#maybe she died twice
cam-ulu29 · 1 year
only supernatural spinoff I want to see is a Jody/Donna sloooooowww burn with a side order of Claire and Patience and Kaia
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theyonapodcast · 1 year
I love the first time Soo-Won supports Lili.
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It feels like an overreaction to burst into tears over, essentially, "Go for it," but makes sense when you realize no one takes her seriously.
Her father, Tetora, and even Yona view her as someone in need of protection. They coddle her.
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And then here comes Soo-Won, telling her she's capable of making a difference.
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That she did make a difference. He acknowledges her strength and believes in her with ease while people closer to her struggle to accept that she's useful.
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childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
A lot of characters have remarked on mahiru's lack of sense for danger, I wonder if he got that from his mom. I feel like you have got to be either very brave or very oblivious to get with touma.
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vacantgodling · 2 months
not to be weird and sappy on main, but frfr i'm so glad i have found a community of people who think my work is good
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I understand that Dragon Age: Origins was released in 2009, but key boards have NOT changed in the last 15 years, so there HAD to have been a better way to make the controls... (yes, I know keybind changing is a thing, but that doesn't change the issue of the available options of what to bind to keys being very clunky. Like dear god, the camera maneuvering is TERRIBLE, holy shit.)
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tortoisesshells · 4 months
Oooh! Can you tell me more about no longer sparkles off in smoke? 🌻
It's not much right now - partly because I've got a crisis about what the story is supposed to be. I started thinking about it as a post-script/series of missing scenes after Laura Murdoch Collins's (apparent, temporary) death/the end of the Phoenix arc in D.ark S.hadows, because the show ... never really assigned any emotional significance to it - the David lost his mother again, after she tried to kill him; that Roger was made a widower by it, even though that marriage was DOA; that Burke lost someone he had loved, and one of two people who could have proved that he'd been falsely convicted of manslaughter 10 years ago - setting aside the latest proof of supernatural monsters running around Collinsport. Then, too, there's Josette's ghost's disappearance from the narrative, and how that affects Vicki - who's depended on her intercession at key moments?
(whenever I talk about this show, please know I am aware of how nuts I sound.)
But now I'm not sure - is it more about Laura and her past lives? is it about Vicki's own ambivalence about what happened? Am I trying to compare and contrast Laura and Josette as women dead before their time, continually haunting the Collinses through the generations?
I suppose some of that ambivalence is coming out in the different starting paragraphs I have for it:
There was no question of finding jasmine in Collinsport, at this time of year or any other; Vicki had only, with Mrs. Stoddard’s permission, to take the flowers from the greenhouse that would best suit the grave, and hope that Josette would take them in the spirit they were given – relief, gratitude, friendship. It was only that on her way out the door she crossed paths with Burke, returning David, and on telling him she was going to Eagle Hill he offered to join her.
Laura Murdoch Collins wasn’t dead, and there wasn’t anything but her ashes to bury; Vicki had laid down her handfuls of hothouse blooms on Josette Collins’s grave as thanks to her, but there was no easy place to remember Laura – not until she and Burke had gone on to the old Stockbridge burying ground, and stood solemnly by the still-disturbed earth of one of Laura’s former graves.
"I'm sorry," she said, at long last.
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dreamedfyre-a · 2 months
ohh if ali.cent ever took hel.aena to visit oldtown she would be vibrating with excitement at the chance to visit the citadel. if they let her enter the library she would read every single book on every single insect there may be. and maybe there wouldn't be many but i figure if there's Facts about insects it'd be on the greatest repository of knowledge in the known world. and she'd devour all of it and forget there is an existence outside of reading those books
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italictext · 6 months
I desperately need to befriend a Death Note fan irl who likes Death Note the way I do.. The only DN fans I've met irl are anime only Near haters :'(
#I NEED someone to shake while I rant to them about Death Note pls pls pls#I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO GIGGLE WITH WHILE WE STARE AT DEATH NOTE PANELS PLS PLS PLS#My sister has seen Death Note but she's not really into it + anime only + Near hater </3#It sucks to remember that the Death Note fandom isn't just my mutuals.. Some people genuinely hate Near :((#I LOVE the anime the animation is beautiful the soundtrack is beautiful and OOOOO THE COLOR CODING EEEE but#It butchered the 2nd half soo so badly and changed Near's personality and I'm not a fan of the ending :(#THE MANGA ENDING IS SOOO SO GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL#OMGGGG when Light admits to being Kira and gives them his speech and calls himself god of the new world AND EEEE NEAR SAYS “NO YOURE JUST A#MASS MURDERER“#LIKE EEEE THAT ALWAYS ALWAYS MAKES ME GIGGLE NEAR WAS SOOO SO COOL FOR THAT LIKE HE'S LITERALLY FACE TO FACE WITH KIRA THE GUY WHO KILLED L#And Near REPEATS IT. HE CALLS HIM “JUST A MURDERER” TWICE.#Sorry but the anime made Near so stupid “lol just let him run away it's not like he'll survive”#I love Near and Light's dynamic so much they're so funny. They have the prettiest panels too#Maybe an unpopular opinion but Near vs Light was wayyy more entertaining that L vs Light#And it hurts me to see people say that it should've ended at the 1st half. I know people can have their own opinions or whatever but THEYRE#WRONG!! DN is SOOO much better with the 2nd half + if it ended at L's death that would've sucked. So glad L died midway#I wish I had a friend I could talk about DN to :( I'll just hope one of my friends decide to watch it because idk how to make new friends#Discord servers scare me and while I love my mutuals if any of you tried to message me I think I'd cry out of nervousness lol#Gosh this is long shoukd I even post this
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harvestmoth · 5 months
I also miss Melia and it hasn't been long since i played rejuv. Thank you for all the cute Melia and M2 drawings. On a scale of 1 to 10 how worried about her are you? I'm sitting at a 7.
thank you for the ask and for saying my scribbles are cute ,!!
i think a 7 is probably a good place to be on the worrying scale, i would say im at a 0 though! shes so doomed but its fine a little dying never hurt anyone
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fireheartwraith · 1 year
I just finished reading part one of Chainsaw Man and dude.... I've only understood like 30% of everything that happened since aki died
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red-hemlock · 10 months
Headcanon: Father
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Dr. Evan Rowe was an average, drab-looking man. Eccentric and determined, but somewhat quiet and shy. He was ALWAYS overworked and sleepless, much preferring to bury himself in work, and co-workers would swear to the end of time that the frown of worry etched onto his face was permanent. But, as odd as he might have been, he had a calling... A natural TALENT for toxicology that no one could write-off.
And it was that talent which sealed his fate.
The women of the Locke family search for specific talents to breed into future generations; and after Evan's work lead to the creation of an antidote against the toxins of a particularly nasty plant, it wasn't long until this achievement caught the attention of the Locke matriarch: Rena. Seeking to see if a possible heir could be made with a passion for poisons that rivaled her own, she 'paired' her daughter Donna with Evan; and sent her out on a mission to seduce him, and see this 'experiment' through. With little experience in the whims of love, the toxicologist fell and fell hard, for the carefully-constructed mask that Donna made to do this.
They never married, but his eventual daughter was the very light of his life. Evan only held her a few times, before work required him to take an extensive international trip; and it all but ruined him when news of her sudden 'death' was given whilst on this trip. SIDs, he was told, but the truth he would eventually come to discover, was much more sinister. Two years later they would try again, only for Donna to disappear without word or reason once they found-out they were now having a boy.
That is until some years later, when pure chance allowed him to catch sight of his lost 'love' in the background of a news event taking place in a town in Oregon... With a young girl. Emotions run high, he left right away, determined to get some answers; to find Donna and their son, and the little girl who looked all-too suspiciously like him.
He was never seen again.
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River also inherited her huge appetite and penchant for snacking from him.
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llycaons · 6 months
what a marvelous thing, to have a cleric on the team. someone whose entire role is to support and heal! in crit role their cleric was away most of the time and they were rawdogging it like champs. like they had a paladin (the rogue's secondary class), a druid, and a ranger who all had some healing spells, and then potions to supplement. I don't know HOW more of them didn't fucking die permanently
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
The way that Lena accepts the mantle of Storyteller even if it's the opposite of everything she ever wanted. In a way, you could see it was the elephant, the black dog haunting her waking moments, the looming, lurking knowledge that there will be a day where her friends and family are dead and gone and she's there, telling their stories to people who have long forgotten their names. If only to remind herself. If only to remind the world...
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suddenrundown · 1 year
me reading one salt sea: oh my god connor go away
connor: *fucking dies*
me: oh no im--that’s not what i meant
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arolesbianism · 25 days
Every second of every day I remind myself that I'm going to need to learn to draw gore and body horror and every second of everyday I simply keep imagining it instead of drawing it because I don't even wanna try finding usable refs for the shit I wanna pull off (it also doesn't help that searching up refs for skinless human anatomy is. Annoying to do if you wanna draw someone who isn't made of muscle and nothing else)
#rat rambles#there's also just a lot of stuff that I just sorta. cant find refs for just due to the nature of the image in my head#but yeah I know I can probably find the refs I properly need somewhere out there but its going to be a nightmare for me I hate finding good#reference photos for tings especially when it comes to anything gore or scar related#but yeah au snek you bastard I will draw you some day#she isnt helping me much by having fun bone body horror too :/#and then theres all the other snake stuff I want her to do thats going to be a whole other journey to learn to draw#but that one isnt as bad because it's much easier to find photos of snakes doing goofy snake stuff#aka anytime they use their mouths to do anything ever theyre so silly#au snek is also silly if you ignore the horrors#shout out to her for being the only one of the au antags that wasnt saught out for attempting to/succeeding at destroying their universes#although thats mostly just because snek is tied to physical matter which means that she has less of an inhernet connection to the stuff#pretty much everyone else does abt their universes#au snek was somewhat unique amongst sneks tho in that shes easily one of the most powerful sneks#these guys get a bit closer to the greater power of the function theyre tied to each time they die you see#and au snek has died a Lot#more times than everyone else in the au antag squad combined#which tbf isnt actually saying a lot most of them never actually died that many times if at all#owl for example probably never died herself. all her power came from her consuming her original universe#similar with mase but he might have died at some point idk#and while Id normally say tali is a similar case given the universe she came from shes probably died a fair share of times#and au bloom probably died like once or maybe twice if Im being generous#au fydd didnt die at all hes just built like that#and au aris only died once but her power again comes from her original universe aka uni hi uni#now Id have to do some math to figure out how many times au snek died but I dont wanna do that since itd be kinda complicated#but just trust me she died a lot and her friends also died a lot except for her brothers who only died once since they dont get revived#long story short: they stopped being supplied food
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scrvivorisms · 3 months
Creeps in to slam down a plot or thread request.
Maxine ends up a victim to Theatre Des Vampire. Maybe she lives. Maybe she's turned. Maybe she does die and reforms in another reality. I haven't thought it fully through but I think a vampire would find it fascinating to meet a human who has experienced death. And remembers it vividly.
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