#ask about my fic
*a smug fox* I’d like I L O V E U for the ask meme please 😌 *very proud of myself*
You are a sap, and I fucking love you, my smug little fox 🦊❤️ You can be very proud of yourself, I did not expect it and you made me smile so much 🤭
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I don't have "guilty" pleasures. I'm not feeling guilty about any of my reading and writing materials 😌 if somebody has a problem with what I consume, it's their problem, not mine.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Uh, maybe once before I post them on Tumblr, but usually I just post them as soon as I write it. That's why they are full of typos and misspellings lol. But I try to correct them when I post them on AO3 - that's why it takes such a long time to post there. I just don't have motivation to reread and edit my writings and find the correct tags AND write a summary and a title 😩
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters?
I do both. I mean, sometimes I have the perfect plot, and then I have to find the perfect couple for that plot (eg. some of the DILFS week's fics). Other times, I have the couple I want to write about, and then I have to figure out the plot itself (eg. Pocket Mortys).
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Hm. Honestly, I don't really want to do that. Sure, sometimes I fantasize about what could happen, especially when it is an abandoned work (eg. A Change in the Weather - Kurtbastian fic), but I wouldn't want to write a sequel for other's works.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
Wanting him, loving him. My Hera/Percy story, I will definitely write a sequel for it. Some time. Maybe. Lol xD But it will be about Hera pegging Percy 😌 that's the plot xD
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
ONLY THREE?! That's cruel!!! Okay, but we would be here for years, if I listed everybody, so okay, I can accept the limitations.
The first one is a smug, mischievous little foxy, a menace, really, but a menace who writes amazingly. Zir stories are always so emotional, so imaginative, and zir words?! They convey so much! They grab my attention and never let it go. I could quote many of their writings, some words and sentences just stay with me forever, I keep them in my mind, tattooed in my heart. Zir writing is so beautiful, ze always use the right words at the right moments, so vivid and expressive, so gorgeous! (just like my beloved is 🤭) *sighs dreamily* 💕💕💕
Okay, then we have the amazing demon goddess Fee, whose fics never fail to bring me joy. Her stories are so sweet and fluffy and even if they are angsty, there's a guaranteed happy end and I just love that so much! She is reliable and constant in her amazing stories, and the plots are so gooooood! She made me want to be better at writing, and she is so supportive and sweet too! 💗
The third one is krsive, and oh, boy... Their stories... Each and every one hit the right spots. The plot is always so exciting, the length is so satisfying, the stories are so engaging and perfectly paced. Even the things I'm not usually fond of, they can write them so beautifully that I just can't bring myself to skip. The characterisation is on-point, the drama and angst is so delicious and heartbreaking, and the ending is so sweet and heartwarming. 😩💙
Ask me about my fics!
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
Just out of curiosity... will Color Sans make an appearance in HNBD? I'm curious to see your take on his relation with Killer, and how Nightmare feels about it. (Thank you for your amazing writing, it makes me feel things and really refreshes me!)
I'll be honest, I have no idea. Color Sans is an enigma to me at this point. I am aware of him but I will admit that I am new to the UTMV. I just started getting into it earlier this year. (Long story). So, there is still so much I am learning.
Color Sans does seem cool, but I wonder if he is really as effective in a Dadmare setting? I don't know... maybe they will run into each other now and then as the story goes on.
On a side note... Dude and Bruh will be a thing. Not a major thing because I don't speak meme as well as I used to. (I feel old, like Noot, now when I hear you kids talking.) But that friendship will be there.
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dotieeee · 2 years
I imagine what Morpheus will say and do when he finds out about Mera being with the Corinthian and the nightmare he is mentoring going into someone's nightmares. He messed up, no doubt, hopefully he gets better even for dark he is being, that being said, I imagine he isn't going to be very happy about that when he finds out.
Oh, Cori will be stirring the pot just because he can!! Also, I know in the comics that after he got recreated he becomes amore agreeable, but I've written him here in such a way that still retains some of that snark just a tiny bit of resentment against Dream because he's freaking cute that way lol
And Dream won't be happy about her being besties with his nightmare!! He already let her know he was displeased with their dynamic so it will all just go downhill from here 😏🤭
Thank you for the ask!!!
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drakestoes · 4 months
shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew shirtless drew
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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sensitiveheartless · 2 months
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One Summer Day
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keferon · 3 months
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The tac net crash chapter is one of my favorites so far~
Ah and. Guess what. I just discovered that including this post, I made 50 pieces of fanart for Mistakes on mistakes until.. I’m so sane and normal about this story can you tell👍
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mangostarjam · 4 months
silent reading time — kaiju no. 8, hoshina soshiro x reader, use of foods as nicknames, childhood best friends dynamic, biting, 1.4k words
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Hoshina Soshiro is staring at your thighs.
... you think.
It's hard to tell, since you aren't looking at him. Quick, fleeting glances out of the corner of your eye aren't enough to discern the true aim of his line of sight, but it really kinda looks like... he's looking at your thighs.
Why, though?
It's just a typical weekday night. You dropped by his room the way you have for the past twenty-odd years, holding a paperback book with a purple pen tucked behind your ear, ready to indulge in your favorite pastime of silent reading in your best friend's company. Soshiro has his own paperback in hand, green pen spinning around his fingers. The two of you jot little notes as you read, and once you finish you swap books. Later, you'll go to one of your favorite cafes together to talk about them. Soshiro's neat scrawl is as familiar to you as the back of your own hand.
For a brief moment you debate calling him out on his staring. But — nah, it's probably nothing. Maybe your pajama shorts are a little worn and he's just appalled you're wearing something so flimsy.
"What's up, beansprout?"
You glance up from the words you haven't been reading and meet your best friend's gaze. "Huh?"
Soshiro closes his book but keeps his finger tucked to hold his place. His green pen spins in a blur. "You've been starin' at that page for ages. You sleepy or somethin'?"
"Nooo..." you draw out the word as you think of something to say. "Just wondering if I should get new pajamas."
Well — you didn't call him a creep, but now he's blatantly staring at your thighs and maybe this is... worse? You can feel a flush rising up your body at his scrutiny.
"What's wrong with these?"
"... Nothing?"
Soshiro gives you a doubtful look and before you have a chance to retreat, he's caught you against the bed, pinning you down with his elbows on either side of your shoulders. Your books and pens go flying across the mattress, landing with a thunk and a clatter as the room settles back to stillness. The sudden proximity of him looming above you takes your breath away. You squirm a little at the abrupt weight. Soshiro chuckles, his breath warm by your ear as his legs press yours into the mattress.
"Tell me, egg tart."
He's close enough that the strands of his purple hair tickle your forehead. You know you have no chance of getting away from the Vice Captain of the Third Division in close quarters, but you wiggle half-heartedly anyway. "Get off of me, you big oaf!"
"Oh? That's not very nice," Soshiro's grin is playful. He eyes you for a second, and then he pouts. "I just wanna know what's runnin' through that pretty lil head."
Well that's just unfair. He knows you're weak to him when he makes that face. You scrunch your nose at him and giggle when he mimics you. He's steady, hovering above you, as if it's nothing for him to basically hold a modified plank pose on the soft surface of his mattress. Something about that makes you feel... a little warm.
But he's your best friend. You've known him since you were toddlers, training in swordsmanship together at the Hoshina estate, following him into the Defense Force until you hit a wall and pivoted to research instead — you know Hoshina Soshiro, and he does not make you feel warm like this.
You gather your wits about you slowly, like your braincells are moving through molasses. Soshiro seems content to hold his position, familiar grin still firmly in place. You can feel the warmth radiating from him, the careful way he keeps from squishing you entirely, even though he's stopping you from running away from the question.
"It's really nothing, promise," you say, "I just thought maybe you kept looking at my pajamas because they're so old."
There's a moment of silence as Soshiro digests this. You listen to him breathing above you, the thick fabric of his sweats warm where his legs press into your bare skin, the overhead light haloing his purple strands and casting his carefully blank expression in a faint shadow.
"Dontcha think you're a lil too comfy 'round me?" His voice comes out low, almost missed beneath the sound of your rapidly accelerating heartbeat. "I'm a man, too, y'know."
You blink. Soshiro's now wearing the vaguely amused smile he always seems to have on when you're around, but there's something lingering along the edges that sends a shiver up your spine.
Forget molasses. Your brain shuts down entirely, bluescreening as you frantically try to reconcile his words and his meaning and why is he looking at you like that? Like he wants to — to eat you, to swallow you whole — and why does he keep glancing at your lips? Do you have something between your teeth?
But, no, wait — Soshiro is a man. You know this. You've known this for ages. It's impossible to train with the strongest close quarters combatant in the entire Defense Force and not realize this simple fact. You've seen Soshiro take down more miniature and mid-sized kaiju than you can count, and he's a brilliant leader of his platoon and division. Everyone respects him and works hard to live up to his expectations, though you know he works three times as hard in the shadows.
Your childhood friend is certainly not a child any longer. One glance at the densely packed muscle on Soshiro's body is enough proof of that. You peek at his biceps tensing as he shifts above you and gulp.
Yeah, he's definitely a man.
But what does that have to do with anything...?
"Of course I'm comfy with you, Soshiro-kun," you say. Why does your voice sound like that? All... breathy and soft? You clear your throat and try to inject some normalcy in your tone. "You're my best friend! You'd tell me if my pajamas are too worn out, right?"
Soshiro just looks at you blankly. This is where he's supposed to crack a joke, this is where he flicks your forehead and calls you 'sugarplum' and rolls off of you, this is not where he suddenly leans down close enough that you can feel his breaths puff against your ear before everything narrows down to the singular point on your neck where he bites you.
"S-Soshiro-kun, what the hell?!"
"What's wrong? We're best friends, ain't we?"
"Yeah, but why'd you bite me?"
Soshiro's laugh is pressed into your neck like honey dripping from the comb. He's not... He hasn't moved away. You haven't moved away.
You could. He's left you room to move.
But you don't.
It's warm. His legs are still pressing against yours. The faintly woodsy smell of him is all around you, seeping into your skin as you shift amidst his blankets. "No reason," he says airily, lips brushing your temple as he brings himself to hover above you again. "Just takin' advantage of my best friend privileges."
"By... biting me?"
"By showin' ya I'm comfy 'round you, too."
The tension pops. You can't help but laugh, something like relief and the bittersweet tinge of regret flushing through your bloodstream. "What are you, an animal? Who the heck bites people and calls it comfortable?"
"Are ya uncomfy?"
"Well, no, but—"
"I've always wanted to bite you," Soshiro says. You can read the truth in the curve of his smile as his purple strands waver above you. "Ya look like you'd taste good, chestnut."
"That's it," you wrinkle your nose at him. "You've gotta come up with other nicknames for me, or else you'll keep thinking of me as food!"
Soshiro hums in thought. You can feel the sting and the faint imprint of teeth along the sensitive skin of your neck. Something about it makes you feel fuzzy inside, like a tv antenna struggling to search for a signal. You shift anxiously as the silence stretches, yearning for something unknown.
"No can do," he says brightly. His red eyes gleam as he leans down again. "But we're comfy with each other, yeah? Want me to inspect these old pjs for ya?"
The blush blooms beneath your skin with a force that startles you. "Uh, what—? No, Soshiro-kun, definitely not—"
He grins and it's bright, but a little strained. You reach up unthinkingly to cup his face in your hands, smoothing your thumbs along his jawline and cheekbones and smiling when he leans into the touch. The knot in your chest loosens. The two of you bask in the comfort of each other for a moment.
"You should really tell me off," he breathes, tilting his head. "You should tell me ta quit messin' around."
"Are you messing around?" you ask.
Soshiro laughs, a quiet sound in the stillness of the room. "I'm never messin' around when it comes to you."
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bloominglegumes · 1 year
this fic has been eating away at me. its so delightful and well-written and ive reread it so many times now and each time it just gets funnier and my scribbles here dont make sense on their own or even cover half of the great moments in it so go read it
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mellosdrawings · 1 month
Do you think in the N2 Squad, Jamil will just randomly get a burst of confidence and flirt with Leona and Vil, just for them to turn it around on him and he then gets so flustered he enters Caterpillar Mode™️ (pulls his hood over his face) for a solid hour?
I kept this one in my asks for a long time coz, while I thought it was a good ask and wanted to draw something for it, I am also plagued with the terrible curse of being both aromantic and autistic and struggling a lot with the very concept of ~*flirting*~
So first, gonna thank @aria-faye and @the-fab-fox for their insights and having the patience to explain to me the big strokes of flirting.
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And now, I'm gonna quote aria-faye word for word cause he explained Jamil's flirting perfectly well in my opinion :
"I feel like Jamil is just... bad at flirting. He can tease and joke and all that, but when he's doing it with the intention of flirtation, i feel like he stumbles. His version of intentional flirting would probably be just... being overly straightforward. Saying what he's thinking for once."
"I feel like Jamil isn't very charismatic when it comes to flirting, so he isn't saying it [compliments] in any sort of way. Just pointing out a fact, which, to him, is flirting. Because it's not something he'd normally say aloud."
"Here's the thing: I think if they played the flirting game, and if Jamil said something intentionally over-the-top, teasing flirtatious, they [Leona and Vil] would match his energy and do it right back. BUT Jamil would be equipped to volley that back over and over. It's not flirtation that gets him. There's an element of disingenuous in flirting. It's all exaggerated, a bit untrue. It's an act - a mutually agreed-upon act that everyone in the group enjoys, but an act nonetheless. And Jamil is EXCELLENT at acts. He's no blushing flower when it comes to flirting. He would take that stuff all the way to bed if that's where it led him. But compliments? He has no idea how to take compliments. He has such a low opinion of himself for so long that he never learned. Compliments are what make him blush. Not flirting."
"Like, Leona could be like 'Damn Baby, what does that tongue do?' And Jamil would immediately respond by purring 'Come here and find out.' But Leona being like 'You look beautiful today' would have Jamil like "Oh, um. *blushes, pulls hood over his head* Thanks, I guess.'"
"I think something else that would get him flustered is physical affection. Like he gets all hyped up to shakily hold their hands, and they immediately respond by kissing his cheeks and being sweet to him. That would make him blushy too."
"Flirting is basically just manipulation. Jamil knows how to do that. He's really good at that. It might surprise him at first, but if he's the one initiating, he wouldn't do it unless he knew exactly what he was doing. Flirting for real is kind of fake. A teasing dance you do to get to a more intimate set of behaviors. And Jamil is great at this kind of thing. There are a thousand ways to make him blushy if he's not initiating. But if he's initiating, that implies a level of confidence, so the options for making him blushy circles right back around to honesty."
"Leona and Vil flirt by antagonising each other, so it might take them a second to realize that whenever Jamil drops an Honesty Bomb on them like this and speaks plainly, he's flirting. But once they know, Jamil will never know peace again, because they turn it right back on him and compliment him honestly until he's curled up and hiding in his hood and begging them to stop."
(Yes we had a very long discussion about it x))
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W, K and C for the ask game??
Thank you, Fee, for the ask!! 🥰💗💗💗
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
Well, it depends on the prompt game. If I only ask for a ship, then giving me a whole ass story is not going to make me happy. So, if it's a prompt game, I like it as vague as possible. But if you send me a prompt outside of games, I like if you give me some ideas on what you have in your mind. I don't like prompts that don't leave room for interpretation, that says start to finish everything that needs to be included, but I don't mind if you give me some reference points.
I'm not sure if I explained it correctly 😅
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Hm, honestly, I'm not sure I'm the one who should judge that. I have angsty fics and ficlets, character deaths and unhappy endings, and I'm not sure which one is the angstiest. When I'm in a downward spiral, everything seems angsty, but then when I'm in a better state, I reread them, and they are mehh. Maybe I'm just desensitized to my own angst...
But if I have to chose, maybe my Cupid/Percy fic. It's kinda dark, Cupid making Percy falling in love with him, raping him, then blaming everything on Nico, so Percy would never trust anybody ever again. That was fun to write, now that I think about it.
C: What character do you identify with most?
That's a hard question, actually.
I guess, I kinda identify mostly with the angsty, brooding, serious characters, so Derek Hale, Nico di Angelo, Wednesday Addams... But I'm not actually that bad. (But I can be that bad.) Honestly, the other character I identify with, was always Rapunzel (from the movie, not from the series). Outside and inside too. Feeling trapped, anxious, yet trying to work towards her dreams.
Ask about my fics!
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rocketkit · 10 months
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fourth scene from a nonexistent fic
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leafwateraddict · 3 months
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Couldn’t stop thinking about Dust being able to pass as Classic. So I had an idea where Dust replaces Classic in a timeline and steals(?) his partner.
He gets conflicted when he starts actually caring about you… But denial is an easy road to take when there’s seemingly no consequences to your actions.
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The reveal i guess. Most normal reaction to learning your partners been replaced for god knows how long and you have no clue where he is.
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Now that I think about it I might’ve gotten some inspiration from that one chapter of IJAG by @htsan (iykyk) only a lil bit tho
(Full rambling of the idea + extra sketch cuz i liked the expression) ↓↓
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I originally wanted y/n to notice the differences instantly but i think it would be angstier if they didn’t and only noticed like months later >:3
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
Reverse trope
where instead of the Bats forgetting that they’re adopted (something actual adoptees do on occasion and is hilarious) they forget that some of them *cough Damian cough* aren’t
Jason in the heat of a probably ridiculous argument: Yeah well YOU’RE adopted!
Tim just as invested in said argument: So are YOU! We all are!
Damian who had previously been quietly watching this unfold while he drank his tea: Actually I’m not
Tim and Jason who didn’t realize he was there but are already DoneTM: …… Damian continuing to sip his tea entirely unbothered: :)
Damian: Because I’m not an orphan-
Jason: ok, yoU KNOW WHAT-
or like in their group texts (that we know they have thanks to Nightwing (2016) #79)
*Steph changed the group chat name to “Bruce Wayne’s Personal Orpanage”*
Jason: Really?
Steph: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steph: It’s the truth Damian: Both my parents are very much alive
Steph: Shhh you don’t count
Cass: Mine too Duke: Technically so are mine
Barbara: I still have a dad so there’s that
Tim: Stephanie aren’t BOTH of your parents alive???
*Steph changed the group chat name to “The Technicality Police”*
Tim: well that’s more accurate at least
Steph: :)
Damian in his 10th argument with Tim of the day: That’s- this is-
Tim in full Antagonizing Big Brother mode: I’m listening
Damian -a Gen Z and best friend to Jon Kent- extremely frustrated: This is such Motherless behavior!
Tim taken aback: [voice cracking] W-what-?
Damian who didn’t mean to say that but doubling down anyway because his bloodline doesn’t believe in admitting mistakes: THIS! This is such Motherless behavior!
The rest of the family who is also motherless: :O
Cass whose been spending way too much time with Meme Queen Stephanie Brown and not involved in the argument but finding it entertaining regardless: [nodding along seriously] Facts
Tim: [visibly betrayed] CASS WHAT-
A video copy of the interaction gets sent out anonymously to the entire family. Barbara is the prime suspect but there is no proof as of yet (and they will never find any)
Steph, Cass, and Duke continue to respond “Motherless behavior” everytime one of the bats does something they deem questionable/insane. It is said often
It only stops when one night in the middle of patrol. Batman is in full Dark Knight mode (possibly in the middle of threatening someone) and descends from the ceiling into the middle of a warehouse drug deal, dark cape billowing out behind him-
and Steph just automatically whispers “Motherless behavior” forgetting her com was still very much on
She immediately realizes what she said and frantically apologizes but it’s too late.
Bruce just- Blue Screens. Completely stunned into silence
Dick -who was unfortunate enough to be the one teamed up with Batman tonight- is fighting for his life to choke back his laughter
Jason doesn’t even try to stop his and has collapsed to his knees from lack of air from how hard he’s laughing. Cass try’s half heartedly patting his back to help to no avail
The criminals are terrified into surrender from The Red Hood just laughing hysterically at seemingly nothing while Batman just Stands There
Damian ends up being the only one still functioning enough to continue arresting everyone, though he is privately amused and strangely proud
Tim and Barbara have saved both the com recordings and cowl footage to at least three different servers and sent it to absolutely everyone before Batman even recovers
Duke finds out second hand the next morning and is furious he missed the chance to see it in person. He declares he is moving to the nightshift so it doesn’t happen again. (He is all talk and goes to bed by 9 pm)
Bruce bans the phrase for life and promises swift and server punishment to anyone who dares to use it again
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add1ctedt0you · 4 months
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Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you, C. C. Aurel
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bamsara · 11 months
is solar lunacy discontinued?
Nah I just stopped sharing the chapters publicly because people were being weirdly hostile about my update schedule, so rn the only people who's seen the updates is myself plus one other person. I'll prob continue to wait to share the writing tbh until I feel like its chilled out more
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