#me: joe would make me breakfast the morning after <3
funnyjb · 4 months
Practice day
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The morning started like every other morning. You wrapped in your husband’s arms. It was mid October in Cincinnati. The team is having practice today from 10am-3pm. You have a doctor’s appointment today to check up on baby burrow #3. You guys don’t know the gender until another 2 weeks! Joe and you couldn’t be more excited!
Since you have an appointment and your parents aren’t in town or Joe’s, Joey decided to take the kids to practice today. Some of the players have been taking their kids to practice because it’s take your kids to work week, and you would think it’s take your kid to work day but I guess not! Emerson and Max are like two peas in a pod. Where ever the other one goes the other always follows. So when it’s take your kids to work week at practice you know they will both be there.
“Good morning, baby.”- Joe
“Good morning, Joey.”- you
Joe kissed your forehead and got up.
“I’m going to wake the boys up.”- Joe
He then opened the door and walked down the hallway to the boys bedroom.
You decided to get up to. It was cold today so once your feet hit that floor it felt like walking on ice almost. You did your normal routine. Skincare, brush teeth, and pick out an outfit. Your outfit today consisted of a white long sleeve shirt and a black onesie paired with your sneakers. Your hair was already curled from work yesterday so you didn’t really have to do anything to it, so you decided to head downstairs and make breakfast.
Once you got downstairs Joe and the boys were already watching tv.
“Hi!”- you
You go over to the couch we’re Joe and the boys were snuggling. You kiss all of your boys good morning.
“Hi mama!”- max
“Hi Maxie!”- you
After you say good morning to them you go over to the kitchen to make breakfast.
“Here, babe, let me help you!”- Joe
He sprinted off the couch to go to you
Joe always likes to cook with you. He isn’t a very good cook so he likes to learn from you, but he also just goes to admire you and be around you.
“Okay! Can you start by getting the eggs and heating up the pan for me, please?”- you
“Of course, baby.”- Joe
After breakfast it was time for the boys to head out and for you to head to the doctors.
“Okay, boys! It’s 10:30, let’s go!”- You
“Otay, mama.”- Emerson
“Thanks em. Let’s get your shoes on!”- you
You put down Emerson on the small bench at the front door to put his shoes on and bend down.
“Hey, hey, I got it babe.”- Joe
“It’s ok, Joe.”- you
“I got it y/n. Don’t want you hurting yourself.”- joe smiles
“Thank you.”- you smile back
He helps you get up and starts to tie Emerson’s shoe.
“Ok, max! You ready to play ball with daddy?!”- you
“Yessss!”- max
You laugh
“Ok, we are ready.”- Joe
“Let’s go!”- you
You all step outside and close the door behind you.
“Boys, say bye to mommy.”- joe
“Bye!”- Emerson and Max
They run up to you and give you a big hug.
“Bye baby’s! I love you and I will see you soon!”- you give them a kiss
Soon after they run off to Joes car. Joe then comes up to you with a big smile.
“I love you, have fun with them.”- you smile
“I love you too, and good luck today. I can’t wait to hear all about you and the baby.”- Joe
“I will let you know! And good luck today at practice 9!”- you
“Thanks, baby.”- Joe
He kisses you, then looks into your eyes, then kisses you again. You start laughing.
“Joe- you got- to go.”- you laugh
“One more!”- Joe
He kisses you one last time and then is off to his car and drives out.
“Good hustle, good hustle.”- Zach
The team was running some practice runs and warm up’s before some of them got to be with their children.
The boys were sitting on the bench with some other kids and bengals staff looking after them.
“Ok, you guys may go be with your kids. Have fun!”- Zach
Joe the comes running up to the boys.
“Hey guys!”- joe
“Daddy!”- Emerson and Max
They give Joe a big hug.
Joe then takes a big sip of water and gets a towel to wipe some sweat off.
“Ready to play some ball?”- Joe
“Yeah!”- Emerson and Max
The boys run off to an open patch on the practice field with Joe walking behind watching. Joe felt so happy knowing his boys are having fun.
After Joe made the boys do some easy stretches they got to work.
“Set, Hut!”- Joe
Max took off as Emerson was defending.
Joe threw the ball not to far so the boys could get it. Max caught the ball! He ran to the end of the cone which meant the end zone.
“Yeah max!” - Joe
He ran over to max to give him a hug.
“I’m so proud of you, Maxie!”- Joe
“Thanks dada!”- Max
Joe then noticed Emerson looking a little down. He got up and went over to his boy.
“Hey buddy, what’s wrong?- Joe
He bent down to his level
“I really wanted to get da ball!”- Emerson said angry
“I know bud, I’m sorry. How about you play receiver this time and max plays defense? Does that sound ok?”- Joe
“Yess!”- Emerson
“Good! You did great out there too! I’m so proud of you!”- Joe
“Thanks dada!”- Emerson
Emerson then took off to get in formation.
The boys had so much fun! They played for an hour until you came to see them!
You stepped onto the practice fields to see the boys play with Joe. You saw them in a corner playing with some cameras and bengals staff and players watching. You wondered if Joe cared that there were cameras but if he was with his kids he doesn’t care about anything. He only cares about his kids.
As you got closer you noticed Sam.
“Hey, sam!”- you
“Hey, y/n! Joe are you?”- Sam
He gives you a side hug
“I’m good! Just here to watch the boys!”- you
“They are having fun out there, I could tell Joe is excited to have them.”- Sam
“Yeah, he couldn’t wait to bring them.”- you
After talking to Sam for a bit a voice Interrupted you.
“MOMMY!” - Emerson
He came up running to hug you. You picked him up and gave him a kiss.
“Hey, buddy! Are you having fun?”- you
“Yesss!”- Emerson
“Good.”- you smile
“MAMA”- Max
He comes up and hugs your leg. You give him a kiss on the head.
“Hey, max! Are you also having fun with daddy?”- you
“Yess! He said to tell you that you look very pretty today.”- Max
Before you could say anything Joe came walking up to you.
“He’s not wrong!”- joe smirks
You laugh
“Thank you, baby.”- you
You give him a hug and he takes Emerson off your arms and puts him down.
“Having fun?”- you
“Lots!”- Joe
“Good.”- you
“Hey, how was the appointment?”- Joe
“It was good.”- you
Joe noticed a change in your demeanor.
“What’s wrong?”- Joe
“Nothing. We will talk about it later. I don’t want to talk about it here.”- you
“Oh, ok, but are you ok?”- Joe
“Yeah..I’m good.”- you give a small smile
“Ok, how about we head out I think they are getting tired”- Joe
“Ok.”- you
You say your goodbyes to the team and head out with your boys.
(At home)
“The boys are asleep.”- you
You came over to Joe in the kitchen.
“Good.”- Joe
There was a moment of silence. You could tell Joe wanted to say something.
“So, do you think we can talk about what made you lose that beautiful smile of yours when I asked you about the appointment earlier?”- Joe
“Uh, sure..”- you
“So, what’s wrong?”- Joe
“The doctors just said that I just have to be careful and I might have to go on bed rest a little earlier. I was just worried, but everything is ok.”- You
“Oh, but why a little earlier?”- Joe
“Remember when I had the surgery right after the twins?”- you
“Yeah.”- Joe
“Well, they said that it could cause some problems if I get pregnant again so they told be to me careful.”- you
“Oh, ok, but whatever happens I’m here. And I will make sure that everything will be ok.”- joe
He pulls you in for a hug.
“I love you and our baby.”- Joe
“Well baby girl and I love you too.”- you smile
“Wait…it’s a girl? We are having a girl?!”- Joe
“Yeah, We are having a girl.”- you
He picks you up and spins you around.
“I know we wanted to wait but they told me today when they were explaining stuff to me.”- you
“Oh my god, y/n! We are having a girl.”- joe
You nod your head.
He pulls you in for another hug.
“I can’t wait for her to come to practice.”- Joe
“I can’t wait either.”- you smile
You the pull Joe in for a kiss
Request idea: @elly-grace
Thx for the idea!🩷
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Earth 2-Barry Allen x Male!reader headcanons
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*I'm currently doing a rewatch of the arrowverse and got to the earth 2 episodes and earth 2 Barry was so adorable I just had to write something for him. Anyways here's a quick recap for earth 2 for anyone who's forgotten because I surely did; Barry is still a forensic scientist, Iris is a detective, Joe is a lounge singer, Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco are all evil metas and I brought Eddie back just for fun since Barry is with reader
● you're a new detective who fell for the adorable nerdy forensic scientist Barry Allen of earth 2
● when you originally asked him out on a date he thought you were just messing with him cause everyone at the station knew he liked you
● but why would the handsome detective (who was also his best friend Iris' partner) want to go out with him?
● Iris assured him that you really did like him and that date eventually led to you guys getting married 3 years later
● every morning before work you make breakfast while he makes the coffee
● it's a nice peaceful moment to start your day and spend quality time with Barry
● you also help him pick out a bowtie that matches whatever sweater and vest he's wearing that day
● double dates out with Iris and Eddie to see Joe sing at Jitterbugs
● as well as having dinner once a week with his parents
● you hear the "so when are we getting grandkids" question all the time
● "soon mom, soon"
● he's so pure and never swears
● he only says "what the heck" or "dang it" or "fudge"
● it makes you laugh at how sweet it is
● watching sci fi shows with Barry and not knowing anything that's going on
● he tries to explain to you all the sciency stuff behind it which still doesn't make any sense but he gets so excited and is so cute doing so you happily listen to him
● being impressed by your husband every time he creates new tech to help in your hunt for Killer Frost, Deathstorm, Reverb and other metas
● Barry keeps tracks of every meta you have put away and all of your other achievements to brag about how great of a detective you are
● one time you and Iris faced off against Killer Frost and Deathstorm and she nearly froze you to death
● Barry never left your bedside in the months you were recovering
● "Barry stop worrying I'm okay"
● "you're the love of my life Y/N I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you"
● "well it's a good thing you don't have to find out"
● when you get approved to go back to work Barry and Iris throw you a big welcome back party
● Barry is super romantic
● he plans something big for every anniversary from the anniversary of the day you met to your first date/first kiss and even the day you proposed
● you don't know how but he manages to get reservations at the most exclusive restaurants in Central city
● Iris "so what did you and Barry get up to over the weekend?"
● "Barry surprised me with dinner at that fancy French place downtown"
● "how?? Eddie and I have been trying to get a reservation there for months but they are booked until next year"
● even though you've been together for years Barry is still so nervous in the bedroom like it's the first time
● he's clumsy and always knocking things over, you've had to replace so many lamps in your home
● he gets embarrassed by how his body reacts to you and still apologizes for moaning too loudly or bucking his hips uncontrollably
● which you always have to reassure him that it's okay for him to enjoy what's happening and that you love how turned on he gets
● especially when you are role-playing and pretending to arrest him
● or when he sees you in your gym clothes after a work out
● he really can't help staring at your biceps it's his weakness
● when earth 1 Barry shows up to fight zoom he is shocked to find out you two are married (as you are Joe's partner on his earth that he's been crushing on) after you take him to an empty hallway at the station to make out when he was pretending to be your Barry
● your Barry finds out and is not happy about it, "he got frisky with my husband?? I have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind"
● "you're so cute when you're jealous"
● Cisco "I've been trying to get my Barry to ask you out Y/N for so long now I have proof that you guys would be adorable together"
● Barry "maybe we are just meant to be on every earth"
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wolfsclothing6 · 1 year
Well well well....One lucky fellow has contacted me and said that he is currently a bearish guy that has muscle but he wants to be more. He really wants to push that bear body of his to the max and I’m all for it. So all I can say is just wit for it. The things of change are about to set in on you and a new further awaits.
So first things first. I know that you have a prized set of abs. But those don’t really say bear to me. So those have to go. I’ll give you one last night with them. But after that you’ll never have them again. I’ll make sure of that. From this day forward you’re going to struggle to keep the pounds off. You wake up in the morning and you feel your muscle aching from the workout the day before. You stumble to the bathroom only to realize that your stomach has a slight bloat to it and you hear your stomach growl. Lucky for you your kitchen has been stocked with high protein high fat foods that guaranteed to pack on the pounds. You’re going to find that your body now naturally flexes to show the muscles that is growing. You make it to the gym and find that you have nothing to wear expect your speedo but somehow that seems like normal gym wear for you now.
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Hair seems to be traveling across our body now. Even after just a day you can tell your body had changed dramamtically. You start to wonder if you should have asked for your bear body to be pushed to max. You’re on you way home and your hunger intensifies to the point that you have to stop for fast food. You shove the greasey burgers in your now bearded fast but the food doesn’t seem like it can get in you fast enough. You get home after demolishing 3 burgers but that only finished you appetite a little. You get to your kitchen and make a protein shake or 4 and slam them back in one long gulp. Now that your hunger is gone you feel tired to the point that you just want to fall asleep in the kitchen. Still dripping sweat from the gym. You make it to the living room and crash on the leather sofa on now realizing how amazing the leather smells against your sweaty hairy skin. You quickly fall asleep. As you sleep your body changes more. Softening edges to you muscles. Hair thickening in all places of your body. You iq even starts to diminish. Loosing a point here and there. By the time the morning comes you’ve lost 10 points leaving you at 115 iq. You roll over on the couch forgetting your not in your bed and fall to the floor with a loud thud. You manage to sit up and looking down notice that you belly sticks out further now resting on your lap. The hair has definitely thicken and has even started sprouting over the tops of your feet which now look bigger than they did before.
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Just like the day before you get the intense hunger. Making it to the kitchen you demolish it making a high protein breakfast topped with several protein shakes. You catch a huff of your body. Dropped sweat thanks to the added heft making you work harder at simple tasks. And now that you slept on the couch. Leather. Something you never though would make you horned up. But you were hard. But your growing body demanded you workout. Pleasures had to come later. You get to your car noticed only now that you had the clothes on from the night before. And no shoes. Looking down you wiggle your hairier toes and almost right before you eyes you can see more hair sprouting on them. You’re shoes definitely won’t be fitting them anymore. You look to you right and see a pair of slip on shandals. They are a tight fit. But they will work. Good thing it’s weight day. Who are you kidding. Cardio isn’t for a body like your anymore. You look in the rear view mirro to leave only joe noticing that you bald. But where that hair fell out it all seems to have landed on your back as you can see hair going over to it shoulders and poking up from behind. You make it to the gym and your already sweating again. When you’re working out you hear some of the other meat heads making comments about the hairy beef that you are now. It instantly angers you and you threaten to beat them if they don’t stop. After that run in you made quick work of the rest of workout. You make it back to the car and right when you are getting in you slip as you sandal breaks under the increased size of your foot. You leave it on the ground and speed away. You’re so hungry that you follow the same pattern you did the previous day. Only this time you get 6 burgers and cram them into for bearded face. You too if off with 3 large cokes. By the time you get home your belly is rounded than ever but your still hungry and continue to consume the protein shakes that you know will undoubtedly make you beefier than you were before. You know you wanted your bear body pushed to the max but you begin to the feel that this is too much. Your shoes don’t fit you anymore. And you haven’t stopped sweating since this started. You pull out your phone to message the person that is making all these changes happen to you but you find the phone is really hard to use for some reason. You struggle to operate the small object with your big bear hands. Hair now spreading over the backs of them. You didn’t know it but over the course of say you’re iq dininished even more. Now at 105. After finding the phone too complicated to work you try to find the number written down in the living room but you get distracted watching a body building show on tv. Now even noticing that your own muscles are swelling more as well. You fall asleep on the couch in a puddle of your own sweat.
That night you dreamt of the ansimlle life. One where thinking didn’t really need to be done and you were only good for one thing. Lifting and eating. You remember having a conversation with a man and telling him how you wanted to be HUGE. A mirror in front of you and your reflection is too big to fit in the mirror. You’re happy. Why would you want to stop the change. As you sleep you having your simple dreams your iq drops even lower. More rapid this time leaving you at 85 when the sun touches your bearded face. You slept sitting up through the night and when waking up you see nothing but hair. And big boulder gut. You hear an inhuman growl coming from it and putting your hand on you belly you can feel the growl coming from hunger. Again you destroy the kitchen. You’re almost out of protein you find as you eating more and more. Fueling your body to blimp our even more. You go to the bathroom turning sideways to get into the room and see that not only are you bigger. You seem to have aged several years over night. You had to be in you late 40s now.
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By now the diminished iq is making these changes easier to accept. You love being a huge guy. That’s why you’re always inspired to eat and lift more and more. You go to the bar down the road where you there is always some bikers. You just wanted some beer to fill the tank that is your gut. He was working on his 7th beer when he realized that everyone in the bar was looking at him with lustful eyes. Then it occurred to him that he was only wearing shirts. And muscles glistening from sweat with matted hair. It didn’t help that the bar was like a sauna. He was welcomed to the bar again the following day and this time was asked to show up in proper leathers by the bears that drank there. Only problem was that there weren’t really any leathers that could fit the Massive bulk that he was. By the end of the week you have changed and aged even more. The gym being in the past but still your body maintains the incredible bulk that you had. Only now you look to be 60 and as hairy as ever. Country and leather is life for you now.
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Now that your bear body has been pushed to the limits you’ll find that life is more interesting for you now. You’ll always have problems finding shoes and you’ll always be a sweaty man smelling of leather now. And I think that you give HUGE a new definition. So what do you think ?
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cosmicdream222 · 5 months
Some of my manifestations from last week (with photos)
Surprise gifts
My bestie A and I regularly update each other with about our daily plan for affirming etc to keep each other accountable. I said I was manifesting VIP treatment, put on some subs and affirmed while I was making breakfast (yes I’m not a morning person and make breakfast at nearly noon 😭)
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Not even a half hour later, I received a surprise delivery from Amazon:
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My friend L, who lives out of state, sent me food and new bowls for the stray cats I feed, and treats for my cats (Stella & Panini are my cats’ names 😹)
VIP treatment
That evening I worked a brand ambassador gig that I booked only a couple days before. I’ve been avoiding working as much as possible lately lol but this one was nearby and paid well. It happened to be a giveaway event partnering with a local radio station and ended up being fun. One of the radio DJs was there, and me as the sponsor brand representative was given the same level of VIP treatment as the radio DJ! There was an event coordinator who basically did all the work and I just got to stand around looking pretty and getting paid for it. 😭
Gift card
After work I got home and found another package from my friend L with a gift card for me 💕
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More cat food
A few days later, my neighbor left a huge box of cat food at my door. My cats are getting more spoiled than me 😂
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An air fryer
This one is cool because I specifically wanted to manifest this. I had heard about air fryers for a while now and it seemed like something I would use, but I didn’t really feel the need to buy one. A couple weeks ago I was at Trader Joe’s with my mom and the cashier was saying how much he loooved his air fryer and telling me all the things I could make with it. I decided that moment I would just manifest one eventually, and forgot about it.
So the other day my mom comes to pick me up for a family lunch and she has a huge box in her hands - an air fryer?? She says jokingly “happy birthday” - my birthday isn’t for another 4 months! She said she just felt like I needed one 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s so cute and I’ve already used it a couple times 💕
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Attention from sp
Soo I have this crush-type guy we’ll call D. He’s one of my best friends and we’ve talked nearly every day for 3 years. I can talk to him about anything, including all things supernatural and shifting. We have admitted to having feelings for each other, and even had “online boyfriend” vibes for a while, but we live in different states, and he didn’t want to do long distance. I was sad and anxious about it for a while, but since I found out about loa and shifting, I realized none of it mattered and I could just shift to a reality where we’re together already 😂
Anyway I had become detached and stopped really thinking about him in a romantic way for a while. However, I realized since I basically didn’t care and wasn’t thinking about him, he was becoming distant in response. We hadn’t been really flirty or romantic in a few months, and I hadn’t even talked to him in a week, which was unusual. Although I wasn’t anxious about it or anything, I was still missing talking to one of my best friends. So I just started assuming he would go back to blowing up my phone all day, and I sent him some mental telepathy messages about what I wanted.
Monday morning he messaged me apologizing for being distant. He had been traveling for spring vacation and took a break from his phone. He then basically spent the whole week trying to make up for it, being super attentive, listening to my long ramblings about my void and shifting progress, sending me selfies every day, being more sweet and romantic than he had been in months, and kept telling me how pretty I was 🥰
Losing a follower LOL
This is just a funny one to round out my list. I hadn’t been on tumblr in a bit, and when I went to check my asks, I saw I had 556 followers. I thought “darn I missed the angel number, haha maybe someone will unfollow me so I can get the screenshot.” Not 5 min later when I went to look again, it had happened, and I got the screenshot 😂
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(Up to 558 now thank you all 💕)
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filthyjoetini · 1 year
Love is in the Air(BnB)
a/n: Part 7! Sorry it took me so long..also, this is the last part of this story but there will be an epilogue! Yay! Thank you again to @barfightzanddiscolightz​ for being so patient with me and your time and effort and friendship, I looove youu. And THANK YOU, my loves, for reading. I never could’ve imagined that this little idea of mine would become this big. I loved receiving your feedback and your messages. Anyway, enjoy!
warnings: just so many emotions. Don’t get whiplash!
wordcount: 5k
part 1 - Friday night - part 2 - Saturday - part 3 - Sunday - part 4 - Monday - part 5 - Tuesday - part 6 - Wednesday -  Epilogue
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Yawning, you toyed with the sausages and baked beans of the full English breakfast that Wesley had treated you to on your final morning at his and Joe’s flat. Occasionally, you’d take a bite of the food in front of you. You hadn’t slept at all last night, too afraid to miss precious time with Joe. The man in question was sitting beside you, silently watching you play with your food, nibbling on a fried mushroom.
Joe had fallen asleep rather quickly after a sweet kiss goodnight and yet another promise that you’d make it work. You guessed that dealing with your doubts must be very exhausting for him, so you decided to just watch him sleep. Occasionally, he would mumble in his sleep and even form fully comprehensible sentences. Some of them were odd and made no sense at all whilst others were just plain out funny. You had to pull yourself together so you wouldn’t laugh out loud. Most of the time, he slept peacefully, and you liked to think that your gentle touch through his hair and comforting back rubs played a role.
Letting out a sigh of defeat, you set down the fork next to your plate and ran both of your hands down your face.
“Everything alright, love?”, asked Wesley, his mouth full of baked beans.
“Yeah…sorry, I’m just not that hungry, but the food is delicious.", you replied apologetically.
Wesley swallowed down his bite of food and smiled at you compassionately. As you looked at his kind face, guilt washed over you because you knew how much effort he had put into the breakfast you had silently watched him prepare. Determined not to disappoint him, you picked up your fork again and forcefully stabbed a whole sausage with it, quickly biting off half of it. Joe raised an eyebrow at you, stifling a laugh, whilst Wesley couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Hey, you don’t need to force yourself to eat it.”, Wesley explained, still chuckling after you had swallowed your bite of sausage. “If you want, we can pack it into a container so you can take it with you and eat it on the plane.”
You nodded curtly and set down your cutlery once more, pushing your plate away from you and instead picking up your morning tea, gingerly bringing it to your lips.
“OK.”, Wesley announced after he had cleared his plate, rising from the chair. “I have to leave soon…oh come on, love, no, no, no…no sad faces right now.”, he chided you softly when he noticed your teary eyes and downturned lips. Joe immediately leaned over from his chair and placed a gentle kiss to your temple, tenderly resting his hand atop yours, which was now gripping the table’s edge. He soothingly rubbed your hand, trying to get you to relax your grip. Eyes unfocused, you stared blankly at the wall across the table. You weren't ready to say goodbye to Wesley just yet; you needed more time.
Wesley, whose face was now also reflecting sadness, knelt beside you and lightly tapped his finger on your thigh. Slowly, you blinked, refocusing your gaze, and turned to face him. His hand now fully rested on your thigh, gently squeezing it.
“Love, believe me. This is hard for me too.”, he explained, a faint smile gracing his lips. “I mean, I gained a new bestie in a few short days. That doesn't happen often, you know. I’m so very glad I got to meet you, which is why I got you a little something. If you’ll follow me.”
Removing his hand from your thigh, Wesley stood up, extending his hand towards you. You looked at him, then at Joe, who managed to make you let go of the table. Now, your hand was in Joe's, his thumb tenderly caressing the side of yours. When you met his gaze, he nodded softly, released your hand, and got up as well.
“Go on. I’ll take care of the dishes.”, he said, placing another kiss on your temple before starting to clear the table. You slowly rose from your chair, placing your hand in Wesley's open palm. He gently led you out of the kitchen and into the hallway, eventually stopping in front of the commode adorned with the various photographs that hung on the wall above it. Letting go of your hand, he opened the top drawer and pulled out a small envelope. He quickly shut the drawer again and slowly turned to face you, soft smile still playing on his lips as he held out the envelope to you.
“Here, this is for you.”
Gingerly, you took it from his fingers and slowly opened it. Inside were several photographs, which you carefully extracted and examined one by one.
The first one captured the lively night at the pub when you first met Joe and Wesley's friends. It showed you twirling and laughing with Becky and Dan whilst Felix, Jack, and Oliver were pictured behind you, gulping down their pints. Standing out amongst them was Joe, whose eyes were filled with adoration as he watched you. The next photo displayed the group’s broad smiles on the day at the lake, taken by Wesley using his phone’s self-timer. It was a fantastic shot. The third photo depicted you and Joe, cuddled up and sleeping on the sofa. You had been illuminated only by the hallway's ceiling light; the rest of the room shrouded in darkness.
You looked up at Wesley with a raised eyebrow to which he just shrugged and giggled.
“You both looked adorable. I couldn’t resist.”
You playfully shoved his shoulder, then shifted your attention to the last photograph. It captured Joe and you in a tight embrace at the pub the previous night, your heads resting on each other, as you were swaying gently. Somehow, Wesley had managed to capture just the two of you, with everyone else vanishing from around you.
You stared at the picture for what felt like an eternity when you noticed a few droplets forming on its glossy surface. Gingerly, you brought your free hand to your face, tracing the stream of tears with your fingertips. Wesley, who had been watching you intently, now engulfed you in his arms, holding you close to his chest.
A faint sob escaped your body and Wesley tried to calm you down, gently rubbing your back and shushing you softly.
“Tha-ha-nk yo-uh-hu…I’m…go-ho-nna mi-hi-ss you so-ho mu-hu-hu-huuuch.”, you cried into his chest, and he let you, continuing to stroke your back. You had tried so hard not to cry but to you, goodbyes were one of the worst things to go through and always resulted in you breaking out in tears.
Once your sobs had somewhat subsided, Wesley released his embrace and took the photos from your hand, returning them to the envelope. He placed it on the commode, then took your hands in his.
With tear-streaked cheeks, you finally looked up at him, noticing the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes, which he managed to hold back. You silently wished you were as strong as him but here you were, a blubbering mess instead.
“You’re very welcome.”, he replied, swallowing hard. “I’m gonna miss you too…so much.” He turned to face the wall above the commode and spoke again. “By the way, I made copies of the pictures…well only of three of them…I can’t hang the one of you lovebirds on the sofa on the wall for everyone to see. It's a bit too intimate.”
Following his gaze, you saw three new additions to the photo wall. Sniffling, you let out a choked laugh at his reasoning, understanding the significance. It was an incredibly personal moment, and you were grateful he had captured it, even if Joe and you had been oblivious to it.
“There it is…”, Wesley smiled and hugged you once more. “I’m gonna miss that smile… can I share one more secret with you?
You nodded softly, and Wesley brought his lips to your ear.
"My loneliness wasn't the only reason I rented out Joe's room.", he confessed, prompting you to lean back and look at him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Don't give me that look. It's not that bad... well, maybe it is a little bad, but hear me out, okay? So, yes, I was feeling lonely, but the money thing was a complete lie. I'm not struggling financially. The truth is, Joe has been miserable in his love life for a while. His dates never end the way he hopes. Most women figured out who he was and only wanted one thing from him. Sure, he had his fair share of flings, but as his best mate, I knew he wanted something more serious. I tried to help him, set him up on more dates, and we even tried countless dating apps. Nothing worked. Eventually, he gave up.”, he explained as you stood there, still in his embrace, shocked and feeling sorry for Joe. You couldn't imagine how challenging it must have been for him, knowing that women were only interested because of his newfound fame.
“So, you listed the room on AirBnB? Out of all places?”, you asked incredulously.
“Yes. I mean. I had a plan. Besides, I received numerous inquiries. I went through all of them, and then I saw you, and it felt perfect."
“Jesus Christ, Wesley.”, you scolded, wriggling out of his arms. “This could have gone in a completely different direction, you know."  
“But it didn’t.”, he replied, sporting a smug grin.
“No, it didn’t…which is crazy.”, you agreed.
“Look, I noticed Joe's interest after your brief interaction the night you met. I just had to work my magic."
You rolled your eyes at him and eventually pulled him into your arms, hugging him tightly.
“Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure.”, he retorted, returning your hug. "Just one thing, don't say a word to Joe about this, or he'll tear me a new arsehole.
“OK. I won’t tell him. But you definitely deserve a new one.”, you giggled softly, releasing a deep sigh.
Wesley let go of you and clapped his hands together.
“I’m really sorry, love. But I have to get going. My boss won't be pleased if I'm late for work again.”, he pouted, beckoning you into one more hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Wes.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, love. Have a safe flight, and text me once you've landed.”
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes once more, but Wesley shook his head, planting a tender kiss on your now dried cheek, then releasing you for the final time.
“Take care.”
“You too.”
After Wesley had closed the door behind him, Joe enveloped you in an embrace from behind, and you leaned back into his chest.
“Are you alright?”
“Not really.”, you confessed, and he nodded, planting a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You both stood there for a few minutes, motionless, until you finally spoke up.
“I have to finish packing my things.”
Joe nodded and hesitantly let go of you, taking your hand and leading you into his bedroom where your open suitcase and backpack were on the floor. Sighing, you eyed them warily.
"I'll go grab my toiletries. Baby, would you mind putting the rest of my clothes back in my suitcase? I'd appreciate it.”, you asked Joe with a defeated tone. Nodding, he approached the bed where a few items of clothing and two pairs of shoes were still laid out. He carefully picked up the shoes and placed them inside the netted compartment of your suitcase. You observed him for a moment, then turned and walked off to the bathroom.
Grabbing your washbag, you collected your scattered belongings, finding your hairbrush in the soap dish of the bathtub alongside your razor. Half of your lotions, face creams, and other skincare products, as well as your makeup, were scattered across the sink and floor. It took you ten minutes and two more searches through the cabinets and drawers until you were certain you had everything.
Closing your washbag, you returned to Joe's room to find him standing inside your suitcase with a huge grin on his face. You stopped dead in your tracks, raising an eyebrow and gaping at him in bewilderment. Shaking your head, you couldn't help but snort.
“What are you doing, Joe?”, you asked with a light chuckle, taking slow steps in his direction.
“I packed up the last of your things. Now all you gotta do is zip it up. If I curl up in a foetal position, you might be able to smuggle me through airport security.”, he explained animatedly. You took one more step forward, stood on your tiptoes and placed a soft peck to his lips.
“Oh, how I wish I could do that.”
Taking his hands in yours, you gently tugged at them, making him step out of the suitcase. As his feet touched the ground again, he leaned down slightly, capturing your lips in another tender kiss.
“I need to call a cab soon, my flight’s at 1:00 PM and it’s already 9:30 AM.”, you said, pulling away from the kiss. Kneeling down on one knee, you brought the suitcase closer, placed your washbag inside, and zipped it up.
“You don’t need to call a cab. I can drive you to the airport.”, Joe sweetly offered, helping you up from the floor and pulling your suitcase up as well.
“No, baby, you don’t have to do that.”, you politely declined, putting on your denim jacket and checking your trouser pockets for your phone, “Besides, didn’t you have an interview scheduled for this afternoon?”
“I cancelled it. Said I had a family emergency.”, he casually confessed. Your mouth fell open and your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at his nonchalant admission.
“Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn! You shouldn’t have done that. You can’t just put your life on hold because of me.”, you berated him, placing your hands on your hips. Joe initially looked incredulous, not expecting such a reaction, but upon seeing your flared nostrils and furrowed brows, he burst into laughter.
“I mean it! Don’t laugh at me!”
“You’re adorable, darling.”, he commented on your anger, taking the two steps that were in between you to close the distance. “Besides, right now, you and the limited time I have left to spend with you are more important than some silly magazine interview."
His lips were now mere millimetres away from yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. You released a shuddered breath, your anger melted away to be replaced with new tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. Softly, he hushed you, moving one hand to your face, delicately wiping away the unshed tears from your eyes down your cheeks and sealing his caress with his plump lips against yours.
In all the years you had spent on this planet, no one had gone out of their way for you like Joe had done multiple times these past few days. And that fact showed you how much he already cared for you. It was just very overwhelming for you to accept even the tiniest and most common gestures.
Reluctantly, you pulled away from his lips and cleared your throat, averting your eyes and looking down at your hands.
“Thank you.”, you whispered softly. “And sorry for chiding you.”
Chuckling softly, Joe shook his head and bent down to pick up your backpack, swiftly slinging it over his shoulder.
“It’s fine…go put on your shoes. We have to leave in five minutes otherwise you’re gonna miss your flight.”
At first, you didn’t move a muscle. Missing your flight seemed like a great idea, but then Joe moved behind you, placed his hands on your shoulders, and shoved you towards the hallway.
“Wait! I need to say bye to your bedroom!”
He rolled his eyes and went back to get your suitcase.
“Fine. I’ll wait by the door.”
He grabbed your suitcase by the handle and pulled it behind him to the bedroom door, playfully slapping your bum as he passed you, causing you to yelp softly.
“Idiot.”, you muttered under your breath, then turning to take one last look at his bedroom. You would miss his incredibly comfortable bed, which was ten times better than yours at home. And you would miss his so called “organised chaos”. But most of all, you would miss the time spent together in this very room. With a sigh, you turned and walked out of his room, closing the door behind you. Just as you were about to make your way down the hallway, the open living room door caught your attention. Glancing at Joe, who was now impatiently waiting by the front door and tapping his wrist, you nodded towards the living room, asking permission to say goodbye to it as well. He rolled his eyes once more, and you peeked inside the living room, soft smile on your face.
“Goodbye, living room. I will miss you.”, you said, then turned to the sofa, feigning disgust. "Although I won't miss you. You evil piece of furniture."
You heard a snort coming from down the hallway, followed by a whiny voice.
“Babe. Come oooon! It’s 10 o’clock! We have to go now.”
“OK, fine. I’m coming. Just tell me to my face that you want to get rid of me.”, you replied, exaggeratingly stomping towards him, crouching down, and deliberately putting on your shoes at an extra slow pace.
“Yes. Please. I can't stand having you around and taking up Wes's and my space any longer.”, he deadpanned, grabbing your hand and opening the door, practically dragging you out of the flat. You then rushed down the stairwell and out of the house to one of the parking spaces on the street where his car was parked.
He placed your suitcase in the boot before climbing into the driver’s seat and handing you your backpack.
“You ready?”
“OK. Let’s go.”
Hand in hand with Joe, you patiently stood in the short queue at your airline's check-in counter, waiting to drop off your luggage. You thanked whoever was up in the sky that online check-in existed in these times you were living in because London’s traffic had once again proven to be a nightmare. It took you a gruelling hour and 15 minutes to reach London City Airport from his flat, and time was slowly but surely ticking away. You were well aware that in a couple of minutes you had to say goodbye to Joe and the uncertainty, not knowing when you would see him again, weighed heavily on your mind.
“…thank you. Here’s your receipt.”, the lady at the counter, whose professional smile showed a trace of sympathy, spoke to you, holding out your passport and receipt for you to take. Your mind being elsewhere, you didn’t notice that she was talking to you. Joe smiled at her and took your documents, exiting the queue to your left. As London City Airport was relatively small, you knew that taking the escalators upstairs would lead you directly to airport security. However, you weren't ready to go just yet because it meant leaving Joe behind.
Joe led you away from the bustling crowd, finding a quiet corner, his face displaying a sad smile. Seeing him like this almost made you break down on the spot. He spoke to you, but his words didn't register as you just saw him holding up his hand towards you, signalling for you to wait a moment. It finally sank in that this was it; you had to say goodbye. Your flight would start boarding in an hour. Shit - this means I only have 15 minutes to say goodbye to him. I’m not ready. No. No. Please. I am not ready!
Unaware of your inner turmoil, Joe had one hand rummaging through his pocket, his forehead creased in concentration, and his tongue peeked out from between his lips. You were blanky staring at him, tears burning in your eyes and lips trembling.
With a soft ahh he pulled something out from his trousers’ pocket and held it up in front of your face. Refocusing your eyes, you saw a delicate golden necklace, but what caught your attention was what dangled from it. You glanced at Joe’s hand and sure enough, his favourite ring was missing. The bulky sterling silver ring provided a striking contrast to the slender chain.
Your lips quivered and he motioned wordlessly for you to turn around which you did instantly. Once he had closed the clasp and laid the necklace gently against your skin, you turned around, covering your face with your hands as tears now silently flowed down your cheeks.
“You shouldn’t have, Joe.”, you mumbled into your hands. “This is your favourite ring.”
“And you’re my favourite person, so it’s only right that you keep it.”, he pulled you into his arms and you slung yours around his neck tightly, leaning up to press your lips against his. Suddenly, you felt a cool sensation on your arms and pulled back slightly to look up at who you now certainly could call the most important person in your life. He also had tears spilling down his face as he fought to hold back a trembling sob.
“Baby.”, you cooed softly trough your tears, pecking his lips again. “Thank you so much. I’m gonna wear it every day…I’m really sorry, I don’t have anything to give to you.”
“You don’t have to.”, he whispered back, his voice filled with tenderness. “Spending the past few days with you was enough to fill me with happiness. I will cherish every second right here.” He took one arm from around you and placed it over his heart, smiling softly through his tears, causing you to sob even harder.
Placing both hands on either side of your face, he drew you in for another deep, passionate kiss, caressing the apples of your cheeks with his thumbs. You kissed him back, leaving both his and your lips slightly swollen. Pulling back slightly, Joe whispered against your lips.
“Wanna know a secret?”
You nodded in response.
“I really, really like like you and I’m gonna miss you so so much.”
Sniffling, you nodded again, opening your mouth slightly to speak against his lips.
“Wanna know a secret too?”
Now it was his turn to nod, a small smile gracing his lips.
“I really, really like like you too and I’m also gonna miss you so so much.”
You were now both smiling against each other’s lips, tears still streaming down your faces, leaving salty trails on your chins, and staining your shirts and the floor below.
“Good thing we’re on the same page.”, Joe uttered, removing one of his hands from your face and wiping his with the sleeve of his thin jumper. “Otherwise, I might have had to take back my ring.”
You shook your head at his statement, pulling him closer to you again. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder and moved his other hand, that was still on your face, to wipe away your tears.
“Come one, darling. Time to go upstairs.”
You nodded softly and he let go of you, taking your hand in his once more. Slowly, you two made your way up the escalators to where the queue for checking the boarding passes started. Joe pulled you aside once more, holding your hands in his.
“This is it.”, he started, and you nodded, taking a deep breath. “Please call me when you’ve landed. If you forget, I will take the next flight and personally make sure you got home safely.”
You tilted your head to the side, a quaint smile forming on your lips.
“Is that a promise?”
“Babe. No. It should be a threat.”, he groaned, throwing his head back.
“Sounds like a promise, though.”
“Shush, I’m not finished yet.”, he hushed you, letting go of your hands and briefly covering your mouth with his hand. “Please call me.”
You nodded, and he continued.
“I promise, I’m gonna call you every day. We can FaceTime. I love FaceTiming, even when I'm abroad for work, which will be soon. I'm heading to the United States for some conventions, and then I'll be filming my next major film in Morocco - Gladiator 2, baby! Can you believe it? But I'll call you whenever I can, even if it's the middle of the night for me or the early hours of the day. We'll make it work.”, he rambled, his hand still covering your mouth. It was kind of cute, listening to his word vomit.
You gingerly removed his hand from your lips and tenderly held it in yours.
“We also need to finish watching Stranger Things.”, you declared, glancing up at him, searching for his warm chocolate eyes.
“Oh, yes. We can schedule FaceTime dates and watch Stranger Things together.”, he smiled and nodded softly, leaning down to give your lips another peck. Just as he pulled away, your phone vibrated in your pocket, signalling that your flight would begin boarding soon. A lump formed in your throat. This was now it. This was goodbye. Overwhelmed, you couldn't hold back your emotions any longer. They had been building up inside of you for the better part of the last 24 hours and you just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Your body shook violently with sobs and Joe pulled you into his chest, swaying you gently. Kissing your forehead, he whispered that everything’s going to be OK. You nodded stiffly against his pecs trying to regain composure. Giving yourself a couple of moments to even out your erratic breathing, you swallowed hard.
“I have to go now.”, you croaked out and Joe nodded against your hair. He cupped your face for one final time, placing the sweetest, most emotionally charged kiss on your lips, which you returned with equal fervour.
Pulling back, he kissed the side of your mouth, your cheek, and finally your temple before grudgingly letting go of you completely, leading you to the end of the queue. He stood beside you until your boarding card was checked and you were guided through the gate to join another queue for the security check. He gave you one final peck, and then you were out of his reach.
Joe had moved to a corner where he could still see you slowly advancing towards the luggage and body scanners. He was rubbing at his face, wiping away his tears and sniffling loudly, but kept his eyes trained on you and you did the same. With every second step you took, you would turn around and search his face. When it was time to turn the corner, you saw Joe blow you a kiss, which you caught and pressed against your chest. Returning the gesture, you blew a kiss back, and he even made a locking motion over his heart. You snorted softly, a small smile forming on your lips as you shook your head and waved one last time before disappearing behind the wall.
Joe watched you vanish around the corner, your hand still up and waving with that smile on your lips he had grown to adore, his hand still mid-air. He lingered there for about ten minutes before an airport staff member informed him that he couldn't stay in that area and asked him to return to the check-in hall. He apologised profusely and swiftly made his way down the escalator by himself when his phone chimed in his pocket. He took it out and saw a new WhatsApp message from you. You had made it through security and were now on your way to the gate. He smiled down at your message and immediately responded with a string of heart emojis, asking you to keep him updated.
He decided to leave the airport only once your flight had taken off, so he walked over to the waiting area and sat down on one of the seats. Whilst waiting for another update from you, his mind raced. He calculated dates and made mental adjustments, opening his calendar app to confirm his thoughts. Bingo. He was right. He quickly opened his contacts, scrolling through until he found this one particular person he was looking for.
Just as he was about to press the call button you updated him once more that you had boarded the plane which was now taxiing toward the runway and that you already missed him terribly. He replied that he missed you too and wished you the safest flight of all flights that had ever taken place and finished it off with the kissy-face emoji. You quickly sent one back yourself, informing him that you were switching to airplane mode now.
His last reply which read: “OK. Please call me when you’ve landed. You promised.”, showed only one tick, indicating that your phone was now truly in airplane mode. Sighing, Joe closed WhatsApp and returned to his contacts and pressed the call button.
He stood up slowly from the row of seats, making his way toward the exit of the airport and the car park. Joe almost hung up after the fourth ring when suddenly, the person he was looking for, answered the phone.
“Hey, Alex. Are you busy? No?...Good. Uhm, I just checked my calendar and realised I have nothing scheduled after wrapping up my new project…keep it that way.”
Taglist: @ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat @mandyjo8719 @aysheashea @eddiebaemunson @xlilithb @freakymunson @sidthedollface2 @i-wont-run-this-time @plk-18 @miserybeans @kylakins88 @deadspellz @thehillzhaveeyez @kayleeelena97 @foreverjosephquinn @punctualhowell @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead @siriuslysmoking @hollster88​ @cancankiki​ @definitionwanderlust​ @eriancrow @1paire2vans​ @theonewiththecrackedmind​ @fromasgardandback​ @captainonaboat​ 
crossed out = couldn’t tag​
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keelt9 · 2 months
Chapter 3
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Christmas was a magical day, like every year our parents built the perfect day for us. I realized I started to forget how magical it is. Last 3 years I just came home for Christmas dinner and the day after I flew back to Chicago, it didn't bother me if I came back or not, because I knew my parents or Peter’s family would be in Chicago for New Year.
On Christmas morning, Archie's footsteps were the first thing we heard, and his screaming for illusion and happiness when he saw the Christmas tree surrender by presents was memorable; the present that my parents were so worried to keep hiding was his new keyboard, which he felt over the moon. 
We spent the day in pjs eating and relaxing, watching movies all day, enjoying the time with family.
“Yeah, let's do that.” Peter claps his hands.
Mom and dad put on the table the plan to make a small New Year party, just friends and usual customers, like a small expression of gratitude.
“I'm in! Sounds fun.” Nora and I entered with plates and spoons for the cake Peter prepared.
“I can help! I'm a big boy now, grandma.” Archie turns around in my mom's legs.
“I guess I'm in too.” I lift my shoulders. “It will be bad if I refuse it right?” 
Dad pulls me by my shoulder and kisses my head. “Well, we have a party!” 
And no, no one warned me what it would mean.
“9? Isn't it too much?” Leah offered to help me with the shopping of supplies.
I shake my hands. “I stopped talking since I saw the amount of things we’re buying for a few people.” 
Leah giggles but puts the 9 bags of balloons in the basket. It's our last shopping day. Tomorrow we all spend the day cooking and decorating the coffee shop.
“Thank you so much darling.” Mom grabs Leah's face after she leaves the bags. “Don't forget to bring your parents all right?”
Leah chuckles but her parents, right now, are taking a cruise. “I'm afraid you have to deal just with me, Mrs. Stratton.”
“Enjoying life, huh?” Leah's parents spent all her childhood, teens and early 20 focused only on her and what she could need. After turning 25, the story changes and they start to enjoy themselves.
“Like teenagers.” We laughed as we kept putting our bags and packages in the living room.
The next morning, we were just finishing our breakfast when we saw the most hilarious thing of the day. Archie is wearing his small apron and huge gloves, ready to work.
“Seems you have all the cover here.” I joke as I put my plates on the washing machine. “I'll better go and start to decorate the coffee.” 
“Leah will be there?” Dad asked but Leah said she will be there in the afternoon, a wedding crisis-photo of last minute.
“Don't worry, I have everything under control.” Nora and Pete will help mom with the food and drinks, meanwhile dad, well he has a little boy to keep busy.
“See you later.” I wave my hand, taking my coat and leaving home.
I knew it! 9 bags of balloons were too much. I was here for 1 hour blowing up gold, white, black and silver balloons and I barely empty 3 bags.
“Agh, if I just…” I pretend pinching all the balloons in the bag, one more time talking alone. I take a deep breath and I stand walking to the piano.
I start touching the keys when slowly a few notes of one of my favorite songs start to be heard in an empty coffee shop, Träumerei.
“Lovely.” The voice of Peter made me jump, removing my hands from the piano. When I look at the door, I notice he wasn’t alone, Leah and Joe are with him carrying a couple of trays and boxes.
Leah smiles and leaves the boxes in one of the tables. “I found them in the street, I guess we need backups.” She put her hand at her waist looking at all the balloon mess. Joe kept in silence looking at the huge amount of balloons, but when I turned around to see him I found him with a cute smile on his face, making me smile.
Slowly the time passes as we decorate all the coffee shop, follow Leah’s orders and be helpful as much as we can.
“I'm amazing.” Leah coordinates all the decorations and without a doubt she’s amazing, still I pushed her. The gold, silver, black and white stop being a mess of colors all over the coffee now looks with balance making the perfect mix.
“You should go, to getting ready. We waited for mom and dad to go too.” Peter said to us. “Joe thank you so much, you know you're welcome if you want.”
Joe keeps all day helping us, but if I remember well, he prefers avoiding big crowds on special days
“I’ll think about it, thanks anyway.” He said putting the last balloon next to the door.
Leah, fighting for her life, can't avoid expressing what's in her mind. “Mr. I Stop Talk…” I cover Leah's mouth. My family just knows we stop being closer as we were, however they didn't know we just stop talking at all.
I pulled her to the door. “We're leaving!”
“I have things to say.” Leah musters as we get into her car. “A lot actually.”
By 11 pm, in the coffee shop all our guests were there eating, drinking, chatting and some dancing. Archie is stealing everyone's heart, a lot of the people there know him since he was a little baby.
The small fruit tarts that mom made are the sensation of the night; Peter and I remember stealing a few of them everytime she made it at home. “We have more, let me bring it.”
I put my glass of wine on the table. “It's ok, I'll go.” I said after walking to the kitchen for more.
The sound of gasps and the sudden silence made me intrigued as I walked back with a new tray of tarts; my answer came across the room, Joe talking with my parents and one of their closest friends. 
“And now he comes, I still have a lot of things to say.” Leah claimed as she took the tray to put it on the table. 
During the night I practically avoid any unnecessary talk with him, still something calls for my attention; the fact that a few friends of my dad already seem to know him for the way Joe talked to them in a relaxed mood, even from time to time I heard him laughing so freely and joking back with them.
As the countdown started, all gathered next to their special one, Leah and I stuck together as the clock mark 00:00 and everyone started to hug and kiss; Leah and I hugged each other when we split, Archie came running to jump and gave me his big bear hug.
“I feel left aside.” Leah jokes with him, making Archie extend his arms and go right to her. “Yeah, I feel love now.” Archie laughs and runs to my parents.
“Go. I’ll be fine for a couple of minutes.” She points to a goodlooking guy with whom she’s been talking all night.
My favorite place from the coffee shop is the terrace. You find the perfect spot between the big buildings where you can see the sky and right now the fireworks. The view is spectacular but the cold breeze makes me shiver, closing my coat tighter around my body.
I close my eyes making my New Year wish, when I open it again, I see a small cupcake with a candle in front of me, and hands at the side of it avoiding the flame go out. 
“You can’t miss this.” Joe said at my side looking at me, the light of the fireworks making his blue eyes shine with different colors.
Every time I make a wish I blow out a candle, since I was a kid I believe if you do it, dreams have more possibility to come true.
I shutter but in Joe's eyes I can see that softness which he used to see me years ago, so I blow the candle.
“Any special wish?” I took the candle of the cupcake, catching him by surprise from my question.
“Mmm…” He clears his throat and pretends thinking. “Be better, fix mistakes and reconnect with important people in my life.” The last three words he said looked at me.
He’s honest, I know because the way he speaks clearly and confidently, reminds his eyes of mine.
“I appreciate your words Joe, but some wounds don't heal easily, I prefer to keep things the way they are right now.” He deserves an honest answer too, I press my lips together forming a smile, before going to the stairs.
“Hey, go for that ring, all right?” I said to him before I tried to cross the door.
“Y/N” I turn around, and he has a strange expression, a one I think I have never seen before. “I understand, I really do, still, I’ll be here, at any moment, any time, and any place… For you.”
His words still linger in my mind for days. Three days after our New Year, it’s time for Archie and family to go home.
“Drive safe, honey.” Mom hugs Peter and Nore before giving Archie a big kiss.
“Call when you’re home.” Dad told them as they said goodbye.
I lift Archie. “I already miss you!” He gives me a peck on my cheek. “I’ll stay a couple of days in your home before going back to work, all right?”
Archie raises his pinky finger. “Promise?” I tingle our fingers and kiss his forehead.
I carry him to his car and say goodbye to Nora and Peter, who always hugs me softly.
“Whatever you and Joe are getting through, take your time, all right?” I hold my breath but he splits from seeing me to my eyes. “Joe can be a little…mmm confused from time to time.” 
He saw my confused expression. “Oh come on, we notice that you practically ran away from the guy.” He chuckles. “I admire you, it’s hard to resist his puppy eyes and you do it like they were what? Just two blue circles.” 
I laugh and open the door for him. “I'll call when I go there all right?” Peter nods and closes the door to set all and start their way home.
Late at night dad knocks on my door like he actually didn’t want to, although he opened the door. “Are you busy?”
I was drowning in papers and my computer; I was so immersed in the manuscript that it was like something forced myself to print some drawings for some corrections and watch them live.
“Not, not that much.” I take my glass off and stand so we can sit at the window, the most clear space in my room.
Dad is searching for something with his eyes. “I wonder if you have the small <book> that I made you years ago? With the paper of the composition you like.” 
“What?” The memories of the strange visits from Joe and my dad giving him file's came. “What is happening between you and the mystery delivery of papers to Joe?”
Dad was surprised by my direct question. “Mysteriously? I won't call like that. After his wrist surgery Joe found playing piano helpful and asked me for help, so from time to time I gave him some lessons and he keeps playing as much as he can.”
I don't believe it at all. “The sheet music is for him?” 
“Of course.” Dad innocently answered but just opened the conversation for another talk.
“Why that one?” 
My mind is repeating his answer over and over making it impossible to close my eyes and rest.
“Promise me you won't say anything, but he wants to play something you like, before you go, you know like a small Christmas present.”
I swear I could be arrested for keep knocking the door of a fucking mansion in the middle of the night.
“What the…?” Joe opens the door, his eyes held close and his hair messy.
“What do you want?” I enter, raising the sheet music . “A Christmas present? What the hell?”  Angry, that's what I'm feeling right now. 
“Years ago, you stopped talking to me, looking at me, even avoiding me and now out of blue you decide you can erase everything and that's fine?” He tried to talk but I didn't let him, I felt each one of my muscles start to get tense.
“Well no, that is not happening! You can’t open or create wounds like you want. You left clear you don't want anything to have with me, FINE!” I put the papers on his chest. “Stuck with that, don't be around me trying to be my friend again!”
In vain try to leave his house but he grabs my wrist on his chest.
“Stuck?” His eyes darkened and his jaw tense. “Want to know what 's been stuck in my mind for years?”
He slowly let go of my wrist but held my hand and pulled me to him. His face was just a few centimeters from mine.
“Your kiss.”  He whispers and I raise my eyes from his mouth to his eyes.
“What are you talking about?” I observed him in detail trying to find a small sign of a lie.
“See, you talk about unfairness, but how unfair is it that you keep lingering all those years in my head, in my heart?” He raises his hand at the level of my face not touching me. “There were days where I dream of kissing you one more time but…” He closes his eyes, breathing in.
“But you didn't even remember…” I saw how slowly his eyes turned into those comforting eyes that looked at me years ago. Joe let me go but tingled his fingers on mine to avoid me going.
“Years ago, you and Leah went to a party, you're parents were so worried because you didn't pick your phone, and your dad was about to leave and picked you, but I…I didn't know, still I don't know what happened, when I noticed where I was, I'm parking in front of a house where people stumbled really drunk.” I fight for remembering but nothing comes to my mind.
“Thankfully you and Leah were sitting on the sidewalk leaning on each other; when you saw me, ran and hugged me, sober enough to recognise me. Together we leave Leah at his house but when I tried to take you home, you asked me to please stop for a while as you try to calm down.” I panic when I finally see his hand on mine, making me unable to move.
“We walked around a small park, and you slowly calmed down, after 1 hour you said you felt tipsy.” He laughs. “You sit in the grass sighing, so I sat in front of you, you talked about the college, how sacred you were of the future but at the same time exciting.”  
I have small flashbacks but at any moment a kiss appears in my mind.
“Suddenly you stopped talking and saw me right to my eyes with that…sparkle and shining eyes.” A wide open smile appears on his face. “You didn't give me time to think, you took air and you leaned with a soft peck on my lips.”
I let go of his hand shaking. I remember having a dream about this but that's what I thought it was, a dream.
“Why didn't you tell me?” I cover my face. “I'm sorry, I can't remember but I'm sorry if that…”
“I was selfish.” He whispered. “I thought those feelings, at that moment, were stupid, I was still a rookie who was injured in his first seasons, and you were in your last semesters. I won't ruin our future.”
I'm so confused, trying to figure out something about this. “You keep me away.” He nods, biting his lip.
“I knew that was the only way you keep focus on your stuff and I keep on mine… Works however look at us now.” I blink as I find support in the wall, trying to remember something about those moments.
“I’m confessing to you in the most awkward and awful way.” I slip stick to the wall, my legs definitely stop working and I sit on the floor.
“Yo…you…You what?” He turned around and breathed slowly before sitting in front of me, his eyes moving all over my face.
“I like you.” I scoff. “I mean, how could I not? A girl who drove to the other side of the city just for make me eat something sweet, the girl who spends all his free time in vacations making me company in a random talks at the coffee, the girl who was the first one in be at the hospital as soon as she arrived when I get injured, the girl who I found myself  looking for in the crowd every game.”
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
Y/N found herself holding her breath yet again as she stood in the awkward silence. In order to avoid eye-contact she looked at her feet and waited for the lift to finally stop. There wasn’t any talk between the two but Y/N could feel Joe’s eyes on her. Part of her wanted to talk to him and ask him why he disliked her so much. But the other part of her couldn’t muster the courage to make a sound. 
After what felt like a year, the lift came to a stop in the lobby and Y/N waited for Joe to leave. As soon as he did, Y/N felt the tension roll away. Walking out before the doors closed again, Y/N made her way to the front entrance. 
She had to pass the group heading to soundcheck on her way. As she did she heard them all say goodbye to her. Waving at them all she walked up to Malvin and asked if there was anything else he needed her to do. After getting the all clear she went on her way.
Finally she finished shopping. Making her way back to the bus, Y/N quickly unpacked everything as they would be staying on the bus that night and went inside the venue. She was very pleased that everything was within walking distance and she didn't have to go too far. 
As she went inside she could hear all sorts of sounds as various roadies were doing the final preparations for the show. Y/N spotted Malvin quite quickly, making her way over to him.
“Y/N, I’m glad you’re here. Do you mind going backstage and making sure the boys have everything they need? Joe will need a few water bottles especially for his voice and the others may need one or two.” Malvin told her before pointing her in the right direction and walking away again. 
Y/N put on a brave face and made her way backstage. It didn’t take too long to find the dressing rooms. They all had individual ones but there was a main green room as well. Knowing better than to just walk in, Y/N knocked on the door and waited to be let in.
It was only a few seconds before she heard Sav’s voice shouting permission for her to enter. She did so slowly. Once she was inside she shut the door again, noticing that there were four smiles in her direction.
Phil and Viv had their guitars on their laps, whilst Sav held his bass and Rick had a drumstick in his hand. It didn’t take too much for Y/N to realise that she had interrupted a rehearsal. 
“Malvin just sent me back here to see if you guys needed anything before I get your water ready for the show.” She looked around at the boys, all but one gave her their full attention. The boys all shook their heads apart from Joe. Realising she would have to ask him separately, Y/N took a deep breath. Something she had been doing a lot around him.
“Joe?” She asked him. Much like that morning at breakfast, he lifted his head up at his name but refused to make eye contact. He just shook his head and went back to ignoring her. Nodding her head slightly, she informed them all that she would be back with their water for the show. She dreaded the next few hours where she would have to sit with them all in case they needed anything. She loved their company but with Joe there, there was always an air of tension, making everyone uncomfortable.
Y/N went to the store room that the venue had put aside for things to be held for the band and retrieved water for all the guys. Carrying them back in a crate, Y/N didn’t see someone walking towards her until the last minute. Bumping into them, Y/N started to apologise again, still not seeing who it was. All the bottles had fallen to the floor and she quickly crouched down to pick them up. The person in front of her hesitated before kneeling down to help her. 
Sending them her thanks, Y/N looked up to see the one and only Joe Elliott. Internally face palming for bumping into him yet again, She apologised again before getting cut off.
“It’s fine.” Joe mumbled, “Let me just help you take these to the dressing room.” Although he offered, Y/N got from the tone of his voice that it was the last thing he wanted to be doing. Y/N just let him help her, not wanting to upset him anymore than she already seemed to. After they got all the bottles in the crate, Y/N went to pick them up but was stopped by Joe doing so. 
“It’s obvious that if you carry these you’ll bump into someone again, so just let me.” Joe snapped at her. Having enough of his attitude towards her over the last two days, Y/N started talking before she could stop herself.
“Why do you hate me?” She asked him. Instantly regretting saying anything when she saw him roll his eyes. 
“Not everyone always gets along, Little Miss Perfect.” Joe told her sharply. Ignoring the name calling, Y/N decided to push it further. If she was going to spend the next year with this man, then she at least needed to know why he was acting like this towards her.
“I know that” Y/N spoke trying to keep her voice calm, not showing him how nervous he was making her, “But I haven’t, to my knowledge, actually done anything to you to warrant this hostility.” 
“Maybe not. I know what you are doing and I’m not going to let you do it.”
Y/N looked at him quizzically, “What am I doing?” She asked him.
“Don’t take me for a fool Miss Y/L/N. This must be great for you, travelling with rockstars, spending every minute with them. Just know that I’m never going to let you get too close.” Joe clenched his fists around the crate. Walking on ahead, leaving Y/N more confused than before.
Reluctantly, Y/N follows him to the dressing room. Their argument, if she could even call it that, had left her feeling sick almost, it was one thing not to like her, but another to accuse her of something, not telling her what it was. 
The rest of the band could feel the thick air as the two walked back into the dressing room. Joe walked back out again, mumbling something about ‘finally going to the bathroom’ and Sav looked at Y/N for answers.
“Everything alright?” He asked her softly. He couldn’t and quite frankly didn’t want to, believe that his best friend could treat someone this way. Nodding her head, Y/N told him not to worry about it. Wanting him to just focus on their first show of the tour. Sav took this as an answer for now, knowing that he would have to find out more at some point for the sake of everybody on the tour. 
The show went great, like always. Y/N went and watched from the side. This was her first Def Leppard show and she could only imagine if it was this great from backstage, then it must have been fantastic for the fans, surrounded by the atmosphere of the rest of the audience. She held the water on the side for all five of them, Joe coming to her twice for some water. Both times he nodded in thanks and left again straight after. 
Y/N congratulated all of them as they finally left the stage after their encore. Joe walked straight past her but Sav and Viv gave her a sweaty hug and Phil and Rick walked with her as they went back to their dressing room. There was a set of showers down the corridor so all five went off to shower and Y/N waited for them before she would help escort them to the hotel. By help she meant, walk with them and try not to get trampled by fans.
Going back to the hotel had been a task but the band went to the hotel bar to celebrate. Not necessarily with alcohol but to unwind after the show. They had a few days before the next show, so one late night wouldn’t matter. Tomorrow the band will make their way to the next hotel and rest. Y/N let them all have time as a band, refusing Viv’s offer to join them and went upstairs to her room for an early night. 
However, that didn’t quite go to plan. She couldn’t settle and decided that she would go for a short walk instead. She had a few hours before the hotel locked up for the night. Going downstairs, she hadn’t realised how stressed out she looked. The disagreement with Joe running through her head. As she left the lift, she saw Sav about to get in. When he saw her appearance however, he stopped her.
“Where’re you going?” He asked her, putting his hand on her arm in an attempt to comfort her.
“Just for a walk. I won’t be long.” She smiled at him.
“Mind if I join?” Sav knew there was something bothering her but didn’t know what. He also knew that LA wasn’t the safest alone at night and wanted to make sure she was alright. Y/N nodded at him and allowed him to walk alongside her. Not noticing a pair of eyes watching them leave.
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pbandjesse · 24 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I just got done helping James cut their hair. I am not feeling as low tonight. Maybe taking the medicine in the morning is the way to go. Though I am worried about waking up feeling sick in the middle of the night. But I'm trying to remain positive.
I was a little bit of a baby today. Any time I started to feel unwell I would get so worried I was about to fall apart that I was very much in the edge of shutting down. But I made it through most of the day. I was trying really really hard.
When I woke up this morning I was fine. I wasn't amazing. But I was fine. My hair looked nice. I felt pretty. But I also just had all this pressure in my stomach and when I was done getting ready I laid on the floor. James would come upstairs to check on me and laid with me for a bit. It helped. I needed to get up and I needed to leave.
James would pack me a lunch but I would barely pick at it. They packed peanut butter for me to eat with pretzels but I ended up eating spoon fulls of it on my drive into camp as my breakfast. And honestly it was good. I had a cup of milk and my peanut butter and my favorite podcast put out an episode about why my least favorite painter sucks and I felt so very vindicated!!
When I got to camp no one was in yet. I would spend a few minutes putting things away but then pretty quickly went and got the gator to take some packages of field trip supplies up to the art building. I got that stuff put away and continued on my drive around camp.
I went to the nature building to say hello to the animals. Samson was speed walking in his tank which was really cute.
I would drive over to peeps to get my last box of stuff. I would stop when I saw the impressive mushroom pictures above. I believe it's chicken of the woods but it's more spread out then I'm used to seeing so I'm not 100%.
Getting my last box from peeps didn't go amazing. The box split open and I dropped everything. But it was fine. I would just make two trips. Still made me huff and puff and feel really woozy, walking up the hill. But I would sit for a minute and catch my breath.
I drove back to art one more time to drop off the box. Saw Lucky the three legged cat and couldn't get him to let me pet him but he did lead me to another kitty. So that was nice. I drove over to the pond and up behind stockade. And then back to the office. Where Alexi was just getting in.
Soon after that everyone else was back in too. I would slowly run out of things to do. It as in charge of contacting someone I had to search for online. And I am very good at googling and was able to find his email but I'm going to try and call him tomorrow. Even though I hate calling people. Especially when there is information being passed. I would much rather have it in writing.
But it's fine.
I would spend a lot of time sending emails. Working on my hand out for my beading workshop next week. And starting research for specialty program ideas for next year.
When I would get bored I would go do other small tasks. I went over to the pioneer cabins to measure a wall. Jeff was over there and he asked how my dad was doing. We chatted for a bit.
I would go put away the tent tarp, per Joe's request. I would lay in my hammock for a half hour. And then back to the office to continue researching. I think I have a good smattering of ideas now though and will start to write things out soon.
I decided I really wanted to get Taco Bell. I would keep myself focused by promising myself I could get Taco Bell. I truly hate how often I have been eating out lately but eating at all has been so incredibly hard I'm trying to not fight it when I think I can eat something.
And at 3 I would say goodbye to everyone and drove to Taco Bell. And I don't know why but I didn't get what I had planned and got a crunch wrap instead. Which was good. And a potato taco, which was a little spicier then I wanted but was still good.
I ate half of everything in the car. And then headed home. I started feeling not amazing. I just tried sipping water and breathing and would be okay. I was just really happy to go home.
When I got back here I would sit with sweetp on the couch. I had the other half of my taco bell. And waited for James to get home. I thought about playing the new video game James got me but I was worried about getting motion sickness. Instead I just watched a video and laid on the couch.
When James got home they would consult with me about new stickers to order for my market table. But the one company we were going to go with (after sticker mule lost their minds and we can't order from them anymore) was going to be $600?? So James would reach out to a smaller company in California and if would take a few hours for them to respond but they were so nice and the whole order, the same order, is going to be less then $50! Incredible. I hope they are good quality. They had good reviews on reddit so fingers crossed.
James would clear the landing for the washing machine delivery on Friday. And the. We would hang out for a while. Eventually moving upstairs. They worked on their research for their longer podcast episode. I watched TikToks.
Eventually I took a bath. I trimmed my bangs. And when I was done I cut James's hair too. They are using the clippers for the sides now. And I am feeling very very tired.
My allergies kicked off a little but I am feeling a little better now. I hope I can sleep earlier tonight and feel nice tomorrow.
I have lots to do at camp tomorrow. Things to sort and things to paint and people to call. I hope it's a good day.
I hope you all have a good night. I love you all. Sleep well. Be safe.
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burrowbabe · 1 year
Give and Take - Chapter 4
You did not in fact go to sleep when you got up to your bedroom. Despite how exhausted you felt, you couldn't help but eavesdrop on the howling laughter coming from down by the pool area.
You should've gotten in the hot tub.
Your subconscious taunted you with fantasies of everyone trickling off to sleep, leaving you and Joe to your own devices in the hot tub. You would kiss him, you think. But again, as soon as you come face to face with him, you choke with anxiety.
A knock sounds at your door, slightly making you jump out of your skin as you're snapped out of your thoughts.
"Yeah?" You call, but no response.
With a huff of annoyance you get up and move to swing open the door to reveal Tana.
"Oh ... hey."
"You good?" she asks, sounding genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, why?"
"You just disappeared. Everyone was wondering where you were. Can I come in?" she asks apprehensively.
Moving out of the way to let her enter, she leaps onto your bed.
"Are you sure you're OK?" she presses again.
"Yeah, just tired I guess." you reply, joining her on the bed.
She sucks her teeth, "Bullshit."
"No seriously." You reply. You didn't;t want to sound defensive at the risk of having to spill what you're actually feeling. After last night's embarrassment, you feared that if you told Tana about Joe, she would meddle in the situation. Or worse, be upset because she likes him.
She stares at you with raised brows as if waiting for further response.
"Okay, if you say so." she shrugs. Getting up to head towards the door, you call her name, causing her whip around again.
"Do you really think I should start dating again?" you ask sheepishly.
"Oh, hell yeah." she responds.
With a maniacal smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows, she pulls a giggle from you.
"We'll have guys lined up out the door for you before you know it. We gotta get you a wax, hair appointment, nails -"
"Goodnight Tana ..." you say pushing her out the door.
Surprisingly, you had got a full night's sleep which surely made your head feel more clear. However, as soon as you spotted Joe eating breakfast downstairs alone, you felt uneasy again.
With a closed-mouth smile, you greet him quietly before grabbing a mug of your own to pour some coffee.
"How'd you sleep?" he asks.
"Really good actually." You respond, avoiding eye contact.
"Good. We missed you last night."
You meet his eyes with a pause.
"Tana near started whining that she was the only girl." he responds with a laugh.
"Oh, well, she'll get over it." you laugh. "She's always hanging with the boys when I'm not around."
"Do your friends tour with you usually or do they stay here?" Joe asks.
You join him at the kitchen island with your coffee.
"They usually come with me. They don't have much else to do." you shrug. "But I'm also recording songs on the road so my brother has to be there to produce."
Joe nods his head listening along.
"They're my posse whether I like it or not." you say, causing him to laugh.
With a short awkward silence, you both try to speak at the same time.
"No you go ahead." you concede.
"I was just gonna ask what a good restaurant around here was. I wanted to call and make reservation for tonight."
"Depends how much you want to spend." you joke.
"I think I can afford whatever you guys want." he smirks.
You pretend to think for a moment. "Hmmm, well in that case, let's go to Catch. I could eat a good surf and turf meal for a family of 3 right now."
He laughs with his bright white smile.
"You got it. I'll call right now." he says.
At around 6 p.m. everyone began getting ready for dinner. You couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the afternoon after this morning's conversation with Joe. Some of your anxiety had gone away after realizing how easy he was to talk to.
You couldn't get his smile and the sound of his laugh out of your head all throughout your thorough self-care routine.
Always gotta be prepared. You think to yourself as you shave every inch of your body.
"Would you actually fuck him though?" your friend Pat asks you on the phone while you applied your makeup.
He was your gay best friend from back home in New York. You trusted him with anything and everything, but kept the identity of this guy you were interested in anonymous, just in case he were to blab to your mother. You wished to do the same with Tana, but she lives too close to easily put two and two together.
"No! Not tonight at least ..." you bite your lip with a smile.
"You lying bitch!" he laughs. "You are so down bad for him."
"Nuh uh" you protest.
"Uh huh!"
"I want to get to know each other more before that's even a consideration." you say, sticking your index finger in your mouth to clean the lipstick off.
"If you say so, girl. Text me later. You better have a juicy update!" Pat exclaims before hanging up with a 'bye' and 'I love you".
Catch was definitely high end, but you didn't want to look too extra. The outfit you chose toed the line between subtle and sexy.
The short, black cocktail dress hugged your curves, with a halter style neck that accentuated your breasts with no bra. Pairing you're crystal encrusted, open toed, Louboutin's with your small diamond tennis necklace, you spritzed yourself with your Chanel perfume before heading downstairs.
AJ, Joe, and Ja'Marr sat in the living room watching the Lakers play, pregaming the restaurant with some beers when you descended the stairs.
"You look nice." your brother compliments you with a smile.
"Why thank you, Anthony." you reply with a smile. You were the only one who called your brother by his full name, as much as he hated it, you were the only one allowed. He gave up arguing with you about it many years ago, and it just seemed to stick.
"Who are we waiting for?" Ja'Marr asks, throwing back the rest of his drink.
"Just Tana. She was on her way down when I just saw her." you reply.
"Speak of the devil!" AJ laughs.
Tana descends the stairs in a tight mini skirt and a crop top that barley covers her upper half. Clip clopping uncomfortably in her 8 inch heels, you can't help but stifle a laugh.
"You know we're not going to a nightclub right?" AJ jokes.
"Shut up! I look hot." Tana says, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.
A few minutes later, you all load into the black town car that Joe and Ja'Marr had ordered to take you to the restaurant.
Catch was always packed with celebrity wannabe's and social media influencers, but regardless, you were bound to see someone you knew.
The waitress leads you all to a large table near the windows on the right side of the restaurant. This was the best seat in the house. Sitting in the seat across from Joe, everyone else claimed their spot at the table.
"While you're here, I'll take a White Claw." Tana states confidently before the waitress even finishes handing out the menus.
"Bitch, you are so trashy." you laugh. "Get some motherfuckin' wine like a grown up."
"Don't hate! It keeps me skinny." she shrugs. "Besides, why would it be on the menu if people shouldn't have it?" she questions matter-of-factly.
"Fair enough."
In no time, the drinks are flowing, the food is devoured, and overall, everyone is laughing and having a good time.
You begin to learn random things about Joe. Like he's a massive SpongeBob Squarepants fan, and he wears socks at the beach.
Your face had began to flush from the chardonnay you were drinking, but you liked how loose you were feeling in front of Joe. You shared some things about yourself as well, telling him about your mother and what it was like growing up in a strict Italian family. You confessed that you love The Office, and that you secretly love sour gummy worms despite your trainer forbidding you from having them.
All is well for the remainder of the evening until the waitress comes over with another round of, specifically, your drink only.
Taking it from her with a look of confusion, she motions to a table across the restaurant.
"This was sent from the gentlemen in blue over there."
Leaning to look past her, you spot your ex grinning at you, sitting at a table with another girl.
You heart sinks and you scoff in disgust.
"Tell him I'm all set, thanks." you say, handing the wine glass back to her. She takes it back looking equally as confused as you were before and walks away.
"What was that about?" Tana asks.
"Travis is here." you respond, grimacing in his direction.
She turns to look over her shoulder.
" ... and he's coming this way."
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m323200 · 4 months
3x05: My Rights
The epic 3-part finale to Isabella's past.
I'm glad how this went well.
It's been one day ever since the argument. A lot can happen in one day. The house was crawling with noise. Everyone was there. This was like Full House times 5.
Aaron, Liliana, and Joe were chasing Lily, Evan kissing Haley, Claire, Phil, Gloria, and Cam trying to control the house, and Alex and Manny making breakfast. It was a crazy morning to remember.
Me, Will, Mitchell, and Luke were in the living room on how to make sure my "parents" don't get control over them.
Mitchell said, "One way is that you could adopt them or tell the truth about them. You know what they did. Will you also know. We basically got witnesses in this house.". Will, Evan, and my phone kept ringing. It was Logan and Charlotte. 
I started to block them, Will and Evan just let it be. Evan tries to tell us that they won't go down without a fight. Will says to give the judge a hell of a speech. He started working on it.
Me, Luke, Will, Evan, Haley, and Mitchell started to leave. We went to his house because it was more quieter and less Shameless. 
When we were still at the house we realized we were late. It was 4:00pm. We went here at 10:45 am. We started to run out. We changed quickly. We were messy, but professional.
We ran into the courtroom. "Sorry your honor, we were busy planning.", I said. I saw everyone. The judge said to just sit down. Luke whispered to me, "Remember, you're doing this for them. Making sure they are protected and safe". 
I kept that in mind. The judge said if I have anything to say, say it now. I grab the paper, but then I crumbled it up. They were confused and didn't know what was happening.
"Your honor, when I was about 13/14, I went to my house after school. I didn't see no car there. I look inside the windows...no furniture. I had to call Luke. Then he told his family which told the police. They didn't know where they were or where they went. I was sitting in the curb with a blanket. Of course I cried, they left their child but kept the rest. I didn't know what to comprehend but the Dunphy's, the Pritchett's, the Delgado's, and Cam...they took me in. I had to adjust living with them...it was harder because I had to sleep in different houses for different days. Sure it felt weird, but they were nice, supportive, and caring.  Therapy didn't help. Every time I talked, it felt like the pain would keep coming back, but every time I spent with Luke, he felt like I could trust him, that I belong with him. My mother's an addict and my dad's an alcoholic. From what I heard, they take what they get, they don't offer anything to anyone, if it's just there, they take it. In just these few weeks, I did what I can to help them. I wished that I could've done more. When they came back, they were going to take me and Joshua, I wasn't going to let that happen either way. I'm not asking for your pity or you admiration, I just want them to live a perfect life and not abandoned like how they did with me. They are great kids and don't deserve that.". 
I cried almost at the end. But it was worth it. The judge said, "Mr and Mrs. Wheeler. From what I heard, you should be arrested.". Logan and Charlotte yelled at the judge. He yelled, "Silence!".
The judge told them and me to rise. He said, "You do know taking care of them would be a lot of work.". I told him that I know. And that I just want them to live a life they deserve.
The judge said, "Isabella Wheeler. You are now the official-". Evan and Will said, "Wait!". I was confused. Evan said, "Isabella, you got a great life coming your way. I know you're doing this for us but I know what you wanna become. We don't want you to give up your dream just for us."
Will said, "Your honor, will you be able to give us three rights to be their guardian." The judge said, "With your sibling love and determination to these kids, I'll allow it. You three share rights with them. Dream big kiddos. Now, go take your kids home". He pounded the gravel on the thing.
They all were excited. Logan and Charlotte were yelling, "You bitch! You won't get a life you deserve!". The judge said that they aren't allow to bother them again or else they will be arrested or transported out of the state of California.
They went to Jay and Gloria's to celebrate. Claire yelled, "Ice Cream sundaes for everyone!" They were all happy. Luke asked me if we could talk, I said yeah.
We stepped in the backyard, we had our feet in the pool. Luke asked, "What's your dream? They said they knew your dream...I was wondering, you never told me that.". I told him, "My dream is to be an actress. I wanted to be famous and hear my name across the world.". He thinks I should do that, but then again, there's a chance I won't see him much. I told him I'm thinking about it. He says that he supports me, but something tells me he's worried.
We stepped out the pool and dried our feet and went inside to have some ice cream sundaes. They're happy, we're happy, I'm happy that my fucking dip-shit, shitty parents aren't in my and in their life.
I'm so glad their parents are long gone now.
Sorry it's short.
How was it.
Did you enjoy 3x03, 3x04 and this one, 3x05. It's sort of a three-parter.
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throwsomecheeseonit · 19 days
20 years of clean- Chapter 16 (part 1)
After getting some rest, I jumped in the shower cleaning everything off of me from the night before. Not just dirt but yesterday's anxieties, fears and pain. Today is a new day and I wanted to start it fresh. The hot water poured over me and I stood there in complete peace with myself, how I felt and what I was going to do about it. I threw on a robe and headed out to the kitchen. Brandon wasn't awake yet or at least that's what his closed bedroom door indicated. I poured myself a cup of joe and decided to cook us breakfast. There was still a ton of pre-made meals, but a homemade meal comes from the heart, and this is how I show affection. Food is my love language or acts of kindness for the ones I love. Did I love him, ashamed to admit it, I did. Would this work? I don't know. For now, we will keep the love revelation to myself at fear of scaring him. It just wasn't the right time to divulge that.
I jumped at the front door jiggling. Brandon walked in shirtless and sweaty. "Sorry. went for a run," apologizing for making me jump. "It smells good in here," motioning to the stove. "I thought I would make some breakfast. Do you like French toast?," tip toeing around the elephant in the room. " French toast is my favorite. I'm just gonna jump in the shower. Be right back." He turned on his heel and hell if I didn't watch him walk away. The muscles in his back flexed every time he took a step. I fan myself off with the spatula, it just got 10x hotter in this apartment it seemed like. I turned the knob on the oven to the off position and took my coffee out to the balcony. The crisp autumn air cool blanketed me and I could feel it penetrating my thin robe. When I heard some rustling around in the apartment, I went back in to find Brandon loading a plate with French Toast. "These smell really good." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Thank you. Have as much as you like. Can I get you something to drink?" "I'm just gonna get some Orange juice. Thanks though." This conversation was painfully polite. I couldn't help but notice that he hadn't made any attempt to touch me or give me a kiss. He always finds an excuse to touch me when I'm close but not this morning. The conversation from last night was the culprit no doubt.
We sat at the kitchen island about 3 feet apart. "How did you sleep?" he asked me. "Slept fine," taking a sip of my coffee. "And you." "Not very well, " his eyes staring at his plate. "I'm sorry to hear that." There was silence until we finished our food. This was my chance, my move to show him how I felt, and I hesitated but stood up and approached him. I turned his chair around, so he was facing me and got comfortable between his legs. I planted a soft kiss on his lips, barely any pressure applied. "About last night. I'm so-," before he could finish, I cut him off. "You don't need to apologize. You were right. But I think you need to understand that I've wanted this to happen. I've wanted you for so long that I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it," unconsciously rubbing his arm. He crossed his arms behind my back and pulled me in closer to him. "I understand." The blues of his eyes were a mixture of gray and navy. The color of storm clouds. The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, staring back at me with such sincerity it made me want to cry. "This is new for you. For me, it's been a dream of mine since we were teenagers in school." I started to blush because saying those words out loud was embarrassing. His embrace got even tighter around my hips, if that was possible. "Please be patient with me," I looked down at his chest because looking him in the eyes became impossible. Vulnerability was and has always been difficult for me. He just nodded his head giving me his full attention. "This is how I'm showing my affection. Making you breakfast. Finally, telling you how I feel. I also want to show you." His pupils dilated and he loosen his grip from my waist. My fingers traveled to the belt of my robe where I intended to untie it. Brandons eyes got wider, and he shifted upright in his chair obviously not expecting a strip tease. "Last night made me think long and hard about what you said and if you're done taking it slow, so am I." Opening my robe, my naked form staring him right in the face, and letting the fabric fall to the floor. I looked up at him thru hooded eyes, completely terrified but horny as hell. He looked me up and down taking in what I wanted him to have and swallowing predominately when he was done surveying. "Are you sure," he made a final attempt at being a gentleman before we devoured each other. "I'm very sure," nodding my head. He gave me a devilish grin and then placed his hand on my neck pulling me in towards his mouth. He wasn't working up to anything his mouth slammed into mine with the pressure of a category 5 hurricane. His tongue crashed into mine colliding in the most languid seductive way. My body pressing into his fully clothed form, trying to inch closer and closer until we melted into each other. He stood up, not letting me or my mouth go. HIs hand gripped my ass and willed me to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, carrying me to the bedroom and laying me softly on the bed. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he purred when he finally let me go. In one swift motion he pulled his shirt over his head and took his lounge shorts off. Greek Gods have nothing on this man. His muscles looked carved by an artist so symmetrical, perfect. He was tan and there was a small smattering of chest hair that starting in the middle of his chest trailing down to his groin. I gripped the sheets in anticipation of his bodies return to mine. I bit my bottom lip as he crawled back on top of me. This reality was even better than the sex dream I had about him. HIs lips made contact with mine once again while he cupped my breast. Softly kneading and the feeling sent shivers all thru my body. He rolled the nub of my nipple in between his fingers until it hardened under his finger tips. I moaned into his kiss and arched my back wanting more. "God you feel better than I imagined," he whispered between breaths. HIs hand traveled between my thighs to my clit where he softly motioned in circles. "I think I'm going to cum already." "Shhh, don't cum yet. We just got started baby."
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ayearlaterletters · 1 month
Aug 9th - Aug 14th
I am writing this on August 14th and I am still in love with you. I'm still obsessed with you. and I always think about you being inside of me pleasuring me gently. It is currently 9:08 pm and we departed ways not that long ago maybe 30 minutes ago. I had a wonderful weekend with you and I would do it again! Let's recap :) August 8th: We went bowling after Marcus volleyball game. Then we decided to make love in the Bowlero parking lot then sped off to the darkest home depot parking lot to recoup because a random silver lexus decided to pull up in the empty bowlero parking lot. After we recuperated, I believe you took me to Hong Kong for some late-night dinner :) August 9th Friday: You worked in the morning. After your shift, you picked me up around 530pm. that day was a very spontaneous trip to the mall to window shop, grabbed Wetzel's, and some Ding Tea for me. After the mall, we went to Torrey Pines and laid on the beach on your blanket. Then, we made love in your car. I believe I got home around 1am and only rested for 1 hour before having to get ready for my shift.
August 10th Saturday: It was my first day back at work and I was FC curb and Jetbridge queen - I would like to say, Saturday was a good work shift day. I believe after our shifts, you picked me up again around 530 and we went to The Village in North Park, which is literally down the street from me. I had vegan fish tacos and you had a vegan crunch wrap with a margarita. After our meal, I spontaneously wanted to take you to my beach spot in Del Mar by the racetracks and show you the flowers blooming. we didn't get to go because, by the time we arrived, it was already dusk - you said it's your favorite time of the day. We kissed, talked, and stared out into the sky looking at constellations and the reflection of the moon against the ocean waves. After Del Mar, we drove back to Torrey Pines and made love again. After our lovely night, we drove back home. I think i came home like around midnight. August 11th Sunday: I woke up late and arrived at work an hour later. I was kiosk/bag drop and you also went to work too. Sunday, i woke up around 3-4pm, made my way to walmart to buy fruit and cookies, and came to pick you up for the bay day at colorado with the HA family. We took Claudia home after and then we made our way to IB. We walked along the beach and i said I love you and i meant it even though it slipped out accidentally but i meant my word. We finally said i love you. i went home at a reasonable time and went to bed. August 12th Monday: After our shifts, you picked me up around 6pm and we made our way to plaza bonita amc and watched our surprise movie Skincare. After our movie date, you drove to sunset cliffs and we made love for like 1.5 hours. After our love session, we were very hungry and went back to hong kong for to go. i believe i got home around almost midnight so i took a quick bite of my food and went to bed. August 13th Tuesday: you were my Uber boyfriend and got me a delicious breakfast from Starbucks. After my shift, we went to Fig tree cafe and i ordered a vegan omlete with potatoes and a mimosa flight. You ordered some french toast with eggs and bacon. After our lovely brunch date we went to trader joes and you got some flowers for me and my mother and some chocolate bananas. You dropped me off at home and i took a lovely nap. while i took a nap, you went to get a haircut, ran some errands, and cleaned up around your home. I woke up around 330pm and cleaned up my room and kitchen, then packed my overnight bag. you picked me up around 530pm-545pm and we made our way to Murrieta. We had a gossip session with your auntie, and ate pretty late like around 11pm after your hair was done. We made love and fell asleep around 130am. August 14th Wednesday: We woke up around 8am to make love again, fell back asleep around 10am and woke up around 130pm. After leaving your aunt's house, we drove to yardhouse in temecula. After yardhouse, we walked around the mall and got starbucks, wetzels, and Miss Piggy Moo. After walking around the mall, we drove back to san diego but near mirmar base the traffic was increasing so we made a pit stop at feng cha and hung out after the traffic died down. after sunset, then I finally arrived home and we departed ways. now I am speaking to you on the phone and its officially 10pm! goodnight my lover and sweet dreams. until next time. i cant wait to see what the next week will hold for us. i am having so much fun with you. i love you.
I am everything you ever wanted and more. i am your girl.
somebody who doesn't annoy you and is quiet haha
you are my lover. I've been wanting a connection with somebody emotionally, spiritually, and physically. i am physically attracted to you highly, emotionally you make my heart beat, stomach flutter, brain mushy, and tongue-tied, and spiritually I love how you're intuned with yourself on a deeper level. i appreciate you even more when you read my emotions and understand my body language. you are a great boyfriend who understands me. i appreciate you and I love you so much for that baby you have no idea. you're perfect.
goodnight my lover, i love you and sweet dreams.
10:16pm <3
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boimgfrog · 3 years
I love talking to my friend abt sk8 cos we both adore Joe but view him vastly differently. I'll be like,,,tits,,,handsome,,,he would hold me if I was sad <3 and she'll pipe in like yea <3 he would give me an std <3
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Love - J.K
this is one of my favourite imagines i’ve ever written i’m not even lying, it’s short but sweet- enjoy loves <3
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FOR CONTEXT- THE BABIES NAME IS LOCKIE okay idk why i find that name so cute.
Joe woke up to silence. usually, he would be woken up by little fingers slapping his face, or with you playing with his hair, but today it was nothing. he sat up and looked around, seeing that you were still sleeping peacefully next to him. he watched as the covers on top of you moved up and down with each breath you took. he was so in love with you. he decided you needed sleep and went to check on the little girl who slept in the room next door to yours.
he walked into the bedroom and saw her laying calmly on her stomach, the baby pink blanket on top of her and the little rabbit under her arm, cuddled into her side. he smiled as he watched his little girls eyes flutter open when she heard the door open. she smiled with her dummy in her mouth and sat up slightly. her brunette hair was dishevelled from her moving around in her sleep. he walked over to her crib and leaned over. she looked up at him with big eyes as she reached up for him. “good morning pretty girl” he whispered as he picked her up. she wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her cheek as she leaned her face on his shoulder.
“you sleep well angel?” he spoke, giving her a cuddle before he leant back down to grab her teddy and blanket and took her downstairs so he could make her some breakfast. she was the most perfect little girl. his love for her had only grown since the day she was born. she was his favourite person and he was hers. she was only a year old and she loved him so much. he sat her in her high chair and started making her banana pancakes. she was in her high chair, clapping as she watched the cartoon on his phone which was rested on her high chair feeding table.
he watched as she giggled at the phone and his smile widened. once the pancakes were done, he mashed them up so she could feed them to herself. he put them into a bowl and took the phone off of the feeding table, knowing that she would fist the food into her mouth and all over the table instead of them staying in the bowl. he watched her as she ate as he cleaned up the pan and cutlery he used and she smiled at him as she ate. she finished her food and Joe took the bowl from her and wiped her mouth and hands with a cloth after seeing the mess she had created. she turned her head to the stairs when she heard the bedroom door close and you walked down the stairs. she squealed when she saw your smiling face and reached up for you. Joe took off the feeding table, making it easier for you to pick her up.
“mama” she shouted when you picked her up and she cuddled into you. “good morning my sweet girl” you said, kissing all over her face making her laugh. Joe watched the scene unfold in front of him and his heart swelled. his two favourite girls in the whole entire world were standing in front of him. you stopped giving her kisses, giving her time to breathe between laughs. you laughed with her and walked over to Joe, giving him a quick kiss before he pulled you both in for a hug. “good morning” he said, kissing you on the head, you hummed a response before speaking up. “do you think it would be bad of me to ask if we can all go back to bed?” you said, your body leaning against his. he shook his head ‘no’ and pulled out of the hug.
“we should go back to bed” he said, laughing a bit at the request. you watched as he picked up Lockie’s teddy and blanket and you both made your way upstairs. you felt Lockie lean her head against your shoulder as her eyes fluttered shut. Lockie could sleep at any point in the day and still go to bed on time. during the night, it was unusual for her to wake up and you were both so lucky to have a daughter who slept. you walked into your bedroom, seeing Joe getting the bed ready for Lockie to go in the middle of you. “no” you whispered, trying not to wake her. he looked up at you, confused as to why you said no. “i want to keep her on me” you said, a light blush creeping up on your cheeks. he smirked and got into bed, putting his arm out for you to crawl into him, making it a massive family cuddle.
you guys laid in silence, listening to your daughters breathing. she was the most beautiful baby you had ever seen. her hand was grabbing ahold of your necklace, a thing she had always done since she was little. you ran a hand through her hair and the other up and down her back. you were so in love with your little family. “i love you both so much” Joe whispered, a hand reaching up to run his fingers through your hair. you looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “i love you more” you replied, pouting your lips for him to lean down and kiss you, which he did. you were both silent for a little longer before you decided to close your eyes and get some sleep for yourself. Joe shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable. you both slept, happiness filled your bodies as you listened to your daughter sleep. she was perfect and you both loved your little family so much.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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It was a nice day at work. I am feeling really tired tonight but I think that's mostly because I am cold. Very much ready to go to bed.
I slept alright last night but my nose was all stuffy and painful when I woke up and so I felt really really tired. James came and gave me a big hug as soon as I sat up after my alarm went off. It helped me feel better.
I got cleaned up and dressed. Wore the new crew neck my mom got me. I just wanted to be cozy. I was struggling a little. My fingers hurt really bad and I couldn't get my shoe on and James helped me because they love me and I was very grateful.
James and me left together. I always like watching them bike away. It was very cold today. Frosty. I'm glad it feels like winter.
I had a nice drive to camp. And got there alright at 8. I was happy to be inside where it was warm.
I had a productive morning. I had my breakfast and started working on writing up a description for the CIT program. I would use chatgbT to give me some framework and worked on using that to build up a really professional description. I am pretty pleased. I would print that and the schedule I made. Then decided to do more printing. I figure that since we are going to have a meeting about the 3 things we wanted to accomplish with John the consultant. Cit program, training, new programs.
Alexi would come in around 9. And everyone else would come in within the hour. Sarah worked on research for the training manual. I would go through some old documents and pulling things I think will be helpful. Games and reading and such.
It was a really productive morning though. I would take a walk to the lodge. I filled my water over there and chatted with Joe. He teased me about forgetting my stuffing from the holiday party, but I was glad to have my cookware back.
I looked at the books in the musuem. I went and looked at the nurses office because they are almost done fixing the roof. Very nice.
I would have lunch when I got back to the office. And while I was eating I decided I should come up with a document for meal ideas for dietary restrictions for the summer so I don't have to try and think of options when I'm very close to tears during the summer.
This would be like a two hour research project. Looking into other camps menus. I found an article about Jewish and 7th day Adventists camps and they had lots of options! So I researched how to make them vegan or gluten free or nut free. And I only had like 2 fake meat options.
After asking Heather, I found out where the kitchen orders their food from so I was able to compile links for ingredients. I was very proud of myself.
Once I was done that I had a zoom meeting with Hawa and Mike from the national guards and I'm thrilled that I have 2 workshops on the calendar with them now. One is a paint and sip style, that we are calling a "paint along", and the other I think will be a printmaking.
I had to make some invoices for them. And that took a minute. But that was just fine.
I would finish my day with designing some stickers ideas for each village. I had a lot of fun creating that. I want to play with the idea of merch for camp more. We will see if any of it actually gets used but still it's fun to design it.
I would also decide on my birthday countdown project. I'm going to do a sticker sheet/flash sheet, with a daily drawing. I'm excited. That will start on the 15th.
I said goodbye to everyone and would head out. I told Sarah I would check at Manor Mill for her last bowl while I was looking for my last 5 pieces. And it is such a quick drive over. I was happy to see my pieces. The colors weren't what I was expecting but I love love love my bear bowl. I'm going to keep my jewelery in it.
I went home and got here before James. I was happy to be home. I put some stuff away. And worked on sending some emails. James got home as I was starting to do my knitting for the day. I love how it looks so far. I know we are still really early in the project but I am setting a good precedent and already weaving in the ends. I will have to sew them down once the month is done but I am very pleased so far.
James would sit with me and tell me all about their day while I worked. And I would show them the documents I made and made me feel very smart and professional. I love my husband.
They got us frozen pizzas we could microwave for dinner. And after we ate they went to play DND with their friends. Well actually it's a different game but same idea. It was nice to see friends' faces.
I took a shower and washed my hair and now I am in bed in my cozy jumpsuit. I am very much ready to sleep.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. And I hope you all have fun. Stay safe. Wash your hands. I love you all.
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
Stuck With You (Joseph x Reader) (Request Part 3)
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Stuck With You (Joseph x Reader) (Part 3)
Warnings: Mentions of emesis (vomit), mentions of sex, mentions of labor, mentions of menstrual products. 
Author’s Note: Don’t hate me lol. I was going to leave this at three parts but there was some ground I wanted to cover. I will have one more part and that will officially be the end of this little series. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read this, love it, or reblog it. It means a lot to me. My inbox is open for requests for Joseph x reader or Eddie x reader, however, it may take me a few days to get them out as I have four in line. I’m sorry if this is not as good as the others but the last part will be the best. :)
Request: Could you write one where the reader and Joseph are trying for a baby? Could it be smut including unprotected sex? (I will put the rest of the request in part four—the last part now since I don’t want any spoilers lol) @thomas-ellis
Since you asked to be tagged dear! @kellysimagines
Another month had passed, making you an estimated twelve weeks pregnant. You documented every week with a picture of your still barely noticeable bump. Your morning sickness was at its peak, happening almost every morning. You usually climbed out of bed in a hurry, causing Joseph to jar out of his sleep, quick to come behind you and hold your hair back. You usually skipped breakfast which you knew you shouldn’t be doing but you couldn’t keep it down.
This morning was no different. You snapped out of your sleep, immediately feeling nauseated. You threw the cover back and sprung out of the bed. You barely made it before you began throwing up. This was your new morning routine. Just a minute later, Joseph was behind you pulling your hair back. Most men couldn’t tolerate it but he didn’t seem to mind it. He hated you were having morning sickness, the one symptom you wish you could have skipped.
You closed your eyes, flushing the commode before leaning back against the door again, the cold tile on the floor feeling comfortable in contrast to your warm body.
“Love, I’m so sorry.”, he sighed as he rubbed your shoulders.
“It’s fine.”, you coughed out as he handed you a towel. 
“This is kind of my fault.”, he chuckled easily, trying to make you smile.
“It’s really okay, Joe.”, you smiled lightly, wiping your face with the towel before attempting to stand up.
He helped you stand up and you walked over to the vanity, eyeing yourself in the mirror. You looked rough but you felt even rougher. Today was your monthly appointment and you were glad you made it in the afternoon after how you were feeling. You all had been debating when to tell your all’s families. You were still hesitant, wanting to make sure everything was okay. 
Joseph was going out of town in a few days for a week and this would give you an opportunity to decide when to tell them. Joseph had a bigger family that consisted of his mom, dad, brother, and two sisters. They liked to go out to dinner and on holidays so you all thought about a trip to break the news. 
“Do you want anything to eat, love? A banana? Apples? Grapes? Toast?”, he listed a few things easy on your stomach.
“Just toast, Joe.”, you breathed easily as you began brushing your teeth.
“Anything on it?”, he asked.
You shook your head and he kissed your cheek before going downstairs. He was really encouraging you to eat something. You knew you needed to. But it was so hard when you always woke up sick every morning. You spit out your toothpaste before rinsing your mouth. You reorganized your side of the vanity before going downstairs to buy Joseph a couple of minutes to make his food before yours. You couldn’t stomach the smell.
After you felt satisfied, you made your way downstairs to see him getting your toast out of the toaster. He gave you two pieces, hoping you would eat them both. You smiled at him, appreciating his effort. He had already placed his breakfast on the table. You sat down at the table and he brought your toast over. He gave you some water to drink as he knew you didn’t want anything else. 
You all talked through breakfast, excited to see the baby again and this time hopefully you’d be able to hear its heartbeat. You all wouldn’t know the gender of the baby for a few more weeks but you all had debated keeping it a surprise. It would be harder for the family to buy anything but sometimes ultrasound technicians were wrong. You were able to make it through one complete piece of toast, an accomplishment for you at this point. 
You sat in the doctor’s office once again. You checked in and sat back down beside Joseph. It was calmer today with just a couple of pregnant women. They were noticeably pregnant unlike you. This made you feel slightly awkward. Joseph picked up an expecting parent magazine, flipping through it to pass some time away while you all were waiting. You giggled at him easily as he raised an eyebrow at you playfully. 
Thirty minutes passed before they called you back into the office. The nurse checked your weight and blood pressure, both normal. The nurse explained you had actually lost two pounds instead of gaining, raising slight concern in you and Joseph. You were asked about any new symptoms before the nurse instructed you to pee in a cup to make sure there were no early signs of gestational diabetes.
Dr.Bennett came in a few minutes after you had come back from the bathroom. She listened to your heart and lungs again, everything checking out. She asked if you had been having nausea and you explained to her it was every single morning with maybe an exception of one. She reassured you this was normal and the probable cause for losing a few pounds and not to worry right now. She prescribed you some Zofran to have at home to help alleviate that feeling of nausea.
This made you feel better. Dr.Bennett asked you to lay back and she felt your abdomen, measuring it easily. You were on track according to her. She asked if you needed anything else before sending the ultrasound technician in. You denied any further needs and she stated she would see you back in another month and for you to make another appointment at the front desk on your way out. 
You went ahead and laid back on the table, anticipating what would happen next. Joseph smiled over at you as the door opened just seconds later. It was the same ultrasound technician you had last time. She once again squirted some of the cold gel on your stomach, causing cold chills to appear. Joseph took your hand as she began running the transducer over your stomach again. All of a sudden instead of a bunch of high-pitched noise, you heard a strong, steady heartbeat. Joseph smiled at you, already wearing the look of a proud daddy on his face. Tears were noticeable in his eyes and yours. 
“Baby has a nice, strong heartbeat. 142.”, she smiled.
“That’s our baby.”, you smiled.
“Yes, love. Our Baby Q.”, he smirked, blinking his tears back, running his free hand over his face, sniffling.
You all had gotten into a habit of calling your baby, Baby Q as a little nickname. This time the ultrasound showed the baby had gotten a little bigger, its head becoming more defined. You could see its little nose and mouth. You could see its legs more this time, even its little foot. Joseph getting emotional was so sweet and made you realize you had made the perfect decision by choosing him as your baby’s father. 
“Your baby is being very cooperative. They usually are shy.”, the ultrasound tech laughed.
She was busy taking some pictures for you all while you all admired your little baby. You all were head over heels. She printed the images as you wiped the gel off, sitting up. Joseph helped you off the table as she handed you all the pictures. You all scheduled yet another appointment which would be your 16-week check-up. Then would be your 20-week check-up. It was hard to believe it would soon be your halfway mark.
Once you got home, you admired the pictures of Baby Q. It was so hard for Joseph not to tell his parents. He and his mom FaceTimed quite often. While he was gone to cons and doing interviews, she called often and checked on you. It was nice that his mom liked you. You dreaded that Joseph was leaving in a few days but you were proud of him. He asked you again and again if you would be okay while he was gone. You assured him you would.
He told you if anything happened to you or the baby, he wanted to know and he would be home on the next flight. You told him you’d be okay but assured him if anything happened, you would let him know. He was satisfied with that answer. That dreadful morning came when he was leaving and you began to feel overly emotional. He grabbed his suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. 
Joseph was delayed for his flight by a few minutes. You began crying and sobbing, begging him not to go. This ripped his heart out and he debated canceling last minute, but you quickly dried your tears. You knew it was the mood swings beginning and told him the fans needed him and you didn’t want to stand in his way. Once he felt you were okay, he left for the airport. You would count down the days while he was gone. 
Your 20-week check-up went well. The baby’s heartbeat was normal and Baby Q was measuring a week ahead now. Your nausea was still intense but the Zofran was giving you some relief from throwing up. You had gained a pound back since your last visit. You and Joseph had decided once he got home you all were going to take a trip to his childhood home in South London, England. His brother and sisters were going to be in and you both figured this would be a perfect opportunity to tell his family.
At 20 weeks and three days, you and Joseph had been in bed, his hand on your stomach as you all watched television. He always talked to the baby before bed. You thought it was the cutest thing and you brushed through his curly hair as he got close to your growing stomach. He rubbed your stomach just like he always did as you fell asleep. All of a sudden, he gasped and his eyes lit up.
“Did you feel that?”, he asked, excitedly.
You nodded. “Felt like a kick. Man, this kid has got some power behind it.”
He chuckled. “Baby Q is showing out for mommy and daddy tonight, aren’t you?”
You were now 22 weeks pregnant and it was becoming slightly obvious. It would be harder to hide while you were on your all’s small holiday. The baby was active during the day, sometimes even active as you were trying to sleep from pure exhaustion. You seemed to stay tired all the time, barely feeling like doing things around the house that had to be done. Joseph jumped in and helped as much as he could. You all also decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise until its birth. 
You all were leaving in the morning for London and you were nervous about flying this time. Especially being pregnant. You zipped your suitcase, feeling your back aching. Joseph came into the bedroom, noticing you.
“Hurting love?”
“Yeah, a little. But I’m done packing.”, you smiled. 
You packed a lot of dresses, babydoll tops, oversized shirts, and leggings. Your jeans would hardly zip nowadays. Joseph grabbed your suitcase and took it downstairs with his. Your all’s flight left early in the morning. You honestly dreaded getting up, praying maybe for one morning you wouldn’t be sick. How were you going to hide your morning sickness at Joseph’s parent’s house? His mom was over the moon that you all were coming to stay for a week. 
You all mentally went over a list of everything you needed to take with you. Your Zofran was a must-have. The only thing you were waiting to pack was your make-up. You all fell asleep by seven-thirty that evening, exhausted from packing. The alarm clock went off sooner than it should. Joseph yawned, hitting the snooze button before sitting up in bed. You laid there, feeling him get up and begin getting dressed almost immediately.
For once, you didn’t have nausea waking up. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. London’s time zone was five hours different and it would take you some getting used to. Jet lag was in the cards for you and Joseph. You eyed the alarm clock. Four-thirty. You groaned, throwing your covers back before stretching, feeling the baby move easily. 
“Good morning Baby Q. We are leaving to see Nan and Grandad and tell them all about you.”, you laughed as Joseph came back into the bedroom.
Joseph said his mom and dad would prefer Nan and Grandad and you all had got in a habit of calling them that already, careful not to in front of them yet. 
“I see you’re feeling better love.”, he said kissing you before touching your stomach.
You nodded. “I hope it lasts.”
Joseph kissed your cheek before going downstairs to load the suitcases in the car. You quickly slid on black leggings and a flowy white top. It hid your growing baby bump well enough for now. You quickly did minimal make-up, and put earrings in before you met Joseph downstairs. He had loaded everything and you all were ready to go to the airport. It was still dark outside as you all drove to the airport.
Joseph yawned, still visibly tired. He focused on the road, making small conversation with you along the way. You all parked at the airport, unloading your suitcases. You all went through security checkpoints which took a little while. Soon, they called for your flight and you boarded with no problems. You both slept for the majority of the flight before waking up for the last few hours of your flights. It was already daytime and that was messing with your head.
His parents were meeting you all at the airport so you wouldn’t have to rent a car. You all landed and got through customs before getting your luggage. You were nervous meeting his mom and dad again, even though you had met them in Paris after your all’s engagement. He held your hand as you all waded through the crowds of people before he spotted his mom and dad waving wildly. 
He chuckled as you all neared them, his mom taking him into a huge hug.
“Joseph, we missed you so bad dear.”, his mom kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. 
“Nice to see you again, Y/N. How was the flight?”, his dad asked you as he hugged you lightly. 
“Good, just I feel so tired.”, you laughed.
“Time change is a wanker.”, his father agreed.
His mom finally released him before turning her attention to you. “I’m so glad you and Joseph came to see us Y/N. You look beautiful—just glowing.”, his mom smiled as she hugged you.
The last sentence made you shoot a glance at Joseph with wide eyes before smiling. He picked up on it too. She released you and you prayed she hadn’t hugged you too tight to notice your stomach. They helped you all with your luggage. You had the ultrasounds in your purse. Every set you had. You were nervous to tell them but Joseph seemed to not be as nervous. 
His mom already informed him his sisters and brother were waiting for him at home, excited to see their brother. It didn’t take long to arrive to their house and there were several cars parked in the driveway. Joseph grew up in South London and you were excited to see his childhood home for the first time. Joseph helped you out of the car as his parents unloaded your all’s luggage. 
You all cleared the door, and immediately were met with his two sisters running to hug their brother. They almost tackled him with hugs, teasing him easily about getting a girl as pretty as you. His brother came to the door, instantly grabbing him in one swift motion, holding him under his arm, giving him a noogie, and messing up Joseph’s perfect hair. He quickly went to smooth his hair back down, beginning to introduce you to his siblings. Everyone made you feel right at home. 
The week seemed to pass all too quickly. Joseph’s mom and dad had made you feel right at home. The time change really messed with you, causing you to sleep in most of the second day but after that, it got a little easier. Baby Q didn’t like the time change though. Tonight was the night you were going to tell his parents. You admired the dress you had chosen to wear since you all were going out to a nice restaurant. You checked your make-up one last time as Joseph slid on his loafers to match his grey suit. 
You had gotten sick a few times while at his mom and dad’s house but Joseph helped them chalk it up to the time change. You had the ultrasound pictures in your purse. Joseph had already called the restaurant ahead of time to order a dessert to surprise them. His siblings were joining with their spouses. 
“Joe, I’m so nervous.”, you laughed easily. 
He smirked. “It’ll be okay love. They’ll be over the moon.”, he reassured you.
The restaurant was private. It was a warm evening, so you all opted to sit outside. You all joined everyone at a huge table. You sat down beside Joseph, nervously running your hands over your dress as the waiter asked for your drink selection. Everyone else including Joseph’s parents ordered an alcoholic drink—that was except for you. 
“You’re not gonna drink dear?’, his mother questioned beside him, looking down the table at you. 
“No, thanks. I’m still not feeling the best.”, you excused, politely, opting for water instead.
Joseph eyed you from the corner of his eye. The waiter brought everyone’s drinks and your water before going around the table asking for everyone’s food selections. Everyone began reminiscing, sharing stories about each other. His family had a strong bond and that was refreshing to see in this day and time. You laughed, smiling at Joseph throughout dinner especially when his mom told a funny story about him.
You knew soon you all would have a baby and get to watch it grow up, developing its own unique personality. You knew it was getting closer to dessert and your stomach was twisting in knots. You were unsure if the baby didn’t like dinner as you were not used to eating food from England or your nerves. Personally, you hoped for the latter. 
“Are you all ready for dessert?”, the waiter asked.
“I’ll take care of it.”, Joseph spoke up, the waiter already informed of the surprise. 
“Joseph.”, his mom interjected. “You don’t have to do that.”
He quickly dismissed her, ordering a few different desserts for everyone. Your heart dropped into your stomach and you felt the twisting feeling in your stomach intensify. It seemed like an eternity passed before the waiter, followed by another came back out, bringing all the desserts. One waiter went around the table serving a small brownie with ice cream or vanilla cheesecake to each of his siblings and their spouses.
The other waiter went over to Joseph’s parents, sitting down a large brownie with icing on it before stepping back. Joseph grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze and smiling at you as his mom and dad squinted to read it. 
“We-love-you-Nan and Grandad.”, his mom spoke slowly. 
It took them both a moment to register what they had just read. His mom’s eyes instantly lit up and she jumped up from her seat. All of his siblings and their spouses wore surprised looks but quickly turned into excitement as they cheered. 
“You’re pregnant?!”, she eyed you. 
You nodded, not being able to avoid the tears welling up in your eyes as you smiled.
“Oh my God. I had no idea!”, she exclaimed as she came over and kissed Joseph and hugged you both. His dad followed suit, congratulating you both. 
Joseph was proud of this and it warmed your heart to see him like this.
“How far along are you?”, his mom asked, wiping her tears back before laughing.
“She’s twenty-two weeks and six days now?”, Joseph eyed you.
You nodded. 
“I’m gonna be a nan. My baby boy is having a baby. Do you know what it is?”, she asked.
“We are keeping it a surprise until the baby is born.”, you smiled at Joseph.
“Imagine a little girl. A granddaughter.”, his mom smiled at his father.
“We might get a little grandson.”, his father smirked back to his mother. 
Joseph had been right. They were both over the moon at the news of Baby Q. His mom and dad were playfully debating whether it would be a boy or girl, causing you and Joseph to laugh. His mom and dad insisted they would fly to the States and be there for the birth of their grandchild. 
“Show me your baby bump.”, his mom insisted, her excitement evident. 
You stood up at the table and pulled your dress tighter, making your growing bump visible. It was significantly bigger than it had been. You ran your hand down it. Joseph was smiling, beaming just like a proud daddy. 
“Oh my. Look at that.”, his mom beamed at his father, them both smiling. 
She asked if she could feel your bump to which you agreed and tried to guide her hand enough where she could feel the baby kick because Baby Q had been kicking like crazy. Joseph kept his eyes on both of you, slight tears noticeable in his eyes, him wiping them away every few minutes. He was already a proud daddy. Her eyes lit up when she felt it, laughing with pure joy as she felt the baby kick. 
“Joseph used to do that to me all the time. He give me the hardest time.”, she looked at him.
Joseph’s cheeks grew red as he brushed a hand through his curly hair. A motion he did when he was embarrassed but you thought it was cute as ever. His mom immediately followed by asking if you had any ultrasound pictures. You informed her you had all of them with you. You opened your purse, pulling them out before handing them to her in order.
“Oh my God. Look at it.”, his mom smiled as she showed his dad, making over your all’s little peanut. 
They took their time looking at each ultrasound image, making over Baby Q. Joseph motioned for you to come over to him. He stood up, kissing your cheek and holding you. His brother and sisters got up, and began looking at the pictures, making over the fact their baby brother was having a baby. You smirked at Joseph thinking this was the cutest thing. His mom and dad hugged you both, congratulating you and handing the ultrasound pictures back to you. 
His mom made it clear that at the next appointment she wanted pictures texted to her immediately and she wanted to FaceTime with you all every now and then to see the progress of your bump. You all agreed immediately. Dinner was soon over and everyone went back to the house. The night was filled with photo albums and home videos. Joseph seemed a little embarrassed but you assured him he was absolutely adorable. You couldn’t wait to have memories with him and your baby. 
Before you knew it, it was time to board your flight home. The week had been a nice getaway but now it was time to go home and focus on your all’s growing family. The next few months flew by as Joseph was gone for a few weeks every now and then working on some new projects and doing meet and greets. In the next few appointments, everything looked good and your glucose test came back good with no signs of gestational diabetes.
You were now 36 weeks pregnant and feeling every second of it. You only had four weeks to go if you could make it to 40 weeks. Baby Q was still measuring a week ahead. It didn’t feel as though the baby had dropped yet so labor was still a ways out. You had felt Braxton Hicks contractions quite frequently. Dr.Bennett assured you that real labor pains would be in your back and not so much in your stomach. Baby Q was more defined, even being able to see facial features. Joseph couldn’t believe how clear the 3D ultrasound was. You all had decided Baby Q had Joseph’s nose. No question about that.
After that week, you had an appointment every week. By week 37, Baby Q was still not head down. You could feel the baby in your rib cage, making it harder to breathe and sleep near impossible. Joseph loved that he could feel the baby kick more and the baby’s movement was much more defined. You were ready to have this baby in your arms. You had your baby shower, realizing you were cutting it close. All of your friends and Joseph’s came, amazed by the fact you hadn’t gone into labor yet. You and Joseph took the cutest pictures, some you framed immediately.
Week 38 came and your belly had dropped according to Dr. Bennett. Baby Q was also head down, a sign labor was imminent. Joseph helped you with the baby’s nursery as you began nesting mode. You all had decided on grey and white for the nursery as the gender was a surprise. You all had decided to wait to buy the crib bedding. You all had diapers, wipes, pacifiers, blankets, bottles, and gender-neutral outfits galore. His mom and dad were going to buy a few things once they flew in and found out the baby’s gender. 
Joseph added finishing touches as you sat in the floor organizing everything. You both felt satisfied as you stood back and admired your work. You and Joseph had the hospital bags packed and were prepared at any time. You had ordered an outfit for a baby girl and one for a baby boy. This would be the baby’s going home outfit. It was exciting for you both to be surprised with the gender of your all’s first baby. You all had decided on names for either a boy or girl. 
Week 39 was uneventful. Dr.Bennett decided to give you another week before she would induce you. Everything was perfect with Baby Q. You groaned as you left the doctor’s office in the car.
“What’s wrong love?”, Joseph asked, already knowing the answer.
“So miserable. I just want to have this baby already.”, you groaned.
Joseph took one of his hands off the steering wheel before holding your hand, lifting it up to his lips, and placing a gentle kiss on it. “I know love. Maybe we should take some of Dr.Bennett’s advice?”
Dr.Bennett had given you all a few ideas to help induce labor. Exercise, relaxation, eating spicy foods, and even sex. You had relayed to her that you would like to go into labor naturally and hopefully have a natural childbirth if you could withstand the pain.  
“Maybe go for a walk this evening?”, you sighed at him, trying the simplest idea first.
He agreed. You all arrived at home and you decided you were going to take a nap first. Joseph sat in the living room with you, stroking your hair as you fell asleep with your head in his lap. He allowed you to sleep for about an hour and a half before waking you up for that walk. Part of you was slightly pissed at him at first but you remembered you really wanted to have this baby. 
You all went for a walk, enjoying the nice fall weather. Leaves were on the ground in front of you, crunching underneath your all’s tennis shoes. You both talked about how exciting Christmas would be, now that you all had a baby to share it with. Joseph’s parents were flying out first thing in the morning and would be staying with you all for a little while. His mom made it a point that she didn’t want to wear out her welcome, however, you both knew you would value her help with a newborn baby. 
The walk didn’t help. You tried to sleep on your body pillow but couldn’t get comfortable no matter which way you tossed or turned. You groaned in disgust.
“Can’t sleep, love?”, Joseph yawned as he flipped on the lamp.
You shook your head. “Nope. Baby Q thinks mommy doesn’t need sleep apparently.”
He chuckled. “You know we could try the other idea to help induce labor.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Seriously, Joe?”
“Dr. Bennett recommended it, you know.”
You thought for a moment. “Yeah,but look at me. I’m a cow.”
You were a little self-conscious of your changing body but Joseph reassured you that you were still beautiful and you were carrying his child. 
“You’re beautiful, love.”, his eyes filled with desire.
“Really.”, he beamed, slowly tracing your hip.
It didn’t take much convincing before you found yourself on top of Joseph, you all making love most of the night until you both passed out from exhaustion. It was the some of the best sleep you had gotten since your stomach had gotten bigger. You struggled to ease out from Joseph’s arm without waking him up. He stirred slightly  but turned over, grabbed his pillow, and settled right back down.
You waddled your way to the bathroom, flipping the light on. You felt like going to the bathroom may ease some of the pressure and pain in your abdomen. It didn’t. You sighed as you made your way to the mirror, looking at yourself. All of a sudden, you felt a gush of fluid and looked down in the floor.
“Joseph!”, you yelled out, fear in your voice. 
It didn’t take him a second before he was in the bathroom after hearing the panic and fear laced in your voice. 
“Whats going on lo-oh my God. Is that—?”
“My water broke.”, you interrupted him, panic taking over you.
He was going to keep his head about this. He grabbed a towel from the closet, tossing it in the floor to dry up the excess so you wouldn’t fall. 
“Love just go to the bathroom and wash up real fast and we will go to the hospital, okay?”, he kissed your cheek as he helped you into the bathroom. 
“Joe, I’m scared.”, you breathed, tears on the brink of falling.
“You’re going to do fine, love. We get to meet Baby Q soon. Do you need me to help you?”, he asked calmly. 
You nodded. He helped you into the shower before going and grabbing your clean clothes, towels, and washcloth. Dr. Bennett had you if your water broke to come in immediately to be checked. You were shaking as you turned on the water, trying to get your senses back. You had seen this happen on television but it was different in real life.
Joseph stayed in the bathroom to help you as you needed. Your shower felt like it was in slow motion as your mind was realizing this was real. Joseph handed you your body towel to wrap up in as he helped you out of the shower, ensuring you didn’t fall. Once you were finished drying off, you grabbed your clothes and slid them on.
“Can you hand me a pad Joe?”, you asked sniffling.
Without hesitation, he handed you one. This would help until you got to the hospital. He helped you downstairs to the couch while he quickly loaded your all’s bags. He immediately made a phone call to his mom and dad as he went out the door, hoping he would reach them. He came back in for you, helping you to the vehicle. 
He knew you were scared, frankly, he was too but he was excited to finally meet his son or daughter. 
“Love, you’re going to do great.”, he held your hand again. 
“I’m just nervous. I want everything to be okay.”, you sighed.  “Did you get in touch with your mom and dad?”
He nodded. “They’ve landed and they’re going to the house first until we hear from the doctor if you’re in labor or not.”
You once again admired your engagement ring before looking up at Joseph driving. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if this was a dream.
“Do you think I’m gonna be a good mom?”, you asked hesitantly. 
Joseph snorted easily. “Do I think? I know you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
He smiled over at you and you looked up at him, smiling. It didn’t take just a few more minutes before you all turned off near the hospital. It was early morning that the sky had light blue hues with some pink and yellow mixed in. Joseph parked near the ER entrance. He came around and helped you out of the vehicle, allowing you to move at your own pace. You all walked across the parking lot, wondering if this was the moment you all had been waiting for. 
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