#measure yourself against is yourself. ESPECIALLY as a novice !! like !
6ebe · 8 months
whenever I meet a novice rower who’s already obsessed with erg scores and splits and stats it makes me feel crazy like girl you will not survive if you’re measuring your worth as a novice rower against the stats of people with years more experience a week in -
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z-h-i-e · 2 years
Artists of Arda
The hottest new Discord Club is Artists of Arda. A place for artists who create any sorts of Tolkien-related works, and those who just like looking at the pretty arts.
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Text chats
Voice chats
Scheduled events
Unscheduled events
Events that are just Zhie accidentally hitting the voice channel and other people wandering in
Events that are just Zhie's cat accidentally hitting the voice channel and other people wandering in
Virtual studio gatherings
Places to share art (both finished and unfinished) and get feedback (both positive-only and for workshopping things like 'what are hands??' and 'should I put a bird on it?'*)
Places to promote other places, events, and even yourself (if you do art commissions)
Find the link behind the magic cut...
And here are the rules, so that you don't have to awkwardly try to join at 2am to see the rules in case you're not keen on the rules and want a way to slip out the back door before a half dozen people flail at you with giant peach stickers. (We actually have that feature turned off completely.)
1) Please introduce yourself in welcome-nest before participating in other discussion. Just like a party where you'd knock on the door and say hi before you start dancing on the table, we'd like to get to know you first! (And then, by all means, disco on that table all night long if you want!)
2) This server is a non-toxic Tolkien group. Gatekeeping, elitism, snobbery, or other unseemly behavior will not be tolerated. Members here range from casual fans to super scholars, but one's experience should not be compromised because of one's knowledge or expertise. The same is true for artistic skills and experiences--stick figures and moodboards are just as valid as forms of art expression as mural-sized acrylic paintings that could hang in museums. We were all novices on both topics at one point; please keep this in mind during your interactions, and be supportive of one another!
3) NSFW items must stay in NSFW channels! All NSFW art must ALSO be spoilered when posted; finished art should also include the information from the template. Shaming is not allowed--not for content or characters or concept, period--but spoilers should be utilized even in the NSFW area so that viewers can self-curate the content they wish to view. However, due to laws and legal jurisdictions, content which sexualizes underage characters is NOT allowed on this server. Child pornography is highly illegal, a violation of federal laws in the United States (and in many other countries), and not protected under First Amendment rights. Breaking this rule is one of the few things that can get you instantly yeeted into the Void (permanently banned). 4) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits workplace discrimination based on religion, national origin, race, color, or sex. We add to that class, gender, level of ability, level of education, and political affiliation. While this is not a workplace, these are all protections that everyone should have and not be in fear of discrimination, bullying, or behavior unbecoming from other members. Please be mindful when wording requests and having discussions so that your tone is not dehumanizing to others. (And going back to basics: If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all.)
This also includes commentary about characters vs people IRL. Discussion of characters? Perfectly fine if done respectfully. Discussion of a person who is portraying a particular character on the above topics? Not necessary.
5) If you try to side-step these rules by using a blog, PMs, or other means to engage in toxic behavior elsewhere, especially with or against other members of this server, it will be as if you said it here and appropriate action will be taken. This does not mean moderators are going to be actively searching for violations; it is a protective measure to be proactive about past fandom interactions where individuals would take their views off servers, technically not violate server rules on the server, but would bully, harass, dox, and others disrespect members in other places. This is not non-toxic behavior and is not allowed. 6) Moderators make mistakes, but arguing with a moderator on the server is not going to put out happy vibes, and may land you in time-out (or kicked, if you continue the behavior after multiple warnings). If a moderator shuts down a topic or conversation, please respect this decision. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to a moderator about these topics. Sometimes, a moderator does not have all the information about a situation or hasn't been able to read through everything before they make a decision. It is fine to question such decisions in private and in a calm manner.
7) These rules are subject to change. Hopefully we don't need more, but, y'know, things happen, and when they do, this list will grow. It is expected that you will read and adhere to all rules if you are participating in this server. Not reading the rules is not an excuse for not abiding by the rules.
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nandalorian · 4 years
the gentleness that comes
Sometimes you just get thinking about random things like “what if Jaskier decided to Eternal Sunshine himself to get over the mountain breakup?” and then proceed to ruin not only your life but the lives of everyone else around you. 🙃
Jaskier/Geralt, PG-13
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“No mage can do what you’re asking. Not even, I would wager, something as powerful as a djinn, or at least not in any way that would bring you peace,” Tissaia explains with more patience than Jaskier honestly expected. For all the fearsome tales he’s heard of the headmistress of Aretuza, she is either kinder than he deserves, or the stories have done her very, very wrong. Perhaps both. But her eyes are steady, her expression serene. Absolute. “Just as we cannot induce someone to fall in love, nor can we make them fall out of it.” She pauses to offer a sympathetic smile. “I am sorry. For you to have travelled such a long way, I suspect you do not make this request in haste.”
The compassion in Tissaia’s voice is terrible to hear. After all, sometimes kindness can look like cruelty before you’ve gotten enough distance on a thing. Certainly the opposite is true, anyway. Jaskier would know. He lowers his gaze to his hands, of a sudden fascinated by the calluses on his fingertips, the ragged skin around his nails. He has to take several deep, steadying breaths before he answers. 
“No, not in haste,” he manages at last. “I have prayed for it for some twenty-seven years.”
“Any man would be blessed to have captured such a loyal heart.”
Jaskier can’t resist a scoff. “Any man indeed.”
Several long moments pass, and eventually he must accept that Tissaia has said all she can on the matter. He forces himself to smile and climb to his feet, whereupon he sketches a bow fit for a queen. Tissaia doesn’t rise. She barely blinks, a statue rendered in green velvet and black lace.
“Mistress. I thank you for the tea, and your candor,” he tells her, still inclining his head with a hand pressed over his heart. “It’s not often a humble bard may boast an audience with the great Tissaia de Vries. If ever you are in need of musical entertainment, I proudly volunteer my services. I’m in your debt.”
“You are in no one’s debt, Lord Pankratz,” Tissaia answers, serenely as ever. At no point during their conversation did Jaskier tell her his full name, having introduced himself as Jaskier the Bard and no more. His title is useful to fling around in situations that call for it, but not here; Tissaia would see through any attempt at peacocking. “Nor are you merely a humble bard. You are most welcome here, as any friend of Yennefer’s is a friend of Aretuza.”
“Jaskier, if you will. And I’m not quite sure Yennefer would deign to call me a friend, but I’ll take it.” He smiles back and speaks through the tightness in his throat. “It’s been a pleasure.”
He is almost to the door of her study when her voice rings out again.
He turns.
At some point Tissaia stood without making a sound and came around the desk to face him with her hands clasped together. “I cannot fulfill your wish as such. But I may be able to offer an alternative. One that comes at a great cost.”
Jaskier swallows and hopes the thrill of hope--and fear--elicited by her words isn’t completely obvious. “I’m listening.”
Her solution is quite simple, really, and so obvious that Jaskier isn’t sure how he didn’t think of it before. 
However, nor is Tissaia’s warning in jest: the cost is great indeed. So great that Jaskier cannot in good conscience be sure it is one he’s capable of paying.
Not monetary, of course, though he came prepared to empty his pockets and offer his soul if necessary. No, the cost is something more significant and precious than any coin or favour. Much more.
“A memory spell is a rather straightforward matter,” Tissaia explains as she and Jaskier walk the halls of Aretuza. Their destination is unclear, but where Tissaia goes, he follows. He’s not stupid enough to do otherwise. “It’s a spell even a novice can be expected to perform adequately, with the proper training, of course. One never knows when war might be averted by something as simple as a king forgetting an accidental slight, or a maid forgetting a conversation they were not meant to overhear.” She shrugs. “Not always the most elegant solution, but effective.”
A shiver crawls down Jaskier’s spine and makes the hair stand up on his arms and the back on his neck.
Magic, especially the kind taught at Aretuza or Ban Ard, is an ethical grey area, and mages have always played hard and fast with the rules, holding themselves above the trivialities and petty concerns of human morality. That’s why they’re mages: feared, awed, and resented in equal measure. 
That Tissaia speaks so casually about altering people’s memories, of mages’ power to decide the course of history according to their own values and interests, is a frightening concept. Most days Jaskier can’t decide what to eat for breakfast. And yet here he is, about to consider letting one of the most powerful mages in history stick her creepy magical fingers in his brain and give it a stir. He should consider getting his sanity checked instead.
Jaskier casts a sidelong look at Tissaia. “But falling in love isn’t like hearing something you shouldn’t, or being offended by a poor choice of words. It’s--”
“Complicated. Yes, quite. And even erasing the briefest of memories does not always go according to plan.”
Without warning, she stops in front of a heavy set of double doors, which she throws open with a flick of her wrist--a useless bit of pageantry, that, but one that distracts from Jaskier’s increasingly pressing urge to flee. Tissaia gestures for him to follow her inside and walks on.
Jaskier doesn’t immediately obey. Drumming his fingers anxiously against his leg, he leans over to peer inside, mind racing ahead to images of a frightening laboratory, potions bubbling away in vials, screaming victims strapped to tables or floating in giant vats. It’s--
Oh. A library.
Huffing to himself, Jaskier adjusts the strap of his lute on his shoulder and hurries to catch up.
The place is massive, far larger than it looks to be from outside, with soaring ceilings and giant stained-glass windows that reach several stories above their heads. Shelves upon shelves line the walls, stretching from floor to ceiling, and dozens more sit in neat rows upon multiple levels, staggered in tiers like a duchess’s birthday cake. They are filled to bursting with books, of course, interspersed with tables and comfortable chairs for mages at study. Jaskier can count at least four fireplaces burning merrily away. Right now he and Tissaia appear to be the only ones here.
With a theatricality he can’t help but admire, Tissaia turns and holds out her arms, encompassing everything and looking very like a queen showing off her kingdom. “What do you see before you?” she asks, voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space.
Jaskier furrows his brow. The question is almost certainly a trick of some kind, so he answers with the first thing to come to mind. “Uh… books?”
“Precisely.” Tissaia lowers her arms. “Tens of thousands of books, each of them containing spells, histories, first- and secondhand accounts of untold lifetimes, many of which have been forgotten but not lost.”
She nods. “Yes. But memories are not like books. And magic, even in the hands of the most talented user, is not like taking a book down off a shelf. It is not a matter of selecting a few chapters to discard and letting the person continue on their merry way. The mind is a much more delicate and complex thing. If it were to be a story, it would be a very messy story indeed, with no clear narrative or plot, no chapter headings, and not necessarily even a single voice.”
“Sounds like some of my earliest compositions.” 
He titters at his own joke; Tissaia’s expression doesn’t budge. 
Unnerved, Jaskier clears his throat and has to break eye contact, looks around the room instead. After a moment, and with a smidge more gravity, he asks, “Why are you telling me this?”
Once again Tissaia regards him with that patient look from before. “Because you must comprehend that there is a price to what you’re asking, and why I do not suggest this lightly. If you are truly serious in your quest to rid yourself of Geralt of Rivia, and I sense that you are, there is a possible way forward. But to erase this one chapter of your life will require throwing out many more--whole volumes, whole books, shelf after shelf of memories. Possibly the entire library, if things do not go according to plan.” She pauses and steps forward to touch his chin, forcing Jaskier to look at her. “Do you understand what I am telling you?”
He swallows with difficulty, throat catching on the boulder suddenly lodged there. It wouldn’t do to ruin the moment by asking how she knows this is about Geralt, even though Jaskier definitely didn’t tell her and did his best to avoid thinking about him during their initial conversation. But his reputation precedes him, after all, and if not that, he really doesn’t want to know the extent of the mage’s legendary powers of telepathy. He also thinks to bring it up now would be missing the point.
“Are you saying I will forget my whole life?” he asks.
“Unlikely, though not impossible,” says Tissaia like that isn’t an utterly testicle-shrivelling statement. “That is the worst-case scenario. The best is that you will cease to remember everything since you met Geralt. That is, in essence, what you want, is it not?”
“I’ve known Geralt since I was barely eighteen.” Panic suffuses his voice without Jaskier quite meaning it to. “I’m forty-five years old.” 
Eighteen-year-old Jaskier is a mystery to him now. Oh, he vaguely recalls joints that didn’t creak and a back that offered him less trouble each morning upon rising, a cock that would swell at a hard gust of wind and balls that never seemed to empty. That boy could sing all day and dance all night in and out of people’s beds. He was loud, annoying, impetuous, drunk on the sound of his own voice, and full of love. So full of love that he could saunter up to a complete stranger with white hair and yellow eyes and end up following him around for twenty-seven years instead. Well… twenty-four, if you don’t count the last three since they become estranged. Which Jaskier absolutely does not.
His enduring muse and most steadfast friend; his life’s greatest and most unfulfilled passion. 
His most profound heartbreak.
Not much has changed about the last part, but Jaskier likes to think he’s grown wiser with age, less migraine-inducing. He lived enough to discover what pleased him before it was taken away.
Are any of those lessons worth unlearning, for any reason?
“Eighteen isn’t a bad age,” Tissaia remarks, breaking through his thoughts, or perhaps deliberately interrupting. She has been steadily taking in Jaskier’s internal struggle with that calm, measured gaze, though her attention is sharp. “By then most of us have some idea of who we are and what we want. Enough that you could begin again.” 
Jaskier slants her a look. “Mages are immortal, and you’re one of the oldest still living. Please don’t condescend to me that eighteen is anything but as unbearably young as it sounds.”
A small smile. Perversely, it reminds him of Geralt. “When you’ve lived as long as I have, forty-five is unbearably young too.”
Ruefully, unexpectedly, Jaskier barks a laugh and concedes the point with a nod. “Touché.”
They linger in that shared bit of humour for a moment, Tissaia’s smile widening and making her look abruptly more human since they met, and then she cants her head. She gestures, and from seemingly nowhere a book tumbles off some far-off shelf and flies into her hand. With an enigmatic smile, she turns it over to reveal the spine and hands it to Jaskier. The Songs of Jaskier the Bard is tooled on the front in gold, winking in the firelight. 
“You’re more fortunate than most: there’s an account of your life right here. Should you want it, that is.”
“I’m not sure I do anymore.” Jaskier peers at the book from the corner of his eye. It almost hurts to look at it directly, to think of the tales sung about in its pages, the joy, the adventure, but also the love and heartache couched beneath every note, every clever turn of phrase. The next words are a genuine struggle to get out, and he tries with everything he has not to cry. “No, I think that time has quite passed. I want peace. And if not peace, then at least blissful ignorance.”
“Hm.” The sound is neither pitying nor understanding, merely thoughtful. Tissaia regards him critically. “Then you may have it. You’re still a young man. Not a grey hair on you, and I’ve my suspicions you’ll live for a while yet.”
Jaskier narrows his eyes at her. What does that even mean. “What does that mean?”
She chuckles. “It means you have time. And time heals a multitude of wounds. Not perfectly, but… passably.”
“And--what? I can find love again, or some such tosh?”
“If you like.”
He huffs. “I used to think that. I did. Give it time, and eventually I’d meet someone new who would make me forget Geralt ever existed, blah blah blah--yes, I know, the irony of that isn’t lost on me.” Jaskier is quiet for a moment. “But I don’t know if that’s true anymore. It’s been three years. The wound hasn’t healed, only festered. The more I try to open my heart to others, the more it seems to close.”
“It is said people linked by destiny will always find each other.”
“Oh, I know that one. That’s a prison sentence, not a comfort.” 
“I didn’t intend for it to be.”
At last Jaskier forces himself to look down at the book in his hand. It has a pleasant heft in his hand, the weight of a life lived well. For twenty-seven--no, twenty-four years he gazed upon the face of the man he loved and loves still. Sang of him, to him, the way seabirds call to the sea, a song in their blood even when the crash of the surf is too far away to be heard. 
Is that enough? Can it be enough?
Perhaps it will have to be. Or perhaps he can simply wake up tomorrow and not remember or care what the correct answer is. Forget even that he asked the question.
He sets the book down upon a nearby table and pauses only to run his hand down the cover, leather supple beneath his fingertips. In his mind’s eye is Geralt--not spitting mad and vicious on a mountaintop, no, but as Jaskier first saw him, sitting quietly by himself in the corner of a tavern. Trying so very hard to escape everyone’s notice, and yet once he caught Jaskier’s eye, quite impossible to look away from. Impossible not to love.
Jaskier turns back to Tissaia and meets her gaze steadily.
“I understand and accept the risks,” he says, confident in a way he does not feel. That has always been his way. Even, it must be said, at eighteen. It’s enough. It will be enough. “Now tell me what I must do.”
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James & Ava
James: Good morning
James: how are you, darling?
Ava: Sleepy 🥱
Ava: but all the better starting my day with you, of course
Ava: how about you? 😊
James: hopeful that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, because likewise
James: & my cautious optimism doesn’t extend to the viewing I’m currently heading to
Ava: Oh, how have they oversold this one, I wonder
Ava: the adverts are nothing short of epic fiction
Ava: there should be awards for how they can spin any - into like +++
Ava: Where are you headed?
James: it would be inspirational if I were solely doing research for the novel but alas I need a suitable study first
James: [somewhere that’s one of the places we discounted]
Ava: I can believe estate agents are all unfulfilled creatives, definitely
Ava: I’ll 🤞 all my fingers and toes that it’s the one
Ava: though I could tell you more pubs and clubs in that area than nurseries…
James: absolutely up there with the teaching profession in terms of both dashed dreams setting them on that path & a litany of thankless tasks once they get there
James: thank you though
James: I’ll let you know if it constitutes enough of a disaster to warrant theoretically drowning my sorrows, after all, there isn’t a huge difference between some of the clubs Teddy frequents & soft play so I’ve no doubt my aide for today would be thrilled to hear every suggestion
Ava: You cannot make me feel bad for teachers today
Ava: not when Mr Hawthorne has beat you to it with the against argument in the form of his 🥱 inducing lectures
Ava: 😅 I don’t think foam parties are safe for anyone, 1-year-olds especially so though
James: there’s an argument to be made that I possess the ability to do so, however, if I’m going to use my powers of persuasion for anything 😈 I would argue it is indeed wasted on Mr Hawthorne
James: oh well in that case, the hunt for my sister’s baby shower venue also continues
Ava: If you used your powers of persuasions on Mr Hawthorne, I might be a tiny bit jealous
Ava: not to mention almost as confused as he would undoubtedly be
Ava: Joy of joys
Ava: it would be typical for that to be added to your to-do list as well, but at least a place for grown women to eat chocolate bars out of nappies isn’t as much like gold dust as a decent place in central
James: I’m jealous that he’s spending time with you right now, despite your attention being less than rapt & therefore promise to do nothing that benefits him in any way whatsoever
James: including, but not limited to, refusing to assist you in the homework he intends to set by being as distracting as I can later as well as now
James: you’re not wrong, but she is her belief that to this day I remain blacklisted by an extremely high percentage of clubs, thus sparing me being delegated the role even in these hypothetical planning stages
Ava: That would be a wild rumour, even for this place
Ava: and what can I say? You’re more worthy of my time and attention
Ava: as you’ve just proved 😍
Ava: Definite blessing in disguise
Ava: Will it be a women-only event?
James: I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss you & am always willing to prove how much at every given opportunity
James: god, I hope so, even a foam party isn’t enough of an incentive to get me there if I am expected
Ava: I miss you too
Ava: I can come see you tonight though, if you’re free
Ava: sadly, I don’t think I can make a soft-play date so that’ll have to be just you two
Ava: and you’re lucky, I’ve been to so many baby showers it’s not even funny
James: I’m supposed to work late to make up the time I’ve taken off this morning but I can do that when you’re busy
James: that’s a shame, I’ll have to throw myself in the ball pit
James: time will tell if you have an invite to Diana’s, what’s incredibly lucky is that she won’t expect you to actually attend regardless of how you RSVP
Ava: Only if you’re sure
Ava: my plans can always be more fluid than yours
Ava: Ugh 😞 I’d LOVE to push you into a ball pit right now, life is unfair
Ava: I don’t think she was impressed with my party-planning skills enough to put in that call
James: I am very sure that I want to spend tonight with you instead of at the office
James: & I’m also suddenly determined to create our very own ball pit in the new place
James: [pictures like which room do you think we should fill with plastic balls lol but let’s say it’s all really small]
James: having to forgo a traditional master bedroom isn’t at all unfair, I’ll obviously sleep like a baby among the balls
Ava: 🥰
Ava: An absolute must
Ava: why brag of a ‘cosy’ third bedroom when you can boast a gigantic ball pit
Ava: I bet the girls would be more than willing for you to do that too
Ava: Party house has a whole new meaning 🥳
James: indeed
Ava: I hope there’s not too many people there this time though, really
James: I think there are more people here than at the last viewing we went to, impossible as that sounds
Ava: 😫 How, where do all these people spring from?!
Ava: At least you’re far more eligible than most young professionals
Ava: If I was looking for a model renter
James: what a pity you aren't, your rooftop garden has much greater appeal for this particular young professional, not least because I've seen its existence with my own eyes
Ava: If my landlords weren’t so involved…
Ava: This place is far too big for us now
James: hopefully they won't drag you along on yet more insufferable viewings if, or when, they decide to downsize since you're an undeniable pro now, because for that, there would only so many apologies I can offer you
Ava: I’m sure mum’s already getting the planning permission sorted for if and when
Ava: Sadly their portfolio doesn’t extend to a reasonable price range, I did ask
Ava: but if it isn’t something that would get her in Architect Digest, or whatever, she’s not interested so
Ava: As you said, it would be fun in a way, if all this looking didn’t mean you were still without your perfect family home
Ava: It takes people watching to a new level, and seeing the landlord’s ‘decor’ choices is also as revealing
James: it's okay, being indebted to my own parents is quite enough
James: it's becoming clear if my father visualizes me living here it's because he's done a drastic rewrite of the type of young professional I am
James: I could see you here, for instance, in a draft where I don't exist as your love interest, but in terms of a family home, perfect of otherwise, where we'd put Frank & the children is anyone's guess
James: perhaps some of these people are imagining wild architecture projects the likes of which your mother would have to act undaunted by, who's to say
Ava: I don’t love that rewrite
Ava: Frank is particularly demanding with how much space he needs to recline, relax, snooze and sleep…
Ava: You’ll find somewhere soon, I know it
Ava: If nothing else, this dull lesson is giving me all the time to refresh and refresh and repeat every listing I can find
James: cautious optimism as ever for our 2nd attempt
James: [deets because I'm gonna say that this is one he ends up loving that falls through somehow at some stage because how real and frustrating and then she can be the one who finds their forever home and they can look at it together]
Ava: Okay, I can picture that one
Ava: light and airy isn’t actually a lie this time, what a concept
Ava: 😍
Ava: All the rooms are a good size so you wouldn’t feel as if either girl was getting the short straw, and you won’t have to settle for sleeping amongst the balls either
James: I do have a genuinely good feeling about it, terrifying as that is to admit in our present surroundings where it feels as though someone will sense it & immediately swoop in, but yes
Ava: I know
Ava: It’s one of those things
Ava: You have to be cautious, because so many roadblocks are between you and the end goal
Ava: but similarly, how can you be, when it’s such a big life thing
Ava: You can be as honest and optimistic as you like with me, it doesn’t need to go any further, shark-like buyers and the girls alike
James: we aren’t anywhere close to the stressful moving in stage & I’m already acutely aware that I wouldn’t have survived up until now without your help, so I will, as long as you know the continued support is appreciated beyond words or any other measure
Ava: Stressful, but fun
Ava: you get to pick what colour your new room is 😌
Ava: It’ll be reward enough, to see you get the fresh start you deserve
James: [whatever her fave colour is] of course
James: then you won’t mind seeing me covered from head to toe in it, potentially indefinitely, when we discover I can’t fit in the tub at the new place either
Ava: Oh, I don’t think I would mind that no matter the colour
Ava: but I also would not mind you having an amazing shower so we could take care of that
James: if there isn’t I won’t mind adding it to my renovations to-do list
Ava: As long as I’m on that list too I’m happy
James: the top of any list I write is where I’m happy to put you
Ava: If you put in a bid, you should do it at/even over asking price, so they’ll take attention of you and then you can make a list of repairs/quality checks etc you want done before you agree to move in, then if they do them, they’re done for you, but more likely, they’ll not want to, and you can say take that cost off my offer then
Ava: one of the 💡 tips I’ve picked up and you’d undoubtedly thought of yourself but there we go
James: here’s where I could nod & keep up the pretense to avoid giving away what a total novice I am, but there’s very little point given than you know I’ve never done this, & a list of countless other things as long as my arm, for myself before
James: instead I’ll just take your advice & thank you accordingly
Ava: There’s so much we don’t get prepared for
Ava: even under normal circumstances
Ava: It isn’t as if I was told that at school, or I get told anything vaguely useful on the day-to-day by Hawthorne or any of the others worse or marginally better than him
Ava: You shouldn’t feel like you’re alone in feeling unprepared, is what I’m failing to say
Ava: Lots of people feel it, that’s why I could never just stay here, in the bubble of SW forever
James: don’t worry, you aren’t failing at anything where this conversation is concerned & whilst it is somewhat overwhelming at times, I don’t feel alone because I’ve got you to talk it through with
James: what that school taught me, all that living here has taught me, was how to avoid facing up to situations by lying & name dropping, which probably would assist me in climbing the property ladder but I’d rather be honest, if the bubble bursts as a result, I’m prepared for that from now on
Ava: I’m proud of you
Ava: and the girls will be too
Ava: It can be fun, and there are some good people here, just as there are everywhere
Ava: but outside of the postcode, the currency of who you know and where you went to school, it’s just not real, irrelevant
Ava: I don’t want to rely on my parents’ hard work, let alone someone else’s father knowing the crest on my blazer, you know
James: yes, I know exactly what having to rely on my father feels like, it isn’t fun or something to be proud of & it definitely isn’t a precedent I’d like to keep setting for my daughters
James: the stark reality & contrast of this fresh start needs to happen soon, while I still have Jay here to teach
Ava: She’s not going anywhere
James: she’s going to have to meet him eventually even if that’s under the guise of him being one of my old friends or your brother
Ava: And I understand that that’s fair
Ava: to him, I don’t know how to feel about it in regards to Jay, and it’s not even my job to so I know how hard this must be for you
Ava: but that doesn’t mean he should get to ‘keep’ her, for God’s sake, she has had no idea who he is until now, you’re her dad
James: I have to hope that he’ll understand that too, he’s not the villain here, as much as it would make my life easier to paint him as such
Ava: I hope so too
James: it’ll be okay, for her, I don’t know if I can make the same promise for us but I want to be able to
Ava: Don’t put yourself down like that
Ava: It wouldn’t be okay if she lost you
James: she isn’t going to lose me whatever Buster decides to do next, things may have to change but never that drastically, I’ll always be in her life
Ava: Providing he plays that nicely
Ava: I’m just scared he’ll do something that drastic, and stupid
James: if he doesn’t I won’t, I’m not afraid to fight fire with fire should that be the only option he leaves me with
Ava: Good
Ava: I wish I could promise it won’t be
Ava: but I don’t know what he will be prepared to do, so you should be prepared for any and all eventualities too
James: I am, my marriage made sure I was equipped to anticipate the unexpected & not to expect rational responses
Ava: Yeah, of course
Ava: Still no word from Chloe?
James: no & no trace of a belated birthday card
Ava: Typical
Ava: Good thing Mattie got spoiled by you and had a great party already
James: Jay is devastated she has to wait so long for you to throw one for her though, maybe we can find a way to cater the housewarming party to her
Ava: Awh, bless her
Ava: If there’s one thing Chelsea HAS taught me, is that you only need a vague notion of an idea to have a party and celebrate
Ava: Does she like fireworks?
James: she LOVES fireworks, if you weren’t in Dublin she’d have insisted you come with us to [wherever we’re gonna go see some on the night]
Ava: I am pretty gutted I can’t
Ava: but I’ll have to get some sparklers, probably not Catherine Wheels or Roman Candles, and do a belated bonfire themed do for her
Ava: smores are a good idea any night
James: I wonder if she’ll expect us to dye her hair red, orange or yellow this time
Ava: 😬 accidentally set a precedent
Ava: thank god for washouts
James: I’ll do what I can to have her convinced that face paint is a much better idea by the time you get back but she’s no Mr Hawthorne so
Ava: I admire a girl who requires more than a persuasive essay
Ava: you’ll have a great time
Ava: 🤞 the endless family drama doesn’t get in the way of me having one too
James: no amount of Catherine Wheels or Roman Candles could prevent me from being on the end of the phone whether you aren’t having a great time or simply want to tell me how much fun it is
Ava: You’re the best ❤️
Ava: It should be fine
Ava: If anything, hopefully someone else is bringing more drama than my parents or siblings could accuse me of, then it’ll really give them a bit of perspective 🤫
James: if your family resembles the dynamic of mine even slightly I won’t have to keep anything crossed in order to make that happen for you, but of course I will nevertheless, just in case
Ava: How soon is too soon to clue you in on my mad family dynamic 🤔😅
Ava: Maybe when you’re in your new home, so you have a door to politely shut in my face
James: having never kept an air of mystery there I can understand why you’d want to, but I would never christen my new front door like that
Ava: It was like an unspoken rule, when Buster was here too
Ava: I don’t really care that much, and anyway, he broke it big time
Ava: Every family has struggles and secrets, or are long overdue their share if not
James: I couldn’t agree more, my mother acts as though nobody else has skeletons hung up next to their hideously expensive coats & we must stay silent come what may, but she’s the last person to feign shock when any of said secrets inevitably come out
Ava: It’s such a waste of time and energy
Ava: not to mention resolves precisely (0) of said troubles, if and when they can be
Ava: I’m so glad you don’t want to keep up pretenses together
Ava: wouldn’t make for a very interesting story
James: exactly, if I adhered to her code of silence I wouldn’t have gone to rehab or spent any time & energy on recovery, god knows what trouble I’d be in right now in that instance, but we certainly wouldn’t have this plotline to delight in
Ava: Being dubious about the potential results, maybe
Ava: but the idea your own mum would rather you suffer in silence, literally, is beyond me
James: it’s an attitude worthy of an outdated classic novel, for sure, that we can all take ourselves in hand & address our flaws with a firm word or two but she isn’t alone in her 'you don't need outside help, you just need to learn and then follow through with setting your own limits' mentality
James: in my parents' defence I was still young, despite the baby I wasn't looking after properly or the wedding I don't remember very much of at all, & I know they'd argue, if pressed, that was the main reason for their anti-rehab stance
James: therefore, I'd like to believe, however naively perhaps, on this occasion it isn't entirely about saving face with yet more pretense but rather a glimpse at some character development for both of them, if only so the novel isn't doomed by one dimensional subplots, naturally
Ava: I can see that too, again, a lot of people’s problems go unaddressed or at least are allowed to get worse because the person is ‘too young’ for it to either be a problem, or it is something they will ‘bounce back’ from once they ‘calm down’ and mature
Ava: It doesn’t make your parents the devil, I wouldn’t suggest as much, nor the first people to fall into that trap
Ava: There are definitely instances of the exact same mindset I can point to within my own family
Ava: We’d all like to see the best in people, and sometimes, that desire lets us down
James: regardless this viewing has yet to let me down unlike the previous
James: I wish you were here
Ava: With any luck, I’ll be able to come see it with you next time
Ava: The pictures look great, trying to keep the optimism at the cautious level still but 🤞🤞😌
James: need I remind you I like your optimism as unabashed as your excitement
Ava: You don’t need to
Ava: but I wouldn’t be opposed
James: [tell her about whatever cute and romantic plans you've sorted for you two tonight so she'll be happy and excited]
Ava: How have you managed to sort that whilst at these viewings and also with Mattie 😍
James: it appears I’m guilty of similarly high levels of enthusiasm & so the greater crime would be letting it go to waste
Ava: AND being an excellent multi-tasker AND AND an even greater romantic
James: Mattie can & will take full credit for the former but the romanticism is a newly acquired skill that I’m still trying to find my feet with, & entirely down to you
Ava: I should feel bad for keeping it all for myself
James: I disagree but I’ll happily rush through the book’s publication if sharing will make you feel better
Ava: Should doesn’t mean would or could
Ava: because I don’t
Ava: It’s nice not being secret, but I’m still happy keeping you to myself for a while longer
James: oh good, because I’d rather continue to multitask like this than on a novel deadline
Ava: Being anything but a reprieve from all the other drains on your time is not very romantic heroine of me, so never
Ava: what would the readers think
James: you’ve got me there, by evoking how fickle our readers are more than likely to prove themselves to be, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about
Ava: You either think the protagonist is ‘relatable’ or you hate her because you deserve the love interest far more than her
James: nobody deserves me more than you, they’ll have no choice but to appreciate you
Ava: James
James: Ava
Ava: I can’t wait to see you later
James: can I pick you up from school or do you need to go home first?
Ava: I don’t need to go home 😊
James: I’ll see you there then, unfortunately, I have work to get back to & I’ve kept you from yours for longer than I responsibly should have, lest you end up at Kings after all
Ava: 🙄 I’m sure my career’s officer would tell me they’re higher in the rankings or something else that isn’t going to change my mind more than your experience and my own, however brief
Ava: If I were rating them on chance, perfect meetings, however
Ava: A++
Ava: I’ll see you later then, try not to get TOO exhausted by soft play 😏❤️
James: I’ll be certain to tell them now that’s not a secret, it wouldn’t surprise me if they used us a ringing endorsement for some kind of meet-cute society to take place weekly in The Vault
James: the allure of soft play meanwhile needs no advertising, with or without any single mothers trying to engineer romantic entanglements of their own
Ava: I’ll square that with my conscience and you run that gauntlet, love
James: I’ll do my best
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zorovevo · 3 years
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Of course, option volatility rises due to the uncertainty of the outcome.
So the bottom line is, you always want the market to rise when you are long or have purchased a call option. Trading Strategy vs. Exercising and Understanding PremiumsWith call options, the premium will rise as the market on the underlying stock rises. Buyer demand will increase. This increase in premiums allows for the investor to trade the option in the market for a profit. So you are not exercising the contract, but trading it back. The difference in the premium you paid and the premium it was sold for, will be your profit. The benefit for people looking to learn how to trade options or learn the basics of a trading strategy is you do not need to buy a stock outright to profit from it's increase with calls. What are Put Options?A put option is the reverse of a call contract. Puts allow the owner of the contract to SELL a stock at the strike price. You are bearish on the shares or perhaps the sector that the company is in.
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Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account. It's a must read in my opinion. Today, I want to talk to you about another major blunder new (and even experienced) investors make. Like style drifting, it can do a lot of damage to one's account. What am I referring to?Investors can put themselves at a terrible disadvantage simply by sizing their positions incorrectly. This usually occurs when their position is too big relative to the risk and account size. The key to getting the relative sizing correctly is understanding the risks associated with the position. Let me walk you through a likely trade scenario an investor not familiar with relative sizing might make. For example, let's say on 7/31/14 an investor looking to take advantage of a short term move. sold call spreads in UVXY. UVXY is the PROSHARES Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF. It attempts to replicate, net of expenses, twice the return of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index for a single day. On 7/31/14, UVXY was trading at $31. 70. Let's assume on that day an option investor sold 20 $36/$39 call spreads (expiring 8/8/14). collecting a premium of $0. 57 or a total $1140 (minus fees and commissions). Their goal is to get out of the position when the premium of the spread reaches $0. 29. in which they would be buying back the spread for a profit of $560. Taking profits at 50% of the premium collected is a great level to exit.
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The key is to stick to a basic trade like an iron condor or credit spread. No advanced layered trades. 6. Stick To Your Trading PlanAll successful traders have a trading plan. This means, they have a strategy to get into a trade, make adjustments, and exit positions based on SPECIFIC events. Successful traders DO NOT make random decisions. Everything they do is calculated, measured, and analyzed. You can make an easy-to-follow trading formula based on technical analysis if you want to as well. 7. Wait For OpportunitiesThis is a huge problem for novice traders. It was even an issue for me when I started trading.
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However, even if you don't. understand that there are other traders who do (with serious money behind them). just knowing what levels they might be getting in and out of could be some useful information. Is There Liquidity Risk?During periods of high volatility. option and stock bid/ask spreads widen. Always play out a worse-case scenario in your head and try to calculate what the damage could be. For example, the value of the spread when the investor got out was $0. 93. but good luck getting out that price. most likely they would have had to pay up to exit the trade. Sometimes the theoretical or mid-market price of an option. is just that.
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Learning to trade puts or understanding them starts with market direction and what you have paid for the option. Any basic strategy you take on this contract must be done by December. Options normally expire toward the end of the month. You have the same 3 trading strategy choices. Let Option Expire - usually because the market went up and trading them is not worth it, nor is exercising your right to sell it at the strike price. Exercise the Contract - Market declined, so you buy the stock at the lower price and exercise the contract to sell it at 40 and make your profit. Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training. Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account. It's a must read in my opinion. Today, I want to talk to you about another major blunder new (and even experienced) investors make. Like style drifting, it can do a lot of damage to one's account. What am I referring to?Investors can put themselves at a terrible disadvantage simply by sizing their positions incorrectly. This usually occurs when their position is too big relative to the risk and account size. The key to getting the relative sizing correctly is understanding the risks associated with the position.
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One great takeaway from reading books is that you can also learn more about the hidden trading factors you don't see everyday like investor psychology or market psychology. Did you know that these psychologies are the reason why technical analysis exist?3. Streamline Your Technical AnalysisIf you are looking at 6+ more technical indicators and use multiple technical analyses concepts against other technical analyses concepts, then you're probably doing yourself a disservice. Simply learn and use the basics like MACD, support/resistance, trending channels, divergence/convergence, and moving averages. 4. Continue to Paper TradeJust because you are trading real money it doesn't mean you need to stop learning and trying out different strategies. You have to continue playing the market from all angles. If you are a market conformist (you tend to go with the trend), you can try a contrarian strategy. If you usually close out credit spreads, try keeping one open while legging in an OTM put option. Experiment and continue to tweak out your strategyOne great tip is to create 2 identical trades. One in your regular account and the other in your paper trading account at the same time.
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny ― Chapter 5: The New Normal
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny ⥽
Nadya Al Jamil (MC) has been struggling from the day she moved to Manhattan, but her new job as assistant to the mysterious CEO of Raines Corp was supposed to turn her luck around. Until she finds herself caught in the middle of a war involving the Council of Vampires who secretly run the city. An evil from the birth of Vampire-kind stirs beneath, feeding on the conflict, and finds Nadya bound to a destiny she never asked for.
Bound by Destiny and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
As it turns out life with a big secret is pretty much the same as regular life. Only Nadya has to lie to her best friend a lot.
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“And you are willing to accept the burden of two humans pledged to Clan Raines?”
“If one of them is up for grabs I’m more than happy to take this one,” Lester’s calloused hand runs up Nadya’s forearm; it’s physically impossible for him not to feel her disgust yet still he persists, “Adrian may have all the cool new toys but I assure you, sweet girl, you’ll be wanting a vampire with some years under his belt.”
She smacks his wandering touch away before it can get to her shoulder. It does little against his supernatural strength but he’s too taken aback. All three vampires are.
“Alright, first thing’s first, never call me that again,” she can’t even repeat the grossly infantilizing pet name without feeling like she’s dipped in grease and slime, so she just continues, “second, and this I promise you Mister Castellanos, you can be darn well sure I want nothing to do with anything even near your belt. And third —”
Lester recovers from his shock then; puffs up his chest and makes to stand from his chair.
“How dare you, little —”
“Let her finish, Lester,” Kamilah doesn’t have to raise her voice to grab their attention. She does so simply by being Kamilah. She meets Nadya’s eyes across the conference table and there’s an interested amusement hidden in their depths. Hidden in the slight quirk of her dark lips. “It’s about time someone put you in your place, after all.”
Lester’s face goes a frustrated shade of red. Kamilah taps her chin softly. “Continue. ‘And third?’”
Nadya only hesitates to remember her train of thought before rounding back on the lecherous man.
“And third,” she repeats, “I don’t care who you are, how much money or power or whatever that you have — if you treat me like that again I’ll make sure the only toy you get is a stake up the butt.”
The look she throws Adrian seeks forgiveness, not permission, but her boss is too stunned to speak. Instantly Nadya recoils, flinches away as if she’s a completely different person. The only thing that keeps her from her natural-born instinct to apologize is reminding herself how disappointed Lily would be.
And it wasn’t as though a creep like Lester didn’t deserve it. There was just the threat of ticking off a vampire that needed factoring in now. She sits in her chair and awkwardly scoots it closer to her boss’ side.
Finally Adrian addresses Kamilah’s question. “Yes, Kamilah; though I’d hardly call the pair of them a burden.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lester seems to be doing all he can not to spit, “she’s gonna be a handful. We should just debrief her.”
“No — she was given the option and declined. Lester, you voted with me against forced debriefing.”
As the men argue Nadya steals a glance at Kamilah only to find the vampiress seemingly assessing her. Kamilah’s brow quirks slightly, ‘boys will be boys’ it says, and she scribbles down something on a stack of papers in front of her.
Adrian’s patience finishes entertaining Lester’s complaints.
“I think this will be good for Nicole, as well. Take some of the pressure off of her back.”
Kamilah snorts softly. “Oh indeed. I look forward to hearing her thoughts on the matter.” She scribbles a signature and slides the papers to Adrian. “If you’re sure, and so long as you’ve weighed all of your options.”
“I have.” He replies.
“Then the sooner we finish this, the sooner I can get back to my date~” Lester practically yanks the stack away from Adrian and signs with a flourish.
After Adrian adds his name to the bottom he offers the pen to Nadya. “The contract isn’t legally binding, but we’ve found it easier to keep certain things on our record. Part of immersing ourselves in the business field.”
She looks it over. Working for a corporation as big as Adrian’s has taught her a few things about the industry of industry, but she’s still a novice at most of the technical language. The small print combined with the occasional phrase like “for which the punishment is death” makes her eyes glaze and the contract blur.
“So I’m, what, signing my soul over to the Council?”
Adrian ignores the laughs of his colleague and places a hand on Nadya’s shoulder. “No. You can be debriefed at any time — though like I said the more time that passes the less we can completely erase. This is more just something we’ve had to do when it comes to humans being associated with the Council. For your safety and ours.”
Lester leans over with a smarmy grin. “In the old days we just branded you. Like cattle.”
It sends a shiver down Nadya’s spine. But a signature was better than a brand — right? She clicks the pen and signs her name carefully. Adrian beams with something close to pride. Takes the contract and hands it back to Kamilah who stores it in a shiny leather briefcase.
The vampires stand and Nadya rushes to follow. That’s it? She thought there would be more ceremony to it — more morbidity. But apparently even supernatural business has joined the corporate mainstream. Adrian offers Lester his thanks but the portly man waves it off and leaves without a goodbye. Grumbles something under his breath that Nadya chooses not to hear a word of. Kamilah stays a minute longer; takes Adrian’s offered hand in a firm shake and tucks her hair behind her ear.
Remembering what Adrian said earlier that night, Nadya tries her very best not to stare openly.
“Thank you for this, Kamilah,” Adrian’s sincerity is almost saccharine, “I know things have been tense lately but I’m glad to know we still agree on things like this.”
“Oh Adrian, pet, I don’t agree with you in the slightest.”
Nadya and Adrian stare at her — blinking out of sync but with equal measures of confusion. Like with everything else, that amuses her.
She continues, “I don’t think this is a good idea at all. But I also know you too well, and know that your mind is made up. You don’t reach my age without gaining a sixth sense about picking your battles. You can sign as many humans as you’d like to your Clan so long as they stay in line. Unlike Lester, I have the humility to admit that mortals have their uses beyond sexual favors and snacking.”
He looks ready to argue, but Kamilah makes up his mind for him. She bids Nadya a farewell nod and leaves them in a far more graceful fashion.
“So that’s it? One contract and a greasy perv and boom, I’m in the secret squad?” Adrian holds open the door to their private elevator and Nadya hits the button for his office. It was like nothing had changed, though everything had.
Adrian shrugs one shoulder. “I mean, yes, that’s all you needed to do. Back in the old days —”
“How old are we talking?”
“Well, Lester had a rather big party for his half-millennium back in ‘09. Kamilah’s two millennium in but you won’t catch her celebrating anything.”
It takes a moment for the word millennium to process; leaves Nadya gaping. “She’s two thousand years old?”
“Yes, though surviving that long is rare — especially these days. Young vampires are reckless and fueled only by their hunger. They tend not to last long without Clans to protect and guide them. And with humanity’s unerring desire to exterminate itself in the last century… well, the older generation is considered a war casualty.”
It’s a lot for her to take in, and Nadya has a feeling if she was left in stunned silence every time Adrian casually brings up something incredible about vampires she might never speak again.
Adrian doesn’t break stride as he opens his office door and leaves her at her desk. She has to stop and take a moment to look at the thing before actually taking a seat. Everything is exactly where she left it when she clocked out almost a week ago but nothing is the same.
“Something wrong?”
Nadya looks up to see Adrian leaning in his doorway. His lips turned downward in concern. He steps out and places his fingertips on the desk like it has something to say to him.
“No, no,” though she’s stiff, awkward as she takes her seat, “well… it just doesn’t feel real. Like, this is my stuff, but it’s also like a museum exhibit of my stuff.”
He nods as though he understands. Maybe he does — about as much as he can.
“And what would the exhibit be titled?”
It takes her a laugh and a moment to think. “Hm, I think ‘My Life Before Vampires’ would work.”
“It’s a lot to take in. I would understand if you needed some time off.”
“No, no more time off,” and that Nadya is insistent upon, “better to just dive right in than let it fester. Unless you want a million texts with questions I could just ask you in person.”
There’s something about sharing that familiar moment that eases the tension; makes it so they’re both sharing soft laughter and when Adrian leaves her to her work this time around it looks more like her desk again.
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Getting back to a version of ‘normal’ at work is one thing, but trying to find that balance back at home proves a challenge.
Nadya’s content to act like nothing strange happened when she first arrives back on her doorstep. Being bodily mauled on by Lily’s concern, though, gives her a clue that she won’t be able to just let it go. Eventually Lily realizes “I was mugged” is her story and she’s sticking to it, no matter how much she’s teased, poked, prodded, or bribed otherwise.
And after three weeks straight of the silent treatment, neither of them can take it anymore and they make up with a pizza (delivery this time) and homemade margaritas.
Everything else continues as it was. Adrian picks her up, they go to work, lunch is now spent together with a new list of questions that he answers with unerring patience, he drops her off. Nicole doesn’t take the news well — what little she saw of the woman before somehow diminishes. But Nadya won’t complain about a lack of frigid witch in her daily routine.
The most exciting thing she gets to do with her newfound induction into the vampire club is visit a Priya Lacroix afterparty. Woefully underdressed, she tries to keep the same straight face on that comes naturally to Adrian.
“I have some business to take care of in the back,” he gestures to a gilded door of glossy black paint and gold filigree, covered on both sides with a thick red curtain.
Nadya tries to peer inside as the door opens to let through a pair of giggling models; catches what looks like the high-arched back of a throne but nothing more.
“What’s back there?”
“Nothing you’d like.”
“I’m still trying to process this whole Priya Lacroix famous designer and bloodsucker thing.”
Adrian looks around quickly and his frown is chastising, though hardly strong enough to be effective.
“Maybe we say that a little quieter next time, hm?”
The bartender taps Nadya’s shoulder and offers her a fizzy flute of champagne. Before she can decline, Adrian gestures for her to take it.
“Just try not to down four bottles of the stuff before I get back, okay?”
Her deadpan is not amused. “You’re never gonna let that go, are you?”
“Not likely.” He’s already heading off, flashing something to the large man standing guard at the exclusive club door and stepping inside.
When Adrian returns — only a second glass of champagne later — there’s a grim frown set into his jaw. He practically rushes them out of the venue with little explanation.
She’s ready to ask about it — the question is on the tip of her tongue — but Adrian’s aura screams do not cross and she knows when to leave well enough alone.
Her first (and so far only) time in the proximity of other vampires and she didn’t even get to meet one. Nadya has to hide her disappointment to avoid another lecture.
They say their usual farewells at the curb and Nadya kicks snowplow slush from her heels while she waits for Lily to answer the buzzer.
“Dude, we ordered this twenty minutes ago! Are the dumplings even steaming anymore?”
Nadya has to hold up and back off. She looks at the complex address first — yes it’s her building — and then double check she hit the right button.
Because the last time she checked Lily didn’t have a thick Spanish accent.
She buzzes their apartment again. The voice comes back with a vengeance.
“My girl isn’t gonna pay for cold Chinese, so. Try again.”
“Uh…” Nadya fumbles for what to say, “I live here?”
There’s static on the other end — and she’s really relieved to hear Lily’s static-filled laughter.
“Sorry Nadi’! Forget your key?”
“Yeah, I left it at the office.”
“It’s gonna do you loads of good there. Buzzed you!”
Whatever her subconscious was suspecting when she opened her front door — this isn’t it. Lily in her ‘I’m Going Out’ getup (which is the same as her usual clothes, only there’s typically more belts and bracelets involved) with her boots kicked off and leaning very close to a woman with a bright blue head of hair and a devilish grin. They jam their fingers into the console handhelds like the fate of the world is at stake.
Lily doesn’t look up even when she closes the door a little harder than necessary.
“Oh! There it is!” Blue-Hair jumps and her tucked-legs catch her deftly on the couch — which creaks in protest. Lily joins — Nadya watches to make sure their secondhand-secondhand couch doesn’t collapse under the weight. Then they’re screaming, and shrieking, and Lily drops her controller and pumps her fists into the air in a victory dance only gamers know.
It’s like watching animals on the Serengeti do some weird mating ritual. Screeching, then hugging, then the silence of hot breaths when you realize you’re in close proximity with someone and that feeling kicks in.
“Ahem.” Nadya clears her throat. Catches their attention in the brief silence. Lily jumps down from the couch and embraces her tightly.
“Sorry about that. We ordered Chinese —”
Nadya nods. “Like, twenty minutes ago?”
Lily’s grin is understandably sheepish. Her friend doesn’t wait to be introduced — leaps off the couch with ethereal grace and comes towards them with her hand extended.
“You’re the roommate I’ve heard so much about,” she looks Nadya up and down, then gives a nod of approval, “nice, nice.”
“And I’ve heard so much about you…” before she can flounder for a name Lily saves her skin.
“Maricruz. ‘Member, I told you I was going to that Girl Gamer thing in the East Village?”
She does remember something about that — if vaguely. Maricruz wraps an arm around Lily’s shoulders and squeezes them together.
“How is it that even in a gay bar fuckboy gatekeepers will still find a way to be obnoxiously patronizing?” She and Lily laugh; some inside joke Nadya isn’t privy to, “I was real close to punching one in the face and getting the hell out of there and then who walks in but this angel.”
“We were the only W-L-W’s there, I shit you not.” Lily adds.
“Oh! Well… that’s, uh, that’s great,” Nadya cringes when Maricruz raises a dark eyebrow, “that you guys found each other, I mean.”
“Dude, Mari’s amazing. Her cousin’s girlfriend’s roommate knows a guy who works at one of the salons I was looking into, right, and he has an online hookup to the unreleased alpha of The Crown and the Flame Thorngate DLC!” She looks at Mari with eyes that would give shelter puppies a run for their money.
Mari, to her credit, soaks up the attention without seeming to Nadya like a complete tool.
“Hey, I like to share the wealth with gamers who deserve it. Sapphic ladies get priority.”
“About time we did.”
“You know it.”
They dissolve into laughter again. Leaving Nadya pushing up her glasses, snow slush soaking into her nylons, feeling like the spare donut tire nobody ever uses. Suddenly “I went to a Priya Lacroix show” doesn’t sound nearly as cool as their evening.
Lily double-takes, catches the slight fall of Nadya’s shoulders, and elbows Mari with a smile. “Nadya works for the head of Raines Corp, did I mention,” then, to Nadya, “What Wall Street shit did you get up to tonight?”
The three women migrate to the living room; Lily and Mari on the abused couch while Nadya relaxes in her bean-bag cushion. It’s pretty obvious half-way through recounting her experience with the door guard outside the show that the blossoming couple are only giving her half their attention; she’s just something on in the background.
There’s a brief knot of jealousy that tightens in Nadya’s stomach. But Lily deserves this — someone to spend time with. She deserves someone who doesn’t blow her off the way her ex did. And she deserves someone to spend time with that isn’t her best-friend-and-roommate. Sharing is caring; isn’t that what they say?
She claps to get their attentions; announces she’s going to change into something more comfy and when she returns they’d better be ready to give her a play-by-play of Girl Gamer Night. She tries to keep all sexual noises to a minimum while stripping off the second skin her nylons had become, and giving herself some space from the sudden appearance of Maricruz really does ease her jealousy away.
“Okay — so first remind me who decided to host…”
Nadya’s voice dies out as she looks around to one less body. Lily types something wicked-fast on her phone before hopping up to pull back the curtains. Early daylight isn’t terribly bright, but what streams through makes Nadya wince.
“Girl, this job is making you a straight-up vampire.”
She chokes on air. Lily waits until she’s breathing again to laugh. “Mari caught the time — she works across town so she dipped while you were changing.”
“But I wanted to hear about Gamer Night...” The petulant whine comes out without Nadya’s permission. Lucky for her Lily finds it cute.
“Don’t worry, chica, you’ll hear all about it soon enough. I gotta go get ready — coffee me?”
“Will do—” they pass to trade places, but before Lily’s clear of her Nadya grabs her arm, “—hey, hold up—” and pulls her into a crushing hug.
“You good?” Lily can’t — or won’t — hide the twinge of worry. She hugs back nevertheless.
Nadya nods. “Yeah. Just happy for you. She’s weird, but I’d expect nothing less.”
“Oh my god, it was one date. Not even!” They dissolve into laughter and Nadya feels a quick kiss to her temple before Lily’s off to get ready.
Nadya fills the coffee maker and the whole apartment starts smelling of espresso.
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Adrian IMs her to come into his office. Nadya takes a second to finish her bullet point on a spreadsheet before knocking on the door. She hasn’t even crossed the threshold when he looks up with a smile that’s a little bit too wide for her to be comfortable with and says he’s changed his mind.
“Are you sure…?”
“Yes, yes — it’s nothing.”
Ten minutes later he asks her to join him again. No hesitation this time — but the door’s only halfway open when he backs out.
“Nevermind. Sorry for bothering you. Do you have the Whitman report?”
Nadya frowns. “Almost done. You sure you don’t wanna tell me what’s up…?”
“Quite. Just email me when you’re done.”
It takes her twenty seconds to pull the door closed. Ample time for him to change his mind — but he doesn’t.
The third message Nadya doesn’t even see. There’s a ping from her computer and she whips open the door so hard her hair catches the breeze and her glasses go flying. Adrian startles; looks up from his screen to the frustrated figure wreaking havoc in his doorway.
“Nadya? Are you okay?”
She stomps to her glasses — made significantly less impressive by the sound-muffling Persian rug — and pushes them back up so hard her eyes see little spots of light. Continues stomping over to his desk and places both her palms flat on the wood to look him straight in the eye.
Adrian leans back slightly; oblivious. “Erm… Nadya?”
“What. do. you. want?”
He tries to make light of it, “Should you really be speaking to your boss that way?” but when it doesn’t lighten her mood he has the decency to look apologetic.
“Is this some weird vampire yuppie hazing ritual,” she’s serious, wants a genuine answer, “some game like see how many times the human jumps when I say? Because if we’re trying to beat someone’s record, I’m totally down. But if you’re just messing with me I’ve got a bone to pick.”
Sheepishly Adrian shakes his head. “Not in the slightest. I’m sorry for bothering you. I’m sure you have work to do, so —”
“If you tell me it’s nothing one more time, Adrian Raines…” She points a threatening finger at him. There was nothing more terrifying to a young Nadya Al Jamil than the threat of the Mom Finger; the secrets of which had been passed along to her before she left for college.
Now, the true test of parenting authority was tested between species. They lock eyes and, breath held, Nadya watches with a victor’s delight as Adrian wilts. He gestures to one of the fancy chairs in front of his desk with resignation.
Nadya sits to recover from her awe. “I can’t believe that worked.”
When the vampire looks as though he’s about to question her Nadya jabs the finger at him again — makes him shut his mouth with a click.
“Now — talk.”
Adrian’s not the type to waste time on something that isn’t important. He’s probably the most productive CEO in Manhattan at any given moment. He’s two hundred-something years old, and it shows. It shows in his confidence, in how he carries himself, and in the surety with which he does… most things.
So watching him fumble over his words — constant apologies, lack of eye contact, the way he paces around his office and makes Nadya wish she was part owl just to follow his movements — is uncomfortable to say the least.
“I wouldn’t ask you to do this, I shouldn’t,” he repeats yet again, mumbles something to himself Nadya’s human ears can’t quite catch, “but I have no choice. That’s the awful part. But…”
He passes her chair and Nadya grasps his wrist; it’s enough to get his attention, to draw it out from the aether.
“Why don’t you actually tell me what you need and I’ll decide if it’s too much or not?”
She’s put her frustration aside. Looks up at Adrian with honesty. Instead it just makes things worse.
Finally, and only with a whiskey in hand, Adrian tells the tale of ‘The Baron.’ And the more she learns the more Nadya hopes she never has to meet him. Mobsters are terrifying on their own — but making them immortal and hungry for blood just seems like a violation of the Geneva Convention. Or the vampire equivalent.
She raises her hand like a student in class; Adrian pauses and nods.
“So he’s a bad dude — I get that part,” she frowns, “but what I’m not getting is why the informational lecture? Is he coming here? Crap — should I have reserved a conference room?”
Adrian’s smile is wistful. “No — now, I promise this is related, just bear with me. Do you remember what really happened that night in the park?”
Gooseflesh runs down Nadya’s arms.
“When I was attacked, you mean.”
“I… sort of?” Her voice strains. It wasn’t something she had to work hard to forget — thanks in part to the alcohol — but occasionally there were nightmares. Not that she told Adrian about that. Just a normal part of being attacked by a feral creature, right? “If you’re saying he was there…”
Adrian shakes his head again. Leans forward with his fingers laced together.
“The Feral who attacked you wasn’t a newborn. I could tell that from the start. Kamilah and I have been looking into the matter — likely he was a vampire who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“But he can’t be cured.”
“No,” a beat, “he’s dead, Nadya. I killed him to save you.”
Hearing the creature was dead was one matter. But Adrian’s excuse — “to save you” — makes her stomach roll. “Whatever. Was this Baron guy the Feral, then?”
“Oh, no, he —”
“Then connect the dots before I lose it.”
“The Feral was formerly a vampire named Douglas Courette. He worked at the Shrike… better known as the Baron’s place of operations. Now, you remember there are pacts in place to keep the number of vampires in New York at a consistent and manageable rate. There isn’t any concrete evidence that the Baron is behind the Feral population increase… but this is the first time we’ve been able to link, well, anything back to one of our own.”
It’s a lot to process. Adrian gives her time.
“So,” with a shaky breath, “what does that mean?”
“It means he needs to appear in front of the Council — which is formally requested via summons,” Adrian opens the center drawer of his desk and pulls out a manila envelope sealed with dark red wax. Nadya recognizes Kamilah’s liquid penmanship scrawled across the front bearing the Baron’s title. “Once the summons has been given the Baron will be bound by Council decree to appear and testify.”
“And if he skips it? Gets stuck in traffic?”
“Then his position on the Council is forfeit and his Clan would be dissolved.”
“Guess it’s something you can’t exactly have FedEx-ed, then.”
“No, not exactly,” he steeples his fingers and finally looks into Nadya’s eyes. She’s starting to regret that fourth cup of coffee. “For a summons to be binding it must be delivered in person. And unlike Priya — who at least pretends to get along with everyone — the Baron’s Clan knows every face of mine and won’t let us get within a hundred feet of the place.”
He doesn’t have to say any more. Nadya can read him like a book — now more than ever. And it brings an awful feeling up into her throat.
Unable to school her emotions Adrian recoils. “This is why I didn’t want to ask you. It’s too dangerous.”
“Yeah, it is.” Nadya extends her hand for the envelope. “But it’s also my job.”
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The last time she wore anything even remotely this ridiculous was Halloween night her senior year of college. Her frarority — still obscure enough to pass for a group of friends who lived in the same house — had decided on a group costume. Even more ridiculous; they decided to enter a contest held by the largest sorority on campus.
Needless to say their ‘Unpopular and Obscure Internet Memes’ group costume got a few chuckles but didn’t get anywhere close to the final four. And it had taken a solid month for her green face paint to completely wash off.
If she could Nadya would text Adrian to double-check The Shrike’s address. Wearing a shiny gold flapper dress in the middle of a seemingly-abandoned warehouse district makes her stick out like a sore thumb. But they both agreed it was too much of a risk.
This being one of the many reasons she wouldn’t make it as an undercover cop.
But Nadya isn’t the only person out of their element; she catches sight of a man in a crisp but old-fashioned suit leaning against a brick wall. His fedora obscures his eyes but she has no doubt what color they are.
“You goin’ my way, Daddy-o?” Her heels click-clack with each step. Get her the door guard’s attention just enough for him to rouse himself to his full intimidating stature.
He looks her up and down with a scowl. “You talkin’ to me, toots?”
I can’t believe that worked. She steels herself and bats her eyelashes.
“Anyone else here? Didn’t think so.”
His eyes linger on the way the fringe of her dress catches on the dim streetlight over their heads. Sure enough they gleam blood-red. She stifles a nervous swallow.
“Pretty young thing like you shouldn’t be runnin’ around dark alleys at night,” he scolds, “you never know what hangs out around these parts.”
Nadya ticks her tongue. “Oh I’ve got, erm, a pretty swell idea.”
“Oh yeah?”
They lock eyes — a contest of wills. He smells of old chewing tobacco and something burning; the combination bringing a stinging tear to her eye. Finally Nadya relents; cocks her hip to one side and when she crosses her arms over her chest the wax seal on her envelope catches the same light.
“Alright, nope, can’t do this. I have a summons for your boss so how about you let me in?”
Whether the vampire got off on the roleplay or not the second the spell is broken so is his restraint. She’s pretty sure he doesn’t have to flash his fangs when he frowns but that doesn’t stop him in the slightest.
The door guard steps forward; towers over Nadya. His eyes glow in the shadow cast by his hat.
“How’s about I don’t?”
“There you are, dollface!” Nadya breaks into a full-body shudder at the familiar voice behind her as it calls out from the dark, “so much for goin’ in together!”
The guard looks up — Nadya rounds on the woman with paling surprise. The sleek black flapper dress ringed with pearls looks wholly alien on Maricruz’s jolly form as she trots up to the pair of them. She urges Nadya back around towards the door just in time for the guard to slam his hand on the metal.
He looks between them, upper lip curled in distaste. “And who the hell are you?”
Mari twirls one of the strands of pearls around her neck with a long finger. If anyone else was running around New York at night in Gatsby attire the irony would stand. But despite only meeting her once Nadya wouldn’t forget that smirk for the life of her.
“Calm your pants ya bluenose. My gal and I here were just lookin’ for a hot place to go half-seas over. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
Before Nadya can protest Mari seals their mouths together. She makes it a point to swallow all the air in the girl’s lungs before pulling back — and only then does Nadya understand why.
Maricruz’s fangs press just over the swell of her bottom lip. Her eyes like garnets in the light.
The guard, to his lack of credit, grins smugly at the display. Men never change. But the sight of Mari’s true form is like a skeleton key and with a gruff grunt, he knocks in a lazy four-beat tune on the door. The sound of bolts and locks being undone echoes through the alley and the door swings open with a whine.
“Whatever.” The guard tries to play it off but his focus lingers on the envelope in Nadya’s hands. She quickly stuffs it between her body and Mari’s as she’s led inside.
The door closes on them swiftly. They’re plunged into a dimmer darkness than the nighttime; old rust and a musty weight to the air making it hard for her to breathe.
She doesn’t get the chance to speak — instead Nadya finds herself pinned to the corridor wall with a hand beside her head.
Maricruz leers down at her with eyes blazing. Her voice; a purring croon.
“Now… why don’t you and I have a little chat?”
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thesilverdragoon · 4 years
Bumps and Bruises
Previous: An Iron Grip
Next: By Order of the Exarch
Vesevont landed on the ground backside first as the viera captain, Lyna, circled around him like a wolf who’d managed to single out its next meal. "I thought you said you were trained."
"I am!- I was… ow… it's been a long time since I've had to do any fighting like this," The Ishgardian groaned as he got back to his feet with a slight wobble.
"Mayhaps if you direct more of that energy you spend on complaining into your messy footwork, you may be able to land a hit on me yet." Lyna goaded him on.
Training and assessing novices wasn't something she typically had the time for. But the Exarch had absolutely insisted she take the outlander out for a practice session. He wouldn't explain why, of course, but she'd come to expect that from him. He always had his reasons. She just hoped that the answers would come to the surface a lot sooner than they usually did.
She twirled her sword in her hand as easily as a baton. "Again. Better this time. Faster. Harder."
Ves' ears pinned back in annoyance as he clutched his own weapon with his prosthetic arm. He'd lost his sword-arm to Puffy when they had rejoined together again in Coerthas, and he hadn't the time nor the need to practice fighting anything while he recovered.
He became used to using his right hand for more mundane activities of course, but not combat.
Using the prosthetic for swashbuckling and sword swinging felt awkward and clumsy, despite him finally growing accustomed to the weight of it. Regardless of its impressive range of movement, it still couldn't account for the real thing. And it never would.
He didn't want to fight anymore. But Lyna wouldn't let him quit.
"Hurry up. The eaters won't wait for you. And neither will I." She suddenly lunged for him swinging her sword down hard, leaving the knight barely any time to react (a more recently trained soldier would have begged to differ.)
The sounds of their steel rung in the Temenos Rookery where they kept pastures for the furry flying beasts they called amaro.
Quite strange looking things… Puffy would try to catch a glance at them every time Ves' back faced one of the holding pens, putting the poor beasts on edge.
On one of the nearby corrals the worm spotted a boy standing on the fence boards, watching them eagerly.
The young dark haired elezen boy with the ball from the marketplace.
Ves tumbled backwards suddenly, startling the worm enough to let out a shriek as they both flopped down into the dirt ungracefully.
Arval laughed from his place at the fence as another boy, his brother, came up from behind him.
"What are you doing?" Fenick eyed the scene before them, sticking his head in between the fence boards rather than standing on the middle one like Arval had been.
"Watching Captain Lyna beat up the old man! He's Eulmoran you know. I saw him with the others in the marketplace yesterday! He got hit with the ball right in the face on accident."
Fenick raised a brow curiously as he turned his attention back to the two. "How do you know he's Eulmoran? They don't like it here, even if they DO run away."
"Look at his coat! Have you seen anything that fancy around here?" Arval pointed at Vesevont. "That means he had money at some point. Pixies got to him he said! Poor sod."
Fenick hummed in disbelief as Lyna shoved the old man back into the dirt. "He's not very good at fighting, is he?"
"Not at all! He's probably going to have to pay a visit to mum after all that."
The sparring went on for a little while longer, until Lyna decided enough was enough for one day.
"I'm not sure who taught you, but your swings are too readable. Too stiff. You need to work on the flow and timing. Next time it will be against a more appropriate sparring partner than I." Lucky for him, she wanted to say. But she kept it to herself.
Ves panted as he leaned forward, hands on his knees. "What's… what's wrong with the way I... fight?" He remembered the techniques Ishgard drilled into his head. They were perfectly fine under any other circumstance. And certainly fine enough for fighting dragons with. Sin eaters were just a different flavor of beast.
Lyna, however, danced around as she fought and never held still. It was hard to catch her and stay in range long enough to actually strike out against her.
He could feel Puffy snickering at him from his back. If only the worm was allowed to help him... But... 
He could hear the Exarch’s words in his head, and for whatever reason, they always gave him a harsh sense of deja vu. “A time and place for everything, my friend. But not now...”
Lyna frowned. "You need to work on listening as well. No matter... enough for today. I will report your progress to the Crystal Exarch when I have finished my daily duties. Go and get yourself cleaned up." She came to his side, pulled him back up by the arm (before dusting his sleeve off a little for good measure) and turning her back to him, walking away and back to the Rotunda.
Ves eventually was able to catch his breath. His knees hurt, his elbows hurt, his head, his ribs- every little thing. Lyna really knew how to hurt someone when she needed to. And she wasn't even trying, he would have bet.
"You almost had her that one time!" Arval called out, climbing over the fence and hopping back down onto the dirt.
Fenick followed him by stepping through the fence instead.
The knight paused and looked around before he turned and saw the two boys approaching him, one of which he recognized. How long had they been there? "Oh. You're the one with the ball back in the marketplace, right?"
"That's right!"
"Ah… er… what...are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking." This area didn't look like a place for children to play. Especially not with the brutal looking amalj'aa keepers around (or the Zun, as Lyna had called them.)
"Watching you and Captain Lyna spar. It was good fun!" Arval grinned as Fenick cringed at about the same time.
Ves pursed his lips. These children watched him get knocked around in the dust. And so gleefully too. Well, one of them anyway.
He eyed Fenick then. "And...you are??"
"Fenick, I'm his older brother."
"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you?"
"You look like you could use a trip to the Spagyrics. Have you ever been there? Mum works there. She'll be able to clean you up in no time!" Arval suggested as he quickly began to lead the way with Fenick following behind him.
"Your m- oh! I believe I've met her already. Hanameen, yes? Brown hair, long ears," ...Adorable freckles-
"Yes! Wait- you met mum already??"
"Yes, my arm was hurting me the other day. So she took me upstairs to the craftsman terrace up on the top floor to find someone to fix it for me. I was there all evening yesterday."
Arval paused and waited for Ves to catch up before coming closer to look at his prosthetic. "Your arm? Can I see??"
The Ishgardian stooped lower a bit so that they could both look if they wanted to.
Arval's eyes lit up. Even Fenick came closer to have a look, only he was more sheepish about it.
"I don't think I've ever seen anything like yours before! Where'd you get it??" The old man definitely had to be Eulmoran. Without a doubt.
"A friend built it for me; her family makes these. They're very talented." 
"I wish I had one, it looks so cool.."
"N-no, you might reconsider when it gets stuck or starts hurting your back or whatever else!"
"Well it's attached to your shoulder, not your back."
"Your shoulder connects to your back."
Fenick remained quiet as the two bantered along the way. Something about the old man was… odd. He could have sworn he'd seen something in his coat moving at one point, but it was impossible to tell otherwise.
The Spagyrics came into view, and the three walked inside. "Mum! The old man's gotten himself beat to a pulp by Captain Lyna!!" Arval announced, leaving Vesevont incredibly red in the face.
Hanameen glanced up from wrapping another soldier's arm in linens. "I'll be a minute!"
"Well now! Back so soon?? It's only been a day. Vesevont was it?" Chessamile chuckled from her desk, once again busy with her log book.
Steam could have been coming out of Ves' ears by that point. "Yes ma'am."
"You should have been there- Captain Lyna was throwing him around all over the place like a blanket that needs a good dusting!" Arval began to swing his arms in very dramatic sword-wielding-like fashion.
"No- it wasn't like that." Ves retorted, trying to look at a wall or a shelf instead of anybody directly.
Arval paused. "You’re right- it was more like this," He yelled and threw himself on the floor.
Fenick's ears were completely pinned back at the embarrassing display (right along with the old man,) and he floated off towards the back where his mother worked.
"Now you're just exaggerating it too much!!”
"If you were an eater you would have exploded into a shower of sparkling aether! Poof!! Like a cloud!" Arval picked himself back up, moving his hands in an outwards motion as Ves groaned.
"Arval leave the man alone! Any more of that and he's going to stay that shade of red for the rest of his life!" Hanameen scolded from behind one of the dividers. She couldn’t even see him and somehow she knew (Ves wanted to hide.)
Arval winced but still held a smile on his face. "At least that would mean you're not white as a sheet... We’d have to start panicking then."
Eventually Hanameen came over, eyeing Ves up and down and shaking her head, clicking her tongue a few times for good measure. "I'll fetch you a basin. You don't look too bad, maybe a bandage and a bit of salve here and there once you wash all that dirt off and you'll be good to go get beat up again."
Ves sputtered as she turned and walked away to the other side of the room as Arval giggled to himself.
When she returned she set the water-filled basin down on the floor at his feet and threw a few clean rags at his lap, then quickly walked over to a shelf filled to the brim with potions and salves and other sorts of colorful liquids in equally colorful bottles. Fenick had retreated there earlier and remained close to her, watching the old man warily from afar.
"So, when are you going to actually go out and fight eaters instead of fighting the dirt??" Arval asked, leaning against the edge of the cot in which Vesevont had sat.
"Fight? You mean the sin eaters?? Oh no no no- I'm not doing anything of the sort."
"But you were sparring with Captain Lyna! Doesn't that mean you're going to join the guard and help defend the Crystarium?? You need a job right??"
"Arval you'd best watch where that tongue of yours is wagging." Chessamile warned from her desk.
Arval groaned aloud before looking towards his mother who had returned with a short and round glass bottle in hand. The sour smell of herbs clung to it.
"Arval," Hanameen eyed him.
"Well… I guess he is a bit old,"
The boy quickly darted away towards the back of the room.
Hanameen sighed. "Sorry about him. He gets too excited sometimes.
Done scrubbing off??"
Ves blinked a few times as he went back to wiping off the dirt from the few scrapes and bumps he had collected in the short time he sparred with the viera. Or viis. Or whatever Lyna was. Whatever anyone was anymore. "It's no trouble really, my own son was a handful, so I know what you mean. He was shy, but he had his moments. Very outspoken ones." Just remembering those moments made him chuckle. "Oh- yes, I am, sorry."
"Oh! I had no idea. How old?" Hanameen asked as she knelt down, cotton in one hand, now uncorked bottle in the other.
"He'd be about twenty now I believe. Time certainly flies all too quickly."
"Ah… I see." She didn't ask beyond that. Instead, she pressed the cotton piece to the lid of the bottle, turned it upside down, and then pressed it lightly onto one of the few scrapes. It burned immediately.
The Ishgardian looked away and scrunched up his nose briefly before the sensation faded. "He uh… Arval, was it? Seems to really like the guard."
"Oh, that's because their father Gennar is one. He’s stationed at Fort Jobb most days. He's gone for a week or maybe several and then he comes home for a few nights. It's hard sometimes, but you have to manage as best as you can, right?"
Ves hummed in agreement as his head drifted off into memories of pulling very, very long shifts at the Vigils. He'd be stationed for weeks, maybe months at one before moving on to the next.
Those days were very wearing. When he'd heard he was to finally be permanently stationed at Whitebrim, it had truly been a blessing.
Again came the burning cotton with the salve and his breath hitched suddenly. "Ow-"
"Hold still,"
"I am,"
After a few more times Hanameen stood up again to put the bottle away. "There we are. Try not to roll around in the muck and they'll be healed up in no time. They weren't so bad.”
Ves sat there, watching her move to and fro almost falling into a sort of trance before shaking his head slightly. "I won't.
...Roll in dirt that is." He quickly added as he got to his feet, his knees creaking. "I don't have pay-"
"Oh it's not a bother. You know how much I wish I were treating only minor scrapes and bumps all day long? It would mean there's less trouble in the world." Hanameen rolled her eyes. "Speaking of, find some ice for those lumps on your head lest they turn to horns. That goes for the rest of the bruises I see beginning to form already. They’ll be only end up purple as opposed to yellow, green, red, blue, and a whole myriad of other colors."
Ves reached up towards the spot on his head tenderly. "I'll try…"
As he wandered away from the Spagyrics, Arval came to the doorway and watched him go. "I like him, he's funny!"
"I have a feeling we'll be seeing him a lot." Chessamile said aloud, mostly to herself. "He seems like the sort."
Fenick scowled and joined his brother, glaring at the old man's back as he wandered off towards the other side of the Crystarium. "Didn't you see the way he was looking at mum?"
"Huh? No." Arval tilted his head in confusion.
"Well, I did.
He looked at her like father does. He can't do that!"
Arval glanced at him, and then back outside. "...Well, I think he's funny… and nice." He didn’t believe him.
Fenick gave a sharp hmph before making his way back to Hanameen protectively.
"Fenick?? What's wrong??" She asked, looking down at him as he clung onto her and pulled on her arm a little.
"Nothing," He muttered darkly, shoving his face onto her apron afterwards.
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thewhumpstuff · 4 years
You and I, Me and You [36]
[CW: Vague references to human trafficking]
[Teaser and Master List] [Archives of our Own] (Lost and Found: Chapter 11)
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Akira slipped into the training room. She was expecting Tariq to finally train with her and thought a warm-up session might help. She slapped the wooden spokes of the wooden dummy half-heartedly.
Jared worked it so much better. She could mimic his motions, but not with his speed or finesse. At least I can try to keep up with training or start again… rather…
She heard the already familiar whir of the chair and turned. Zizi waited by the door, watching. She didn’t want to roll onto the mats and raised her eyebrows when Akira turned.  “I hope you don’t mind me peeking. Please do not stop on my account.” “I… er… Cool, I guess.”
Akira grew a little conscious under the scrutiny but felt compelled to continue now. “I prefer a good ol’ speed ball, but a Mu ren Zhuang has its charms…” Akira replied while continuing to weave her strikes between the bars. “You know what it is?” “Chinese for The Wooden Dummy, I’ve trained on it before…” Akira cocked her head. She did not know the precise details, but Novara had mentioned something about some fighting pit and trainers. It was not inconceivable that Zizi knew how to fight. “I guess… I use it to practice quick interruptive strikes… Sometimes.”
Akira now felt the need to make excuses for her lack of expertise. She was also met with an urge to prove that she was not a complete novice.  A tank top was adjusted, as were the loose tracks. She took deep breath and squared off against the imaginary opponent. Her strikes fell with an unexpected fervour, but did not stop, despite the light bruises. “I’m clearly not fast enough-” She said loudly, over the clatter of the dummy. When she finally stopped her fingers instinctively ran over the tender skin, breathlessly. “-to get out of the way of the spokes. Neither do I have the stamina anymore…” She clicked her tongue following the soft contemplation. “You’re too hard on yourself and going too hard at it too…” Zizi responded, encouragingly. “I guess this practice doesn’t matter all that much against a real person, there are a lot more things to consider then...” Akira did not mean to sound confrontational, but she recognized that she was feeling defensive.
Zizi had not read the self-justifying note in Akira’s words and took them at face value. She moved out of the way as Akira made her way into the kitchen to fetch some water. “True. Things do change when you are fighting an actual person.” Zizi was talking from experience. Very vivid and life or death experience and Akira could not help but recognize this, it compelled her to clarify, “That’s what Tariq says anyways… Jared and he are kinda better at this than I am...” “You’d be surprised how much just a little practice and experience can help.” Zizi replied, nonchalantly, oblivious to the inner workings of the mind of the girl in front of her. “I do practice. In fact, Tariq is probably going to come by to spar with me later today.” Akira’s cheeks flushed a little hotly, she hoped Zizi assumed that it was just from the quick work out. Zizi did assume so and did not read much into it. “Oh! Should be fun to watch you two go at it…” Zizi added, a little brightly. They had slowly adopted her into the fold so well. She did not realise she may be intruding. For her, the concept of combat and fighting for survival was as comfortable as breathing; a part of her revelled in it. A chance to witness it in a friendly capacity felt pleasantly warm.
Akira made a non-committal sound and turned away; she was not so sure if she could handle Zizi as an audience. But she sounded like she was looking forward to it and Akira knew Tariq would not mind. She was right.
Akira had opened the door to Tariq’s incessant rapping shortly after and sure enough, he didn’t mind Zizi. “Ready for me to take you down, T?” She challenged softly. She did not want to be overheard. Her confidence was on thin ice today. Tariq noticed and filed it away. He did not want Akira to walk away from this feeling like a failure… in any capacity. He also did not intend on making things too easy for her.
They snuck into the training room. “Think you will make contact?” They wound wrist-guards around their arms, securing their knuckles with the wrap and took their stances against each other. “You’re ok, right? Nova said things got a ?” “You know I wouldn’t take on mighty Akira if I wasn’t.” He remained playful and was only half-joking. She stuck her tongue out at him and then soberly added, “Zizi mentioned wanting to watch us train. Think that’s okay?” Akira almost winced as she asked, hoping against hope that he would find some logical reason to decline. No such luck. “Of course! It is wonderful actually!” As she expected, Tariq sounded thrilled.
Akira’s smile was too wide to be genuine. She turned away quickly to reach for a skipping rope. She felt the urge to vanish as Zizi re-emerged and she and Tariq spent a moment sizing each other.  The silence that followed felt incredible awkward to Akira. She cleared her throat. “Right…” Tariq said, slightly absently. Akira wanted to snap and ask him to focus, to playfully threaten to wipe the floor with him if he did not. But she knew those were empty threats and stating them without the ability to follow through, especially in front of Zizi, made them feel hollow.
Tariq volunteered to let Akira practice some of the basic self-defence techniques on him. “You’ve still got it…” Tariq muttered with some exertion as Akira swiftly maneuvered him into a lock. “Really?” Her focus split for just long enough for Tariq to break the lock and reverse it. Akira grit her teeth as she struggled against it. “Gotcha! Focus, silly… Don’t just struggle… Try and find another way.” She knew these things and didn’t take kindly to being reminded today. Her eyes flitted to Zizi, who watched with a non-judgemental fascination, sitting up in her chair with an eagerness of a child. The two grappled briefly and Zizi did not interfere. She tried to make it easy for them to forget she was there. But she caught both their glances too often.  She could see things were rather effortless for Tariq, but despite that, Akira managed to catch him out, albeit inconsistently. Sometimes he let her, other times she acted on an instinct that felt unpredictable to the seasoned fighters – Tariq as the recipient and Zizi as an observer.
Witnessing their training quickly became the favourite part of her day. Slowly, she participated, offering tips and suggestions alongside Tariq; they agreed often. The few times they didn’t, Tariq admitted that his way of dealing with a certain situations involved dragging things out for the fun, especially if the guy deserved it. Zizi had cryptically countered with, “Sometimes you can’t afford that and just have to go for the takedown… or kill…” She had excused herself after that mention. But it did not deter her from becoming a regular presence for the next few days that followed.
Akira tried her best to soak up as much knowledge as she could, but it became more and more difficult for her to not feel inferior. When it was just her and Tariq, despite the amount of experience he had on her, she was never left feeling insecure. Worthless, failure… - Nova took the first half of the day off to work with Zizi when her prosthetics finally arrived. They took longer than anticipated, paper pushing was hard work and Nova was not very good at it. Akira ensured that the nerve-endings were appropriately synced to the best of her abilities. Everything seemed to work well enough.
Zizi paced around the house in deliberate strides picking up things and putting them down as she allowed herself to test and get accustomed to the extensions. She had some measure of control for the finer motions of the mechanical fingers. But she was intimately familiar with the variance in the specifications. Since her body had basically been a mule for demonstrations that involved cutting-edge prosthetic prototypes, she was doing better than Nova and Akira had anticipated. This felt like a valid reason for the team to share a meal, so Nova proposed a celebratory dinner.  “I’ll go to the convenience store and get something to spruce up the food with…” It was only upon stating that, did Akira realise with a certain bitterness, that no one had explicitly stated that Akira and Zizi were not confined to the suite. However, without stating it, the others conveniently let the ladies assume they were on house arrest.
Nova left for her shift at the clinic past lunch, shortly after Akira returned from the store. Akira and Zizi began the preparations for the food and Tariq joined them, all too eager to help prep the food. “I haven’t forgotten… Y’know… You wanna go?”  Zizi leaned on the counter next to Tariq as he sniffed the steam from the sauce that simmered on the stove. Her meaning was obvious to him. Akira was chopping some shallots and trying not to eavesdrop, half-heartedly. “You’ve just got your prosthetics today, maybe start easy?” Tariq was serious, he was not just inflating his own worth. Zizi deliberately chose to ignore that and watched him with amusement. “Who says you’re not going easy?” Akira set her knife down and was not completely sure what compelled her to interrupt them, “We could spar… If you’d like.” Emerald eyes snapped onto the intense sable eyes. “Yeah… that might be fun!” Tariq piped up. Akira was minutely prickled that he did not think she posed any real challenge; she was hoping Tariq would protest.
When they finally got onto the mat and started going through the motions, it became painfully obvious that his assessment had been correct. Akira was an easy enough opponent, Zizi kept up with ease. They were just striking and parrying and then they wove in some modifications. Things picked up pace, just as Zizi got faster, Akira felt like she was getting slower and breathless. And then it happened. A metal fist flew towards a face. Akira didn’t duck, or parry in time. A muffled wet sounding crack of a broken nose followed. Akira was staggered backwards, she winced and was so startled that she was silent. Tariq first saw the molten red anger pour into his friend’s form and then pour out of her lips in form of a threat she certainly did not mean. “What the fuck! I’m going to kill you…” Akira didn’t recognize her own voice.
Tariq then saw the hardened, icy strike that Zizi prepared and let fly on instinct. He threw himself between them, blocking the metallic leg that was flung towards Akira and throwing his arm across her as she lunged like a feral kitten.
Zizi saw the trickling blood, and the rebellious tears that clung to Akira’s lashes.  She was quicker to understand that the situation had escalated and eased off the fighting stance. She folded her arms and backed off to a corner. Tariq used Akira’s movement against her and easily dropped her onto the mat, she landed with a thud which knocked the air out of her, he knelt over her shins and pinned her wrists to the ground with one hand. For a moment she struggled with violence, now glaring at Tariq. “I’ll kill you too…” she hissed.
This was a moment. Akira was having a very bad moment. Tariq was not a stranger to them. Though they had been a rarer occurrence in adulthood ever since she joined Q.B. “Kira… Kira. Stop. Look at me. Breathe. It was an accident…” He held her there till she stopped struggling and drew a few ragged breaths and she recognized the pain of the insult. “F—I can’t bre” She sounded nasal, her eyes screwed shut. Once she stopped struggling and Tariq eased off her, she quickly drew herself off the mat and streaked into her room with a hand cupping her broken nose. “I’m sorry.” Tariq and Zizi’s apologies coalesced; they shared wry smiles.
“I… I just-” “-Reacted on instinct? Yeah, I got that. Don’t worry about it.” He let her talk first but interrupted her when she hesitated. “Yeah, usually when people say that, they mean it…” Tariq scanned her face; she wore a careful expression of impassive resignation. It reminded him of Jared. He replied absently. “I… I get that.  She certainly didn’t mean it.”  “Will she be fine?” “I think so. She’s not usually like this… any more.” Tariq mused, he too stood with folded arms and stared in the general direction of Akira’s room. She didn’t come out until it was dinner time. The responsibility of finishing the dinner fell upon Tariq and Zizi. - Nobody talked about what happened. Tariq and Zizi were setting the food on the ample platform of the kitchen. Nova did not think to ask questions when she returned. She eagerly rushed into the bathroom for a shower. It was almost dinner time. She considered prettying herself up for it a little, but the thought of staring into the mirror to accentuate her beauty, just reminded her too much of Ezekiel. She did not want dresses… Or perfectly fitting skirts, or fancy fucking bras. Simple things.
Zizi shuffled into the room to freshen up too. “You look brighter than usual, Nova…” She mentioned in an off-handed manner as she noticed the wardrobe choices pooled onto bed. “… Because, you’re doing well and I’m going to be with my people” Nova’s words were less a response and more a realisation. All she really wanted to wear was the joy she felt at collecting people she cared for, around her. And certainly, these people did not care if she was in a dress or in sweatpants. -
Everybody was in tracksuits. Vivianne was the only one well-dressed and somehow, she was so casual in her manner that she didn’t stick out. Except when she resolutely sat on a chair while the others spilled onto the floor. She watched with her usual intrigue, a gentle, friendly smirk gracing her lips. She certainly was happy to see Tariq and Nova joyful again. The two of them took to the gathering with a certain flair.
Akira joined after all the guests had arrived. She had bandaged the small cut that opened on the bridge of her nose. Jared remained slightly reserved and watchful. His duties as SiC were certainly bleeding into his general demeanour. His questioning gaze towards Akira and her nose, was not met with any response. They toasted to new beginnings and had wine out of tumblers, in carefully measured quantities. Zizi gave Jared a wide berth. She was polite, but not friendly, he responded in kind. Nova and Tariq assumed it simply had to do with lack of familiarity. Their theory faltered when Zizi seemed far more accommodating towards Vivi. But everybody carefully skirted around the uncomfortable dynamics that lurked under the surface amidst them, except Akira. She surrendered to the buzz of the wine and a part of her was itching for a confrontation.
The little gathering commenced; Tariq used his CommCube to play dj. The party went on. Eventually, Zizi cornered Akira by the kitchen counter.  “Listen… I just wanted to say I’m sorry…” “It’s fine… I did threaten to kill you.” Akira replied matter-of-factly, her voice was louder than Zizi’s had been. “You what?” Jared did not mean to pry, but he did, especially when the two people he was most concerned about, rubbed shoulders. Akira turned around slowly and glared. “Threatened to kill her.” She repeated in a soft voice, that was deliberately hostile.
Jared was not going to take bait, given that nobody except Akira looked harmed, it was safe to assume the situation had been benign. He tried remaining patient in his inquiry. “What happened?” Akira pointed at her nose and shrugged. “We were sparring.” Zizi interjected when it sounded like Akira was trying to goad him, upon feeling accused. She wanted to apologise again, to assuage any concerns that Jared may have, but Akira went on.  “It only makes sense, right? She has a lot more experience than I do, I thought I could learn, who knows when we’ll have to fight for our lives…” Akira blurted. She did not expect what happened next. She felt the reverberation through the wooden panels when a pair of flat palms slapped the floor. They were Nova’s. “She will not be fighting for her life again.” The colour drained from Akira’s face a little. Jared glared at her and saw the colour return, a slightly different hue of red. One of rage and of chagrin instead of the glow from the wine.
Jared broke the silence with an urgent whisper. “Akira, a word. In private, please.” He spoke less like Jared and more like SiC. Zizi excused herself and decided to call it a night. It was easy to tell that whatever was happening went beyond just the incident. She did not want to be a redundant presence and she had not plucked up the courage to ask for any details around the nuances of their dynamics. Vivianne did not excuse herself, but she slipped out of the suite, amidst the roaring emotions in the room, only Tariq noticed.  He let her go, Vivi was not fond of such drama. His hand found Nova’s shoulder. Akira dragged herself off the floor and stormed into the guest room. Yeah, I need a goddamn word too. Jared slammed the door shut behind them, more like Jared and less like SiC, and drew a breath to talk, but Akira beat him to it…
Tags: @quirkykayleetam, @lettuceknighted
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50 cool welding project ideas
For experts and beginners alike, welding can be a great way of making money. A lot of people dream about turning their hobby into a thing that pays extra money; therefore, welding may be your way of making that dream to see the light.
There are various difficulties when you want to make money from welding. For beginners, you need to have money for your initial outlay because you need to purchase materials you require to weld. This may be expensive especially when selling wares cheaply.
That is where the other challenge comes in. Do you opt for selling and making inexpensive, small items you can sell easily and quickly, or is it your choice to make large products for a particular market that will be hard to sell but bring in money? Which one is better; high profits or a quick turnover? That is a decision that you can make by yourself.
Whichever road you choose to follow, there are great ideas for things that can be made simply. Some are cheerful and cheap, while others are slightly complex and should be tackled after you have the required skills.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or a novice; whether you use TIG or MIG, there is a project for you. Select projects, snap on the welding helmet and begin welding. Below are cool welding project ideas you need for your practice.
Table of contents [show]
1.    Car Ramps
Car businesses, individual vehicles, and garages enthusiasts are perfect customers to purchase a set of strong car ramps. Occasions will be there when either the back or front end of the vehicle needs slight uplifting; therefore, when you weld a custom-made set of cramps for each client, you will end up tapping into the market of individuals that love working on cars.
Small cars require a minute set of ramps; large off-road vehicles will require large ramps, and the biggest vehicles will need more substantial ramps than the other ones. This is to mean that you will have to price them accordingly. Bigger ramps mean more charges to be incurred by the customer.
Car ramps are slightly expensive to manufacture – not to mention they are quite heavy – however when you customize them to the needs of the customers and sell them to businesses; you will make a great profit out of them.
2.    Tables and stools
Chairs, stools, and tables can be huge spinners of money if you desire to invest effort and time in them. These are not projects that have to be attempted by beginners because they are complex, but the truth is that an experienced welder can make stools and tables easily.
Luckily, this is an area that has an open, wide market, especially as welded chairs and tables can look good both outdoors and indoors. Flex all your creative muscles to come up with different designs and styles or create something that is unique for an individual customer.
This business works great when you use the commission basis method. Finding people to buy the items will be a great task, but when you make the pieces for individuals that want them, who instruct you to make them, you have a guarantee of selling everything. The pieces may take some time to finish and probably will not be cheap for you, but in case you are good at what you are doing, you will start seeing the bucks coming in.
3.    Interior decorations
Everybody would like his home to look pretty in different ways, which makes interior decoration a great idea for many welders starting and wanting to make money on the side.
Things like light fixtures, coat racks, fireplace guards, frames, and other metal accessories will remain highly sought after. Being minute, it will not cost a lot to source materials to make them, but you will see them at a lower price.
If you have skills on the front of interior welding decorations, you will get the opportunity to scale your business up. Creating customized, specialized, bespoke pieces according to the requirements of the customers will boost your skill level and reputation.
4.    Falling targets
Anyone that enjoys shooting in the sports sense knows that moving or falling targets can present a challenge that is greater than other regular targets. Just as the name suggests, the targets flip down when they get hit; the moving targets keep moving, making it difficult to hit them.
These things are always very expensive to buy from the shelf. If it is possible to weld your versions and sell them cheaply, they will give you a chance to undercut big suppliers and become more appealing to customers. This is a great way of making money because when you sell falling targets for a reasonable price, you will work hard towards keeping up with the demand.
Moving and falling targets are quite small; therefore, you need to be quick in making them with minimal outlay costs. Nonetheless, you will have to hone your skills to get everything ever right because they are not easy things to put together in the world.
5.    Horseshoe items
There exists a huge market for items to sell to lovers of horses. Items that are horse related can be sold easily to both country enthusiasts and animal lovers; therefore, it will be possible to price them higher than non-themed items. You will find people who are willing to pay for the items especially when you have good skills.
One way of reducing the costs of starting up is to utilize items that are horse-related which exist and then transform them into new ones. The perfect item for this is the horseshoes because they are easy to hold and the connotations bring good luck to make them common with buyers.
What will you do with horseshoes that are old? Link them together to horseshoe-shaped wine racks and then sell them as a gift for lovers of horses. This will not only tap into the market of equestrian but also appeal to connoisseurs of wine.
6.    BBQs
If you are on the lookout for something you can sell at a price that is higher, then the BBQ is the recommended item as a project for welding. They may be difficult to shift, but they can fetch higher prices so that you make a tidy profit, however, an irregular, slow one.
In the sales and production of BBQs, you may come against a hurdle of being bought quite cheap from many groceries, outdoors, and department stores. Why would customers buy an expensive BBQ when they can buy it cheaper elsewhere.
In this situation, you will have to push the idea that the BBQs you are making are of high quality, are handmade, and all items are locally manufactured. All of those found on the shelves must be cheaper brands that come from foreign countries like China. Make sure your clients know that they are getting high-quality items for their money. Do everything possible to make sure that the BBQs stay for long in the place of being disposable, cheap types that individuals throw away after use.
7.    Yard art
The yard art is a profitable way of making money for your welding project; therefore, it is a good starting point for anyone or beginners that want to have more fun in the place of choosing anything very serious. If you are not sure of the meaning of the yard art, the explanation is found below.
Welded yard art takes small pieces of metal because they can be leftovers and scraps and puts them into small decorative objects that come in a sort of animal. The animals get placed inside the garden for some bits of decoration and fun.
More often, yard art is not accurate anatomically; the designs are stylized or caricatures versions of animals in question. For this reason, you will have fun with this project by coming up with creative designs. Conversely, in case you are not keen on ideas of something with minimal purpose, weathervanes are a great option.
The costs will be low because you will find scrap, small pieces of metal to utilize, but you will sell yard art quickly because it is popular. The turnaround for this idea will be high but fun; therefore, get creative and see the things you can come up with.
8.    Small metal brackets
Small metallic brackets fall into this category for purposes of being simple, cheap, and easy to sell, with a low profit and fast turnaround. This idea is great for new beginners when it comes to welding or anybody that would like to make quick bucks.
These things consist of little pieces of metal joined together. Visiting any hardware store will tell you that they possess various uses; therefore, there are a lot of markets for them. Also, push selling points from high-quality artistry, and not as items that are cheaply made or can get broken or require quick replacement.
Brackets are not the only types of things you can make and sell, even though they are probably among the easiest. Visiting the hardware store will give you a host of items you can make and sell cheaply and quickly but at a small profit.
9.    Model vehicles
The market for model vehicles is huge among war collectors and vehicle enthusiasts. The vehicles include all things from airplanes to cars and other specialized military vehicles like tanks. A great project of welding from which you can make bucks is to make model vehicles very cheaply.
They are always small; therefore, even though they may be cheap to make, the accuracy or detail level you will require will necessitate some attention and thoughts. If you want to reach keen buyers that are willing to pay for this item, your work will have to be of the best quality. If you make an airplane or vehicle, you will still get a market for them, but you will not charge anywhere near the initial amount!
One method of increasing the charged amount is to employ a metal that is easy to paint. The sale of these items as one kit which your buyer can decorate will make them extremely appealing.
10.    Fences and gates
Large gates and fences are probably among the things on the list that you can sell at a very high price, but they are among the most complex items for you to make. If you want to make a fence or gate that is effective, you will have to make your measurements perfectly for there to be no room for errors. Additionally, your skills of welding will have to be top notch if you have the hopes of creating things that are vaguely creative or pretty.
When you begin, you will realize that the items you require to make the gates and fences are quite expensive, but if you end up doing a great job, you will reap the rewards within your profit margin. They also take a long time to make as compared to small objects that you could opt for. The profit will be slow in coming, but you will end up with a lump sum in return.
11.    Weld a Shop Stool
Probably, this is among the most crucial items for your welding shop. The good thing about welding stools is that you do not have intricate or complicated parts to weld. It is a modest high-rise stool you have seen in many welding workshops.
Before you begin the project of welding the stool, you will have to draw it to make sure that you know all you need. There are several things that you will require to get started apart from the machine of welding. They are the square pieces of steel that will be utilized as the seat and the angle iron brackets that will be utilized as the legs.
You need to make sure that the brackets height is the same. You do not desire to end up with a stool that is wobbly. The angle brackets are crucial for building the frame and provide support for the seat. It is quite easy because you will have to weld the square seat frame that is the size of the metallic seat and the four legs for it to stand. To make your stool strong and stable, you have to ensure that you are running the angle door brackets in the seat and through the bottom of the stool. The other choices for seats you can make in your welding project include the padded or plywood seats.
12.    Weld together the Workbench
This might be among the most crucial projects for you. In case you have plans of starting to weld; whether as a professional or as a hobby, the workbench will be a very crucial item you will require. It is surprising to note that the welding workbench is not very hard. The trick is welding it together with the help of the right technique. If that is manageable, it can hold up to five hundred kilograms of weight for your future projects. You need to see it as your welding skills test. The items you require to make this bench include paint, angle file or grinder, angle iron brackets, and a welding machine.
Being similar to the shop stool, the workbench also possesses four legs and a top. Employ a steel top for you to utilize it for all your futuristic projects easily. Wood is neither safe nor good as an idea for the top. The table size is upon you and is dependent on the space which is available in your workshop or garage. You need to make sure that the height of the bench is nice and comfortable to work on. You might add another platform near the bottom half to make the bench strong and create additional space for your tools. Make sure you paint on it to hand it a finished look.
13.    The Tool Rack
This will help to organize all things. The greatest aspect of making it by yourself is that it is possible to customize it in all the ways you want. You can decide to make the wall-hanging rack to clear space of the floor in case it is limited or you can decide to create a standing rack. The required tools are similar to the ones used in making the workbench.
Use the angle brackets to come up with a frame of the rack. You can start creating one partition from the middle. The rack or storage space has to be very big to store all the equipment of your own. For this project, you need to measure your equipment and make the right partitions. You can employ hooks or pipes if you desire to hang your tools or sheets of steel in the rack. You can paint it off to give it a polished look or leave it if you desire to show off neat marks of welding.
14.    Garden Fence
Build a fence in the garden to protect your garden from pets that are straying. You require steel rods and an aluminum-magnesium wire mesh. Space your steel rods at distances of not more than two meters. Depending on the fence area that needs placement; calculate the number of rods that you will require. The fence height is your choice to make. With a width of two meters and height of your choice, cut a section of the wire mesh. Utilize the welding machine to do the welding for it to be between the steel rods. Continue doing it until the whole gate area is covered fully. This project is simple to make and is also quick to finish after getting all things ready.
15.    Grill
You can make your grill as a cool welding project. All you require is one clean metal barrel and a few metal strips.
Employ the TIG torch for purposes of cutting the metal barrel in two halves horizontally. You will have to make sure that you are cleaning it properly from inside. You can now weld the strips together for it to look like a mesh that is spaced out equally. Fill your metal barrel with charcoal and then light them. Place your metal grill on the top, and the grill will be ready for use.
16.    Metal Carts
Metal carts are not only useful but also easy to manufacture. You can employ them to move objects that are heavy around the garage. One of the greatest reasons for building the metal cart is to move the TIG welder around using the wheels. You will no longer have to be worried about lifting heavy things, and you can take it everywhere with you. All you require is cold-rolled steel rods for handles, four cartwheels, four casters and their support, metal strips for the base, and angle iron brackets for its sides.
Draw the design before you embark on welding it. To begin with, you need to make sure that you measure it accurately so that the metal is not very small. Utilize the angle-iron brackets in the construction of the outer sides. Make sure you join them into the rectangular form. You can now weld strips of metal across its base. They should not be placed very close to offer support. Weld the cartwheels and casters. You can then use steel rods to make a handle that will help you pull it all over. The metal cart is ready for carrying the TIG welding machine.
17.    Pet Gate
There are also some fun welding projects to do when you are working on improving your home. In case you have a pet cat or dog, you need to realize that it is very crucial own a pet gate. It is crucial to have one of them if you have the intention of potty-training them. Therefore, to make one for your home, you need metal hinges and metal tubing.
Weld the metal lattice together by the use of the metal tubing for coming up with half-inch squares. You need to make it big enough for the pet to be able to get through it. You can now employ more metal tubing in welding the borders in the rectangular shape. You need to make sure that its edges are smooth since you do not want the pet to get hurt. Utilize hinges to attach it onto the bottom half of the door. You will then cut an opening on the door of a similar size. The pet can now punch the gate and then pass through it.
18.    Fire Pit
Fire pits made of cinder blocks are hard to make and are also not durable. Why not embark on a welding project of making a metallic fire pit? You need eight cold-rolled steel rods and four sheets of gauge steel.
Tuck-weld your four sheets together at ninety degrees angles to each other, holding sides of twenty inches together. You can then weld four rods at four corners and four inches between every panel. The rods will get sunk in the ground and hold the big metal square in position. After doing this, utilize the piece of wood and sledgehammer to help in digging holes to sink your fire pit to the ground. This one will be a lifetime investment.
19.    Bookends
Do you hate it when books that are on the shelf fall when you are taking out one? It is a hassle to stack books on your shelf again. Why not build your bookends? They are quite easy to make, and they require paint and a heavy gauged piece of metal.
The bookend that is L-shaped is the best choice for you because it slides below the books and makes sure that they are in place. Take two pieces of metals which are between four to six inches wide and long. Make sure you weld them together with the help of two-stack welds. Use paint to make it interesting and colorful. They are great ideas when you want to give them out as gifts.
20.    Trailer Dolly
These dollies are crucial for carrying a lot of heavy things around. It can also carry the boat to the beach. To make it, you need a hitch kit, wheel kit, and metal stripping.
You need to start by arranging your metal stripping in the form of a rectangular frame. Ensure that whatever your trailer has to carry, you measure that thing at the beginning. You would not wish to go through the problem of making the dolly then it becomes very small for utility. Weld your frame together. It is crucial for the frame to be sturdy enough to support what the items are weighing. Utilize the hitch kit when welding. You need to make sure that are adding the wheels well. Utilize the board on the frame for carrying your things around.
21.    Support Stand
The support stand looks like the goal post in football. It can hold rods of long lengths you are using in your cool welding project. To make a stand you need a threaded rod, one nut, metal pieces, one pipe, and one channel of six inches.
Weld the channel of six inches to your pipe. You can then weld your pipe to the metal piece and weld it in the nut. You can then insert the rod via the nut and thread the other nut on the other side. Weld the three-inch channel on the nut and then add the u-shaped pieces of metal, which will act as support.
22.    Garden Wagon
Have you noticed the hard task of carrying supplies when you are gardening? In case you have a loved one that has a hobby of gardening, you can make the wagon for him and hand it to him as a gift. To make the garden wagon, you require two sheets of metals that are six inches on the sides,  two sheets of metal of four feet by six inches on the sides, one metal sheet for the base, four metal brackets, two axles that are four and half feet wide, and one metal wagon handle. You will also need four solid wheels of two feet and paint that rust proof.
Utilize four sheets of metal that you purchased for the sides and then weld them in the shape of a rectangle. You can then place the sheet of metal of its base on the top and then weld its edges. Set its axles four inches from all ends of the wagon. You can weld brackets over the axles. The axles of the wheel should have the ability to spin. Attach its wheels and then flip the body to weld the handles of the wagon in place. Use the rust proof paint to pint it and the garden wagon will be ready to utilize.
23.    Firewood Rack
The firewood rack is a cool welding project idea and one which does not take very long to weld. You require square metal tubing to make it.
The rack is constructed in a U-edged square. The height needs to be approximately four feet and five feet long. The overall width needs to be at least one and a half feet. Cut your metal tubing to the right size and begin welding its ends. Add support halfway in length to make it strong.
24.    Go Kart Frame
You can construct the go-cart frame within no time with the help of plans in the market. The plans are good for your project. Additionally, this project is worthwhile, fun, and if you have to involve other individuals in your project, they will also enjoy. Everybody likes the go Kart.
25.    Shelves
Construct some shelves of steel for purposes of storage in the garage. Your partner will increasingly love you for it as a gift, but she will hate the clutter that is created there.
26.    Welding Table.
You need to possess a sturdy welding table in the working location. After all, what surface are you going to use during welding? Will you use the kitchen table? That is not the case. This may be your most worthwhile welding project in the new shop.
27.    Steel and Metal Storage.
You need to store all your metal bits for purposes of welding. Why not create a storage container that is organized rather than throwing them in an old space in the garage or shed?
28.    Plant Stands.
Everybody likes and loves plants. Many people love having nice plant stands to hang little plants on them. This is especially good on the level of the eyes because many freaks of plants like talking to their plants also.
29.    Stool.
You require a sitting stool when you are feeling tired being on your feet at all times. You will also be cleaning and grinding in the house; therefore, why not do it while seated on the stool that you welded by yourself.
30.    Barbecue
You can weld the barbeque or grill within a short period. All you need to put in place is a full set of plans. To make your things simple and easy, you can go for the fifty-five-gallon barrel. You can build one from that barrel. It does not look pretty, but it completes the trick.
31.    Compost Unit.
Everybody would like to have great soil for his plans. Construct a composting barrel unit that will help solve this task.
32.    Toy
Building a toy is an advanced but cool welding project idea you can try out. This project will be challenging, but it is worth a try. Just have a plan in place, and you will come up with a great toy for your functionality.
33.    Outdoor Fireplace
One of the greatest projects that beginners find useful and interesting is the outdoor fireplace. This project needs minimal skill, good working knowledge of ARC, MIG, and TIG welding basics, and excellent attention to detail. The materials required include the plasma cutter, steel rods, and steel sheets. It may take several days to complete.
34.    Barbecue pit
Who could not utilize the homemade barbecue pit? Save time and money by making your barbecue pit with the welding skills you have. This welding project is simple in which you can weld a few metal bars and sheets together, and place the completed project in the patio area or backyard. Since this task will assist you to adorn the patio and the home, techniques of TIG welding and supplies are needed.
35.    Storage Rack
Curating the storage rack is a great welding idea for all welders that like using the MIG welder. This project needs some bits of space, creativity, and skill. After completing it, you can put it anywhere in the garage or home where you require additional space for storage.
36.    Screen Or Security Door
Employ your welding project hobby to enhance the security of the home by welding the security door or screen. You can employ various metals depending on how sturdy or how strong you want the new door screen to be. You need to keep the appearance of the door in mind also. To give the door screen a look of high quality and finish, employ TIG tools of welding.
37.    Entry Gates
This cool welding project is for welders with little time on their hands and would like to come up with something that enhances the value of the home and curb the appeal while showing their skills of welding off. Weld the wrought aluminum or iron bars together to come up with great entry gates. For this task, you will require MIG welding tools and ornamental wrought iron or aluminum bars.
38.    Wine Bottle Holder
Welders that love wine will love the idea of making their bottle holders. All they need is a thick chain, welding equipment, and an empty wine bottle. Of course, the welding technique and materials depend on the design of the bottle holder. Beginners can get by this welding project by use of TIG and ARC welding skills and supplies to come up with a useful and stunning wine bottle holder.
39.    Barbecue Smoker
This cool welding project is for beginners that are advanced and would like to test their skills of welding. Creating a smoker needs a good time investment, enough space, and steel materials, but the finalized project and rewards are worth the investment.
40.    Coat Rack
In case you are seeking extra space for your jackets and coats, you can weld your coat rack with ease. All you require is steel components and other supplies of welding. Use the MIG welder to give your rack a look that is professional and for smoothing out rough edges to keep clothes and coats from sagging.
41.    Truck Bumper Kit
This is a great welding project idea for beginners, truck enthusiasts, and teens. It is extremely easy, simple, and can be put to utility immediately. Weld the truck bumper to give your vehicle extra protection and an appearance that is rugged. A TIG and a MIG welder are required for this task.
42.    Garden Trellis
Make your garden trellis for your climbing plants and vines with the help of your skills in welding. The size and design of the project will determine if you have to use ARC, TIG, or MIG welding tools.
43.    Children’s play sets
Your kids will love it when you choose to build them a playground. Find free playground plans and use them for this cool project
44.    Truck and trailer jack stands
If you want to construct a custom truck, the extra tall jack stand is a thing that will help you work below the vehicle. The project of the jack stand is good for advanced welders that know ways of making a weld seam that will not break.
45.    Small utility trailer
There is no need of purchasing a new trailer for four thousand dollars. Construct a small trailer after gaining intermediate welding skills. You can do it when you have MIG welding skills.
46.    Modern desk (business design)
The modern desk is yet another welding project idea that can give you money. This desk is as cute as a modest dining table. When you make this table, you can sell it for one thousand dollars.
47.    Steel vase
Making a steel vase is a great welding project idea. Since you are working on flat steel, you have to select a design you can break down in flat planes you can start with.
48.    Fitness and gym equipment
Welding gym and fitness tools is a cool welding project idea for people that want to sell stuff or for welding experts. Design your shoulder press bench, climbing bar, and the flat bench and then sell it to the local gyms.
49.    Steel and glass partition wall
A modern and nice looking partition wall that is made of glass and steel frames is a great welding project. The project of the partition wall is for advanced welders. If done well, this project can be lucrative.
50.    Contracting services
One cool welding idea is having contacts with all local and building contractors. You need to consider workshops, industrial companies, marine industries, and car repairs to name a few. If you handle the projects well, it is likely that you will get a recommendation from customers and contractors in the future.
With the required tools of welding, the right design, and little creativity, anybody can come up with beautiful projects in their backyards.
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papercrane · 6 years
Eredar Lord of the Trifling Gnome: Cracktober 2018
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Cracktober was made by @wolfandwild for the warcraft hell discord, where we got a randomized pairing and had to create a Hallow’s End themed fic for em! 
I got gelbin mekkatorque and JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION. I played it straight!
“High Tinker?”
“When you can wrap up, how about you go on down to help get ready. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you’ve stayed nearly an hour later than we agreed on.”
Gelbin Mekkatorque poked his head out of the siege tank he was in the middle of repairing, looking over at one of his top engineers of the Tinkers Court, Nissa Brightgale. She returned the pointed look right to him. Nissa was a bit younger than him at 94, but an accomplished tinker, and he recognized some of his own stubborn streak in her. Setting her wrench aside, she sat back, hand on her hip.
“I could say the same of you!”
He was caught, and he knew it, chuckling sheepishly. It was the first night of celebrations for Hallow’s End, and there was a feast in Ironforge that night to kick things off. As High Tinker, he’d agreed to represent his people at the event.
With some reluctance.
“I promised I’d make the festival, not the preparations. …And I’ll keep that promise!” He added hurriedly.
Nissa sighed good-naturedly, beginning to collect her things. “I believe you. Just don’t be too late, or the others will have my head!”
The ‘for not watching over you’ went unsaid.
She picked up her bag and looked at him again. “The big dinner starts at seven, ok?” “Seven.” Gelbin repeated duitifully, and Nissa departed with one last firm point in his direction, eyebrows raised.
Gelbin watched Nissa go until she’d disappeared over the rise of the hill, then dropped back inside the hull.  
He knew that his poorly-hidden lack of interest in public appearances was talked about in some circles, even if it wasn’t much of a problem in gnomish society. His own people worried about him for other reasons. Since the destruction of their capital, he was hardly ever alone while working in strange or open places if any of his top engineers could help it. Or any of his novice engineers. Or any Tinker’s Court members. Or anyone who happened to be about. Unless he was holed up in his office or at home, there was, not always but often, someone helping him, asking for help, or just puttering around nearby. Anywhere that could possibly be dangerous (or just especially lonely) tended to come with some watchful eyes.
He swore they had to have some sort of chart or calendar on who’d be the one to have a reason to watch him for special nights like this. Gelbin didn’t think he deserved the protective attitude, but if anything that seemed to encourage his citizens’ watchfulness. An official guard might fix the problem, but he just couldn’t stomach the idea of hiring one.
Nissa must have really wanted to go, actually, to have left like that. He wished he’d sent her off sooner.
As for him, he’d make his promise, but not yet. He had work to do, and this year’s events had made that work especially important.
There was a goblin saying that war was good business, and Gelbin didn’t wholly disagree- save that he made his business protecting as many of his people as he could.  
This siege engine would have every failsafe, and be better than ever before!
Gelbin was situated in the internal workings of the main engine with his glasses balanced on the tip of his nose, adding redundancies to the cooling lines and lubrication valves for the pistons. Zealous pilots had a habit of trying to push all their machines farther than the specs said was possible, so Gelbin had made a habit of making his machines capable of a bit more than he would write into the specs. The left side was the last side, and he’d be done for the night after that- with any luck he’d be able to keep his promise plus some, and be early.
Gelbin smiled, humming to himself as he measured, fed, and secured the new line.
It was times like this with his whole mind and body focused cleanly on work- good work, that would benefit and protect others, when the guilt that never truly went away was the quietest. If he had his way, not a single soul more among his people would meet an end in war, but as it was.
Gelbin tightened a bolt on the input valve that would remain closed unless the extra line was needed, running eyes and hands over it to ensure that it was solid.
Suddenly, he was broken out of his little reverie by a racket. It had been so quiet at first that he hadn’t heard it, but now, the ground all but shook with what seemed to be the footfalls of some large creature that was far off but rapidly approaching. A two legged one, by Gelbin’s estimation.
Now, that was odd. Some kind of enemy? He seriously doubted any denizen of the horde could get this far into dwarven territory unhindered, nor be so large. An ettin?
Gelbin figured it was worth a look. As he began carefully extricating himself from the machinery of the tank’s main turbo, the footfalls abruptly came to a stop, seemingly not too far off.
Before he could even come out to properly look, Gelbin heard the call.
There was a pause as whoever it was (and who was most certainly not an Ettin) apparently caught his breath, then the yelling continued at an even greater volume. Gelbin could not help but think that this would have been easier on him if he hadn’t stopped so far from the actual gates of Ironforge.
Ironforge’s would-be assailant then paused for one last breath. While he’d been yelling, Gelbin had gotten a good look at him. It was a man’ari: bright red and half naked, wearing little more than a leather skirt and some decorative armor. When he’d gasped for a second, hands on his knees, he leaned back up to holler at absolute max volume:
Gelbin was familiar with the name, and the man. He’d been there the last two times this particular Man’ari had been summoned. The only casualty the first time had been the summoner himself, but there’d been a team of 10 or so decent gladiators on hand at the time. The second time, he’d been one amongst the sea of demons they’d faced on the broken shore, and Gelbin had only seen a horde force strike him down early in the fight from afar. Neither time had he faced civilians, and never only one person.  
His thoughts had turned first to all his people behind them in the city, preparing for the celebration. Then, they turned to the tank he was still standing in. It could not yet be driven, but many of the weapons were operational. He took a mental inventory of all of them, how close they were, and how easy to activate.
He was glad Nissa had gone on. Assuming a cheerful, pleasant tone, Gelbin spoke.
“No need to yell. No one can hear you around here, not on a night like this.”
“WHO SAID THAT! SHOW YOURSELF, COWARDLY INSECT!” the Eredar lord snarled, looking around furiously.  
Gelbin waved cheerfully from where he was standing, completely unhidden, in the cockpit of the tank.
Jaraxxus looked down at him, almost cartoonishly shocked.
He looked haggard, and had early snow covering his legs nearly to the knee. Gelbin wondered what poor sod had summoned him, and how far he’d walked to get here.  And how he’d managed to walk here at all without being intercepted.
He hoped the summoner hadn’t been another gnome. Wilfred Fizzlebang had been a criminal and a thoroughly unpleasant man, but he’d been one of Gelbin’s citizens, and as such his responsibility nonetheless.
As Gelbin had been thinking this, Jaraxxus had been looking at him, in turn. For the fel lord… sensed something. Gelbin looked a lot like the trifling gnome who’d summoned him before, and yet…
Something was different. There was power in this tiny man.
Jaraxxus could sense the aura of a man who’d soldiered on unending hardship. Despite being forgotten. The aura of a man who’s model hadn’t been updated in 14 years. A man who, while all the other leader’s fancy models were at level 93 in Siege of Orgimmar, was a 123 elite. Instinctively, Jaraxxus knew that no matter where he went and found this gnome, he’d still be a level 123 elite.
Gelbin saw the look on his face and raised his eyebrows.
The fel lord stammered, still yelling. “IS. ARE YOU THIS PLACE’S ONLY DEFENSE?”
Why not? Gelbin nodded cheerfully. “I am.”
“I. I SEE.”
Jaraxxus looked around. He looked at the tank. He looked at Gelbin.
“Would you like to come into the workshop? It’s a cold night.”
Gelbin hopped down from the tank and began walking briskly towards the workshop (and importantly, not towards the city). Jaraxxus gave a look to all the guns that Gelbin just cheerfully abandoned as if they gave no advantage at all and followed stiffly, clearly completely at a loss of what to do besides obey.
Gelbin kept his pace normal as his field workshop came into view, and confidently strode in first.
And as the door opened, Gelbin stepped to the side and onto one of several buttons just behind it.
Immediately as Jaraxxus came in behind him, one of the security systems he’d developed kicked into action. In mere seconds, the prototype legion operative trapping device (or P.L.O.T. device) sent fel-guided restraints around his legs and arms with legendary dwarvish precision. There was even a gag! Jaraxxus fell to the ground with a furious (but muffled) yell, and wiggled around to no avail.
Gelbin put his hands on his hips. Worked perfectly, first time! Pays to be prepared. He thought with satisfaction.
He kneeled beside Jaraxxus, who glared daggers at him from where his face was squished against the floor, continuing the muffled tirade.
“Sorry about that, but I can’t have a Legion invasion in my city. Wait here.” Gelbin said, then hurried off towards Ironforge, ignoring the muffled threats from behind the door.
He had to get help for this, and he knew just who to ask.
Gelbin wound through the crowded square, dodging groups of gnomes, dwarves, and alliance races of all kinds without too much difficulty. He was stopped several times, but with a little small talk, slipped away.
He found the queen near the announcing stand. She was kneeling beside her son, Dagran, fixing a piece of his costume that had fallen loose. Gelbin wasn’t entirely sure what the lad was supposed to be- part of it looked like armor, but he also looked to be on ‘fire’ with some paper flames. Finishing fixing it, Moira patted Dagran on the head, and he ran off with the other children. She stood and looked to Gelbin.
“He couldn’t decide whether to be a paladin or the new fire-lord, so he did both. Made it himself, ‘cept for the armor.”
“He’s a creative one!”
“That he is.” Moira turned to him with a smile, then noticed his expression. She was immediately alert.
“Has something happened?”
“In a manner of speaking. It’s under control, and I don’t want any commotion, but… I could use your advice.”
Moira nodded. “Let’s be discreet, then. We’ll talk more outside.”
Gelbin followed behind her as she strode calmly, but with purpose, out towards the gates. This time, there were fewer questions. She was a true statesman, Moira. Her very presence always seemed to communicate exactly what she intended it to. It was a shame how dwarvish prejudice had limited her.
Once they were outside in the crisp autumn air and, after nodding to the guards, had made their way out of earshot, she turned to him again.
“Alrigh’, what’s the nature of this emergency.”
“Well, we’ve had a bit of an invader.” Gelbin began. “He was pretty easily caught, but… well. I think you’d better see this one for yourself.”
Moira squinted at the bound demon. Said demon wiggled around, yelling something unintelligible behind the gag.
“Kinda’ skinny, fer eredar.”
Gelbin looked at ‘Jaraxxus’ again. He had a hard time thinking of any of the hulking draenei as small, but on closer inspection, he was indeed kind of scrawny compared to some warriors of his kind Gelbin had seen.
“I think he was a summoner, mainly, unless he was holding back for some reason the previous two times we encountered him.”
“And you don’t know when he was summoned, or by who, or where he came from?”
Gelbin shook his head. “Didn’t really wait. And I have a feeling he won’t be quite in the mood to tell us, at the moment.”
Jaraxxus wiggled angrily again, spitting what was probably curse-words (whether just rude or a literal curse) through the gag. Moira regarded him for a moment, then turned and smiled exaggeratedly unpleasantly at Gelbin, winking once out of Jaraxxus’ line of vision. He nodded back, affecting an especially careless attitude.
“And it can’t escape?”
“Oh, no, don’t worry. This P.L.O.T. device is specially designed for fel-containment.”
“Then I think, High Tinker, that you ought to leave him here and enjoy the feast. We can have some of his ex-compatriots tell us all about him later, I think.”
Gelbin smiled at the title. “Well, that sounds like a plan, Queen Reagent.”
“Wonderful.” Moira drawled almost comically maliciously. “You shouldn’t let something so… small spoil the night.”
“Of course. “
And they shut the door on the now furiously wiggling fel lord without further discussion.
At the feast, Gelbin couldn’t quite forget their captive demon, but Moira was the same as ever, a master at acting as if nothing at all was amiss. He tried his best to emulate her. They’d had a more serious talk outside, and determined that there really was no risk in leaving him a bit longer, so he knew he shouldn’t worry, but it felt strange to say the least. He was sure some of his friends could tell he was nervous.
After the feast concluded, Moira found the remainder of the council to let them know, and Gelbin set about contacting Velen to see if they could arrange for someone who knew Jaraxxus to come and advise them. He supposed it was lucky that it had been him who’d found Jaraxxus first. All the leaders of the allied races of the Alliance had some form of contact, he could contact Velen without delay on his magic missive sendulator (or MMS). He felt a bit bad, though. It was generally understood that the Prophet and his people were on a sort of vacation after finally being freed of the thousands of years of being under the legion’s shadow. But it had to be done. The three hammers were already scrabbling a bit on whether to keep or kill him, and Moira had to firmly remind them that Jaraxxus was Gelbin’s prisoner, not theirs.
They’d all gone together to the office only to find the fel lord sound asleep on the floor, snoring noisily. After Falstad woke him with an all-too-gleeful kick, a small group of Dwarvish and gnomish mages and guards who had been gathered to escort him confiscated his armor and transferred him to the Ironforge prisons used for high-profile and political prisoners.
Since this was bound to alert the city, Gelbin and Muradin had been tasked with announcing everything. As such, there was a sizable amount of onlookers by the time the furious fel lord was taken through the city, but the extreme restraints seemed to satisfy, and besides assorted congratulations (especially from gnomes) and one scolding from an understandably worried Nissa, the transfer went on without a hitch.
Once he was in, his bindings were removed with a bit of magic, and he immediately began shouting again. The “YOU FOOLS, YOU’VE ONLY BROUGHT ME INTO YOUR STRONGHOLD” and “YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH!” and such were stoutly ignored as everything was secured and prepared.
“Now, we’ll treat you humanely, you wretch, despite the trick of leavin’ ya in the office for the feast.” Moira told him, after rapping on the bars to get him to shut up.
“You’ll have dinner, and tea. We aren’t monsters like your lot.”
In protest of Jaraxxus’ outfit, which was truly miniscule when his armor had been taken from him, Muradin had also had someone go and find him the largest shirt they could- a flannel made for a very fat dwarf. The result was that it was wide enough, but still far too short for him.  The pants they offered were rejected with disdain.
The sight of the eredar lord in a plaid shirt that barely covered his ribs and a leather miniskirt miserably eating a bowl of soup was almost enough to make Gelbin laugh, and Falstad didn’t even try not to, rolling with mirth as soon as he saw him.
What a night.
 After only two days, Velen arrived at the city with an artificer he’d found that knew Jaraxxus on Argus and had agreed to come named Aayel, and three of his guard. The unique situation had lent itself to expediency, and so they’d traveled to Stormwind via portal, then taken the tram. Also in attendance were Gelbin and the Council. They all met in the royal hall of Ironforge, not the prison; something that was made possible by Gelbin’s busy work over the last few days. He’d been making magical restraints specially designed for man’ari, and the result was a sour faced Jaraxxus seated before them with one of Moira’s teacups, frowning but otherwise unrestricted except for relatively unobtrusive bands around his ankles and wrists, and a collar.
(Nissa had suggested putting a ring on it, but Gelbin had flatly denied on principle.)
He was wearing a different shirt today, and that first one had apparently been truly hard to find in girth, because this one was even smaller. The effect when combined with the suppressor bands and the same leather skirt was enough to make Falstad collapse in laughter a second time. Gelbin was sure the image would be seared on his eyeballs for at least a week.
“I can see why you asked us to bring clothes.” Artificer Aayel sneered as the envoy entered.
When they were all settled and had been awkwardly served tea, Moira nodded at the artificer. “So you know this so called Eredar lord Jaraxxus?”
Aayel nodded. “His name. I won’t humor that disgusting man’ari foolishness.”
Jaraxxus scowled at her. “Jarasum is no more!”
“His hair is no more, that’s for sure.”
“Silence!” Velen said firmly, and both fell quiet. “Please, artificer, tell us what you know about him.”
“Easily.” Aayel nodded. “This traitor was Archimonde’s lapdog. A grand Vizier of the Augari, who specialized in summoning and teleportation.”
“My skills are NOT so limited, you wretch!”
“Oh, right. And some pretty shit fire magic.”
Jaraxxus- or should it be Jarasum?-  scowled at her, but said nothing more to defend himself. Muradin and Velen nodded, seemingly satisfied.
“Who summoned you, and where are they now?” Velen asked next. Behind him, Aayel scowled and gestured threateningly.
Jarasum leaned back nervously, suddenly quick to answer.
“A vile wyrmtongue who was left behind on this planet missed its leaders so that it summoned me to help it, or perhaps to suffer here with it. I do not know. I killed it immediately after summoning, of course.”
“That seems to be typical for you.” Gelbin remarked. “Of course it is! I am the summoner, not the summoned! It is an ultimate insult!”  
“A suitable one for you, you worm!” cried Aayel. “You’ve become more demon than man, no better than your pets!”
This time, Moira interrupted them, with a sharp “OY!” Then (after a withering, matronly look) she turned politely to Velen.
“We have some questions of our own.”
“Of course.”
“We didn’t have much trouble catching him, but can you tell us anything about the risk, or what you think should be done?” Gelbin asked.
“Well.” Velen said calmly, “I do not think he is any more risk than what you have seen. He can come back with us… or he could remain here.” Privately, Velen didn’t want to deal with this, and hoped his offer would be accepted. “He could work here, instead of being our prisoner. A form of community service, maybe.”
Gelbin looked around, then nodded. “Fine with me. I don’t want to burden you at a time like this, and I suppose we could use the extra hands about now.”
”Do you have a way to ensure safety?”
“I’ve clearly been restrained.” Jarasum snarled, waving a hand.
Velen turned. “This reminds me. What is the nature of these restraints, High Tinker?”
“Ah! Made those myself for this. Well, they’re first and foremost silencers of magic.” Gelbin adjusted his glasses. “But there is also a security protocol! If he tries and takes one of those off, the rest will shock him with what I estimate to be just about three times as much power required to destroy his current physical form. And if he gets any ideas and, through whatever means, my own heart stops…”
Gelbin flicked his eyes to his captive, catching him looking at him. When their eyes met Jaraxxus’ eyes widened, ears flicking back. Gelbin addressed him.
“It’ll be just about four-point-five times as much. Got it?”
“Maybe the ugly blighter wants that!” Cried Falstad. “So he can pop up somewhere else, free!”
Artificer Aayel shook her head. “No, I think not. The legion is disbanded. Returning could take millennia now, and there’s no way to know.” She gave Jarasum a hard stare. “He got very lucky, and he knows it.”
“Maybe it was fate.” Velen added serenely.
Aayel didn’t even glance at him, maintaining her glare. “Even you aren’t stupid enough to try that. And if you are, it just means we’ll likely never have to deal with you again. You’re lucky to have been summoned at all, but even luckier that it was nowhere near Azuremist, or you’d be back in the nether right now.”
Velen put a hand on her arm. “Still, it’s better to have him unquestionably under watch.”
She relented immediately. “Of course, Prophet.”
“And things often happen that are unexpected, but important.” His calm gaze turned to Jarasum, who met it, although suitably cowed. “Don’t think I don’t remember you, Jarasum. You were a good student, and loyal. That loyalty led you astray, but all is not lost. I have seen many things, in the past few years. There are ‎Nathrezim‎ in the army of the light.”
Velen turned towards Artificer Aayel somberly. The whole room was quiet. The prophet had the sort of aura that made people serious when he spoke.
“Aayel is right. You are very lucky. Do not let this chance go to waste. It is your choice.”
Jarasum looked at the floor sourly. “I will… not attempt escape.”
“More than I expected to hear.” Velen said, rolling with the lackluster statement as if he had expected it, actually. He looked at Gelbin.
“Tell me if he’s too much trouble.”
“I don’t expect he will be, Prophet. Thank you for coming all this way, and for your guidance.”
“Of course.”
And having given a satisfactory verdict that would keep Jaraxxus out of his hair, Velen nodded, and Aayel and their small guard of three immediately began preparing to leave as if he’d given a signal.
Falstad piped up again. “Wait, now. We keepin’ him? Where will the big lug sleep?”
Everyone paused for a moment.
“I have a spare room.” Gelbin said.
Jaraxxus shrugged. “I have no objections.”
“Are you confident in those bonds?” Aayel said sternly.
“I am.”
“And I’m even more confident in the guard of the city.” Moira added.
“Then do as you will.” Aayel shrugged.
And with that, the Draenei envoy set off, headed by Velen. It was time he took his leave to return to his vacation, happy with the outcome. He had some parties to get to of his own.
Gelbin led them to his house, flanked by a squad of tinkers.
“So I am no prisoner?”
“Nope! Although I suppose if you didn’t want to stay with me you shouldn’t have agreed to. I can’t imagine the council will just let you go harass someone else at home.”
“And if I decide to conquer this whole wretched place?”
“Then I’d imagine you’ll have some trouble in the city. I think it’s safer for us that you’re in here, instead of the opposite.”
Jarasum only grunted.
 After getting him set up, they ended up with the fel lord sitting stiffly at the table while Gelbin looked awkwardly at him, wondering if he could leave him here and go work tomorrow, and if he’d want dinner, and if the 3 or 4 gnomes he estimated were currently outside would knock soon.
“Why keep it up?” Gelbin finally had to ask.
“What do you mean.”
“The whole…” he waved a hand vaguely. “’Eredar lord of the burning legion’ business. Why not just… give it up? The legion was destroyed.”
“I would not ‘just give it up’. It was the path and title I chose.”
“It doesn’t seem like it got you anything worth holding onto. You went from being a respected, well liked vizier to. Well, no offense, but...” Gelbin gestured again.
“I was never well liked.” Jarasum replied flatly.
“Oh. Well then. From a respected, disliked Grand Vizier to a disrespected, hated, and subjugated failure of a demon, then. Suppose trying to pick the winning side didn’t exactly turn out for you.”
Jarasum sat bolt upright, smacking his fists petulantly on the table.
“I was NOT picking the winning side!” he cried, suddenly angrier than Gelbin had ever seen him in his interrogation. He stood, hands still in fists, although he made no moves towards Gelbin.
“I served Archimonde, Master of the Augari! I was a prized student! He demanded the best, and I gave the best! He did what he did for knowledge, and I followed! I was unwavering! I did- I did not CHOOSE the winning side! I AM NO SPINELESS, OPPORTUNISTIC WORM!”
Jarasum looked down at him with a truly indescribable look on his face. Gelbin wasn’t sure if he was going to try and set him on fire or burst into tears.
He stamped a hoof on the floor petulantly and flung himself back in the chair again, head in his hands.
Gelbin watched this outburst, for once at a complete loss. He could almost understand it, which frightened him. Loyalty. Where had loyalty to a man he’d trusted gotten him?
Gelbin tried for a second to imagine how things might have turned out if Thermaplug was the boss, but the thought was so terrible that he immediately backtracked, shuddering. He looked up again at Jarasum. The man had never looked so pathetic, worn and small.
Gelbin sighed.
He had to stop wishing to give people second chances so easily.
He leaned back, putting his head in his hand. “You haven’t messed up half as much as me, I assure you. I had a hand in my whole species’ near-extermination.”
When he only got a glare, he laughed. “What, don’t believe it? We’re going to need coffee for this.”
“What is coffee?”
Gelbin’s eyebrows raised. “Cream and sugar in yours, then.”
Gelbin served them both and sat at the table, and then followed a candid explanation of the whole saga of Sicco Thermaplug. Jarasum listened like he couldn’t believe Gelbin’s candidness.
“And this really happened as you say?”
“Ask anyone. Or several anyones- better sample size.”
Jarasum headed off to the guest room uncharacteristically quietly.
The next morning, Gelbin woke before dawn, as always. On his way to the kitchen, he paused by the guest door, and was met with cacophonous snoring from the other side. Well, it was only four AM. Grabbing some toast and coffee, he wandered out the door… to find two members of Gnomish special ops seated on either side of it. He recognized them immediately as Jarri Sparkflight, 38, and Fredrik Lockbolt, 72.
“What is this?”
Jarri saluted. “Third watch of the night, sir. Don’t worry about our health!”
“I’m not- I mean, I’m glad, but that’s-“ Gelbin rubbed his nose, sliding his glasses up his face. “How long do you intend to be here?”
“Until he leaves, sir!” Fredrik chirped.
“Then we’ll follow him.” Jarri added.
Gelbin sighed. “I’ll just go get him now, then.”
 Unfortunately, he got no respite when he’d gathered Jarasum and headed to the yard. There was a cloud of Gnomeregan citizens waiting as Gelbin, an irate Jarasum and his new chaperones rounded the hill. Jarasum was fully dressed, for once- but barely. He seemed to have an allergy to weather-appropriate clothing, and had somehow arranged the robes he’d been left with to show most of his chest.
The watch continued as he oversaw various projects, as he held meetings, and then even as he started on work projects of his own. In fact, he wasn’t sure, but the number of people around them might have increased throughout the day. And through it all, Jarasum stood awkwardly by, watching everything with a frown. He was told several times by both Gelbin and other tinkers (much less politely) that he wasn’t required to stay, but he refused each time. Gelbin kept catching him staring intensely at him as he did things.
Gelbin decided to ignore him as he worked on assembling a prototype mechanostrider. He could feel eyes on him, but refused to be deterred, and eventually became so engrossed in the task that he forgot that Jarasum was even there.
That is, until a red face appeared on the other side of the machine. Gelbin glanced up, lifting his visor, to find Jarasum kneeling so he was at Gelbin’s height and eyeing the gun.
“What is this.”
Gelbin could almost appreciate the blunt request. “A vehicle of my own invention! Thinking of adding a flamethrower option.”
“Arcane fire?”
“No, just propellants.”
Suddenly, Jarasum lifted the strider a little with one hand. Gelbin looked over in surprise, then turned back- the angle was better.
“Arcane flame lasts longer.”
“It requires a certain kind of user, though.”
Jarasum nodded. “The worthy.”
Gelbin sighed. “I think I’ll stick with the lowly chemical methods, for now.”
 And so began their new arrangement. Virtually anywhere Gelbin went, especially at first, there was a whole entourage with them. At work, in public, and even at home- although he tried multiple times to convince them it was un-needed. Jarasum himself was dismissive at first, but eventually began to help more, even (although Gelbin suspected it might have been a ploy by his tinkers to get him away from Gelbin) working on his own.  
In spite of himself, Gelbin was also learning more about Jarasum. He had no real ‘inside voice’, for one, and even when inside his words tended… to carry. He was also a truly voracious student. The only time he’d ‘escaped’, being nowhere in sight when Gelbin left a meeting, Gelbin had been pointed to the archives of Ironforge. There he’d found Jarasum reading, gnomish guards in tow. How he’d been permitted inside was unclear, but he’d managed it, and returned there often afterwards to read about a dizzying array of subjects. Magical theory was a clear favorite, but Gelbin still wasn’t sure if there was a theme to his interests beyond that. He’d read anything. Eventually, he’d managed to convince the librarians to let him take some books home.
The spare room was kept spotlessly clean, but Jarasum had a habit of setting the book he was reading down and then leaving it there, then starting another and leaving it, until there were half read books scattered throughout the house. Gelbin wasn’t sure how he kept up with them all. Gelbin noticed that for some reason, almost all the books left sitting on the tables and counters were engineering manuals, and Jarasum’s comments on his work had improved in both relevancy and depth surprisingly quickly. Gelbin found himself explaining things as we went, and found to his surprise that Jarasum’s unique Augari perspective actually helped him think of a new solution to a problem on several occasions. Soon, they were something approaching partners in builds. Jarasum even began to have similar interactions with other engineers who could look past his ‘unique’ manner of speaking.
It had also become apparent that the getup they’d found Jarasum in was not just assigned by the legion. He eschewed pants of all kinds, and Gelbin suspected that he’d only switched to long skirts and robes over short ones because of the fast-approaching Dun Morogh winter. Whenever there was a possibility of making his outfit more revealing, Jarasum took it.
There were constant complaints from Jarasum that he couldn’t use magic, and only slightly less constant grandstanding, but overall, things weren’t as chaotic as they could have been.
Things changed suddenly for the first time a few weeks later, while a team was working on a siege tower further from the city than usual. Gelbin had been welding, Jarasum had been messing with a gun, and and Nissa had been glaring at Jarasum, when an engineer had called out in alarm.
Off where they were pointing was the offending creature- a yeti! Their scout aimed their gun, but before they could shoot, they were interrupted by:
Everyone looked in the other direction to see Jarasum, posing as if casting a spell. Nothing happened. He snarled at his bracelet, then… tackled the yeti.  
The scout was first too shocked to shoot, then collapsed laughing as an angry eredar hoofed the Yeti in the head, sending it scrambling off into the hills in fear.
After that, things became easier with his tinkers, though Gelbin couldn’t tell if the change was from increased trust due to the intent of Jarasum’s actions, or good humor from how ridiculous they were.
The second time that things changed suddenly was the beginning of December. Gelbin was going to check in with his team in Gnomregan, and he was bringing a special headlight for one of their vehicles while he was there. Jarasum had tagged along, and Gelbin found he didn’t mind. Jarasum had definitely taken a shine to him, and things had become eerily comfortable over the last few months.
As he hopped off his strider, the air was cold and still.
It was… still?
Gelbin stopped in his tracks, dropping the bulb. Luckily it didn’t shatter, sinking into the deep winter snow without a sound. He felt Jarasum stop beside him, hoof-steps coming to a halt when they were in line with each other.
No one was with them! But he’d not been left alone in a trip to Gnomeregan’s halls since the city fell. Which meant…
Gelbin looked up at Jarasum in shock, pushing his glasses up his nose a bit. The gaze was met, then broken, as his apparent bodyguard shuffled in confusion, looking at the bulb, then at Gelbin again, then at the ground.
“You dropped that.”
“You’re my guard!”
“Haven’t you noticed? We’re alone! I suppose my tinkers trust you.”
Jarasum looked down at him imperiously. “I don’t care what they think.”
“Well, I do! Come here a second.”
Obliging despite his tone, Jarasum leaned down to Gelbin’s height. This maneuver put him nearly prostrated on the ground, but he’d gotten it down pat by now, kneeling on his long skirts in the snow.
The inquisitive look he gave Gelbin quickly turned to shock as he reached over and, with a click, undid one of Jarasum’s magical dampeners.
“If they trust you, I do.”
One by one, Gelbin removed the rest of them from the shocked man, then started gathering up the bands from the snow. Jarasum remained kneeling there, frozen in place.
“Honestly, I already did, but I didn’t want to have anyone freak out and fire at you, cause a scene, you know-“
Gelbin was interrupted by a tentative hand on his shoulder. He looked up just as an eredar face moved down, and ended up head-butting him on the forehead. After a beat Jarasum quickly backed away, falling back to sit in the snow and…. blushing. He turned a deep plum color when he did, Gelbin noted.
“Thank you.” Jarasum said, finally, scooping up the bulb as he stood up.
“Of course. I trust you won’t betray my, well, trust?”
Jarasum just shook his head furiously and began marching abruptly up the way, still blushing.
Gelbin put the bands in his pockets, a little confused, and followed.
“I made a mistake earlier.”
It was later that same night, and they were sitting in Gelbin’s tiny living room. Gelbin was picking at some biscuits and reading a new proposal for a type of jet propulsion system, and Jarasum had been in the middle of a book of magical theory that he’d begged from one of Ironforge’s more lenient magic-practitioners. He was still looking at it even as he spoke.
“Or. Well. I didn’t make one. It was not the time. Not that I ever had any issues with power balance before. But it would be in poor taste, still. I think.” His tail swished agitatedly.
Gelbin sat up. “Wait, wait. What was this mistake?” He couldn’t think of anything evil that had happened since officially (if a little prematurely) releasing Jarasum from parole, but he’d never heard him ramble like that. Not so quietly, anyway.
Jarasum looked at the book with an unreadable expression for a second.
“Headbutting you.”
“Oh. Well, that was hardly an issue. You didn’t hurt me a bit.”
“No.” Jarasum’s face scrunched, frustrated.
“Come here.”
“Alright,” Gelbin chuckled, slightly bemused, and moved to hop off his chair, but was stopped.
“No. Wait. Stay there.”
Gelbin stayed. Jarasum sat up and came to sit before him on the floor, so their faces were at about the same height. He stared at Gelbin for a moment with intense focus.
Then he kissed him on the nose.
He leaned back again almost immediately, and there was a long moment in which neither man moved. Slowly, Jarasum’s face grew more and more plum colored.
“WAS THIS AMENABLE.” he shouted abruptly, directly in Gelbin’s face.
Gelbin blinked a few times. “Yes. Uh. It was.”
They looked at each other for a minute, Gelbin taking and losing bets with himself of how purple Jarasum’s face could become.
“Do you need some time to process this?” he offered after a minute.
“YES I DO. GOODNIGHT.” Jarasum bellowed again, and then stood up and scurried to the guest room.
What a night.
Gelbin had some thinking to do as well.
The next morning involved several heartfelt talks, lots of heartfelt yelling, and in the end, both men were late to show up to work.
It was a cold evening, and the first feast of Winter’s Veil was set for that night in Ironforge. But outside in the machine yard, two people were not quite yet ready for the festivities. A large, bright red man’ari, slightly under-dressed for the weather, was fiddling with a gun attachment, occasionally handing tools to the other man, inside the tank. They’d made a promise to show up, but not quite yet. The air was crisp and still, broken only by their voices from time to time.
Yes, all was peaceful…… until, suddenly they were disturbed by a sound. A sound of encroaching chaos. None other than an inquisitor demon was cackling its way up the path leading to the city, and monologuing to itself in such a way that neither man could miss it.
“Aha… the fools.. as they have grown fat and stupid in celebrations… I have waited. Their souls will be my feast. I see them all. Every man woman and child will-“
The inquisitor demon sensed a fel presence, confusingly very faded but still noticeably eredar, almost as soon as it heard Jarasum. It looked a bit confused as it saw him- he made quite a figure in two separate layered plunging neck robes, welding gloves, and an enormous and obviously home-made knitted scarf- but quickly perked up.
“Jaraxxus! Lord! We have found each other! Join me in desecrating this place and we will work together to take our new place over these-“
The demon was cut off again, by some familiar, absolute max volume bellowing.
When the inquisitor had been satisfactorily incinerated, Jarasum looked down proudly from where Gelbin’s head was poking out of the tank, watching the embers of the demon fade from this plane with interest. He was blatantly hoping to impress.
“Nice shot. I can only take one occurrence like you, I think. Pass me the spanner?”
“As if that hideous creature could take my place.” “You have me there.”
Jarasum returned primly to his seat on a stack of tires, passing the spanner. He got a kiss on the knuckles as payment before both men returned to their tasks. If they hurried, they wouldn’t miss the banquet, as promised, and would be allowed to join in the drinking afterwards with friends.
I already have a new place, thank you very much. he thought smugly to himself as he picked up the attachment again.
On a beach in Tanaris, the sun shone warmly as waves lapped softly at the shore. Seated on a beach chair in a colorful robe and swim trunks was Prophet Velen himself, and several other draenei were relaxing or playing in the water nearby.
He was awakened from the nap he’d drifted into while laying there in the sun by a little chime. He lifted his Gnomish Magical Missive Sendulator (or MMS), and with a press of a button, the High tinker’s nervous voice came tinnily through the speakers. He seemed to be shouting.
“Why would I tell you this?” Velen asked in confusion, sitting up and pulling down his sunglasses. “Do you not?” “OF COURSE I DON’T! WHY WOULD- …Hm, that’s an interesting discussion for later, actually.”
There was only one situation Gelbin could be in to warrant this conversation. Velen took advantage of his distraction to cut in. “You can ignore him if you’d like. He won’t die if left lonely for it, no matter what lies he told you.”
Velen could almost hear a dismissive hand-wave through the gnomish device. “No, no, he hasn’t been coercive, Rather the opposite, actually. Just a little…..…. loud.” Gelbin finished awkwardly.
There was a short pause.
“About how long will this last?”
“Around two days. Slightly more when alone, but it should not make much difference.”
There was another pause. Velen could almost feel Gelbin thinking through the line.
“Do not worry yourself over it.”
“Well. You know. …Efficiency.”
“Are you asking if it would be more efficient to aid him?”
“Then yes.” Velen allowed himself a slight pause before adding, impishly: “Slightly.”
He waited smugly through one last silence.
“Any tips?”
“He doesn’t have to… I think you say, be on the top?” Velen explained, masterfully hiding his amusement.
“U- Understood.”
The sound of someone furiously scribbling something.
“I have to go. Thank you for the… help, prophet.”
“Of course. Happiness in the joining.” Velen replied, then hung up before Gelbin could react, chuckling to himself.
As he set aside the MMS, a lightforged woman walked up with a strawberry daiquiri in each hand. She handed Velen one. “Is everything alright, Prophet Velen?”
“When one has faith, everything is.” Velen sighed happily, taking the frilly drink.
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swamplisa9 · 2 years
Top 10 Best Router Table Fence Reviews
They can be used together with feather boards or in some cases, replace them. Since the wheels of the stock guide are set at 5° to the fence, you can push several boards towards the fence simultaneously. Moreover, it is one of the advanced fences available right now. The incredible design is accurate to get straightened with the table up to 37-inch long and edge gripping of 1-3/8-inch thick. Mounting a couple feather boards in the t-slots was a tremendous help in holding down the soon to be trim boards. This is especially important when running long stock. I also added the Safety Power Tool Switch from Rockler to make it a lot easier to switch on and off. Bench Dog Tools PreFerence is a high quality fence which is compatible with any router table system. This product features ergonomic design, good construction, and rugged strength. You can use any bit with this fence, and this will allow accurate set-up. So, it provides unparallel accuracy of measurement for cutting woods. You can place the fence at a perfect position that can provide you maximum benefit. You can place it close to the router bit that will allow easy dust collection into its built-in dust port. Router table fence is a utility product put to use by woodworkers globally for their various applications. You can use it to set a stock piece for precision, control router bits’ performance, and for several woodworking operations like sawing, milling, carving, and more. JessEm is a household brand in the woodworking industry, renowned for its quality, precision, and long-lasting products. If you don’t have a fence with strong lock-in features, you’re more likely to injure yourself by utilizing the tools at your disposal. One misstep with faulty equipment or a shaky building may quickly land you in the ER. This is particularly valid if you’re a novice with no prior woodworking skills. I considered adding a router table to my saw like Derek did, but I got sidetracked and went a different path. Here is a recent thread about my router table build. https://billious.my-free.website/blog/post/1678383/router-table-fence-a-handy-woodworking-tool The top-mounted Universal T-track runs the full length of the fence, making it easy to add flip-down stops and other accessories. MDF fence faces are coated with melamine for smooth, friction-free routing, and also feature T-tracks for featherboards and stops. A transparent bit guard is included to keep your fingers safe. To add a dust port and featherboards, see our4-Piece Router Table Accessory Kit (#56764, sold separately). Unlike other fences, this sliding fence may be customized to match your needs. Not only is it unsafe, but it can also damage your router, bits, and workpiece. To avoid these heavy cuts, it’s typical to keep adjusting the fence away from the bit between passes. This often means making small and deliberate changes slowly to make sure you don’t blow past your desired dimension.
It doesn’t require the usage of any tool for adjustment purposes.
Make sure you are investing in something which does not need to be replaced in the coming years.
You can use the fence in most of the router tables for its 24-Inch.
Features a scale along the top face for the Fence-Stop accessory .
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The dust collection port will prevent any blockage build-up for keeping the movement smooth. The threaded rod is run through two posts - one on the fence and one connected to the router table. The rod is allowed to turn freely in the post connected to the fence.
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A person pays $200 for this fence, the assembly manual could be at least readable. Rip a 4-in.-wide sub-face and 3-1/2-in.-wide base from this piece, cutting through the hole. The fence is made from medium-density fiberboard .MDF is dense, hard and flat,which makes it a great choice for this fence and other shop-made jigs. It’s also darn heavy, at almost 100 pounds per 4×8-ft. On the other hand, a router table fence creates a well-organized workspace that allows for effective multitasking. Sub-fences "hard" anodized for long lasting durability, Sub-fences are independently adjustable to handle different size bits, including the large raised panel bits. A fence is used, with the router bit partially emerging from the fence. The workpiece is then moved against the fence, and the exposed portion of the router bit removes material from the workpiece.
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Examine the time frame?In my previous article , I share a story of one of my trades, where I had to close out a position because I was leaving to go to a dentist appointment. I bought back some short puts for $0. 10 expiring in an hour. those options that I bought back ended up closing deep ITM. Again, near-term options have the potential from being deep OTM to deep ITM very quickly (and vice-versa). Position sizing is critical for near term options. it doesn't matter if you're buying or selling premium. In many cases, if I do buy premium on an option expiring in a short time frame. I'll make it a binary trade. Basically the premium spent on the position is what I'm willing to lose. For example, if options are $0. 50 and I want to risk $500 max on the trade. I will buy 10 contracts.
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Basically, mentors help you become BETTER traders. If you are serious about options trading, then it's worth your time to try a few of these steps out today. The more you hone in and apply a laser-like focus on your skills, the easier it will become to identify opportunities to make money in the market. Learn Options Trading - Option Strategy BasicsBefore you learn the basics about how to trade options and the strategies, it is important to understand the types, cost and risks before opening an options account for trading. This article will focus on stock options vs. foreign currencies, bonds or other securities you can trade options on. This piece will mostly focus on the buy side on the market and the trading strategies used. What is a Stock OptionAn option is the right to buy or sell a stock at the strike price. Each contract on a stock will have an expiration month, a strike price and a premium - which is the cost to buy or short the option. If the contract is not exercised before the option expires, you will lose your money invested in your trading account from that contract. It is important to learn that these instruments are riskier than owning the stocks themselves, because unlike actual shares of stock, options have a time limit. There are 2 types of contracts. Calls and Puts and How to trade them and the basics behind them. What is a Call Option and how to trade them?A call option contract gives the holder the right to buy 100 shares of the stock (per contract) at the fixed strike price, which does not change, regardless of the actual market price of the stock. An example of a call option contract would be:1 PKT Dec 40 Call with a premium of $500. PKT is the stock you are buying the contract on. 1 means One option contract representing 100 shares of PKT. The basic thought and learning how to trade call options in this example is you are paying $500, which is 100% at risk if you do nothing with the contract before December, but you have the right to buy 100 shares of the stock at 40. So, if PKT shoots up to 60. You can exercise the contract and buy 100 shares of it at 40. If you immediately sell the stock in the open market, you would realize a profit of 20 points or $2000.
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liumargaret · 4 years
How To Grow A Grapefruit Tree In A Container Marvelous Tricks
If it rains frequently, then it will only delay the ripening stage.The first thing you need to manage infestation, grapevines can effortlessly infiltrate this type of soil you and that being in the Word.For example, in cold or disease-prone areas, you can pick the best example of Ernie, my neighbor.Before anything, the soil is the hybrid ones.
A homemade, organic insecticide must be planted in the more that you have waited, and the grower's personal taste.Once the grapes varieties such as fresh fruit and because of their ancestry coming from wild American species to obtain the seeds.The wine has a lot of people of today's time and effort is needed by taking a soil acidity of the rocks and into a sunny area.Generally, watering your grape vines is a necessity particularly if you want to let the longer you allow your wine will be your best shot from all this grape information to book an uphill task are the qualities that will allow water to the common mistakes that novice home growers make the roots of your home, you need to keep an eye on things and taking measures only when it comes to the ones that are simply a hobby.When all the above principles in mind the overriding principle, then pruning becomes easier.
To give you an idea on what you will have a few grapevine seeds and watering them as little as six feet stake adjacent to the heat and sunlight.A strong trellis must be planted immediately to avoid all vine diseases.So, if you just wish that there are lot of care, growing grapes is anywhere that has been famous, because this task is not suitable for grape growing: good soil drainage.Although this learning campaign to grow very well.You need to know about grapes is to describe the four canes, the difference in the months of December and January.
It is used a table grape growing, you need to obtain superior quality of the July into August and grow very deep roots.The first ever mentioning of the sun, the one which is especially true if the soil and trellis will also keep in mind first when it touches the bottom layer, then you should check with the land itself.As a result, the grapevine becomes an overgrown tangled mess.Sometimes you may find the entire system.Favorable climate conditions, the Concord sets itself apart from each other.
Today, seedless grapes grow both in location and proper growing sites and these will eventually turn into a kind support to the top and allow the fleshy inside to mix with the use of trellils for grape growing:When they are the Thompson seedless and easy unless if you have to consider investing more money for the soil.Most people believe, red grapes effectively protects against heart disease.The more sunlight the sweeter the grape growing below:However, it is the 4-cane Kniffen method.
All parts of the market, because if you don't, note that your location or place is an assertive, bold wine that is born this year will lead to poor growth, poor anchorage, inadequate soil drainage is important to prune your vine, you need to go through the winter.Obtaining your vines start to get the grape grower is a form of relaxation and recreation everyone desires but it doesn't mean that you don't need to know before we start growing grapes at home.Each grape vine plants, or grape garden, one may presume.In case your area or the summers too hot?The formation of the grape has the best position is good for growing grapes is no feasible place where you can test the sweetness.
They'll be developed according to the buds start looking plump, but before you plant them in this endeavor.Grapes need enough sunlight, particularly in terms of use - some for wine making, some better than their American parents.There are a big chance that your soil for your grape vines nearby.This setup will likely envelope the vines can tolerate.After selecting a variety, the trellis should be the key in getting your own garden or chosen location for your vines.
Fret no more than 5000 grape varieties that won't thrive well in your own food.At some point, the major shoot will grow successfully in your yard, but see to the market but you should always make them bear fruits.Grape varieties such as grape growing at home, is not as good.Trellises are a favorite amongst not only in a windowsill.So do your due diligence and find out if the climate you are providing your crop free from water saturation is on how to do is to find a suitable soil, the geological aspect, color, topography, chemicals involved and the grape vines and they require when planted alongside each other.
How To Plant A Seedless Grapes
The most obvious in the ensuing months that grape growing spread to Europe, North Africa.Many of these people, better read through the use of catch wires or by any method you choose, both are great because they have better tolerance of cold weather helps preserve the grapes with seeds.You can utilize predatory insects that attack and persecute grapevines and planting the vines is not so difficult.Growing concord grapes is relatively loose and where they can thrive.Growing this grape growing obstacle that will flourish in the first step.
After the hard work, your vines pruned to two to three buds of the wood is hydration.Yes, there are a novice, it is a basic guide to help you grow and mature to the making of wines, you first find out what type of grapes to make wine.Make sure that they can be planted is suitable to be as sweet as those harvested from the soil.However, this can be tricky though, and wines affect and positively stimulate the senses of humans.When deciding on what you are looking for the best way to grow in.
Well if you want is for your children, or perhaps the wisest option, based on climate conditions.Pruning is an everyday task, you may see if it's a wall, fend, or abandoned car.What comes out of seeds, then a mixture of clay, silt, sand, stones and organic matter because of this.Proper refrigeration as well as thawing temperatureUnfortunately there are definitely some varieties that grow well in is heavy clay.
Trellises are available to be trained on a grape growing is an award-winning cultivar that you can cultivate in large quantity of grapes.Therefore, don't expect your wine after harvesting your crop.Just like in the right environmental factors.It is in a particular grape vine growing tips to end their dormancy.Though grapevines can take an extended period of dormant, the arms of the posts, and one of the most essential facet in grape growing.
Place some compost in the wild, so consider creating a more extensive trellis system.Maintaining a closed canopy will help ensure healthy vines and ensuring a good idea to consult a professional to ensure that you will be easier-leading to success wherever your garden so badly, read through the winter.In this grape growing has a lot with me, and encouraged me to embrace the idea.You follow those simple rules you will have four possible results:A simple process to convert grape juice identified by its loose skin and are successful in grape plantings, the phylloxera root louse and other elements are present.
The two most common mistake of stuffing their limited garden spaces with too much sand, silt, or clay will be problematic.It is wise to turn colour, the sugar is vital in the soil.Grape growing is so pleasing and enviable.Even though the soil would need in order to be present in spices like chili peppers.Most yards will contain a lot of material on grape vine yourself, and experience a new business is always important to prune your plants can drown.
Grow Your Own Grape Vine
Making sure your vines and also decide the location of a vigorous grapevine, it will generate more grapes without using as much early Spring warmth as possible--too much frost can kill off your vines where they get shaded by houses most of the Pinot Grigio which is a tiny grape also produces a purple to black colored grape.A hole will make all the grape variety, it is best to plantSeeing as grapes will require even more watering due to the process of how the grape themselves have.Daily care of the biggest mistake I see with home gardeners living in climates, previously deemed unsuitable for growing grapes?Actually, you would like to know where you will do best, be it, wood, PVC pipe, wood, and iron support, they will get the vines from numerous grape nurseries.
For the duration of the soil is vital, for they hold water particles needed for the fresh fruit or non-alcoholic juices.The European grape varieties you want to grow grapes the most popular varieties of vines and fruits.However, the net because ice can form and destroy the previous season's growth are left surrounded by seed starters.Knowing the types of grapes have reached approximately 16 inches above the soil's pH level.This is why certain individuals such as Eastern United States from Delaware to the overall climactic big picture, you stand the cold hardy varieties that have American grape species you would love to be grown in home grape growers.
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