#maybe other people have discussed this but A. i didnt see it B. i dont care
unganseylike · 1 year
ok so re: your tags on that post about the trc covers and adam / blue’s “books”
i went back and forth on the same thing (adam and blue and trb and bllb)
but i eventually decided that based on A) adam’s major character development in bllb (whereas in trb he remained somewhat static internally, even though externally he changed a lot) and B) the POV breakdowns, with adam having the most POV page time out of the four in bllb, that bllb is adam’s “book”
in the interest of cool discussion, can i ask why you consider trb his book?
oh i love this discussion thank u for sending ask! its been a sec since ive read books (ok actually just over a year so not really) so forgive me if I misremember details..
if i didnt have to choose just one character for the books and instead was considering most main characters for the book i think:
trb- gansey blue adam; tdt- ronan maybe adam; bllb- blue adam; trk- gansey blue
what do i define as most main character? Idek its kinda vibes and whose plotlines contribute most to the central plot. this is typically going to be blue and gansey to me because the overall plot of trc starts and ends with their evolving relationship to each other (true love and/or killing). but maybe thats bc im biased and love gansey and blue most; im sure fans who are really into pynch and also adam+ ronan separately would see them as most central.
anyways so i agree that adam is a centerpoint of both trb and bllb. thats an interesting point about the most pov time and he definitely gets lots of development in bllb.
but to me bllb is blues book- she even has her name in the title! the other titles kinda correspond to characters too, with dream thieves obviously referencing ronan and raven king referencing ganseys kingliness and quest. trb is ambiguous and to me is a reference to the story from blues pov and and introduction to her world. anyways, the main plot of bllb imo is the search for maura and kinda the overall exploration of cabeswater/related magical areas/caves as a result, which ultimately leads to the demon plot and thus ganseys foretold death which is of course the overarching plot. so its blues family and her drive to search for her mother that progresses the series plot forward. we also get to spend a lot time with blue alone and with different groups of people and see how she interacts with new people, all contributing to her character growth in this book. plus her relationship w gansey becomes definitively romantic love, which again is necessary for the series plot and its tagline. although adam grows as a character (what i recall- learning to use his connection w cabeswater, the lead up to the trial w his father, being able accept his friends help, pynch), i dont think it contributes as much to the main plot of bllb or the series overall.
Trb is the hardest to assign to me. I do think there are great arguments for blue or adam or gansey. of course thats partially because they are the pov characters. i think its more between blue and adam though, because they are really the ones introducing us to the trc world as theyre both outsiders. and of course they are kinda in a relationship— even though gansey is her ~true love~ adam is actually the one that leads blue to her involvement w the boys. i’d say blue is more of a “main character” than adam in this book simply because it opens with her monologue and her knowledge of ganseys death plus she probably gets more pov time. but main character doesnt equal their both to me necessarily. we see so much of adam through others eyes but he turns all of their beliefs of him on their head when he takes matters into his own hands and goes to cabeswater. i dont remember much about first reading the book (i cant believe it was like 10 years ago now!) but i remember being surprised when adam did that- i actually got a little nauseous. it was not what i expected for him and i realized that his actions were going to change what i had expected to be the clear cut plot of the series. it was no longer just this drawn out plot for blue to kiss and kill gansey, and adams bargain sets the stage for so much of the rest of the story! to me its really his defining moment. so overall i think trb is adams book solely because hes the star of its conclusion; we realize we dont know adam as well as we thought and neither do his friends, but we know his actions will have consequences that will affect everyone and everything.
but i think i could be persuaded in either direction for which book is whose, i can easily see the arguments in the other direction. and i actually love that its blue and adam’s plots that we are debating- i love their relationship and their parallels :)
Let me know what you think!
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nonhumanwithin · 2 months
hey mod, i am having a uniquely fictionkin problem. ive never been in any 'kin drama' so i am hesitant to give this issue any weight. so basically, my best friend keeps claiming characters that are close to my kintypes as his kintypes and its freaking me out!
logically, i know that A. he is super oblivious when it comes to my feelings (and oblivious in general), B. kintypes are involuntary and he cant help how he feels, C. im a very skeptical and paranoid person. but this is like the fifth or sixth time and i am creeped out!
the last time he said he was a person i have complicated feelings about, i got pretty upset. i usually try to keep it to myself but this time i told him, bc i felt it was obvious how i feel bc i talk about said person. i guess it wasnt, because he just kinda looked surprised and clueless and said he had no idea that i felt that way about that character. and i also got confused and stopped being upset, because how can i be when he didnt know? i dont know.
and the other thing is, his kin experience is intensely fluid. he has few permanent kintypes, he'll say he is one character then say hes not the next year. i dont think theres anything wrong with not knowing who you are yet, but in this context its fuelling my paranoia. theres kintypes on his list that dont have anything to do with me at all, so im not sure.
i think im influencing him somehow? like maybe this is his subconconscious effort to get closer to me? i guess another person would be comforted or flattered, but it makes me nervous and flighty. my friend tried to say that he was thinking he might be [character who is my daughter in kincanon] and i straight up ignored him. i glossed over it because how the fuck am i supposed to react??? im feeling prickly and paranoid that one day he will try to say he is [character who is my wife] and i'll. probably blow up. but making up scenarios to get mad at in my head isnt any good.
i dont know, i dont think hes doing this on purpose. its just CREEPY. please, do you have any advice for me? am i being hysterical? am i imagining problems where none exist? im struggling to not make HIS kin journey about me, but its difficult when so many coincidences keep popping up.
Firstly I wanted to say I've never had to deal with an issue like this with fictionkin, so feel free to ask around some more or maybe someone with more advice could respond to this post!
I don't think you're overreacting, for what it's worth. Even if it is just coincidence, I think it's pretty normal to connect the dots when it keeps happening. You're right to question it, imo.
You know your friend a lot better than I do but to me, it does sound like he is likely being passively influenced by your kintypes. He's probably going through a time in his life where his identity is very volatile and easily molded by changes in his environment. I don't know how old he is but it's very common for younger people to go through phases like that, especially those with mental disorders or trauma. I would know, I was exactly that way as a teenager and young adult lol. I can't blame him for that, but if you are uncomfortable with him suddenly claiming kintypes that are connected to yours, I can understand why.
Maybe you could try talking to him about all of this? Maybe seeing his perspective will help, or maybe him seeing your perspective will help him realize something about himself. Not calling him out but just having a discussion, seeing what's up. You could express that it makes you uncomfortable, and maybe find some kind of solution or compromise. He may not be able to control his kintypes, but he could talk about certain ones less around you if it weirds you out. Or perhaps seeing your discomfort with the connected kintypes will switch that subconscious influence to not have those kintypes as often anymore.
Your discomfort is valid and you are allowed to have boundaries even if they seem silly on paper. Your fictionkin identity can be a very vulnerable part of you and it's understandable to be a little sensitive about it. There's nothing wrong with that :) You can still respect his identity even when establishing boundaries to make yourself more comfortable.
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mieczyhale · 5 years
i know a pretty common theory about how klaus could drive the ice cream truck - despite saying in episode one that he can’t drive - is that he learned to drive in vietnam but like.. when he’s asking diego for a ride in episode five he brings up again that he can’t drive. 
so i wonder if he did learn to drive in nam but was just in too bad a shape emotionally to even consider doing it?? or maybe he didn’t want to be questioned on how he suddenly knows how to drive?? or maybe it was just because he doesn’t have access to a car that isn’t diego’s?? or maybe he’s just so used to telling people he cant drive that he just.. sticks with it. idk! but on the flipside - maybe he really still has no fucking idea how to drive and the only reason he drives the ice cream truck is bc its an emergency. either he figures out how to drive it on his own, bc he’s not stupid, or maybe diego helps from the passenger side like yknow.. talking klaus through starting off and how to stay in his lane and not crash. the important stuff. 
btw i know this is like.. such a minor fucking detail really but the ice cream truck is a p stand out thing that happened and it does conflict with things we already knew so my brain has Questions and there’s a lot of possibilities and.. idk. i think talking about even the little stuff is interesting when it comes to tua - especially klaus. in depth analysis babey
semi related:: klaus was drinking in that episode but he wasn’t high at all so could he see other ghosts?? if so there were probably a lot of them on the roads, which would make driving rough (there was that hc once that he doesnt drive bc he cant tell whose really on the road, alive, and whose not) but in that case i think ben would do his best to let klaus know who he actually had to avoid and who he could drive thru (as rude as that sounds) 
but.. only ben. the rest of the fam?? the alive folk?? i don’t think any of the other siblings would have even thought about it / have ever thought about it tbh (right along with how ghosts affect him every other time too but thats its own thing). it probably wouldn’t occur to them, the fact there’s ghosts all over the road - just like every other place - and that there’s so many and that it could and would make driving harder for klaus than anyone else. im not sure even diego would realize it, without prompting anyway… and sure if they did know and they did try to help the help would be different bc its not like any of them can see ghosts but they can at least let him know whats alive yknow?? they could direct him. but also calm the anxiety that that situation would absolutely bring. even that would help a hell of a lot i think
there are no facts here - maybe klaus learned to drive in vietnam, maybe he didn’t. whomst the FUCK knows. but this topic decided to be on my mind this lovely 4AM and its been a bit since i shared any tua thoughts so i figured.. why the fuck not lmao
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shoezuki · 4 years
ok so like i been Thinkin a lot on that stream techno had today and i may be Thinkin Too Much cuz i was doing psychology while watching but im going to say Words Now
the entire idea and Plot of tommy going from only interacting/being manipulated by dream to only interacting with techno is a Lot. theres a lot here. and i am feasting like a fucking king on the potential of it and what this could all Mean
I think we’re building up the idea of how techno and dream differ and how they house both similarities and extreme differences in their ideals. 
So if we considered how Tommy’s arcs have changed theres a very, VERY clear juxtaposition between the exile arc to.... raccoon arc? whatever the fuck is goin on
Tommy Was manipulated, isolated, and gaslit by dream. that was the only guy he really had interacted with and that was Intentional entirely. Its very obvious this will have and currently has an affect on tommy. 
Now, he’s with technoblade. theres a lot of shit that can be read in this simply as considered right now. I feel we’re clearly supposed to at least somehow compare dream and technoblade because their positions are somewhat similar concerning how they are interacting with tommy. 
Tommy can only really interact with techno, only techno really has the ability to see him (although ranboo, ghostbur, and phil could see him but theres obvious difficulties in their case), and how tommy regards technoblade is.... complicated. like how he regards dream at the moment.
but theres some really, really important and clear differences in this that i think will show a lot about techno’s character and what’s to come
first of all, there’s a question of why techno is seemingly ‘letting’ tommy live with him. No joke, i’ve discussed this a LOT in the technocord and it’s made me realize it from a different perspective since many of those people in there are from Before techno joined the smp.
so, there’s no clear ‘rational’ reason why techno would benefit from teaming with tommy. there’s some arguments that could be made; tommy’s position with people and especially tubbo, using tommy as a bargaining chip with dream, and something else i cant remember. but the technocord hardcore ppl feel tommy is a liability in the long term. techno doesn’t really have much to gain beyond a distraction. the idea of using tommy in order to convince him he’s getting the disks and then to destroy lmanberg is kinda.... its jus more trouble to techno. In fact, it wouldve been defendable for techno to kick him out; he stole his stuff, and we saw how he reacted to his cows being killed, his previous base being pillaged. You’d have thought techno wouldve been angrier.
but like. that aside. there’s little reason for techno to open up to tommy. and thats the point.
there’s no necessity on techno’s part. he doesnt need tommy. he could kick him out easily. but he won’t. 
I imagine technoblade sees the trauma and hardship tommy went through and he sympathizes with him. Its been made clear that techno doesnt know the full extent of what happened, but he doesnt need to. he knows enough. 
Now, back to the happenings of the last stream,
it wasnt plot heavy at all. (mostly because techno’s fuckign glasses are held together with SCOTCH TAPE the guy couldnt even fucking use ducttape i hate that) but there were a Few interesting things, including the Plot Stream a bit;
the ‘box’ techno made with the idea of hiding tommy from dream. (perhaps a joke but it still shows something i feel)
how he’s been giving tommy a Lot of stuff. he hasnt Genuinely been upset at his golden apples being taken; in fact, techno gave him more food in protest of him eating all the gapples instead of.... demanding them back
went mining in the nether with the intention of getting tommy better stuff
he replaced the log he accidentally stripped. extremely funny considering he got the wrong type of wood but he tried
expending more resources on tommy with invisibility potions so that he wasnt in danger of being seen
Repeatedly would assure tommy that dream Is Not His Friend.
at the idea of tommy being ‘banned’ from the nether and being attacked in lmanberg, techno laughed at the idea of him being ‘attacked’ and killed even when tommy worried that he’d die for the Last Time
implicated that techno WOULD defend him. and the idea of someone killing Either him or tommy was funny because of that
okay so slight comparison to dream; techno is instead GIVING tommy resources instead of blowing them up, he’s obviously intent on protecting him in some way, and he assures tommy that dream is No Good (rather than how dream was telling tommy no one cared about him)
But there’s one instance that was really, really important to me
the control room had a very bad impact on tommy. most likely a panic attack (the shaking, heavy breathing, scattered speech/thought is something i know so intimately lmao) and techno’s reaction to it was extremely interesting. 
first, techno said he was ‘freaking out for no reason’ which could be a) techno is horrific at emotions and vulnerability lmao and b) to Him, it Is nothing. he has no clue what tommy had been through. 
He repeatedly asked what was wrong. what had happened in that room. He pressed Slightly. but as soon as tommy said he didnt want to talk about that, techno instantly backed off and said its alright. specifically, he said:
“It’s fine, no one recovers in a day tommy. Healing is a long process, it’s fine.”
that shit hit me like a freight train. Mostly i didnt expect anything to come from this stream like that but FUCK LMAO.
The biggest thing is, i think technoblade is going to help tommy heal from the dream shit and get back on his feet. 
but also, even though im not entirely sure i need to see more, tommy will get techno to be more caring. We know philza is the only one techno is really close to, and ghostbur as well. both of which either weren’t involved in betraying techno, or doesnt remember it. i see it pointed out that techno is going at tubbo and his government rather than dream, but i think it makes sense. 
dream technically hasnt challenged techno’s ideals or what he wants; while tubbo stole from him, used him as a weapon, and reinstated a government despite everything techno was saying. 
Tommy took part in betraying him, thats without a doubt. but tommy was also screwed over by the government in place. so techno empathizes with him. maybe they dont fully trust each other, but thats a work in progress. and it will progress to technoblade trusting tommy despite their past, and realizing that dream is in a position of power over Everyone. 
tl:dr: tommy is going to heal with techno’s help and full come to terms with/realize what dream did to him, and techno is going to realize he CAN trust people and that dream has been the one pulling the strings all along
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danihow · 3 years
Two strangers
Park Sunghoon x GN!Reader
Summary: Some people are meant to be in your life until the end, most just stay a few chapters, and much to you dismay or your fortune, Sunghoon was one of those.
Word count: 2.4k words.
Warnings: Fights, arguments, yelling, discussing, falling out of love, maybe a bit toxic?, heavy angst, angsty ending, just full on angst.
A/N: I wrote this in two hours on sunday night after selecting a random playlist in my spotofy and landing on this songs (a, b, c, d), I am actually not too find of it AT ALL, but I know i cant erase it an dtry again, so I hope i didnt actually lost the track of it at least four different times. THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD, if yall dont like it let me know so i can sit down with it a bit more.
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Maybe this was wrong all along.
How could you ever think this would work?
For god's sake, he's a goddamn idol, and you are just a normal person who works a normal job.
Mind wandering all over the place, picking up on everything that passes through it but sticking to nothing.
You were tired, you were emotionally and mentally drained from anything and everything in this relationship the two of you held, at the beginning, everything seemed to be perfect, a relationship that bloomed between two humans, one that flourished with the cherry blossoms on the trees of the park the two of you met, three years ago.
Your mind could still recall the way Sunghoon's eyes were lit up in a beautiful brightness while he talked to you, a wide smile on his face under the mask he wore, his eyes like crescent moons, the beauty mark on his nose bridge gaining your attention on multiple times as you stared at his eyes; all the times you left a small peck over it when you two cuddled still fresh on your mind. He was beautiful, you always knew that but over all of the beauty he held it was the way he treated you that made you finally fall head first for him.
But just as the blossoms are meant to flourish, they are meant to fall from the tree and perish against the concrete. And so did you two.
You couldn't exactly pinpoint when in time you two changed, your couple dynamic experiencing some drastic twirls and turns until it all seemed to have been just a dream, a far memory painted in watercolor that slowly faded to a scale of greys. None of you noticing when you stopped cuddling on the sofa together and started sitting on the opposite ends, when your hands stopped holding the other's and instead reached towards your phone more and more, when your gazes stop smiling when he got home from work, when your body stopped aching for his warmth every time he spent several days away.
Some time ago you two held a love so warm and pretty it could melt the ice and make flowers bloom anytime and anywhere just by being there, looking deep into the other's eyes with such love and adoration it was clear for anyone that surrounded you.
Now, when you two looked at the other you both felt like this was a whole new person, different from the one you muttered small “I love you”s every time you felt like it, now his eyes held some sharp edges that made you scared of cutting yourself into, your eyes dark to the point his heart felt itself crouching in fear of its depth, not recognizing what could be there if he was to turn on the light.
You didn't felt like a couple now, just like two persons that hold a title over whatever you have going on. That's what it was now, you guessed, just a title of partners that were tied more by it than by the love you were supposed to have, just a formality for everyone to see- wait, for no one to see.
No one could see what you were, the fact making your heart scrunch in your chest every time you thought of it, the two of you loving behind the walls of your apartment, his job getting in between the two of you ever since the beginning.
When you two started dating it was official for a few people, you, him, your parents, your siblings and no one else, and you were okay with it, your heart full of love totally okay with the idea of having a secret relationship, comfortable with it most of the time. But then, as time went by, and he didn't seemed to make you two public any time soon you started getting sick of it; hate slowly boiling in you against your own relationship.
Maybe... maybe that's when it all started to fall. That night.
You two had gotten in a huge fight, you suggested telling the public your relationship, letting the world know that Park Sunghoon had a partner, and it was you, but oh how he disliked the idea, fear of the media itself felling all of his senses, and what started as a discussion ended up in yelling your lungs out to each other, the burdens the two if you held strike to the other without any hesitation.
He had stormed out, not wanting to keep on listening to your screams and staring at your teary eyed faced. That was the first time you two applied the ice law, going on for three days without speaking a word to the other, both elongating your stay out of the apartment you shared just to avoid the other for a bit longer. But your still love dazed heart couldn't handle it, him ending up cuddled on top of your body as you two cried out, his breaking voice pleading you to wait a bit more for him, both of your voices mashing up in apologies and sobs, settling to break out the relationship to his group and agency.
Right there. That was the exact moment the downfall of your relationship started, the tip of the iceberg, the beginning of an unpleasant rollercoaster.
The smiles and mutters of sweet nothings late at night turning slowly into serious bickering and double edged words just to end in a crying session of apologies and amends, trying to band aid the crack that grew between you.
Maybe, your heart guessed now, we were never actually together, always having differences between you but letting them slide, piling them up at the bottom of it all just for them to start breaking up the surface, like Pompeii. Maybe, it was always meant for the crystal home you two had to break in pieces and never be glued back together, even if you two tried countless times.
Gluing back the fallen pieces seemed to work, at least the first times, but them, the crease grew and grew, your boyfriend ploddingly morphing into a stranger who you shared a bed with, a name you once knew becoming just letters that lit up something in the back of your mind.
"I KNOW you Y/N, stop changing the facts so much." He had said, hand brushing through his hair as he turned to face you, exasperated.
"Maybe you don't actually know me! Have you ever thought about that?" You had snapped back, fingers pointing to your head and then at him, making him more exasperated.
"You are my partner, how could I not know you?"
"There are multiple ways, Sunghoon, too many." You said, voice dropping low again, tired.
"Go ahead then, I'm all ears." He said back, arms spread wide to show you how he was willing to listen, head nodding for you to begin.
"I told you I hate sleeping without a blanket on, yet, you still complain I carry one around." You start, your stressed heart speaking for your brain.
"I hate the dark, and if you knew that, you wouldn't let me walk alone back to our apartment when visiting you at the dorms." Two tunes higher, slowly, passively raising your voice as his face did not changed, unamused and somehow making you exasperated yourself.
"If I eat too many berries I get an allergy on my skin, yet I still eat all the berry cakes you buy me on our anniversary just for you to laugh at my red lips and blushed skin."
"I don't like St. Valentine’s Day, I in fact believe it is a dumb celebration, and yet you manage to make me celebrate it."
"And if you gave me a couple more minutes I could make a WHOLE damn list, Sunghoon." And now you were back to your voice raised, his eyes blank, scanning your own before snapping.
"Are you trying to tell I don't care about you? Is that it!?"
"MAYBE I AM, SUNGHOON, may- maybe I implying that, but I guess at the end is what you want to understand, isn't it?" You said back, keeping the two meter distance between the two of you, not daring to get closer or farer.
"I can't do this today, Y/N, I-" he said, eyes leaving yours, brain turning to try and know what to do, letting your argument go. With large and silent steps, he walked back, taking his coat and opening the door. "Goodnight." He said just as the door closed behind him, leaving you standing alone in your living room.
That was the first time he didn't came home after a fight, staying over at Jay's for two days before returning, but it never came back to what it was, and you both noticed it right away.
You initial relationship just a far memory of the past, unreachable.
As time passed the Sunghoon you loved was not there anymore, and the Y/N he loved wasn't either.
It appeared you were now strangers who once loved each other. Your relationship just a myth that sometimes appeared, when the high appeared once every blue moon. Now, both of you rarely talked, rarely acting as the couple you were supposed to be.
Two strangers holding on to a thread that connected them, used to the presence they once loved, unable to let go.
He now came home late at nights lately, his workmates seeing how decayed he looked, tour own coworkers noting your dreary behavior. Neither of you shone anymore, together or alone, the light that had captivated the other disappeared.
And, much to your unfortune, you were the first one two pick up on it, when one day you missed the brightness he had, meditating and coming to the painful conclusion that you took it away, you had turned him off instead of powering him up.
The both of you were the cause of your own downfall.
Sunghoon didn't lit up the room anymore, and you hated yourself for it. A sudden urge of giving him his spark back flooding you, the little love you still held in your heart for what he was before being the boost you needed to let go.
And, even if you didn't knew him anymore, it hurt, it hurt to pack your bags and take the initiative to leave, because leaving this apartment you shared meant to leave all of what you were behind, leaving him behind.
You didn't talk, you barely kissed anymore, but the idea of what it was and what it could've been feeling like a hundred knives against your tired heart.
You left Sunghoon's life for good on March 21st before midnight, taking in your arms your last bag of clothing after leaving a letter on the counter you two used to cook dinner together. Taking all of you to start again far from him, an attempt full of the very last drops of love you could find for him to shine again, to light up the world like he used to, to be the person he was supposed to be.
He wasn't supposed to come home that day until 2 a.m., but, as if the universe was in need of a decent closure to this chapter in time you found him at the lobby, his tired figure waiting for the other elevator to go up home. Eyes locking with yours as you stepped out, bag in your shoulder and box in your hand.
"Y/N?" He had muttered, and oh, how long it had been since you felt emotion in his voice as your name fell from his lips.
"I'm sorry." Was all you could say, pleading him to eventually forgive you with your gaze, tears pricking in your eyes as you turned.
You knew that was an image your brain would never manage to forget, the way his eyes were glazed in unshed tears that slowly built, the glint of happiness they once held when they landed on you replaced by the deepest sadness, you'd seen him wear. His heart realizing from your two words more that you could ever tell him, but what hurt you the most was the way he didn't fought you.
He didn't say anything back, he just stood there, watching you leave his life, making you know he understood, that he knew it had to happen even if neither of you wanted to admit it.
You left Park Sunghoon, for good.
When he walked in your apartment and your stuff missing finally sunk on him, you were gone, you weren't his Y/N anymore, but it didn’t pained as much as he thought, brain slowly realizing how it had to be made, calling himself a coward for letting you do it first.
His knees hit the floor, a hand flying to his chest as his heart stung in a weird feeling, a feeling that drowned him but made him feel alive again, but because he was feeling. His heart sensing too much too fast, tears started falling and he started sobbing, all of the hurting he bottled up this past months finally snapping.
Letting you go was hard, but he was no one to fight for you to stay in his life when he had burnt you out. Something in his heart forcing to accept how it was maybe the best, even if it hurt like a bitch.
Maybe it was wrong all along.
Maybe you two were just a chapter that had to happen in each other's lives.
And maybe, losing yourselves to the idea of your love was necessary.
But it all didn't make it less hard.
And now, a year after your silent break up he dared to appear on the show you watched, a small smile on your face as you saw him shine again, maybe not as bright as before you, but far brighter than how you left him. At least you now knew all this pain wasn't for nothing, and he from his stage hopes you are starting to shine again, just as how you did when he fell in love.
Because even if you once were his all just as he was yours, you are now two strangers in hopes for the other to shine.
To you, Sunghoon was just an idol.
And to him, you were a person he once knew.
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©danihow. 2022. All rights reserved. Re-uploading, translating or any sort of modifying any work piece is not allowed.
This is a work of fiction, people mentioned or involved are actual human beings and none of this work is based on actual facts over the celebrities mentioned nor is intented to portray them in a realistic way.
Any problem detected on the information given may be comunicated to me via DM.
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 05 - We need to talk 🤐
D : "You smell good."
Hermione jumps
H : "Shit, you scared me, Malfoy."
Draco smirks and leans in closer.
D : "Didn't you ask me to meet you here?"
Hermione nods nervously.
H : "I did...."
She eyes him in his all black ensemble.
Merlin, he looked sexy as fuck.
H : "Umm, why aren't you in uniform?
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "My mother asked to see me, she misses me."
Hermione's heart melted.
H : "Oh, is she okay?"
D : "Yes, she's doing quite well, thank you."
Draco trails Hermione's bottom lip with his thumb.
D : "Its been hours since we kissed."
Hermione leans into his touch, her lips part and she whispers.
H : "Yes, I think it's time you refresh my memory, Malfoy."
Their lips touch and Draco deepens the embrace oblivious to their surroundings.
The sound of books falling to the ground interrupts them, they break apart and turn to the source.
A frightened 1st year stares at them.
Draco narrows his eyes menacingly.
D : "Move along, repeat what you saw to no one."
The terrified boy nods vigorously
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Must you scare them."
Draco puts his hands in his pockets and raises a brow.
D : "Must we hide?"
Hermione looks at the blonde intently.
H : "I thought we agreed to keep our encounters secret."
Draco grins mischievously.
D : "Yeah, it does add to the fun, doesn't it?"
He closes the gap between them and traps her with his body.
D : "Meeting up randomly and snogging in forbidden places."
His fingers travel up her thigh and disappear under her skirt.
Hermione gasps but let's Draco do as he pleases.
Draco drawls seductively.
D : "Makes you feel dirty and adventurous, doesn't it?"
He presses flush against her.
D : "You get off thinking about me, Granger?"
Almost every night, but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Oh please, I have better things to do than masturbate every single night.
His long practiced fingers push aside the cotton underwear that covers her sex and strokes her inner folds.
Hermione whimpers and throws her head back in pleasure.
Draco grins in satisfaction
D : "Plenty wet now."
Laughter from the next aisle brings Hermione crashing back to her senses, she steps away from Draco and warns.
H : "Stop, there's alot of people around."
Draco chuckles.
D : "Why did you want to meet in the library, Granger? Is there a fantasy you've suppressed and want to bring to life?
Hermione averts her gaze and blushes.
H : "I, umm, have something to discuss with you."
Draco eyes the nervous Gryffindor.
D : "Go on, I'm listening."
Hermione's cheeks redden further and she stares at her feet.
H : "So, umm, Valentine's day is coming up and...."
Draco brings his hand up and interrupts.
D : "I'm going to stop you right there, I don't believe in fucking Valentine's day."
D : "It's a money making bloody ridiculous day."
Hermione's face falls in disappointment but she hides it well.
H : "Oh, I see, then this conversation is quite pointless."
Draco frowns.
D : "Granger, finish what you started to say."
Hermione grabs a large book and holds it tightly to her chest, she averts her eyes again and mumbles.
H : "Umm, no...I have to go."
Draco watches in confusion as Hermione hurries away from him.
Over the next few days Hermione ignored Draco and his advances.
She gave him various bullshit excuses.
What he did however see was Michael Corner (The sodding Head boy and shite Quidditch player.) Chatting up the witch he had been secretly snogging.
In frustration Draco walks towards The Great Hall and sees a bunch of people crowding around a bright red poster.
He walks upto Blaise and Theo
D : "What's going on?"
Theo grins excitedly.
T : "Valentine's day party."
Draco frowns and leers
D : "You can't be fucking serious."
Theo rolls his eyes and retorts sarcastically.
T : "Yes, yes, we are well aware of your crazy feelings about the day."
He smacks his forehead.
T : "Fuck, I've got to ask Luna."
Blaise nods in agreement.
B : "Good idea, mate, I'm going to ask Patil before some other fucker does."
Theo raises a brow and quips.
T : "Will you be joining the festivities with your mystery witch or are you going to drown your quacker ideologies in a bottle of firewhiskey?"
Draco sneers.
D : "First of all, theres no bloody mystery woman and second, well, yeah...maybe I'll ask someone."
It dawns on him.
Fuck, was this what Granger wanted to talk to him about before he rudely interrupted her?
Malfoy, you fucking donkey.
He had to find her
Draco looked around wildly, Granger was nowhere in sight.
D : "I have to go."
Theo asks suspiciously.
T : "Where?"
Draco glares sternly.
D : "None of your bloody business."
Theo chokes back a sob mockingly.
T : "It's like we dont know you anymore."
Draco rolls his eyes
D : "Stop acting like a possessive girlfriend, Theo."
Theo pouts and sticks his tongue out.
T : "You used to tell me everything."
Blaise rolls his eyes
B : "Stop your moaning."
Draco turns to sprint down the corridor to find Hermione but bumps into Corner instead.
D : "Watch where you're going, you insufferable git."
M : "Mind your attitude, Malfoy."
Hermione steps out from behind Michael and bends to pick the books she dropped.
M : "Are you okay, Hermione?"
Her eyes dart from the poster to Draco
H : "Yes, I'm fine."
Draco rounds on Hermione and asks desperately.
D : "Granger, can I speak to you?"
He throws a look of disgust at Michael and demands.
D : "In private."
Hermione puts her books in her bag and shakes her head.
H : "Sorry, I'll be late for class, let's catch up later."
Did she just disregard him like he was some unworthy piece of shit?
Hermione disappears into the Hall and Michael high fives Terry Boot.
Boot asks at once.
TB : "Did you ask Granger to the party?"
Michael frowns and shakes his head.
M : "I didnt get the chance, she's always got something going on."
M : "What I wouldn't give to tap that."
Draco heard word for word, he balls his hands into fists and controlls his raging temper.
Terry laughs.
TB : "You better get a move on then."
Michael nods enthusiastically.
M : "Yeah, I'm going to do it now and get it over with."
Draco almost drops his books and bag.
What the fuck?
What was this weird feeling of icy cold doom he felt in the pit of his stomach?
It slowly turned to blinding rage and he tried to tame it.
What he wanted to do was grab Corner by his robes and beat the mediocre wizard into a bloody mess.
Draco doubles over and fights the bile that rises.
Blaise eyes his best friend in concern.
B : "Er, you okay, mate?"
Theo frowns.
T : "Fuck, is he going to be sick?"
Blaise quips.
B : "Chill, hes feeling several emotions at once."
Theo raises a brow in question
T : "What?"
Blaise starts to count.
B : "1, 2, 3...."
It hits Draco like a ton of bricks.
He fucking liked Granger...alot.
Hook ups and random kissing aside, he wanted more.
Draco straightens with renewed purpose.
D : "I need to go."
Blaise smirks and nods.
B : "Yeah, you do that, mate."
Draco rushes into The Great Hall
Theo stares after Draco's distraught figure.
T : "What the fuck is going on?"
Blaise lazily points to the Hall.
B : "Let's go watch, shall we?"
Michael reaches the Gryffindor table first and taps Hermione on the shoulder.
Everything happens so fast.
Draco runs at breakneck speed and tackles the unsuspecting Ravenclaw, they go crashing to the ground.
Everyone around them gets to their feet and stares at the struggling men on the floor.
Theo takes a step forward but Blaise holds him back.
B : "Let Draco handle this."
Michael groans and rubs his bruised side.
M : "What the fuck is wrong with you, Malfoy?"
Hermione crosses her arms over her chest and asks impatiently.
H : "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
Both men get to their feet and try to adjust their tangled school robes.
Michael opens his mouth to speak, but Draco waves his wand effortlessly and places a silencio charm over the Head boy
Corner glares sternly and makes obscene hand gestures.
Draco clears his throat quickly and blurts out.
D : "Granger, will you go with me to this stupid Valentine's thing?"
Hermione blushes and grins triumphantly.
H : "People are staring at you."
D : "Fucking let them, I don't care, go with me?"
H : "I'll think about it."
Michael grins smugly.
Draco is indignant.
D : "Really? Are you fucking serious?"
Hermione steps closer and kisses Draco lightly on the lips.
H : "Of course, I'll go with you."
Theres pin drop silence, the entire body of students and teachers were staring at them with their mouths hanging open and eyes wide, except Slughorn.
He continued to eat his breakfast.
PS : "Minvera, my dear, I believe, you owe me hundred Galleons, did I not tell you the unlikely duo were a couple of sorts?"
McGonagall stares at Draco and Hermione in shock.
PM : "You did indeed, I just never believed it."
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "Marvellous, see you in potions, Granger."
Michael stares at the scene before him dumbfounded.
Draco mutters the counter spell.
D : "Oh sorry, Corner."
Draco slides in next to Theo at the Slytherin table.
His housemates gossip around him.
Theo continues to stare at his best friend and asks in disbelief.
T : "Granger?"
Its Blaise who answers.
B : "Yes, Granger, you need to learn to be more observant, Nott."
T : "Hermione Granger?"
Draco bites into a piece of buttered toast and grins.
D : "She's brilliant, mate."
The second Hermione sits down, Ron expresses his rather colourful feelings.
R : "Malfoy??"
Ginny snorts into her pumpkin juice.
G : "You are incredibly thick, Ron."
Harry laughs.
Ha : "I knew you were doing something, but I didn't think it was Malfoy."
Hermione blushes.
H : "No, umm, we haven't."
Ron looks at them in disgust.
R : "She kissed the snake."
Hermione smirks smugly
H : "I've been kissing him for weeks."
Ron looks like he's about to vomit.
R : "That's disgusting, you know that's Malfoy, right?"
Hermione rolls her eyes exasperatedly.
H : "Yes, I know, now drop it."
She looks around and scolds
H : "And that goes for the lot of you."
Ron bites into a sausage savagely.
R : "The world is going bloody bonkers."
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A Real Family (Miss Venable x reader)
hiyaa :3 This was a really cute request, thank you! Its kinda short i guess, but there we go..
request: (by anon) Hey hi, may I suggest something where reader and Wilhemina have a doughter, and one day she comes at home after school crying, because some kids made fun of her because she has two moms, so they have to comfort their doughter, and Mina, at first, wants to call the kids parents and shout at them, but reader will calm her down and make her change her mind. 👉🏻👈🏻
google translate whoop.. ohh and i guess the end is a bit sudden, i am sorry ://
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"What about Levi?"
"We can't call him Levin while we always call Olivia Liv ... Levi and Liv sound ugly together .."
"Then suggest a name if you always find my ideas shitty ..".
You sighed as you leaned back to lean your back against Mina's upper body. It was Wednesday afternoon and you were sitting on the couch in your girlfriend's lap while you discussed the name of your second child who was already on the way (you were five months pregnant).
Mina was sitting behind you and had both hands on the round curve of your stomach, while absently stroking it with her thumbs.
"What about Theodore?" She finally asked as she rested her chin on your shoulder.
"My cousin's name is like that. And I don't like him .."
"Okay", she muttered thoughtfully. "And what about Benjamin?"
"Mhh....", you hummed. "Liv and Ben, that sounds nice."
"I seem to be good at choosing my names", Mina said softly and gently bit your earlobe.
"Olivia was my idea too.."
"No way!" You shouted loudly.
"It was my idea! Dont you remember? It was 4 o'clock in the morning when I had the idea of the name and then I woke you up and-"
"The name you woke me up for was Samantha..", Mina interrupted you and you could see in the corner of your eye how she smiled smugly.
You shook your head.
"Samantha was your idea! You-"
The ringing of the doorbell interrupted you.
"That's Liv..", you squeaked excitedly and pressed a quick kiss against her jaw before you jumped up to run quickly out of the living room.
You heard Mina laughing behind you.
"In your condition you should stop jumping around like a monkey."
You just rolled your eyes at her words and opened the front door to greet your daughter beaming with joy.
"Hey baby, how was- What the hell, Liv ??"
You looked confused into the sobbing face of your 8 year old daughter.
"What happened? Are you injured?", You asked desperately and crouched down to examine her for injuries. She was unharmed, thank God.
You brushed the red strands of hair from her tear-stuck face.
"Please talk to me, Liv..No matter what it is, I won't be angry .."
"T-they said our family is not real .." your daughter sobbed.
You frowned.
"What do you mean baby? Who said that?"
"And they say that you are sick, because you are lesbians ..", she continued to cry and you uttered a soft "Oh" when you suddenly understood what she was talking about. You looked sadly into her y / e / c eyes. One of your biggest fears became true.
"First let's go inside .." you mumbled and took the hand of your still crying daughter to go inside with her. In the hallway you took her backpack and jacket to hang on the wardrobe.
"What happened?", Mina asked worried when she limped into the hallway and saw Liv crying.
"Mommy, I don't want you to be sick .." Liv sobbed and ran to Mina to hug her legs. Your wife looked down on Liv in confusion, as she put her hand on her head and stroked her red hair.
"Sick? Baby what are you talking about?" She mumbled, looking desperately at you, who was staring at the child with concern.
"Okay Liv ..", you finally said when you walked over to her and took her hand again to walk into the living room with her. You sat on the sofa and Liv instinctively climbed onto your lap without injuring the baby.
"Can you please explain what's going on here?" Mina hissed after she sat down next to you.
"Liv baby, just tell us everything that happened .." you cooed gently as you started to play with the loose strands of hair, that had fallen out of the hairstyle Mina had done for her that morning.
"Uhm, today we had to introduce the family trees that we made ..", Liv began hesitantly.
"And then?"
Mina still looked confused.
"The others thought it was weird, that I have two mothers and said that we can't be a real family, because I don't have a father. And you can't have children without a father. And they said that you both were sick and going to hell .. But I don't want that!", said Liv excitedly.
For a few seconds you looked down sadly at the child in your lap, who had puffy eyes from crying.
"Oh baby .." you sighed.
"Of course we are a real family..Look!"
You pointed at the photos on the mantelpiece with your fingers outstretched.
"On the photo on the edge you can see me 8 years ago when I was pregnant with you. There's a photo of Mommy and me at our wedding next to it. And here you can feel your little brother ..", you muttered and grabbed her little hands to put them on your stomach.
"Mina and I are so happy together and we love you so much. How could we not be a real family?"
"B-but why did they say you are sick? ", Liv stuttered as she stared down at her hands that were on your stomach.
"Well .. you know, it confuses them, that you have two mothers because they don't know it any other way. Do you remember,  when you slept at Jennys House for the first time and how confused you were when you met father?" You asked and Liv nodded.
"It's the same for them. It's not unusual to have two moms anymore, but having one mom and a dad is still what most people know. You know, there are even children who have two dads and no mom at all and they are a real and happy family too."
Liv looked at you carefully.
"Really?" She asked, and you hummed in agreement.
"The only important thing is, that we all love each other okay?”
You smiled gently at the child in your lap and watched with satisfaction as she nodded.
"Who were the children who said that to you?", Mina suddenly asked and you had to frown when you saw how angry she looked.
"Uhm..Brian and Melinda.." Liv muttered.
"Brian? The ugly one with the glasses?"
"Mina!" You shouted, staring at her reproachfully.
"M'sorry ..", she replied curtly while still staring expectantly at Liv, who nodded shyly.
"Okay then, excuse me for a minute.." Mina mumbled and got up to leave the room.
"What are you doing, honey?" You asked confused  and you looked after her. When your girlfriend didn't answer, you got scared.
"Is everything okay again, Liv?", You looked nervously at your daughter, who nodded in agreement
"Well, do me a favor and go to your room to play, okay?"
Liv jumped off your lap after kissing you on the cheek and ran out of the room and you could go after Mina.
"Mina, honey?" You asked when you came into her workspace and saw Mina with the phone in her hand.
"What's that supposed to be?"
"What does it look like? I'm calling the parents of these kids.." she growled while angrily pressing the buttons on the phone.
"You shouldn't do that .." you said and quickly reached for the phone to take it from her hand. Mina raised her head to you and glared at you.
"Give me the phone, Y / N! It's not fair, that we kept telling Olivia that all people were equal and raised her up that way, just to get some kids to talk her out of it. And besides, imagine Olivia would have asked further questions, because women actually can't have children together, thats a fact. We would have had to explain the whole thing with the sperm donation to her right now, just because a couple of parents couldn't raise their children properly. This is unfair and you know that!", she scolded and clutched her cane tightly in both hands.
"Honey, let me call the children's parents...they are nice people, they will understand..." you tried to appease her and put your hands on hers after you put the phone on your desk.
"They told her, we weren't a real family .." she croaked hurt.
"I know, honey .." you mumbled sadly and rubbed the back of her hands with your thumbs. "But thats are children, they don't know any better ..".
"You know, when I was as old as Liv, I was bullied about my scoliosis. I don't want her to go through the same thing just because of us, her family. I dont want her to end like me.."
You looked confused into her injured eyes, in which tears glittered.
"To end like you, honey? What do you mean?"
"I mean my attitude towards people ..", she growled and looked away from you.
"Oh Mina .." you sighed and put a hand on her cheek to force her gaze back to you.
"In case you haven't noticed yet, Liv is already much more like you than you think.. And by that I mean your positive qualities. Olivia is just as smart as you and has the self-confidence that you have today, but that you didnt have, when you were 8. She can handle it and as long as we don't give her the feeling that something is wrong with our family, everything will be fine.
It will certainly not be the last time that we will be confronted with something like this, especially now when Benjamin arrives soon, but together we can do it.. "
Mina looked at you thoughtfully for a moment before slowly nodding.
"Maybe you're right .." she muttered and you smiled gently at her.
"I'm always right .." you teased her and before she could protest you pulled her close to kiss her.
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alleycat4eva · 2 years
look im not planning on like, stalking you and sending an essay refuting every radfem or radfem-adjacent post you rb. that would be patently ridiculous and i'll most likely just unfollow but regarding the "surrender linguistic boundaries" thing... what on earth is the point in that? thats just (broadly) a compilation of people talking about folks who can get pregnant. yeah theyre like, really clumsy about it- plenty of conservative women are anti-abortion and frankly are just as ghastly about it as conservative men. tons of horror stories about pro-life nurses actively traumatizing people who miscarried and had an emergency procedure removing the dead fetus before it starts to rot them from the inside out. theres always going to be marginalized people who are also... kind of stupid and choose to be compassionless even when their own issues are rooted in the same source. the thing about those posts is that my guess is theyre still learning. i bet if you asked any one of those people theres a solid chance they would thank you for the correction and reword it. one of them looked to be about a specific individual desiring a surrogate(?) so refering to him as a man or a dad is fine. some of them are reductive or performative in that you can tell they still have that "ugh, men" mentality trained into them and havent questioned that yet and just labeled all nonbinary people as woman-lite. some of them use "men" because primarily cisgender men benefit from and cannot be hurt by forced birth and they didnt think to use the addendum of "not trans men/gay men/infertile men/pro choice men". whatever. nobodys perfect and even if they were, society is imperfect and so even then theyre gonna slip up sometimes, its fine.
now all that said, what even is a linguistic boundary??? "i just dont want other people using any of this specific terminology to more accurately describe affected demographics"? if its your linguistic boundary then like... dont use them. say "women" and people will understand your point entirely. maybe someone qrts with "*uterus havers" and you go about your day. cisgender women are little under half the global population i think we'll be fine. this is not at all an issue of erasing women, "pregnant people" even still defaults the average mental image to that of a woman. including trans men just... doesnt hurt anyone. if the health article headlines prove anything it is once again, as it so often is that trans women are erased. really the only issue with those examples isnt that theyre denying that women exist its that they use "men" and dont elaborate. transphobia is the current default state of society, and i dont see the point in cisgender women rallying themselves against an already marginalized group when a) achieving transgender equality also hinges A LOT on gender equality between cis folks and b) even if trans people existing was a threat, we kind of have bigger fish to fry in the centuries of actual structural and societal oppression and those who uphold it. and in that the trans community can only be our allies.
if youre looking through radfem tags to see where your beliefs lie i would also reccomend "transphobia" or "cw transphobia". since transphobes arent likely to tag their bigotry as it is, thats where you'll find trans people talking about it of their own volition. those definitely get heavy so maybe "transphobia mention" if you want generalized discussion and not news articles about hate crimes. you'll also be more likely to find someone open to taking questions so long as youre in good faith and dont rock up to the first trans flag icon you see and like... harass some 18 year old stim blog about their stance on medical terminology.
I think you have a good point that maybe this needs to be a boundary I draw for myself and possibly not in general
I really do appreciate the tag recommendations. That really helps get aspects I wasn't able to view searching trans or trans ____
And this is maybe where it get controversial is that I see this language used to divide? Like are you here affected because of organs in your body? Then society sees you as x and you're captured here under this umbrella term because language is not precise.
But it also feels terrible to be reduced down to uterus haver and like . I never see it as testicle haver, never see legislation on that, or religious veneer using that. And I'm here talking trying to get what I'm missing and it's that language that is policed which is weird because I thought we were all stuck
I have been looking through more sources than just radfem blogs as I have been trying to inform myself. I can screenshot my search history if receipts are needed
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artsoupsoupart · 3 years
Every time i see someone go out of their way to comment on a tedbecca post (be it here, tiktok, insta, or Twitter) and say they want them to just be friends i resist the urge to pop off. NO ONE CARES ?! Make your own post ?! Like obviously i want those two to fall in love and fuck and hopefully adopt a lot of babies bc Rebecca has always wanted to be a mother WHY TF WOULD I CARE THAT YOU, A STRANGER, WANT THEM TO STAY PLATONIC?! Like okay??? I obvs want them to be together so now what have either of us gained??? Not friendship bc now I’m annoyed
And then it’s like I’m not supposed to be annoyed that YOU came to an obviously pro-tedbecca post to say YOU just want them to be friends when YOU could’ve just kept scrolling bc according to YOU “this is social media and it’s public and we can share our opinions and if you didn’t want people with opposing opinions to talk to you then you shouldn’t have posted it on a public site ”. Like yeah, true, BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ! NOBODY ASKED YOU ! You wouldn’t go up to two random strangers (this case being me and the ppl who follow me) in public having a conversation and interrupt them just to be contrary about some trivial thing they’re talking about. Or maybe y’all would BUT I WOULDNT. WHY? BC ITS FUCKING RUDE. A-B conversation C your way the fuck out??
Idk idk i feel like ppl are using social media wrong. Like sure it’s public, but that doesn’t mean EVERYTHING is an open discussion. And if you think that I’m gonna want to talk to you and our first interaction is you contradicting me…????? Like no. Why??? BC I DIDNT ASK ! It’d be different if i phrased it as a question. “Do you think ted and rebecca should be together?” THAT OPENS THE DISCUSSION FOR OPPOSING OPINIONS. other than that i truly do not care. And that goes for like all of my fiction. The only ppl who can share their opposing opinions with me are MY FRIENDS who guess what??? Probably have something in common with me AND didn’t start off our first interaction by telling me they hate the thing i like. Crazy how that works.
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hobidreams · 3 years
hey babe… i was wondering if you had any advice for starting a difficult conversation with a friend? without getting too specific, she has this coping mechanism where yknow, if done in moderation is completely fine. however,,, it’s not really done in moderation and she has expressed multiple times that she doesn’t like doing it or the way it makes her feel. it’s been going on for almost a year now and we’ve been telling her that we’re always here for here and that we’ll always be here for her if she needs us but nothing has changed yknow… and i’m all for respecting other people’s choices and their lifestyle but it’s hurting her at this point….. i just don’t know how to approach her about this whole thing without being too invasive, i guess? hnnnng i just love her so much and seeing her suffer like that while also refusing help from anyone is painful to see.
hi babe!! ahhhh... yeah i feel you. i was in a similar situation a few years ago where my friend and i had to decide whether or not to directly intervene with the behavior of the third friend in our group. we also did the same thing you did, telling her that we were there for her endlessly but it didn't give her the push she needed to change. and it also was hurting us in return bc we kept getting more and more frustrated at the situation. so i think direct intervention is the most effective way since you've been trying other methods for a year.
full answer under the cut!
you say we, so i assume you’re in a group of friends that’s concerned about one in the group? personally, i would send the person she's closest to in to have a one on one chat with her, whether that’s you or not. i think its important not to make her feel like its you all vs. her, so having everyone there might be overwhelming. im not sure if this is a RL friend or online friend but i think its best to do it in person, in a location that they’re comfortable in, if that’s an option. that way a) they feel more relaxed and b) they can't just ignore ur messages (like my friend used to do when she was running away from problems. she used to not reply for weeks even tho she was actively online all the time). obviously dont do it before an event or dinner date or anything.
i would frame it as being ultimately her choice whether or not to change, but that your friendship with her is being negatively impacted by her decisions. i’d emphasize that you’ll continue to be her friend, but that it’s because you care so much about her that you wish to see her in a healthier place. you can maybe suggest working with her to create steps towards change, or guiding her to some resources she might look into, depending on what the mechanism is! overall, i would say just try your best to frame it coming from a place of love, not of judgement. since she already seems to know that its a bad habit for her, i think presenting her with the tangible help she needs might be most effective. for example, if she keeps buying too many things she doesn’t need, you might work together to create a budget, or to go through several steps to rationalize/slow down each purchase before she clicks check out on any shopping sites. or you could help her find a therapist or other professional to help her, depending on the severity of the coping mechanism!!
also i would say... be prepared for her to lash out. when i talked with my friend, it was a suuuuuuper awkward conversation because i didnt want her to feel attacked (she was going through a lot but .. she’s kind of always going through a lot of drama lol...) but i had to keep pushing through. thankfully, my friend took it well. but i think, from your description of the situation, this is a conversation that has to be had. and though she might be upset with you for directly discussing it with her, it will likely help her in the long run. so yeah. 
i hope everything goes well for you 💜 i can really feel your care for your friend through your message. if only we were all blessed with such wonderful friends in our lives! 💞 i hope this was able to help a bit <3
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reyeslonestar · 3 years
Personally I wish that Mateo and Paul, especially Paul, have some more screen time but also just give us more of them. Why didn’t Paul or Mateo say anything during the intervention? Maybe because they didn’t want to offend Owen? Idk just a guess but i just am kind of over those two getting little to nothing if this makes sense. Marjan, too, but she gets a little bit more than them. Story wise, dialogue wise and most of everything else. Mateo had more screen time this week which I loved because he’s great, too and I’m glad we got to see a little bit more of his life outside of work. But they said nothing in the intervention and also they literally barely ever show Mateo doing anything on calls. Like where is he lol is he still a probie? How long does that last maybe I’m dumb as missed some part of that probie storyline and if I did my bad excuse this part lol but if I didn’t then???? And Paul was gonna climb the ladder in the last episode but Owen was like nah I can do it. Why not let Paul do it????? I know this is silly because some scenes are purposely structured to show how Owen and others like TK or someone else will react and move their storylines forward but this is getting kind of annoying. Does this make sense? Why create all of these diverse and interesting characters with so much potential and literally do almost nothing with them. Seriously I know we are just scratching the surface with Mateo and Paul and Marjan. We are lucky to be getting this much Grace and Judd, especially Grace with the car crash plot line because before we didn’t get much Grace aside from short calls either. I just want more and I know we’re slowly getting it but this is so annoying to see some of these characters being wasted and ignored for the most part
hi! yeah, I would love more screentime for that little trio - the actors have obviously put a lot of work into building that dynamic and I love it so much - now give us more @ lone star!! however, something that @howtosingit noted here about the screen time is that the ‘top 3s′ are almost exactly following billing order currently. its worth remembering that Brian, Natacha and Julian are lower billed actors, they are not going to have the same amount of screen time as Rob, Gina and Ronen. (personally I think its sus that Gina is lower than where she should be for that but I guess theres still time before the end of the season) of course we will always like to have more of the characters that aren’t Owen, but realistically the order does reflect the industry convention of how billing relates to screentime.
as for their dialogue during the intervention, i think it kinda does make sense  why they didn’t speak much:
a, Marjan and Paul don’t really have personal experience of seeing Owen off the rails, they’ve only really heard it second-hand from Mateo - Paul, Mr Observational, says during the rescue for the kid on the roof that he can’t notice anything apparently wrong with Owen and Marjan was obviously very underprepared for being asked to speak.
b, Owen kind of derailed the intervention before they got around to everyone being able to speak, so Mateo wasn’t able to properly give his thoughts.
(btw Mateo is no longer on probation, he passed his exam during s1 but I suspect he’ll always be probie to the firefam, it’s more an affectionate nickname than an indicator of his experience. he’ll probably still be probie until they get a new probationer, which might be a long time away skjdgjk)
I completely get your frustration at the lack of exploration of these really interesting characters, especially for the benefit of white male characters. I would love for them to really tap into the potential they have and understand that that would create a far more engaging show, as well as a more inclusive one. I have to admit though, this episode was not actually one that fuelled that frustration for me. I actually enjoyed owen’s storyline in this and I think it incorporated the other characters really well and also allowed them a couple subplots of their own.
I don't mind them using Owen as the main character when they give him interesting plots that actually develop his character - in the past, he’s been frustrating to see on screen because the narrative framing validated everything he did rather than challenging him, and so it became far more preferable to have him offscreen. I thought Owen taking over from Paul was quite interesting - it was a parallel to 1.04 when Owen went into the collapsed house instead of TK, and he did it for the same reason - to feel powerful after being confronted with his flaws. in 1.04 it was being faced with a man potentially losing his son reminding Owen of his own mortality, and this ep it was the team discussing his mental health over the radio. the reason why I liked this episode way more is the framing. 1.04 framed Owen as this hero, doing good things for other people and didnt really address why it was a stupid thing to do. 2x10 shows Owen as avoiding his problems by doing things that make him seem heroic but actually are just a symptom of his issues, especially when he started telling a child all about his problems go to therapy Owen istg.
but yeah, you make total sense. as much as I understand that the way the show works is a reflection of industry standards and conventions, doesn’t mean we have to like it or accept it as good enough. Im sure the fact that Carlos, grace, Paul, Mateo and Marjan are characters of colour is part of why the producers dont give them as much attention - film and tv production is built on the same racist structures that the rest of American society is (and like, the rest of the western world especially the uk, but trying to stay on track here) and lone star is not free from that. the fact that they have these characters is awesome, but now they need to use them properly and fairly.
idk if this reply really makes sense, but basically, yeah, we’d like more Mateo, Marjan and Paul and when we have to have the Owen plots, make them actually mean something for the character. 
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vampireqrow-moved · 3 years
um its my birthday so wait until 12:01am pst to block me if u hate this post 🥰🥰
long story short the pansexual label is redudant and actively harmful (its far from the worst problem bisexuals face but it is one issue) and i dont hate anyone who identifies as pan because A) those ppl are bi like me and B) i used to identify as pan myself.
if thats enough for you to block me and make a callout post for me then i cant stop you but pretty please either read this whole thing or just wait a few minutes for my bday to end 🥰🥰
anyways im kicking off this point with some personal experiences bc i love to talk to myself. i got introduced to the pan label at maybe 10ish years old, and started identifying with it pretty much right away. i heard about it before bisexual and it was pitched as attraction to all genders and of course trans people. i was of course a trans ally! i had trans friends! i was trans also but hadnt figured it out yet! the way i had heard of it, there was no bisexual, there was no need for bisexual, and identifying differently was excluding trans people, which I was certainly against. being bisexual was trans exclusionary and why would i exclude trans people? the 'hearts not parts' slogan was thriving around this time and i genuinely said it and meant it.
as i started to become more online, mostly through roleplaying websites and tumblr here, i started hearing of bisexuality. it was supposedly an older term, so older people still used it, but it was common knowledge that pansexual was the better, inclusive label and younger people should adopt the new inclusive language instead of the old and transphobic words like bisexual. /s
and then bi and pan solidarity was all the rage! pansexual wasnt erasing bisexuality, why did anyone ever think that? bi and pan were two separate and complete identities that were valid and had to be respected or youre a mean exclusionist. and an asexual person, hearing people labelled exclusionist always meant they were excluding people from the lgbta community who rightfully belonged, denying peoples lived experiences, and generally telling people theyre wrong about their sexuality because theyre too young. and all of those things were bad and had hurt me, so it would be ridiculous to change labels and support "pan exclusionists" because they were just as bad as ace and aro exclusionists, and they were all the same people. or so it seemed to me at that time.
then, 'hearts not parts' began getting called out for blatant transphobic by insinuating that pansexual was the only identity that loved people for their "hearts" and personalities instead of those gross gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and even straights who only saw people for their "parts". (STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. I AM MERELY POINTING OUT THAT PANSEXUALITY WAS SHOWN AS ABOVE ALL OTHERS.) many pan people, including myself, began to denounce the slogan and insist pansexuality wasnt transphobic, there had just been a coincidence that a transphobic slogan was everywhere and a huge part of people's explantions of and associations with pansexuality. hint: it wasnt a coincidence.
from my perspective, this is when i began to see people discussing dropping the word pansexual. that seemed to be a huge step from getting rid off a transphobic slogan, and these people were just meanies who hated microlabels. and i like microlabels! as a genderfluid person, and someone who has friends who use specific aro and acespec labels, ive seen how people can use them to name specific experiences while still acknowleging their presence underneath umbrella terms like aromantic, asexual, nonbinary, lgbta, and for some people, queer.
pansexuals dont do that. they dont label pansexuality as a specific set of experiences under the bisexual umbrella, they see themselves as a separate identity, and even if they started to, the history of biphobia and transphobic undeniably linked to the existence of pansexuality in enough to stop being worth using. but i digress. pansexualitys shiny new definition that many people cling to is that pansexual is attraction to all genders. bisexual is two or more genders.
which. frankly? doesnt make any sense. my guess is that its supposed to be inclusive of nonbinary genders and those a part of cultures who historically have not had a binary gender system in the first place. i cannot speak for the latter group, but as a nonbinary person, its not inclusive. anyone can be attracted to nonbinary people. literally anyone. theres no way to know if everyone you meet is nonbinary or not. whether or not a nonbinary person reciprocates those feelings and is interested in pursuing a relationship is completely up to the individual, regardless of the sexualities of the people involved.
bottom line is that you cant number the amounts of genders someone can be attracted to, thus rendering those definitions pointless. people can be attracted to all kinds of people regardless of gender, even if they are gay, a lesbian, or straight. all people can date thousands of nonbinary genders if all people involved are interested and comfortable with it. numbering the genders you can be attracted to diminishes the post of nonbinary, as it is not a third gender, it simply any experience not fitting within the western concept of the gender binary (if the person so chooses to identify as such. if you cant tell already, the nonbinary experience is varied between every single nonbinary person.) important to note also that no widely accepted bisexual text defines bisexual as attracted to exclusively two genders or even the "two or more genders". i know this is used a lot but please read the bisexual manifesto. its free online i promise.
some people also claim pansexuals experience "genderblind" attraction while bisexuals feel differently attracted to different genders. this is very nitpicky for whats supposed to be two unconnected idenities, but thats only part of the problem. this definition is also not in any widely accepted bisexual texts, and bisexuality has never excluded those who experience genderblind attraction. i am in fact a bi person who experiences genderblind attraction. this does not mean i am not bisexual. it simply means i experience bisexuality differently than other bisexuals, and thats wonderful! no broad communities like bisexuality are expected to all share the same experience. we are all so different and its amazing were able to come together under the bisexual flag.
last definition, or justification i should say, is that yes these definitions are redundant and theyre the same sexuality, but people prefer different labels and thats okay. i agree in principle. people can define themselves as many things like homosexuals or gays or lesbians or queers or even other reclaimed slurs, while still not labelling themselves under the most "common" or "accurate" labels.
but pansexuality isnt the same as bisexuality, which may sound silly but hear me out. it has been continually used as a way to further divide bisexuals, who are already subject to large amounts of lgbta discrimination. "pansexuality was started by trans people who were upset with transphobia within the bisexual community! it cant be transphobic OR biphobic!" except of course that it can and it is. to say that trans people cant be transphobic is absurd. transmedicalism is right there, but thats not what im getting at. all minorities can have internal and sometimes external biases against people who are the same minority as them.
pansexuality was started as a way to be trans inclusive at the expense of labelling bisexuality as transphobic when its not. transphobia is everywhere, and bisexuals are not exempt. instead of working on the transphobia within the community, the creators of pansexuality decided to remove themselves from it to create a better and less tainted word and community, and the fact that pansexuality is intended to replace bisexuality or leave it for the transphobes goes to show a few things. pansexuality and bisexuality are inherently linked because the pan label is in response to the bi label. due to its origins, it is inherently competing with bisexuality and it cant be "reclaimed" from its biphobic roots. pansexuality is not a whole, separate, and valid label. its a biphobic response to issues within the bisexual community.
to top off this post, heres something a full grown adult once said to me. in person. she was my roommate. "i feel like im pan because im attracted to trans people. trans women, trans men, i could definitely date them. but not nonbinary people because thats gross and weird." she saw pan as trans inclusive and defined herself that way as opposed to bi which is shitty!
also a little extra tidbit about my experiences identifying as pan. i saw myself as better than every bi person. all of them. even my trans and bi friends. whenever they brought up being bisexual i would think to myself "why dont you identify as pansexual? its better and shows people you support trans people." because i was made to believe bisexuality didnt and was therefore inferior. thats the mindset that emerged from my time in the pansexual community. i am so sorry to all of my bisexual friends even if they never noticed. i love you all and hope you have a great day. this also goes to any bisexuals or people who identify as bi in anyway, such as biromantic or simply bi. love you all.
ummm yeah heres some extra reading i found helpful and relevant. here and here. also noooo dont disagree with me and unfollow me im so sexy 🥴🥴🥴
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gooferdusted · 4 years
hypothetically, if I were to write a fix-it/rewrite au fic, (thinking of starting at s5 but debating starting earlier) what are some storylines you’d take out/change, characters you’d save/kill, and specifically changes to sam’s character/arcs you’d like bc i need ideas
ok. ok. I'm gonna try to not go completely off the fucking rails while I write this up but I gotchu (also these r all just my own hot n spicy takes so like. pick what u like, it's all goodie goodie)
• no time passing differently in hell. literally four months is ~Enough!~ a year is enougghh!!!!!! like I get that they wanted to make hell this horrible unreachable thing but u can still like... get that across without having it be this unfathomable chunk of time out of a persons life. like sam was down there with TWO very pissed off angel's for 180 years??? how can he still speak english??? how does dean remember ANYTHING about his old life when mentally more than half of it was spent being endlessly tortured until he finally cracked??? its just.... Too Much...
• ON that note, I feel like later on they never rlly had sam and dean bond over the fact that like... they are genuinely the ONLY two people on earth who have survived actual hell. I mean we got that one off line from dean at some point but??
• no chuck as god. just a greasy greasy rat man getting insane stories projected into his brain. and on the topic of that.... I dont like the reflection of the real life fanbase in the spn universe??? they're pulp fiction novels, it should be all like 50 year old + ladies who picked them up at the local bargain bin, not b*cky r*sen
• I like... WANNA say smth abt s4..... bc I think the way that they handled things were a little out of character BUT I also think that was lind of the point??? like the angels and demons were manipulating them to say/do things they would normally never say/do to eachother to drive a big enough wedge between then that they would eventually say yes to being the vessels. like it hurts to watch sooo much but it did drive the plot forward in a very particular way that probably couldnt have happened otherwise. that being said, when the levee breaks makes me sad, and I dont want to see sam crying for his dead mother alone in a basement! cest la vie.
• sam and dean.... are Friends...,, why did we all forget that..... watch hell house and maybe I'll calm down.....
• PSYCHIC SAM!!!!!! you all know me. you know how I feel about psychic sam... robbed. s4 finale rlly had sam like "drinking that much demon blood has truly changed me forever..... theres no going back now...... 😔😔" like ok. ok. where are your superpowers. where are they.
• I wish some of the other special children had made it out :(( I really liked andy and ava (also sam finding other friend who are like him??? queer allegory??? spare queer allegory?????)
• I also dont think the roadhouse shouldve burned down!!! that shouldve been a Staple Location like Bobby's house. same w Missouri's, literally why did we only visit her once.
• ur sending an ask to my blog so I assume this is just a given for u but!!! we're takin away the misogyny. we're takin away the fetishization! anything that would be given the greenlight by joss whedon we are putting straight in the trash. <3
• this is mostly a thing in later seasons like. idk 9-15, but no ppl knowing who the winchesters are. they are NOBODIES. they pop up like little meerkats and fuck everything up beyond repair.
• also no fancy tech. no iphone 76z or whatever the fuck. sam has an ipod 1. the wheel is so stuck he can barely press play anymore. remember when he literally just tore off the top casing off his laptop and threw it away? more of that.
• no nice clothes. NO nice clothes we fuckin hate that. everything sam and dean own was purchased pre 1995 and dean is an expert at removing blood stains and sewing up jackets. dean will walk into a laundromat with a tide pen and just start goin for it like that scene in deadpool.
• tbh.... I feel like the issues in later seasons are really this massive horrible domino effect. like I could say heres how to fix s7-10 but the fact is if shit hadnt gone down lile it had in s7 s10 would be a different story entirely.
• I am gonna do it tho bc I suck <3
• s6: soulless sam was funney but did that really go anywhere? no. tbh I dont remember what happened w cas and I'm just not going to look it up. it's just not in the cards for tonight. dean w lisa.... ehh.... I've discussed this at wayy too much length w mushroom and we both agreed that dean would probably keep hunting to keep his mind off things and to try and honor sams sacrifice. I guess theres an argument to be made for the fact that it kind of was Sam's dying wish that dean just go fin her and live a normal life but... idk. purgatory was. . indeed a Concept..... that could have maybe gone somewhere if it didnt rapidly spiral into....
• s7!!! I mean. jesus christ. I know some people like this one but jesus christ. the way they literally couldnt commit to having sam have genuine mental health problems after centuries in hell or to just magically wipe them away..... bobby dying halfway thru.... charlie was a bright spot I suppose, but her intro is not my fave episode w her.... idk what the fuck happened w cas, I guess he was god. the leviathan designs were kinda neat but like oh my fucking god it wasnt worth it.
• s8: uh. rough start. idk why the turn tables so suddenly and dean's like "why didnt u look for me >:((" bc??? yall agreed not to???? at the VERY least they couldve had sam been like "I legitimately had no reason to think u werent dead and in heaven and tha wouldve been a little rude of me to pull u out of that." but we went for ~drama~ to make it spicy I guess. ouygh. bunkers there!!! that was cool!!! MoL is a cool concept!!! altho... it doesn kinda contradict the whole sam and dean are nobodies thing... idk. trials of hell was like... cool in theory but bad in practice unless they were planning on ending the show for realskies. and they did not.
• s9: uhh... hated gadreel! hated that shit! wish they had spun that whole storyline to be more "hey sam I noticed u were s*icidal should we maybe address that??" or even like.... I mean dean probably couldve just TOLD sam abt his plan, he had already convinced him to stay alive by that point??? there was no reason to lie!!! plus the betrayal of gadreel not being who he said he was wouldve been like. literally enough drama, we didnt need to fracture the team again. and cas was??? where exactly??? be was human for at least half of that season but hey didnt know what to do w him so they chucked him in a convenience store??? good lord.
• s10: got no suggestions for that one, just toss it
• s11: ok... shes cute.... we can forgive her.... the lore is shaky at best but the episodes SLAP and the characterization is *chefs kiss*. it's been a hot minute since I've seen it so if smth sucked I dont remember and I plan to keep it that way!!!!
• s12: n.. no. no mary. no mary unless we're doing it right. and I promise u doing it right was not poorly ripping off kingsman. couldve brought back bobby!!! if they desperately wanted some drama couldve brought back john!!! actually fuck that, no way
• s13-15: no thoughts, only jack kline <3
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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seoafin · 3 years
jjk & tower of god chapter on the same day,,, i spent all of my brainjuice talking abt tog w some friends + working on my wip so this one might be incoherent LMAO but nsjdhfjd this my 2 cents for the chp (1) - 🐱
first of all, the zenins shld just eat shit 🥰 the bar is just nonexistant now 😭😭😭
also maki’s mother said sth that hits way too close to home for me too🥴
the maki & mai, megumi & tsumiki "make a place where they are happy” parallels...mai,, maki wanted a place where u'd be happy!!! 😭😭😭 good points abt any interesting nuances the original jpn might have had though
and lmao megumi's "ew no" face ,,, i didn't think he could make a face like that JDJJDJD ,, once again i think his outsider-insider status is interesting but the amount of ppl counting on him/leaning on him bc of strategic position is a lot. ig this is what kamo meant by supporting the 3 families,,,, gojou indeed is playing the long game. megumi in the meantime, very persistent in not getting more involved in clan politics, not using power that is offered to him, or leveraging it - in a way it is good, and it also makes sense with "stress is other ppl" but is interesting from a structural pov. megumi may not rly give a shit abt the rest of the jujutsu world. if the ppl close to him are affected, then he cares. otherwise, forget it.
also im interested in power implications here bcs it sound a little like there’s a slight split b/w leadership and everyday zenins and im curious what it's like if u have no connection to the top of the clan,, and again higher ups being unaffiliated with the 3 clans so they have to appeal to them. curious what other talents the gojou clan have and what they're known for bc clearly it's not just gojou, they still have power without him and still have a stake in the shifting power structure. kamo must be busy too...
MAKIIIIII ,,, honestly my heart hurts a little seeing her getting beat up in recent chapters. but i’m rly happy,, shes FINALLY getting the focus she deserves and i’m confident she will make a recovery and she IS in fact the one leading efforts on the zenin side. im rly hopeful she can take over the clan one day and no longer say she's not good enough
that stomach wound is bad news though so im wondering how she will come back from that,, that she didn't know her own father's abilities says a lot, too. i wonder if she could see the extension of his blade, or if she hasn't been able to see/understand many ppl abilities
im hopeful for next chp now. u can do it maki!!!!
flashing back on these bits, it makes more sense now why megumi wasn't melting down post-shibuya,, seems most information came to him in a sort of timely and calm way? also i rly have to wonder if gojou did not spend a decade plotting in front him bcs he's done it before,,,, like the whole clan head scene in megumi's middle school years....in a way i imagine he wouldve seen that gojou come out of the high school and watch him get more serious as he acquired even more skin in the game
all the time though i wonder abt megumi's tendency toward inertia and nonaction to things that would seemingly give him power and trying to understand it and that IS him being selfish and that IS,, imo the biggest indication of what he actually does or doesn't want. he wants it, he will act and work on it immediately himself. he doesn't like it? act like it doesn't exist. it make me want to shake him around like NO!! megumi pay attention!!! But his reaction to this clan stuff is a contrast to his behavior in recent chapters imo
and more mahjong references,,, between this and yuuji’s pachinko,, i wonder abt the undercurrent of gambling haha. a gamble for the shaman world and who will come out on top? a contrast to the flowy ocean imagery that connects shaman stuff out to the rest of the world
also this ,,,, there's that one jp tweet (i cant find it again😞) that talks about how toji, as the point of distortion, created megumi, who is currently playing a potential convergence/healing/uniting role (if he actually takes it on as a responsibility lol) and connects this back to the medicine buddha,,, whose mudra (hand sign) is used for chimera shadow garden. with the commentary abt ppl with heavenly restriction needing to know what to throw away in order to become strong or tap into their full strength and toji’s commentary at the end of fight with gojou,,  i actually always felt that toji died not having been entirely resolved with himself bc he talks abt going against the self that decided to forget abt self-respect, to live without thinking abt himself or others,,, in a way, living selfishly, for himself, by ignoring anything immediate and i think he succeeded for a while bc he didnt even remember megumi's name. he remembers it when he talks to getou abt him being thankful for toji not killing him bc of potential drawbacks
and at the very end he thinks of megumi again and that last act does think of someone else, like a "life before your eyes" moment where toji thinks about how the zenin's treatment of him led him there or how his return to shibuya ends with him remembering how he gave megumi back to the zenin,,, i think atm of his death he was starting to think he did want to care, in a different way, or that he needed a different paradigm. or,, maybe he was just starting to realize how far the zenin thinking had set into him
so we dont rly talk abt that being an enlightenment moment for toji but i kind of think it was. that megumi has the potential to become a pivotal piece as a legacy of distortion is interesting. i dont actually think toji set up everything intentionally bc he didnt know megumi's ability, and i dont think he wouldve thought that far. i think a lot of the heir and inheritance stuff is sth naobito set in after seeing megumi's development under gojou. it's clear now everyone has been keeping eyes on everyone else
at some point there's some interesting discussion to be had abt megumi and privilege - i'm surprised the canon characters dont hate him more for having stuff just fall into his lap, and so i liked that maki pointed this out that he could use this and he shld bc theres a frustration there - and yet at the same time megumi himself seemingly feels very little attachment to the zenin and the shaman world still. he just cares abt his little circle of people, and it's a very intentional choice, based on his good/bad ppl thing
u cant really affect the entire world, but u can assert urself on the environment around u and decide what u do and dont act on. this part of megumi is more teenage boy and kind of toji-like, i think,,, hence the emphasis on action
u express ur effect and existence through action, who u kill or who u save. toji having very little, while so much falls into megumi's lap while he doesn't want it, doesn't want to acknowledge it, likely doesn't want to take part in a system he doesn't like or, having been raised under gojou's wing, resents or finds corrupt or useless, or doesn't even think on bc he thinks its above his pay grade and gojou's there - this is also megumi's moment to solidify his own direction and commit to working in the system or out of it
the "not caring" is a defensive measure in a way too, i think. i dont think megumi is Big Good and wants to save everyone and everything and the world to be good and pure, i tend to think of him as a resigned chaotic neutral, who wishes he could be good orz
ANYWAY i think there's some interesting juxtapositions with the whole toji > megumi thing, that someone who is born without, restricted, births and creates someone full of blessings. its very shaman-like, action then reaction
AND i wish u luck on ur final paper (bless ur eyes to see incels bc i’ll just log off for the day when i saw one (1) of them on the net) AND DONT FORGET TO TAKE A REST,, the self care is much needed me thinks <333 (2) - 🐱
i love u 🥺🥺😭😭😭 you take care of yourself too!!!
also ur right...all this political intrigue im so curious i need to know how the jujutsu world is structured in terms of the higher ups and the clans. like i assumed that the three clan elders WERE to some extent also part of the higher ups???? but now it seems that the higher ups are a separate entity altogether, so like checks and balances i suppose. except both the higher ups and the clans are corrupt so no balance there 😭
the chapter implied the zenins are losing when it comes to the power struggle between the three clans. im interested. i want to see them all rot!!! like i also said though it’s going to be interesting to see the state of the kamo clan though, considering “noritoshi kamo.” like what do you even say to that???? im going to be surprised if it doesn’t affect their standing in the jujutsu world but then again the kamo clan IS one of the big three.
megumi really is a character that was blessed in all regards but like. doesn’t want anything to do with it LOL he really said ‘this is a pain no thanks.’ like gojo like megumi i suppose. i agree with u the whole toji and megumi set up....genius....i also love their juxtaposition. it’s so interesting and another source of irony.
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fiovske · 4 years
I didnt realize how kind of weak(? for lack of a better word) cr has handled lgbt rep in general until the beaujes stuff happened and there was more discussion about the kind of rep we get I dont think theyve done anything downright insulting yet. I know something happened in campaign 1 with Taryon but im not sure what. I feel like in general mlm rep gets the shit end of the stick. Most of the time lgbt romance is sidelined even when its the players engaging in it. I think beau was the most forthright of all the characters in both campaigns which is nice. But idk what it is but it feels like beau is being limited or idk something feels off. The problems with caleb/liam i felt i noticed but didnt really put it together until i read your posts. I appreciate they want to try to have rep but I feel that even if the creator of some form of lgbt rep doesnt intend or feel like what they make is bad/offense rep doesnt matter as much as what actual lgbt people feel its impact is. Idk sorry for rambling in your inbox
the thing w t*ry was that he was explicitly stated to be attracted to men only but then asked by others to sleep w women to see if it works for him and that... yikes. left a bad fuckin taste. m*tt apologized for it, even tho he wasn't the one who has goaded t*ry into it... but I honestly do think that m*tt atleast always strives to do better and I respect him for that. also abt t*ry and this is the only criticism I'll give— there was no homophobia in M*tt's ex*ndria until s*m brought that into the whole loop. this was addressed by m*tt as well.
as for the second part of ur ask, I think the swerve from B/J to B/Y was too sharp and the phrasing definitely could've been handled better but I'll forgive them for it if they develop B/Y at least during this mollucien arc where the two sit down and have a conversation instead of reverting to "disaster lesbians" trope and awkward flirting like pls. please have a talk. please connect emotionally and have a conversation, a heart to heart esp given how deeply m*lly affected the both of you and how difficult it will be to face the same face but not the same person again. the l*cien thing is gonna affect BOTH of them deeply and I can only hope B/Y uses this arc to connect emotionally and vocally, and build a good wlw relationship we deserve that much it's a long time coming bc, believe it or not.... it's the FIRST canon pc wlw relationship we're gonna get in CR, so..... yeah.
I don't think it's malicious intent either, do think they're doing what they can... but perhaps when lgbtq+ fans are upset, maybe they should listen to it and strive to do better. heard they got sensitivity consultants recently so like... one can only hope.
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