conventionisinsane · 12 years
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
Hey My Followers :D
If you could all do me a huge favour and go and like this > http://fromtumblr.tumblr.com/post/38632902897/botw-d-your-blog-rocks < so I can win BOTW that would rock thanks :D
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
How Was The Con?
Windsor Comic-Con was amazing! Donations were being made for the local food bank, and I must say tehre was a tonne of food there being donated so good job on that. Although it was an EXTREMELY small hall to have a con in, the turnout was MASSIVE. The were aprocimetally 1400 people there. There were a tonne of artists and venders as well as an R2-D2! It was packed but overall I had a great time, got about 15 comics for a total of like, 8 or 9 dollars! plus a walking dead volume one graphic novel for 10 dollars (This is all Canadian money). So yeah, I got some reading, I'll upload pictures later.
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
Windsor Comic-Con
Come on out!
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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Woo, Gonna' Be Fun!
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
Hey Everyone, I've Got News....
I will be changing this blog to a general convention blog, I am going to post photos and text about recent con's and events I am at. This sunday I am going to a first year con in Windsor so expect pictures, have fun and con-on! :)
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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A photo I took and edited of a wonderful Lin BeiFong cosplayer and a Lieutenantcosplayer at Youmacon 2012. I just absolutely love how this photo turned out! :]
Lin BeiFong - Jhellum
Lieutenant - ???? (If this is you please message me so I can tag you!)
Photo by - AmeZaRain
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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Yet another GerIta picture :) they’re still so cute
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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Photos of my Lin Beifong cosplay from Youmacon 2012, courtesy of (the really friendly folks at) Deathcom Multimedia. This was my first real cosplay ever and I was very honored to win Best Craftsmanship in the Master category at the Masquerade. For all the pains this cosplay caused (glue fumes, near misses with the electric knife, templating and retemplating the 33 torso plates, pissing off neighbors with the sander) I really enjoyed the challenge and can’t wait to try another! 
(Note: Since I have a lot of people asking- my armor’s made of craft foam and EVA foam. If anyone has any construction questions, drop me a note- I’m happy to explain my process.)
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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Like your pictures taken!
Kyle Ferguson Photography
Is your dude!
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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pictured: summary of youmacon 2012
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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A picture I took at Youma this year of my robot husbandos
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conventionisinsane · 12 years
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Reblog/ Like if you had a blast too!
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