#mayor x tang
neferiaa · 2 years
I think GhostScholar is a weird ship name for these guys, so to all of Tumblr I'd like to propose:
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(this is the only picture i have of these guys. sry everyone. i have a mental illness /hj)
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respawnjupiter · 5 months
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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glitcheslikeslego · 3 months
Chapter 24 (Show Me Your Moves!)
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Chapter 24 : Nasty Plot
Nasty Plot is a non-damaging Dark-type move that raises the user's Special Attack stat by two stages.
It had been a few days since Spider Queen’s attack, and you still had her helmet with you.
It was probably a bad idea, taking her helmet this way, but you had a plan. A plan that certainly no one can know, except you, obviously.
You were going to save the Spider Queen.
It was a big change to canon, and you know it would screw everything over, but you were going to do it anyway. Mainly to make sure that the Lady Bone Demon could be easier to defeat, and her mech wouldn’t be fully finished.
You know that keeping the helmet puts you in potential danger, especially if Spider Queen counts this helmet as her crown. 
You heard a knock on your door and you immediately hid the helmet under your bed before answering it. It was MK and Mei, joined with Sandy, each holding a bag full of things from face masks to food.
You had all made plans to have a relaxation day again, after what happened, you definitely deserved it.
“Let’s get this party started!” Mei cheered excitedly as she began pulling out all the face masks. Sandy took MK’s bag and put the food and tea in the kitchen before joining you all on the floor.
It was like a little girl’s sleepover, full of self-care, face masks, watching shows, gossiping, and of course…
“Mei, we’re not sacrificing Red Son to appease the Brickit gods…” You deadpan at Mei, who’s gremlin grin shifted to a pout.
“Why not?”
“Because that’s inhumane?” I responded.
Mei huffed. ‘Well, he's not human!”
“Still, the same thing applies.”
I gently put the mask on my face before laying down on the floor. MK had continued watching the Monkey King: Animated series we watched last time, aa Mei still pouted and Sandy properly brewed us all some tea to share.
“No noodles?” You ask curiously.
Sandy shook his head. “We didn’t bring noodles, we were just hoping to order some of Pigsy’s.” 
You cheer excitedly, making Sandy laugh as Mei started up a timer on her phone and we all watched the show with MK, yet again, he was infodumping about the show while laying down and watching the show. 
“And then, the Six-Eared Macaque attempted to get away, but Sun Wukong stopped him! I wasn’t told what happened to him, but whatever Monkey King did for him to hate him must have been really bad.”
You nod along as MK continues to loredump the entire show as things are happening on screen, and time flies by quickly before Mei’s alarm goes off, letting you all take your masks off.
Eventually, the doorbell rang, and opening it revealed Pigsy and Tang, who both had bags of fresh noodles in their hands. “Sorry if we’re late, we bought food.” Tang said.
You let them in and call everyone to sit anywhere they find room. Tang, Pigsy and Sandy all sat on the chairs of the counter, while you, MK and Mei all sat at the couch, continuing to watch the show.
“Mmm, no matter what, Pigsy’s food is always so good!” You say with a smile as you chow down on the noodles with newfound energy.
Flustered, Pigsy quietly thanked you before going back to eating his own. Tang laughed teasingly over his reaction. 
Everything was so relaxing that, by the time everything was done and they all left, you had nearly almost forgotten your plan to save the Spider Queen. 
You held her helmet again and you laid in your bed. Your plan was to save her and her goons, but you had a very low chance of saving them all, and your best bet was to just save her. 
What repercussions would this have? You only had theories, since Spider Queen’s death was a major point in the Lady Bone Demon gaining her powerful Mech, so how would canon react?
At this point, you had just been screwing canon over just by being in the show, so might as well screw it over purposefully this time around. 
You hid the helmet in a box under your bed before going to sleep that night. 
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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broke-art · 1 year
Can they dance?!
M.k - can do the macarena
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Macaque - probably can but would die first.
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Monkey king - knows a few dances but will only do it in private intimate times. (Other than this time because he was NOOOT himself)
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Red son- Oh absolutely. He knows allll the classical dances. Even some forgotten to mortals.
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Sandy - he knows a couple. But is pretty shy about it.
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Tang - yeah he knows a few, and he might dance here and there if he felt like it.
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Pigsy - yes he can dance but only does it on special occasions.
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The mayor -,yes. Infact he's very good.
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Nezha - he knows all the customary dances and is even rather talented but he prefers not to unless it's important.
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Mei ,- oh yes she can dance has been learning since she was little but she likes freestyle more than the stuffy more regulated dances.
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Is there anyone else you're curious about? Let me know with a comment. I like chatting with you guys.
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wolfnbites · 1 year
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Ghostscholar crumbs, shout-out to all 3 of their enjoyers
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yznerpoo · 4 months
Did something for my lovely Hóngyùn Xu with the canon characters.
Also put some short texts about what she thinks about them🫶 a bit of Oc x canon btw (AKA Inkymelon✒️🍈)
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Template from @/w3b.lmk.
give credits if you wanna use it🫶
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yingjiaoyue · 9 days
Broken and Treasured
some random ahh fanfic I had in mind while daydreaming at school not gonna lie. plus I crave BlueMoon (-Aug. 17)
W: JY stress haha, oc x canon (mainly bluemoon), manipulation, capturing/kidnapping
It's been several days after Bai He went missing, and poor Jiao Yue felt devastated ever since. She stayed in her apartment often. Only going out to work or train with MK, but she had recently started to stop attending for their training session.
"Guys, do you think Aunt Yue is okay?", said the noodle boy at the pigsy's restaurant. Mei rests a hand on his back with a enthusiastic grin, "Of course! It's JY, she's cool all the time! I think..." a hint of uncertainty on her voice at the last phrase. Mr. Tang responds, "You know, she hasn't been out to... do you think she's pushing herself to hard on that missing girl's case?". "Hm... that'd make sense..."
"But it's also kind of concerning that she hasn't went out for like... 4 days? almost a week? eh-... I just think that maybe she might need someone to talk to right now. She's our friend you know?", MK sighs. The feeling of worry growing inside him at the thought of Jiao Yue being more distant than usual.
Inside the Jiao Yue's apartment, she felt her anxiety grew into paranoia as she continues to hear her demon spirit talk to her in her own mind. "This is your fault... this is the consequences after killing several souls.." a similar female-like voice that sounds alike to Jiao Yue's voice, though more ominous, continues to echo in her head.
"No... I just need to investigate further. To do better. She can't be..." Jiao Yue pauses, unable to finish the phrase out loud.
"Gone? Dead? C'mon... you know better what happens when someone goes missing. After all, you're one with experience in finishing them off?" The voice in her head chuckles almost mockingly while Jiao Yue scowls and presses both fists to her head. Attempting to stop her mind. "Shut up... you made me do it. You're the one who made me like this, but I would NEVER do something like that to Bai He... no..." Jiao Yue mutters to her mind, or rather to herself. From another perspective, she's practically talking to herself.
All while she's debating to herself, a shadow portal emerges from her back. A simian-figure lurking out from the black shadow, Macaque steps out only to find Jiao Yue talking to herself. "Great. She's completely lost it." He mutters while he rolls his eyes, as if he was already expecting this to happen.
Macaque walks towards the couch, trying to capture Jiao Yue's attention. He clears his throat audibly, though Jiao Yue seemed too busy with her own conversation to herself. Macaque facepalms and then lays a hand on her shoulder, "Moonlight, you--"
"I SAID I'LL FIND HER!", Jiao Yue snaps out loud.
Visibly shaken. Her eyes full of anger and despair. Macaque was taken aback and he moves his hand away from the lady, "!! God, Jiao Yue.. you're getting crazy.." he mutters almost in disbelief, a hint of concern flashing to his face before he sighs.
Jiao Yue lets out a shaky breath and slowly got back to her senses, finally noticing Macaque's presence beside her. "Mac? Uh, what are you doing here?...", she suddenly clears her throat and looks down, subconsciously dismissing the sudden outburst.
Macaque raises a brow, "I came here to check up on you. The kid's getting worried about your whole "distancing" at the crew. I mean, you literally were just talking to yourself... do you, like, need some help?"
Jiao Yue feels uncertain but also guilt at the mention of MK worrying for her. She sighs and replies, "I don't need help-"
"No, I mean like psychological or medical help.", Macaque cuts her off.
"...", an awkward silence for Jiao Yue.
Jiao Yue clicks her tongue and frowns to herself, "It doesn't matter, I still need to-"
Macaque stops her again, already knowing what she'd respond with. "You still need to investigate? To try and search for her, ain't it? C'mon, you can barely keep your cool together and you basically fight with your own lil demons inside your head. You need to calm down-"
"I can't. How am I suppose to feel at ease knowing Bai He has been missing for days. Weeks. I can't trust the authorities since they wouldn't handle this kind of case first, considering multiple demonic or villainous activities happening around the city! I just need to--", her voice breaking as she's also holding back herself from another breakdown. She takes in a deep breath and lets out a shuddering one. Macaque watches in silent and slight concern.
"... just please leave me. I still have a lot to do." She finally stated before standing up from the couch and heading towards her room. Macaque wants to tell her she shouldn't be too desperate about the case. Not to feel too worked up about Bai He missing. Though he knew she'd be stubborn enough to ignore his words and listen to her own words in her head instead.
Later that night, the room falls silent as Jiao Yue exhausts herself and ends up falling asleep on her desk. Her head resting against the desk board and she's on the chair. Couple strands of her hair covering half her face while she unconsciously drools in her sleep.
As the night remains peaceful and silent, the atmosphere darkens when a figure of a man appears by the window. A tall man in a formal suit. grey hair with blue strands on its temple. His white eyes glowing in the dark, along with his unnaturally wide smile. A guy who claims to be the "Mayor" to hide his true identity as Lady Bone Demon's servant.
The man creeps into her room, each step echoes through the place. His presence filling a dark and sinister vibe all while Jiao Yue remains unconscious and blissfully oblivious to his presence. The Mayor looms over at the sleeping lady by the desk, "Poor thing... working so hard and determined only to find nothing... very unfortunate..." his words coming out with mock-pity and a low chuckle.
He leans close, getting a better look of her drooling state while he grins wider. "It's almost amusing to see such one putting so much effort, yet still unable to attain their objective. Each second passing causes them to loose hope... until they become desperate..." he mumbles to himself, his eyes narrowing as he observes single details about her in her sleep. He places a hand over her head, slowly caressing her hair in a gentle yet disturbing manner. "I could see why my Lady asked for you. A strong soul willing to fight against anyone, but unable to defeat themselves."
He brings his head closer to her face, slowly moving towards the side of her neck and taking in her scent. "Perfect..."
Moments passed and Jiao Yue begins to stir in her sleep. After dreaming in a black vision, her eyes start to flutter open. A soft groan escaping her lips as she adjusts her blurry vision. Jiao Yue tries to sit up but then feels something against her arms and back. "... what the...", she eventually realizes there were ropes tied against her back. She tries to pull it off or squirm, yet it was done tightly and she failed to break it apart. Frowning and feeling frustrated, she also began to feel a pang of worry, "Macaque, this better not be part of your stupid shenanigans..." Though there was no response.
"Macaque?....", another moment of silence echoes.
"I-Is anyone there?", worry starts to sound more audible in her tone. She struggles again from the binds at her back, and also notices how her ankles were tied together like her wrists. "Fuck-..." she curses under her breath. She looks around, only to see she's not in her room. "Huh?", her eyes wandering around the mysterious dark room she's in. "Hold on... this seems... familiar?", she mumbles. Jiao Yue sees an old celestial furnace, few stalagmites and stalactites at the area and a glowing light in blue hue that shines in the dim place. "This... is the spider queen's lair... how the--"
As she starts to overthink why she was brought here, a sudden low chuckle echoes at the corridor. Jiao Yue turns her head immediately, but finds no one. "...", she looks back to her front and shrieks to see a man's face right in front of her. "AAACK-!"
The man stands straight and looks down on the momentarily frightened woman, "You're finally awake, Ying Jiao Yue." He smiles widely, giving her chills down her spine. "W..what? Who are you?!", she raises her tone, visibly upset and uneasy.
"I apologize for the miscommunication. Though my identity is not important... You see, I plan to--"
"You captured me and you're probably about to tell me your evil plan, I get it. Go straight to the point.", she huffs, as if this has happened a lot of times to her already. (Of course, Macaque did.)
His smile falters but he chuckles at her blunt response, "Very well. My Lady has sent me to seize you... though I can't help but feel intrigued by your determination in finding your lost little girl." He chuckles again, though it sounds mocking.
"... that's none of your business. Tell me why I'm here now.", Jiao Yue frowns again.
"Oh... is it now? As your captor, I think it's fair I study my target's background... can't be too sure, hm? So it is part of my business.", he slowly grabs her chin, making her look directly into his glowing eyes. A mocking grin on his face while the other one scowls. "And so what if I intrigued you? You think you're going to stop me?"
"Stop you? Oh no. No, no, no... not at all! In fact, I have an offer to propose to you, my dear. I can... tell you, where your little girl is."
The phrase alone tempts Jiao Yue to give in, but she can't be too desperate in a time like this even if she already is inside. "... what's the catch..."
The Mayor smiles, pleased to know she isn't resisting. "I keep you as mine, of course...".
There was no way she'd agree to this. "What makes you think I'd agree to that kind of offer?! I'm not going to give up myself just to know where Bai He is. I can-"
"So you wouldn't sacrifice yourself for her? You didn't meant it when you said you'd do anything for her?"
"You said you wouldn't stop trying to find her. I'm simply giving you a genuine opportunity to finally see her. And you'll simply pass on that?"
"Ah, so you don't care for that little girl after all. Well suit yourself my dear, it seems like you aren't as determined as I thought." The Mayor steps back, his smile falls and he turns her back on her. A look of fake disappointment in his face... though he mumbles, "3...2...1..."
The man grins. He's finally got into her. He stops in his tracks and looks at her over his shoulders. Jiao Yue glares at him, sighing heavily. "... fine... you'll keep your word and tell me where she is... right?", she mutters. Almost desperately to finally know where Bai He is. The Mayor faces her again and clasps his hands together, a look of pride and satisfaction in his smile. "Of course, how wonderful. Now that you've finally agree to my generous offer, why don't we... loosen up a bit."
With a snap of his finger, the rope starts to vanish into thin air and she's no longer tied up. She feels a temporary sense of relief but even if she's free, she knows she's now in his possession. Bound to him.
(THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR TOO LONG AND I CANT FINISH IT AUGH-) so yeah,, either i’d js make a new one or smth but for now, have these crumbs 😞
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jek11 · 6 months
1 year difference <—> LMK REDRAW RAAAAAA
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helplesspupet · 2 years
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🌸Request Rules🌸
Open   |   Closed<
✅️ Stuff I will write ✅️
Character x family reader (with will obviously be platonic)
Character x Any Gendered reader
Angst (but thats a bit of a hit or miss)
Stuff I might write but don't know
Arranged Marriages
🛑Stuff I won't write at all (and there reasons)
Sorry but it makes me feel uncomfortable to write.
I just don't like the concept
Should be obvious why
Again should be obvious
It's shit and ca be traumatic for many victims so no.
Again another obvious one
Kinky Bull shit:
Don't like smut so I'm not doing this.
Character x Character:
Sorry I did it once as a test never again.
(I might be updating them)
✅️Characters I'll write for✅️
Nezha 🌸
Tang 📙
Pigsy 🐽
Sandy 🔵
Macaque 🔮
Sun Wukong (Monkey King) 🍑
MK ☀️
Mei 🐉
Redson 🔥
Mayor 💠
LBD (Lady Bone Demon) ❄
Spider queen 🕷 👑
Huntsman 🕷🔪
Yin 🔷️
Characters I will do but it's a hit and miss:
Scorpion Queen
Characters I will not do and the reason:
DBK (Demon Bull King):
He's married to Princess Iron Fan
Princess Iron Fan:
I know she's hot but she's married to DBK
Strong Spider:
I personally don't know much about him to make a story off him... sorry.
Feel free to request and I'll try to get through if not all but most of them.
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dijaja · 4 months
What are some of your favorite lmk pairs? :]
I love this question sm! Lemme list em down
Some of these are platonic, most are romantic- and are in no particular order of favorites. Just listing em off the top of my head!
- Suntang #1 !!
(Sun Wukong x Tang Sanzang)
- Shadowpuppets
(Macaque x The Mayor)
- Mistyembers
(Red Son x Acolyte)
- Dust Bunny trio (platonic)
(Red Son, Acolyte, Chenxiang)
- Lunartides (platonic)
(Sandy + Macaque)
- Stable boys (platonic)
(Sun Wukong + Ao Lie)
- Dragon boys (platonic)
(Ao Lie + Ao Bing)
- Li brothers! (Platonic bro)
(Jinzha + Muzha + Nezha)
That's all I can think of at the moment, lol. Definitely fun pairs for me
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glitcheslikeslego · 5 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 15)
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Chapter 15 : Agility
Agility increases the user's speed by two stages.
When Sandy offered you to take his old motorbike to drive around in the Great Wall Race, you were on the fence about it.
On one hand, he wants you to advertise the restaurant. On the other hand, he wants you to start being more social in public.
But ‘A’ you don’t know how to drive a motorbike.
And ‘B’ you don’t want to add yourself into canon any more than you already have.
You realised that, in your skirmish with the Spider Queen, you drew more attention to yourself than you had hoped for, and the universe was slowly adding you to the main cast instead of sticking you as a support/background character like you wanted.
So you told Sandy you'd think about it.
Screw you universe, why do you do this to me?
You cursed in your head as you watched the rest of the racers line up to race alongside you.
Mei was obviously there, looking incredibly peeved that MK was participating. Red Son popped up behind them, and Jin and Yin showed up before eventually taking over the commentators box and introducing PIF and DBK before announcing the track switch.
You’re really about to do this.
You took a deep breath, getting onto the bike just like Sandy taught you to.
So long as you don’t participate in the key fight, you’re fine…
Jin and Yin did the countdown with as much fanfare as they could before sounding the horn to begin the race. 
Red Son and Mei were the fastest to react, zooming off with incredible speed. 
However, DBK and PIF were fast to react and managed to get a starting boost to surpass the two, yelling something after Red Son as they passed him. 
MK did the same, yelling in a mocking tone as he raced just behind the villainous couple. 
You were, obviously, I’m dead last. 
While the motorbike was fast, you still weren’t a full fledged professional like Mei or even Red Son, so you went at your own pace. 
You couldn't see anyone ahead of you, meaning that they were already way more farther ahead than you. 
You didn’t mind, you were content at just going at your own pace. 
It was pretty nice, being dead last. Jin and Yin mainly focused on the racers ahead of you. 
At this point, DBK and PIF were driving through a mountain after she had teasingly provoked him a bit, and you had yet to hear of Mei’s bike being destroyed yet. 
Deciding to take a bit of a risk, you tried to speed up. Sandy had told you to not go too out of your comfort zone, out of fear you might get hurt, but the back of your mind screamed at you to catch up. 
They’re too far ahead. You’ll be too late. 
You shook the weird thoughts from your head and sped up. 
Speed up!
You felt a rush of adrenaline in your veins, and your breath hitched a bit as you unconsciously sped up the motorbike. 
Go, go, go!!!
You slammed your foot down and the bike took off with incredible speed. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and the only thing that you could focus on was the street ahead of you, with everything else blurring from the tunnel vision. 
You heard a distant crash, and maniacal laugh, then you passed a blur of green and gold. 
Mei and MK. 
You remembered what happened mid-way through. And you vaguely recall how they end up winning the race. 
Narrowing your eyes, your vision blurred as you took deep breaths. 
You heard something explode and rebuild itself, then another something bursting out from something. 
At that point, you had lost all comprehension of the things around you, everything was blurry, you couldn’t hear anything more than muffled cheering, and you were moving fast. 
W I N!
You were snapped out of it when the queen of the bike caught into something, launching you over the steering handles and onto the floor, making you face plant. 
You groaned, holding your head as you sat up. 
“And that’s the end! Random tea person wins!”
It too a second, but as soon as those words reached your brain, your heart stopped. 
You didn’t… did you really? 
In a blur, you were placed onto the 1st place pedestal and handed the trophy, still shell shocked and panting like you ran the race instead of driving. 
Like in canon, MK tries to eat the trophy, and Mei laughs at him and Red Son over believing that the trophy was actually a peach of immortality.
“You were awesome! When did you get so good at racing?” Mei asked, getting you into a side hug, which snapped you out of your stupor. 
“Uhh, beginner's luck?” You responded sheepishly, and Mei laughed. 
“We need to celebrate your first win, maybe Pigsy will make some noodles! Leggo!” MK, ever the ball of energy, takes you by the wrist and runs off to take you to Pigsy’s, with Mei following behind, laughing all the while. 
And as this was happening, there was only one thing in your head. 
A plea. 
Please don’t let this break canon…
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starkidblogs · 1 year
The Revenge Of The Spider Queen
A/n: Hi there! This chapter is much shorter because I cannot work on it as much due to work and family matters. I hope you can still enjoy it.
Chapter Eight 1/2
It was only a few days after the attack of Demon Bull King, and now it was the lunar New Year. A time to celebrate by spending time with family and friends, but you couldn't. Not with everything on your mind. Your fingers fidget with your necklace as you drown out the noises of the crowds.
~After DBK attack~
After the attack of the Demon Bull King and the bull clones, the city was a chaotic mess. During this time, the gang helps the citizens with the disaster mess. As for you, you had gone to check in on Bai He and her family. You were worried that something terrible happened to them.
Before you left to see them, you went back home. When you enter the boutique, you realize something missing. Chief's suit wasn't on the mannequin. You were worried and wondering if you had miss placed it, but found a bright blue note. You raised an eyebrow as you read it.
'My dear, (Y/n),
I'm glad to see that my clothes have been tailored, to fit me perfectly. Unfortunately, I had to leave before thanking you properly due to urgent matters that needed my attention. However, I promise to express my gratitude when I see you again.
Sincerely your Chief'
You smiled as your face had a pink glow on your cheek. You felt happy to read he liked the suit, but something was off. You couldn't understand why it felt like you were reading a different person's penmanship. You assume it was simply due to lack of sleep and ignore the idea.
Once you hit the road, you hoped Bai He and her family had escaped the bull clone invasions and were far away from the city. Luckily, you discovered that they had just returned home.
Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Upon arriving at Bai He's house, you were greeted by her distressed parents rushing towards you. After you got out of the car, you spoke with them and inquired about the situation. Their tear-filled explanation painted a bleak picture.
Bai He had gone missing.
Her parents explained how she went after the cat after it escaped the house before DBK's attack, but she never returned home. They checked with the police, but she wasn't there. They were hoping that she was with you, but they noticed that you arrived there alone. As you listened, you became stunned, and your gut twisted with fear about what might have happened to her.
A report was made about a missing child, but the police were occupied with handling multiple emergencies resulting from the attack. The only thing you and your group could do was search for the child. You put up missing posters at your boutique and Pigsy's noodles. You went to her favorite but nothing. As time went by without any leads, it became apparent that you were struggling. Your friends noticed that you were not getting enough sleep and had poor eating habits. To ease your mind, even momentarily, Sandy and Mei suggested taking you to the festival.
You sighed in frustration as you sat in Pigsy's food van as the festival became more lively with each passing minute. You were too deep in thought to notice the bowl of noodles in front of you. It wasn't until Pigsy snapped you out of it, "Kid, your noodles are going to go soggy if you keep staring at them." He said as he started to make another bowl. "Oh yeah... Sorry, Pigsy." You said as you ate.
"I understand you are not feeling well, but if you don't take care of yourself, you can't give your best to help her." The demon pig said as you finished the bowl of noodles, staring down at the leftover broth, seeing your hazy reflection. "You're right." you said, "I need to get better before I find more problems or create them." You say, with a sigh, as Pigsy served another patron.
Your attention turned to the struggle of the dragon horse girl. Looking up to see Mei struggling to fold the dumplings, you could have sworn you heard her say something about how difficult it is without fingers. You chuckled as you offered to help. Mei smiled and gave you a few to fold.
Tang ate his noodles as he saw his husband becoming more stressed. "Mei, (Y/n). Is it me, or does Pigsy seem more stressed than normal?" He said to you. Making all three see the demon pig forcing a smile and sweating. You can feel the tension coming off of him."Yeah, isn't Mk suppose to be working?" You asked them, but as you said, Mk's name caused Pigsy to snap.
"YES! (Y/N), HE IS! " He yelled at the three of you, as he continued, "WHERE IS THAT PUNK! CAUSE HE'S SURE AIN'T HERE!" You and Tang held your breath cause you didn't know where Mk was until Mei spoke up. "He's training with the Monkey King!" She casually said to Pigsy. " He said, 'NEW YEAR, NEW MK! I'm going to take my training to a whole new level!'" She finished, posing like Mk and using a mop on the counter. You laughed as a frustrated Pigsy seized the mop from Mei and snapped it in half. "Gimme that!"
"NeW yEaR nEw Mk! Keep going like this, he'll be newly unemployed!" Pigsy said as he created another bowl. "I mean it! If mk don't get here soon, I'm gonna," Before he could finished, he was interrupted by a looming shadow. He screamed, causing you to turn towards the figure. You saw a very festive Sandy, his arms filled with treats, toys, red envelopes, and candy. "Good cheer and Happy New Year!" Sandy grinned as he dropped his haul on the counter and some on Pigsy. "Look at all these delicious little goodies! I got enough to share." He proudly said.
Tang, You, and Mei were impressed, "Oooh! Thanks, Sandy." Mei thanked the blue man. You picked up an orange from the pile and started to peel it. "Yeah, Thank you, Sandy." you smiled at him.
"No problem! So um. Where's Mk?" Sandy said as he scratched his head. Pigsy burst out of the treats and toy he was under. He shouted, "WOULD YOU GUYS, PLEASE, SCREW AROUND SOMEWHERE ELSE!" Making you flinch and drop the half-peeled orange. "If you ain't going to help, go bothered somewhere else!"
"Aw... My orange." You playful pouted, seeing it go down the drain. Mei and Sandy laughed while Tang ate more noodles, and you peeled another orange. Pigsy moves the treats and toy from the counter, "At least clear the counter!" He said.
Sandy sat down next to you while you ate your orange. "You okay? You seem to be doing better." He asked, as you nod your head and gave him a piece of your orange. " I am doing a little better now that I'm here with you guys." You sigh with a soft smile. Sandy pats your back as he accepts your offer. "That's good to hear. Don't worry, we'll find her," he reassured you.
"Thanks, guys." You smiled. Time flies by as you guys made your way to the lunar new year parade. Sandy carries Tang and Mei to get an amazing view of the floats. They were incredible as you watch the dancers, the dragons, and the fireworks. All of you were in awe as you saw it pass by. "Man, Mk is surely missing this!" Mei said as you agreed. "Yeah, look at all these cool floats!" You chirped with joy.
"There's the dragon one, and there's the spider one," Sandy said, confusing the gang. "What? There's no spider in the zodiac. It's probably just an eight-legged roster-" Tang said as he turned to the floats. "An eight-legged roster, Tang? I don't think they would mess up that bad-" you responded, but you saw the float.
It was a spider float, a machine-like spider with bright purple and green colors. Everyone was shocked and confused about the strange float, the whole parade stopped in its track. "What's happening?" You questioned as you felt your gut turn.  
To be continued.
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broke-art · 2 years
So I found this on Pinterest but I think it's originally from Tumblr but I LOVE IT! This head Cannon.
Tumblr media
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starkidwriting · 2 years
Lego Monkie Kid Master list!
Note: I'm editing slowly
Mk: (Soon)
Mei: Race to the finish
Red Son: (Soon)
Sun Wukong:
The Eighth Immortal Maiden 1/2/3
Macaque: (Soon)
Pigsy and Tang (Platonic x reader):
Unique Family: 1/2/3/4 Headcanons
Childish Mischief
The Lady and Her Monster 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Headcanons
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Red guy: red son.
Duck guy: Mei.
Yellow guy: MK
The teachers roles:
The notebook: Chang'e
The clock: Tang
The computer: Sun Wukong
The Butterfly (baby pigeon.) : The mayor (secretly worships lbd.)
The meat guy: Macaque
The can of salad (Meat guy assistant) : Pigsy
Lesley: the lady bone demon
The plot will mainly go around dhmis, but there will be some LMK plot too.
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