moonsympathizer · 4 years
because im a slut for love Carnation: Do you belive in true love? for the meme
OO, this one’s good! I do believe in True Love! I don’t believe that it’s all in one singular person, I feel like it’s whoever you have the opportunity to meet and get to know. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I certainly due believe in True Love!
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a friendshapped birb who simps for Saide and Eren
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adhdzagreus · 4 years
stone for the minecraft meme
stone: stone bricks, stone, cobblestone, or mossy cobblestone?
this is a very good question. stone bricks because i’m a classy bitch but also mossy cobble bc i’m a messy bitch 
thank u bb!! 
minecraft asks owo
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rubyleaf · 5 years
Hey did you know that me and you are the only two people who have shadow of fox fanfiction on Ao3? I think thats really cool and amazing of us for giving this fandom good content You have 4 and i have one (movation man its a pain)
So that other fic author was you! I had a hunch, but wasn’t certain. Just us two…that’s a pretty sad number, but hey, two whole more than zero, right?
And hey, thank you! TBH the only reason why I whipped out four fics in a row was obsession though, I was being haunted by this fandom and writing was the only working exorcism method. But hey, maybe one of these days you’ll need to exorcise some ideas of your own too—good luck for that!
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meghanlovesash replied to your post: i’ve got ‘Metro Exodus Spoilers’ blacklisted, i’ve...
wait does the dlc come out tomrrow?
yep, we gettin some of that premium Sam content!
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penelopeeckhart · 5 years
um i don't know how to say this and im trying not to be werid or anything but like.... i love your content?? and i love you for making said content?? like, I feel so lonely in the shadow of fox fandom cause no knows it and i just finished soul of the sword and i feel like im going to scream my relfection day was so odd the book was so good i loved it so much and i can't stop thinking bout it and i thought i was the only one making posts of them but i saw your content and like..... its the best??
you are so kind, thank you so much!!!!! i'm-- 💗💗💕💖💕💗💖💕💖
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but my posts are not even That Good! omgg 😭💕💕 and yes, the saddest thing is that the fandom is nonexistent, my babies deserve so much better!! :( the plot and mythology are Great and Fascinating™, yumeko is the sweetest and funniest protagonist i've ever read, tatsumi is not just a love interest but a wonderful character who deserves love and to be treated like a decent human being, okame and daisuke and reika are unique and funny and have interesting stories of their own and omg i would rant all day about how much appreciation they Deserve
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okay i don't know you like at all but that anon woulden't of wanted to follow me during my last break up. like gods darn it was none of thier affairs you're doing great dear like you're handling your rejection very well when I got rejected i spent three months crying myself to sleep on my batrhroom floor didn't take my meds which lead to mood swings that i just now got rid of and going though seveal bad descions that im shocked had any friends left soooo you're doing great
thank you
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Tatsumi: The stars are pretty tonight.
Yumeko: Yes, they are.
Yumeko: Want to know who else is pretty?
Tatsumi: [blushes] Who?
Yumeko: [kisses him] You.
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thissmycomingofage · 4 years
Fall Fey 💙🖤💛
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Here's a Christmas gift for my beautiful friend @meghanlovesash ❤ It's not much but I hope you'll like it!
That's my first Iron Fey creation, and I don't think I could have had a better start than with Meghan and Ash 💙 I love them and if it's not for the fantastic world building and story, you have to read those books for them!
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winterskulleton · 4 years
Iron fey fanfic
here you go @meghanlovesash merry christmas!!
I sighed when I reached the door to my room. It had been a long day, and I couldn’t wait to take my Queen in my arms, feel her soft skin under my hands, smell her sugary perfume. I turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. Almost as soon as I had stepped through the doorway I heard someone sniffing.
“Meghan?” I asked softly.
She was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the huge bay window. The sun already began to set behind the heavy curtains. She turned toward me when she heard her name. A few loose strands of her hair were plastered to her tear-streaked cheeks. Her bottom lip was trembling.
“What’s wrong, angel?” I sat next to her on the bed and pushed the blonde locks out of her face.
“It’s nothing,” she said as she wiped her nose on the sleeve of her shirt.
“You wouldn’t be crying if it was nothing,” I answered. She only started crying harder.
She wrapped her arms around me so fast I almost pushed her away by reflex. Eventually, I mirrored her and kissed her forehead. I can’t tell how long we stayed like that. Her crying seemed endless. My shoulder was wet with tears and I couldn’t feel the end of my fingers because I’d been running them through her hair for too long.
“Is there anything that could make you feel better?” I asked softly after an eternity.
“Chocolate… And wine. And also kittens, that would be nice.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” I smiled against her forehead. “Anything else?”
She sighed.
“I want to take a bath.”
And that’s how we ended up, twenty minutes later, in our bathroom with a huge tray of different sorts of chocolates and each a glass of red wine. My wife was in the bath with steaming water over her shoulders and I was sat on a small chair next to the bath. I honestly didn’t know the kitchen had that much chocolate but when I thought about it, it made sense. Having to feed an entire court would require enormous quantities of food.
The only noise in the room was the sound of droplets falling from Meghan’s hair as I combed through her damp blonde locks. She was looking straight ahead of her, her cheeks still slightly pink from the crying she had done. Once there were no more knots in her hair, I washed away the shampoo that still remained. Watching the white bubbles run down her back was almost mesmerising. We stayed in the bathroom until the water turned cold and her hands became wrinkled.
When we came back to our bedroom, she was quick to wrap herself in the warmest clothes she could find. I sat her down on the bed, in the same spot I had found her when I had entered the room.
“Are you ready to talk about it?” I asked her.
She looked up at me, then down at her hands tangled on her lap.
“It’s because of my book,” she said quietly.
Her answer was so far from what I had expected. I couldn’t find anything to say for a whole minute.
“I’m sorry if I scared you,” she added.
“Oh, Meghan, don’t you worry about that,” I told her as I pulled her head toward mine, bringing our foreheads together. “I thought someone had hurt you.”
“If the characters count as people, then yes, someone hurt me.”
“Well, the ending was very sweet, and you know how I am. I love a happy ending. And now the book is over and I don’t know how to feel.”
“How about you tell me everything? Maybe that could help you sort out your feelings about the ending.”
She did just that. I listened carefully, not wanting to lose a single thing. At first, the words coming out of her mouth didn't make much sense to me but after some time, I started making connections between the characters she was telling about. From what I got from her summary, it seemed like a very good book with a great ending, and knowing how easily Meghan gets attached to fictional characters, I could understand why it made her so emotional. She stifled a yawn as she ended her monologue.
“You look tired,” I told her. “After all this talking, it would be good for you to rest a little. Plus, I'm sure you've had an exhausting day.”
“You’re probably right. Sleep would be nice, right now.”
“You know I’m right.”
She smiled softly. I pulled the covers back so that she could easily slip under them. Taking the covers back up, I kissed her forehead, her cheek, and her mouth.
“Good night,” I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You better get in bed, too. And quickly.”
It was my turn to smile.
“Yes, your Majesty. But only if you let me change into something more comfortable.”
“Quickly,” she insisted.
I felt her eyeing my body as I got undressed. I was well aware she was looking, even if she would look away every time I turned toward her. She did this nearly every night.
“Get over here,” she ordered once she deemed me ready for bed. I obeyed.
“I love you, Meghan. Now and forever.”
She smiled again. Oh, how I loved her smile.
“I love you, too, Ash.” Her eyes were already drifting shut. I kissed her forehead one last time before cozying up beside her.
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nojohi · 3 years
tagged by @curls-cat
- 5 songs i’ve been listening to on repeat
Acid Tongue by Jenny Lewis, A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley, this is me trying by Taylor Swift, (Don’t Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult, Bubblegum Bitch by Marina 
- last movie i watched
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 
- currently watching
I was uh. Almost done with a Haven rewatch and halfway through It’s Okay To Not Be Okay but got hit with some Bad Mental Health and just dropped it all so. Mostly just old favorite episodes of Stargate SG1 for comfort?
- currently reading
Also kinda on pause, but The Lies of Locke Lamora and also The Two Towers. 
tagging @luxmyth, @prettypinkviper, @meghanlovesash, @bb8-boppity-boo, @berenshand
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moonsympathizer · 4 years
🍓 im very curious and i need ecouragement
VANESSA!!!! Honestly the sweetest person ever. You were really the first person I spoke to on tumblr because I just loved how passionate you were about your ships. It was really inspiring and cool!! You’re just so easy to talk to and I love seeing your enthusiasm in all the new books that you’re reading! Also!!! You’re reading the Lunar Chronicles now which!!!! Fuck yeah!!!! I’m so glad we’ve met! And thank you for being so kind and patient! Can’t wait to talk more about TLC with you and seeing all of your opinions and how you feel about the series! You just deserve all the goodness in the world ❤️❤️
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Ive always had this headcanon that tysella had the 'percabeth stage' and by that i mean EVERYONE knew that Ella had the hugest crush on tyson but she would rather die then admit it. Rachel teases her to no end over it and its quiete embrassing to see Ella trip Tyson grab her to prevent her from falling on the ground and Ella's face turn redder then a tomoato or Ella 'pratice cooking' which means cooking something that isn't black tar and giving it to tyson eats it cause hes so hungry (part 1)
“(part 2) but caues of this tyson dosen't realize that hes bacially being made lunches for him. Not much anyone can do bout it but pray it has a simmilar outcome to percabeth and when they finally do go out everyone collecively goes 'FINALLY'”
V... my teeth are fucked up enough... why do you have to give me cavities with this cuteness...
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adhdzagreus · 5 years
here is a blast from the past, how bout Oliver and Myrtile with number 9 on the things you said prompt
9. things you said when i was crying
A/N: Thanks, Nessa. 
Take a moment to ask yourself ifthis is how we fall apart?But it’s not, but it’s not, but it’s not, but it’s not, but it’s not.It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay.You’ve got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear.I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.((Here Comes a Thought -- Rebecca Sugar))
Oliver didn’t notice the first time the doorbell rang. He was too absorbed in his task. But the second time it rang, the sound penetrated the fog of his brain and startled him out of his thoughts. He jumped up and headed down the stairs to get the door. 
He tugged the door open and a smile crept across his face. A blonde girl in a blue dress was standing on his front porch with a sweet smile on her face. “Hello, Oliver,” she said. 
“Oh, hey Myrtle,” he said. 
“Are you busy?” she said. “I thought we were going to the movies today, but if you’re busy we can go some other time. “
Oliver quickly shook his head. “N-no, we can go today. I was just in the middle of something, but I can finish up real quick.” 
“Can I help?” Myrtle asked with a smile. 
Oliver thought about it then nodded. “Come on in.” He led her up the stairs and down the hallway, past his bedroom and into the room at the end of the hall. It was in a state of disarray, like its occupant was halfway through the process of packing to move. The bed was stripped and bare, and boxes were piled on the floor. Some were filled with things, and others were empty. 
“I was just going through my mom’s stuff,” Oliver explained. “So I can decide what to keep and what to give away.” 
“Oh!” Myrtle said. “How can I help?” 
“You can help me box up the things I’m giving away,” he said. “It shouldn’t take too long. I already went through most of it.” 
“Okay,” Myrtle said with another sweet smile. Oliver thought it was strange how her smile could be so different from Esther’s when they had the same face, but Myrtle’s were always full of tender sweetness whereas Esther’s showed playful amusement. 
Oliver had already gone through his mother’s dresser and bedside table. All that was left was the desk and a few scattered things. He set to work going through the bottom drawer of the desk and deciding what to get rid of it and what to keep. “The stuff I’m keeping goes in that box and the stuff I’m donating goes in that one,” Oliver explained. 
Myrtle nodded and took the book he was offering her. “Donate?” she asked. 
He nodded. “Yeah. It’s an old music book, I don’t need to keep it.” 
Myrtle put the book in the donation box and, together, they went through the rest of the desk drawer with Oliver handing her things and directing her as to where she should put them. It didn’t take them long to go through the drawer and move on to the next. 
Most of the things, Oliver didn’t have too much trouble with. Most of the books and papers were of little interest to him, and he was fine with donating them or throwing them away. When he got to the top of the desk, things got a little harder. The things on top of the desk were more recent–notes in his mother’s handwriting and a thick leather bound journal. It hurt to discard the notes, but he did and then turned his attention to the journal. 
“What’s that?” Myrtle asked. 
“I think it’s my mom’s journal…” Oliver said. A page was bookmarked, and he turned to it, laying it open flat on the desk. He was right–the entry was in his mother’s handwriting, and it was short. It only took him a few moments to read, and when he did, he felt a lump rise up in his throat and tears well up in his eyes. He hurriedly closed the book and held it to his chest, trying not to cry. “I’m keeping this,” he said quietly. 
“Oliver?” Myrtle said softly. She took a step closer and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Is something wrong?” 
He shook his head vigorously. “N-no, I’m okay. I promise. I–” He drew a shaky breath that came out as a sob. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 
“It’s okay. You miss her, right?” Myrtle said. “She was your mom. It’s alright that you miss her.” 
“I know,” Oliver said, scrubbing the tears from his eyes. “I just thought I was done c-crying about it. I’m sorry.” He felt foolish. The journal entry hadn’t even been that sad, and yet he couldn’t stop the tears from coming. 
“You don’t need to be sorry, Oliver,” Myrtle said. “It’s okay to cry.” 
For some reason, this made him cry harder, and he gave a great shuddering sob. Myrtle took his hand and threaded her fingers through his, squeezing gently. “What did the journal say?” 
He shook his head and a few tears slipped down his cheeks. He couldn’t tell her. The entry had been written by Alicia, not by Allie, and that was too much to explain. 
“Oliver?” she said gently, her voice thick with concern. 
Oliver didn’t know how to explain that his mother had written about a man from another world called Lucien, how she’d hoped to save him, how she wanted to see him again so instead he said, “She–she was writing about an old friend of hers. How–how she missed him.” 
“Did she get to see him again?” Myrtle asked. 
Oliver shook his head. “He’s gone now too.” 
“But then she did get to see him again, Oliver,” she said. “They must be up there now together.” 
He nodded and squeezed her hand. “Y-yeah. You’re right.” He let out a shaky breath. “I just wish…” He let the sentence hang. 
Myrtle released his hand and wrapped her arms around him. He gasped and shook. “It’s alright, Oliver,” she said soothingly. “You can cry as much as you need to.” 
He nodded and closed his eyes. It should’ve felt strange, being this close to Myrtle, having her arms around him, but it didn’t. It felt oddly comforting. It felt like home. 
She held him as he shed the rest of his tears, and when he finally fell silent and pulled away, she kept her grip on his hand. 
“I can finish this later,” Oliver said. His voice was a little hoarse, but it didn’t break. “Do you still wanna see a movie?” 
She smiled and nodded. “I would love to, Oliver.” 
He smiled back. “Okay then. Let’s go.”
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rubyleaf · 4 years
⭐ (have fun talking bout your bbys youre a great mutrual to have)
Awwww, thank you, right back at ya! Alrighty, have a fact about Eric then:
Eric is physically incapable of sitting properly in a chair like a normal person. He’s always either crouching, has his feet up on the desk, curled up sideways, or drapes himself diagonally across the chair with one or both legs dangling over the armrest. In situations where he absolutely must sit like a normal person, he’ll cross his legs or prop them up on something whenever he can. This is directly stolen from me, as I also cannot sit normally for the life of me.
One ⭐ = One thing we learn about your main character in your WIP!
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rigelwithafedora · 4 years
10 song playlist
@lookatgeraltmyboi tagged me in a playlist thing, and here’s how it goes
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!  
these are from the edgy/emo/goth spectrum playlist i made when i was, 13 or so
Kill Your Heroes - AWOLNATION
Start A Riot - BANNΞRS
Ghosts - BANNΞRS
Connection - OneRepublic
If My Heart Was A House - Owl City
Sail (Drift Static Remix) - AWOLNATION / Drift Static
9 Crimes - Damien Rice
Soldier - Fleurie
Astronaut - Simple Plan
Back to the Start - Mr Little Jeans
@keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @eloisegardener @appashumor @pokespefangirl @alicecyone @meghanlovesash @attackingmyanxiety @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @pk-shitstorm @silentfcknhill
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