#mcc critical
everyday i thank god for making me a tumblr user and not a twitter user
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hualian-blessing · 1 year
i like how people are calling tommy coward for not attending the event shadoune hosted cuz he was teamed with sapnap, george, hannah and sylvee, and that it'll be real awkward after he dropped his latest video.
well looking at the mess that is sapnap's kick drama...im honestly glad tommy back out cuz aint no way im watching one of my streamers be associated with the man willing to sell his morals for money and the people who enabled him without even criticizing the bastard 😒
anyways fuck kick, fuck sapnap, fuck sylvee, and fuck everyone who called the shifting to kick movement not bad or that its good 😘✌️
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
i was looking at sapnap’s mcc season 2 stats he’s so HOT
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gynii · 2 years
Holy shit dream has quit mcc YIPPEE
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crastl3 · 11 months
just swapped over to have a peek at pink. what are these vibes
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priffi · 1 year
🌌 illuminaupdates follow
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illumina jumps on the coin trend! he's teamed with scar, martyn, and wallibear 💜
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nee-fragaria · 2 years
I have a dumb idea for scott and noxcrew. Make a special mcc, that consists of no men. Everything is the same, but none of the contestants are men, only women, non-binary, trans and other gender queer people.
Also it has to be a canon event and no-one can call it not cannon or i will find them.
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lorephobic · 2 years
hot take but how do u guys hear scar talk about how the best part of mcc is having an optimistic and supportive team and then somehow think that putting him on a team with tubbo is a good idea 😭
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
Seven to 9 billion tons of CO₂ per year must be sustainably removed from the atmosphere by mid-century if the world is to comply with the 1.5°C Paris Agreement limit. This is highlighted in the second "State of Carbon Dioxide Removal" (CDR) report, a scientific assessment delivered by more than 50 international experts. It was led by Oxford University's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, with the Berlin-based climate research institute MCC (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change) among the lead institutions. "Although reducing emissions is the primary way to achieve net-zero, CDR has a critical role to play," says Jan Minx, head of the MCC working group Applied Sustainability Science.
Continue Reading.
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For my own memory, in the hopes that Scar will put yesterday´s stream on his VODs channel because it was amazing and featured among other things:
Scar calling Etho “the Maple Prince”
Xisuma trolling Scar by mixing up Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter
Mumbo showing Scar the llama death chamber, and Scar praising him for being weird
Scar and Mumbo having a conversation about social media and AI
Scar telling Etho not to worry and that he´s thinking about moving the mail box himself (after all he had two best-selling redstone shops so surely he´s qualified!); Etho: well now I´m worried… But right afterwards Etho says people forget that Scar is actually quite skilled at the game
Etho is just interrupting people today and Scar suggests just collecting people to procrastinate
I approve of Scar encouraging Etho to participate in MCC again
Etho asking how Scar got stamps already, Scar saying he´s been a part of a lot of Life series, Etho: “you and your wily words, you can get anything you want…”
Big Salmon decreed mercury = good
Cleo shows up! “lag busting” is the new “it lagged into my inventory”
Scar definitely not encouraging Cleo to kill all other villagers after setting up her own trading hall. Cleo wants organic free range villagers.
Cleo trying to sell the monstrosolith as a giant billboard
Cleo proved she can do valley girl voice, Scar and Etho are shocked. Then they´re discussing what "no cap" means. (Etho on stream: “big true, no cap.”) They talked about poggers, and Scar going wild with his pants off (after Cleo exploded them), and Etho didn´t know what Stitch is.
Scar starts talking about Disney and it takes him a minute to realize Cleo and Etho have run away
More maple syrup discussion (Etho telling Cleo if she likes the brand she gets it´s fine), and a frantic ride-by and log-out by Grian
Cleo and Scar want to start a cult. Etho wants to be a frat instead, something cooler. Frats have fewer rules, they´re more like “pants off, it´s fine.” Scar says he´d ask too many questions to be in a cult, Etho points out he could be cult leader. Cleo immediately offers to be his second, the person who does all the dirty work.
Shoe talk. Scar shows off his twelve-year-old shoes on stream.
Making fun of Etho´s set-up! Scar is horrified. Etho talks about his Kleenex box where his mike stands. It matches his desk! It has his settings written on it! Also his space bar broke during DO2 but he got used to it. Scar decides they need reinforcements and calls Bdubs over. Ren also shows up.
Etho mentions he didn´t get a Decked Out 2 desk mat (took to long to think about it) and Tango logs in to write in chat that he´s disappointed and logs out again
A wild Iskall approaches in the distance. Etho: trident brother!
Etho invented the minecart shuffle
Cleo: "I always want you to kill people, Scar. ...no not Etho."
And Etho leaves to shuffle snow like the Canadian cryptid he is
(how dare Ren interrupt Bdubs before he can give his current opinion on the kleenex box)
"Etho´s not one to lie" (are you sure about that? ^^)
...I look away for two seconds and did Mumbo just call himself a panda in chat. I was later told: a panda fiat! Which is a car, and Iskall is a Ferrari
Moonlanding with Gem! And some talk about bases and criticism. Gem: "I love making Etho mad," “Let Etho be mad,” What´s he gonna do, all he´s gonna do is go oh snappers ^^ "Scar, you are my Etho"
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
hi, i completely agree that the fandom has a problem with misogyny and often fails at self-introspection. my question is, do you have any resources/tips/thoughts on how to be better about it? even, how to recognize it in yourself the first place? "ok i'll stop being a misogynist now" is a lot easier said than done, especially for people who might not be that educated on the subject, and majority of the people in this fandom are quite young as well.
this is long as fuck and possibly somewhat incoherent bc it took so long to write but i did my best
my biggest tip for people who don't know much about misogyny is to look at your own behavior and learn how to clock what you're doing as sexist.
are you criticizing a female creator? think about why you're doing it, what the actual beef you have with them is. if it seems to be just a sense of discomfort or thinking they're annoying or overly loud or pushy, think about male ccs who act the same way and why you dont consider them annoying. are you annoyed with them for being on a male cc's stream? why? does it feel like theyre taking up too much attention? do you get annoyed with them for talking too much or flirting with guys? for gaming especially-- do you get annoyed with them for not knowing something or being "bad" at a game? think about why that is and why its just funny when a male cc is bad at games or doesnt know something.
a HUGE problem i see in this fandom is the Madonna-whore complex, repackaged as the little sister-racist dichotomy (kudos to @yourlittlemenace for that phrasing).
if a female cc is deemed to be "playing nice" (doesnt talk too much, is "nice", streams with male ccs but doesnt flirt with them, isn't "overtly sexual"), she's the little sister of the group. all the male ccs "protect" her, she literally folds their laundry, she doesnt call out how people treat her, and the fandom pretends that this is a normal and cool way to treat women who are public figures. this also goes for mom/big sister/etc. if you think you haven't done this, think about all the aus where you've forced puffy into some kind of maternal or sisterly role when it made no sense. then think about how pissed people got when she decided not to be the server therapist and was "mean" to Tommy (in lore, with permission. that she didnt even need to get. see that clip i rbed earlier from her podcast.)
if the fandom decides she doesnt play nice, if she flirts with male ccs too much or stands up for herself or points out how unfair it is that she's being treated this way, she gets demeaned, harassed, and shunned by the fandom. consider, again, puffy. consider how niki flirted with wilbur and talked about misogyny and got called a racist for *checks notes* "speaking to schlatt and fundy" and "not being a native english speaker". she got called a slut and a queerbaiter for kissing another woman despite being bisexual.
consider how hard people went down on hannah for having said the r slur several years back versus how hard they went on dream for the same thing. and how people dug it up as a direct response to her being on stream with dream. consider how every time hannah talks about how unfair it is that the mcc subreddit treats her like trash, she has to delete all her tweets bc they harass her to hell and back and act like she's an asshole for pointing out their hypocrisy.
the fandom doesnt do this across the board; i shouldnt have to say this, but its not an everyone versus no one issue. some people do this outright and loud, some dont seem to realize theyre doing it, and a few people dont do it at all (incredibly rare, i can count on one hand the number of people who genuinely seem to try to avoid these issues, which is why im complaining).
in terms of lore, have you ever once done analysis on a female character? why do you think you haven't? the bechdel-wallace test is an (imperfect) way of gauging how a piece of media ignores women and prioritizes men. think about the fact that there are FOUR female ccs on the DSMP and they are continually ignored in favor of male characters. consider that puffy and aimsey both talked about trying to do genuine lore and getting shafted, either because no one was online and wouldn't put in the effort to stream with them or because they received insane amounts of criticism for breaking anything on the server, despite the clear lack of "no griefing" rules and the precedent that you can blow other people's shit up (tommy leveling one of puffy's builds, amongst many other examples).
a quick thing about ships: have you ever wondered why m/m ships are so popular? the general consensus amongst people who care about feminism and are into fandom studies is that for a long period of time, m/m was hugely popular because women are so rarely written as full and complete characters in any media. so people took to engaging with m/m ships and writing about them because they were the most fulfilling relationships, and because misogyny led them to be predisposed to be uninterested in female characters.
say an m/m ship is incredibly popular, something like, i dunno, john watson and sherlock holmes from bbc sherlock. lets also say the canonical media presents one or both of the characters with a female love interest. how do you think a fandom that prioritizes m/m ships and is primed to be disinterested in women as characters (either because of our society's role in teaching people that women do not matter or because of fandom's history in assuming female characters are not fleshed out) is going to react? if you said theyre going to send undue amounts of criticism her way and act like its an act of homophobia to give a canonically straight character a female love interest, congrats, you've figured out a huge component in fandom misogyny. take this, amplify it over several decades, and add the psychic damage that supernatural gave society. queerbaiting is bad but mistreating female characters in service of nonexistent queer relationships is also bad.
this is relevant in general but i also believe its relevant for the dsmp because of the complete lack of m/f ships. aside from phil and kristin, who are literally married irl and kristin isn't even on the server, there are no m/f ships that involve female creators. this is not, despite what you may think, due to the inherently yaoi nature of minecraft roleplay. this is because the creators, including the male ones, are afraid of the blowback of m/f flirting and how fucking awful people are to female ccs anytime it happens. once again look at niki. as another example, consider how notfounders harassed the living daylights out of mxmtoon for flirting with gnf on twitter. if i was a cc i would avoid it like the plague too considering how happy people are to dig shit up about them or accuse them of being a slut or an attention whore/"pick me girl" for speaking to a man.
one last thing, this is more about fanart than anything else but stop drawing women to look like teenage boys. the amount of fanart i see where i literally cannot tell if someone has drawn niki or tommy is fucking insane. niki has curves. draw her with them. if you cannot draw women or people outside a very specific body type you cannot draw. fatphobia and misogyny have a clear overlap.
i cant think of anything else and ive already spent forever on this. look into feminist media analysis. think twice about how you react to female ccs & female characters. consider not just what characters have interesting stories but who is allowed to have interesting stories. you might be neglecting someone who has a lot going on because you're dismissing a female character as inherently less likely to be interesting. you might not even know someone has an interesting story because the fandom neglects it so completely.
as a final little note: like i said earlier, if you're not familiar with gender & sexuality studies, you may not know this, but homophobia and transphobia are rooted in misogyny. the idea that gender is immutable and rigid is because of the patriarchy. this is why gendered slurs are used against queer people and why queer men in particular get accused of and demeaned for being feminine. your understanding of queerphobia is incomplete without considering how sexism plays a role.
also go read everything rayne fisher-quann has ever written but especially this piece on getting woman'd and listen to you're wrong about
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kumezyzo · 1 year
enemies to lovers with bf!sapnap !
this turned out to be way longer than i had anticipated. and it didn't even really get to the lover part. but i can make a part 2 if people are really interested. streamer reader, btw. this is also incredibly long.
anyway, enjoy or dont :) m.list
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you and sapnap met each other in a valorant lobby. you chose to play the sage, and sapnap just happened to be having a bad day. And it just so happened you were both streaming.
"sage, do your fucking job!" his voice sounded through your headset. his tone made you do a double take, snapping you out of your concentrated trance. you looked at your chat and then your camera in disbelief before you made your way over to his downed character.
"ask nicely, asshole," you mutter under your breath, not realizing you were unmuted.
"id ask nicely if you knew how to play the fucking game," he said, causing you to freeze for a moment. then you rolled youre eyes and healed him, praying for the round to be over soon.
when the round was over and you started talking about how rude that one guy was, your chat made it aware to you that he was also a streamer.
"sapnap?" you ask, looking at your chat with a bit of disgust. "he's a big streamer? that doesn't give him the right to be an ass."
you sigh as you open up a different tab and look him up. the first thing that shows up is a picture of his face, and you couldn't help but think he was a little cute. then you remembered his condescending voice and the attraction left.
"he plays minecraft, too?" you ask out loud to no one in particular. you clicked on the first minecraft video that came up and shared your screen with your stream.
you watched a few minutes of the video, skipping through it and making your own judgments on his content.
"notice how he only plays with men...."
that judgment being that he's a misogynist.
he looked you up as well, and he couldn't help but think you were attractive as well. but he couldn't find a flaw in you as quickly as you could in him.
"she sounds.... annoying..." he said as he watched you into your youtube video. half his chat agreed while the other noticed the glint in his eye as he watched you speak.
and as fate would have it, the first time you're in an mcc, you're also put on a team with sapnap. when you see the roster, you think the name sounds familiar. that is before you realize who he was and how much you were going to hate your first mcc.
when your team started training, you tried to avoid talking to him. but it was hard when the game was built on communication.
he would be nice to everyone else, encouraging them and giving them advice, but then a complete ass to you. he refused to call you anything but "sage" and only criticized you.
and as much as you wanted to be civil with him, you simply couldn't. so you started taking small little jabs at him. and from then on, it was constant bickering that your two other teammates didn't bother to keep up with. and some days, you couldn't either.
"sapnap, get your shit together," you say tiredly.
"shut the fuck up, sage," he shoots back quickly. you roll your eyes and sigh, debating whether or not to just leave the call, turn off your pc, and go to bed.
your chats thought it was hilarious. as hostile as it felt some times, you found yourself making jokes that even made him laugh. the clips of you two laughing with each other were few but cherished within both your fandoms.
then it so happened that you two saw each other at Twitch Con. people lost their minds seeing you two greet each other stiffly. and a clip started to circulate. an angle of you meeting the dream team, but saps face very clear in the video.
his eyes raked up and down your body when he stepped back to let you hug dream and george, the glint in his eye returning. then his face turned annoyed as you smiled at his best friends. it was a strong contrast to how you gave him a tight-lipped smile and waved at him awkwardly.
afterward, dream (being the hospitable human he is) invited you out to dinner with them. you couldn't refuse, although the idea of sapnap being there made your blood boil. but you sucked it up and went to have fun with your new friends.
when the pictures were posted, people couldn't help but notice how you and sap sat on either side of dream. it looked like two fighting toddlers being separated by their mother. and it didn't help that dream tweeted it with the caption 'making sure the kids aren't fighting 🥰" people make it a thing that dnf are the parent and you two are the children.
thankfully, you two got along that night, something shifted from completely unable to stand one another to less insulting banter.
"thank you," you said to the waiter as the set down your drink. you smiled at them right before they walked away.
"thank you," he mocked once the waiter walked away. you leaned forward and glared at him.
"im sorry, do my manners bother you?" you asked, trying to fight the disgust on your face.
"when you sound like a bitch, yea," he said, looking down at the menu again.
"so, sapnap," you emphasize his streamer name. "what is it with you only having male friends?"
"what is it with you not knowing how to heal people, sage?"
"you really dont have manners, huh?" you said, shaking your head at him. "usually, you say someones name when referring to them."
"not when they can't play valorant."
"dont post that," you said fearfully once you see the flash go off. sapnap looked at you with a mischievous glint. you were mid bite when he decided to take a picture.
"or what, sage?" he challenged, narrowing his eyes at you.
people then started noticing how you two were interacting more but also weren't as hostile as before. instead of rolling your eyes or grimacing when something is said about sapnap, you listen intently. you had become good friends with dream and george. you found that hearing stories of the three of them made you warm up to sapnap.
he didn't seem as rude as he was when you first met. and that original attraction was finding its way back to you. it was almost embarrassing to admit that his face wasn't too hard to look at anymore. you found yourself even admiring him at times. and it scared you.
he started seeing you in a similar way. he always thought you were pretty. he never denied that. but now it was easier to admit. he had warmed up to you. he wasn't sure you'd agree, but he might even go as far as to consider you a friend. a mutual one at the very least. and that could be seen in the ways he defended you.
"you know yn, right?" a man said to sapnap through his headset. he was invited to do a podcast. and now, the topic of conversation has switched to you.
"yea, what about her?" he asked, confused as to where the conversation may go.
"i mean, you've seen it first hand. shes kinda annoying," the host said. sap furrowed his eyebrows as he continued. "she acts like such a bitch. jesus christ, i saw a guy donate her like a hundred bucks and just shut him down."
"shes a bitch cause she didnt wanna date some guy in her chat?" he asked slowly.
"he wasnt just some guy, he dm'd her like six times and she just kept saying no. didnt even give him a chance, man," the host said, shaking his head in disappointment. "sucks man. she was kinda bad too."
even though that episode never aired, sapnap still told his best friends about it. and they obviously had something to say.
"nick, i thought you hated her," dream said, confused.
"im not gonna let someone say that shit about her," he said nonchalantly.
"why, cause only you can?" dream joked. sapnap rolled his eyes. "i also just dont get why you're such a dick around her. you obviously like her, so why-"
"i dont like her," sapnap cut him off. he shook his head as dream deadpanned.
"okay, well, like her or not," dream sighed. "shes cool. hang out with her. then maybe you'd actually make some progress with her."
and then you did hang out. in minecraft obviously. but you made a series out of it. you two named it "minecraft for dummies". it was just a series where you two tried to work together in a minecraft world.
it was built on you challanges your viewers would request every week. the clips that came out of it ranged from you two being wholesome to your mics crackling rom yelling at eachother.
"can you make my bed orange?" he asked you as he got more wood to finish the third level of your shared house.
"yea, i got'chu," you said with a giggle as you crafted the bed.
and as a result of this series, sapnap started calling you by your name on occasion. it was rare and the first time it happened, it through you through a loop. then it kept happening. and it shocked everyone else as much as it did you.
"yn, stop putting this-"
"what did you just call me?"
him calling you by your name, even if its every once in a while, and found yourself smiling at the way it rolls off his tongue. it was just comfortable. both of you denying there were any feelings between you two was alright. it just was.
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i gave up towards the end if you couldnt tell. but i really hope you enjoyed. -nony
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riacte · 10 months
Funny how Tumblr is usually more "positive" compared to Twitter and Reddit when it comes to fan reception of things such as Hermitcraft / Life series / MCC, yet most CCs (naturally, and rightfully!) do not come here often because they have to brave the waters of shipping and other Tumblr "weirdness". Tumblr is for fans by fans.
Maybe some MCC participants don't like seeing predictions and tier lists on Reddit. Hiii, we don't really have that on Tumblr. Just fanart and clips of Scar saying "dong" and people unable to get over teams from 2020 and writing found family fanfiction. And Tumblr usually has overwhelmingly positive reactions to HC / Life series stuff. BUT we have the fanfic and the shipping etc etc.
Tumblr may be a hellsite, but the discourse / negativity is kiiiiiiind of more contained compared to Twitter and Reddit. Like, it exists. Of course it exists. But it appears less frequently on main? And the blocking function is better here compared to Twitter.
Pick your poison! Tumblr has the shipping and fanfic and all of that, but Reddit has the criticism. Reddit has some fanart, but basically no fanfic and God Forbid, shipping. Here on Tumblr, we love your stuff so sincerely and deeply that we sometimes make the block people kiss and are inspired to write novels. But please do not see our kissing fanart or our fics or else we'll die.
You know how some MCC participants don't really like tier lists / predictions because it adds stress? Imagine if that entire genre moved off Reddit to Tumblr so fans could still continue to do that and have fun with each other away from CCs' eyes (yes, exactly like how shippers do with shipping). And the MCC Reddit becomes the equivalent of the Tumblr maintags with only appreciative / helpful posts and fanart and skins (but still no fanfic lol). And maybe all the unconstructive criticism / bashing from the Life series Reddit can get moved to dedicated tags on Tumblr, so fans could still discuss that with less risk of upsetting CCs (yes, once again exactly what shippers do, or like how people bitch about petty things in private circles as not to bitch on main). Idk, just throwing thoughts out here on this fandom hellhole of a webbed site.
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
oky it’s fucking TIME to talk about mcc misogyny we are NOT dancing around it anymore .
the community fucking hates women . especially the subreddit but also the general community . i can’t talk about every women bc i haven’t watched the pov of every woman in mcc .
tina kitten. her entire mcc experience was being treated as a nerf tool by the community. she only played in a handful of events but her teams routinely credited as some of the lowest ranked teams in the history of mcc in pre-game prospects . they’ve had the LEAST chance at winning and the community commonly rests that blame on tina’s back . is tina a great mcc player? no, she hasn’t had much opportunity to learn from it or practise much. but the constant backlash she faces for being a “bad player” and a “nerf” is demotivating . and after treating her like shit people treat her like shit MORE to tell her she’s overreacting if she is upset or has a problem with anything .
but scar has similar stats . he’s a relatively new player who hasn’t had much chance to learn from the event yet and hasn’t placed top 20. but nobody ever complains about scar being teamed with anyone as a nerf . nobody complains scar is dragging the team down . same goes for people like quackity and karl who don’t regularly place well. nobody complains they’re nerfs or that they’re ruining the teams chances . and evryone is quick to comfort them if they feel bad for ‘letting their team down’
niki nihachu is a similar situation . she’s been playing in the event for well over a year now and is routinely shunned by members of the community for not playing good enough . you can argue ‘she ranks x out of 40 on average’ all you want but does that warrant the way people treat her in her chat and in the subreddit?? does that warrant the immense pressure she feels to improve and the fact that he feels she’s let so many ppl down if she doesn’t?? does it warrant people talking shit talking her and laughing at her for getting emotional due to stress over the event on stream? the fact that she’s so stressed over the event should tell you everything . people has treated her like shit since the beginning for being ‘too emotional’ .
jojosolos. girl. she came into the event as an extremely strong player. she’s placed top ten 6 out of 9 times she’s played (canon and non canon) . for canon events she has 5/6 top ten placements one win and a first individual placement . purpled has 6/7 top ten placements, one team win and one first individual placement . they have extremely similar track records . so why is it that the s tier committee is trying to hard to designate purpled as an s tier but are adamant that jojo doesn’t deserve the same treatment because she’s yet to prove herself as being an s tier player . they have roughly the same stats .
hannahxxrose . she’s faced criticism for her competitiveness over her entire streaming career . to the point where she recently pointed out that people have been calling into question her mental well-being because of her competitive attitude and loudness. some men in the community (specific ones that are hated before the game even starts) are given similar critiques but not once has their mental health been called into question. but the majority of competitive men in the community haven’t been called out on their ‘bad attitudes’, only the ones that specific mcyt communities don’t like to begin with . typically if a man gets loud or starts screaming during the event it’s funny to you . but for a woman she’s taking it too seriously and needs a wellness check .
both jack manifold and karacorvus have an average placement of 26 . kara has one win and jack has lost every dodgebolt he’s been part of . but kara faces harsher criticism bc she doesn’t have the same following as jack manifold so she doesn’t have ppl who will defend her as being a good addition to the team for something other than her ability . bc ppl will defend jacks bad placement because :o !!!! he’s playing with his friends!!!! despite having the same ability as the women that are routinely shit on .
my point is that you can say what you want about certain mcc players . you’re not gonna like everyone . but the double standards between male and female mcc competitors is very much real and a problem in the fanbase. more people are fans of the male streamers and i get that’s why you want them to succeed. but to overlook the flaws you degrade female plaster for in the creators you admire is to have an internal bias against them . if you’re going to have criticisms they’re gonna have ti be for EVERYONE who uses that kind of behaviour . and i think if we see that enforces you’ll realise that a lot of the critiques were bullshit to begin with .
and this can NOT be chalked up to the behaviour of the dsmp community alone . you’re all just as bad, this focuses primarily on dsmp examples bc i watxh primarily dsmp streamers. ALL of this happens on the mcc subreddit .
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enpr-ss · 5 months
MCC Season 4!
I really like the stage set up!! It’s cool, unique, and gets the spirit of vanilla Minecraft in this game!!! If they break it 8k points I’ll be impressed. Why the moon landing. Why. They’re such boomers omg. “What’s going on? I don’t know! Huh?? What?? How do we do this?? Where do I go?” It's so funny. Tango hating RSR and BB lol. They’re so happy and so good at RRR!!! Tango and Etho, notorious game critics, complimenting it!! Etho being the only one doing useful callouts throughout MCC LOL.
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LOL everyone fears Feinburg Haha meltdown got skipped hard. SOT!!!!
Wtf is wrong with Joel…. “I call Etho 'man', this is who I call 'babe'” and messages Jimmy. Kiss (Jimmy) Marry (Etho “I feel like he would be a good wife”) Kill (Iskall) “Do we want to kill the Pink team?” Immediate yes from Joel despite guilt from FBM and Scar. He popped off in Sky Battle! FBM launching Scar into a SW / Disney rant just to annoy Joel. I was not previously aware of the rivalry between FBM and Joel and the more I know the more hilarious it is. He’s so mean towards Pink and it’s great!!! The lag T BB clutch!!? Joel giving off Techno vibes with the over the top roasting while getting bullied by chat. FBM as the speedbridger!!! Joel always punching Jimmy off. And FBM punching Fruit off at the last part. They did have mercy on Pink though. Joel being Xisuma’s defense squad. Fruit is Gumi’s little meow meow. JOEL NO DONT LISTEN TO CHAT ABOUT MISSED SAND!!!! All the aimless wandering is making me nervous!!!! Scar is excellent sandkeeper. Rip the glitched puzzle. Xisuma somehow finding all the most dangerous things and FBM and Joel yelling at him to not do it.
Also I’m so glad that Scar chose another skin. Thank you Gem for your disapproval.
Xisuma is so good at not missing sand!!! I think he did very well for his first SOT and I think he only missed one sand. Really good.
The absolute bloodlust in sumo from Lime Llamas. And they just walked around the gate LOL. The Callum bullying is so funny, but then he clutched up!! That was a good SOT, especially since Iskall had 0 knowledge going in. Can't wait for the SOT vod review!!
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
I'm not really all that crazy about purpled, but the way you/other dream stans talk about him and his mcc performances is v silly in my opinion. purpled is currently considered to be - by and large - the best mcc player, not only for his mechanics but also for his ability to drag or otherwise igl generally weak teams to dodgebolt, which he then loses because he's ass at db. I know you said that you're basing this off of outdated mcc knowledge, but please consider that you are a *dream* stan running your mouth abt a cc based on an outdated perception of their skills...surely you can see the irony. like does "he does well individually but can't lead a team because he is SELFISH" not sound exactly like the typa bs we'd make fun of a dranti for saying? they are mcc performances. it would say nothing at all about his character even if he was bad at leading teams, which to reiterate, he currently is not. we cannot beg drantis to please be normal about dream, and to not base their opinions on misinfo and outdated assessments of his character, only to turn around and do those exact same things for any cc whom shows the mildest dislike toward dtm. it is honestly surprising to me how little grace i see given to the average cc by other dream stans, when theoretically we should be the single most predisposed stan group towards just such a thing. like ??
anon peace and love but I don't really care that much about how I spoke about him, this is my blog and my very brief perception of purpled- and it was a post or two about it and then everyone went on with their day.
to compare me barely criticizing purpled's old MCC performances to a dranti is wild considering drantis are spreading life-ruining misinfo and I am....saying I don't think purpled was a good team leader during his first MCCs...? 😭
yeah I'm a dream stan but someone asked ME about purpled so I gave MY opinion based on what I KNOW which is OLD SHIT and all of that I literally disclosed in my response 🤷‍♀️ and it was a throwaway ask that was entirely opinionated and it was not meant to be taken as serious as it feels like you are
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