#mehta hospital
mehta-hospital · 7 months
Dengue – Frequently Asked Questions
In recent days, Tamil Nadu has witnessed a marginal spike in dengue fever cases, affecting individuals of all ages – including Children and Adults.
This mosquito-borne infection has become a significant concern, exacerbated by various factors. One such is climate change, i.e., during the monsoon season, the outbreak of dengue is high.
Aedes mosquitoes, especially Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, are the primary causes behind the spread of dengue through their bites.
Concerning this health concern, understanding its signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and preventive measures is essential in mitigating its impact and preventing its spread.
Here are some frequently asked questions about dengue fever that can help you understand better.
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Can Dengue Spread From Person To Person?
Dengue fever is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites, specifically those of Aedes mosquitoes. However, there are exceptional cases where the virus can be transmitted in different ways. For instance, if a pregnant woman contracts dengue, the virus can pass to her baby during pregnancy or around the time of birth. Additionally, though rare, dengue can be spread through blood transfusions.
Can Dengue Mosquito Bite At Night?
Dengue is primarily a daytime-biting mosquito-borne disease.
However, Aedes Aegypti, which is responsible for transmitting dengue stays active during peak times such as early morning (two hours after sunrise) and late afternoon (two hours before sunset).
What Is The First Sign Of Dengue Fever?
Dengue symptoms can range from mild to severe. And some individuals, especially children and teenagers, may not exhibit any signs of the disease at the earliest. Gradually the symptoms start to appear four to seven days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. In its milder form, dengue presents as a High Fever (often around 104°F) accompanied by any of the following seven warning signs:
Muscle, bone, and joint pain
Pain behind the eyes
Swollen glands
In rare and severe cases, the disease can progress to hemorrhagic fever, leading to damaged and leaky blood vessels, severe bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure, and even death.
Can Dengue Fever Occur To The Same Person Twice?
Yes, a person can be infected with Dengue multiple times, as there are four different serotypes of the Dengue virus (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4).
Each serotype can cause the disease, and previous infection with one serotype does not provide complete immunity against the others. Some reinfections can result in more severe forms of the disease, particularly with the D2 strain, which is associated with symptoms like Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome.
Immune complications may also occur in some cases, making reinfections more severe.
Do Platelets Decrease Because Of Dengue Fever?
Dengue fever can lead to a significant drop in platelet count in the bloodstream. As it affects the bone marrow, which is the site for the formation of platelets, platelet production reduces. Despite this, it can even increase the platelet destruction from peripheral blood.
These results in a condition termed Thrombocytopenia, occurring when the platelet count is low in the blood. As a result, it increases the risk of internal bleeding.
If this is the worst case, platelet transfusion may be necessary.
Can Dengue Be Prevented?
Preventing dengue primarily involves measures to protect yourself from mosquito bites and eliminate mosquito breeding sites. Here’s what you can do:
Stay in air-conditioned rooms or ensure that doors are closed if you don’t have air conditioning.
Limit outdoor activities, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
Wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and pants, to cover up the exposed skin.
Use mosquito repellent on exposed skin, and consider applying permethrin to clothing, shoes, camping gear, and bed netting.
Make your living environment free from mosquito breeding sites. Aedes mosquitoes often breed in stagnant water in items like automobile tires, air coolers, and flower vases. Regularly empty and clean these containers and keep them covered between cleanings.
Is Dengue A Fatal Disease?
The person suffering from dengue can recover completely as its symptoms can be managed by staying hydrated and taking medications as prescribed by the healthcare provider.
However, in some cases, Dengue can progress to conditions like Dengue Hemorrhagic fever and Dengue Shock syndrome. When left untreated, it can pose a risk to one’s health.
Early diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and the right medications can reduce the risk in severe cases.
How Is Dengue Diagnosed?
Early and accurate diagnosis of dengue is important for effective management and timely treatment.
When you seek medical assistance because of the concerning symptoms, the healthcare professionals will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and recent travel history to regions where dengue is prevalent. While these symptoms can overlap with other illnesses, they provide important initial clues for diagnosis.
Followed by blood tests for dengue. This includes the following:
Antigen Test: This test identifies the presence of the dengue virus in a patient’s blood.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test: PCR is a molecular test that detects the genetic material of the dengue virus.
What Are The Treatment Options For Dengue Fever?
There is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue. In mild cases, patients are advised to stay hydrated to prevent dehydration and manage their symptoms with medications. However, in severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary, with treatment including intravenous (IV) fluid and electrolyte replacement, blood pressure monitoring, and blood transfusion to address complications.
When Should I Consult A Doctor?
Many people tend to overlook the symptoms of dengue fever. It’s crucial to consult a doctor if experiencing fever for more than 3 days. Never even neglect the mild symptoms; diagnose early and prevent the potential complications that arise because of dengue.
What Precautions Should Be Taken After Recovering From Dengue?
Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables to help boost your immune system, which even helps you in the recovery phase.
Make sure to include adequate vitamins and minerals in your diet. Avoid oil and junk foods.
Hydrate yourself by drinking water, and healthy & refreshing juices.
Ensure your body gets sufficient rest to aid your recovery and regain strength.
Always follow the guidance and medications prescribed by your healthcare provider during and after the illness.
During the recovery phase, the body may still be weak, so excessive physical exertion should be avoided. Instead, walking or light exercise can be practiced.
Which Signs Include That We Are Cured From Dengue?
The patient begins to regain the lost function.
During the recovery phase, which typically occurs 7 days after the onset of Dengue, the patient’s condition gradually improves. This includes the subsiding of fever, increased urination, and a returning appetite.
In rare cases, even after crossing the recovery phase, if you encounter any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:
Decreased urination
Few or no tears
Dry mouth or lips
Lethargy or confusion
Cold or clammy extremities
Book Your Appointment with Dr Mehta’s Best Dengue Doctors in Chennai!!
To wrap it up,
Knowing more about Dengue from this FAQS article helps you make smart choices for your health and your community during times when the disease is more prevalent.
By understanding the key aspects of the disease, its symptoms, and preventive measures, you play a vital role in staying safe and contributing to Dengue prevention efforts.
Stay informed, stay vigilant, and together let’s combat Dengue effectively!!!
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pinoruno · 8 months
thinking today about the shooting and how even BUCK had to do a once over of himself on the way to the hospital when eddie asks if he’s hurt. part of it is “where is he getting that idea he’s the one bleeding out” but i think part of it, at least for a second, is an “oh shit, am i????” thinking about how when taylor sees him splattered with blood she’s like damn :/ glad it wasn’t u! and then when she realizes it’s eddie’s even SHE knows something is Different now. thinking thinking thinking thinking
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healthyheartsgurgaon · 11 hours
How Arterial Blood Clots Can Trigger a Heart Attack
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When a blood clot develops in the arteries of the heart, it can obstruct blood flow partially or completely, causing damage to the heart muscles. In order to prevent heart attacks and other fatal complications, immediate treatment is essential. This article delves into the formation of blood clots, their impact on heart health, and strategies for prevention and management.
What are Blood Clots?
Blood clotting, or coagulation, is an essential process that prevents excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured. This process involves platelets, a type of blood cell, and proteins in the plasma (the liquid part of the blood). When a blood vessel is injured, platelets quickly gather at the site and form a plug. Meanwhile, plasma proteins interact to form fibrin threads that reinforce the platelet plug, creating a stable clot. If you are experiencing any issues related to blood clotting, it is important to consult with the best cardiologist in gurgaon to receive expert medical advice and treatment.
How Do Clots Form in the Arteries?
The formation of clots in arteries, especially those supplying the heart, is often linked to a condition known as atherosclerosis. This condition is characterized by the buildup of fatty deposits, known as plaques, within the arterial walls. Over time, these plaques can become large and unstable.
Atherosclerosis and Plaque Formation: Plaques are composed of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin. As they accumulate, they narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart. The danger arises when these plaques rupture.
Rupture and Clot Formation: When a plaque ruptures, it exposes its contents to the bloodstream, triggering the clotting process. Platelets rush to the rupture site, and clotting factors in the blood form a clot. It is possible for the clot to block the artery completely if it grows large enough.
Resulting Blockage: A blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart muscle, leading to a heart attack. The severity of the heart attack depends on the location and size of the blockage, as well as the duration of the obstruction.
Signs of a Blood Clotting in the Heart
Recognizing the symptoms is critical for timely intervention. Common signs include:
Discomfort or Pain in the Chest: Described as pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest. The feeling can last for more than a few minutes or it can go away and then return.
Pain in Other Parts of the Body: Pain may radiate to the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
Breathing difficulty: Chest discomfort may accompany breathing difficulty.
Other Symptoms: Nausea, light headedness, or cold sweats.
These symptoms can vary between men and women. It is more common for women to experience shortness of breath, nausea, and back or jaw pain during pregnancy.
Prevention and Management
Reducing the risk of arterial clots involves making lifestyle changes and managing underlying health conditions. Here are several strategies:
Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, combined with muscle-strengthening exercises on two or more days a week.
Eat a Healthy Diet: A heart-healthy diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. The consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars should also be limited. The Mediterranean diet and DASH diet are both excellent choices for heart health. For personalized dietary recommendations and comprehensive heart care, consulting with the top cardiologist in gurgaon can provide you with expert guidance and support.
Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Diabetes: High blood pressure and diabetes can lead to a number of health problems such as atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Regular monitoring and management through medication, diet, and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce risks.
Control Cholesterol Levels: High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol can lead to plaque formation in the arteries. Changing your lifestyle and taking medication can help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking damages the lining of the arteries, contributing to the formation of plaques and increasing the risk of clot formation. It is beneficial for the heart's health to quit smoking immediately as well as over the long term.
Stay Well-Hydrated: Proper hydration helps maintain healthy blood viscosity and circulation, reducing the risk of clot formation. Stay hydrated throughout the day.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight, especially around the abdomen, increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other heart-related issues. Maintaining a healthy weight can be achieved and maintained with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Managing stress: High levels of chronic stress can increase your risk of heart disease. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and regular physical activity can help manage stress levels.
Regular Health Screenings: Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help monitor heart health and detect any risk factors early on. This includes blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, and diabetes screening.
Understanding the trigger is essential for preventing and managing heart disease. By making informed lifestyle choices and managing health conditions, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of experiencing a heart attack. Staying active, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking are foundational steps toward a heart-healthy life. Regular medical check-ups and screenings play a crucial role in early detection and prevention, ensuring better long-term heart health. For expert advice and personalized care, consulting with a good cardiologist in gurgaon can help you maintain optimal heart health.
To book an appointment with our cardiologist: Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)  Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist  24*7 Helpline No.: +91–9873214382 
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Supreme Court Slam Private Hospitals Loots
Big news! Supreme Court wants to regulate prices for heart surgery (and potentially more) in India! Does this mean the same cost in private and government hospitals?
The video dives into the Clinical Establishment Act of 2010 and the recent Supreme Court ruling. ⚖️ Will it impact quality in private hospitals? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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srmkpcardiac · 3 months
Smt. S.R. Mehta & Sir K.P. Cardiac Institute
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Smt. S.R. Mehta & Sir K.P. Cardiac Institute stands as the premier cardiac hospital in Mumbai, offering world-class care and expertise in cardiovascular health. Trust us with your heart.
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lisaoshiola · 10 months
Neurosurgery encompasses surgical procedures on the nervous system, which includes the brain, the blood vessels that supply it, the spinal cord and spine, as well as the nerves throughout the body that control our movements and enable us to experience sensations.
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
sorry i'm just thinking about the whole circumstances of the shooting again and how absolutely batshit insane that was???????? like. first they had carla observe eddie and ana and insinuate ana wasn't what eddie wanted as she told him, 'just make sure you're following your heart, not christopher's.' and had eddie's face go on a Journey. then 20 minutes later, eddie gets shot in broad daylight and it was filmed Like That with everything slowing down and going completely silent as he and buck stared at each other and buck is covered in eddie's blood and eddie is falling and buck is shoved to the ground by mehta and eddie is dying but one of the last things he does before he falls unconscious is look at buck one more time and reach out for him and then buck rOLLS UNDER A FIRETRUCK in the middle of active fire to get to him and pull him to safety and when they're in the ambulance he's telling eddie over and over again that it's okay, that he's got him, that they're so close to the hospital, he just needs to hang on, and for the .5 seconds eddie is awake he sees the blood on buck's face and ASKS IF HE'S HURT?!!?!?!?!? because he's more concerned about buck than himself????????? and then buck has to go tell chris what happened and he breaks down sobbing when he finds out eddie made it out of surgery because he cannot fathom the idea that he nearly lost him and he takes care of chris while eddie's in hospital without having to be asked and in the brief interlude where taylor kisses him and runs away buck runs to eddie instead of running after taylor and then he Tells eddie that he lost it when he told chris what happened and that it would be better if he was the one who got shot and eddie sits him down and says he changed his will A YEAR AGO after the well so that buck would be chris' legal guardian if he died because no one would ever fight for chris the way buck would (not even his biological family) and then he calls buck evan and tells him he's not expendable and ALL OF THIS HAPPENS and they never talk about it again!!!! until 6x12 where eddie says he remembers getting shot and thinking he was about to die and then nothing else until he woke up in the hospital as if the memory of the whole ordeal isn't probably seared into buck's brain and i'm just??????????? what the fuck was that guys
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elvensorceress · 2 months
If I Should Fall
buck/eddie | rated: Teen | 23.7K | ao3
So last Monday, I posted this little thing. Of course I took the week and went and wrote the rest of said thing. It's complete and all posted now!
It’s just after midnight and Buck is going to bed. He’s been saying this for a couple hours but YouTube had too many Am I the A-Hole videos and Instagram had those gorgeously, if deceptively edited food recipe posts and he doesn’t even want to talk about the doomscrolling of TikTok.
His phone goes off with a call five seconds after he lies down. A number he doesn’t know. So he could ignore it. Or wait until they’ve left a message. But who would call at this hour for no reason? Or for scamming, telemarketing reasons? Long story short, he answers.
“Buckley?” The man on the other end says. He sounds vaguely familiar but not enough that Buck came put a name or face with a voice.
“Uh, yeah? Who is this?”
“Mehta. Captain Mehta. Of the 133.”
“Oh, hey,” Buck says, automatically friendly and smiling. That makes sense now. “What’s up? Why the— why are you calling?” Why would he call in the middle of the night?
Why does anyone call in the middle of the night.
An accident leaves the love of Buck's life dying in a hospital, leading him to evaluate the life he has, the life he wants, and where his heart belongs.
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How Nuts Can Keep Your Heart Happy and Healthy   
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Nuts may be good for the heart when consumed in a healthy diet. They contain nutritional and unsaturated fatty acids. They're also great snacks. They're easy to pack and store and inexpensive on the go.
It is crucial to remember that some snacks contain high calories. Hence, it's vital to control your portions. Opting for nuts over less healthy snacks can help you stick to a heart-healthy diet. If you need guidance on heart health, consulting a heart specialist in Gurgaon  could provide valuable insights and personalized advice tailored to your needs.
Are nuts good for your heart?
Several studies have shown that nuts and seeds lower inflammation levels associated with diabetes and heart disease.
Nutritional benefits include:
Maintain healthy arteries.
Improve heart health by reducing inflammation.
Prevent heart attacks and strokes by reducing blood clot risk.
Blood pressure can be lowered.
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of early death.
Lower unhealthy cholesterol levels, specifically triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins, or "bad" cholesterol.
Are nuts heart-healthy?
They are the best protein sources. Furthermore, it comes with these heart-healthy nutrients:
Contains unsaturated fats. Some believe that nuts' monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats lower harmful cholesterol levels for reasons that are not fully understood.
Fats rich in omega-3. It is the omega-3 fatty acids found in these nuts that make them a healthy snack. Healthful fatty acids include omega-3s. There may be a reduction in the risk of heart attack and stroke caused by these nutrients.
Contains fiber. Almost all of them contain fibre, a substance that lowers cholesterol. By consuming fibre, you feel complete for extended periods and eat fewer calories.
Sterols from plants. A substance found in some nuts can help reduce cholesterol, called plant sterols. It is common for plant sterols to be added to products such as margarine and orange juice for their health benefits; however naturally contain plant sterols.
The L-arginine. The amino acid L-arginine can also be found. There is some evidence that L-arginine lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and improves the health of blood vessels in general.
Nut servings: what is a healthy amount?
It is important to note that nuts contain fat. Even though most of them come from healthy fats, the calories can still add up. The key to keeping nuts healthy is to keep them in moderation.
Ensuring an adequate intake of unsalted nuts in your diet typically means aiming for about 4 to 6 servings per week for adults. Serving recommendations may differ for children depending on their age. If you're worried about your child's nut consumption, it's wise to consult their paediatrician to determine the appropriate serving size. Additionally, for personalized advice on maintaining heart health, consider contacting a heart doctor in Gurgaon who can offer tailored recommendations and support.
Instead of cooking nuts in oil, choose raw or dry-roasted nuts. You can enjoy two tablespoons of nut butter with each serving of whole nuts or a handful of whole nuts (1.5 ounces).
Are nuts of different kinds better than others?
There is no evidence that nuts are harmful in general. However, some may contain more heart-healthy nutrients than others. Walnuts, for instance, contain Omega-3 fatty acids.
The heart-healthy properties of almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans are well-established. The same applies to peanuts, although they are technically legumes, not nuts.
It would help if you chose unsalted or unsweetened nuts. Salt or sugar can diminish heart-healthy benefits.
The following is information on the nutrition of some of the most common types of nuts. A serving of unsalted nuts contains 28.4 grams of calories and fat.
Are nut oils a good idea? How healthy are they as well?
Nut oils provide nutrients but do not contain the fibre found in whole nuts. Walnut oil has more omega-3s than any other oil.
Contemplate incorporating nut oils into your recipes when preparing salad dressings or cooking. Nut oils possess distinct properties compared to vegetable oils, particularly in their reaction to heat. It's essential to avoid overheating nuts, as it can lead to a bitter taste. Furthermore, owing to their high fat and calorie content, it's advisable to use nut oils sparingly. For individuals seeking specialized care and treatment for heart conditions, the Best Heart Hospital in Gurgaon can provide comprehensive services and expert guidance tailored to individual needs.
   To book an appointment with our cardiologist: Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)  Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist  24*7 Helpline No.: +91–9873214382 
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chronicowboy · 1 year
Buck waits until they're back at the loft before he brings it up. He waits until Eddie rids himself of his ridiculously hot blazer and rolls up the sleeves of his turtleneck in a way that makes Buck's stomach flip. He waits until Eddie takes one look at his couch before turning around and leaning back against the kitchen counter next to the sink instead. He waits until the soft eyes and heavy looks Buck has been subjected to all night become unbearable in the stifling quiet of his loft.
"You were bluffing," Buck murmurs into the dimly lit kitchen.
"Well, yeah, we were playing poker, Buck. Hazard of the game, you know?" Eddie says it like a challenge, like a dare, like he's desperate for Buck to call him out on it.
"Eddie," he breathes, "when Mehta mentioned the shooting, and you said you didn't remember anything, you were bluffing."
"Yeah?" Eddie fiddles with the clasp of his watch, the gold one his dad had given him for his birthday in a harried attempt to make up for everything all at once, the watch that had Eddie shaking his head but smiling because his dad was trying.
Eddie looks up at him, head still tilted down towards the floor, dark eyes dangerous in the moonlight cutting its way into the loft. Buck gets a little breathless over it.
"How'd you know?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, another challenge.
Tell me you saw me flinch when Mehta asked about how long it took you to get all the blood off you. Tell me you saw the white knuckled grip I had on the edge of the table when the Chief asked you if getting struck by lightning hurt. Tell me you saw all the words I bit back in the kitchen that night you asked me to be honest with you. Tell me you remember it all, and I'll tell you how I tried to pull you up the ladder because I was certain that I could bring you back to me.
"Did Zeus give you telepathy as well as mental math?" Eddie goads him once more, the first time he's pushed instead of waiting Buck out for a long time. "Could you read my mind? See what I was thinking? Is that how you know?"
"I know because I know you, Eddie," Buck says quietly, unwilling to rise to Eddie's bait. "I knew you were lying the same way I knew you had a good hand because you'd tap your thigh twice under the table. I knew you were lying the same way I knew you were bluffing because the corner of your lips always twitch when you're teasing. I knew you were lying the same way I know all of your tells. Because I know you, Eddie."
"Then, why didn't you know I was lying in the kitchen?" Another challenge, another plea, another mask.
"Because I don't think you were lying then," Buck whispers. "I don't think you did remember. I think Mehta said just the right, or wrong, thing and you fled to the bathroom because you remembered everything all at once." Buck takes a careful step closer to Eddie. "But even if you had have been lying then, I don't think I would have known because I wasn't asking for the truth. I was asking for you to give me hope, and that's exactly what you did. You gave me something to hold onto, but, Eddie," Buck lets his voice crack, lets the sound bring Eddie's eyes back to his, "I've been holding onto the memories of that day for so long. Please don't make me carry them alone anymore."
Eddie's face doesn't crumple, it doesn't melt, Buck's honestly not sure there's a word for what Eddie's face does in answer to that. Its like the mask falls away all at once. His eyes fill with tears, but he doesn't look away from Buck as he takes a trembling breath.
"I don't know how you've carried it all," Eddie breathes, eyes wide and desperate. "One moment I was looking at you in that red suit, the next you were covered in my blood. I didn't- I couldn't-" Eddie wipes the back of his hand over his mouth and takes another breath. "I needed a minute, so I went to the bathroom, but then all I could see was you in a hospital toilet trying to wash the blood off your skin before you went to see Christopher. And it was so quiet, too quiet. All I could hear was you begging me to hold on, to stay with you." Eddie tilts his head up to the ceiling like he's asking for salvation.
"You asked me if I was hurt," Buck chokes out, the one sharpest memory he has of that day, the one soundbite that plays on loop in his head underscored by Eddie's scream of pain during his worst nights.
"Yeah, I did," Eddie sighs, eyes fluttering closed. Buck is transfixed by the long line of his throat as he swallows. "I had to know you were okay."
"For Christopher?" Buck asks, his own challenge issued this time.
Tell me what you needed without hiding behind Chris for once. Tell me my survival only mattered to you because of that legal document hanging over our heads. Tell me the real reason your girlfriend hated me was because I was the first person you asked for when you woke up. Tell me you remember reaching for me, and I'll tell you that I'll never ever let you go again.
"I needed to know what kind of world I'd be fighting to come back to," Eddie shrugs. "I don't know if I would have made back without knowing you were there waiting for me."
Buck feels it like a lightning bolt, like a large calibre round to the shoulder, like forty feet of earth coming down on top of him, like a ladder truck toppling over onto his leg.
"Three minutes and forty-three seconds," Buck whispers.
"One minute and forty-six seconds to get you into the engine, three minutes and forty-three seconds to get you to the hospital, five hours and twenty-nine minutes to find out if you were going to pull through." They're numbers he knows well, not a product of lightning-induced memory enhancements, but mantras he'd repeat to himself in the aftermath of the incident. Reciting the saviour of Eddie Diaz in temporality because its the closest he could look at it there in the dark of the night on the couch, just waiting for Chris to wake up screaming for his dad.
"One minute and forty seconds to get you down, three minutes and seventeen seconds to get you to the hospital, five days to find out if you were ever going to wake up." Eddie looks at him with terror in his eyes, and Buck understands all at once that this isn't how you measure your life - in your best friend's death. "I had to count," Eddie's voice breaks again. He takes a deep breath, clenches his fists by his sides. "I had to count to know how much of you I'd lose. I had to count because my heart had stopped beating too. I had to count because I was the one driving your heart to the hospital, and I needed to know how cruel to be to myself if your heart never started beating again."
"Truth is, Evan," Eddie shakes his head, purses his lips. "I don't think I had to count at all. I think my body just instinctively knew how long it had existed in a world without you in it."
And Buck hears what he's not saying because he's not saying it either.
I spent my whole life feeling like I was living with a clock ticking down over my head, but it stopped taunting me the day I met you. That's when my life really started, and the clock started ticking again when your life stopped. My life lives and dies with yours.
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princessfbi · 1 year
It's all fun and games until Mehta brings up the fact that Eddie owed Buck one for dragging him out of the line of fire and tossing him like a bag of potatoes into the truck before begging him to hold on the entire trip to the hospital and Eddie chokes on his drink and goes, "What?"
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lisaoshiola · 11 months
Neurology offers with the analysis and treatment of all conditions and diseases regarding the vital and peripheral nervous system. Neurological diseases are recognized with an in depth records taking, thorough neurological and physical exam, and appropriate investigations. Neurological conditions are different from psychiatric illnesses.
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Buddie: 4x13 Recap in preparation for 7x9 (other ships included too)
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Ok... I'm intrigued for the last two episodes now after reading the journalists' commentary who've previewed the episode. MG said 7x9 and 7x10 should have been billed as a two part finale and the GIF he used to describe it in one word was "Pain". Also, KP said it seems like they're picking up "old threads" that weren't properly explored. Well... I REMEMBER THERE'S A LOT THAT WASN'T EXPLORED BETWEEN BUCK AND EDDIE 👀 (more on them below).
I've been thinking about 4x13 and the whereabouts of all the 'ships during that episode to parallel them with 7x9 and here goes. (Buddie is last just like they were at the end of 4x13).
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4x13 - Bobby and Athena were on the outs because in 4x12, Athena mentioned after she was attacked by Jeffrey in 3x17, she was offered early retirement but she turned it down. She never told Bobby about it. They ARGUED for the first time in 4x13 and they were still arguing when Hen called Bobby in 4x14 to tell him Eddie had been shot.
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7x9 - Bobby's struggling with his past and Athena's worried about him just like she was worried in 4x13 that he was hiding something from her. It's possible from the 7x9 sneak peek that Bobby might be having delusions of someone being after him.
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4x13 - Toni (Hen's mother) got sick and she fainted. Hen's medical school classmates helped her figure out what was wrong with her. After she was admitted to the hospital, Toni told Hen, the medical field needed more African American doctors.
7x9 - Hen and Karen have a foster child named Mara. Reminder, they had just given Nia back to her mother earlier in season 4 and Hen struggled with it because she didn't want her to go back to Evangeline.
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4x13 - Maddie was struggling with PPD and she was going through it. She was still going to work but Chimney wasn't aware of how much she was struggling until she told him. Maddie quit her job in 4x14 and in 7x7 she told Amir she used to be a nurse.
After 7x6, Madney is in a happy place so it's unclear what, if anything, they could be struggling with in 7x9.
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4x13 - Buck and Eddie’s storylines were the most intense, the most intertwined and the biggest. Reminder, Eddie didn't breakup with AF after Carla told him to follow his heart and not Chris'.
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AF found out Charlie's mother was swindling people out of their money which led to Eddie figuring out she was poisoning him.
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He told Buck and Chimney about it and Buck didn't even put on his uniform, he just left with Eddie.
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Captain Jeshan Mehta and the 133 were dispatched to the call and Buck drove the Batallion SUV to the scene with Eddie in the passenger's seat.
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Then the 3 minutes and 17 seconds that changed everything. It showed the audience that Buck and Eddie are in love with each other and if they missed it, they should rewatch the episode.
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Eddie reached for Buck and in 4x14, he asked him if he was hurt.
7x9 - Eddie didn't breakup with Maris*l in 7x5 like he should have the same way he didn't breakup with AF in 4x13 like he should have.
The 133 will be on a scene in 7x9 or 7x10 and it'll be interesting to see if Captain Mehta will be there too.
Also, Eddie’s either having delusions that the woman he met either looks like Shannon or he thinks she does. This parallel with Bobby appears to be mental instead of physical this time, so if history is about to repeat itself, then it's likely Bobby and Eddie could both be suffering from delusions. Reminder, Bathena and Buddie ALWAYS PARALLEL EACH OTHER.
If TM is really about to redo a scene for Buck and Eddie that will rival the shooting and explore EVERYTHING THE F*X NETWORK WOULDN'T LET HIM DO WITH BUCK AND EDDIE THREE YEARS AGO THEN... THIS IS ABOUT TO BE EPIC!
IYKYK Buck and Eddie are in love with each other and if Eddie gets hurt again, EVERYBODY IS GOING TO SEE IT THIS TIME INCLUDING T*MMY, HELENA, RAMON AND THE 118.
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The will was revealed in 4x14 and maybe it's meaning will be explored in 7x10 along with the reason why Eddie waited a whole year to tell Buck about it. It's possible it will come into play again before the end of the season, especially if Eddie's badly injured this time and the Diaz parents show up. If Helena thinks she's taking Chris to El Paso with them, she'll be WRONG because Buck’s his legal guardian.
Reminder, the 133 was there the last time but this time they'll be with their found family and Buck can't hide his feelings for Eddie, like EVER especially when he's injured or hurt.
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In 7x6, the foreshadowing was there when he thought Eddie was dead while he was lying in the bathtub.
These are pictures of Buck’s face whenever Eddie’s hurt.
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T*mmy doesn't have a chance with Buck because Buck and Eddie gave each other their hearts a long time ago and I can't wait until T*mmy sees it with his own eyes so he'll be gone. He won't be able to pretend Buck was trying to get his attention anymore because Buck’s going to go nuts if Eddie's hurt again. His heart will be on full display and there won't be any denying who he loves.
Buck loves Eddie Diaz and Eddie loves Evan Buckley!
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viejospellejos · 3 months
Un pintor recupera las manos gracias al primer trasplante bilateral de manos del mundo:
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En un logro médico innovador en Delhi, India, los médicos del Hospital Ganga Ram realizaron con éxito un trasplante bilateral de manos a un pintor que perdió ambas manos en un accidente de tren en 2020.
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La cirugía de 12 horas, aclamada como un milagro por varios medios de comunicación indios, involucró conectar meticulosamente cada vaso sanguíneo, músculo, tendón y nervio entre las manos del donante y los brazos del receptor.
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Las manos fueron generosamente donadas por Meena Mehta, jefa administrativa de una escuela de renombre en el sur de Delhi, quien había prometido sus órganos después de su muerte. Sus riñones, hígado y córneas ya han transformado las vidas de tres personas, y ahora sus manos han dado esperanza al pintor.
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dropofbittersea · 29 days
The fifth time, the one where it finally clicks, his world shifts irrevocably.
One second, he is looking at Buck, just registering the way Captain Mehta says "Diaz, you want to ride with the kid to the hospital?" and his own nodding, already coming up with an answer in the positive.
The next, he hears the sound of a shot being fired, and as Eddie watches, Buck's face and chest are splattered with blood.
Or: 5 times Eddie's world shifts and the 1 time he decides to do something about all of it.
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