#me n the other raccoons in the dumpster who don’t like change
mylittleredgirl · 2 years
i know nothing at all about tumblr live but i accidentally just clicked an icon on the app and felt like i fell into another dimension. the idea of anything happening on this site “live” feels antithetical?? we don’t exist in real time we’re reblogging columbo and posts from 2013???
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dragonsbittyhoard · 3 years
Say Hello
There is a crash outside. The dragon has been doing evening chores in the shop, closing the till, cleaning up, filing paperwork and the like. They startle at the sound. It sounds like one of the old metal cans fell over and bounced off something, but why? Raccoons don't come out this early and cats don't typically hunt around here due to the more aggressive bitty. They head to the back door cautious but not too worried as they slowly open the heavy metal security door. They look around, and yes the can is overturned, its contents spilled everywhere. 
A sigh leaves the dragon as they move to pick up the spilled contents. Thankfully it's not too bad. After getting the thing pretty much clean they startle as a small figure dashes out of the mess and behind a bigger dumpster. 
“Oh… now who is this?”
They ask as they lift the can upright and move it carefully out of the way.
“Who is there? It's okay. If you are hungry we can find you food. I promise it's okay.”
Whoever was there had to be hungry digging through the trash like this. Many bitty are often found digging through tossed food to find themselves a meal. 
Slowly the small figure leans out muttering with another before pulling away and stepping out from under the dumpster. He smiles and waves a bright expression on his face. A tiny human figure with oddly patterned skin and a white mohawk. He has mismatched eyes and a wild kind of grin that promised this one was trouble. 
“Hi! We are hungry!”
There was a hiss from under the dumpster and the new bitty turns around. 
“Well too late they know you are here so there!” 
He sticks out his tongue before turning to look back at them and grins brightly once more. His mismatched eyes always different whenever you looked. 
“”My name is Ink!”
He chirped, and another irate sound came from their hiding spot. He rolled his eyes and stormed under the dumpster. There was a few banging sounds and a small crash before the Ink walked back out with his friend
“This is Error!”
He yelled his arm hooked with the very irate bitty. He was dark skinned with blue hair pulled up and back. He had the stereotypical eye colors, and periodic flickers of static and glitches that grew worse when he was in a heightened state. A small human Error. 
He hissed, pulling away, his voice oddly deep for one so small. 
“Too late they saw you and now we eat!” 
He cheered as if this was the answer to everything. The two bitty look like they have been roughing it for a while. They did not have the look of the feral bitty who live mostly wild in the city. Their clothes were tattered and dirty, hair was messed up and they both looked like they were in good need of a hot meal, warm bath, and a good night's sleep. 
“You two are newborns aren't you?”
“W-we are n-no-not babies”
The error hisses and a chuckle leaves them 
“Sorry I didn't think you were. It's just a term used to mean bitty that just came to be”
“Yep, that's us!” Ink shouts “We were born/formed together!” 
The Ink was just as excitable as every other variant they had seen. They can't help but smile at his energy.
“Well I do have food inside and bitty sized showers. Digging in the trash probably is not the most fun. If you two want to come in for a while we can get you cleaned up and fed. After that we can decide what to do next? I don't mind helping you find a forever home, or you know sending you off in the direction to help you find one yourself”
The error hisses before his companion vibrates excitedly.
“Oh come on RuRu you have been complaining about stinking for a while now. They are giving us food and a free bath!”
“And clean clothes and a place to sleep if you want it”
The Ink gasps
“Do you hear that RuRu? It's getting better!”
He cheered, walking over to the dragon that grin still plastered on his face, but oddly it looked just fine on him, and, holding his hands up like a child wanting to be carried.
The dragon smiles offering him their hand and he hops up the smile never leaving his face. He is lighter than he looks, his skin warm, and those ever changing eyes a sign of strong magic which buzzes against their fingers where he touches. To be expected for these two 
“Come on RuRu. They have safe marks. It's safe here they won't lie to us” 
“I still don't trust em” 
He crossed his arms looking away his hair flipping over his shoulder as he moves; punctuating his mood
“You don't trust anyone RuRu” 
“E-except you”
“Except me” 
He agreed dutifully. 
They waited while the two bitty seemed to be debating their fate even without words. Before long though Error sighs and turns around
“F-F-Fine but don’t say I didn't warn you” 
He points at his companion accusingly. Ink just cheers as he throws his hands up, happy as  his companion “twin” walks over. 
The dragon smiles offering him their other hand and he rolls his eyes shoving it away by the thumb before he uses his strings to catch their arm climbing up to the shoulder and sitting down
“Onward biggie!”
He snapped and they could not help but laugh as they do just that walking into the shop with both of them. 
“Alright alright you don't have to tell me twice” 
They say in an amused tone. They carefully step back into their shop already thinking of what they would need to set these boys up regardless of if they eat and run, or if they decide to stay.
This was going to be interesting. 
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Klaus x Powered Reader
Summary: Reader is part of the umbrella academy but came when they were 12 due to parents needing help for them, ya know controlling powers and whatnot. They can shapeshift into any animal and their senses are heightened n such.
Warnings: bloody, fighting bad guys, bit of Klaus fluff
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You know that moment in a movie where they freeze frame and then the character says something like “you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”
Yeah with Klaus you have those moments more times then you could count. In fact, if you had a dollar for every time Klaus has gotten you into a freeze frame moment. (And you’ve thought about this often.)
You could probably afford a real nice apartment with actual food in its fridge. Instead of living at the Academy with some apples and Klaus’ latest alcoholic beverage.
But alas, here you are in a back alley as Klaus’ bodyguard waiting for some Italian mafia members to come get their money that he owes them. Well that’s what you’re assuming but Klaus insists they’re just some moody tough guys. Okay sure.
You watch Klaus as he paces back and forth in front of you counting his cash for about the 50th time in the past 10 minutes.
Klaus stops abruptly and turns to you with a smile, “You know what I love about you, Y/N, every time I think things could get worse I look at your pretty face and I know you got me.”
Sighing in knowing annoyance you look up at him, “Are you short.”
Klaus snorts, “No actually I’m pretty long.” He says with wink.
You look up to the sky trying not to crack, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction even if it was funny, not the time or place. Especially considering his dumbass is short some cash he definitely owes very soon.
You look over to Klaus again and raise an eyebrow.
“Alright how much?”
He twiddles is fingers while avoiding your curious gaze. “Oh you know...a couple hundred or so.”
“So that’s why I’m here, emotional support my ass”, You say rolling your eyes a bit amused nonetheless.
Klaus may be an idiot but he’s funny and kind and you love him. Also you do enjoy beating up gangsters or whoever these thugs of the hour are.
Folding your arms while giving Klaus a smirk you tell him, “Well your friends better get their asses here cause when they do. I’m gonna knock their teeth in for making us wait in this shit ally. I’ve been suppressing the urge to vomit for 10 minutes.”
He nods in agreement, glad you’re not about to rip him a new one for his latest antics.
“Wait, does it really smell that bad, I mean the dumpster is at the other end of the ally.” He says in confusion.
You put your hands on your hips glancing at the dumpster and then focusing on Klaus.
“I’ve got the whole animal kingdom inside me Klaus, I know you can kinda smell that dumpster from here, but listen. For me it’s 1000x worse and let me tell you it doesn’t smell like a bath and body works around here.”
Klaus laughs scratching the back of his head, “Right, right, sorry.”
Suddenly a sketchy looking black car rolls into the ally, coming to a halt as three angry looking men walk out. Clearly hiding something within their coats, the “leader” it seems steps up and speaks.
“You betta have that 1,000 you owe us right fucking now you little theif, I don’t appreciate you takin’ my mother’s gold necklace, rest her soul.” He growls.
Klaus raises his hands up, “Listen buddy, you stole that from your own mother at her funeral...and let me tell you she’s not to happy about it.” He says looking to his left where you assume this guys dead mother is standing.
The bald guy behind him shakes his head and says, “So fuckin what? We needed that shit for other important purposes raccoon eyes.”
Klaus now lost as to where this situation is about to turn looks over at you clearly needing assistance. While mouthing “help me”.
Walking past him you hold your hands up showing you have nothing to hide, “Now that’s not very nice, a real shit personality, your mother would be very disappointed in how you’ve turned out. Cause let’s be honest it’s not like your looks are doing anything for you either.” You say snickering trying to see how they’ll react.
The first guy smirks reaching into his coat to pull out a nasty looking knife. “See this right here, I’m a good old fashioned man, I don’t believe in guns.”
You raise your eyebrows at him, “Oh well in that case we should all be quite relieved then.”
Looking behind him you notice as his two friends pull their own weapons out, which consists of a hammer and some type of meat hook.
“Klaus couldn’t have picked an easier bunch of idiots to fuck up then these psychos.” You thought.
The bald one begins to move brushing past the first guy looking like he’s seeing red.
“Jesus, man I didn’t mean to offend, I’m just making friendly conversation.” You muse.
Baldy begins to charge holding up his hammer ready to strike. “Come here you bitch, that’s my husband you’re talking to.”
He swings as you side step him, tripping him as he falls directly onto the concrete. Conveniently dropping the hammer in the process. Klaus being the ever troublesomely fantastic sidekick, picks up the hammer and throws it at you.
Gripping the hammer tightly, baldy rises from the ground faster then you’d expected mouth bloody and boiling with rage.
But in a hot second his bearded buddy in crime sprints towards you with his meat hook seemingly out of nowhere.
Klaus yells for you to watch out but you didn’t even need to look, this guys heart beat is louder then a firework and you’re faster then a viper, your senses on overload. As you turn around in record time to grab the guys right arm with the meat hook.
With your left hand tight around this guys beefy one you hold on and push his assault giving him more power. Effectively fulfilling your plan and leading the hook right into baldys chest. Who was fortunately running towards you.
A split second later with the hammer in your right hand you swing it forcefully into the guys shins. Hearing a sweet sickly crunch sound and the wild howls protruding from your assailants throat.
“Sorry I didn’t know you were married.”
“Fuck you!” He screams.
You look up hearing the sting of metal being swung in the wind, to see a knife heading straight for your throat.
With lighting reflexes you grab his wrist, the knife inches from your vulnerable skin.
Klaus gasps in the background terrified and relieved at not getting your throat slit.
You turn your fingernails to sharp cat-like claws that dig dangerously into his flesh, causing hot blood to drip out. The man drops the knife and grimaces in pain.
“I don’t know about you but I don’t think my boyfriend owes you three motherfuckers shit.” You growl, eyes beginning to glow an electric blue while the whites of your eyes shift to black, something that happens when you start to use your power.
“Fuck you, and fuck that thieving piece of junky shit crying in the corner.”
Your mood darkens, “Wrong answer.”
Letting go of his bloody wrist you grip his throat with your left hand lifting him off the ground. He begins to choke and struggles against your tight grasp.
“I know you’ve heard of me from other friends of yours, so listen very closely. If you touch Klaus again or anyone else around here who’s just trying to survive in this city. I won’t be so generous next time. Or maybe I should rip your fucking face off right now.” You squeeze tighter drawing blood.
“Y/N.”  Klaus says softly.
“Let’s go home.” He asks with pleading eyes and you snap back to reality smelling the iron scent of blood on your hands.
Sometimes you can get carried away feeling the rush of the hunt, a taxing side affect of your power, one you’ve always struggled to control.
Letting the man go he slumps to the ground coughing and sucking in straggled breaths.
“ Alright, me..me and the boys...won’t do nothing....you have my...my word....no bullshit nothing....I swear.”
“Good cause your friends are gonna need more then some stitches.”
You quickly leave the ally and start walking down the street towards the Academy.
Breathing heavily, you look up at Klaus who’s at your side as you start to feel a bit embarrassed that he saw you lose it a little.
He holds onto your arms stopping you, “Don’t worry, we’ll have a bath and watch some movies...hey you like that Museum one?”
“The Night at the Museum.” You say smiling still feeling off.
Klaus’ face lights up, “Yeah that one, with the big T-Rex skeleton and President Roosevelt on a horse.”
He links your arms together and you both begin walking again.
“Y/N, I’m not afraid of you, you know. I never have been, I actually find it pretty sexy of you to beat up bad guys for me and keep the neighborhood safe-er. Ben thinks so too, minus the sexy part of course. Only I get to enjoy that.”
You relax more into his side and once again start to feel a bit more at ease with yourself.
“Oh wait a second, here put these sunglasses on, your eyes are still playing mood rings with us. Don’t wanna freak out the civilians” He laughs.
“Thanks, I did wonder why that kid back there looked like he just saw a ghost.”
Klaus winks, “Maybe he did, cough cough..Ben...cough cough.”
“You’re an ass.” You say while rolling your eyes
“Yes indeed my love but remember I deal with the supernatural of all sorts, from ghosts to monsters, nothing phases me.” Klaus states proudly.
You laugh, “ Okay Van Helsing, this monster wants a bath with her hunter then.”
Klaus kisses your cheek, “That can be arranged my dear.”
Smiling up at him you hold him tighter and think to yourself how weird your life is, but you wouldn’t change it for anything.
- okay wow alright, first story ever I hope it’s good or at least some people like it. It was honestly fun to write ngl.
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thatringboy · 3 years
The Day Before Halloween - Supernerds
I had some people ask me how Matrix became a superhero so I decided to write out part of his origin story! Also, last name reveals for Oliver and Matty
Word Count: 2,306
Warnings: Blood mention
Matthew Oeste was a superhero, but not a usual one.
He had no flashy powers, striking physique, booming voice, nothing that would make him stand out. He learned from a young age that firewalls on the internet didn’t apply to him. Passwords? Nonexistent. He had the entire digital world at his fingertips and he could control it all with a thought.
Matthew didn’t ever plan on becoming a hero. He kept his head down, helped his parents around their bodega, got good grades and lived a normal life. He refused to cut his hair when it started growing down his back, went to prom with a pretty girl, got a scholarship for a two year degree at a local university and floated through life without many problems. With his powers, Matthew could easily rise to the top of the advertising and marketing world, being able to monitor trends all across the globe at once.
His parents always told him that the hardest part was not changing things. It was a cheesy line that they had stolen from some superhero movie, but Matthew thought about it often. Every time he checked his phone, he could feel his mind wanting to slip within the cyberspace and roam around, so he learned not to. Even if the digital world was usually much more interesting than his real life.
For the most part, Matthew’s life was also superhero-free. Sure, there was the resident team of superhumans that lived in the city, but the young man was never swept up in a battle that flattened city blocks, he didn’t participate in online forums about which hero was the coolest, he didn’t pay attention to which villains got arrested and which escaped prison. For the most part.
There was one incident in his childhood that always popped up in the back of his mind from time to time. He was either nine or ten, it was October 30th, he had just walked home from fourth grade and was thinking about how Mama and Papai had saved up enough money to get him a brand new superhero costume for Halloween. This year, little Matthew was going as “Cyclone”, the resident leader of the city’s heroes who enforced justice with his magnificent wind powers.
He had skipped into the Oeste’s corner shop with such a wide smile, happy to show his parents how well he had drawn himself in his costume. It was a very excellent stick figure, his teacher had said, the best she had ever seen. He was a little worried about telling his parents about how he broke two hair ties during recess, but he had also found two whole dollars on the street that could go towards paying for more. He was a big boy, a freaking fourth grader already! He could pay for his own dang hair ties!
Matthew had waved to the young cashier who’s name he could never remember and immediately went to the backroom so that he could pull out his drawing and get it ready for presentation.
While he worked on smoothing out the paper on the small plastic table he often did his homework on, Matthew heard a noise from the alleyway outside, the only thing separating him from where the dumpsters sat and the bodega’s backroom being a door that was only locked at night. Matthew got up and balled his small fists before stepping over to the door. He had superpowers, he could fight off whatever raccoon or rat was digging around in the trash no problem! 
Would you want to fight a fourth grader who could change the tv channel with a thought? I didn’t think so.
Matthew slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open before jumping out of the doorway with the scariest face he could put on.
Sitting on the street, curled up next to the dumpster was a boy only a couple years older than Matthew, unkempt hair falling in his face and arms wrapped around his frail form. He looked like he hadn’t eaten in over a week.
The younger boy dropped the hero act and ran to his side with a worried face. “Hey, are you okay?”
The older boy flinched and tried to scoot away from the child approaching him, but just pressed further into the dumpster. His clothing smelled of sewage and he had a blood stain on his cheek. Whether it was his blood or someone else's, Matthew couldn’t tell.
The younger boy thought for a second before digging the two dollars out of his pocket. “Wait here!”
He ran back inside and slapped the crumpled bills onto the bodega counter. “How much food can I buy with this?”
The teenager working the cash register gave the little boy a smile before pointing to a bag of chips on one of the shelves. “Two bucks can get ya one of those.”
It would have to do. Matthew grabbed the back and ran back to the backroom before locating a towel and wetting it in the backroom’s sink. He jogged back outside to see the older boy hadn’t moved at all, his breathing was slow and labored.
“I got you some chips! I would have gotten you some clothes, but mine are all too small for you. Sorry.” He offered the bag to the starving boy.
The older boy snatched it from Matthew’s fingers and tore it open before shoveling the bbq potato chips into his mouth with such ferocity that Matthew was impressed that he didn’t hurt himself.
As he ate, Matthew got a chance to rub the damp towel across his cheek like his own Mama would when he scraped his skin if he fell. The blood came away and luckily, it wasn’t from a wound. Well, lucky for the boy, not for whoever the blood belonged to.
“I’m Matthew, what’s your name? Do you go to school around here? Do you need my Papai to call your’s?”
The older boy didn’t answer him, opting to dig his fingertips into the chip bag to scoop up the crumbs. As Matthew worked, he ended up shifting the old jacket the older boy wore and noticed that he wore a faded orange uniform underneath it. Printed on his breast pocket was a single word and some numbers that Matthew didn’t understand.
[CHAVEZ #10824006]
“Is your name ‘Chavez’? That’s a funny name, my substitute teacher was named Mr. Chavez today, but you two don’t look alike.” Matthew continued to wipe the blood away. He had watched enough Fast N Furious movies with his parents to know that the uniform belonged to a prison, but why would a little boy be wearing one?
Chavez crumbled up the bag and tossed it aside before slowly getting to his feet, his worn sneakers digging into the pavement. He was over a head taller than Matthew when he stood up straight.
“Thank you.” He whispered to Matthew.
The younger boy opened his mouth to say something, but he heard his mother call his name from inside the bodega. 
He spun around and cupped his mouth with his hands. “I’m out here, Mama!”
She appeared in the doorway and looked around the alleyway behind her son. “Meu filho, were you feeding the street animals again?”
“Huh?” Matthew turned around and the older boy was gone, the balled up chip bag discarded on the ground.
Matthew still went trick-or-treating in his new costume after that, but he threw his drawing away and never wore the costume again. For the next week, the little boy had nightmares about the boy named Chavez in the dirty prison uniform, but he could never figure out why. After that day, Matthew stopped paying attention to superhero news, stopped drawing himself as a hero and stopped making up scenarios in his head where he used his powers to throw bad guys in jail. If locking up kids like Chavez was part of the heroing job, then he wanted no part of it.
It wasn’t until he was all grown up, almost twelve full years later, that Matty looked into what happened to Chavez after that fateful meeting behind his bodega. 
He was lounging in bed with Oliver after working out together and neither had the energy to do anything else for the day after they had showered. Oliver was reading a book with half of his body laying against Matty’s, his head leaning against the younger’s shoulder like he was a human pillow.
Matty had his phone in one hand and the other was tangled in Oliver’s hair, slowly petting the supervillain like he was a large dog lying on him.
“Hey, Ollie?”
“Hmm?” Oliver shifted so he could turn his head and look at his lover, setting his book down on his chest.
“What’s your last name?”
The supervillain pressed a small kiss to Matty’s jaw. “Why d’ya need to know?”
“You wanted help in finding what tribe you’re from, right? If I plug your family name into a database then the search could be easier.”
“Aight,” Oliver went back to his original position and pulled his book back up. “Chavez, Oliver Chavez.”
A common name, but it was a start. Matty gripped his phone and shut his eyes, his head falling back onto the pillow as he let his mind sink into the small device. He couldn’t actually see anything in this mode, but Matty could visualize a keyboard and a search engine appearing before him.
He didn’t have to move a muscle before his lover’s name appeared in the search bar and his mind dove deeper into the internet. But before he could move to plant the name into an ancestry tracking site, a news article from twelve years ago caught his interest. Matty willed the article forward to read the title.
Oliver Chavez, an undocumented superhuman from the Docks District, has been charged with the murder of the late Mayor Murbenks on Tuesday, October 21st.
The image the article used of Oliver Chavez was hidden under several paragraphs describing how a superhuman with electric powers caused a city-wide power outage during when the old mayor was getting his heart operated on. The picture of the superhuman in question showed that Oliver Chavez was a young boy wearing a scared expression on his eerily familiar face.
The memory of the day behind the bodega flooded into Matty’s mind and jerked him back into his body, the feeling of his lover reading on his chest grounding him when his heart beat faster with the rage boiling inside of him.
Not once did the article mention the boy’s age. All the article spoke about was how the boy used his powers to overload the circuits in the power plants and caused power to go out in the entire city. Oliver Chavez was thirteen and all the article spoke about was that he was a Native American who grew up in the foster system and was from a poorer district of the city.
Matty opened his eyes and leaned over to press a kiss to Oliver’s hair, causing the older man to hum softly as he turned the page of his book. “That was quick, what'd ya find?”
“Found out that I was hungry, that’s what. Mind moving, big guy?”
Oliver grunted and groaned as he sat up, his muscles sore from his work out, but happy to let his partner slide out of bed and make his way to the door.
Matty took his time walking to the lair cafeteria and picking up two backs of bbq potato chips before heading back to Oliver’s bedroom and sliding back into his original spot, smiling when Oliver sat back up to let him back in.
The ex-hero dropped one of the bags onto Oliver’s chest and pulled open his own. “There ya go, Chavez.”
Oliver frowned and moved the bag out of his line of sight. “I didn’t ask for anything.”
Matty sighed and popped a chip into his mouth. “Funny, you didn’t ask for anything the first time I gave you some chips either. You just said ‘thank you’ like a polite little boy.”
The supervillain closed his book and set it aside, sitting up and twisting to make a confused face at his lover. “When did this happen? Am I forgetting something?”
The ex-hero snorted and gave his boyfriend a loving smile. “You don’t remember? Day before Halloween, a little over a decade ago, Chavez No.10824006? A little Portuguese kid giving you some food and cleaning you off?”
Matty watched as Oliver clearly raked his mind for the memory and how his eyes slowly widened in realization. “Holy shit, the little fucker in the stupid jacket was you?!”
“Hey, my Mama got me that jacket!” Matty pouted.
He let out a noise as Oliver’s large arms wrapped around him and he felt the weight of his lover fall on his chest. “Damn, I guess you’ve really been saving me since day fucking one.”
Matty hummed and kissed the top of Oliver’s head again with another smile. “I guess I am. But truth be told, your last name is kinda boring.”
Oliver lifted his head up with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhm, I think you’d do much better with mine instead.”
It took the supervillain a hot minute to run what Matty had said through his brain. When he did, Matty relished in the way his face burned and how he pushed his face into the ex-hero’s chest with a whine. “Matty-y-y-y, you fucking ughmmnm, that was smooth as hell.”
“I know.” He kissed Oliver’s hair again and attempted to pull his arm out of the embrace so he could grab his chips and pop them into his mouth with a satisfying crunch.
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Step by Step
author: lillianfromaccounting characters: Matt Murdock x OFC Katie word count: ~2000 warnings: someone gets shot (no deaths), hurt/comfort, implied sexy times
Summary: Katie is assigned a new operative and he operates out of a dumpster.
A/N: This is a birthday fic for @katiekeysburg. Yes, it’s funnier if you know the words to the song (just the refrain).
Step by Step
Step One
Katie thought Coulson was joking when he sent her to meet her next operative at a dumpster. She was no stranger to missions in dark alleys, but he specifically told her to wait at a particular dumpster. She’s heard of stories of agents going off world, dealing with aliens that looked like raccoons, but she never thought she would possibly have to engage with one in their natural habitat.
Coulson said to be flexible. The operative was probably finishing up a mission and could be running late. Katie was impatient. This better be worth the wait, she thought to herself. She contemplated if she should switch out of Coulson’s division. Tomorrow, she’ll message Hill to see if she’s got more interesting work.
At precisely 10:28 pm, she heard footsteps above her, then a black blur fell from the roof. CRASH! A human being just landed inside the dumpster. At least she thought it was human. Human looking enough.
She peeked in, with trepidation, not knowing whether this person was friend or foe.
“Coulson sent you?” a deep voice came from inside the dumpster. “You’re the operative?” Katie replied. “I can hear you rolling your eyes,” he said. “You can hear--of course you can,” she said. “You’re doing it again,” he replied. “A little help here?” Katie climbed up the side of the dumpster and reached in, grabbing his arm. He pulled himself out and then leaned against the brick wall of the building behind them.
“So you’re my new handler, huh?” he said with a bloody grin. “I do not handle people. I manage information, thank you very much,” Katie replied. “And you, sir, are a mess. What is that scarf thing that you’re wearing on your head? How do you even see with that covering your eyes?” “Oh, you didn’t read my file?” he said, almost with a laugh. “Coulson really needs to stop blindly sending agents to me.” “What file? I was supposed to meet you here to get the deets on the drop,” Katie said. “Oh, you and me. We’re gonna have lots of fun,” he said with a smirk. “Sure, we can have lots of fun, if you would just let me do my job and give me the info,” Katie insisted. “You’re rolling your eyes again,” he said. “You have no idea,” she said, crossing her arms across her chest.
Step Two
It had been a week since that dumpster meeting and Katie decided she might seriously maim Coulson. She can easily make it look like an accident. What person in their right mind would pair her up with this lunatic vigilante? What person in their right mind would work with this lunatic vigilante. A blind lunatic vigilante who has no regard for protocols. She’s convinced that this is some sort of demotion. Maybe Coulson was upset that she single-handedly caused a re-org to their division of SHIELD when she discovered and reported the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of SHIELD Team Six. Coulson was spending too much time at Stark Tower and shit was just falling through the cracks. Coulson said he welcomed the change, but Katie wasn’t sure she completely believed him.
Now, she’s perched on the rooftop of a brownstone in Hell’s Kitchen, hoping dumpster diving wasn’t in her future tonight.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” she asked, scanning the horizon through her nighttime binoculars. “There’s so much we can do,” Matt replied. “Are we being philosophical?” she quipped. “Look, you want to know where The Hand will strike next,” he said. “I want to know the same thing. However, finding information requires--” Matt cocked his head. In a split second, he was off. Katie cursed under her breath, knowing he was about to jump to the next building. The only thing that made following him bearable was the SHIELD hover tech. Katie glided over to the rooftop of the next building, where she found Matt scratching the chin of a tabby.
“You jumped across the building to rescue a cat?” Katie questioned, raising an eyebrow. “Not just any cat,” Matt replied, turning the tags on the cat’s collar out. It was small, but there was no mistaking the logo of The Hand. “So, what, we put a tracking device on him?” Katie asked. “We just follow him,” Matt scoffed. “Find their base.”
Step Three
A month into this cat sting operation and it finally happened. The two of them found The Hand’s base and Matt eavesdropped on enough of the conversation to figure out where the drop was happening. Unfortunately, the cat gave their position away. The two of them fought their way out of the dilapidated apartment building, but not before Katie took a bullet in the arm for Matt.
“I always thought I would just let them kill you,” Katie said. “You know I would have dodged that right?” Matt replied. “I’m not sure you would have,” Katie admitted. “Do I detect a hint of concern?” Matt smirked. “In your dreams, Murdock,” Katie replied. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said. “I know someone.” “Of course you do,” Katie said. “I could just go to a SHIELD outpost, you know.” “The place I know doesn’t require filing paperwork,” Matt said. She almost detested that he was getting to know her enough to know what made her tick.
Matt helped Katie to a rooftop a few blocks away, and then gently got her down a fire escape. She wasn’t sure if it was the blood loss or the searing pain, but she swore her life flashed before her eyes. She told herself to get it together. It was a mere flesh wound compared to other missions.
Matt knocked on a window. Katie heard him call out the name Claire before everything went dark.
When she came to, she was on a bed. The room was dimly lit, but she made out that they were in a loft. The place was lightly furnished and definitely not where they went to meet Claire.
“Hey,” Matt whispered. “You’re awake.” He turned and picked up a glass with a straw from the table behind him. “Here, you’re parched.” He brought the straw to Katie’s lips.
The water was cold but welcomed.
“Please, promise me you will never do that again,” Matt said. “You don’t take a bullet, a knife, anything for me. I can handle it. I can’t handle you--you lost a lot of blood.”
“Just a flesh wound,” Katie said. “You almost died,” Matt’s tone was firm. “Where are we? Where’s Claire?” Katie asked. “It’s just you and me,” he replied, taking her hand in his. “But Foggy is on his way with some Thai takeout.” “Where are we?” Katie asked again. “This is my place,” Matt replied.
Step Four
Another week later and Katie was ready to go back into the field. The info they had gotten last time was a bust. The Hand had made them pretty early and the cat was just there to string them along. Katie felt betrayed by the cat, whom she had fed out of her hand many times to gain his trust. Deep down she knew it wasn’t his fault though. He was just being himself.
The same couldn’t be said for Matt. After the night of the ambush, he became both more nurturing and more difficult to read at the same time. She really wasn’t in any condition to be moved, so they decided that his apartment was the best spot to lay low at until she got better. She insisted Matt stop coddling her, because she would rather die than admit that she enjoyed his attention. But the truth was, he was really sweet.
“You should really heal some more before going back out there,” he said. “What, you can sense how my wound is healing?” she snarked. “As a matter of fact, I can,” he said. “As a matter of fact, you should stop that,” Katie mocked. “I feel fine. I’m ready to go back out there.”
She put up a good show, but deep down, she knew he meant well. She hated herself for caring about his opinion. Feelings, it was a slippery slope. Never get involved with people at work. That was her own law. Why did her heart decide it needed to catch feelings, and why this dumpster disaster of a human being?
Surely it wasn’t because he made sure she ate three meals a day since the shooting. Or that he gave up his own bed so that she could heal in comfort. Or that he was gentle with that traitor cat. Or that he’s constantly working for the underserved population, both at his day and night jobs. Or that he can be just as stubborn as she is.
It didn’t hurt that he drew her a hot bath in his clawfoot tub the second night she was there. It didn’t hurt that he offered to shampoo and condition her hair because she couldn’t raise her arm (and he did a lovely job at that). It definitely didn’t hurt when he changed her dressings every night. She could tell he was a pro and part of her heart ached knowing that he had probably changed his own dressings too many times to count.
Katie didn’t hear Matt’s reply because she was focusing on her breathing. She knew it was only a matter of time before her own body betrayed her. She knew he could hear her heart racing and he probably sensed her getting flushed. She knew that she could only blame it on the gunshot for so long.
Katie snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Matt’s hand on her chin. “What was that?” she said. She couldn’t help but notice how warm his hand was. “I said, I can give you more,” Matt said, his hand cupping her jawline. “More?” she said, inhaling sharply. Something about his calloused fingers on her skin made her spine tingle. He chuckled and bit his lower lip. He leaned in closer, his nose practically touching hers.
The door flung open.
“You’ll never guess what the special at the bodega was today!” Foggy barged into the loft holding two large bags. Matt jumped back and Katie sat upright. Foggy looked at Matt, then at Katie, then back at Matt. “Well?” Foggy demanded. “Aren’t you going to guess?” “I have no idea,” Matt said. “What was the special?” “Avocado toast!” Foggy beamed. “Who’s hungry?” “I could use a drink,” Katie said. “A tall glass of water for you!” Foggy prescribed. “I was thinking more like whiskey,” Katie retorted. “Not until you’re off the pain meds,” Foggy said. “Claire’s orders.”
Step Five
It was another week before they collectively deemed that Katie was fit to be released. Matt even got a SHIELD team to come and get her cleared.
“I want you to know that your work was not in vain,” Coulson said. “We were able to infiltrate The Hand based on you finding their location, and we prevented the unspeakable weapon from being launched. You did an excellent job.”
“I don’t feel like I did anything,” Katie replied.
“Well, you did. Director Fury and I decided that you deserve this,” Coulson said, handing Katie a new ID card.
“Level seven?” Katie read the card. “You’re promoting me? I mean, if I knew all I had to do was get shot to get promoted, I would have done that years ago.”
“It wasn’t because you got shot. You earned it based on your selfless actions and dedication to the team. Plus, we caught the big bad thanks to you,” he said.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what to say,” Katie said.
“Don’t you know? The time has arrived for a new mission,” Coulson said, dropping an inch thick case file onto the table in front of them. “I expect the first check in from you two within forty-eight hours.”
“Us...two?” Katie looked at Matt. “You’re kidding right?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Coulson retorted. “Don’t answer that. You two make a great team, and we can use Mr. Murdock’s expertise with this one. I have a quinjet to catch. If you have any questions, you know how to find me.”
Coulson left as quickly as he came.
“Did you know about this?” Katie asked, searching Matt’s face for any tells. “Truth be told,” he said, “I requested it.” “Why?” she asked. “You know why,” he replied, taking her hand. “As much fun as it is to bicker with you, we should stop fighting this.” “Stop fighting what?” she said, holding back a smile. Matt intertwined one hand with hers, his other hand cupping her cheek. “Huh,” she said, her heart racing. “Huh,” he whispered, closing the distance between them.
She had imagined this moment many times, but nothing quite prepared her for the sensation of Matt’s soft, firm lips finally meeting hers. He didn’t hold back, each passing moment hungrier than the last. It felt like they were moving in slow motion but everything happened in a blur. One moment they were on the couch, the next they were in his bed. Day turned to night and then turned to day again. He took his time, sensing and fulfilling her body’s every want and need. Katie felt Matt letting his guard down, allowing himself to be vulnerable for once. Twice. Three...four...she stopped counting after six. At some point, she woke up in his arms. He wasn’t quite asleep, but he looked content and relaxed. She pressed her face against his chest, falling back asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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milkacchan · 5 years
A miniature reason prt. 1
Request for anon: Klaus x child reader (4 or 5) where he takes cares for her after finding her wondering around behind the academy
This was way too long to post in one post, so. There WILL be a part two, I'll have it up sometime in the next week. I hope you enjoyed it anon.
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For Klaus, it hadn't been a particularly good day. So far anyway.
First, he had a dream about Dave. He relived the moment when Dave died in his arms. He screamed and cried and pleaded for Dave to stay, when he opened his eyes Dave was gone, but he could still hear the war around him.
He cradled his head in his hands and rocked back and forth for awhile until it stopped and silence surrounded him again.
He looked at his clock, it was early. Around 4:30 in the morning. There was no use trying to get back to sleep, Klaus knew that. So with a sigh he stood up, throwing something comfortable on rather than his usual style of attire. The sweatpants were half a size too big. They hung off his hips and bunched at his ankles, as was the T-Shirt he put on. It was a Maroon colored shirt, it had the name of some Spanish town that he couldn't pronounce plastered on the front, he was pretty sure it was Diego's, he wasn't too sure how it ended up in his room though.
He walked toward the window and lifted the blind gently. Snow was starting to coat the ground outside once more and he sighed. It had snowed too much in the last week- Klaus used to love snow. He used to go outside and kick it around or throw snowballs at passerbys- his age didn't matter. But Dave loved snow too, snow was his favorite. Dave would talk Klaus' ear off about snow, it kept Dave calm and eventually it kept Klaus calm too. Now when Klaus saw snow, he thought of Dave.
He shook his head and made the executive decision to slip on a hoodie as well. He trudged down the hallway and down the stairs, quietly stepping into the kitchen. He flicked on the light and looked around.
"Make yourself some tea Klaus." Ben sighed, "You're shaking."
"I hate being clean." He mumbled under his breath.
"No you don't."
"No I don't, I'm just tired of all this. Why'd I have to be the one to see the dead? Why'd I have to be the one to end up in Vietnam?"
"We both know you wouldn't change it for the world."
"I know." He mumbled again. Opening the cupboard and taking out his box of favorite teas. He plugged in the electric kettle, because who had time to use the stove?
"Can we talk about something else?" Klaus questioned, reaching for the sugar cubes.
"Yeah, of course."
Only Klaus didn't say anything after that. He quietly made his tea and when it was finished, he sat at the table with his cup in front of him, slowly taking small sips every couple minutes.
"So what are you planning to do today?" Ben asked, resting his chin in his hand.
"'I dunno, I'll probably read." He shrugged.
"Are you going to look for a job at some point."
"Yeah, probably. Not today though- I have some time, seeing as dear old daddy was a billionaire."
It was starting to get lighter outside, it was now 5:15, Diego would be up soon, he had a day off today, he'd probably still disappear at some point though. And Klaus was right- as soon as 5:30 hit Diego walked into the kitchen, frowning immediately when he spotted Klaus.
"Why are you up so early?"
"No reason, just woke up."
"Liar." Ben whispered.
"Drop dead." Klaus hissed.
"Again. Low. Blow." Ben rolled his eyes.
"Ben there?" Diego sat across from him. Klaus only nodded.
"Hey Ben."
"He says hi." Klaus replied lazily, taking the last of his now cold tea into his mouth.
"Now are you gonna tell me the truth?"
"I am-" Klaus took one look at Diego who was sending a nasty glare. "Fine, fine. I had a nightmare, it's not a big deal. I'll live."
Diego nodded slightly, "You sure?"
"Positive." He smiled and stood up, putting his mug in the sink. "Are you going anywhere today?"
"Probably just going to drive up to the mountains for a couple hours. I need the fresh air. Do you want to go?"
Klaus nodded, "Just tell me when you're gonna leave."
"Will do."
Both Diego and Klaus ended leaving earlier than planned, thanks to a certain Luther Hargreeves. Klaus didn't care enough to actually figure out what Luther was complaining about, instead, when the conversation was directed towards him, he just left the room.
Cue Diego picking the two bags out and dragging Klaus out. It was quiet for about 30 minutes before Diego finally spoke.
"Tell me what's going on."
"I keep thinking about Dave." He mumbled. "I keep reliving Vietnam."
Diego knew what happened by now. Klaus had fallen asleep in Diego's one night after a particularly rough experience. Diego knew Klaus had nightmares, however he didn't know from what or why. Do when Klaus started calling out, panicking and shaking in his sleep- Diego quickly pulled over and woke him up. Klaus told him everything and he was still the only sibling (besides Ben, but he doesnt count because he's dead) to know what happened.
"You never get over a death." Diego muttered, still looking at the road. "It just gets easier to live with. But it always hurts, thinking about them. It doesn't go away. Their birthdays aren't a walk in the park either. Neither are holidays without them. It's painful. But it gets easier."
"Will it?"
"I promise you."
They didn't get back to the house until late evening.
"Are you okay?" Vanya asked him softly, "Luther really didn't have a right to blow up like that."
"It's fine. I'm okay, thanks Van." He smiled and walked into the kitchen. He gathered himself materials for his dinner and hummed softly to himself as he made it.
He stopped and looked up when he heard a bang from outside. He set his knife down when he heard something that sounded like crying.
"Vanya do you hear that?" He asked his sister, walking towards the back door and opening it. He peeked his head out.
"Klaus be careful-"
"What in the hell.."
The street light must've gone out because it was pitch black. He took out his phone and fumbled to turn on the flashlight. He hesitantly stepped outside. Vanya hesitantly followed him, looking around as her feet crunched through the layers of snow.
After a few minutes of looking around, Klaus found nothing. He shrugged. "Must've been a raccoon or something." He turned around to go inside when he heard a small sneeze. It had come from behind a dumpster. He quietly peaked around.
"Yeah?" She responded as she jogged over.
"Take the flashlight please."
She did as she was told and Klaus leaned down, picking up the small girl hunched against the dumpster. "Hey princess," he spoke gently. "Hey, let's get you warmed up yeah?"
The girl couldn't have been more than four. She was wearing a thin long sleeved shirt that was purple and a pair of jeans that wear coated in dirt. She gripped his shirt and nodded, laying her head on his shoulder.
Just from that Klaus could tell she wouldn't be letting go anytime soon. "Van would you be interested in working with Allison to give this sweet thing a bath?"
"Yeah, I'll have Allison run the water." Vanya ran inside, and when Klaus got in, he closed the door behind him, and once he got to the main room, he immediately wrapped a blanket around the small girl.
"Why'd Allison and Vanya run up- is that a child?" Diego squinted.
"Yeah- I found her out back."
"Why was she out there?"
"I don't know...we need to warm her up though."
Diego nodded. "I'll help mom with dinner." Diego look a last glance at the little girl before walking into the kitchen.
Klaus began carrying the girl upstairs. In the year they were together, Klaus and Dave had talked about kids- both knew the other was their soulmate. Both knew they'd be together forever after the war. Dave wanted kids, Klaus knew he wanted them too he just wasn't sure when. Dave wanted a little girl. He said he would've named her Y/N, he had always loved that name. Klaus was happy with whatever Dave wanted, just seeing him smile when he talked about it was enough.
Klaus supposed this was the universe's apology for taking Dave away from him.
"What's your name pumpkin?" He asked gently.
"Y/N." She answered in a small voice. Of course it was.
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E1 (Pilot)
Is it a smart idea to rewatch glee again? No.
Am I going to do it anyway? You bet your sweet bippy I am!
Am I going to liveblog my garbage monkey brain thoughts along the way even though nobody asked for it? Hell yeah.
Here goes!
Wow. The first frame of this entire show is literally of a woman who looks like she’s about 10 years above the natural lifespan of a Cheerio. Then again, I’m sure Sue’s not above holding back her best recruits for multiple years because Ohio high schools are apparently just Like That™
I also never notice this opening song was a remix of Keep Me Hangin On, wow. That’s actually kind of interesting foreshadowing of sorts, like, kind of smart. I’m glad I’m watching the part of Glee that was kind of smart.
This scene also doesn’t feature any of the Unholy Trinity as far as I can see. Are they a JV squad? Am I putting too much thought into this?
Sign #1 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Really, my guy? Driving around with your muffler dragging on the ground so bad it’s making sparks? That’s not very Road Safety of you. Fuck off. 
Sign #2 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Wow, there’s going to be a lot of these, huh? Anyway, anybody with working eyes would clearly see how scared Kurt is right now. “Making some new friends Kurt?” Fuck off. 
KURT. FIRST SIGHTING OF THE BOY. What a delight. But also, not a delight, because he’s being bullied and he deserves better. Look at his outfit. Iconic from day fucking one. 
Finn, you’re a himbo. What’re you doing with these assholes?
Puck’s first line in the whole series is “It’s hammer time!” What a fucking dork? Who made this boy popular. 
I paused while they were tossing Kurt in the dumpster and, wow, got the most hilarious frame where the guy who isn’t Puck is getting a meticulously polished boot to the face. Netflix let me take screenshots, you coward.
The first shot of Quinn... My wlw bones are shaking.
Why would they use that photo for Lillian Adler...? WHO WAS BORN IN 1937, MIGHT I ADD. THAT’S NOT A REAL YEAR. 
It’s weird to see Mr Schue actually speaking competent Spanish. Why did they veto that later? The ONE likeable thing about him was his competence as a school teacher, and they really threw it out the window huh?
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE MEMBERS OF SANDY RYERSON’S GLEE CLUB??? This kid seems to really like singing. Also, welcome to the beginning of Ryerson being annoying as all hell.
Oh my gosh, the background choir stuff. This show really had style back in the day!!!
R A C H E L B E R R Y Y O U R M A K E U P ! ! !
Ken Tanaka walked so incels could run.
Jane Lynch you beauty. You absolutely impeccable beauty. 
“Since when are cheerleaders performers?” Uh... Emma...? I get that Sue’s going ham on her budget but, like, be nice to the students? They perform their butts off!
Sue really just BRAGGED about having an iPhone. I was 9 when this came out. Why do I feel old...
Sign #3 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He hears his coworker, presumably of several years, just got fired and doesn’t even ask why. He just jumps on the glee club like a frog on hot asphalt. 
He really wants to Make The Glee Club Great Again, huh? 
MySpace was really a thing, huh? And why does this grown-ass male teacher know so much about the students having them?
I know nothing about actual American schools, but I do know that they sure as shit don’t work like this. Why does a club have to win EVERY competition to be considered an asset?
Mr Shoe really lying awake at night half-naked next to his wife thinking about the glee club already? Yeah sounds about right. Also, of course you’d think up Nude Erections for a name, you asshole. Put some clothes on.
Brad the piano player was really here from day ONE... Icon.
Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... Yes Kurt bby you killed it. 
Chris Colfer looks so YOUNG here!!! 
The hair fix... I C O N I C !
Tina really wrote her stutter down, huh? And nobody ever saw through it? Amazing. 
The goth Tina look, too... Perfect... Never change...
Say what you want about Rachel Berry being generally insufferable, but I really fucking feel it when she sings On My Own. The monologue kind of kills The Drama of it, but they really solidly established her character by layering them. She really is a gold star right now.
The first-ever on-screen slushie!
The way she walks down that hall. My God you can just see how terrible she is to be around.
Never forget Rachel staring at photos of her with two men who turned out to not be her dads. Who are they? What are their stories? We’ll never know.
God, I love this stupid scene of Quinn, Santana, and a bunch of Cheerios cartoonishly typing hate comments on Rachel’s MySpace video and laughing like knock-off Disney villains. 
I like watching season 1 Artie because season 1 Artie was a good character. Mostly. And he KILLED Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat. Rachel wasn’t asking for a male lead who could keep up with her vocally, she was being straight up ableist and that’s a fact. I love Cory, but Kevin McHale was always a better singer.
Mercedes picking up and spinning Rachel for this little routine is something I never really appreciated before, it’s cute even though they don’t like each other yet!
I really don’t get why Rachel says they suck. Yeah, sure, she’s gunning for a solo, but the vocals were solid there. The choreo was just a little janky, possibly because it’s their first EVER rehearsal?
“There is NOTHING ironic about show choir!” Incredible.
How long did it take Mr Shoe to find Rachel out on the bleachers? Did he search the whole school first?
I never understood Rachel quitting so soon. How long was she in the old glee club for? Surely they were never popular either?
Ah, the first “My hands are tied” for the series. Mr Figgins is a garbage principal. 
Not going to advise the principal against referring to Artie as a cripple, William Shoestir? Alright. 
How did the Schuester marriage last as long as it has? Do Will and Terri’s insufferable personalities just cancel one another out?
Sandy Ryerson really just openly brags about cheating the system for medical marijuana and dealing it? 
Matt Morrison 100% has lip fillers. Nobody’s smile curls like that naturally.
“Terri and I are trying to get pregnant” What a weird way to phrase it. What is it, a race? Who’s going to get knocked up first!
A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN, HOW I’VE MISSED YOU... The sound design of this show at this point is just... *Chef hand kiss*
“What you’re doing right now is called blurring the lines” Oh just wait until season 4, Sue... Just you wait.
WHY is Mr Schuester so ridiculously sweaty? I didn’t need to think about that?
EVERYONE on the football team is 30.
Hearing Cory sing this always makes me emotional. What a talent!
Sign #4 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: I don’t think I need to say why using the weed to blackmail Finn is a shitty thing to do, do I?
“I’ll pee in a cup! ...I’ll pee...” I love Cory’s delivery. 
PRIORITY #1: HELP THE KIDS Oh season 1... I love you so.
Mr Schue you WISH you were anything like Finn Hudson. You never will be.
Ah... Finn’s first monologue. He’s such a sweetheart. AND SO IS CAROLE. Carole is a queen I will stan forever. YOU THROW THAT MILK BB!!!
All Finn wants to do is make his mom proud. What a sweetheart. Mr Schue you do NOT deserve him.
These POV shots really enhance things, why the fuck did they stop using them?
Subtly having Kurt look at Finn in the same shot as Rachel was a nice touch indeed!
Terri’s a straight up hoarder, huh? Like a raccoon but instead of collecting edible garbage, it’s monogrammed garbage.
Surely you can’t just... BECOME an accountant, right? You need some serious qualifications for that right?
Also say what you want about how insufferable Terri is but her actress is ridiculously talented and absolutely steals every scene she’s in.
Now the background choir is doing Soul Bossa Nova and I am L I V I N G why didn’t they keep that motif!!! It was so ICONIC!
I don’t need my prostate removed. RIP Carole Hudson but I’m different :/
NO MEANS NO, KEN! TAKE THE L AND MOVE ON! Way to take out the fact that a girl won’t date you on everybody else around you! Toxic bastard. The absolute stench of melodrama on this bastard is noxious.
I was going to ask why Rachel didn’t know about Finn and Quinn if they’d already been together for 4 months, but then I remembered gossiping requires friends...
“Terri rides me. Hard. And I’ve always appreciated it!” Why don’t we talk about how this line sounds more. Why doesn’t Emma bat an eye at it oh my god
HERE COMES VOCAL ADRENALINE!!! And Jesse St. James is nowhere to be seen. How convenient. Also, they’re all 30. I’m sensing a pattern.
Sorry VA, all songs popularised my Amy Winehouse legally belong to Santana Lopez
Puck, if you were stupid enough to fall for the prostate excuse, that’s on you. Or maybe it’s on the education system...
You can do better that Mr Schue, kids. Don’t mourn him.
Ok, what the fuck is this scene where he’s filling out the job app to become an accountant? There’s a dude in the row in front off him just throwing crisps around? What is this place?? Why are you here sir??? 
“Accounting is sexy” shut up you horrible married man
The Cheerios sure did have straight ponytails for like, one episode, huh?
Finn is such a good boy. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is, and saving Artie from that portapotty is his first step to figuring it out.
This shot of Finn just wheeling Artie out of there... Ugh. My HEART.
Pee balloons. Nailing the lawn furniture to the roof. Finn, you’re better than that!!! Stop your dudebros. 
They really had Artie be a guitar player, and a pretty good one at that, but they never mentioned it again? Artie had such potential SMH. (Also, Netflix subtitles are telling me it’s Arty, but I categorically refuse to spell it that way.)
Whyyyyy didn’t he go to KURT for the costumes as well? Look at his outfit, Finn. He clearly wants in on that job. 
Will Schuester really is just desperately clinging to his glory days in high school. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a creep about it. 
Emma, meaningfully: Do you know who that is? That’s you, Will... [FRANTIC DISCO MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND]
I find it hilarious how the audio of Don’t Stop Believin’ just DOES NOT match the characters except for the solos... Also wow, autotune city. Am I awful for genuinely not liking this cover? 
I like watching them perform it though. Kurt’s adorable little shimmy... Rachel and Tina smiling at each other like that... Everybody having a blast... I’m here for it
Ok the way Rachel and Finn look at each other here is making me FEEL
I know Puck’s about to join anyway but WHY is he there watching... Just to have a mysterious bad boy moment? Lol you dramatic bastard
Please let them win nationals without you, Will.
So, yeah! There’s that! Those are my thoughts and feelings, basic though they may be. Episode one is fantastic, the kids are fantastic, and William Schuester can suck a toe. 
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uas-fics · 6 years
Title: Thanks For The Tea
Summary: Kenny goes to cheer with this cute goth boy brooding in the corner of City Wok.
Rating: G
Ships: Stenny
Content Warnings: N/A
Others: Read on Ao3
The boy had sat in the corner booth of the restaurant for about an hour. In all that time, he had gotten up only once to grab some crab rangoon from the buffet. When he sulked by Kenny, he heard him mutter about how he couldn't believe City Wok didn't serve coffee past noon.
Kenny rested against his mop, trying not to stare at the other boy. He knew him from school, but for the life of him couldn't remember his name. Something with an S, or maybe an M. He had a short name, too. Sam or Mark or Steven, maybe.
The mystery boy pulled apart the fried dough wrapping of his crab rangoon. He tentatively stabbed at the cream cheese, the white a stark contrast to his black nails. Now that Kenny thought about it, everything about him seemed out of place to be at a cheap Chinese restaurant.
Black eyeliner, black lipstick, black shirt, even a black stocking cap. Everything but his skin looked like it had been dumped into a pot of ink. He looked like someone who should be sipping coffee at the Denny's outside of town, not forcing down crab rangoon at City Wok.
He's a goth, Kenny remembered abruptly. That explained all the black and the sulking, at least, but Kenny couldn't help but wonder why he was here by himself. As much as the goths like to preach about not being ‘a puppet to the clique machine of society,’ they tended to stick around each other. Seeing one of them alone without an obvious reason was a rarity. Usually, when a goth got dragged into City Wok, they were with their families.
"What some tea?" A voice took him from his thoughts. Kenny turned to see one of his coworkers standing beside him, a tray in her hands.
"What?" Kenny blinked, hoping she hadn't noticed him staring.
"Tea." She repeated, holding the tray closer. "Table four didn't know hot green tea costs extra and sent it back." A small, metal teapot and two white mugs sat on the tray. Steam wafted up from the spout.
Kenny wrinkled his nose up at the offer. He'd tasted that tea before. It was bitter, and he could only stomach it after five sugar packs had been dumped in the cup. His coworker shrugged at his reaction, about to take the tea to the back, when an idea hit Kenny. He grabbed the tray from her hands.
"Actually, I changed my mind." He told her, carefully kicking his mop bucket behind a fake plant. "Tell Mr. Kim I'm taking my last break." Before she could reply, Kenny walked off.
He took a breath as he neared the goth boy's table. The goth looked up at him, and Kenny stiffen, feeling a blush start to creep up his cheeks. Everything about the goth monochrome black and white, except for his sapphire blue eyes.
Those eyes bore into Kenny before he snapped in that distinct goth drawl, "Can I help you?"
Kenny swallowed his embarrassment before setting the tray down. "I, uh, I heard you, earlier, say you wish we served coffee. It's not coffee, but it's like it. Bitter, hot water, but green not brown..."
He wanted to kick himself. He sounded like a total doofus. 'But green, not brown'? What was he even trying to say?
The goth eyed him critically before reaching for the handle of the teapot. He touched it then froze.
"Am I going to be charged for this?"
"Oh, no, no, no! It's on the house, from--it's on the house." He caught himself. The last thing he wanted was this, admittedly cute, goth boy thinking Kenny was trying to flirt with him or anything. He wasn't going to make any advances until he was sure he was available.
The goth nodded and poured the green tea into the coffee mug. Mr. Kim claimed he did have more traditional cups for the hot tea at one point, but over time they had all been lost or broken, and he didn’t bother to replace them.
The goth took a drink before his face twisted in disgust. "Wow. Bitter, hot water, like you said."
"Sorry, I can get you some extra sugar if you want." Kenny offered, trying not to glance at the sugar packets already on the table next to the soy sauce. He couldn't afford to look like any more of a dingus.
"No." The goth took another drink. "It's like my soul, only not as dark and tormented."
Kenny laughed, but quickly covered it with a cough when the goth fixed him with a puzzled look. He rested his hand on the table.
"So, I think we're in the same grade. I know I've seen you before. What's your name? I'm Kenny." He smiled with as much friendliness as he could put into it.
The goth sipped before replying, "Raven."
'Raven.' So Kenny had been way off in his name guesses.
"That's a cool name, dude." Kenny complimented. Raven didn't reply, instead he shrugged.
They lapsed into silence after a few heartbeats. As they did, Kenny couldn't help but admire him. Normally, he avoided the dark and broody types for more upbeat people, but something about Raven made him put his predisposition aside. Raven was cute, had a strong jaw, a nice face. Now that he was close enough, Kenny could tell Raven's skin wasn't natural that pale. Instead he wore a very light foundation. Accented with the dark eyeliner and lipstick, he looked almost ghostly.
"What?" Kenny blinked.
"I said, how long are you going to stand here?" Raven asked irritably. "Don't you have orders to take or something?"
"Naaaah," Kenny chuckled. "No waiting for me. I'm on my break for the next couple of minutes." Raven opened his mouth, but Kenny quickly went on before he could shoo him away. "What are you doing here by yourself? Where are your friends?"
Raven scowled into his tea. "I don't have friends. I walk this mortal coil as alone as when I was born."
A flirt about taking some of that loneliness away pressed against Kenny's teeth, and it took everything he had not to let it slip out.
"Oh, that sucks." Kenny said instead. "I hate being alone. I used to keep all sorts of strays as pets when I was little, so I'd always have someone around. It was all going great, until Mom found the baby raccoons I kept in my closet."
Some of the irritation in Raven's face lefts, and he perked up with something almost like a smile on his lips.
"I have a dog." He admitted, some of the goth drawl slipping from his voice.
"A dog? I love dogs! How old is he? What breed?" Kenny asked, though he didn't care much about the information. Mostly, he just wanted to see if he could get Raven to actually smile. Oh, his smile must be cute. Kenny found himself willing to say anything to see it.
"He'll be seven this year. The person we got him from said he's part doberman and part rottweiler." A grin spread across Raven's face as he spoke. As Kenny had predicted, it was super cute. "Sparky's a big slobbery mutt. If he knows you'll feed him under the table, he'll set his head in your lap while you eat and--" Raven froze, cutting himself off. His smile slipped from his face.
He continued, his goth drawl back in full force, "I mean, he's a great dog, as far as companions to march towards the black void of de--" He groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "I can't do this."
"Dude?" Kenny asked with a frown. "Are you ok?"
"I can't do this." Raven repeated. He peeked up at Kenny with those sapphire eyes. A shudder ran down his back. With a sigh, he asked, "What do you do, if you're not who you want to be?"
Before Kenny could answer, Mr. Kim called him from the front. There was a spill near the bathrooms. He swore he had longer before his break was over. Or maybe he didn't. It was easy to lose track of time while admiring someone. He knew that from experience.
"I gotta go." He told Raven. "If you want to keep talking, I get off in another hour and a half. Um, meet me outside."
Raven's face remained emotionless. He didn't respond, instead turning his attention back down to his tea. Kenny sighed inwardly, heading back to where he hid his mop bucket. When he wheeled it from behind the plant, he looked over his shoulder towards Raven's booth.
It was empty.
Kenny spent the next hour and a half in a disappointed daze. This was probably the only opportunity he would ever have to talk to Raven without the rest of the goths throwing judging looks his way. Kenny didn't need anymore judging looks than he already got normally for his ratty appearance.
He hung his apron up on the nail in the back before reaching for his backpack. He pulled his pack of cigarettes from the front pocket as he stepped out the back door of the restaurant. Flipping open the pack, Kenny was greeted with even more disappointment. His pack was empty. Empty just like the back booth.
With a swear, he crumbled it up and tossed it into the dumpster. In all likelihood, his brother had probably stolen the last few from him. Not that Kenny could complain and demand them back since Kevin had been the one to buy the pack for him in the first place.
Great, this day couldn't get any worse. He couldn't wait to sulk home. Maybe he'd drop by Kyley-B's house on the way home, instead, see if he could use his puppy-dog eyes to garner sympathy, and maybe some free food, from Mrs. Broflovski.
"Hey, um, Kenny, right?"
Kenny jumped, spinning around. From beside the fence dividing City Wok from the sushi house next to it, Raven pushed himself up.
"Oh, yeah! Raven, you're..." Kenny trailed off, trying to keep himself from becoming tongue-tied. He took a breath before continuing, "you still want to talk?"
"Yeah, I mean, sure, whatever. Not like I have anything better to do." Raven's shoulders slumped forward. The action sent some of his hair into his face. It didn't look like that unnatural black that some of the other goths had. Kenny didn't think it was dyed.
"Awesome." Kenny flashed a crooked grin.
"Alright," Raven nodded. "Follow me. I don't want to talk here. The smell is giving me a headache."
As they started to leave the alley, Raven took a turn to the left and went down the road towards Skeeter's Bar. Kenny raised an eyebrow and followed behind him. As they passed the bar, he glanced through the front window.
He let out a sigh of relief when he didn't see his dad inside. More times than he cared to admit, he had to drag his dad off the bar stool on his mom's orders. Once he started working at City Wok, the orders to do so only increased. Leading his belligerent dad through the streets sure didn’t help with the judging looks, either.
Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he jogged back up towards Raven.
"The woods?" Kenny asked as they stepped over a large fallen tree branch in the path. "You're not an axe murderer, are you? I mean, just in case I need to pretend to be a virgin or something." For the briefest second, Raven smiled at Kenny's joke.
"No. It's private here." He paused at the crossroads up to the old Mephesto Labs before jumped up to sit on the wooden fence. Kenny leaned against the map signpost, putting his hands in his pockets.
He pursed his lips a moment, going over his thoughts. Once he collected himself, he said, "Back at City Wok, what did you mean when you asked if I knew what to do when you don't like who you are."
Raven glanced to the side. He opened his mouth once, shut it, opened it again, before shaking his head. "No, you know what? This is stupid. Never mind. Forget you even saw me."
"Wait! No, dude!" Kenny put a hand reflexively on his arm. "It's fine. I've got nowhere to be, and if you're worried about me judging you, I won't. Promise." Their eyes met and Kenny prayed his sincerity shone through.
Raven pursed his lips then sighed. He slipped completely off the fence but didn't walk away, instead leaning against it.
"'What do you do, if you aren't who you want to be,' is what I asked." Raven shut his eyes. "What am I to you? You don't know me, but what do you see me as?"
"Cute?" Kenny blurted out. He blushed and took a step back, suddenly remembering his hand was still on Raven's arm. "I mean, shit, goth! Goth! I see you as a goth."
The wry smile that appeared when Kenny called him 'cute' faded when he answered 'goth'.
He looked down at his hands. "I became a goth in third grade. Before that, I was just another conformist running the rat race, trying to stay popular and well liked." He laughed, but it was cold. "I was on the football team. Star quarterback, actually. Or as 'star' as an eight-year-old can be."
"Really?" Kenny questioned, astonished that a goth would ever be on a sports team, let alone an MVP.
Raven nodded. "Yeah, but once I became a goth, I dropped the team. It made my uncle and dad cry. I couldn't be the preppy, happy-ass jock they wanted me to be." He spat the word 'jock' like it was a swear.
Kenny hummed. "I sit with one of the basketball players at lunch. Kyley-B? The kid from New Jersey? And he isn't what I would call 'preppy'."
Kyley-B was pretty far from a traditional 'preppy, happy-ass jock' as Kenny could fathom. He was loud, easy to anger, used odd combinations of words that Kenny was ninety percent sure were insults. If not for his athletic skill, he probably would have been kicked from the team years ago.
Raven's face scrunched up. "I know not all jocks are preps. I'm not stupid." He shook his head, slumping farther down until he sat on the cold earth. "What I'm saying is this. I gave up being what my family thought I should be, to be what I thought I should be. Now, though, I'm not sure if this is what I really want."
Kenny frowned, crouching down next to him. "What? You don't want to be a goth anymore?"
A half shrug. "I dunno. Yes? No? I just...don't know. I like my friends. Henrietta, Michael, Pete, Frickle, and I go way back. They've been there for me. I can't just leave them," He rolled his head back, "but I don't want this anymore. I want to wear colors again, not just black. I want to play sports for fun, not just for a passing PE grade. I know it sounds hypocritically coming from  me, but I want to be a conformist again."
Kenny pursed his lips in thought. After a moment, he said, "Will that make you happy?"
"What?" Raven asked, brows furrowed.
"Will that make you happy? Will branching out and trying to be something else make you happy?" Kenny tilted his head. "You know it's not a bad thing to go through phases. Everyone does. I went through a superhero phase that lasted for two years. Looking back it was pretty embarrassing that I ran around with underwear outside my pants, but, I got it out of my system.  Maybe being goth was your phase. Maybe being a 'conformist' will be a phase. Either way, you gotta do what makes you happy, so I say branch out. Find yourself. Be who you want to be."
He smiled brightly, trying to cover the fact that among his corny advice he had actually mentioned his Mysterion phase. Only he and Butters ever talked about those times, and that was almost always to laugh at themselves.
Raven fixed him with a stare for a long moment. It felt like burning on Kenny's skin, but he couldn't really say he completely disliked the feeling. Raven's gaze wasn't judging, not completely and not in a cruel way like when other people judged him, anyway. It was like Raven was trying to figure Kenny out.
Finally, Raven looked away.
"I always figured you were just another conformist poser, saving face and shit," Raven said, "but, you're actually not terrible."
"I'm not too terrible at a lot of things." Kenny winked, unable to hold back the flirts he'd been fighting off since setting eyes on Raven's cute face. He winced internally, hoping beyond hope Raven would take his comment as a joke.
A blush flared up on Raven's cheeks as he scrambled to stand. "I need to go home. I have a lot to think about." He let out a breath through his nose then turned, holding his hand out. "Thank you. You have...a comforting aura. I'm glad I talked to you. Please, don't tell anyone about this--not that I care what anyone thinks or anything. I just don't want any of this getting to the other goths before I've made my choice."
Kenny let Raven haul him to his feet. "You're welcome, thank you, and you have my word. I won't tell a soul."
Raven seemed to believe that. He bobbed his head before turning and heading off down the path deeper into the forest. Kenny watched him disappear among the dense pine trees before looking down at his hand, the one Raven had held.
He touched his palm with his fingertips. Even if they never spoke again, he hoped Raven would do what made him happy and he was glad if he could help with that.
"And then I says, I says to him 'are you talking bad about my brother? No one talks bad about my brother but me!'" Kyley-B slapped his fist against the table, causing the lunch trays to shudder. Butters scooted down the bench to avoid being hit by Kyley-B's waving arms. Kenny unconsciously leaned back, though, from his seat across the table, he was out of slapping range.
Kyley-B made a punching motion in front of him. "So I knock the air out of the bastard, and I show him you don't mess with someone from Je--"
"Um, excuse me?"
The three at the table looked up, Butters peaking around Kyley-B to be able to see.
The boy wore a brown jacket and blue hat, both accented with bright red. Unstyled, black hair stuck out from under the knit hat. For a moment, Kenny didn't recognize him, until he met the boy's sapphire colored eyes. He blinked once.
"Raven?" He asked.
"It's, um, it's Stan, actually. Stan Marsh." He corrected.
Realization washed over Kenny. That's right. He remembered now. Stan had insisted everyone call him 'Raven' starting back in third grade, even had his name changed on the class lists. Once middle school came around and everyone went to different classes, Kenny didn't see much of Stan and his memory of him faded.
"Oh, hey! Hey, dude! What's up? How are things?" Kenny grinned. It was manic, but he didn't care at that point.
Stan didn't wear the same monochromatic makeup as before. The makeup he had on now didn't quite match his natural skin tone perfectly, but it made his face look much warmer than before. He looked even cuter than before.
Stan bit his lip a moment before taking a calming breath. "Kenny, I wanted to talk to you, in the hall." He glanced at Kyley-B and Butters. "If you're not busy."
"Nope!" Kenny jumped out of his seat. Kyley-B gave Kenny a knowing look before rolling his eyes. He spun in his seat so he was directly facing Butters and continued on with his story.
Stan nodded nervously to Kenny, before walking out of the cafeteria. He lead them to the library but stopped before heading inside. Instead, he turned and stepped into the small alcove in the wall, pressing himself between the water fountain and the corner.
Kenny rocked on his heels a moment before asking, "Is everything alright? I see you've got some color going on."
Stan shrugged. "Yeah, thanks, I mean--no, yeah that's what I mean. Thanks, thank you." He took his hat off to run his hand through his hair. "Thank you, our talk really helped."
"Did it? I'm glad!" Kenny said. "I guess that means you decided to rejoin the rat race?"
Stan chuckled. "Yeah, for now, at least. I talked to my friends on Sunday, and, honestly, they all knew it was coming."
"Seriously?" Kenny wasn't sure if he should laugh or not, so he cracked a somewhat sympathetic, half-smile instead.
"Michael said he was surprised I didn't 'go back to being an 'acceptance-hungry poser' years ago. None of them thought I would keep being Goth up for as long as I did." Stan's smile wavered. He said, "They said I can still hang out with them if I want, but that feels, I don't know, othering, I guess, if I'm not a goth anymore."
Kenny cocked his head to the side. "Do you want to hang with me and my friends for a while? Butters is a sweetheart and super friendly, and I swear Kyley-B isn't nearly as bad as he seems."
Stan looked taken back for a moment. He opened his mouth to reply when his hip pressed against the side of the water fountain, causing it to turn on. He jumped back, face red.
Kenny gently put a hand on his arm. "We're playing basketball after school. You can join us if you want."
"I, uh, really? Would that be ok?"
"Sure!" Kenny squeezed his arm. "It's always just Butters and me against Kyley-B. Maybe with three of us, we might actually win a game."
Apprehension clouded Stan's features for a moment before he smiled, that same genuine smile like when he was talking about his dog, and Kenny felt his heart do a backflip.
"That would be cool. Thanks."
"Uh, yeah, t-t-totally, anytime!" Kenny stammered. He coughed into his hand and stepped back. "Actually, um, can I ask you a question? Why did you want to talk to me--not now, but before at City Wok."
Stan fixed him with a similar as when he tried to puzzle Kenny out, then shrugged. "I told you, you have a comforting aura."
"Yeah, Henrietta says everyone has an aura, and some people's auras are just better at inviting others in. Yours is like," He pursed his lips a moment, "and don't take offense to this, I mean it in a good way, a dog. It's just friendly like you can talk to you about whatever, ya know?"
Kenny didn't know, but he nodded anyway. Before he could reply, Stan kept talking. "Can I ask you a question now?"
"Sure, shoot."
The tops of Stan's ears turned red as he asked, "Do you really think I'm cute?"
Kenny swore internally as he fumbled for what to do. He could play it off as a joke, but then if he ever did want to ask Stan out, he would have to own up to his lie. He could admit to it and risk Stan being uncomfortable around him. He could--
"Because I think you're kind of cute, too."
Kenny blinked, dumbfounded. "What? Are you--are you asking me on a date or something?"
"Not yet. I think I'd like to be your friend first." Stan replied. He was trying to play it cool, but the blush and his stiff pose gave him away as just as nervous as Kenny.
The bell on the wall rang then, making both of them jump.
As Stan shot a glare at the bell, Kenny swallowed the lump of nerves in his throat. "Shit, dude, yeah that sounds great."  He patted down his pockets before pulling out a crumbled City Wok receipt and a pen. He scribbled down his number before awkwardly handing it to Stan.
"Here, text me or something and I'll tell you when and where we meet up to shoot hoops."
Stan looked at the number before carefully folding it and put it in his jacket pocket. "I will," He stepped forward, out of the alcove and past Kenny. The crowd of people leaving the cafeteria could be heard down the hall.
"My locker is on the other end of the school." Kenny jabbed his thumb over his shoulder. "I need to get going so I'm not late for class."
"Yeah, mine's just up the hall." Stan nodded in the direction of his locker. The crowd of students was upon them then, and Kenny had to duck and dive around students to get into the flow of traffic going his way.
He looked back towards Stan, but he was already swallowed by the crowd.
As Kenny sat idly in chemistry class, waiting for the destruction that came with being partnered with both Kyley-B and Eric Cartman, he felt his phone buzzed twice in his pocket.
Ignoring the arguing over which chemical should go into the beaker first, Kenny slipped it out. They were texts from a number he'd never seen before.
"Hey, it's Stan," the first text said. "In all my thanking earlier, I forgot to thank you for something. I think I should do that before I forget."
Kenny felt his whole body warm in delight as he read the next text.
"Thanks for the tea. <3"
AN: This has sat in my drafts for a few months now >>, but now I can say I finally did something with Goth!Stan and City Wok!Kenny.
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totalkpoptrash · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by one of my favorite mutuals! @literally-just-yoongi-trash
Rules: answer all the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to know better!
A: Age - 28 ugh I’m old.
B: Birthplace - Everett Washington, USA
C: Current time - 2:31 AM
D: Drink you had last - Coffee
E: Easiest person to talk to - @lumenardens and @fueledbyrebecca are my go to when I need to vent. In general though, I find it pretty easy to talk to people overall, I’m not shy or embarrassed about much so I tend to overshare, if anything lol.
F: Favorite song - I’m LIVING for Dimple off Love Yourself, but oddly one of my all time faves that will never change is Hotel California by the Eagles hahaha. 
G: Grossest memory - Okay so settle in because this is gonna be a wild ride. (A little gruesome, heavy focus on a dead raccoon if that’s not your thing check out while you can) One day oh.... about 7 or 8 years ago now, it was HOT AF in the middle of Southern PA summertime, so think like 100 degrees but also 90% humidity to where you step outside, blink once, and then immediately get covered in sweat i STG I moved away from here for a reason and I hate myself for coming back this place is hell. Anyway.  So I am in a car with my boyfriend and his buddy, coming up the hill in the long ass driveway where my boyfriend’s uncle lives to see that his uncle is out in this big wood shed that he had full of tractors and stuff??? This is redneck country zone where people drive tractors down the actual street and you sometimes get stuck behind them it’s GREAT. So we come up this hill and stop the car because his uncle is standing there just motherfucking up a storm. So, the boys get out of the car and start talking to him. I am having none of that, I am in the car where there is still shade, but I DO open the windows because the air conditioner is off now that the engine is dead and the heat is already seeping into my bones. Apparently, somehow, there is a dead raccoon stuck in the wheel well of the tractor that my boyfriend’s uncle needs to use. And we are talking DEAD. Like, left there for too long, body bloated, flies swarming dead. And his uncle is trying to figure out how the HELL to get it out of there because pulling on it is not helping, since it’s all bloated and nasty.  Enter the genius boys. A pitchfork. They decide to try and SCOOP IT OUT USING A PITCHFORK. Great plan guys, except for the part where THEY ACCIDENTALLY DIDN’T GET FAR ENOUGH UNDER THE BODY AND MANAGED TO IMPALE THE DAMN THING RIGHT IN THE STOMACH WITH THE TINES!!!!  The. Smell. Have you ever smelled the insides of a decaying scavenger animal? No? CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY. Think dumpster full of baby diapers left in the hot sun combined with meat that got left in the garbage for too long or something, and then also add this kind of sickly sweetness. It is a horror I will never forget. Now, not only am i IMMEDIATELY assaulted by the smell of actual rotting guts, but then I also have to endure the VIOLENT RETCHING of three men as they try to figure out what the fuck to do with this thing. OH, AND THEN THEY DECIDE IT’S FUNNY AND WHILE STILL GAGGING, START CHASING EACH OTHER AROUND WITH A DEAD RACCOON ON A PITCHFORK!!!!  I rolled up the windows, and silently prayed for death. And that’s after I spent 15 minutes screaming and gagging.
H: Hogwarts house - Gryffindor
I: In love - Hmm, that’s complicated. The honest truth - Not like I used to be. But that’s okay.
J: Jealous of people - Sometimes, for various reasons, but that’s human nature.
K: Killed someone - Not yet ;)
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - This is a question I love to answer! I don’t believe in LOVE at first sight, but I am a HUGE advocate of INFATUATION at first sight, which I think is a wonderful thing.
M: Middle name - Don’t laugh at me. Elsie’Mae
N: Number of Siblings - 4, but none of us have both of the same parents. (I.E. Half siblings and a foster brother)
O: One wish -My wish right now is to get my life back to where I want to be. I’m making progress, but it’s slow going.
P: Person you called last - My husband
Q: Question you’re always asked - Always “How old ARE you, anyway?” And it’s my favorite game to play. A coworker guessed that I was ‘19 or 20′ today ahahaha. I am usually placed between 18-24 by people who don’t know any better 
R: Reasons to smile - BTS BTS BTS BTS and of course my friends who love me always.
S: Song you sang last - I think it was Outro: Her because I was listening along with Multifacetedacg on Youtube during her first listen of the album today.
T: Time you woke up - 12:30PM ish... I hit the snooze oops.
U: Underwear color - Kind of a purpley ish color.
V: Vacation Destination - I want to go to New York always, I would love to hit up a Disney park again soon, and Germany to see my lovely @lumenardens and of course Korea for an adventure. All in my future plans.
W: Worst habit - Hmmm I have a lot of bad habits. I would say getting distracted by something when I’m in the middle of a project, or adding more and more projects to my list of stuff to do all the time lol. I’m never done ‘doing stuff’.
Y: Your favorite food - My mom’s potato soup, my mom’s pumpkin pie, apparently I’m a HUGE fan of jjajangmyeon, uhhh I really like tacos also. And I like watermelon SO MUCH. I have a lot of favorites lol.
Z: Zodiac sign - Pisces and you damn bet it fits me like a glove. I will tag @artificialskyway who i see all the time in my notifs, @j-hellnah @hajunice and any of my other beans who I love <333
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