elsecrytt · 2 years
Diavolo can tell when someone is lying.
"Lucifer doesn't love you, you know."
Gold eyes waver, smile faltering. "Elsey - "
"He doesn't have any true affection for you. He's only indulging you because - "
A sharp intake of breath. A hand covers their mouth, wide and broad.
They don't hesitate. Elsey draws blood; he doesn't even flinch.
And why should he? With just their blunt little human fangs barely lodged in his hand.
A moment of weakness, snatched back in an instant.
"Oh..." Those eyes, so bright, gleaming at them like molten metal that burns just to look at.
Red lashes lower over his eyes as he leans in. "My darling human, you clever, wicked thing."
They'd started speaking to hurt him, bit him with teeth when they couldn't with words. And now he looks at them, lashes fluttering, excitement flickering in manic, glowing eyes.
"How will it feel, when I finally have your love?"
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
"MC is secretly God" we're god's humansona so we can finally get back in with our wayward children, is that what you're saying? god is trying to fit in with the kids?
No. Lol
It's a crackpot theory of mine based on absolutely nothing except vague speculation, some interesting wording, and the idea that it would be a cool narrative.
Basically: Solomon and God are the same person > MC is Solomon's reincarnation > MC is, therefore, also God
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"The price for a miracle never stops being paid." OH MY GOD WHAT A BOMB LINE TO DROP!!!
it rlly does have. caretaker vibes to it. hauntingly realistic because this sickness is like the real life ones where. it just isn't getting better. it isn't fixed at the root and they just have to deal with it. manage the symptoms.
and it's hard work, it's scary to have to do it, it's so much and it's so demanding, but they want to keep you alive, and they can't bear for you to die so this is what they have to do. it's what they can do. top tier <3
In reference to this.
They all bear (or feel they bear) some level of responsibility for what happened to you. None of them are willing to watch you die again - there is no all-powerful magic, no perfect words, no profound love that can tie your soul back to the land of the living.
There’s just - work.
Some of the work must happen everyday. Sometimes it’s more weekly, monthly, regular but not as vital. Sometimes it’s a flurry of panic as some new symptom pops up and they must find a solution.
But work is routine. Work might hurt, might be high stakes, but it is not a battle against an enemy army or a search through a lost tomb. It’s not exciting like the brothers might want, it’s not something they can indulge their sins in. It is something they simply do for you, only for your benefit.
Love is routine. It’s all the things they do to keep you with them.
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obeythebutler · 2 years
anyways before i forget.
coward!MC lesson 16 reactions,,, bro the angst potential there is so real idk even where to start.
i legit imagine,,, you're in such a state of abject terror and shock, like, you literally died, not a game, no joking, it HAPPENED, and no one saved you, belphie didn't stop, there was absolutely nothing you could do
first lucifer rejecting you, and then this. it'd be a massive setback to any kind of bravery you'd been able to muster because seriously, post lesson 16, literally fuck that. you could DIE, this is REAL, and you were stupid for ever forgetting that.
hhh just. satan, lucifer, mammon,, whichever other boys (i love me some dia so maybe him and barb, who probably deserves to feel at least a little responsible), knowing how much you suffer. trying to help.
strongly worded and more detailed letters to follow, love, elsey,
Coward! MC here
Hellfire tea sits cold in your lap.
The flames in the fireplace burn with vigour, bright and burning as expected of something like Hell. Mammon once threw a broken chair in there, to hide it from the eldest, and it reduced to ashes in front of your eyes within seconds.
The fire devour anything it gets.
Like that black tapir roasted to perfection by Satan. Babylon curry stirred by Asmodeus, with two pink hairclips that he put in place before beginning with the cooking and as he chirped "so that my hair won't be affected by the heat !," and the cheerful chatter in the air. Plans made and some promptly turned away (exploring all Devildom restaurants in a day might just lead to bankruptcy) and smiles which were not seen before.
And Quetzalcoatl brain soup stirred by a tall demon.
For his twin, of course.
Bony fingers that gripped the ladle and lips curling into a smile at the taste. Those same fingers around your throat. Tightening, not letting you breathe even when you begged. Black spots in your vision and a throbbing pain in your chest after having been thrown down the stairs. You must have broken a bone or two in there, but you're not sure.
You're not even sure why you are alive.
Belphegor laughs, and you freeze in your seat, fork with spaghetti twisted around it falling on the table with a plop!
You blame it on clumsy hands. And yet, your heartbeat can be heard by inhumane ears.
You stare at it with detachment, perhaps wondering if the piece of food will jump to life.
"Here," Belphegor says, passing you a plate of sushi. "I thought you would like it, since its from the human world."
You stare but smile, and when his fingers brush against yours you tremble.
"I missed out on a lot, didn't I?" He mentions with gaze half-lidded. "I want to catch up on everything."
You chew on rice and fish but the taste doesn't matter at the moment. The room is gigantic and you already dwarf in comparison. Eyes gaze at you in concern, but you pay no heed.
Did your death even get a mourning?
When Belphegor says your name, you nod and say yes.
Even when you beg yourself to say no and get out, out of the room where he is sitting and eating and you're dining with him and his brothers and you're dining with rejection and death in front of you and oh god you can't say no—
Your fingers dig into your thigh.
"MC, are you alright?" Asmodeus whispers, unable to avoid the way in which your hands tremble when Belphegor is near. You don't hear him, continuing to stare at the half-eaten sushi on your plate. Your heart pounds in your chest, the familiar tendrils of fear clinging to you as the seventhborn draws nearer.
He is barely able to place a hand on your shoulder before you jolt, throwing away your cutlery with a clang. The chair makes a noise that makes everyone else wince, following which you're gone and out of the dining room.
You're gone in a flash, footsteps fading with the door of your room slamming shut.
This is your chance.
Go back in time. Find out what helped Belphegor escape. Come back.
Sounds like a pretty neat plan.
"Thank you, MC." When Lucifer expresses his gratitude for your help, you smile in understanding.
Even after what has happened, you will show everyone that you can be better. That you're not the coward you used to be. After having faced rejection and cried outside the firstborn's door, writing on paper that tore due to how much you erased your work and after Lucifer's demon form towering over you. Teeth bared in a display of aggression, and the sickening thud that was made when Beel collided with the furniture.
And after all that has happened, things are finally looking up for you. You've fallen down many times, but you're learning to brush yourself and get up, persevere, and not shrink when faced with the slightest threat.
This is your chance, you affirm, clenching your fist. You can finally prove that you're worthy of respect, a value that you want to be admired for.
"Remember, you must not tell anyone that you are from the future, as well as me. That might end up warping history. Return after finding out the reason for Belphegor's escape."
The butler instructs, finger under his chin. You nod, flashing the demon a smile to let him know that you are prepared. Barbatos's warning echoes clear in your head as you approach the door, and open it, revealing a purple mist.
When you look back at the demon, his expression reveals nothing. Bidding him bye, you step forward.
You can't wait to return.
As soon as the haze clears, you find yourself in the hallway of the House of Lamentation. You pace around, trying to ascertain as to during which event you are here.
The sound of bickering catches your ears, and you step forward into Mammon's room.
"When you're silencing yourself, ensure to quieten that stomach too!"
"Hey! Don't ask me to do the impossible!"
"Lucifer and MC should have opened up to each other by now."
Your breath hitches in your throat as you take in Asmo's words. So the whole game with the firstborn was planned...
A smile forms on your face at the realisation, but it drops as soon as you remember that they don't know what will happen. Screaming and shouting. Bristled wings and snarls. Threats on your life. Careful to not make noise, you step forward to listen better.
And the sound of the empty can crushing beneath your feet is enough to attract attention.
Mammon's head whips around. "I didn't know you were in here the whole time!" He says in disbelief, and the others look on. You gulp, having the urge to get out of the room without explaining yourself, but you stop.
"Yeah, I followed Satan around.." You mutter, embarrassed, and the fourthborn frowns.
"See! I told you to be careful" Asmo complains, pointing a finger accusingly at his brother. "Now look what you've done."
The idea to make Lucifer and you talk again has not worked out, and the demon pouts.
Levi furrows his brows."You should see him." He says, and you nod, glad to get out and solve the mission. Back in the hallway, you hear faint voices, and on inspecting closely you discover that they're coming from the top of the stairs.
Where Belphegor is held prisoner.
"The old Lucifer wasn't like this! The old Lucifer didn't care what others thought of him!"
You don't hear a retort.
Perhaps this was one of the many reasons why you fell in love with Lucifer. Brave and confident of himself, willing to sacrifice himself for those who loves.
Something you wouldn't have been able to muster the courage for.
But you're growing. You're making progress, as small that might be. You no longer tolerate lower-level demons stepping up and stealing your lunch or bothering you in class. Grades are improving, and so are your relations in the house.
You don't want it all to shatter.
You don't want to pick yourself up again like that night.
Descending footsteps alert you, and so you hide.
And Belphegor's pleading voice for help is something you are unable to resist.
And so you step forward and open the door.
And so Belphegor embraces you.
And then he transforms.
"What—What the hell are you doing?!" You stammer, fear creeping in your veins at the sudden reveal of his demon form. "Belphegor, what exactly are you planning?"
When his hand curl around your neck, you scream.
He pushes you against the wall of the attic, your head colliding with the stone, further adding to your agony. The demon laughs, and you wonder if this is his genuine smile, finally revealed in a moment of cruelty.
"Don't blame me for tricking you, blame yourself for falling for it," He snarls, teeth too sharp and eyes too bright in the dim light. You struggle to breathe, your clawing and kicking of no use.
"Please," You beg, barely able to rasp out words when he squeezes your neck so tightly you fear he might just wrung it and kill you. "I don't want to—I—please d-don't—"
His smile is cruel.
"It's rather unpleasant, in't it? Being choked like this." Belphegor laughs, the sound throaty and cruel, and you feel your heart breaking further at the betrayal. You thought you were friends. You trusted him. You freed him.
All that courage you had gathered, all gone to waste. Your mission—failed. What you feared during your time in the Devildom is happening, and you can't even do anything to stop it.
You are about to die.
Your vision blurs with tears, and you struggle to breathe in his grasp.
Not this time. Not this. Anything but this. Please don't kill me.
His laugh still rings in your ears as your eyes close.
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"Not my breakfast!"
Leviathan protests, unable to do anything but watch as Beel downs the rest of his food, miffed at his ignorance. He slams his hand on the table, and Lucifer frowns.
"Beel and Levi—"
The delicate normalcy in the room has been broken, and now it lies shattered like a thousand glass pieces that will be hard to pick up and will pierce skin.
If not of demons, than of a human.
The demon straightens his posture, realising that his presence has stopped the chatter that he had anticipated. Belphegor gazes around the room, and when he turns to look his brothers in the eye they don't meet his gaze.
"Come on," He drawls, pulling back the chair to sit down, the sound making everyone wince. "Continue."
He grabs his portion of bread and soup, but no one resumes their actions.
Indifferent, the demon takes a bite of the bread.
"So...are you going along with Belphie to school?" Asmo questions, hand resting under his chin.
Besides him, Leviathan announces that he will grab something to eat at the cafeteria, and the fading footsteps create a sound no one wants to hear.
Belphegor takes a sip of the soup. "MC doesn't have to go along if they don't want to." His expression reveals nothing; and your shoulders sag with relief.
You don't go with Belphegor to school that day.
But that doesn't spare you from his presence next to yours in the class.
Neither does the fact that you're sitting next to the demon that killed you once.
Has he brushed aside what happened so easily? And have the others done the same? You ask yourself as the professor demonstrates how to manifest magic circles. And rejection still sits bitter within you.
After that class is over, you have to go shopping for Diavolo's birthday. You're not sure if you'll be able to do that with Belphegor around.
Every step you take will have to be done with caution. Because you, foolish human, had forgotten that you were defenseless, with or without the pacts.
They knew what would happen when you would step into the portal.
Neither did you find someone who loved you.
Neither was your love returned.
The pain of rejection dulls in comparison to death, and even then you find yourself in shambles.
You were, after all, sent to your demise instead. You laugh at the fact, a low chuckle that breaks off into a crack at the end, and it doesn't help that Mammon winces noticing your expression of happiness is a bitter one. Nor is it true.
After running into the residents of Purgatory hall, you find that nothing escapes Simeon's gaze.
When he advices you to serve as a bridge for the brothers, you are tempted to cackle.
The angel quietens when he sees the dark circles under your eyes, and the way your eyes dart around the stairs, waiting for someone to strike. Instead Simeon breathes out, murmuring that you are welcome to come to Purgatory Hall whenever you wish. The angel doesn't know what took place, but he knows you're in turmoil.
"If you want someone to talk to, I'm right here." He departs with those words.
He leads Luke back home.
He doesn't know what to say.
And your vision blurs as they walk away.
Nothing can be said of this moment, nothing is left to say. Its silence silences.
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Game night is not a peace-building activity.
Rather, it leads to chaos.
"Wrong decision Mammon! You could have had Ruri work as an idol and instead you've sent her to the casino!"
"She'll make more money and then you'll get more! Stop shoutin at me!"
"This was my videogame—"
The door slams open.
And then it begins.
"So you're telling me that Beel is feelin guilty because he didn't know you were being held..prisoner?"
"What else," Belphegor rolls his eyes, and when his gaze meets yours his expression is unreadable. He settles away from you, swiping a pillow from Levi's lap who gazes around the room, and placing it on his own. Although he's not touching you, his presence is enough to inspire fear. Your nerves stay on edge, body stiffening as you attempt to stay still and not shrivel besides him.
You want to go back to your room.
"Should we go and see Beel?" Mammon mutters in your ear, not wanting to let Belphie hear, but the action has you nearly jolting in your place.
Your eyes are downcast. "S-Sure," You whisper, voice low. "We should see him." You play with your thumb, refusing to meet either brother's gaze. The audio from the game stops playing, and the silence that follows starts to envelope the room in a heavy blanket.
The secondborn frowns.
"Ya alright?" He questions, eyes travelling over your form, inspecting for any injuries you might have been trying to hide or any signs of illness, but when he sees the way your hands tremble and breath runs ragged Mammon bends down.
"Let's go to your room MC, how about that?"
You nod, and let him lead the way.
When the door closes again, it is Levi's turn to gape at Belphegor.
"They're scared of you," He blurts out, unable to bear the silence. "MC doesn't want to be near you."
Belphegor stares at the tank in resignation.
Back in your room, Mammon dims the lights with a simple incantation that he heard Lucifer recite countless times. "Thanks," You say, voice muffled under the blanket. The demon smiles, his eyes looking unusually bright in the dark, but you brush it aside as a demon quirk.
"Anything for ya."
He turns to leave, ready to walk out the door and close it, then walk straight towards the end of the hallway where—
His name comes out in a whisper, and he stills.
"Could you stay?"
A smile. "Of course."
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"Are you alright?"
Lucifer questions, and you tremble.
"I'm fine," You mumble, unable to meet his gaze. You don't have the courage to even look the demon in the eye, and so you stare at your notebook. "Just doing some assignments," You blurt, picking up a pencil in hopes of making yourself look busy. "We've got a test tomorrow in Hexes and Curses."
The demon eyes you, lips turned downwards and brows furrowed.
The man can see you trembling. The way your eyes flicker nervously over lines of text, or the way you keep fidgeting with the pencil.
You're scared.
And who's fault is it?
Who is responsible for your death?
Who is responsible for locking Belphegor?
Who is responsible for the fall from the Celestial Realm?
Who is responsible for destroying any courage you had gathered?
All these questions are screamed at him, and the war comes to mind. When others had believed in him, and he failed them.
He failed you.
Lucifer knows that it is him, and no other being. All that had happened to you are the consequences of his own actions. That after having finally gathered yourself from the pain of rejection, the pain of dying had finally torn down any remnants of your happiness and peace here.
And...would you even trust him?
The firstborn asks himself this question as he ogles your form; desperately trying to find a way for you or him to leave. Because he can't be trusted, not anymore.
And he can't even believe you when you say that you're fine.
"You should rest," He says, voice raspy. "The past few days have been....."
The demon winces, stopping himself before he goes and says something that will tear the manufactured normalcy you've been desperately trying to present.
You nod in return, muttering out a 'good night,' before gathering your notebook and scurrying out from the room. You can feel eyes burning holes in the back of your head; you can feel Lucifer staring at you, but you don't want to look back.
And as your footsteps retreat, Lucifer replaces the vacant spot you had left, on the chair.
He inspects the wood, eyes gazing over the material before he rests his head on it—too exhausted to do anything else. Too tired to try right now.
He's worsened your agony.
Gloves fingers pick up the pencil lying abandoned, and the firstborn stares at it. Your departure sets something in his chest throbbing with pain, and he knows it is love that he cannot speak about.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
He loves you. But it is an affection he does not have the courage to speak about, for his actions say something else.
Does he even deserve you?
Lucifer's throat tightens, and he refuses to acknowledge it.
His mind drifts back to the time when his brothers were creating a fuss about that Devilgram photo with you and Satan. How you both looked so happy and it was someone else who'd made you smile. How hard you had cried that night when he had rejected you and how scared you were after. How you avoided him after and how you must have cried and how scared you must have been when Belphegor killed you—
A garbled cry spills from his throat.
The sound Lucifer makes is something he's mortified to hear from himself. The man's vision blurs and all he can feel is the agony in his chest. His face is wet. And upon realising that the library isn't soundproof he casts an enchantment, through a tone that cracks in the end.
No one will be able to hear his cries now.
Your spirits have been crushed, and the MC he once knew is gone, replaced by one that had their spirits defeated.
Lucifer is witness to that. From watching you run away, leaving behind Beel and Luke in the underground tomb to standing in front of Diavolo, going back in time....and being rejected and yet bouncing back...there's no greater testimony than it.
He calls you to his room the night before you're supposed to leave for the human world.
You walk into the room to see Lucifer by the fireplace. The flames frame his features in a way which takes away your breath. It is in this moment that you're reminded that you are in a room with the Avatar of Pride and fallen angel, Lucifer himself.
You suppose there's no better time to be wary than now.
In hindsight, you should have never trusted them from the start. For who knew smiles and laughter would get you killed? So when the demon asks for you, it takes fifteen minutes itself to muster up courage to move.
And even more to stand in front of him.
"Come, sit down," He murmurs, gesturing to an empty couch across him. "Please make yourself comfortable."
The man attempts to make yourself feel relaxed in his presence, but you can't help the racing of your heart when you sit down on the plush couch, darting your gaze around the room, looking everywhere but in his eyes. When you finally do, look in his direction, you find that Lucifer is not scrutinizing you.
Rather, he's focused on the fire.
"I chose you as the exchange student for this programe." Lucifer declares, voice somber.
You fidget in your seat, not knowing what to make of his words. When he looks at you, your guts tell you to flee, yet you remain like a deer frozen in headlights.
"There were times when I regretted my choice."
Your heart sinks. You know Lucifer doesn't have the best opinion of you, you are pretty sure you are nothing more than a coward in his eyes, just a human to take care of for a year. A responsibility.
"But I made the right choice in choosing you." Lucifer smiles, and it is an expression full of warmth, unlike anything you've seen before.
"H-How?" You question, utterly bewildered and confused. "I thought you—that you—"
"That you had no value in my eyes." The man cuts you off, and you flinch. "That I had no respect for you." Your hands tremble, not knowing where this conversation is leading to. The door is right in front of you, maybe if you just excused yourself—
Yet another part wants to stay. Remain and listen to the demon. Lucifer's voice is soft. "I was wrong about you," He admits, smiling softly. "For you are someone to be respected."
"Ever since the day I saw you in the Devildom, I assumed that you would be another hassle, another responsibility to take care of. And observing you during your first week here, didn't exactly put a decent impression of you in my mind."
You gape at the man, waiting for him to continue.
"You ran away from me in the underground tomb, and yet you went up the stairs that I stated were forbidden. I have seen you struggling with coursework, thrust into a new environment which you did not consent to have been put into..." He places a hand under his chin. "In hindsight, I should have been more understanding of your situation. I was the one to bring you here and you even got killed because of my mistake.."
"Don't say that."
He sighs, his shoulders sagging, and you've never seen Lucifer look more defeated.
"I have seen you grow. I assumed you were weak, a coward, and yet you grew and overcame your fears. You have helped me and my family immensely, and all I did was get in your way." He says, and your heart aches. "I've been cruel."
A sob chokes your throat.
"I am proud of you for what you have done and achieved, and I can never make enough reparations for what you had to suffer. But I swear I will prevent anything like this from occurring again." He gets up, suddenly, startling you. "And I offer you my pact as promise and as gratitude."
And as you watch, the Morningstar gets on his knees in front of you.
"Control over me as your demon, and you my Master," He mumbles. "Will you allow me the honour of making a pact with you?"
When Lucifer gazes at you with nothing but sincerity in his eyes, you have to blink back tears.
The firstborn bows his head. "You will never have to fear me again." He swears. "And I will give you a reason to believe." And with that, you feel infernal magic flowing through your veins. A burst of energy so intense that it raises your heartbeat and makes you close your eyes momentarily.
When you open them again, you feel powerful.
For you have command over the Morningstar himself.
"Thank you," You whisper, placing your hand atop his own.
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Satan has seen the way you carry yourselves now at RAD, an invisible presence amongst the crowd of chattering demons. Withdrawn and downcast. Despite the pacts, you were murdered.
He's seen you fall and rise, unwavering determination as you gathered courage and spoke up for yourself. Improved yourself and went against Diavolo, the literal Prince who few dared to oppose. You went back in time for all of them, and what did that get you?
But now you can barely muster any courage to even look him in the eye. Lucifer and Belphegor have made their pacts with you too in penance and forgiveness, but that is not enough to help the trauma inflicted upon you.
Satan doesn't know what to say now, seeing your downcast gaze and the way you tremble when Belphegor is near. He's seen you rise and fall, and seeing you destroyed makes Satan realise that he and his brother are all responsible for what happened to you. He loves you too; for seeing you strive to improve and overcome the fear that is justifiably humane, and observing you grow reminds Satan of himself.
But you've fallen down and been killed.
Therapy, he concludes one week before you're supposed to leave. It is perhaps the best option for you.
And all that on Diavolo's dime.
Lucifer and Satan had worked it out all together, and the Prince had readily agreed. He knew what would happen, and yet he allowed it.
One life in exchange for peace and order.
It sounds simple, but when you realise the weight it carries you can't bring yourself to do it. The man is a Prince, and with that title comes responsibilities and power more than anyone could fathom.
But did it give him the right to put you in a completely different realm and place an unwanted burden on your shoulders?
He muses, late at night when the moon is at its brightest. When he can't sleep, and the dark circles in the morning will surely concern Barbatos who won't hold back on a lecture.
But some questions won't stop bothering him.
Do you hate him?
Would you have hated him?
For what he's done to you?
Was he making the right choices?
Was he trying enough?
But he's still learning, still observing, still growing. He never lies.
And Diavolo doesn't ever want such a circumstance to occur. When he felt infernal magic radiating from you, so intense and of a magnitude that only the firstborn could muster, the Prince knew what had happened.
Pacts with the seven avatars.
Command over them.
Could....would you have forged one with him, if possible? Would you want to? He wants to ask, and yet Diavolo knows he can't make one even if you were willing.
Not yet.
But he'll work towards ensuring a world where he can.
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trashy-corvian · 2 years
"being friends isn't some inevitable conclusion characters must come to" IT'S!!! A!! MOOOOD!!
It's really interesting because like. In the Satan/Lucifer body swap arc, it felt like the game's message really was "listen, it's okay if you don't like someone".
MC doesn't get multiple options, the only thing you CAN tell Satan is "you don't have to make yourself like Lucifer" or smth.
I was like, damn. This isn't the therapy they obviously need but it's very affirming talk, this advice is helpful in his day-to-day life and realistic about the situation. Good job.
I would have loved to see Belphie say he accepts Dia's vision, but only to honor Lilith's memory, and he still hates Dia, because a big part of Belphie's personality is that he's immature and he likes to assign blame and hold grudges instead of like, working through his issues.
Friendship becomes kinda devalued, too, when every character is good friends with every other character tbh.
Like... if we all care about each other soooo much then where's the special ooomph that comes from "My favorite person in the world is in danger and I'm about to fuCKING LOSE IT"?
A truly genuine and happy friendship isn't something you can just pop out like nothing. Like y'all I don't just find my besties lying around I gotta search for that shit!! I go hunting!! And Dia just asks his right hand man's little brother to play video games with him!! smh
Elsey, i'm gently holding you and kissing your forehead
You hunt for friends! You go in the wild risking you life to find the bastards you'll die for!
I want intresting dynamics. I want characters with rivalries, one-sided affection/dislike. I want characters who don't give a shit about each other.
And these guys are DEMONS. They don't do friendships. They need some hellova good reason to befriend each other!
Ok so situation with Belphie woulb be such a great opportunity to develop Dia as a character? Him seeing that despite his wishes Belphegor doesn't want to be friends with him? That you need to respect people boundaries?? Dia finally aknowledging someone's feelings??? I mourn that could've been.
Dia currently doesn't have any friends. Barbie and Luci are his servants you can't build a healthy relationship on that. Dia and Levi as buddies? Yeah, ok maybe. But make it work! Give me chemistry!
Writers basically bullied Levi into becoming a friends with the Prince. Where is the build up? Do writers make friends by locking them up in a karaoke? Well good for them but their exp are not universal.
I'm already dreading how this "friendship is magic" shit will affect the new characters. I want 13 to remain her bitchy self! Her chats are great and full of personality. Let her be "difficult to deal with", kinda evil and wild. She's like a wild dog i befriended when i was 9. Same with Mephisto and Raph
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Hello!! Could I perhaps request a dom!reader with a Satan, who tries to call them kitten, but instead MC pins him down and pulls his tail until he meows for them? Like, they turn it around and now HE'S the kitten! Thank you!! <3
Hi Anon, this is a very fun idea but I am not currently taking requests on this blog (or my SFW one). I believe there are other blogs who accept requests or commissions at this time, so please seek out someone else.
@elsecrytt is a known Satan fucker and would probably go for a request like this (thanks for letting me tag you Elsey).
Also, I've received a few other requests on this blog as of late. (if you just sent a thirst ask, this isn't directed at you - i mean people who used 'i request/can you write' or some variation of that). Unfortunately they will all get the same answer. I already write with as much of my free time as I can, and I don't want this to start feeling like a job or an obligation. Please respect my 'request closed' on my sfw blog and that I do not take requests on this one.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
im currently going through a sub arc atm skhfgkhdg so like. my big kink rn is. examinations.... being "inspected",,
i just think i would undress in a heartbeat for a curious satan's whims and then anD THEN i have a ton of other plans for that series i am actually already writing both part I and part I where they actually get it on -
but ksdhlgkdhfg ANYWAYS even if you don't like any of the other kinks or parts (which is 100% okay,, no pressure),,, thamk you,, for liking my think,,, u make an elsey so happy <3
GIRLIE OF COURSE I DO YOUR MC IS EVERYTHING TO ME 🤩🤩🤩🤩 beloved elsey can do no wrong in my eyes
nsfw under the cut:
omg inspection.... 😍😵‍💫😭 being examined and analysed and asked how certain things work, why they work that way, maybe even giving a little demonstration 👀👀👀 fluid samples taken, distances measured, reactions tested... having to stand there and be moved and manipulated, bent over and stretched, fighting the arousal as you try desperately not to react, and then having to admit why you're positively dripping.... 😫😫
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miheadlines · 7 years
MT. CLEMENS, MI – The Macomb County Sheriff’s Office seeks help from the public identifying the woman in the photographs.
The woman is suspected of stealing a wallet from an employee at the McLaren Cancer Center on Harrington in Mt. Clemens. The same day as the theft , March 13th, 2017, the woman used the victim’s credit cards at a Bed Bath & Beyond and a PETCO, both located on Gratiot in Roseville.
The images were captured by the surveillance cameras in a store where the credit cards were used.
Anyone who may be able to identify the woman is asked to call Detective Derek Elsey at (586) 307-9358.
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Macomb County Sheriff looking for Woman who stole wallet from Cancer Center MT. CLEMENS, MI - The Macomb County Sheriff's Office seeks help from the public identifying the woman in the photographs.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
The Price of Wrath - Inspection
There were worse ways to be bent over a counter, completely bare-assed, head resting on their arms as a demon poked through their genitals, Elsey supposes.
It helps that he's devastatingly handsome. They can't see him right now, bent over and all, but that actually helps a bit.
It helps less that he's clever, that he's taking notes while mumbling to himself, and also - they wince at the sound of another tap - taking pictures of their cunt for anatomical labeling.
But it does help though. Maybe. Sort of.
It helps them from getting too cold, with their face burning as it is, and it unfortunately helps keep their sex from drying out.
If they had any confidence, any at all, that Satan would so much as bat an eye or show some interest, they'd tell him to put down this new kink in his list of discoveries.
However, his tone is clinical, cool. Not a hint of eroticism or arousal - there's interest, but not in sex.
They swear they can feel his eyes on them. Roaming. Taking in every inch, recording and cataloguing, analyzing every little twitch and curve of sinew and muscle.
It makes them helplessly, embarrassingly, unspeakably wet.
He's looking at them like he's examining an anatomical doll, and nothing has ever turned them on so much in their life.
Fuck. Fuck. He's going to do more stuff like this - is this that big of a kink they haven't known about, or just their crush acting up?
It's impossible to tell what's going on back there, where he's going to touch, what he's looking at - so their whole body soon begins to heat under his gaze, anticipating buzzing just beneath the skin.
And yet the air is still so cool, flesh so vulnerable as Elsey rests in silent submission to his gaze.
Why were they doing this again? No more of that high school bullying,
"The vaginal entrance is significantly more moist..." Satan remarks, and they have to bite their lip as he draws his fingers along their opening.
His touch is just a light trace, almost like the playful tease of a lover... were he not wearing latex gloves.
An extra layer of protection, of cool indifferent silicone instead of warm fingertips. It makes it all the more obvious how easily those gloved hands slide along them, already coated in lubricant.
Elsey counts themself lucky he can't see their face.
"Here are the labia majora..." Yes, that is where his hands are going, "And the inner labia..."
They can feel him, fingering through their folds like he's flipping through sheets of paper in a book.
Maybe he'll lick his fingers, too. It's an effort not to shudder from the trill the thought sends racing down their spine.
"And these should lead up..." The cool latex follows his words, "...into the clitoral hood."
Oh fuck. They try pressing their cheek against the coolness of the table, grounded in the flat chill of sensation.
It doesn't help. A fingertip prods, each touch a heated brush of pleasure sweeping through them, swelling interest pulsing in their cunt.
"Some cursory stimulation doesn't appear to be enough for it to become exposed... I'll test this further later."
Elsey tries not to think hope wish desperately fantasize about when later might be.
"There's some discharge from the vaginal entrance..." Fuck. It's not a suprise but fuck, still.
It's all they can do to clutch at their own arms for any kind of distraction.
"I expected to need some lubricant for this." Their entire face is on fire. "But it looks like that won't be necessary."
He's not talking to them.
Fingers enter them; two at once, probing. They're awkwardly straight and Elsey can't help but clench reflexively against the intrusion.
The unsteady but deep breaths they take to try to calm themselves down feel painfully loud, but Satan doesn't comment, thankfully.
"It seems to be about... hmm..." He spits out a measurement that seems way too large, but they don't know the units, "...deep, but it should be able to stretch much more."
A shudder passes through their cunt. His fingers are long, groping inside them, the smooth touch of him against their walls sending all the more pleasure crawling up their insides.
"This lubricant should accomodate movement, as well..."
Oh, of course he would. Elsey tries, very hard, to strangle the growing excitement in their lower half.
They bury their face in their arms, straight against the desk. It's better not to see anything in the room at all.
But that only leaves them all the more aware of the prodding in their lower half, the poking and frequent pumps that build up a steady heat.
It's... actually kind of nice. But that just means more humiliation if they do actually manage to cum from something like this, but they probably can't.
"In theory, it should be able to accommodate much wider insertions... I'll save that for next time."
The withdrawal is sudden, smooth, and leaves an emptiness where his fingers had just been warming up against them.
Elsey barely holds back a groan, hesitantly raising their head as they look back.
The sight of their own bare ass, sweater pushed up to their waist, and Satan peeling off his gloves as he backs away, sends an inexplicable trickle of anxiety through them.
They're quick to stand up straight, pulling their clothes from a folded pile beside them and tugging everything on -
The underwear immediately feels damp. Slickness licking at the insides of their thighs.
"Next time, I'll bring some tools." Satan says, and he sounds like he's talking to himself, but there's no way they're letting that slide.
"What kind of tools?" He has to at least tell them what he's planning.
(He doesn't.
He has all the power here, and they have none; it's only his curiosity that they can use as leverage over them.
And even then, they want this to continue, probably more than he does...)
Satan looks at them, in the face, for the first time since he'd ordered them to undress, and smiles.
It's not a warm smile, or a comforting one, but it goes all the way to his eyes.
And just like that, their nervous heart begins to flutter, excitement replacing anxiety in a blink.
"Meet me in the broom closet on the second floor two days from now, and you'll find out."
The unattended arousal is already pounding between their legs.
They can't wait.
(So they don't; they touch themselves later, in their room, door carefully locked and blocked over, to the thought of his face, the cool fingers against them that their own hands just can't match, the smooth voice in their ears.
Elsey has it bad. They have it real bad. But it's not like he hates them, and they're going away in a year, anyways, so... what's the harm?)
Every demon that passes them in the hall looks down as they walk by.
No, they can't wait. It's the sweetest bargain they've made so far, and they have two of Satan's more powerful brothers under their command.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
The Price of Wrath
The relationship starts off purely transactional.
A human in the Devildom was bound to get harassed.
It's terrifying, even without the hostility - being kidnapped, trapped in a wholly unnatural world, thrust into classes and a culture unfamiliar.
There isn't a way to fight back, at least not early on.
With only Mammon - a certified slacker - as an appointed guardian, and then a coerced pact, they can't exactly command respect.
Much less convince lesser demons to stop harassing them at school.
Elsey can't even get their housemates to stop threatening to eat them.
Sometimes you have to call it quits.
But not all their housemates are useless.
Satan - the pretty one, the beautiful one, not like Lucifer whose face feels sharp enough to cut with a look or Asmo who looks so polished their eyes water - is helpful.
He's smart. Friendly, personable. Even if it's clear that's not all he is.
It was obvious he was annoyed the first few tutoring sessions but they drank in his every word, sat in rapt attention and asked as many reasonable questions as they could.
Satan liked having his ego stoked, too, especially when Elsey didn't make it obvious that's what they were doing.
He liked being able to explain concepts to an attentive student, to play teacher - master - and show off his knowledge to a suitably impressed audience.
What Elsey didn't realize, was that he had noticed them.
Not their stolen glances at him in class or their light flushes when their bodies touched or brushed in passing.
What Satan noticed was their... humanity, for lack of a better word.
He didn't come in contact with humans too often. The ones he did encounter were witches, sorcerers.
It's not to say that his knowledge about them is lacking - no, if anything, he had too much knowledge.
His curiosity is almost clinical, but as soon as the questions come to him the urge for answers wells up inside him, and they're always right there - across the desk, in the same class, so accessible and willing to help.
Satan is curious about them. Their features are smooth and pretty, but not particularly feminine.
Most humans were born with one of two sets of genitals - which one does Elsey have? What do they look like?
He hasn't seen much of the more delicate parts of humans, hasn't cared to see it. But now the answers are inches away from them.
It's more than a little bit intoxicating. They speak to him as an equal, ask him genuine questions, thank him kindly for his time, but...
In the end, they're a human, and he's a demon. The knowledge that he could rip them apart like so much tissue paper lingers in his awareness.
He's so much more powerful than them they may as well be an inanimate object. They can't hurt him, can't fight him.
They wouldn't even try. They're too smart.
He's the Avatar of Wrath. They'd been warned about him the moment they got here.
And they take him up on every tutoring session, eagerly.
They have to know what he could do. That he could do it.
Perhaps that's what's the most fascinating. Elsey is as engaging and intelligent as any demon he's ever met - more than many of them, he'd even admit - but they're so weak that it all means nothing.
In the Devildom, strength is everything.
And they know this - they have to. He's seen them threatened by his brothers, harassed by lesser demons in the halls.
He's felt their anger. The burning humiliation of being unable to defend themselves, of knowing the best option they have is to shut up and take it.
And they do, because they're too smart not to.
But they're probably not smart enough to not take a deal with a demon. Especially not when he's offering such a good one.
He can get rid of those pesky little demons that harass them. It's no trouble for the Avatar of Wrath.
They just need to help him... satisfy his curiosity.
Elsey knows a dangerous bargain when they hear one, of course.
It's obvious he doesn't know about their crush. That he doesn't have any underlying motivations, either (even if they squint really really hard, they can't quite convince themselves of it).
But it's so fucking frustrating. Being tripped, shoved, spat at, insulted.
And Satan is the vision of their personal avenging angel; electric green eyes, bright golden hair, a smile like a knife and an aura of danger wherever he goes, lurking just beneath the surface.
There's a thrill to knowing something like that is going to be staring down their tormenters.
That anyone who does toy with them will be facing the incarnation of wrath himself.
But the real thrill that consumes them is the one in his eyes - hungry, all-consuming... even if it's not in the way they want it to be.
Even if he's just curious.
And fuck, he's hot, he's asking, and every part of their body wants him already.
So there was only really ever one answer.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
[collapses] hdnskekwmnx...... kink discovered..... 😍😍😍
ive been reading various different kinds of smut lately and sometimes you just Get Into One Thing and you're like,,, oh. oh... okay.
there's always been like, a distant appeal to some of the horny "kidnapped and tested by aliens" stuff that appealed to me but i didn't give it THAT much attention until i unfortunately came across medical kink and... welp. game over.
i think a good part of the sexiness is like... being exposed. the feeling of vulnerability and the LACK of intimacy that there normally is.
but with the lack of intimacy in this extremely intimate act, there's also this... clinical distance,,, almost professionalism, that makes it feel all naught and humiliating in just the right way to be turned on by it.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
Question! So, based on your OC’s dynamic with the brothers, is the “pact collection” order still the same as in canon?
awhhhhHhhh,, you want to know abt ewsey? MY oc?? i am so sorry for alas im in one of Those Moods so i answer with paragraphs but the actual answer is right here lol:
pretty much! it all sorta goes to hell around lesson 16 bc i have (had?) some fun plot twists to play out in that episode.
the original idea was for a pretty intensely plotted longfic! i had extra foreshadowing regarding lilith, some fleshed out details of the lore surrounding her ghost/lingering spirit, and how mc was chosen
and i had specific scenes written for how elsey acts during various events. for example, during the retreat they do early on where they all go to the castle, and asmo agrees to make a pact in return for a picture of a sleeping lucifer.
through some clever planning, and figuring out that satan hates lucifer and will go along with any plan to annoy him, elsey actually manages to snag a picture.
skjfdhglhgdf but anyways yeah i'm rambling the pacts still happen in pretty much the same order!
belphie offers his out of guilt post lesson 16, and elsey accepts purely for their own safety.
lucifer makes his own out of no small amount of guilt, as well, but elsey's dynamics with diavolo (mostly, their scathing way of cutting him down to size) end with diavolo trying to make himself look better improve as a person, and releasing lucifer from his oath of service.
(it's okay, diavolo, baby steps)
so that pact is also a gratitude thing. but mostly a "sorry i made your life a living hell full of terror and anxiety for several months" thing.
while satan and mammon have in their own ways noticed and empathized with elsey's experiences in the devildom, lucifer has his own way, and he is acutely aware of how directly responsible he is for their experiences there.
elsey DOES act a lot like canon mc with the pacts, though. BAD DOGS, STAY, MAMMOOOOOON,,, all the good delicious stuff. they're only human! they deserve a littol,, going mad with their power heuheuhe.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
im gonna go ahead and Be Like That for a bit and talk about my oc,,, i'd like to just yell abt this in dms with friends but i'm feeling self-conscious atm so onto tumblr go these ramblings
i actually DO have a longfic conceptualized of main/canon mc!elsey's storyline. i also have a shitload of aus/alternate storylines/one-off concepts that i really enjoy but i wanna ramble about canon elsey
it's hard for me to decide like,,, how promiscuous i want them to be bc on one hand YES GIMME ALL THE BOYS but on the other,,, that sweet delicious one-on-one intimacy hhh.
they start out pretty reasonably upset by the whole devildom exchange program thing in general.
elsey's arc as a whole contains a lot of questions about the morality of the exchange program, and specifically, the lack of checks on diavolo's power.
throughout the story, as they gain confidence that they're not about to be immediately killed for mouthing off, they challenge diavolo on many an occasion, and in general tend to be his harshest critic.
this is mostly bc they do believe he is genuinely good and has the capacity to be the person he wants to think he is - but he needs to get actually chewed out when he does something wrong instead of walking away guilt free.
a big part of their dynamic is that elsey is lowkey grooming him to become an ideal leader, and diavolo is going to get very hung up on them because he doesn't want to disappoint them.
no one else shows disappointment in him, not in a way that matters. but with elsey, it feels real, like he's failed his dreams.
anyways in the main story. i think asmo is actually the one elsey gets with intimately first. he's super affectionate and bubbly and it's just very easy to love someone so sweet, plus, he CAN show them a good time. a really good time. (plus spa nights,, painting nails,, all the sweet little indulgences).
it's ironic because elsey won't build a relationship with him really, and although they'll get very affectionate and fond of him, he's just not what they want in a partner.
mammon is the sidekick he always is. elsey can read the room and it's not hard to figure out how he feels, but they're content to let him be all cute and tsuntsun.
ultimately though, although i do ship them in some aus, mammon is really just there to be their best friend. so elsey ALWAYS has someone they know is on their side, and to keep them from feeling completely and utterly alone in the first part of the story.
i know i have one scene imagined of elsey climbing into his bed, completely platonically, just to feel safe for a bit. i really do play up the danger/dark aspects of season 1 and elsey has a hard time :(
later on, as elsey gets Into It with lucifer (and not in the sexy way - he is very much straight up threatening their life and meaning it), they do get involved with satan, who is extremely their type.
this relationship starts out pretty shallow, but it's very good sex. they appreciate one another as people and elsey is probably catching feelings but for satan this really isn't that deep, he's just enjoying getting one over his brother and having a good time with a like-minded partner.
elsey refuses a pact with satan much like canon mc does, for mostly the same reason; they feel a real bond with him and they don't want to let him bind himself to them for such a casual and petty reason. they're genuinely trying to respect him and be good to him.
ofc satan takes it wrong and lucifer comes into the rescue and the arc continues as normal, and elsey and satan really bond on that nice juicy deep and intimate level. they both have Issues, okay?
but elsey becomes more distant bc their issues with the lucifer+belphie situation start really coming to a head and they're genuinely scared for their life.
they don't trust any of the brothers to be on their side, not even mammon. they're still scoping out diavolo, but they suspect he'd toss his morals aside if his precious lucifer needed him to.
a lot goes down around the lesson 16 stuff. it happens differently dksjhfglg i'll just put it like that, and elsey is much more involved in belphie's escape than mc gets to be in canon.
their relationship with all the brothers gets a lot WORSE from there. i've contemplated an amnesia arc here and there after it, it's that bad.
season 2 kinda consists of the brothers trying to win elsey back. belphie and lucifer's pacts were offered to make them feel safe and didn't actually solve the hard feelings between them.
lucifer and elsey have sexual tension/mind games going on between them HARD in season one. like, really hard.
elsey is doing their best to play on his flaws for their survival, but doesn't know him that well, and he wants to keep his brother secret but can't just kill them.
after everything's wrapped up, ofc, lucifer ends up feeling extremely guilty about it, but Pride and all, etc., plus his relationship with elsey is too volatile for an apology.
season 2 is the one where they start to get closer bc lucifer is willing to be honest or direct, and the finale allows him to display how he really, genuinely does care about them. more than his brothers, even.
like just imagining,,, how they get together is a surreal thing in my head bc i actually do ship them very much, luci is a fave and Big OTP material, but...
they're both really prideful people. lucifer is more mature - he's able to put aside his pride and take a rejection pretty gracefully - but i prefer a more erratic elsey who's like,,, almost a tsundere
if it were anyone but lucifer, they would never even consider forgiving the threats to their life. but they admire him so much; he has so many traits they look up to and enjoy, and on some level they do know they really crave his presence and attention.
elsey WOULD be prone to having hatesex with him lmao (they've probably done it with satan or asmo once or twice) but lucifer wouldn't because he doesn't want to poison the potential for a real relationship.
perhaps after a long period of groveling and displays of affection and him even getting one over on them here and there bc of course he does - elsey will relent,, bc like satan they are extremely attracted to him.
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elsecrytt · 2 years
Mmmmmm, that medical gaze. The potential for delicious frustration on both sides
Does Satan abide by the Hippocratic oath? Or is it a hypocritic oath? MC knows they shouldn't show up for that clandestine meeting, that relationships with dual roles have a long history of bringing on self-destruction. But he's so pretty and you have his attention! Who cares if you are a medical body, a specimen upon which he works the fine arts of both deductive and inductive reasonig? How can you not indulge your own curiosity?
Toasts and cheers to daring boldy and savoring Satan's mind like a wagyu steak 🍻🥂🍾
It's the Hippocratic oath! But yeah, Satan isn't remotely a doctor or anything like it. The medical kink bit is just a way to describe the non-sexual, but still very intense and curious nature of the examination.
Elsey does, distantly, realize that being in a discount FWB situation (where they're being compensated for their participation with protection) with someone they actually like and who they know doesn't have feelings for them is probably... not a good idea.
But there are practical benefits! It fucking sucks being bullied and Elsey's (MC's in general, really) situation is pretty awful.
And yes,,, it's more of a minus than they should probably admit but it's hot. It's so hot. He's pretty, he's staring at them, being examined is just kinda a turn-on.
I have a good amount planned for this (only some of it being saucy) and can confirm,,, it doesn't end well >.>
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elsecrytt · 2 years
Do you have perhaps any art of Elsey? 👉👈
as a matter of fact, i DO! i've been wanting to commission more art, as well, but i also love writing commissions hehe, plus i have to like. come up with an idea, a pose/ref etc. for what kind of art comm i want lol.
here you go tho~
Tumblr media Tumblr media
On the left is from @\bluetalas on twitter, and number two on the right is from @\verumew on twitter (idk if they're on tumblr or what).
Elsey actually wears one of Lucifer's spare uniforms to RAD! It fits because they're a lil bit shorter than him (and a little bit taller than Satan~).
All they had coming to the Devildom was the clothes on their back - Lucifer went to get them extra clothing and, exactly like all of his other brothers, he just bought several pairs of exactly what Elsey was wearing lmao.
This is my explanation for the brothers having only one outfit for most of Season 1 (despite occasionally mentioning going clothes shopping etc.)
So basically Elsey only has cable knit sweaters, which is why they wear the RAD coat like that hehehe.
As for Satan,,, I just,,, I have some ideas here and there for arts with Satan,, and all/most of them include him looking possessive hehehe.
I love me a clingy Satan~ And particularly, the shorter/smaller partner being clingy and possessive and feral over an infatuated but better composed taller partner,,, hnnnnng
Thank you for your interest hehe <3
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elsecrytt · 2 years
sadklfdhk also i have a ton of asks to answer, if you sent one in and you’re wondering where it is... probably. in my drafts. im goin thru it tryna work on wips and stuff... 
also i see other ppl doing oc posting and im like. oh i should do that! but i feel like i never have anything particularly fun to talk abt cause my oc/mc characterization is mostly related to my fics.
and even if i rlly wanna write elsey fic. i write sooo much second person. so its like. fic is starring elsey but no one notices bc it’s in second person dskfhglfg.
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