#mcspirk prompt
dustykneed · 8 months
god mcspirk is so terrific. i love when jim and spock scheme together (ok jim schemes but he ropes spock into it too and spock just can't say no to his captain) to fluster bones.
sometimes jim just wants to see his boyfriends make out with tongue... is that too much to ask?
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prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "sloppy kissing" ←⁠(⁠>⁠▽⁠<⁠)⁠ノ
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mcspirkevents · 8 months
20 more days till Mcspirk Month 2024
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McSpirk Month, what is it, and how does it work?
Mcspirk Month is a fandom event meant to celebrate the ship of McCoy/Spock/Kirk, in any and all forms. QPRs are valid, and celebrated here.
If you make something for Mcspirk month you can post it on tumblr and tag this blog (I'll reblog your works). You can also post it to the Ao3 collection, found here.
Mcspirk month 2024 begins March 1st. However you can post whenever you want. (If you find these prompt lists five years after the fact and still want to post to the collection, or tag this blog then go for it!)
Can I mix and match prompts?
Absolutely! If there's an NSFW prompt you want to write the most tooth-rotting, safe for work fluff with, then do it. The vice versa is also cool.
What are the Bonus prompts?
They are extra prompts. If there's a day with a prompt you don't like, you can switch it out with the bonus prompts. You could even combine them with other prompts if you want.
Below the cut will be written out list of the days and prompts. The NSFW list is below the cut.
SFW list of prompts:
Day 1: Forced Proximity
Day 2: Touch-starved
Day 3: Badass Power Throuple
Day 4: Hand Holding
Day 5: Hurt/Comfort
Day 6: Protective McCoy
Day 7: Going to a Planet Where They Have To Wear Silly Outfits
Day 8:Public Display of Affection
Day 9: Spock is a Hopeless Romantic
Day 10: Hands
Day 11: Shore Leave
Day 12: Vulnerability
Day 13: Time Loop
Day 14: Tarsus IV
Day 15: Fake Dating
Day 16: Lost the Ability to Speak
Day 17: McCoy Hurt with Spock and Kirk Comfort
Day 18: Jealous Bones
Day 19: Kirk is Missing, Presumed Dead
Day 20: Trans
Day 21: Academy Era
Day 22: Oblivious Scotty
Day 23: Reunion
Day 24: Temporary Blindness
Day 25: Temporary Awkward Ability
Day 26: Western AU
Day 27: Vacation Gone Awry
Day 28: Awkward Spock
Day 29: TOS/AOS Crossover
Day 30: Desperate Measures
Day 31: Insecurity
Bonus Prompt #1: Chekov discovers the truth
Bonus Prompt #2: Pining
Bonus Prompt #3: Nightmares
Bonus Prompt #4: Uhura helps them out
Here is the NSFW Prompt list:
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NSFW list of prompts:
Day 1: Non-Human Genitalia
Day 2: Hands
Day 3: Only One Bed
Day 4: Pon Farr
Day 5: Against A Wall
Day 6: Vulcan Biology
Day 7: Hand Kink
Day 8: Finger Kink
Day 9: Telepathic Sex
Day 10: Double Penetration
Day 11: Fuck or Die
Day 12: Aliens Made them Do It
Day 13: Sex in a Three Way Body Swap
Day 14: Power Dynamics
Day 15: Uniform Kink
Day 16: Body Worship
Day 17: First Time Bottoming
Day 18: Oral Fixation
Day 19: Sex Toys
Day 20: Accidental Voyeurism
Day 21: Bondage
Day 22: Mirrorverse
Day 23: Teasing
Day 24: Alien Biology
Day 25: Praise Kink
Day 26: Expectations vs Reality
Day 27: Voyeurism
Day 28: Trying a New Toy
Day 29: Getting Interrupted
Day 30: Spitroasting
Day 31: Lab Desk
Bonus Prompt #1: Pet Names
Bonus Prompt #2: Body Hair
Bonus Prompt #3: Blindfolds
Bonus Prompt #4: Misuse of the bond
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urghblergh · 7 months
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Doodles. 😌🌌🌈
reference pics
@mellon_soup (no Tumblr :( ?)
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aerialworms-art · 11 months
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Spocktober + Trektober Day 16 - Ion Storm
Oh no, an ion storm has caused a transporter malfunction! Whatever will they do?
(Poor Scotty...)
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: A black and white drawing of Jim Kirk, Spock, and Bones from Star Trek: The Original Series standing in the transporter room on the Enterprise. However, something is different.
'Bones' looks excited, and is saying "Woah, Bones! You're TALL!"
'Jim' is standing stiffly with one arm behind his back, examining his hand. He has raised one eyebrow and is saying "Fascinating."
'Spock' is hunched over and shivering. He snaps "Why is this ship so goddamn cold!?"
From offscreen, Scotty says, worried, "Err... Captain?"
Above the drawing is written "Trektober" and "Day 16 - Ion Storm" Below it is written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober"./End ID]
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tigereyes45 · 5 months
Going through some writer's block so feel free to send in some Star Trek Prompts.
I've seen all of
and Lower Decks.
DS9 (finished it yesterday!)
Voyager (I'm in the middle of season 2)
I'm two episodes into Enterprise. So try to keep the prompts restricted to the shows I've seen. (Perferably not Enterprise unless you're willing to wait a long while for it haha.)
I'll write for most ships, but you don't have to send in a ship prompt. Just feel free to send in whatever ya want. Hoping something pulls me out of this rut.
I'll be accepting new prompts for as long as this is pinned to the top of my blog. Feel free to send in as many as you want. I wanna be buried in them like Kirk was buried in tribbles. (Something has to ignite the creative side of my brain, right?)
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m0rbs · 2 years
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Hey, look at that, I made some stickers and put them on redbubble.
Kirk Sticker | Spock Sticker | Bones Sticker
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spongynova · 6 months
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I think we can all enjoy a cheeky Jim eating a fruit ✨
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immortaljailor · 9 months
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Here's your mcspirk bingo card, have fun! If there are any prompts you'd like to have replaced let me know. (Everybody gets one remake per card.)
Oh wow that was fast, thank you so much...! Will try my best...!
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sad-gay-cowboy · 2 years
Even in Space it Can Get Spooky
Chapter 1
Several Weeks Later
Since the mid 20th century, holidays had slowly but surely slipped out of common place, fading away along with a myriad of other constructs such as religion and the like.
That is all holidays...
Except Halloween.
Oh no, it was like a cockroach you just couldn’t quite get rid of it. On Halloween, that’s when the Enterprise gets festive. Lights that bare the resemblence of ghosts, pumpkins, and green potion bottles decorated the halls. Lights the lit the corridors had been given a light orange hue unless instructed otherwise.
Horror movie nights had been taken place every Friday night and a costume contest was being set up for the 31st during the actual Halloween party. The Enterprise was in her last leg of the holiday season with only a week to go.
Bones himself wasn’t much a fan of all the hubbabullab but had found the festive spirit inside himself when he saw how truly confused Spock had been by the ships enthusiasm. That was all it took, and suddenly Med Bay had more decorations then most areas of the vessel.
The Vulcan confused Bones to no end, aggravating was the word he’d used to describe him to his Captain. When he had, all Jim had done was give a knowing smile and made a small innocuous comment of “I recall a time in the early days of our relationship you referred to me the very same.” To which Bones was sure he had no idea what he could be referring too, and spared no expense in tell his commander off.
Bones lightly shook his head to clear his head as he walked through the doors of the dining area. It wasn’t especially crowded, most people were either still on duty or about to go back on. Bones had gone well past his shift hours and had only gotten off an hour ago, about three hours after he’d been scheduled to.
Once he got his food he made his way over to an unoccupied seat away from the few stragglers that peppered in the mess hall. 
Just as he’d started to relax and enjoy his meal, a loud crash sounded out and one of the ensigns, Rogers Bones thought his name was, made a noise of surprise. Bones looked up to see a tray on the floor, seemingly launched across the room away from Rogers, who was backing himself up against a wall as the few others in the room made their way over to him.
“Look I know the food here's bad but don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic?” Another ensign asked chuckling a bit.
“That wasn’t me!” Rogers protested.
“Common Rogers, don’t yank my leg now.”
“It’s true!” This was Nurse Chapel. “I was sitting next to him, he wasn’t even touching it.”
“So it’s a ghost huh.” The ensign said disbelieving.
Almost as if in response, a cup that had been left on an unattended table shot out across the room, clanking against the wall.
“See!” Rogers exclaimed. “No one was near that!”
Bones groaned internally. A ghost? Really? This couldn’t have happened after he finished his food?
He got up and began to walk over to the commotion. “Everyone, why don’t we make our way out of here before Casper can do-”
He’s interrupted as suddenly there’s a ringing in his ears, pain and warmth blossoming somewhere from his head. He doubled over, his hands coming up to meet his head and feeling sticky wetness at his touch. Someone -- maybe Chapel? -- is pulling him out of the center of the room.
Eventually Bones gets his bearings enough to look up and see the offending trey that had hit him hit to corresponding wall.
Items started flinging themselves  across the room as the inhabitants let out cries of surprise and attempted to sheild themselves from the onslaught of items.
Rogers ran, dodging the stray fruits being thrown about, trying to reach the door.
“It won’t open!” He shouted, frantically pressing the manual buttons and banging his fist against the closed door, when the door opened unprompted, Rogers unbalanced falling past the individual responsible for the door opening.
If it’d been better circumstances, Bones would have laughed at Spocks expression as he took in the scene before him, the other people in the room incoherently talking about ‘ghost’ and ‘hauntings’ and not hesitating a moment before rushing out, save for Chapel who stayed beside Bones. 
“Doctor, Nurse Chapel, would you care to inform me one why several officers have just left here talking about ‘ghosts’?”
It was then Bones noticed the objects had stopped being thrown around. Chapel seemed to realize the same as they both slowly started to stand up. 
“Mr. Spock.” Chapel shakily said, clearly wondering how she herself was going to explain what had just happened. “I really don’t know quite how to say this but, well, there was a ghost!”
“That is highly improb-” Spock stopped as he got closer and took in Bones’ state, just now noticing the blood. “You’re injured Doctor.”
“Oh?” Bones said in mock surprise. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“I’ll take you to Medical Bay Doctor.” Spock said ignoring Bones comment. “Ghost or not, it seems wise to leave the room.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re worried about me, you old softie you.”
Spock considered him a moment before taking the arm not occupied by Chapel and began to lead him out of the room. “I must insist we go to the Medical Bay, you seem to have a concussion.”
So Bones was marched down, inwardly cursing the friendly ghost.
Ha, got the first chapter done. Fuck yeah. Let me know what you think i guess, I am enjoying this fic ngl.
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starrylol · 6 months
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Happy trans day of visibility! Here’s some t4t4t mcspirk 💛💙🩵
Also fulfilling the trans prompt on my bingo card so slay
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dustykneed · 7 months
(prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "biting") (you'll see why below the cut. trust me)
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;))) there's an ultra spicy version I'll be putting up on my ao3-- bad pun by way of a sneak peek:
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*winks badly* thanks for watching y'all! if ya liked today's spicy mcspirk content be sure to like and subscribe to their on- kidding kidding. I do love drawing the softest sweetest spice imaginable though so hope ya enjoyed this as much as I did xDD
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believe it or not i originally intended for this to be completely sfw. (bonus atrocious notes app pose draft:
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mcspirkevents · 12 days
Mcspirk Month 2025 Prompt suggestions
You can submit as many suggestions as you'd like. You can also fill this survey out multiple times. Everything is anonymous!
Prompt suggestions will be open until November 30th.
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i-actually-post-stuff · 7 months
I'm participating in @mcspirkevents Mcspirk month by posting every Friday. I'll be using one prompt from each row of the month. Here's a preview of my piece for NSFT (using T instead of W for Tumblr censorship purposes); 3-1; non-human genitalia.
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Find the full image below:
I did two variations, one without an ambient light layer and the other trying to make it look like there aren't fluorescent lights on.
Wow! NSFT art is really hard. I've only ever done this level of NSFT one other time and I've never posted publicly so I hope y'all enjoy!
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aerialworms-art · 9 months
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Spocktober + Trektober Day 20 - Soulmates
They love each other really! They've just had a long voyage home...
Thanks to @stellucis for giving me the idea of drawing them with the red string of fate!
(Please click for quality! ID under cut)
[Image ID: A black and white drawing of Jim Kirk, Spock, and Bones as seen in Star Trek: The Voyage Home. They are all older than in the Original Series. Spock is wearing his white Vulcan robe and no shoes. Jim is wearing his maroon suit, and Bones is wearing his beige and brown jumpsuit. His cravat is untucked from his neckline and the ends are floating. Both Jim and Bones' trousers are flared and they're wearing simple boots.
Spock and Bones are floating against a starry backdrop, connected to each other and Jim by thin threads attached to each of their wrists. Both of their threads connecting them to Jim are floating, relaxed and looping. However, Bones has grabbed the thread connecting him to Spock and is hunched over, attempting to chew through it. Spock is watching this with detached curiosity. His posture is more relaxed and his left arm is being pulled towards Bones because Bones is pulling on the thread.
Jim is standing in the middle, feet edging over the border of the drawing. His hands are on his hips, and he is looking up despairingly at his soulmates, saying "Can't you two just get along? Please?"
Above the drawing is written "Trektober" and "Day 20 - Soulmates" Below it is written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober"./End ID]
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tigereyes45 · 9 months
30. aos mcspirk. its angst time, poor bones dealing with his idiots lol
This is from the angst dialogue prompt asks. 30 was:  "You're okay. You've got to be okay. You've got to be. You're okay. Please. Please be okay." I hope yall don't mind that I broke the quote up a little bit and shifted it around some. :) You can find the list of prompts here.
This story is also on Ao3. You can read it here.
The triumvirate are trapped on a planet as animals hunt them down. Spock is injured, and McCoy is running out of options when Kirk finally returns.
Light green blood covers McCoy's hands as his nails barely manage to dig in and rip open the science blue fabric. Breathlessly he continues to repeat the mantra he began when Spock was still conscious. "You're okay. You've been through worse Spock. You're fine. You're okay. Please, you have to be."
It’s less grounding without Spock’s snarky retorts.
With a strip of Spock’s shirt, he presses it down on the wound in the middle of Spock’s abdomen. At first he was terrified that the saber had gone through his heart. Now he can see it had missed. Bones presses a white, cloth pad from his med kit against the middle of the wound. Shit. It doesn’t even cover half.
There’s shifting in the shrubbery. Leonard’s hand flies toward Spock’s phaser. The vulcan’s hold was tight. Instead of fighting to wrench it out, the doctor holds Spock’s hand up, finger pressed between Spock’s on top of the button. Purple leaves shift and shake as something pushes its way through. Brown spots are scattered around the ground. They move and shift as the orange night light shines through the moving, leaves.
If he were a soldier, Leonard would have fired. Instead, his body tenses up, waiting, one hand on Spock’s abdomen and the other around the phazer. If he were a soldier the first sight of yellow would have been shot clean off. A bald spot where dirty, shoved-up, blonde strands used to be. A nice shiner.
Jim better be grateful that he’s never been a soldier.
As the captain fumbles through the last of the foliage, McCoy drops Spock’s phaser. He’s up and racing towards Jim, as Spock’s hand thuds into the red dirt. The doctor turns back, quickly throwing out a brief, “Sorry Spock”, then he’s at Jim’s side. Arms out, catching the captain just as he starts to fall.
Jim’s knees scrape the ground as McCoy tightens his arms, and lifts the captain back up.
An arm loops around Leonard’s neck. Sweetly Jim mutters, “Glad to see you’re still in one piece Bones.”
Despite his nerves, a single, “Hah!” escapes McCoy. The tension in his arms eases as he takes the sight of Jim in. Kirk smiles. It pulls a smile out of himself. He could light a candle with just that smile, and this dark cave could use quite a few.
“That’s my line.” Jim’s other arm is stretched across his chest, holding his right side. There’s no red seeping through his golden-yellow uniform. Good. McCoy holds Jim’s arm on top of his shoulders. He rests his other hand on top of Jim’s uninjured side. “Just gotta get ya across this cave.”
McCoy carefully lays him down next to Spock. Jim pushes himself up onto his knuckles. They drag up red soil as he scoots himself back against the wall. There’s red soil back on Earth. Leonard reminds himself. Some clay is red. It can dye the dirt surrounding it. Sometimes you get puddles or red water.
Even out here, trapped on an alien planet, who knows how far away from home (Spock would know), some things are familiar. McCoy crashes to his knees between Spock and Kirk. He lifts Jim’s shirt to see an all too common sight. A giant bruise covers his side. Leonard blinks away sweat. He wills his body to cool off, as he feels around for the medical tricorder. Brown eyes trained on Jim’s side. “Got any other wounds I should know about?”
“None, doc.” Jim’s waving him off. When McCoy makes no effort to move from his side, Kirk pushes his shoulder away. “So focus on Spock.”
“Jim you come stumbling in here and-”
“Bones!” Jim cups his face. “Look at Spock.” It comes out like an order. Man does he hate it when Jim uses that tone. It’s one that expresses no room for argument. Focus up, buckle down, and get the job done, as if looking after him wasn’t his damn job.
Leonard twists his body to look back at Spock. The cloth patch is still lying where he dropped it. Blood is seeping through the wound right past the patch. In fact the bottom of it, was the only part that had sucked up any of this mess at all.
Damn it! Of course it hasn’t stopped. What, he presses his hand over the wound for five seconds while half blind with fear, and that’s enough. All those years of medical school, and he lets his judgment get clouded right when Spock needs him most. Finding a bruise on Jim Kirk is like finding red in a bowl of skittles. He should have kept a closer eye.
Bones wants to run a hand through his hair. He wants to clench it, and pull, threatening to rip out the strands as he thinks and centers himself, but he can’t. If he does his hands will be even filthier and running through the wild vegetation, past hills, digging through dirt, and working through blood has already caked his hands. There’s just a mouth’s worth of water left in his canteen too. Perfect.
Instead, he wraps the torn strip of Spock’s shirt along his waist. With one hand he lift’s Spock’s lower back up and pulls the stip under it.
“You keep looking like that and for my next birthday we’re going to have to drink to our good health alone.”
“I’d still have my eyesight.” The world can count on Jim running his mouth like it can count on a working clock to tick. “My hair thanks you.” McCoy’s hands steady. He’s finally able to finish the knot. Thank god for that mouth.
“Great job Bones.” Kirk sounds like he’s holding back a laugh. McCoy glances at him worried he’s gotten cottonmouth from something on this forsaken planet. Instead Jim’s smile. His eyes are half-lidded, but he was out of breath when he made it in.
Too bad rest is the one thing they can’t afford. “Stay awake Jim.” McCoy orders, as he digs through his medical bag for a second patch. Though he’d take anything clean to put on Spock’s wound at this point.
“I am Bones.” All that energy he has on the shore leave, or in the middle of a mission is back. “I am.” Jim’s smile shifts into a smirk, and Bones returns to looking for cloth. At the very bottom he finds a single, widespread bandage. It’s enough to cover the top half of the cut. Not nearly what he wanted but it’ll do.
With how often he has to make do with not nearly enough, he should be considered a goddamn miracle worker. “You’re lucky I’m still out here.” Bones mutters, as he rips the cover off the back. “After all we’ve saved Earth. Twice now. I could be off enjoying an early retirement on some pleasure planet with that kind of reputation.”
“You? A pleasure planet?” Jim laughs, and somehow that mockery is still comforting. “Bones you’d leave after a week.”
“Ya know I’d have a lot more energy if I wasn’t always saving you two!”
“Come on Bones, you’re way better at being a damsel in distress than us.”
That didn’t even make sense. Of course, he’d go with wit over matter.
“Bones.” Leonard rips the sleeve off his shirt. “Bones.” Delicately he pour the minimum amount of water onto the strip. “Bones?”
Careful hands gently press along the torn skin. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry.”
Surprise stills his hands. Brows furrowing, he looks up at Jim, unable to hide his concerns. “What for Jim?” He usually doesn’t start talking like this until his birthday.
“For dragging you to space.” Jim’s head bobs back hitting the wall. A somber look on his face. It doesn’t suit him. Sad looks like those never have.
Bones returns his attention to Spock. Once again he starts to clean the injured vulcan. Steady breathing made clear by the slight rise and fall of his chest. It’s comforting to see him moving. A still patient can be a gift, or a curse, and a silent Spock is eerie at best. He should be awake, should be picking a fight with Jim or himself, should be lecturing them on the rules they’ve broken, and the ways this could have been avoided.
Jim wouldn’t be so sad if Spock’s wit was here to challenge him. “I know you would have gone back to Earth after the Nero incident. Probably be happy somewhere down there.”
Where? Earth? Not a chance. That’s why he left it in the first place. Starfleet was the only option. Well, that’s not true. He could have gone anywhere with his skills. Starfleet was just the fastest way to get himself as far away from everything he wanted to leave behind. “I’m glad I’m here Jim.”
Kirk scoffs. “Yeah right.”
“I am,” and honestly yeah he was. Those years at the academy were some of the most fun in his life. Maybe everything on the Enterprise hasn’t been hunky dory, but it’s never boring. Jim’s there to keep him on his toes. Spock’s the easiest person to tease. “Who else would’ve been able to bring you back from the dead?”
Jim’s laugh is easy but stilted.
“Besides, there’s nowhere I’d rather be.” It wasn’t easy moving on. It never is. Jim and Spock made the transition a little smoother. From Earth into Space. From short missions to a five-year adventure.
From single life to sharing a room with not one but two assholes.
Okay, three counting himself, but he’s always been stuck with that one.
It only takes a handful more minutes to clean the last of the drying, green blood off of Spock. “It’s like scratching paint off a banister,” McCoy mutters. His blood runs cold. Silence fills the cave.
In a panic, McCoy checks Spock’s pulse as he twists his neck back to look at Jim. The captain lays unconscious, body slumped a little more heavily against the wall. Spock’s pulse was steady. His stomach settles, before jumping into his throat as he grabs the handle of his medkit.
 "Damn it, Jim!” Callous fingers runs along the tight stitching as they search for the one piece of metal they need. “Of course the one time your big mouth could save you, you go and run out of shit to say.” He runs the tricorder over the whole of Jim’s body now. Starting with that bruise. As it runs he mutters impatiently, “You've got to be okay. You've got to be.” It beeps. As he brings it up to his eyes in the low light he continues to pray. “Please. Please be okay."
Elevated levels of adrenaline. Not surprising, but also not great. Heart rate is declining, and his blood pressure is dropping. Okay. Not good but he should have a hypo to stabilize all of that. No poisons, no sudden deadly diseases, there are several other bruises on his body he had been hiding. Then it announces the culprit behind his loss of consciousness in bolded black letters.
He has a concussion.
“Jim!” McCoy shouts, forgetting about the group of animals hunting them down. He pulls out a hypo. Bones glances back at Spock as he huddles over his medkit, preparing the hypo’s concoction.
Quickly he injects it into Jim’s shoulders. He holds Jim by the side of his face, watching as the readings return to normal on his tricorder. “I need you to wake up Jim.” He runs his thumb along the top of Kirk’s cheek. “Please open those bright blues.”
But he doesn’t. McCoy’s left sitting there on his knees, pleading for Jim to wake up. Wishing Spock hadn’t slipped out of consciousness a while back. Alone in a cave that’s losing light, on an alien planet, with a pack of animals hunting them down, and no nearby natives to ask for help, or a way to contact the Enterprise.
McCoy drags Spock’s body carefully, closer to the wall of the cave. Once there he sets the vulcan down to his left facing away. He cradles Spock’s head in his lap. Then Leonard moves Jim so he’s leaning on his right shoulder. He wraps his hands around one of theirs each and embraces the silence. Out of habit, he starts to count their breaths. Jim’s always the fastest breather. Of course he can’t do anything slow. This time though, Jim’s is slow. Slow and steady. So very unlike Kirk, but the best he can expect right now. Spock’s is even slower. For every four of Jim’s breathes he counts one for the vulcan. They’ve got a good tempo going. One any band or orchestra could play by. Then there’s his own, and he’d be lying if he wasn’t hoping to lose count soon. It’s not erratic but far faster then it should be.
The sound of a powerful gust moves through the trees.
It’s the Enterprise. They’ll find them. Then he can save these two. With warm rooms, biobeds supplying all the data he needs, and access to all the best tech in starfleet. Any minute now and he’ll have them back.
Even if it’s only a comforting lie it's all Leonard has. He’s not as great at the whole lifting spirits with speeches as Jim. Nor can he use such an unerring logic to prove his points that no one has cause for doubt, like Spock.
"I'll never forgive you two if ya leave me here alone." In vain he squeezes their hands. Nothing changes.
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affixjoy · 6 months
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Please enjoy a sequel to my AOS McKirk! Now they’re older, wiser, and bringing Spock along for the fun.
Featuring! Jim Kirk is a menace! Bones’ big box of sex toys! Made up Vulcan meditation rituals! Smutty smut smut!
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Big thanks to @ncc1701ohno and @strangenewwords for beta reading this!
This is for The McSpirk Month Prompt: Teasing. @mcspirkevents
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