hal-leef · 7 months
Part 2/2 of a Secret Santa gift for a friend! This is their character D, also known as Mediama, from a homebrew Greek Mythology campaign we played together. D is a half orc fighter, time traveller, and gladiator. Currently in our Waterdeep campaign, Echo (see last post) is searching for D, their long lost wife. ♥️
💐 The flowers in this piece are wisteria and daffodils 💐
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Whilst trying to find some information about their Munich days I've come to find something really bizarre.
There's a magazine styled website called MediaMas and no matter what you search for, there's an article with key words that comes up that has the update day either that day of or the day before you click on it.
Yesterday I was searching to see if I could find the name of Brian's best man for his first wedding (I couldn't) and this site came up saying fans are gutted after finding out Brian was secretly wed to his "long term relationship partner" after a long secret engagement, and other generic phrases that sounded lifted from other articles about other people. And it was "last edited: 6th April"
A visit to that article today has "Last edited, 8th April".
Today I'm trying to find more information on the logistics of the munich era and this website came up in the search saying Brian was a victim of a death hoax. Apparently a post went around on Facebook upsetting fans with news of his death, but not to worry, his representatives have cleared up saying that the man is alive and well and very much not dead.
Except - I've done a quick search and can't find any hoax post about Brian, no one responding to fake news that he'd died, and no post from any "representative" declaring said news a hoax, and more importantly, if Brian was the victim of that sort of hoax, wouldn't he have posted something himself on instagram proving himself not dead?
So it's all completely made up. Apparently written yesterday, post edited today.
So.... now i'm wondering, is some human being just throwing random shit out there in the hope enough people come across it, and give them clicks which turns into money for them, or is this a content bot just throwing out any combination of words and phrases and seeing what generates clicks? And if so, to what purpose? Also money or something else? Something sinister?
It's all a bit wierd.
Bottom line, ignore any and all MediaMas articles.
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Marcelo Cezan/Nueve Semanas Y Mediamas musica
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redlance · 6 years
The Merry Pitchmas Gift Exchange Master List
Since @staff still haven’t unblocked the Pitchmas blog, I’ll have to post the list here this year. Maybe they’ll have this sorted by next Christmas! Who knows!
As always, I want to thank those of you who participated. Obviously, this wouldn’t be a thing without all your love and hard work, and it’s so awesome to see the finish products and how happy they make people.
That being said, once again this year there were a few people who simply didn’t follow through. Every year I’m so, so careful to remind everyone who decides to take part that if you’re getting something, you need to give something. It’s called a gift exchange, after all. As it is, there are still - I think - a few people who haven’t received their gift. I’m working on getting that taken care of. If you haven’t received yours, please message me here (even if you’ve messaged me before) and I will get it sorted. 
I’d also like to apologise that it’s taken me a little longer than usual to make this post. Between trying to hunt people down and gather everything, then putting everything into a coherent doc and then actually making the post, it takes a bit of time. XD 
But enough of that. That’s not what you’re here for.
On with the show!
Merry Ficmas from:
@aliciameade [x]
@mysterious-teen-blogger [x]
@asweetmelodytrickling [x]
@emilyjunk [x]
@jimalim Who was wonderful enough to write for not one giftee but two! [x]  [x]
@justbullsheet [x]
@pitchedperfectly [x]
@53eggs [x]
@fandom-heaux [x]
@tiny-gay-autistic-bae [x]
@isthemusictoblame [x]
@kendricksendrick [x]
@zentamaus [x]
@prettylittlesestras [x]
@jesseswanson [x]
@acabellas [x]
@freaking-isadorkable [x]
@i-am-a-barden-bella [x]
@free-falling-grenade [x]
@cenestpasmoi-bechloe [x]
@jeffrinamichelle [x]
@katelides [x]
@thegayisveryreal [x]
@kate-foreverfan [x]
@littlewolfie21 [x]
@snowblizzard47 [x]
@raincloudtoyoursunshine [x]
@icarli [x]
@normalhollywoodnerd [x]
@lilhan [x]
@lets-talk-appella [x]
@lespetitesmortsde [x]
@thatmitchsentho [x]
@aca-oblivious [x]
@usemeasabadexample [x]
@ali4822 [x]
@redlance [x]
Merry Mediamas from:
@chloebeale [x]
@diverting-river [x]
@magda-adgam [x]  [x]
@i-am-a-crepe [x]
@brittany-snodes [x]
@karolina-nico [x]
@not-so-average-fangirl [x]
@lion-cheshire [x]
@sendrickslittleweirdos [x]
@snowglobe-art [x]
@sketchywave [x]
@acabloe [x]
@redlance [x]
And that’s it for another year, guys! Thank you to everyone who participated, this literally wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t for you.
If you’re not on here and you should me, message me and I’ll add you. If you haven’t gotten a gift yet, message me and I’ll fix it.
Until next year, friends!!
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“Sophie Brussaux has just learned the answer to the Shakespearean question...What’s in a name?” CamSoda fired off a letter to Sophie in which the adult webcam company offers her up to $100,000 to do a 1-hour Q & A session on its platform...broadcast live to its millions of fans around the world.” According to the offer, Sophie would be able to explain her side of things related to the Drake drama & field fan’s questions. We’re told CamSoda sent Sophie the letter Wednesday night but has yet to hear back from Sophie.📸@bojtv. #celebritynews #celebritygossip #celebritynews #sophiebrussaux #celebrityblog #mediainfluencer #mediainfluence #mediablog #mediabloggers #instagrambloggers #mediadiaries #celebritydiaries #bloggingmom #mediama #publicist #news #newsdigital #digitaldiaries #digitalblogs #digitalmedia #mediaagency #advertisingagency #advertisingphotography #marketingagency #marketingsocial #marketingonline #marketinginstagram #advertisingininstagram #instagrambranding
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morshtalon · 5 years
Shin Megami Tensei If...
(Part 8 of the MegaTen thing)
So, the previous main title in the franchise managed to close off its continuity in an effective, satisfactory, appropriately big manner. We wouldn't be looking at a new mainline game for 8 years this time around, so during that time a slew of spin-offs were released, the first of which being Shin Megami Tensei If...
Given these conditions, I can only speculate the designers gave themselves significant amounts of leeway as far as actually designing new stuff was concerned. Aside from 2 or 3 new pieces, all the music is recycled from SMT 1 and 2. The ones from 2 now have an actual melodic line, something that was strangely absent in their game of origin, so technically there's something new in them. Regardless, having just finished SMT2 prior to starting this game, two whole games with the exact same battle tracks was pretty grating to me.
Random art has also been borrowed from 2 in places. Most of the demons look the same, naturally, but some character art has also been lifted and modified slightly. Again, having just gone through 2, this feels like a weird milking of 2's material, as if they had stuff left over from its development and, in a Roger Corman-esque move, decided to just throw a new game together with it while they still had time. "If..." came out the same year as SMT2 as well, so good on them for being efficient with their assets...?
The gameplay, however, has undergone some changes. Most of them, I would say, actually make the battles more involving and fun. In SMT2, there were two "rows" of character boxes, but it made little to no difference in actual gameplay. Now, the party members in the back row can't use melee attacks, having to resort instead to either special skills or their gun. Furthermore, enemies won't be able to reach your back row guys with melee attacks, and they WILL target them a lot, so you can get some use out of it as well.
Ammunition is finally not just a piece of equipment anymore, and there's actually a counter representing how many bullets you have left (there's still no magazines or reload command, though, you're only limited by the standard max item stack size of 99). Sometimes, it can be annoying to keep restocking ammo and buying it in bulk, but I liked the potential the idea has of making you have to use your special ammo sparingly. This is something that could have solved SMT1's problem of overpowered status effect bullets, for example. It's underutilized here, however, and for the most part you can just buy regular bullets and call it a day.
Magic is a lot more effective this time, but the MP costs for spells are now very steep, so you'll still want to just stick to the support classics (tarukaja, rakunda, mediama, etc.) Instead of using attack magic. I would like to see magic being more useful in the future, though, and again, the potential has been opened and, with further tweaks, things can start heading toward great places.
With these changes, one again feeling like a contrarian, this game was harder to me than 1 and 2 were. Not a lot harder, mind you, but hard enough to demand some attention. In practice, though, this just meant that it took longer for me to properly set up all the essentials for having a breezy time with SMT games. Once it was ready, it was back to auto-battle time, but not always, though. I had to stop and change my moves quite a bit, especially as it was getting close to the end. The final dungeon throws enemies at you that are much beyond the level of one just playing the game normally without grinding, and things got pretty intense up there, forcing me to go back and readjust my demons and strategies a few times. Overall, I liked the raw battle aspect of it a lot more than I had previosuly with the franchise. It was more complex and involving, and felt like the systems were maturing. They're still juvenile here, but many cool things have begun to take shape, and I appreciate SMT If... for being their herald.
However, the unfortunate truth begins to creep in as I reflect about what it was all in service of. Bluntly put: The story and level design both suck. The plot is simplistic and inexorable; what would have been an arc in a game with a bigger scope is the whole game's plot here. There's no escalation and no surprises. The game sets things up, sends you jumping through pointless hoops on a meandering journey with the barest of juicy interactions, then quickly wraps things up and sends you on your way without so much as a second thought on its own events. Sure, there are multiple paths decided by who you partner up with at the beginning of the game, but outside of a superficial character study regarding the main villain, nothing of much intellect is contributed to a player's brain that hasn't been gathered in countless other, more involving RPGs before.
The hoops you have to jump through are simplistic mini-arcs surrounding sectioned off dungeon exploration. It reminds me of the very first game of the series, it's just a collection of errands with minimal interconnectivity. They're kind of short, too, and it results in the game feeling boring and repetitive at the same time it seems reductive and minimal in hindsight.
I suppose I have to talk about the Domain of Sloth, because it's the most baffling part of the entire game. The object here is to waste time. Several people are digging different holes in the walls, and there's either 7 or 8 "steps" between their start and end points. Each person digs a step further once the moon rotates fully, and each phase of the moon takes roughly, let's be generous here, 16 steps to move one sixteenth of a full rotation. Got that?
Well, if you javen't figured it out, the object of this "dungeon" is to directionlessly walk at least 2048 steps (16x16x8) until everyone is done digging their tunnels so you can go and see what's at the end of each. It's honestly elusive to me why they would think this was a good idea for a "puzzle". Did anybody ever playtest this? If they did, I have to assume at least someone was like "this is really boring and stupid, guys, shouldn't we change this puzzle around? Make the player have some agency over its progression?" and was quickly shut down by the higher-ups because they had deadlines to meet or something.
Regardless, other than that, I kind of dig the dungeon design of the other areas. Eventually they get pretty confusing and make liberal use of darkness tiles, teleport tiles, multiple stairways, holes that drop you to a floor below, and whatever tricks the dungeon design has accrued through the franchise's history. To some, it might be rage-inducing beyond the point where they can reasonably be expected to soldier on, and I can understand that, but I like it when the game doesn't pull any punches and is not afraid of using all aspects of its design. In my mind, it they really feel like sticking with the first person pseudo 3D bull honkey all the way through 1994, they might as well use the possibilities that such a manner of constructing levels gives them. For what it's worth, in the scope of dungeon crawls, it's not nearly as bad as it could be. I managed to clear the whole game with no outside help whatsoever, while in a game like Wizardry, I can barely get past the first floor with extensive hints as to what I could do to make life easier.
SMT If... does have things going for it. The battle gameplay is better than ever, a host of new, interesting ideas were being experimented with, and the level design, in a raw kind of fashion, showcased some bits that I personally found more captivating than dungeons in SMT1 and SMT2. However, the essence of a game like this is the story glue holding it all together, and this game falls flat on its face with its reductive, meandering, fruitless narrative. It fails to give the good aspects of the game any context, and turns it into a borefest. It has nothing over SMT2 besides being a little harder, and while it sows interesting seeds for future franchise titles to harvest, in itself, it fails to rise much above the previous entries in regards to interest. The experience of actually playing Shin Megami Tensei If... is one of disappointment and frustration at seeing the design milestones that, given the scope of the SMT series, the game fails to capitalize upon. My score for it is 4.4 out of 10, which is extremely harsh considering I technically had so much good to say about it, but this is not a game that's more than the sum of its parts. It's kind of like eating raw eggs, then gulping down some flour, chewing on a block of butter, and finally, sniffing sugar off the table. Could have been a yummy cake with some care, skill and preparation, but instead it's just a catastrophic mess to your taste buds.
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dme-tv1 · 4 years
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gmbh2go-blog · 6 years
unterhaltungselektronik italienisch Aquaplaning: So verhalten Sie sich richtig in brenzligen Situationen
unterhaltungselektronik italienisch Aquaplaning: So verhalten Sie sich richtig in brenzligen Situationen
Hannover (ots) – Aquaplaning stellt im Straßenverkehr eine besonders tückische Gefahr dar, weil die Kontrolle über das Fahrzeug verloren geht. In solch brenzligen Situationen kommt es darauf an, dass Autofahrer schnell und richtig reagieren. Lebensrettenden Rat gibt’s vom Reifenspezialisten reifen.com (http://www.reifen.com)
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leee787 · 10 years
03 - 19 - 15 Day In History by V 101.9 http://ift.tt/1FEoZye
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