#me: can you help me lift this? her: no sorry im vegan
indigo474 · 1 year
Sunday funday take 2-
It rained all weekend. Fine by me. I like the rain. It makes me appreciate the Sun. The inspection for the house-my house- came back. Nothing too concerning. I am going to have the chimney inspected..again.
I started the 10k program today. in the rain, at the park. it's almost like my soul always knew what i needed. i always wanted to run. i cant explain any of it. but today i ran almost 4 miles in the rain.. i can hardly fucking believe it. it's kind of a big deal to me. my goal is to lift 3 days- run 3 days. if i have a choice, which i do- i'm running. i can't help it. i could probably lift and run - maybe something i should think about doing. I must run on the street or i am going to flop this 5k. i have time to figure it out.
I am not renewing my marijuana med card. i originally got it because i was afraid x was going to bring it up.. which he didnt. it was good i had it for my promotion and drug test- they never asked for it. im assuming i passed the drug test? I'm going to try and make a trip to get more edibles before my card expires. But yeah.. i'm done with it.. i rarely get high anymore. there is no reason for me to have it. if i want anything i can drive to new jersey.
I am so grateful for this life. I could never imagine living the life i'm living. not in a million years. It wasn't easy. some days its still not easy- i will probably always be healing. i am still that little blonde headed girl. some days i do a great job of loving myself and being kind to myself. i give myself what i need. there are days where i try and i fail. so i try again. it's amazing though - what can happen when you just keep going, no matter what-
I have another busy week. the ice queen was in monday and tuesday- drunk drunk drunk-- she was out the rest of the week. I heard she missed an important meeting in NY. It's sad. i feel sorry for her. funny i feel sorry for her but i do not feel sorry for the guy downstairs and his obvious drug addiction. i thought about that this week and i am not really sure why that is. i wonder what that says about me. why do i feel sorry for one and not the other? is there a difference? my team is ok. i have a few issues i need to address. we have a dress code. someone on my team was wearing sneakers. i asked her if she was wearing sneakers- she said no. really? they look like sneakers- no she says they are leather. oh ok. i was just checking. i actually thought it was funny. it's almost like they are kids or they think im an idiot. im not sure which. it's a lot. i'm getting good at it- ive learned so much about what it means to be a supervisor. i have 1 person i want off my team. i like her as a human but she needs to go as she is dead weight.
i finished watching the jerry farwell jr doc- it turned into a trump bashing documentary. they tried to say the pool boy was a victim.. i'm not sure i buy it. he got angry he didnt receive money and decided to come forward with his story. we wasnt a victim when he was flying first class, dining with celebrities or was balls deep in jerry's wife. he became a victim when he didnt get paid.. Paradise was rebuilt- that one was hard to watch- those poor people went through so much. i watched a good one-betrayal the perfect husband-
busy busy week. Madison turns 19 on Friday.. we were going to go to Hershey. We might still. Im not sure. I'll order a vegan cake. that will make her happy. my car is so messed up. i think i know what is wrong with it. its a matter of finding the time to get it to the mechanic.
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God I need therapy
#falling in love with a friend? in /my/ brain?? its more likely than you think#okay maybe love is a strong word. like i love this friend but im not in love with her#and maybe im more in love with the idea of her?#like. she is the sweetest person ive ever met. she has such a dry wit and interesting speaking mannerisms#interesting isnt the right word but its the best one i could think of#like. this person randomly says shes vegan in situations that dont require it. and shes not even vegan#me: can you help me lift this? her: no sorry im vegan#its just so undeniably her and its so endearing#its impossible to say no to her because she has such a sunshiney smile and personality#also. another fun thing. at camp (where we met and worked together) i had to carry a radio cuz i was an area director#but my staff. especially her. loved to steal that radio. and i didnt care because they never called anyone they just fucked around#and these radios have a button on them that just makes a beep. like thats all that the button does#so everyone would pretend its a gun and would 'shoot' people#so sometimes id realize my radio was missing. look around. see her holding it. aimed at me#shed do her cute sunshiney smile before 'shooting' me#smiling as she kills me#whoch is obviously something to fall in love with#none of this is related to why i need therapy btw#the reason i thought 'god i need therapy' was because i was thinking about her. as i do. and i started to picture a life together?#i really love her parents and younger brother and i thought 'yeah id like to be a part of that family'#that is what prompted my thought of needing therapy. imagining myself in a different family#yeah i definitely have parent issues#but like. it would be so nice. to have a relationship with her. to have a connection with her family#god i need therapy holy shit#and a nap. im going to work 5am-3pm for the next two days#i have too much going on to be imagining a life with her... but like. a life with her sounds so lovely#why does therapy have to be so expensive. i need to work out my parent issues#send thoughts and prayers. and money if you want to fund my therapy so you dont have to read posts like this anymore#for my shift. i have to wake up at 4am. or maybe. i could just stay awake until 4am. and then work until 3pm. this plan is foolproof#im going to collapse
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Infatuation P6
Joe Goldberg x Reader x Love Quinn
Warnings: Mentions of Death.
Notes: I have about 3 alternate versions of this but you can guess only one made it to the cut. Sorry everything is taking so long! I’ve been focused on my classes and it’s a lot of work. Without access to the studios, our projects are reliant on our at-home materials but I literally have none!!! Funny how life sucks like that.
It’s now 7 pm.
We’re sitting in the far back of a Diner that will be closing soon. I hadn’t expected us to actually go out somewhere, but that’s not a real concern.
Besides the faint jukebox music, It’s completely silent.
I’m beginning to wonder why you brought me here. This Diner. It’s in walking distance from your place, so I can’t be too surprised.
You lift a glass of water to your lips.
“So, what did you drag me out here to talk about?” I’m coming off a little annoyed, but I’m trying to be playful. Or... maybe I want to be playful. I don’t know. It’s late.
Those small hands of yours set down the glass of water, my eyes continue to linger on them while you talk.
“Um. I wanted us to talk about something, but I had expected it to be earlier.” Stop being vague, just tell me already.
You’re quiet for a solid minute, but I know you’re going to be the one to speak first.
“As you already know, I left a couple years ago.” Of course, we have to start from the top. I’m honestly just hoping you hurry this along.
“I left because of Forty, but I’m still scared. He’s— he doesn’t feel dangerous but he worries me.”
I’m beginning to think back to Forty and his mannerisms. I don’t see what you’re scared about. He’s got an air to him that couldn’t hurt a fly. Why are you bringing this up?
“I- I didn’t believe it at first but—“ you look me straight in the eye and my heart momentarily halts. “Don’t tell Love or Forty I’m telling you any of this. Please.”
Words escape me as I only nod in agreement. I’m enticed by whatever information you’re dangling above my head. Like the introduction of a story, I’m hooked.
“Well. Forty and I went on a d-date once. I thought it went w-well but... then Love told me about—“ You stop yourself again, right before you get to the good part! I’m getting frustrated, but I don’t let it consume me. Perhaps you caught something in my face, but you eventually swallow before continuing in a hushed tone. “He killed someone.”
Now that— that I was not expecting. So, that’s what Love told you... Based on what she had previously told me, I think it’s safe to say she told you this to get you away from Forty, whether it’s a sick lie or the cruel truth. Well, Love, it worked. It worked with and against you, but it worked.
“She told me when they were younger, he blacked out and, when he came to, he didn’t remember doing it.” You’ve long stopped meeting my eyes. Instead, you’re looking around the Diner and playing with your fingernails. “I was scared it would happen to me— I didn’t want to be his next victim, so I left without a word.”
“What made you come back?” I ask because I can see you beginning to slip and you need to know I’m listening. You look my way again.
“I came back because... my mom passed away. She still lived here. I have nobody left and over the years I realized we were young and I couldn’t base his whole identity around a mistake from his childhood. It was stupid of me and I desperately wanted to see Love again. I just don’t know where I stand with Forty now.” You drink some of the water you’ve been ignoring for the past 10 minutes and I lean forward in my seat.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” My voice is low. I honestly don’t know what to say in a time like this. You don’t seem all too distraught from your mother’s death. You seem good at managing yourself, once you get over your initial reactions.
“I don’t think I can ever tell Love. It’s not something I ever want to bring up with her again. But, I trust you. You know them both and I trust that you can see it the way I do.”
I have to fight a smile from crossing my lips. Maybe you’re less aware of all that’s been happening behind your back.
“If you don’t mind me asking, where did you go when you left?” I ask just out of curiosity. I take notice that the Diner is near empty, aside from the employees and ourselves.
You reply, the clearest you’ve been all night. “New York City. I lived in the upper East side of Manhattan before moving back here.”
I stiffen at your response. Your eyes are locked onto mine and I begin to doubt my last statement again. Yorkville? A shiver runs up my spine and my muscles tense. I know I suddenly have this vacant look in my eye but I can’t help it.
“That’s an expensive neighbourhood.” I fight myself to say.
“You’ve been?” You quirk a brow and I could just slap myself in the face. Did I really just give myself away?
“Before I moved here, I did a lot of research. Almost ended up moving to NYC.” I think you’re buying it, but I can’t tell. For the most part, you remain expressionless.
“Hm.” You take a sip of your water again. “Know of any good bookstores around here? I’ve been gone for so long that my old favourites have been bought out.”
“Well, there’s Anavrin. Where I work. With books.” We both crack a smile and you lightly laugh. I raise my brows and slowly nod my head to really hammer in that I wasn’t kidding. I’m relieved we’ve changed the topic. I still feel on-edge, but I’m starting to loosen up again.
“Right. I’m not looking for vegan cook books or autobiographies.” You smirk and hesitantly raise a brow. Very cute, you’re trying to be funny.
“Oh, come on! I’m sure I can get you the book you’re looking for. If it isn’t in stock, I can special order it.”
“You’d do that for me?” You tilt your head in such an innocent way. You’re beginning to remind me of a certain blond.
“Of course! So, what’re you looking for?” I ask.
“The sign of four by Arthur Conan Doyle. I’ve been reading up on mysteries for a project.”
“Oh, what’s the project for?”
“Hmm... mostly myself. I don’t have a job so I spend my hours reading and writing.”
“You can make a career out of writing.”
“But then it wouldn’t be fun anymore! The moment I have a deadline, I don’t want to work anymore.” You playfully pout and I smile.
“I take it you have money saved aside?” Im enjoying the conversation, but I can’t help but think back on what you were saying only minutes ago.
“Yeah. I saved most of my money when I lived on my own. After my mom passed away, I inherited her belongings as well. Turns out she was putting money aside for me.” By that, I can guess you’re an only child.
“I’m sorry but we’re closing.” I turn to face the waitress and smile. She cut into the conversation, but I’m not mad. It’s getting late and they need to close. We can continue this outside or... maybe at your apartment, if you’ll let me in.
“No problem. We lost track of time.” I point at the both of us and we stand. You slip your bag over your shoulder and we leave shortly after you tip the waitress.
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Hurt 7
A/N: So I am back and here for a Part 7, I’m thinking of wrapping this up at Part 8, unless you guys want me to keep going? Let me know! As usual, I do not own the GIFs or anything Riverdale related!
Part 1                            Part 6                   Part 8
Tags: @trumpettay
Warnings: Underage drinking
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Cheryl had organized the house as a spa with your help as the two of you waited for the girls to pile into the Mansion. The kitchen was filled with at-home vegan-friendly hair and face masks the two of you made with the help of Pinterest. You folded plush red towels and hung red bathrobes in all of the bathrooms. Cheryl had given you quite a stack of bathrobes and towels which made you worry about how many people Cheryl invited. She reassured you it was nothing “too big” but you worried the two of you had different definitions of what big meant. As you finished folding the last towel you heard the doorbell. Cheryl was quick to answer the door, and of course, it was Toni who should up first. 
“T.T! You’re right on time!” Cheryl squealed as she kissed Toni.
“Hey, Toni.” You stated as you walked out to the foyer. 
“Hey Y/N.” Toni smiled. “By the end of tonight, you won’t even remember who Jughead is. I promise.” She winked as she pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“I thought this was a girls night in, spa night?” You inquired quirking your left eyebrow. 
“It is! I am just adding a little fun to it.” Toni smirked. “Trust me you’re going to need it.”
The doorbell rang once again and the rest of the girls all came in one by one with their duffle bags and smiles plastered all over their faces. They were all in light cheery moods as they greeted you. Cheryl ended up inviting more people over than you had anticipated. You understood she was trying to lift your mood and help you move on from Jughead. Yet you could not help but feel so alone in the Thornhill Mansion. It felt as if you were a ghost. The girls made sure to say hi to you, but that was it. They all went into their own separate groups in the different rooms. You were so grateful to Toni for bringing Jack Daniels as you poured yourself some, mixed it with coke and walked into the bathroom. You locked the door and sat on the floor idly playing with the strings on the bathroom carpet.
Okay, so this is how we are going to get through this. I’m going to finish my drink and make myself another one. I’m going to have to add more Jack though this isn’t strong enough.  I am going to walk out of this bathroom with a huge smile. Say hi to some random girls, probably compliment them too while I’m at it. I will play along with what everyone is expecting of me. Later when it gets late enough into the night I will suggest we go to the Whyte Wyrm and suggest we find me a flavor of bad boy to officially get Jug out of my head. Cheryl will probably love the idea, its chaotic, and Saturday night. As for the boy, I think the best and easiest option is- 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. 
“Hello?” You questioned, confused as to if you were hearing things or if someone was actually outside the door. 
“Hey Y/N, sorry if I’m bothering you-” You quickly stood up placed your drink on the counter of the sink and opened the door. 
“You’re not bothering me! I was just relaxing with a drink want to come in?” You asked the girl smiling. 
“Sure!” She chirped.
“I don’t mean to be rude but I don’t remember your name.” You admitted looking down at your feet. 
“Oh, Im Madison! Its fine not a lot of people recognize me.” She almost whispered fidgeting with a silver ring on her pointer finger.
“You look like you need a drink Madison.” You smirked as you offered your jack and coke. 
“Oh, thanks but I don’t drink,” Madison stated.
“Okay, more for me I guess.” You joked as you chugged the drink. “So how did you find me?” You asked.
“Oh I saw you go from the kitchen into the bathroom and you were in here for a while and I got worried,” Madison affirmed. 
“Oh, so you were watching me?” You joked wiggling your eyebrows. “How about we take our pity party into the kitchen, I make myself another jack and coke and we put some face masks on?” You added. 
You sat on the kitchen counter as Madison spread a paste all over your face. 
“This feels so weird.” You commented laughing.
“Well, it’s good for your skin! You know what they say, beauty hurts Y/N!” Madison countered.
“Well I’m going to find the weirdest face mask in this house and put it all over your face and we will see who’s going to be laughing.” You riposted smiling. 
“Bring it on, cause I’m done!” Madison replied as she sat next to you on the counter.
“I’ll be right back.” You winked as you jumped off the counter and searched the house. 
As you walked into the living room you bumped into Toni and Cheryl.
“Hey, guys!” You smiled. “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should hit up the Whyte Wyrm later.”
“Y/N as much as I love this idea we can not bring all these girls to the  Wyrm,” Cheryl stated crossing her arms. 
“Yeah, it’s one thing when the younger Serpents enter the Wyrm. But all these Northsiders in my territory will get the Wyrm shut down by Alice Cooper or FP is going to lose it. Either or I don’t want to witness or lose my job for even saying it’s okay.” Toni added. 
“What if we brought the younger Serpents here?” You suggested wiggling your eyebrows. “Nothing screams I’ve moved on like wearing a new man.”
“Well, that’s not a bad idea. Do you have any guy in mind specifically? I’m sure T.T has their digits.” Cheryl chirped.  
“No, not really. But how about we don’t invite Jughead and let him figure it out on his own.” You remarked. 
“Counter that, we invite Jughead and he can watch you grind against a Serpent. Totally make him jealous and cause some sort of chaos. Open the opportunity for him to embarrass himself Y/N.” Cheryl cheered. 
“Okay, how about I invite some serpents let them know its low key and they can bring one friend if they want and if Jughead shows up he does and if doesn’t, he doesn’t. Let’s not start bullying the kid.” Toni asserted as she pulled out her phone from her back pocket and typed away. 
“Thanks, guys!” You cheered as you hugged both of them.
You walked back into the kitchen and picked up two random facemask pasts and mixed them. 
“I forgot that the face masks were only in the kitchen.” You commented to Madison. 
“Well, you were gone for a while what happened?” She questioned. 
“OH! I convinced Toni and Cheryl to throw a party later. Invite some guys to find me a nice new distraction.” You mentioned.
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fatvegan417 · 6 years
i don't really feel like my ED is valid
okay so I'm obviously fat (200.7 lbs) and i an losing weight but only with help from my ADD medication. without it i am pretty much hopeless. my medication was how i was so skinny in high school and when i stopped taking it i blew up. i literally doubled my weight when i went to college. idk how i can have anorexia and an over eating disorder at the same time but i see examples of it ALL OF THE TIME on here. (ex. i had 30 cals for breakfast and 1000 for dinner). i like to see myself as how i was in high school but thats just not how it is. i was much more determined when i was 16. i also had no idea i had an eating disorder then. my routine was pretty insane now that i think about it (or maybe I'm just lazy af now).
here was my daily routine in hs
4 a.m. - take ADD medication and fall back asleep
5 a.m. - wake up naturally from ADD medication and run a couple miles, stretch, and do some light lifting
6 a.m. - shower and get ready for school
7:30 a.m. - try to choke down some sort of food (usually was a piece of bread or a protein shake) and drive to school
8:15 a.m. - 12 p.m. - classes
12 p.m. - “lunch time” aka staying in my theatre class and work on homework or just rehearse extra
12:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - classes
4 p.m. - ? - rehearsal (more time burning calories and not eating)
then i would go home, eat something super light for dinner with my parents, work on homework, and be in bed by 10 p.m.
I SAW NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. if anything, i envied those times. 
now i just kinda wake up when i feel like it. (unless im opening at work
usually around 8 a.m. - wake up, drink some almond milk, take my ADD medication, and make eggs for my dog (not making my dog vegan sorry not sorry) (also the eggs are from my mothers free range and organically fed chickens) (they're her pets and the eggs are just an added benefit)
10 a.m. - ADD meds kick in and i work on my devotional and chores
(if im not working that day then i just relax and do self care for the rest of the day, or write long ass tumblr posts)
12 p.m. - get ready for work and take my sweet time because I've noticed people are nicer to you when you look good (especially in the south)
2 p.m. - get to work and get shit done. i have made myself indispensable and i plan on running that store one day (its creative work and i do a lot of behind the scenes stuff and I've kinda become the managers right hand woman nbd)
10 p.m. - get home from work, have a snack, and chill with my fiancé because we hardly ever get to talk during the work week because our schedules are so different.
soooooo as you can see i don't really have time for food when I'm working and when I'm not i don't really have too much else going on. its a dangerous combo. but my wedding is in 181 days and I'm tired of being fat so if that means resorting to old, damaging habits, then so be it. 
i know this is not healthy. i know there are better ways to lose weight. i have tried. i have failed. this is what works for me. i in no way recommend this method for anyone else.
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tainolibrary · 6 years
Spiritual Elitism or Respecting Tradition
“I have come come across more online fodder and Fuckery than I care to admit to. I have seen huge groups of people from neo pagan white witches to hotepian American African descendants taking creative license and authority over well established living and breathing traditions that have survived and have been surviving and thriving with priesthoods. Take that last part in yall... LIVING AND THRIVING PRIESTHOODS!! We are not talking about the entire greek pantheon with old ruins of temples of glorious times past. We are talking about multiple lands in the diaspora by which Africans were brought and left in motion strong rooted legacy by which some of us were initiated into operating within and entrenching ourselves in the work to keep it going so that future generations can use it to benefit themselves and others. And here come along any ol body who has access to a mouse, a keyboard, monitor and such to come scooping on in and COLUMBUSING what was already there and established. These are some of the very “progressive” folks who can understand Christopher Columbus was not shit and gets the credit for “founding” America which was already inhabited. They will not nor can they even try to see that they are themselves inserting them into a space as guests and possible heirs and trying to upsurp what has already been rooted. Listen here.. You aint coming up in my house and uprooting anything, and if you are successful in your attempts you are catching these hands or this good ol juju. On my amazing friend and Sister friend, Okantomi’s @spiritualteabath page on IG, there was a post about upheld traditions and how to navigate to and through them. Out comes vegan Susan from accounting who does yoga all her life, eats granola and dried cranberries and owns several rescue animals decides to come in and give her testimony of how Orisa has been speaking to her all her life. Once told by several initated priests that there are certain ways one is called to the priesthood or lifestyle associated with orisa worship she decides to perform her well rehearsed routine... Sparkling mayo-tinged bleached tears and indignation. Miss Susan, aka @seekyoursoul333 on IG proceeds to post the following: “The only thing I take issue with is spiritual Elitism. Those that judge anothers path by their own ego. Their need to feel they are special or more entitled to a path than another. To me, if the spirit of any path calls you, you should listen. Develop your relationship and understand what is between you and the Orisha, God, Goddess ect, is between you and them. What relationship another of anyone’s business but them.” @SpiritualTeaBaths responds again, kind as ever: |” Yes, Orisha worship is now universal. The Orishas are worshipped by people of all races and national origins, but legitimacy depends upon adherence to established orthodoxy. Lukumí/Regla de Osha (AKA Santería) has a very rigorous orthodoxy. Heads are marked in very specific ways, by ritual specialists who are priests of divination. It is possible to have connections to many Orisha, but in that system only one owns your head; and it’s not something that you can just be told by a practitioner. What we view as capricious is the desire of outsiders to interact with these deities while disregarding the systems of worship the Orisha established for us thousands of years ago. I don’t suggest that you have no affinity with Oshún. However, if she had actually called you you’d be experiencing such terrible upheavals in your life that you would be forced to seek initiation. It’s a common thread across all traditions, people get initiated because they must. If you’re ever interested in reading about Orisha worship, I can recommend some great books. Ki Oshun agbe o.   I understand your perspective, but it is antithetical to every tradition of Orisha worship. Orisha religions are systematic and hierarchical. Their “fundamento” (foundation) consists of “regla” (rules and order), “Awo” (secret, sacred knowledge), and “licencia” (ritual authority) among other things. These are intact systems of worship that are links in an unbroken chain that is thousands of years old. They are orthodox and structured. They are neither random, nor are they eclectic. Their structure and orthodoxy were established and maintained at great personal cost by “lagba-lagba” (revered elders), mandated and guided by the Orisa themselves. As a communal system, initiated have a responsibility to ensure the integrity of these traditions. So yea, it is absolutely the business of others. Just as my practice is the business of others. Orisha cannot be separated from its culture, orthodoxy, or priesthood. Orisha worship is hierarchical. It is your sense of privilege and entitlement that has created your misperception of elitism. If you ever become involved in any form of orthodox Orisha worship, your perspective will shift. P.S. I view exchanges of this nature as enlightening and beneficial. It helps me to understand your perspective, and it exposes you to the tenets and orthodoxy of Orisha religion. ” Others now hip to Susan’s trail of entitled tears and tantrums are getting riled up and calling her out.. and here she goes again:“And there comes the “entitlement” and “privilege” words. No, I’m sorry it is not your business. I think Im’ probably going to take an Orisha over you. If you want to talk about what matters, I’m going to follow what the Orisha has led me to and not you. I will never tell another what to do in their spirituality and you maybe should do the same. You are frankly making judgements about relationships you know nothing about. Religion is man made. I do not follow a religion. I go where I am led as everyone should. My path is mine alone. I am involved in Santeria. And yet Oshun has come to me, as a child. Showed me things I should not know was not exposed to. So  yeah I’m going with Orisha here. You are free to practcie as you are led. We all are. That is not entitlement or privilege.” Now yall... I read her response and all of my hairs stood up and I felt the heat in my ears I get just before I am about to THUMP/FIGHT/THROW HANDS. I had to breathe through it. The nerve of this unititated ass woman talking to other priests about what she gonna do with their deities they serve and have been trained to serve and her relative free access to all that is based on a feeling of being “led.” Here is my thing, can you imagine walking into a sweat lodge or Pow Wow and through on cultural/spiritual regalia and just jump on in dancing the dances no one dances or danced, singing songs no one sings or ever sung and performed ceremonies/rituals no one ever uses in that group of people? Would you enter a Hindu temple and offer steak to the Gods there in offering because you felt compelled and led by spirit to do so? Would you enter a Catholic Churh throw Koolaid in their Holy Water and tell them the holy water shall now be red like the blood of Christ and its ok because spirit led you to do so? No you wouldnt and you would do so at the cost of possibly catching a Tanya Harding to Nancy Kerrigan to the knee cap bust, or some generational curse ensured to your descendants fro years to come. You do not get to enter spaces, that inhabited and established and simply request or demand changes. You have to be a part of said culture or group before you can even earn a right to say anything about anything and then even then you must earn your way to having a reputable name enough by your community to admonish such.. This is the nonsense I am seeing here that boggles my mind. You just gonna come in and make it what you think it needs to be and damn anyone else whose job it is to retain and ensure the survival of said traditions. You treating our tradition like you are the “Do Good” LA rich folk who want to stop the Yulin dog eating festival in a country you have nothing to do with. A people you havent yet got to know or emerse in their culture enough to see the hows and whys of anything they do. You just gonna throw your entitlement and privilege around to judge it from the outside looking in and then demand from the top of your lungs what you want to happen. GIRL BYE!!! SIR, FARETHEEWELL! Sayonora! Adios! Au Revoir! and Any other language you need to get the hint. This was my final word on that thread and I stand by it 150% in the spirit of, “WHAT YOU AINT FITTIN TUH DO IS!” “My biggest issue will be entitlement. If you are truly being "led" you will have been led to a community, an ile, and more than likely ocha if not the first preliminary steps leading into initiation. You don't just meditate and orisa come visit or just dream and these deities just come around. I'm convinced 99.9% of what's appearing to people are spirits who work with or in alignment with said deity or their energy. Or are appearing in a fashion in which is comfortable or significant for the person to accept and/or visualize. Some spirits may appear Oshun-esque but many spirits exist in the unseen realm or in the bodies of water. There are ways we as priest confirm if orisa is calling someone. There are ways as priests we call to orisa to incite, to calm... we even have ways to let them know what we doing..as far as lifting them up off the ground or taking off the lid to the sacred vessels that hold them.. yet these folks think they can just meditate and light a yellow candle and poof first image of femininity you see is an orisa simply because you called their Name and set an intention?! GTFOH! Don't google, YouTube, or Wikipedia orisa subjects and then form rituals around that or speak with authority online or otherwise. The truth of the matter is you are a child parroting grown folk business and ain't yet started sitting at the grown folk table. You still eating with the other children pontificating. I need folks to truly respect the legacy of ancestors and not cherry pick how they want to honor them. If it's ancestors you rever then rever the foundations of legacy they left by way of tradition. Follow the protocols that have been existent for over 500 years and don't feel entitled to practice or know what so many priests have busted their ass, bank, or otherwise to learn for the benefit of their community. Every practitioner of medicine must do apprenticeship, internship, tests and finally a review by their expert peers until they are deemed capable to practice.. Anyone else attempting to practice medicine without said license is considered illegal and liable to be jailed. Think about that because the same applies here.” - David Sosa Original source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/david-sosa/spiritual-elitism-or-respecting-tradition/10155887653642736
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