#me thinkng
tiodolma · 8 months
I now need more nimue x arthur stuff
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flame-shadow · 9 months
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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clownery-blog · 1 year
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Small image dump of these clown figurines (again). I just love this brand so much that I could actually cry I love them so much they make me so happy
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fellowfights · 9 months
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I have been. unwell since the trailer has dropped
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
thoughts on transman yamato and transwomen ace? (ik yamato is already canon so this is mostly just thoughts on transwomen ace lol)
I feel like if I think too much about Ace being a woman my lesbian heart won't be able to handle it but. But yeah. My thoughts are very-- Positive. Dying of lesbianism here.
I've always considered Ace transmasc but this is so good too??? I believe Ace as a woman would like. Be the same. But woman. Kind of like Luffy ngl. The thing with ASL is that Ace comes out as a woman and the other two are like "Oh cool! *change pronouns when talking to her*" and that's kind of. The whole thing for them? They're extremely supportive and WILL beat the shit out of you if you say something about their sister. But. Like. Ace is already the one beating people up for that so they don't need to worry--
Thinking about Ace coming out like, time after the sake thing and Luffy telling her that they need to do it again because "We swore we were brothers but!!!! I want to drink sake with you again and swear you will always be my older sister!!!!!" and it melts Ace's heart completely. Not to mention that now nobody fights about who's the oldest because now Luffy has an older sister and an older brother!!
Makino would be the sweetest soul to her,,, She teaches her stuff and Ace is always asking her things to be more of a ""real woman"" and Makino is like ???????? "what do you mean real woman, sweetie, it doesn't matter what you do and how you look like as long as you're comfortable!! Don't let other people tell you otherwise!!" and Ace realizes that's the type of girl she wants to be to become a good older sister to Luffy. Supportive and kind and herself even if a lot of people won't see her the way she is.
Ace goes through life so not giving a shit-- I think she is the same except that when she wins fights and people think she is a guy she is just like "haha a woman beat you up fucking loser" and when people realize she is a girl they're all like "noooo cover your chest that's indecent!!" and she's so confused and angry because why is it okay to do so when they think she is a guy but it's wrong when they find out she is a girl???? She goes boobs out everywhere fr fr.
I think Ace is the type of saying "I can't have surgery and boobs so I'm just gonna do so much exercise my chest will look huge" and she is so committed to that. Good for her.
And!!!!!! When she meets Yamato??? And Yamato tells her he is a guy??? Ace is like "OH ME TOO ME TOO I AM A GIRL AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY THINK I'M A GUY IDK WHY" and they have their "we the same fr" and fall in love bc no matter the gender Yamace is always canon. `You have this cool but a bit of a failgirl Ace and her tall af cute boyfriend. Boy who says teehee x Girl who laughs like a lunatic.
Also, I think her relationship with Roger would change a bit? And she already loves her mom but she would do it now even more because she would feel like-- More connected to her experience as a woman? I think Ace should wear a little flower in her hair just like Rouge, too.
And not to be depressing af but when Marineford happens and everybody treats her as Roger's SON she is having the worst time of her life for so many reasons. And Luffy just tells everybody he sees that Ace is not a guy and he might be in the middle of saving her but he will fight people so they refer to her right.
Idk I think there are more things to say but I am eepy and I just woke up. But I absolutely love this and Ace as a trans girl lives in my mind rent free.
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baphosimps · 7 months
Thick Guzma is the best Guzma, honestly.
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gradelstuff · 6 months
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Oh thank god he was alive longer than i thought 💀
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yvtro · 1 year
“i get so jealous of euthanised dogs” is forever the most jason todd poem to me because the lyrical subject says they would rather die surrounded by people that love them and feel this love (like euthanised dogs) than to have to endure the pain of living in a world in which they were once treasured and aren’t anymore. do you get me!!! he died pretty much alone but he still had faith in bruce and started to slowly understand that bruce is his dad no matter what and then he woke up to find out that his memory has been violated. and he knows he was loved once he knows it but he can never go back home he can never get this kind of love back THE WORST THING ABOUT LOVE IS I REMEMBER IT and it would be easier if he forgot because hope is the most painful thing and because it makes him vulnerable and anyway. im so normal now
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doppel-dean-er · 6 months
Dustin Hoffman's delivery of the "I'm scared" line kills me every time. When I first watched midnight cowboy my chest would literally hurt whenever I thought about that scene for the next three days ITS JUST SO EEAUGHHH GGGGRRRRA GRRAH BARK BARK GRRRRRKKSJJSHSHHKKKKKKHHH
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
from someone who didnt even know about tf ener.gon notable meg.op finale fight fisting moment......
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[ID: 2d animated shot from energon. low angle, megs rearing up in a punch that digs his fist INTO the lower section beneath oppies windshield chest. hes grimacing viciously, subtitles have him saying "my win!" END]
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valentinesparda · 8 months
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you don't believe in one divine, but can't you tell me you believe in mine?
[ insert (smaller one) uses they/them pronouns only ]
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aphrodisiashana · 6 months
ohh i am very high anf very horny
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0fps · 11 days
Pre-Registration Page BGM from the Zenless Zone Zero Official Site HOYO-MiX
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littleaipom · 2 years
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My final drawing for the Jlaire zine, a fanzine that was unfortunately canceled. I originally drew this around late 2020/early 2021
For my piece I drew Jim and Claire kissing at a scenic grand canyon stop while on their road trip to NJ 💙💜
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beeholyshit · 10 days
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Mako young days in Hoenn!
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I’ve left a gig alone but i’ve never like… gone to one alone 👁️ eek
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