#me personally i've never found denim uncomfortable
wekillitwithfire · 11 months
realized something today, time for another poll
i'll define regularly as like. multiple times a week, or at least half the time when you leave the house
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rizzshimura · 2 years
i think i've learned to appreciate a lot of things i never really appreciated when i had them.
in one of my old houses, we had a lot of warm, orange-ish yellow light, and so it always felt like a big, warm hug whenever i turned the lights on in my room. there's a lot of bright, white light where i live now, and it often reminds me of a hospital. both of my sister's are married, and they have a lot of orange/yellow light in their houses, so whenever i go to visit them, i'm often struck with nostalgia, and i feel more at home there than at my own house.
my dad didn't grow up speaking english, he just spoke his native tongues- urdu and punjabi. he didn't learn any 'formal english' like i did, just the alphabet and a couple other basic things. so, whenever he makes the effort to have a conversation with me in english, my heart just swells and it makes me feel so loved. sometimes, he pronounces a word wrong, like 'rake', pronouncing it raak, i often correct him in a joking matter, and he tries to correct himself, but he usually just ends up pronouncing it wrong, feeling comfortable enough with me to be able to say it wrong.
i remember when i first transferred to my current school, i bought the school cardigan. i found it to be really scratchy and uncomfortable, so i ended stashing it in my closet, hoping to not wear it for the next few years. then, lockdown came and went, and when schools were open during the colder months, i couldn't find the jacket that i would usually wear, so i took the sweater out of my closet it and wore that to school. it wasn't as scratchy as i remembered, but softer and a just a little baggy on me. i did find my jacket, but that's just stored in my extra clothes, the ones that i plan on giving away. rather, now i just wear the cardigan, finding comfort in the wool.
honestly, 95% of the time, i'm usually wearing other people's clothes- my brother's black jacket, my sister's t-shirt, my dad's sweater, my other sister's shoes. obviously, i don't wear them all together, but i always am wearing one thing or the other. pieces of them are always engraved in me, even if it is in the form of cotton, denim, and canvas.
i think that finding comfort in the little, practically insignificant things is helping get through each day, helping me mend the holes in my heart and soul. i think that finding love in everything is helping me just be a more positive person, and is something that makes me feel like that i'm a part of something bigger, even if that isn't always the case
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callemreine · 3 years
Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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rudolphsboyfriend · 3 years
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valentine’s day asks!
do you have a crush on anyone?
what’s your favorite candy?
favorite love song?
what was your first kiss like?
what was your last kiss like?
sexual/romantic orientation?
do you prefer poems or love letters?
favorite fanfic trope?
have you ever been in love?
favorite milkshake flavor?
dinner dates or brunch dates?
favorite flowers?
favorite perfume/cologne?
favorite candle scent?
what’s your ideal first date?
favorite love story?
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
snow, rain, or sun?
sweetest romantic memory?
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
fictional crushes?
what’s your dream wedding like?
what makes you blush?
do you believe in love at first sight?
do you believe in soulmates?
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
what’s your sign?
are you single?
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
guitar or piano?
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
do you fall in love easily?
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
cloud gazing or star gazing?
do you like to dance?
what’s your OTP?
kittens or puppies?
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
favorite soda?
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
favorite ABBA song?
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice)
favorite pajamas?
favorite liquor?
do you think about love a lot?
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
hand kisses or nose kisses?
what’s your dreamhouse?
Oh my god/pos
I'm aromantic and valentine's day means practically nothing to me so idek why i reblogged that LMAOO
Well, I'm not a backer outer so here goes
1) nope
2. Uhhh. Idrk eat a lot of candy. I do love me a good dark chocolate tho
3. Kdjfmf that's a VERY broad category and I cannot answer with just one song 😞😞😔
4. Unexpected fr sure. It was ok i guess, I've obviously had better kisses after that
5. Wayyyyy too long ago 😩😩
6. Aromantic Bisexual!!
7. I am the BIGGEST sucker for poems <33
8. Oh god uh probably childhood friends to lovers. It's the pining for me
9. Lmao ❌
10. There's so many to choose from :") idk. Butterscotch? Chocolate? Vanilla is so good too! Idk bestie
11. Dinner dates only bcuz it takes me a whole day to mentally prepare myself to leave the house
12. Anything that's like a bunch of small flowers together! So like, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, stuff like that
13. Pls stop asking me for favourites I'm literally bisexual 😐😔 how am i supposed to choose ONE
14. ^ see above
15. Uhhh museum or bookstore followed by food <3
16. Refer q. 13
17. Not 2 be horny on main but uhhh suits make me go absolutely feral👍🏽 on any gender.
18. Im ASSUMING this means cakes, in which case red velvet
19. I've never actually seen snow </3 so rain probably. I'm a sun h8r
20. I literally don't feel romance so lmao
21. What even is a dating sim??? Like The Sims? Confusion
22. Babe,,... Bestie......... Too many to list in a comprehensive way
23. Probably smn fairly small, surrounded by people i genuinely care about. Beyond that I'm totally down for anything
24. I have never cared to notice. I blush sometimes when I'm rlly embarrased like the time i had to speak infront of a crowd and messed up so uh yea not too romantic
25. Nah not at all. Love is too deep an emotion. I do believe in the possibility-of-love at first sight tho. Like you see someone and u think, i want to learn more abt u and i could fall in love if i did.
26. Soulmates are made, not found. They're also not restricted to romance. Thats what i think.
27. I love and own all three <3
28. Libra :)
29. So very much yeah
30. Theoretically i would like 2 be the charmer. But when it's actually happened irl, both situations make me very uncomfortable
31. I play both lmao but! Piano is the loml, it's my favourite insturment hands down
32. Refer q13 and q16
33. I fall into infatuation easily, but that's purely physical. I definitely don't fall in love easily no.
34. I don't personally do them but I'm a sucker for the whole pink and red hearts aesthetic of it <3
35. I'm literally still a teenager lmao. Proposals are NOT smn i think abt a lot.
36. Star! Gazing! My! Beloved!
37. Alone in my room yes, in a big crowd.... Maybe bcuz there's some anonymity involved. With just a few other ppl... No
38. I literally have too many to remember please
39. Both.
40. All three r good but my fav is hot chocolate
41. I don't drink soda </3
42. Literally both i love both
43. Forgive me but i have never heard an ABBA song
44. Hey queen u need to guve me three people fr this lmao
45. ?? Idk i just sleep in shorts and a tshirt if that's what ur asking
46. I don't drink alcohol often, I've only had it like four times but uh. Definitely not vodka that shit tastes like hand sanitiser. Whisky is okay, wine is weird. That's all the liqour I've ever tasted.
47. Wayyy too much fr sure. It's not healthy
48. Park! I'm not the biggest fan of beaches.
49. Nose <3
50. Not too small, but enough space for me to live comfortably, very cost and very very personalised. As in filled with thigns that are important to me. Anything else is secondary.
Honestly this was rlly fun THANK U<33
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Light Amongst the Darkness
Ch. 13 of Someone to Stay
Spencer Reid x fem reader
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POV: Spencer
I wake up for the third time this morning as a technician comes in the room to take my vital signs. It seems like it's always something, labs, vital signs, or medicine. I look over to see Y/N curled up on the couch, sleeping soundly. She really could sleep through just about anything, but somehow she seems to always know when I get up.
I slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom as quietly as possible to shower and get ready for the day. I feel a hand grab by wrist as I pass the couch. I look down and see her still half asleep, her eyes aren't even open yet.
"It's okay, go back to sleep. I'm just going to take a shower."
"Let me know if you need anything" she says through a yawn as she rolls back over. I can tell she has fallen back asleep within seconds by the sound of soft snoring. I can't help but smile. It was an adorable quirk of hers.
By now I'm able to take the bandages off and wash the surgical wound. I wince slightly as the gauze pulls as the staples. It seems do be doing okay. Y/N has really been helping a lot. The nurses here seem to know her well and let her do as much as she wants to help take care of me. I've tried convincing her that she's not at work and she doesn't have to be my nurse but she insists.
I make my way out of the steamy bathroom in fresh sweatpants as I towel dry my hair. Y/N is wide-awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with bandages all laid out on the side table.
I start to sit down next to her as I try one last time to convince her to take a break. "You know you really don't have to..."
"Shush. I want to help."
I turn to face her as she delicately dresses the wound after covering it with an antibiotic ointment. I had to admit, it hurt much less when she did it. I watch her as she puts all of her focus into what she's doing. I really enjoy getting to see her do what she does best, what she's passionate about. She looks really beautiful, despite having just woken up. It's almost not fair. Her hair is hanging down in its natural light waves, I'm almost tempted to reach out and run my hands through it. I can feel my skin tingle where she's placed her hand on my other shoulder for balance as the leans in to examine her finished work. I shake the feeling from my head. I can't scare her off.
After she's finished, I slip on a t-shirt as she pulls out her laptop and we settle into the hospital bed, ready to watch the final Harry Potter movie. Downtime in the hospital had allowed us to make our way through the series much quicker than anticipated. She had asked for a couple extra days off, which I fought against and lost. This was my fourth, and hopefully last day staying in the hospital.
As we get into the movie I hear her say "mmm I miss it."
"Miss what?"
"Hogwarts" she laughs as though this was obvious.
I give her a quizzical look.
She continues. "You know, the wizarding world, in Orlando?"
"Ohhh yeah I almost forgot they had that."
She pauses the movie and turns to look at me with wide eyes. "You mean you've never been?"
"No. By the time they built it I guess I was older and already working for the FBI."
"Spencer I only went my first time in college." She laughs. "You're never too old to go to Hogwarts!"
She sits for a moment, lost in her thoughts, before her face lights up with a huge smile.
"We have to go."
"What, the two of us?"
"No genius, me and Hotch." We both giggle at the thought as she elbows me. "I used to take road trips with my friends back home all the time. It's been awhile though..."
I can tell she's been a bit homesick lately. She misses her friends and family. No one has been able to visit her yet. So I decide that this is a great idea for us both.
I look over to her, unable to hide a grin. "When are we going?"
"Really? Really??! You'll go? Oh my gosh, Spencer!" She jumps up out of the bed and starts pacing the room.
"We have to start planning. When do you want to go? I have to ask for days off. You will too of course. I can't wait to show you everything. We'll have to get you a robe..."
"Y/N!" She stops to look at me, as I can't help but laugh at her.
"Take deep breaths. We have plenty of time. You really get excited for trips, huh?"
"Oh you have no idea! Vacations are my absolute favorite! Planning is half the fun."
She stops and loses herself in thought for a moment. "It's not weird, is it? Us taking a trip together?"
I simply shake my head and she continues to plan out loud.
Her question makes me think. We are just friends. Friends can take trips together. My thoughts drift to the events that took place a little over a week ago at her apartment and at the bar. We still haven't talked about that. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, but ever since then I have taken extra notice of little things.
We used to sit apart to watch movies together, but ever since that day she seems to snuggle next to me. I find myself incredibly aware of how close she is, or when her arm brushes mine, my skin igniting at every touch.
She eventually settles down and makes her way back over to the bed, setting us up to continue the movie. Her head settles onto my shoulder, as if it belongs there. As her gaze falls on the screen, my gaze falls on her, and I can't seem to tear it away. I love watching her reactions. Despite having seen the movie so many times before, her expressions are as dramatic as someone who is seeing it for the first time. She told me she still cries at the boathouse scene, every time. I love that about her, her ability to see light in dark places, good among the evil. She is definitely the shining light amongst the darkness I face every day at work. I never want to lose that...lose her.
Eventually the nurse comes in with the discharge paperwork and instructions for wound care. They try to offer me prescriptions for pain medications at home, but I insist on sticking with Tylenol and Advil. Y/N drives me home and helps me carry my things up to my apartment. After we make our way inside. She immediately starts cleaning, switching on some music before she gets to work. I think about telling her to stop but I know better by now. Instead I lie across the couch and grab the book I was reading before I left for the case.
I try to focus on the words in front of me, but I find myself reading the same page over again as my eyes are continually drawn to Y/N. I see her go in my room and come back out with a laundry basket and bed sheets. After starting a load, she makes her way to the kitchen, wiping down counters and cleaning off any dishes in the sink. She's too focused on each task to notice my lingering stares.
She had come back out dressed in some loose fitting, high-waisted denim shorts and a black tank. She's pulled back the top half of her hair and tied it with a silk, gold scarf. She's still got no makeup on with her glasses. I normally take absolutely no notice of what women wear, but I really admire her style. It's always changing, completely unique and completely hers.
I try to hold back a grin as I watch her dance around the kitchen, barefoot as she sings a song I don't recognize.
"You get ready you get all dressed up, to go nowhere in particular. Back to work or the coffee shop, it don't matter because it's enough to be young and in looovee."
I can't put my finger on it but something about her has definitely been different lately. There's a new glow about her, and I'm drawn to it like a moth.
During her cleaning she's also opened up all my curtains and window's letting light in. She brought home all the flowers that had been dropped off during my hospital stay and is rearranging them into small vases to spread across the apartment. Its almost as if her light is so infectious, she's spreading it into every corner of my life, my home. I blush at the thought of how nice it would be to have her around all the time.
Every once in awhile I catch her gaze and she simply smiles at me as she continues to sing with equal enthusiasm. I appreciate that she's finally comfortable enough around me to sing, to be completely herself.
When she finally runs out of things to busy herself with, she makes her way to the couch and sits across from me, handing me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as she bites into one she made for herself.
"Thank you" I say appreciatively with a mouth half full of food.
"Thanks for everything actually; cleaning my apartment, staying with me at the hospital, taking care of me...and just for sticking around, being my friend."
She leans forward placing her elbows on her knees. "I couldn't have found anyone better if I had hand picked them myself." She laughs at her own cheesiness.
I cough, clearing my throat for a moment. "Should we talk about the other night?"
"The other night? Oh!...oh." I notice her face turns a bit red and she breaks eye contact, staring at the wood floors instead.
"We don't have to I just thought..."
"No it's okay. We should talk about it. Well, first of all I want to apologize for making you uncomfortable. Sometimes when I drink I flirt with just whoever is around. It's not personal. I'm really sorry." I notice her start to nervously pick at the hem of her clothing, a sign of her anxiety.
"No! No you didn't make me uncomfortable." I shake my head, biting my lip as I try to think of how to continue.
"It was unexpected. I've never seen you be so confident. It was really s-s-something else." I feel my face heat up as I catch myself almost saying something I regret. I shift in my seat, incredibly aware of the thick tension lingering in the air.
She finally speaks up. "So the trip? I guess we can pick some dates once you're back at work. Then we can request off and buy some tickets. Sound good?"
"Mmmhhmm." My heart is still racing from the previous conversation. I can't believe how quickly I go from completely at ease around her to a hot mess of nerves. I tell my self it's nothing, that it will go away if I only give it time. It has to.
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skzluvs · 5 years
Wish you were gay; Hwang Hyunjin
Genre: Pure Fluff! Little bit of Angst
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.5 K
A/N: This is just a small filler since I’m currently working on a Felix Au! but I hope you guys really like it.
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“Oh Hwang Hyunjin how much I wish you were gay
Your lack of interest it's been killing me inside
And I can’t stand another day with A growing pain inside my chest
You are cold hearted
Always living up to your title "Ice prince"
I'm the only one who knows you aren't as ruthless as you pretend to be
I have the ability to see right through your persona
But you continuously keep on pushing me away
Despite all of your attempts to avoid my feelings
I'm still here trying to make you understand that my love for you is genuine
Only if one day you were able to see that I'm here
That I've been trying to make you feel okay
As you seem to ignore all of my efforts
I wish you were gay so I could feel less miserable at your indifference”
Who’s not yours but dreams to be sincerely Y/N.
You walked through the corridor holding the little pink notebook which held the unaddressed letters as you were never able to deliver them. They were meant to say all of those unwanted thoughts that lately became loud in your head. You wondered if one day you were going to be able to say all those things to Hyunjin face to face.
Impossible, you thought as you shoved the book into your matching pastel pink backpack. You took a seat at the back of the classroom. Because you knew he liked to seat there. Where he couldn’t be bothered by the rest of the students.
You waited impatiently for his entrance. As usual he will be early because he hated the unnecessary attention. Nonetheless he already got enough for being the most popular student on the whole school.
You tapped your pencil into the desk in exasperation as you heard steps coming your way. You bit your lip trying to suppress the smile that was slowly creeping into your face. There he was wearing a simple white hoodie along with his denim jeans. Casual but still dazzling.
And the truth is that Hwang Hyunjin would make anything look good.
- Hyun...”- you tried to call him but as he walked passed you he didn’t even spared to look your way and continued his tracks to his own seat.
Your smile suddenly became a frown. It was not a novelty that you were being ignored by him but it still hurts to be treated so cruelly.
The bell rang announcing the end of the period
You tried to gather your things slowly as people ran their ways to the door excited for Lunch time. You didn’t mind staying a little longer to be alone with Hyunjin you knew how much he avoided crowds specially the ones involving frenetic students forming during lunch.
When the classroom was empty he stood up from his desk and walked with his hand on his front pockets. Always giving off that cool unapproachable vibe.
You were always mesmerized by his beauty but what attracted you was simply that stubbornness he tried so hard to maintain.
You didn’t tried to hold a conversation with him this time because you weren’t ready to be rejected twice in the span of an hour. Therefore you let him go as you watch him from behind.
After you have gotten your lunch you sat down in one of the tables that were outside the lunchroom. were everything seemed more quiet and reserved just like hyunjin liked. You knew his usual spot was just a few tables away from yours near the big blossom tree.
Pulling out your notebook you wrote
“You are colder than the winter but with a gaze that can melt
Open your heart to me and I’ll never let it freeze
Let me be the sunshine that warms your feelings up when it’s under 0 degrees”
And there he was eating his food in such a tranquil way that it even made you feel contented at the peaceful sight. Some girls approached him breaking the harmonious atmosphere.
You observed carefully as he send them death stares from disturbing him but they didn’t seemed to care as they sat down trying to caught his attention. You knew hyunjin couldn’t stand people following him and trying to talk to him just because of his popularity. So you thought about helping him even if he treated you as harshly as he treated the rest.
You made your way to the table. The girls were obnoxiously giggling and hyunjin kept on looking uncomfortably at the cold food that rested on his plate.
He was more of ignoring them than actually telling people off he acted heartless but he definitely wasn’t rude.
“Hey Ladies aren’t you supposed to have somewhere else to be” you said clearing your throat to make yourself noticed.
“Y/N don’t you have books to read go back to dreamland and mind your own business” The leader spoke, looking at you in disbelief.
Your knees shakes a little what were you doing standing up for the boy who didn’t even acknowledge your existence. It seemed stupid but you were surely not going to regret this.
“Books actually increase your intellect you should try reading some one of these days I mean there’s still lots of space in that empty head of yours” You backfired with confidence.
“ Are you trying to pick up a fight with me” she said defying me.
“certainly not, but hyunjin and I have things to discuss so I’m politely asking you all to leave”
“Hyunjin doesn’t have time to waste on someone like you Y/N stop saying nonsense and get lost”
“ Well it seems like he doesn’t want any of you here since you basically invited yourselves he’s just nice enough to not tell you that you are bothersome but I am not that nice so why don’t you go and trouble someone else’s lunch time” You smile sarcastically at them and they walked off not before telling Hyunjin they’ll talk later.
After they left silence filled out the whole entire ambience. You were about to speak but he turned his head looking the other way with his cold face. You weren’t expecting a thank you or anything but it seemed like your presence wasn’t too pleasant for hyunjin either.
knowing you were never going to be able to reach someone so highly illustrious as him you lowered your head. Thinking how stupid was for you to keep on trying you seemed like a push over that’s probably what he thinks of you YN- you said as a whisper before you pulled your bag from the table and threw it on your shoulder walking off with nothing but shame.
Back in the classroom you were writing math notes when a sudden thought came across your mind.
Today you had been ignored multiple times and you needed you pour all those sad thoughts into your confident. Scanning your bag the pink covered book was nowhere to be found and desperation was all you could feel.
You excused yourself from the classroom as you tried to search for that such important diary everywhere. At the lunchroom, at the tables, at the restroom, the hallways, your own locker everywhere.
You were about to go insane those pages held more than your immense admiration for hyunjin it held the pain of an unrequited love. If someone was to read your letters you were screwed.
What if the girls stole it and they tell hyunjin what if you become the biggest joke of the school and everyone laughs at how pathetic you truly are.
You were terrified to say the least you ran to the cherry blossom tree and slide yourself holding your knees as the tears started to fall off your face.
You felt a slight tap on your shoulder as you were Uncontrollably sobbing. You tried wiping your tears away trying to focus on the person in front of you with blurry vision you were still able to recognize his beautiful face.
“Y/N don’t cry” He said offering you a tissue.
He knew your name you were in a state of shock.
He always pretended not to see you what was he doing now.
When you calmed down a little he offered you a hand so you could stand up.
“Do you really wish I was gay?” he asked confused hiding a big authentic smile.
“What?” you asked even more confused than him until your brain clicked.
He knew
You went speechless your mouth went dry and all You wanted was crying again and hide forever the embarrassment of your worst nightmare.
“How-... I-” you said stumbling down your own words
He lifted a pastel pink covered book that he has been hiding all this time behind his back.
God you wanted to deny it all but you were into deep now. He had all the proof in his own hands.
“I don’t really think you meant it tho” he said getting closer to your face.
“You don’t really wish I was gay because if I was I wouldn’t be able to kiss you” He said almost brushing your pink lips with his own plump ones.
You closed your eyes hoping to close the proximity between them but they felt empty as he rapidly ran from you smiling
“You can kiss me if you can catch me” he said teasing me while holding the book.
I ran behind him giggling at his childish attitude.
For the first time You got to experience the real Hyunjin and You certainly couldn’t be more in love with him.
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softiesabriel · 5 years
We’ll Meet Again, I Know Where, I Know When
Rating: Teen and Up
Words: 1591
TW: Violence, Vomit
Summary:  Samantha Winchester is jumped one night on her way home from a diner, and has the feeling she's going to die, until a mysterious savior comes to her aid. Her name is Gabriel and she's the most mysterious person Sam has ever met.
This was written for @sabrielevents​ Sabriel Week! Day 4 is a Free Day so I decided to write a Genderbend fic I've been thinking of lately!
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19465414
So this was it - this was how Sam would die.
It was night time, almost the next morning, and she had been on her merry way back to her dorm. Alone. Her boyfriend was sleeping, exhausted after pulling an all-nighter for a project, but she still had work to do for tomorrow, so she’d left and gone to a nearby 24/7 cafe to avoid disturbing him. An ache in her shoulder reassured her she had forgotten nothing at the table, but she had forgotten something at home. A form of protection other than her fists. Every woman has it drilled into their heads from the day they are old enough to step outside alone, to never really be alone. To take your friends Mace and Knife and Whistle with you. The holy trinity. But Sam had forgotten them completely, more focused on her work than anything else.
She remembered them the moment a hand grabbed her and yanked her into an alleyway.
She gasped, panic flooring through her system, freezing her for a moment. Only her eyes moved, and they noticed she was outnumbered. Four able-bodied, drunk or high, or possibly both, men surrounding her. Snap out of it! Her mother’s voice screamed at her, and of course she obeyed. She pushed her hand through the grip and grabbed the assailants wrist, turning it to the right further than it should naturally go. He yelled in pain, letting go of Sam’s wrist, and she kicked him backwards in the stomach. A choked cry escaped her own throat as six hands grabbed her from behind, clawing at her throat and shoulders before throwing her to the ground. For a moment, her vision went white, as the back of her head slammed against the concrete. The men scrambled at her messenger bag, tossing aside papers in favor of her money, then trying to tug at her laptop. Sam lunged forward, head-butting into one of the men and knocking him back on his ass, but that made more pain shoot across her skull. Bile crept up her throat as the dark world spun and blurred for a moment that felt like forever. In retaliation, another man kicked her in the stomach, and that finally pushed the bile up. That did not deter these hungry scavengers. More kicks were delivered, and that’s when Sam accepted it. She’d die, wind up on the news for a few days or less, and then fade from the memories of everyone.
Then a different kind of light blinded her, because the assaulters reacted too. They looked up, then began shouting frantically at each other to run, tripping over themselves as the rumble of wheels on pavement grew frighteningly close. Dazed, all Sam could do was tuck her head under her arms. All she felt pass by her was air, and the buzzing of a truck engine ended up on the other side of her. She was miraculously fine.
Boots kicked open the drivers door, and the next moment a woman was leaning over Sam, who squinted against the obscenely bright headlights. Her hair was long, practically forming a golden curtain around Sam’s head, as she observed her with whiskey colored eyes, that Sam swore were glowing. “Boy did they rough you up,” she murmured, brushing the back of Sam’s head lightly, and the pain was subtly alleviated. The mysterious woman cast her glowing gaze backwards and snapped. A faint yell of pain went up in the distance, then fell back into the silence. She turned back to Sam. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thank you,” Sam murmured, thinking still cloudy so she didn’t even remember to tell this girl where she lived. The girl looped an arm under Sam’s and helped her into the passenger’s seat of her blue truck, before jumping (literally jumping - she was too short for her own vehicle) into the driver's seat. She didn’t remember doing her own seatbelt, or the woman leaning over to do it, but she was already strapped in and leaned back in the seat, obscuring her vision of the girl. Clunks of shifting signalled they were going in reverse, and the woman backed out, turning onto the mostly quiet road without issue.
“What’s your name?” Sam asked, feeling out of place with the stranger.
Sam’s eyes widened with worry for a moment. Had she been misgendering them this whole time? “Gabriel? What are your pronouns?”
Gabriel grinned, laughing a little. “She/her, well as of right now. It’s what I prefer anyways. Let’s just say my father was a fan of more masculine names. You can call me Gabe for short.”
“Not like...Gabbie?”
“I mean, you could. I hadn’t thought of that nickname. Gabbie…” Gabriel, or Gabe or Gabbie, said thoughtfully.
There was a beat of silence. “Thank you...you saved my life. How could I repay you?” Sam asked.
Gabbie waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about that. I see someone in danger, I help them.”
“I’ll pay you back somehow.”
Her honey gaze glanced back at Sam, and there was a bittersweet look in them. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again one of these days. Maybe then.”
“Do you live around here?”
Gabbie shrugged, oddly pondering the question. “Eh, well, I’m...around. I travel a lot. I don’t really live in one place.”
“Well that’s cryptic. Where’s your mail sent to then?” Sam pressed. She wanted to at least mail a thank you card.
“I don’t get mail.”
“It’s a long, long, long story. And I’m sure you’ve heard...something...like it before.”
A decipher code would be handy right about now. But perhaps she was being creepily pushy. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be pushy or anything.”
Gabbie waved her hand dismissively. “I don’t blame you. I’ve been told I’m pretty mysterious. And troublesome.” She smirked back at Sam.
They pulled up to the college campus, and Sam sat up, unbuckling. “Thank you so much for the ride, I promise to make it up to you,” She pledged.
Gabbie’s eyes shot around cautiously. “Actually, why don’t I walk you in? Just in case.”
“I can handle myself.” Although Sam did have to admit she missed having another person watching her back, she could usually keep a good eye out for herself.
“It’d put me a lot more at ease if you let me.”
Sam shrugged. She didn’t see what harm this girl could do. If she tried anything by herself, Sam was sure she could easily overpower her. “Alright then. Come on.” She stepped out and walked around to the other side onto the sidewalk, meeting with Gabbie and finally getting a clear look at her. She was slightly chubby, with a round face framed by wavy, dirty blonde hair. She wore a navy denim jacket with scattered pins, including a halo, bluejay, and a little candy jar, among other things. Suddenly self-conscious of what she was wearing and then realizing it must be covered in vomit, she looked down quickly, only to discover her clothes were crystal clean. Huh. It must have been a lucky break.
They walked up to the door together, and Gabbie opened it, giving a bow as she let Sam walk first. Sam laughed at her antics, and Gabbie grinned as she joined her. Gabbie looked around curiously. “So this is where you bougie law students live huh?”
Sam snorted. “Yeah, we’re super bougie. We have pure gold chandeliers in each room, which are also all suites.”
“Wow, impressive.”
“And the coffee we drink to pull all-nighters every night is shipped fresh from Brazil and ground by hand. Only the best beans for us.”
“That’s sooo cool, tell me more,” Gabbie used a Valley Girl voice, batting her eyelashes and clinging to Sam’s arm. Normally being touched by a stranger like that would feel uncomfortable, but Sam didn’t mind it. Not when it was Gabbie.
Sam went on like this as they walked up the stairs, eventually developing a British accent, and they giggled at each other, forgetting the encounter that had brought them together. In time, Sam came to her doorway, and she found herself feeling sad at the arrival. Gabbie looked the same.
“Again, thank you -”
“Ah, don’t say it one more time,” Gabbie put her hand up. “I have your back.”
Sam smiled softly. She pulled her keys out of her pocket. “I hope you’re right, about us seeing each other again soon.”
That same bittersweet look crossed Gabbie’s face. “Something tells me I am.”
Sam opened the door and stepped inside. “Goodnight Gabbie.”
“Goodnight Sam.” And with that she turned and left.
When Sam walked in she went straight to the bathroom, splashing some water on her face then looking up in the mirror. Again with that lucky break - no bruises marked her up, not on her face or arms or legs, not anywhere she could see. The only mark she was left with was the smile Gabbie gave her. The one that made Sam question this feeling in her chest for the first time. The same kind of feeling that strengthened as she walked into her bedroom and saw her boyfriend passed out, arm draping over the side. She slipped in beside him, arm curling over his side, but as she glanced up at the ceiling a part of her expected her honey-haired rescuer to pop up.
She would never guess, not in a million years, that she’d run into her once again, and they’d both reveal their true selves to each other.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Light Amongst the Darkness
Ch. 13 of Someone To Stay
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I wake up for the third time this morning as a technician comes in the room to take my vital signs. It seems like it's always something, labs, vital signs, or medicine. I look over to see Y/N curled up on the couch, sleeping soundly. She really could sleep through just about anything, but somehow she seems to always know when I get up.
I slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom as quietly as possible to shower and get ready for the day. I feel a hand grab by wrist as I pass the couch. I look down and see her still half asleep, her eyes aren't even open yet.
"It's okay, go back to sleep. I'm just going to take a shower."
"Let me know if you need anything" she says through a yawn as she rolls back over. I can tell she has fallen back asleep within seconds by the sound of soft snoring. I can't help but smile. It was an adorable quirk of hers.
By now I'm able to take the bandages off and wash the surgical wound. I wince slightly as the gauze pulls as the staples. It seems do be doing okay. Y/N has really been helping a lot. The nurses here seem to know her well and let her do as much as she wants to help take care of me. I've tried convincing her that she's not at work and she doesn't have to be my nurse but she insists.
I make my way out of the steamy bathroom in fresh sweatpants as I towel dry my hair. Y/N is wide-awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with bandages all laid out on the side table.
I start to sit down next to her as I try one last time to convince her to take a break. "You know you really don't have to..."
"Shush. I want to help."
I turn to face her as she delicately dresses the wound after covering it with an antibiotic ointment. I had to admit, it hurt much less when she did it. I watch her as she puts all of her focus into what she's doing. I really enjoy getting to see her do what she does best, what she's passionate about. She looks really beautiful, despite having just woken up. It's almost not fair. Her hair is hanging down in its natural light waves, I'm almost tempted to reach out and run my hands through it. I can feel my skin tingle where she's placed her hand on my other shoulder for balance as the leans in to examine her finished work. I shake the feeling from my head. I can't scare her off.
After she's finished, I slip on a t-shirt as she pulls out her laptop and we settle into the hospital bed, ready to watch the final Harry Potter movie. Downtime in the hospital had allowed us to make our way through the series much quicker than anticipated. She had asked for a couple extra days off, which I fought against and lost. This was my fourth, and hopefully last day staying in the hospital.
As we get into the movie I hear her say "mmm I miss it."
"Miss what?"
"Hogwarts" she laughs as though this was obvious.
I give her a quizzical look.
She continues. "You know, the wizarding world, in Orlando?"
"Ohhh yeah I almost forgot they had that."
She pauses the movie and turns to look at me with wide eyes. "You mean you've never been?"
"No. By the time they built it I guess I was older and already working for the FBI."
"Spencer I only went my first time in college." She laughs. "You're never too old to go to Hogwarts!"
She sits for a moment, lost in her thoughts, before her face lights up with a huge smile.
"We have to go."
"What, the two of us?"
"No genius, me and Hotch." We both giggle at the thought as she elbows me. "I used to take road trips with my friends back home all the time. It's been awhile though..."
I can tell she's been a bit homesick lately. She misses her friends and family. No one has been able to visit her yet. So I decide that this is a great idea for us both.
I look over to her, unable to hide a grin. "When are we going?"
"Really? Really??! You'll go? Oh my gosh, Spencer!" She jumps up out of the bed and starts pacing the room.
"We have to start planning. When do you want to go? I have to ask for days off. You will too of course. I can't wait to show you everything. We'll have to get you a robe..."
"Y/N!" She stops to look at me, as I can't help but laugh at her.
"Take deep breaths. We have plenty of time. You really get excited for trips, huh?"
"Oh you have no idea! Vacations are my absolute favorite! Planning is half the fun."
She stops and loses herself in thought for a moment. "It's not weird, is it? Us taking a trip together?"
I simply shake my head and she continues to plan out loud.
Her question makes me think. We are just friends. Friends can take trips together. My thoughts drift to the events that took place a little over a week ago at her apartment and at the bar. We still haven't talked about that. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, but ever since then I have taken extra notice of little things.
We used to sit apart to watch movies together, but ever since that day she seems to snuggle next to me. I find myself incredibly aware of how close she is, or when her arm brushes mine, my skin igniting at every touch.
She eventually settles down and makes her way back over to the bed, setting us up to continue the movie. Her head settles onto my shoulder, as if it belongs there. As her gaze falls on the screen, my gaze falls on her, and I can't seem to tear it away. I love watching her reactions. Despite having seen the movie so many times before, her expressions are as dramatic as someone who is seeing it for the first time. She told me she still cries at the boathouse scene, every time. I love that about her, her ability to see light in dark places, good among the evil. She is definitely the shining light amongst the darkness I face every day at work. I never want to lose that...lose her.
Eventually the nurse comes in with the discharge paperwork and instructions for wound care. They try to offer me prescriptions for pain medications at home, but I insist on sticking with Tylenol and Advil. Y/N drives me home and helps me carry my things up to my apartment. After we make our way inside. She immediately starts cleaning, switching on some music before she gets to work. I think about telling her to stop but I know better by now. Instead I lie across the couch and grab the book I was reading before I left for the case.
I try to focus on the words in front of me, but I find myself reading the same page over again as my eyes are continually drawn to Y/N. I see her go in my room and come back out with a laundry basket and bed sheets. After starting a load, she makes her way to the kitchen, wiping down counters and cleaning off any dishes in the sink. She's too focused on each task to notice my lingering stares.
She had come back out dressed in some loose fitting, high-waisted denim shorts and a black tank. She's pulled back the top half of her hair and tied it with a silk, gold scarf. She's still got no makeup on with her glasses. I normally take absolutely no notice of what women wear, but I really admire her style. It's always changing, completely unique and completely hers.
I try to hold back a grin as I watch her dance around the kitchen, barefoot as she sings a song I don't recognize.
"You get ready you get all dressed up, to go nowhere in particular. Back to work or the coffee shop, it don't matter because it's enough to be young and in looovee."
I can't put my finger on it but something about her has definitely been different lately. There's a new glow about her, and I'm drawn to it like a moth.
During her cleaning she's also opened up all my curtains and window's letting light in. She brought home all the flowers that had been dropped off during my hospital stay and is rearranging them into small vases to spread across the apartment. Its almost as if her light is so infectious, she's spreading it into every corner of my life, my home. I blush at the thought of how nice it would be to have her around all the time.
Every once in awhile I catch her gaze and she simply smiles at me as she continues to sing with equal enthusiasm. I appreciate that she's finally comfortable enough around me to sing, to be completely herself.
When she finally runs out of things to busy herself with, she makes her way to the couch and sits across from me, handing me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as she bites into one she made for herself.
"Thank you" I say appreciatively with a mouth half full of food.
"Thanks for everything actually; cleaning my apartment, staying with me at the hospital, taking care of me...and just for sticking around, being my friend."
She leans forward placing her elbows on her knees. "I couldn't have found anyone better if I had hand picked them myself." She laughs at her own cheesiness.
I cough, clearing my throat for a moment. "Should we talk about the other night?"
"The other night? Oh!...oh." I notice her face turns a bit red and she breaks eye contact, staring at the wood floors instead.
"We don't have to I just thought..."
"No it's okay. We should talk about it. Well, first of all I want to apologize for making you uncomfortable. Sometimes when I drink I flirt with just whoever is around. It's not personal. I'm really sorry." I notice her start to nervously pick at the hem of her clothing, a sign of her anxiety.
"No! No you didn't make me uncomfortable." I shake my head, biting my lip as I try to think of how to continue.
"It was unexpected. I've never seen you be so confident. It was really s-s-something else." I feel my face heat up as I catch myself almost saying something I regret. I shift in my seat, incredibly aware of the thick tension lingering in the air.
She finally speaks up. "So the trip? I guess we can pick some dates once you're back at work. Then we can request off and buy some tickets. Sound good?"
"Mmmhhmm." My heart is still racing from the previous conversation. I can't believe how quickly I go from completely at ease around her to a hot mess of nerves. I tell my self it's nothing, that it will go away if I only give it time. It has to.
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