#me making my own dnd group later: great all of you are invited except him if anyone mentions this to him im gonna be real mad
wildmagicplant · 4 years
hello who wants a post about my curse sword related dnd-trauma! (i assume the answer is no one, so you all can just move on lol)
a couple years ago, i was playing dnd with some friends. i had some issues with the dm, but overall was willing to go along with it bc i wanted to play and friends and he was a good dm in some ways. so we’re going along, adventuring and having a mostly good time, and we encountered some Loot. might have been in a wight mound? somewhere that definitely involved defeating angry dead people anyway. and we found some cool stuff including a bone white sword. i was playing a rogue at the time, and i thought, ‘hey, i could use a sword, that seems fun’ so i picked it up.
turns out, the sword was cursed.
it’s a standard dnd item- the sword of vengeance (as a short sword). for those who don’t know, the sword of vengeance is a +1 sword, but “This sword is cursed and possessed by a vengeful spirit. Becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it on your person at all times. While attuned to this weapon, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one.
In addition, while the sword is on your person, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever you take damage in combat. On a failed save you must attack the creature that damaged you until you drop to 0 hit points or it does, or until you can't reach the creature to make a melee attack against it. You can break the curse in the usual ways. Alternatively, casting banishment on the sword forces the vengeful spirit to leave it. The sword then becomes a +1 weapon with no other properties.” i wasn’t thrilled about this, bc i didn’t think anyone else in the party had encountered any cursed items and i knew none of us could cast identify but i figured it could be fun roleplaying or at least a good weapon, plus i’d already picked it up so the curse had already taken effect. 
there were a lot of reasons this didn’t go as i hoped. one, i was a rogue in a group of like six pcs. i fuckin never took damage! if i was even fighting, i just sprinted in, sneak attacked, disengaged, (which was definitely how i designed the character) so the curse almost never kicked in. two, the curse never kicked in, so NO ONE EVER NOTICED. i thought that as part of the curse and not wanting to get rid of the sword, my character wouldn't want to tell anyone, so i the player was increasingly annoyed but couldn’t do anything. three, for a lot of reasons (some to do with how the campaign went and some to do with the personalities/playstyles of everyone involved), our characters never really hit it off. we were mostly just working together, so there wasn’t a lot of emotional connection to other characters, so i never really felt like it was the right place to roleplay the curse in a way that could have been fun and/or led to it getting removed. this was definitely partly my fault! i made a standoffish character who was supposed to open up and become friends but that never really happened and i definitely could have made a much bigger effort to play that, and i think that could have sped up the whole curse-noticing a lot.
this went on for-no exaggeration-over half of the campaign. i never got another new weapon. toward the end, the curse finally kicked in and one of my friends took pity on me and asked the dm if he noticed anything weird. the dm made him roll. he failed. no one noticed. at this point, i think the dm decided something should happen with the sword and i had been complaining about it, so he basically told me, ‘hey you have that cursed sword. you should be playing it. you really want to kill that guy.’ while we were fighting something inconsequential. i was annoyed bc i felt like i had been playing it as told to me, but i did it bc i wasn’t given a choice. 
finally someone noticed, and they (again, my friends took pity on me) figured out that maybe something was up with my sword. again, i want to emphasize that i definitely could have played this better- i was fed up with the campaign for a lot of reasons and so i didn’t take this as the opportunity for roleplaying that i could have. once they figured out it was the sword, they tried to steal it from me while i was sleeping. unfortunately i woke up, and i fought back because, being cursed, i wanted to keep the sword. one of them, being a fighter, managed to overpower me and grab the sword away pretty quickly. now, i thought that should break the curse’s hold - it wasn’t in my possession anymore, which was the thing i was being cursed to want. my dm disagreed. he ruled that i was still cursed and wanted to get it back. so, unwillingly, i, the unarmed rogue, tried to grab the sword back. when i inevitably failed, my friend’s character hit my character, which seems like the right reaction honestly.
now here’s the thing that really tipped me from ‘annoyed’ to ‘actually still mad years later’. the dm ruled that i would keep fighting, and when they asked, ‘does she stop when we hit her?’, he said no. so i was in the position of having zero agency over my own dnd character as the other party members bludgeoned my character into unconsiousness, which the dm and a few of the other players seemed to think was funny.
i talked to one of my other friends afterwards about how fucked up i thought that was (there was the added bonus that i was the only female player and female pc in the campaign, which didn’t sit well with me in this particular context at all), and he agreed with me and we basically powered through the rest of the campaign as boringly and as quickly as possible (there was a time crunch for schedules too). i’m never going to play dnd with that person as dm again. as i said a few times, i definitely should have been more active in rping the curse and my character in general, and then maybe this wouldn’t have happened this way, but also, if i ever dm again, i won’t give my players cursed objects unless they express interest in playing that, and i try really hard to give my players options in any scenario.
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Do you play dnd? How did you get into it? I want to but I don't know how
[Follow-on, I assume, from this post.]
Yes, I do play Dungeons & Dragons!  I currently have two characters going:
Lin is a Level 6 lawful half-orc bard with a folk hero backstory.
He’s a cheerful, outgoing lad who likes befriending new people and also killing them.  He grew up in a family of traveling half-orc butchers who moved from town to town, killing animals that the residents of those towns wanted to eat but were too squeamish to kill themselves.  The youngest of eight brothers, Lin exceeded everyone’s expectations the day he stood up in front of a corrupt mayor and demanded fair payment for his entire band regardless of the craven humans’ fondness for tofurky.  Convinced that this was the spark of a great warrior, Lin’s parents scraped together all their money and sent him off to the big city to go be a fighter... but it didn’t exactly work out that way.  Lin spent the next several months working in a bar and hoping to be discovered, until court troubadour Aelowylan discovered that Lin might not have the spark of a great warrior, but he can sing pretty well.  Now equipped with trusty drumsticks that can turn pretty much any surface into an improvised percussion instrument, a variety of throwing knives that range from tiny darts to hefty daggers, a magical opal in place of the left eye he lost in a pig-slaughtering accident, and a fondness for unfortunate heavy-metal covers of pop songs, Lin is off for a life of adventure.  He’s hoping to chronicle and assist the grand journeys of his companions in the tradition of his personal hero Ethyl the Erudite.
Lin is loosely inspired by my fascination with Ed Brubaker’s modernist recasting of Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes (a somewhat different character from the MCU interpretation).  Brubaker writes a Bucky who is boyish and optimistic but who has also been thoroughly indoctrinated by imperialist propaganda — first American, later Soviet — and exposed to military violence almost since infancy.  Bucky’s bright naïveté, casual bloodthirstiness, and low threshold for absolute loyalty intersect in ways that are sometimes hilarious and sometimes horrifying.  I stole that weird combination to interpret the ways that a bard’s tendency toward optimistic trust in others would combine with a half-orc’s brutality.
Lady Iris is a Level 4 chaotic human rogue with a performer backstory.
She’s a theater-nerd-cum-assassin in the tradition of the kuroko stagehands who inspired modern ninja tropes.  She wields dual swords and dresses in black or navy blue except for the iris-patterned kabuki mask she wears during political protests.  The daughter of wealthy merchants, Iris grew up as a privileged theater kid until the youngest son of a feudal lord saw one of her plays and fell in love.  They dated, married, had two children, and lived happily for about ten years.  Over that time, Iris became ever more uncomfortable with her father-in-law’s treatment of his serfs, until she eventually confronted him over his barbaric taxation policies.  When he persisted, Iris killed him and fled to go rob the rich and feed the poor.  Her romantic ideals have run into the unpleasant realities of bad food and hard beds, but she persists in her mission and remains hopeful that she will be reunited with her husband (now the feudal lord hunting her down, which makes it awkward that they’re still very much in love) and the children she left behind.
Lady Iris is the product of my frustration with the treatment of Lady Ursa (the original Blue Spirit, hence the name) in the Avatar: The Last Airbender tie-in comics.  I have written overlong academic essays on the ways that gender roles intersect with imperialism in Avatar, including the ways that the Fire Nation embraces the privilege of radical gender equality...  And then The Search and Smoke and Shadow transform the morally-ambiguous self-reliant Ursa into a helpless maiden who suffers through an arranged marriage for love of her children, kills her father-in-law for love of her children, self-exiles for love of her children, and abandons a perfectly lucrative life as a theater manager for love of her children.  Ursa gets held up as a pure, selfless paragon of womanhood with very little agency and no sexuality.  It strips the uncomfortable implication of her love for the morally-bankrupt Ozai from the equation, fails to question the idea that she “should” drop everything to move halfway across the world in order to mother her highly-independent adult son, and quite simply violates the continuity of Avatar itself.  I opted to talk back to the comics with an alternate read of the same character.
Also there’s a whole thing where we played Avengers (2012) as an RPG in the style of Film Reroll, but that’s GURPS not D&D.
Anyway, I was lucky in that my siblings decided to start a game and then invited me.  It’s the three of us plus our respective SOs in a group of six, so we’re all connected in RL.  In terms of finding one’s own group...  I’ve seen invites before on Tumblr and FanFictionNet forums, and I know that Discord is always full of people looking for RPGers.  If you don’t mind GURPS instead of D&D, the Film Reroll Subreddit is always full of people looking for players to fill out parties based on movies.  Most parties meet on Skype or Discord instead of in person these days, so adventure is definitely out there.
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dxlxntwxnz · 7 years
Linger - part one (G.D. AU)
“Grayson is so fucking cute…”
“I would do anything for him to notice me…”
“Oh my god, today he looked at me in English class…”
Typical conversations in the overly crowded washroom at school. I wasn’t a participant, rather I just wanted to pee and get away from the constant praise for a boy that really wasn’t as spectacular as girls liked to make him seem. Of course he was cute, tall and well built but he wasn’t a rare specimen. He was just like every other guy on the lacrosse team and nothing about him really stood out when I saw him loitering in the halls, laughing about god knows what with his teammates.
 I finished up quickly, washing my hands well but not even bothering to dry them, because I couldn’t stand to listen to the girls gush about him anymore. I just wanted to meet up with my friends in the cafeteria like I did every day and talk about things other than the school’s jocks.
 “Oh my god did you see Ethan today? He looks so cute with his new glasses!” my best friend Ashlyn said to the others as I was sitting down.
 There went my hopes of not only talking about boys I guess. Although to talk about Ethan was a little different than to gush about Grayson. Everyone loved Grayson, he was the favourite twin and much more popular. Honestly, if they weren’t identical twins you wouldn’t know they were even related because of how different they were. Ethan was a nerd, he was in the DnD club at our school and was ironically allergic to grass so he got to sit out for most of the gym classes we had. Grayson, who was not allergic to grass, thrived in gym. He ran hard, played hard and sometimes took things a bit too seriously. Neither of them were bad people, it just so happened that one of them was much more approachable than the other.
I scanned the cafeteria, finding Ethan first. He was just about to sit at his usual lunch table, his flannel shirt tucked into his blue jeans. As he settled his tray down he looked up, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. We made eye contact, I smiled and waved and he did the same back. Casual.
 When I continued to observe the cafeteria, I came across Grayson staring at me already. He was wearing the same letterman jacket he wore almost everyday, this time with a white button up shirt and a navy tie underneath. It must be game day. My eyebrows raised as him and I’s gazes met. He gave me a kind smile, and I gave him a confused smile in return before turning back to my friends.
 We continued to chat about everything and anything as lunch time ticked away up until the bell rang. As we were about to stand to leave, a deep voice called to our attention.
 “Lacy, Ashlyn, Y/N…” it was Grayson. His eyes lingered on mine once more. He smiled again before continuing to make eye contact with each of us. “Am I gonna see you all at the game tonight? It’s the last game we have before homecoming next week and we need to win both these games to get into playoffs. It would be amazing to have each of you out there supporting us.”
 “Well…” I began but I was abruptly interrupted.
 “Of course we’ll be there Gray! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Lacy piped up, causing me to raise my eyebrow at her before turning back to the boy standing before us.
 There was that award-winning Grayson Dolan smile all the girls fawned over. “Oh, that’s great! I’ll see you all later tonight!” he said, making eye contact with us all once more and again myself last. There was a small linger, I smiled back at him and swore to god he winked before turning away and jogging off to his friends.
 “Y/N! Grayson Dolan just winked at you! What is going on between you two? He must like you!” Ashlyn squealed as we left the cafeteria with Lacy bouncing around next to her. Lacy was so small that it seemed that she couldn’t hold back her excitement when it came to things like this.
 “Guys, calm down. The only thing he likes about me is my Instagram pictures okay? And don’t think too much about that, he likes everything everyone posts on insta. He’s just nice and knows that by liking people’s things he can get them to think they’re friends, which gets more people to come to the games and cheer for him. He’s just very socially intelligent and knows how to network. It’s no big deal.” I said, shrugging them off as we headed to the change rooms before our gym class.
 Today it was raining so we were stuck inside playing dodgeball, meaning that Ethan also had to participate. The teacher separated us all into two different teams; Grayson, Lacy and Ashlyn on one team and Ethan and I on the other. Ethan and I stood next to each other, casually dodging balls and watching everyone else put all their effort into the game.  
 “So Ethan,” I said before ducking to dodge a ball that had been launched right at me. “You going to the lacrosse game tonight? Your brother kind of implied that it’s important and got Lace and Ash to agree that we would go.”
 He shook his head, “I don’t think I really belong there. Plus, it’s supposed to rain all night and I hate to sit out in the cold…”
 “Come on E. Bring all your friends and we can all sit and watch together. It won’t be that bad plus I think it’s about time that we go to the one sporting event we all attend each year. It’s a tradition.” I said, trying to sound as casual as possible but E knew something was up. He just stared at me, eyebrow cocked until I continued. “Okay also I really don’t want to sit through a whole lacrosse game listening to them gush over the boys.” I said, gesturing to the two girls giggling as they watched the way Grayson’s muscles rippled as he threw the dodgeball at his next target.
 “Okay, okay. I’ll get the guys to come along, but you owe me.” Ethan said with a sigh. Thank god.
  It was halfway through the lacrosse game but my clothes were completely soaked through. I sat in between Ethan and Ashlyn. Ethan and his friends had brought rain ponchos and Lacy and Ashlyn refused to let the three of us be seen in anything like that. Luckily enough I wore a rain jacket, but it wasn’t helping much seeing as water kept trickling into the jacket and I knew my shirt was almost as wet as my jeans.
 I couldn’t believe the turn out our team had gotten even with the storm that was happening, the bleachers were almost full and people were cheering loud. That was, I couldn’t believe it until I overheard the girls around me gushing again over Grayson, this time talking about how they couldn’t believe he had specifically checked on them to see if they were coming to the game. “It was like he basically invited me” one blonde girl said, smirking at her friends.
 “See, I told you he’s just smart and knows how to convince people to come to his games.” I said to Ash, gesturing to the proud girl. “He checked in on everyone in order to fill the stands. There was nothing special about him asking us.”
 Ashlyn looked as if she wanted to retorque but she was drawing a blank. There was nothing she could say because she knew I was right.
 The game ended much sooner than we had anticipated and we were eager to finally leave the pouring rain. We waited for the people near us to clear the stands so that we could leave when we were interrupted by Grayson standing in the stairwell, still in uniform with his helmet and lacrosse stick in his hands.
 “Hey E, the team is going for a victory meal at the diner like usual. You in?” he asked, Ethan nodded in response. “Bring your friends along too, the more the merrier.” Grayson said, holding my gaze with his own even though he was addressing Ethan. Before his brother could even reply, Gray nodded and then ran down the stairs, and disappeared into the change room.
 “Okay Y/N, you can not deny that one! He wants you there! We all saw it!” Lacy exclaimed, flailing her arms around in excitement. “He likes you!”
 I rolled my eyes. Grayson Dolan did not feel that way about me, no way.
  The diner was dimly lit and mostly empty, except for the part where the whole lacrosse team was sitting, trying to squeeze all ten of them in the two corner tables. Once Grayson noticed us all, he smiled brightly and stood up to greet us all. He shook all of Ethan’s friends hands and hugged Ethan, Lacy, Ashlyn and I. For someone who had just played a lacrosse game, holy shit did he smell good. Was it vanilla? I loved the smell of vanilla.
 Grayson led us all back to the tables where all the boys were sitting and took his original seat next to Justin, the team’s captain. As Grayson introduced us all, the ten boys all greeted us eagerly, many of them giving Ethan a high five as he took the seat next to his twin. A waitress came by and took our orders, mine just being a white hot chocolate, lots of whip cream.  Simple, but my favourite and I could really use something to warm me up.
 We sat around chatting for hours, everyone getting along surprisingly well even though we were all of two distinctly different social groups. At one point Ethan rose to go to the bathroom and this left an empty space next to me. One that Grayson almost filled immediately.
“I’m really glad you made it to our game tonight, Y/N. I appreciate you sticking around even through all the rain.” He said as he slipped into the seat next to me. His smile was so genuine and his hair looked flawless like always. I began to wonder if Grayson Dolan had any imperfections… No no no no no. I can’t fall under his spell.
 “Oh, it’s no big deal Grayson. You know me, I just love to support the school and watch random sports!” I exclaimed, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
 He laughed at me and shook his head, “You know, you can call me Gray or even just G. You’re like the only person I know who still calls me Grayson…”
 I was taken aback, I had never even considered calling him anything else other than Grayson since I had met him in junior high… “Alright what ever you say, Gray… Congrats on the win tonight by the way. You did really well. You’re pretty good with your stick.” I said before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
 “That’s not the first time G has heard that compliment from a girl!” one of his team mates piped up from the end of the other table, causing me choke on my drink. The boys on his team all cheering as Grayson tried to calm them all down but he wasn’t very convincing cause he kept laughing too.
 “I didn’t mean… you know… uhh. I just meant like, your lacrosse stick…” I tried to fix what I had said but it was far too late for me to try and salvage this. The blush consuming my cheeks and my hands getting sweaty. Why didn’t I think that through?
 Grayson continued too laugh, even as Ethan approached the table again. He signaled that he wasn’t going to be moving when he reached and put his arm around the back of my chair, Ethan being forced to sit in Grayson’s old seat. “You know, you’re cute when you blush. I know what you meant, don’t even worry about it.” He said, smiling lightly at me.
 After a while people started to leave. Ethan’s nerd friends all left together and the majority of Grayson’s teammates left too. Grayson and I had been talking casually the whole time until suddenly his energy changed. “You know, I’ve kinda been thinking for a while that maybe you and me should go out sometime. See a movie, or go to the beach or something? I’m really down for anything.”
 I looked at Grayson, not saying anything. I was completely taken by surprise. I had never considered going out with him so I didn’t really know how I felt about the idea. I mean do I want to go out with him? I apparently had been silently staring at him for too long because Ashlyn kicked me in the shin under the table, glaring at me and nodding back to the boy who was waiting patiently for my reply.
 I shook my head lightly, bringing myself back to reality before looking back to Grayson. “I mean, sure why not? That sounds like it could be fun.”
 His eyes lit up, almost like he was surprised by my answer before he reached for the napkin that came with my hot chocolate. He scribbled on the flimsy piece of cloth before he spoke “I’m sorry I have to go, but this is my number. Text me. I can’t wait to plan this date.”
 He stood and nodded to the remaining members of his team and they got up too, all heading out the door to Grayson’s car. We all watched him drive away in a stunned silence before Lacy finally broke.
 “Oh. My. God. Grayson Dolan just asked you out!”
Part two 
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pandafunkey809 · 7 years
My thoughts on Dungeons & Dragons
Well, I honestly thought this one wasn’t going to be that great or anything from the start. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do like a lot of things from the 80s but after seeing the Dungeons & Dragons movie I was pretty certain it was just going to be absolute..... well, bland. I don’t look at a cartoon and judge the quality of the animation or voice acting or any of that stuff as much as I judge the story and after seeing some animes with a similar kind of animation that turned out bad I was skeptical. I’m glad I was wrong though. You put on the first episode and it does the intro. All of these kids, the main characters specifically, get on a Dungeons & Dragons themed rollercoaster ride with great enthusiasm (which I find odd as I barely know anyone who plays the actual game sadly but regardless I don’t care). They go in and it is like some kind of fantasy themed house of horrors ride and then they suddenly enter a glowing portal and are transported to the realm of Dungeons & Dragons and there it shows you all of the main characters as well as the roles they play in the party: 
Venger, the main villain (voiced by Peter Cullen)
Tiamat, a the most powerful dragon (who barely actually appears in the show and is voiced by Frank Welker)
Hank, the ranger (voiced by Willie Aames)
Bobby, the barbarian and Shiela’s brother (voiced by Ted Field III)
Presto, the magician (voiced by Adam Rich)
Shiela, the thief (voiced by Katie Leigh)
Eric, the cavalier (voiced by Don Most)
Diana, the acrobat (voiced by Tonia Gayle Smith
Uni the unicorn, yeah it’s a very..... odd name (also voiced by Frank Welker)
and finally Dungeon Master, the wise and powerful jerk who is helping them find their way home (voiced by Sidney Miller
I just realized how many of those voice actor’s names I recognize. Kinda nice when you’re hearing people play new parts.
I very much like the intro because it throws you right into it off the bat.... oh yeah and I forgot one character. Now I’m going to split this into parts because as of the moment I’m writing this review I haven’t finished the third season so today I’ll be going over the characters. Venger is like if Skeletor had a cousin who nobody ever told he was missing a horn on his helmet. He has the kooky villainy part down but unlike Skeletor he has the evil thing down. He isn’t all, “nyeh heh heh!” he’s more of a, “Now you will die. *proceeds to kill you*” kind of character. He isn’t as good a villain the Joker or pretty much any of these comic book villains, but he is still enjoyable. He is always looking to push his own agenda and when he has no choice other than to work with our heroes he will do it VERY begrudgingly (except for one episode in the first season but that was because it was going to potentially push his own agenda)
Lets move on to Dungeon Master. When I was watching the first season all I could say about him is that he is a total dick. He isn’t mean, actually quite the opposite, he is very kind and very helpful and wise toward our heroes. HOWEVER, the plot of almost every episode is that dungeon master knows a way they can get home, on the way he tells them they will have to choose whether or not to give it up in some very sage good of all kind of way and they do have to give it up, they find it and venger or some other kind of evil comes and either stops them or they have to give up their way back home to keep their home or the land of DnD safe. And for the longest time I was all, “This guys is a massive dick who keeps teasing them with ways home so they will help everyone else except themselves when he most definitely knows a way they can get home without all the hassle. However, in the second season they have an episode centered, somewhat, around Eric that relates to this. I’ll get into that in a minute but first I need to go over Eric. Eric is the kind of guy who’ll ditch you when you invite them to a party you’re having and then not care because he wanted or had to do something else. When put in a terrifying situation he will either freeze up or yelp and cower. He thinks he is the better human being in the same way a rooster who has never seen another one will strut around the yard puffing his chest bigger and bigger every day. That said, he won’t leave his friends behind when it comes right down to it unless he believes they’ll get out of whatever is happening just fine (as shown in the finale for season 1). He desperately wants to go home, and is completely oblivious to his own faults until someone gets in his face. Sounds pretty bad no? Well even with all his faults he still has a good heart in him and a conscience that does shine through now and then, even if for the most part he is just self-absorbed comic relief.
However, in an episode of season 2 Eric is complaining as usual about dungeon master and then (speak of the devil and he will come) dungeon master appears and accepts the Eric’s offer to be dungeon master. During this time Eric has all of DM’s powers and wisdom as well as, it seems, his knowledge. The episode pretty much centers around Eric getting used to these new powers as well as using them to find a way home, which they do, but they are wandering without any knowledge of what to do. Part of the time Eric is as wise and all knowing as dungeon master, but at other times it seems he hasn’t the faintest idea what is the best course of action. I believe this could be the same as dungeon master. Where dungeon master has much wisdom from thousands of years of existence, he would appear to not be at all as all-knowing as Eric and the others would seem to believe. It is also supported in part by the fact that dungeon master constantly leaves them only to reappear when they need his guidance. I think he believes that, while he could do it himself, they must find their own way home. Plus he explains to the ranger that everything is connected and he must be very careful of what he does.
I’ve been writing this review pretty much whenever and so I’m going to sum up the characters as I’ve noticed this part is far too long.
Venger is just evil, but when shown kindness or given help he clearly doesn’t understand why it happens, probably because he actively shows he has no interest in doing anything for the good of everyone.
Diana is a strong, confident, and athletic.... I think she’s a teen but she acts like..... oh wait never mind, she still acts like a teen. I like her friendly and generally jovial attitude.... and I will admit her outfit looks both badass and fairly eye-catching.
Shiela is basically daphne from Scooby Doo but younger and smarter as well as looking to help the team and prevent infighting, though just as whiny (at least for the movie daphne)
Eric is (oh wow I just noticed) like a somewhat meaner and much less laid back version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Really the only difference I can think of is that Eric is boastful, impudent, and willing to take at least the first few steps in the other direction instead of helping his friends (at least until end of the 2nd and the entirety of the 3rd season)
Dungeon master is one of the most powerful players in the realm but is a cryptic jerk pretty much using the children for his own personal interests (regardless of them being for the betterment of the realm)
Hank is the leader who takes charge and the group is lost without. I didn’t like how for the episode with the weird cloud bears he completely betrays who he is for a very poorly thought out part of the episode’s plot.
Bobby is a squeaky kid who really cares about the others regardless of however much any of them may pick on him. He is very emotional, and in my opinion i’m glad they didn’t make him a stuck up unfeeling brat because dammit! more men need to be able to cry in public if they’re feeling miserable without everyone viewing them as a weakling!
Presto (the wizard, ha ha ha ha ha -_-) Is an older squeaky voiced kid who constantly fumbles when he tries to help but really is doing his best to help everyone and be a good guy in general.
Guh..... I supposed I have to do this one.
Uni the unicorn.... It’s a unicorn that makes noises (and then later short words) in agreement, or confusion, or whatever and honestly it is a little weird to say this but.... I kinda like Uni. I’m not some furry faggot who’s going to be jerking off to porn of horses (if you do actually do that then you need help) but I thought Uni was, as a character, kinda cute and the design was also, non-sexually, kinda cute but in a way that made me kinda feel.... odd... for liking how they made her..... him.... I think it’s a her... look. Uni may not have much to do with the plot of literally any of the episodes in the entire series but it’s a nice irrelevant character so I don’t really mind it.... yeah it’s a she, it has to be. Although I do find it a little odd that Bobby likes her so much (I mean, a boy? from the 80s? liking unicorns? I doubt it but I’m not going to say it wouldn’t happen).
Next I will go over the story after a review of my first thoughts on the secret show, both in reflection and as a kinda first time viewer of it.
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