#me every fukcing day
aromanticannibal · 3 months
ppl really b acting as if there's only one specific ship that has weird shippers that will complain about ppl not shipping their otp. it's literally always the case you either get fucked over for liking a gay ship or for liking a straight ship or for liking a toxic ship or people just start going "oh there's nothing wrong with the ship but the shippers💀" and you don't fucking know what they're talking about. like can we all just chill. the weird shippers r everywhere it's called some ppl are assholes sometimes. it's not fandom specific
#it's like with the “x ship sent death threats to the author!”#first of all : proof?#second of all: I've heard this for multiple diff ships that is not new that is not exclusive to one fandom or one ship.#sometimes ppl in fandom r too invested and do stupid shit#god#I'm sorry I doomscrolled another Instagram reel comment section#it's just. I'm so tired of ppl talking about mha's fandom as if it's the worst thing of all time?#first of all no its not? fucking chill?#second of all. if the fandom is ruining the show for you then genuienly get off the internet#third. so sorry but half of the time when ppl say the mha fandom is awful they're either calling it cringe (fandom is always cringe get over#it it's ok) they're complaining about everything being gay (so you're a homophobe ok. literally what is wrong with making character queer#ON OUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS OF THE STORY. DUDE.#)#or theyre just.... picking up random shit thats been rumored to have happened or that's just an isolated thing that happens all the time in#every fandom (refer to my earlier points)#genuienly. if the fandom pisses you off that much. get off the internet . block the tags. like for your health.#it's so annoying to try and look at mha stuff or even TALK IRL#WITH PEOPLE WHO LIKE MHA#(i am not fucking with you this has happened)#and being told or reading that oh mha is fun but the fandom sucks :///#sorry you don't experience whimsy and are incapable of curating your own experience?#Jesus#(there's also the ppl who r like ugh mha is mid mha sucks in like comments of mha fan but like fuck these guys#you're entitled to your opinion I if you don't like mha that's fine I'm not going to throw eggs at you but like...#why do u feel the need 2 go into a comment section of stuff that is about mha to say that mha sucks actually and the author is bad and the#characters r badly written and blah blah blah. LEAVE ME ALONEEEE)#Anyway maybe one day I will finally leave Instagram but for now I can't bc fukcing. ppl r on there#mumblings//#rant
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iscrubmeclean · 5 months
Mothers be like "yeah i didnt get you to the doctors as a kid when you displayed -Symptoms of a heritable Disease we have running in the family-. How dare you have -Sympotms- you lazy ass child"
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arcaneyouth · 6 months
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blossom-hwa · 3 months
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glassartpeasants · 8 months
All The Things He Said
Eustass Kid x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, reader got them mommy issues, Kid being a massive asshole, edited best to small brain abilities
A/N: Smaller text is the strawhats talking. Didn't have enough colors to separate them all equally. This is based off an ask but I accidentally deleted it. I feel like I kinda dropped the ball on this one but idk
It was much too quiet on the Victoria Punk. No yelling, talking, or sounds of footsteps, even. A pin dropping could sound like an explosion, with how quiet it was. The silence left a thick feeling of unease in your stomach, making you finally decide to leave your room.
Jumping out of bed, you stretch before putting on some clothes. Taking a step into the hallway, a gust of cold air hits you like a sack of bricks. It bit at your skin and left you shivering. Turning around, you grab the blanket that covered you and Kid’s shared bed. While it was huge, the fact it smelled like your lover made it worth the hassle to carry around.
Walking through the halls, the feeling of unease only grew in your stomach. The silence that covered the ship made your heart race. You were docked at an island, so everyone could be grabbing supplies or raiding, but they usually invite you.
Simply deciding to shrug it off, you walk towards Kid’s workshop to see if he is there. You haven’t seen him yet, and it was always a good morning when you got to see his cute, grumpy face. Knocking on the workshop door, you gently open it and see Kid working on his metal limb.
“There you are, baby! I was wondering where you were!” You got to put your arms around him, only for him to shrug you off. Shocked, you place your hand on his arm gently, trying to get him to pay attention to you. Only for him to throw off your hand as well.
“Kid? What’s wrong?” Kid didn’t even look at you when he responded.
“Fuck off, your annoying.” Your mouth turned agape at his words. What had you done to be talked to like this?
“Excuse me? What did you just say to me?” This time, Kid stops and turns to look at you. A different type of rage in his eyes.
“You fucking heard me. Go be a nuisance somewhere else!” A scowl appeared on your face hearing him. No way would you allow him to talk to you like this.
“Who do you think you are speaking to me like this? You may be my boyfriend, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to allow myself to be spoken to like this.” Crossing your arms, you only stared him down. Even when he stood up, towering over you, you still refused to back down.
“I think I’m your fucking Captain!”
“Oh so your Captain now instead of my boyfriend?”
“I’m not going to be a whore’s boyfriend.” Kid’s words made your heart stop, and your eyes widen.
“What? What did you just call me?”
“I called you a fucking whore. Are you too stupid to understand that?!”
“I understand what the damn word means! What I’m saying is, why the hell you would call me that!”
“You think I’m stupid?! I caught you all up on that man yesterday! Fukcing sucking on his damn face!” What on earth was he talking about? You were Hip all day yesterday! Both of you shopping at the plaza on the island! You even showed him an outfit you bought! Where was he getting all this false information?
“I was Hip all day yesterday! You can even ask her! Besides, what would I gain from that?! I love you! The only man I want is you, and the only crew I’d ever fight alongside with is yours!” A snarky laugh left Kid’s lips hearing your last words.
“Fight?! You don’t do shit! Me and Killer always have to save your dumbass cause your too useless to do shit yourself!” A silence fell over the two of you. You can feel your lips tremble and your words dying in your throat.
“I don’t even know why I’m with someone so useless! There are plenty of other whore’s on this island who have more talent than you!” His words felt like knives carving into your skin with every word. They were so filled with hate that you couldn’t be around him anymore. Turning around, you walk towards the door, trying to ignore his hurtful words.
“Oh yeah! Go on and walk away! That’s all your good at!” You heard him slamming the door behind you, and only then did you allow the tears to flow.
How could he say such things? He said words that he knew would hurt you. The cruelty of it was unbelievable. You knew he could be mean, but this was insane! The horrific incident made hot tears pour down fast along your cheeks. Is that how he truly felt? Did he really think you were useless this entire time you’ve been with him? Is that how everyone else on the Victoria Punk thought as well?
When you made it to your and Kid’s shared bedroom, you thought to yourself. Why would you stay with a man who could call you such words without a shred of proof and guilt?  Why be with a man who thinks you're lying no matter what you say? You already dealt with enough treatment like that before you met him. How could he let you leave all you knew behind just to leave you on with lies and false promises? Make you come with him to sail the sea, only for him to turn around and show his true colors? You knew people said he was a cruel man, but you never thought you’d see how cruel he was for yourself.
Grabbing the door handle, you knew that this wasn’t the life you were promised. Wasn’t the life you were meant for? You’ve always dreamed of leaving your island and exploring the world! But for that to happen, you had to be strong and let mean comments slide off your back if you wanted to be a pirate. But Kid was right. You were useless, so it would have never worked out in the end, regardless.
“Mom was right…dreams are for children.” With shaky hands, you begin to gather your belongings. Maybe going back home would have a better life for you planned out.
The sound of your mother yelling seemed to ring everywhere along the house as she screamed at you. Her face filled with rage as she stared at you with crazed eyes.
“I ask you to do one thing, and you can’t even do that?! How could I have had a daughter so useless that she can’t even make soup?!” Her demeaning words made you feel smaller than an atom.
“I’m sorry mommy. I couldn’t reach the pot to stir-”
“Your eight years old! When I was your age, I made my own food! My parents didn’t help me at all! How could you be so stupid!” Little hiccups escape from your mouth as you try to fight back tears.
“I’m s-sorry.” Your mother scoffed at your tears.
“God, I’m getting pissed off just looking at you. Get out of my sight.” Without another word, you start climbing up the stairs, your small hands struggling to grip the railing.
“Useless child.”
The moon was the only source of light as the crew of the Victoria Punk finally. After a full day of drunk laughter and raided goods, everyone was ready to call it a night. Yet, as soon as they boarded the Victoria, a feeling of dread filled everyone's senses.
Making the first move, Killer made his way to Kid’s workshop. Since you didn’t join the rest of the crew today, he suspected that you’d be with Kid. But to his surprise, when he opened the door, he only saw Kid working on a piece of metal.
“Oh (Y/N)’s not in here with you?” The sheer mention of your name seemed to spark hatred inside of Kid.
“No, she’s probably out fucking other men.” Killer’s eyes widen behind his mask. 
“What? What the hell are you talking about?”
“I caught her making out with another guy yesterday! That’s what I’m talking about!”
“She should have been with Hip yesterday. Are you sure that you didn’t see someone that looked like her?”
“Same clothes she wore that day! The same way she wore her hair and the same hair color!”
“Did you see her face?”
“No, she was too busy sucking that dipshits face.” There was something not right about the situation he walked into. In all the time he’s known you, the only man you made eyes to was Kid. The only man you let hug you was Kid. Everything was only for Kid. It just didn’t make sense for you to cheat.
“Did you talk to her about it?”
“We fought, and she walked away 'cause she couldn’t handle being faced with her actions.”
“What happened after that?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. I said my peace, and I’ve been in here ever since.” Something still didn’t seem right, so Killer thought it’d be best to find you and hear your side of the story. He knew Kid was act first, think later, which was the main cause of almost all your fights. Only after Kid calms down is when he see’s rationality. Even now, he still seems so pissed. It’d be best to find you sooner than later.
“Alright.” Closing the door, Killer made his way to your and Kid’s shared room. Normally after fights, he could find you in there. Kid would sleep in his workshop, and you’d sleep in the bed is how it usually was when a fight happened.
Knocking on the door, he’s only met with silence.
“(Y/N)? You in there?” Still silence.
“(Y/N)?” Carefully opening the door, Killer’s met with a half-empty room. No sign that you ever lived there in the first place. No misplaced shirt or sock, nothing. Closing the door, he went to your original room, and once again, no sign you ever lived on the Victoria Punk. The fight must have been much bigger than he thought.
If you weren’t on the ship, then where were you?
You couldn’t eat anything, no matter how hungry you were. Everything you tried to choke down always came right back up from crying so hard. The tears felt like battery acid against your skin, and it drove you mad. How can you cry over him after what he said? Telling you things that he knew would hurt you. Maybe you were a fool for falling in love like your mother said.
“Mom? Can I ask you for advice?” Standing in front of your mother, you feel her eyes pierce her soul.
“What? Can’t you see I'm busy?” The only thing next to her was a pack of cigarettes and a shell phone. Waiting for her ‘friends’ to call her.
“Well, I fell in love with this-” Your mother's laughter interrupted you before you could finish.
“Only fools fall in love! Is that what you are (Y/N)? A fool?”
“No! That’s not true!” A scowl appeared on your mother's face as she stood up quickly.
“Of course it is! Love is a waste of time! Love is for the pathetic worms like yourself! You think anyone's gonna love you? You’ve got nothing worth wild!” Tears start to slip from your eyes as you try to ignore your mother's words.
“Stop! It’s not a waste of time! Everyone has a chance at love! That’s what grandma says…” Your mother grabbed your wrist and brought you closer to her. 
“Grandma married an abusive drunk! She doesn’t know the first thing about love! All you are is a useless little girl who’s following dumb dreams!” Ripping your hand from your mother's grip, you start walking away. 
“Being a whore is the only way a man will ‘love’ you.” Her last words made you run to your room with tears flying off your face. Her words echo in your head no matter how hard you try to ignore them. Your mirror shook when you slammed your bedroom door shut. The vibrations had you look at yourself in the mirror.
A painful itch in your mind emerged as you started to wonder if you always looked like that.
Laying in the hotel bed, you stare at the ceiling as the memory ends as soon as it starts. The memories of your childhood started playing ever since you left the Victoria Punk. You didn’t realize that you never thought about the past when you were with Kid, but now that you were lying here alone in the dark, it was all you could think about. Knowing that now only made you angry. Without Kid, you couldn’t even think a positive thought? How could you let yourself depend on him so hard? Your mother would be ashamed if she saw you.
If she wasn’t already.
She wasn’t thrilled when you ran off to be a pirate with Kid. Screaming and yelling words that you couldn’t make out. If she had a boat, she’d probably would have come after you. A sight to see truly. But now that you made plans to go home, what would she do when you showed up back at her door? 
In 2 days, you’d be making your way back down to the south blue. You were from an island and known for their spices that you could only get on the island. That and the lack of protection from the world government. Many pirates hit the shores of your island, demanding the spices that were worth so much to be eaten by sea kings the second they leave the island. One of the cons to the spices was that it was a natural sea king attracter. It was always so gratifying to see asshole pirates get eaten,
But then Kid came along.
He was brand new to the pirate scene, but by god, he was making a name for himself fast. His bounty raises every new newspaper. It was exhilarating to see such action coming from your part of the sea. Even if it wasn’t the greatest type of action.
The moment a woman started yelling about pirates, you went to see who it could be. You loved to get a closer look at life on the sea. At least the decent ones you did. But you can remember the moment you caught Kid’s eyes.
Hiding behind a tree in the woods was the perfect cover to spy on the pirates that you heard just docked. The hiding spot never failed you before, so why would it now? A gruff voice caught your attention. Looking at the source, you feel your heart skip a beat. 
There he was. Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid.
His red hair seemed to shine in the sun, and it looked softer than silk. His skin was kissed with beautiful freckles. The way he carried himself among his crew made you continue to look at him in awe. You’ve never met a man so breathtaking. There was something about him. You’ve heard the stories behind him. How the devil could be beautiful. Too much in awe, you failed to hear the conversation between the captain and his first mate.
“After we raid this lame town, we’ve only got a few more islands then we’re off to Sabaody.”
“It seems we’re being watched.” Pointing to the woods, the masked man shows his captain a figure behind a tree.
“Go ahead, Killer. I’ll take care of it.” Nodding, the man leaves. Turning back to the woods, Kid uses his devil fruit powers to see if he can’t just bring the figure to him. 
The moment his gaze locked yours, you feel your face burn. His eyes were like a memorizing fire that you couldn’t look away from. Only when your ring starts vibrating is when you realize you’ve been truly caught.
“Oh no-” Pulled forward, you go crashing into the captain’s grip. His frame towered over you as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but continue to admire him.
“Care to tell me why your spying on me, woman?” Not fully registering his question and thinking out loud, you respond.
“Your even prettier up close.”After the words left your lips. You slam your free hand over your mouth and look at him with wide eyes. Admitting that you found a ruthless pirate pretty to his face might be the best way to be put 6 feet under. His silence only made you panic more.
“I m-mean, hey can I get you a drink? There’s a good bar in town!” Kid laughed at your stumbling as he brought your rings closer to his face. It wasn’t the prettiest, but it was still worth some berri’s.
“How about you give me this ring instead? Looks like I could get a good amount of berri’s for it.”
“Oh yeah, sure! Here!” Kid lets your arm down but keeps a firm grip on your wrist. Taking off the ring, you place it in his hand. His smirk made butterflies rumble in your tummy.
“Now show me that bar you were speaking of. Need some booze for the trip.
“Of course!” Your willingness to please him made him conjure up thoughts that are less than innocent. If you were so excited to please him, maybe you’d be a good fuck. Been a minute since he’s had sex. Plus, if his eyes were still working, that was a wedding ring he stole from your dainty little hand. Fucking a married woman could be an experience.
“What’s your husband gonna think when he sees that his little wife no longer has her ring?”
“I’m not married! Not yet, at least.”
“My mom sold me off to marry a rich man’s son so she could stop living in poverty and pay back her debts to the bank.” Instead of the chipper tone you held only moments ago, your voice filled with sadness.
“Thought that shit was only for princesses and princes. Have you seen the bastard?”
“Oh, is he ugly? Shitty luck for you, huh?” Kid’s laughter made the situation feel a bit better. It’s shocking you become so obsessed with a man you just met. But you wouldn’t trade the feeling for anything. This simple jolt of joy was something you wished would never end.
“I can help you carry your booze to your ship! I can also get a good amount of spices that won’t attract the sea kings!” your words seemed to pique Kid’s interest. 
“Is that so? Tell me more about these spices. And leave nothing out, got it?”
“Sure thing, captain!”
The memory only made rage flood through your veins. Rage on how you could have been so desperate. How willing you were to commit a crime and please the most dangerous new-gen pirate at the time. God, you probably sounded so pathetic. If you could go back in time to tell yourself that you were acting stupid, you would.
His baseless accusations were appalling even still thinking aboutit. He never even heard your side! Just assuming the worst of you was his first thought? It hurt so much to think about. You always gave him the benefit of the doubt, so why couldn’t he do the same to you?
Killer searched all around the town for you, yet he still couldn’t find you. The lack of success started to frustrate him as he walked back to the Victoria. 
It’s been a full day since you’ve disappeared. Worry that something happened to you started to settle within the other crew members. Heat and Hip offered to check out the small forested area of the island. Wire said he’d search the port more and keep an eye out in case you forgot something and came back to grab it.
The whole situation still didn’t make sense to Killer, no matter how hard he thought about it. It made no sense to anyone on the crew. He didn’t dare ask Kid any more questions since it was obvious he was still overwhelmed with rage.
No matter what Kid said he saw, there was just no way in hell you had cheated on him. From the first time Killer had seen you, he could see the lovestruck look you had in your eyes when you stared at Kid. Years later and you still look at him like that! Cheating wasn’t something you’d do. No way in hell.
Kid’s immediate reaction, while it shouldn’t have shocked Killer, did. He recalled when Kid took you on the team without even seeing how you fought or if you could even fight. He’s never seen him do anything like that before and since. Killer saw how lovesick Kid became only weeks after you joined. Kid would tell him how proud he was when you were getting better at fighting. Or how he loved being the one to protect you.
No matter what, Killer had to find you. The aftermath is something that Killer knew would lead to flames.
Using the new clothes you bought and wearing a mask, you managed to sneak into a salon to get a haircut. Changing your appearance slightly would allow you to go outside without the worry of being recognized. It also gives you a breath of fresh air. A new look for a new chapter of your life. The chapter of your time with Kid was coming to a close. It hurt as you’ve never been happier than when you were with them. But who knows, maybe you’ll be even happier somewhere else. Only time will tell.
Your and Kid’s shared laughter echoed in your ears as you both ran to the Victoria Punk. Well, he ran as he carried you on his shoulder. One hand full of raided goods and the other holding your legs. Both your hands filled with spices as you watch your mother and supposed to be future groom chase after you.
“Damnit, pirate! Give me back my wife!”
“Don’t you dare take her! She’s my key to getting out of this shitty place!” Their words sounded like babble compared to the sound of your and Kid’s laughter.
“No can do losers! I take what I want!” Hearing Kid say those final words made your heart explode. He actually wanted you! Your face felt like it was on fire as his smell overwhelmed your senses.
Something inside you told you, you were meant to be his. That even though you’ve only known him for a day, he managed to make your heart beat like never before. His voice made your legs jelly, and his sheer strength had you staring at him like he was the greatest thing you’ve ever seen. Everything about him had you in awe.
You weren’t even out to sea, but this is the happiest you’ve ever been! If simply meeting him made you feel so much joy, how could it be when you’d get to see him every day? It’d be a dream you hope you’d never wake up from.
“How does this look, miss?” The hairdresser turned you towards the mirror.
“It looks great! Do you have time for a color?”
“Actually, yes! Let me go get the color swatches.”
“No sign of her Killer. We checked everywhere.” Heat’s words only caused dread to fill Killer. Everyone’s looked top to bottom, and not even a trace of your existence has been found.
“You don’t think she’s already gone, do you?”
“Don’t say shit like that. Just…she’s here. No way she could’ve already docked a different boat.” Just then, a familiar-looking outfit caught Killer’s eye. Same hair color and length. Not wanting to lose you to the crowd, Killer runs up to you.
“(Y/N)! Where have you been?! We’ve been looking everywhere-”
“Hmm?” Killer stops in his tracks when you turn to look at him. But it wasn’t you. The person before him had a completely different face. He thought it was you! How could someone look so similar?-
“Did you see her face?”
“No, she was too busy sucking that dipshits face!”
“Oh no.” Looking down at the woman, all the pieces started coming together in his mind.
“Heat! Go grab Kid!”
“Okay?” Heat’s footsteps leave Killer’s earshot quickly. Turning his attention to the woman, he could see her nervousness.
“Listen, I know this is weird, but I need to borrow you for a second. You looked like my friend's girlfriend from behind, and he thought she cheated. I just need him to see your face. I promise I’ll pay you. All you need to do is just stay right there.” Confusion appeared on the woman’s face before a frown as she crossed her arms.
“Damn pirates. Always assuming the worst in people. I’ll do it, but I have one condition.”
“Yeah, condition! I’d like to have a few words with your friend as it’s obvious he’s a fucking idiot if he can’t even talk to his girlfriend like a reasonable adult. And the pay better be nice.” The woman stood her ground as she grumbled out the last part. Killer wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to be a part of a pirate's relationship problems. While on the one hand, he knew that letting her say some choice words for Kid could end badly on her end. Maybe it’ll give him the punch in the head to realize his mistake.
“Alright, Killer, I got him.” Kid’s grumpy face and heavy footsteps didn’t go unnoticed by the woman, as he could see her body tense.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“It wasn’t (Y/N) you saw 3 days ago. It was her. She looks the same if looked at from behind.” Killer motions the girl to turn around, and she does with a huff before turning back around.
“Where were you three days ago?”
“I was out on the town with my fiance. We went shopping before going to eat at the ice cream shop over there.”
“Rough guess on time?”
“2:30pm to 3pm. Are we done with the questions now?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Killer can still see the woman standing in front of Kid with a scowl on her face. Guess she was serious about giving him a few choice words.
“(Y/N) would have been with Hip at that time three days ago.” Looking at Kid, Killer could see the gears turning in his head before his face went pale.
“We’ve searched the entire place, and there's no trace of (Y/N).”
“No one’s seen her either.”
“Well, look again, damnit!” Killer could hear the panic in Kid’s voice as he spoke. His eyes darting in every direction to try and find you. Heat and Killer’s eye exchange looks of worry seeing the state of frenzy their captain was sinking into.
“Your acting like she’d want to go back to you.” Kid’s eyes snapped to the woman who looked at him with disdain. The air turned tense as Kid’s rage felt suffocating to be near, but the woman didn’t back down.
“What the fuck did you just say?!”
“You got sand in your ears? I said that your acting like she’d even want to go back to you. Your stupid to think so.” Turning to Killer, the woman held out her hand for her payment. Without saying a word to Kid, Killer hands the woman money, and she makes her escape. Kid just stands there frozen for a few seconds before coming back to. 
“Don’t just stand there! Find her!”
“(Y/N) was it?”
“Yeah. Never thought I’d see a Strawhat here. Let alone a hopelessly lost one.”
“I’m not lost. I’m simply…enjoying the scenery?”
“Yeah, okay, swordsman.”
“Well, Zoro. What’s a strawhat doing here?”
“Beats me. What’s a Kid pirate doing here? More or less screaming and cussing out their captain in the middle of the woods while surrounded by their belongings?”
“Ex-Kid pirate. And let’s just say Eustass Kid lives up to the ‘most cruel new gen pirate’ allegations.”
You remembered the green-haired swordsman from Sabaody. He’s ten times more fit than the last time you saw him. It had you wondering what all the other Strawhats looked like.
“Who would have thought!” His laughter had your lips curving up to a small smile. It was a breath of fresh air to be smiling after 2-3 days of nonstop crying. You’ll probably be crying more today when you board the ship that’s supposed to take you home. The pain only three days in is insufferable, so you can’t imagine dealing with the pain truly alone in the middle of the sea while you're on a ship with strangers.
“They said dock C was where the Sunny is located.”
“Huh? Oh. Well, do you think you could get there yourself? I don’t remember which ship Kid’s is docked at, and I don’t want him to see me.”
“Probably. It’s over there, right?” Looking at where he was pointing, you see him pointing in the opposite direction. Sighing and letting out a silent cuss, you grab his wrist, frowning as you begin tugging him toward dock C.
“Oi woman! Where are you taking me?!”
“In the right direction of your ship! I just showed you the right way, and you were about to go in the complete opposite direction!” The sound of the wood creaking went ignored as you continued dragging the swordsman.
“God, where could that idiot be?!” A female voice hits your ears, causing you to stiffen. What if it was a crew member of Kid’s? You needed to listen again to know for sure.
“He’s always getting lost!” To your relief, the voice was entirely unfamiliar. You begin walking towards it and realize that a red-headed woman is coming your way.
“You know her?” You ask the man next to you as you point to the woman.
“Yeah, she’s our navigator. Nami!” Nami? The same Nami that used to have short hair and wore a t-shirt? That Nami? You almost didn’t recognize her!
“There you are! Jesus Zoro, can you not go one second and not get lost?!” Zoro rolled his eyes as you let go of his wrist. Now that he could get back, you can now make your way to your own boat.
“Who did you drag into helping you? She probably has a life unlike you.”
“She’s a Kid pirate-”
“Ex-Kid prate.”
“Huh? You must be new. I didn’t see you on Sabaody.”
“She’s the captain’s ex.” You look at the green-haired man before harshly hitting him.
“Oh, I remember you now! You look so much different than when I last saw you!”
“I can say the same for you. I’d love to chat more, but I can’t miss my ship back home.”
“Aw, shame! We were about to eat, you think you can join us? Least we can do for bringing back this idiot.” You were about to decline the offer as you weren’t in the mood to deal with many people, but your stomach growled loudly. Now you’d be caught lying if you said you weren’t hungry and declined. So despite your discomfort, you agreed. Free food, you supposed, especially nice when you haven’t eaten yet.
“Great! We’re not far away, so follow me!” Sighing quietly, you follow the woman without another word.
The feeling of guilt and disgust ate away at Kid as he began to tear apart the town. He should have known that you wouldn’t cheat. You’ve been with him since the beginning of his pirate life, and he thought you cheated without even listening to you.
He could still remember the look of horror and heartbreak you wore when he yelled and insulted you. He called you cruel names, and not once did you call him one back. Even through his temper, you never said a mean word. Sure, you raised your voice, but that’s nothing compared to what he did.
How could he even look you in the face? If you saw him, what would you do? Would you cry? Run away? Scream? All scenarios he knew would be negative. No way in hell you’d want to run to him after all the things he called you. Calling you the very things he promised not to call you after you told him your life before joining his crew. How could he fix a trust he worked so hard to establish, to begin with?
There were so many things he wanted to tell you. Tell you he’s sorry and that he’s an idiot. That you weren’t any of those things he said you were. He wanted to tell you that he loved you and beg for your forgiveness. That the first day he met you, he wanted you close. The way your first words to him were compliments and how you looked at him with admiring eyes.
Even when he slept during the time away from you after the fight, he was plagued by your heartbroken face. He’s never slept so shitty as he did when you were gone. His arms reached out for you only to feel the empty space next to him.
When he’d wake up, he could find dry tears stained into his face. And when he looked in the mirror, he could see the way his face was red and his eyes puffy. He caught himself calling out your name before remembering that he was alone. Whether he wanted to admit it at the time or not, the truth was he was miserable/ He couldn’t do anything in his workshop as he had no motivation as all he thought about was you and what you could have been doing.
Well, now that he knows that truth, he had to find you.
He’s been searching for what felt like hours. Destroying every building in his path just to find you. Yet no matter what building he broke down, there was no trace of you anywhere. It’s like you just disappeared. Vanished from the world and vanished from his life.
He couldn’t accept that you were gone. He wouldn’t accept it. How could he be the King of the Pirates if you weren’t there next to him? There’s no way he could deal with knowing what his actions had done and then go on to achieve something huge. You were supposed to celebrate with him.
“Kid!” Killer’s voice snapped him out of his destructive trance, making him turn to the man.
“What?! If you haven’t found (Y/N) yet, then I don’t wanna hear it!”
“There's a ship heading back to the sough blue in one hour. Me and the others believe she’s taking that ship back home.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?! Go see if she’s there, and if not, wait!” Killer sighed at his friend's words. He’s acting like you’re coming back willingly. What the woman told him earlier was right, even if Kid wouldn’t say it aloud. You’d probably rather sell yourself to the Marines than want to see Kid. But against his better judgment, he and Heat head off to the ship that could take you home.
“Shame you couldn’t stay longer! It’s nice to see and hear a new voice after dealing with Luffy every day.” You couldn’t help but laugh. It felt nice to feel something other than overwhelming sadness. Probably the most laughter that’d come out of you for quite a while. Especially if you were going home.
“Where do you plan on going next? I mean, I doubt you want to stay on an island with strangers.”
“Home. There’s a ship that’s heading to the south blue in an hour. I was gonna take it home.”
“Wow, that’s a long way.”
“Tell me about it. Not looking forward to the journey.”
“Oi Strawhat!” Both you and Nami turn your heads to see who could be yelling. Only last minute did you recognize the voice and the man running towards you. Quickly turning your head back around, you hope that your different colored hair would throw him off.
“(Y/N)! There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere!”
‘Shit. Just my fucking luck.’ You hear his footsteps stop right behind you. Even though Killer was innocent, you still wanted to ignore him.
“Have you been with the Strawhats the entire time? Actually, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have to come back. Kid knows the truth and is tearing the town apart looking for you. Literally.”
“Let him search. Let him wallow in guilt.”
“Listen, I understand your upset. You have every right to be but-”
“No buts! You know what he called me, Killer?! He called me a whore! Useless! I’m a useless whore to him! I’m not going back and living in skepticism if Kid actually loves me or not! Someone who loves someone wouldn’t say such words. So leave me alone.”
“You heard her! Leave her alone.” To your surprise, Nami steps in front of you. Dividing you and Killer.
“Strawhat stay out of this. It doesn’t concern you.”
“Tell me this, would you go back if you were in her shoes?”
“Would you go back if you were in her shoes?” Killer stays silent before sighing.
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Exactly. So why should she?”
“Kid knows about the boat that’s supposed to take you home. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s beat us to it.” Killer’s voice makes your heart drop. How the hell were you gonna sneak onto the boat without Kid seeing you and causing a scene?
“That doesn’t matter anyway since she’s sailing with us now!” Your eyes blow wide at Nami’s words.
“You are?”
“I am?” Nami shoots a look at you before you understand the idea.
“I mean, yes, I am!” Crossing your arms, you look at Killer from behind Nami. You see Killer and Heat exchange looks. If Killer didn’t have his mask on, there's no doubt that he be rubbing his face.
“When the hell did you decide this?”
“Earlier today, actually!” It felt wrong to lie to him, but the idea of staying in the new world and continuing to explore started to grow on you. If Nami was actually thinking about letting you tag along with them, maybe you’d take them up on the offer. 
Instead of going home and most likely going to be married off again by your mom, you’d continue to be free. Be able to see things that child you never thought you would. 
“What should I tell Kid then? Cause we both know how he’s gonna react when he hears this.” Everyone went silent at the idea of coming up with a plan that would cause the least amount of damage to people and ships. Just then, an idea popped into your head.
“I’ve got an idea.”
Kid’s loud footsteps made the dock shake as he followed Killer and Heat. The two men told him that they saw you heading to dock C but lost you in the crowd. Hearing that, Kid made a mad dash towards the port to try and find you. You were still here, but he didn’t know how long you would be. He couldn’t afford to just miss you.
“This way!” Turning a sharp corner, Killer directs Kid to where they last saw you. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as adrenaline was running fast through his veins. Flashes of memories with you invade Kid’s mind as he fears that if he misses you, he’ll never be able to create more.
“Wait, I think I see her!” Killer stops suddenly as he points out to the sea. Fear clutches Kid’s heart when he sees you leaning against the railing of the Strawhats ship. Kid rushes to the dock that the boat had just sailed away from moments ago. He looks on in horror as he watches the ship slowly move away from him.
“(Y/N)!” He can see your head turn, and both your eyes lock. A look of sadness and anger crosses your face as you look at him. His breathing loud as words start to stumble from his mouth. For the first time, Kid’s vulnerability was shown to the people of the world as he called to you.
“(Y/N)! I know now! I’m sorry for saying all those fucked up things to you! Your none of those things, I promise!” You said nothing to him, but he could see the small drops of tears rolling down your face.
“I’m a dumbass! I was made and said things I didn’t mean! Get off the ship and come back! I’ll do anything!” Kid could feel his legs grow weak as the ship moved farther and farther away from him. For the first time in his life, he wished he’d never eaten that devil fruit. His only true enemy stood between him and you.
“I need you to come back! I can’t be King of the Pirates without you! I love you! I love you so fucking much that you not being next to me sounds like an eternal hell! I need you with me!” Kid could only feel his heart shatter when you stopped leaning on the railing and turned away from him, walking out of his sight. It felt as if time had stopped and the world stopped turning. 
Kid’s legs finally gave out as he fell to his knees. The world turned deathly silent as he couldn’t even hear his own heartbeat. All he could hear and feel was the tears that slid down his cheeks and the sound of his last words being the only words he could hear as he watched the ship sail away,
“Please…don’t go…”
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Neslin AU idea -> A ballad of beasts
AU where Tamlin, unwilling to deal with his brothers' power struggle for the High Lord title after their father's death goes FUCK NO, and legs it for the mortal realm.
He eventually finds refuge in a little, faraway village called Carterhaugh. But even though he's fae, he has no idea how shit works in the mortal realm, and he needs a safe place to stay.
BUT, he can't just saunter into the place and be like 'please will you let me into your house and give me a safe place to stay??'
That goes against all the fae rules, sanctuary must be given freely of a mortal's own choice and mind, no asking allowed.
He transforms himself into a cat and wanders around until he comes across Nesta; the prickliest woman of the village, who couldn't give less of a shit about other people, but who is instantly besotted by the bedraggled and clearly malnourished cat that's mewling pathetically at her village bookshop door.
"Oh, you poor thing," she cooed, gathering up the golden cat into her arms and scratching it under the chin.
It purred happily, and she immediately made for her small cottage at the edge of town.
"You must be hungry, don't fret little one, I'll look after you."
She takes him home and gives cat-lin a bath and feeds him, and everything, but Tam starts feeling guilty so he poofs back into his fae male form and Nesta rightfully freaks out, screaming at him to get out of her house but eventually she listens to his story
High Lord powers -> WILL be killed by brothers
Nesta's still kinda eh,
So Tam just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE's and Nesta is eventually just like 'jesus fucking hell, fine, but i'm gonna make you do unpaid labour in the bookshop if you're gonna stay.'
So that's how life is for a while, they grow closer, and eventually Nesta tells him her story.
Years and years ago, her sisters were out playing in the woods near their home, and she was tasked by her mother with looking after them. But then as she was watching them, a thick wreath of shadow just... gathered them up and disappeared them from sight. They were never seen again, and Nesta's mother had hated her for it until her death, and Nesta has spent every day since then hating herself for it.
"I- I tried," her throat bobbed, eyes going distant and hazy.
"I tried to go back for them, I took my winter cloak and walked to the wall to bring them back home."
A tear slid down her cheek, "I failed."
Tamlin immediately goes sHaDowS? kidnapping? that fukcing bastard Rhysand -> Shit, I'm pretty sure I know where your sisters are -> cue trip across the faery world to find Feyre + Elain
SO, they finally trek to the wall, trek across the courts, end up in Night, and Tamlin + Rhysand confront each other (bitter ex lovers energy, obv)
Tamlin's father dies of illness or smth and his two older brothers fight to the death for the High Lord title, cept the winner almost forgot about Tamlin until the magic fails to go to him and he's like 'fuck', forgot to kill the other one, so he goes after Tamlin. BUT he makes the fatal mistake of asking Amarantha for help, and she's like, oh, you're trying to kill my beloved??! UNO reverse, fucker.
So now she's taken over the Spring Court and still trying to find Tamlin to make him her 'mate' and become High Lord/ Lady of Spring
BUT fae magic can't be sensed in the mortal realm, so she's just kind of been wasting time being a shitty ruler.
Turns out Rhysand has only been taking young girls from the mortal realm to keep Amarantha happy-> she sacrifices them for her magic rituals, or if she likes them enough, keeps them as serving girls/ maids, and she'd originally wanted RHYSAND'S SISTER as her companion, so he was doing it for family. doesn't make it any better, but yeah
"But if however, I were to present you to her... I am sure her appetites would be satiated for quite some time." Rhysand's eyes glittered and Nesta's stomach roiled at the implication. Beside her, Tamlin only listened with a stony silence.
Don't. she begged. Don't you fucking dare leave me.
Rhysand brings them both before Amarantha, who is instantly threatened by/ jealous of Nesta x Tamlin
So she proposes a bargain.
"Is your love true, I wonder?" Amarantha's wicked fangs leered down at her.
Nesta fought to keep her voice even. "It is."
"Would you love him if he were a mere man?"
"I would."
"Would you love him if he had nothing?"
"I would."
"Ah, but would you love him if he were a beast?"
She turned to him then. To Tamlin. To the man that she had grown to love so purely and wholly. It was to him that she spoke her next words.
"Man or beast, I would love him with all my heart. Thorns and all."
Thus begins the trial of beasts.
A blood red ribbon is used to bind Nesta and Tamlin by their wrists.
Amarantha uses Tamlin's shapeshifting powers against him and forces him to shift into beasts of all kind without any control over his body.
If Nesta can maintain her hold on him throughout his beastly transformations and endure the claws/ fangs/ gashes/ bites without cutting the ribbon, Amarantha will let them all go (Nesta, Tamlin, Feyre and Elain)
Nesta, being the bamf she is, completes the challenge.
Amarantha, pissed as hell thinking that Nesta wouldn't be able to do it, but unable to break her bargain without repercussions, has no choice but to let them go.
the end
or is it???
she goes for Nesta, and THAT'S when Tamlin's High Lord power finally snaps into place, because it was dormant the entire time he was in the mortal realm and he goes full beast mode on Amarantha and murks her once and for all.
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So now that i have learnt that asking u questions will not make u want to brutally murder me, ITS MY TURN AAAHAHHAHAHAH-
Numéro Un : Whats ur main's lore??? The parasite dudeeeeeeeeee >:))))
Numara İki : Who is your least and most fav battler from ALL of RBB (its not the same question i swear!!!!!!!!)
Numero Tatlo : Give the finalists a scent or/and a song.
Numero Cuatro : Will we see more of Lana, Bella and Hoopie?? I needed to ask this for the girliessss (btw from clues left around here and there, im guessing Bella and Steak are shapeshifters???)
Nummer Fünf : KREEK GOT POSSESED BY BILL CIPHER- is the guy ok 😞😞😞💔💔💔 How often will we see TMA x RBB?? Like how many more are u expecting atm???
Numero Sei : This one is abt BLSMP, kinda like mini questions;
Will we see Megan in action of vengeance soon?
Will Pink get his cookie??
How long will day 6 and 7 be? Like chapters and chapter lenght????
-. ..- -- -... . .-. / --... : Are you overworking yourself? Yk if you are, just for our entertainment. Stop. Take a breather. Its not worth it <3
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bugbo. im sorry i had to 😰😰😞😞😞💔💔💔💔🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭👹👹👹🥰🥰🥰
( why am i like this )
Why are there Bin Weevils in my askbox. Anyway, answers to your questions under the cut!!
Question 1: C!YanDan is…something, certainly. He was formed by negative energy generated when a crystal exploded (if you know, you know), and that negative energy cloud possessed a malnourished unused clone in the basement of a laboratory in the woods. He dislikes DanTDM on principle, but like, he’s only met the guy once. These days, he’s just a hitman who gets sent out on slightly more unscrupulous jobs, alongside his friends. You can find his reference, as well as his two friend’s references, here, here and here. There’s also their boss, but I haven’t uploaded him yet.
Question 2: Least favourite, uh, the ones who’ve turned out to be not-nice people behind the scenes, I guess? You know the ones. Favourite is probably Tanqr and Kreek, because I’m basic as fuck. But also, underrated favourites are Hyper, Jackeryz and Calixo. Oh, Think, Preston and BigB are also up there, but I like them for other reasons.
Question 3: I’m going to do songs because I don’t know scents all too well. Some of these I am very certain of, some of these are just flat out vibes.
KreekCraft: The Main Character - Will Wood
Tanqr: Ruthlessness - EPIC: The Musical
DylanHyper: Waiting In The Wings - Tangled: The Series
AshleyTheUnicorn: Get Down - Six: The Musical
PinkLeaf: No More: LongestSoloEver
iBella: Gon’ be real I don’t have a song in mind for Bella. Most of the songs I listen to don’t really fit her.
DenisDaily: Vending Machine of Love: The Stupendium
Question 4: That depends on what universe you’re asking about. Lana and Bella have major roles in the TMA AU, so they’ll likely appear more there! Bella’s also pretty important to some of my other AUs, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Hoopie, meanwhile…I don’t really include her? Mainly because I don’t fukcing know what her and Tanqr have going on. Are they dating? Are they just friends? I don’t know how she fits in. In my take on canon, I have them in a weird situationship where they don’t even know what they are. So…yeah.
Question 4.5: Correct on Bella - she is a shapeshifter! Her knowledge on human anatomy has gotten a lot better, but that accursed Rthro render was the result when she…didn’t. Steak, meanwhile, is just a slab of meat. He doesn’t have bones. He doesn’t have hair. He just has meat slabs carved (and skin) to look vaguely human. (His hair’s texture is either cartilage or leather, I haven’t decided).
Question 5: If I had a nickel for every time Hunt!Kreek was referred to as Bill Cipher, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice, right? In all seriousness, no, he is not okay. The TMA AU (at least, Kreek’s side of it) can basically be summarised by “one man (Kreek) gets haunted by and slowly turns into a fucked up version of his YouTube channel mascot” and with that comes a major sanity slippage. I’d love to release more TMA AU content, and I do have some stored! It just depends on my motivation and what I want to release. Right now I’m working on writing a full plot outline to make my life easier when talking about it, but it’s taking some time.
Question 6: Bold of you to assume she hasn’t already done that. In fact, in the next chapter, I’d say she’s about to do the exact opposite.
Question 6.25: Once Ashley is in a situation where she knows how to make one.
Question 6.5: Russo, what are you doing. RUSSO NO-
Question 6.75: Day 6 has 7 chapters, Day 7 has 6 (planned, subject to change). Word count depends on what happens in them - some of the Day 6 chapters have a LOT GOING ON.
-. . …- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. …- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .—. : I think I’m fine!! I’m doing a lot of work right now because I’m gonna be quite busy with life during the next year when things pick up, so you know, getting ahead of the game. I’ve gone from being 2 chapters ahead to being 7, so I��m pretty proud of that. Then again, literally 30 minutes after I read this ask I managed to spill boiling water all over my hand and now I can’t really type, so…there’s that.
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tokuteasings · 11 months
every day, love me more
Everyone shut up it's Yuzuki's fukcing birthday so i HAD to write something for Rita bc I fucking DESERVED THIS
Sure this is written with Syne in mind but like...fuck it. brain worm wont leave me. This started off as a SyneRita fic but I got too embarassed to post my shit so fuck it
Warnings: S...S...S....suggestive and uh....uh....dont look at me-
When the years dull, the colors becoming grey snow and forever losing their beauty to eons of time… All of it becomes null. Perhaps that is what their birthday is. A cold nullity that froze their heart and causes it to rot their senses. 
But it’s so warm here, warm with every kiss that takes their breath away; heated little cheeks against dulcet sheets and toes curling at the way she touches them.
Was it possible for their love’s body to dance like this? Waltz upon their form with grace that rivals poetry upon the finest of lips?
“Happy birthday, my lord.” they whisper against their skin, the pulse pounding within their own skin. The lord of ice whispers their beloved’s name into godly air, bucking up against the form above them. “Let me take care of you…my lord." it's gospel to your tongue, a royal decree that does not even need to be ushered from anyone's psyche.
Not as Rita is merely melting at every single touch their love gives them. "D-Don't...." the lord whispers, pale hands gripping the shoulders of their dearest. "D-Don't...stop-!" a tongue lapping at the newest little mark that will be covered once more (it is sadly fate itself) but it is knowing that those marks will remain upon their skin that makes the thrill... All the more worth it.
Rita will soak up this love for all of time, every day if they must. Lower and lower does the paramour skitter, sashaying until they feel Rita keel and whine and beg...
Every day, they will prostrate themselves for their lord.
Head between legs, until the king screams.
Justice and death upon Rita's lips becomes screams of utter pleasure... And that is love in itself.
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appleslices · 4 months
i have no idea why i keep putting my coworker in a fukcing mood but every service day we start out so fucking good and by the end of the night she’s like so moody in interacting with me and im not sure what i keep doing wrong 😭
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animelover20 · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨ !
Oooh now this is the shit I like seeing at 6 in the morning😃 thank you, I actually really like talking about my taste in music. Sorry if I ramble on a bit too much than what you were expecting tho I'm just really excited.
I'm guessing these don't have to be in any specific order so they ain't. Btw artist names are in bold because it looked too confusing otherwise.
Most of these are either gonna be metal,loud as fuck/chaotic, just weird or sometimes even a mix of all of those.
1. Hand me my shovel I'm going in! - will wood and the tapeworms. It's fun as fuck plus the songs been theorised to be about mental health and how the person singing isn't 'sick' enough to get help. (Which is backed by a few lyrics especially "so I bookmark my DSM cause I need you to remember my place".) It's such a cool and fun song because of how chaotic it is and will wood and the tapeworms are one of my favourite bands overall so don't be surprised if they appear a few times😁
2. Death - Æther realm. You've probably never heard of it but it's really cool. You won't like it if your not a fan of death since that's the whole song. Essential made an album based off tarot cards which is such a cool concept(I love tarot btw) but I've only listened to this one so far. Anyway onto the meaning. It's an extremely positive song about death and it actually applies to a lot of my beliefs on death aswell. Instead of describing death as this horrible thing it's so much more peaceful. With a few lyrics being("if I had another chance to live I think id rather be dead" and the one that follows every chorus being "if this is really death then it's not so bad.")I really hate death being seen as a negative thing because frankly it isn't. It's a comforting concept. at the end of the day,no matter what you do,no matter how you live, death is going to come for you. And you know what that's ok. It's one of my favourite songs for this reason. And I know not everyone will agree with me but that's fine.
3. Per Aspera ad inferi - Ghost. I will just quickly mention, they are a satanist band,if you're not into that then ya know don't be mean,their songs go hard lmao. Anyway i am not apart of their religion but I respect it. Anyway the name is essentially a play on the Latin phrase 'through hardship to the stars' or Per Aspera astra.' (rough translation btw) whereas the song name instead translates to 'through hardships to hell.' which is so fucking cool. It's catchy as fuck song and I find it getting stuck in my head a lot.
4. Necromancin Dancin - Bear Ghost. It's just a really fun song,chaotic as fukc too. Plus the thought of people just being revived just to start dancin is really funnym. Added bonus that is song is in my doffy playlist (because of the whole controlling people I thought why not be able to do it to corpses aswell😃) it's actually the only song so far to be apart of said playlist but that may change as I go. I don't know if this song has any specific meaning either then necromancer making people dance. But it's pretty good.
5. Take me back to Eden - sleep token. Ok so I've been making this list up as I went which is why I said in 4 that there might be another song from my playlist and what I said could change and it did. This song is in my doffy playlist and it's actually the song that inspired the playlist in the first place so,hats off to it. Anyway yay metal. Loud, amazing vocals and metal? What more could you ask for. It's mostly been attributed to doffy because of the whole theme of being thrown out of this holy place and desperately trying to get back which...(If you know you know.) I fucking love this song so much and I am genuinely out of words to describe it.
And that's about it I think I'm happy with this. Anyway again thank you for making my morning and giving me something to do that I actually really enjoy. Sorry if this is a ramble I just really like music.
I hope you have a great day/night❤️
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haver-of-wives · 1 year
C'mon Tommy, I just wanted to talk :) Is that really so bad? Didn't you miss me? I missed you, you know :)
Oh, and I also wanted to let you know that if you block me, I might just have to take something from you every day until you unblock me again :) Hmm, what should I start with? How about... that pet spider you have now :)
~ @your-eternal-nightmare :)
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hammythehanner · 1 year
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ok i was bored so heres my slugcat tierlist judged entirely by gameplay/the campaign. not many people are prolly gonna read any of this but i love rambling anyways💥💥full downpour spoilers ahead!
RAHHHH I LOVE RIV AND SAINT THE MOVEMENT IS ONE OF MY FAV THINGS ABT THE GAMEPLAY RIGHT NEXT TO KILLING EVERYTHING THAT CROSSES MY PATH (except scavs but i will get to that later) riv is the first dp slug i played on the day the dlc came out and i finished it the same day and bro my expectations were blown out of the water holy FUCK. i wanted to explore rotting pebbles soooo bad and i actually got to do that!!! it was hard of course but i had fun!!!! i liked having to look at rooms and having to carefully calculate how i would get through them. it made pebbles funner to explore bc i wasnt stuck in 0g baby jail all the time. submerged superstructure was cool as hell too but i kept getting super lost in it while trying to find rhe right way to go… exploring after the campaign though was rlly fun!
basically riv is the most slug ever but oh man. does saint come close. it was BRUTAL getting out of sky islands and farm arrays (i didnt have a lantern, i didnt know it would warm u up) but once i did and i acquired a lantern it was fun! finessing predators with your epic tongue swinging skills. but at the same time man i have NEVER gotten a more overwhelming sense of dread from playing a video game before. especially at the part where i went to go to the wall and it just. wasnt there. i had to just pause and stare at the screen because What. and then when i went to shaded citadel, only to realize it wasnt. uh. shaded anymore. and connecting the lore dots in my head right before getting to the husk. gahdam. finding pebbles made me want to cry and throw up so hard (but i didnt. yet) and yeah. that ending. ehat the fukc. shit went crazy. didnt cry tho until i was watching a saint playthrough on youtube and like. bro wasnt even at the end of the game or doing anything in particular but MAN i just started sobbing for like an hour when i thought abt the ending again. i dont rlly even know why in particular the saint ending just Does that to a mf i guess. also shoutout to that one echo that says “I put my faith into the hands of random gods. Now I must endure it to the end” rawest line ever. goes so hard
SPEARMASTER WAS REALLY AWESOME TOO i lovvedddd being the predator and kill die kill kill slurp up everything i see with straw spear. i love how each of the slugcats makes u think like the slug ur playing, and spearmaster does that so well. i love that it makes u think like a ruthless predator, and i love playin on my save file every now and then to see how many kills i can get in a cycle. also exploring moon before she collapses was just as incredible as discovering five pebbles for the first time AIAGSJSGSJ i love her version of random gods so much it goes so crazy. also the bisexual lighting is cool. i hope the miros birds in her underhang explode tho i love being one shot before i can react at all
hunter. i love and hate the cycle limit. on one hand its super unique and changes up how u play the game alot. u gotta plan for stuff and be able to improvise sometimes. but also its really stressful LMAO. right before dp came out i did a hunter run so that i could unlock riv as soon as possible. and like bro wtf shit gave me heart palpitations. i wasnt even close to failing either i deadass ascended with like 9 cycles left idfk why i was shittif myself so hard at certain points. also why can slugpups spawn in their campaign bro thats mean.
GOURMAND. oh gourmand. this is the one i thought i was gonna hate but ended up really enjoying. the tuckered out mechanic isnt usually that big a deal. also bro is a straight up killing machine wtf 3 spear damage????? i didnt use the crafting mechanic much but it was pretty cool when i remembered it existed in a sticky situation and it saved me. also their endgame region….. oh my god that shit is BEAUTIFUL. i could just stare at some of the rooms for hours. and that big tree with a view of pebbles and the communications array? gorgeous. the food quest was fun and the ending is super cute.
survivor was my first experience with the game! i took multiple long breaks because of how frustrated i got at points, i even had to restart my first playthrough cuz i got stuck in filtration without max karma, but i just. kept coming back. the game just kept sucking me back in. i had the biggest ragequit ever at the jump to the wall in chimney canopy (didnt know about throwboosting so i died like 84538363 times. not just to the jump of course you know how chimney is) but i was back literally the next day. i could Not quit. not too much else to say abt them other than that ive replayed survivor like 4 times since it was all i could really do before downpour came out LOL. theyre the standard campaign so it goes in tha middle tier.
arti and monk were originally swapped but i judged arti too harshly i think. i loved the double jump so much, but when i played it i had scav kill squad leniency off and i had no idea how to parry. (also that one long trek between those two shelters in the upper section of metropolis (on the way to house of braids) can fuck right off to hell. ik i could have taken a diff route but ouygh my gowd) artis story is so cool and the ending art is SO badass i love it but scav combat sucks so bad. also i dont like killing them anyways theyre silly and i always get chieftain in my playthroughs :(
monk isnt actually even bad really. its just “ez baby mode”, which is fine! i think monk serves their purpose very well but honestly its not for me, esp after downpour. im a sweaty gamer guys i admit it im so so sorry plz forgive me💔💔💔🥀 i love monks cutscenes tho theyre very cute. a simple but effective story👍👍👍👍awesom
wow ok i wrote way more than i meant to erm. hi. im 🙂🙂normal.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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loisfreakinglane · 4 months
The first character I first fell in love with: 
i was in love with sansa from second number ONE
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
absolutely theon. what a fukcing JOURNEY we went on with him like good god
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
god. a lot probably? jaime's on this list lol. he's fine but i'm not emotionally invested in him at all. idgaf
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
she's loved by many now but my god stanning sansa was a fucking WAR back in the day. otherwise tho? catelyn my love. oh man and ppl turned on samwell SOMETHING FIERCE toward the end there but i adored him all the way thru. hizdahr was right. cersei was an iconic villain i love her. MIRRI MAZ DUUR WAS THE HERO OF THE LHAZAREEN PEOPLE.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
100% dany. it was wild going back to my s1 liveblog bc i really was rooting for her initially. but her slow descent into villainy wasn't in a fun baddie way alas
The character I would totally smooch: 
robb. grey worm. margaery. missandei. OBERYN
The character I’d want to be like: 
master of disguise, lord of secrets, always in a fun outfit, secretly playing the long game for the good of the realm? LEMME BE VARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The character I’d slap: 
my hand would fall off from all the slapping i'd do in this show. and it would be worth it.
A pairing that I love:
A pairing that I despise: 
every single sansa/gross elderly man ship. every last one. also i haaaaaaaated what jon/dany did for both of those characters. it's a yikes from me
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n0phis · 2 years
at least one point every day i feel negatively about my art because y'know. Perpetual Artist Disease no matter how happy u usually are with ur work KEKW but going thru just a single tag or seeing like. one person who liked my art every day makes it so worth it
this isnt an urging of ppl to Do More bc the support u guys give me is so much more than enough :) im just feelin appreciative bcos today im hittin my first art block since i came back but it doesnt feel Bad or like a failure it just feels like. ' oh well !!! ill get art to ppl soon, i hope they enjoy it :) itll be worth it' and i have the suspicion that rather than being a 2 week rut like i usually get its just gonna be a single sleepy day LMAO
the reception to my art has been fucking incredible. ppl participating in a dtiys more than they ever did in my years in the furry fandom? meeting so many new ppl and sharing amazing ideas with them every day?? getting so many wonderful suggestions that spark inspo into me whenever im feeling uncreative?? fukcing EDITS on tiktok being made of my art which has never happened before and made me make real life noises of joy when i was told about them?? gah DAMN just. happy moments thank u guys :)
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theletterwsarseflap · 7 months
i mean. i'm gonna still try and do it when i can but somehow every time i sit down to do it i get beckoned away i don't fukcing get it.
this is probably why i've never actually finished anything and pretty much only do sloppy sketches these days.
oh and not to mention i somehow seemed to attract people who picked at me for my ocs, then also picked at me for my fanart like wtf do you want from me
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creamy-boy · 11 months
🥹🥹me when someone else sees my vision of Alfred with a lactation kink and most likely has a wg kink. bc look at this man and tell me he does not have at least one of the above.
Ok but like, first off, a classic, rusame, i need Alfred to be like 5'11, hefty himself, but Ivan is 6'9 and he only ever feels small around him, and Ivan, as we all know, has fat fucking tits, and just through some bulshittery, maybe via a surplus of food, both in the man and the nation, he is lactating and ooohhhh Alfred has to drain his tits and fukcing makes the most of fondling his love handles and tits and ass and everything else.
Another one, bit screwy (i hopw you don't mind USUK), but Arthur cocked up and he is now lactating, which is not the best for I'm since you need nutrients to lactate and the man forgets to eat for 3 days in a row quite regularly, but unlike with Ivan, Arthur is thin as a rail, and is also not ready to admit that he cocked up so bad till some Shenaniganery(tm) has Alfred's attention drawn, and he takes full advantage of it, Arthur is a good deal smaller than him in most manners, and he treats Arthur like glass, when Arthur wants to be treated as rough as Alfred could (Arthur, the whore of the seven seas and beyond hshdhdfh) and he ends up absolutely demeaning him and, turns out, the hornier Arthur gets the more he lactates, and the hungrier he gets, a self perpetuating cycle that Alfred feeds (ha!) into
I have more, but please to tell me if any of this is going too far
Okay okay SO Admittedly I am not the biggest (lol) weight gain (I assume that's what wg stands for) person HOWEVER!!!!!
In small doses I can absolutely get down with it and I can TOTALLY see Alfred seeing a little chub on his partner and loving it esp as a sign that like he's taking such good care of his s/o and treating them well and besides he's soooooo touchy-feely all the time it's not like he would turn down to opportunity to have a lil more bod to squeeze and hold onto ahsjddfl
Not to mention he would love love cooking for his partner and bringing them takeout. Despite all his talk of independence he loves to serve lmao
Also I swear every time I draw Ivan I try and draw his tits fatter than the last time I wanna squeeze his chest so bad fr!!!!!
And on ur second one I USED to be massively into usuk/ukus and while it's been slightly pushed aside in favor of rusame/amerus I do still enjoy it and I'm lowkey reminded of an old rp that had Arthur w cute lil accidental magic tits and Alfred could NOT keep his hands off em esp w how Arthur reacted bc like it was kind of a new sensation!!
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