#and these radios have a button on them that just makes a beep. like thats all that the button does
God I need therapy
#falling in love with a friend? in /my/ brain?? its more likely than you think#okay maybe love is a strong word. like i love this friend but im not in love with her#and maybe im more in love with the idea of her?#like. she is the sweetest person ive ever met. she has such a dry wit and interesting speaking mannerisms#interesting isnt the right word but its the best one i could think of#like. this person randomly says shes vegan in situations that dont require it. and shes not even vegan#me: can you help me lift this? her: no sorry im vegan#its just so undeniably her and its so endearing#its impossible to say no to her because she has such a sunshiney smile and personality#also. another fun thing. at camp (where we met and worked together) i had to carry a radio cuz i was an area director#but my staff. especially her. loved to steal that radio. and i didnt care because they never called anyone they just fucked around#and these radios have a button on them that just makes a beep. like thats all that the button does#so everyone would pretend its a gun and would 'shoot' people#so sometimes id realize my radio was missing. look around. see her holding it. aimed at me#shed do her cute sunshiney smile before 'shooting' me#smiling as she kills me#whoch is obviously something to fall in love with#none of this is related to why i need therapy btw#the reason i thought 'god i need therapy' was because i was thinking about her. as i do. and i started to picture a life together?#i really love her parents and younger brother and i thought 'yeah id like to be a part of that family'#that is what prompted my thought of needing therapy. imagining myself in a different family#yeah i definitely have parent issues#but like. it would be so nice. to have a relationship with her. to have a connection with her family#god i need therapy holy shit#and a nap. im going to work 5am-3pm for the next two days#i have too much going on to be imagining a life with her... but like. a life with her sounds so lovely#why does therapy have to be so expensive. i need to work out my parent issues#send thoughts and prayers. and money if you want to fund my therapy so you dont have to read posts like this anymore#for my shift. i have to wake up at 4am. or maybe. i could just stay awake until 4am. and then work until 3pm. this plan is foolproof#im going to collapse
0 notes
spookysweet-heart · 4 years
The Fateful Meeting
Request: “What about Claire x Reader meeting for the first time in the middle of the zombie outbreak? You can choose the circumstances!”
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairings: Claire Redfield x Birkin!Reader
Warnings: Zombie Outbreak, mention of death (zombies), blood, violence, language. 
A/N:  Thank you to the anon who requested this! I hardly get Claire Redfield requests so it always gets me super happy to get to do these!!! Hope you all enjoy it! The collage was made by me!
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        Claire ran from behind one car to another staying low and quiet. Looking around, she lets out a sigh of relief when there aren’t any zombies around her. Sliding down to the ground Claire leans her back against the tire of the car. Huffing a bit, catching her breath Claire looks up at the night sky trying to remember the way to the Police Station.  
Looking around again she heard a can roll away and a groan soon after. Claire slowly moves away before quickly standing up and running in the direction of the Station. “Oh, Fuck!” Almost tripping over her own boots she skids to a stop when the small horde of zombies appear to be blocking the entrance gate. Glancing to her left Claire sees a stray pipe on the ground.
Dodging her way out of a zombie grab Claire quickly picks up the pipe and bashes it against the zombie's exposed skull. Hearing the base of the skull crack she feels the pipe go through piercing its brain making them fall to the ground. Detaching the pipe she swings it down one more time, now on the exposed brain, she sees it turn to nothing but a pink and grey mush on the concrete. 
Wiping at the blood on her cheek Claire lets her guard down for a second before she grips the pipe with both hands she furrows her brows in concentration. Letting out a deep breath she didn’t realize she was holding in. Claire looked at the four maybe five zombies blocking her way to the gate. “Alright...Let’s do this!” Taking a running start Claire swings the pipe left and right, hitting them dead center on their heads either knocking them down or successfully killing them in one hit. 
Sliding over to the gate she makes it in time to lock out the rest that is starting to gather around. Tossing the bloody pipe to the side she looks up at the building and silently hopes that she finds Leon or at least someone else who's alive is in the building right now. 
Opening the front doors to the police station, Claire looks around carefully walking in as the doors start to close behind her. “Anyone here??” Walking down to the front desk she finds a box of ammo and a stray gun. Taking the gun she checks if it's loaded, seeing that it is she checks the ammo to see if its the same as the ones in the gun. Hearing a loud bang Claire jumps and looks around. Quickly putting the ammo in her pocket, she stays quiet waiting for a few seconds if something else will happen. 
“Hello? Is anyone still here?!” Claire looks over at the small desk seeing a laptop. Going over to it she sees there’s a live feed of the building. Hearing another bang she notices it’s coming from her left. Looking for the feed on the left side of the map she finds movement near the west office. Clicking the feed Claire hears the moans and gurgling through the audio. There’s a flash and another bang sound.
Turning the corner you fire off another shot hitting the zombies leg making it fall and successfully slowing it down. Looking up at the camera in the corner of the room you see the little red light blinking signaling that someone’s looking at you through the recording. “Hey! Is someone there?! Please, if someone else is alive in here can you find me?! Im in the hallway between the weapons lockers and West Office!�� Hearing banging from the door to the West Office your eyes widen when you see two more of them trying to get to you. Please! I’m looking for my little sister! Whoever you are, I’m going to hide in the dark room thats down this hallway...I don’t have much time!” Getting your gun ready you aim at the zombie at the ground that caught up to you. Firing at it’s head your shoes and part of your jeans et covered in dark sticky blood. Looking back up at the camera you see the red light fade away.  “I really hope they heard me…” Suddenly the door to the West Office bursts open making you run down the hall towards the Dark Room.
Claire watches the video feed turn to static and fade away. Quickly finding the map again, she looks for the Dark Room. “There it is!” Glancing to the side she sees a hunting knife, taking it, Claire takes another look at the map before looking around The Main Hall. “Maybe I can open that gate to get there. The doors themselves look like they’re locked….” Memorizing the path one more time Claire puts the gun in a side pouch. Gripping the handle of the knife she walks over to the taped up electrical box. Cutting away at the tape she opens the little door and presses the button. Hearing the little beep she turns to the gate seeing that its slowing rising. 
Putting away the knife she looks around the room and finds more unused ammo on one of the benches. “Everyone was really in a hurry. Wasn’t this supposed to be a safe place for people to evacuate to?” Putting away the bullets, Claire takes out the gun once more and makes her way to the other door. 
Carefully opening it she its a dark hallway, reaching into her pocket she takes out a small flashlight and shines it at the walls. Slowly making her way to the end of the hall, there’s a radio call coming from a body on the ground thats leaning against the wall. 
Claire could tell the body was fully dead, they weren’t like the others that came back to life. Just as she was about to reach over a sound at the right made her stand up straight again. Seeing feet dangling in mid air Claire notices dry blood soaked into the socks and shoes. Panning the light upwards she sees the body’s only hanging from the persons face that’s split in half from a pipe.
Carefully moving around the body Claire continues her way through the next hallway. Turning to her right she sees double doors, remembering that this is the right way to go she reaches for the doorknob but jumps back when she hears a glass window break. Gripping the gun Claire turns to face the zombie as they’re standing up. “You have got to be kidding me...”  Aiming the gun at the zombie’s head Claire pulls the trigger seeing it burst five shots. The last shot to the head causes it to explode in a mess of blood, chunks of brain and whatever’s left of the eye balls.
Quickly reloading, Claire goes into the room and sees the door she was supposed to go through is chained up. “What the fuck is this...now where-” Stopping herself when she looks to her left and sees a storage box below a broken window. “Well, that works.” walking over to the box she carefully climbs her way up and over the window jumping down into the next room. 
Staying still when she hears banging near by she realizes one of them is banding away one of the vending machines. “I guess they’re still human after all.”  Silently as possible Claire walks past the zombie and sees the West Office and Weapons Locker. “They should be at the end of the next hall I think…” Whispering to herself Claire doesn’t notice theres a zombie right around the corner. 
The zombie notices her first and successfully knocksher down to the ground. Claire groans in pain when her back hits the floor. Keeping the zombies face away from her she gathers all her weight and flips them over so she’s straddling the zombie. Taking out her knife she plunges it into its head twisting it before pulling it out seeing the blood pool as it’s limbs fall to ether side of it. Breathing heavil Claire looks up seeing the zombie from the vending machine making its way towards her now.
Claire quickly gets up almost falling again in the process but she’s able to brush it off and run down the hall. Turning to her right she the Dark Room in the little corner. Sighing in premature relief she runs over to the door opening and closing it behind her. Trying to slow down her breathing Claire’s startled when the lights to the room turn on. Immediately she aims her gun at the switches direction only to find another living person on the other side of the room.
“Are you hurt? Did they bite you? Scratch you?” You looked over at Claire defensive but  if you were being honest you very relieved someone actually heard you.
“No! None of that...though I was close to getting bit but I was able to escape in time.” Claire slightly lowers her gun as she stares back at you. “What about you?”
“No.” You lowered your gun as well. “I’m (Y/n), (Y/n) Birkin.”
“Claire Redfield. You said you were looking for you sister?”
At the mention of your sister your eyes perk up as you walk closer to Claire. “Yes! Have you seen her? Her name’s Sherry she’s  twelve years old.”
Claire sadly shakes her head. “No i’m sorry. You’re the second person I’ve met  who isn’t one of those things.” Claire takes a folded up picture from her pocket and shows it to you. “You haven’t seen this guy around, have you?”
Looking at the photo of Claire with a guy that has his arm around her shoulders. They look like they’re laughing really hard over something. Shaking your head you look over at Claire. “No I’m sorry. Who is he?”
Claire softly smiles at the picture. “That’s my brother Chris. He works here as S.T.A.R.S agent for the R.P.D. I cam here looking for him. I guess you had the same idea with your sister?”
“Ah, yeah...I was coming home from college to surprise Sherry but I came just as this whole thing started getting too out of hand. I immediately went home but Sherry wasn’t there by the time I was able to get in. The only clue I had was the notebook with Sherry’s handwriting on it with the Stations phone number. I guess i just took the chance but I can’t seem to find her anywhere….” Wiping away the tears that start to fall you shake your head. “Sorry for getting emotional…”
Claire gently pats your back and gives you a soft smile. “Don’t be, we’re both on the look out for our siblings. Tell you what. How about we stick together. Get through this and find your sister and my brother.”
Smiling, you look at her and nod. “Yeah, That sounds like a good plan to me. Thank you, Claire”
“Don’t mention it, (Y/n). we’ll get through this, together.” Reaching out her blood stained hand for you to take she laughs a bit seeing yours is also covered in blood when shake her hand.
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mxtantrights · 4 years
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OCTOBER 29, 1983
I knocked on the door to the Wheeler house and waited patiently. A little out of breath from biking here but, what the hell am I gonna do.
Somehow I find it hilarious that no matter where we go, I'm always chauffeuring Mickey around. In Texas it was taking him to practice when our parents couldn't or picking him up when they couldn't. I guess that's what being the middle child is all about. Dayton didn't have to do shit for Mickey.
He got away with it because he had 'extracurriculars'. Bullshit. If you have a family responsibility, it comes first. Which one stays with you longer, your family or football practice? Eventually practice ends and everyone goes home. Family doesn't end. And family definitely doesn't go home. At least not at our family gatherings.
The door opened and a man with the dorkiest glasses is holding it open. God. Maybe this is where these kids get that D&D stuff from. This must be Nancy's dad.
"How can I help you?" He asks me.
"My brother is supposed to be here, with his frie-" I begin to explain but it seems I don't need to do so.
Mr.Wheeler walks away before I can finish.
I scoff. "asshole."
I walk in, he didn't even invite me in, and close the door behind me. If I wasn't coming in I would have left it wide open so that someone could just run in and steal Mr.Wheeler's glasses. I don't even know where the kids are?
"Oh hello, you must be Mickey's sister." A soft voice calls out from a far.
A woman, tall and very pretty steps out into view. Wow. That's Nancy's mom. Definitely. She couldn't have gotten her looks from her dad. What is she doing with a man like that?
I smile at her. "Yeah. I'm Jessie."
Maybe whatever they do together is orgasmic. It has to be. It really has to be.
"The basement is just right there, you can go down there or wait up here if you want." She offers, point to where the basement is.
Yeah I don't know about waiting up here. And running into that asshole Mr.Wheeler? Not on the menu today.
"I'll go down there. Thank you though." I smile and take her direction.
I open the door and begin the descent down the steps. As I do I can hear the boys shooting about their game. Must be really interesting if they voices are this loud. I wonder if I was his age if I would be playing it too.
As I reach the bottom they all stop in a sudden halt and look at me. There's my brother with his friends, frozen still. Like I had caught them in the act of something. I hold back a laugh and try to find Will. It has to be the one with the bowl cut. It has to be.
My brother unfreezes himself and stalks over to me.
"You're early. We're still going though the game." He almost growls at me.
I widen my eyes in surprise with a smirk on my face. "Relax. I won't interrupt you guys. I won't even throw any nerd jokes around."
He looks at me hesitantly and I hold my hands up in surrender. Mickey points his finger at me aggressively and then goes back to his friends. They're all still looking at me like I caught them sharing a playboy magazine.
I wave my hand at them. "I'm Jessie, the big sister."
They all start stuttering things and tripping over their words.
"I'm Dustin!" One of them shouts out.
His cheeks are really cute, I smile at him. "Nice to meet you."
"That's Will, Mike, and Lucas." He points at them accordingly and sure enough my guess from before was right. Bowl cut is Will Byers.
They all say some variation of Hi to me.
I point to Will. "I know your brother, Jonathan. He talks about you a lot."
A little smile forms on his face.
"You said you wouldn't interrupt." My brother chastises.
I sigh.
"Chill out, I'm easy like a Sunday morning."
I walk over to the couch, shrug my bag off and take a seat. Don't know how long this game is gonna go on for, but I'm definitely not sitting up there with Mr.Wheeler. This couch will have to do.
I cross my arms over my chest and lean back. When I do they continue screaming as if I hadn't walked in. A bunch of words come out. Like quest? I can't keep up with the nerdy stuff if I'm tired. It's very hard.
I haven't even eaten yet. I skipped out on lunch because what they were serving was not food. I need something to eat though before we get home. If we ever get home. The way these kids sound, I think the moon will be out by the time we all say goodbye.
Looking over to my brother, I hold up my hand "How lon-"
I roll my eyes and smack my hand down. "I need something to eat if we're gonna stay long."
"Didn't you eat lunch?"
"No. Why would I?"
"Because you're hungry."
"Not for slop." I look over at the whole group. "Is there like a burger place here?"
"Benny's Burgers." Mike answers.
I stand up from the couch. "You see that wasn't so hard. Where is this place?"
"On Randolph lane." Dustin.
"We just moved here, she doesn't know where that is." My brother quips, rolling some dice in his hands.
That little asshole.
"We can give you directions there." Will speaks up, and it actually the only one out of the other boys to look at me while he's talking.
"She's not good with directions or remembering." My brother laughs at that.
Oh he thinks that's funny. Funny. He wants funny? I'll give him funny.
I pop my middle finger into my mouth and take it out. Slowly I walk up to him, he's not even paying attention to me at this point, and lodge it in his ear. He lets out a yelp and pushes away from me.
The other boys laugh at me.
"Thats disgusting!" He shouts at me.
"I want food!" I yell back.
But it's not him who takes action. It's the other little black boy who leaves the game table and grabs a walkie-talkie. Lucas, then hands it to me.
"You can listen to directions in real time." He explains to me as I take the device from him. I've only ever played with one of these a few times. And that was painfully boring too.I turn it on and adjust the dial.
"Thanks. I'll radio you guys when I'm outside."
I reach for my bag, and being up the steps again. When I reach, I make a bee-line for the door as quickly as I can. Not going to run into Nancy's dad, not on an empty stomach. I might just mouth off.
Getting through the door I close it and head over to my bike. It's got the basket in the front so I put my bag in that, kick up the stand and sit on my bike. With the walkie in my other hand I push the button to speak.
"Alright Dungeons and Dorks how do I get there?"
The walkie beeps.
"Make a left and head up to Cherry street. And when you finish talking say over, over." Dustin's voice comes thorough.
I chuckle at his request but nonetheless. "Copy that Dustin, Over."
I lay the walkie on top of my bag, and roll my bike forward to start Peddling.
It wasn't long before I reached Cherry street. All the houses started to blend in with each other and I was sure that I was gonna get lost but I made it. I come up to the corner and look both ways before putting one leg out to rest on.
"Alright Dustin I made it here to Cherry street, what's my next direction, over."
"You're gonna wanna make a left and keep going straight down until you see Randolph Lane, over."
"Alright, got it. Do you guys want fries? Over."
He didn't take long to reply. I can hear tons of voices overlapping, but I'm not really getting a real answer.
"Guess I'll take that as a yes, over"
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themrmalice · 4 years
Treacherous Deep
By Malice
Narrated on YouTube by The Disciple: https://youtu.be/rmoQAE5QBM8
Metal groans in discomfort as its frame compresses, glass shakes and snickers, full knowledge that it alone stands as a barrier between the crew and the black depth outside. Like invisible arms squeezing the cabin with all its might, wishing only to crush the sub like a tin can. Within were 5 “Derelicts” a term coined for salvagers, investigating a signal that blew through the system from 15,000m below the tense surface of water. Clean, lacking waves, like a marble. Took 4 blasts from an orbital kinetic cannon to break the surface tension, allowing the Derelicts to go beneath its murky waves. 
    Passing 4,000m, the Abyss, where no light dare tread, and where only 1 singular pulse of light may emit. A fiery red beams from a subsurface station, pulsing, again, again, again. It was still a few thousand metres down, in the pitch black beneath us. Perched on the only continental mass we could find, between two cliffs leading into a massive and unexplored crevice. Depth calculators still havent found the bottom, hidden as it is, we were sent in to find where the S.O.S. was coming from. 
    Passing 6,000m, its been quiet, with only a few low groans from the Ballast interrupting that silence. Hideous and beautiful, the ocean is nothing but a masterpiece. Our Sonar has not picked up anything thus far, and with a 4,000 mile radius, its only proof that we are truly in an abyss. No rocky formations, no lifeforms, not even bacterial life. Just our sub. The S.S. Moloch. As we sink deeper into the abyss, my job becomes far more difficult. I manage room pressurization. Normally Automated, but the station wanted us to be extra cautious. After 10,000m, its one button press from instantaneous death due to Barotrauma. I’ve seen it, at this depth the body is its own weapon. Implosion, your body guts itself brutally, the fashion by which it does this involves innumerable organs expanding and collapsing. In the blink of an eye, what used to be your friend is now a misty cloud of parting crimson. 
    Passing 9,000m, in just a few minutes, our ears will start to ring, a signal I need to up pressurization in the sub, just a tick too much however, and we will meet a watery grave. The control panel in front of me started to beep a couple hundred meters up, showcasing a warning that the pressure in my specific cabin was getting too low. If I let it beep for a second longer, my cabin would have collapsed, adding to the weight of our sub and eventually sinking the S.S. Moloch. Everything must be perfect, every tiny calculation, no room for error. Our Oxygen Supply, if the tempurature increases the entire supply could explode and puncture the bow, dragging us all down with it. The Sonar, if we lose power to it, even for a moment, wont be able to notify us of our descent speed. Moving to fast, we hit a rock and implode, moving to slow, and we are wasting valuable minutes beneath the surface. The Pilot, his hands are weary and eyes are straining, sweating profusely, one wrong move and we’ve lost time down here. This S.O.S. beacon was calculated to be below 20,000m. Under the crust and buried in the mantle. 
    10,000m, we found the station, who signalled us into a drydock for resupply and a small break lasting only 2 hours. A mistake in my opinion, the break may only slow us down. I remained on the ship, telling those on the station I cannot leave until I can guarantee the safe reentry of my companions. About 30 minutes in, I gave in and left. The station was dilapidated, held together by the bare minimum, I believe I found some gum holding a small hole in the ground of the dry dock together, frozen by nitrogen. Depth Gum too, made out of plants found down here, eases anxiety while retaining focus. The crew aboard the station, Station Lamia, one of 4 here and the only one at this depth in The Trench. The Crew were all very calm, relaxed, and overall pleasant. They gave us food, water, the occasional ration of alcohol, and eventually sat us down for a more serious topic. The Trench. The widest berth they’ve found down here was a mere 800m in diametre. Our sub could easily slip through, but that was merely the opening. Past 14,000m, the diameter never opens up to 800m, meaning we would need to take it slow and cautious. They warned us of the wild life down here as well. Incredibly territorial and incredibly large to boot. The largest creature they’ve seen can dwarf the entire station! Its so massive that it could never find its way out of the cavern system. The caves it resides in are too far beneath the trench to explore, but a probe was sent in and never found the bottom. Only the horrifying site of an unknown station. Upon exploration of it, the researchers found scriptures of unknown languages. A sign we have been looking for, a sign of sentient alien life. The unknown station was named “Incognita” and has been probed only twice. The full station has not been explored, as part of it was burrowed into the wall of the cave. Another threat they mentioned, oozing black liquid, an ichor so strong it could stick our whole sub to the side of a building on Earth with only 5 square inches of it. Its so powerful that extraction is next to impossible. They would require a requisitioned Extraction Mech AND have it modded to survive at this depth. To put it lightly, this cave system wants us dead. The Water, wants us dead. The creatures. The rocks. The currents. All of it wants us dead. The final and most foreboding threat they warned us about, the water itself. Its not water. It feels, looks, tastes like water. But its lighter. And on a microbial scale, it too moves upon its own volition. Tiny molecules that sink into the pores of skin and bones. The molecules themselves will expand and connect during expansion. When you swim in the water, you cant come out. They happily gave us a new Depth Suit, only one and not fitted. We boarded our sub and said goodbye. The Crew gave us hugs and we left with a somber farewell. They didnt expect to see us again. 
    Passing 12,000m, the pressure is off the charts and hard to control. Outside is no longer black, but now gray rocks painted by my light. These rocks moved swiftly. “I thought they said this cave had a wide berth?” I said to the captain. The radio clicked on, “Yeah, I thought so too. I cant remain mad at them though, I wouldn’t want to do constant calculations down here.” He has a point. But, this is a lot smaller than they led us to believe! We barely fit through some caves! The stalactites nearly scraped my window, but they were pointed at a peculiar angle. Odd. Why would they be pointed off to the side? Maybe the ship nudged them. 
    Passing 15,000m, we were nearing the point of the S.O.S., with enough Oxygen to get us back to the station with an hour to spare and enough fuel to get us to the surface and back, we were all feeling warily confident! The Crew had snuck a pack of Depth Gum for us onto the ship, so we were all feeling more relaxed than normal. Even with our ship barely fitting through some sections. The ship groaned a few metres down, made us all jump out of our seats! It was so loud we thought we scraped against the wall! Turns out the Ballast just kicked some sand from the bed! Our on board engineer screamed “Watch it! We dont want to poke a hole in the ballast, you know that right?” The captain quickly responded “I-I didnt hit it! The sonar didn’t state that the bed was anywhere close to us! We had about a 10 metre difference between the ballast and the sand bed!” “Uh-huh,” the engineer groaned, “just make sure you watch it next time. Please.” “Of course.” The captain wearily said. He looked more confused as he examined the Sonar, I peaked over and saw what was confusing him. The sand bed behind us was now much lower! How can that be? Its solid rock with a pile of sand on it! Thank god we only nicked the sand pile itself!
    Passing 17,000m, this cave is by far an anomaly! Nothing we have ever seen before! The cave walls shift! I swear on my life! I told the captain and he said nothing, just a blank stare. Of course, thats a staple of him. He wears drab attire, only his captain coat and hat set him apart from the rest of us. The generic blue captains coat was nothing to scoff at however, for he had a number of badges, all decorated his upper left shoulder. One patch was a commendation of performing 12 missions below 10,000m. This would be his 13th. Another patch showed his military service during The Fall. One for 40 years of service. Finally there was one I hadn’t recognized. A red patch, decorated with a blue rose in the middle with the words “Flos Occidere” encircling it. I know that Patch I just cant put a name to it!
    Passing 19,000m, we were approximately 1 hour from the S.O.S. The Captain turned to me, with his dead glare he said “I want you to go in the Suit and investigate the signal.” I was surprised, “Why me?” I asked. He spoke again, this time without tone “I want you to go in the suit and investigate the signal, thats an order.” I quickly responded “Yes sir!”. But something felt off about him. As we descended, the pressure began to stabilize and I asked him “May I go get a drink, sir?” He nodded quietly, eyes fixated on the sonar, which shifted every few minutes. I got up and began my descent into the musty storage, where I picked up a flashlight, a Seal, and a bottle of water. As I turned around the Engineering Chief was behind me, glaring at me with similarly dead eyes. “You got what you need for your dive?” I nodded, shaken by his posture and gaze, “Wait, how did you know I was diving? The captain never sent out a mess-” He turned around and grabbed a handheld sonar and the Dive Suit I was going to wear, “Better get prepared, we are only 500m from the bottom.” then he shoved them all into my arms and slowly walked away. I was trembling, both from that encounter, and the thought that we were already only 500m away from “The Bottom”. Which means either we are descending fast, or the caves shifted again, bringing the Beacon closer to us for some unexplained reason. 
    20,000m. We stopped just a few meters away from a Derelict, crushed into itself with triangular holes roughly grinded into the body. The scene was horrendous. I was alone in the jettison chamber, in my suit with an hour of oxygen available to me. I booted up my Seal, and it began to whir rapidly. I turned it off to preserve power, and gave a thumbs up to the camera. Voice Comms werent available in this suit, unfortunately, so I was on my own. The chamber opened and a cold wash of liquid cleaned the scuffs off my suit and I was immediately enveloped by the deep black. The ships bow lights were on, illuminated the whole of the wreck. I booted my Seal up again and it tugged me towards the wreck, where its perched flashlight poked into recesses and revealed exploded Oxygen Tanks and cracked glass. After surveying the outside, I wormed my way within through an incredibly large hold, the same triangular holds decorated the rim of it. The steel door ahead of me was covered in that ichor the crew on the station mentioned, so I wasnt getting in through that. Luckily the way the ship was bent showed a smaller hole that gave way to the inside. I barely squeezed through, and before I knew it I was inside the Medical Bay. Only a distorted arm floated towards the ceiling, other than that, the place was empty. I noticed that the door had claw marks on it, something with incredible strength tried to break in. I found the S.O.S. Beacon and turned it off. 
    As soon as the switch clicked into place, though, the lights from the sub were gone. Replaced by a deafening squeal of metal against stone, similar to that a rumble began beneath my feet! I had to get out of the sub! I clawed my way to a hole and began to tear through the rusted metal with only my hands. Unfortunately, the metal had cut a hole into my glove! I swam out, searching for my Sub, but nothing was there except the dead black! Limitless, I used my seal to chase upwards for a minute and found nothing, not even the cave walls! I felt a current, a pull, the water shifted from behind me! An unknown presence was here! I quickly descended back to the sub, and sheltered myself inside the Medical Bay. I saw something move, something massive! Enormous teeth and a gaping maw! Eventually, it all went black again, my light flickered off so all I could see was black! It came back on again, illuminated a pale figure in the distance, outside the hole in the sub, a massive mouth with hundreds of teeth, all swirling in an oval! It drew closer and closer, until I could see the shine of its teeth! It slammed into the sub, my light flashed off again, and all I could hear were the hideous moans emitted from the sub itself as it conformed to the mouth biting into it. The rumbling began again, god I cant take another cave shift! It continued for minutes on end until grinding to a halt! It was all quiet! My light still didnt work, the battery finally ran out! I felt the rush of the water, the water shifted again! But this time, it was next to me! I reached for my belt and grabbed an emergency flare, I struggled with the tip for a while and fumbled lighting it, until eventually, it snapped to life! And before me, illuminated by the red of my flare, a horrific figure appeared and disappeared again. It looked to have tentacles! I have no idea! I slowly rose to my feet, the whole medical bay was illuminated now, I could see the hole! Instantly I got up and swam out, where I was met with a distant sound that rang through my body. I felt something slowly envelope my leg, and tug me downwards. I let go of the flare and flailed back and forth as the thing grabbing me did! I was hurled into the sand, where I snagged a small pointed rock, which I used to jab into the gripping mass! With one hand I held it, and with the other I punched into the squishy thing with the rock! It let go, and I began to fall deeper. The flare was below me, showcasing a massive cave, something from my deepest nightmares! The walls were flexing and slowly writhing into itself, weaving a horrid shape around me. I continued to fall, feeling the water rush around me, watching the flare as it too fell. The walls began to slowly narrow, until only a small hole, big enough for one person to fit was found. It looked like it was excavated. When I gently landed beside the hole, I picked up the now dying flare. I raised it, nothing was around me! But i felt the water rushing to and fro. I reluctantly hopped into the hole, and slowly descended into it. I fell for what felt like hours, before reaching a small cave with no way out. When I hit the ground, a horrific sound bellowed through the cave. Another groan. The flare died out. I was alone in a crunchy pit. It felt like the floors were made of wood that had been burnt to cinders.
    An hour passed, I began crying, watching my Oxygen Supply deplete slowly. Just let me die already. Before me, I saw a small yellow light, it was growing in size! Its the end! I’m free! I jumped to my feet and stammered closer! On my approached I realized, it was something physical. The size of a Walnut, growing, becoming more bright. It began to illuminate something it was hanging on. I moved in for a closer look, my hand outstretched to grab the pulsing seed. Until the seed flashed brightly, and showcased the horror that held it. Long, gangly hands. All its bones were grotesquely lengthened, and a swirling mass of tentacles weaving into a ball laid at its feet. A human skeleton. Its ribcage still loosely intact, and its arms slowly enveloping me. The skull was fully dysmorphic, the upper half of the skull was lengthened with sharp, elongated teeth pointing from the front. Below its jaw hung, barely held to to the skull. From the roof of the mouth, the seed hung. How was it moving? The last thought that crossed my mind. Only to be answered, by the realization of that very black ichor covering the joints and crossing from one bone to another. As its arms closed in, its head moved towards me, and the light began to fade.
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Not What I Expected - Kylo Ren Imagine: Part 1
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Part 1 [SB] / Part 2 [AS]
You are stranded on a planet with Kylo Ren, at first you thought that it would be a nightmare. However, it turns out that he has another side to him thats seperate to hisffriey temper and hot shot persona as the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He relaxes and become less insufferable and more intriguing with every hour you spend with him. Wandering around the forest looking for shelter you find yourself slowly beginning to catch feelings for him…
Warnings: Slow Burn
*Disclaimer: Not my Gif
You watched as another one of your ships was blown out of the sky, the resistance had taken you by surprise. You had 10 ships no match for their twenty, they ducked and dived and seemed to fire consistently leaving you to just attempt to doge them and with little time to return fire. You watched Kylos ship doing the same, he seemed to angrily attempt to return fire his moves getting more and more risky with each passing second. You drew the line when his ship just narrowly missed 2 resistance ships that were barrelling down at him.
“We need to jump to hyperspace now it is the only way we will be able to shake them!” you yelled through the radio over the fire from the resistance ships.
“No” came the agitated voice of Kylo Ren. “If we jump to hyperspace then we will have to land on the first planet that we see and we will be stranded he roared his angry tone made you flinch as you dodged and dived yet again.
“We have to go now! They can’t track us through hyperspace it’s the best chance we have!” you yelled back no longer caring that you were talking to the supreme leader, and letting the panic and frustration flow out of you.
Your only focus now was getting out of this situation alive, and trying to save the supreme leader no matter how difficult it proved.
“I’m sending you the coordinates, to a planet that we can reach. Follow me or die” you said reaching up and clicking buttons on your ship before bracing and pulling the last leaver. You didn’t wait for his reply, you had been a pilot long enough to know that there was no way the two of you could take on 20 plus ships especially not with the amount of fuel the two of you had left. Blue and black lines whizzed past and then suddenly your ship came to a stop and your eyes dated to the scanner and you held your breath. You listened, it was quite, and your ears rang, you had spent the better part of an hour watching you ships fall to no stop gun fire. It was deafening, you placed your hand over your watch face and stared at the scanner.
“Come on” you whispered starting at the screen begging for another blip to appear.
You closed your eyes and then suddenly you heard an audible beep. You opened them and looked down at the scanner to see a little blip, you leant forward and looked to your left, Kylo Ren’s ship was next to yours.
“Good choice” whispered before reaching over and turning the communication line back on. “I think we have enough power to get down, definitely enough to get through the atmosphere. Again, follow me”
The only response you got was an angry grunt, him likely not amused to be the one taking orders rather than delivering them. Shaking your head you drifted towards the planet, you glanced over at your blaster and wondered if you would be able to shoot him if he attacked you. Probably not, he can easily deflect them with his lightsabre.
You clenched your jaw and then headed down towards the planet the fuel gauge flashing in the corner of your eye. The little beeps indicated that Kylos ship was following you down. You watched as you burst through the cloud layer and down towards the lush green forest below, your eyes scanned the foliage for anywhere to land your vessels, eventually your eyes found one. You steered towards it silently wishing that you could cruise over the beautiful sight for just a little longer but the red blinking of the fuel gauge suggested that it really wouldn’t be a good idea.
Your ship went into auto pilot as you lowered the landing gear, it spun slowly finding the best and most stable position to land in. Eventually you felt the legs come in contact with the ground with a small jolt, the second the ship stopped moving you reached up and turned it off the door popping open automatically. There was no point in using any more power, than needed as you pressed the button that sent off the encrypted SOS message. You watched Kylos ship land in front of yours through the large window, dread rising in the pit of your stomach as his masked face glanced over at you before jumping up and heading out of sight. A moment later you watched as the ramp lowered and his tall broad, menacing silhouette stormed down it.
Cracking your neck you let out a sigh before grabbing your blaster and jumping over your seat picking up your emergency backpack slinging it on and trekking down your ramp to meet with a very pissed off supreme leader.
You smiled as you jumped from the ramp onto the soft mossy grass, after so many months with nothing but metal under your feet the feeling was a welcome relief. The ground quite literally gave you a spring in your step as you headed over to where Kylo Ren was standing.
“I could kill you” he said as you stopped in front of him, his robotic voice and the expressionless mask amplifying the dread you felt.
“Well that wouldn’t be very nice” you replied trying to crack a smile and hide the fact that you were quite literally terrified of him.
“This is your fault” he said again, you had flown with Kylo many times and heard his real voice over the radio more times than you could count. You had never seen his face though, only ever the mask.
“Yeah its my fault that we are alive and if you want to stay that way then you need to listen to everything I say” you replied your grip on blaster tightening as your heart hammered in your chest survival mode beginning to take over as you took in your surroundings.
If he pulled his lightsabre there would be little you could do to stop him from cutting you down where you stood, but you were sure going to at least attempt to fight back regardless of how pointless it would be.
“Look we’ve flown loads of missions together so lets just cut the crap, down here our ranks don’t matter. The wildlife out there doesn’t care if you’re the supreme leader, to them your nothing more than a meal. So, we can either work together or I am going to walk into that forest and let you die.” You said your survival instinct kicking in once again as the wind rustled through the trees and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as the eerie feeling of being watched washed over you.
“Okay” he said matter of factly, he raised his hands to his helmet, and you frowned for a second heart hammering yet again, before you realised what was happening.
He placed his hands on either side of his mask and there was a small click and then a hiss of air as the mouthpiece of his helmet moved forward. He lifted the helmet off his head. He shook his head causing a cascade of raven black shoulder length curls to fall around his face. He dropped his helmet to his side and looked over at you with his deep almost black eyes. His face contorted into a frown as he noticed the expression on your face.
“What?” he asked looking less than amused.
“Nothing” you said shaking your head and averting your eyes. You walked in the direction of his space ship and as you past him you mumbled. “Just not what I expected”
You had your back to him, so you hadn’t seen his expression change from annoyance to amusement as he smirked, shook his head, picked up his helmet and followed after you.
“What are we looking for?” he said placing his helmet down in his spaceship as he lent against the doorframe and crossed his arms.
“Anything that we could use to survive here” you replied looking in all the cabinets and compartments that he had in his ship.
He didn’t move, he just followed you with his eyes a curious expression on his face.
“Come on we don’t have much time” you said stopping your frantic searching for a brief moment to motion for him to look too.
He stuck his tongue in his cheek and smiled shaking his head before stepping forwards and opening the cupboard near him he looked in it for a brief second before frowning closing it and turning to you again crossing his arms and frowning.
“You don’t give the orders I’m the Supreme Leader, that’s my job” he said in an authoritative tone crossing his arms again.
You took a deep breath and then let it out in an audible sigh.
“Look, I grew up on a planet like this one. It looks positively delightful in the daytime, with the sunlight pouring through the green leaves, moss and flowers covering the ground. But at night it all changes. It gets cold, colder than you’ve probably experience. Everything freezes but that okay because all the plants here have adapted to that, the problem is we haven’t. So we need to find a cave and firewood, somewhere to wait out the cold for a day or two until the First Order picks up our signal. Now you can throw your weight around and repeat your title to me over and over or you can help me, because its starting to get dark and we only have a few hours before this whole place turns into a deep freeze. Long story short we work together as equals or we die” you ranted, you anger and frustration at his naivety taking over you.
“No one has ever spoke to me like that before… and lived” he growled.
Those words should have been menacing and sent shivers up your spine. But the way he said it, in such a playful tone his eyes filled with curiosity.
“I have a little sister back on the ship, if I don’t make it back then she is going to be all alone in this world. SO please god just help me!” you yelled, beggining to get annoyed at him yo-yo of emotions.
He smiled again, watching you open and close the cupboards angrily, admiring how cute your expression was.
“Okay fine cupboard up on the left there’s an emergency pack filled with medical supplies and blankets” he said vaguely gesturing with his gloved hand.
“Okay” you opened it took out the bag and threw it in his direction. He caught it with ease and slung it over his shoulder.
“Do you have a blaster around here or something?” you asked your eyes darting around.
“Yeah here” he said opening a compartment near him and taking out the same model as you had.
“Okay so that’s it right” you said scanning the ship one last time before heading towards the door.
“Yeah” he replied watching you again with moderate fascination as you brushed past him, down the ramp and back outside. He punched a button and grabbed his helmet before jogging down the ramp after you. As his feet touched the ground the ramp began to raise until it clicked shut.
“So why don’t we stay inside the ships and wait out the cold there?” he asked following you as you headed into the thick of the forest, he already knew the answer but he was sort of enjoying the way you were speaking to him, he had never experienced it before.
“We don’t have enough fuel to power the heaters and send out the distress signal, we don’t know how long it could take for them to find us so we need the distress signal to go on for as long as possible” you replied stepping over a fallen log, frowning slightly wondering why he would ask something so stupid.
He fell into stride with you and the two of you walked in silence for a few minutes as you tried to wrap your head around what the hell was happening. You were wandering around a forest with Kylo Ren, but it he wasn’t like the Kylo so many people had grown to fear, in fact he was nothing at all like what you had expected. But it sort of made you happy, you kept stealing glances in his direction. Each time you noticed something different about him, how full his lips were or how angled his jawline was. You had expected a horrific creature to reside under the mask but instead there was this guy, who if you dressed him in fine clothes could pass for a prince not the ruthless leader of the first order.
“Its warm” he said in an attempt to make conversation, he had just caught you looking in his direction and it made him smile as he had been doing the same. However, these feelings confused him a little, he hadn’t felt this comfortable around someone for a long time and it was almost like his body was longing for it. He tried to maintain his emotionless expression and authoritative stance as the two of you walked but you made him want to relax.
“Well you are wearing a lot of layers, take a few off” you replied glancing at him briefly before looking back to the endless green forest.
He smirked at your comment and shook his head a little biting his tongue.
“Did you just tell me to take my clothes off” he said in a serious authoritarian tone.
Your heart skipped a beat and you turned to look at him wide eyes and ready to apologise profusely and beg him not to shoot you. But instead of seeing an angry scow you saw a small smile as he raised his eyebrow at you and flashed you a cheeky smile. You clenched your jaw in an attempt not to smile but failed and shook your head bringing your attention back to where you were going. Your cheeks blazing red.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he removed his gloves and put them in his helmet before putting them into his bag. Then you watched as he unbuttoned his jacket. You took a breath and tried to turn your attention back to navigation.
You had got a little lost in thought when suddenly Kylo stopped.
“What the hell was that?” he whispered, you looked down to see that he had his arm outstretched in front of you in a protective manner and his back slightly turned to you as his he slowly looked around.
He had raised his blaster so it was pointing out in front of him.
“Run” he said grabbing your hand and running through the undergrowth. He led the way as he dragged your though the forest branches hitting your face and leaves tangling in your hair. You strained your ears to try and determine whether or not something was following you but the pace at which you were traveling and the amount of concentration it took not to loose your footing and keep up with Kylo took all the concentration that you had.
Suddenly he came to a stop and would have barrelled right into him if he hadn’t pulled you around to his side.
“What the hell did you see?” you asked dropping your hand and doubling over to keep yourself from puking as you took in great lungful’s of air.
“I don’t know I just heard something” he said his eyes darting around looking back the way that you had come.
“Well I didn’t here anything chasing us, did you see it?” you asked your breath burning your throat and lungs your eyes watering.
“No” he said grabbing his open jacket and flapping it open and closed in an attempt to cool himself down before giving up and removing it all together.
“So its entirely possible that the great and powerful Kylo Ren just ran from a strong gust of wind” you said straightening up your chest still heaving but not as badly as moments ago.
He scowled in your direction and clenched his jaw as he kneeled down and stuffed his jacket into hi bag, just leaving him in a sweat and humidity drenched long sleeved undershirt.
“It sounded big” he breathed his voice laced with anger, shaking his head and standing up, slinging his bag over his shoulder again.
“Okay, Okay. Its entirely possible that you did see something” you replied holding your hands up palms facing him in a small surrender. “We’ll keep an eye out, a planet like this is bound to have some sort of wildlife so let’s try and stay out of its way you said before starting to continue in the direction you had been running.
"Wait” he said and you turned to him and looked back down the way you had come your heart hammering.
“Oh no I don’t see anything its, well you just have some leaves in your hair” he said gesturing up at you before he slung his bag back over his shoulder.
“Well that’s entirely your fault, I lost count of how many trees I hit on the way” you said your hands going to your head, your French braided hair was now messy and filled with leaves and twigs.
You scrambled to pull them out wincing as you accidently tugged some hair.
“Wait no here, let me help,” he said concerned stepping in front of you and gently plucking the leaves out of your hair, he brought your braid round to the front, his fingers briefly brushing your neck sending fireworks down your back, he carefully picked out the leaves and twigs that were lodged in it.
He smiled once he finished in an adorable way seeming to be proud of his work, you hadn’t realised but you had been staring at him the entire time he had been working. His eyes met yours.
“There now your look a little less like a crazy forest dweller” he said with a small laugh He winked at you before brushing past you. “It’s this way yeah?” he finished heading off into the forest.
You stood there for a second before letting out a small laugh before turning on your heel and following him.
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