#also. another fun thing. at camp (where we met and worked together) i had to carry a radio cuz i was an area director
God I need therapy
#falling in love with a friend? in /my/ brain?? its more likely than you think#okay maybe love is a strong word. like i love this friend but im not in love with her#and maybe im more in love with the idea of her?#like. she is the sweetest person ive ever met. she has such a dry wit and interesting speaking mannerisms#interesting isnt the right word but its the best one i could think of#like. this person randomly says shes vegan in situations that dont require it. and shes not even vegan#me: can you help me lift this? her: no sorry im vegan#its just so undeniably her and its so endearing#its impossible to say no to her because she has such a sunshiney smile and personality#also. another fun thing. at camp (where we met and worked together) i had to carry a radio cuz i was an area director#but my staff. especially her. loved to steal that radio. and i didnt care because they never called anyone they just fucked around#and these radios have a button on them that just makes a beep. like thats all that the button does#so everyone would pretend its a gun and would 'shoot' people#so sometimes id realize my radio was missing. look around. see her holding it. aimed at me#shed do her cute sunshiney smile before 'shooting' me#smiling as she kills me#whoch is obviously something to fall in love with#none of this is related to why i need therapy btw#the reason i thought 'god i need therapy' was because i was thinking about her. as i do. and i started to picture a life together?#i really love her parents and younger brother and i thought 'yeah id like to be a part of that family'#that is what prompted my thought of needing therapy. imagining myself in a different family#yeah i definitely have parent issues#but like. it would be so nice. to have a relationship with her. to have a connection with her family#god i need therapy holy shit#and a nap. im going to work 5am-3pm for the next two days#i have too much going on to be imagining a life with her... but like. a life with her sounds so lovely#why does therapy have to be so expensive. i need to work out my parent issues#send thoughts and prayers. and money if you want to fund my therapy so you dont have to read posts like this anymore#for my shift. i have to wake up at 4am. or maybe. i could just stay awake until 4am. and then work until 3pm. this plan is foolproof#im going to collapse
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into-the-feniverse · 3 months
Finished reading Trigun/TriMax a couple days ago and have been feverishly trying to piece together a timeline, so here’s the result of that ✨
EDIT: as of 3/13/24 this has been UPDATED
For a more detailed timeline (with vol/ch marks): google sheet
Full res of the graphic (& other resources): bit.l/trigunresources
Notes & rest of the timeline under the cut!
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Edits as of 3/13/24
The detailed spreadsheet is organized and color coded! If you'd like a more concise breakdown of events/see some of my reasoning behind certain time stamps feel free to skim through that
Changed where in the timeline the Maylene and Wolfwood events happened (originally where I had placed them would have made Maylene like 6 when she and Wolfwood reunited which is NOT correct)
moved where in the timeline Knives started collecting the GungHo Guns (at latest he started in 0090 (20 years before 0110) since it's noted that Monev has been training in a cellar for the past 20 years
Moved where Knives initially tracked down Conrad (felt like it needed to happen at least a decade before July)
Changed up some of the months (personally, I don't think the Ark launched in December, since that'd put Milly and Meryl's arrival to the colony in July, which wouldn't make sense. So I placed the ark launch in October which of course offset some of the other month stand ins)
Added an earth year for when Knives and Vash are born. The explanation is I think at minimum there was at least a 2 year period between them and Tesla (since Rem was around for that whole process). I do think it was more than that, but that’s the earliest possible year I think it could have happened. Personally I’m more in the camp of 5-10 years, but def not 50 like in tristamp
Old Notes:
If you see any typos or phrase inconsistencies: no you don’t 💕 (😭)
Blue text can be completely ignored, that’s just kinda my personal preference/wild guesstimating of when “exactly” those events happened
Blue lines can also be ignored, they’re also just rough guesstimates on where exactly in the timeline these could have happened
The distance of the lines from one another doesn’t really mean anything, I started trying to follow a system to notate when things happened really close together but it was//// not consistently done ngl
Fun fact: by the time Wolfwood leaves the orphanage Meryl is 18! And she was 14 at the time of July’s destruction
Additional fun fact: Brad is 17 when he and sensei meet up with Vash in the Factioned city (which I think is absolutely RIDICULOUS), and we know this because he was 4 the one/last time he had met Vash and it’s been 13 years since
It was noted by Karen, one of Meryl’s coworkers, that she and Milly had been on assignment with Vash for about 4 months. (Might be that they were out searching for him during that time as well, but I’m choosing to interpret it as they were actually with him for that amount of time)
I’m also working on a 98 timeline for comparison (but more like just sequence of events cause I don’t think I have the patience to sift through the lore quite as much… mainly making it just to clarify how the anime delineates from the manga)
I am//::: feeling v unhinged after this and feel like it could be improved/i need to do a more thorough read, but I’m calling it quits for now before I actually go insane (but hopefully some people will find it somewhat helpful!)
Also: if anybody has any notes to add or clarifications/corrections I would be more than happy to hear them 👂
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Lejeune about Soult
So far I had not checked Lejeune’s memoirs for what he had to say on Soult when Lejeune was sent to Spain by Napoleon, in order to put together an extended report on the situation in the peninsula. Somehow the idea didn't even occur to me. (I probably didn't want to trespass on @kaxen's territory 😁.) And given Lejeune’s character (rather opposed to Soult’s), the fact that he was one of Berthier’s guys (whom Soult despised) and also was very close to Joseph (who despised Soult even more), I honestly expected the worst.
But to my astonishment and Lejeune’s credit, he really tries to be fair to everyone, and his account of the interviews he had with Soult even hints at some level of compassion.
Marshal Soult received me with distinction. After having spoken to me for a long time in private about his position, and having made me accept the most honourable hospitality in his house, he sent his aides-de-camp to accompany me on the visit which I had to make to all the services of his army.
Soult: Boys, take this nice monsieur to town and show him around.
ADCs: Sure thing! Where do you want to go? We know the best booze… oh, you mean military stuff.
I thus spent three days in Seville, busy seeing the troops, the arsenals, the ironworks, the hospitals, and all the military and civil establishments functioning for the army. An admirable activity was impressed upon all the administrations, and there was a great deal of order. […]
Order, under Soult? Who would have thought. - Lejeune then goes sightseeing (because of course he does – sorry, Sire, my artistical inclinations come first, urgent imperial matters second), and before he leaves for Cadiz he has another talk with Soult:
Marshal Soult also complained about having to command men of a rank equal to his own; the consideration and the leniency which he was obliged to show them sometimes put him in a difficult position. "Without doubt," he said to me, "I find myself very flattered to command the Marshals of Treviso and Bellune; but I would prefer to have in their place only generals, whose obedience would be more passive and more certain."
Soult: Sure, it’s great fun to give orders to Mortier and Victor. But I still feel it would make more sense to give orders to people who also have to obey.
As a consequence of this observation, I pressed Marshal Soult to grant to the Duke of Treviso the leave which this Marshal had been requesting for a long time, and he consented.
Which is a bit of a weird remark because as far as I know, granting leave from Spain to one of the marshals was not in Soult’s power but depended solely on the emperor. As a matter of fact, Soult was quite happy when Mortier received Napoleon’s permission to got to France, because he saw it as a good omen for his own request to go home and visit with his family. He almost enthusiastically wrote to his wife about it.
Lejeune then visited the siege of Cadiz, met with Victor and interviewed him about his opinion on the situation in Spain, before returning to Sevilla.
[...] I ended this turbulent day at table, with Marshal Soult; then at the theatre, and then in conversation with him. The Marshal lamented that he was hampered in his actions; he saw himself surrounded by enemies; adding that the English, the Portuguese, and the Spanish were in front of him, on his right and on his left, as well as the guerrillas who, he said, impeded all his operations. He added that the war did not provide for the war; that the country being exhausted, he found few resources and that food was rare and expensive. "The reinforcements which I ask for," he said, "do not arrive here, because Belliard holds them back in Madrid; the work of the siege of Cadiz exhausts my weak means. The hospitals are short of medicine. The army of the junta has taken away from the country all the horses suitable for cavalry, and mine is in need."
At last, becoming more animated, the Marshal added in a deeply felt tone:
"Would you believe it? I am here surrounded by jealous men ready to do me a disservice, badly assisted by chiefs too high in rank to submit without observation; I am without any friend to console my heart, distant for a long time from my family, who is in Paris."
Soult: Whenever something goes wrong like, anywhere, I am blamed of not doing enough, if I try to do what’s necessary I am accused of overstepping my boundaries by everyone, from the marshals to Joseph, and if despite all this I still manage to get something done, they say that I’m not doing it for the emperor but that I’m only in it for myself. And I don’t even have my wife here for comfort, or to send her after those evil people and show them. Nobody loves me, Lejeune!
The marshal had not, like the other generals, expressed to me the desire to see the Emperor arrive to take command of his army; but, from all that I had seen and heard, I remained persuaded of the necessity of re-establishing, by a strong and superior impulse, the unity of action indispensable to destroy these tensions and to be able to march with success. I therefore hastened to return to France, in order to bring this news to the Emperor.
Of course his return would be thoroughly delayed by Lejeune being captured by the enemy. And when he finally did return, Lejeune, to his great disappointment, had to realize that Napoleon had lost all interest in the Spanish quagmire, was only occupied with his son, and that his precious report about the situation in Spain and the marshals’ and generals’ accounts were only read by Berthier, who decided that, unfortunately, the whole thing could not be presented to the emperor as it did not agree with his conceptions.
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bisluthq · 2 months
I don’t think T/J could’ve worked without Kimye tho because if she didn’t want to run away, he couldn’t have done a “normal” celeb coupling with her at that stage in his career. He would’ve been another Dougie, maybe even less of one because they might not have ever been spotted together.
You think so? I think we would have to know how much Taylor liked Dougie, cause that didn't seem to last long right? And with Joe, she seemed to be quite obsessed with him in the beginning. Even with all the mess in her life then, they couldn't just stay casual. And Taylor seemed to hesitate a lot because of that. So if that wasn't a problem, would they have managed to just stay casual fuck buddies or it would still lead to a relationship anyway? Maybe it would just last less I suppose, cause she wouldn't have ran to London like you say. Maybe like she says on Glitch, they would see each other when both were in town and text in the meanwhile until both found someone else that is. Given the OG timeline though, I still wonder if she would have been ok with "sharing" him if that was that case.
Maybe with or without 2016 they would always end up in a relationship one way or another, but given core personality differences and values it would never be endgame anyway
Now, I know Taylor believes in all the destiny and soulmate thing but there's different types of soulmates. You can have more than one. Not all of them are love interests and not all of them are meant to stay in your life forever. I think that's the case here, they had to meet cause they had lessons to learn with each other and when those lessons were learned they couldn't work anymore
Dougie was around for a good few months. They got together(ish) in November 2013, his camp announced they weren’t together anymore in January 2014 (basically saying a PR friendly version of Matty’s unhinged emasculated by her thing like basically they said “our boy Dougie went on some dates but decided he just wants to be friends with her”) and then in March they were spotted on a date at a Fun. concert (sitting with just Lena who was at that point with Jack) and I think they were seen again in April but I can’t remember where and I’m lazy rn. Obviously not the grandest love story of our time but 6 months with half of it seemingly hidden on purpose is really not a total nothing either like Tom Odell.
Taylor was obviously smitten with Joe from when they met but she also didn’t do terribly much about it (unless they did hook up around April 29th which like idk I sorta feel like they might’ve based on the vibes I get from the song) until after Tom and Taylor gets smitten all the time (see: Enchanted). Joe was well on his way to being a Dougie but then imo he offered what she wanted post Kimye - so a normal life - and he hadn’t lived much of an abnormal life so that seemed cool to him because he liked her and then it worked for a while but they had their share of problems (because everyone does) and they didn’t work on theirs enough and then she blew up fame wise all over again but bigger than ever (or anyone ever tbh lol) and wanted the positive attention she was getting and he was like “this wasn’t the plan??” and it sucked a lot and she felt trapped and stuck and he was distant and she reconnected with Matty and eventually we got to Joever lol.
with different timing, I don’t think they’d have gotten to 6.5 years. And the only way imo they could’ve worked forever is if 1) they sorted at least some of their problems out 2) if Taylor had indeed started to fade post Lover like she’d expected and transitioned into indie but traditional indie not Swiftie Indie like now.
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inquisitoradaar · 5 months
feel like i need to elaborate on musics love shape. long post ahead bc god there is so much explaining that needs to be done here. the situation is Intricate and Dire. also spoilers for balding gate or whatever
i went in without any idea who i was gonna romance but then i met gale and was like ok. i think this is the guy. and had made up my mind on it until wylls introduction where i was like oh fuck hes so hot but i couldnt change my mind id already promised myself id romance gale.
anyways. the party ends up being music + shadowheart + gale + wyll for a while. this is not because of preference but bc i literally managed to miss astarion (i went to the bottom of the hill hes on and then said out loud to myself 'nothing else here' and went back in the nautiloid.) and lae'zel (saw the two tieflings that caught her but didnt see the cage and decided to avoid conflict). i eventually swap out shadowheart for karlach when i meet her (it was besties at first sight for me) and then get told by some friends who r also playing that im a fucking dumbass and completely missed astarion and lae'zel (id already saved the grove by this point so LMAO)
i go back to the crash site, grab astarion, then use a scroll of revivify on lae'zel bc shes dead in the mountain pass (whoops). theyve both missed literally everything. i go to camp and astarion immediately reveals to music that he is a vampire. awesome. theyre also both charlatans which is a lil funny to me. i add neither of them to my party bc by this point im extremely attached to gale wyll and karlach and music has rlly high approval w all three of them.
now in truth the love shape was already in the equation bc gale is still not over mystra. music is unclear as to whether or not this affection is still reciprocated on mystras part (and tbh so am i . i havent finished act 2 yet ok) but when they shared a Moment in the weave gale enjoyed it so clearly thats also happening. so we have a love triangle going on. this is fine and manageable even if music is not a big fan of the whole the-guy-im-into-has-a-bomb-in-his-chest-bc-of-his-ex-who-he-still-loves thing.
we get to the underdark. i have a long rest. astarion has smth to say. in-game it has been two days since i finally grabbed him from the crash site (has he just been waiting that entire time for someone to walk down that path so he could stab them?). cutscene plays out, he wants music to tell him hes pretty, music responds w 'gales more my type', and astarion makes a comment abt how hell have to work on himself if hes to 'catch up w the competition' um?
so the love triangle is now a sort-of love square. could be just a lil silly fun joke and i think of it as such (at least when ignoring the meta (thats another story)) until i get to act 2 and have a long rest in the shadow-cursed lands. and astarion says to music smth like 'were kindred souls, were walking down the same path, we should take over the absolutist cult and rule the world together' WHAT IS HAPPENING. what coded declaration of love bullshit is this. music and astarion barely even know each other.
so, great, love triangle is now officially a partially unreciprocated love square. but then. but THEN. to make matters WORSE for ME PERSONALLY. having another long rest in the shadow-cursed lands and a cutscene starts to play. wyll is dancing and so music joins in (naturally, theyre best friends w wyll (literally, they have maximum approval from him) and a BARD) and then things start getting. quote. "intimate" and i go oh no i have to put a stop to this bc things have started getting more serious w gale. and when i tell wyll that they should both step away from this he looked so genuinely heartbroken it made me feel so horrifically sad.
so the partially unreciprocated love square is now. even worse. a love shape of no real design. with music, some random loser tiefling bard charlatan in the middle of it all. gods help them
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camo1000le · 9 months
Give us your Oweddy thoughts!!! I love your art of them so much I want to hear your thoughts <3
Awww tysm 🥺💞 I love drawing them, to the point I'm geniunely worried
I have a lot of specific hcs about them (mostly because I'm slowly stealing them to turn them into OCs for... something) so here's a little rundown in their story! (Let's hope it's actually little!!)
AKA long post weird AU you released a beast (me infodumping)
When they're tiny:
They met when they're 12 at their new school: Owynn moved because of bullying (the kids used to make fun of him bc he was tall/redhead/has heterocromia and even cut his hair, that's why he has it very short now) and Freddy moved to a whole new country (from Spain to wherever fhs happens). Freddy is Mexican while Owynn's dad is swedish (he was not born there)
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They find eachother to be very weird but share many tastes and life events, like the bullying and missing a parent (Owynn is more direct and likes to insult his mom while Freddy doesn't talk abt it- Ow didn't even knew he had an adoptive dad).
They form a music duo for the spring event, since they were such good friends maybe they could work together well! Also Freddy acts kinda weird and sometimes forgets they have rehearsals after-hours but it doesn't matter bc he says sorry and he's cute!!
There's a whole drama with Owynn's parents in the middle of that but i wont bore you with that (unless you want me to)
Anyways the event happens Owynn can't come in time so Freddy goes alone and he wins but ow feels betrayed and blah blah blah they're enemies now and he hates Freddy (a 12 years old kid with a lot of mental troubles for that age)
Bc yes Fred is there but Owynn ofc didn't know, even if he actually talked very often with him too. In fact is kinda his fault Fred makes fun of Freddy so much (He's mad he lost his only best friend 🥺)
(Guess who remembers the rehearsals and the songs and owen cursing his mom)
Middle part where we watch Owynn go insane:
Literally. They kinda hate everyone but their dad now.
Moved school again, classmate with Abby and company actually! (Tho y'know abby she's... insane) so they don't talk. Also the Nightmares used to live closer to that school so they bullied him there until Owynn broke all of Onnie's teeth.
They meet Ttrap too: he's older in my AU (while ow is 15 he would be 17), he tries to get Owynn to therapy bc it's really fucking weird/sad he only talks abt Freddy or abt how much they dislike themself so. Yeah. He succeds and Owynn gets... to move schools again, yay!!
Ow starts developing schizoprenia, doesn't get the diagnosis until very later. (Prodomal stage/negative symptoms rn)
Also kinda starts discovering himself (being gay/nonbinary, doesn't really ditch the he/him pronouns until much later). Also dyes their hair purple
I don't have recent drawings of cringy sad 15y/o owen
What would equal the 1st season of the series:
Freddy moves to the HS and says his funny discourse (qué? Que quién soy yo? 🤓) Who would've though a certain kid that hates him was there to see it and died right there.
After realizing they share classroom Owynn pressures Ttrap into changing them to another one, hides his freckles/dyes his hair a darker color/uses normal glasses to not be recognized. Explaining his absence from the 1st season /j
So we have time to look at Freddy. He's struggling, Fred is being annoying; they explode at the camp where Freddy bumps into Owen who tells him to fuck off and never talk to them bc they hate him and Freddy says: "who are you?" to them. :D
Fred facepalms and takes control of the body.
Owynn develops his plan to destroy Freddy's band or whatever. Also dyes his hair again.
2nd season!!
And Owynn is in full delusional mode. The whole 'boss' thing is Eak and Ttrap going along with them so they can decompress lol
He does his little introduction and dumb plans to sabotage that obviously don't work at the end but they're actually very good bc he... actually does know what he's doing (making usagi & loon have trouble/separate golden from the group/the whole Toys thing)
But eventually it doesn't matter/the spring event thing happens ; Owynn gets hit by a car and breaks their arm
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The secret 3rd season // last school year
Owynn goes back to lay low, gets his schizophrenia diagnosis so therapy+meds!! Good for them!
Freddy gets the therapy+meds combo too! Fred is chilling now :]
So Freddy now attempts to talk to Owynn but they run away from him to not cause him trouble anymore. And that goes for a while until they talk it out: They'll get time to talk alone, but Freddy also wants them to meet the rest of his band so they can get friends, Owynn accepts; but isn't a fan lf the idea.
Eventually they fall in love again (fall? Ow never stopped liking him honestly) and they date. But it takes a very long time to get there but they're so very lovely <3
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ALSO yes Fred and Owynn also fix their relationship, they're besties again <3
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Have you watched ep 2 yet! How great is it?! I hope you've been squeeing over it too! Wanted to ask what you thought of the info we got from Tul in the classroom scene with Win. Apparently Win's behaviour with Team is not the norm, to the point where Tul and Dean who are perhaps closest have noticed it and warned him.
I'm going to take your ask as an opportunity to talk about Win a frankly startling amount. (I mean, not really. It's me. And Win is my favorite boy. I'm just happy to have a long-form platform to talk about Win for as long as I like. :D)
One thing I've been musing about over the past few days is how Win isn't actually that different from who we saw in UWMA. We get a few hints that Win's personality is different outside of his relationships with Team and Dean. We just don't see him very much because UWMA wasn't his story, so whenever we do see him, he's either with his best friend or the boy he's smitten with. That colors how he acts as well as how we see him.
Another point of interest is that because WinTeam got so little screentime (37 minutes – I made a spreadsheet), their scenes in UWMA are vastly spread out. This means that every time we see WinTeam interact in UWMA, there've been weeks or months in between. Like, episode one of BU covers about two weeks or so? And from the beginning of the episode to the end we watch Team go from politely addressing Win as "P'Win" to sleeping with him and forevermore switching to "Hia Win". Meanwhile, we only see snippets of them in UWMA's first episode. We see Team stare at Win for the first time in astonishment (relatable) and then at the end of the episode we see their first scene together with the leum kleum. That's weeks after they met, and we didn't see any of their interactions in between.
(SIDE NOTE: There's one small inconsistency between early UWMA and BU, and that's that in UWMA Team is already calling Win "hia" before the training camp. Maybe Sheep decided not to confuse the UWMA audience with Team randomly going from "P'Win" to "Hia Win"…or she hadn't made that story choice yet. We do know that in Hemp Rope, the narrative makes a point to mention that Team's already the only one outside Win's family who calls him "hia" before they've hooked up, so my guess is that the P'Win–>Hia Win switch is brand new canon that LazySheep developed for Between Us. And I love it. :D)
And of course there's Boun himself. In a recent interview about BU, he said that he put a lot of his own personality into his depiction of Win in UWMA because he didn't have a finished story or a major character arc to work off of. He was also quite new to acting, so I imagine he was having fun with some scenes by experimenting and testing what worked and didn't work, especially during his interactions with Prem, who had never acted in anything before, and was still quite quiet and absorbing the whole experience like an adorable sponge. What I'm saying here is that a big part of Win's charm in UWMA was thanks to Boun being naturally ridiculously charismatic. But he seems to have done a lot more character work to prepare for Between Us, so I think some people see the jump in skill level and see it as a whole different character.
But just for fun, here are some moments in UWMA that I think faithfully reflect what we've seen of Win so far in the first two episodes of BU:
We have this moment in episode 3 of UWMA before and then right after Team and Pharm walk up to Win:
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He's standing apart from the rest of the club members, just kind of being unapproachable and scowly while he watches Dean. I think he's concerned, but it definitely comes across as Terrifying instead.
He doesn't smile until he's talking to Team – The One with Whomst He Is Smitten – about Pharm – The One with Whomst His Best Friend Is Smitten.
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BU Win: Hello, small interloper. I ate the sandwich you gave him and then I bought him different food. >:)
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So anyway, the training camp happens in episode three of UWMA and episode two of BU, and the way Win smiles at Team in both is similar. A little playful, a little fond. Team is the exception, though, not the rule.
Vice President Win:
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I think based on the two episodes we have and considering the inconsistencies I mentioned above, Win's character isn't super different, we're just seeing more of him as a person independent of who he is to Team or Dean.
Oh, and his reputation for being strict with the club (and Team) is also mentioned in UWMA!
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In episode 10, Dean tells Team he'll have Win coach him, and Team requests mercy. In episode 2 of BU, Bee complains about Win being harsh, too. Consistency! \:D/
This took a bit of a departure from your ask, Anon, sorry! It's just something I've been thinking about and I finally have a day free to lounge around and write about my favorite son. :')
I think Win's own admission in the first episode of BU says it all: he doesn't expect permanence for himself. He expects everyone to come and go, and right now, I think he's starting to see Team as someone he doesn't want to go, but given his consistent theme of giving Team the choice in both UWMA and BU, he won't stop him if Team ever wants to leave.
Oh, and just for giggles:
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Dean: He's our club member. Win: lol I know, we had sex where you're standing.
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friendshipgun · 10 months
💖-specifically, when did you start writing, what kind of things did you write, what inspired you, how has your writing journey looked?
and uh i fuckin forget the emoji but character headcanon(s) for mia winters and/or jesse evilwest (and his twin??)
hope these are fun to answer!
Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
i think maybe you asked this one the last time i reblogged this ask meme but there has also been Fic Progression so i also understand lol. but no, not really. a lot of the time i don't even clock something that might read like that until i get comments about it. i am however mean to Karl and Ethan on purpose and so there is probably splash damage from that lol.
(and i'm gonna have to readmore the rest bc it gets long, apologies) What made you start writing?
i don't know when exactly i started, just that i remember putting little books of "stories" together in elementary school. i wrote what i think technically counts as LOTR fanfic and MLP oc fic lmao. but what i mostly wrote was original fiction. a cousin i was close to as a kid was also big into writing and we ended up attending a summer camp for the arts together in middle school, so i was writing mostly poetry there, but prose too. i also started writing fic with another friend in middle/high school (stuff like pokemon crack fic lmao), but i was still mostly writing original fiction. in high school in particular i got BIG into writing poetry (idk if anyone else knows about allpoetry.com but i sure was spending a heck of a lot of time there), was editor of the high school literary magazine, etc etc. basically i was never not writing. i was also posting way more fic in high school, writing primarily angst at that point and largely for Final Fantasy.
then i went to college and stopped writing for a few years barring academic papers. started taking writing seminars the last few semesters i was there which got me writing again. again mostly original fiction. a lot of supernatural stuff, not really poetry anymore though, which is kind of a shame bc of how much i had liked it. started writing fic again too, a lot of Naruto stuff that i never posted anywhere. then my dad of all people got me into Supernatural and i wrote a bunch of fic for that that i also never posted anywhere. then i went to grad school and the "not writing anything except academic papers" thing started up again rip. really didn't pick it up again as a regular practice until after my dad died a few years back. wrote a bunch of stuff about grief that was uhhhhhhhhh pretty clearly me trying to process shit.
and then it was covid and i lost my job and i was watching playthroughs of re7 and re8 almost concurrently going "but what if you put Heisenberg in the swamp WHAT THEN." as for what inspires me, i guess just about everything? like the number of stories i wrote set in Japan after i'd studied abroad there...is a lot. and with fic it's just like "i just think it would be neat if character i like was in a Situation." when i was writing poetry a lot of it was teenage angst bc i was in high school but i'd also write about cities or people or fantasy epics. anyway this is already really long but yeah basically if i think about it for long enough that it becomes "I Just Think They're Neat" territory i'll want to write something about it.
Mia Winters Headcanon:
she doesn't trust easily and has for a long time kept things about herself secret, or lied outright, as a way to protect herself. she'd been doing this long before she met Ethan and then after...it was habit. and it was easy to keep things about her work secret because it did feel like she was protecting him. and it wasn't like it was going to be forever, she was planning on getting out. she was working on it. she hadn't even thought of something like that--a normal life--until she'd met Ethan, and then it had seemed like...like something attainable. there wouldn't be the need for secrets then, when it was just the two of them. (or so she told herself: it's like pulling off her skin, being that exposed, having nothing between herself and someone else. being seen. completely seen.) anyway this got away from me a bit lmao. but basically i like to try to reconcile her going back to lying post-re7 as a defensive move to protect herself, especially when the BSAA knows everything about her past. i don't think she was intentionally trying to hurt Ethan or anything, just that after Dulvey she'd feel ever more the need to have those secrets as a buffer, combined with a deep, deep fear that Ethan would hate her if he knew. (this is how i am personally smoothing down Mr. Capcom's writing decisions.) Jesse Evil West Headcanon: he has had a crush on Edgar since he was a kid and is outright tormented by it. i imagine him taking issue with how his dad treated Edgar. or feeling jealous of Edgar's loyalty to his dad. just let's give Jesse more issues regarding his dad lmao. the little joke he makes in the game about Edgar kissing him is a ""joke"" but like he is internally yelling UNLESS?????? as vehemently as he can.
thinking also about post-game events, how Bloom was joking around with Edgar and Jesse can absolutely get jealous about that too, like just he's a mess and i don't know if it's better (worse) if he has actually confessed to Edgar and was shot down or has just never confessed to Edgar for fear of getting shot down.
and if you want to bring in Jesse's twin (who is also named Jessie i guess we can just give him an extra vowel) i think it's very funny if both of them alternately fight over and tag team Edgar. co-op, as it were.
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clayticklish · 2 years
Life Update
I haven’t written anything in awhile so I thought I’d sum up some things that have happened recently! There’s been some pretty major developments and it’s always fun to look back on everything that has happened. Scrolling back through my blog, the last major event that I talked about was NEST back in May, so let’s use that as a starting point.
1. I started seeing someone new! We met on OkCupid and actually started chatting back in March but weren’t able to meet up until end of May. He lives about a 50 minute drive away, but we’ve managed to hang out once every 2 weeks since. This connection is a lot of new things for me - I’ve played with guys before but this is the time I’ve been with a guy in a dating type of scenario. It’s also the first time having a poly relationship that goes beyond casual play, and I’m super excited that he and Jess get along and we can all hang out together sometimes. It’s also my first time being in a kinky relationship where we don’t both share a tickle kink (though it is still fun to mix in a bit of tickle play every once in awhile 😉). It’s been amazing, and also a lot of new feelings to process. I’m super excited about it!
2. I’ve been exploring my local kink scene! Surprisingly, my little city has one of the most active kink munches in all of southern Ontario. Jess and I have been having a ton of fun going to the park munches, rope socials, and Littles munches. We’ve met some really cool people and learned a ton. I’m super excited to be able to include rope work more regularly in scenes now. I’m also excited to have some great new friends, and maybe introduce some tickle play to people who otherwise may not have considered it. There’s also a cottage weekend coming up that sounds like it’s going to be amazing.
3. I’ve made some more progress on the garage! This project continues to take far longer than I thought it would, but I’ve got it to a point where the loft area is a somewhat usable play space so that’s a plus. Next steps are to finish the drywall and install a heat pump for the winter. Hoping to have the main area ready to host a Halloween party in October!
4. We went to the P99 tickle gathering in Pittsburg back in June! There were a few people that I’ve been hoping to meet up with since before Covid, and it finally happened. Teleportation needs to be a thing so I can see all the wonderful people in the world more often 💕
5. We went back country camping for the first time! It was a great introduction to it - we only had to hike about an hour in from our car, and we were right next to the beautiful waters of Georgian Bay. I did mushrooms for the second time, and overall it was an amazing experience but I think I prefer doing them in a house instead of camping. Everything was augmented - the good stuff like the beautiful scenery and the good company, but also the bad stuff like the pesky flies and less than comfortable tent and sleeping pad. Can’t wait to plan another trip (both camping and mushroom 😉)!
6. I made some new content for OnlyFans! This is actually a pretty cool story. I have a friend on Facebook that I’ve known since high school. We were never super close but she always posted really funny, cool, and sexy content over the years so the Facebook algorithm would always keep her in my feed. Back in January she started posting about starting an OnlyFans and was looking for content ideas, so I thought I’d reach out and tell her about the garage I’m building. We started chatting and eventually I told her about my own OF account for tickling content. She hadn’t heard of tickling as a kink before but was interested enough to try! So we met up a couple weeks ago and filmed some stuff. I’m just finishing up the editing now so I expect we will be releasing that in the next week or two. She also wants to meet up again which is super cool. I may have helped convert another tickle kinkster?!
7. I started looking for a cottage! It’s been a major goal of mine to get some property outside the city to try to live a little closer to nature, and I’m almost at a point where I can see a pathway to get there. Years of saving, living below my means, some fairly significant help from my parents, and a few key moments of good luck might just make this possible in the next year or so. Hoping to have more to say about this soon!
Alright, that’s enough for now. I’m always amazed at how much stuff happens over time, when day to day I’m pretty focused on the current thing. I like writing stuff like this to help zoom out and see a bigger picture. I’ll have to try to remember to do this more often, but if I’m honest it’s very likely that it will be several months before I get to it. Until next time!
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cs-and-bellarke · 2 years
Bellarke AU: Pain?
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Bellamy disappears without a trace and Clarke tried everything to find him but she couldn't, Bellamy had gotten taken and then he escaped. Do Bellamy and Clarke tell each other how they feel or do they just go on with being Co-Leaders?
Ao3, FF
Clarke’s P.O.V
Have you lost someone that you loved so much that it killed you once they were gone? You saw them even when you knew they were not there and no matter how much you remind yourself  that they are gone...they won’t go away. Bellamy disappeared 6 months ago and there has been no trace of him, for the first 3 months I looked nonstop until I couldn’t anymore, I never got to tell him how much I loved him and I wish I had but it’s too late now.
I am running camp by myself now and I miss him so much...Monty, Jasper, Murphy, Harper, and all of my other friends think he was taken by Lexa...my ex-girlfriend. I broke up with her because it was either I move my camp closer to her or I leave my camp completely...she also wanted me to stop talking to Bellamy all together. It wasn’t worth it, I'd rather still talk to Bellamy and run this camp with him then be with her, but would she really take him away from me like that. Octavia sometimes still goes out and looks for him when she is missing him the most, I would go with her but I have the camp to run and I know every time she goes...she comes back with nothing, and I can’t put myself through that.
We’re having a little celebration for Monty and Jasper because it’s another year of them being friends and it’s an excuse to drink moonshine and party. I wish I could say that I will for sure have fun but I can’t because my best friend and the man I love isn’t here with me, he isn’t here to make me smile and have a good time so I don’t know if I will without him. I go out to the med bay to see how the sick are holding up, they are doing okay and hopefully they will be out of the bay soon, I have even more work since Bellamy disappeared and I wish I had him, I wish I could find him, and I wish I could have told him how I felt about him.
Jasper comes into the med bay and asks “hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah Jas I’m just busy and I miss Bellamy” I tell him.
“I know you miss him, we all do but you need a break...come to the party tonight and calm down, relax”
“How can I relax when Bellamy’s gone”
How can I be able to relax when the one person I love the most has been missing for 6 months and no one…not a single person has been able to find any trace of him. How can you disappear without a trace like that? How could he disappear at all? It's funny to think about now because he used to hate me and he thought I most likely hated him but the truth is that I never hated him even when I wanted to…I never could. When we first met I didn’t like him very much and I have never lied about that but as time went on things changed and when he wasn’t around I wanted him around and when he was around I never wanted him to leave. He just disappeared and no one found anything that could show where he went or what happened to him. Why was he taken from me? Why was he taken at all?
“Clarke, I know you miss him but we all do” Jasper says to me.
“I don’t just miss him, I loved him and I needed him, I knew if I had him by my side then I could do this life thing but without him I don’t think that I can” I say to Jasper as I cry to him.
“You loved him?”
“Yes, I fell in love with him and now he is gone”
“Are you suicidal?”
“It’s not the fact I want to die, it’s the fact that I don’t want to live without him”
“I think he’s still alive Clarke” he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. “If he wasn’t and someone took him because he disappeared without a trace they would have sent his body back on a silver platter”
“You still think Lexa did this?” I asked him.
“You broke up with Lexa and Lexa knew how Bellamy felt for you, god everybody knew how he felt about you, anyway and she was jealous because she knew he had a shot with you and that she lost her chance”
“How did he feel for me?”
“It’s not my place to tell you Clarke, but what I can tell you is that he cared for you a lot more than anyone else”
“More than O?”
“He cares about you in a completely different way, so in a way…yeah”
Bellamy’s P.O.V
6 months. It’s been 6 months since I was taken, and it has been 6 months since I saw Clarke, O, Jasper, Monty, Murphy, and everyone else. I am worried about all of them and I know they are worried about me or they think I’m dead, I have been locked in a cage for 6 months and I don’t know why they are keeping me alive. I don’t know who is behind this but I have a feeling that it’s Clarke’s ex girlfriend Lexa, she never liked me and she never will and because Clarke broke up with her she thinks I have a shot and she knows that she doesn’t have a shot with Clarke anymore. I hate not knowing if they are okay, I hate not knowing if Clarke is okay and I wish I knew and I wish I knew O was okay as well. Everything was almost perfect and then someone kidnapped me and held me in a cell for 6 months, I almost had the guts to tell Clarke how I feel about her and then someone knocked me out and when I woke up I’m in a cell.
All I want is to be able to make it home to Clarke and finally hold her in my arms again and tell her how I feel without chickening out, because that is all I want to do. I never got the chance to tell her when she was right in front of me because I was scared but I’m tired of being scared, I just want to be able to tell her and I hope she feels the same for me. I have been trying to find ways out of the damn cell and I can’t find a way, they feed me every 2 days and give me a cup of water everyday then they leave and don’t come back until the next day.
Why are they keeping me alive? What is the reason they want me alive? What am I of value to them? All these questions I have and none are answered because I don’t know who is doing this all I have is what I believe which I could be wrong. As I am thinking of who could be keeping me in a cell making sure I am fed and have water after they kidnapped me for some reason one of the guards came in.
He opens my cell and says nothing, he ties my hands behind my back and we walk across a courtyard and into a tower. Why didn’t they blindfold me? I don’t know but because they didn’t I know where I am and I know who is behind this and I was right it was…Lexa, I am in Polis.
They sit me in front of a throne and all I have is a fucking smile on my face because this is funny as hell that she kidnapped me just to keep me in a cell to make my people and the people I love think I am dead. “Welcome Bellamy,” Lexa says to me.
“What the fuck is this? You kidnapped me just to keep me in a cell for 6 months…long enough to make my people and the people I love think I am dead and for what?”
“So I can bring you back alive and she will take me back”
“Oh wow…so this is about Clarke”
“Who would it be about? Of course it’s about Clarke and when I take you back to your people you will not tell her it was me who took you and you will tell her I found you and helped you heal then I brought you home”
“And what if I don’t?” I asked her with a smile on my face.
“Then I will kill you and go to your camp and tell them I found your dead body and get Clarke back that way” she says to me.
I didn't say anything to her and I found a way to get out, there was a knife right next to me and so I took it and cut the rope that was around my hands without Lexa knowing as she was talking to her guards. They leave the room and I knew of a secret door and I take it and make my way to the forest to get the fuck out of here, I ran and I didn’t look back.
I ran…I ran for so long and I didn’t stop until I got back to the camp.
Clarke’s P.O.V
I ended up going to the party to make Jasper happy, it was almost sunrise by the time most of the kids went to bed, there were still some out and talking and drinking. I drank quite a bit but I had sobered up a little bit so I wasn’t drunk, just tipsy. I was about to go to bed when one of the guys who was watching the gate said that someone was out there, I opened the gate and I couldn’t believe who was standing on the other side of it.
“Bellamy?” I said in disbelief.
“Princess,” he said back.
“You're alive” I say to him as I hug him as tight as I can.
“I’m alive, I’m okay” He says and he hugs me as tight as I am hugging him.
“What happened to you?”
“I was taken by Lexa”
“Jasper was right? Oh my god”
“Where is O?” he asked me.
“Asleep, go see her just meet me back in my tent” I tell him.
Bellamy agreed and I went back to my tent to wait for him to come in so we could talk, seeing him stand outside of the gates of camp made my heart stop beating and hugging him made me stop breathing. I need to tell him how I feel about him and tell him how much he means to me because if I don’t then I never will and I need to, I love him so much and he needs to know. Meeting Bellamy was one of the best things that has happened to me and yeah I didn’t like him at first but I ended up loving him anyway and I wouldn’t ask for anything different. He brought light into my life and nothing could take that light away unless they took him away and I am going to kill Lexa for taking my light away. I sat down on my cot and started sketching, I didn’t know what I was sketching at first until I realized that it was the beginning of a face…Bellamy’s face. Ever since Bellamy went missing I started drawing him all the time and it was because I missed him and loved him so much and that was how I coped with him being gone.
For 6 months he was gone and I thought I would never see him again, I had hoped that I would but part of me honestly thought I was never going to see him again. When I saw him at the gate all that hope I had was turned into love for the man in front of me, he was alive and breathing and he wasn’t dead. When I hugged him I had gotten the best feeling in my chest to know it wasn’t in my head that Bellamy was alive and breathing and wasn’t dead, and I know Octavia will be almost as happy as I am that Bellamy was here and safe and okay after 6 months of him being missing. Drawing was my only escape from feeling the pain and sadness that I felt when Bellamy went missing and I love him but when I was drawing it was like he was here with me as I did. I would draw him every chance I got because I didn’t feel the pain of him being gone when I did but as soon as I was done I felt the pain and sadness all over again.
I ended up falling asleep by the time Bellamy had come in my tent and how I knew he came in was I heard him breathing and I felt him come over to the cot and cover me up and kisses the top of my head. I had woken up at this point and he sits down at the end of my cot still thinking I am asleep and he starts talking…
“You have no idea how much I have missed you, yeah I know me of all people missed the sassy princess but I did…a lot. You were the one I was trying to get back to the most and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to when I was first taken; but as time went on and they kept me alive I knew it was possible. I know you probably can’t hear me which might be a good thing but when I was in that cell I wasn’t really worried about O, I was but I wasn’t, I was worried about you and I know you can take care of yourself but I was constantly worried about you. Anyway I’ll leave you be but when you wake up come get me” he said to me.
So I pretend to talk in my sleep “stay…” I said.
“Princess you awake?” he asked.
I grabbed his hand but I made sure he thinks I am asleep and I think he got what I was trying to tell him and he ended up climbing into my cot right next to me and had wrapped his arms around me. I felt so safe in his arms, I never wanted him to take his arm away and I want to hold me forever, I love him so much and he feels like home. I end up hearing Bellamy start snoring slightly and that made me happy to hear that he is sleeping, I end up falling asleep again not too long after hearing Bellamy.
*Next day*
When I woke up and Bellamy was still asleep with his arm wrapped around me, I felt safe in his arms and I wanted nothing to change. I want him to hold me and never ever let me go, have you ever felt that kind of love for someone? I just layed there watching him sleep still in disbelief that he is home safe and sound in my arms, he was missing for 6 months and now he is home and breathing. Lexa took him and made me and the whole camp think he was dead and for what? To make me suffer then well done because she did and I will kill her for what she has done, not only taking him hurt me but his sister and the kids at camp that looked up to him.
He looks so peaceful when he sleeps and it looks like nothing can hurt him but the awful painful truth is that he was hurt, I don’t know what she did to him but what I do know is that whatever she did do she is going to pay for it. I just watch him breathing and hoping that he never stops breathing, seeing him breathing makes me want to stay breathing. He then opens his eyes and locks eyes with me and then he smiles. “How long have you been awake?” he asks.
“Not long, we need to talk” I say to him with a small smile.
“I know we do, I missed you”
“I missed you too, nothing was right without you, most of the time I didn’t even know what I was doing…I was numb without you”
“Don’t, please”
I sit up and turn my back towards him, I don’t want him to say anything…I don’t want him to say that he cares but he doesn’t love me the way I love him and if he did say that then I think it would kill me. “Clarke…look at me” he says but I don’t and I look at the floor. “Please look at me” he asked again and I still didn't look at him so he put his hand on my cheek and made me look at him. “What do you mean you felt numb?” he asked me but before I could answer someone outside was screaming.
We ran over to them to see if they were okay and what was going on and of course someone was training and was by mistake shot, they took the girl who was shot to the med bay and I turn to Bellamy “We’ll talk later” I tell him as I turn and walk to the med bay.
Bellamy’s P.O.V
Just my fucking luck that someone would get hurt when I am trying to talk to Clarke about something important, she was about to answer my question when someone was mistakenly shot. She told me that we would talk later but I didn’t want to talk later…I wanted to talk now but I walked away and went to make sure the wall was up to date. As time passed and Clarke was still working on the girl I knew that most likely the girl would not make it and Clarke would be a mess afterwards, I had also had time to catch up with Miller.
An hour goes by and Clarke comes out of the bay crying, she walked right past me out of the gate, of course I ran after her and she stopped running when we got to the waterfall. She sat on a log and cried, then she screamed as loud as she could and I think it made her feel a little better. “Did that make you feel better?” I asked her when she sat back down.
“What are you doing here?” she asks me while trying to hide the fact that she was crying.
“You ran out of camp, I wanted to make sure you were okay” I tell her as I walk over to her.
“I’m fine”
“No you’re not, she died didn’t she”
“Yeah she did, she was only 16”
“Come here”
I pull her close to me and she wraps her arms around me and she starts crying even more and I let her. I hate to see her so upset but as she cries in my arms I try to memorize the feeling of her in my arms and her letting herself fall apart in my arms. She sits up and looks at me and then she starts smiling and it was the most beautiful thing that I could see. “Thank you for being here” she says.
“Well I wasn’t going to let you come out here alone” I tell her as I keep her against my chest.
“We have to get back to camp” she says as she starts to get up but I didn’t want to go back yet, I didn’t want to let her go and I didn’t want to make this moment disappear.
“Wait” I say as I grab her wrist and bring her back down next to me. She looked at me with a question in her eyes like she was asking ‘what?’. “We need to talk and I want you to listen to me and what I am saying and when I am done then you can say whatever you want” I say to her, she nods and I place her hands on mine. “When I went missing the only thing that I was thinking of was trying to get back to you, I knew O would be fine and I know you can take care of yourself but I was constantly worried about you. When I escaped and I was running through the woods the only thing that kept me going was getting back to you and then I saw you and I was beyond happy” She is looking at me with tears in her eyes. “Before Lexa took me I was getting up the courage to tell you something and the day I was going to she took me, and what scared me the most was the fact I might’ve not been able to ever tell you” I say as I look down, our hand were still intertwined.
“Tell me what?” she asks as she puts one hand on my face and makes me look her in the eyes.
“That I am in love with you” I said to her, she looked shocked at first and then her expression softened and a smile appeared on her face. “I love you so much”
“I…I love you too” she says and I couldn’t help but smile at her. She then pulls me down to her and our lips connect with fire and compassion. As it gets deeper and hotter the more I wanted more so I knew I had to break the kiss so I did.
“We need to get back to camp so I can show you how much I love you in my tent” I say to her and with that she and I left hand in hand until we got back to the gate and she ran to my tent so I ran after her.
Writer’s P.O.V (Smut warning)
Bellamy and Clarke enter his tent and as soon as the flap of the tent is closed their hands are all over each other, his hands move over her waist and hips pulling her closer to him. Her hands were round his neck and when she felt his arms go around right under her ass she jumped up putting her legs around his waist. He carries her over to the makeshift bed and lays her down, he abandons his shirt and then he helps her take hers off along with her bra, he stops for a minute and just looks at Clarke like she is the only thing in the world. “You sure you want this” he asks her. Without answering she pulls him back down on her kissing him with as much force as she could and flips them so that she is on top, she pulls off her pants and then sits on Bellamy’s lap again and starts rocking against him. His hands land on her hips as she rocks and then he is pushing his hips up towards her.
As they are grinding on each other small moans and groans fill the tent, Clarke tugs on Bellamy’s belt and when she gets it off of him she throws it across the room. Bellamy chuckled and helped her get his pants off, after they were off Bellamy flipped them back over so that he was on top, his kisses started getting sloppy and kind of all over the place. He pauses and looks at her so he can memorize what she looks like when she is under him like that, she looks at him and smiles. He leans down and locks his lips with hers and he goes slow at first then he moves from her lips to her jaw and then her neck and he hits her sweet spot so now he knows where to mark her. He makes his way down her body with sloppy kisses until he hits the edge of her underwear, he slides them down her legs while leaving kisses on her inner thigh making Clarke moan softly. He moves his thumb over her clit a couple times make Clarke gasp from the unexpected touch, Bellamy smirks and then he goes down and starts sucking on her clit. She start to arch her back because of the pleasure she feels throughout her body,
Bellamy places two fingers in her making her gasp and moan, he is sucking and fingering her all in a rhythm making her legs shake, Clarke grabs Bellamy’s beautiful curls and tugs as the orgasm comes to the surface. She releases and Bellamy licks it every drop of her juices that she had released, she is breathing heavy but she still wants more of Bellamy. “Tell me what you want” Bellamy tells her, knowing that she wasn’t finished with him.
“You…I want you inside me, and not just your fingers” She said to him as she bit her bottom lip. Bellamy knew what he had to do so he takes off his underwear and lines himself up with her entrance and when he enters her she gasps because she didn’t realize how big he was until he was inside her. But she wasn’t complaining. He starts at a slow rhythm making Clarke arch her back and he knows she wants him to go faster but he is waiting for her to beg him to move faster. “Bellamy…please” she says.
“Tell me what you want, '' he says to her as he keeps his rhythm.
“Faster please” and with that he speeds up making Clarke go crazy. One thing Bellamy did expect that she would do was flip them so that she was riding him but he wasn’t complaining. She rides him until she and him both come to their peak, “cum inside me, it’s okay” she says to him as she holds him close. So with her words he does and then she lays down next to him and then he pulls her to him.
Clarke’s P.O.V
As the room now smells of sex I am now laying in Bellamy’s arms as happy as I could be, he is all I have ever dreamed of and more. “You know when you went missing I tried everything I could to find you” I say to him.
“I know you did, and I’m sorry you had to feel all of that” he says as he holds me as close as he could to his body.
“Did she ever tell you why…why she took you from me?”
“When her guards took me to her I had said ‘kidnapping me and holding me in a cell for 6 months to make the people I love think I’m dead and for what?’ and she said and I quote ‘so I can bring you back alive and she will take me back’ and I knew she was talking about you”
“She took you so she could try and get me back?”
“So I had told her ‘so this is about Clarke’ and she said ‘of course it’s about Clarke and when I take you back you will not tell them I took you and you will tell them that I found you and helped heal you’ and so I asked ‘what if I don’t’ and she said she would kill me then come here tell you guys that she found my dead body and get you back that way” Bellamy explains to me.
“I’m gonna kill her” I say to him.
“No no no Clarke”
“She took you and said she would kill you if you didn’t do what she said Bellamy, I can’t just let that go”
“I’m not saying you have to but if you kill her then you will start a war that we will not win”
“Then what do you want me to do?”
“Be here with me, stay here with me, and if she tries to come back and kill me then we’ll go to war” he says. He wipes away the tears that escaped my eyes and tries to pull me closer to him as much as he possibly could.
“I love you Bellamy”
“I love you too”
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Journal 8: (July 23rd - 28th)
We have reached the point of the summer now where the time goes by incredibly quick but also quite slow. It feels like the past week lasted for two weeks, but if you blinked, you'd missed it all. Like I expected, this week proved itself to be challenging in its own ways. First and foremost, we had no agents or volunteers on camp to assist in tending to the kids. We as a camp had to come together to look out for each other, and help where we could. This often meant we needed to do tasks we otherwise wouldn't do very often. For me and a few other staff, we were pulled to work in our camp store, which is where the kids will come and get their afternoon snacks and such. It's also the place that the kids can pick up various camp souvenirs, like stuffed animals, shirts, hats and more. We had different jobs as part of store time, which involved marking off the campers money cards, grabbing the items they wanted, or even restocking. The majority of us who helped with this part also had classes to return to after working one, like I did on Monday. I also had the chance this week to work a different night activity than I normally do. Typically, I run camp fires on Monday and Tuesday nights for smores, but this past week, I did something different on Tuesday night. On Tuesday night, I ran the slip and slide for our older groups. We have a few basic rules for our slip and slide, mostly being no feet on the tarp (as in their flat feet), and only starting on their front. What they did after was up to them. It was fun for me to do something different, but it was also really enjoyable to see how much the kids loved having the ability to let out some steam. While the rest of the week stayed relatively similar to previous, it was more an more obvious this week that we were struggling to hold our barrings at all times. We now only have a small handful of days before I'm able to go home and rest before coming back up to school this fall. In all my time out here, I've had plenty of fun, but the friends I have made this summer will last me the longest. I have met many people this summer, and I've managed to find the ones that really look out for everyone, and not just themselves. We are able to seek shelter in one another, and celebrate each other. I'm sad to see the summer come to a close, but also excited to see where this last week will take us. This coming week will be about the same size as this past week; however, we will have agents this week to help support us. This week, we will also be doing a great deal of clean up, and tear down all the parts of the camp that are not used after the summer is over. That means Archery, the horse barn, canoes, a d more will all need to be cleaned up this Friday after the campers leave. I'm looking forward to seeing the summer out with my face towards the sun, and sad to see the shadows I'm leaving behind.
On the bright side though, since I have been taking weekly journals, I have been able to document different things that have happened here at camp, and not have all my memories lump together like they have before. I'm proud of how far I've come this summer, and excited to share my progress and process with others too.
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And these are all some photos I've collected either this week, or previous weeks, of some of the various activities I do here. 😄😄
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
Vargas Camp
You already know the drill.
No Ifs, ands, or Buts
Crowley: Is the Magishift (as I call it) club here?
Leona: sleeping 
Damn Crowley the wind now
Oh god here he is
Leona: The fuck is all this noise
Ruggie: Shut up—Vargas is ranting
Leona: Who the fuck you talkin’ to?
To Camping Perfections
Oh god we’re already here
Oh look at Sebek all dressed up
I didn’t get his card, I was very burnt out and spread thin with other things
We out rocking designer
Just to get them shits dirty
“WiTh My MoNeY”
You literally do not care
Ace and Deuce getting flashbacks
Also they were so quiet I forgot they were there
Grim pulling up like:
Oh hey the Ghost Camera reappeared
Grim you’re the assistant
Really love how Crowley called us a beast tamer of sorts when we’re actually a Ghost Befriender
Also like there’s never any other monsters unless he’s counting the students lol
Ace, Deuce, Grim and I are all having flashbacks now
Brains and Brawn Only
Girl I must not be playing this game
So, if you use magic without your pen aka conduit then you’re more likely to getting Overblot.
You wanna run around, Grim? Gone head.
Ion much about camping but I feel like pitching your tent near water is the best place.
Jack, not you getting flustered over giving good advice.
The Most Fun Possible
Not Jack with the OCD
Look at my boys working together
Look at Leona not doing shit
Oh wow
Okay so Epel was the one in the know on this
Love to see it
Now I know some shit is going on here
Floyd sweetheart…
Vargas Badges
Okay but the mine had an Overblotter and some hostile ghosts
Leona: Now ion about them other clubs, but y’all know how to get shit done, so go do it.
God I need to write some Leona/Reader
I’m starting to get the itch
And I know some of y’all are hungry for some more food.
Besties listen…I haven’t even been to the soup store yet ion when the food will be done lol
Sebek baby, please stop screaming
Where we starting, Grim?
I am trying my damndest to not open another doc and starting writing
Easy Peasy
He is probs not here tho
Ruggie just be know shit
Love that for him
Grim leave him alone
You know how he gets after a nap
Look at him putting a fire together
Oh no!
He…when he was struggling?
Baby are you implying that you were once homeless?
Or that there was no money to pay for the gas bill?
Mans knows how to stay the fuck in his lane.
You Can Handle’em & Rudimentary in the Extreme & The Long Haul
Leona just be knowing shit…
My dog is about to snore herself awake I swear
Grim no!
No, Grim. You scared the food away.
I mean…yeah.
Not surprised that Floyd is just swimming for the water
Not y’all fighting the fairies because of other people
They literally became collateral damage.
That’s the Good Stuff & That’s What They Get
She woke herself up!
How long were y’all fishing for?
Ion care who cooks or what it is
It better have some damn seasoning on it
Nope. I refuse to acknowledge what he said.
Jack worked his culinary magic on the grill— seasoning and all.
Deuce, have you forgotten about the monster and ghosts?
Oh so you just need to use Elemental Sight to find’em
Wait…the track club didn’t get their badge
I’ve met my quota for the night.
Opens new doc
Leona my beloved I’m coming
That’s Hardcore!
Good morning!
So, yeah I ended up writing a little something for Leona lol
Now I know Jamil finna fuck it up
He’s about to season the fuck outta this food
Floyd really just sat there and went
“Did I just hear something? Or was it the wind…Yeah, it was the wind.”
Silver is falling the fuck to sleep, someone get him a pillow
The Tough Guy Ace
…not even Jamil gave a fuck
I can’t say I’m surprised but damn
Point me to the tent, I’ll set him straight.
Smiles in fanfic writer
I’m not saying anything…
Gonna Squeeze You Later
“Way Too Early”
Y’all bout to catch Leona’s paws
At this point, just start picking shit up
Jack never stops working out
Also tbh I think he has an equal or average amount of smarts in comparison to his brain.
Deuce you could probably hold your own in a one-on-one, but you’re still learning…
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He’ll Be Fine & So Condescending
Oh shit this is probs like the flower from tangled
He damn sure can just walk into the bayou
And he damn sure can wrestle with a gator
Not Sebek seeing Leona as his rival
He is basically his rival in Malleus stead
Jamil we’re coming to bother you~
Wait…that was it?!
Heeere, Fishie, Fishie…
Look at my boys
Couldn’t be me
When I was little and had no choice but to go, sure, but now, no
That’s Enough Babysitting
Where the fuck is Leona my beloved
Look at Leona helping others
Mans take your praise
Don’t yall fucking dare.
A Giant Magestone & I Don’t Cower!
Some really who?
What was that, Jack?
This at least is after the prologue but we can’t say that it's between Book 1 and Book 2
But also too
This is the first time I’ve heard the gotting with sound and that’s so dramatic and for what
Relax & Careless
Okay, Jamil relax
The Exact Opposite & A Huge Dark Shadow
Now watch them be concerned about Honor Student Deuce
Listen, yes, Ace and Deuce both have one brain cell but
I can’t even say don’t call’em out like that
Oh shit
Oh baby that’s a Giant Shadow
Periodt Floyd start throwing fins
Sebek gonna need you to chill out out before fists start flying
Simply Better Trained & No Sense at All
Gotta make sure little Grim’s don’t go out
Floyd omg
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He’s about to start eating people
Damn…he fucking got us
I’m putting a headphone in
I mean yeah…its not like you couldn’t use magic at all
And doing something as small as lighting a fire shouldn’t be too bad
Periodt Floyd it's time to commit kill
Are You Serious? & No Price on Life
Also I just zoned out lol
Really coulda been using magic the whole time lol
Floyd sweetheart
Come On, Monster
Just Call It Quits & Close to My Level
Okay… Ace and Leona kinda were but Deuce wasn’t!
He was being a good student!
Is Silver a fuckign sleep?
They all deserve to have a nice big breakfast when they get back to the school
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Look at this grin
The Utter Gall
Ruggie behavior tbh
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Basic Lessons in Survival
Fuck it, Floyd’s right.
Let’s roll
Why did you even ask them
I love these two lol
Been Here Before & Wrap It Up
Don’t Wanna Go Back & I Learned One Thing
And he’s dead.
The grind is real with this one
So Deuce was trapped in that cave for nothing
And people were fighting for fun
Oh Sebek don’t be too upset.
Pretty sure Lilia would back him tbh
Twisted Ramblings
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theloveoftoms · 2 years
Loosing Control - maverick x reader (top gun)
Summary: After loosing control of your f-14, and feeling like you don't belong at top gun, your husband maverick is there to turn your night around!
This fic came from the request I received from @tinfoilhat2719. Their request had said, "Hi! Can I request a fic for maverick from top gun? So reader and maverick are married and the only person who knows is goose. Reader is a very good pilot who’s also participating in the top gun program and is the only female there. One day she almost loses control of the plane and things almost take a horrible turn. She takes it really badly and starts to doubt herself saying that she doesn’t belong there and doesn’t deserve to be part of the program, so maverick reassures her that she is a good pilot and that she deserves to be there just as much as the rest of them, something cute that shows how much he loves her."
A/N: HELLO everyone, I saw this request that I got this morning, and I had such a fun time writing it! Keep the requests coming, I love writing in response to a prompt, and I'll try and work at them soon! I ran (but mostly walked lol) 3k this morning and then made a salad for lunch and had tons of fun writing today! I'm getting back into the groove of things :) I couldn't think of a name for this at first so I was just going to call it 'husband.' I hope you have a great day/night/whatever time of day it is for you. And thank you so much for reading my stories, it means the world to me! xoxo - Mac :)
*also, the readers callsign in glacier, their rio is rogue, their plane is called bravo, and the instructor/bogey is callsign bandit. cheers!
Word Count: 3.5k
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"I can't believe you're married mav," goose said, pinching his nose, "Out of all people, you! You're married!"
Maverick laughed, sliding his arm around your waist, "When you meet the one," he begun, pausing to look at you, "You just know."
You smiled, brushing a piece of maverick's brown hair behind his ear, gazing lovingly into his oceanic green eyes.
"When did you guys get married anyways? God, don't tell me you went to Vegas and got Elvis to do it?"
"No!" you exclaimed laughing, "It wasn't Elvis!"
Maverick smirked, "we went up to Los Angeles for the weekend and got married at city hall, it was short and sweet."
Your wedding was quick, the service lasting no longer than 20 minutes, maverick in his pristine white navy uniform, his jacket bearing his name, and as for you, you were in a silk maxi dress that you had bot at a boutique downtown with a pair of nude heels. A woman in a pant suit helped the two of you sign the papers, and even took your photo with the bouquet of pink tulips that maverick had surprised you with on the morning of.
Maverick and you had met many years ago, back at base camp where you both were learning how to fly f-14's for the first time. Maverick and you had met in the class room, the two of you working together on a project that helped show the instructor each of you we're ready to get into the cockpit. You fell in love with maverick's rebellious ways and flattery. The two of you would sneak out together after curfew and hit up all of the rest pubs in the area, drinking and dancing, and getting to know one another.
After graduating, the two of you got shipped off to different sides of the world. Maverick was working aboard an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean and you were off working at NAS north island, flying and performing work both on the ground and in the sky. Long distance was tough, but the two of you tried to keep in contact as best you could, but most of the time, both you and maverick were drawn away from the telephone with such busy schedules.
Only fate would allow you and maverick to reconnect a few years later at top gun. Now that the two of you were back together again and seeing each other on a regular basis, you decided maverick was it for you, he was the only person you ever wanted to be with. So, when one night, the two of you were out during the sunset, walking along the shore, and maverick asked, with an antique ring that used to belong to his mother, kneeling on the sand, telling you how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to have you back in his life again. "All I want in life is to be with you," he had said, "Will you marry me?" And of course you said yes.
Goose shook his head, patting maverick on the shoulder, "Congrats mav. And you too Glacier. You guys are both so cocky and bold I'm surprised mav didn't pop the question the second he saw you back here."
Maverick shook his head, rolling his eyes at goose.
"So is there going to be a party or anything? I better let Carole know, she's not going to believe it."
Silence cast over the room, "Goose," maverick said dryly, "You can't tell anyone about me and y/n just yet."
"Yeah," you said, taking over the conversation, "You know how the commanders felt about the two of us dating, could you imagine what they would say if they found out we were married?"
Goose nodded, "Alright. But man mav, you missed what could have been one hell of a bachelor party."
Maverick laughed, "I could only imagine!"
"Bravo is ready for takeoff," you said proudly through my headset to the tower, taking a quick glance back to my RIO, with callsign Rogue, who's given you the thumbs up.
"Permission to taxi Bravo," replied the man from the tower, his voice loud and scratchy on the radio, playing sternly through the ears of your helmet.
Under your command, your aircraft was beginning its trip to the runway, when out of the corner of your eye you noticed maverick ascending the steps into his aircraft, goose following from behind.
"Have a good flight Glacier," maverick said, giving you the thumbs up from his spot in his aircraft.
"Thanks Maverick," you said, the wheels of your aircraft just rolling onto the runway, "See you in the skies."
"God, you two are insufferable," Rogue has said to you with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, "We try to be, Rogue."
With you in command, your plane began to jet forward, sending you swiftly into the air. The sudden acceleration made for in increase of g's, sending you flat back into your seat. You've been flying for abut five years now, and the gravitational-force of the plane taking off into the sky still sent you gasping for breath, although now, you knew how to handle it. You had built up an immunity to the g's, but that first one during each flight, drawing you straight back into your seat, still surprised you from time to time.
A rush of adrenaline was sent flying through your body as your plane made a rapid climb into the clouds, pulsing through into the clear skies ahead. You loved the way that flying made you feel, ever since you were a kid and you took your first ride in an airplane. You loved being able to look down on the world from your place high in the sky and soar above it all. It had been a tough journey to become a naval aviator, but it was all worth it when you could spend your days flying freely in the sky.
You were one of the few females on the base, but the only one enrolled in the top gun program. While other women worked as sailors, and instructors, and nurses, you were the only female top gun pilot. You had to work twice as hard to be taken seriously in your industry, and three times as hard to even receive an invitation to top gun.
The first day you drove on base, listening to uplifting rock songs on the radio, you felt that you were where you had always belonged. Finally, you could be up against other skilled pilots and you would also be improving your own flight tactics, strengthening your skills to become even better than you had been before.
You coasted the jet above the ocean, and with the help of Rogue's navigating, slowed your speed until the others met up with you over the hills along the sea.
Maverick and goose were performing a different exercise, so today it would be iceman and slider working with you and rogue to take down the bogey.
Iceman pulled up beside you and greeted you with a hand signal, a common one, signalling his readiness for the exercise.
"Lets work as a team and take this guy down," you said.
"Copy Bravo," he replied.
The two of you carried on ahead at a suitable speed, one fast enough to get out of dodge when the bogey would reveal himself, but slow enough to be able to look around for said competitor.
All of a sudden, the rush of a jet flew overhead, making your aircraft go unsteady, "Rogue," you called out, "Where's he headed?"
"Bogey is heading northeast at 480 knots, bring it up to 480 Glacier," Rogue said, clipping his breathing device on to better engage.
"Bringing her up. Iceman do you copy?"
"Affirmative Bravo. Taking the lead."
Fuck. There he goes again, trying to take over.
Men can be a nuisance sometimes, especially when they try to tell you that you're not good at what you do, or that you're un-suited for the role of a pilot strictly because you're a female. Iceman is a great guy, cocky as hell, but sometimes, I can tell that he would rather be in the lead instead of let a woman be in command.
"Copy ice," you replied, slightly defeated.
"Hey ice," rogue spoke up from the back, "Remember this is a joint mission. Both you and Glacier are in command. Work as a team."
A smile ran across your face as you quickly popped your mask off, "Thanks Rogue."
At the end of the day, its good to know your RIO has your back. At first, you were actually sort of nervous to be assigned a new RIO. You never know how the person flying with you will tolerate you or your flying techniques, but after some collaboration and understanding, Rogue and you turned out to make quite the team.
"Copy Rogue. En route to the bogey," iceman said clearly through the radio.
So, you let iceman take the lead, and you followed from behind, assisting the best you could.
"Increasing speed to 485, "Iceman said, realizing the bogey was increasing speed at a pace that was quicker than usual.
You followed suit, increasing your speed, keeping your eye on the instructors plane, keeping a safe distance between iceman, who has finally began to speed up and close in.
"What are you waiting for iceman?" You said over the radio, "Time is not our friend here."
"Cornering up," Iceman said, "I've got missile lock on him."
In front, you watched as Bandit took a steep dive towards the earth, the nose of his plane nearly vertical, avoiding the missile lock from your partner.
"Shit!" Iceman called out, rapidly changing the course of his flight pattern to chase after bandit.
"I've got you from the back ice, you are clear to close in," you spoke, catching your breath as your aircraft took a dive below.
"Too close for missiles, switching to guns," ice said, when all of a sudden, bandit made a straight climb at a gradual level, bringing his plane back up, higher than before.
"Fuck, not again!" Iceman said.
He had missed yet another shot. It was your turn to lead.
"Permission to lead iceman?" you asked, already preparing yourself to feel the rush of gravity sending you flat into your seat.
"Granted Bravo. Take the lead."
So, in an instant, you sent your jet flying vertical after bandit, how badly you wanted to catch up to him and be able to take the shot that would win you the exercise.
"Permission to increase speed if needed Glacier," Rogue said from the back seat, "he's going nearly vertical now."
Following the advice of your RIO, you increased the speed to 492 knots, which made you feel the power of your jet even more, the g's sending you back into your seat, your eyes struggling to keep open, your lungs struggling to breathe. But you needed to take a shot, so you used all concentration you had left and did your best to put missile lock on bandit.
Just as your eyes sloped shut, you saw the green box turn red, you had got missile lock on bandit, and then, as the sound in your ears started to ring and sound foreign, the colour running from your eyes, everything going spotty and white then black, you fell back into your seat, unaware of anything.
"Glacier!" Rogue called from the back seat, "GLACIER," he called agin loudly, "Shit, guys," he said into the microphone, "Glacier's out!"
Panic filled Rogue's voice and Iceman who was screaming your name through the radio, "Glacier is in trouble!" he said to bandit.
As you lay there, fully blacked out, your aircraft began to plummet towards the earth. Falling fast, the altitude decreasing rapidly without any pity.
"Glacier," Rogue called you again, "Altitude 9000, 8000. Wake up!"
"Do something bandit! They're going to crash!" Slider said over the radio.
"Ice, slider, stay back, I'm going to put missile lock on, we'll see if that can wake her up," bandit said over the radio, maneuvering his aircraft near yours, putting missile lock on your plane.
An earsplitting buzz filled the plane, and Rogue continued shouting your name, eager to wake you up. "Altitude 7000. 6000," he shouted, "5000, 4000!"
As he called out 3000, your eyes began to flit open, slowly and groggily. At first you couldn't hear a thing, but the screams of your RIO and the buzz of missile lock filled the air around you. Your eyes fully opened to see the ground approaching quicker than expected. "Holy Shit!"
Your plane was spilling out of control, it was up to you to regain it.
"She's re-engaging sir," Rogue called out.
Thinking quick, you fought the g's and brought your hands to the controls, pulling up into a flat flight pattern, gaining control of the aircraft. "Oh my god," you gasped, out of breath, scared shitless of what just happened.
"That's enough for today, let's head back to the base. All good to fly Bravo?" asked bandit.
You wiped the sweat on your forehead with the back of your palm, what the hell just happened?, "Affirmative bandit."
Once you had landed on the base, and parked your jet with precision, completing the uniformly straight row, you hopped out of our plane and scrambled down the flight of stairs quicker than you ever had before. You were upset, god how embarrassing was it to black out and nearly crash the jet.
"Lieutenant y/l/n!" Bandit called out, noticing you were already half way to the main building, "Wait up."
You waited for a couple seconds, nervously pacing back and forth, clutching your navy helmet in your hand, your face red and blotchy. "Sir," you greeted him "What is it?" you asked, when he finally caught up to you.
"I just wanted to say that wasn't your fault," he said stiffly, taking of his own helmet, "these things happen sometimes."
You nodded, god how you didn't want to be lectured by your instructor, not to mention the one who had been the most rigid about your flying and your personal choices involving maverick.
"Go take a shower and then just relax in your unit for a while. There is no need for you to finish the lesson today," the older man said firmly, "Take it easy."
Is he telling me to go home? God, no, I worked so hard to get here, I can't go back!
"Then we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."
Looking like a deer caught in the headlights, you shook your head laxly and replied with a very faint, very dry, "yes, sir."
On the walk back home, your thoughts filled your head with undesirable scenarios. Your a shit pilot. If you belonged here, you wouldn't have blacked out like that. the second you got to your apartment, a quaint condo just on the edge of the row of base housing that was overlooking the ocean, you threw off your flight suit, throwing your helmet to the floor and crawled into the shower, where you let the misty water run cooly over your head, filling your ears until all you could hear was the silence of the water, drowning out your unwanted thoughts.
You turned off the creaky faucet, and wrapped yourself in one of your white fluffy towels. Your hair was still very wet, and the water droplets trapped in your damp waves were slowly running down your back, trickling down your spine. You dried yourself the best you could with your bath towel, the fan on the ceiling in your bedroom helping you speed up the process, but making you chilled in the effort.
Still in a towel, you slumped down on your bed, staring endlessly on the ceiling, the same troubled thoughts filling your head like radio static. You were filled with regret and were left feeling like you didn't belong because of your mistake. how could I have been so stupid, you thought as you got dressed in a pair of black workout shirts and your top gun tee, which as soon as you had put it on, you wished you had grabbed something else.
why am I even here? its not like I deserve it after that mistake.
god all of the guys must think im an idiot. Rogue will probably never want to fly with me again.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You didn't really want to see anyone right about now, but you thought you would at least go see who it was. You looked through the lookhole to find your husband, maverick standing there with a bouquet of tulips in his hand.
He knocked again, "I know you're in there y/n."
You collected your damp hair in your hand and brushed it behind your shoulder and then opened the door to find maverick there with a somber smile. "Hey," he said, "Can I come in?"
"Were married Pete," you said, "Of course you can come in."
He followed you into the kitchen and stood across from you as you relaxed into one of the two bar stools, setting his rose-tined flowers down on the counter. "I heard about what happened."
You looked away and didn't say anything, a common trait of yours was silence when you were upset, and not speaking for too long left you feeling numb.
"It can be scary when you loose sense of things up there," he said gently, taking your hand in his, caressing your thumb gently between his fingers. "Its happened to me before, and when I heard you black out on the radio, it was scary for me."
You looked at maverick sorrily, "mav. I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to think about such a bad pilot I am."
maverick signed, sitting down beside you, "Glacier," he begun, "Whatever you're thinking, whatever crap you're telling yourself, its not true."
You put your head in your hands, slumping over the counter, "Maybe I don't belong here?" you asked, "Maybe im not cut out to be at top gun. Maybe I should work a 9-5? be a secretary or something?"
Maverick shook his head, putting a hand on your back, rubbing in circular motions, "What do you say we go for a walk?" he asked, switching the path of the conversation.
You sat straighter, looking up at your husband, his green eyes, like stars in the night, gazing into yours lovingly. "Sure," you began, "But I'm going to need your jacket."
Maverick smirked, shrugging off his aviation jacket, one nearly identical to yours, but bigger and more comfortable. His bicep and pectoral muscles flexing in the act.
Maverick's jacket was warm and fresh up against your skin, and it had the pleasant woodsy sandalwood scent that belonged to your husband. It was a bit big on you, but that's what made it the most comfortable jacket you had access to.
You grabbed your aviators and keys and locked up, your hand intertwined with mavericks as you begun your walk.
You waked through the neighbourhood of houses, past the grocery outlet and the park until you reached the ocean. The sun was beginning its descent for the night, and the base was written in shades of tangerine and marigold.
"Want to sit down?" you asked maverick, "we could watch the sunset?"
Maverick looked around, down the beach to where Antonio's, the local bar was, "actually," he said, "I have something better in mind."
You followed maverick down the sand into Antonio's to find your classmates all standing around the main table which had some fries and other restaurant snacks on it. Each one of your classmates with a beer in their hands and a lax grin written across their faces, the same grin, each in a different font.
"Surprise!" they said, loud enough to excite you, but soft enough not to disturb the ambience of the bar.
You looked to maverick, who had a big grin written across his face.
"Maverick!" you said, "What is all of this?"
Goose stepped forward, "We all heard about what happened, and we thought that a recovery that quick from a blackout deserved a celebration!"
"And since I know that you mind tends to wander to the worst," maverick said, giving you a nudge with his elbow, "I suggested that the guys get something set up for you."
You pulled maverick into a hug, pressing your face against his, "thanks mav."
"You mean a lot to all of us," goose begun, "and your always there to help us out, both in the classroom and the air."
"You are a pretty great wingman," iceman said, "or would it be, wingwoman?" he laughed.
You rolled your eyes, "thanks guys." And you looked to your husband, who somehow had the time to set all of this up, "Thank you mav."
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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airplanned · 3 years
All the Trashy Novels Part 30
This was fun, y’all.  Thanks for humoring me!
Part 1...Part 29
She spent four days mostly standing in front of the Goddess statue, trying to glow without requiring something inappropriate to trigger it.  She could now get it every single time with very minimal effort, but that effort was usually Link coming up behind her and placing a kiss where her neck met her shoulder, or trailing his fingers from the inside of her elbow to her wrist.  And suddenly her skin was lit up like a camp fire, a fuzzy pleasure brushing over her like a thin blanket.  It was embarrassing and frustrating, but at least she could trigger it without an orgasm and could hold her luminous state for long stretches once she got it going.
"That's true," Link agreed.  He'd taken a seat on the ground with his arms resting on his bent knees.  "You just need to work on not making that face."
Zelda huffed, her arms flopping to her sides and her glow spluttering out.  "I'm trying!"
The problem was that now that she'd allowed herself to feel affection for Link, she always felt a little giddy and ridiculous when she did so.  Apparently, this manifested not only in a divine luminescence, but also in a love-struck look on her face.  Link referred to it as "bedroom eyes" when he was being polite, and "fuck me face" when he wasn't.  He'd taken a bunch of pictures to show her, and he was (annoyingly) correct.  She could not make that face in public.
"Maybe you'd look less sultry if you closed your eyes," he said.
"Then I wouldn't be able to see anything!"
"Can you use your Goddess powers to see things?"
"I can use my Goddess powers to glow!  They don't do anything else!"
"Are they supposed to?"
"I don't know!"
"Try it."
She closed her eyes and tried it.  She remembered the warm pressure in her chest and she remembered the heat of his breath on her skin and she thought about how he he'd made her a tiny little cake the night before and then blushed as she'd gushed over it.  Those were things that she liked about him.  Those were good things, and she felt a way about them.
The glow didn't light.  
Why not?  Those had made her feel things.  She felt things.  Things for Link.  She took another breath and pushed into less appropriate territory, of the way he'd wrapped around her back the night before and let his hands wander until she was moaning with abandon and glowing, burning.
"You got it?"  His hands came to rest on her hips, and her eyes popped open as she lit up.
Goddess, she hated that he could do that. She batted the thought away, and held tighter to her lust.  Goddess, she liked his hands on her.
He looked taken aback, almost awed.  Even though he was expecting it.  Even though he'd seen it dozens of times now.  
Part of why she needed to get her face under control was that it affected Link so.
He swallowed hard.  "Close your eyes.  Let's see if that...oh."  His voice turned rough.  "Oh, that's so much worse."
He pulled her in at the waist and kissed her desperately.
Link made himself scarce as she wrote up her field notes.  She had very little to write.  She'd made very little progress.
In frustration, she tossed her journal away.  She would just have to have Link come touch her when he was done battling Ganon.  Maybe he could magically poke her with his index finger as if she were the Sheikah slate.  And they most likely would evacuate the area, so it wouldn't matter if she had on her come-hither face.  Link would just have to deal with not making out with her for however long it took to seal the Calamity away.  And who cared if she made a face?  If making a face saved the world, no one would be allowed to say anything.
Except Zelda cared.  She didn't want to look ridiculous, and she didn't want to rely on Link to access her own powers.  She glared at her journal.
Where was Link anyway?
She stomped off to go glare at him.  Or go have him be gentle and compassionate until she had too much trouble holding onto her irritation.
She found him before the Goddess statue, his head bowed, the sword drawn with its tip resting against the ground.
She frowned harder.  "Are you praying?" she asked.
He startled and spun around.  "Oh.  Yeah.  Um.  You haven't been praying lately, so I've had to...pray by myself."
An old, familiar hurt settled over her. Of course he was on such good terms with the Goddess, when she was...she was...
She was working on her relationship with the Goddess.  She understood that maybe it was all a big misunderstanding, but that didn't mean it didn't still hurt, and it didn't mean she wasn't still upset that she couldn't fully access her powers without the help of someone the Goddess liked.
Link looked nervous, as if he knew she was about to shout at him again.  Guilt lanced at her stomach.  She lowered her eyes and stepped near him.  
"What do you pray for?" she asked quietly.
"Um.  Nothing?"
She snorted.  "You pray for me."
He didn't say anything, which confirmed it.
"Show me," she said.  She turned him back to face the Goddess, and slipped her way into his arms, her back to his chest.  She placed her hands over his as they planted the sword to the ground.
He held himself stiff with discomfort, but then relaxed his arms under hers and lowered his head.  "Close your eyes," he murmured.  
Well, this was her idea.  She closed her eyes and lowered her head.
"I pray for you to have some guidance," he said.  "Because you desperately want to please her, and you want to do it right, but all you have to go on are rumors and what you're ordered to do by people who don't know what they're doing either.  I pray for some sign that you're on the right path.  Not because I want to know, because I know you'll get there.  But for you.  You need assurance or your self-doubt eats at you, and there's no way that self-doubt will save Hyrule.
"And I pray for you to be happy.  Because you're beautiful when you're sad and you're beautiful when you're angry, but I would die to see you smile.  To hear you laugh.  The way you carry yourself when you're at ease, the excited way you talk when you catch onto something new.  That light in you could light the whole world.  It could burn away the Calamity."
"You're a charmer," she murmured.
"You're a peach."
She snorted.  "You don't pray like I do."
"I wouldn't tell the Goddess all that."
"Why not?"
Why not?  "Because she already knows?"
"But maybe she wants to hear you say it."
"She wants me to wax poetic about a girl?" she teased.
"Wax poetic about what you love."
"Love is a strong word."
"And you're asking for a powerful weapon."
Her eyebrows furrowed.  In a small voice she asked, "What should I pray for?"
He thought for a moment.  "Why do you want to save Hyrule?"
"Because it's my--" 
She startled.  The answer had rolled off her tongue.
Anxiety she couldn't name clawed at her chest.  She shifted uncomfortably.  Maybe standing like this had been a bad idea.
"She'd like to hear you say it."
Her breath shook.  "I want to save my people.  My friends.  Urbosa and Revali and Mipha and Daruk.  They're so devoted and encouraging.  If they fell, then their people would suffer.  All the brilliance of our people would falter, all compassion and the triumphs.  The wonderful art and music and literature--"
"Even the bad literature."
"Especially the bad literature!  And the bad music!  All the ridiculous rumors, and the guards who devour those rumors, and all the fake girlfriends out there.  We would lose all of that!  And as shameful as it is, I would fight for those things."
"What else would you fighting for?"
"The Sheikah technology.  You don't know the victory you feel when two pieces snap together.  The thrill when a guardian lights blue under my hands.  The way Robbie nods along when I ramble and then picks up my thoughts and runs with them, taking them somewhere new, and the I can pick them up again and run farther.  The way Purah grabs my arm the moment I walk into the lab.  The way she drags me to a diagram and asks my opinion.  As if I'm wanted!  As if I'm needed!"
The sword flared under her hands, a ringing note at the base of her skull, and her eyes flew open at the call for attention.
She was glowing.  A warm pressure burned in her chest, and she grabbed hold of it to maintain it.
"Things you care for," Link murmured.
She turned her head to look at him in surprise and confusion.
The corner of his mouth quirked.  "You're not making the face."
"How long have I been glowing?"
"Since you declared your love for trashy novels."
"Love is a strong word."
He shook his head and laughed under his breath. 
"But,” she said, “I need a strong weapon.”
His eyes darkened.  “You’re making the face again.”
When she kissed him, it was bright and sharp as the sun.
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skellebonez · 3 years
SO, remember that thing you wrote a while back, about Monkey King and Mk time traveling back to the JTTW time period?
Link to said thing: https://skellebonez.tumblr.com/post/647766968590581760/18-for-present-wukong-and-mk-to-accidentally-time
So. Time travel is funky. This is set post-Special, immediately pre-season 2. But has spoilers for events up to S2E7. For reasons. Side bar: sometimes time travel comes with some fun side effects. Fun for the viewer. Less fun for the people experiencing them.
Truth be told, I forgot they were even here./Can you teach me how to do that?
"Won't this cause some kind of... I-I dunno, time paradox?" MK asked in a harsh whisper as they followed the traveling group at the back of the line. "Or is this gonna be some kind of 'you changed one thing and now two timelines exist' kind of deal?"
"I genuinely have no idea," Wukong said with a sigh, digging at the uncomfortable but familiar feeling in his ear and trying to keep his voice down as much as possible. He was honestly surprised that it had taken MK this long to ask this particular question, but then again... they had other things to worry about. "I don't remember this, but that may not even matter. I've around for centuries, Bud, but even I have no idea how thing works for us."
"That is not a comforting sentence."
It had been a little over two days since the mentor and student had found themselves thrown backwards in time a few centuries away from home. And Sun Wukong could tell that MK was starting to get more and more frustrated as time had gone on. To be fair, they had made little progress. And there was... another reason... multiple other reasons. But most importantly, there wasn't exactly a power source they could plug the machine into that would give them enough juice to send them home, at least not unless they chance by a demon with lightning powers that Wukong didn't remember. No, instead they had to wait until they hit a storm.
One that was more than another two days walk away.
The young man did his best to not let it show, however. Most likely because of who they were traveling with.
His younger self lead the group, pointedly not looking back at them and keeping a watchful eye for demons that the elder Wukong knew would not come. He dared not bring this knowledge up, though, not knowing if MK had a point about that paradox. He didn't seem to trust the completely, but there was someone else he trusted.
Behind him was his former Master. The monk Tripitaka, Tang Sanzang himself, on the back of the horse formed dragon Bai Long Ma. Bai Long Ma had said nothing, as they were wont to do, and seemed to mostly ignore the two of them unless they were loud. Mast- Sanzang. He had insisted that the elder Wukong and MK call him Sanzang. Probably to help differentiate who was speaking to him if he could not see the two immortal monkeys, and also because MK kept trying to figure out which title to use for the monk and he took pity on him. Sanzang, after a hour's long explanation and from proof via MK's phone and knowledge of past adventures none should know of (and one very interesting game of staff trading between the two monkeys for a moment where the younger Wukong realized it was indeed the same staff).
Sanzang had not mentioned his crying when they met. Neither had his younger self. Or MK.
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing took up the rear. Wujing had not said much to the two of them, but he was nice enough. Suspicious of them, but nice. He put more faith in Sanzang and younger Wukong (perhaps he should call him something else in his head) than his companion.
Bajie didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, that was clear from the way he kept glancing back at the duo with daggers in his eyes. He was immediately unhappy with their new travel companions and... Wukong realized with a sad jolt that he actually missed that. At the time he only found Bajie's contrary nature to his own to be frustrating but now... now he hadn't heard that in 500 years and he could see that while it may have been misguided at times (many times) it was born of a sense of self preservation and a want to protest Sanzang.
Even if he contradicted himself at times as well.
"You two doing ok back there, older me and Kid?" Younger Wukong called back suddenly.
"Yup, just. Hanging." MK yelled back, tone as terse and done as it had been for the last day. "Not like I can do anything else." The second bit was muttered under his breathe, most likely in the hopes even his mentor couldn't hear him. He was wrong.
Wukong felt... bad. Because he was the primary source of this rotten mood.
The staff digging into his ear for the first time in centuries was a reminder of that. An agreement between himself and his student to not bring up any undue suspicion and questions that would take time they may not have to get back home. They'd agreed that the group would also call him Kid, since MK wasn't as fond of the others calling him Bud for some reason, and the name was just... a smidgen to close to Monkey King to not raise similar questions. It was also a reminder that Wukong had let slip in a follow up conversation, away from prying ears, about why this may or may not be really necessary that he had planned to leave the next day in present time.
MK hadn't been happy since. Not with him at least.
"Bajie, remember to ask them how they are doing from time to time. Please?" Sanzang insisted in front of them.
"Truth be told, I forgot they were even here," Bajie lied.
Bajie glowered down at Wukong, throwing the fruit and wrapped rice packages in his general direction and not caring whether he caught it or not. There was a soft and disappointed cry of his name from Sanzang from the other side of the camp.
"Master and the stupid Monkey may trust you," he snorted, ignoring the call and looking between Wukong and MK. "But I don't. If you even so much as set one little toe out of like I will re-"
"Rend our souls asunder with your mighty 9 Toothed Rake, yeah," MK sighed as he used some of the water from his cup to wash the berries thrown at him. "You're Zhu Ganglie, Zhu Bajie, Tiānpéng Yuánshuài, commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers. You will kick our asses. We know."
For a whole second Zhu Bajie looked genuinely surprised and... kind of impressed.
Then he scoffed again and made his way back to the group of five and watched them from the edges of his vision with less suspicion and more curiosity than before.
"Mei was right when she said he was kind of like Pigsy," MK noted, popping a berry into his mouth.
"When was that?" Wukong asked, doing much the same.
His student froze, looking down at his hands for a moment as if trying to remember something. "... not important. Let's just eat and get some rest, like Sanzang told us to."
It didn't take a Great Sage to realize something was wrong.
Wukong said nothing.
"Kid, we told you to stay back with Master!" Wujing shouted as MK peaked his head around the rock he and the monk were taking shelter behind.
"I know!" MK snapped, growling as he ducked back down and presumably curled in on himself. "ARGH I feel useless!"
Wukong winced at his tone, feeling bad. MK wasn't useless, to be fair, but without his staff and no backup weapons he was fighting up a creek without a paddle as it were.
"You're not useless, and you're protecting Tripitaka!" He shouted, letting out a yelp as he narrowly avoided a hit from a demon that should not even be here. Or, some kind of time anomaly mockery of a large demon. An enormous smoke or shadow creature that was far too familiar for his own liking. Not the same, something possibly cobbled together from time itself.
"Wow, uh, future me you're not doing so hot!" Younger Wukong said with a raise of his eyebrow as he blocked a strike with much more ease. "Aren't I supposed to get better with age? Like a handsome fine wine?"
"I'm a bit RUSTY ok!?" He snapped, slicing off one of the shadow creature's cloth tassels to watch it flicker away. "Haven't been many demons to fight!"
He heard a scoff from behind the rock before he felt the giant fist punch him into it. And through it. A Wukong sized hole between student and old master. He realized too late that he had lost his grip on his staff as it flew into the air above them.
"Alright, that's enough!"MK shouted, and before Wukong could even move to stop him the Monkie Kid had jumped into the rock and reached up.
"KID DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!?" Bajie shouted in horror as he made to rush back and tackle him out of the way. He hadn't moved fast enough either.
None of them had, before MK caught the staff as if it was as light as a feather and twirled it around himself before extending it and launching himself at the shadow creature with a scream of rage and frustration and landing what would have been the killing blow had it not clearly been something not living in the first place.
It dissipated much as the piece cut off before it did, leaving MK to... give a confused yelp and fall into a heap on the ground. The staff fell to his side as he clutched his head and yelled in pain from a source Wukong could not see.
"Kid!" Wukong screamed, moving faster than he had during the entire fight to his student's side. "Kid, shit, MK! What happened?"
"MK?" Sanzang and his younger self asked softly in tandem as Wujing and Bajie watched on, all moving closer. But not too close, giving the two room to move.
MK didn't answer. He sat up, holding his head in his hands as he breathed deeply and tried to keep from screaming again before everything just... stopped.
His sat on his knees, hand hanging limply at his sides as his true sight shone in his eyes and he looked on forward blankly.
"What's... who is he?" Younger Wukong asked slowly as he turned to his older self. "What is he?"
"The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon..." MK muttered softly all of a sudden, just loud enough for the group surrounding him. His voice was slurred, almost like he was in a trance. "Their light a protective glow shining upon the world..."
"MK, where did you-" Wukong tried to ask instead of answering his younger self as he slowly stepped forward, cautiously, but MK continued on as if he had not heard him at all.
"Together there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms... or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew so too did his shadow and soon the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero..."
MK immediately slumped forward as he fell unconscious.
"His name is MK... and he's the Monkie Kid... My successor," Wukong finished as he laid a fresh cold wet cloth over his student's forehead. After he had collapsed it became obvious something was seriously wrong with MK, high fever burning him up quickly. They were only just close enough to a town for him to grab him and the staff and rush off with barely a shouted back explanation of "find us at the inn" to the rest of their group. "We thought that... keeping that a secret might prevent any kind of... weird time travel... stuff."
Wukong sighed. His explanation was weak even to his own ears. Excuses. Ways to make things easier for him.
He felt worse than he had just the day before.
His student laid unconscious still, fever burning even after the medicine from the town doctor had been given to him with water carefully. The only thing Wukong could think of was the staff. MK wasn't invincible like he was, maybe contact with it had caused a reaction from the time travel that couldn't affect the immortal.
"Why would you need a successor, Wukong?" Sanzang asked after they sat in silence for a moment.
Bajie handed Wukong the mortar and pestle he had been working with to prepare more medicine, something to add to tea when MK woke up. The pig demon had not questioned him once since they arrived, only grabbed what Wukong was trying to mix poorly himself and listened.
Bai Long Ma had changed into a human form, one he had rarely seen, and sat beside Wujing. They both also listened.
His younger self looked at MK in a mix of wonder and confusion and horror and Wukong could not blame him. The idea of a successor... he must have known himself what that meant even if no one else did.
"I hope I don't have to tell you," he said softly. He didn't look away from MK, even as Sanzang laid a comforting hand on his back. "And I don't want to risk what telling you might do..."
No one questioned him after that.
When Bajie prepared the next bowl of medicine for MK, Wukong took a chance he never had with the demon he once considered like his brother.
"Can you teach me how to do that? Properly?"
Bajie did.
"Monkey King?" Came the hoarse rasp of MK's voice ringing through the room, and Wukong shot up from where he was watching the stars in an instant.
"I'm here, MK," He said softly, still soft, not wanting to hurt his student in case hie head ached. "How do you feel?"
"Dead, but only from the neck up," MK groaned out, and Wukong let out a relieved sigh. He wasn't sick enough to not joke around at least. "Where are we?"
"The town we need to be in," Wukong answered, quickly working on adding the medicine into some now (sadly) cold tea. He had hoped MK would wake much sooner. "Storm is tonight... you've been asleep for a whole day. Hopefully getting you home with this medicine in you will make you feel better, you uh... you weren't doing so great before-"
"What happened to Macaque?" MK asked suddenly, looking for all the world like he had no idea why he would even ask that question to begin with. "Not the battle your younger you had. Before that. In the story. Sun and Moon. Please, I... I want to know. Just... just tell me something, for once."
Wukong froze, fur bristling and stiff and this was not the conversation he wanted to have with his student right now. This is not the conversation he should be able to physically have with his student right now because MK should have no way of knowing anything like this at all. But he had. He'd recited the story he'd heard before word for word from... Macaque.
This was not the time for easy outs. Not anymore.
"I've made a lot of mistake, MK," He started, lifting his student's head onto his lap to help him sit up for the drink. "And a lot of them are ones I didn't think you would have to know about. But Macaque... it's complicated, I know that now. I didn't back then."
MK sipped the tea but said nothing, only made a face at the taste of the medicine.
"We were friends, once. Back on Mount Huaguo before I went to the Celestial Realm, he became immortal in... other ways to my own. I was trapped for 500 years under a mountain without him, no one came to see me so... I guess he was never able to find me. Or he waited thinking I would eventually come back," Wukong tried not to think about how that meant he could have had trust in his friend and not for other reasons he had assumed for so long. "You know the story of the White Bone Spirit from our journey? How Bajie got me banished?"
Wukong couldn't help but chuckle. Oh, he'd been so mad at Bajie for so long for that. He still was, in many ways. But given what happened to him later on in the journey Wukong couldn't hold a grudge.
"Yeah you-" MK coughed a little, probably from not talking for a whole day and a sore throat. "You went back to Mount Huaguo."
"And to Macaque," Wukong continued. "For the first time in 500 years."
"I bet he was angry."
"No..." Wukong disagreed, shaking his head and thinking back. "No, he... wasn't. Not at first. He was ecstatic I came back. The Hero and Warrior of Mount Huaguo back together again, just like old times. But it wasn't like old times. I was already different, I knew how I treated others including the monkeys on my mountain hadn't been the best. And when Bajie came to bring me back... I couldn't help but wanting to leave back to the journey. Part of it was to get the fillet off, but part of it was because... I realized I cared for the others. I wanted to see the journey through with them."
"Macaque thought you were abandoning him," MK said after a moment, eyes widening. "That's why he took on your identity. He wanted... revenge? For you to have no reason to leave again?"
"I think he just wanted what we used to have," Wukong said with a frown. "I've been running from him for so long... over another 500 years. I've made so many mistakes in my life MK, but I think not trying to get him to come with us or trying to properly explain what I was doing... may have been the worst."
"... The warrior was never forgotten by the Hero after all," MK said softly before drifting back to sleep.
"No," Wukong agreed, though he knew he was not heard. "No, the Hero never forgot. The Hero never will, not completely. Even if it hurts."
The storm came on schedule. The machine was charged.
Over the day they came back their memories of the trip back in time faded into a distant thought, one that both mentor and student soon forgot to fear the loss of.
By the next day they had forgotten. Time had fixed itself.
But not completely.
The Hero never forgot completely, after all. There was something telling him in the back of his mind to check more on his student. He remembered a hand on his back that should not have been there. He knew how to mix something he never had before.
Neither did the Warrior, uninvolved in this adventure as he may be. He had plans.
And the one between them, with no title to himself, didn't completely forget either. He recalled feeling warm and safe. His head was on someone's lap. There were berries and someone not unlike one of his father figures.
The memories of what happened lingered, quiet, uncalled but emotions still there.
A short time later the one between felt that a play he went to was strangely familiar to him and needed to rush out before his head began to ache in memories he didn't recall.
"So um... what happened to him? The Warrior?"
The answer was somewhere in the back of his mind. If only he could remember.
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