aeonianarchives · 2 years
Oc incorrect quotes
yes i am hinting at @eunoiaastralwings oc Lúthriel
Thalion: Thats glass number 37
Meludir: Whats Thalion doing
Thalion: i am keeping count of this elleths alarming pace of progress through my wine, only the kingsguard drinks are free for tonight, it's seems she didn't get the message, when she sobers up, i will present her with the bill.
Meludir: Thalion you're a meanie.
Thalion: I'm joking of course, i highly doubt she could afford it anyway, so i shall spare her the bill, but i must say the sheer volume of alcohol this fellow can put back is just not normal.
Aerdis: I can beat that, but someone won't allow me
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I made an Aesthetic for one of my Middle Earth OC's.
Lúthion he is the younger brother to Ellandan and Elrohir but the older brother of Arwen.
Lúthion looks like his mother rather than his father like the rest of his siblings, he lives in Lorain as a Galadrhim solider, yet he often patrols middle earth with the rangers.
although he does travel alone most of the time, Gandalf brought Lúthion to help the dwarves reclaim Erebor then later on he joined the fellowship much to his fathers disappointment.
he is also the forge master of Lorain.
he is good friends with Haldir, Lindir, Feren and Melduir.
he also likes to tease Lindir by flirting with him, which is always brushed off by Lúthion mischievous personality but Lúthion only uses that to cover the fact he is indeed in love with Lindir (and Feren as well)
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chateau-thalion · 2 years
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Name: Thalion Alias/Nicknames(s): Arnor (Aerdis), Pyro Hair (Thrandy, Aerdis, Meludir), Master Thalion (Faeron)
Gender: Male
Birth: early S.A.
Titles: Master of Stardew Winery, Lord of the House of the Red Dragon, Councilman of King Thranduil, Advisor of Thranduil
Birth Place: Eryn Galen, Elven Kings Halls
House: House of the Red Dragon
Heritage: Sindar Father, Silvan Mother
Parentage: Ardian and Thanion
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(T.A - Present) Visual Age: 25 (Immortal)
Eye color: Amber Eyes
Hair Color: Red
Race: Elvish
Hair Style: Pony Tail
Skin Color: Fair
Extra: Due to the powers he was born with the end of his hair is always a light with fire hence the nicknames, Arnor and Pyro hair
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Relationship: Taken
Partner: Aerdis Messenger of Manwë
Sexuality: Bi
Likes: Fire, Wine, his tavern, Thrandy, Elros (the guard), Meludir, Feren, Legolas, Glorfindel, Lindir, Elrond's or Faeron's council, Faeron, Aerdis
Dislikes: People stealing his wine, Nobles of the greenwood, people who try to use him
Most valued possession: His Wine /j the short sword which can actually handle his powers going through it.
Weapons: Claymore
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Ardian (Mother):
Thalion was to young to remember his mother when she died
Thanion (Father):
Thalion and Thranduil shared a joint loss when their father's died, Thanion was the only family Thalion had left they had a good relationship but it got severed when Thanion passed
Aerdis (Lover):
He is a bird brain but Thalion loves him.
Thranduil is like an elder brother to Thalion, which got stronger after the battle of the last alliance, Thalion was barely over the elven age of maturity when Thranduil become king but even with Thalion's slightly childish ways they found comfort in that and with their grief of their father's deaths.
Thalion used to have a crush on Feren as the commander was his first actual friend he didn't see as a brother, but that crush turned out to just be because Thalion wanted to befriend him and he did and they became close friends
Elros (The Guard):
Also got drunk and let the dwarves escape with him and the other ellon their, thranduil got mad and punished them to clean the stables they became friends while they cleaned.
Melduir is like a younger brother who makes shitty jokes and annoys you all the time but the friend version who is way to comfortable he also joins Aerdis in trying to steal Thalion's wines.
Legolas things that the 'youngest of thranduil council' should not go to Thalion as the ellon is old at least compared to him Thalion babysat him when he was an elfling, thalion is like an uncle to legolas and Legolas is like a nephew to him.
Ever heard of a Free pass yeah this is Thalion's and honestly Aerdis understands it, and Lindir is clueless to the crush on him, they are good friends even if Thalion almost always makes Lindir blush when he is around.
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Thalion can control and make fire, he has some pyromaniac tendencies almost due to this every arson which is committed in the greenwood is him either by accident, because he lost his temper or on purpose.
he doesn't uses his powers but it is obvious he has them due to his hair but he can't stop or put that out, if it rains his hair is just smoking.
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Thalion's Character Sheet
Thalion Canon
Weapon choices
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wulfiestired · 7 years
"I might have slept with your rice whilst you were fine..."
Thranduil laughed as he plopped down on the edge of the bed and shucked his boots off. “Did you miss me that much when I was in Lorien?” He reached over and tugged on the the edge of his robe, pulling it slightly off of Meludir’s shoulder. “I think I approve of this. You should sleep in it when I am home as well.”
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m-der-teufel · 7 years
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Melduir of Mirkwood
My Meludir Cosplay from this years Magiccon <3
Poto by Andreas Kinders
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admirable-mairon · 7 years
I see the meme in my inbox but I'm on phone all day so I'll fix it tonight when I get to my laptop!
@khamvl @lyrium-burned @melduir (whom I can't tag for some reason D: )
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Note: I don't always keep my masterlist up to date but i try
A/N: All credit to the artists who made the gifs and dividers.
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Mae govannen!
Welcome to Aeonian Archives
My name is Kaiden and I will be your host
I post incorrect quotes and Fics
I'm a Transmasc Demiboy who is Abrosexual, who really enjoys writing for elves as you can tell from my masterlist, but I do write for other characters, I am a multishipper and a huge fan of rarepairs.
My favourite characters in Lord of the Rings are Haldir, Legolas and Elrond, Gildor and Glorfindel, my favourite hobbit characters are Thorin and Bilbo and my favourite Silmarillion characters are Maglor, Fingon, Finrod and Gil-Galad.
>Star Trek Blog is @im-a-doctor-not-a-dragonslayer >Shitposting/rebloging/oc Blog is @ecthelion-in-the-fountain >AO3 is aeonianarchives >Twitter is MantarKaiden >Pronouns Page
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Upcoming: Incorrect Quotes: > Lords of Gondolin - as the name suggests Series: >Time in flux - Lindir timetravels back to Gondolin [Wingfic] >Ghostly Ramblings - Medium Legolas >Ravens of Kidnapping - Thorin timetravling back, Kidnapping Bilbo who is then raised in Erebor by Belladonna >By the Gods - Reader is a Maiar >Frodo's Unexpected Family - Everyone lives AU and they all help raise Frodo even Thranduil and Elrond >The Wanderer who is never Lost - The Reader is Like a Ghost story >Tales as old as Time Woven Together - Oc Series but this is why I am posting about my Oc's >̶O̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶U̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶D̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ Life, Round Two - Ya know the normal 'girl falls into desired reality trope
Ongoing: Incorrect Quotes: >Fëanorian's on Crack >The Colorful arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor >(in)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes >The King and His Feral Herald >House of Finwë family Arguments >They share one (1) Braincell between them [Gandalf and Elrond]
Series: >Fëanorian's bringing up there children [Just Maglor, Maedhros, Caranthir and Curufin raising there children] >Where do we go from here [Erestor x Reader] >Quite Nights Alone with you [Feren x Reader] >Parental Love [Elrond and Lindir fluff]
In order This Masterlist contains Links to: -Taglist -Rules and Requests -Tolkien OC (Infomation) Masterlist -My Blog Masterlist -My Incorrect Quotes Masterlists -Elves of Imladris Masterlist -Elves of Lothlórein Masterlist -Fëanorian's Masterlist -Elves of Fingolfin Masterlist -Elves of Gondolin Masterlist -Elves of the Greenwood Masterlist -Elves of Nargothrond Masterlist -The Valar Masterlist -Misc Masterlist -Tolkien OC (writing) Masterlist -Character x Character Masterlist -Recipes Masterlist -Misc series Masterlist -Aeonian's Recommended Corner - where i recommend Blogs
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Fëanorian's on Crack Masterlist
The colourful Arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor Masterlist
(In)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes Masterlist
The King and his Feral Herald Masterlist
House of Finwë family Arguments Masterlist
They Share One (1) Brancell Between them Masterlist
[Upcoming] Lords of Gondolin
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-Lindir -Elrond -Elladan -Elrohir -Erestor -Gildor -Third Age Glorfindel
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[more elves coming]
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-Fëanor -Maedhros -Maglor -Celegorm -Caranthir -Curufin -Amrod -Amras
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-Turgon -Fingon -Fingolfin
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-Ecthelion -Galdor -Egalmoth -Maeglin -Glorfindel -Duilin -Rog
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-Oropher -Thranduil -Legolas -Feren -Galion -Elros the Guard -Melduir
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-Finrod -Gwindor
The Valar
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-Manwë -Namo -Irmo -Oromë  -Morgoth
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-Gil-Galad -Thorin Oakenshield -Kili -Aragorn -Smaug**(only write Platonically) -Mairon/Annatar/Sauron
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-Lúthion -Faeron -Valkor -Aerdis -Kyaris -Rae -Kiirion -Levos -Thilion -Nyeldo -Hyamro -Faelyn
Character X Character Masterlist
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-Golden fountain -Glorf x Lindir x Thel -Glorf x Lindir -Gil x Elrond x Celebrián -Gil x Elrond x Thranduil - Elrond x Thranduil -Bagginshield -Glorf x Erestor -Egalmoth x Duilin -Legolas x Haldir -Legolas x Haldir x Elladan -Feren x Lindir -Gigolas -Angbang -Russington -Feren x Elros -Feren x Elros x Lindir -Silvergifting -Gil x Elrond -Thranduil x Feren -Erestor x Gildor -Elros x Meludir
Fandom recipes: Here
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Fëanorian's bringing up there children
Aeonian's Recommended Corner
@animatorwierdo I took inspiration from them while writing my Glorfindel fic they are a really good writer
@icarus-fell-in-spring another blog I am in love with I also take inspiration from them when writing my characters
@jirtolkien - they are really talented they mostly post his doodles and Art as well as Incorrect quotes
@windrelyn - I am utterly surprised why I have forgot to put them here earlier, they have amazing art, and I am so honored that they made a peice to go with my 'king and his feral herald' series, JUST LOOK AT IT, it's so good and amazing ^_^.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
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Childishly lovely
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The Fourth Hunter
To Learn a Language for Love
Annoying Fondness (Anon Request)
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Friends with Fire
A Quite Night alone with you
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Elros the Guard
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Friends with Fire: Platonic!Reader x Smaug
Platonic!Thranduil Daughter x Smaug, Implied Feren X Reader
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A/n: I got this Idea from someone else but i do not remember who.
TW: Angry-ish Thranduil, Nice Thranduil.
Imagine: Thranduil's Daughter (reader) is friends with Smaug, and Thranduil doesn't know and one day he shows up and Thranduil learns you are friends with him.
you sighed as you fell backwards onto your brother Legolas' back, he glanced back at you.
"I would of thought you would be annoying your little group of friends instead of me dear sister" Legolas said
"I would but Feren is out on Patrol, Melduir is with him and Elros is being up tight and cranky today, besides i miss my BEST friend of all I have not seen him since the last time I passed Laketown, I should ask ada if I could visit him, nah he will say No and elven princess can't be seen with lowly mortals, how stupid my friends are far from noble" You replied to your brother
"I mean Feren has a high stature being hest of the Kingsguard" Legolas said
"Yeah I know" you said to your brother as you pulled yourself off his back so he could stand up
"you better not die of boredom while I am gone on Patrol, maybe imitating ada more would entertain you" Legolas said you gasped and ran out
"LEGOLAS YOU ARE A GENIUS" you shouted after yourself
"i am" Legolas questioned pointing at himself he shrugged and walked out.
You peaked your head around the door to the throne room your father was not there and his robe and crown where cast over his throne you took a step to it slowly watching to see if he would appear when he did not you wrapped his cloak around you and set the crown on your head
"I am Aran Thranduil, and I hate Dwarves and Dragons, you can stay in the dungeons for all i care 100 years is a mere blink in a life of an elf, i am patient" You said doing a rather accurate impression of your father there was a cough from the door you shot up from the throne and looked to your father
"The throne suits you my little flame" Thranduil said ascending up the stairs to it
"what is your first decree as king" Thranduil asked raising an eyebrow, you laughed and remembered when you were a child every time you stole his crown he let you order one thing and he had to do it no matter what it was, Thranduil took his cloak from you and draped it back over his shoulders you pushed your father down and set the crown back on his head.
"I'm not king I can make no decree" You said walking down
"Y/N" Your father called you turned to him
"Faeron is asking for a skilled archer to join his Rangers, you are as skilled as hîr Duilin of Gondolin, I said you would agree, he is waiting for you" Thranduil said you furrowed your brows
"Look my little flame i can't keep you here forever you have your own dreams, you may be a Ranger if you wish" Thranduil said you nodded a horn was sounded and not anyones horn it was Feren's both you and Thranduil rushed out to see a Dragon standing tall in the court yard just Infront of the bridge to the Elven King's Halls
"Y/N GET INSIDE NOW" Thranduil said stopping you with his hand
"But ada" you replied
"If you wish to be a ranger than you have to be willing to follow my orders, get inside now Y/N, This Dragon is a threat to you" Thranduil said
"No he is not he is no threat he has not attacked anyone besides some dwarves but you don't care about dwarves" You replied
"why are you protecting a dragon" Thranduil said
"DO NOT HURT HIM" You yelled to Legolas who held the fire of the elves
"Smaug is my friend Ada he will not harm you" You replied
"How in the name of Eru did a dragon become your friend" Elros asked
"my question as well" Thranduil said as you walked over the bridge to the dragon who huffed hot air at you and rested his snout lightly on your hand while the other stroked his snout.
"I was Passing threw Laketown on a errand, some drunk men where out they lost there senses and they saw an Elf, so they just thought of getting me in there bed, Smaug was out hunting for food he landed behind me and the two ran off he almost killed me so i did what anyone would do and asked if he was going to kill me, caught him of guard he said yes he was and i said go on do it i dare you, i guess he thought i was amusing well i saved my life and the two who tried to get me in there bed got incinerated, anyway why are you here" You asked to the dragon
"Dwarves are trying to reclaim Erebor, a man from dale almost killed me, I knew you didn't want me to come here but i couldn't go anywhere else" Smaug said
"You mean Thorin and that lot yeah there annoying they passed threw here not to long ago" You said to Smaug
"Yes and now they have taken my mountain, my gold" Smaug said
"There is something we want in the mountain, and you want it again do you not, i suggest a temporary alliance, we get the gems of starlight and you get the wealth of Erebor" You said with a smirk
"Deal, you can have anything you want my dear mellon-nin all the gold you should ever dream of" Smaug said extending to his full height Thranduil huffed at the idea of working with a dragon against dwarves but didn't voice his opinion, Feren however was glaring at the dragon.
"Feren" You called seeing your Husband glaring down Smaug he turned to you
"don't glare at smaug he's a gentleman when you get to know him, when he isn't protective over his gold" You said
"Let me get this straight not only are you friends with a Wizard which i hate you are also friends with a dragon A DRAGON, the race i hate more than orcs" Thranduil groaned
"Aw come on he's like a pussy cat compared to other dragons of middle earth greatest calamity of our age if he was in the first or second age he would of been nothing" You said
"why do you hurt my feelings so, dragons have feelings as well you know but you seem to forget" Smaug said you shook your head with a smile it was going to be a long day.
Elvish Translations:
Hest - Commander / Captain
Ada - Father
Mellon-nin - my friend
hîr - Lord
Aran - King
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
May i request a legolas x reader where they both annoy each other, but are trapped in a situation where they realize what true fondness they share?? thank you very much, have a fantastic day!
Annoying Fondness
A/n: Of course Anon, I hope you enjoy, also kinda think I made Legolas look like an asshole at the start.
Summary: (the Request)
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Ft: Reader is Feren's sibling.
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Legolas was annoying, he had no respect for you or what you do, why couldn't he be like Thranduil, the King had respect for you, mostly because you were the only good forgemaster around, Legolas came in saying is weapons were broken when you were working on fixing your Brothers armor and expected you to do it right away, because he was busy and needed it for Patrol, you just handed him another weapon and told him to use that for now.
Or all the times he went to the forge to talk his head off to you about how great and wonderful Tauriel was, you fill well know Tauriel didn't like Legolas back so you kept your mouth shut about it, and that prince was so over energetic.
So you hated the situation you had become trapped in, hiding from spiders because they surrounded you and there were to many to take out on your own, you had somewhat pinned the prince to the floor and kept your hand over his mouth, you waited but the sounds of the spiders never faded enough so you could get out, you pulled Legolas to your hiding place in the woods, Feren never let you go out to hunt so you slipped out, the passage lead to the kings throne, you weren't sure how Thranduil had not found it yet, you removed the bark and put it to one side, you at Legolas, slipped in and you closed it behind you.
This certainly wasn't built for two people, Legolas glared at you as you passed him, the tunnel had been collapsed you cursed yourself and turned back to legolas.
"What the hell is this place, do you have secret hide outs all threw these woods and no one knew about them" Legolas hissed at you in anger, You annoyed Legolas mostly because you didn't care for a lot of things and you had always been shifty and shady, you were like a snake to him, one he could catch or find proof of.
"No the King knows dumbass, well he knows most of them, he uses one to get away from his people with when they are all being stupid, your ada let me keep them after he found out as long as he could use them" You shot, the room was very cramped as the tree wasn't big, so you and Legolas were right on top of each other.
"The reason we are in this mess is because of you" Legolas shot at you.
"No it is not my fault, it's yours, if you didn't go bursting into that nest alone, then we wouldn't be trapped in this mess, Feren and Tauriel are already back by now, they probably noticed we didn't go with them, they'll send a search party soon enough, we just have to sit still until then" You said
"How are they meant to find us if this is a secret to all but my father" Legolas said
"Actually this one is a secret to your father, the tunnel led under his throne and you open the back peice and then your in the halls, unfortunetly for us, it collapsed 5-6's days maybe weeks ago by the looks of it" You said seconds turned to minutes which turned into hours of silent, you cursed not being able to tell what the prince was thinking it was annoying.
Legolas hadn't even thought how beautiful you were, he was always more concerned with Tauriel, he couldn't see what was right in front of him as he found you so annoying, the way your ears were pointier than his or the way your eyes seemed to shift threw the shades of Y/E/C depending on the lighting, or how soft your hands were given you were a forge master it was impressive, your face was made as it was sculpted by the Valar themselves or how your braids looked simple and yet were very intricately done with skill like it was it's own air piece or how you seemed to weave the way your brother did his into almost every one.
You glanced to Legolas as he was staring at you, it was hard not to stare at each other as the space was so cramp, you half cursed yourself for looking, you didn't even realize how little you thought of Legolas you only thought of him when he annoyed you, he was kind of cute for someone so annoying, how is brows were furrowed together in concentration to not fall on top of you, fuck were you really falling for the prince now.
You realized you should probably stop the continued silence you moved over and pulled him down to sit next to you, it was a cramped fit but the prince welcomed it, when you got talking you realized you had more in common than you realized with the prince.
"So, how is Feren in a family sense he's always so focused by duty" Legolas questioned
"The same, but the duty is directed at being a good elder brother, given our father lives in Lothlórien and our mother passed when we were Elflings we never got to know her" You said
"why did you move to the Greenwood then" Legolas questioned
"Wasn't our choice, our mother passed because she was ambushed by orcs much like Elrond's wife, it was a convoy going from Lothlórien to the Greenwood, your father found us, hidden under some blankets, the rest of the elves that were with us was slain, he told Lady Galadriel about it, who told our father, but he never came, so Elros parents offered to raise us, we never went back because we have no life there" You told Legolas
"Oh I'm sorry for asking" Legolas said
"Don't be, I don't need your pity nor your sympathy, how did your mother" You trailed off
"During the war with Angmar, she was one of the fallen" Legolas said, the silence from before returned before it was quickly lost again about Legolas talking about how skilled an archer he was.
"A skill archer, you may be the best in the greenwood, but i bet you, i can beat you" You said
"And what do I get if i beat you" Legolas said.
"I am trading with the Dwarves of Erebor next week, they say i am allowed the dead corpse of the dragon as well as some Black Iron and Mithril, Dragon scale and hide are nearly impossible to break and if you were mithril under it, I will make you a new set of armor and arrows with the tips of Black Iron" you said
"And if you win" Legolas said
"You annoy Lord Elrond out of my Forge if he comes to it, the next 30 visits, as wise as that Lord is, i don't need criticism from him, it's my forge not his" You returned
"Actually it's my fathers forge but you are his forge master" Legolas said
"Oh shut up the details are not necessary" you said you put your hand on Legolas mouth
"shh, someones out side" you whispered into his ear.
"They couldn't hid in very many places here do you think" Came Feren's voice
"Your sibling has hiding places and hidden weapons all around this forest Feren, i know less then half of them" Thranduil's voice came, Legolas looked besides you and his eyes widened.
"Found you" The spider hissed at you, Legolas shot out of the tree you however grabbed a sword and stumbled out the spider on top of you, you shoved the sword into it's face you kicked it off you, you stood and brushed yourself off.
"Turns out those places aren't safe any more" you shrugged you turned to legolas
"Is that bet on or not" You questioned him, he nodded as you threw the sword to Thranduil
"That is yours" you said as he caught it, what happened after that day was far from what anyone expected
"All we needed to do was lock you in a tight enclosed space" Feren said looking at you and Legolas
"i guess" You shrugged as you pressed a kiss to Legolas' temple,
"i should of shoved you in that broom closet" Feren said
"If you did that I would of Killed you" Legolas let out a chuckle as his arms wrapped around your back and his head rested on your chest as you straddled him.
"Don't kill your brother" Legolas hmmed.
"What are we just going to hang out in the forge now, instead of trying to avoid Legolas, I have to admit it was fun" Elros said Melduir nodded in agreement
"Hey, that was not fun, you talked to me on Patrol, but as soon as we got back you bolted" Legolas said
"Hey that's what you get if you annoy Y/n, we did it to Feren once" Melduir said
"Oh and You hurt them, we will kill you, we don't care if it's treason" Feren said.
Elvish Translations:
Ada - Father
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Like Those Foreign Stars.
A/n: Part 2 of Where do we go from here, This was originally going to be a stand alone fic, but i think it would make a perfect Part 2
| Part 1 |
Pairing: Erestor x reader, Minor Background Glorfindel x Lindir
Implied NSFW, talking about elven marriage and there customs around it.
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It Had been some time since Erestor had last seen you, after you returned home after your job you had in Imladris, Glorfindel had found he had become even grumper and stubborn than before you had come to Imladris.
Erestor was looking threw the letters that had come for Lord Elrond as was per his job, being the chief advisor for Lord Elrond, he came across almost familiar hand writing, it was elegant, harmonious and skilful it was much like your own apart from it was wavy.
It was addressed to Lord Elrond and it was from the woodland realm, Erestor picked it up, this was worth Lord Elrond's time if it was from King Thranduil.
He reached Elrond's office, to the Lord pondering over a book.
"I regret to disturb you, but a letter from Aran Thranduil of the Greenwood has arrived and it is addressed to you" Erestor said placing the letter in Elrond's outstretched hand.
"It is an Invitation to Mereth Nuin Giliath, Please make the Twins, Arwen, Lindir and Glorfindel aware that we will like the morrow after next" Elrond said he looked back to the book, before looking up at the elf who had not moved
"You may also come with us, I thought you would not want to as you aren't exactly tolerant of social gatherings" Elrond said Erestor nodded and left, when Glorfindel noted Erestor was in high spirits, the elf snapped right back at him.
"Ok, Erestor, your as grumpy as a cat" Glorfindel said
"Glorf he is a cat" Gildor pointed out as he sharpened his sword the other Blond burst out laughing
"You are so right he is a cat" Glorfindel said
"It explains why you both don't get on that well Cats and Dogs don't like each other" Lindir noted bringing the now sharped sword of Elrond's and setting it with the Lords armour.
"Then what are you" Glorf said leaning his chin on side looking at Lindir.
"Y/n calls me a Songbird, so that is what I am" Lindir said Glorf frowned
"OH DEAR ERESTOR, LINDIR LIKES Y/N" The blond said dramatically trust falling Erestor who just stepped out of the way and let him fall on the stone floor.
"Erestor you are so mean to me" Glorfindel pouted
"Then stop being an over energetic oaf" Erestor said leaving glorfindel waved the air.
"He loves me really, he's just the thought love sort of friend i think, i hope so" Glorfindel said rolling over onto his stomach and watching the other turn around a corner.
the Twins and Glorfindel had yet to stop their teasing of Erestor ever since they had learned the reason why Erestor had joined them, Lindir had tried and failed to get his lover to stop teasing Erestor.
"You should stop before Erestor barks back" Elrond warned looking back, at the two twins who rode next to Erestor and then Glorfindel and Lindir behind them.
"It's said he can snap back with quite the bite" Arwen teased from besides her father, before Erestor could snap at any of them the thick wood became less dense and talan's and houses started cropping, signaling that they where at the outer part of the Elven Kings halls.
Thranduil smiled as he found you curled up In front of the fire, it was unfortunate that this year the feast of starlight fell in the winter, you closed the book gently because of it's worn bindings 'the prince lost in the winter' the title read, most believed it was a novel others believed the eighth son of Fëanor really existed but he was lost in time and history, forgotten, only a voice on the wind.
"The Elves from Imladris have be spotted entering the lower town they should be here in a few minutes, Lindir is among them if you wish to join me to greet them" Thranduil said, you set the book down gently and took your brothers hand joining him.
You soon reached the throne room after a slow walk there talking about how to decorate the palace as you were put incharge of decorations.
"As it is winter i think we should use a cold silvery blue, mixed with a few other shades of blue and some white" You suggested to him.
"I was thinking we could have a few strokes of color" Thranduil said looking at you
"Purple and grey are good fits with them" You said adjusting his crown for him, you both entered to see Lord Elrond, Lindir, Arwen, Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir and Erestor.
"HÎr Elrond, Welcome to the Greenwood, I am pleased you were able to make it to the feast alright" Thranduil said
"My servants will show you to your rooms" Thranduil said
Soon the 2 weeks until the festival grew shorter, In that Time Thranduil saw your mood change, you fighting him with words seemed to stop as well you just walked off not bothering to say anything, your sibling games like you trying to steal his crown had also stopped, you had grown pleasant to be around and Thranduil felt sick to his stomach at the thought.
It was Either Lindir or Erestor, he wasn't sure which one you had fallen for but he sure as hell was going to figure it out, he was a king so sneaking around his own palace was not an option so how was he going to figure it out, he would have to play the waiting game he decided, or interrogate Glorfindel, the lord cracked way to easily under suprise stress, something he had learned when you suddenly appeared behind the Balrog slayer and started questioning him, he opted against the Balrog slayer, he really shouldn't pry into your personal life should he.
YES HE SHOULD, HE WAS YOUR ELDER BROTHER (admittedly only by 14 minutes) BUT HE WOULD PROTECT YOU FROM UNWORTHY ELLONS especially those with no noble blood and couldn't even protect themself by the looks of the two neither of them had touched a sword before.
It was TWO days before the festival, and most of the servants and guards noticed Thranduil acting strange and YOU had disappeared, of somewhere before first light.
When Thranduil finally found you the sun had already set and the stars had come out, you where on the balcony which had the perfect view of the stars, Lonely mountain and Esgaroth, as well as the moon, Decorations where strung from each post and lanterns hung on each of them.
The sound of Elrond's Minstrel's harp drifted up from the gardens below, your head was against the chest of the Ellon's while his chin rested on your head, you were swaying the cool night breeze ruffled your hair and your robes.
"This is my favorite place in the greenwood, it has the perfect view it is especially nice at the sunsets or sunrises but it is equally nice on a clear night such as tonight" You told the Ellon
"I am glad you are sharing it with me, my favorite place in Imladris is a clearing among some trees it gives you the perfect view of the valley, it has a waterfall which goes into a lake, and it has a rare phenomenon, where it has bioluminescent algae, the waterfall looks like thousands of falling stars into a sea of stars" Erestor said
"Gi Melin Meleth-nin" you whispered he smiled and looked down at you.
"Gi Melin ana Ithildin-nin" Erestor whispered back, you looked up at him and smiled.
"You will have to show me the next time i Visit" You said Erestor smiled.
"I cannot show you the true beauty of Imladris on visits alone, after all the years i have lived in the valley there are new wondrous beauty, revealed secrets still being found today" Erestor said as he span you and pulled you close his mouth was next to your ear, his breath ghosted the shell of your ear sending shivers up your back
he whispered "let's get married under the festival lights on Mereth Nuin Giliath, in that hidden clearing you showed me this morning where we had our picnic, Thats a promise" moonlight reflected the enchantment on his face. as you slow danced through the bleak winter night, under the lights that hung on the small balcony of the Elven King’s halls.
"it holds even more beauty at night, the trees have a silvery blue glow to them, of course i will marry you, Herdir-nin, I would marry you in borrowed cloths and paper rings, Gi melin, herdir-nin" You said
"There will be no need for borrowed cloths or paper rings" Erestor said spinning you around 180 degrees and holding you against his chest as he slipped a ring on your figure, you brought your hand up and placed it on his cheek, one of his hands was wrapped around your waist the other covered your other hand he leant down and kissed you, your other hand shot behind his head pulling him closer to you.
Thranduil had gone by the time you both decided to go in not wanting to get caught by you Erestor's was warming your hands as they had gotten cold in the cold night air, you both made your way down the labyrinth of stairs and hallways, one of your hands was intertwined with Erestor's in his pocket, is thumb was absent mindfully rubbing your hand.
Mereth Nuin Giliath came quickly after that day, Thranduil had noticed you had been jumpy and nervous ever since he saw you and Erestor slow dancing on a balcony, what had happened after he had left, did he harm you, no you where happy, excited even.
When the feast had started you had soon left his table in favor of Lord Elrond's it slightly annoyed him that that half elf got your attention, watching you talk with the lord, while sat next to Erestor.
Once you had reached Elrond's table you took the seat next to Erestor, you intertwined your fingers under the table and held hands they rested on his leg.
"You look wonderful ithildin-nin" Erestor said
"You yourself look very handsome" You returned, Glorfindel faked gagged only to be whacked by Lindir which made you laugh.
"I still can't imagine Erestor of all people in love" Glorfindel said
"Well it is very probable, and has happened, you should get your head out your ass to get a grip on reality and what is happening around you" Erestor shot back, you did not want to get in on the Lord's bickering at each other so you struck up conversation with Lord Elrond, letting Erestor bicker with Glorfindel, it would of been futile to stop him, as the night was progressing many ellons asked you to dance yet you declined each one, but Erestor did squeeze your hand in anger everytime someone asked you.
Once most people where on the dance floor saved from a few such as Lord Elrond and your Brother you and Erestor's left the big gathering of the feast in search of a more quite area, the music from the halls drifted down the streets, people where laughing and drinking light heartedly, even if they were not noble they took the party to the streets, like Thranduil did after everyone had eaten an open door policy was put in place, some snacks and drinks stayed on the table to entertain people if they wished for food or drink.
You pulled Erestor down an unpathed path way and threw trees he had to duck ever so often, and sometimes stubbled when you stopped abruptly trying not to make you fall over you span around to his lacing your hands around his neck and pulling him into the clearing.
"Not many know about this place and if they do they do not come here, me and Thranduil found it as children just after we crossed the misty mountains, we always hid here from are Ada not even Legolas knows of this place, I doubt we will be disturbed, as Thranduil is busy with the feast and young Elleth's are fawning over Legolas so he may not be able to escape them" You said Erestor chucked as he pulled you into him abruptly just as fast as he had his hands around you waist.
Elvish Marriage was done threw the joining of body and soul, the vowels are kept privet between the couple, there are big parties before and after celebrating the union, in war however when two elves marry they just do the act of joining there bodies and soul.
when you both returned you both covered it as you went on a walk to get some air, but no one had noticed you had both left, you stood by the side with some wine glasses, watching Glorfindel who had somehow convinced Lindir to dance with him dance, Legolas had said yes to an Elleth who was fawning over his muscles while dancing.
Feren came up to you and leaned besides you "Aran Thranduil noticed you had left because he wanted to talk to you, I said you went to get some fresh air but he seemed sceptical" Feren said you had a moment of relisation
"I knew it we where being watched on that Balcony, I assumed to was Glorfindel so it was no big deal, but it was Thranduil" you said
"Privacy is a virtue to you" Feren said walking off again you sighed face palming
"If it's any condolence, Glorfindel still think you both courting is a joke" Elros said following after Feren.
"Well that is something I can work with" Erestor said one of his rare mischievous smiles come onto his face, you shook your head, that little pissing contest wouldn't end anytime soon.
You soon spotted Thranduil making his way over to you both, pushing away his son's slight pleds of help, he raised an eyebrow at you both when he finally got to you.
"I assume you are married now" Thranduil said, you nodded, Thranduil turned to Erestor.
"Hurt her and you will be in my dungeons soon than you can say anything" Thranduil said.
"Why do you think i would hurt her" Erestor said, you wanted the floor to swallow you up as soon as the two started a bickering contest
"Look Thranduil, i get you here brother, but she doesn't need your protection anymore, she has mine, and she can handle herself" Erestor shot at Thranduil
"I bet you don't even know how to use a sword" Thranduil said
"Then you assumed wrong, I may of swapped my sword for books, but i still have skill with it, if needed I can protect her" Erestor said Thranduil glared at Erestor, who just glared back, were they going to kill each other you weren't sure probably not.
"I'm Glad my sister didn't marry a push over" Thranduil said, which shocked you, you really thought he hated Erestor, it caught Erestor of guard as well, Thranduil walked off.
"That was fascinating" you said Erestor hmmed in agreement.
Elvish Translations:
Elleth - Elf (female)
Ellon - Elf (male)
Ada - Father
Aran - King
Herdir-nin - my Master
Ithildin-nin - My starlight / Moonstar
Meleth-nin - my love
Hîr - Lord
Mereth Nuin Giliath - Feast of Starlight
Gi Melin - I love you
I am going to make this into a series because I have way to many good ideas for it, so if you would like to be added to the taglist please just ask
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Middle Earth Incorrect Quotes 23
Elrond, walking into his house: Hello, people who do not live here
Feren: Hey
Legolas: Hi
Melduir: Hello
Thranduil: *nods in greeting*
Elrond: I gave you a key for emergencies only
Thranduil: We were out of Wine.
Melduir: Oh that's why we where here, I was just here to see my brother from another mother
Lindir, In the corner contemplating his life choices: Leave Me alone.
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