#mayor x macaque
falconsdump · 1 month
Monkie kid fanart dump
And when i say "monkie kid fanart" i mean "Macaque fanart" ofc
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LBD and Macaque
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Mayor and Macaque
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macaquesbitch · 2 years
Here's an idea SWK and Mayor fighting for Macaque
"Daddy could you pass the salt"
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Macaque just want salt :C
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(Yandere Mayor x Macaque)
TW: Mentions of Night Terrors, Toxic Mindset, Toxic Relationship, Kidnapping, Stalking and Unhealthy Love
Withering from his hand, the dark-furred monkey wanted to cry out in pure agony, yet not a single sound could escape his throat, not even a single squeak nor groan.
His lamp, shattered and on the ground.
The black wooden interiors of it, became nothing more than broken pieces,
Reflecting how his just a shattered soul, the lamp fragment scattered around the ground, now he was a,  shell of his former self.
"I'm all alone" His lips moved—but still nobody could hear his silent scream
The bright glow of blue, looming from the corner sting his nocturnal eyes.
Even late at night, or at day, Macaque woke up clutching the sheets of his bed. The demon was trembling badly due to the recent nightmares.
He looked like a hot mess, absolutely ugly with red sore eyes and how snot dripped down nostrils.
Macaque, felt alone. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes— a single eye, the left one was useless, basically blind from that side and served no purpose other than to remind him, of what he lost in the past.
Even with his heightened sense. He could feel there was secretly a presence lingering near, but was too tired to even care anymore.
It was pitiful, how lonely he was, to the point where he didn't mind the stalker's attention, as that was the closet thing to a decent and intimate interaction, he'd ever had.
It was even more pitiful, that he fought to keep his life for centuries and had to be a henchman for some bone demon, to try and continue to live.
Everyone has the right to live, Yet for him.
It was more of a privilege.
It was difficult to keep his life intact, nor to live blissfully
Here he was now, sleeping in the 'comfort' of his own home, and so close to throw away all his hard work, by running away.
He, wrapped his arms around himself, trying to imagine, that someone was holding him and couldn't admit it but desperately clinged, on the thought of wanting to be embrace by someone comforting touch.
He wanted to be given whole hearted attention.
He wished, for someone to love him.
Macaque, stood up from his bed, his coarse hands grasped tightly on the edge of the desk, feeling impelled to stand properly despite knees shaking from the displeasing sensation that washed over him like a gust of strong wind.
Alas, Macaque dropped down on the marble floor like a raggedy ann doll, no longer having any strength to support himself nor call anyone to help, his insecurities knew no one would come for him.
Training, with the constant mindset  that asking for help, was a weakness, became  troubling at times, or always since it etched deep in is
His breath hitched, now taking sharp breaths before trying to stand up from the ground, but abruptly, a sudden glow of neon blue chains, attacked him.
The chains, restraining him, causing him to him paralysed upon impact.
Similarly in his dreams, bight neon blue eyes loomed over him in the sheer darkness.
"Even when my lady, has no use for you" The chains neared closer to the monkey's neck, as the voice cooed at him, with a sickening intent.
"You, are useful to me" The dark figure  whispered, his knuckles caressing the monkey's jawline, the glow of the chains, illuminated his more prominent features, showcasing his sharp smile.
The grin growing wider and wider as he tugged on the chains, pulling Macaque closer
"I hope my lady, will accept this" Just by words alone, It was finally clear to him who this trespasser was.
"I've been such a obedient servant towards her, surely she'll accept, us being bound together!"
Macaque, choked at his words.
When he asked for some company
He didn't mean this.
The chains, moved around his body, like snakes, slithering around his skin.
Almost suffocating him.
It took a toll on him and lost himself to the state on unconscious. The last thing he witness was dark blobs clouded his vision before letting slumber take over him
"She might even call it, destiny?" The masculine figure, giggled like a child that was given their precious treats— their precious hard cold treats.
"Could you image that?" Muttering, the bone demon's voice was tinted with joy and swiftly took the overly long coat from his own body, then dropped it loosely around his beloved's shoulder
His bright eyes peered at Macaque's sleeping figure for a single moment, expressing regret due to the dried tears, on their cheeks, but he had a hint of impenitence swirled onto it. One would find it possibly difficult to explain the contradicting emotions in his eyes.
Despite how pitiful Macaque's expression was, the Mayor still found a bit of enjoyment to it, instead.
To find someone, so melancholy like the colours of their fur, was difficult.
To find someone, that experienced the same thing as the fiend's past, was close to none.
The bone demon's taste, when it comes to— partners, was unusual and certainly unique, to try and find someone so broken, that would desperately cling at the small ounce of attention.
So easy to wrap his chains around.
Chronically Ill people, online was a common way to find someone close to his distinctive taste, but they all end up, disapointing him, due to their 'vulgar' ways.
But someone like Macaque, that was close to perfect, he was so deprived of affection and he! This town's mayor would give him the affection he needs, little by little.
Lifting him up the ground, the methallic restrains clinking against each other, accompanied by a faint screeching sound.
He carried, him away from the doju, the wide doors open wide, by the gust of harsh wind.
The demonic figure could only hum, a joyous tune— to signify what he'd accomplished.
He shown no sense of morality, nor guilt for his actions, just pure joy! Knowing, that Macaque was finally in his arms, after months, long grueling months of stalking them around the corner.
It was a hush hush secret, but the Mayor, Oh! He was the one that caused the monkey to constantly be in a nightmare lucid state.
Just to make him vulnerable.
"Imagine, You and Me! Intertwined by destiny."
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lastonka · 1 year
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broke-art · 1 year
So I was browsing Insta what I noticed this.
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And has anyone else ever noticed that Macaque is almost ALWAYS smiling?
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Especially when its obvious he's nervous? Just a thought.
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respawnjupiter · 5 months
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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yandere-red-son · 6 months
Pif: What is Y/N doing here
Red Son: W-well umm you s-see m-mother i (gets cut off by Y/N)
Y/N: He kidnapped me
Red Son: Shut your mouth Y/N
Y/N: I thought you liked it wide open~
Red Son: blushes I’m going to put Y/N back where I found them
Pif: I think you should
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spoozly · 1 year
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The h
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
random doodle, Jiao Yue in Macaque's and Mayor's clothes :3
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+ Bonus
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apotipoy · 9 months
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askblueandviolet · 4 months
PIF is going to kill you, Macaque.
Mayor, protect your husband D:
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Asks Start 💙💜
Previous 💙💜
Next 💙💜
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flare-the-freak · 2 months
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(We aren't responsible if it turns angsty </3)
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Memery and Schemery
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glitcheslikeslego · 5 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 15)
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Chapter 15 : Agility
Agility increases the user's speed by two stages.
When Sandy offered you to take his old motorbike to drive around in the Great Wall Race, you were on the fence about it.
On one hand, he wants you to advertise the restaurant. On the other hand, he wants you to start being more social in public.
But ‘A’ you don’t know how to drive a motorbike.
And ‘B’ you don’t want to add yourself into canon any more than you already have.
You realised that, in your skirmish with the Spider Queen, you drew more attention to yourself than you had hoped for, and the universe was slowly adding you to the main cast instead of sticking you as a support/background character like you wanted.
So you told Sandy you'd think about it.
Screw you universe, why do you do this to me?
You cursed in your head as you watched the rest of the racers line up to race alongside you.
Mei was obviously there, looking incredibly peeved that MK was participating. Red Son popped up behind them, and Jin and Yin showed up before eventually taking over the commentators box and introducing PIF and DBK before announcing the track switch.
You’re really about to do this.
You took a deep breath, getting onto the bike just like Sandy taught you to.
So long as you don’t participate in the key fight, you’re fine…
Jin and Yin did the countdown with as much fanfare as they could before sounding the horn to begin the race. 
Red Son and Mei were the fastest to react, zooming off with incredible speed. 
However, DBK and PIF were fast to react and managed to get a starting boost to surpass the two, yelling something after Red Son as they passed him. 
MK did the same, yelling in a mocking tone as he raced just behind the villainous couple. 
You were, obviously, I’m dead last. 
While the motorbike was fast, you still weren’t a full fledged professional like Mei or even Red Son, so you went at your own pace. 
You couldn't see anyone ahead of you, meaning that they were already way more farther ahead than you. 
You didn’t mind, you were content at just going at your own pace. 
It was pretty nice, being dead last. Jin and Yin mainly focused on the racers ahead of you. 
At this point, DBK and PIF were driving through a mountain after she had teasingly provoked him a bit, and you had yet to hear of Mei’s bike being destroyed yet. 
Deciding to take a bit of a risk, you tried to speed up. Sandy had told you to not go too out of your comfort zone, out of fear you might get hurt, but the back of your mind screamed at you to catch up. 
They’re too far ahead. You’ll be too late. 
You shook the weird thoughts from your head and sped up. 
Speed up!
You felt a rush of adrenaline in your veins, and your breath hitched a bit as you unconsciously sped up the motorbike. 
Go, go, go!!!
You slammed your foot down and the bike took off with incredible speed. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and the only thing that you could focus on was the street ahead of you, with everything else blurring from the tunnel vision. 
You heard a distant crash, and maniacal laugh, then you passed a blur of green and gold. 
Mei and MK. 
You remembered what happened mid-way through. And you vaguely recall how they end up winning the race. 
Narrowing your eyes, your vision blurred as you took deep breaths. 
You heard something explode and rebuild itself, then another something bursting out from something. 
At that point, you had lost all comprehension of the things around you, everything was blurry, you couldn’t hear anything more than muffled cheering, and you were moving fast. 
W I N!
You were snapped out of it when the queen of the bike caught into something, launching you over the steering handles and onto the floor, making you face plant. 
You groaned, holding your head as you sat up. 
“And that’s the end! Random tea person wins!”
It too a second, but as soon as those words reached your brain, your heart stopped. 
You didn’t… did you really? 
In a blur, you were placed onto the 1st place pedestal and handed the trophy, still shell shocked and panting like you ran the race instead of driving. 
Like in canon, MK tries to eat the trophy, and Mei laughs at him and Red Son over believing that the trophy was actually a peach of immortality.
“You were awesome! When did you get so good at racing?” Mei asked, getting you into a side hug, which snapped you out of your stupor. 
“Uhh, beginner's luck?” You responded sheepishly, and Mei laughed. 
“We need to celebrate your first win, maybe Pigsy will make some noodles! Leggo!” MK, ever the ball of energy, takes you by the wrist and runs off to take you to Pigsy’s, with Mei following behind, laughing all the while. 
And as this was happening, there was only one thing in your head. 
A plea. 
Please don’t let this break canon…
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broke-art · 1 year
Can they dance?!
M.k - can do the macarena
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Macaque - probably can but would die first.
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Monkey king - knows a few dances but will only do it in private intimate times. (Other than this time because he was NOOOT himself)
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Red son- Oh absolutely. He knows allll the classical dances. Even some forgotten to mortals.
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Sandy - he knows a couple. But is pretty shy about it.
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Tang - yeah he knows a few, and he might dance here and there if he felt like it.
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Pigsy - yes he can dance but only does it on special occasions.
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The mayor -,yes. Infact he's very good.
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Nezha - he knows all the customary dances and is even rather talented but he prefers not to unless it's important.
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Mei ,- oh yes she can dance has been learning since she was little but she likes freestyle more than the stuffy more regulated dances.
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Is there anyone else you're curious about? Let me know with a comment. I like chatting with you guys.
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bobus · 5 months
ok ive been busy with schoolwork but heres a few more doodles lmao
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here's mac, and of COURSE he had to be a ranwing/nightwing hybrid; aka the most self absorbed motherfucker in the world. im not settled on his design because he looks lowkey bald rn, but the general idea i had was that hes basically just some asshole with an animus touched object (earrings and lantern) that give him magic similar enough to his lmk shadow powers. he definently tries his best to make his scales stay dark and edgy all the time even when the emotive tendencies of rainwing scales make him randomly explode into bright colours when someone trips over and eats shit in front of him. he was still killed by wukong and revived by lbd because that gives me an actual motive and potential plot for his character and development beyond being a piece of shit (lovingly). and yes i do enjoy drawing the scar eye that's why i only drew his head from that side :]
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and because they're my favourite character of course i had to do mayor, so heres a go at a chief design lmao. i'm still churning possible mayor designs in my brain but ill prolly have it done soon so heres a shitty doodle of an possible one for now, but i do have kind of a story planned out ? they were a general of the ice kingdoms army during a war and were incredible at it for a few decades, though eventually they met their match from a rivalling parties leader who outsmarted them and ambushed their troop mid flight when returning from a scuffle elsewhere. most of the chiefs men died from falling to the ground after having their wing membranes slashed or being skewered by the dragons that dove down into them. chief themself was fatally wounded but managed to crash down somewhere on the outskirts of the ice kingdom where they were found by lbd as they died. cool forehead star scar yippee !! also somewhat happy with how the armour turned out so yay.
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