#medicine who needs medicine
tawaifeddiediaz · 1 month
you know, after watching day 3 of the democratic national convention, i need to say something, especially to other muslims like me.
most of the muslim communities that i'm a part of have chosen to vote uncommitted, or independent, or sometimes, even trump. they refuse to give their vote to kamala harris and tim walz, because of the way the us has handled the war in gaza, and how they have been careless with acknowledging palestinian lives lost, how it was american bombs and american tax money that went towards funding this genocide. it's fucked up, and it's wrong, and there shouldn't be any debate on that.
and i am 100% in support of that anger. i am 100% in support of forcing america to stop funding this genocide. no one wants to keep seeing palestinian lives suffer. no one is free until we're all free, and i believe that to my very core.
my only concern is that where this anger is being placed, from 1 year to 11 weeks before the presidential election, is so scary. because the reality of the situation is that america has a bipartisan outlook. whoever gets the presidency is either democrat or republican. and every vote that doesn't go towards democracy (i.e. voting for kamala harris) inadvertently goes towards trump's big plan of project 2025, which is basically dictatorship. Even voting uncommitted, even voting independent. we cannot afford to elect trump for a second term, and voting anything other than democrat draws that line way too close, especially in swing states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia.
yes, there are many issues that we wish joe biden would handle better. there are many ways that the democratic party has fucked up beyond repair. there are many ways the democratic party has refused to acknowledge the pain of people affected by their military people throughout the years, and we've been seeing it for years. this is not a new thing. this did not start on october 7th. we see it during pretty much every administration.
however, voting for your candidate should never be based on a singular issue. no political candidate is ever going to check every single box. and its so unfortunate that we have to always take the "lesser of two evils" approach when nominating our president, but that's the reality of the situation at this very moment. there are many other rights to be considered that are at stake this election, all of which trump is trying to remove. abortion bans, women's rights, healthcare, social security, climate change, to name a few.
(and, somehow, there's a belief that trump will lead to a ceasefire deal where biden-harris didn't? let me tell you that is never going to happen.)
does this mean we just stop protesting or pressuring? absolutely not. you NEVER stop, because if our votes are the ones that put the candidate in their position of power, then we expect results. we expect them to work towards what they promised. and we can't let up on reaching out to our local county offices and our state governors and escalating these issues further until someone takes notice and does something about them. we don't elect them and just leave them to do what they want. we keep them accountable. use that anger i was talking about.
but it also means not having tunnel vision. the election in november could very well mean the end of democracy if kamala harris doesn't win. this post is not me all giggly-happy over the democratic party, because trust me, i have my fair share of issues with them as well. this post isn't to tell you what to do, because i can't force you to vote blue. i can't force the community i'm in to change their minds about toss-up votes. but what i can do is put down plainly what's at stake this election. and that is, very simply, our right to choose everything.
so if you are eligible to vote and haven't registered, please do. if you haven't voted before because "what's the point", please see above what the point is. a handful of votes is enough to flip the outcome of an election, especially with the electoral college.
and if you're still on the fence on whether to vote for kamala or trump, hopefully this post gives a little bit more perspective in the most streamlined way i could manage without bogging you down with statistics and numbers.
the choice is yours.
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foxett · 3 months
The 5 rw group making flower crowns post game ? :3
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Hey guys i bring the
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transfaguette · 9 months
imma be honest if you are disabled especially with something that isn’t well understood yet and has few treatment options, you are probably better off not reading and hanging onto every research paper that comes out, or any of them, really. because a lot of them will go no where, be inconclusive, or require more research. so if you think “maybe this one will finally change everything,” you’re probably wrong because thats how science works.
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sneez · 3 months
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more of them :D normally i do not care for modern aus but the concept of dea being able to read books in braille and gwynplaine getting an autism diagnosis is so appealing i am making an exception. please do not tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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islandoffuckingsodor · 4 months
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Does anyone have pain medicine to spare🙂
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solara-bean · 1 year
Jut found out that the full Touchstarved game might not be out till 2025 so here's a scenario I imagined with Ais. Has the others interact with mc too, but Ais is the main love interest. Hope this doesn't feel too much like my oc. I chose the Unnamed route so that may be brought up.
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Worth The Trouble ( Ais x GN Reader )
( Content Warning: Violence, Blood, cursing, Ais being Ais, Remember what he did to that guy in the demo )
MC = Y/N ( I'm too tired from finals to type the slash, sorry 😭)
It started off as a normal day in Eridia, or at least as peaceful as things could be in the hellscape of a city. MC went to the market for some light grocery shopping, their small tote bag half full, when a group of kids zoomed past them. For a flash they could see that the kids' arms were full of produce, a few stray fruits leaving a trail in their wake. It was mere seconds before an enraged yell from a man was heard.
" Get back here you little shits!!!" the a man, a local produce seller, barreled down in the kid's direction. Nearly knocking down passersby, MC included.
One of the smaller kids tripped, dropping all of their stolen goods. They called to their friends for help but it was too late. The seller had already grabbed them by the collar like a stray puppy.
" Stupid maggot! I'll show you what happens to thieves around here!!" He pulled back his meaty fist to strike them.
Without thinking, MC ran to grab his wrist before the blow landed.
" Hey! That's going way too far."
The seller looked down at them and snarled.
" Stay out of this! This is between me and this little thief here."
" I get that but look at them." MC pointed to the kid's dirty clothes that were holding on by threads. " Clearly they aren't stealing for the fun of it. Can't you let them go?"
The seller scoffed at them, foul breath fanning their face. Thankfully they held back their disgust.
" I'm not running a charity. If the kid wants to eat the kid's gotta pay."
MC thought for a moment as they stared at the child, who was still curled in a protective ball. Although their face was covered, it was clear by their trembling that they were crying. MC immediately remembered all the times they'd been hungry and in need after they fled the temple. While they survived they couldn't imagine doing so at this child's age. How long had they been suffering?
" I'll do it."
" Do what?"
" Pay." MC reached into their cloak and pulled out their coin purse. " I've got plenty to spare." which wasn't true but they'd manage. The seller gave them a long, calculated glare before sighing.
" Fine."
He put the kid down. They gave a quick glance to the seller then the MC before grabbing their haul and scurrying off to where the rest of the group went. MC wasn't expecting a thank you, but the last look the kid gave to them over their shoulder was enough.
" Ok," MC counted the coins in their palm, leaving the purse nearly empty. " Will this be enough?"
The seller took the coins. Counting each while scratching his stubbly chin.
" Yeah, almost..."
MC looked at him confused. They were sure that they gave him much more than his nearly, spoiled produce was worth. They almost didn't notice his arm go up. But they did feel the strike across their face. Everything went white for a moment as they stumbled. Pain flared over the entirety of the right side of MC's face. They pressed their palm to it and whipped their gaze back to the seller stunned.
" What the fuck is your problem??!!" they shrieked at him.
" Don't look so confused. You said you'd pay for everything. That includes punishment. " He let out a dark chuckle and walked pass them. " Maybe think twice next time you wanna be someone's savior."
MC gawked at his back. What kind of asshole pulls a stunt like that. He got his money fair and square. Clearly he just wanted a reason to cause someone harm. They wanted to let it go and move on but crap that hit really hurt. His hands were big enough to crush their skull and they were pretty sure that his ring cut their cheek. There was no way they were gonna let him walk away so easily.
" Hey!"
The seller turned around and was met with a fist right to the nose. He reeled back, giving MC enough time to land a kick to his kneecap. He fell to the city floor with the gracefulness of an old dying ox, MC's coins going down with him. They grabbed a handful of them before making a break for it back to the Wet Wick.
Out of breath, energy, half their coins and what little faith they had in humanity, all MC wanted to do was go to sleep in their room and maybe have some of their scraps for dinner. It could've been made into a full meal but they hadn't realized they'd dropped their tote bag until it was too late. Thankfully, the bar sounded empty from the outside, so at least they could avoid the headache of possibly socializing.
" Hey sparrow."
There right in his usual spot at the bar sat Ais, accompanied by Vere and Leander.
" Hey Ais..." they said weakly, pulling up their hood even more to hide the blooming bruises.
" Um Excuse me. I'm here too dear. Goodness has being here already dulled your manners?" came Vere, tail playfully swaying.
" Hey Vere." they said quickly as they tried to flee to their room, but that would've been to easy.
" Oh MC how was the market did you get anything good?" Leander asked, conveniently getting in front of them and blocking their path. They didn't look up at him and did their best not to adjust their hood again.
" Yeah, yeah it was good."
" But where's your tote ba-"
" It's getting late I'll see you guys later." MC swerved around him, nearly home free.
" Sparrow."
They stopped. Ais' piercing gaze burning into their back.
" Come here, please." he instructed in a soft yet stern tone. They couldn't resist him. He'd only pry more if they did, so reluctantly they sat next to him, avoiding eye contact.
" Take off your hood."
They stayed still. The air filled with a tense silence.
" Ais come one. They've probably had a long day. I'm sure their fi-" Lenader nearly choked when MC took their hood off. " What the hell happened?! Are you ok?!"
" Obviously not." Vere scoffed. " Thought I smelled blood but that's nothing new for you. Do tell, what mess have you found yourself in this time, MC?"
MC let out a tired sigh. Leander's worrying and Vere's teasing made for a sickening combo on an already shitty afternoon.
" It's nothing. I just ran into a bad guy at the market. Nothing interesting." They were about to get up to leave when Ais' hand was placed firmly on their shoulder.
" Humor us would ya? What really happened?" While the slight smile on his face was meant to be assuring, MC knew he was up to no good.
" Really it's nothing. I just saw some kids steal some food and one of them got caught by the seller. So I thought hey why not be nice and help this clearly starving child. But nope! As usual the situation blew up in my face. Apparently coins weren't enough payment for the guy so he- " They mimicked the back-handed slap motion they'd been a victim to. " The asshole didn't even have the decency to warn me first, so I thought it was only fair to get in a few blows in myself then run like hell before things got too heated. So yeah that's it. Nothing special."
After what they hadn't meant to be a ramble there was another thick silence. Crap maybe I said too much. Then a low chuckle came from beside them. Oh good Ais found the story amusing, maybe they were worried for nothing. But that was quickly put aside when they turned to look at him.
His grin was downright dangerous. Fangs gleaming and all. His eyes were even worse, glowing with a bloodlust that would scare a soulless shitless.
" I'll be right back." he said, getting up from his seat and stretching out his tired joints with a pop.
" Ais." Leander warned. " Let's think about this, ok buddy."
" Nothing to think about. Now," He stood in front of MC and leaned down to their level. " Which seller was it?"
MC felt their pulse quicken. Not just from being at eye level with Ais, but also from the immense violent aura he began to exude.
" Really Ais it's fine. I hit him pretty hard so we're even."
" I'm sure you did. But this is purely for my own selfish vices. I can't rest easy knowing this jackass is going around threatening kids and hitting customers. So who was it?"
" Ais. It's not worth the trouble just let it g-"
Ais' hand swiftly taken ahold of their chin. With a gentleness that greatly contrasted his character, he tilted MC's face to better examine the damage. They couldn't help the heat that rose within them.
" Plenty worth the trouble to me." He tilted their head back to face forward. " Who was it, MC."
Maybe it was the softness of his tone or the way he said their name instead of Sparrow, but they confessed. Even down to what stalls the seller's had been next to. He gave them a small, genuine smile and went on the hunt.
" Well, there's no stopping him now. Let's get some ice on that bruise, hm." Leander went around the counter, paying no mind to MC's breathless expression. In no time he came back with clean rag and another with ice inside. " Alright let me see."
Before he could attend to their face, Vere cut in.
" Leander, didn't the doctor leave some magic elixir or whatever for minor injuries in the backroom?"
" Oh you're right. He did. I should go get it."
" Yes you should." Vere smiled sweetly then frowned once Leander was out of sight. " Good I couldn't tolerate him for much longer without Ais here."
" Don't get too excited, he'll be back soon." MC reminded him.
" No he won't," Vere swiped the rag that Leander left on the counter near the ice bag before turning back to them with a mischievous smirk. " I poured those nasty medicine bottles out weeks ago."
MC gawked at him.
" Why would you do that? What if someone needed those?"
" What like you? Don't be such a baby you'll be fine. Now hold still. I can only take so much of you blood smelling up the place."
With a similar gentleness as Ais, Vere took hold of their chin and began to dab the blood away from the cut that was already beginning to close. MC didn't have the energy for anymore shock today, so they relished in the care.
" You know. This pacifist act you're playing won't do you any good in this city"
MC sighed and grabbed the ice bag to put on their bruise once he was done with the cut.
" I'm not a pacifist. Trust me I've got nothing against that jerk getting what he deserves. I just don't want Ais to get in any trouble because of me."
" Hmph, now why would Ais get in trouble?"
" Because, he's a monster. What if the Senobium punishes him for being too violent?"
Vere hummed to himself. He carelessly tossed the bloody rag on the floor and leaned back against the counter, tail swishing languidly.
" Oh don't fret dear. The Senobium's too up their own asses to care about a few lowtown brutes getting torn apart. Besides I highly doubt Ais would do anything so dreadful as to get a punishment like mine. And if he did..." Vere's eyes turned a bright pink, his fangs seemed longer as well. " I'd tear this city to the ground before they laid a finger on him."
MC just stared at him for a while. The primordial fear in their gut was unmistakable, but they couldn't help but feel a bit relieved.
" Well I'm glad Ais has a friend like you to look after him."
The fox scoffed.
" I'm not his friend."
A bit confused by that response, they were sure he was joking. The duo seemed as close as Mhin and Kuras if not more.
" Ok then I'm glad you're his very close, foxy furry acquaintance."
Vere's ears went down as he scowled at them.
" I can break you like a twig. Don't forget that."
They merely chuckled at that although they weren't entirely sure if he was serious or not.
" Sorry for the wait!" Came Leander's chipper voice. He rejoined the two with a small container of bandaids and a bottle of unknown liquid. " Took me forever to find this elixir. I could've swore we had more bottles. Thankfully, I always stash a spare."
" Wow how great is that Vere." MC gave him an innocent smile that in turn got them glare. Vere definitely meant that threat now.
Ais arrived back at the bar late into the night. He wreaked of blood despite his best efforts to clean himself. He didn't want to make another bad impression on his new...new friend? Acquaintance? Whatever they were he wanted them around him more often. Which would be hard if they were scared of him. Did he scare them before when asking about the seller? They seemed nervous, but most people were around him, especially after knowing about his brutal tendencies.
Perhaps they didn't mind. He got a good look at the seller's broken nose, and what he could assume was an injured knee that made it all the easier to catch and corner him. The sparrow really did have a tough side after all. He was almost sad that he sullied their work with his own. No one would suspect that what was left of the asshole was the handiwork of two pissed off individuals. Maybe returning their tote bag full of goods and the coins that he'd swiped from the guy's pockets would be a good enough apology gift.
The barkeep was cleaning shot glasses when he arrived. Out of no where a wave of unease hit him. Maybe he came back too late and should just leave their stuff here.
" Got something for MC. Can you give it to them for me?"
The barkeep only spared him a quick glance.
" Do I look like a delivery boy? Drop it off at their door yourself, I'm busy." She replied with a bitterness that he always found amusing.
" Yes ma'am."
He was in front of their door when the doubt came back, sweaty palms too. What the hell was he nervous for? He doesn't get nervous. This was just a small favor for a frien-aquaintance. Just put the stuff down and go. But what if someone took it? Maybe he should see if they're awake first. Maybe not what if he wakes them up.
Annoyed by his rambling thoughts he did least smart thing and opened, which should've been locked, door. It was dark inside, aside the moonlight from a small window. His higher than average vision could make out a small bed with a lump under the covers. Next to it was a dresser. He made his way to it quietly, mentally cursing the metal on his boots for the creaks they made in the floorboards.
Finally at his destination, he set the tote bag and coins on the dresser and turned to leave. But curiosity got the best of him. He snuck a peak at MC and it was all over. The covers were up to their nose. There was a small bandage on their cheek. The bruising seemed to have healed a bit. Ais had never seen them look so peaceful. It was actually pretty cute. Then he realized how creepy this whole situation was and made his way to the door.
" Ais...?"
He stopped mid step, looking over his shoulder at them. Their eyes were barely open and their voice was quiet and soft.
" That you?"
He sighed.
" Yeah it's me sparrow. Don't worry just wanted to return your bag. I'm leaving, go back to sleep." he kept walking.
" Are you ok?"
He stopped again, wide eyed.
" What?" he asked.
They yawned.
" I smell blood."
Oh, he thought. They were worried about him? That's actually really sweet. When was the last time anyone got worried for him? Vere and Kuras maybe. But they knew he could handle himself. It's what's he's good at. Looking out for himself when no one will. When everyone else leaves eventually.
But maybe MC wanted to stick around.
He smiled, unsure if they could see his face so he made sure they could hear it in his voice.
" I'm just fine sparrow. It's not my blood you're smelling."
They smiled back before yawning again.
" Good. Well see ya later I guess..."
They curled back into their blanket and pillow, already drifting. He took in the sight one last time before leaving and closing the door.
" Yeah see ya later."
The barkeep and every wander through the night had no idea why the feared demon renegade, Ais, had the softest smile on his face all the way back to the wastelands.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
Also for the record my funniest but most useless headcanon is that the Dynasty has a unified theory of quantum gravity but also doesn't know what a hormone is. Meanwhile the Clovis Concord is building weather contraptions within the confines of Newtonian physics but also has a highly detailed understanding of biochemistry.
There's no reason for this except that it's very funny to think about what kinds of scientific research would never even register as a concern due to the reach of a region's most prominent arcane traditions.
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tranny-fragrance · 8 months
ppl clearly just hate veganism because the idea that something you’ve done since you were born is bad is uncomfortable
like no vegans are not more likely to be eco fascists whst the hell are you talking about
like i can see the reasoning but it doesn’t make it true
yes there’s vegan fascists just like there’s fascists who will follow basically any philosophy you can find
you just have a problem specifically with veganism because it makes you uncomfortable
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nhaneh · 6 months
Anyway it really cannot be exaggerated how much the current situation with the shortage of certain types of diabetes medications is very directly the fault of fatphobia and the weight loss industry.
There are doctors out there - particularly in the US is my understanding - actively prescribing those very same medicines purely for weight loss, while plenty of us actual diabetics who kind of need those medicines to actually, you know, physically function and possibly not die, end up unable to get them because of the subsequent shortage.
This situation also, more than anything, clearly demonstrates how the claim that "concerns" about overweight are not and never were about health - that when it comes down to it, those concerns run contrary to health, if not life.
Fatphobia kills people. The weight loss industry, the tabloids, the beauty magazines, the TV celebrities - they all have blood on their hands. I need you to understand that.
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juney-blues · 2 months
the anarchist position isn't a principled stance against unjustifiable hierarchies, it's just a lawless state where everyone sits around doing whatever they want and there is no more infrastructure or manufacturing of anything. when left to their own devices, people famously just completely lose all motivation to do anything, and dismantling the state, the entity that enforces law through violence, would be akin to loading up a game of The Sims and just leaving it running idly with no input, the titular sims wandering around aimlessly until they starve.
without a central authority maintaining law and order through threat of violence, society completely collapses! no one has ever or will ever do anything for anyone without the implict threat of jackbooted thugs shooting them in the head if they don't. there is no conceivable mode of society where this *isn't* the case.
"how would this part of society be run without a small group of people exerting their unquestionable will over a large group of people?" is a question you need to constantly ask to remind anarchists that their worldview just doesn't make sense!
if you can't *make* someone do something, then there's just no way to get them to do it!
asking nicely? using convincing arguments to persuade? just accepting "no" for an answer? (because if someone just doesn't wanna do something, they're probably being lazy, there's never any good reason for them to not wanna do it) all entirely unheard of. How will we govern if we are all equal?!?!
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rizzzcat · 9 months
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Enot and Arti visit metropolis!
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variousqueerthings · 11 months
VERY RAMBLY BUT I think rose and martha are like the inverse of one another in terms of narrative, in that they both meet a doctor who is deeply deeply hurt, but the doctor interacts with them about it so differently, because of where they're at with that hurt, and the doctor is like "hey, I'm suave and vulnerable beneath the surface, which is quite attractive, want to travel in space and time in my whimsical timeship?" and they both go "oh heck yes!" and then it's like splintered glass from that point on, like martha lives in a funhouse mirror of rose's story -- up until she makes it her own of course and she does call the doctor out on it relatively early on, although rose continues to have that haunting effect
so rose has this bubble created around her that is perfect and unchangeable almost, in which nothing bad can ever happen (except for all the times it does but huuush, we'll be together forever forrealsies don't look at that big ol hurricane hurtling our way), which then inevitably bursts, but is always there-as-memory, because rose becomes something of an impossible ideal to some extent
and martha isn't protected at all, and has all the badness spilling out on her because the doctor is unable to contain any of it (and maybe is relieved to finally give up on being strong), and subsequently all of the promise of wonder has an air of sourness to it, and the doctor will always feel incredibly guilty about how it all ended
but crucially there's a lot they have in common, that is quite different to, say, donna (who is woven in in her own, interesting, way) -- they both become attracted to this powerful, interesting, and suuuper traumatised being, they're both taken along on a journey of promised wonders, they're both incredibly reliable to the point that the narrative is retroactively fitted around how much the doctor's belief-systems revolve around belief in their companions, with many others from the past given their dues (starting with sarah-jane), and they both do see wonders beyond their comprehension (and so does donna, but again, there's something a bit different there to poke at in another post...),
except where for rose this wonder helps her break out of the path that was set down for her and become who she always had the potential to be in a way that is mostly framed as a positive (although with some -- I think -- under-analysed caveats...) and she will be forever thankful for the doctor arriving in her life, martha's is more like an awe that the universe is so hostile and so lonely and so heartbreaking, and so she needs to become more resilient and more ready to make choices that are terrible (from travelling the broken world for a year to the osterhagen key....), and so there's another story about someone who becomes strong and tough (just like rose) but it's because the doctor wasn't really able to be there for her, and while I don't think the show (from memory) ever has her totally regretting the doctor dropping into her life, there for sure is some solemnity to how her story ends, a bit of a dampener in comparison (even tbh in comparison to donna, who yeah, gets her memory taken, but is suggested -- now confirmed perhaps? -- to get more of her life in order/feel more self-confident, also partially because of that subliminal influence of her time with the doctor)
and this isn't to say that it's all-bad for martha! her working for UNIT and Torchwood has a lot of very interesting facets to it, and she is fulfilling her potential to be this impressive, capable person, but the ways all of this was built up to is so heartrending
rose coming in and "saving" the doctor, except it was a bit of a lie, because the second she wasn't there they crashed even harder than before, and martha coming in with the idea that she could save the doctor and walking away when realising what it was doing to her life, and both rose and martha irrevocably changed to the point that the person pre-doctor is barely recognisable in them anymore, both take on the doctor's self-sacrificial traits...
and also the idea that rose gets the fantasy, but it's the fantasy a-bit-to-the-left (funhouse again) because there's always something a bit disconcerting about the lengths the doctor goes to to maintain the bubble, to the point of offering up the alternate-him/tentoo so that she can still have it, even though the actual physical doctor that shared it with her isn't actually there! and martha gets the glimpse of the fantasy, and then has to come to terms with the fact that she's not the person it's "for" and reassess her relationship to the idea of a fantasy in the first place (it helps that martha is an incredibly practical, pragmatic person, but it's still so... ouch)
I don't think it was intentional, but this also fascinating from the perspective of rose as a white woman and martha as a black woman -- who is the fantasy for, to the extent that strange and universe-breaking events go into maintaining it, and who has to be practical and pragmatic and self-reliant?
and also, it's got more tragedy in both cases -- rose as a spectre/haunter of the narrative is always a little bit intangible when she's looked back on (even though in the story she's in she's incredibly real and well-rounded, every time I go back to s1 I am struck by how grounded she is in reality), and I think that's something interesting in terms of her mother's warning in s2, how if she travels with the doctor "forever" she'll become something else, something not her
and martha's mother warns her as well, although she's not completely sure of what, and in contrast to rose this warning comes into very painful fruition, harming her entire family (except, maybe her brother? I wonder if there's anything written about that), but where rose is so omnipresent, martha tries several times to take herself out
(also something about both of their mothers being their anchor-points)
there's something there that's at the centre of both rose's and martha's arcs:
is the change they're going through because of the doctor... good? good for them? good for their families? good as in they're becoming better people than before? good for the world they inhabit? is it good for the person they used to be? did they become better than that person? can they ever truly deal with or even begin to comprehend how these events made them who they are? can they even connect who they are now to who they were then? was this good?
they both become these larger-than-life people, somewhat without noticing on both parts (but the narrative does notice), one of them a ghost, and the other a soldier -- one of them an increasingly intangible, ever-present idea, and the other someone who has to fight every step of the way
it's just a bunch of things I've had going through my head that I can't quite formulate in coherent essay-like sentences, but for sure it's there
opposite sides of the coin, rose tyler and martha jones
I do wish they'd had space in the story for them to talk
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oopsallsyscourse · 3 months
Part of dismissing the idea that the host is "king" is recognizing that hosts are just as fallible as any other alter. They can just as easily end up viewing reality through a lens of trauma. They can just as easily make bad decisions that negatively impact the system.
And in recognizing that you can begin to see other alters POV as both equally flawed or equally helpful.
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izvmimi · 7 months
i’m begging these people to stop putting mrn and name typos in this excel sheet if they’re expecting ME to review these patients for tumor board like who the fuck is the patient????????? how can i look them up?????????
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prince-peachie · 2 years
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I am religious about waist chub on men
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o0corruptedghoul0o · 10 months
so I bought gotham knights some days ago (finally) and thought it's a good chance to play while I recover from covid
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suddenly I feel 100% recovered 🙌
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