#me: ... yes ouo
solivcgant · 6 months
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low-activity portrayal of the best secondranked gamer NOCHIZAWA EIJI.
carrd | rules | memes
( +21 / mochi: dog meme enthusiast / pst & jst )
main co-op players:
co-op players:
@aestuavis/@lunaetis, @getsusekaii, @metrictita, @mortau, @msftsn, @mythcaels, @starpoacher, @tvrningout, @ubiquitousidol, @wildwoof
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gonemechaniic · 1 year
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Oh, you can't burn out this starfire No matter what you say
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#TOPMECHANIIC - A private, selective, canon-divergent, and multi-versed CINDY AURUM from Final Fantasy XV. Adored by Dani ( she/her, 30+, UTC +9 - Tokyo ) promo credit
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timelostobserver · 1 year
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[[ With some amazing feedback from some pals, I've settled on Hades' Horn redesign. ouo ]]
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Emily: “Go do paperwork, Emily. It’ll help you calm down, Emily.
Emily: "It’s important to make sure heaven is running smoothly and no one here is being inconvenienced by the suffering of others, EMILY.”
Emily: (angrily grabs document and gently sets it down in front of herself)
Document: *Self-Assessment Form on the Maintenace of Heaven and Associated Structures*
Emily: (angrily scribbling)
Document: *Self-Assessment Form on the Maintenass of Heaven LIES and Associated Structural Violence*
Emily: "Hmph."
Emily: (doodles demon charlie setting fire to a screaming adam)
Emily: “Ha!”
Emily: (doodles vaggie staring dreamily at demon charlie while a kneeling lute tugs on her shirt and yells ‘notice me!!!’)
Emily: “HEH.”
Emily: “….”
Emily: (doodles charlie and vaggie kissing)
Emily: “..hmm…”
Emily: (doodles HERSELF being hugged by charlie and vag-)
Sera: “Ahem.”
Emily: O.O
Sera: - _ -
Emily: OuO;
Sera: “And how is your self assessment going, Emily?”
Emily: “It’s gaying- it’s going okay!”
Sera: “Really.”
Emily: “Yep!”
Sera: “It looks rather behind to me.”
Emily: (stares down at the multiple new instances of the word “ass” on her improved document)
Emily: "Um..."
Emily: (looks at the doodle of chaggie hugging her)
Emily: “…Actually I was just correcting some mistakes on it. You know, so I can answer it HONESTLY. Without OMITTING anything IMPORTANT or giving the WRONG IMPRESSION about things I’m RESPONSIBLE for. That’s the proper thing to do, right?”
Sera: “…”
Sera: “And the doodles?”
Emily: “Courtroom sketches. For posterity.”
Sera: “They’re highly inaccurate.”
Emily: “It’s a metaphorical representation of what I saw and felt at the time.”
Sera: “Are you at least planning to get rid of-”
Emily: “I think I’ll have them framed.”
Sera: (face palm)
Emily: (humming happily while filling out the improved form) “Have you ever been complicit in a crime against creation? Why yes I have! And I didn’t even know it!! Ah but there’s no box for that is there? There isn’t even actually a question like that- don’t worry though, I’ll just add it in shall I? Yes, there we go, that’s MUCH more accurate~"
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krysmcscience · 5 months
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Aww, look at these cute lil kiddos, they couldn't possibly be-
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-oh, wait, no, never mind. They're evil.
I'll clean up and color these sketches eventually. Also, goofy headcanon stuff under the readmore if anyone cares. XD;
The Mystic Seller's mention of Leshy's ascension to godhood got me wondering what sort of mortals the Bishops used to be before they were gods, and how the five of them are even siblings. Unless some Real Weird Genetic Fuckery is going on, I have severe doubts they're related by blood, so...Found Family...? Yes, please~ OuO
So now in my brainspace they start out as a bunch of wretched orphan kids, relying on each other to survive with their own unique skillsets, which they utilize with Extreme Prejudice against anyone who happens to be unfortunate enough to have what they need (food/gold, generally).
Shamura is the leader and tactician (and has some spellcasting know-how as a treat), Kallamar is the lookout and stealth killer (with poisons, though he'll resort to Weaponry Panic if things get dicey), Heket is the thief and explosives fanatic (watch out - she'll steal all your food and then go scorched earth on your crops to make sure you STARVE), and Leshy is the distraction master and trap-digger (and general menace who will bite people's faces). Meanwhile, Narinder gets the short end of the stick as usual, in that his only real skill is Kill People Dead - a silent assassin most times, following Shamura's lead to avoid putting him or his siblings in danger, but if he has to, he's equally fine with just rushing in and going ham with whatever weapons he can get his rude little hands on.
I haven't put much thought into most of their meetings - mainly just that (as the seemingly perpetual outlier of the five) Narinder was the last to be brought into their little family. He was already pretty decent at killing to survive, unwittingly massacred a camp of the quartet's latest targets on his own, fell into one of Leshy's pit traps on the way out, and was later found by both Leshy and Heket, who only resisted firebombing Narinder's fun new pit-home when Kallamar found their targets already dead, after which Shamura saw the value in offering Narinder a place in the family. Naturally, he accepted, since the choice was a logical one for survival's sake, but inwardly, he latched onto Shamura pretty hard as a source of guidance and companionship - and, eventually, comfort. Because I gotta add that lovely source of OOF.
The biggest OOF this headcanon creates, though, is that Narinder used to be the one protecting his siblings. :3c Until...ya know. They needed protecting from him. >:3c I do tend to headcanon the whole betrayal thing to be rather less unprovoked on his part, though, because I read too much into the few details canon gives us on that front, and this fucker has become my precious little meow meow, okay??? >:[
I needed to be in bed hours ago lol, why do I do this
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articskele · 2 months
Woe, Pony Town Oncelers be upon ye!! Plus more pony-ified versions with different coat colors ouo
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The Onceler always struck me as an earth pony, maybe a mule? I considered giving him longer ears
Both bc of his farming background, in reference to Melvin, and for the idea of making your way to the top through sheer hard work and innovation, not having to rely on any fancy powers!
And he's just so cute- I like how you can see the brown part of his gloves when he lies down ouo
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He EEPY, featuring messy wet hair
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And the Biggering AU version has his fancy peacock wings!
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Biggerler, the man himself! Featuring a little trick that makes it look like he's got those long curly coattails ouo
Also an earth pony! I think the greyscale look really fits him, and that dark marking between his eyes makes him look especially serious
(There is a shark plushie in Pony Town that I would've added in reference to Viktor, but it's one of the Halloween collectables I don't have yet :pensive:)
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A note about his neck, you can make things the same color as the in-game grass to create the illusion of it being invisible! So it's like his head is floating ouo
Pony Bitter's got a light green coat with darker ends of his ears, a lighter snout, and mark on his forehead that may or may not be foreshadowing-
And I made him a unicorn! I like the idea that an infected unicorn's magic turns yellow and unstable, so I'm picturing him lashing out at someone and his horn sparks
Which would add extra emphasis to the idea that he's dangerous, and something needs to be done fast.
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ROCKYYYYYY- Sporting his skull bandanna and the little star on his goggles and everything! A pegasus this time, since those kinds of classic rock songs tend to use wing imagery
And the markings make him look like a bird ouo
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And his second outfit! I looove love love how he goes from a nice blue to this murky blue-green, with the markings turning dull. The fiery wings are a reference to this post!
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And lastly, have pony Artic with a little Onceler plushie ouo
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
prime empire thoughts yes please
1- the world of prime empire overall. what are your ideas about it?
I personally they should've played with the ideas of invisible walls or show us how far the game actually expended. idk maybe that's just me but like the world of prime empire in its whole looks overlooked jgsjgl like there's so much you can do.
I also wanted so bad someone from the outside to interfere with the coding or something as well idk WHY DID WE GET SO LITTLE WITH A SEASON AROUND VIDEO GAMES
2- what are you thoughts about scott? (also does he play a big role in cabinet man? (since you also requested asks about cabinet man))
Cuz I think he is greatly underrated in prime empire (but yknow maybe that's just me)
3- jay's skin. I want all your thoughts about jay's skin. Superstar Rockin Jay should've lasted for much longer or at least become a gag in the future (or yknow the fact that there was a cult created out of it)
anyway yeah I like this season a normal amount. Toootally fine with how they handled it.
Can't wait to read your thoughts about it all ( ouo)
Ideas about the world of Prime Empire as a whole
first of all, most if not all the NPCs have some degree of sentience. That's an idea that I think should've been driven more home by the show itself but Blazey and Okino are not the only characters in the game that have free will and the ability to think for themselves. I believe this so wholeheartedly.
Prime Empire was split into different areas that I wish were explored more (honestly a lot of this season boils down to "I wish it were explored more"): Terra Technica, Terra Karana, and Terra Domina. Terra Technica obviously is the biggest area, with the entry point for players entering the game, the Speedway Five-Billion, Scott's Garage and Jay's Club, and at least one other area for the Dance Competition mini-game. I also think this would be where most of the shops run by NPCs in the game would be.
I think most NPCs reside in this area. To really hammer home the fact that they are PEOPLE, not just assets in the game, I think they have homes within the city. Y'know how in Pokemon games (except ScarVi rip) you can just walk into people's houses and there's NPCs inside? Yea it's like that. Except the NPCs leave the houses and explore as well because they have their own thoughts and lives.
Maybe it's just cuz I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom non-stop and it's taken over my brain but I think about the open-worldness of Prime Empire in a similar manner. You can pretty much go anywhere and do anything within the world of Prime Empire. You can scale buildings (if you have the skills unlocked for it) and find secrets everywhere. And most things respawn at certain intervals so players have the chance to pick them up. Kind of like a MMOPRG sorta vibe
BUT there is a sort of thing like you mentioned above - invisible points that you just can't pass. Like the place is enclosed by some giant wall you can't see, and doesn't let you pass through. If you TRIED you would just be running in place basically, never actually getting anywhere. You can see things beyond where stuck at, but they're just for show - there's nothing actually there to interact with, it just gives the guise of depth.
Basically Prime Empire is meant to feel endless, expansive, big, real, until the reality crashes in that it definitely isn't. And sure most people wouldn't care and would have fun playing anyways, but for those who aren't interested after this illusion is broken for them, discover that hey. How do you get out of here again?
Oh right.
They can't.
And that's when people start kinda freaking out. Which I imagine then Jay or the League of Jays step in to try and calm them down and get them to relax and have fun anyways while Jay waits for the rest of the ninja to arrive.
2. Thoughts about Scott and his role in the Cabinet Man AU!
OHHH MAN I LOVE SCOTT DUDE YOU'RE RIGHT HE'S SO UNDERRATED i think he's a super fascinating character to consider in Prime Empire. Given that Unagami clearly had a plan to cube a bunch of players for his portal, he definitely would've come after Scott first. When did Scott figure this out? Did Scott and Unagami interact in-person before this? How was Scott able to evade Unagami long enough to set up his garage's stealth barrier? He's so so so interesting to me
He's clearly a kind person who wants to help people to some degree (sneaking Jay into the garage with him in the shorts, letting Jay run his club from his garage, inevitably sacrificing himself so the ninja can get away, etc.) but he's also very wary and unwilling to risk himself in a lot of ways. He and Jay clearly come to care about each other to some degree in canon, given Jay seems fairly protective of him
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and Scott trusts Jay enough to let him into his personal and secret place
there was no reason for Scott to have done either of these things. Was it desperation because Jay's the first person Scott's seen in 30 years? Maybe. But clearly they care about each other to some degree
as for in the cabinet man AU! Jay considers Scott an older brother type figure. He, Scott, and Unagami actually got along well when Scott first got sucked into the game (the game is a lot newer than it is in the actual show given that Jay was 8 when he entered and there is no way he was in there for 30 years lmao, Jay would've been around 16 when Scott entered the game, Scott being 18 or 19, and Jay was around 21-22 when the ninja enter the picture). Unagami was excited to prove himself and give Scott a fun game experience, after all. But y'know, once Milton Dyer realized what happened.... things soured.
Jay and Scott were pretty much on the run together from then on. They care a lot about each other and Jay's extra devastated when Scott gets cubed. Once Jay and Scott leave the game, Scott takes time to rediscover life and reunite with family, but the two stay in close contact and see each other on a weekly basis for a while. Scott's still one of the first people Jay will reach out to if he needs help or advice with something not-ninja related
okay okay okay okay so obviously you and i met through skybound content so just in case you don't know yet
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i'm. a little. unhinged. about superstar rockin' jay
i have so many thoughts about jay's avatar ranging from "this is my Gender and i want to look like a fucking lego" to "WHY DIDN'T NINJAGO LET HIM KEEP ASPECTS OF THIS" to just white noise in my brain and in the center of that white noise is me rotating his minifigure in my mind
HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S SO COOL AND I LOVE HIM AND HIS DESIGN IS INCREDIBLE LIKE OKAY okay okay okay okay blue and yellow are contrasting colors that mesh REALLY well together and I think the glamrock persona with stars and triangles and shit looks super incredible and it's just a really nice and appealing design and I think that Jay would have like a v-tuber avatar of SSR Jay after the game cuz like LOOK AT HIM. THIS IS PEAK HEGHHAGJFHKGJKJHKJFHGKJFG god im so normal
this is why people call me the ceo of superstar rockin' jay. that design is every aesthetic of mine mashed into one. i'm so obsessed with this design it consumes my core being.
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at the end of the day i too. am superstar rockin' jay
i lost track of the point of this question uhhhhhhhh OH YEA I WISH THEY'D LIKE. BRING IT UP MORE OFTEN LIKE JAY WAS AN IN-GAME IDOL!! HE WAS A PERFORMER!! DID HE HAVE FANS??? IS THERE SUPERSTAR ROCKIN' JAY MERCH???????? he should exist outside of prime empire screams
anyways this was a lot of words i love prime empire i love prime empire so much it's so good and more people need to talk about it please please lpease
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raisansgrapeon · 1 year
Heyo, friendo!!
I do have a question about your baby boy AGEE! If he’s part bird-dino and also part spider, does he have to molt/shed his scales, feathers or chitinous parts? The question kinda struck me out of nowhere and I am practically vibrating from the curiousness!! OUO
The idea that Ingo could just one day come home and find a massive exoskeleton or loose and old feathers all over the house sent me into a giggle fit, hehehe >:333
Also, I hope you’re having a good timezone- byebye!! ^w^//
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Yes they do! But due too half of their genes not being used to shedding anything like that (the numan and eelektross parts of them) molting and shedding is hard and kinda painful. He needs help from other people to shed anything in general because a lot of his limbs aren't useful for removing feathers, scales or chitin.
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mymoodwriting · 2 months
what are your thoughts about yan! bodyguard juyeon and sunwoo? 🥹
OuO My goodness... the power they would have... it doesn't ever matter why you have bodyguards but they would absolutely take advantage of the title.
If you're smiling at your phone too much they'll take it from you, saying they need to do a check to make sure it's not hacked and the location tracker still works, if you're with friends and they just don't like you smiling at them so much they'd just make up some lie about needing to leave and use that as an excuse to keep you super fucken close to them while the 'situation dies down' and let me tell you... night time... you best believe they take turns sleeping, and they absolutely watch you sleep, and they don't hide it either. They need to be watching you all the time, so as you lay in bed trying to fall asleep they are absolutely in the corner watching, maybe on their phones secretly taking pictures as well, which they do all the time, they need to have lots of pictures of their ward, for security reasons of course.
Then there's the other things too. Everything you eat has to be approved by them, so you best believe someone, even friends, tryna buy you stuff and feed you is a big nope! They'll spoon feed you of course but you can just not have anything that's not from them or without their approval. The same goes for clothes, they're so particular about what you wear and where you want to go and with who. They are super controlling under the guise of just keeping you safe. So yes you absolutely shower with the door open cause they need to be able to get to you in case anything happens, and they absolutely peek.
Since they watch you like a hawk there really isn't much privacy so you definitely will end up frustrated and how can you resist the two handsome bodyguards who are right there... it's exactly what they've wanted too, classic don't fall in love kinda trope but how can you not when they 'care' about you so much >_< Gosh they'd be so good at manipulating too. If the job has an end, they'd make sure to truly have you before they're no longer legally allowed to follow you everywhere. By any means necessary of course.
Gosh, such a wonderful idea...
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miss-conner3 · 5 months
Are you willing to share more info about Ando? Or are you saving it for a comic/story?
Currently, yes, I am saving certain information for some drawings, but I can make some exceptions (owo)
Because I never know what they are going to ask me, hehe
So you can ask me about him if you want; I'll be happy to answer (ouo)
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iiboronii · 3 months
ALSO I forgot to mention! I think the thing that made me start selfshipping with the Onceler was this Pinterest image
Suffice to say I was going THROUGH IT back then and the thought of this goofy dude wanting me to be ok is just so sweet and....... auhg....... <3
I've never been one for remembering dates but December 14, 2023 is the day I started thinking about this fella and I've been having the time of my LIFE ever since :D
ALSO ALSO it's somewhere in the Buttermilk Daydreams tag but I hc the Onceler uses this vanilla scented lotion to keep his hands soft with all the work he does with his hands and playing the guitar and all that ouo
ALSO ALSO ALSO Fame < Infamy is SUCH a Biggering AU Onceler song!!! I added it to the playlist and everything :D
I'M SORRY YOU WEREN'T DOING WELL THEN I'M SENDING HUGS (even if you're no longer going through it you never know when a hug can help!) <3333. I hope you're doing better now though!! The Onceler would ABSOLUTELY want you to be okay and would do anything to see you with a genuine smile on your face :). I can see him being so silly and goofy and singing songs for you while playing his guitar to try and cheer you up!! And it's so cute that you remember the date you started thinking about him sm!! I'm a dates person so I think it's extra cute.
Sometimes you just gotta immerse yourself into something nonsensical and be insane about it!! I honestly didn't even THINK about any of the worldbuilding/theory stuff until you came along but it's such an absolute joy to be so immersed in the world.
Also we miiiight be the same person btw bc the ONLY reason I give the Onceler any thought nowadays is because I went through my first ever break up last year and saw a Onceler edit on YouTube and IMMEDIATELY was like "who needs a real man when there's pixels on the screen?"
ADN YES I LOVE THAT HEADCANON THAT'S SO CUTE AAAAAAAH!!!!!! He basically smells like butterfly milk I'm <3333. And with all the baking he does it fits him soooo well.
FAME < INFAMY OUGRAEOJFRAE;JFAE;OJFAERJFE YOU'RE SO RIGHT YOU'RE SO SO RIGHT I CAN SEE IT. "I am God's gift, but why would he bless me with such with without a conscience equipped?" "The kid was alright, but it went to his head?" SO Onceler in the Biggering AU coded. I LOVE THE PLAYLISTS YOU MAKE FOR YOUR AUS BTW!!!!!! (and I'll get my Onceler playlist over to you one day LOL I promise I haven't forgotten!! I just need to recreate it on YouTube first).
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
what about huntlow headcanons ouo
YES I was hoping someone would ask that
here we go…
Hunter is the cheesiest guy ever
he goes all out on dates, roses and chocolates and all that
willow loves it so much and finds it adorable
Luz tries to give Hunter pickup lines to use on willow
she claims they worked perfectly for her with amity
they didn’t
hunter tries to use them but ends up tripping over his words, a mess of nerves
willow finds it endearing though and laughs
Hunter loves her laugh
Willow is obsessed with his smile
she’s the biggest flirt ever (ask any huntlow shipper, this is true)
she’s a little awkward too
but it makes Hunter blush redder than a tomato
speaking of tomatoes, while in the human realm they explore new things together
they would go to the market to look at human plants and things
Gus and amity and Luz make bets on who asks out who first
and eda of course
I’m sorry but I was trying to imagine who would ask who out and they would totally pull a lumity
Hunter: willow, do you want to— *stutters nervously*
Willow: Do you wanna go out with me??
hunter: no I was already gonna… *the goofiest grin on his face*
Willow: it’s okay, you can do it *giggling nervously*
their first date was on accident, kinda
they went to get coffee or something together and ended up talking about about cosmic frontier
and then Hunter asks “is this a date?”
and willow thinks about it, and is like, “yeah :)”
Hunter loves reading and Willow loves watching him read
he loves telling her about what he’s reading
hunter tends to flinch when people touch him, because of past experiences with Belos
but he and willow take their time and slowly he becomes more comfertable :D
this probably has a ton of spelling errors because I wrote this so fast and have soooo many
please ask me more I want to dump my silly little hcs onto u guys
thanks so much for the ask <3
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mydetheturk · 2 months
millionsnails for the other birthday boy ouo
Elendira snooped. It’s what she did. She was bored, Conrad left the door to the lab unlocked (he did not), what else was she supposed to do on a night where Legato was off who knows where so she couldn’t bother him? Not sneak into classified files for fun and profit?
She flicked through files, skimming and perusing until she found one with Knives’ name on it.
With a grin, Elendira opened it and started reading.
Her grin froze when she read the date, glanced at the date/time on the console’s screen, and looked at it again.
“Oh you son of a bitch,” she said slowly. A thought occurred. She still had a few days, and it would be easy to arrange.
Elendira laughed.
This was going to be fun.
Elendira waited in the room generally designated as Knives’ office. She sat on his desk, legs crossed at the knees, and inspected her nails. Behind her sat what she spent two days getting.
She was just thinking she needed to repaint her nails when her target walked in.
Knives stopped. He narrowed his eyes. One eyebrow went up as he took Elendira in.
“What are you up to?” he asked. Wariness sat in his every move as he walked to the desk.
“You, sir, are a son of a bitch,” Elendira said primly.
“She was a widow,” Knives said. “What’s this about?”
Elendira slid the parcel from behind her so Knives could see. “Happy birthday, Knives.”
Elendira had the delight – nay, the honor of watching Knives falter, of seeing his mind come to a screeching halt and scramble to catch back up.
It was as good as she imagined – better than she imagined, even.
Smugly, Elendira watched as Knives opened the parcel.
Inside sat a small cake. Simple vanilla with a cream icing, with the words Happy Birthday written on the top.
Knives stared down at it for a long moment before he spoke. “How did you find out?” he asked.
He still held the cake, so win for Elendira?
“Wouldn’t you like to know, birthday boy. Eat your damn cake.” Knives sighed at her, but picked up the fork and started eating his damn cake.
“Thank you, I think. The cake is... surprisingly good.”
Elendira was so excited about getting to lord this over Legato. She was going to lord this over Legato for the next eternity.
Knives handed her a fork. “Share with me,” he said.
Elendira’s grin could have powered whole cities. “Yes, sir!”
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cherryshh · 2 months
do ouo miss me.
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creepy-crowleys · 2 months
🖤 if you're chill with it ouo
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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krysmcscience · 3 months
Intro post I will prolly edit later, lol
Figured I needed to make a pinned post at some point for people checking out my page.
Here's my ko-fi - And yes, I do commissions. The prices are based on the time and effort it takes me. If you want something cheap and low-effort, I offer '$1 per minute' sketches. I can do more with that time than you might think. (Granted, I also worry way less about pesky things like anatomy and outfit details.)
Here's my Ao3 - My stuff is dark and unpleasant, because my life has been dark and unpleasant, and thus what I write is not meant for either children or people who think censoring dark and unpleasant things helps anyone. :) My stuff is also Pretty Dang Queer.
Here's my original art tag - I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Breach, and a bit of Heavenshine. On hold is The Spirit Marauder, Starlight Killer, and Bleached Canvas, among other stories that I may or may not have posted about. Sometimes I forget to tag character and story names and such, though, because I am bad at tagging.
Here's my fanart tag - Again, I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Cult of the Lamb, and a bit of Among Us. I may sometimes still draw for Pokemon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, and Tokyo Mew Mew, among other things, but most of my older stuff doesn't have the fanart tag (because again - I am bad at tagging). I no longer draw for Homestuck, though I may still reblog posts about it that I find funny, and while I don't think I ever posted art for it here, anyway, my InuYasha hyperfixation died the moment my comfort character was turned into a pedophile. It is liable to never recover. u_u
Here's my art reblog tag - I very rarely reblog other folks' art. Not because I don't like it, but because if I reblogged every bit of art that I liked, I would probably overwhelm all my followers' dashboards. 8|; If you want to see all the stuff I like, anyway, my likes are public.
Here's my everything else tag - I'll usually stick this onto my ramblings, or on reblogs of stuff that isn't other folks' art.
Quick n' dirty deets about me: Filthy socialist (meaning ACAB, fuck MAGA, terfs can GTFO, from the river to the sea, and so on). Also, gendervoid aro-ace aegosexual with rampant AuDHD.
NO, I do not do drawing or writing requests. I do not have the time or energy. I may do random gifts for other artists or writers if I get the inspiration for it, but that's at my own discretion.
NO, I will not mark any of my posts as mature. I do not post smut art, I make clear what my writings contain in both the writings and posts themselves, and the internet is not a safe space for children. If you're a minor, best to steer clear of my page, and if you choose not to - because goodness knows I would have done the same at that age - then heed the provided warnings and proceed with caution. I am no one's parent or babysitter, and no one on the internet should expect me to be.
NO, I will not turn on anonymous messages. The moment my InuYasha comfort character was turned into a pedophile and I spoke out about it, I was harassed en masse by the grossest part of the fandom. If you want to be an asshole at me, you can do it with the full knowledge that I'll be outing you for your assholery the second you do. :)
YES, you can message me, provided you've been following me for more than a week. I don't always know what to say, though, so if I don't reply, that's on me and not you. (It tends to take me a while to reply to things, anyway. I am consistently tired and overwhelmed, plus a massive introvert.)
YES, you can draw or write stuff based off of what I've drawn or written! Of course you can!! Please do!!! Just share it with me first!!!!! OuO
YES, you can spam me with likes and reblogs, I do not mind at all. I don't even care how old the post is, so go nuts, my dude - like and reblog to your heart's content.
Krys is pronounced the same as "Chris", not "cries". If we start chatting and get to the point where we start talking over mics and you call me "Cries", I can promise that I while I WILL roll with it, I will also NEVER let you live it down, so if it's easier for you, just call me Terri. It's pronounced like normal, but short for Terrible.
I know it says 'she/them' in my bio, but gender is a nebulous void for me, so I don't actually care what pronouns you use for me.
As of June 17, 2024, I am 36. And yes, I feel fucking old.
Don't bother me with pro/anti-shipping garbage. I do not care about shipping wars. I cannot possibly care about shipping wars, not when half of my own ships are toxic garbage. What I do care about is whether or not a toxic garbage ship is framed correctly, especially when it's aimed at a young and impressionable audience. (LOOKING HARD AT YOU, YASHAHIME.)
If you know me from DA, NO YOU DO NOT. I just went through all my old posts on there, and good GRAVY was I fucking annoying. I should show all that shit to my mom and be like, 'Are you SURE I didn't have ADHD growing up??? Cuz it sure READS like I had ADHD growing up!!!'
I don't know what else to add here at the moment, so I'ma go back to recovering from weeks worth of working on comic stuff now. <:]
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