#me once a week: hm! a meme!
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The ultimate trans experience is singing the male and female part to a song interchangeably
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robobrainrot · 1 year
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The Knack
Chapter 2: It’s Not Stalking
Notes: its a Knockout-Centric Fic with a human OC. Breakdown is alive and well. Optimus is alive and well. Set in the Prime Universe: Post Predacons Rising, Pre-RID15
[Chapter 1 Here] [Chapter 3 here]
enjoy my scribbles ✌️
Two weeks later...
Though he’d loathe to admit it, Knockout had returned to that parking spot three times in the last two weeks. Not that he was counting. His excuse to himself was that it was a pleasant covert spot in the shade. The weather was pleasant in this area at this time of year and he deserved a break.
It was merely a coincidence that it was also the way the human artist walked.
He had only seen them once in his last three attempts. They had been walking with a femmine human and didn’t notice him. Not that it bothered him.
Today, it was exactly two weeks after their first meeting. Same time. Same place. Sure enough, they came walking down the hill. When they were about 20 meters away, they finally noticed him.
In Knockout’s rear view mirror, he saw them smile brightly. They didn’t run over exactly, but their posture straightened instantly. The human paused in their stride for a moment. “Hello again, pretty boy.” With nothing more than a flirty finger wave at the car, they continued down the street.
That was it? What a tease.
Against his better judgment, Knockout looked up the username the human had given him. He was very familiar with social media. He used it occasionally to find races and fellow car enthusiasts.
Their account was mostly art stuff. Some occasional rambling posts. Scattered memes.
He learned their name was Kylan and they were an art student at the local university. They liked drawing various cool things they found around town. There was a text post referencing a gorgeous red sports car that they forgot to take a photo of.
Attached to that post was a rough approximation of what he looked like. It wasn’t as good as the one they did live, but considering it was from memory- it wasn’t bad. The detailing on his doors was completely wrong.
He scoffed. The purple scribbles they had added made him look like an illegible death metal band logo. Much less elegant than his custom pattern.
“My decals do not look like that.” He commented indignantly.
“Knockout. Darling,” Breakdown’s voice came behind him followed by two large servos on his hips. “What’s got you so revved up? I could hear you from across the bay.”
He minimized the tab quickly. “Nothing!” He looked up at his Conjux. Even leaning down to accommodate his ample chest, Breakdown was still taller. “Just a personal project.”
“You know I support your car junkie addiction… you don’t have to hide it from me.”
“It’s not an addiction. I can stop whenever I choose to.” He huffed. Knockout placed a kiss on his chin. He traced his servos down to intertwine with his partner’s. “If you want to talk about addiction…” he moved both their hands up his torso. “I could go for another polishing soon.”
The larger mech moved closer to press against him. “Hm… That could be arranged. I just got-”
Knockout’s computer pinged. His screens popped back up with the social media interface to let him know he had a notification.
It was a direct message.
“ OMG! It’s you! I thought maybe the drawing got blown away with all the wind. I hope it made you smile! “
“‘Drawing?’” Breakdown read aloud.
Knockout sighed dramatically. “Can we go back to my seamless distraction?”
The Stunticon looked between the screen and his Conjux several times. “After you show it to me. Have you been sneaking off to be a secret art model?”
“Not yet. I am playing the long game.” He wriggled out of his partner's embrace to walk over to his storage crate. It was mostly full of polishes, buffers and other beauty supplies. He picked up a small glass case. Knockout revealed it to Breakdown with a flourish. “A human left that on my window. Evidently, they were so taken by my lustrous finish that they couldn’t help themself from stopping to admire me.”
Breakdown leaned down to look at the tiny image. He squinted.
“And, they know I’m… not a car.”
He raised a brow. “You showed them your root mode?”
“Of course not. They just… know? They thanked me for letting them draw me– not that I had much choice in the matter. They didn’t ask permission.” He huffed through his vents. “They just knew.”
“And… your solution… is to stalk them?”
“It’s not stalking!” Knockout huffed. “They gave me their username with the drawing. Clearly, they wanted this.”
Breakdown took a deep vent in and out.
“I can handle it.” He placed the image back in his crate. Spinning on his wheels, he turned back to him. He reached up to pull him down to eye level.
“Be careful. For their sake, and yours.” Breakdown brought Knockout’s hand up to his eye patch. The hard gray metal contrasted his orange protoflesh. It was a stark reminder for both of them of past mistakes.
“I will, BD.” He smiled at his partner. “Trust me. This isn’t some Hollywood blockbuster. Nothing drastic is going to happen.”
After they started messaging online, Knockout was easily able to trace their IP address to know where they lived but he had never actually driven by their house.
Today was the day he finally got curious enough to look. Kylan lived in an old town house. It was white with brown shutters and looked like a scrap heap.He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected to find but there was no obvious sign of the human. It’s not like he could go up to ring the doorbell to ask for them.
The Aston Martin parked across the street and settled down. He must’ve slipped into power down mode because when he woke up, it was dark out.
There was another slip of paper on his dashboard. He smiled to himself.
Glancing up, he saw the lights on in the second story of the human’s house. Zooming in, he could see Kylan sitting at their desk drawing. They had headphones on, wiggling back and forth to whatever they were listening to.
Knockout never really understood human’s relationship with music. Of course, they were good at it. There were plenty of songs he liked the sounds of. It seemed to affect their species more. He could ask their resident radio wiz about it, but he didn’t want to give Bumblebee that satisfaction.
With that, he pulled out of his spot. He headed to his favorite hiding spot and slid under the gas station canopy.
Knockout pulled the slip of paper out of his plating. This time, it was in a yellow-ish envelope. The artist was upping their game. How fancy, he purred to himself as he pulled out the piece of paper inside.
His optics narrowed at the tiny image.
“A parking ticket!?”
Over the next month, Knockout learned that they came home at approximately the same time every Thursday. This wasn’t always because he was there. Their posts had consistency at that time as well.
The Autobots kept him busy with various tasks around their new base. Ratchet always needed an extra hand, even if he didn’t want one. Arcee was still tense around the former-Decepticon but things were easing up. She had gone from openly hostile to occasional glaring. Agent Fowler was a similar story. Whenever the other two sports cars returned from Cybertron, they’d burn rubber until someone sprained something. Then, they’d get another lecture from Ratchet.
Overall, life after the war was pleasant, though strange. There wasn’t anyone threatening him every other minute of the day. He was allowed to just be.
Integrating Breakdown into the team was more of a to-do. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were not keen on the idea. But, with time and conversation, they came to a mutual understanding.
The ex-Decepticons got their own remote warehouse. Originally, they had been staying with all the Autobots, but that lasted about 2 weeks before someone put in a noise complaint. Their little home away from home gave them some much needed space from the other bots. It was dinghy but it was theirs.
Knockout leaned against a crate as he stared at the blankest wall of their space. It was gray metal, like the landscapes of Cybertron. It was distinctly not light the bright colors of the planet he currently resided on. Over time, he had become quite attached to the rainbow of hues that made up Earth’s environment.
“Breakdown,” He called to his conjux, “I think it’s about time we got some color in here.”
[ >> NEXT CHAPTER >> ]
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nobodysdaydreams · 25 days
Do you know the song that goes “what if we pretended that airplanes were actually shooting stars”? Because I’ve never actually heard it but there’s this meme of like this sort of poorly drawn humanoid animal crying while saying that and that image has been in my head for the past two weeks but every time I reference it my best friend says “they’re AIRPLANES” and I say “BUT WHAT IF THEY WERE SHOOTING STARS” and I’m just curious as to whether or not you’ve heard it
I see. Thank you for this question. It’s a good question. It’s a great question even. But my first thought was huh, that’s odd. You might not be familiar with it, but that song was all over the radio when it came out and people were playing it a ton, you’ve probably heard it at least once. Then I was like “hm. Well maybe it wasn’t popular outside of the US or all over the country, so it makes sense that a lot of my followers might not have heard it”. Then I looked up the song to show you and realized that song came out around 13-14 years ago, so the more likely explanation for why someone hasn’t heard the song is that they weren’t alive or old enough to remember when it was popular on the radio. That’s not your fault. But it did make me feel rather old for a minute there. Perhaps one day if someone comes into your inbox and says to you “hey apparently there’s this song, “Driver’s License”, it’s an Olivia Rodrigo song, idk that you’d have ever heard of it though it’s the one that’s like “but you said forever, now I drive alone past your street” I saw it in a really old TikTok” then you too will know the feeling. It did make me smile though because I do get the opportunity to share this with you. If you’ve ever wanted to imagine yourself at a middle school dance in the year 2010 (everyone’s dream, I know) then please, enjoy!
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qserasera · 7 months
i'm like, perpetually at least two weeks behind my tumblr feed but belatedly for the writer ask game: ❤️🎬🦋 (hope you're well and getting enough sleep!)
GIRL....HELP. it has almost been a month since u put this in my askbox....and No i have not been getting enough sleep but IM TRYING T W T questions from this ask meme here
okeys i was rlly happy i got to sit down and answer some of these hehehe
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? oh gosh...all these answers are going to be bg3 related on account of uh *waves hand* everything hahahaah ^ - ^
this would be a scene from stag hunt, one of those fics based on my own game playthroughs where my protag made an unwise choice with limited information and has some Regrets about it:
"He was defenseless!" This is the closest to shouting that Astarion has ever heard from her. Her eyes blaze, sparks against smokepowder. Like smokepowder, it flares, then dies down in a flash to cold ashes—gray and hollow. "And I—was my own greed that killed him."  Against his own will, Astarion's grip loosens slightly. "Layla—" She's not so unsteady as to crumble—but her posture slackens, the warmth of her forehead leaning into his shoulder, against his collarbone... Astarion presses his lips together.  What does she want to hear?  What does he even have to offer, in comfort?  She is the one with the soft touch, and he, the crooked one.  'You could have asked me,' Astarion does not say. 'You could have asked me to kill him. I would have. Just this once. To stain my own palms in red, to wield my blade at your word. I would have done it willingly, at your command. But you—' But she wouldn't, he knows. It must have been a side effect of all those songs she surrounds herself with—a streak of paladin tendencies in her, despite her bardic background.
for the context my favorite line written Has to be the one about astarion offering to be her blade, to take on the the dirty work so to speak...something something mirror image of a lionheart knight, but in reverse :'')) he doesn't have to, but that combo of unstated protectiveness/hinted at beginnings of devotion even when he's Not the type to necessarily think about others is very. Chewy to my brain.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
ok OK. so. i already mentioned like every single genshin fic i've written for this question (pspsps emperor!zhongli and consort!childe) so. i have to choose something else her LKDJFLSD
when i finish my bg3 transmigration tav fic meeting magistrate astarion, it's going to be Very fun and good but until i have. i don't think i can do that XD
i always forget if u did read/follow up on natsume yuujinchou but if i had to film a very short movie/film for one of my fics, i think it might have to be in your periphery
it was one of those slightly Unhinged fic images that grabbed my brain and wouldn't let me go??? and i finished writing it in like. an hour.
i can see it being filmed like a 20-minute mini-episode, with lots of implied pining music in the background even as the main character Insists to themselves that he's moved past such silly feelings like childish sentiment :))
and for the aesthetics of it, i kno it's a cdrama and not a jdrama, but i would love it to have the slightly tragic, color-rich aesthetic of an ancient love song ahhhh
o w o i need to fancast them too....oh boy. um. i have no idea actually...their faces are already perfect to me in the manga ahhh
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[img description: "matoba and natori stare at each other with surprised expressions"] someone else who knows more about the jdrama actors scene can cast them for me. 🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
oh gosh. i don't know?? (right now it would have to be astarion :)) but i do like character types who are. hm. not liars specifically, but they say one thing and do another thing (masks/identities/roles), even if they're feelings are telling them something different! schemers...planners. i also do enjoy writing uh. casually kind characters, if that makes sense.
what i cannot feel like i can write well yet are straight up extroverted characters.......it is. too advanced for me right now :''))) (that might explain why i enjoy reading fic about sportsball anime once upon a time, but very rarely Feel the urge to write something for them hahahaha)
another character type i can struggle with a little more are the ones that are ruthless/willing to be cruel since it's hard figuring out where the line between believably ruthless with some crunch for texture and cartoonish evil laughter would be lmao
i do sometimes like writing characters with less?? dialogue?? and just more thoughts, but that can be a problem for characters who enjoy talking overall (like astarion ; w ; )
thank u for asking these of me friend, thanks for patiently waiting for the response LKSDJFLKSDJFLSD
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miquellah · 9 months
hey miq, i’ve been having a rough week but plan to wind down with some bg3 time. haven’t gotten too far yet but every time i’ve met one of the companions its been like meeting a celebrity so that’s been funny. what’re some fun moments you’ve had in game, bg3 or otherwise?
hi hi, hope things start looking up for you soon! i had to wait for the PS5 release so that's also how it was for me haha. every time i found a guy it was just the wojak point meme again
as for fun moments UHH. hm without any spoilers. well, there's the way my tav accidentally started dating 3 people at once, one being on purpose, the other he didnt think would turn into anything if he gave pity sex, and the third just plain a bug. all solved now but that was REALLY awkward for my tav, hilarious for me
also the first astarion sex scene for me was so funny cuz he like. steps out from behind a tree in the woods shirtless. and my brain just goes "lol twilight moment" and i can never take it seriously
last thing is a note to invest in the shart lawnmower strat. when shadowheart gets to like level? 5? she gains spirit guardians, which does aoe damage in a circle around her each turn. not only has it saved my life in some fights but its also fun as hell. i LOVE that one room where you just mow down 20 rats
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ardenssolis · 11 months
drabble meme; no longer accepting || @pairidaezah
Fight Me: I will write a drabble out my character fighting with/or against yours. (kaveh & ozy sparring, perhaps? 👀)
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     ❝HEH, I NEVER THOUGHT that you would want to spar with me, Kaveh. How surprising.❞ He knew that Kaveh could fight – it was a given for someone who occasionally traveled to have some combat experience under their belt, though until he had seen the other deal with those bandits from weeks prior, he would have never pondered that they could fight as well as they did. Needless to say, he had enjoyed the sight of the Architect pointing their blade right beneath the chin of the leader of that group – the sharpness of those intriguing eyes no different from the weapon they utilized. ❝However…regardless, I am not some unskilled bandit swinging around a spear or blade like a toddler would a stick.❞ He may have been a merchant, but he wasn’t the kind who needed the protection of another. Even with foggy memories, there were things that he could still recall as if it was etched into his very being, and one of them was this.
     ❝I will try not to disappoint, then,❞ Kaveh had said back to him, smile tugging upon the edges of his lips, and yet Ozymandias could see something in it that gave him temporary pause. Ah, yes…he liked that look. That confidence – that same expression they wore when they believed they held some upper hand, or at least, confident enough to be the very opposite of disappointing. Had Ozymandias seen even the smallest amount of uncertainty within the other’s gaze, he would have deemed this whole little venture of theirs a waste of time. After all, there was nothing worse than having high expectations for another, only to see it all crumble to dust in an instant. Kaveh, thankfully, had a good track record for earning praise from him, so he did hope that continued onwards into the future.
     ❝Good. I want to see how you fight without the little ‘device’ of yours.❞ What kind of spar would this be if Kaveh had assistance, hm? Besides, he wanted to see what the other could do on their own, primarily to see how much was Mehrak and how much was Kaveh’s own skill at work as well. smirked then, moving into a fighting stance and holding his blunt sword at the ready. ❝Let us put those muscles to work, shall we?❞ If Kaveh had been ready to say something in return, Ozymandias didn’t give him a chance to do so. Quickly he made to close the gap between them, his attacks quick and explosive like the element that hung as a pendant around his neck. He sought to overwhelm, to throw off balance in both reaction and strategy. His actions were to push and force instinct more than anything else.
     He wanted Kaveh to allow the movements he utilized with Mehrak to come front and center without it helping guide his hand and make things easier. How pleased he was when they managed to keep footing, teeth grit with concentration, but oh how that fire blossomed within those near crimson hues. When they soon pushed back and retaliated with their own swings, he moved back to create distance, albeit just for a moment, just enough to take in Kaveh’s appearance once more before it all began again with increased intensity. They were going to be winded by the time this was all over. That was a promise that Ozymandias sought to keep.
     ❝Not bad. Show me more.❞
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Scrolling through the posts u made while I was at work and the Mihawk Mic Moment™️ has me HOWLING bro he would be so goddamn confused All Of The Time
He’s get one of his stage queues and just. doesn’t move. like “Hm. I think my in ear is malfunctioning. there’s an odd little voice telling me to walk to stage left.” and the entire audience thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world
He has a Twitter (pidgitter??? have I made that joke already-) presence (thank you Perona) and all the posts are clips of either cool moments from his battles or the times when he struggles to utilise the technology he’s being forced to use LMAO
Perona tried to teach him Twitter once and his first (and only) personal tweet was “I do not like the shade of blue that this website embodies.” and then he deleted the app. It’s his most liked tweet and it gets hundreds of rts a week even years after posting.
Mihawk just does not get it, he’d much rather watch some gothic vampire movie starring too many zubats with his Aegislash and a glass of wine
He’s constantly muttering to himself about weird shit, there’s been edits, remix meme songs of him thinking aloud to himself about what he needs to buy from the grocery store (the gym leader mihawk rap shdhd)
Next day fans have sent him baskets of onions he apparently needed and now he has far too many onions and he has no idea what to do with them all
He absolutely dispises social media but as a gym leader he has to, he’s the only gym leader that doesn’t have an actual trainer crew, just backstage for tech stuff for official gym battles cuz his gym challenge is all about ghost pkmn he’s trained to battle by themselves
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*a smug fox* I’d like I L O V E U for the ask meme please 😌 *very proud of myself*
You are a sap, and I fucking love you, my smug little fox 🦊❤️ You can be very proud of yourself, I did not expect it and you made me smile so much 🤭
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I don't have "guilty" pleasures. I'm not feeling guilty about any of my reading and writing materials 😌 if somebody has a problem with what I consume, it's their problem, not mine.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Uh, maybe once before I post them on Tumblr, but usually I just post them as soon as I write it. That's why they are full of typos and misspellings lol. But I try to correct them when I post them on AO3 - that's why it takes such a long time to post there. I just don't have motivation to reread and edit my writings and find the correct tags AND write a summary and a title 😩
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters?
I do both. I mean, sometimes I have the perfect plot, and then I have to find the perfect couple for that plot (eg. some of the DILFS week's fics). Other times, I have the couple I want to write about, and then I have to figure out the plot itself (eg. Pocket Mortys).
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Hm. Honestly, I don't really want to do that. Sure, sometimes I fantasize about what could happen, especially when it is an abandoned work (eg. A Change in the Weather - Kurtbastian fic), but I wouldn't want to write a sequel for other's works.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
Wanting him, loving him. My Hera/Percy story, I will definitely write a sequel for it. Some time. Maybe. Lol xD But it will be about Hera pegging Percy 😌 that's the plot xD
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
ONLY THREE?! That's cruel!!! Okay, but we would be here for years, if I listed everybody, so okay, I can accept the limitations.
The first one is a smug, mischievous little foxy, a menace, really, but a menace who writes amazingly. Zir stories are always so emotional, so imaginative, and zir words?! They convey so much! They grab my attention and never let it go. I could quote many of their writings, some words and sentences just stay with me forever, I keep them in my mind, tattooed in my heart. Zir writing is so beautiful, ze always use the right words at the right moments, so vivid and expressive, so gorgeous! (just like my beloved is 🤭) *sighs dreamily* 💕💕💕
Okay, then we have the amazing demon goddess Fee, whose fics never fail to bring me joy. Her stories are so sweet and fluffy and even if they are angsty, there's a guaranteed happy end and I just love that so much! She is reliable and constant in her amazing stories, and the plots are so gooooood! She made me want to be better at writing, and she is so supportive and sweet too! 💗
The third one is krsive, and oh, boy... Their stories... Each and every one hit the right spots. The plot is always so exciting, the length is so satisfying, the stories are so engaging and perfectly paced. Even the things I'm not usually fond of, they can write them so beautifully that I just can't bring myself to skip. The characterisation is on-point, the drama and angst is so delicious and heartbreaking, and the ending is so sweet and heartwarming. 😩💙
Ask me about my fics!
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
Personal Favourite - Part 1: Kiss It Better
Author's note: I got this ask from @missameliep​​ over six months ago, but an idea only came to me yesterday. Is it a coincidence since today is her birthday? Who knows... Happy birthday, my dearest! I hope you're having the best time today and I wish you a lifetime of joy, great gifts and wonderful stories to tell 🥳🎂❤ [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU) Pairing: Prince Hamid x MC (Daphne) Rating: T Word count: 1141 Reading time: ~4 min Summary: The everyday routine might cause small disagreements. But even then Hamid knows why he always eager to come back home. Based on the prompt: OTP ask meme #6: What is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
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Hamid placed his toothbrush into the holder and reached for the lip balm he was slowly getting attached to. At first, he often forgot to wear it and only had it on his lips if his partner applied it for him. But after that tiny product helped kept his lips hydrated during the driest season in Morocco, the balm became part of his everyday routine.
As he glanced in the mirror, he idly searched for the tiny cream jar only to be intercepted by Maya, who lightly bit one of his fingers.
"Kızım¹? Are you here because you want me to leave the water running or did you miss me?”
He smiled at the cat, who purred once he scratched under her chin.
“I know I haven't given you enough attention since I came back, prensesim². I promise we'll go for a walk and play tomorrow, okay?"
After a few more scratches, he put Maya on the floor and looked back at the counter.
"Now, where is it?"
He inspected the messy bathroom counter and shook his head. He wasn't the most organized person, but sharing a bathroom with Daphne could be a challenge sometimes. Whenever they went out, her process of getting ready included leaving a complete mess on the counter in a way it reminded him of the spare room they turned into a studio for her. For someone so worried about tidying up their home, chaos seemed to follow her once in a while.
Yet, he didn’t have the heart to argue about it. They hadn't been together for almost three weeks and because of jetlag, he barely remembered if they kissed since he spent most of the time sleeping after he arrived. It'd be a shame to deprive himself any longer of the lips he crossed oceans so many times to kiss again.
Trying to focus on his search, Hamid looked for the balm once again until he accidentally knocked down a few misplaced objects that unfortunately landed on one of his toes.
"Ow! Dalyarak!" He yelled and crouched down to check on his toe. Apparently, her spray pomade found the perfect angle to hit a toenail, which began to throb in pain.
Still not a reason to argue. But maybe kindly remind her of reorganizing the counter? Hm... She always gets annoyed with her own mess and rearranges everything anyway...
"Hamidciğim?" Daphne called from the bedroom.
"Is everything alright in there?"
"It's fine!"
"Then who were you calling a dick swinger?"
He shook his head, but couldn't suppress a chuckle. It was hard to be mad when he could almost see her cheeky smile whenever she used the literal translation of such an offensive word. Either way, this wasn't a talk he wanted to have through the wall. So he ignored the chaos and returned to the bedroom.
As he approached her, he stopped in his tracks. Sitting by the vanity dresser,  Daphne wore nothing but one of her sheer nightgowns. The ones she saved for whenever her plans for the night didn't include sleeping.
His eyes began to follow Daphne's ring finger brushing on her lips whilst she applied a balm. Over the years, Hamid often found himself ogling at her lips. But there was something about how they grew a bit fuller when she massaged them with her fingertips to moisturize them. Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. It was just a balm after all. Yet, he knew it had more to do with the effect those luscious peach-coloured lips had on him.
"Bir tanem?"
"What happened in the bathroom?"
"Nothing... I knocked over some cosmetics and a hair spray fell on my foot."
“Which foot?”
“The left one.”
"Hm… That explains why Maya ran out of there as if she witnessed a paranormal activity. How is your foot?"
"It hurts, but I'll survive."
"Let me see it."
"Aşkım, you don’t have to—"
"Sit down and let me see it." She pointed to the bed imperatively.
His eyebrows went up in surprise. Judging by the tone in her voice, it was better to simply do as he was told. He then sat down and placed his foot on her lap.
In silence, Daphne looked down at his foot. Her fingers lingered over the small scar on his left ankle after the accident at the beginning of their relationship. Then she inspected his injured toenail.
“Your toe is getting swollen, but since you had no trouble walking, it probably isn’t broken.”
“I told you everything is fine.”
"I still had to see it for myself.” She answered with a shrug. “Anyway, I think a cold compress and a kiss will be enough, but I can see if we still have a pain relieving cream."
"I beg your pardon?"
“You know… Those creams people apply to avoid bruises.”
“I was talking about the kiss part.”
"Oh, that…” She looked at his foot again, avoiding his gaze. “My mum always told me it works. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try."
“It certainly won’t.”
Daphne gazed back at him and they shared knowing looks and smiles.
"Very well. I'll take the kiss now."
“Okay.” With that, Daphne placed a kiss on his reddened toe. “There. Better?”
"You cannot be serious..."
"But that's how it works."
"No, it isn't!"
"Yes, it is!"
"It didn't work for me." He folded his arms, feigning annoyance.
"Alright, I'll get the ice pack then."
As she stood up, he held her back by the waist and pulled her into his lap.
"Will you stop with this nonsense and give me a real kiss?"
Her hand moved towards the nape of his neck their lips touched at last. Wasting no time, she parted her lips to deepen the kiss, guiding his tongue into their very own slow dance.
Once they pulled away just enough to catch their breath, he chuckled softly.
"Are you wearing the lip balm you gave me?"
As he stared at her deadpan, she smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry… I don't know where I left mine."
"It's probably in the middle of the mess you left on the counter."
"Yeah..." She bit down her lip and looked away. "Sorry about your toe. And the mess. I’ll put everything back in the morning.”
“It’s okay, my dove,” he answered, lifting her hand to his lips.
“Should I get the ice pack?"
"Not now. You still have to make up for what you did."
"Are you sure? I thought you'd still be a little jetlagged."
"Which means you'll have to work a little harder this time, aşkım," he whispered.
Though she tried to look innocent, the lust in her eyes told him a different tale. "As you wish, my love."
Hamid then closed his eyes and revelled in the feeling of her lips and hands roaming down his body.
¹ kızım: my girl/ my daughter
² prensesim: my princess
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intrepidacious · 2 years
2 & 3??
(#3 for any one u want :))
technically i already did 2 but i'll bite <3
2. What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
i rewrote the diner scene in first date, last night so many times and i love how it turned out in the end, particularly this bit
“Do you bake?” you ask with a doubtful expression. “What?” Bucky chuckles. “No. Why, do you want me to?” “Then what are you doing with all that sugar you keep borrowing? Do you eat it raw with a spoon?” “Ah, you noticed that.” In the harsh light, the pink on his cheeks is all the more visible this time. You snort over your fork. “Of course I noticed that, how was I not gonna?” “Well, forgive me, but you have a tendency to wilfully misinterpret my intentions. Or outright ignore them.” “I do not.” “Oh yeah?” He leans back in his seat and takes you in for a second. “You look stunning in that dress, sugar.” You look down at yourself, his jacket still thrown over your shoulders. “You can’t even see it.” “All right. So when was the last time you changed the water on your flowers?” You narrow your eyes at the change in topic. “Yesterday.” He stares at you blankly until your eyes widen. “So that wasn’t—” “Nope.” He takes another bite of cheesecake. “Right,” you say, slowly putting your fork down. You’re starting to feel a bit queasy, though not in an entirely unpleasant way. “Bucky?” “Hm?” “Are you makin’ a pass at me?” His cheeks darken a little more. “Been tryin’ to do that for weeks now, but thanks for noticing.”
3. What inspired [insert fic]?
i feel like most of them are kind of obvious by definition or i already told my main inspiration in the author's notes!! rewritten may be an exception to that, i took my main inspiration from once upon a time for that one hahah!! (i really liked that au)
fanfic day meme
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mindsmade · 2 months
[ swipe ] sender notices a smudge of something on receiver's face and gently wipes it off - for aerendyl ☺️
He expected heat to permeate his skin. In a sense, it did — it does, still, in the tone of a faint blush, rather than directly from her fingertips. Touch itself hardly flusters him, at least not when it's anticipated, bestowed by someone he's come to expect it from. So far, he didn't take her to belong to that category of people.
How glad he is now to be proven wrong.
Happier still he will be if the extension of the gesture were to be welcomed in kind, but he's cautious in his approach, the motion of his hand towards hers deliberate.
❛  My thanks,  ❜ the druid speaks, his fingers chasing hers to catch them just past midway between them — perhaps a mere second shy of their return to Serana's side. With that same attentiveness yet upon that gentle capture, he turns her hand to reveal her palm, the pads of her fingertips, and as such the grime she took from his face.
He runs the pad of his forefinger across, as if intent to free her of the muck she lifted from his skin, prim as she's revealed herself to be. The dirt, though, he never once minded ( how could he, as one so attuned to its base element? ) — the blood all the more so. Mere weeks ago, blood-letting of this calibre had never been a necessary part of his responsibilities. His life was a peaceful one, arguably stagnant, even.
He doesn't look at the bodies littered about them to break himself out of his reverie, instead sparing their almost, but not quite joined hands a longer look.
A smile equal parts sardonic ( towards himself ) and warm ( towards her ) splits his features once he looks up again, a second or two later. ❛  Hm. I expect I look a lot more dishevelled than you do.  ❜ He's loath to think of what manner of fabric, skin and other gore he might have between his teeth, in his hair and stuck to his skin, still. Wildshaping rarely was a pretty affair to him.
❛  Though, I have been told it's a good look on me.  ❜
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elenothar · 1 year
For the WiP titles meme, I'd love to know more about:
Tomb Sirens
Wu Xie & Xiao Hua
Academic Colleagues fic
wu xie birthday week
Forest Weilan
I'm cheating a bit because I know about several of those already. XD
And if you don't want to do all of these, you can pick however many you want. ;D
Only half the list, huh ;D
I'll do brief bits on all of them, let's see...
Tomb Sirens
Not much written for this, though I'm still invested in the idea. Another installment of my ace!Wu Xie agenda, this time featuring tomb critters that seduce with their voice, and only Wu Xie being unaffected and for once getting to save Xiaoge and Pangzi both.
Wu Xie & Xiao Hua
Post heihua movie, Wu Xie and Xiao Hua getting into (and themselves out of, because they can both be terrifying) some trouble
It’s not every day that Wu Xie gets a message from Hei Xiazi that’s not a terrible joke or an even more terrible meme.               Keep an eye on Hua-er for me, will you? The contents of the message, on the other hand, aren’t very surprising. They might both deny it until they’re blue in the face, but Hei Xiazi and Xiao Hua have soft spots for each other a mile wide, and Wu Xie should know. He’s caught them sneaking off for a quick fuck often enough, and besides only people deeply invested in each other can attain that level of personalised bitchiness interspersed with over-the-top protective gestures. Again, Wu Xie should know.
Academic Colleagues fic
That one was a bit of a vague idea, but I wanted (surprise, surprise), to write some more about Shen Wei and Dragon City University, post canon.
These days, Shen Wei keeps his office door open out of sheer stubbornness, overlooking the frequent invasions of people who have no business at the university in order to keep being as approachable as possible to the spooked student body. Which is how he hears Zhang Ruonan, recently returned from her sabbatical looking rather healthier than when he’s last seen her, say loud and clear: “Oh, you’re looking for Professor Shen’s office? You’re in the wrong building, I’m afraid.” She then proceeds to give very detailed directions to a storage closet in the maths faculty building halfway across campus, and a female voice thanks her for her trouble. When Zhang Ruonan appears in his office a minute later, looking rather self-satisfied, Shen Wei raises a brow. “Oh, don’t look at me like that,” Zhang Ruonan says. “You don’t need any more reporters haranguing you.”
wu xie birthday week
ignoring the fact that this was meant for wu xie's birthday last year just general tomb shenanigans, vaguely inspired by daemons
“Xiaoge,” Pangzi said, speaking out of the corner of his mouth as if to avoid spooking someone – ok, so maybe Wu Xie was a little spooked at this point, but still, rude – “are you seeing what I’m seeing?” “Hm.” That was definitely Xiaoge’s assenting, which begged the question – what exactly was it that they were seeing? Slowly, he turned his head to the right, expecting a monster maybe, or a heap of treasure, or the entrance to a side chamber they’d overlooked earlier. He very much did not expect to find himself face to face with a hovering, translucent in a kind of glittery way… snake? Furry snake with gem-like eyes in disturbingly familiar shading of brown? He might have to give the other two a pass for staring because Wu Xie was also staring.
Forest Weilan
Just me marrying my thing for trees with my thing for Guardian, featuring Shen Wei getting stuck in a tree (not that I got there yet in the writing).
In retrospect, they probably shouldn’t have split up. Nothing good ever comes from splitting up, particularly when it comes to Shen Wei’s propensity to seek out trouble. Shen Wei, incidentally, says the same about Zhao Yunlan, but really, only one of them keeps ending up tied to pillars in various places as soon as he goes off alone. It had seemed the logical thing to do at the time. They’d been asked to help find a missing snake tribe kid (well, Shen Wei had been asked, because he can cover a lot of ground with his portals and Zhao Yunlan had invited himself along). Zhu Hong had been pretty certain there was no foul play involved, just a curious youngster who’d strayed too far into the woods, probably frightened out of his wits by now. Normally the Yashou would handle the matter themselves, but lately they’ve been making an effort at increased cooperation.
WIP titles here
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rosegrlwrites · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 84 times in 2022
That's 84 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (73%)
23 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 72 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#rosegrlwrites - 67 posts
#critical role - 60 posts
#bells hells - 37 posts
#cr campaign three - 34 posts
#cr campaign 3 - 32 posts
#imogen temult - 18 posts
#orym of the air ashari - 17 posts
#cr imogen - 17 posts
#cr orym - 17 posts
#critical role imogen - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#because she was am idiot and posted this at 8am
My Top Posts in 2022:
She was brought to dinner by a woman named Delilah.
"I mean, I remember quite a lot, for better or worse. My parents thought that getting an invitation to the palace, to the castle, to meet the Lord and Lady Briarwood was a great boon. We were promised a wonderful feast and an amazing party. We were told we were going to be serving a greater purpose for Whitestone."
Orym froze.
"You know what's interesting about you?"
"Hmm. Well, I would hope a great deal of many things."
"There's the obvious, but you are the happiest person in this bunch."
"Of course. The worst thing that's ever happened to me has already happened."
"What the fuck is up with that?"
"I remember being tossed clothes to wear—it was actually quite fantastic. And then...the rest is a little fuzzy. They dragged me away, separated me from my parents. Next thing I remember is waking up, being hung from a tree. It was the Sun Tree, actually. Quite a spectacle. Oh! And there's these—"
Laudna pulled the small ear cuffs she wore off, showing the jagged tips of her ears.
"They cut my ears to make them pointy, to further match whatever warning signal I was."
We have to help them. We're did this to her. We're the reason she was on that tree in the first place.
And Vox Machina, mighty Vox Machina, keeps to the square's outskirts. Percy and Vax notice it first.
Eight bodies, hanging from the Sun Tree. One for each of them.
Each of the bodies dressed and set as a message.
A message received, and left for another party, years later, to find.
39 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
@ghostofwhitestone was doing HCs around Orym/Will a while ago, and I had described a little thing in my ask and it just has not gotten out of my head, so here's a tiny drabble with my original thoughts and theirs included.
The house after the funeral is quiet. Weirdly quiet. Orym doesn't think the house has ever been this quiet.
Everyone is just sort of...staring. Nel's been crying since the funeral, and she's still sniffling, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief every so often. When they got back, Maeve made tea, but it's still sitting on the table where she placed it.
"Do you remember the time Will fell out of a tree watching you train?" The entire group looked at Berenie. "He had climbed up into the branches and just stared for...I don't even know how long. He leaned forward too far and the branch snapped and you could hear it through all of Zephrah. He wouldn't talk about it for a week—just get all red when anybody mentioned it."
"There was the time he almost burnt down the house making dinner." Lita added.
"The chicken." Orym laughed quietly.
"He ruined half the flower garden training once." Nel sniffled. "Then he ruined it again picking ones for you."
"There was the time you two went stargazing and he didn't think to tell us." Maeve laughed. "We all thought you two had run off in the middle of the night until we found you both dead asleep in the grove."
"First time you sparred, he almost knocked you unconscious with the wooden sword. Didn't want to spar for a week after that." Derrig added, with nods from Nel.
And the stories keep going. Their first date, ruined by the rain. The first time Will took Orym home and all the sisters doted on him, asking him all sorts of things. Will proposing before Orym had a chance to. They're all teary again as Orym jumps in.
"One of the dates—I think the one before the stargazing—we just sat and talked for the longest time and we started talking about what we would do if we got married and what would happen in the future and where we would—" A broken sob is wracked from the halfling, torn from somewhere deep inside of him as he talks. "—where we would go after we got married and what he'd wear and what everything would look like—and where we would go if we ever decided to leave the Blades—he went on about seeing everything and anything—"
"—Oh, Orym." Nel quietly moved beside him as he broke down into tears.
"And now we never will." He sobbed.
"I know, darling."
And the fact is that Orym knows too. It's come crashing far too hard and far too fast and he's falling into the fact that Will is gone much more than he ever truly wants to.
And yet, he'll be caught. Although Will may be gone, his family is not.
46 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Following threads. Dark fey influences. Members of the Cerberus Assembly. Power players in Marquet. One month out from trouble. Stay the course?
The words come through as Keyleth sits in the garden after a meeting. They're not from anyone she's ever heard before, but she knows who they're from. This is not good. Not what she expected, either.
"I thank you for the message, whoever you are. This is disconcerting news. Stay the course carefully. I'll pull threads on my end. Stay safe."
Keyleth takes a breath, steeling herself in the comfort of the garden. She is going to need help.
48 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Whenever Ashton gets a migraine from his powers or his head, each Hell has their own little way of helping.
If they're inside for the day, Imogen sets up the Dancing Lights around the room to keep it just lit enough for everyone else without making the headache worse.
Fearne uses her Ice Knife as an ice pack for when he needs it, and keeps a small mix of flowers to smell when it gets bad.
Orym keeps Gust handy if a smell gets particularly bad, but can Druidcraft little flowers to smell if Ash needs it.
Laudna is particularly handy with her Ray of Frost if a lot of things hurt, but tends to just keep anyone trying to interact with Ash away by simply being a little scary to them.
FCG tends to be avoided by Ash at all costs unless it gets incredibly bad. Then the aeormaton finds them.
Chetney is like a non-magical Laudna. Scary when someone gets close, but checks in every so often to make sure they're still doing okay.
71 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If someone tried, the blend of anticipation, tension and pure worry could be cut with a knife across the small room in Pike's home.
They are so close to getting Laudna back. Well, hopefully. The threat of Delilah reappearing still looms over their head, a darker presence among them.
"Everlight, please bring these friends together."
Orym blooms the brightest poppies to frame Laudna's face, the bright red against the inky expanse of her hair and pale frame.
And FCG tries, their attempt at compelling her back into reality fading to the edges of whatever magical energy is working its charm.
And Imogen tries, tears running down her face, terrified of losing her again.
And there's a collective release of breath as the Hells find Laudna amongst them again.
And she's in Whitestone, but it feels more like home than before. Like some sort of dream, rather than a nightmare.
74 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovedlovingly · 2 years
Libra guy has said he loves me three times already btw, twice on voice when i was super sleepy and complaining over how sleepy i was so it took me off guard - and then just now in a meme format and I'm just hm. i do have so much love for him I'm okay with saying that i love him (because i love all my friends and he's def put in the time already to become a close one) but i dont think i want to yet? 😌 and its so okay and valid 💗 maybe once he's back from vacation and I've missed him like crazy, but for now I'm just gonna let him say it and i say it back when it feels good
also gonna take these next 3 weeks he's away to finally delete all the things from my [ex], still feels weird to use that word because we never truly dated but eh, i don't need any of it anymore but it's hard to let go anyhow. so i think three weeks will be enough and fine to do that:3
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leafwispwpots · 2 years
Time Was Turned Long Ago (2 Ocs x Dream SMP)
~Firefly's POV~
I checked the time, it went tick tock as always. Nothing new, all I wanted was to see my brother Sapnap. I waited patiently today because he's been be gone for weeks because of what he does. 
"Hey, Firefly! Sapnap should be home any minute." I heard my dad Skeppy say and I get up and fall rapidly *ahh yes me irl*  and get up grasping the nightstand with Sapnap's bandana to help me up. Finally, I would see my brother once more. I heard a knock on the front door as my heart stopped beating and came back again *BESTIE HOW U NOT DEAD* BBH opens the door and says, 
"Sapnap, your home!." My dad says in a joyful mood H U G G I N G my brother
"SAPNAP!." I yell running and crashing into my dad, BadBoyHalo. *POV: SKEPPY DOING THAT WHEEZING MEME* BadBoyHalo fell down and so did I. Then we all laugh. I go up and hug Sapnap.
"Hey, Firefly." He said as I let him go
"Hi Sapnap, hru?." He smiled
"Good and you." I hesitated to say that because I almost said not able to go outside with out Dad or Father so I just stare at a clock or read all day.
"Good." I responded
"Skeppy, go get some fruit from the village." BBH said "Bring her with you please.
"Actually can I go outside with Sapnap?" I looked at my father. He looked at Sapnap.
"If Sapn-"
"Yeah, i'm okay with it!." Sapnap interrupted. We went outside leaving BBH alone. We walked into the forest and near a stream as I heard a noise it was nothing but a bird probably. I ran ahead of Sapnap. I heard the noise again, One squirmy bird hm? I heard a few more noises just louder and closer. I fell down in fear and shock. I went to far ahead of Sapnap. Then I heard the noise in front of me. A head came out of the bush that was wet. Trembling I managed to say,
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enibly · 2 years
some songs of summer 2022
looks like i’ll survive yet another summer, and i get some new songs as souvenirs at least
New (to me) Stuff
fromis_9 :: Stay This Way :: ok, fromis has me in their pocket- this song is clearly just average and doesn’t stand out, but it’s the fromis formula and so it got me. beyond just the airy, feminine vibe, I think I like their voices? which is not the usual way I approach music
Apink CHOBOM :: Copycat :: I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this track. Usually I don’t like tempo changes like this, nor do I especially like mellow tracks. But this one I like (kinda has Kiss Me More vibes? is that why?) It’s also the “sexy weird” vibe that I most relate to as late 20s/early 30s person
aespa :: Girls :: my friends thought this one was mediocre but I really liked it from the start- there are riffs and hooks in it that hit me ok?
1team :: Vibe :: saw it on kpop tv and clicked with the song. sorry to hear about the group’s disbandment :(
CZARFACE, Lion Eye :: Big em Up :: I’m back home so that means radio in the car (shoutout to 90.5 KSJS, still my fav). This is from there
Peaches :: Fuck the Pain Away :: tumblr memes make a real difference it seems. thanks guys
L'Impératrice :: Agitations tropicales :: I like it, but listening to this one makes me feel my age, in the “oh god i’ve mellowed into lame territory” sense you get when you find yourself listening to overly predictable soft house and not minding it. it’s the just-as-lame modern equivalent of being an adult alternative music fan, and i’m sorry to see this tendency showing up in me
Good Charlotte :: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous :: I was watching Rock Block on MTV Classic and look, you can go a while without eating a potato chip, but then you have one and suddenly you’re craving them the next couple of afternoons. pop punk is like that and if you were infected with the bug young, you can’t ever escape it
Not Quite Gone (from earlier in summer)
Winner :: I Love U :: I’m gonna forget this song in like 2 weeks, but it’s here now, and as usual, no one makes Winner songs except Winner, so I’ll accept it
Loona :: Flip That :: it ended up growing on me, but I still haven’t integrated it into my life. might end up being a fall song for me? we shall see
KARD :: Ring The Alarm :: nothing much to say except, I actually seek this song out once in a while, which is more than I can say for the last several Kard songs. and I feel weird about praising her, cause of her whole bullying scandal, but Somin’s gotten even better at her job somehow? looks like she spent that “time reflecting” in the practice room... hm
Returning Guys
Beck :: Loser :: i’ve only been working and sleeping and doing nothing with my time- it’s obvious why this one made a comeback in my rotation and in my head
Winner :: Hold :: thank god for this one- it’s one of my most positive coping mechanisms
Jeon Soyeon :: Beam Beam :: damn, I did not expect to get as attached to this song or Jeon Soyeon as I did... it was very slow growing but she finally got me
Cupido :: Todas Menos Tú :: this is a song I tried listening to in spring, but it captures the mood of summer better. it’s like, life is boring and I’m lying too still but I guess it’s fine or whatever when the guitars come in
Weezer :: Beverly Hills :: my 14 year old student told me that weezer is a meme with the kids around her these days, which i find so funny. (she also said there are teens she knows who listen to Slipknot, and now I just wanna know what 90s bands are being discovered by the zoomers, and which ones are still under the radar. Apparently Smashing Pumpkins are not having a comeback btw). Anyways, Beverly Hills is... well it’s not the song most representative of Weezer but it’s the one I can actually chill to without feeling Rivers Cuomo’s secondhand anxiety (ok fine I’m also a sucker for daytime chilling parties, even one at the playboy mansion 😔)
Still in Rotation
Hoody ft. Gray :: Adios :: as always, this song is keeping me alive, just like everyone else in the industrialized world (even if they don’t know it)
Jade :: Don’t Walk Away :: I’ve been trying to listen to this less because I love it too much (does that make sense?) but I just can’t stay away. what a gem 💎
Special Shoutout: Turnstile Love Connection
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