#elros mirkwood guard
tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 23
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​, @rebleforkicks​, @yjrevolution​, @majahu​, @honey-wine, @accio-boys​, @achromaticerebus​, @solomonssimp​, @tired-ass-show-girl​, @dreamlessnight​, @daddy-long-legolas​, @sleepyamygdala​, @coopsgirl​
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Three days passed in a fairly similar, comfortable way. You divided your time between the library, your room, exploring the halls or the gardens, and enjoying the company of those around you. Your main connections were Thranduil, Myleth and Legolas. Elros, Tauriel and Galion were often not too far behind, though Galion was often so busy with the king, being his personal butler. He had a lot to keep him busy even when he was not personally attending to the king himself. Indeed, with the upcoming festival you had found out about, it seemed most everybody was suddenly very busy. The whole kingdom seemed to buzz with activity and excitement.
You found yourself intrigued as you learned what you could about this elven festival. You had learned some of the customs of the elves during your time here and found yourself increasingly curious with each passing moment. Elves were nothing like what the people of your village had always assumed, the horror stories that had been passed down through the generations. The Mirkwood elves being the only ones that your village had come close to in all its years of existence, which was still not very, imagination had easily run wild.
The truth, you had discovered, was far lovelier. You’d found yourself thinking about how you could not wait to tell everyone just how wrong they had been but, of course, it had then hit you that you would never get the chance. You were not leaving these halls. Still, you wondered if perhaps you could bring up the idea of writing your father a letter eventually. You couldn’t see why Thranduil would deny you the joy of letting your father know you were safe and happy. Happy? The word had caught you off guard but you were quick to dismiss it, distracting your mind with a book of Elvish, which you were currently attempting to learn.
You woke one morning and readied yourself for the day ahead. You had been taking most, if not all, of your meals with Thranduil and Legolas now. However many times you found Legolas suspiciously absent, though whenever you would bring it up with him, he would wave it off as having been busy with his princely duties. You accepted it but you were not entirely sure if you believed him. Still, why should he bend the truth with you? You could see no reason, especially about something so trivial.
After dressing, you turned and left your room, trailing down the corridor in the direction of the royal chambers. When you reached the door to the dining room, you slipped inside and were surprised to find nobody there. By now, Thranduil was usually already up and sitting at the table waiting. In fact, usually breakfast was sitting on the table already but today there was nothing. You lingered for a moment, listening, but there seemed to be no noise or movement coming from anywhere. Turning, you left the room again and retreated back down the corridor.
As you walked you spotted Tauriel about to turn a corner ahead of you, looking mildly concerned, and you hurried towards her. “Tauriel!”
She turned at the sound of her name and offered you a smile. “Oh, good morning.” Tauriel said, continuing on. “I am afraid I cannot stop and talk.” She seemed a little scattered.
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay, I was just... wondering if you knew where Thranduil was.” It was out of the ordinary and off schedule so you were, admittedly, a little thrown.
Tauriel’s footsteps faltered then, which you found a little strange because nobody seemed to bat an eye anymore when you referred to the king by name, and she turned to look at you. “Oh. I am afraid I cannot say, My Lady.”
Frowning, you tilted your head and regarded her curiously. “What do you mean?” Surely, as the king, Thranduil’s whereabouts would be rather well known. “Do you mean he has left the halls? Did he slip past the guards? Is he in the forest alone?” You were beginning to feel a slight panic starting to take hold of you as all sorts of scenarios filled your mind. Though you knew Thranduil was a skilled fighter, you could not help your worry.
Tauriel gave you a confused look before she caught your meaning and shook her head quickly. “Oh, no. There is no need for concern, he is quite safe. I mean I simply cannot say.”
Your frown deepened as you blinked back at her. “You cannot?”
She shook her head, turning to start walking once again, eager to get where she was heading. “I am sorry. It is the King’s orders.”
You stopped walking and watched Tauriel’s retreat as she turned a corner and disappeared from sight. Did Thranduil not want to see you? Had you done something wrong? Still frowning, you trailed away down to the dining hall, moving inside and hoping to catch sight of somebody you knew. Myleth immediately saw you from the table she sat at and waved you over. “Oh! I should have come to fetch you, how silly of me.” She shook her head as though she had made some sort of mistake and tapped her fingers against her forehead. “No matter, you are here now. Are you hungry?”
You shook your head at her. You had lost your appetite but you were also confused by what she had said. “But... you know I usually eat with Thranduil, why should you come and fetch me?”
Myleth looked at you. “Oh, dearie, did the King not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You were beginning to get frustrated as the answers you sought continued to linger beyond your grasp.
“That he would not be able to break his fast with you today.” Myleth continued, unperturbed by your irritation. “I am sorry, I assumed he would have informed you and I suppose he probably assumed I would have come to your chamber before you left it. Miscommunications all around.”
You were still confused as Myleth turned to pour herself some tea from the pot on the table. “But... why is he unable to dine with me this morning?” You couldn’t help but ask, needing to know if something was wrong.
“He is unable to dine with you all day, My Lady.” Galion stated as he took his seat across the table, glancing at Myleth only briefly but you caught a secret sort of look pass between them that only frustrated you further.
“Will somebody please tell me exactly what they mean and stop talking in riddles.” You sighed heavily, looking from one to the other. “Have I done something to upset him? Is that it?”
“No!” Myleth was quick to jump in, hastily shaking her head. She had absolutely no desire to let you sit with the idea of the king being upset with you, especially not now she had witnessed just how much the two of you seemed to bring out this light in each other where before only darkness had lingered between you both. “Of course not, no. Oh, dear, do not worry. It is only today. Now, come on, let’s discuss the festival. I think I have found you the perfect dre--”
“Then why?” You cut her off, unable to just let it go. You felt like something was being kept from you and you wanted to know what it was. You glanced at Galion, noticing the warning look he shot Myleth when she turned to him for help.
“Come on.” You said, firmer this time. “Somebody better start talking.”
Myleth sighed and turned to look at you, ignoring Galion’s sound of disapproval. “My dear... it is a difficult day for the King... and for his son.” She murmured and you realised that you had not seen Legolas yet that morning either and it was quite a bit later now.
“In what way?” You asked carefully, looking at Galion who was engrossed in a teacup in front of him, acting like it was the most interesting thing in the world despite the slight scowl that had appeared on his face.
There was a long silence and then Myleth spoke again. “Well, it... it is the Queen’s begetting day, my dear.”
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From what you could understand, a begetting day was the day on which someone was conceived which was what the elves tended to celebrate as opposed to actual birthdays. You hadn’t really understood why that would be important until Myleth had vaguely explained the conception and birth rates of the elves and it had started to form a fuller picture.
However, elves lived for so long that they often did not tend to celebrate at all, or at least not every year. However, with the queen... gone... the king had taken to truly taking this day to remember her. Or, more aptly, truly drown in his grief. He would shut himself away in the West Wing and Legolas would go into the forest with his bow, unable to stay in the palace when his father was like this.
The reason for Thranduil’s sudden disappearance on this day was only ever officially known by a select few staff members, who were under orders not to further discuss it, or his whereabouts, with others. Though, of course, rumours would have flown over the years, especially with everybody knowing that the queen was so off limits.
Your footsteps carried you in the direction of the library, intending to shut yourself away for the day as well, but your gaze fell upon that red curtain that concealed the staircase up to the West Wing and before you knew it, you had slipped behind the heavy material and were climbing the stairs.
Your last two visits to these chambers flashed through your mind. One horrible, one not so horrible. You weren’t sure which this would be but you felt as though it didn’t really matter. You were set on this course already and no amount of fighting with your own mind would get you to turn back.
You passed the portrait of the queen once more, looking up at the destroyed image of her as you did. She was so beautiful. She had such kind eyes, you thought. It was a shame that she seemed to have suffered such a horrible fate that nobody could even speak of it. Your curiosity was sky high but you turned your focus towards finding Thranduil, peeking into rooms as you passed. Moving into what was clearly a bedroom, you found an opened drawer of items had been upended, the jewellery and beautiful, intricate headwear all scattered across the floor. Images of Thranduil losing his temper to his grief and sending his wife’s jewels flying across the room in a rage flickered into your mind.
You felt sad.
Turning, you moved to the doors that led out to the balcony. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a blackened rose in the middle of a glass case. Moving over, you ghosted your fingers across the glass with a frown. As you turned your head towards the window, finally catching sight of Thranduil down in the garden, you realised this dead rose was one of the Starfire Roses. More specifically, the one your father had plucked and killed. The one that seemed to have started all of this in the first place. Thranduil had kept it, giving it something of its own little memorial display case.
The sight hurt your heart.
Carefully, you moved towards the doors and pulled them open, slipping out onto the balcony. Thranduil didn’t look up, he simply continued to caress the roses. You could see them moving. Even they seemed sad today.
Biting your lip, you turned and moved carefully down the stairs and began to cross the grass. Your heart was practically in your throat as doubt began to creep in and you started to think that this may not have been a good idea after all. Would Thranduil just be angry with you? Perhaps your coming here uninvited, sticking your nose in where it did not belong, would set the two of you back after coming this far.
“This had better be important.” Thranduil’s tone was cold and he didn’t move, not so much as turning his head at your approach. His attention remained upon the roses. “I was very clear that I wish not to be disturbed.”
You stopped walking, your heart sinking into your toes. “Oh, I... sorry.” A soft frown crossed your features and you turned to make yourself scarce once more.
Thranduil turned around then. “Wait.” He called, looking at you with a frown of his own. His voice was softer now and you turned to face him again. “I thought you were somebody else.” He admitted, having assumed Galion had come to bother him with something. He looked at you for a quiet beat before he held up his hand and gestured for you to join him.
Tentatively, you moved across the garden and took a seat beside him on the little bench that stood beside the Starfire Roses. You glanced down and reached out towards one, watching as it turned its attention to you. Smiling softly, you turned your gaze to Thranduil. He was watching the flowers again. Your smile faded away as he glanced up and met your gaze, attempting to offer you a smile of his own but it fell short and he simply looked... sad. It was the only word you kept coming back to, to describe this entire situation.
“Myleth forgot to tell me you would not be at breakfast...” You told him quietly, not sure what else to say. You didn’t want to overstep and make him feel worse.
Thranduil closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head in a way that made it look like he was feeling guilt or regret. “I am sorry.” He sighed, opening his eyes. “I must admit, it did not cross my mind to tell you.”
“There’s no need for apologies.” You assured him quickly. You understood, how could you not? “I really didn’t mean to bother you, I just... wanted to see if you were alright.”
Thranduil blinked at you for a moment, finding that it surprised him... the fact that you had thought about how he would be doing. That you would want to seek him out, especially considering the way he had acted in the past. He knew that you had both become closer, that you had even gone so far as to call him a friend a few days ago, but he still found himself surprised by it. By the changes that had occured during your time here. By the way you seemed to... care... for someone such as him.
It touched him and Thranduil found himself reaching out for your hand. “Thank you. I...” He turned back to the roses with a sigh, watching them curl towards each other. “I will admit, I find this day to be... especially difficult.”
The two of you lapsed into silence for a few moments. You did your best to ignore the butterflies that the touch of his hand gave you, swallowing down the annoyingly present feelings that you simply could not seem to shake.
“Tell me about her?” You ventured, glancing up at him. You were quick enough to see the brief flicker of surprise flash in his eyes as he turned to look at you again. He covered it fast enough, however, his face becoming the marble mask you had become so accustomed to.
Thranduil was quiet, scanning your face as if he were trying to ascertain whether or not you were being serious. When he found no insincerity in your eyes, his gaze softened slightly.
“Her name was Caleniel...”
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Legolas returned from the forest early that evening and set his bow back in its place, moving towards his chamber so that he could bathe and change. He was exhausted, but it was mostly due to the emotional whirlwind his mind had been in for the entire day.
It happened every year and it never got any better. He would wake frustrated and retire in the evening the same way.
This day was always such a dark one in the kingdom, it had been for centuries. Which was saying something when he thought about how generally dark a lot of things in this kingdom had become over these years. Despite every single shred of his mother being removed and forgotten and forbidden to even be discussed, the heavy shadow of her was ever present. Legolas barely remembered her but he remembered his father’s grief. It had been a constant for practically his entire life.
He trudged through the hallways towards the royal chambers. He just wished for this day to finally be over once and for all. It would come again the next year far too quickly. One year was such a drop in the ocean to an elf, it always felt as if no time had passed at all.
Legolas was surprised to find himself waylaid in the corridor by Tauriel. She looked normal at first glance but Legolas could see a slight flush to her cheeks and she looked a little more wide eyed than she usually did. “You have to see this.” She told him, fingers clutching his arm as she pulled him back down the hallway.
Legolas allowed her to lead him but his feet stilled as they came to the staircase up to the West Wing. He shook his head. “Tauriel, I cannot, my father...”
Tauriel shook her head, practically dragging him up the stairs. “Come on.” She urged and his feet allowed him to follow. “He always retires to his own chamber after dinner, you know this... but he did not come and Galion was concerned.” Tauriel pulled him down the corridor in the direction of the large bedroom. “So he came up here to look for him, to see if he needed anything...” Huddled at the window were Galion and Myleth, both turning to look at Tauriel and Legolas with expressions he could not decipher. Legolas was frowning now, too drained for games, just wanting to retire. He could not understand what the fuss was about. If his father wanted to stay up here all night moping then he could do just that.
He came to a stop at the window, taking in the sight of you and his father down in his mother’s garden.
“She went missing during breakfast.” Myleth said to Legolas, watching him for a moment before she glanced back outside to you and the King. Thranduil was talking and you were solemnly hanging off his every word. “She was nowhere to be found but I did not imagine that would have come back up here...”
“Since breakfast?” Legolas could not hide the shock that coloured his tone as he turned his gaze on Myleth. He glanced from her to Galion, who nodded, and then looked back outside. He watched his father talking and you listening. He wondered what you were discussing and probably would have paid a troll’s body weight in gold just to be able to listen in on one single moment.
For all these years, his father had been a black hole of grief and anger. Not one soul had been allowed up here. Not one soul had been allowed to utter his mother’s name or talk about her tragic demise. Not one soul had managed to get his father to simply spare them but one moment on this day.
Until you came.
Now, here his father sat. Talking with you in his mother’s private garden, on this very difficult day, beside her beloved Starfire Roses. He did not look angry. He looked a little sorrowful but the weight that always sat so heavily and obviously on his shoulders this day almost looked, to Legolas, a little lighter than it usually did. He could hardly believe what he was looking at but the scene made his heart soar.
“Come... we should leave.” He said softly, ushering the others out of the room and back down the stairs. As big a turning point as he had just witnessed, Legolas was still fairly sure that his father would not take kindly to all of them lingering at the window like spies this time around.
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scary-grace · 1 year
Barduil Month Day 2: Fairytale AU
I swear on my LIFE that the story itself was finished on time -- it just took forever to post, because reasons. Anyway, this is for the second prompt of Barduil month over at @bi-widower-dads, and it's what happens when you mix Barduil and 1,001 nights and hand it off to a writer with a slowburn addiction. Apologies for the length, but if you give it a chance, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
in tales or in history (22763 words) by BiSquared Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil Characters: Bard the Bowman, Thranduil (Tolkien), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Legolas Greenleaf, Bain of Dale, Sigrid (Hobbit Movies), Tilda (Hobbit Movies), Elrond Peredhel, Galadriel | Artanis, Feren (Hobbit Movies), Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies), Galion (Tolkien) Additional Tags: fairytale AU, POV Bard the Bowman, except for a tiny bit, Curses, 1001 nights AU, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, this really shouldn't count as a one-shot I'm sorry, Story within a Story, Angst with a Happy Ending, Good Parent Bard the Bowman Series: Part 2 of the story of us Summary: The Elvenking of Mirkwood takes a new spouse every night, only for them to die under mysterious circumstances the next morning. When Bard volunteers to marry the Elvenking to spare his daughter from the same fate, he has no intention of going quietly. A retelling of 1,001 Nights, with a Barduil twist.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Incorrect Middle Earth Quotes 52
'couples when there s/o is cold'
Bilbo: I’m cold.
Thorin: Here take my jacket
Bilbo: Thank you
'Elrond x Celebrían x Gil-Galad'
Celebrían: I'm Cold
Elrond: What? [taking off jacket] I told you to bring more layers, but of course you didn’t listen and now- [piling scarves on Celebrían] Now look, I’ve got to make sure you don’t freeze to death and- [putting a hat over Celebrían 's head] How long have you been cold? You should’ve said something sooner!
Gil-Galad: I'm also cold
Elrond: of course you are you always forget to put on layers even when i tell you to [slumping over Gil's shoulders], maybe you should actually leave the house with some layers next time instead of running out exited to be walked [encasing Gil's hands in his] you are like a dog some times.
'Thranduil x Male Y/n'
Thranduil: I'm cold
Y/n: I can set you on fire if you want.
'Legolas x Haldir'
Haldir *in an interview*: I'm willing to do a lot of things, but admitting to Legolas I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
'Feren x Elros Mirkwood Guard'
Elros: I'm Cold
Feren: Damn, Elros I can't control the weather
'Golden Fountian'
Glorfindel: I'm cold
Ecthelion: Here, I suspected you would say that so I brought your jacket for you and here have a scarf as well, I also brought you hot coco
Sauron: I'm cold
Morgoth, Taking out his sword: Hold on let me fight the weather really quick
Maedhros: I'm Cold
Fingon, Handing a Jacket way to small to Maedhros: Here Take my jacket
'Finrod x Maglor'
Finrod: I'm cold
Maglor, hugging Finrod to make sure he doesn't go cold: Then suffer I am not going cold for you when I told you to bring layers
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Thalion Master of Stardew Winery, Lord of the House of the Red Dragon
Thalion is the youngest of Thranduil council, the elders may look down on him but Thranduil certianly doesn't much like Thranduil Thalion's father was slain in the battle of the last alliance.
Thalion's father served Celeborn in Doriath but when he escaped he lost his lord and he wandered until he found the greenwood and swore his blade to the king.
Thalion makes a living by making wine and selling it in his tavern which sits on the outskirts of the city and near the walls, his winery however is not in the realm of the greenwood and no one knows were it lies.
Thalion's Father was Sindarian but his mother was Silvan she was also the spirit of the forest until she passed and it for some reason passed to Thranduil, with the memory of flames still burning doriath in his fathers memory and the strange magic his mother held Thalion had psychokinetic abilitys.
Thalion doesn't exactly like the kingsguard he always comes of aloof and harse to them and he always somehow ends tied up in their problem, but if you are not a guard or a lord or lady which serves close to thranduil or his noble men Thalion is very flirtatious when he wants to be but thats only to outsiders he learnt a long time ago Greenwood doesn't like him much and always goes behind his back, well apart from the King, Legolas, Meludir, Elros (the guard) and Feren but those are the only people in Mirkwood he doesn't seem to have a grudge against.
He also seems to have eyes everywhere in middle earth, it's as if nothing moves or breaths without his knowlage the man is just as shifty as all of Thranduil's other lords but he isn't trying to overthrow the king he is trying to protect the king and the greenwood as well as the rest of middle earth as an after effect most of the time.
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kkurades · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ LOTR MASTERLIST ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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elrond —
nothing yet
elros ( mirkwood guard ) —
nothing yet
eomer —
nothing yet
faramir —
nothing yet
fili —
nothing yet
meludir —
nothing yet
haldir —
nothing yet
kili —
nothing yet
legolas —
nothing yet
lindir —
nothing yet
thorin oakenshield —
nothing yet
thranduil —
nothing yet
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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Not a Good Look Part 2- Kili Durin x OC
Kili Durin x Nessa Thorin
Description: Nessa makes her jealousy known to Kili once they escape Mirkwood and has a less favorable reaction. Now he has to make up for it. 
Word Count: 1.9k
Elros was waiting for Nessa’s return with the dungeon keys in hand. Once the guards let her go, he took her arm and led her back to her cell. The Company was still protesting the way she was being handled all the way until Elros shoved her inside the cell and closed it, locking it before walking off. 
“Nessa, are you okay?” Kili questioned worriedly, helping her up and examining her carefully. The Elf couldn’t help but smile as she nodded. 
“I’m fine you guys,” she responded loud enough for the others to hear. A collective sigh of relief floated through the dungeon. 
“Well, what happened?” Balin questioned. Nessa hesitated for a moment, debating on whether she should tell them. 
“He offered me a deal,” she answered softly, which made the others perk up. 
“What sort of deal?” Dori asked. 
“Could we get out of here?” Gloin added. 
“No,” Nessa said, which lowered their spirits. “He wanted me to abandon the Company if I didn’t want to stay locked up.” 
“And you didn’t accept it?” Kili inquired softly. 
“I’m still locked in here, aren’t I?” She retorted flatly, looking at him. A small smile appeared on his face before Thorin spoke. 
“You should have taken it. There’s no sense in you having the chance at freedom without taking it.” The Elf shook her head immediately. 
“No, I want to stay here with you all. I never take back my word, especially when it comes to people that are important to me.” As she said that last part, her gaze stayed on Kili, whose smile widened. 
“Well, you’re either the most loyal Elf, or the stupidest,” the King muttered, which made several others laugh and Nessa shook her head amusedly as she sat down. 
Nearly an hour later everyone had calmed down a bit. While Nessa sat beside the window of their cell, Kili sat by the door. He was tossing something she couldn’t quite make out in the air and catching it before repeating the process. Her ears perked up as she heard footsteps approaching. It was Tauriel, as it turns out. She was checking on the other prisoners, but once she reached Kili and Nessa’s cell, she paused. 
“That stone in your hand, what is it?” She questioned softly. Kili tossed it in the air one last time before looking at her. 
“It is a talisman,” he answered, surprising both ellons (female Elf). “A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a Dwarf reads the runes on this stone, they will be forever cursed.” He held the stone out, but Tauriel immediately stepped back, then began to walk away with a small huff just before Kili laughed softly. 
“Or not, depending on whether you believe that kind of thing,” he added. “It’s just a token.” The two shared a kind smile that caused that same unfamiliar  feeling from before to wash over Nessa. 
“A runestone,” the Dwarf continued softly, eyes trained on the stone. “My mother gave it to me so I’d remember my promise.”
“What promise?” Tauriel asked curiously. 
“That I will come back to her,” he answered, looking back at her. “She worries. She thinks I’m reckless.” 
“Are you?” Kili shot her a playful smile and shook his head. 
“Nah.” He tossed up the stone once more, then tried to catch it but failed. The stone rolled out of the cell and the Dwarf rushed forward as Tauriel stopped it with her foot before it fell into the deep pit just a few feet away. Both he and Nessa watched as she picked it up and examined it. That was when the sound of distant laughter filled their ears. When Kili mentioned it, Tauriel explained that it was the Feast of Starlight. 
“It is a memory, precious and pure,” she concluded before facing him once more. “Like your promise.” She shot him a small smile then handed the runestone back to him. “I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fills the air.” 
“I saw a fire moon once,” Kili mentioned softly. “It rose over the pass near Dunland, huge; red and gold it was, filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin, they were trading in Silverbuck for furs. We took the Greenway south, keeping the mountain to our left, and then, this huge fire moon, right in our path. I wish I could show you...” he trailed off. As they continued talking, Tauriel sat down on the stairs by the cell. 
Nessa couldn’t watch anymore. The strange sensation inside her was almost unbearable as she looked out the window again. It didn’t take her much longer to identify the feeling: jealousy. It was just because she had never had to experience before that she didn’t recognize it. But the more she thought about it, the more it kept adding up. Kili had never opened up to her as much as he had with Tauriel in those few minutes that they had been talking. He never spoke of a fire moon before, nor did he ever say that he wished to take her there. 
She hated that she was feeling this way, but there wasn’t anything that she could do about it. Though they had gotten significantly closer and the younger Prince had actually confessed to falling in love with her on the journey, Nessa couldn’t stop the doubts from entering her mind. What if he had just said that because she was the only available female in a company of mostly males (aside from Pandora of course, but it was silently understood in the Company that she and Bilbo would eventually end up together)? Did he feel different now that he’s had the chance to see other girls? Did what they have matter to him anymore? 
Nessa didn’t talk to him much after that interaction. Well, to be fair, she didn’t speak to hardly anyone for a while afterwards. Of course she showed worry when Kili had been shot with an arrow, but once she was sure that he was safe, she went back to giving him the silent treatment. 
In fact, she kept it up until they were on land once again. Fili had bargained with Thorin that they stay there for the night so that Kili could heal a bit after traveling one hour into the woods so that those Orcs wouldn’t find them yet. She helped Bifur build a fire then finally sat down while she waited for Bombur to make dinner with the rabbits Fili and Celeste had managed to hunt nearby. Her eyes closed as a small breeze brushed through their camp and a sense of peace washed over her. Then she felt someone sit beside her, which made her open her eyes once more. It was Kili, which instantly dampened her mood. 
“Wonderful evening, aye?” He questioned with a sweet smile. Nessa didn’t answer, instead choosing to stay silent as she turned away from him. 
“Oh come on Ness, you can’t just ignore me forever,” he said, sounding a bit exasperated now and still receiving no answer from the girl. “I don’t even know what I did?” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” she finally retorted. 
“Well I’m not going to fall for that one,” he laughed. “I’ve been around enough women to know that they lie when they say that.”
“Oh, did Tauriel tell you that?” She hadn’t meant to sound so bitter, and she knew that Kili could hear it as well. A silence settled for a few minutes, and Nessa desperately hoped that he had left. Unfortunately luck wasn’t on her side because she heard a small chuckle from the other side of her. 
“Is this seriously about Tauriel? Are you jealous” He questioned, still laughing as he did so. Nessa’s blood boiled and she whipped around to face him. 
“As a matter of fact, it is and I am,” she snapped, which made his laughter fade into a surprised expression. “And I hope you’ve been around enough women to know that making fun of how a girl is feeling doesn’t help anything.” Without another word she stood and walked over to Thorin, informing him that she would scout the forest around them to make sure that there were no Orcs nearby. 
“Very well, just be careful and make sure to call if you need assistance,” he answered softly. Nessa couldn’t help but smile at him. He had been much kinder to her since she had announced that she had defied her ex-King for him. She patted his shoulder in response then grabbed her haladie (which she had managed to swipe from one of the guards before they escaped Mirkwood) and walked off. 
Nearly an hour later Nessa was still patrolling. She knew that there was nothing nearby, but she was hesitant to go back to the camp after basically exploding at Kili. Besides, his words still angered her and she didn’t trust herself in case she went back and he said something else stupid. But the sky was fully dark now and stars were beginning to show, which meant she had to go back soon. She prepared to take a quick break before heading back to camp, then her ears perked up at the sound of a stick cracking nearby. The steps grew closer and she gripped her haladie tightly before a familiar voice called out. 
“Nessa, wait up!” The Elf sighed. Kili. He called her name another time before actually catching up to her. 
“You’re…” he panted upon stopping beside her. “You’re very fast.” 
“Perhaps it’s my Elven legs,” she responded simply as she faced away. She didn’t have the chance to walk away as the Dwarf grabbed her wrist. 
“Wait, please, I want to say something,” he said quickly, which made her roll her eyes. 
“That’s unfortunate, because I don’t want to hear you say something.” 
“Nessa please,” he begged. The girl sighed softly, then ultimately leaned against a nearby tree impatiently. She may have a hard time saying no to him but that didn’t mean she wanted to hear what he had to say. 
“Go on.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately, hand trailing from her wrist to hold her hand. “It wasn’t nice to laugh, but I wasn’t making fun of your feelings. I was just in shock that you were jealous because I didn’t understand how you could ever feel that way. I am but a Dwarf and you look like Aule crafted you himself, and I didn’t think that a conversation with Tauriel upset you that much.” Nessa had to admit that her heart soared at his words. So he was just an idiot that didn’t understand Elf feelings. That was a relief. 
“Kili, you’re not just some Dwarf,” she said softly, squeezing his hand gently. “You’re handsome, and charismatic, and very brave, which is why I was worried that you decided you’d had enough of me when you met Tauriel.”
“I could never have enough of you,” he responded sweetly as he stepped closer to her. “It would take Mahal coming apart for me to change how much I love you.” Nessa smiled brightly then nodded, allowing him to press a kiss to the back of her hand. 
“Are you still mad at me?” He asked softly, smiling when she shook her head. 
“Not anymore.” 
“Good, because dinner is ready and I was hoping to eat with you before Bombur ate all of it.” That made Nessa laugh loudly, which made his smile widen. 
“What are we waiting for then? Let’s go.” And with that, they walked back to camp hand in hand with their fingers laced together.
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
FOUR DAYS AGO I watched the desolation of smaug half wishing I was still feverish so that I had an excuse for being bored. and then I was so bored I got tired halfway through making this post. but I finished it at last! 
Instead of doing the things I liked/things I didn’t like I’ll split my thoughts and complaints into a few broad categories:
1 - These Sindar Are Getting Soooo Far Ahead Of Themselves (the legolas stuff)
2 - Peter Jackson Sees A Thirty Second Sequence And Says “Is Anyone Gonna Turn This Into Twenty Minutes Of Action” And Does Not Wait For An Answer (the other things added in. so like 90% of the movie)
3 - Creepy Pale Creatures In Caves Trying To Kill Us Can Live But Creepy Pale Creatures In Forests Trying To Kill Us Cannot (the stuff actually related to the actual plot of the actual book. which this title is not. but I couldn’t think of anything better.)
so here we go.
I’m a fan of Elves in general so they come first. But I am more a fan of the Noldor so I get to make fun of the Sindar. (Except Luthien. love you queen. you’d beat all these guys up any day.)
Also relevant is that for some reason the subtitles were broken so if I had regular English subtitles on they wouldn’t subtitle the black speech the orcs are speaking or the elvish. I had to switch to the non-subtitle tracks to get that. And it took me like... a third of the way into the movie to figure that out. Which was extremely annoying! I was trying to read French before that (it wasn’t working).
These elves are described as “less wise and more dangerous” which really does not roll off the tongue like “more dangerous and less wise” does. really saw no reason why they had to change that around because it actually caught me off guard.
But this isn’t about them. This is about Legolas. Shield-Surfing Legolas is soooo eighty years from now, and because everyone loved that so much they decided to introduce him by Spider-Surfing. And then he treats us all to greatest hits of The Sindar Are Doing What Now moments:
- Legolas takes Orcrist and makes a comment about “this is an elvish blade. forged by my kin” THEY’RE NOT YOUR KIN THOUGH? Like Elrond saying “this was forged by my kin” was because his literal great-grandpa wielded Glamdring. Legolas has absolutely no relation to these guys. they’re completely different groups of elves which the movie highlights. get over yourself man.
- They called one of the guards (possibly the keeper of the keys) Elros. You can’t just use a name like Elros Tar-Minyatur First King Of Numenor Son Of Earendil And Elwing to name your useless drunk guard. again. get over yourselves. 
- They deprived us of the perfect “because we’re starving” scene to instead give us Thranduil demanding white gems. ok sindar king trying to get gems from the dwarves. [polishing kinslaying swords] you guys never learn do you.
- Thranduil just had a lot of Thingol Moments in this one. Both with the “other lands are not our concern” and the whole thing whatever with him not wanting Legolas to marry Tauriel because she’s a Silvan elf???
- SILVAN ELVES ARE LIKE YOUR COUSINS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT again these guys need to get over themselves. you’re not calaquendi. you’ve never been to valinor. THE SILVAN ELVES WERE IN MIRKWOOD BEFORE YOU. It just seems like a weirdly unnecessary little detail here. Act high and mighty if you are in Doriath with Queen Melian but when you’re hiding in your spider infested woods where most of the people there are Silvan elves maybe get over yourself thingol. I mean thranduil. that was a genuine mistake and I made it several more times whenever thranduil came up.
- I mean I’d get the conflict if she was one of the stray Noldor or something and her red hair is giving Kinslaying Vibes but really now. It’s not like she’s a human. Or a dwarf. (Would be funny if you subscribe to Gimli/Legolas if Thranduil’s just like hey son have you talked to Tauriel lately. she’s seeming more and more appealing as a daughter-in-law every day.)
- Athelas. This is another pedantic thing. Obviously they’re having this whole Athelas healing thing as a callback to Arwen, as if Tauriel and Kili can match up to Aragorn and Arwen at all. anyways if this is a morgul thing (see next point) I think this should be beyond Tauriel’s skill at healing because she’s no Elrond. She’s a warrior. How would she even know... whatever.
- SO KILI GETS HIT BY A MORGUL-TIPPED ARROW? Like these things can just be carried around by these useless grunt orcs? It’s a Nazgul thing! god. why can’t it just be poisoned like a normal thing.
Overall the thing is I think you could include Legolas and co in this in a somewhat appealing way. Tauriel’s speech to Legolas about “why are we letting evil continue, aren’t we part of this world, shouldn’t we help them” would be perfectly fine for motivation without the 30 second dwarf romance that they felt the need to shove in there. and then the love triangle which is even worse. Like come on and show Legolas partying with his friends and getting wine-drunk that would be infinitely more fun than him lurking around danganronpa-posing while tauriel is talking to kili for no reason.
I do feel a little bad ascribing all of this to peter jackson because I’m sure it’s not entirely his fault but I feel like enough of it is. The main thing is every time I see those fucking orcs hunting the dwarves I want to smack my head against a wall because they’re always here to derail the plot.
- Beorn’s whole thing gets cut down dramatically (I’m guessing it’s longer in the extended edition but I’m not watching those, this felt long enough) and they start the whole thing with Beorn in bear form chasing after them. and then skip to morning when human Beorn is making them breakfast. like he didn’t try to kill them as a bear? or doesn’t preserve memories? it just all made very little sense and was clearly there to start with an action sequence. and there’s very little explanation on why he’s chill with the dwarves being in his house after he tried to kill them as a bear for some reason.
- also he gets random backstory where he’s the last of his kind which is absolutely not true. I fail to see what it serves to say “all the other Beornings are dead” when I don’t think they get any payoff.
I have the same complaint all the time which is “You Did Not Need To Turn This Into An Action Scene” so just copy+paste that in your mind and apply that to:
- wandering around mirkwood and losing the path in about five seconds and then everyone just hallucinating the whole time. path is not hard to find guys.
- Barrels Out Of Bond (this one was ESPECIALLY protracted and annoying)
- getting into laketown
- we’ve gotta split the party up for kili’s mandated romantic plotline. I genuinely can’t remember when and how they get back. “do you think she could have loved me :(” you knew her for like thirty seconds WHEN YOU WERE BEING HELD PRISONER. like tolkien romance requires you guys to be staring at each other in the woods for at least a few hours before I’d buy it.
- not an action scene necessarily but the weird conflict with the door where it seemed like only bilbo cared about getting back in and they all left after fifteen seconds when the sun set.
- Bilbo outrunning Smaug in what otherwise was a decent enough scene
- The dwarves?? Confronting?? Smaug????? This one was really annoying for the reason of somehow they’re all completely heat resistant and did not suffer at all from the dragon literally breathing fire on them. I was actually taken out of it when Smaug finally turned to Bilbo like “oh I should pay laketown a visit” like OH WE’RE BACK TO THE BOOK. WE’RE BACK TO THE BOOK. OKAY and then it got derailed again by thorin melting a massive golden statue of thror over smaug for some reason
- “hey I heard you guys really liked it when gandalf’s staff broke against the witch-king. why don’t I do it again”
you know what even typing that list exhausted me.
anyways that’s where I left off so let’s hope I remember enough about this movie four days later.
- first let’s have a compliment it IS pretty interesting to see the chance-meeting between gandalf and thorin even if thorin ruins it by saying “this was no chance meeting” implying it was gandalf’s machinations rather than the will of Iluvatar or at least fate. but it is an important scene! “We might now hope to return from the victory here only to ruin and ash. But that has been averted - because I met Thorin Oakenshield one evening on the edge of spring in Bree. A chance-meeting, as we say in Middle-earth.” so that’s an important significant thing that happened and it’s cool to see.
- they did the mirkwood spiders thing but instead of, again, bilbo being clever and taunting the spiders and calling them names he throws a SINGLE stone which almost all the spiders run after. for more ~action~ I guess. “attercop” gets namedropped once but just barely and like a spider says it? when spiders do not like being called attercop. it was weird.
- I will say though that there is some interesting stuff in the hobbit added in by virtue of “this story is around when we already know about lotr” unlike the actual book. one of those is bilbo killing that baby spider creature over the ring. I think it’s an interesting addition even though it kind of. feels strange. when he spared gollum out of pity which is important but then is like “BUT THIS BABY SPIDER CREATURE HAS TO GO.”
- I think these movies become infinitely funnier if you assume that Someone Doing A Massive Heroic Leap is middle-earth’s most powerful aphrodisiac and following the Leap of Bilbo thorin is now madly in love with bilbo but is very bad at handling it. he just flings himself at the bars of his cell when bilbo comes by. “I will not risk this quest for the life of one.............. burglar” dude. like I first got really into tolkien right around when movie 3 came out and a lot of tolkien-adjacent tumblr was big on bagginshield so I’m still wired to pick this stuff up. you have keen eyes master baggins ;)
- thorin directly promises gold to laketown which I do not recall him doing and I guess is to have him look worse next movie.
- snow is very obviously cgi’d. like if I’m noticing it, it’s bad.
- bilbo knocks down piles of gold as he’s wandering around in an extremely clumsy move not really befitting the idea of hobbits being able to move very quietly and mostly unseen. but whatever
- ALSO on top of the “things that are interesting to include with the context of lotr being in the future” is the part where smaug says “precious” and it echoes around and makes bilbo take off the ring. extra fun if you subscribe also to the “precious is really just a translation of mairon” line of thinking.
- unfortunately they could not find a way to include the line “His rage passes description - the sort of rage that is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy suddenly lose something that they have long had but have never before used or wanted.” which is one of my favorite lines from the book.
- oh the arkenstone. it’s very glowy-from-within. no wonder people are suspecting it’s maedhros’s silmaril. BUT WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT NOW. IT’S IN A TREE I GUESS. anyways the arkenstone definitely has inflated importance here. 
OVERALL: we’re on the downhill slope and the battle of five armies, a three hour movie based off of like max 60 little pages of text, is next. I’m dreading it every hour that we get closer to galadriel magic blasting orcs in the face while wandering around in a white dress barefoot like she’s idril celebrindal or something. and other stuff happens I can barely remember but I do recall laughing at it because the special effects got so bad at one point.
but anyways see you then eventually for that :/
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
A Century of Green Leaves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4t2nDPf
by Sixty-four K (64K)
I have officially joined the challenge! One hundred drabbles and short stories, all taking place in Mirkwood. Has all the usual Mirkwood suspects, including Legolas, Thranduil, Galion, Elros the guard, Feren and Lethuin. Some humour, mostly angst (thanks to Galion). Takes place at various times throughout Thranduil's life, starting from when Oropher arrived in the Greenwood.
Words: 2984, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Galion (Tolkien), Thranduil (Tolkien), Lethuin (Hobbit Movies), Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies), Feren (Hobbit Movies)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4t2nDPf
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
A Century of Green Leaves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/djfUv9q
by Sixty-four K (64K)
I have officially joined the challenge! One hundred drabbles and short stories, all taking place in Mirkwood. Has all the usual Mirkwood suspects, including Legolas, Thranduil, Galion, Elros the guard, Feren and Lethuin. Some humour, mostly angst (thanks to Galion). Takes place at various times throughout Thranduil's life, starting from when Oropher arrived in the Greenwood.
Words: 2984, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Galion (Tolkien), Thranduil (Tolkien), Lethuin (Hobbit Movies), Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies), Feren (Hobbit Movies)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/djfUv9q
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ao3feed-barduil · 1 year
in tales or in history
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FNC0ZDn
by BiSquared
The Elvenking of Mirkwood takes a new spouse every night, only for them to die under mysterious circumstances the next morning. When Bard volunteers to marry the Elvenking to spare his daughter from the same fate, he has no intention of going quietly.
A retelling of 1,001 Nights, with a Barduil twist.
Words: 23000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of the story of us
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bard the Bowman, Thranduil (Tolkien), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Legolas Greenleaf, Bain of Dale, Sigrid (Hobbit Movies), Tilda (Hobbit Movies), Elrond Peredhel, Galadriel | Artanis, Feren (Hobbit Movies), Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies), Galion (Tolkien)
Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: fairytale AU, POV Bard the Bowman, except for a tiny bit, Curses, 1001 nights AU, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, this really shouldn't count as a one-shot I'm sorry, Story within a Story, Angst with a Happy Ending, Good Parent Bard the Bowman
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FNC0ZDn
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thefandom02 · 6 years
The Secret Part 2
Pairings: Meludir X Reader
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It had never been the right time to approach the patrol. You could never seem to catch them, for they were either spending a day patrolling. When they did return, they had left a few hours later. It appeared as though the spiders were growing stronger.
You was now half-way through your pregnancy, becoming more comfortable with the fact that you had been keeping it a secret from all but Thranduil and Legolas.
Legolas had found out the day after you had informed your father. Your brother knew who the father of your unborn child was, but was not willing to say anything. That was up to you.
You walked through the halls, and down the stairs into the kitchens. The place was always stocked with wine, bottles upon bottles. Two guards followed behind you closely as you made your way further. That’s when you finally saw them: the patrol.
“Lady Y/N..” Elros greeted, slight shock on his face. He hadn’t seen you for a while. Legolas was an exception, as well as Tauriel who had seen you walking around castle grounds a few times.
“Hello, Elros.” You greeted back with a smile. You needed to tell one person in particular about your pregnancy, but he wasn’t to be seen.
“Where is Meludir?” You asked, earning head shakes and shrugging shoulders in return.
“We haven’t seen him all day.” Lethuin replied.
“Ah..not a problem.” You said, inhaling and exhaling deeply to calm your nerves. How would he react to this? He gave no mention of wanting a child.
“Why have you not joined us for half a year?” Elros asked, curiosity on his face.
All eyes were on you. This was it. You had been needing to tell them since you found out, and now you finally had a chance.
“I am with child.” You answered. Everyone was silent. You took a deep breath.
“I am sorry that I did not inform you before. I tried, but it was never the right time.”
You didn’t feel the presence of an elf at the door, who had heard the announcement.
“You...are with child?” You heard a voice ask.
You turned around, facing Meludir. No..he wasn’t supposed to find out like this.
“Meludir..I’m sorry.”
Meludir’s face was covered with shock, his eyes wide.
“Why are you apologising when there is nothing to forgive?” He asked you, walking towards you and gently wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I was under the impression that you did not want a child.” You spoke, which earned you a light chuckle from the ellon.
“What made you think that, my love? This child is a blessing, I would happily raise this child alongside you.” He confessed, his hands moved up to cup your cheeks. A tender kiss was placed on your lips, to which you returned without protest. 
You groaned in bed when you heard the wails of your newborn daughter. You sat up in bed, your hair dishevelled. You rubbed your eyes and yawned.
“I shall tend to her, Meleth nin.” He whispered, rising from the bed you shared, and walking to the other side of the room.
You were happy you had a daughter with the elf you loved dearly. He returned those feelings. You both viewed her as a blessing. She was beautiful. Your daughter had (h/c) and (e/c).
Better yet, Thranduil accepted the fact that Meludir was the father of your child, and that he had the intention of marrying you. That is what he did.
“Ssh, Nin laes.” He whispered, rocking the small elfling in his arms. When the crying didn’t stop, Meludir resorted to singing a lullaby in elvish. That worked wonders.
“I take it she is not hungry?” You asked. He had come back to bed after laying the baby down in her crib.
“No, she was not hungry. She wanted her daddy.” Meludir chuckled, kissing your forehead.
“Rest, my love.” He whispered, tucking strands of your hair behind your ears. You lay your head down on the pillow, and fell asleep. All the time, Meludir was watching you.
“Rest well.” Was the words he said before he too fell asleep.
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Thinking more about Elwing as a Doriath diaspora cultural figure. Her portrayals in Mirkwood and the rest of the Sindar kingdoms are… weird? In a different way than Numenor weird and Noldor weird. She’s their girlish martyr, the last gasp of a dying kingdom, hounded by Evil till her untimely end. She’s their little angel, she’s their sweet saintly victim, she’s permanently a princess and never a queen.
Instead of focusing on the cliffside a lot of their iconography focuses on her flight from Doriath. The Mirkwood version of a Madonna and child is a Noble Guard (ideally styled to look like the local king) holding baby Elwing-con-Silmaril, still against a wooded background but both looking to the side, as if worried about pursuers.
Half the time images of her have her as a 10-13 year old circa the Cliff Incident. It’s not that they don’t know she was a grown up technically (some of them remember her!) but they have collectively lost track of peredhil aging. She was only in her thirties! That’s elf preadolescence so emotionally they go, “ah, baby.”
In line with that their narratives…. slide around the fact that she was married with kids. Elrond and Elros are an inconvenient roadblock, because they grew up and made big complicated choices and founded countries and don’t really have close Sindarin relatives left to visit with. Elwing is all Sindar in comparison.
When she does get an accurate age the Sirion confrontation gets imbued with the same uncomfy sexual overtones bouncing around the Leithian. The word despoil should not be abused like that.
Some very strange interpretations of her choice to stay an elf! “She did it because she loves us best,” babe, I think it came down to her lack of living human-adjacent parents.
At least a few takes where she doesn’t go to Valinor at all but stays in the form of a bird and wanders the earth. There’s a reason the swans in Mirkwood’s underground lakes are so adored.
Children’s stories where the day is saved by a mysterious white bird helping the protagonist. Little dolls with dark hair and white stone necklaces and wings on their back. “Blow a kiss to the sky and Princess Elwing will frighten away the spiders under the bed.” Legolas was raised in the third age so his fairy tales are more modern but Celebrian? Absolutely grew up leaving bird food out for Princess Elwing. A bit awkward to admit that you tried to feed your mother-in-law sunflower seeds once.
Elrond would complain but it’s not like the historians in Lindon and Eregion are any better, even with him next door to fact check. “Noble matron Elwing leaves a letter imploring the Feanorians to take care of her sons before she takes flight to Valinor?” What’s wrong with you people. He’s going to claw someone’s eyes out.
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Yandere Legolas x reader Smut
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There is a ball scene in this fic and this is what I imagined the dress would look like, cause I adore cottagcore. If you don't like it, I respect that and just ignore this picture :)
You would never have thought that this would ever happen to you. You’d heard the stories. The tales of elven obsession towards their darlings but you had never expected to become one of them….
Time makes fools of us all, I suppose.
You don’t know how you never saw it coming, after all, looking back on it, it was quite obvious.
The fawning over you, the obsessive glances, the jealousy.
God, you really should have seen this coming. You shouldn’t have fallen for his trap, but in all honesty, it just seemed so innocent.
Legolas had invited you to the Mirkwood palace, a high honour considering their secrecy and what kind of person would you have been to refuse such a generous offer?
You had gotten to the border, and Legolas was eagerly awaiting your arrival. His eyes were gleaming with an emotion you couldn’t place, and he greeted you warmly. “Y/N! I’m so glad you came!”
He ran forward and gathered you in his arms, utterly enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug, and you couldn’t help but hug back. When he finally pulled back, and gently cupped your face and stared into your eyes for what seemed to be an eternity. He looked enrapture with you.
You looked at him questioningly for a moment before you finally broke the silence “Legolas? Are you alright?” Your voice seemed to break him out of whatever trance he was in, and he smiles brightly before answering “Oh I’m alright! It’s just that my memory does not do your beauty justice”.
You were by surprise at the sudden compliment, but you couldn’t help but believe his words. You didn’t get a chance to answer because he was already guiding you to sit on his horse, and when you had been comfortably settled, Legolas joined you in the saddle.
You rode through thick forests filled with lush greenery, imposing trees, and beautiful trees. And the speed at which you were going must have been causing you to see things because you swore you saw a figure sat upon a snow-white elk, but you cast the notion away, deciding that it must have just been a trick of the light.
Time seemed to cease in this forest because you no idea how long you had been riding for, but it felt like it was somewhere between a second and eternity. Regardless of how long it had taken, you were finally at the palace gates.
You dismounted, and you had only taken a few strides forward before the gates opened ceremoniously and you were greeted by a company of guards. They bowed in unison before the captain announced your presence. “Prince Legolas and Lady Y/N, welcome to Mirkwood. The guests await your entrance”.
“Thank you Elros, we will be there soon.” You looked questioningly at Legolas as you were led into the palace, not understanding what he was talking about. He must have felt your curious gaze on his face because he turned to you and spoke “My father arranged a ball in the honour of your arrival.”
That took you completely by surprise! You would have never expected such a fuss over your presence. “But I’m not dressed for a ball!” You said in a shocked voice, but Legolas only gave you a patient look as you broke away from the group of guards.
Legolas smiled at your panicked tone and said in a reassuring tone “Your gown has already been arranged starlight.” You went a little pink at the nickname and allowed yourself to be led to the guest chambers that had been arranged for you.
“This will be your chambers for the duration of your stay, I hope it suits you well,” Legolas said before opening the door for you.
“Thank you, Legolas, it's more than I could have asked for!” You said with a bright smile. He grinned at your reaction, “You like it?” he asked. You nodded joyfully, staring around the room in wonder. “It’s wonderful Legolas, thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to get changed into your gown, my lo-…My lady,” Legolas replied, before closing the door, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.
You turned to where your ballgown was hanging, and you couldn’t help but to stop and admire it. It was truly divine. The tailoring was magnificent, it was designed to show off your shoulders and the soft colour would most certainly bring out your eyes.
You quickly stepped into the gown, and you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring how you looked. Utterly gorgeous.
You strode towards the door when you heard a firm knock echo against the hardwood and when the door swung open, you were met with handsome looking Legolas. The way he looked took your breath away and your appearance seemed to do the same. Legolas finally broke the silence, “Are you ready for the ball starlight?” You nodded eagerly, linking arms with him, and walking towards the ballroom.
The Mirkwood halls were truly as grand as the stories said. The decorations were extravagant and every elf in the room was dressed beautifully, and it was all being overseen by the Elven king, sitting high in his throne.
The night went by in a blur. You stayed by Legolas’ side the whole night, and you had the most fun you’d had in years. You had danced and drunk and laughed, it was bliss. You hadn’t thought much of it when Legolas asked you to meet him in a quiet corridor, thinking he just wanted somewhere quiet to talk to you for a while.
You finished up the conversation you were having with a young elleth and went out into the hallway in search of Legolas. You found him standing at the end of the hallway, waiting for you. He didn’t notice you walking towards him at first, seemingly entranced in his thoughts.
When he finally did notice you, his smile was enough to make flowers grow. “My darling Lady, you came!” He sounded so happy that you had decided to join him, almost like he was expecting you not to. “Of course, I came, why wouldn’t I? Besides, it sounded like you wanted to talk about something important.
He nodded, his face suddenly hardening over with a looked of determination as if he were preparing for something. “Yes, it’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time. Y/N, you must have noticed my affections for you by now, and I’ve been wanting to ask you…Will you marry me and become my queen?”
After he had finished his proposal, he handed a beautiful ring to you and looked at you with a hopeful gaze.
You stood frozen to the ground. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. Legolas was asking you to marry him, and by every force, in Middle Earth, you wanted to say yes. But you knew that you wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility of being a queen, so with a heavy heart… You refused.
Legolas face fell into a heartbroken expression and his eyes glazed over with tears. “I’m sorry Legolas, as much as I do love you, I wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility of ruling. So, I can’t marry you…I’m so sorry” You felt your voice crack on that last word and your eyes filled up with tears. You couldn’t look at his broken expression any longer, so you turned on your heel and started walking back to your guest chambers, leaving Legolas standing alone in the palace corridor.
Even after you had left, Legolas stayed in the corridor, still as a statue, with stray tears running down his face. He had been so sure that you would marry him, but you had refused him.
Legolas had been so caught up in all his thoughts that he hadn’t heard his father’s footsteps approaching him. “My son, what will you do to convince her to rule alongside you?” Legolas shook his head in defeat, "There’s nothing I can do ada, she doesn’t love me.”
Thranduil tilted his head at his son, "Oh, but she told you herself that she returns your feelings, but the burden of queenship frightens her.…She just needs a little encouragement to truly persuade her.”
Legolas looked up at his father, hope building in his heart. “What do I tell her ada?” Thranduil gave his son a knowing smile before placing a hand on his shoulder. “it is not your words that persuade her my son, but your actions.” Legolas gave his father a confused look before listening eagerly to what his father had to tell him.
You awoke feeling groggy and exhausted. When you had returned to your chambers after rejecting Legolas’ proposal, you had willed yourself to fall into the land of dreams to escape the feelings of heartbreak you had. But now you had returned to reality and you were slowly coming back to yourself, albeit slowly.
You opened your eyes to see Legolas staring at you from the bottom of your bed. You froze in shock, thinking you might still be dreaming, or maybe even hallucinating but sure enough, the longer you looked, the more it settled in your head that you were not dreaming.
You try to sit up in bed, but it’s like you’re frozen. You were only brought out of your trance by the feeling of Legolas’ hands on your rubbing up and down your legs in a comforting motion. You stare at Legolas in shock, and his only reply was to give you one of his cute smiles.
“L-Legolas…What are doing…?” You asked quietly, afraid of what the answer might be. Legolas only tilted his head at you and gave you a soft understanding smile.
“Darling, I know that this must seem all of a sudden but I can’t allow you to slip through my fingers. No one else makes me feel the way you do. I can’t lose that. You said you felt the same, didn’t you? You said that you loved me back?” You nodded, curious as to where he was going with this.
“Well darling, I will show you that staying with me despite your anxiety and fears of ruling will be filled with pleasure and love. Will you allow me to show you how much I love you?
After what seemed to be an eternity, you finally found your voice, “Y-Yes, I trust you.” Legolas smiled at your words before speaking “Lie back and lift your hips for me, my love.” You did as he asked, and he gave you a loving look before lowering his head between your legs and started to kiss up your thighs.
You closed your eyes and leaned your head back against the pillows, enjoying the feeling of his soft kisses against you. He slowly made his way up your thighs until he reached your centre. He pressed his thumb against your sensitive clit and because you weren’t expecting it, you let out a soft whimper of his name.
“Oh darling, you have no idea the power you hold over me, you could rip my heart from my chest, and I’d still adore you.” Before you could reply, he started an onslaught of licks against your aching pussy causing you to cry out in a mix of surprise and pleasure.
“Ahhhhh~ g-god yes! P-please don’t s-stop! It feels so good!” You heard Legolas laugh at your desperation “Shhh, darling, don’t want anyone to know how good I’m making you feel when we aren’t even married yet, now do we?”
You were already a panting, whimpering mess and he’d barely touched you, you don’t know how you were going to get through the rest of the night.
“No stay still and let me please you.” He lowered his head between your legs again but this time he was nowhere near as merciful to you as he’d been before. He was holding nothing back and you just couldn’t keep quiet. You weren’t even bothering to keep your loud cries of pleasure muffled because you knew it would be a wasted effort.
“Legolas – Legolas – ah right there! You cried, thrusting your hips up in a desperate attempt for more of the blissful pleasure he was giving you. Legolas listened to your desperate pleas and began to thrust his tongue into you, and within seconds of him doing that, you were ready to cum. “Ah! Ahh! Gonn- c-cum! Please! Please! Please, can I-”
Legolas cut you off before you could finish “Let go for me darling, I want to see how gorgeous you are when you let go.” His commanding tone was too much for you, and you finally let yourself tumble off the cliff in a peak of pleasure.
When you finally came down from your high, you saw Legolas staring at you with utter adoration in his eyes, and the overwhelming look of love in his expression was too much for you to handle, causing you to look away.
“Look at me darling, I want to see those beautiful eyes.” You turned your head back to look at him as he brought himself up to lay beside you, all the while his adoring gaze never left you. “Have I convinced you to stay my love?” Legolas asked, his voice full of hope.
“And if your people don’t accept me as their Queen, what then?” You asked in a worried tone, but Legolas only cupped your cheek lovingly, “Our love comes first. Everything else is secondary. I’ve waited so long to build up the courage to ask for your love, and now that I have it, I’m never losing it. All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted was you.”
Your heart was filled with such love at his confession that you felt as though it might burst. And how could you refuse him? After everything he had done for you, how could you not agree?”
“Alright Legolas, I will be your Queen, and love you to the end of days.” His eyes gleamed with happiness and he put the ring he had placed in your palm earlier, onto your finger, before he pressed his forehead to yours in a loving gesture.
Cementing your love for each other till the end of time.
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aeonianarchives · 1 year
Naming Drinks is better when you name them after someone you love
Summery: Thalion names a wine after Aerdis Pairing: [Oc]Thalion x [Oc] Aerdis Warnings: non Featuring: [Oc] Faeron, [Oc] Thalion, [Oc] Aerdis, [Tara's Oc] Lúthriel, Meludir, Feren, Thranduil, Legolas, Elros (The Mirkwood Guard), Elrond, Glorfindel, Lindir
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The Smell of Alcohol hung think in the air the candles gave the tavern a warm orange light, the tavern was small and had a wall built as behind it which was used somewhat as an extension of the tavern but it just kept the storage.
A Human bard strung up his lute and began a song even with the darkness which was arriving in the greenwood people still made the journey to try the drink Thalion made, he recently added Ale's, mead and beers onto the drink he made but his wine was the best, it had to be given his King's large addiction to it.
"This is a very odd place to hold a meeting, Aran Thranduil and it is not in the least bit secure for it either" Elrond said as Thranduil walked in
"How is my favorite council man doing" Thranduil said
"How deep is that pocket of yours Aran-nin Can it pay your tab if you make it any bigger, sweet talking me will not work and you know it" Thalion said as he was cleaning a Tankard behind the bar
"Elrond meet Lord Thalion his Father server your Father in Law in Doriath, he is our wine connoisseur, Maker, he makes most excellent wines, i have them imported from his winery when i am allowed although i do not know were it is no one does" Thranduil said introducing the two
"Lindir has told me much about you I did not know you actually served in your tavern i though you would just sit in your winery" Elrond said
"As much as I hate most of the people in the Greenwood it brings in good business and my friends visit every time they are around besides it is bad manners not to keep your own bar" Thalion said setting the tankard down
"What can I get you, for your meeting" Thalion said holding a key on his finger out to Thranduil who took it
"Fire forge is good even if it is named after the dwarven meaning of that Fëanorian he is friends with, how many people are you friends with have drinks name after them" Thranduil said it had come to his intrest recently
"Who else would i name dragon fire after if it was not you, Faeron's is obviously his dwarven name meaning, their is one after my mother and i named some toast after my father" Thalion said
"And your own lover does not have a drink named after him, and that Sindar Princess doesn't either" Thranduil said as the door opened again
"Do you wish for me to name a drink after them respectfully" Thalion questioned seeing it was Lúthriel and Faeron who had walked in they must of met on the road somewhere.
"Do you have drinks to name after them" Thranduil questioned
"I have an earthy beer which could do with a name maybe natures call, that is basically her power after all" Thalion said as Lúthriel took a seat
"I would be honored to get a named drink before that bird brain lover of yours" Lúthriel said
"What bird brain are you talking about and surely Thalion has a drink named after me" Aerdis said as he rolled himself behind the counter to grab some wine
"Actually I have not yet How about i name it fallen angle because you have fallen so far from grace" Thalion said taking the wine from his lovers hands
"Nice name now give me" Aerdis said reaching for it only to get a bottle with no lable in his face Aerdis smiled and took it as Thalion but the other bottle back
Elvish Translations:
Aran - King
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tilions · 3 years
Some family trees
because I have no self control, also excuse my handwriting
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First up is Nerdanel and her family. Mahtans wife is named Curuwen which is very uncreative but it works. They have two more children besides Nerdanel. First there is their son Carmatan, who is very much like his father in terms of skill and interest's. He never married and feels no desire to but he loves his nephews and nieces to death (even after certain events take place). And then there is Mancariel, a skilled potter. They're married to a scholar named Maquentima. Together they have four children, three daughters and one son. All of them are a lot younger than Nerdanels children.
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Next up is the Mirkwood family tree. Orophers wife is Nellas (the elf maiden from CoH because I headcanon them to be around the same age). They have two children, Thranduil and his eccentric sister Aeweneth. Aeweneth has had a betrothed once but she died in the battle of the last Alliance and Aeweneth is mourning her to this day. Thranduil is married to the Silvian maiden Curulaereth, who is adventurous and out going and also captain of his guard until she gives the position to her second in command Tauriel. Thranduil and Curulaereth have three children. Tawandil their heir who is the only one of them who got to know his grandparents and almost aunt, Legolas who we all know and love and Eressil/Silwen (I haven't decided yet), who is their only daughter.
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This one's a bit bigger but also the most fleshed out because I have been working on this one for a while.
Maglors parents in-law are Tinwë and Norian the leaders of an Avarian tribe called the Lanyar. Besides their daughter they have two more children: Morgil who is a very stoic but strong willed individual and Gilorn also called Adasser who loved to travel. Gilorn was married to the healer Andis and together they had two children, Meneldil and Isilmir. Meneldil is married to Legolas's sister Eressil/Silwen and they have two sons called Elumir and Ithilion.
Aside from their foster sons Elrond and Elros Cellin and Maglor have three children who are their own by blood and one adoptive daughter named Gilloth who's birth parents were close friends of Maglor who died in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Maglor chose to raise her in their stead. Gilloth is married to Erestor and they have one son called Arrod. Maglors and Cellins remaining children are called Nelladon, who was a skilled toymaker, Gilrin, a formidable artist, as well as Belegur who would become a great historian.
Dead people: Fëanor, 6/7 of Nerdanels sons, Oropher, Nellas, Aeweneth's spouse, Gilorn, Andis, Isilmir, Nelladon
I would like to talk about each character in more detail on a later date because now it's just a cluster of names.
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mrsmidnight15 · 4 years
Elros x Reader
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Requested by: @thecalltothewildme
- Since the Mirkwood guard was constantly working whenever he got a day off he wanted it to be spent with you, no distractions.
- Elros would use this time to make up the time he couldn't spend with you.
- You would be constantly reassuring him, letting him now it's okay and you truly dont mind.
- Both of you would take a bath together, washing each other's hair and rubbing each other shoulders. Paying extra attention to his from the constant working and activity.
- He loves snuggling up in bed with you, practically melting when you run your hands over his arms and backs.
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