#mega doggo
petrachoir · 2 years
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I feel like shit when people say I'm cute when I'm sad. Especially when caught thinking about something particularly painful.
Have a stupid doodle I did to help me work through my funk...
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(Different anon) (op thing (this just came to me))
Glyde: (after reading some books/scrolls on legendary creatures & treasures): hmm
Roll (just coming in): oh glyde, what's up
Glyde: miss Roll, i was looking through our archives, and found some documents on a legendary treasure.
Roll: really!?
Glyde: yes, but this treasure was split in half, and each half is guarded by a fearsome creature. The half that was sent northward is garded by the great hound, Gregar, while the Great Bird Falzar guards the half thats southward.
Roll: *sparkling eyes* ooh, Hub needs to hear this!
Glyde: *panicing* no! Each beast has the power to nullify devil fruit powers at moderate range!
Roll(crest fallen): does that mean we can't get that treasure?
Glyde: we need a plan should we seek either half first.
ooooh i like this
sounds like an adventure arc i would save toward the ending of the story though (since Gregar and Falzar are big heckin deals)
Roll is reading the documents
Mayl: Watcha reading?
Roll: Glyde was telling me about 2 halves of a treasure that are on opposite sides of the world, both guarded by godly beasts
Mayl: Sounds like an adventure Lan would want to go on as soon as possible
Roll: Yeah, but these beasts have the power to nullify devil fruit powers...it would be a gamble
Mayl: Well, maybe we can shelf it for a different time. No need to worry about it now
Roll: Yeah...maybe it is best if we wait. These beasts...it's said they have the power to destroy the world...
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I may still be putting together teams but well I just wanted to share some set stuff for Leon's team
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Namely his good girl dusk form lycanrock topaz who is both a battle pokemon and a therapy dog
She likes sleeping on his shell whoch makes *everyone* feel better due to it being a cracked mess no worries when protective doggo on the case...i may share another wip pic that has both his and leonardo's teams (or what I have currently at least) in it
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theladypossum · 8 months
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@sister-calliope @robot-roadtrip-rants your wish is granted I give you…Bobby g and the doggo holding him (and the imperium together) #his name is Tiberius and he's mega floof #couldnt decide between mastiff or st Bernard so kinda both?
All these drawings are based on this amazing post and @kit-williams hilarious “pet the dog Cato” fic
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#todays primarch rage is sponsored by the high lords of terra and #McCragge Cafe #strongest recaf in the imperium #ultrastrong
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#someone start a petition to get Bobby a dog #or at least a smoke break #man can’t keep doing this #man is running on 2 hrs of sleep and Xanax
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here's some highlights from my WoF phase when i was 10 years old! all of this is copied and pasted directly from the document. (here's the whole thing if you wanna look through it yourself! copied and pasted into a new document bc i don't wanna share my school acc on the internet)
Darkness with snowflakes of hope Glides on silent claws Be on the lookout for Talons of stealth devouring the world In their gaping jaws Wings of darkness, eyes of terror, blood drips from the mind Fins of kindness, claws of purity All of these you must find Gather your dragons, claw-in-claw, before the next new moons Gather them, for you must know They’ll be coming soon Trust no webs, no gills, no claws, until you look past their eyes Past their brains, into their hearts, and find out what’s inside
^ The Darkness Prophecy. Don't worry, I decoded it for you all! ALSO when I was 10!
Snowflakes of hope: The Snowflake Winglet Silent claws, talons of stealth devouring the world: Evil Wings of darkness: Lanternfly Eyes of terror: Feareyes Blood drips from the mind: Jackal Fins of kindness: Princess Droplet Claws of purity: Isis Gather your dragons claw-in-claw: Have the abovementioned dragons ready, with a full understanding of the risks They’ll be coming soon: Leech planning his big attack Trust no webs, no gills, no claws: Don’t trust dragons, specifically SeaWings Look past their eyes, past their brains, into their hearts, and find out what’s inside: Looking past a dragon’s appearance, past their thoughts, and judging them by their true beliefs
JOE-KEHS (this is how it was. in the fucking document.)
Flipper is just lookin’ scared, then he starts boppin’.
Queen Scarlet be like: That was t h r i l l i n g
When Turtle kidnaps you and locks you in a wet bathroom, the best approach is to vibe
The best way to annoy Queen Scarlet is to kill her. Duh.
(I THOUGHT IT WAS FINE TO CALL KINKAJOU KINK/KINKY FOR SHORT 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 (i also called her joujou. better.)
The headcanons too btw (this is EVER SINGLE ONE IN THE LIST. i'll color the especially funny/interesting ones):
IceWings can be any color, just very light.
NightWings can be any color, just super dark.
Some NightWings are completely silver with black highlights. One of these NightWings that happened to be a mind-reader would have black teardrop scales.
SkyWings can be blue and have blue fire.
SkyWings can be brown and their fire explodes like a dragonflame cactus.
SkyWings can be yellow. Change my mind.
SkyWings' underscales are hard and plated.
SeaWings are generally super chill.
Preyhunter lived, he just has a scar across his chest (like that SandWing guard from Prisoners!)
Icicle is lesbian.
Hailstorm works as a janitor at JMA. (i actually cooked with this hold on)
Kink(ajou) was lesbian, but she’s now demiromantic, because of ANEMONE’S stupid LOVE SPELL!!
Joujou likes sunsets.
Cricket and Tamarin both have mega-crushes on each other and try not to notice (but they do) (THIS IS SO CUTE???? I WAS LOWKEY COOKING)
If asked whether she ships Sunnyflight, Starspeaker, or something different, Tsunami will answer “Starnami. #igetalltheboys!”
Clay is aro.
Blue is tired of the “I’m blue dabidabidabidie” meme. (Don’t ask me how I know about this I just do)
Starflight loves doggos.
Winter has a pet python called Black Ice. (emo ass name 💀💀)
Tsu-Tsu and Gloriffic have a contest every year to try and get each other the worst hatching day present ever (as well as something decent). Nami is currently winning with a used bandage. Glory wasn’t even close with her mug. (FUCKING HELP???????)
Listener is pansexual.
When talking to Tsunami for the first time, she’ll change her nickname after every sentence addressing her. She’d say “Please, call me Tsu-Tsu,” then “No, not Tsu-Tsu. Nami! I am Nami,” then “Why’d you call me Nami? I’m Nam-Nam,” then “WHAT YOU EATING WHILE SPEAKING TO MEEEE”
Turtle is bisexual. (damn right)
Winter is gender nonconforming, transmasc, and polysexual. (DAMN RIGHT)
More are coming soon!! (no tf they are not)
some highlights include:
me making up ships to be mad about and then acting disgusted
shipping sunny and hailstorm, as well as tsunami and squid (bro 💀💀 i hated riptide that much (still do))
i said that i didn't like anemone x tamarin bc "Tamarin has shown ZERO signs of loving her back." DAMN why was i so mad??? 😭😭
the term i used for partner was "cute dating entity"
i headcannoned icewings with american accents. honestly so fire. keep doin that little me
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liviiblahblah · 1 year
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Nothing to see here just my mega dragon doggo eating a vulpix
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gladdygirl18 · 7 months
Very happy with this tickle tea story this time around!
Blue me, Pink GF
This is gonna be a bit long so continue under cut
So this weekend, my GF and I were chilling in my dorm doing some work. On occasion, she would get up from the desk and poke my sides just because. At one point, when I was working on a story, she came up behind me ans started spidering her fingers up and down my arms and sides, making me giggle and squirm (i swear, her gentle tickles are so.... tickly lmaooo 😆🥰) Another time was when I sat in her lap, she started to gently glide her dull nails along my sides, but it wasn't enough to actually tickle.
"If you're trying to tickle me, you're gonna have to try harder than that."
Yeah... I said that. The guts I had to say that to my GF astonished me as well. My GF scoffed before she started squeezing and kneading my sides, making me snicker and giggle.
"Uh huh, careful what you wish for hun."
The next day (saturday evening), my GF and I were at it again working on school work and personal work. While I was reading for a class, I was struck with the most intense lee mood ever, omggg 😳😳💖 so i turned to one of my good friends here on Tumblr @giggly-squiggily told her about my dilemma. Basically, how the convo went was me very flustered and worried about asking her to wreck the shit outta me cuz while I did tell her that i liked being tickled, I was afraid with how she would react if i asked her to tickle me senseless. Squiggly had said (to sum it up), "If she loves you even after telling her you liked being tickled, how will this be any different?"
So after a few minutes of hesitation, I ended up going towards my girlfriend and sitting in her lap and hugging her (she already finished her schoolwork).
"Are you okay, hun?"
"You sure? You look like you have a lot on your mind. Talk to me, please."
"It's nothing. I'm just really stressed and..... don't really know how to get rid of it."
"Aww" *hugs me tighter* "Is there anything I can do to help?"
*hesitates and starts blushing slightly* "There is something you can do...."
"What is it?"
*groans slightly and buries face into her shoulder*
*Pulls away and stares into my eyes* (her grayish-hazel eyes are so beautiful omgggg 😳🥰💖😍)
"N-necesito sonreir...." ("I need to smile" in Spanish, context)
*Sighs and smiles before taking out my earbuds* "Alright"
She then starts kissing my neck, and omgggg i swear i got more ticklish cuz of her. When I tried to pull away, she grabs me places me in her lap and says, "Come here you!"
After she said this, she started kissing my neck again gently tickling my sides. Anytime I tried to pull away, she'd gently pull me back into her lap. She then slowed to a stop before pulling me into a hug.
"Feeling better?"
*giggles and nods*
While she didn't "wreck" me, that alone expelled all the stress I had. After this, she started playing Nexomon on my switch (really cool monster catching game, def recommend if you're a fan of those kind of games) She kept getting Mega Rares after Mega Rares as well as getting 2 Specials back-to-back. When she ran into a Mega Rare (it resembled a dog) I practically begged her not to kill it. She looks at me dead in the eyes will her Nexomon brought it down to 0HP. I tried to stop her but it was too late.
*laughing her ass off* "Why not?"
*Gets annoyed and starteds tickling her*
"Stohohohop! it had it coohohohohoming!"
She then does the same thing 3 more times after that, pissing me off and leading to more tickles (she was only doing this to piss me off but it was still fun to have a mini back and forth tickle fight with her 💖🥰)
As the night went on, we cuddled and made out (as per usual 🥰💖) and it was my turn to be the weighted blanket. While practically sitting on my GF, she smiled before gently gliding her dull nails along my sides, but again, not enough to tickle. Like I said before, "If you're trying to tickle me, you're gonna have to try harder than that."
My GF scoffed before adding a little more pressure to her tickles and started moving her fingers in a circular motion in one spot (where my ribs meet my sides) I started surpressing my smile and tried to hide my snickering in her shoulder.
"There we go~ Come on hun, just let it out~ You know you wanna~"
i was genuinely struggling to not laugh. Then this little gremling started TICKLING MY ANKLES! WHY THE FUCK ARE ANKLES SO DAMN TICKLISH!!??!? When that got more of a reaction from me, she chuckled and said, "Haha that's it, there we go~"
She then started spidering her dull nails across my socked feet and my dam finally broke. When that happened, my GF laughed before pulling me into her chest, moving back to tickle my sides, and kiss my neck!
And that's how my weekend was. So happy that all of this took place! Stay tuned for another tickle tea story! Also a big and special shoutout to @giggly-squiggily for encouraging me to ask my girlfriend for tickles (even tho I've done it before, my Lee mood made it so difficult 😅💖)
Tagging the fwends: @giggly-squiggily @cutesmokes @burningablaze @sunstone-smiles @otomiyaa @lovelymessybubbly
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
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Newt is gonna give the doggos a taste of mega power
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mariacallous · 9 months
The internet sucks now. Once a playground fueled by experimentation and freedom and connection, it’s a flimsy husk of what it was, all merriment and serendipity leached from our screens by vile capitalist forces. Everything is too commercialized. We commodified the self, then we commodified robots to impersonate the self, and now they’re taking our damn jobs. We live in diminished and degrading times. I miss when memes were funny. I miss Vine. I miss Gawker. I miss old Twitter. Blogs—those were the days!
Stop me if these gripes sound familiar. In 2023, the idea that the internet isn’t fun anymore is conventional wisdom. This year, after Elon Musk renamed Twitter “X” and instituted a series of berserk changes that made it substantially less functional, complaints about the demise of the good internet popped up like mushrooms sprouting in dirt tossed over a fresh grave. Some people even complained on the very platforms they were mourning. Type “internet sucks now” into X’s search bar, you’ll see.
The New Yorker published an essay by writer Kyle Chayka on the subject, calling the decline of X a “bellwether for a new era of the Internet that simply feels less fun than it used to be.” People loved it. (Sample comments from X: “Relatable.” “Exactly right.”) Chayka claims that it’s now harder to find new memes, websites, and browser games than it was a decade ago. He also argues that the rising crop of platforms popular with young people—Twitch, TikTok—are inferior, enjoyment-wise, to the social web of the 2010s.
Both of these arguments are baffling. Memes fresher in the past? Yes, it’s tiresome to see Tim Robinson in a hot dog costume for the 500th time, but c’mon. In the early 2010s—the years Chayka longs for—the internet was all doge and doggos. It was the era of reaction GIF Tumblrs, the Harlem Shake, the Ice Bucket Challenge. Give me literally any still from I Think You Should Leave over “You Had One Job” epic fail image macros. Only glasses of the rosiest tint could recast the 2013 internet as a shitposting paradise lost.
The argument that the 2010s social web was superior amusement to the platforms now popular with Gen Z is even stranger. TikTok has major issues, but being unfun is not one of them. It’s been a springboard for some genuinely talented people, from comic Brian Jordan Alvarez to writer Rayne Fisher-Quann to chef Tabitha Brown. Binging Twitch streams certainly isn’t my thing, but people aren’t being held at gunpoint and forced to watch seven straight hours of Pokimane. They like it! They’re having fun! And how can one say with a straight face that gaming got worse? Roblox alone is a gleeful world unto itself; to pretend it doesn’t exist and isn’t a vibrant digital hangout is goofy and obtuse.
Corrosion of specific platforms on the internet—X, to pluck the most obvious example—is an observable phenomenon. (I, too, mourn old Twitter.) Musk’s changes to how X operates have made it harder to surface and verify information; his antics have driven away both advertisers and power users and allowed the cryptogrifter class to spam inboxes with invitations to NFT drops and meme coins, resulting in a digital space that feels abandoned and crowded at once. Other platforms, though, are flourishing.
Look at Discord, for instance. Its siloed structure is a throwback to the pre-Facebook internet era, when socializing online often meant logging on to specific forums. The disintegration of the Big Tech-dominated 2010s internet is creating a more balkanized social web experience, what Kickstarter cofounder Yancey Strickler calls the “dark forest” theory, where people turn away from big, open mega-platforms in favor of more private or niche digital spaces, from nonpublic Slack channels to invite-only WeChat groups or special-interest podcasts. While some people might find that boring and hard to navigate, it’s not universally boring, or inherently difficult to navigate.
There are serious problems with the internet right now. Platform decay—“enshittification”—is real, and it’s not limited to X. Search is in shambles. Plus, the flood of AI spam has just begun. But there were serious problems with the internet 10 years ago too. Arguing that the decline of certain corners of a previous version of the internet means that the entire internet isn’t entertaining anymore is a preposterous leap.
The impulse to describe the internet as being in a dire existential crisis is an understandable one, especially if you love going online—it’s easier to get people to pay attention to emergencies, isn’t it? All sorts of decidedly not-dead things get declared dead periodically, from literary criticism to monogamy to Berlin. “My favorite platforms are faltering and I don’t like the new ones” isn’t as compelling a pitch as “The basic experience of goofing off online is on the brink of extinction!!!”
But the basic experience of goofing off and being creative online is not on the brink of extinction. Ten years from now, there will be writers—even if they’re AI chumbots churning out shitty prose on SubstaXitch, the demonic merged iteration of Twitch, Substack, and X our poor children will use—earnestly reminiscing about the good old days of 2023, when that affable menswear guy showed up on everybody’s feeds, and TikTok wasn’t banned in the US. I know this. I know it because during the era that Chayka is now nostalgic for, people were also complaining that they missed the old, good internet. (Real headline from 2015: “The Modern Internet Sucks. Bring Back Geocities.”)
This brings me to my theory about the internet. To understand how people feel about being online, look at how they feel about the long-running sketch comedy television show Saturday Night Live.
Bitching about how SNL is so much worse than it used to be is a time-honored tradition. It has been declared “Saturday Night Dead” regularly since it debuted in 1975, nearly 50 years ago. In 1995, for instance, a New York magazine writer bemoaned the “slow, woozy fall of a treasured pop-culture institution.” The cast at the time included Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Norm Macdonald, and Molly Shannon, all widely considered comedy legends in the present day. In 2017, in fact, New York ranked that cast’s run as the third-best era of SNL, ever, describing it like this: “At its peak, it’s hard to argue the show was ever better.” Quite the reassessment!
In 2014, writer Liz Shannon Miller examined the impulse people have to favor whatever era of Saturday Night Live they grew up with and watched during their formative years. “It’s a generational problem that leads to parents and kids just not being able to agree on the talents of John Belushi versus Will Ferrell,” Miller wrote for IndieWire.
A similar sort of generational problem is playing out right now about what it’s like to spend time online. Millennials grew up logging on in the 2000s and 2010s, maturing alongside Facebook. The internet from this era is the internet of our salad days. Of course watching it get eclipsed by a different iteration hurts. Of course some of us look at TikTok and wish it was Twitter—it’s the same impulse that propels family squabbles about whether the Lonely Island guys were funnier than the Please Don’t Destroy boys. Saturday Night Live has always been wildly uneven. Every era now heralded as golden was once pilloried as corny dreck.
To insist that the fun is over is to adopt an overly nostalgic stance, and one that rests on a pathetic fallacy: Just because you aren’t having fun on the internet doesn’t mean the internet itself is broken. It’s what it always has been, a flawed mirror of the cultural moment. It’s fine not to like it. But don’t pretend there aren’t young people alive right now who are having the most fun they’ll ever have online, just as there are young people alive right now who will be raving to their kids about how hilarious Bowen Yang was on SNL—especially compared to the synthetic clones of Gilda Radner and Jimmy Fallon the AI programmed to imitate Lorne Michaels cast in the 2061 season. We don’t need to make the present sound worse than it is. The future will come, soon enough.
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randomblognumberfuck · 7 months
Ehhhh random waltz rewrite or something
A)She was a broken robot servant and she lay in a landfill until Dr. willy found her and "fixed her"
B)"more canon-like" Willy just found powerful shit and created Waltz
Relationship and Characteristics
She is Tomboyish Brat Worst Dysfunctional Sister Ever but in more deep way, she is a War-machine who clearly has problems with emotions. If you give her a teddy bear she will obviously tear it up,she's hot-tempered and she gets triggered when they offer her an upgrade, well, you get the idea (it’s like a situation with a dentist if the patient hates physical sensations) and she kinda biased,and serious in some critical moments
She likes Treble or Gospel because it's a doggo and she doesn't like the fact that her adapter is Reggae and the Bass's is treble
it would be difficult for her to somehow contact the Willy's Robot masters they hated her or she hates them
She hates Rock-'n'-roll of course
Auto triggers her
Waltz hates Piano and thinks she(piano) is useless
She could be with Willy sort of "I want to be your #1 favorite children" or "my dad sucks"
Back to dramaturgy
She was clearly jealous of human girls because they have normal lives and are not dysfunctional (that would nicely fits with A variant of her backstory y'know most of "adopted" or "scrapped" characters are shown as something sad)
Powers or Abilities
Finger-cannons: She can also shoot with certain fingers or separately independently of others
Rocket-jet legs: she can hover and dashing if she needs to speed up
Ultrashoot or Ultralaser: it's like Mega buster but more long and more speed
She can do hand-to-hand combat
And about her Mangumaz energy.....
Mangumaz is a chemical thingy which is "very powerful" and bright it's inspired by the Bassnium thing
her alternative name would be Onkyokei is a japanoise related genre
Or Jungle for the music pun y'know If ragga related to reggae then Ragga Jungle
I'd love to call her Drum because Drum'n'Bass but it's not fitting to me
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Round 6 is done
Sorry this is a bit late
The Main Bracket is in it's Finals!
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Amaterasu vs Missile! A Doggo Showdown!
The Loser's Bracket still has a way's to go though.
Here's some music. I'm still going though Street Fighter even though this tournament's out of Street Fighters
Results for the Losers Bracket:
Apollo Justice vs Simon Blackquill: Apollo Wins
Kazuma Asogi vs Lynne: Lynne wins, which surprises me. It's probably because of a re-release boost
Sissel vs Doctor Ciel: Sissel Wins
Athena Cykes vs Mia Fey: The senior lawyer wins. Congratulations Mia
Herlock Sholmes vs Vergil: Herlock Wins
Ethan Winters vs Kay Faraday: Kay wins
Mega Man vs Nico: Mega Man wins
Roll vs Claire Redfield: Claire Wins
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9 people you'd like to know more
Thanks for tagging me @stellanslashgeode!
Last Song(s): Dangerous Night by Thirty Seconds to Mars ("theme song" for my unfinished Bossk/Jango AU fic) & A Symptom of Being Human - Pop Remix by Shinedown (brainstorming song/theme song of sorts for my weekly Call of Cthulhu game)
Currently Reading: Fall of Cadia by Robert Rath (managed to snag one of the limited run "Mega Edition" copies), Ciaphas Cain: Vainglorious by Sandy Mitchell (the newest book in the series that got me into Warhammer 40K) & Halo: Outcasts by Troy Denning (my boi Thel is back, and so is Vale! AAAAAA so good!)
Currently "Writing": My Bossk/Jango semi-AU fic (writing action involving firefights is harder than it seems, at least to make it interesting, and the idea of doing an homage to Fifth Element is fun but not as easy as I thought)
Currently Playing: Ace Combat 7 (playing & modding it for the millionth time as I continue brainstorming for the canon-divergent/semi-AU fic I'm probably never going to write) Baldur's Gate 3 (running two playthroughs atm - one as the Red Prince from Divinity: Original Sin 2, and the other as default albino dragonborn Dark Urge)
Currently Watching: Ahsoka (very fun so far, loving Baylan & Shin, really excited to see where it goes from here)
Next on the Watchlist: I'm due a re-watch of Battlestar Galactica - I found my old, stalled-out semi-AU fic from a decade ago, and I can feel the brainrot setting in.
Current Obsessions: My weekly Call of Cthulhu game (of which I am GM/Keeper) has restarted after a multi-month hiatus, so I'm getting back into the swing of things with that (we're using "The Two-Headed Serpent" for our campaign, so much snek-related shenanigans are occurring). I'm currently planning out ideas for downtime activities between two of the pre-written campaign chapters. I have to determine if I'm capable of an Arnie and/or Jason Momoa impression for long enough without laughing, because one of our characters (a Scottish WW1 medical corps veteran turned professor of linguistics) is a direct linage descendant of Conan the Barbarian; his biological mothers are the Great Old One Yhoundeh and her sole remaining - as of the 1930s - human high priestess; his wife is a Hunting Horror and his boyfriend (his old CO from the Great War) is a Servant of Sobek (think Alfred from Batman if he was a really buff anthro crocodile man). Not to mention his adopted son from Borneo. Man's got a complicated life lmao.
Tags (no pressure!): @tgirldoomguy, @jack-off-valentine, @strix-mix, @chemicalwashed-genes, @odsttrooper, @chunky-doggo, @deepestnightmarebeard, @chadfarsight, @revolutionarywaterlily
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
If animatronic cassie is free to come and go from the mega pizzaplex.
I can see roxy waiting at the entrance of the pizzaplex for cassie arrival. Onch cassie arrives I can see Roxy helping cassie with homework or school projects.
I can also see Roxy green room would have a set or custom made bunk bed instead of then her usual couch. So win cassie das stay over at the pizzaplex for a sleepover she isn't sleeping on the floor or on a uncomfortable couch.
Also imagine Gregory reaction to if animatronics cassie is free to come and go from the pizzaplex at well.
Since Gregory isn't a animatronics but cassie is he would be upset because he cant stay overnight at the pizzaplex like cassie can.
All I can see in my mind's eye is Roxy sitting as close to the lobby windows as possible as Cassie leaves looking like a kicked puppy. Saddest doggo who's bestie left without them :(
Lmao in terms of homework oh my god that's be a disaster. Roxy is supposed to be able to help with certain subjects, but not all of them. Cassie asks her a math question and this animatronic, programmed with ones and zeros and math... Doesn't have any idea how to even start with it. Has no idea what she's doing. Cassie is listening to her scrambling to figure it out, trying very hard not to laugh. Not because she doesn't know how to do it, but because of her grasping at straws so hard she's started guessing it's meant to be read upside down lmao. They have to call Monty on that one. He's the math expert around here lmao
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louezem · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity. 💫🌈
Five things that make me happy.... 🤔
My needs are actually very simple, and I'm not hard to please.
(1) Finishing something I thought I'd never finish (hello, TBOSAS).
(2) When an old, much loved but unfinished fic suddenly updates. That brings me joy.
(3) A clean house, empty laundry basket, and tidy garden (all at the same time).
(4) My pets. I thought I'd never have another pet after my beloved doggo died, age 14. But somehow I ended up with 2 crazy cats.
(5) FOOD. All types, I am not fussy. Preferably accompanied by cheesecake.
@mega-aulover, thank you for tagging me! 😊
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wildwoof · 2 years
I think I have a good team set up started for Koga tbh.
His starter would be his bb Yamper. Unevolved still. I gotta keep it having the Corgi look -- like that's his absolute treasure right there.
Houndoom is a must. Mightyena is a must. Lycanrock is 10000% a must, especially Midnight form. Gimme that vibe. Stoutland might not be dark type, but Stoutland is a dog that can learn surf, so ofc that's how he'd traverse the waters.
The final one I'm a bit torn between tbh. It's tempting.. oh so tempting to give him Umbreon. Why? Dark typing, dog-like as an eeveelution, && also that's my favorite pokemon. Shiny Umbreon is my absolute favorite, so it'd be completely bias to give it to him. I'm also thinking Absol would be fitting & Absol also has a mega evolution, which is nice. But also from Scarlet & Violet they introduced Mabosstiff, who's a rough & tuff looking big ol' doggo that'd be perfect for him too. I could have his final slot be a trade out, depending on how he's feeling. It is VERY much strong bias to just give him Shiny Umbreon, but boy oh boy does a girl wanna.
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klausfromkalos · 1 year
(@kalosianselkie) Allez bagarre >:)
11. What is the strongest pokemon you could beat in a fight, with no pokemon of your own?
La bonne belle bagarre !
Couldn't be a Ghost, Fire, or a Psychic Type. I have the strength for all the (non-legendary) doggos, so maybe more powerful. The Behemoths are too much.
A non-mega Scizor. A good 75% to win. A good punch (with the palm of your hand) on its face and it's over. Steel armor is not good against hits -if you ever saw a fight between knights in full armor, you know what I mean.
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