#meatless recipes
milla984 · 1 year
Today I found amazing portobello mushrooms at my local grocery store so I decided to cook some sauce: it's very easy to make and it's suitable for vegetarians, vegans and for those who simply want to try something different and meatless!
- ingredients, recipe and images of food below the cut -
Portobello mushrooms and walnuts sauce
- three big portobello mushrooms (approx. 300g) - half an onion (quantities may vary, depending on your taste) - walnuts, soaked in hot water for 30mins (for this recipe I used about five) - plain tomato sauce (approx 3 cups) - a pinch of sugar - salt and pepper - spices and herbs (I like cloves, nutmeg and thyme) - extra virgin olive oil - half a glass of water - white wine (optional)
You will need: - a food processor/blender - a large pot
Start by slicing the onion and roughly dicing the mushrooms. I prefer a thin cut for the onions but that's totally optional, since they will be put in a food processor together with the mushrooms.
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Cover the base of a large pot with extra virgin olive oil and put it over medium heat, then add the onions when the oil starts heating up but it's not too hot; when the onions become translucent add the mushrooms, half a glass of water (or a splash of white wine if you feel fancy) salt & pepper and let them cook over medium heat until they shrink to approx half their size.
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While the mushrooms are cooking, put the walnuts in a food processor and set them aside. I always make sure they're finely chopped 'cause that's how I like it but if you don't mind a bit of crunch you can make bigger pieces, it's all a matter of personal taste.
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When the mushrooms and onions are ready put them in the food processor. The original idea behind this recipe was to make a vegetarian/vegan ragù sauce using mushrooms and walnuts to recreate the small pieces of minced meat but you should find out which size works best for you!
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Once the mixture is ready put it back in the pot, add the walnuts and the tomato sauce, stir everything together and cook over low heat for about 25-30 mins. I like to add my herbs and spices halfway through but they can be added only at the end, with a pinch of sugar to contrast the acidity of the tomato sauce.
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My own two cents: there really isn't a right or wrong quantity of tomato sauce you can use but if the final result turns out too runny it won't stick to your pasta the way it should.
Also, imho the best choice for this sauce would be a rough type of fresh pasta (such as pappardelle or tagliatelle) in order to create the perfect 'grip'.
This recipe is also perfect for lasagna!!
Buon appetito!!!
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ZENB Plant-Based Pasta
What did I think of ZENB plant-based pasta? I thought it was fantastic. If I didn’t know it was plant-based I wouldn’t know it was plant-based.
ZENBE (ZEN-bee) is created from the Japanese expression, zenbu, meaning, whole. I love pasta…so much that I am heading to Florence, Italy, in a few weeks for the purpose of eating great pasta. Unfortunately, I can’t often fly off to the beautiful country of Italy for some of the best pasta in the world, so I must find options here at home. I am a big fan of carbs – something I wish wasn’t true…
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chefjohn50 · 2 days
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadilla | It's Only Food w/ Chef John Pol...
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housekeepinginfo · 1 month
The Top 10 Traditional Vegetarian Meals
Explore the world of tasty plant-based dishes with our top 10 traditional vegetarian meals. These meals are perfect for anyone, whether you're a dedicated vegetarian, a flexitarian, or just want to eat more plants. You'll find everything from pasta dishes to Mexican recipes and hearty rice meals.
Join a culinary journey that highlights the best of vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. These dishes are loved by many for their great taste and texture. They're ideal for parties or cozy nights in. You'll learn about the many ways vegetarian cooking can be exciting, from casseroles to stews, and even easy freezer meals.
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cook-with-love-camilla · 11 months
Spinach Cheese Rice Dish
My mom made this for me on Thanksgiving back when I was a vegetarian and it continues to be one of my favorites to this day. This simple, hearty dish is not only healthy as all get out, but extremely delicious as well. All in all, it’s a win, win! Serves 3-4. Time: Prep 15 min, Cook 50 min Ingredients 1 cup cooked brown rice 1-2 tbsp minced shallot 1-2 cloves minced garlic 1 scallion,…
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zardyplants · 1 year
Vegan Sausage Pasta
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remembertoeat · 1 year
Dinner Recipe: Chickpea Curry
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TIME: ★★★✰
PRICE: ★★★✰
EASE: ★★✰✰
This was a bit of an experimental recipe on my part, as a means of figuring out wtf to do with all these chickpeas I cooked up.
This recipe is a bit more involved, and depends a lot on personal tastes so I gave it a medium score for ease.
Overall this recipe took about 30 minutes once the chickpeas were cooked. You could easily use canned.
Long recipe, so feel free to read below!
Ingredients: 1. 2 cups Cooked Chickpeas 2. 1/2 onion (I use my onions interchangeably like a heathen.) 3. 1 TB minced garlic 4. 1 TB minced ginger 5. Veg of preference (I used carrots, jalapeno, and a wilty tomato because we had some I needed to get through! I think frozen peas would be great in this. Potatoes would be good, but that texture is present in the chickpeas and I don't know how they'd cook with this recipe) 6. 1 can of coconut milk 7. 2 TB chopped Cilantro (could probably leave this out if you don't like it.) 8. 1 lime's worth of juice 9. 1/4th cup Maple syrup 10. A curry brick, like this one below! I know it's a "cheat," but they're SO easy and quick to use! HIGHLY recommend grabbing them if you have a store that carries them. Looks like you can get them from Amazon! It comes with 8 bricks, each brick making a whole pan of curry, so it'll last awhile! (Note: the curry bricks are NOT gluten-free. You could replace this with a heavy amount of curry seasonings, but I have yet to perfect my ratio, so it may take experimenting! Here is a list I found of alternate curry spice blends.)
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-Heat a large pan with oil. Once it gets hot, add your onion. Stir for about 2 minutes, then add your garlic and ginger. Cook for another 30 seconds. -Add your veg and mix everything all together. Cook for another 2 minutes or so. -Add your chickpeas! Salt and pepper em! Squeeze in some lime juice! -Cook it all for about 3-5 mins, then dump your can of coconut milk in. Once the coconut milk heats up a bit, add your curry brick. Mix the brick in until it dissolves into the pan and mixes with the milk. -Let it simmer and thicken. That process should only take about another 5 minutes, but keep an eye on it and turn off the heat when it feels ready. It should look something like this.
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-Toss in your cilantro and maple syrup! Mix it thoroughly!
Serve this over rice!
It's pretty tasty and filling. You can add more spices if you want. Tons of room for modifying it. I topped mine with shredded coconut.
This made a ton, especially when paired with rice. This will likely give me lunches for the whole week. Supposedly curry freezes well, so you could stash this away for leftovers at an indeterminate date! Try to finish frozen leftovers within about 3 months!
It also looks cute as hell in the take-out tuppaware I hoard.
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tinykitchenvegan · 2 years
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Best Vegan Meatballs
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shetangirls · 1 month
Look at this... 👀
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/51UiTYW53
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connoisseurusveg · 1 year
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This chana masala is loaded with flavor and easy to make! Made with chickpeas in a spicy tomato curry sauce, it's just as delicious as takeout, and almost as easy. This scrumptious vegan meal can be on the table in about 40 minutes! Recipe: https://www.connoisseurusveg.com/chana-masala/
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everyveganrecipe · 2 years
Mushroom, Lentil, and Potato Pie Recipe This comforting savory pie combines mushrooms, lentils, potatoes, onions and thyme in a creamy gravy topped with a flaky, tender pastry. 🤤🤤🤤
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askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Mushroom Polenta (Vegetarian)
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This creamy and cheesy Mushroom Polenta, enhanced with a pinch of fragrant Piment d'Espelette, makes a hearty vegetarian lunch on a chill Spring day! Happy Monday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
2 tablespoons dried porcini mushrooms
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup skimmed milk
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/4 teaspoon Piment d'Espelette or Cayenne Pepper
½ cup polenta
4 heaped tablespoons crème fraîche or sour cream
Sppon dried porcini mushrooms in a small saucepan. Pour the boiling water over the mushrooms, and cover with a lid. Allow to soak and plump up, about 10 minutes.
Then, stir in milk, fleur de sel and half or the Piment d'Espelette. Heat over a medium flame until simmering.
Add polenta all at once, energetically stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Whisk constantly until mixture thickens. Once it has, stir in crème fraîche. Finally, grate in about 1/3 cup Parmesan, and give a good stir until completely melted and you have a beautifully smooth polenta.
Serve Mushroom Polenta hot, sprinkled with remaining Piment d'Espelette.
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magazynkulinarny · 3 months
Sałatka z bobu i papryczek Padrón z czosnkiem, chili i Parmezanem
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Trafił mi się wyjątkowo delikatny bób. Po ugotowaniu i próbie wyłuskania go z łupin kruszył się w dłoniach. Ewidentnie nie chciał wychodzić ze swojej strefy komfortu.
Miałam dwa wyjścia. Zamęczać siebie i jego skubaniem, obdzieraniem ze skórek i marnowaniem czasu na oczyszczanie lub pozostawienie go w całości, w jego naturalnym - może niezbyt apetycznym, ale zdrowym i doskonale czyszczącym jelita - ubranku.
Jako, że nie lubię rozwiązań siłowych i jałowych, wartość odnajdując nawet w łupinach bobu, sałatkę przygotowałam z całych nasion. Przy okazji dowiedziałam się z sieci, że otoczka zawiera dużo więcej substancji odżywczych oraz błonnika niż wnętrze, można ją też upiec w przyprawach uzyskując pyszne chipsy (oczywiście, że zrobię!), przygotowywać pasty do pieczywa i wege kotlety.
Do zielonego bobu dorzuciłam równie, a może nawet bardziej zielone papryczki Padrón. Lubię je tak samo, choć zupełnie inaczej niż bób. Mimo, że dziwnie razem wyglądają, tworzą całkiem udane połączenie: on okrąglutki i ziemniaczano-orzechowy w smaku, trochę gruboskórny, ona - wbrew wyobrażeniom - wcale nie ostra lecz przypominająca dużą zieloną paprykę, słodka z lekką nutką goryczy.
Od czasu do czasu można trafić na pikantny egzemplarz, ale na tyle rzadko, że można ją jeść hurtem! Hiszpanie smażą ją w głębokim oleju (czytaj: oliwie), obsypują grubą solą i podają jako tapas.
Całość połączyłam i zaostrzyłam czosnkiem, papryczką chili i Parmezanem, dodając sporo oliwy z oliwek ze smażenia.
300 g bobu 250 g papryczek Padrón 2-3 ząbki czosnku 1/2 cebuli czerwona długa papryczka chili 3 gałązki naci pietruszki łyżka octu jabłkowego łyżka drobnych kaparów pół szklanki tartego Parmezanu sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Cebulę obrać i pokroić w drobniutką kosteczkę. Czosnek obrać, zmiażdżyć płaską stroną noża i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. Papryczkę pozbawić ogonka z szypułką i drobno posiekać. Ser zetrzeć na tarce o drobnych oczkach. Natkę drobno posiekać.
W średniej wielkości garnku zagotować wodę. Osolić. Wrzucić bób i gotować do miękkości (sprawdzić czy doszedł po ok. 6 min.). Odcedzić na durszlaku.
Na dużą patelnię wlać porządny chlust oliwy i podgrzać, aż będzie skwierczała po kapnięciu kropli wody. Wrzucić cebulę, a gdy się zeszkli chili. Mieszać co chwilę.
Wrzucić opłukane i osuszone (koniecznie, bo tłuszcz będzie strzelał!) papryczki oraz czosnek i po minucie przykryć pokrywką. Smażyć do momentu pojawienia się na papryczkach ciemnych plam, mieszając kilkakrotnie, aby równomiernie dochodziły. Nie wystraszyć się łuszczącej się, białoprzezroczystej skórki, to naturalny efekt smażenia papryki w wysokiej temperaturze.
Pod koniec smażenia papryczek dorzucić bób, kapary, nać, sól, pieprz, skropić octem i obsypać większością sera. Delikatnie wymieszać i poczekać tylko tyle, by bób się ogrzał.
Wykładać na talerze o obsypać resztą sera.
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slowlycooking · 1 year
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tinyshe · 7 months
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zardyplants · 12 days
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Vegan Zuppa Toscana
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