#mbti confession
antheiantics · 2 years
Nietzsche Quotes I Adore With Burning Passion as an Analyst Type (probably) MBTI person #7
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby becomes a monster.
The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.
I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.
There’s no defense against stupidity.
He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.
You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame. How could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?
Those you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster.
No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.
It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions cease to be minds.
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phoenixxxrizing · 9 months
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thequirkychameleon · 2 years
Contradictions of an INFJ:
- wanting alone time but wanting to be around people
- not in tune with your own emotions yet understanding the emotion of others
- trouble expressing your own emotions despite feeling deep emotion
- not always standing up for yourself but passionate about speaking up for other causes you believe in
- loving to plan things out but like the idea of spontaneity
- being so analytical yet so creative
- missing out on some small detail despite being perfectionists
- avoiding opening up to people yet love deep conversations
- often being misunderstood yet understanding others more than they understand themselves
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intp-musing · 4 months
Which type of people do you like?
I can’t speak for other INTPs, but I don’t think there is a specific type of people I like that I can pin down, but if we click then we click.
I would say that anyone that I can have a deep and interesting conversation with is my favorite person in the moment. I remember there was a girl I only ever talked to once. We talked for 2 hours, exchanged contact, and never spoke to each other again. From time to time, I think of her and only remember how fun it was to talk to her. I’m sure we could’ve been best friends had I not been atrocious at keeping in contact.
Anyone whose first instinct is to try small talk with me has already made a bad first impression. I would much rather not have them approach me again if that’s what they plan to do each time they see me. People who immediately have a thought provoking question or start with a subject of interest has automatically made a fantastic first impression.
People who will indulge me on my current hyper fixation is also high on my list of favorite people.
Common interests are a must with no exceptions.
That’s all I got off the top of my head. I can’t say this is true for other INTPs, but at least this is my experience.
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trashandwriting · 2 years
When an INFJ tells you they "forgot about it", that's often not true. We barely forget, we mostly have a good reason we don't bring things up again, but have often no bad intention at all. When we lie about trivial stuff like this, it often has one of the following reasons: we try to gather information (yep we're nosey), we try to protect someone or ourselves from harm or something or someone is draining/stressing to us and we try to avoid contact.
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infjpaladin · 1 year
Relatable 😅🤣
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0-secret-admirer-0 · 2 years
Explains my current situation
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snarp · 1 year
The setting of Baroque (Syndrome) never developed social media.
We know this because, if the Archangel had had access to it, he would not have had time to become obsessed with slotting all of humanity into 22 tarot-based categories and fighting God about it. He would have been much too busy getting into pride flag discourse on here.
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theomnicode · 1 year
When you watch too many MBTI meme videos...
Saitama: Genos. Genos: Yes sensei? Saitama: How do you see me right now? Genos: You look fatigued, sensei. Have you not been sleeping well? I will immediately make you some tea- Saitama: That's not it! *sigh* Saitama: I meant on a more fundamental level... Genos: Fundamental... Genos: I love and respect you sensei! Saitama: *completely floored*
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antheiantics · 2 years
Random MBTI Confession from the Analyst type (ENTJ, ENTP, INTP, INTJ) #10
I'm socially "weird" - I may look like a rabid Doberman while just casually waiting in the hallway, but if you take the time to approach me I'd treat you quite amicably, maybe even friendlier than you expected.
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Fe equating with empathy and absorbing emotions is not correct, particularly for IFJs / ITPs. Fe- is the "emotional feng shui" set by others.
Bad feng shui messes up their inner peace. It triggers them to do something about it. They can choose to care, blame, or ignore.
These types are not naturally good with emotions. They use logic and reason to better understand and gain a sense of control, in order to avoid these bad feng shui vibes from happening.
Most of them actually hold very strong values and opinions about how the world should behave, therefore need to devise solutions so that everyone, with them included, can get along.
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phoenixxxrizing · 1 year
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thequirkychameleon · 2 years
Feeling too much?
As an INFJ, I first noticed that I started developing my auxiliary or secondary function, extroverted feeling (Fe) a couple of years ago when I started university, especially during fresher’s week. There was a period when I thought I had converted to an extrovert as I had never seeked out friends prior to this, nor did I care about doing so. My friends from school were made by ‘accident’ as I like to call it or ‘destiny’ or whatever but the point is, I was never the one to first initiate friendship and I was alright with this.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my ability to connect with others and show empathy through Fe and feel less robotic and more like a people person, which I do consider myself as. However it has recently come to my attention while studying the cognitive functions that this Fe might actually be more harmful to my identity and has pushed me into this people pleasing mode and I realise that I hardly state my opinions due to fear of conflict with others. Also through socialising with Fi doms I have come to the realisation that I am not actually in tune with my feelings at all while completely being in tune with the feelings of others and prioritising this over my own. This makes decision making for even trivial things so difficult e.g. deciding where to eat with friends, hence why I also really enjoy my alone time as I am free from this people pleasing nature and feel less exhausted. Decision making even on my own decisions takes time and can be difficult as I always need validation even though i realise that I always stick to the one decision I made before validation.
I have also recently asked myself the question, what are my hobbies? What are my interests? What do I like? What am I passionate about? This leaves me in an identity crisis whenever I have time and space alone, hence why I subconsciously always try to be productive with my time so I don’t end up in this sad rabbit hole. If I don’t think about it, I think I am happy at least. This is why I also hate icebreakers when you do group activities at uni or interviews or when you first meet someone and tell them about yourself and you don’t actually know who you really are but can go on for hours about everyone else. Also, I call myself a chameleon for this reason, as I can blend in with others and change myself subconsciously to fit others and this even happens with my accent depending on who I’m talking to. I’m aware this can come across as fake but I do it subconsciously and I guess a positive is that as a medical student, it makes me relatable when I’m with patients in the hospital as I can communicate in their manner and fit their needs which helps build rapport.
What do my fellow INFJs think of this? Is this relatable?
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blakkbutterfly · 1 year
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under-the-moons · 1 year
infj problem of the day:
i'm tired of the constant self-improvement...
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chosetobethisway · 1 year
Have you ever just looked at people? Like really just LOOKED? Looked at people talking, laughing, listening, reading? It is so beautiful. Like, I personally just love looking at people. I love looking at people hanging out with their loved ones, laughing with their friends, listening to someone they care about. There's just this genuine and pure interest and care and love and affection that you can see on the person's face. It is wonderful. You should try it once.
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