#me? writing sub eddie?
ghosttotheparty · 2 years
Take it, baby, it’s okay.
Eddie lets out a small whimper, his fingers tightening on Steve’s skin, and he presses his face into Steve’s neck.
Steve runs his fingers through his curls again, tugs at the roots and scratches at his scalp, closing his eyes and inhaling as Eddie’s hands slide across his scars. He plays with his hair for a while. Until the fire burns away, leaving glowing embers and the occasional soft snap.
“Have an idea,” Steve says softly, tilting his head so he’s murmuring right in Eddie’s ear, twisting the ends of his curls around his finger. “Can you wait here for a minute?”
Eddie sighs softly, nodding.
“I guess.”
Steve smiles, pressing a kiss to his temple before he gently detaches them and tugs the blanket tighter around Eddie. He kisses his forehead.
Upstairs, he flicks on lights to find his parents’ room, his eyes skimming past their untouched bed and furniture to their bathroom. They have the best bathtub, wide and deep and surrounded by pale pink tiles. Steve sits on the edge of it while he holds his hand under the running water. When it’s hot enough he plugs the bath and finds a towel.
“Hey,” he says softly when he gets back to the living room. Eddie’s eyes flutter open and he looks up as as Steve kneels in front of him, gazing up at him. “Come with me.”
He stumbles slightly when he stands, clutching Steve’s hand, his other hand holding the blanket tightly as Steve leads him to the bathroom.
“I thought— I thought it would help you warm up.
Eddie drops the blanket wordlessly, squeezing his hand, and Steve exhales, smiling at him.
“You want help?”
Eddie nods. Steve smiles brighter, stepping in front of him and gently, tenderly, pulling the hem of his hoodie up, but it comes up with the sweaters, and they get tangled as Steve tries to pull them off. He can hear Eddie’s muffled giggling under the layers of fabric, and he laughs, carefully untangling him. When he appears, his nose is scrunched and his eyes are squeezed shut, his hair messy.
“There you are,” Steve says softly, tossing the clothes onto the counter. “Alright?”
“Cold.” He shivers. Steve rubs his arms before he reaches for the drawstring of his sweatpants. Eddie’s hands find Steve’s shoulders as he pushes them down with his boxers, as Eddie toes his socks off. Steve holds his hand to help him step into the water, and Eddie lets out a soft groan that Steve can feel under his skin. He kneels by the tub, running a hand through Eddie’s hair again.
“Feel good?”
“Christ. Yeah.” Eddie’s eyes are glassy.
“I’m gonna put your clothes in the dryer,” Steve says softly, his fingers gracing Eddie’s cheek. He has a scar there, rough and mangled from the teeth of demobats. “So it’s all nice and warm for you.”
“Come back,” Eddie whispers, tilting his head.
It takes him a moment in the laundry room to pull apart the sweaters and hoodie, the fabric stuck with static, but as soon as the dryer is running, he’s headed back to Eddie, who’s leaned against the back of the tub and slid down until his chin is in the water.
“Hey,” Steve says, kneeling by the tub and touching his face again. “How do you feel?”
“I’d feel better if you were in here with me,” Eddie says quietly.
Steve blinks, raising his eyebrows, his hand pausing on Eddie’s cheek.
“Are you sure?”
“Please, Steve,” Eddie breathes. “Need you closer.”
Steve pauses for a moment, his chest aching, before he says a soft Okay and stands, tugging his shirt off. Eddie’s eyes trail over his chest. Over the scars that cover his sides, his upper arms, his neck. Steve doesn’t even want to hide.
When he’s naked he steps into the bath, the water sloshing in the silent room, distorting their bodies. Eddie reaches out to him, his hand sliding over his arm.
“Come here.”
Steve moves closer.
Their legs wrap around each other again, and Steve closes his eyes, sighing.
“I missed you so much,” Steve breathes.
“Yeah?” Eddie says quietly. Steve can hear his smile. “You cry for me, Harrington?”
“Only every night.”
Eddie is quiet, and Steve finally opens his eyes to find him staring. His eyes are shining like he might cry, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“I cried too.”
Steve nods, swallowing thickly.
“Can you touch me, please?” Eddie asks weakly, and Steve reaches out, sliding his hands over his arms, his shoulders, over his chest and waist and stomach and back. The water is warm, and Eddie’s eyes are closed, and he’s swaying with the way Steve’s hands are pushing him around gently, and he lets out a soft, broken noise that’s almost a moan.
“You feel so good,” Eddie says softly, his hands finding Steve’s legs under the water, sliding over his skin slowly.
“Yeah?” Steve breathes, sliding a hand to the front of Eddie’s neck, his palm to his throat. Eddie hums, whimpering, his expression shifting into an almost-frown, like he’s going to cry.
“Steve,” he chokes. “Say it again.”
Steve squeezes his throat gently, watching Eddie’s lips part as he gasps. He leans closer, until their noses are almost brushing.
“Baby,” he breathes. He smiles when Eddie’s lip trembles and his cheeks flush pink. “Is that what you want?” he whispers. Eddie’s breaths are echoing around the room with the quiet slosh of the water as Eddie’s hands slide up Steve’s sides, over his scars. “You wanna be my baby?”
Eddie nods, his lip trembling again.
“I want that too,” Steve whispers. “Want you to be mine.”
Eddie takes a soft gasping breath, and a tear escapes his eye as he nods again. Steve smiles, wiping it away, but he just makes his cheek more wet with the bath water.
“Yes,” Eddie says softly, crying. “Yes, please.”
Steve kisses him.
It’s a short kiss, hard and lingering, and Steve’s fingers tighten on his neck. Eddie gasps when they part, his eyes opening, glassy and tear-filled, and Steve smiles at him, nodding. Eddie stares for a moment, his lips spreading into a slow smile, and he lets out a tearful laugh.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, laughing softly. “Holy shit.”
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plistommy · 5 months
Steve takes Eddie’s virginity by riding the older boy after a long session of smoking and drinking inside the metalheads cramped van.
He’d praise Eddie on how good he’s making him feel, how big his dick is and how he’s so pretty under him that it makes Eddie moan loudly, strong hands roaming and squeezing the fat of Steve’s ass as he begs to fuck Steve harder.
”I need to fuck you, Steve- please, sweetheart-”
Steve would kiss him, sloppy and wet as he whines into Eddie’s mouth when the dick inside him hits just right.
When he pulls back, breathless, he picks up the pace and finally lets Eddie buck up to meet his thrusts.
Eddie would just look up at Steve, brown eyes wide and realize he’s so in love with the gorgeous boy on top of him and he never wants to let go. Never.
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fuctacles · 5 months
A tale as old as time
For @subeddieweek Day 7 | M | 2696 | cw: age gap (about 25-30y difference, Eddie's age is not stated, Steve's aligns with canon) | camboy Eddie, transmasc Eddie, kinda sugar daddy Steve?, modern AU, simp Steve, virgin Eddie, chatfic, pre-anything, gray ace Eddie | Ao3 Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Ao3
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"Hawkins High '86? How old is this guy?" Eddie asks himself, his eyebrows raised. There is a letterman in front of him, a gift from one of his top subscribers. Hell, his top subscriber. His number-one fan, who was responsible for about half of his revenue.
He's opened a PO box recently, with no little amount of worry about what kind of stuff he might get. He only gave the address to his top subscribers but he knew that the ones with the most money were usually the most unhinged. He went to the post office with his heart in his throat but all he got was a set of lingerie, a toy, and the letterman he was now holding.
He tried not to think about what kind of people would pay for his content. As long as he was making money he didn't care. But now he got a piece of one of them in his hands. Staring back.
Meaning the guy must be nearing 60. Double Eddie's age. 
He tries to imagine that. An older guy, with wrinkles, maybe a beer belly, a gross old t-shirt, and his hand permanently in his sweats, beating it to his photos. 
It was gross. And in a way, alluring.
Though someone with so much money to spend on a camboy must have a well-paying job. Some rich asshole, exploiting others to do the work for him. That's a more likely scenario. He tries not to think about big, rough hands on him when he puts on the jacket and takes pics for Shar.
He edits them a bit before sending them, knowing the guy will get a kick from seeing him in his jacket. The appeal of wearing your boyfriend's letterman eluded him in high school, but being claimed like that gave him a heady feeling. The fact that the guy could be his father apparently worked for him too. 
He doesn't put his phone away fast enough and sees the message that pops up.
Shar: So hot. You look like every repressed teen jock's dream
Shar: Definitely like mine
Eddie thinks a moment about his response, channeling the persona he takes on for the camera. 
PuppetOfMasters: Would I be your dirty secret?
PuppetOfMasters: Would you fuck me in the locker room behind your girlfriend's back?
Shar: I'd make YOU my girlfriend
Shar: Wait no
Shar: A girlfriend but in a manly way
Eddie snorts.
You're good, he types. I know what you mean, don't worry.
He wouldn't keep around someone who didn't respect him. Besides, he made it clear he's saving for a transition with his Only Fans.
Thank god, Shar types. I respect who you are 
Shar: In fact, I spend so much money on you because of it. 
Eddie rolls onto his other side, his mood souring. One of those trans fetishists, then. That's fine, as long as he's being respectful and paying... Even if it leaves an unpleasant taste in his mouth. 
Ah, a connoisseur! Well, I hope I'm your favorite tranny, then, he jokes. He waits for an answer, but it doesn't come for a long while, so he flips his phone screen down and turns away, hoping for sleep.
A response is waiting for him when he wakes up. 
Shar: I guess it sounded that way, but I'm not that kind of pervert. You're the only trans sex worker I follow, but not the only trans person I've sent money to.
Eddie sauntered to the bathroom, not taking his eyes off his phone. He wonders if continuing the conversation is even the right move. He's talked to one too many guys who thought sending him a dick pick was okay after ten minutes of small talk between a content creator and a fan.
But he's kind of curious. When he has money to spare, he sends some change to other trans folks to help out, because he knows how hard it is from his own experience. But why Shar, a seemingly loaded old guy, would spend his money on queers instead of, let's say, starving children?
PuppetOfMasters: So you're just an ally with cash? Or is there more to it? I'm curious.
He goes through his morning routine, washing his face, and brushing his teeth, not expecting Shar to get back to him any time soon. So he's surprised when he picks his phone back up and a response is waiting.
Shar: Long story short, I hope my father is rolling in his grave while I spend his inheritance on people he hated so much.
That's not what Eddie expected at all. 
PuppetOfMasters: So I'm a means of rebellion against your bigoted dead father? I'll take that. I hate rich assholes
Shar: Me too
They don't talk for the whole day after that, but when Eddie's done running errands and editing in the evening, he looks back at the letterman hanging on the door of his wardrobe. 
How is sending me your letterman an act of rebellion? he asks. Because he's a curious little shit. 
The response comes fast like the guy is glued to his Only Fans chat. Gross. Eddie wonders briefly if he's talking with other sex workers there.
Shar: A souvenir of his precious high school fetishized on a queer ssex worker? He'd die if he hadn't already
So it is a fetish thing! Eddie smiles triumphantly at his phone.
Shar: Okay, fine
Shar: Sticking it to my father is just a bonus for you being really hot. 
Shar: And I do love seeing you in my letterman, I've jerked off to it three times already
Shar: is that what you wanted to hear?
Eddie grins, rolling on his bed.
PuppetOfMasters: Yes 
Shar: So yeah, I'm an old man who peaked in high school, laugh it up
PuppetOfMasters: I'd rather you peaked in me
Shar: Insufferable
Shar: Menace
Shar: Yeah, I'd love that. A man can dream, right?
Eddie bites his lip. How far is too far? The guy seems genuine and after the amount of creeps that's been chatting him up, he thinks his creep radar is quite good. Tentatively, he starts typing.
PuppetOfMasters: I don't know. I think people would like seeing me get railed by an older guy
Shar: An old guy, you mean
Shar: You'd make a video with me?
PuppetOfMasters: I record most of the sex I have, yes
Shar: Huh. I've never seen one before, then
PuppetOfMasters: warm, warmer
Shar: ... There aren't any?
PuppetOfMasters: din ding ding! ya boy is a virgin
Shar: shit
Shar: fuck
Shar: that's so hot
Shar: you'd let me?
PuppetOfMasters: Would I let my best-paying subscriber be my first time on camera? Probably
Not necessarily to be released but he couldn't lose the possibility of such golden content in case it was watchable. 
Shar: I'd better keep my spot then. Just in case.
PuppetOfMasters: No worries, you seem the most trustworthy so far anyway.
But as he types it, a new notification appears. Shar sent him a hefty tip on one of his photos.
PuppetOfMasters: That's really not necessary
PuppetOfMasters: But I hope your father is kicking and screaming in his coffin
Shar: I fucking hope so
It takes Eddie another day to google Hawkins High's yearbook photos. He'd thought about it before but didn't want to break the bubble of anonymity between himself and his fan. But the thoughts of big hands on his hips, and beard rubbing against his neck, took root in his brain and were tainting his mind.
Not fully in tune with his body and distrustful of others, Eddie has been single for most of his life. And now his stupid horny brain was drooling at the thought of losing his virginity to a grandpa on the internet. 
Hoping it would help his thoughts calm down, he looks through the photos from the year 1986, in search of a Harrington. And he finds him.
Steve Harrington. Basketball captain and swim team co-captain. His hairdo was magnificent and his smile was self-confident. Eddie would hate him in high school. Should probably hate him now. So he expands his search further, beyond the Hawkins High memory lane.
He finds one single photo on a LinkedIn profile. 
The current Steve Harrington's hair is no less magnificent, just peppered with silver. He wears glasses now, which accentuate the line of his jaw and make his neatly trimmed facial hair pop out. He's wearing a yellow jacket and a white golf, which should be hideous but weirdly, works for him. Eddie doesn't get to see his eyes, unfortunately. The photo looks like a candid photo shoot take-out after someone told him a joke. His head is tilted down, eyes scrunched and lips pulled in a smile, as a bubbling laugh got immortalized on camera.
Eddie shouldn't be finding a sixty-year-old man this endearing. 
PuppetOfMasters: I like your LinkedIn photo
PuppetOfMasters: Well, I hope it's you. 
PuppetOfMasters: Steve, right?
He can't forget about this for the whole day, not as he budgets his income, and especially not when he records a short video jerking off in the shower. He tries not to look at his phone but it's his only one, so he does while trying to budget in a second one, just for sex work. Maybe then he wouldn't be feeling so insane about not getting a response from a stranger who is an old pervert spending loads of money on him. 
He tries to be normal when a chat notification finally pops up. 
Shar: If you saw the golf and yellow jacket photo, that's me
Shar: though please don't make me type my full name in here.
no worries, Eddie types back so fast he should be embarrassed. It's a good photo.
Shar: Thanks. My best friend took it 
PuppetOfMasters: Your friend has a good eye
Shar: I'll let her know
Shar: I'm surprised it took you this long to search me up
Eddie's surprised too. Usually, his curiosity would take over him sooner.
PuppetOfMasters: I tried not to pry. But I had to in case we were gonna meet up one day
Shar: So you were serious?
Shar: I've been wondering if you sweet-talk all your followers like that 
PuppetOfMasters: Only the ones that don't send me dick pics
Shar: I knew holding back would pay off
Eddie snorts at his phone. 
Though I might need one before we meet up, he types. Gotta know what I'm working with
Shar: Right. Of course
Shar: So how would that work?
Eddie hasn't thought about it this far.
PuppetOfMasters: I need to read about OF's policy on collabs. Never had to before, since I work solo. Would probably have to hire you, well, sign a commission/gig contract or something like that. So it's all legal and shit.
Shar, Steve, doesn't answer for a long while, and it might be the end of his devirginizing journey. Well, if the guy doesn't want to make this legal, put his name on some paperwork, then he isn't trustworthy, and that's the end of it.
It's half an hour later and Eddie's bitten all his nails off trying not to follow up with any messages and focus on anything else when an answer finally comes.
Shar: Sorry my friend was bothering me
Shar: this sounds more complicated than I anticipated. So I would be like, a co-creator, then?
PuppetOfMasters: Precisely
Shar: Holy shit okay
Shar: Thought I'd be you know, less involved
Though you could hit it and quit it, huh? Eddie scrunched his nose. What was he getting himself into? Gods.
Shar: If that's what you wanted I'd take it
Eddie shouldn't be blushing over this one. It's like he's throwing the man scraps and he's licking them up.
PuppetOfMasters: Simp
Shar: I am what I am
Shar: With that said, I'm willing to make it work. Do all the paperwork you need
PuppetOfMasters: Doing paperwork just to fuck me? so romantic
Shar: I suck at paperwork so my friend would be doing it anyway
Shar: If that's okay
PuppetOfMasters: I think it's best if someone looks it over, yeah
Eddie hesitates for a moment.
PuppetOfMasters: That friend doesn't happen to be your wife?
Fuck no, comes the immediate response
Shar: I'm perpetually single and she's as gay as they come. 
PuppetOfMasters: Good. Wouldn't want to be the other girl
Shar: If I had the chance you'd be the only one
PuppetOfMasters: Jesus.
Eddie squeezes his legs together unconsciously.
PuppetOfMasters: Stop sweet talking me, I've already agreed to fuck
Shar: But we haven't signed anything yet. Even then, I'll keep sweet-talking you. It's what you deserve. 
For the first time, Eddie thinks he might not survive their meeting. And not because of the possible killer scenario. Thankfully, Steve gets back to business talk.
Shar: How would this work, legal stuff aside? Do you script this?
PuppetOfMasters: Do I look like I script shit?
Shar: I'm not the one with Only Fans
PuppetOfMasters: Fair. I think we could just set up cameras and do whatever we feel like. Then decide together if the footage will be released or not. 
Shar: Sounds reasonable
Shar:When would you want to do this?
Eddie hasn't thought that far. In fact, he felt like he hadn't been thinking for the past couple of days. 
I'm the sole god of my schedule so I'm open to anything, he types evasively.
Shar: I have some time off next month, could fly to wherever you need me
Next month seemed close. Extremely close. Or maybe it wasn't? He never worked with anyone before. Hell, he didn't even have that many friends to meet up with. 
Next month works I guess, he answers despite his nerves.
Shar: Wanna face time before we start the legal work?
His nerves escalate, making his mouth dry. He reminds himself he's done this before, he's on camera all the time. 
PuppetOfMasters: Like, right now?
Shar: Yeah?
PuppetOfMasters: Ok, give me five minutes.
Eddie shoots up, checks himself in the mirror, and finds a good angle for his phone to set up. He lowkey hopes Steve picks up with his dick in the frame so Eddie can block him with a clear conscience and forget about the whole thing. When six minutes from his last message pass, he hits 'call'.
"Hi," Eddie squeaks when the video connects. Steve Harrington's arms are in the frame, crossed on the desk, and toned where he's leaning on them.
"Hi," he greets him with a dazzling smile. 
It is the guy from the photo, so at least he's not being catfished. And he has none of the creepy simp energy Eddie feared. He's just... a guy. It's both a relief and a disappointment. 
"Well?" the guy asks.
"Well, what?" Eddie frowns. 
"Are you disappointed? Am I too old?"
Eddie looks at him properly. His hair is lighter on the sides, but not grey yet, and the video quality doesn't make any wrinkles stand out to him. Maybe some worry lines, crow's feet if he squints. He looks like he keeps in shape, too. Eddie wouldn't call him old. Mature, maybe. A DILF slowly transforming into a Silver Fox. 
"You look fine. Good. You look good. Attractive," Eddie fumbles with his words and barely stops himself from facepalming. This is why he mostly texts.
Steve smirks at him. And holy shit, a dude twice his age smirking at him shouldn't be doing things to his body.
"You sure? You're not gonna block me after we hang up, are you?"
Eddie shakes his head.
"I stand by our plans. You're passing my creep radar so far, but uh..." He scratches his cheek nervously. "I'd like to keep in touch in case, you know. A red flag pops up. I hope you get it."
Steve nods, his expression growing serious.
"Absolutely. We're strangers, after all."
"Yeah." Eddie nods, relieved. It would give him ample time and opportunities to back out.
On the screen, Steve leans more on his arms, closer to the camera. 
"So I think dick assessment is next on the checklist?"
Eddie might not even survive video calls with this guy, after all. 
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werepuppy-steve · 4 months
the og post is buried somewhere, but going off of my "rockstar eddie and his husband steve run an onlyfans" post (ik @wormdebut was interested in it):
a twitter account appears, and it’s obvious that it's a burner. on the day of its creation, there's a single tweet with the link to an onlyfans video.
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it's a pov, the camera pointed to a head of messy curls between someone's legs as they lick and make pleased hums into someone's cunt. the room is dark but tinted blue from the led lights that line the ceiling.
the poster lets out a soft moan as their partner does something with their tongue to make them roll their hips up.
familiar dark eyes open and look straight at the camera, lips latching onto their cunt and sucking.
a loud moan rings out, "eddie-"
and then suddenly eddie munson, lead guitarist for corroded coffin, is giving the camera a smug grin, his lips swollen and shiny.
"that feel good, baby?" he asks, spreading his partner's lips open with his fingers and flicking his tongue against their swollen clit.
their moans and whines also sound familiar. "so good, daddy," they say, their left hand coming into view to brush through eddie's hair.
the plain black band on their ring finger clocks him as steve munson, husband to eddie munson. whose moans are featured in the background of many of corroded coffin's more explicit songs.
eddie hums again, gently tonguing at steve's hole and making him mewl.
"you're wetter than usual, sweetheart," eddie comments, kissing the insides of steve's thighs. he looks at something past the camera, presumably at steve himself. "you excited to show off for everyone?"
steve must nod, because eddie sits up and takes the camera from him. he keeps steve's face out of frame, but the chest hair and moles dotting his body speak for themselves.
he points the camera between steve's legs. "look at that," eddie whispers, his voice gravelly. he gently runs his fingers over the swollen lips, his middle finger sliding between them. "fucking gorgeous down here, stevie, you know that?" eddie spreads his lips to show his hole before sliding his middle finger inside.
"daddy," steves sighs, gripping the inside of his thigh with one hand.
"so tight and wet and pretty–" eddie slides in his index finer and slowly thrusts them. "whose pussy is this, baby?"
he crooks his fingers and steve's hips jump. "s'your pussy, daddy."
eddie adds his ring finger next, spreading them a little. "that's right, angel. and who gets to fuck this pussy?"
steve whines louder and reaches down to spread himself open, his cunt pulsing around eddie's fingers. "daddy gets to fuck it," he answers. "only daddy."
"good job, princess," eddie praises. "and who gets to make this pussy come?" he presses his fingers deeper and curls them against steve's g-spot. he's rough with it, his wrist shaking and steve's cries getting louder over the slick sound of his pussy.
"daddy!" steve's back arches and the camera jerks with the movement.
steve's face comes into view for a solid three seconds, his head tossing and turning and his face scrunched up in pleasure as his husband aims to make him squirt for millions of people. "daddy makes my pussy come!"
and just like that, corroded coffin fans eighteen years or older watch steve munson come with a keening whine as he's fingered through his orgasm, gushing all over eddie's hand and soaking the bedsheets below.
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jadewritesficshere · 5 months
Eddie Munson x reader
Contains: no plot just filth, sub!Eddie Munson, bound hands, edging, slight overstim, cumplay, ass play, aftercare, pet names (Eddie is called Baby), no gender descriptors for reader (your thighs are mentioned but not size or shape just that Eddie finds them beautiful)
This is unedited I wrote this in a blur idk how many words maybe 1k ill add that at a later time
18+ only!
"You look so pretty like this."
Eddie shudders as he feels your breath against the back of his neck. He looks ahead into the mirror, pupils blown wide at the scene before him.
You sit behind Eddie. A saccharine grin on your face. His back is flush with your front, he can feel every inhale and exhale you take. Your beautiful thighs he wants to bite are on either side of his. Your ankles are locked around his, holding him in place. Eddie's hands are bound with his belt, resting on your thigh.
Eddie's shirt is pushed up, belly button piercing glinting in the low light. The red of his piercing matches the red on his face that runs down his neck. If he had his shirt off, you'd be able to see the blush bleed into the top of his chest. He shivers as you blow against his ear.
"Look how pretty you are Eds."
He lets out a whine as your fingers delicately trail his length. His cock is flushed a deep red, almost purple at the top from how turned on he is. Slightly curved to the left, the tip leaking so much cum he's practically glistening. Your fingers ghost over the slit and his hips jump forward, only for your touch to leave. Teasing him again.
It was torture of the best kind. He isn't sure how long you have been teasing him. Tears in his eyes from pleasure and annoyance. Your hand wrapped firmly around him bringing him to the precipice only to let go before he reaches the edge. Tantalizing touches that sway the line of not enough and too much.
"Say you look pretty Baby."
He gasps as your hand wraps firmly around him again, hoping you won't remove your hand again. His nails dig into your thigh, trying to grab hold of anything he can. He can feel your smirk as you press a kiss to where his shoulder meets his neck. "I uh I look pretty," Eddie's voice is raspy.
"The prettiest boy." You murmur. "The fuck the prettiest boy." Eddie whimpers. A tear rolls down his cheek and he watches as you swipe it away. "Color?" You pause. "Green so green please don't stop," Eddie babbles slightly, turning to face you. You smile sweetly as your hand forces his jaw back to facing the mirror.
With your ankles locked around Eddie's, you spread your legs, thus causing his to spread wide open. Its obscene, being fully on display. "Awh," you coo at him, making him whine. Eddie shivers as you slide your hand up and down his shaft, your other hand gently squeezing his heavy balls.
Eddie jumps as you trail your fingers lower. You lightly press against his hole, just enough for him to feel it. It takes him a minute to realize the moan he hears was from himself. His cock leaks another spurt of precum, dribbling down your hand as you continue to jerk him off.
You remove the pressure teasing his hole and swipe up the cum that has leaked onto your hand. You coat your finger with it before pressing against Eddie's tight hole again. Your gently slide your finger in.
Eddie can feel his eyes crossing as his mouth drops open. He can feel you pump your finger in and out of him in tandem with the hand that is stroking him up and down. "Gonna come for me? You look so good baby. Look so perfect like this," you kiss the shell of his ear. Eddie nods, barely able to open his eyes. Barely able to think of anything as he feels the warm pleasure spreading throughout his limbs.
His hips snap up as a loud whine leaves him. His brain goes silent as pleasure comes over him in waves. You never falter your pace, its almost too much as he keeps cumming. It's the hardest and longest he has ever come, it almost knocks the breath out of him. His senses hone in on the euphoria he feels, numbing his mind to everything but the pleasure.
He pants and gasps as he slowly comes back to himself. He's barely aware he's holding onto your thigh with a death grip. "Did so good baby, so good." You murmur. "Uh-huh." Eddie can feel his heart beating in his chest. His limbs feel like jello. He's pretty sure if he tried to stand his legs would shake.
You slowly move out from behind him (wait when did you stop touching him?). Eddie opens his eyes, tracking you as you grab a water bottle and wash cloth on the bedside table. You wet the wash cloth before wiping the cum off him. Eddie tries not to but jumps from still being sensitive. You murmur apologies, as if you have anything to apologize for. If Eddie's tongue didn't feel of lead, he would sing your praises.
You toss the wash cloth away and quickly undo the belt around Eddie's wrists. Even though there isn't a mark, you take your time massaging his wrists and hands. You gently place a kiss on the back of both of his hands. If he wasn't already completely in love with you, that would have done it.
Eddie can barely focus on your words, barely think through how good he feels. He's aware you are holding the water bottle up to his lips and he drinks greedily. You swipe away the water that dribbles down his chin.
Eddie curls into you, head against your chest listening to your heart. You slowly stroke his hair, comforting him. He's aware you're whispering to him, praising him. All he can think about is how loved he feels in this moment. How safe he is in your arms. How he can fully let go and know you have him. How he knows you love him with your whole being, just as he loves you.
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
sub!kas!eddie is such a good idea because eddie *does* just wanna be a good boy <3 (@a-little-unsteddie)
🥰🤍 thank you! i don’t take credit for that, though, that belongs to the nonnie 🫶
preceding snippet
cw: there still be smut here
“Please,” Kas says, drooling around his fingers. His eyes are glowing still, his hips twitching like he’s fucking into something invisible, something that only exists in his fucked-out imagination. Steve is obsessed with him.
“I couldn’t hear you, baby,” he taunts, adding another finger for Kas to drool around, feeling a line of spit running down his palm. His dick twitches at the feeling, at the vision of it — four fingers in that pretty mouth, and still he begs.
“Please.” And it’s more a moan than anything else, loud and sweet and breaking around the edges because his baby is so, so close.
But it’s not enough. He needs Steve. He needs those fingers wrapped around his beautiful cock, needs him to play with that plug and shove it in a little deeper. And he needs Steve to bite his neck as he whispers promises into his pale skin, telling him that he’s good, he’s good, he’s so, so good.
And Steve is so happy to give him everything he needs until he’s ready to just take it.
more? make me!
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parkermunson · 2 years
Eddie begging for your attention and hands.
No specific pronouns but reader wears a skirt♡ [1.5k]
TW: Smut, 18+ only!!!!! Handjob, dacryphilia, begging (obv)
A/N: This is my very first smut, please be kind! But also I'm open to suggestions. I wrote this at 2am and haven't really looked it over so mayhaps some grammatical errors are present.
Perhaps the warmth of the oncoming spring ignited something in you, an insatiable hunger to tease. Or perhaps a need for control. You've been teasing him all day with your subtle touching. He's barely holding it together, his breathing unsteady and labored.
Sitting next to him at Hellfire was the perfect advantage (or punishment), gliding your hand over his knee and thigh, rubbing your thumb through his jeans with slight pressure. When you felt particularly evil, your fingers would dive into the hole in jeans to drag your nails against the skin on his lower inner thigh. Eddie's eyes would flick to you immediately, unsure whether he wants you to continue or stop altogether. When his breath hitched particularly noticably, you pulled your hand away. His knee would jerk toward you, but this was just a pause to the torture. When his attention was fully invested in the game again, his mind drifting from you finally, you repeated the cycle.
By the end of the meeting, his thoughts are focused only on you and yearns for your hands to be on his, preferably bare, body. But you're having too much fun with this cat-and-mouse game.
On the ride home, you keep your attention out the passenger side window, away from him, with your hands folded in your lap. He sighs over the soft music playing on the radio, hoping it'll grab your attention, but it does little more than boost your confidence. You can feel him shifting in his seat uncontrollably, his eyes jumping between the road and studying you. He leans over and grabs your hand to hold in his, thankful to feel your warmth, even if it isn't exactly what he wants. His thumb rubs the back of your hand, reminiscent of the pattern your thumb drew on his thigh earlier.
After a few minutes like this, he realizes it isn't enough. Your bare thigh is right there, peeking out under your skirt, and his memories from the night before recall the soft feel of it against his cheek. Your attention is still focused on the passing houses outside the van and your hand is limp in his. He lets out a whine, and you smirk out the window, not breaking your facade. The van is nearing your house and he's nearing his breaking point. Eddie isn't afraid to beg when he's desperate, and your actions are hurling him toward it.
"Baby, look at me, please," he whines. You heart skips a beat at his voice. Even after hours of listening to him narrate the game, he still has the ability to melt your insides in seconds. Your eyes drift from outside to his figure in the driver's seat. He glances between the road and you with pleading eyes.
"Yes?" You bat your eyelashes innocently. After all, your grazes have barely reached anywhere sinful.
His grip on your hand tightens and his gaze is held longer on you while expertly gliding down the road. His lips part for a moment, but close again when no words come out. He's nearing that begging point, though isn't there just yet. His head turns back to the road with another sigh escaping his lips.
The moment you pull up to your driveway, you leap out of the car, leaving a very needy Eddie to follow behind. His hands slide up your waist while you fiddle with your keys in the lock. He's squeezing your hips, wrapping his arms around your torso, and breathing in your scent at the back of your neck. You arch forward the smallest bit, grinding slightly into him, egging him on just a bit more.
A whine escapes him when the lock finally clicks and you pull away. His eyes follow your ass with each step, and he follows you like a magnet. You saunter into the living room, knowing your one-man audience is locked on your every move. Stripping your shoes and jacket off, you pull your shirt out from being tucked tightly into the waistband of your skirt and lift it just high enough for Eddie to glimpse your skin. Finally, you turn to him, only to quickly look away to your television.
"So, should we watch a movie? Maybe find something on T.V.?" His shoulders drop. You think you've lost him for a moment, but then he's sliding to you in long strides, colliding his hips to yours. His eyes are wide, dark, and filled with lust. He needs your attention. He needs you.
He grabs your chin in his thumb and index finger so gently and lifts it to meet his eyes. "Please..," he begs. His hips pushing further into you so you can feel his need pushing into your lower belly. Your hands remain at your sides, knowing the smallest touch would be giving in too soon.
"What do you need, baby" you all but whisper. Your eyes bore into his, daring him. He grows harder with your eyes on him now, as if your attention in itself owns him. As if the very essence of your being is the gravity holding him here.
"Please touch me." His eyes soften at the words leaving his mouth. The voice that leaves him sounds almost breathless, a huge contrast to earlier at Hellfire. He's breaking and you're eating it up.
"I need more than that, love. You can do better," you assert. While his voice grows softer, your's becomes firmer. The confidence in you is building the more you remember your control over him. Usually Eddie is the boisterous one, with a mouth that never shuts up. Now, he can barely form words, poor baby.
He closes his eyes for a moment, as if willing himself to stay focused. His hips stay pressed to you, unmoving. He knows better than to try anything. His breathing falls heavy on your face, and his grip on your chin has a slight shake to it. He's reached that point, he's at your mercy completely.
"Please... please touch me. I'll do anything, please–" you cut his whines off with an open-mouthed kiss. The begging wasn't nearly as long as you would have liked, but your patience is wearing thin. Your hand grips the hair on the back of his head while the other slides between your bodies to cup his length. A moan hums through him, and you can feel him relax against your touch. You continue to fondle him through his jeans when you break away from the kiss for air. His eyes remain closed and his breathing is labored, practically shaking his frame with every breath.
Much to your disapproval, he bites his lip to keep silent. Your hand immediately stops its stroking, and he lets out a cry. His soft eyes find yours, knowing instantly of his mistake. "Beg," you spit. His eyes are on the verge of tears with how needy he is. He can feel how desperate his cock is with each twitch. You've barely given him a crumb, and he's treated it like a buffet.
"Baby, please, I'm begging you. I need you so badly." His eyes have glossed over, and his knees are weakening. Your hand is still lingering on the front of his crotch, the warmth of your fingers sending jolts through him. "Please touch me, I need to cum, please." His voice is gravelly, and gains strength the more he talks. You raise a brow at him as he starts to babble our pleas, yet your hand continues to remain in the same spot, unmoving.
When a tear finally falls from his lash line and streams down his blushed cheek, both your hands yank down his zipper, freeing him from his jeans and underwear in seconds. His face scrunches at the cold air meeting his heated cock. Another tear breaks free, and your tongue glides along his cheek to lap it up.
His head falls back and moans freely, pleas escaping his lips. You spit on your hand and guide it along his length, squeezing him the way he loves. When you reach his tip, your thumb flicks the underside subtly, and barely glides over his slit. He's in heaven, moving his hands to grip your hips to ground himself. Your hand begins pumping at a quickening pace, the feel of the veins rubbing against your fingertips has your mouth watering. He tries to look down at your hand moving over him but the pleasure is too much, and his eyes keep closing. You mouth at his neck, biting and sucking marks into the soft skin you can reach. The sounds running past his lips has your legs ready to buckle beneath you.
As he nears his orgasm, you speed up your hand. He's a mess of moans and begging. "Don't stop" leaves his lips, over and over like a prayer alongside your name. His eyelids are fluttering and his hips are thrusting forward to collide your hands with his pubic bone. Your hand reaches into his hair, and pulls, hard. It pushes him over and he's jerking against you as he spills against your wrist and arm. You continue stroking him as he rides out the rest of his high. His hand finds your wrist and grips it tightly, when the movement becomes too much.
"Fuck, I love it when you beg."
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Just saw these at my Walmart first thought immediately went to steddie. Eddie would definitely give all these to Steve at some point.
No cause just imagine it's Steve's birthday and everyone got him gifts and Eddie makes sure that his is last.
"Here the last one," says Dustin as he passes over the present "it's from Eddie".
And Steve knowing his boyfriend just know that this is gonna be embarrassing so he tries opening it so no one can see.
And he's right it is embarrassing.
Just reading the top plate, BABY GIRL, he immediately tries covering it back up so no one can see what it says, to scared to look at the others underneath knowing they are probably juat as bad.
He can feel Eddies stare from beside him on the couch, can feel his breath on his ear as he gets closer.
"You know it's rude to not look at the rest of them right Stevie? I got them custom made just for you."
Steve can't suppress the shiver that goes down his spine, his face quickly heating up.
"B-but the other will see" He whispers back
"That's the point baby," He feels Eddie say it more then actually hear him say it "now be a good boy and finish opening it."
He looks around the room and sees everyone is already looking at them. Robin and Nancy, the jerks, are already smirking at him, they probably already knows what they say. With a small gulp he starts to unwrap the present again, he can feel the pressure on the back of his neck where Eddie has his hand.
Fuck. He thinks as he opens it again to see the sign trying as hard as he can to not let the others see. He moves to the next sign. PRINCESSES in big black letters. He has to shift in his seat as his blood starts going south, which causes his face to heat up even more.
He quickly switches to the next plate SPOILED. This one isn't as bad as the others but it's still embarrassing.
He gets to the last plate and immediately freezes.
He is at a loss of what to do, part of him what's to turn around and jump Eddies bones, and th other part wants to curl up in a hole from embarrassment.
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
this might be a dumb question question feel free to ignore if not but top or bottom eddie?
i personally like vers top eddie. it would be cruel and unusual to deny him dick sometimes
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
lawsuit dom/sub 👀
CW for unsafe bdsm practices
this is an ooooold wip. I think it's like two years old at this point and it's got three complete chapters I just have not posted lol. It's lawsuit era BUT NOT LIKE THAT!!!! Buck is spiraling after the grocery store fight and he doesn't know what to do so he goes looking for someone to tell him what to do. he ends up at a kink club and hooks up with a dom that isn't the most fantastic dom for Buck. Also, Buck does not disclose he's on blood thinners and that goes about as well as you can imagine. When the scene goes south, Buck drops hard but manages ask for someone to call Eddie. Eddie picks up the call and panics when it's not Buck that answers on the other end. Eddie comes and picks Buck up and gives him the aftercare he needs to get through his wicked bad sub drop. There's some pining, some feelings realization, some confrontation. Buck and Eddie have a much needed heart to heart and apologies are made.
“Okay. Alright, we’ll call Eddie for you, sweetheart. Is your phone with your pants?” She asks. Buck nods, grateful that he doesn’t have to talk anymore. He can focus on breathing again.  Morgan disappears from his view, returning moments later with Buck’s phone in her hand.  “I just need you to unlock it, okay? Then I’ll call Eddie.”  Buck offers his thumb to her so she can unlock his phone. He’s not sure what happens next, but suddenly, it hits him that she’s calling Eddie. Eddie, who currently hates Buck. 
here are all the other wips i’ve talked about!
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housewifebuck · 9 months
writing eddie as a sub https://www.tumblr.com/petshopbutch/731493828995973120/submissive-in-the-way-a-livestock-guardian-dog-is
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
okay so i’ve written a few chapters ahead for mommy issues and OH MY GOD the smut. it’s my best work yet. istg. it’s so good. it’s so fucking good. it’s like, fucking phenomenal.
like we have major sub!eddie, we have super mommy kink, we have bdsm, we have some wild fucking emotions. it’s really long too, i need to check the word count for it asap, but it’s so good. it’s like so fucking good and i’m really excited for you to read this smut.
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jadewritesficshere · 2 years
Just thinking about Eddie coming home after a long day of work. You aren't fully sure what he does as a mechanic, but you've replaced your own flat tire once, and you know it's strenuous work. He comes home and looks wore out, his hair is extremely frizzy and he has bags under his eyes. "Hey sweetheart," Eddie mumbles as he kisses you. He still has streaks of grease on his hands that he had tried to wash off.
Eddie goes to take a shower as you try to decide what leftovers to have for dinner. The walls are thin in the trailer, so you can hear him groaning, and not in a good way. You hate that he's in pain. Eddie refuses to take any medicine, partially because he's stubborn and partially because he thinks of hospitals when he takes meds and it scares the hell out of him. Eddie typically would smoke to help loosen up his muscles, but his coworker's drug test came back positive last week and got fired. Eddie refuses to lose this job and quit cold turkey, which he claims he doesn't regret because "I'm gonna be the man you deserve baby, I need to provide for my family" (even if you tell him he already is the man for you and you argue about how he doesn't have to work to be a man, Eddie wants to work hard and not be a deadbeat like his dad. You could go on how not every family has a "manly" figure, which Eddie agrees, you both know it is because he has things he hasn't worked through. Eddie will eventually, but right now he wants to be able to provide and make money the right way, the way your family would expect. He just wants to be worthy of you, which starts a whole knew argument between you two).
Eddie walks out of the bathroom, toweling off his wet hair. He's only in a pair of plaid boxers and he winces as he tries to dry his hair. You decide to forego dinner and gently lead him to the bedroom. "Sweetheart-" you shush Eddie and tell him," Just lay down Baby." Eddie lays flat on his stomach on the bed, head turned slightly to watch as you move around the room. You grab a bottle of lavender lotion and gently squeeze some onto your boyfriend's back. You straddle his thighs so you can support yourself without straining your own back too much.
You start to rub the lotion in and Eddie hums. You press firmly into Eddie's back, feeling the tension in his muscles. You slowly work your way from his shoulders down to his lower back. Pressing gently but firmly, pausing to release a knot. For every knot you press, Eddie sharply sucks in a breath of air, but exhales it slowly and moans as the knot releases. His moans make you shiver, sending signals to your groin. You try not to think of that, but your mind can't help but go to there.
You reach the waistband of Eddie's boxers, and slowly dip your fingers under. Eddie hums and shifts his hips up so you can remove his boxers, which you do, trying not to hurry. You slowly knead his ass, still attempting to give a massage, but your mind stops thinking about the massage as you realize Eddie is slowly rutting his hips into the bed.
"Oh Baby...do you need something?" You can't help the saccharine tone that comes out. Eddie whines and nods his head. You lean forward and place a kiss on his shoulder blade and then his neck. You suck and nip his skin, worshipping every inch your lips can touch. One of your hands sneaks around his waist to stroke his throbbing election whilst the other still palms his ass. The moment your hand touches his dick, Eddie whimpers. You gently stroke him, feeling the pre-cum leaking from his tip.
Eddie is completely relaxed and at your mercy, only murmuring your name, "sweetheart", and "please". You hum and sit back up, looking at the man who is wrecked beneath you. Whilst you jerk him off with one hand, you slowly move your other hand from his ass closer to his hole. You two have never done this before, so you go slowly to allow him time to voice his disapproval. "Can i..?" Your finger gently traces his hole and he's immediately moaning,"please oh God please." Your finger is still coated with lotion as you slowly prod his entrance. Only the tip of your finger is in when Eddie groans loud and long as he cums. Eddie continues to murmur your praises and thanking you as he comes. You can't help but smile at your man, your heart full of love.
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
So many good wips!!!
Please more sub!kas!eddie 💞
anything for you! 🥰🤍 sub!kas!eddie
cw: there be smut here
There is something so ethereal about Kas on his knees, hips bucking and rutting against nothing but air, his hands bound behind his back, and blood-smeared lips wrapped around Steve’s fingers. Pearls of sweat on his forehead, running down his cheeks all the way to his neck in a mirror of the blood still trickling down Steve’s neck — Kas never got to clean up his mess before he lost himself in the heady rush and Steve had to put an end to it.
In fact, Steve prefers it if Kas leaves him a little messy. There is something heady about it, having the blood sucked out of his body as he feels them both growing hard, and then pulling away just as Kaa loses himself in the pleasure of it, rubbing his hard cock into Steve’s hip. Having him look so lost, eyes blown and black, glowing red with lust, ready and willing to let Steve do anything to him for just a little more.
Oh, and more he gets!
The humming sound of his favourite vibrator meanly thrumming right against that sensitive sweet spot is drowned out by choked off moans and whimpers that would sound pathetic if they weren’t so damn pretty, muffled against Steve’s hand.
“What do we say, baby?” Steve asks, shoving his fingers a little deeper into the wet heat of his mouth. “What do we say when we want to come, hmm? Words that would never leave a monster’s lips.”
Kas whimpers, swallowing around Steve’s fingers and shoving his face into his palm. Always trying to hide. Always so goddamn sweet about it. Steve wants to ruin him.
But not yet. So he rubs the heel of his palm into his own throbbing cock for just a moment of relief, moaning in turn with Kas who’s watching his every move.
more? make me 😏
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journeythroughtherain · 11 months
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Aaaaaaaah 😭
I am mildly impressed that I can't remember seeing a single wing fic. It's honestly fascinating. I have more thoughts about the general trends and types of fics this fandom seems to be drawn to (or seems to skip entirely), but those will have to wait for a more reasonable time of day.
Maybe sometime tomorrow I'll also go over my ao3 history for an estimate of how many of these I ended up reading in the end. 🤔
I'm going to leave the tab open in my browser but now I'm finally going to allow myself to filter out everything I found I didn't vibe with (which... Will probably remove quite a bit of fics. Especially from the E rated ones. Once again I find myself at odds with the majority of fandom when it comes to certain aspects of my otps' characterization). But I did it!!
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vixenleather · 7 days
if i finished my hellcheer fic would anyone care?
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