)
DAVEBOT: ok heres one DAVEBOT: how old do you think you are ARADIA: emotionally? ARADIA: that is a pretty heavy topic DAVEBOT: you know damn well thats not what i meant ARADIA: you know I have been through a lot dave DAVEBOT: ok ARADIA: its just so kind of someone DAVEBOT: ok i get it ARADIA: to finally ask how i feel ARADIA: i am beside myself with emotions ARADIA: i want to open up DAVEBOT: jesus christ ARADIA: shall i open up about my past traumas to you ARADIA: would you enjoy that ARADIA: to think even a frog like me can work through their pain with a dear friend ARADIA: you have truly blessed me on this day dave strider
Is Aradia JUST trolling here or is her Ultimate Self grappling with a ton of real unresolved trauma too that she’s bullshitting around Dave-style?
DAVEBOT: times fun when youre having flies
Okay that’s a damned good frog pun.
Alright now Davebot’s rapping
DAVEBOT: lacking tact i stay stacked while i breach contract DAVEBOT: sacred vows disavowed got divorce fever DAVEBOT: i leave her DAVEBOT: dont look back dont perceive her ARADIA: do you want to talk about it :( DAVEBOT: about what ARADIA: would you say you are hung up on leaving your wife and friends behind
Goddamnit is DAVE’S ton of real unresolved trauma leaking into his raps unintentionally Dave-style??  I knew we had to address it when we cut to Davebot but how about LESS TRAGEDY IN THIS COMIC MAYBE
DAVEBOT: arent you even a little guilty about ditching your boyfriend ARADIA: what ARADIA: oh fuck
But she knew what she was doing when she did it she explicitly did it didn’t she?  Epilogues quote:
DAVEBOT: what about your boy DAVEBOT: eyepatches ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
And then they stepped through the sky hole more or less.  Did like, distracted Ultimate Aradia not realize exactly how long she was leaving Sollux for, ie forever?  Or did she “ascend” to Ultimate status later and hadn’t thought back to the full consequences of her actions within this timeline?  Or both?  From the looks of the link we’ll probably find out on the next pa--
--Wait.  Something else I just thought of, unrelated.
If Aradia is an Ultimate Self, that’s another coincidentally Ultimate version of someone hanging around that happens to be on the prospective list of Soul-Powered Jujus that might have their creation loops closed in the coming story.  Could those two things play into each other somehow?  Like instead of their souls getting stuffed into the items, their “Ultimateness” is?  Or as if that’s a necessary component, or...  no, I’m probably overthinking things.
> (Months in the past, but not many...)
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Uh huh.  Is that flashing because he’s “watching” Aradia leave?  But I thought Aradia SAID she was leaving--
> (==>)
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--and that black hole portal doesn’t look as cool as it sounded in the Epilogues.  But why was Aradia acting surprised, she said “I’ll probably just cut him loose” mere MOMENTS before entering the portal, did she mean “cut him loose” as in “I’m going to talk to him before leaving” and then just IMMEDIATELY forget that she didn’t say anything to him because she cared so little???
Wait.  Waaaait wait wait.  I think.  I think maybe I missed some subtext.  Lemme do some fuller quotes here:
ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
His gaze remains fixed on her. She blinks and looks away, unsure what to say next. He’s standing perfectly still, presumably waiting for her to say something. She met him... what was it? Once, twice before? She can’t remember. But she knows this is a very different Dave. Aside from the metal skin, he seems implacably confident. But then, people go through changes. She’s been through more than her share. She cocks an eyebrow, recalling her own stint with a metal body.
DAVEBOT: hey earth to whats your face ARADIA: oh ARADIA: its aradia
DAVEBOT: youre coming DAVEBOT: better decide quick i doubt that dank fuckin hell funnel is staying open for much longer ARADIA: yes i suppose so ARADIA: thats where all the action is right? DAVEBOT: all the action that matters yeah ARADIA: off we go then :) DAVEBOT: word
He holds out his hand. She looks around, and assumes he means for her to take it, so she does. She didn’t know someone could fly this fast. He nearly yanks her arm out of its socket. She considers reminding him that maybe this isn’t necessary, since she can fly too. But she doesn’t want to risk saying more embarrassing stuff around this outrageously cool dude. Besides, they’re through the wormhole before she can even finish the thought. It vanishes the moment they’ve crossed.
...this was a SHIPPING thing wasn’t it.  She’s impressed as hell with Striderbot, she SAID she’d cut things off with Sollux, and then she was so busy being swooped off her feet and into the portal that she forgot to actually say anything to him.  Is that what happened????
Ultimate Self Davebot x Ultimate Self Aradia.  Huh.  Didn’t see that coming.  (Though, again... they could make it SLIGHTLY clearer that this wasn’t just a blatant continuity error.)
Anyway, a rare-don’t-get-used-to-it [S] page...
> [S] (Gaze.)
...Okay that was kinda funny.
> (==>)
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SOLLUX: h0w the fuck am i g0ing t0 get d0wn fr0m here.
HAH!  Okay, he’s taking it pretty well.  :)  --and THAT’s what she realized she forgot, giving him a flight down from the tower before leaving.
> Back to reality.
(Since the black hole is outside “canon” reality.)
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(Lord English’s blood leaving permanent timeless bloodstains would be a cool new thing to squeeze into canon i admit, i wouldn’t blame them for taking the excuse even if you could find small canon counterexamples I’m not sure of but dimly think might exist)
DAVEBOT: so youre telling me you dont even feel a little bad that you ditched him to be a weird death acolyte ARADIA: no i think he found my wiles both charming and irresistible DAVEBOT: not even an ounce of guilt or self doubt huh DAVEBOT: just like that DAVEBOT: no conversations about the greater good DAVEBOT: no revelations about your feelings
Is Aradia a jerk or weird?  Can’t decide.
ARADIA: do you often find your faith in yourself shaken like this or is it a new experience now that your mortal coil has been left behind DAVEBOT: what ARADIA: do you think now that all that is left of you is a literal ghost inside of a machine you are more or less likely to embrace finality DAVEBOT: oh dope more cult of one shit DAVEBOT: immortality changed you ARADIA: could it be that you are projecting your feelings onto my situation DAVEBOT: does not compute rose jr ARADIA: ... ARADIA: we dont have to talk about it DAVEBOT: thanks
Wow, I actually can’t follow this conversation at all.  Let me stare at it for a sec...
...okay, the first part she’s talking about DAVE’s faith in HIMself being shaken, not her own.  She’s not asking if he relates to HER experience, she’s contrasting it.
Then, asking if he’d be more likely to embrace death, or... Time?  Death.  Whether his self-worth has changed because he might view himself as “less real”, something Aradia doubtless struggled with when she was a robot who already had so many excuses to devalue herself at the time?  And then Dave talks about “cult of one” shit what does that even mean-...
OH.  Like she’s a death cult.  Gooot it.  Because Aradia’s of the position that death and ending should be celebrated, and Davebot understandably isn’t entirely bought in.  This is as hard to parse down as one would EXPECT conversations between two Ultimate Selves to be hard to parse down, unlike Rose and Dirk where their insane missions and glaring flaws shine bright enough through it all that you can follow their conversation flow easily.
JADE: They sit in each other's presence, the silence between them as meaningful as any words they could exchange. DAVEBOT: its always really cool to hear how meaningful my silences are DAVEBOT: especially while DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: especially while i am attempting to experience them
Alt!Callie pulling a narrative-text AFTER a talk-identifier like “JADE:” is really hilarious in my opinion.
JADE: i do not need your approval. the story will continue how it must. DAVEBOT: beep boop hater detected ARADIA: wow is that true JADE: i am not a hater. DAVEBOT: classic hater line DAVEBOT: i know this because i am pouring through genuine actual quadrabytes of information on historys most notorious haters JADE: no, you aren’t.
Pffffff. This is pretty fun.
DAVEBOT: you are the exact opposite of a hater ARADIA: a liker DAVEBOT: ok DAVEBOT: perfect example your tolerance for whatever is going on with DAVEBOT: all this ARADIA: i think she looks quite lovely covered in the viscera of the all-powerful enemy she consumed ARADIA: floating lifelessly in our periphery ARADIA: observing our every action and noting its relevance :) DAVEBOT: uh huh thats what i mean
I was gonna note “liker” as additive for pointless classpect purposes, but really more quoting it just because I really enjoy this conversation.  I’m starting to get sold on the chemistry of these two a lot faster than I expected.
JADE: even though I understand that it must happen, i am growing frustrated with the direction of this conversation. DAVEBOT: do you want to talk about something else stinky JADE: what would you suggest?
How long has that dried fucking blood been on her
DAVEBOT: ok hear me out DAVEBOT: kanaya DAVEBOT: but like DAVEBOT: wearing huge jorts
That explains Homestuck’s twitter earlier
> Weeks in the future, relative to the original point of interest...
Wait wait which point of interest?  This time we were just viewing? *click*
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I love what must be this shitty imagination-ship they’re using to cross the substrate of reality
> ==>
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Whoaaaa.  So they DIDN’T stay in those outfits for long?  It showed them in a bunk bed earlier, it showed CallieJade still going around blood-covered afterward-- dammit, I’m having a hard time gauging exactly how much time is supposed to have passed between their entry into the black portal, their earlier conversation, and this moment.  And as likely as some are to call this poor scene composition, I can’t think it’s anything but intentional, given we’re dealing with a couple of Ultimate Time players bullshitting with each other.
Moments like these are not rare, and serve a valuable function to the story. They are able to show a passage of time with the bulk of the emotional labor of a lengthy bonding process happening off screen. How did we get here? What have they been through? These questions are often better left open to individual interpretation and can give the one interpreting a sense of ownership of the story.
See?  We’re being trolled is why.  (Even if the authors are pulling the trick Alt!Callie describes maybe a little too damn often, because a cut like this where we’re supposed to fill in the emotional gaps and intervening events ourselves as readers depends on readers’ faith that sensible events and decisions for these characters would OCCUPY the gaps, as if readers don’t have faith that what intervenes WOULD make sense to their understanding of the characters the way the authors are writing them... it just seems like an excuse to do whatever you want without adequately explaining yourself, when in reality if you’d spelled out the events that led to it we’d all cry foul at the mischaracterization.)
...okay, maybe I’m a BIT bitter.  Sorry.  Where were we?
JADE: As a point of curiosity- ARADIA: oh shit!!!!
The dead Cherub possessing the body of an equally deceased Goddess of Space pauses at the interruption.
She doesn’t talk much, then?  Too busy doing whatever talking you’d do as your other possessed Jade body?  Just how temporally related is you controlling THIS Jade compared to when you were controlling the other?  When that Jade pegged you as enjoying contact with friends, are these two just not enough for you, or did you “experience” the trips entirely separately?  I don’t THINK the alt!Callie possessing either Jade is a separate entity from the other, but...
Were she to voice her opinion, it would be that --actually-- it is not unusual for those whose primary concern is The Grander Scheme to have a passing curiosity about the insignificant. So when one really thinks about it, any annoyance with the attendant’s small mindedness is both understandable and warranted.
She pissed
...also, “the attendant”.  Even if “serve” is really the verb here, that phrasing really irks me as if she’s talking down to her.  Which, I mean, makes sense for alt!Callie’s character, but doesn’t make me feel better about this new definition being foisted on us.
ARADIA: :( JADE: as a point of order, you never answered dave’s question. ARADIA: which one he is very chatty JADE: you experience time in a way that is woefully unfamiliar to me and it has... piqued my curiosity enough to learn more. ARADIA: ?_? DAVEBOT: shes asking how old you are
Wait a minute, is Alt!Callie asking a question about a dropped topic from WEEKS ago?!  And is Davebot so in touch with Time and the meta ordering of topics that he actually CAUGHT ON that fast to what she was actually wondering about?????
This is getting more disorienting by the minute.
ARADIA: in this form our bodies stop aging once we reach maturity i think ARADIA: the god tier keeps our physical form locked in a state of undying ARADIA: even in death the bodies do not decay ARADIA: only lay dormant
THAT LAST PART IS FUCKING IMPORTANT.  It’s being brought up intentionally to tell us that JOHN’S DEAD BODY can still be in the wallet Terezi’s carrying around RIGHT NOW without having decayed over the past years.  I remember remarking in SOME previous HS^2 liveblog post of mine that I was alarmed by the decay that would have happened there (can’t find my remark on short notice and don’t really care to), so this explicitly dismisses it so we won’t be surprised by the fact that she could keep it in just-dead condition.
DAVEBOT: like how long have you been alive JADE: yes, that one.
ARADIA: oh maybe a few hundred years or so DAVEBOT: what JADE: what? ARADIA: well if i had known you were going to be so judgy about it DAVEBOT: when did this happen ARADIA: oh i spent some time in other doomed realities and timelines and came back before anybody could tell i was gone
We knew she spent a LONG time in the dream bubbles, enough to talk to “pretty much all of the Nepetas”, but she was actually able to access a universe or universes and hop between them?  That’s not something any time traveller we’ve seen has been explicitly able to do intentionally before, quite like she’s describing.
DAVEBOT: oh just out for a bit of fun then DAVEBOT: just hopped on over to a different reality DAVEBOT: real casual like DAVEBOT: oh hello dont mind me just popping in to see if it really is as doomed as they say it is DAVEBOT: did not disappoint ARADIA: yes almost exactly like that :) DAVEBOT: who did you hang out with are they cooler than me ARADIA: it is complicated to explain DAVEBOT: oh ok nevermind then DAVEBOT: all clear
Yep, he’s kinda bewildered.  Is this Pesterquest stuff she’s referring to?  Did she stop by Pesterquest?
DAVEBOT: a whole alternate universe ripe with the coolest motherfuckers imaginable ARADIA: you were there too i threw your air conditioner into the sun DAVEBOT: wow thats fucked up DAVEBOT: thats not where that goes at all JADE: these events are not-canonical. ARADIA: rude
Ah!  Yeah, almost certainly Pesterquest.  (Still haven’t played that and have little inclination to now that I’m more sure we aren’t being gaslit with intentional continuity errors, just disappointed by actual continuity errors.)  Oh!  And that makes a bit more sense because I imagine that’s Black Hole territory, and that territory outside of Canon seems pretty rich and easy for time-travellers to hop between stories and timelines willy-nilly.  As they’re apt to in fanfics, which is the most appropriate way for things to be in that realm!
DAVEBOT: is that the trope of being hundreds of years old but looking young forever patently sucks ass DAVEBOT: a plot device an asshole would write ARADIA: :( JADE: that is not what i am trying to say at all. DAVEBOT: hmm wow yeah thatd really be a sort of pot/kettle situation i guess DAVEBOT: i cant believe im the only woke one here DAVEBOT: its hard being such a visionary AND such a fine metallic specimen DAVEBOT: but im an altruist first and fucking foremost ARADIA: so selfless JADE: yes, the greater narrative is truly blessed by your beneficent presence. DAVEBOT: oh so you got jokes now huh JADE: i have always had the ‘jokes’ of which you speak, but i have heretofore exercised restraint in laying you low. JADE: i possess knowledge of many of your iterations, as the scope of my powers allows me to exist in several narrative structures at once. DAVEBOT: but can she see why kids love the sweet cinnamon taste of cinnamon toast crunch JADE: i do not know, or care, what that means. ARADIA: neither do i :)
I’m actually really enjoying this conversation
JADE: its cultural significance to you as an earthling is wasted on the two of us entirely, as we have not conflated the misguided notion of clinging to nostalgic cereal advertisement trivia with socially relevant conversation.
Pff she literally checked her meta notes just now to learn what the cereal ads were after admitting she didn’t know what it meant and pretending not to care
> ==>
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Oh, closer look at Davebot.  Are those actual SHAPED shades over his robotic eye bulges?  Weird, I thought it was just a lazy line drawn between them with red sharpie at first, Sans style.  That would’ve been funny.
> ==>
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Ohh, I get it.  I was gonna say that was an unwarranted reaction... but he just realized that the Time-wait puns will be coming from BOTH his shipmates from now on.  That’s gotta be a downer.  :)
> ==>
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> ==>
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Ah, was that Jade kicking you out?  Or just the multiverse punishing you for being briefly happy :(
--oh, end of the update.  Guess that’s it for now!
Alright I know I’m A BIT BEHIND on covering the HS2 commentary,
I really would rather wait on that a bit longer if that’s alright.  Real busy and stressful week or two.  (Found out my hair is starting to thin noticeably at age 31!  Quite suddenly, too.  Blood test looks fine so it’s nothing serious... gonna see a doctor to check if anything can be safely done about that, it’s really hurting my self-esteem more than I thought it would.  Didn’t think it would hit my emotions that hard when it eventually happened, knew it was likely but not so SOON... really messing with my anxiety every time I accidentally touch my hair, now.  I’ll deal with it.)
If I sound really aimless in this post, I think it’s cause I am?  My mental and emotional energy’s REALLY drained.  I’m glad that June/July break in HS^2 happened when it did, and I’m definitely glad there’s apparently plenty in HS^2 I can really enjoy, if this update is anything to go by.  Maybe this comic can help lift me up instead of knocking me down.  :)
See y’all later!  More Patreon commentary blogging catchup after some other upd8.
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andaleduardo · 5 years
How to Break Your Heart and Make Sure It Stays Broken
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2. Send them your favorite songs through Bluetooth    
- Read on ao3
Summary:  12:28 a.m.
Spaghetti: It’s not gonna be weird today
Richie: absolutely
Spaghetti: We’re not gonna make it awkward
Richie: definitely not
Spaghetti: Yeah we got this
Everything is just fucking fine.
7th January 2011, Friday
10:30 a.m.
“Congratulations, you just called the best family in town. What can I help you with?”
“Hu-hey Richie.”
“Billy boy! Happy birthday, man!”
The sound of Bill’s chuckles turn into wind over the phone. “Thanks.”
“So, what’s up?”
“I wanted to check if you’re s-ss-still coming today?”
“Course I am, what time do you want me there?”
“Come around 3. It’s t-too cold to go out so we’re just guh-gonna stay in the attic.”
“Well alright, chap. I’ll be there.”
“And don’t forget my dad’s driving everyone home.”
Richie did, in fact, forget about that.
“Oh yeah, right.”
There’s a second of silence before Bill speaks again. “Are you okay? You huh-haven’t been online lately.”
“Just peachy. You know how it gets, holiday season, kinda busy ‘round here.”
Although Bill knows Richie usually spends the holidays with just his parents (small family’s downside) he doesn’t say anything.
“We’ll have s-some fun today, don’t worry.”
“Indeed we will. See you at 3, birthday boy.”
“See you, Rich.”
And he hangs up.
  12:28 a.m.
Spaghetti: It’s not gonna be weird today
Richie: absolutely
Spaghetti: We’re not gonna make it awkward
Richie: definitely not
Spaghetti: Yeah we got this
  Richie is absolutely exhausted.
The entire week was a failed attempt at learning how to deal with the situation.
Sleep is an utter joke with a mind that runs as if it’s training for a marathon. Looking at food makes him nauseous, not eating food makes him nauseous, but eating it makes it worse.
Perhaps it would help if he could untie the knot in his throat, but then again he can’t cry properly when his parents are always around and poking a head through his bedroom door.
He wants school to start, he doesn’t want school to start. He wants them to go back to work, he doesn’t want to be left alone with his feelings.
And on top of it all he knows he’s overreacting. Absolutely over-the-top reacting. He’s fifteen. It’s not like he knows love.
But doesn’t he?
It hurts and it’s love. It burns as it makes its way up his throat and it’s love. It was amazing while he kept his mouth shut and now everything seems to be falling on him and his chest is heavy and caving and hungrier than his stomach and he caused it and it’s love.
Unrequited love, if you will. A fancy word for a fucked up thing.
To top it off, Eddie doesn’t stop.
 January 1st, 3:45 p.m.
Spaghetti: I hate you
Spaghetti: No wait I don’t hate hate you
Spaghetti: But
Spaghetti: Ugh
Spaghetti: I’m gonna be thinking about this now!
Spaghetti: And I don’t want us to change
Spaghetti: Like, I said “I hate you” and I would never second guess that before but now I feel like I need to tell you “I don’t actually hate you” because
Spaghetti: Well
Spaghetti: I don’t know why
Richie: sorry
Spaghetti: !
Spaghetti: Stop apologizing
Richie: … i really wanna say sorry again
Spaghetti: I don’t blame you
Spaghetti: It’s not like we control our feelings
 Damn right, they don’t. Richie isn’t sure how to answer that, so he doesn’t. But Eddie brings it up again one day later.
 January 2nd, 9:10 p.m.
Spaghetti: I think I kinda knew
Richie: ??? are u serious
Spaghetti: Well yeah
Richie: am I that predictable?
Spaghetti: You’re the least predictable person in the whole world Richie
Spaghetti: Except with the mom jokes
Spaghetti: I can always see those coming
Richie: yet you walk right onto them every time
Spaghetti: Fuck you.
Spaghetti: It’s just that the others aren’t that subtle
Richie: the losers?
Spaghetti: Yeah they try too hard
Spaghetti: Tease us a lot for being close and saying things and leaving us alone everywhere
Spaghetti: Guess I kinda wondered why they did that if they didn’t know something I didn’t
Richie: uh, they kinda don’t tho
Richie: at least I never told them
Spaghetti: Wait really?
Richie: maybe they’re just bored?
Spaghetti: Oh
Spaghetti: Maybe
 It’s only been a week so far (the longest week of Richie’s life) and Eddie texts him every day with the same topic. This, as predicted, isn’t helping the situation much.
It’s Tuesday. There’s Richie, staring at his cereal while Maggie studies him from the other side of the table and surprise, a brand new text from Eddie.
It’s Wednesday. There’s Richie, staring at the news channel because he forgot to press the button on the tv remote when he sat down on the couch 6 minutes ago. And then there’s his dad, looking at him from his vintage recliner and coming up with ten different ways to start a conversation without actually starting one. The phone’s screen lights up with against his leg with a new notification. Yes, from Eddie.
Finally, it’s Friday. Out of habit, Richie leaves the phone on the bathroom countertop as he showers. It takes a lot of self-control not to pull all his hair out while washing it when the phone vibrates against the counter. Once, then twice, then thrice. And so on to make up the total of 9 new messages.
Thank God he doesn’t walk out of the shower right then to check them out of curiosity, because 10 minutes later he’s sitting on the toilet seat and staring at “I hate you” for so long his mom actually knocks on the door and asks if he died in there.
He didn’t die in there, he’s just crying. Buy hey, mom, that’s the dream!
All the messages fall in the same lines. Eddie doesn’t want this to be awkward. He doesn’t want this to be weird. He doesn’t want anything to change.
Logically, Richie draws conclusions. He fucked up big, ruined them forever and now everything is inconvenient for Eddie. It’s not that hard to get it after six variations of:
 ‘You’re not gonna be different around me now right?’
 How can he not be different around Eddie now?
What if their knees touch and Eddie thinks it’s on purpose? What if Richie smiles in his direction and Eddie takes it as flirting? Christ. Richie doesn’t even know how to flirt! Should he sit far away from him now? Should he sit by his side like always and have Eddie think he’s doing it out of interest?
Richie didn’t just make everything inconvenient for Eddie, he made everything inconvenient for himself, too.
However, it’s Bill’s birthday, and that’s more important than a broken heart.
  5:48 p.m.
 “You’re cheating!” Everyone jumps on their seats when Stan shouts and slams his hand on the coffee table. It sends all the plastic houses on the monopoly board in different directions.
“What? No I’m not!” Bev defends herself.
“Nah.” Mike crosses his arms. “I don’t believe that.”
“You don’t believe she’s cheating?” Stan angrily inquires.
“I don’t believe she’s not cheating.” Says Mike.
“I am not fucking cheating, you guys are just awful at managing money.”
Stan’s chin drops in her direction. “You- I manage money wonderfully, thank you very much-”
While the arguing continues, Ben takes his time putting all the houses back on their places. Bill tries to make them stop fighting while Mike destroys all those attempts by teaming up with Bev and Stan alternately. Eddie furiously counts and recounts his money, being the one closest to bankrupt. And Richie silently organizes the contents of the bank. He doesn’t like monopoly that much.
“Maybe our bank over there has something to do with this?” Richie feels everyone’s eyes on him so he looks up at Mike from above his glasses.
“How could you ever think such things about me, Mikey?” He dramatically puts down the stack of property cards he had been sorting. “I do nothing but humble work for this community and this is how I’m treated. Unbelievable.”
“Richie, I swear.” Stan glares at him. “You won’t make me lose, even if you cheat.”
“How can I be cheating? I’m not even playing.”
“You’re passing Bev extra money!”
“Geez.” Eddie moans in annoyance. “We forgot Stan gets off on Monopoly.”
At that, Richie barks out a laugh, unable to keep it in but still trying to by slapping a hand over his mouth.
“Okay, fine.” Stan crosses his arms. “I wasn’t even the one suggesting this game, I voted for scrabble.”
“Oh, so the only other game you get off on?” Surprisingly, it slips from Richie’s mouth. He wasn’t at all expecting jokes to be coming from him today.
It’s just wonderfully entertaining to piss off Stan. At this point, the boy’s gotten himself so worked up that his whole face is pink.
“I’m going to shove birthday cake up your a-”
“-Wow! Okay let’s all chill.” Ben kindly tries to stop them.
Richie lifts up a hand full of fake-cash and makes a jerking off motion with the other, which finally triggers Stan into motion. He manages to jump away from the table on the exact moment Stan reaches over to try and jam his hand on his weakest spot, the armpits. But in the process, his knees collide with the bottom of the coffee table and all the board pieces end up flying everywhere. Again.
Ben throws his hands up. “Thank you so very much for that.”
“We will never f-ffinish a monopoly game…”
  6:23 p.m.
“How about Uno?” Ben suggests. “You can’t cheat at Uno, right?”
After being chased by Stan around the attic everyone ended up scattered around, staring at the ceiling and discussing which game to play next. So far it’s been twenty minutes of quiet chatting.
“You can grab three cards when you get a plus four.” Richie offers. “You can also slide in a six while playing some nines, might get lucky.”
There’s a brief second of silence and contemplation.
“How you can turn Uno into a sex joke still amazes me.” Eddie frowns at the ceiling.
Richie shrugs. “I’m pretty amazing overall.” Sweat pools up on the back of his neck with the effort of trying to sound so nonchalant. Richie wants to scream at the normality of his afternoon. Why does life keep going when you’re dealing with heartache? Isn’t the world supposed to stop spinning after you get friendzoned? Show a little compassion, earth.
“I still can’t believe your mom let you keep the phone.”
At Mike’s words, Eddie flops around on his bean bag, looking like a hanged potato sack. “Right? Didn’t see that coming, either.”
“Does she really go through it, though?”
Recently, Eddie’s contact list was updated to include everyone. His mom complained that he didn’t need to be in contact with “those friends” of his any more than he already does. She’s obviously wrong.
Eddie groans in agreement. “She keeps finding the lamest excuses until I give it to her. Then she checks whatever it is she wants and gives it back.”
A wave of fear passes through Richie. Almost on cue, Eddie steals a glance at him and adds. “But I archive the stuff she doesn’t need to read. And I keep Facebook as a hidden app.” Proud of his schemes, he smirks to himself.
Richie sinks back on his bean bag, slightly relieved. The past week of awful sleep is weighting him down, tying him to his worst and holding him back from pretending to be okay a little better. With time, he hopes to learn how to put this behind his back, but right now, Eddie is right in front of him.
“Hey, by the way. Can any of you tell me how to download songs?” The boy at matter asks.
“You know thu-that’s illegal, r-right?”
“Oh.” For a moment, he stares at Bill with a conflicted expression. “Well, I still want my music.”
“Richie, don’t you have a fuck ton of songs downloaded?”
“Yup. Illegal downloads are my number one occupation, Marsh.” Then, he gets it. “Oh, you’re right. Eds, turn Bluetooth on.”
He regrets saying ‘Eds’ oh so quickly, overly nervous that he isn’t allowed to say it anymore. Not that he was ever allowed to say it before, if the way Eddie complains about it 90% of the time means anything. Quickly, Richie spirals into thoughts of their bickering coming to an end, or even worse, becoming one sided and sad if one of them doesn’t feed into it. That would leave the other one hanging, and Richie was already left hanging, Richie is still hanging and he will be hanging on these feelings, on this rejection, for life. That’s what he has to accept, that he loves the only person in the world he could ever love and they don’t love him back. That his future seems sad from the present. That Eddie might drift away when he realizes they can’t mess around like best friends anymore, even if he had said he wouldn’t do that and it wouldn’t happen. But what if he does? What if it happens? Where does that leave him? What is he supposed to-
“Don’t call me that, asshole. And how the fuck do I do that?”
The way Eddie speaks drips of familiarity. Just the way it always was with them, just the way it will always be. Richie can’t decide if that’s good or bad, but it pulls him together enough to talk.
“See that weird looking B icon up there?” He waits for Eddie’s answer but the other boy is looking at his phone as if he could catch it on fire with just his eyes.
Richie bites the inside of his cheek, breathes in some bravery and pushes himself up from the bean bag.
“Here,” he walks over and crouches down at Eddie’s side, quickly opening the Bluetooth settings and pairing up their phones while paying too much attention to the space between their hands. Just to make sure they don’t touch. “Do you wanna pick out the songs you want?” He starts giving his phone to Eddie but gets a headshake in return.
“Uh no, that’s fine.” Eddie says, turning his head and therefore putting their faces incredibly close. Richie barely catches himself from falling on his butt right there, and Eddie leans away quickly, obviously not meaning to cause any of this. “I- uh, just chose the ones you think I’d like.”
Richie nods stupidly and rushes back to his seat. While he goes through his music library and picks off songs, all he can think about is ‘This is so hard, too hard, way more difficult than I could possibly imagine and I don’t know if I can go about my life pretending everything is fine when it all feels anything but that.’
“How about Ludo? There’s no way you can cheat at that…”
Simply as if a switch was flipped, Richie multitasks and answers Ben by listing off all the possible ways to cheat at Ludo.
And to the outsider eyes, everything is just fine.
Everything is fine as they order pizza and Richie and Eddie have to ask each other if they can still share their regular favorite, olive and pepperoni. Everything is fine while conversation flows at dinner, except Richie puts his half of the pizza on a plate instead of sharing the box between their laps, and Eddie doesn’t question it. Everything is fine as everyone watches a movie after, and there’s no one to lean his head on Richie’s shoulder, or jab an elbow in his arm when they itch to comment certain scenes.
Then Bill’s dad comes upstairs to remind them it’s time to drive everyone home. And for the first time in his life, Richie is thrilled to hear those words.
On their way home, Eddie sits in the back, earphones plugging his ears deaf to his surroundings. Richie wonders if he should have left out all the love songs, now it’s too late for that. But it’s fine, right?
Everything is just fucking fine.
 perma taglist: @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh  @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie  @reddieforlove @madi-personal  @cheekaspbrak
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sortaotaku · 4 years
Kyle ECB Story Translation
I hope everyone is safe and doing alright!
Hello~ I’m back! I haven’t abandoned my Tumblr blog. I have been away finishing papers, doing online exams and busy opting out of my university exchange program because of the pandemic. Afterwards I indulged myself in binge watching/reading Kimetsu no Yaiba and baking a whole bunch of different sweets. (Souffle pancakes, sakura cookies, cream puffs, milk buns, green tea sponge cake and all that good stuff) I also celebrated my 21st birthday on the 4th! (Before our favorite spicy hatter)
Here’s that ECB Kyle story from the Secret Message collection event (Ikerev TW) that I promised a LONG time ago. It’s the same event as the “Blossoming Romance” collection event that just ended I think. I’m pretty sure I have Jonah’s too so I can do that one too if anyone want me to.
I also did Edgar’s collection story: https://sortaotaku.tumblr.com/post/188554992898/ikerev-tw-secret-message-collection-event-story
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在一個吹拂著春天氣息 , 微風和緩又溫暖的下 
Under the gentle spring breeze, in the midst of the warmth of spring
我在醫務室工作的時候 , 看到擺在窗臺的一盆 花綻放了 。 
While working in the infirmary I noticed a potted plant placed by the window.
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( 我還以為醫務室裡種的都是香草和藥草之類 的呢 . . . . ) 
(And here I thought all the plants in the infirmary would be medicinal herbs)
Alice 「 凱爾 , 這是什麼花 ? 」 
Alice: Kyle, what’s this flower?
凱爾 「 是九重葛 , 終於開花了呀 。 」 
Kyle: It’s a bougainvillea. So it has finally bloomed huh?
Alice 「 好可愛的花呀 ! 顏色好鮮艶 . .
Alice: What a cute flower! The colour is so vibrant.
凱爾 「 你喜歡嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: Do you like it?
Alice 「 嗯 ! 但是這個是要用來入藥的嗎 ? 」 
Alice: Yeah! But is this going to be used for medicine?
凱爾 「 是呀 , 不過只用葉子 。 」 
Kyle: Yes, but only the leaves.
( 這樣呀 , 原來用不到花呀 。 ) 
(So that’s it. The flower won’t be used)
這鮮豔的花朵給簡樸的醫務室帶來了一絲明豔 的色彩 。 
The bright flowers gave the plain office some colour.
( 看來在醫務室擺些鮮花也挺不錯的呢 。 ) 
(It seems that keeping some flowers in infirmary is quite nice)
( 看到的人們也會有種治癒心靈的感覺 . . . 真 希望除了九重葛外 , 也能多裝飾一些其它花朵 呢 。 ) 
(Seeing the flowers may help lighten people up, I do hope that more flowers aside from the bougainvillea can be brought in.
—— 第二天 。 
~ The second day
I decorated the infirmary with vases filled with artificial flowers.
凱爾 「 這是什麼 ? 」 
Kyle: What’s this?
Alice 「 昨天那盆九重葛不是開花了嗎 ? 我覺得在醫 務室裡擺些花很不錯 。 」 
Alice: Didn’t the bougainvillea bloom yesterday? I thought that it would be nice to place some flowers in the infirmary.
凱爾 「 原來如此 , 但為什麼要擺人造花 ? 」 
Kyle: Oh so that’s it. Why artificial flowers?
Alice 「 我怕鮮花的花香會對醫務室的工作有影響 。 」 
Alice: I was concerned the smell of flowers might negatively affect the work environment of the infirmary.
Alice 「 身體不舒服的時候 , 不能去聞太刺鼻的香味 吧 ? 」 
Alice: It probably wouldn’t be too good to smell something pungent while you’re sick right?
凱爾 「 妳 . . . 考慮得很周到嘛 。 」 
Kyle: Wow, you’ve thought a lot about this. (A/N meaning she is through and considerate)
凱爾一邊微笑著一邊用手輕輕摸了摸我的頭 。 
Kyle chuckled lightly and patted my head.
( 阿阿 , 被他稱讚了 。 ) 
(Yay, he praised me) (A/N Alice is such a cutie pie) 
他寬大的手掌帶來的觸感讓我感到十分高興 , 臉上不禁露出了笑容 。 
The feeling of his big hand made me exceedingly happy, a big smile appeared on my face. (A/N 十分高興 literal 10 minute happy, but meant as very happy)
凱爾 「 那個啊 , 今天晚上有空嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: So. Are you free tonight?
Alice 「 有空呀 , 是想約我去喝一杯嗎 ? 」 
Alice: Yes, I’m free. Did you want to invite me out for drinks?
凱爾 「 啊 , 不是的 . . . 有空的話 , 就到我房間來吧 。 」
Kyle: Um it’s not that, if you have free time then stop by my room then.
Alice 「 . . . 好的 。 」 
Alice: ... Sure.
( 凱爾居然會主動邀請我 , 真難得 。 ) 
(Kyle took the initiative and invited me over. How rare)
雖然不知道邀請的理由是什麼 . . . . 
Though I don’t have a clue as to why he’s inviting me over...
我一邊為這個約會暗自悸動 , 一邊開始了當天 的工作 . . . 
I secretly excitedly looked forward to this meeting as I started on the days work.
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( . . . 明明是對我發出了邀請 . . . ) 
(... Even though he was the one who invited me...)
一起在房間裡隨意喝了幾杯後 , 凱爾就直接在 床上睡著了 。 
After nonchalantly finishing a few drinks in his room together, Kyle collapsed onto his bed. (A/N ahaha same tho... I’m in the bad tolerance club too)
( 今天也很忙 , 看來是他真的很累了吧 . . . . ) 
(It was quite busy today, I guess he must be really tired...)
我也覺得有點睏 , 就鑽到凱爾身旁躺了下來 。 
I feel quite tired, I’ll just tuck myself in with Kyle and take a rest too. (A/N she said she’ll tunnel into where his body is. She wants to be the little spoon. A woman of good taste she is...)
( 凱爾 , 晚安 。 ) 
(Goodnight Kyle)
相互依偎傳遞而來的體溫非常舒適 , 我很快就 進入了夢鄉 . . . 
Because the warmth of his body snuggled against me felt very comfortable I quickly dozed off...
接著 , 在小憩片��之後 . . . 
After the short rest...
隱約聽到了什麼聲音 , 我抬起沉重的眼簾 。 
After hearing a faint noise, I lifted my heavy eyelids.
( 凱爾 . . . . ? 他醒了嗎 ? ) 
(Kyle... did he wake up?)
我昏昏沉沉地思考著這些 , 並將頭轉向了他 
I drowsily tried to make sense of everything while turning to look at him.
凱爾 「 . . . 呢 ! 」 
Kyle: ...Guh!
Alice 「 凱 、 凱爾 . . . . ! ? 」 
Alice: K-Kyle?!
凱爾 「 . . . 搞什麼啊 , 明明就差一點了 。 」 
Kyle: ... What is this, just when I was almost... (A/N He’s asking what she is doing as if she’s messing around)
Alice 「 差一點是怎麼回事 . . . . ? 」 
Alice: What do you mean almost?
我看到凱爾的手上正握著盛開的九重葛 。 
I saw clenched in Kyle hand a fully bloomed bougainvillea.
凱爾 「 算了 , 先不要動喔 ? 」 
Kyle: Ah don’t think about it, don’t move kay?
Alice 「 嗯 , 好的 。 」 
Alice: Ah ok.
凱爾把手放到床頭板上 , 然後傾身探了過來 , 床褥在壓力下發出吱呀聲響 。 
Kyle planted his arm on the headboard, then lightly leaned over. The bed creaked under the weight. (A/N KYAAA BED KABEDON SOMEONE HELP ME!!! *fans self obnoxiously*)
( 唔 . . . ! ) 
( Ohhh my...!)
骨節分明的手指輕輕觸碰著頭髮 , 近在咫尺的 距離使我心跳加速 。 
His fingers gently touched my hair, the closeness caused my heart rate to increase. (A/N the descriptor added for his fingers is something like sharp/bony)
凱爾 「 . . . 真的很適合 。 」 
Kyle: It really suits you a lot.
凱爾用像是梳理般的動作撫摸我的髮絲 , 露出 無比柔和的眼神 。 
Kyle stroked my hair with comb-like motions while showing an extremely warm expression. (A/N soft, warm and/or gentle look)
Alice 「 欽 . . . . ? 」 
Alice: ....? (A/N it says “qin” but idk what that sound effect is supposed to mean)
我用手輕輕觸碰頭的一側 , 手指便碰到了花瓣 
I lightly ran my hand over the side of my head and my fingers brushed over flower petals.
( 這是 . . . . 九重葛 ? ) 
(This is... the bougainvillea?)
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凱爾 「 我看你好像很喜歡這種花 , 就想著如果早上 起來看到這個變成了自己的頭飾應該會很高興 。 」 
Kyle: I saw that you liked the flower a lot so I figured you might like it if you were to wake up to find that it became your hair ornament.
Alice 「 原來是這樣啊 . . . 凱爾 , 謝謝你 ! 」 
Alice: So it was was like that. Thank you Kyle!
凱爾 「 . . . 一笑起來就更般配了 , 真的好可愛啊 。 
Kyle: It suits you even more when you’re smiling. You’re so cute. (A/N dang son he’s such a smooth operator)
Alice 「 . . . . 唔 。 」 
Alice: .... Oh.
( 凱爾有時說話真的很坦白呢 . . . ) 
(Kyle can be so direct when he speaks sometimes) (A/N unfiltered/frank/honest)
But the cool way of speaking always seems to move me. (A/N strike at her heart)
每當這種時候 , 我都會覺得自己的全身心都被 他所俘虏了 。 
Every time this kind of situation happens, I feel as if my whole body and heart has been captured by him.
Alice 「 難道你 . . . 就是為了這件事 , 才邀請我到房 間來的 ? 」 
Alice: Could it be... Because of this matter... you invited me to your room?
凱爾 「 是呀 , 妳不是說花很漂亮啊什麼的 , 看起來 很高興嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: Yeah, didn’t you say the flower was pretty? You looked real happy.
( 原來他一直都有在注意我 。 ) 
(So he has really been paying close attention to me)
Alice 「 真高興 .… 」 
Alice: I’m so happy
凱爾 「 . . . . 是嗎 。 」 
Kyle: Is that so
凱爾低聲說著 , 用雙手緊緊地抱住了我 。 
Kyle said in a low voice as he embraced me tightly with both arms. (A/N low voice as in volume, he’s whispering)
Alice 「 凱 、 凱爾 . . . ? 」 
Alice: K-kyle?
凱爾 「 都怪妳總是擺出一副讓人忍不住抱緊妳的表 情 。 」 
Kyle: It’s your fault for always making an expression that make people can’t help but to want to hug you tightly.
( . . . 呃 , 被他這麼一說 . . . ) 
(... Ahh when he says it like that...)
他的低語讓我的臉頰發燙 。 
His voice made my cheeks hot. (A/N low whisper)
Kyle: Though it’s hard for me to show a cool face when I’m in front of you. (A/N show his cool and handsome side)
Kyle: But these kinds of times make me feel really fortunate, I really like it. (A/N 幸福 again! Meaning happiness, fulfillment and all that kind of stuff) 
Kyle: And so whether it be today or tomorrow or the day after that, I want to continue staying by your side.
Alice: Me too
He guided my hands down a little bit. My eyes met with Kyle’s loving gaze.
Alice: Kyle... let’s stay like this.
I wrapped my arms around Kyle’s neck and gave him a kiss
Alice 「.....唔。」
Alice: ...Oh
In response to the sweet feeling of the kiss, I breathed out softly. (A/N aftermath of the sweet atmosphere, soft pants. Something to that effect)
My heart keeps racing at Kyle’s cool words.
(Coolness that doesn’t need extra effort)
After the kiss, with a smile Kyle pressed his forehead onto mine.
Kyle: You’re making an expression that makes me want to hug you again.
Alice: Maybe?
Kyle: Hurry up and come here
Alice: Uhn (Yes)
I flew into his embrace (A/N she flew into him. Same tho Alice...)
Even though it was actually a pretty cool spring night but when the two of us were embracing it felt extremely warm.
I felt this feeling of happiness and smiled
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Seventy: Total Silence ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, death, blood ] [ Verse: River Runs Deep ] [ AO3 Link ]
How long has he wallowed in total silence?
On and on he wanders, never finding what he seeks. In his wake, no birds call. No branches snap. No breezes rustle the leaves of the trees.
It’s almost maddening…!
No longer does he count how many years he’s traveled, seeking his vengeance. Part of him wonders if he will ever find it...or if he’s simply doomed to walk a ghost along the plane of the mortals for the rest of time.
Even now, he still wears his armor, dons his swords. Were any to see him, they’d be taken back to the time of the samurai. A time not yet forgotten, and yet fading further and further into the past.
Because of his grizzly death, Uchiha Sasuke remains. A ghost, a goryō: a spirit seeking revenge for his slow, agonizing death. Of course...by now, it’s unlikely his aggressors still live. He may have no direct path to his vengeance.
...but there are always other ways. If he can find their lands, he can still ravage them. Bring a plague, start fires, beget war...he can take water away for a drought, or drown them in a flood. The all-consuming need for revenge burns in him like a flame, only able to extinguish once it has burned all that wronged him. Only once those who took everything from him suffer a similar fate can he be allowed to rest.
So, until then...he lingers, a restless spirit full of malice, anger, and hate.
And still he goes in silence.
Following a path overgrown - forgotten and unused - he halts. In the distance, he can see lights amidst the dark of night. A village…? No...a compound of some kind. Likely a clan...perhaps of samurai, like himself?
...could it be they who battled him so long ago…?
Form flaring at the possibility, he keeps on, a hand resting along the hilt of his blade. He may yet be close…!
Descending from the woods he roams, he walks among fields toward the largest structure, clearly a manor of some kind. Pale in the moonlight, he simply shifts through obstacles: the outer wall, and that of the garden.
But just as he steps through, something holds him in his tracks.
...a sound.
So startled is he after so long in silence, Sasuke’s eyes widen in shock, completely still. The first true sound he’s heard in...far too long. And not just any sound: the pluck of a koto string.
His ghostly gaze scans the yard...and then finds the source. Though the hour is late, a young woman sits along the engawa, the instrument laid before her. Picks along her thumb, index, and middle fingers, she hovers her hands over the strings.
He stares, unseen.
She’s a classic beauty: long, dark hair, straight as a blade and cut over her brows. A lilac kimono rests over a pale, womanly form. And even from this distance, it’s hard to miss the pale shine of her eyes in the moonlight.
...none of his enemies had eyes like those.
Then, slowly...she starts to play. It’s a melancholy song, legato and smooth. It’s almost...reminiscent, in a way. But he’s certain he’s never heard it before. Yet it reminds him of a time long gone: of his own clan’s compound, the musicians there, the dancers...how they would revel in their victories over their enemies.
...he wonders if any of his kin remain. If the Uchiha banner is no more, or if somewhere, one of his bloodline still walks.
Though he arrived determined to scour the place for his enemies...Sasuke finds he can’t bring himself to move: trapped like a beast lulled by a maiden’s song. Slowly - ever so slowly - he finds himself...calming. Soothing. Cooling. Until, eventually, he carefully shifts his position to sit along the grass, utterly silent despite the visual rustling and settling of his armor.
On the concert goes for uncounted minutes. All the while, the woman hangs her head forlornly over her instrument. Almost like she’s mourning something...or perhaps someone. It begets a kind of curiosity in the ghost. Who she is. What weighs upon her so. As noted, she’s beautiful - exactly the kind of woman - in life - he would have considered for a bride.
...a life stolen from him…
But before the fires can grow again within him, silence falls again. It seems she’s finished her song. Leaning back, she sits in the quiet, gaze caught out over the moonlit garden.
He, in turn, watches her.
After a time, she moves to stand...and something stirs in him. In a blink, his ethereal form appears before her instrument.
Gasping, she leans from him...but Sasuke doesn’t notice. Instead, he looks over the wood and strings. A spectral hand ghosts over the silk, but earns no sound.
“...how I’ve missed the lull of music…”
Staring in shock, barely daring to breathe, she watches him, unblinking.
“...I thank you, my lady, for your serenade. It brings me a calm I’ve lacked. Though vengeance burns within me...this settles that beast somehow.”
She can give no reply, too wary.
“...would you play again? Perhaps...I can find respite in your song.”
With that, he flickers again, settling back atop the grass at her fore, a hand braced atop a folded knee.
For a moment longer she stares...and then slowly moves to acquiesce. Picks still in place, she seems to rattle her brain for a tune before playing.
That same melancholy calm washes over him. Eyes closed, Sasuke lets his head crane back. In truth...he’s tired. So tired. Over and over he’s walked the same circles. If only he could rest...he only wants to rest…
Before him, the maiden keeps up her song, eyes flickering to him. All know of the battles that once soaked the land with blood. But never has she seen a ghost of those lost lives...this must be one of them. Doomed to wander in purgatory, too consumed by anger to rest. But...maybe…
Concentrating, she decides to try to play his soul to rest. Opening her mouth, she begins to croon soft words alongside the strings’ notes.
Sasuke’s eyes slowly open, watching.
Under the moonlight they sit: performer and audience. She laments in her lyrics, trying to capture a feeling of somber peace: urging him to release his clutched ties.
But the song cannot last forever...and she lets it fade into silence.
Sasuke, for a moment, remains idle. “...a beautiful tune. It reminds me...that there are still beautiful things in this world. Even if I must leave them behind...at least I can find solace in that.”
Around him, his pale blue aura begins to fragment, drifting like embers from a dying fire.
“...thank you, my lady. Perhaps I will find my rest at last.”
A pause, and then, “...I am Hyūga Hinata, my lord. I am happy to be of service.”
He bows his head. “...Uchiha Sasuke. Thank you...for breaking the silence one last time.” With a shimmer, he dissipates into a shower of spectral sparks.
Still unsure if such visions were real, Hinata stares at the now-empty garden.
     Guh, late, as usual...which also means this isn't as fleshed out as I wanted Dx I had the concept earlier today, but life got in the way and then I was low on time without knowing what creature I wanted Sasuke to be. Settled on the revenge ghost, because...of course xD      I didn't have much time to look into the ghost concept much, so I'm not sure this makes 100% sense or is completely accurate, but...I just didn't have the time to research too much. As per usual. But! Hopefully it was enjoyable nonetheless~      For now tho, it's veeery late, and I need sleep! Thanks for reading~
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x07: Unhuman Business
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LaLaLa, this is not happening, LaLaLa
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Uh, something seems to be wrong with my TV. Just Lucifer Nick blabbering on about his family and his regret for killing people that won’t help him find who killed his family.
At the bunker, Jack is not doing great, guys. Cas is attempting to heal him, but whatever is wrong with Jack is beyond his angel powers.
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As the boys discuss their impossible situation, Jack falls to the floor, coughing blood and foaming at the mouth. They rush him to the hospital ASAP. 
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Worried Dad Dean is HIGH MAINTENANCE, but I’ll forgive his overbearing ways. Jack is in deep trouble. First, the hospital just needs some basic data, like name and date of birth, both of which the Winchesters fumble on. Jack’s a Winchester you doofs! And I guess Jack is 18. And his dad exploded. Jack then collapses and the medical staff rush him to a room, Sam, Dean, and Cas by his side. 
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(That framing tho)
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God, my TV buzzed out again. Please stand by while I figure out WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT NICK. He talks to a reporter and learns there was a cop, Frank Kellogg, who was patrolling Nick’s neighborhood the night his family died.
At the hospital, Jack’s tests results all came back negative. They’re going to have to run more tests. (Lol, I love how all of this is put in the vaguest way possible. Like not all tests are positive or negative, and what are they testing for?) The one thing they do know: His body is in complete systemic shutdown. (I read on Twitter the friendly reminder that you’re not a real hunter until you’ve died and come back again. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool.)
The brothers decide it’s time to explore other options: Rowena. Dean suggests calling her. Sam already did. (Samwitch! --my Saileen heart hates me every time I goof about this) (Natasha: SAME) The doctor walks in on the boys dressing Jack to leave. AND LET ME JUST FALL INTO A PIT OF EMOTION watching Cas put his coat on Jack.
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ROWENA arrives as fast as she can (like, oof, there isn’t anything in this for her. She just showed up to help the Winchesters? Guh.) She thinks Dean is in trouble, but Sam reveals it’s really Jack, Lucifer’s son. Rowena’s out. Before she bolts though, Jack works his magic nougat ways.
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Rowena breaks the bad news that without Jack’s grace, his nephilim body can’t sustain itself. Cas offers up his own grace to save him. I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING! As Ro is nixing that idea, Dean’s vision starts to blur and his hearing warbles in and out. 
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Not sure what was happening in this next Nick scene. He’s weird around a woman in an alley. She invites him back into the bar (WHY?) (Natasha: WHYYYYYYYY?) and then he secretly pulls a knife. In a brief moment of clarity, he yells at her to get away and she runs. And for the record: the giant neon S stands for Satan.
At the bunker, Overprotective Dean brings Jack a sandwich and milk. PURE. Jack is packing up and ready to hit the road, live a little before he dies. I’M NOT DYING, YOU’RE DYING.
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Dean gets some serious dimples of discontent after listening to Jack but he’s not disagreeing with the boy.
Sam and Cas AND Rowena are on the research train. Cas presides over a mountain of books while Rowena and Sam call everyone they think might be able to help the poor young wee nephilim.
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Dean gets the updates. The books are a bust, but Sam talked to Ketch, who has tipped them off about a shaman who might help. Dean takes all this in...maybe? In actuality, Dean wavers in and out of focus again. Oh, Dean Bean. Cas offers to tackle the shaman lead and the Winchesters can stay behind to look out for Jack. Enter Jack, with backpack, ready for adventure! Dean and Jack are heading out, to Castiel’s disapproval.
A little while later, Dean and Jack pick up some burgers and Dean tosses Baby’s keys to wee Jack. It’s driving lesson time! There’s so much wrapped up in this scene: Dean’s stunted childhood, his incredible capacity to nurture, Jack’s hero worship. MY HEART is wrapped up in this scene. They ease out on the road and Jack gains confidence quickly.
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Dean turns on some tunes and BTO’s “Let it ride” sets the mood. Classic rock is such an important aspect of this show, and we didn’t realize how much we missed it as a set piece until this scene of open road driving.
(I’ll confess that I spent the first viewing of this scene ready for Jack to pass out and the car to careen dramatically off the road. I’m glad it didn’t.)
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Cas heads out to find Sergei the shaman but before he goes, he talks with Sam about Dean’s reaction to Jack’s illness. “He seems to be taking this particularly hard,” Castiel observes. Sam tells him that Dean feels bad for the time he spent wishing Jack a swift and painful death at the beginning of last season.
Heartbreaking dialogue alert:
Sam: He’s lost people. We’ve all lost people but…
Cas: This feels different. Losing a son feels different.
But stow away those emotions, friends, because it’s time to go back to fun!Dad Dean. They’re eating more fast food, pulled over on the side of the road. “I’m a driver!” Jack announces gleefully. Yes, bby. Dean suggests a bar with promising hook-up potential. (Me: flashes back to Dean’s “Last night on Earth” speech with Cas back in season 4...and like, all of season 3.) Jack’s got other plans.
Nick finds Frank Kellogg, brings up the bare facts of his case, and then pushes Frank inside and holds him by the throat. Time to chat.
By a tumbling, small river, Jack gets into Dean’s deepest emotions like he’s ordering an ice cream shake at a diner. While they fish, Jack casually brings up that Dean and his father went fishing and that it was one of Dean’s happiest memories of him. Dean tries to dissemble, but Jack’s sure as a rock. (Now, there’s been some discussion about whether this was meant to refer to John or Bobby. My vote’s heavily on John. Dean loved his father, was disappointed by him, and longed for many things he could never have at the same time. Fishing with John Winchester was probably a shocking circle of calm - a pool of stillness and peace.)
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Jack tells Dean that he wouldn’t miss the big, showy things in the world. Instead, he’d miss more time with Dean and the other people in his life.
Dean BARELY holds it together, a quaver in his voice as he returns, “Who’d’ve thought time with me would make you sentimental?” Dean. Bean.
Meanwhile, Cas drives his adorable blue car to meet Sergei the shaman. He’s immediately enveloped in a circle of holy fire. Thanks, buddy.
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Sergei lives in a pimped out trailer, with flowers painted on the exterior and lushly colored and patterned textiles draped all over the interior. He proposes a “recharging agent” for Jack - something to shock his system and derail the degeneration. He offers Cas archangel grace (purportedly from Gabriel) and a spell to activate it. And the cost is simply that the Winchesters will owe him a favor. Sounds like a hell of a price to me.
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Meanwhile Nick beats the shit out of Frank Kellogg. We learn that Nick’s neighbor saw Frank leave his house the night of the murders and the cops made him cover it up. Frank confesses that he met a man named Abraxis outside of Nick’s house and the next thing he knew, he was covered in blood. Frank was possessed by a demon which is some crazy ass shit, right? Sigh. Nick kills Frank horribly anyway, in a scene that goes on for WAY too long.
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WAY the fuck too long.
In a giant breath of fresh air, we get back to the bunker, once again full of TFW 2.0 and Rowena Our Queen. They hand Jack the grace and it enters his body as Rowena chants the spell. Lights flicker. Jack’s eyes glow golden again. It’s worked!
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Jack stumbles and falls again, worse than before.
Cas chews out Sergei via phone call and Sergei defends himself by saying that “science is sometimes trial and error.” It’s...awfully reminiscent of Michael’s experimentation, yes? It also reminds me of real world experimental parallels - now and throughout history. In a word: yikes.
Side note: Having once had a loved one’s body try to shut down in the ICU with no discernible cause...this episode really did hit home for me. It’s so easy in fiction to have a magical healing ability, and so much harder when there’s no explanation, no quick cure, and treatments that have your doctors crossing their fingers. I feel for all these dudes, and the doctors as well, is what I’m saying.
Anyway, Cas is pissed, and vows to smite Sergei’s ass if Jack dies.
For Vengeful Science
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At Frank’s house, Nick prays to Lucifer and begs him to come back. In the blackness of the Empty, what looks like the Empty entity morphs into being and its eyes glow Lucifer-red. Well, fuck. (I’m actually excited to see the Empty again, but I am quite displeased about Lucifer.)
In the bunker, TFW mourns Jack’s rapidly failing condition. Rowena counsels them to stay by his side, for death approaches on swift wings.
Root Beer Quotes:
He’s sick, his name is Jack Kline, his father exploded.
Samuel, I thought we were beyond this.
Well, if it’s grace he needs, he can have mine.
Eyes on the road.
This is the best day ever!!!
Born with a wheel in your hand, huh?
Life isn’t all these big, amazing moments. It’s time together that matters.
Life - all of it - is a risk.
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jjeehoon · 7 years
bc jenhoon isn’t a thing. for @onlyjihoons wynaut b
also are my gif making skills getting better yet pls help me 
under the cut bc it’s actually quite long oops
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cute relationship tbh
remember when he confessed to you??? i sure do
i don’t recall that you’ve ever talked to each other before then? ok maybe once or twice but probably because his friends were buddy buddy with you
so he decided to buddy buddy along 
they had found out he liked you but they kept it a secret bc they were good friends aww get me some friends like that
they started to hang out with you more for his benefit bUT they were able to keep their scheme lowkey because it was a new (and your last) semester and all of them were in a lot of your classes
o lord when it was midterms jihoon couldn’t take it anymore
on the day before like,,, a long weekend or smth he was like “daM y/n i like you” and he put up a print out of a lot of your favourite memes on your locker
let’s just say that he liked the same memes as you did bc dorm jihoon lol
and then you fell for it
maybe you didn’t like him before, maybe you didn’t see him that way before, but Damn!
once you saw “hi welcome to chili’s” you immediately fell for him my goodness
rip vine pls rebirth soon
both of your meme loving asses brought those references into your relationship
you: (driving)
jihoon: road work ahead? i sure hope it does! 
hsdfjsd i’m sorry that’s just really funny,,, it’s my favourite vine
lots of hanging out at home
mostly at your house bc 1. there’s better food and 2. woojin’s not there
since you’re the talented and wonderful (y/n) you are, karaoke with him is sO fun
singing bangtan songs and knowing the lyrics by heart ugh i love this pair of armys
speaking of singing,,, because of your talent you got into the same arts university as jihoon 
lucky u with your scholarship lol
idk the people in your class just automatically ship you and jihoon together
“eyy you’re like,,, jihoon’s s/o right”
“sure you can call me that (even though i clearly have a name xd!)”
“that’s so cute he tells everyone about you!! like yesterday he just threw up a bunch of words onto our friend group saying how much he loves your smile”
hM that was weird because he never told you that he liked your smile (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
turns out that he was too shy
No I Am Not Going To Become Soft For Him
yeah he seems outgoing and all when you’re around him but things like complimenting you just make him feel flustered djflskjfljs
so when he did say that he liked your smile he turned all re d and he covered his face and hid his smile u h hh like when he does jeojang
so then the teasing begins
“oh yeah i heard from so-and-so that you told like the whole campus that you liked my smile”
“why didn’t you tell me this earlier huh ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴“
so then he can’t respond right
you take him in to give him a BI I I I IIG hug and you like ruffle his hair or something with affection
after all the teasing you thank him for the compliment and you say “uhh yeah don’t be shy to compliment me (altho my self-depreciating ass won’t take it lol) or anyone in general bc i’ll do the same boo”
it’s really cute
he thinks you’re cute
you think he’s cute
we think you guys are cute 
everything’s cute in this world ok (i’m exaggerating PLEASe don’t take me seriously) 
so you and jihoon are like,,, sitting there and watching uhhh wanna one go i guess lol
then literally 30% of the pd101 trainees come swooping in with balloons and cake and you’re just like “what”
jihoon was also like “what”
“happy birthday boyz” haknyeon goes to say hahshjdajk pls understand that joke
“but mr. joo it’s not either of our birthdays-”
“it’s your relationship’s birthday you dummy xd”
wow you both couldn’t remember your anniversary but 30% of 101 trainees remembered for you 
friendship goals ammiright that’s just a little bit over 30 trainees
like maybe a part of a trainee came in?? their legs just come in and idk
so you all just sit there watching wanna one go with 6 cakes and balloons scattered all over your house
jihoon turns off the tv all of a sudden and then y’all go “huh”
“let’s play truth or dare xD” jihoon suggests and the crowd of boys behind you just go “oooOooooOoOOOh”
you have absolutely no luck since there was both ong seongwoo AND yoon jisung within the group of trainees who remembered your damn anniversary
and yes
seongwoo got the pleasure to ask you first
“ayy (y/n) truth or dare”
“after jihoon telling everyone that he loves your smile, what do you think about telling everyone about his smile? do you love his smile?”
“bih is that a question,,, the answer is obviously that it’s frucking adorable ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;”
if you hear that someone disagrees you’re gonna kick them to tomorrow night
a lot of cooing happened when you said that it was “frucking adorable”
jihoon turned into another blushing mess im
you thought things were done with you lmao there were 32 people in your living room this truth or dare game is gonna go on for ages my next turn won’t even come til morning
nOpe the started attacking you with questions
fun fun fun fun f u n !1!
and then the legendary summoner comes in
k a n g  d o n g h o
ok y’all might think he’s innocent like “o he’s such a dad look how cute he is”
buT he’s actually a wild man i’m cryinhfn
still cute tho don’t deny it
“(y/n) truth or dare”
“o my goodness not you too baekho”
so you go with dare???
“i dare you to kiss jihoon”
h o o o ooho o ohohoho 
did i mention that earlier woojin asked if y’all had your first kiss yet and you were like “uhhh no”
and you’re just there panting and dying on the carpeted floor while all of the 30% were just screaming and chanting 
jihoon x (y/n) cult confirmed
so jihoon busts in and he’s going all “bih i didn’t sign up for this”
EVERYONE pulls out their own argument and tries to persuade jihoon into doing it
you’re also in the middle of being persuaded
while you’re there, kind of dying on the floor,,, there was this bigass cENTIPEDE?? COMING YOUR WAY???
you’re suddenly jumping up and stuff and you aCCIDENTALLY step on jihoon’s foot 
now you aren’t a very heavy person, but you were wearing your sneakers inside (i do not approve as someone who grew up in an asian household insert angry face here) and he wasn’t (i also don’t approve bc he only took them off as you aren’t the biggest fan of his jordans another angry face)
“oshitoshitoshit jihoon r u ok” 
“i’m good i’m goodjglfjg”
and then out of nowhere you kiss him on the cheek h o o o 
the crowd goes WILD!
and then minhyun’s sitting beside dongho just shaking his head like,,, “no that’s not good enough”
everyone looks at him after they calmed down and they aGREE 
“do you want me to like,,”
“kiss him on the lips?” minhyun nods. “yes.”
“i h8 y’all”
so you lean in for the peck !!!
and jihoon??? through all this he’s embarrassed again
“ok jihoon i did it can you gladly kill that centipede for me now aha”
and then he tries looking for it while his face is pink
pink sausage here!
but he can’t find it so like,,, yeah
you kissed him tho that was your first kiss with him sjdfjlkgjldf
to this day you haven’t seen that centipede once but you thank it everyday for helping you guys step up your relationship 
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